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Author Topic: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Stories~collected 2013  (Read 74708 times)

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★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Stories~collected 2013
« on: January 14, 2013, 03:45:57 pm »

Stories in this collection:

Confession Time

By the Cold Sea

Second Place!

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Offline El_Roy_1999

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Re: Confession time
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2013, 04:46:47 pm »
Confession Time
by El_Roy_1999

My name is Jonas, I work for a paper mill. I started off on the factory floor. My father was a lumberjack and I followed into his footsteps. My first job was driving a forklift on the factory floor, moving the rolls of paper wherever they were needed. As it happens, I was in the right place at the right time and the fact that my hair turned silver early on gave me the aspect of seriousness you need for a lower management position. All in all, I was lucky most of my life. I worked a lot, of course, but many of my colleagues had better qualifications and were better at their jobs. Still, I got promoted and now I spend my days in a small office overlooking the factory, working for the purchasing department and being part of middle management. It was luck. Up until now, I managed to evade the usual problems of this kind of job: I risk neither burn- nor bore-out and I go jogging every other day to prevent myself from getting a heart attack. For a man in his mid-fifties, I look good. I do have a slight belly, but I guess that's okay. After all, it's the year 2036, and the future has arrived.
It's odd to watch the new employees: the world has changed a lot. Last week, I got a new secretary, nice woman, but her skin is blue. Not tattooed, blue. I read about that on my phone: It's the nano-technology. When I had my first contact with it in the early 20ies, we were at a demonstration and they showed us how you could remove the bark quicker and more efficiently by just letting this shiny, silvery liquid flow around it. Nano-machines they called it. Like in Terminator 2, if you've seen the movie. Old people stuff, but a classic none the less. I saw it when I was a kid, I was not even twelve years old, I wonder how my father got me into the cinema. Still, I loved it.
If you ask me why, there are several answers: Of course, I liked the story, I laughed at Schwarzenegger's deadpan delivery and I enjoyed the explosions. But here's a detail some of you might have missed: Linda Hamilton, the female lead, had the most amazing physique. I was instantly in love. You see, puberty was just setting in, I was just in the transition between "girls are icky" and "boobs!", but it was awesome. I loved the muscles. I loved the tough girl image. A real woman, no twig, no pink stupidity.
Well, you know how it went. In fashion, everything moves in circles: The industry found out that just being skinny and having breast implants wasn't enough, so they upped the ante. By the time I was married, a woman had to have abdominals. I liked the early 2010s.
However, it was just a look, don't touch time. I had met Ingrid just as I finished school and our relationship survived the military service, so we got married when I was twenty-one years old. She was pregnant, I had my job and it went well. Once again, I was lucky.
Ingrid finished her studies, we had two more kids and by the time I realised I hadn't got what I wanted, I was well in my midlife-crisis and so was she. Our kids were at the university, Ingrid worked for the electricity board and I grew a beard. I didn't even buy a sports-car. I just downloaded a bunch of movies from the 80ies and 90ies and dove into my memories.
So let's move to the start of my account:
It was Saturday morning, I was sleeping in, enjoying the fact that I had the day off, neither work nor grandchildren. We have two now, by the way. I woke up slowly, fumbling for Ingrid's hand. She was already awake and was reading the news. I mumbled something along the line of "Good morning" and asked how she had slept.
She's still looking good, even better since she had her menopause. She wears her hair short these days, it goes well with her curvy figure. She has big hips, big breasts and a slight tummy. Even though I like to fantasise about muscular heroines, I like my women soft and curvy too. I scratched my chin, stroking my beard.
She replied:
"It was okay."
"Did I snore?"
"No, it was okay."
There you are. When I wake up on Saturday morning, I want to be kissed and cuddled, I want to fuck. Instead, she was grumpy. Perfect. I turned around and tried to sleep some more, but there was no point.
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Re: Confession time
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2013, 08:12:09 am »
After a while, I turned back to her and asked:
"So, what's wrong?"
She hesitated and continued her reading. Finally, she looked at me and said:
"Well, it's really difficult to say, it's just that, well ..."
"Spit it."
More hesitation. This was typical. She rarely said what she wanted and I hated to guess. I always found this trait of her personality a bit odd. At work, she easily gave orders, explaining herself clearly and quickly, but at home, I always had to beg until she finally told me what she wanted.
After a bit more waiting, she just turned away and said:
"Forget it."
I sighed. Another great day was coming. I got up, brushed my teeth and had a shit. Then I showered and prepared breakfast. I'm explaining this in great detail, because until the evening, it was a perfectly normal Saturday. We had breakfast and I went for a walk. I enjoyed the brisk morning air and was almost run over by a jogger. Kids these days. It was another one of those nano-freaks. This one had normal skin, but his legs were ridiculously long. It looked extremely odd. When I was a young man, people got tattoos and their parents shook their heads. Now, you can't even tell that they're human anymore. Sometimes, I worry that this whole world might be spinning too fast for me.
When I returned, Ingrid was playing the piano. She had been playing for decades now and rarely missed the opportunity. She was quite good at it, but no virtuosa, if you see what I mean. I surfed on the internet, then I went to the workshop to continue the repairs on our birdhouse. I'm no artisan, but the thing needed a new roof, so there I was.
Next came lunch, then we went to see some friends and, well, we ended up in bed at eleven. Would you believe it? I think we started growing old then. Thankfully, we recovered.
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Re: Confession time
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2013, 05:35:38 pm »
After we switched out the lights, I rolled over to Ingrid and said:
"I liked the day. It was nice. I love you."
I could hear her tired voice:
"Yeah. Me too."
"Say, is there something wrong? You seemed unhappy in the morning."
She thought about it for a while, then said:
"It's nothing."
I propped myself up on my elbows and said:
"No, it isn't. I know this way of talking. You do that when you want something and you don't want to talk about it. Should I guess?"
"No, can I just go to sleep?"
You wouldn't believe how often we've been through this. We bought a dog after days of guessing. We vacationed on a farm after two weeks of trying to find out what she wanted. Honestly, I wonder how she does this at work. Do the other employees try to find out what she's thinking or does she actually tell them?
"Listen, Ingrid, I love you, always have, always will, but please, this time only, tell me what you want. We'll be senior citizens soon and I think we can just stop caring about what other people think. Remember my dad?"
"I tell you, if you dare do something like this when you're old, I'll leave you."
"Don't worry. I'll be careful."
"You've been warned."
She smiled again.
I climbed on top of her and started groping her tits. They lost some perkiness, but they gained a certain fullness, so that's fine with me too. Neither of us ever was beautiful in the strict sense of the word.
"Jonas, let me sleep."
"Only if you tell me what you want."
"Fine, you can go on squeezing my breasts if you have to, I'll sleep."
"What is it?" I was feeling like a teenager again. Not in a good way, though. "Do you want another dog? Do you want a boat? Do you want to join a dance club? Do you want to ride a motorcycle? Do you want to go to church? Do you want to get married again?"
I poked her tummy as I recited my list of random stuff. Then, I tickled her. She almost swatted me:
"Stop it."
"Tell me. Want to write a book? Want to return to university? Want to redecorate the house? Want me to shave my beard? Want to get licked?"
I started to move down.
She rolled aside, squeezing my head with her legs.
"No. Please, leave me alone."
I sat up and said:
"Tell me now or you'll never sleep again."
I could see she rolled her eyes in the darkness.
"Now." I pointed at her. "Now!"
She gave an exasperated sigh:
"Fine. I want to ... No, it's too stupid."
"No sleep. Forever!"
"Okay. Well, I've been thinking about this forever. "
"Spill it or I'll tickle you. Right there."
"Gah! Stop it. I'm telling. I want to be dominated. Ordered around. Bound and gagged. Like in 'Story of O.' Like on the internet."
I was flabbergasted. Who would have believed that she had strange sexual fantasies too? On the other hand, who would have doubted it?
"Well, then I have a confession too."
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Re: Confession time
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2013, 03:42:51 pm »
To say that the next weeks brought big changes would be overstating it. We had decided on a slow progression, to see whether this was what we really wanted. After all, making a fantasy come true might break it. Also, we had a lot to learn. In our country, dominant male behaviour and machismo are frowned upon and I had fifty years of education to unlearn. Of course, it should only be a sexual game and I found it was quite hard for me.
Ingrid, on the other hand, had her difficulties too. She didn't mind going to the gym. Actually, she enjoyed the time on her own and she liked having a good reason to work out. She also didn't overdo it at first, taking it easy and just doing a little cardio and working the various machines available at her company gym. One of the co-workers who was in charge of it decided to help her and she was working on it. The problem was letting go and trusting me not to abuse our situation.
We tried simple tricks at first. For example, I tied her up and let her steam a little before fucking her. It rarely worked since she usually escaped my hardly expert knots. Also, I really wanted not to hurt her. We bought some guidebooks on the subject and tried to learn this. It was a little strange to study for your evening of awkward sex. There was a lot of stupid laughter as we felt like teenagers again. Still, Ingrid was enjoying it.
Another time, I worked her up, always bringing her close to the climax before cutting off, making her squirm and beg until I finally granted her release. I must admit that I began to enjoy this.

Funnily enough, we didn't tire of this over the next weeks. Instead, we deepened our exploration of this strange life. After a month, Ingrid told me that she was making nice progress at the gym and that she had decided to change her nutrition to make her stronger. She had read this on the internet and had called a professional nutritionist to set up a plan for her. Well, guess what, she changed my eating habits too. After all, her healthy eating would be more difficult if I didn't go along with it.
Pretty soon, she had her first results. She lost a bit of weight and became a little tighter all over. It was nice to look at. Still, her muscles were hard to make out, but the change was there. She kept to her workout routines and I worked on my authority.
I began by changing my posture. Normally, I tend to be a calm and friendly person. If there's a conflict at work, I usually try to find a compromise. There's really no point in fighting, it's a waste of resources. All this gave me a soft, laid-back way of standing. Now, I began to hold my head high and keep my back straight. After all, I head to live it if I wanted to please her. People at the office began to notice it and I was surprised by the effect. Colleagues who had previously just nodded and said "Hi!" or just ignored me altogether began wishing me a good morning. My boss actually started being less patronising next to me. I remembered a few things from my military service and changed the way I talked a little. No bellowing orders, of course. Just straighter, less words, more control. It worked.
Ingrid was quite surprised by this. No more "whatever you want, darling". I switched to "yes" and "no". No more softening and pointless meandering. I wasn't abusive or anything, just clearer. She enjoyed it a lot. I refrained from giving her orders, though. I don't think this was the right thing to do now.
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Re: Confession time
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2013, 08:13:18 am »
By the time the summer came, our lifestyle had changed completely. Ingrid would work out three to five times a week, using free weights and building her muscles. You could see her muscular bulges through her clothing and it turned me on tremendously. She wore tight clothes around the house, allowing me to see her strong body through the fabric. I was horny as hell. At the same time, our relationship had gone through a deep transformation. We had always trusted each other, but now, it had become much more intense. When she was at home, she wore a slim leather collar I had bought her and I had her address me as "master". I could not quite call her "slave" yet, but I enjoyed her submissive behaviour. When she prepared lunch, she would bustle about in the kitchen while I took care of the cleaning (we had found this compromise years ago), but then she would thank me and I would praise her.
Our sex-life had also become much more complex. I had customised our bed to offer various points to attach ropes and nooses so I could tie her up more easily. She enjoyed being motionless and begging for me to pleasure her. With her now tighter and more toned body, she enjoyed dressing more provocatively. Even in her everyday wardrobe, she began including more sensual items. I wondered what her colleagues would say, but then again, our culture isn't big on being nosy and wondering what everybody is doing and why.
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Re: Confession time
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2013, 12:19:09 am »
Eventually, we went on summer vacation. I decided I wanted to visit one of the southern countries, just to see a city I'd never been to. I also wanted to enjoy the beach. Ingrid accepted and nodded. We decided to drive down there in order to prevent any airline security checks to find out about our kinky stuff, loaded everything in the car and started. By the time we finally reached our hotel, it was late night. I was really tired, sixteen hours on the road was a lot, even with caffeine tablets. I picked up the luggage, when I suddenly had an idea.
"Yes, master?"
"You carry the bags."
Without any visible effort, she lifted the bags and suitcases out of the car, leaving me to just grab two of the remaining suitcases and follow her. She stopped at the door to let me in when the concierge came out to help us. He offered to take Ingrid's bags and frowned at me for taking the lighter load. She hesitated, but he took them and immediately let out a gasp.
I realised she had packed some of her equipment. I shot her an amused glance as the concierge struggled to carry the luggage to our room. Once we were upstairs, we undressed and I fell asleep minutes after showering. However, I took the time to put her on a leash and attach it to my wrist. Ingrid smiled blissfully at me.
"I love you", I said.
She nodded and replied:
"I love you too, master."
I grinned, then dropped down, dozing off instantly.
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Re: Confession time
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2013, 07:30:02 pm »
The next morning, I woke up, realised that Ingrid had already woken up and left, did a bit of stretching and a few simple exercises and then walked down to get some breakfast. I looked for her, but she was nowhere to be found. In the end, I ate something and waited for her, when she suddenly arrived from the beach. The hotel's veranda went out on the sand and watching the sea made me calm and relaxed. Her sudden arrival made me tense again. She was barefoot, wearing some training shorts and a crop-top that showed of her now-toned stomach. It was hardly a fitting attire for a woman her age. She had her blonde, curly hair swept back and was red with exhaustion.
I looked at her and said:
"Care for some breakfast?"
"I should shower before. I didn't want to wake you."
"Thank you, but I insist."
"I'm all sweaty."
I looked her deep in the eyes and replied:
"I insist. Slave."
The last word was much lower. She immediately obeyed. I nodded.
"So, how is the beach?"
"It's really nice. The sand is a bit hard to run on, but it's still cool, so I don't mind."
"Very well. I slept perfectly."
"Me too." She took a big gulp of water and said: "The food is excellent. I got them to fix it just the way I need it."
She smiled and we kissed. The vacation was off to a good start.

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Re: Confession time
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2013, 07:45:50 pm »
Later, we went on the beach to go for a swim. Ingrid couldn't resist putting on the skimpiest swimsuit she could buy. I was amazed. It was one of these sling suits they recently invented. It looked like the ones we had since the eighties and it covered her crotch and her nipples as good as it could, but it also contained special programmable fibers that somehow lifted her breasts and butt and flattened her stomach. The thing was navy blue and looked tremendous on her. She smiled as she put it on and watched as it squeezed and shaped her breasts. I was equally surprised that she had removed most of her body hair before going on the trip. I doubted she would ever have thought about being seen anywhere near such an outfit. She turned around and asked:
"Do you like it?"
"It's amazing. You're amazing."
"Thank you. It's not too much, is it?"
"Actually, it is, but it looks extremely good on you. All the exercise did you a lot of good."
"Absolutely. That was a very good idea, ... master."
I grinned.
"Let's show the world what a woman your age can look like."
"My age? Why do you say something like this? It's not a question of age."
That was awkward. I shook my head and said:
"The beach is waiting."
It was hard not to apologise.

We left the hotel and walked over the beach, enjoying the heat and the warm light of the sun. We passed a few salesmen, an ice cream parlour and some tourists getting ready to ride some giant inflatable toy. Suddenly, we both stopped. In front of us was an area chock full with muscular men and women lifting, posing and competing. It was one of these muscle beach things.
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Re: Confession time
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2013, 03:12:31 pm »
Ingrid gave me an unhappy look. I barely registered it since my attention was taken up by what was going on in front of me. I was mesmerised by the hulking people in front of me. I had never been to a gym and had mostly looked at photos and videos of muscular women on the internet, but had reduced the amount of stuff I watched in order not to be caught by my wife. In this moment, I realised I had missed a very interesting development. When I was a young man, muscular women, even if they took every supplement in the book, had few chances to even approach the amount of muscularity most heavyweight male bodybuilders exhibited.
The future, however, had changed the game.
I stared at a group of women that were so ridiculously muscular I found it hard to take it in fully. There were three of them, each one must have weighed more than 250 pounds, probably much more, and they were extremely muscular. More than could be expected from any male in my memory. Actually, this wasn't true here, since there were several men who were just as enormous if not bigger. I wondered how they all even moved, but they were there, lifting large free weights and dumbbells of ridiculous size. There was a lot o grunting and sweating.
Finally, Ingrid elbowed me in my side.
"Jonas, stop it. You're staring."
I shook my head.
"You're staring at those ... freaks."
"Yes ... I'm sorry, dear. I'm sorry."
She shot me an angry look and scowled:
"Why can't you ... ?" She sighed and turned away.
I was confused. It took me a while to realise what I had done wrong.
"I'm sorry, dear, I didn't want to insult you. It's just that I've never seen anything like this."
"Neither have I, but I didn't make a mess of myself."
Only then did I understand that I had a raging hard-on. Despite all her youthful demeanour and her new-found fitness, Ingrid was a woman of a certain age and she didn't take such an insult lightly.
I tried to apologise, but before I could, one of the huge women had walked over to us and said:
"Don't worry, madam. It happens to quite a few men. That's just the way they are."
Ingrid shot her an icy look.
"I am aware of this, thank you. If you would leave us to our conversation, I would be thankful."
The female hulk smiled. I wondered how she had kept her youthful, fresh-faced look. She must have been in her forties to have time enough to build such a body.
"I didn't mean to offend you. However, I must say that you have built a beautiful body."
Ingrid was surprised. She mumbled:
"Why, thank you."
"It's natural, isn't it? How long did you take?"
Ingrid seemed to forget about me:
"Exactly, no drugs or anything. Just healthy eating and regular exercise. I took half a year, but I'm still working on it."
"How about you? This can't all be natural, can it?"
"Of course not. I had it built by nano-machines. It was expensive, but look at this biceps."
She lifted her arm and flexed, forcing her enormous muscles to swell and collide, sprouting veins all over the place.
I fought not to come.
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Re: Confession time
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2013, 09:32:24 pm »
Ingrid smiled at the giant woman and asked:
"What's your name?"
"Donatella. And yours?"
"I'm Ingrid, this is my ma ... my husband Jonas."
"Pleased to meet you."
I nodded energetically. Ingrid continued:
"Say, Donatella, we stay at the Hotel over there, it's called Hotel Excelsior."
"Yes, I know it. I used to work there as a waitress when I was still at school."
"Would you mind joining us for dinner and tell us about yourself?"
My grin got wider and wider. Ingrid frowned:
"I hope my husband will be able to stay calm and behave himself."
Donatella laughed and said:
"It's no problem. I'll be around. See you at seven, okay?"
We nodded and left.
As we walked away, I realised that my role in our relationship meant that I had to maintain my confidence at all times. Having lost it here meant having broken our 'agreement'. I sighed. Ingrid turned to me and smiled:
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Sorry about that."
"Don't say sorry."
"No, really. I didn't mean for this to happen. I lost control."
She gave me a long look and said:
"I see. Well, master, what do we do next?"
"Let's go for a swim."
She nodded and we went to grab our towels.
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Offline El_Roy_1999

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Re: Confession time
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2013, 05:25:23 pm »
As we were floating in the sea, the waves washing over our faces, I kissed my wife and said:
"I'm sorry."
"A master doesn't have to be sorry."
"A husband has to. It was stupid."
"Jonas, you were horny. I could sense it, hard-on or not. I can understand it. That woman ... She was a force of nature. I wonder how she gets through doors."
I smiled awkwardly as my trunks began to tent again. Thank god for the sea around us.
"Tell me, master, would you like me to be this huge? I would be enormously muscular. I would be a massive monster."
I swallowed.
"Imagine me having these extremely large muscles. Broad shoulders. Huge arms. Imagine these," she flexed her well-trained arms, "become as big as hers. Even bigger." She made a sign with her hand to show the size.
I gasped and said:
"You don't have to."
"Fine. Then let's not do it. However, I'm looking forward to our dinner."
She swam away, falling into a fast and regular movement.
"Me too."
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Re: Confession time
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2013, 07:10:08 am »
Later that evening, we were at the hotel's restaurant, waiting for our guest. I wore my usual shirt and jacket, Ingrid had chosen to glam it up in a little black dress she had obviously bought a few days ago that looked marvelous on her and we were just enjoying our conversation when a hush went through the background noise. We both knew Donatella had arrived. We looked around and there she was, walking through the room accompanied by the whispers of disdain and admiration that must have been following her everywhere. She wore a skintight T-shirt and some shorts with floral prints and looked marvelously at ease with her body.
She walked over and set down next to us, saying:
"Good evening." She turned to Ingrid: "You look splendid."
"So do you. I like the playful look. It's a ... contrast."
I got my voice back and ordered drinks.
After a while, we were eating. Donatella didn't have the voracious appetite I would have expected from a woman her size, but she did pick a couple of small plastic bottles from her handbag and started to swallow a variety of pills and drops. Ingrid asked her:
"What are these?"
"It's for the nano-machines. They need special nutrients to function and to keep them focused. It is a bit of a chore, but I'm willing to do this for the sake of size."
"Speaking of which ... Would you mind telling us why?"
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Re: Confession time
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2013, 03:21:39 pm »
Donatella leaned back and made the chair creak. She took a sip of wine and said:
"I was discovered as a model when I was sixteen years old. I was rather old for this at the time, but I impressed a photographer that strangely enough didn't want to get in my underwear. It was nothing big, I did a few catalogs for webshops and posed for some newspaper covers. No fashion magazines, just business and IT stuff. After I finished school, I switched to webshows and appeared as a showgirl, like a velina. I tried to pay my studies by doing this. At the time, the webshows began earning serious advertising money and the show I was in racked in the cash. We had the perfect mix of comedy, erotics and actual intellectual material. Pretty soon, I earned a bunch of money and the producers insisted I get my looks fixed. At first, I did what they wanted: I went to the gym to tone up and loose weight, I had a nose job, I had my eye colour fixed, I had a tummy tuck and so on. It was a vicious circle. By the time I was healed up, another young girl had worked on transforming herself into a more extreme bimbo. It was pretty horrible."
She took a big gulp.
"Honestly, I started to hate it. I had the usual problems associated with semi-fame: I got stalked, people tried stealing my stuff, paparazzi tried to snap exposing photos of me. On the other hand, I actually didn't have that much money. Paying back the student loans was expensive and my agent racked in more than enough of my money. All in all, I was getting frustrated by this. I tried to quit, but they offered me more money while at the same time making it clear that this was my chance to fix it all. I was also addicted to medication by this time. I looked smiling and beautiful on the screen, I did my spreads in the magazines, but I was about to crash and I knew it."
She set down the glass and leaned forward, blocking out the background with her enormous shoulders.
"At the time, I was about to commit suicide. I hit rock bottom. That was when I heard one of the producers express his disgust over one of our guests. She was a female bodybuilder, though nowhere near my size. She must have weighed half of my current mass. However, I finally knew what I had to do. I took all my money and went to a personal trainer and told him to make me big and quick. He said no."
"He said it would be impossible to do this quickly. I insisted and he told me about some medical trials with nano-machines. I signed up. Within a week I was the hulking beast you see now, although I topped up my muscles a little last year. You should have seen the face of the producer the minute I walked on the show. I was fired quicker than I could say 'hello'. And guess what, I was happy. Since this day, I finished my studies and I work as a help-desk operator. It's not too well-paid, but I don't have an expensive lifestyle."
She nodded and smiled:
"Any questions?"
Ingrid gave me a long look and asked:
"How does it feel?"
"Actually, it feels quite odd, even now. You see, my body sort of inflated within a week and this is all very hard. If I flex, my muscles get rock hard and in the beginning, they did get in the way a lot. I tore up quite a few shirts at first. Also, I have to use a special brush to wash my back since I can't reach it anymore. When I'm standing up, I can see neither my stomach or my feet. Still, it feels awesome. I can lift up pretty much anything and I can break everything I want. Neither of these is actually useful, but it feels good to know I could. Finally, my sex life is pretty awesome now. I don't have a partner right now, but I have a few fuckbuddies which I am enjoying tremendously."
She finished and added cheekily:
"Do you want to try and please me?"
Ingrid blushed and so did I.
"Thought so. Well, you two seem to be pretty nice people and you're from the north, so you're probably open-minded. Aren't you?"
Ingrid turned a deep red.
Donatella whispered:
"Let me guess: You like to be tied up."
The deep red went full crimson. Ingrid asked sheepishly:
"How did you know?"
"I didn't. But I guessed. Usually, older couples do something like this."
"They do?"
"I worked at this hotel. You wouldn't believe the stuff I saw here. So what do you say, shall we meet at your room in two hours? Gives you time to prepare."
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Re: Confession time
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2013, 01:02:22 am »
The next two hours were a rush. We got to our room, my erection making my trousers uncomfortable and Ingrid being just as horny. I was a little surprised by her state, but didn't mind. While I checked my look in the bathroom mirror, Ingrid was looking through her suitcase. I asked her:
"What are you looking for?"
"A surprise, wait a second."
I shrugged, finished getting my beard in shape and walked back into the room. Before I could get a good glimpse of her, she shouted:
"Get back into the bathroom. I'll call you."
I turned back, wondering whether I had really seen what I thought I had. Was this leather?
I sat on the toilet and looked out of the window, waiting. I would meet a woman that represented everything I had ever dreamt of, my wife was a subservient creature, my life had gone crazy. Wow.
When she finally called me half an hour later, I was relaxed again. This wouldn't last.
I came in and stared at her. She wore an outfit like never before. I was smashed.
She had long black leather boots on, each one skintight and reaching over her knees. She wore a rather short black miniskirt, leather, with some stylish white buttons. Above that, she had a corsage on, black leather, over a short-sleeved white blouse and long shiny black latex opera gloves. To complete the look, she wore her collar and had her hair done up. My jaw hit the floor.
She smiled seductively.
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