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Author Topic: Little Sister Is A Big Bully  (Read 249589 times)

Offline grbaclig

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #450 on: July 04, 2020, 04:38:57 am »
Part 4, Chapter 72

        Lauren and I crashed to the ground as Kylie released us.  The front gate of her compound was mere yards away, but it was made unreachable by by a crowd of women who instantly encircled us.  They were beautiful, muscular, and very angry.  Looking upward I saw bulging thighs, chiseled abs, and ample underboobs all leading up to familiar faces that scowled down at me.  Princess Honey was there, and Sara Stone and Bea Buono of course, but so were Allison and  my mom.  And in the middle of them all was Kylie, her face barely visible past the swell of her huge muscles and enormous boobs.
        “Kylie's been so good to you,” mom sobbed.  “And this is how you treat her?”
        “You had a chance to worship me,” Kylie said, her voice tinged with frustration.  “I know you want to worship me.  I know you want my body.  I know you tingle with lust when you look at me.”
        “I don't want to worship you and I don't want your body!” I yelled.  “You're a brat and a bully and I hate you, and I've always hated you!  And it doesn't matter if you kill me or crush my phone in your giant tits or whatever, because we've already uploaded the pics and streamed the videos!”
        An awkward silence followed my outburst as the assembled women looked at each other in confusion.  “What the hell are you talking about?” Princess Honey asked.
        “Nobody cares about you or your stupid phone, Rick,” Allison said.  "Now shut up so Kylie can finish talking to Lauren."
        Then, Kylie knelt down, gently took Lauren by the hand, and helped her to her feet.  “Little Lauren Ling,” Kylie said, her lips puckering as she ogled my fiance.  “Who would have known you would grow up to be such a hot piece, thick and thin in all the right places, with such a pretty face.”
        “Th-thank you?” Lauren said with apprehension as Kylie straightened her shining black hair.
        “I know you want me, Lingster,” Kylie said as she brushed a few blades of grass from Lauren's skirt and blouse.  “I can feel your clit throb when you look at me.  I could feel it throbbing when you saw my muscles in the locker room during PE back when we were kids, and I could feel it throbbing at my birthday party every time I flexed, and I can feel it throbbing now.”
        Lauren gulped.  “I... um... well...” she stammered, unable to form a sentence.
        Kylie took a step back, put her hands on her hips and trust out her gigantic M cup boobs.  “Check out this rack,” she crowed.  “Have you ever seen a set of natural tits this big and this firm? “
        “I-I can't say that I have, no,” Lauren said, blushing.
        “And check out my nipples,” Kylie said, stroking her areolae with the tips of her index fingers.  “These are wedding rings I'm wearing on my nips, from women who left their husbands to spend their lives with me, worshiping me and sharing in my sexual bounty.  I have nine rings now, four on the left and five on the right.  There's just enough room for one more, and I think yours would fit perfectly.”
        “This is such an honor,” Bea Buono said to Lauren.  “I'll never forget the day that I gave my wedding ring to Kylie, and I became hers forever.  It's the greatest joy a woman can ever know.”
        “Being chosen by Kylie means more than all my awards put together,” Princess Honey agreed.
        Lauren fidgeted with her engagement ring as sweat beaded on her forehead.  She tried to look at her feet, but her eyes kept stealing glances at Kylie, whose nearly naked body bulged with impossibly big muscles beneath perfectly tanned skin, as her icy blue eyes twinkled and her perfect hair shone in the sun.  “Come on Lingster,” Kylie cooed.  “I can hear your clit calling to you.  Obey it.”
        “No!” Lauren shouted suddenly, stomping her foot, and the crowd of women gasped.
        Then Lauren threw herself onto me, and wrapped her arms around me as reporters and cameramen had began to haul themselves up onto the walls of Kylie's estate, drawn to the commotion in front of the Palace of Pump.  “You ungrateful cunt!” Allison yelled, spittle flying from her mouth.
        “Girl, you don't know what you're missing,” Princess Honey scolded, shaking her head.
        “I don't care what any of you say!” Lauren said, her eyes now brimming with tears as we embraced.  “I love Rick, and it's real love, not like your crazy lesbian sex cult... thing!”
        For the first time in my life I saw a look of surprise on Kylie's face.  “Wow Lingster,” she said, with an eyebrow cocked.  “I don't think I understand.  Are you saying you don't want to worship my muscles, you don't want to suck on my titties, and you don't want trib with me?”
        “I only want Rick,” Lauren said, squeezing me so tightly I thought I might pop.
        “And I only want you, Lauren,” I said softly.
        Lauren kissed me passionately, and as we joined hands I felt the harmonious smoothness of her engagement ring, the ring I bought her after Kylie had crushed the first one.  Throughout Kylie's entire life, she had dominated every task that she attempted, obliterated every opponent that she challenged, and enraptured ever woman that she pursued.  And somehow, the love that Lauren and I shared had survived her twice. 
        “This doesn't make any sense,” Kylie said, squinting at Lauren.  “You really don't want to fuck me?”
        “She must be on drugs,” Allison said.  “Or she's like a robot or something.  Or maybe an alien?”
        “I'm not on drugs,” Lauren said, sniffling as we rose to our feet.  “And I'm not a robot or an alien or anything like that.  I'm in love.  And love is more powerful than lust or fear or anything else!”
        “Well that's... that's kind of sweet, actually,” Kylie said.  “Maybe I was wrong about you, Rick.”
        With that, the crowd of musclebound beauties that had surrounded us parted, opening a way to the gate that led away from Kylie's Palace of Pump.  As Lauren and I began to walk toward the gate, I could hear the women in Kylie's retinue talk.  “He does kind of have a cute butt,” one said as I passed.
        “Maybe men don't need to be beaten and humiliated all the time,” said another.  “Maybe we could just, you know, keep them like pets.  Like in little houses in the yard or something?”
        “I wish I had the words to tell you how much you mean to me,” I said, choking with emotion as I held Lauren close.  “You didn't just save my life today, you saved my heart and my soul.”
        Then I heard Allison's voice cry out with shrill urgency.  “Oh my God, Kylie!” she gasped.  “You need to see this now!  Look at these pictures!”
        I felt a wave of panic wash over me as I felt my pants pocket and realized that, in the preceding chaos, I had left my phone behind.  And my panic changed to horror as I turned around and saw my phone in Kylie's hand as she flicked through its contents, her face growing angrier and angrier. 
        “Richard, how could you spy on your sister?” mom sobbed.  “After all she's done for you!”
        “Blasphemy!” Bea Buono cried.  “An unforgivable betrayal!”
        And then, before we could blink, Lauren and I were surrounded again by a crowd of angry beautiful amazons, and at the center of them stood the strongest and most muscular human being alive, my 14-year-old little sister.  Kylie scowled viciously as she crushed my phone into splinters of plastic in her small, girlish hand.  “Well Rick,” she growled as she flexed her pecs, making her huge tanned tits hop up and down, “you've left me with no choice but to smother you with my jugs one last time.  Do me a favor and take a deep breath, so I can watch you struggle a while before you suffocate.”
        “Somehow I knew it would end this way,” I groaned, my body and spirit both sagging limply.
        “But first,”  Kylie said, tossing her hair,  “it looks like the Lingster is going to be mine, after all.  Whether she wants to be or not.  But of course, she totally wants to.  No woman can resist this body.”
        “No,” said Lauren softly as Kylie began to swagger toward us.
        Kylie stopped a few paces in front of Lauren, and gently moved her loincloth aside, revealing herself to my fiance.  Lauren's eyes widened, and her jaw dropped open as a single tear rolled down her cheek.  “Well” Kylie demanded.  “What do you think?  Is it great or what?”
        “It's... amazing,” Lauren gasped a she fell to her knees.  “With all the porn I've seen, and all the books female anatomy I've read, I never dreamed that anything could be so gorgeous, so... perfect.”
        “You want to touch it, don't you?”  Kylie cooed.  “You want to lick it, don't you?”
        “I... I...” Lauren stammered, her eyes glassy.
        Lauren's lips trembled, Kylie giggled, and a cold painful chill ran through my heart.  This was Kylie's final victory.  Lauren was the only thing that had allowed me to rise above Kylie's constant bullying, and now Kylie was going to debase her in front of a crowd of cheering sycophants, and take her away from me forever.  I had never felt more devastated or more hopeless in my life, and I began looking at the shards of my phone, to see if any of them were big or sharp enough to slit my wrists. 
        Then, all of a sudden, a hole erupted in the walls surrounding Kylie's estate, and through it came Superman, square-jawed and resolute as he landed on the lawn.
        Reporters were swarming the estate now as Superman advanced on my little sister.  “I knew you would slip up sooner or later, Kylie,” he said.  “Every news outlet in the world is publishing the photos and videos of your ill-gotten gold, and every law enforcement organization on earth is calling for your arrest.  Surrender yourself peacefully.”
        “Look you big blue wimp,” Kylie snorted, “I don't know who you think you are, but no one comes onto my property without my permission.  And no one interrupts me when I'm feeding my kitty.”

Offline grbaclig

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #451 on: July 04, 2020, 04:41:38 am »
Great set up. Hoping the about to be confrontation ends with Kylie easily winning and proving herself to be a literal goddess, capable of any feat. Just wish it also involved some sort of happy resolution between her and Rick (preferably hooking up with him coming to terms with her awesomeness), but given the rest of the story up to this point I'm doubtful.


There are still a couple more chapters to go, and a couple more ups and downs, so stay tuned.

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #452 on: July 04, 2020, 04:52:06 am »
Well, I kinda counted on this being close to the ending, with Superman coming in to try and take Kylie in, most likely failing because Kylie is just straight up stronger. And hopefully it will end happily with Lauren conquering Kylie sexually. But I did like that perhaps the love between Rick and Lauren made some of the women enthralled by Kylie look at men differently than Kylie has taught them. At least until the contents of Rick's phone were gone through. I look forward to the Kylie/Superman showdown, please, take all the time you need to make it as long and detailed as possible. k+!
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Offline giantgirl7foot2

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #453 on: July 04, 2020, 08:28:11 pm »
Can't wait for Kylie to demolish superbitch. Don't even care what happens to Rick and Lingster anymore as I'm to enthralled with Kylie's awesome strength. I feel like the only person able of stopping Kylie would be Kylie herself.

Love the graphical and exaggerated descriptions of everything—and especially Kylie!
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Offline nebulasparks

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #454 on: July 04, 2020, 10:50:45 pm »
"This was Kylie's final victory" foreshadows that Kylie will lose the fight against superman in my opinion. I don't think she would stand a chance since her feats have been nowhere near superman's. It should be interesting.

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #455 on: July 05, 2020, 04:00:22 am »
I mean, depending on the day Superman can move planets around and blow out stars with his breath, or if we're just looking at the modern character he can still fly faster than light and move absolutely ridiculous amounts of weight.  Things like crushing a car or bending gold are trivial in comparison.  Unless Kylie is concealing some really absurd levels of strength she shouldn't stand a chance, but that's usually the way these stories go.

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #456 on: July 05, 2020, 04:31:44 am »
True, I think one time Superman actually punched a hole in reality. I think that perhaps Kylie may not be strong enough to take on a fully powered Superman, but she might be smart and evil enough to have some Kryptonite somewhere for this eventuality. I always enjoy reading stories of girls defeating a fully powered Superman, so I wouldn't be against Kylie being THAT strong, but I agree with you that she hasn't shown that she was nearly that strong yet. But maybe that's by design by grbaclig, so Superman's potential defeat means that much more. k+!
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

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Offline billz

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #457 on: July 05, 2020, 07:16:41 am »
Well as of late she's put in pretty much 0 effort in any strength feat she's shown. I'm hoping she doesn't bother with any kryptonite or anything, as it'd substantially diminish a win. I'd love to see her easily dominate and crush Superman in an absurdly one-sided fashion, maybe followed up by some planet or universe-level strength feat to make clear for everyone she IS in fact a goddess. Only wish Rick would genuinely agree with her and be happy about it...

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #458 on: July 05, 2020, 08:39:18 am »
I definitely hope she overpowers superman at his full strength and has no problem doing it.

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #459 on: July 05, 2020, 01:28:23 pm »
I only know Superman through the 1980's movies, but it's like a god (or Goku). Without kryptonite, Kylie doesnt stand a chance. Would be better with Batman or Spiderman.
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Offline grbaclig

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #460 on: July 05, 2020, 03:39:57 pm »
Part 4, Chapter 72

        Kylie's estate was a flurry of activity.  Kylie stood glaring at the Man of Steel as her gleaming palace rose in the distance behind her, and her admirers mixed with reporters to form a wide circle around the two titans.  Superman was a foot taller than Kylie, towering over her like the schoolgirl that she was, but Kylie's massive bulk and bountiful curves made Superman appear downright skinny in comparison.  I grabbed Lauren, who looked up as me as though dazed, and carried her as far away as I could, shoving my way through the crowd, hoping that we could escape in the ensuing chaos. 
        We were about 10 feet from the front gate when steely hands grabbed my arms.  “Where the fuck do you think you're going?” Allison hissed as she hauled me back toward the front of the circle.
        “Richard, you are going to stay right here and support your little sister,” mom said sternly as she slung Lauren over her shoulder like a sack of groceries.
        It was eerily quiet as Superman confronted my kid sister.  “Kylie, you're an incredible young woman, and there are a lot of women who view you as a role model,” he said.  “You owe it to your admirers to accept responsibility for your actions, and use your talents for the betterment of mankind.”
        “Mankind?” Kylie snorted.  “No thanks.  I'm too busy working for the betterment of womankind.  And if you don't get off of my property right now, I'll use my talents to crush you like a dumb blue bug.”
        “I don't think you want to go down that road, Kylie,” Superman said.  “I'm afraid you'll find I'm not as easy to push around as other men.  After all, I'm earth's most powerful hero.”
        “You're powerful?” Kylie scoffed.  “I'm a pretty teenaged girl with huge boobs who lifts weights.  What could possibly be more powerful than that?  I mean, just look at this bountiful body.”
        Superman averted his eyes as Kylie stretched her arms over her head and began to gyrate, her meaty peach-shaped buttocks pumping, and her enormous round breasts jiggling, as women began to hoot in appreciation.  “That's enough, Kylie,” Superman said.  “You're coming with me, but first you're going to put some clothes on.  Girls your age should never be topless in public.”
        “How dare you tell me how to dress!” Kylie snarled.  “There's nothing wrong with women taking pride in their bodies.  Besides, I'm not topless.  I'm wearing wedding rings on my nipples, which I got them from women who left their husbands for me.  And you know what, I've got room for one more.  I was saving it for my brother's wife, but maybe I should introduce myself to your wife, instead.”
        “I'm afraid we'll have to save the social niceties until after you've been rehabilitated,” Superman quipped, accepting a large trench coat from a nearby reporter.  “Now put this coat on, and we'll leave.”
        Superman tossed the baggy brown coat at Kylie, who snatched it out of the air with a look of disgust as she examined its dull unflattering shape.  Then as cameras flashed around her, a wry smile crossed Kylie's face.  “Sure,” she said.  “I'll put this on right now.”
        Kylie slipped into the oversized coat, as best she could.  It was several inches too long, and the fabric pooled around her feet like the train on a dress, while the body could neither fit over her massive shoulders or conceal the gulf of cleavage formed by the way her titanic pectoral muscles forced her huge M cup breasts up and out of the lapels.  “That will have to do for now,” Superman said.  “Now-”
        But before hen could finish speaking, Kylie smiled, and began to flex her muscles.  “Oops,” she said, the sleeves rupturing into scraps as her colossal arms swelled with bulging boulders of muscle.
        “God damn I love when she does that,” Allison muttered as Kylie hit a front lat spread that flayed the panels of the coat into ragged strips.
        Kylie giggled as the annihilated coat fell from her body, once again exposing her golden brown  muscle-packed skin and her oversized breasts.  Kylie's golden bejeweled headband twinkled, the rings she wore on her digits and nipples sparkled, and the white silk loincloth did more to accentuate her body than to conceal it.  “Looks like I'm just too sexy for clothes,” Kylie bragged.
        From all around the circle women cheered and catcalled as Kylie hit a side chest pose that made her pecs rise up to her lips, and thrust her breasts dramatically in Superman's direction.  The man of steel grimaced as he turned his head from Kylie's aggressively exhibitionistic display.  “I was afraid something like this might happen,” he said, producing a bundle of blue fabric.  “So I brought this Kryptonian fabric just in case.  I think you'll find it's a little more durable than what you're used to.”
        “Uh, no thanks,” Kylie said with a toss of her hair.  “I've already worn clothes once today.”
        For a moment, Superman stood waiting with his hand outstretched, offering the blue cloth to Kylie.  But Kylie was ignoring him, choosing instead to admire her reflection in an enormous diamond that she wore on one of her rings.  "Let's not drag this out any longer, Kylie," Superman said.  “You know I can't attack a young girl such as yourself.  But you also know that you're powerless to hurt me.”
        “Powerless?” Kylie spat as she wheeled around.  “Powerless!?  I'll show you who's powerless!”
        With blurring speed Kylie bolted forward, her tiny fist rocketing at Superman as she threw her entire body into a single punch.  The silence of the gathered onlookers was broken only by an unimpressive 'thwack' sound as Kylie's fist bounced uselessly off Superman's stomach, as he stood unmoved.  “This is one situation you can't bully your way out of, Kylie,” Superman said firmly.  “Now please put on these clothes and come face justice, before you accidentally hurt someone.”
        “You're the only one who's going to get hurt!” Kylie growled as she launched a spinning side kick into Superman's thigh, only to have it glance off his invincible quadricep.
        Kylie's brow furrowed in frustration as she leapt at Superman's throat with her hands outstretched, only to have him grab her wrists, and hold her suspended off the ground.  “Kylie,” he said, “I can do this all day.  Now are you going to cover up your body, or do I have to do it for you?”
        “I'll never cover up my body!” Kylie shrieked as she struggled in Superman's grip, thrashing her legs about in an attempt to kick him.  “Now let me go!  You can't do this to me!  I am a goddess!”
        “Well,” Superman said, gently releasing Kylie.  “I guess you leave me with no choice.”
        Then Superman leapt forward in a blur of speed, wrapping the blue fabric around Kylie's body until it hugged her torso and hips like a minidress.  There wasn't enough fabric to wrap the entirety of Kylie's sprawling bulk, but Superman had wrapped her upper arms tightly to her body so that only her forearms could move freely, and although the fabric ran out six inches above her knees, it bound her sweeping thighs together.  Kylie growled and strained, but the Kryptonian fabric held.  She was only able to move her arms and legs a a mere inch, and even her nipples were subdued and invisible beneath the otherworldly blue cloth.  “This isn't fair!” Kylie yelled.  “You're cheating!  It's not fair!”
        “It's not fun to get pushed around by someone who's stronger than you, is it?” Superman said with a smile.  “I'm sure all those men you injured didn't enjoy it either.”
        “That... was... different,” Kylie grunted as she struggled against the unbreakable extraterrestrial wrappings.  “They were... a bunch of wimps.  I am a... perfect princess!”
        “You'll have plenty of time to think about that in jail, your majesty,” Superman said with a wink.
        Then Kylie yelled like a wild beast, her high-pitched girly shout echoing across the lawn as she jumped into the air, arms and legs still bound, and launched a double front kick into Superman's chest.  Kylie's tiny feet crashed into Superman's chest with enough force to send out a shockwave that blew back the hair of the assembled women, and enough force to make Superman take a half-step backward as he steadied himself.  A serious frown crossed the man of steel's face.  “Unfortunately it looks like you've gone mad with power,” he said, zipping behind Kylie, wrapping his arms around her to pin her elbows to her tiny waist, and lifting her off the ground.  “I wish there were a more appropriate way to restrain you, but you're out of control.  And if you're going to behave like a child, I'll have to treat you like one.”
        “Let go of me, you gross old man!” Kylie yelled as she thrashed about.  “Let go! Let go! Let go!”
        A smile crossed my face as Kylie's shrieked and kicked.  She was a bully who became a celebrity because of some genetic fluke that allowed her to grow bigger and stronger than any teenaged girl ever should, but only a bully, after all.  Faced with earth's most powerful hero, the whole world could see her for what she truly was: a spoiled little girl throwing a temper tantrum.  “Give it a rest, Kylie,” Superman said as Kylie continued to kick and scream, her blonde hair whipping about wildly.  “You're just going to have to accept the fact that I'm stronger than you.”
        “No one.  Is stronger.  Than me!” Kylie growled, her nostrils flaring and and her eyes burning.
        “No!” Allison moped.  “Kylie can't lose!  She's a goddess.  She has girl power.  And huge knockers.”
        “She's not a goddess,” I said.  “She's just a brat who's being taught a long overdue lesson.”
        “Wait a second,” Lauren said, gasping in disbelief.  “Look at her shoulders.  Is she... getting bigger?”
        It was hard to argue with her.  The fabric wrapping that had covered Kylie like a minidress a few seconds ago now looked no bigger than a microdress, and her traps, once completely covered by the blue fabric, were now completely bare as they forced their way out of the restrictive wrapping. 
        Then to my horror small tears began to appear in the blue Kryptonian fabric, and Superman's arms began to shake, his hands pulling apart as Kylie began to flex her muscles.

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #461 on: July 05, 2020, 03:47:24 pm »
I only know Superman through the 1980's movies, but it's like a god (or Goku). Without kryptonite, Kylie doesnt stand a chance. Would be better with Batman or Spiderman.

I wouldn't expect a detailed, accurate and loyal adherence to the Superman canon--if only because I don't know anything about it.

Also, people take more glaring liberties all the time.  I saw a John Wick movie where he got off an NYC subway train at 10pm, and the platform was empty.   :what:

That having been said I'm hoping I can tie this all up in a satisfying package.

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #462 on: July 05, 2020, 04:16:46 pm »
Ah, there we go.  Kylie has always been able to just will herself to be stronger.

Usually she'd be exactly the kind of character I'd want to win and rule the world in a story like this, but this story is somewhat unique - Rick is sympathetic enough and has been the viewpoint character the entire time that I really want to see him triumph and Kylie either take a fall, or at least end up in a position where she's less of a bitch.  Usually I don't go for gentle muscle types but as others have pointed out Kylie is acting exactly like the kinds of people she disdains; she really is just a spoiled girl who's gotten everything she's ever wanted in a lot of ways.

At any rate it seems we're finally seeing how this story will conclude.  Whatever direction it goes in I'm invested and I'm glad this story is getting a conclusion unlike so many sagas I've seen on here.

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #463 on: July 05, 2020, 05:01:03 pm »
Eh, I will say this story is becoming very dues-ex-machina-based. There was nothing to show that Kylie could grow at her own will. If she could she would have done so already, and its kinda like what the hulk does, except the hulk still loses to superman in most hypothetical cases. This isn't really a twist either; the author just snapped a variable into existence. If Kylie does win it'll be a poor ending in my opinion, because there's simply no hope even if she were 100 times stronger.

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Re: Little Sister Is A Big Bully
« Reply #464 on: July 05, 2020, 05:35:37 pm »
Yeah, the first half of this chapter went pretty much the way I thought, based on what I know of Superman, which is pretty much what grbaclig knows, it's just based on the movies, I am not a big comic book reader, but it HAS been shown in past chapters that when Kylie is told she can't do something, she wills herself to do it out of spite, so this is nothing new. Growing stronger than Superman is another level altogether, but it is not something completely new out of Kylie as she has shown herself able to jump to levels unheard of when properly motivated, and being told what to do by a man is enough to motivate her, no matter how strong the man is. The only thing missing was Rick's traditional "No way!" When Kylie did something that was considered impossible before Kylie did it, lol. Anyway, good chapter, I look forward to more! k+!
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