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Author Topic: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years  (Read 92291 times)

Offline 009eli

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #60 on: November 25, 2018, 12:10:33 am »
Hey everyone. Working on the latest chapter which I'm hoping to have out by next month, but in the meantime here is a what I'm calling a little 'Interlude' which will bridge Chapter 3 and 4 as nice little treat to enjoy with your turkey left overs.

Thanks. Comments and karma always welcome!

“Let’s see. Well, you missed a bunch of these answers…” Professor Jefferies said as he went over my test scores. “But you seem to have a good knowledge of the subject so…” He said smiling and then, ignoring a sea of red pen marks on my history quiz he quickly changed my B – grade into a B.

“Ah… What the hell…” And then crossed the B out and finally made it an A minus.

“Jinni’s competition is this weekend huh?” Jefferies asked passing my test back to me with the new highlighted grade. “I know she’s nervous. Had to bring in her body fat and add to her quad sweep. I know Paloma is a favorite but I actually really think Jinni has a good shot at getting the title.”

I looked at Professor Jefferies in an odd way. “We corresponded by email and I was checking some of Insta**** posts…” He said, no doubt covering up his obvious schmoe-like tendencies, but who was I to be mad about something like that. After all to come down on him would be hypocritical.

“I can’t go this weekend, big history conference. But if you could give Jinni this.” Jefferies said as he dug under his desk and pulled out a hardbound book.

“Great romantic poetry…” I said reading the title.

“Yes… Yes… Jinni expressed a bit of an interest in it…and I just want to give it to her to wish her luck.”

I flipped the book open and saw he had written something in Latin on the inside in a dedication to Jinni.

“Oh yeah... Just a little well-wishing from me. No need to read it. And if you could just –“ He then leaned down again and pulled a long, red long stem rose out from a vase on his deck and stuck it in the book.

I quickly grabbed the book and my freshly graded mid-term test and bounced out of the office.

It seemed like in the past week since Jinni made her appearance at the History open house things like that had been happening to me over and over again. Now when I came to class Jefferies never seemed to call on me or embarrass me, and as soon as I walked in Tara and her clique of buffed up, volleyball girls beaconed me to a seat next to them. Every eye in the room watched me, and every guy looked on in jealousy as Tara tapped the seat immediately next to her she saved for me each class. As I took it, sitting next to her and Becky Garvis, the teams star spiker and a near 6 foot 3 amazon of a woman whose delts would bump into me during class, and she bent over to take notes during class.

In fact, everything seemed to be smooth sailing. Not only that, because Lindsey wasn’t taking a history class this semester it appeared as if she had been sequestered from hearing anything about Mrs. Jones’ appearance.

Everything seemed to be going perfectly…

That was until just a few days before the contest…

I was sitting in the student commissary with my roommate Roger and his girlfriend Amber, just grabbing a quick lunch in between classes. They had gotten pizza, but with the upcoming deadline of seeing Jinni I had declined the delicious smelling pizza and instead got a salad. I couldn’t really explain it. Ever since being around Jinni and looking at photos I just wanted her to be proud of me. I would have felt disgusted with myself I had gone to see her, her body cut and ripped poising in a tiny bikini (not only to mention all the other muscle women I would get to see this weekend) if I had shoved a pizza in my face. That was how she made you feel like you wanted to be a better person.

When I heard Lizzy's voice come up behind me. A slight shudder rippled in me. It had been a little over a week since I had last seen her, and we had slowly been drifting apart as Mrs. Jones became a more prominent aspect in my life and free time. And I definitely hadn’t seen or talked to her since Mrs. J had made her presence known by attending the history department event in the role of my escort and stepmother.

‘Hey there Lawrence. Long time no see—‘ I heard Lizzy say as she plopped down in a seat next to me. I was no expert on emotions, but I could get a sense from her expression that there was a bit of bitterness in her tone. Perhaps I had been lax in my duties as a boyfriend to her, but ever since that start of our relationship, we had both agreed to be casual. That and I had not actually ever done anything to cheat on her, although the thoughts of Mrs. J occupied my mind and more than once when Lizzy and I had been intimate the thoughts of Lizzy’s thin frame being replaced by Mrs. J’s massive musculature had danced through my mind.

Roger and Amber greeted Lizzy as she joined us with polite hellos.

“You’ve been quite a busy man… Hard to get a hold of.” She said. I remained quiet. I wasn’t sure exactly what she was getting at. And Roger and Amber shared a look at her tone was becoming apparent to everyone at the table.

“Hey, Lizzy…” I said trying my best to keep my cool as she leaned across the table and grabbed a slice of pizza off the tray without asking.

“So… Kind of crazy that we’ve been dating a few months and you didn’t tell me you’re parents were divorced.”

And it was now apparent what Lizzy had been getting at. Although Lizzy didn’t take any history courses, and our school was large, it was only a matter of time that word of the hubbub Jinni showing up had caused would flood back to her.

“Did you know Lawrence’s parents here were separated…” Lizzy asked across the table in Roger’s direction. Roger shook his head. Maybe a little confused about why this information seemed to put Lizzy so on edge.

“Also… I hear you’ve become quite good friends with Tara Owens and that entire volleyball group of hers.” She said. Pronouncing ‘Volleyball group’ with the disdain like it was something to be ashamed of.

Again Roger and Amber traded confused glances.

“First of all. My parents were separated, but my dad has gotten back together with my mom…” I said. Somewhat swallowing my words. As I knew very well what I was saying was untrue, but that the damage had been done “I also didn’t know I had to clear all of my social interactions with you.” I said defending myself.

Lizzy took another slice of pizza and dabbed the crust in the orange grease that had been pooling on her plate. I noted with a bit of disgust, comparing it perhaps unfairly to Mrs. Jone’s highly regimented eating habits. Noting that the times I had been with Mrs. Jones, she consumed helpings of the perfectly measured out foods she needed for her diet. Again, a sign of her discipline and rigor as opposed to Lizzie’s gluttony. I wanted to tell her that if she had been more disciplined in her eating habits, maybe she could get rid of a bit of her belly that she often complained about. But I kept my mouth shut deciding to fight one battle at a time.

“I am so confused…” Roger said sharing a bit of a concerned look with me, his roommate. And Amber who had been dragged into this domestic drama against their will while eating lunch.

“I guess Lawrence here has a stepmother who is some big buffed up championship weightlifter or something – “ Lizzy said again hitting the words ‘Buffed up’ in a way that communicated clownishness and ‘weightlifter’ with the same disdain she had shown for ‘volleyball player’ just a few moments earlier.

“First… she’s a bodybuilder and not a weightlifter… and again, I don’t see why this is any of your business.” I said now feeling the need to protect Mrs. Jones and come to her defense and also beginning to feel a rising bit of annoyance by being attacked by Lizzy.

“Oh… sorry… Bodybuilder. Didn’t mean to attack your girlfriend.” Lizzy said perhaps sensing the way to choose the right words to sting me.

“I’m so confused…” Amber said.

“I just think it's odd that Lawrence disappears for the last two weekend and gets all shady and then when we talked about families, and I said my parents were divorced… you never said anything about your family being separated.”

Even though I was feeling very attacked, I could empathize with Lizzy. She felt betrayed and betrayed by the trust in our relationship. I had maybe been a bit shady as the desire to spend more and more time with Mrs J and the headspace that Mrs. J had taken up, be into seeing her in the flesh or spending time talking with her online and glancing at the numerous galleries and pix she had posted documenting her getting ready for the upcoming contents.

“Lawrence here showed up to the history department meet up with his stepmom. A real honest to god, buffed up female bodybuilder.” Lizzy continued, as she told bodybuilder she even did the exaggerated sort of puffed up chest thing that people do to indicated a muscle head. The odd thing is, the hate Lizzy was sending in Mrs. Jones way only kind of made me turned on by her even more. The sheer fact that Mrs. Jones physicality threatened my girlfriend so much, and she didn’t even need to be here just spoke of how truly spectacular what Jinni had been able to achieve with her physique.

“Do you have pictures…” Roger said in a way that indicated that he too was getting slightly odded out by the fact that his roommate of a few months maybe hadn’t been completely honest with him about his home life.

“Come on pictures,” Lizzy said now, knowing full well that she could drag this out in a way to embarrass me and get back from not being honest with her about my whereabouts the last few weeks.

“I don’t… “ I stammered out, kind of wanting the entire thing to be other with.

“You don’t have pictures of your stepmom?” Lizzy asked, communicating that she was doubtful.

“Like I said, my dad remarried for a brief period. Then got back together with my mom.”

“So what’s this ‘Bodybuilder’s’ name? Let's take a look at her. There’s got to have pictures online. After all, I heard she made quite an impression.”

“Jinni—“ I began to stammer out, but then realized that Jinni had changed her name after her divorce “Jennifer Halifax.” I finally said, a bit of anxiety creeping into my stomach as far as what was going to happen next. I had already come to terms with how Lizzy was acting, but a part of me felt protective of Mrs. Jones and didn’t feel it was fair or right that she was being dragged in such a way without her being here to defend herself.

At the same time, both Roger and Amber looked nervous as well at the way Lizzie was behaving herself.

“Let’s see Jennifer… Halifax… female… bodybuilder…” Lizzie said typing into her phone. Even just hear Lizzy say the words ‘female bodybuilder’ was giving me a slight turn on.

I sat, waiting a second nervously as Lizzie looked at her phone and then –

“Oh… oh…. BLEEACH!!’ She finally said looking down at her phone and making the noise of someone pretending to throw up and pretending to cover her mouth.

“Oh barf…” she said again and pretending to cover her mouth as she pulled up the image.

“Let me see…” Asked Roger now becoming more interested. Lizzy passed him the phone, and Roger’s reaction of disgust flittered briefly under his face.

“Oh no…” He said less with meanness and more with general concern.

The image she had found had been one that had recently been posted on Jinni’s IG page. The shot was a promo for ‘Pro-Ex’s new line of pre-workout supplements called ‘X-Treme-X’ and the photo definitely fell in line with the name of the product. The shot depicted Mrs. Jones in full buffed up to the max mode mid bicep curl. Despite the fact that the photo was taken in the gym Mrs. J was sporting a criminally tiny pair of bikini bottoms and a top emblazoned with the ‘Pro-Ex’ logo that had been stylishly distressed to make it look like Jinni’s bulging muscles had torn through the neck. Mrs. J was posing mid-curl, and everything in the photo, including the lighting, the camera angle and a thin layer of oil and sweat had been choreographed to make the set up look as extreme as possible. Mrs. J teeth were gritted as she cranked the bar which had two huge 45 lb plates on each side. The sheer weight caused every fiber in her arms and even up to her shoulders to flex prominently, and veins crisscrossed her exposed pecs and flared up under her neck as she gritted her teeth communicating her strength and power. The bottom of the photo ended right around her upper thighs which allowed for her bulletproof hard flexed 8-pack and the top points of thickly muscled upper thigh and the bulging curve of one of her glutes to be visible.

The photo was a secret favorite of mine, maybe an example of muscle pushed too far. It was definitely extreme, but I felt Lizzy was a bit too mean.

Amber leaned over and looked over at the photo as well. She seemed to take a moment to take it in.

“Pretty gross right?” Lizzy said taking a moment to snatch the phone away and find another photo. This one was of Mrs. J in a bikini, slightly less extreme but still striking in her display of muscularity.

Lizzy passed the phone back over to Roger and Amber who both looked at it.

“Err…” Roger, I think his face communicating some disgust but not wanting to mean about a person he believed was one of my family members –

“That’s fucking gross right?” Lizzy said again loudly, I feel like trying to promote a reaction.

“That’s pretty hardcore,” Roger said I think trying to find the most politically correct thing to say.

“Gross, right Amber? This woman obviously has mental problems.” Lizzy asked the only other person at the table.

Amber took another look at the photo, seeming to take a bit more time to look at it then Roger did.

“I don’t know… for me… It’s not my cup of tea. And I wouldn’t want to ever look like that myself, but I think we now celebrate all different types of women and different types of bodies… if she chooses to look like that and it makes her happy, then we should support it.”

“She looks like a freak…” Lizzy said back.

Amber shrugged as if again taking this into consideration “Again, it's not my cup of tea, but I think there are different ways women can be beautiful. And I definitely respect the work she had to put in to look like this. I – don’t like it, but jeez that must have taken years of training.”

I was a bit surprised by Amber's remarks especially coming from someone like her who didn’t really seem to do much exercise besides gaming with Roger, I felt her comments were surprisingly progressive, but it only looked to egg Lizzy on.

“Blah-ha!” She said letting out an exaggerated laugh. “Look at her in a dress. Its kind of funny” Lizzy said and flipped around her phone. She had found a photo of Mrs. Jones at some kind of award banquet, and she was wearing an evening gown, which did look slightly out of place. Her huge capped muscled shoulders and veiny arms were clearly evident under the elegant dress.

“Okay… We get it.” I said finally. But Lizzy was on a tear.

“You realize this woman is taking massive amounts of steroids, right Lawrence?” She said again and this time flipped between two photos of Jinni from a recent contest, looking freakishly large as she held a lat spread on stage.

It was the first time in a while I had heard the ‘S-word’ said in conjunction with Mrs. Jones. Of course, back in Hawthorne, there were whisperings about it, and I’m sure my mom and some of the other women in town had said such things, and I saw what people had said as well in the comments section when Jinni posted photos. I had perhaps chosen to ignore them, but I couldn’t remaining being that naive. Still, I had been up close with Mrs. J, and despite maybe some light acne around her jawline, I could see none of the normal side effects one associated with steroid use. Her skin was nearly crystal clear and her voice, slightly throaty, but more in the way an older mature women’s would be and nothing out of the ordinary. Yet I knew the world of competitive bodybuilding somewhat, and I knew that even the girls at local shows were taking something and that for Mrs. Jones to compete at the level she did involve heavy drug use. And not only that to hold the size she did well into her 40s would have been unachievable naturally, but still, it registered as a shock to have Lizzy come out and say it in such a way.

“You know this woman is like a drug addict right?” Lizzy said again with a level of bitterness I was surprised by. But at the same time having her call Mrs. J out on her apparent use of steroids again weirdly left me feeling turned on.

“You don’t know her. She’s a very nice person.” I said trying my best to get the subject settled. I think I had known that things with Lizzy were done at this point, there was no future for us. What would she do? If she ever met my parents, she would quickly found out I had lied about the entire situation. Perhaps that’s why I had done this the whole time. To destruct this relationship.

“Was she popping needles when she was your step mommy?” Lizzy retorted. “I bet a spanking from her old muscles really packed a wallop.” She said again.

“Okay, that’s enough” Roger finally said. I think both him and Amber were feeling bad for me and realizing Lizzy had crossed a line.

“You know this is a person in my life who I really enjoy…” I finally said, finding a well of strength inside of me that I wasn’t sure I knew existed. “Whatever she is doing with herself is her own business.” I finally said.

I could see both Roger and Amber give me a look that said they were proud I had stood up for myself. And I was proud too. I wanted to tell Mrs. Jones that I had stood up and defended her good name in her absence. But at the same time thinking about the hurt that may come if she knew she was being made fun of in such a way.

“Fine… whatever….” Lizzy finally said snapping her phone shut. “I’m going to get some grub… want to join.” She said to me as if nothing had happened.

I declined and told her I had work to do.

“Suit yourself,” She said and headed off to the food court.

I quickly excused myself and went back to the dorm. I was pissed and tried to get some of the work I needed to get done, done so I could have everything cleared before I went to help Jinni at the show that weekend.

I was a little bit into an English essay I needed to complete when I heard a knock on the door.

“I’m so sorry…” It was Lizzy. I popped the door open, and her nose was wet from snot and her eyes red from crying.

“I’m sorry Lawrence… I didn’t mean to make fun of your family member. I just was hurt when I thought you were lying to me.” She said crying and collapsing into my arms. Gone was the anger and bitterness that was so prevalent at lunch. It was replaced by a kind of helplessness, and I genuinely felt terrible as Lizzy continued to blubber in my arms.

“I was—that was so rude. You are right. I shouldn’t have made fun of that woman” she said as she continued to cry. Despite my feelings, I patted her on the back comforting here. It’s okay.

“I just – I just like you is all,” Lizzy said looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

Before we knew it, Lizzy leaned in and kissed me. I tried to fight her off, but I felt bad and returned it. Before I knew it, we had tumbled down onto my bed.

“Yes… Yes… “ Lizzy cried out as she climbed on top of me, I couldn’t help noticing she was intense and emotional and also highly aggressive. I was frustrated and still highly annoyed about the unfair way she had talked about Mrs. Jones at lunch and quickly flipped her over and climbed on top.

“Oh my god yes!!” Lizzy cried out seemingly getting more and more turned the rougher I got. I grabbed my hand and placed it around her neck, squeezing, which seemed to drive her crazy and she fumbled for her pants button and quickly slide them down her hips. She grabbed at my belt, and I promptly popped it open. I’m not sure I was turned on, I was operating more on anger and resentment only Lizzy seemed to be completely into it.

She grabbed my dick out of my pants which was only even hard and begin to massage it with her hands. I honestly wasn't turned on but knew I couldn’t turn her away like this and went along more out of moment and passion.

Only something sparked to life inside of me. “Fine!” I said and flipped Lizzy over on her stomach and forced her head down. I quickly grabbed my dick and began stroking in and closed my eyes… Seeing in my mind's eye Lizzy’s thin boney back quickly transform into Mrs. Jones massive bulging one. Lizzy’s weak lats quickly become Mrs. J’s massive bulging lastissimus dorsi and her small, bird-like shoulders transformed under my hands in Jinni’s thick cannonball sized delts.

“You like that Lawrence…” I heard Mrs. Jones throaty cue float into my ear.

“I do… I do…” I said to myself continuing to imagine myself pumping at Mrs. J’s massively muscular physique until I collapsed, spent, onto the bed and slept.

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #61 on: November 25, 2018, 06:09:18 am »
 I was wondering when it would happen... here we go! Now that the cat is out of the bag, let's see how it develops. With four women looking after him....

Offline 009eli

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #62 on: November 28, 2018, 04:48:52 pm »
Working on the next chapter now. It may be a bit long so Ill need to break it up when its released.... bu I have some exciting news, there's a scene where Mrs J is wearing a sexy outifit... and guess what... I want readers to choose the outfit. So I'm posting a poll.

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #63 on: November 28, 2018, 07:40:08 pm »
Love the poll idea!  I like all the choices, but I wanted to suggest "construction worker" as well.   

Offline 009eli

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #64 on: November 29, 2018, 12:17:39 am »
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Love the poll idea!  I like all the choices, but I wanted to suggest "construction worker" as well.

I love it! Its is such  Mr. Shhh type outfit (and I mean that in the best way possible!) Let me see how the poll goes but maybe I can try to get something like that in in a future chapter!

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #65 on: November 29, 2018, 10:13:52 pm »
If she truly wants to seduce him, then she should wear a sexy robe, underwear and not pretend to flirt...

Offline 009eli

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #66 on: November 30, 2018, 11:45:25 pm »
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If she truly wants to seduce him, then she should wear a sexy robe, underwear and not pretend to flirt...

Hmmm... So QB you just want her to come out and straight up seduce him?

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #67 on: December 01, 2018, 09:25:52 pm »
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If she truly wants to seduce him, then she should wear a sexy robe, underwear and not pretend to flirt...

Hmmm... So QB you just want her to come out and straight up seduce him?
If it's what intend to, yes. If not, no... I'm speaking only about the outfit if there's an intent, direction from your side. I don't want to influence your story.

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #68 on: December 02, 2018, 07:26:16 am »
I enjoyed the new section a ton. I think its more important how she seduces him rather than what she is wearing. If its accidental then maybe a robe would be better. If its purposeful then something to teach Lawrence how she wants him to become.  Great Job. I look forward to the next installment.
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Offline 009eli

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #69 on: December 03, 2018, 12:20:49 am »
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I enjoyed the new section a ton. I think its more important how she seduces him rather than what she is wearing. If its accidental then maybe a robe would be better. If its purposeful then something to teach Lawrence how she wants him to become.  Great Job. I look forward to the next installment.

Thanks! Glad you liked it. Know there wasnt a ton of muscle of action but hoping that the next chapter makes up for it.

Offline Jimthehunter54

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #70 on: December 04, 2018, 09:46:05 am »
For the other category I was going to throw the idea of a teacher out there.

Offline 009eli

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #71 on: December 04, 2018, 10:31:47 pm »
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For the other category I was going to throw the idea of a teacher out there.

Thats a good one I haven't thought of! Ill keep it under consideration and could maybe use it in a future chapter.

Offline 009eli

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #72 on: December 07, 2018, 04:38:39 pm »
Hey! Thanks to everyone  for participating in the poll and I will try to incorporate as much of everyone’s feedback as I can in the upcoming chapters.

When I started the chapter I had a basic idea but it quickly began to spin out into a longer and longer length and very soon has become the longest thing I’ve written. So I’m proofing it as I go and posting as I finish each chunk which should maybe be 4 or 5 pieces when its all finished. Ill try to post them as I go so check back here to as I update it!

Please remember – comments, feedback, karma all welcome! Let me know how you think the story is going and I feel like it’s also important at this juncture to mention *all characters in this story are over 18yrs of age.

Muscular Mrs. Jones The College Years Chapter 4 Part 1

The next few days until the contest flew by. I guess I had bought myself a little bit of time with Lizzy, as our make out session seemed to in some ways take care of her. And I noticed after our rough, aggressive sex she was positively docile and lovely to me in any interaction I had with her over the phone.

But still, all that paled in comparison to knowing that on Saturday I was about to see Mrs. Jones again. And not just see her; see her in her element, compete in a real honest to god bodybuilding competition.

Figuring I was just going to be away for the day and come back that evening since the show ended around 8 and my duties would be done by then, I decided on not telling my roomie or Lizzy my whereabouts and slipped out Saturday morning. I threw a few things in my backpack including my phone, some studying I needed to get done and my Pro-Ex shirt since Mrs. J had told me I should present myself as a rep for the company, and headed out.

Driving out to the convention center where the event was taking place I was giddy with excitement and any time traffic backed up or slowed I noticed myself getting aggressive and frustrated as I just wanted to be at the show with no delay. I honestly, besides seeing Mrs. J again, couldn’t believe what I was getting to do. I was going to a bodybuilding show, as a guest of one of the competitors. I hadn’t really worked out what my duties would be, texts between Jinni and I had been somewhat sporadic with her being busy in prep mode and travel for the few days leading up to the show and apologizing for being flaky as a symptom of her ‘Contest prep’ brain.

I pulled up to the parking lot and went to park at the convention hall. Just being a college student I had to park in general parking which was 8 bucks! I dreamed of someday maybe parking in VIP parking at an exorbitant to me at the time $20 bucks. My mind began to race as it danced with images of me pulling up in a sick sports car with Mrs. Jones as my escort, her hopping out and everyone’s jaws hitting the floor as they took in her well-muscled body clad in a tiny miniskirt, and me somehow having a well of income deep enough to afford the expensive parking. But alas… that day it was not to be.

I quickly slid off my t-shirt and put on the Pro-Ex one I had brought, as I wanted to seem like I was part of the event while walking in. I briefly took a glance at my upper body in the mirror as I did so. I had been hitting the weight room hard in preparation for today hoping I could walk into the hall with a bulging chest and those huge veiny arms I had seen on the biggest guys at the convention when I attended. Although I could see some slight changes in my chest, which seemed a tad more developed, my arms still looked like pipe cleaners. I sighed frustrated that my long, lean body type, while ideal for endurance sports like soccer, never seemed to display any prominent muscle no matter how much I trained.

I quickly exited the parking structure and began to follow the throngs of people heading towards the convention center for the show. I noticed soon that the crowd for the event did not seem to share the same problem with gaining muscle as I did. The guys (and the group was mostly guys) were all a bit shorter than me, but what they lacked in height they made up in dense muscle that was stacked in their bulging arms and back. 

Entering the lobby I could get more of a sense of these same people. My eyes were darting all over the place and were tantalized by the well-developed physiques on display there.

I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Jinni that I had arrived as that was what she had asked me to do, and I wasn’t entirely sure what the game plan for the day was when she had asked me to help her to help out.

‘Down in the libby…’ I texted her. Already embarrassed that I made a stupid mistake.

The telltale sign of the ‘…’ Dots appeared on my phone indicating that someone was typing. Then quickly disappeared. Then stopped and then reappeared again followed by –

JINNI: Cool. Lori will be down in just a sec to get you ☺

I waited for a moment. I had guessed that Lori was Jinni’s friend, Lori Summers whom, despite not being anything of a bodybuilder herself (or really much looking like she did any serious working out) was Jinni’s best friend for years and was often mentioned in Jinni’s IG posts as helping her out at her various shows.

Within a moment I heard the ding of the elevator doors open, and Lori exited. I had seen a few photos of her on Jinni’s IG. Snaps Jinni in a bikini post-show hugging her, with Jinni’s body looking virtually otherworldly, while Lori, fully dressed had that appearance of a regular mom. Although very cute and perky and with a flowy blonde ponytail which cutely hung off her head swinging from side to side whenever she displayed excitement.

“Lawrence…” Lori yelled getting off the elevator and walking over to me. I could see she was wearing a pair of casual blue pants and a loose fitting shirt. She definitely did not fit into the hardcore bodybuilding crowd much like me, along with my stringy physique, we must have looked like oddballs amongst the hyper built crowd that circulated the lobby before the show. People passed, taking a glance at us, and then moved along to get a gander at the more prominent, buffer people in attendance.

Lori bounded over to me. Her white Ked sneakers bouncing along the floor excitedly as her ponytail bobbed on her head as she gave me a big welcoming hug.

“Jinni said oh… go find Lawrence he’ll be the handsome young man in the lobby! And I was like that must have been him!” Lori said peppily and then led me over to the elevator.


Lori was talking to me about the plan for the show as we exited the elevator on to one of the hotel’s top floors. I could tell that despite her calm demeanor, Lori was undoubtedly feeling the stress of helping Jinni out that day. “I am glad you are here, Jinni was so excited that you were coming. And you are friends with Sebastian?”

I nodded. Somewhat omitting that although I had initially met Mrs. Jones through my friendship with Sebastian back those years before, that mine and Mrs. Jones’ friendship had, in the past few months morphed into something else. And that I honestly hadn’t talked to Sebastian at all in the last few years. I decided to omit it as Mrs. Jones had apparently already told Lori something about our friendship.

“Anyways I understand this is your first bodybuilding show! A pretty big one to start with I’d say! The NPC Nationals! Whelp, I’ve helped Jinni with her past 6, so I know the ropes. Although I don’t necessarily understand why she does this to herself…” Lori continued to yammer as she made her way down the halls of the hotel and I hustled to keep up.  “Anyway, I love Jinni like she’s my sister and I just will do anything for her so if it makes her happy, well then… but don’t get me wrong some of these bodybuilder folks are some oddballs! “

And with that Lori dug the card key out of her purse and opened up the door to the hotel room.

And what a hotel room! I soon entered and saw what was to be my first ‘hotel suite’ I had ever actually experienced in my life. Although the hotel was a Marriott and a chain hotel, it appeared as if in true, nothing but the best for herself ‘Mrs. Jones style,’ she had gotten one of the top floor suites and I gazed in wonder as I walked in first through the black marble entryway whose mirrors bounced off each other and exited out onto the central area of the suite, a large open area whose sweeping windows looked out onto the convention center across the way.

The room wasn’t huge, but it was obviously nice and expensively decorated, and it took me a few moments to situate myself.

My head was no doubt craning for my first glimpse of Mrs. Jones…

But the first person I saw was an overweight gentleman in a blue t-shirt and Orlando Magic hat who was eating sour cream and onion chips out of a bag, occasionally taking a moment to lick his fingers clean of the dust.

“This is Bob, my husband…” Lori said waving to Bob.

“Yo, what’s up?” Bob said barely looking up from his chips and quickly went back to watching a Tampa Bay Bucks game on the phone in front of him.

“Okay don’t mind Bob. He is so rude…” Lori said and gave Bob a dismissive shrug.

As I continued to walk into the room I could hear a thick, gruff German accent:

“Okay no. You listen to me. She may have you beat somewhat on symmetry, okay, but you have her beat on back. I think for you, the top seven is very good.  Maybe even top five…”

The thick voice was coming from the lowered couch area, and as I walked in I could see Uri Kingman, Jinni’s incredibly thickly muscled personal trainer on the couch talking loudly, and I entered –

“Oh, there he is!!” And it was then that I heard that voice. That silky soft coo of Mrs. Jones.

As I came around the couch area… I saw she was laying on her back on one of the couches. A baggy sweatshirt with the Pro-Ex logo covered her upper body. But the lower part of her legs was visible and was propped up on a cushion on the end of the couch. I would later learn that was to allow the blood to flow out of them to show the maximum amount of detail later that night at the show.

Although she was all but covered up and obscured by the sweatshirt, I could see just by her exposed calves and lower body, that she was tanned a deep dark brown. And, judging only by the muscles that were exposed on the lower part of her legs, Mrs. Jones was cut and conditioned in a way I don’t think I had ever seen her. With nearly every small detail of her muscle fibers fluttering under her skin as she shifted to the side to see me as I walked in.

“No-Jinni-fer. Jinni-fer. You stay. Okay? You don’t move…” Uri barked as she somewhat rolled over to the side to greet me.

“I’d stand and greet you Lawrence, but I’m afraid Uri here my dock me some carbs,” Jinni said joking, and I saw a warm smile cross her face.

Uri looked at me crossly as I came around to get a closer look at Jinni, who looked a bit tired lying there on the couch, and I could understand why often bodybuilders would talk about just how much it took for them to get ready for a contest.

Maybe I compared her somewhat unfairly to Mrs. Jones, but I took a brief glance back at Lori who was prepping a bag full of stuff we’d need later on for the show. I knew they were both contemporaries but where Mrs. Jones’ face was lean and defined in her jaw with raised cheekbones and piercing eyes, Lori’s face while still pretty, was softer and slightly doughy with a sort of faded complexion which stood in contrast to Jinni’s skin which seemed to be so bright and healthy as to look almost translucent.

I pulled up a chair and sat down amidst the group and briefly Mrs. J asked me about getting over and parking and how the ride had been – but quickly Uri got a beep on his Apple watch.

“Okay need to check on the competitor before the show so… let's go, go, go Jinni-fer.” Uri clucked in his thick accent. “Off, off, off… ” He said. “Show us what you got.”

Show us what you got? I don’t think a phrase has ever thrilled me so much as I watched Mrs. J shift somewhat on the couch. Prop herself up, and then, the lower part of her legs flexing and popping under her baggy sweatshirt make her way over to the center of the lowered living room part of the room.

“Okay… Here goes…” Said Jinni. A bit of mock dread playing in her voice as she knew she was about to be inspected in close detail by a room full of people.

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #73 on: December 07, 2018, 04:39:25 pm »

Jinni took her place in the center of the room and then slowly brought her pretty manicured hands down to the lower hem of her sweatshirt, which had fallen mid-thigh. And then, slowly began to peel the sweatshirt up. Exposing first the lush, bulged meat of her thickly muscled quads and then up over her crisp abs… and finally managed, with a bit of difficulty to pull the sweatshirt up off over her head exposing her buffed, built upper chest, traps and rest of her upper body.

Mrs. Jones stood then for a moment, shifting slightly on both feet which caused both her bulging thighs to dance and bunch with muscle as she did so.  For a split second, the muscle mass on her legs could almost appear to the untrained eye as being fat except for the slow, subtle shifts which would instantaneously cause them to tighten and contract to showcase the crisscrossing conditioning and striations sitting under her thin layer of body fat.

It was almost off-putting to stare at Mrs. Jones’ body. It looked, to me, physically perfect. Her small joints. The large flowing muscles of her rounded shoulders, broad back and how they fit into her smallish waist and on down to the sweeping curve of her glutes, quads, hamstrings and the other muscles that made up her lower body. It was at times nearly painful to behold. And too me, now, it was there standing so close to me, I had to fight the urge to reach out and touch it. Like testing to see if something so perfect could actually exist. I wanted to greedily experience it. To consume it in some way. But I managed to fight off the temptation, and my hand stayed at my side shaking a bit.

I also don’t think I had quite been ready to see… Just…. How…. Big… And developed Mrs. J had become in the years since she wore that bikini on Hawthorne Beach. Mrs. J had seemed immense when I was younger, but what I didn’t really fathom was at that time she had been a top-ranked amateur, but just how much more prominent in size a nationally ranked pro-competitor was. Which is what she was now. And there, standing in the middle of the room in just a small pair of athletic fitted Under Armour underwear and a white sports bra that was struggling to contain the spillover from her bulging lats, everything now seemed bigger, thicker, more densely developed. As if she had taken that already incredibly buff and symmetrical body and poured another layer of hulking muscle mass over it.

As Jinni finished peeling off her top revealing herself, I could feel a bit of breath go out of the room from between me, Uri and Lori at the stupendousness of Mrs. Jones development. It was as if all of us in unison had gasped, silently inhaling our breath. Of course all of us except for Bob who barely looked up at the near-naked muscle woman in front of him and continued to eat away at the bag of chips occasionally crinkling it and sucking his fingers.

“Jeezus Bob, do you mind?” Lori yelled out across the room.

“What?” Bob yelled back only taking a cursory glance over in Mrs. Jones’ rippling direction.

“It’s fine Lori… Don’t worry about it…” Jinni said casually and gave a dismissive wave of her hand.

“Okay side tri, now,” Uri grunted as Jinni slowly dropped her arms and shook out her back causing the bulging intertwined muscles to shake and unclench as she relaxed them. She then, and with great care pivoted to the side and drove her right toes deep into the hotel room carpet and, pushing down on her toe began to tense from her bent foot causing first her calve to flex then her hamstrings to pop away inches from her body and finally up until she grabbed her wrist with her right hand and forced her flexed arm hard against the side of her body causing her tricep to pop and bulge both from the developed muscle as well as the pressure of holding it clenched against the side of her body. She turned slightly and exhaled her breath bringing the flex into its final form and, smiled widely as she turned to showcase the muscle to the rest of the room.

I couldn’t help notice how thick and wide her tricep was and how its horseshoe-shaped development danced with thin muscle fibers under its surface. Same with Mrs. Jones hard flexed abs which continued to clench and unclench bared, visible in her small underwear as she continued to hold the flex, a minimal amount of strain apparent on her face as she smiled showing off her bright white teeth.

I knew from what little I had picked up reading bodybuilding forums online that posing was something of an under-appreciated art form, often taking more strain on the body to hold these poses for prolonged periods than actual training, and here was Mrs. J holding them all while maintaining a broad, welcoming smile.

She finally dropped her pose. Shook her arms out and smiling turned her gaze to the rest of the room, all of us who looked at her in quiet admiration. She seemed to offer up a shy smile as if to say that displaying a body that gloriously developed was ‘No big deal,’ Still, we all looked at her with a bit of slack-jawed awe.

All of us of course except for Bob who continued to eat away at his chips, crunching away loudly.


After Uri had departed to see another client of his who was competing in the day we all headed downstairs as the show was just an hour or so away.

We exited the elevator into the lobby area, and Lori and Bob walked a few steps up ahead of us. Bob had his head down looking at his phone, but I noticed every few moments Lori would watch over her shoulder at Mrs. Jones and me walking a few steps behind just to check and make sure we were okay. And I too couldn’t help but notice that we had paired off in a way as if to break into couples; Lori and Bob up ahead and me and Mrs. Jones following up the rear.

“How is school? They give you any big assignments you need to do this weekend?” Mrs. J asked turning to give her attention to me.

“Nothing really that big a deal. I did some yesterday.” I said and was somewhat amazed that moments before she was about to step on stage on one of the biggest contests of her life, Mrs. Jones’ main concern was about me.

“Good. This is fun, but it shouldn’t take you away from your schoolwork.” Jinni said with genuine concern.

“Damnit! “ I yelled snapping my fingers. “Professor Jefferies gave me a book of poetry he wanted me to give you. I forgot it in my car…”

“Oh… that’s sweet.” Jinni said as we came to a stop outside of an area with a large sign marked Pro-Tan up above and clouds of brownish liquid smoke spilling from it.

“Name?” Asked the women with the clipboard.

“Jennifer Halifax.” Mrs. Jones said as the women scanned her clipboard and checked off her name.

“Oh and no men in the tanning area while the ladies are in there.” Said the clipboard girl.

“Okay. Got it.” Jinni said and turned to me. “You’ll have to hang back and then Lori will come and get you for the show.”

I nodded I got it.

And then Mrs. Jones said cheerily. “Time to get my tan on…” And then was quickly rushed in through the double doors.

I found a small area along the side of the lobby and pulled out one of my books to try and get some work done, but with the parade of near constant muscle babes, it was hard to concentrate on anything.

My heart nearly skipped a beat as a Russian figure competitor I followed on-line named Valentina Mishina walked past me. She was wearing a tight shirt, and her lower body was covered in a pair of black stretch leggings which bulged with every step of her of well muscled thighs. I smiled at her as she walked past and she gave me a cute smile and wave and then headed off over to a group consisting of huge men with shaved heads, the smallest of whom looked like he could pick up a house.

Each time I looked down at my book, some glorious piece of tanned, muscled she beef would trot past me and I’d quickly lose my train of thought. And quickly just relegated myself to scanning the lobby of the hotel which pretty much most guys and girls seemed to be doing waiting for the next freak of nature by the guy or girl showing off their outlandishly developed body.

What seemed like only a short time later Lori rushed back.

“Okay. Showtime for us Lawrence.” She quickly dug into her bag and dug out a laminated pass with a lanyard tied around her neck.

I looked at it a bit confused but I didn’t even have time to ask --

“Okay. Follow me. Next stop, pump up room.” She said and then headed off so fast I literally nearly spilled my books running to catch up with her…

Pump up room!?!

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Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
« Reply #74 on: December 07, 2018, 09:28:07 pm »
Wow, thanks, it gets better!!

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