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Author Topic: #1st STORY: [madsoam2] Lisa's Path  (Read 177938 times)

Offline Algos143

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #45 on: December 17, 2013, 10:48:10 am »
One more thing: I would love to see an armwrestling scene between Lisa and Daniel:)

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Offline madsoam2

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #46 on: March 12, 2014, 06:45:01 am »
Thank you for the ongoing compliments.  I truly do intend to finish this story (I envision 3, maybe 4 more chapters), but I am absolutely swamped with other work and life obligations that do not leave me the time to dedicate to finishing it.  I need uninterrupted quiet (and, well, private) time to work on each chapter. 

I hope the fans of this story (whom I'm utterly flattered to have) are able to wait for me to complete it.  I've looked back at how long it has taken to get even to this point, and it is somewhat embarrassing.  I think several of you will like some of the next chapters based on comparisons between the upcoming vignettes that I'm planning and the previous entries to date that have gotten the most enthusiastic responses.

Offline madsoam2

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #47 on: January 02, 2015, 08:44:04 pm »
Lisa’s Path Part 9 (8 months ago)

Lisa stared into the mirror with the fifty-five pound dumbbells resting on her thighs.  She breathed deeply as she tried to focus for her last set of the day.  Her body seemed to hunger for the next physical challenge, though, which was typical of the last nine months or so.  The steroid and supplement cocktail that she had been using for the better part of the last year had that effect on her mental and physical approach in the gym.  Her workout sessions were vigorous and tireless, as she always seemed to have deep, bountiful energy reserves from which to draw and apply toward the almost inhumanly intense workouts, whether she was doing them with Debi or alone.  The stack she was using was carefully designed by Debi as a suitably “mild” plan for an amateur female bodybuilder who already had exhibited clear genetic potential, as Debi was adamant that they stick with a conservative program, but it still delivered dramatic results.  Lisa and Debi had talked at length about what it would take to move forward as a bodybuilder, although Lisa had not decided at that time whether she would ever set foot on a stage (her mind had only been made up a few short months ago at her class reunion).  Debi had actually tried at first to talk her out of progressing from the over-the-counter protein and recovery supplements Lisa had been using successfully for two years to the use of steroids, but when Lisa continued to press her interest Debi finally agreed to help her out after days discussing the risks involved.  She even started booking regular appointments with the doctor that Debi saw to monitor her health and ensure that the side effects were well managed.  Lisa knew that her chemical stack paled in comparison to what Debi had used over the years (and what she was now currently using), and it was also likely a mere shadow of what many other professional level bodybuilders used, but she wanted an opportunity to push herself to a higher level and see what she was capable of achieving as a bodybuilder.   

The effects on Lisa’s body were remarkable.  Almost immediately after beginning her new program with Debi, she experienced a powerful new level of energy in both her workouts and recovery.  The latter was now possible in a fraction of the time required before, and she found herself desiring to hit the gym before well before the next session arrived.  Her muscles responded with enthusiasm to the increased challenges placed on them, and she gained mass everywhere across her body.  She added inches to her shoulder width as her deltoids blossomed to full round caps, her back topology filled in as her traps and rhomboids grew and separated, her lats swelled to widen her upper body and create a greatly increased sense of mass.  Lisa gained nearly two inches in her biceps due to ample growth not only of the biceps muscles themselves but also due to significant enlargement of the heads of her triceps.  Her chest, particularly where her upper pectorals met her clavicle, thickened prominantly.  Lisa’s thighs expanded tremendously, by four inches in diameter, and all the heads of her quadriceps were now clearly defined and separated and the ropey sartorius muscle was now visible from her hip to her inner thigh.  Her calves, where Lisa was blessed with enviable development purely as a result of the genetic lottery, still managed to increase in size and sharpness despite their relatively stubborn growth response to training.  With the added muscle mass, of course, came copious increases in strength.  She gained thirty to fifty percent more capability across all of her lifts, particularly in her upper body, in a matter of months.  It was a heady experience in the gym for her these days, and she was often lifting as much as the men in the weight room on any given day, with only a very small number of exceptions. 

Along with the dramatic increase in muscular size, Lisa’s body fat composition changed quickly after starting the new drug supplementation.  Subcutaneous fat decreased nearly everywhere, but it was most noticeable on her upper body.  Her skin tightened over her musculature and exposed details that she didn’t even know were there before.  Muscle sinews, striations, connection points, tendons, and vascularity emerged on her arms and chest even without any dramatic change in her diet.  Vascular networks that were hinted on her body before now blossomed into large interconnected courses of veins.  On the front of both of her deltoids, the short solitary veins that previously ran for a few inches now extended both inward into her pectorals and wrapped down to meet her biceps, and they were joined by previously hidden parallel and tributary veins that emerged and connected to them.  Her left and right biceps sported two large veins that traced both the interior and exterior heads from her deltoids to her forearms.  The stubborn layer of fat on her inner arms melted away to expose the bulk of her inner triceps’ head, which also showed hints of spidery vascularity beneath the thinned skin.  Her forearms, already vascular, exploded in crisscrossing veins on all sides.  She shed the little remaining breast tissue that she had retained through the last year or so of training, and the tight sculpture of her pectoral muscles was now cleanly outlined on all sides, almost like that of a (very fit) male torso.  (Lisa had worried about how she would feel about the loss of her breast tissue as she continued in this sport, but she was pleasantly surprised to find that it didn’t affect how she perceived her femininity at all, and she often admired how her chest responded to repeated flexing as she studied her body in the mirror when getting out of the shower or bath tub.)  Lisa most enjoyed the loss of fat over her abdominals, since she now displayed a highly defined six pack (with faint hints of vascularity as well) that prompted her to alter her gym wardrobe to include more halter tops from time to time.  Fat vanished from her lower body, albeit at a slower rate, which somewhat decreased some of her lower body’s typically feminine curves, but Lisa’s good genetics gifted her with a slender waist and well developed glutes, hamstrings, and thighs that still gave her the bodybuilder’s version of an hourglass shape.  Debi often remarked that Lisa had been blessed with a truly superb structure for a bodybuilder, and she was always impressed when someone so genetically well-suited to bodybuilding just happened to commit to this niche endeavor.

A man crossed Lisa’s field of view as he grabbed the fifty pound dumbbells and walked to the flat bench next to her.  It brought her back to the moment, and shortly after that she heard Debi encourage her from the spotting position behind her to get the last set done.  She laid back, pressed the fifty-fives up, and then proceeded to complete ten chest flies.  The last two reps were difficult, but Debi assisted so she didn’t have to break her form.  The man to her right was completing a set of pure, flat bench chest presses with the fifties.  Although she hadn’t seen his entire set, she could tell it was a struggle for him as his arms wobbled to finish the last rep, which in fact he failed to do as the left arm never managed to lock before he had to drop the weights to either side.  It was not in her nature to ever make fun or embarrass a less capable or less experienced lifter in the gym, since everyone worked to their own capabilities, but she privately harbored a slight wish that she and Debi were doing their flat dumbbell chest presses at the same time, since the two of them were capably lifting nearly double the weight that this man was barely managing.  The internal rush of demonstrating her abundant strength in front of men, especially when the disparity was very significant, was always secretly enjoyable to her and even bordered on arousing.  The man pulled the two dumbbells to the front of the bench to rest for his next set, which he apparently intended to perform with the same weights, while Lisa avoided looking his way to risk eye contact and possible embarrassment for him as she took her place at the spotting position for Debi’s set.  She could tell that he was paying attention to them through sidelong glances, though.  Everyone usually did.

Lisa looked at herself in the mirror as Debi laid back to gather herself for her set, and she gave in to the impulse to tighten and relax her pectoral muscles a few times to revel in the sensation of the blood filled muscle after the day’s chest workout.  The muscles responded dutifully, and the tight-fitting, pink sports top fabric bunched around the contours of the moving muscle beneath, revealing the outlines of the sculpted physiology that most women didn’t even know they possessed beneath their more womanly curves.  She admired the striations that emerged on her exposed upper pectoral muscles when she tensed, tracing the ridges with her eyes as they radiated outward from the cleft where the two large muscles met at her breastbone, then watched them disappear into the smooth slabs of muscle when she relaxed.  Although she didn’t tend to make a show of flexing her muscles in front of the mirrors at the gym, sometimes the urge was just too great and the action was involuntary.

Offline madsoam2

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #48 on: January 02, 2015, 08:45:02 pm »

As Debi started her set and Lisa began counting her reps in her head, she noticed a petite brunette walk up to the man on the bench next to them and start chatting with him.  She was clearly quite fit, and likely came from the cardio area.  She had a runner’s build and was sweating lightly, so Lisa surmised that she had completed her workout and was likely meeting up with her husband while he completed his.  The new woman, of course, was also stealing glimpses of Lisa and Debi, and Lisa could only guess that they were a part of the subject matter in the quiet discussion taking place.  Lisa’s attention was diverted back to Debi on her eleventh rep when she perceived her partner slowing slightly, then Lisa watched a couple labored reps before she helped her with her fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth reps until Debi finally succumbed to the fatigue and stopped.  It was impressive.  Debi’s chest and deltoids were now very pumped, and she was quite a sight to behold.

“Nice set, Debi.  You’ve been looking strong all day.”

“Thanks.  You too.”  She placed the weights back on the rack and walked back to pick up her towel, “How’ve you been dealing with the new schedule now that school’s started?  First week is done, right?”

Lisa’s school year had started, and she was no longer able to meet Debi for afternoon workout sessions, so Lisa had to start coming in the early mornings for cardio and then evenings for her weight lifting sessions.  Debi couldn’t lift in the morning due to her personal training appointments, so they now only lifted together on weekends.  It was a grueling transition, and even though Lisa had done it before, it was still tough to convert her schedule while still getting enough critical sleep (which was nearly as important as the other more obvious pieces of her bodybuilding training regimen).

“I’m doing OK.  Although it is hard to get out of bed an extra hour earlier every day, but I actually find it even harder to get myself into bed by 9:30pm every night.”

“You are teaching Kindergarten, right?”

“Yes.  I’ve been teaching Kindergarten for three years now.  I taught a year of first grade my first year, but I like teaching the little ones.”

Debi smiled, “That cracks me up.  You work out here like a total she-beast, putting most of the guys to shame with the weights you push around, then you clean-up and go teach a bunch of tiny kids the alphabet.  It is a funny combination.  I can’t imagine the sight of that massive physique of yours in an elementary school classroom…or in anywhere in a school for that matter.”

Lisa laughed, “I know.  I had trained for years for my career as a teacher and I knew I’d be in a classroom teaching at this point in my life, but I never, in my wildest dreams, imagined what I’d be doing with bodybuilding.  I didn’t know a thing about this sport five years ago until I just happened to catch it on TV.  Who knew that I’d end up this deep in it?  The paths our lives take are something else, aren’t they?”

Lisa caught, out of the corner of her eye, the petite brunette approaching the two of them.  She interrupted them politely with a light, momentary hand on Lisa’s back to get her attention.  “I’m sorry, but you wouldn’t happen to be Lisa Turner, would you?”

Lisa was a bit surprised that this woman knew her name, as she was absolutely sure did not know her.  “Um, yes.  Have we met?”

The brunette extended her hand and flashed a warm smile.  Lisa was suddenly self-conscious of the roughness of her calloused hands as she shook the hands of this woman. “No.  No, we haven’t.  I couldn’t help but overhear that you’re a kindergarten teacher, and I took a guess that you must teach at Madison Elementary nearby.  My name is Ashley Taylor.” 

She turned back to her husband, “Brad, you’ll never believe it, but this is Lisa Turner.”  Her husband responded to the name with an expression of utter blankness, as it clearly meant nothing to him in that moment, and Ashley quickly feigned an exasperated look at his cluelessness, “You know, Mrs. Turner…Abby’s new kindergarten teacher!”

Brad’s face quickly changed as the light bulb went on and he stood up from the bench and walked to the group to also shake Lisa’s hand.  Lisa could perceive that he was straining to maintain firm eye contact with her as he approached, probably willing himself to not allow his eyes to inadvertently gawk at either her or Debi.

Lisa quickly put two and two together and realized who she must be talking to, “Ah, you’re Abigail’s parents.  You weren’t at the kindergarten open house before school, so we haven’t had a chance to meet, yet.”

Ashley was doing the talking, “That’s right, we had just moved here from Ohio the week before school started, so we haven’t met.  Things have been so hectic.  I know this sounds terrible, but we didn’t have a chance to meet you in person on the first day of school earlier this week as I was dropping off four children across two different schools that day.  We were a bit late dropping Abby off, so took a quick picture, and were off.  Abby’s so independent as our youngest, even for a five-year-old, that she didn’t even really want us to stay.  I caught a quick glimpse of you with a horde of parents around you that I figured I’d find a quieter time later to introduce myself.”  She allowed herself to scan Lisa with her eyes, seemingly for effect, “I admit that I didn’t get a good look at you on Monday, otherwise I suspect I might have recognized you more quickly.”

Lisa smiled back politely, “How did you guess who I was just now?”

Ashley looked at Brad, who chuckled and looked away with a bit of redness in his face, then she responded, “Well, when we asked Abby how her first day was and how she liked her new teacher, she gave us some rather cryptic information to describe you that we weren’t quite sure how to interpret.  It’s been a running joke in our household for the last few days.”  Ashley held back another laugh, “First off, she said you were very nice, which is I guess is a pretty typical description from a kid.  Then she said you were really into ‘Bob the Builder’ and you were stronger than daddy.”  Ashley smiled again and let out a full laugh this time, “We didn’t know what to make out of those last two facts, but now I think we have deciphered them.  She’s clearly never heard of bodybuilding, but I expect you told the class a bit of yourself and she heard something completely different that was more familiar to her.  When I overheard you talking just now about finishing your first week teaching, I guessed that there couldn’t be that many female kindergarten teachers out there who were truly stronger than my husband, and Abby’s description wasn’t just a kid’s silly exaggeration.”

Lisa couldn’t help but laugh at hearing how the brief introductory bio she gave to her class was translated to the parents at home, “Well, you do now live in California, where bodybuilding is a bit more commonplace than Ohio, so you never know.  I used to live in Indiana, so I’m aware of the culture change coming out to the west coast.”  Lisa notice Debi still standing quietly next to them, “By the way, this is my friend Debi.”

Ashley and Brad shook Debi’s hand.  Ashley clearly struggled to keep her expression neutral in the presence of the massive bodybuilding women, “My, you two are impressive.  We’ve only been out here in California for two weeks, and I never imagined I’d be casually talking to a couple of bodybuilders so soon.”

Offline madsoam2

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #49 on: January 02, 2015, 08:45:43 pm »

Lisa fought the discomfort that was rising within her at meeting the parents of one of the children in her classroom for the first time while wearing her workout clothes, since she was usually very tactical about how she presented her lifestyle to the parents, as it usually was highly distracting to them and it took away from how they perceived her as a teacher, “Well, I should clarify that I really try to downplay the bodybuilding thing to the kids at school, but I do discuss it on the first day so it is out of the way.  I find the kindergarteners are pretty accepting and they move on quickly once we’ve talked about it.  Kids that age accept the world as it is presented to them and don’t have many preconceived notions yet about things like what men and women should look like or what they should or shouldn’t be able to do.  That said, it is a lively conversation with them on the first day.  I do let them ask questions, and they usually do ask how strong I am and they always beg me to ‘make a muscle’ for them.  They get a big kick out of it.  It is one of the few times of the year that I’ll oblige the request.”

Fortunately, Ashley beamed at her (Brad’s expression was inscrutable, which was so typical of men who met Lisa for the first time in her experience), “I think it is great!  It is wonderful for our kids to have such great diversity in their female role models.”

Lisa was so pleased with this response, “I’m happy to hear you say that.  Thank you.  Abby is off to a great start this year, and she’s already made some good friends.  I think it will be a wonderful year.  It was a pleasure to meet you both, and I look forward to seeing you at the open house in a couple weeks…as well as around the gym, I suppose.”

Lisa and Debi said goodbye and headed for the locker room.  Debi spoke up, “Again, I simply cannot picture you around that school.  You must be quite the spectacle in that environment.”

“Oh, I am.  You’re absolutely right about that.  It has picked up in the last couple years, too, as I’ve grown and my musculature is harder to hide…at least when wearing clothes that I want to wear to work.  I try to wear things that deemphasize my physique, of course, and I never go sleeveless, but the teachers and students have definitely noticed the changes in my development.”

“Do they make a big deal out of it?” Debi asked.

“Sometimes, but I usually don’t respond to the kids.  The teachers clearly have running jokes and comments about how the gym teacher should watch out for me taking over his job, or how I should help the male teachers move furniture in their classrooms, but they’re fine.  I get along great with my colleagues and their questions and comments are usually genuinely positive and curious about my bodybuilding progress.  The kids are innocent and they are honestly fascinated with my muscles.  One day last spring, near the end of school, it was so warm that I broke my rule and wore a short sleeved dress instead of a three-quarters length sleeve.  My upper arms were more exposed than usual and there was a buzz in the school around me no matter where I was.  The teachers and kids had not seen my upper arms bared like that since the very start of the year, and the progress I had made was pretty significant from the beginning of the year, which I guess was probably the last time I wore something that showed my arms like that.  The kids were doing the pure physical assessment stuff in P.E. at that time for the end of the year…you know, like sprints, long jump, shuttle run, and pull-ups or that flex-arm hang that they make the girls do.  As I walked the kids to the gym for P.E. that day, they were all over me to do a pull-up contest with Mr. Martin, the P.E. teacher.”

“Oh really?  I bet that was quite a situation that he found himself in!”

“Gary is great, and he’s very positive about my lifestyle and appearance and thinks it is good for the kids to see that girls can be tremendously fit.  He wasn’t about to do a pull-up contest with me, though.  We had never discussed it, but he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance against me.  The kids wouldn’t quit, though, so he invited me to give them a demonstration if I was up to it.  Since it was P.E. and I felt the situation was appropriate, I accepted and jumped up on the bar to do some pull-ups for them, even though was I wearing a dress.  I did twenty pull-ups and the kids were just awestruck, since they had never seen anyone that could do so many, let alone a ‘girl.’  Gary was impressed as well.  The kids roared afterwards and they were relentless for me to flex my arms for them, so I gave them a quick double biceps pose after I was done.  I saw Gary’s jaw was on the floor and the kids were clapping.  He told me later that the story was around the school within two days and ‘Mrs. Turner’s pull-up and biceps show’ was all the kids wanted to talk about for the rest of the year in P.E. class.”

“That’s hilarious.  It is exactly what I’d expect, although I’m very happy to hear how positive things are for you at the school.  I thought some people might have some negative feelings toward a female bodybuilder in an elementary school like that.  Our reputation isn’t universally positive.”

“Oh, I knew.  There’s some minor negative stuff.  Some of the older teachers are less accepting, but they are courteous and they respect me as a teacher, so it’s cool.”

Offline madsoam2

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #50 on: January 02, 2015, 08:46:29 pm »

Lisa and Debi had made their way into the locker room, where they began to undress to shower.  As usual, Lisa could feel the eyes on her as she and Debi moved about the locker room.  Women were a bit less guarded in their reactions here, and they often openly gaped at them.  She ignored the looks at her, as always, but like the other women, she allowed herself to study Debi’s spectacular physique every time they were there together.  She figured it was simply human nature to look at another person that had taken their appearance to such an outstanding extreme.  The wonderful muscles in Debi’s body moved lithely beneath her paper thin skin as she removed her clothing and fiddled with the contents of her locker before heading for the shower.  Debi never wrapped a towel around herself in the locker room, as she was so comfortable in her skin and seemed to enjoy having her body fully on display for anyone who wanted to look.  Lisa was more demure and still wrapped herself as she went to the shower, although she found the smallish gym towels were more difficult to secure around her significantly larger torso than when she first joined the gym, so she often had to spend one free hand to ensure that the towel didn’t unwrap as a result of an unplanned movement as she walked about the locker room.  Even with the effort, the gap in the towel often waved open to reveal much of her body to anyone interested in seeing it.

When they Lisa returned from the shower, she saw Debi standing at her locker, again completely bare for all to take in.  Aside from the thick blonde hair that she treasured on her head, her body was completely hairless, as Debi was meticulous in this aspect of her grooming.  Lisa succumbed to what had become a habit for her in the locker room in Debi’s presence, and she stole a covert glance at Debi’s pubic area to take in the familiar sight of her enlarged clitoris.  She wasn’t sure why her eyes were always drawn to this particular part of Debi’s anatomy, but it was always fascinating to see and she never missed a chance when the opportunity arose.  Years of anabolic steroid usage had caused the significant engorgement, well beyond what was possible simply through standard human variation in Lisa’s estimation.  Debi was not at all shy about this aspect of her modified physiology, and she rarely went to any length to hide it in the locker room.  Lisa, now roughly a year into her milder steroid program, had also experienced some growth of her clitoris as a result of the drugs, but she was more self-conscious of it and she took measures to position her legs carefully to obscure her private area as she changed in the locker room.  She and Debi had spent a fair amount of time discussing this particular side effect of steroid use.  In fact, in the interest of giving Lisa all relevant information prior to consenting to help her with the drug program a year ago, Debi invited Lisa to closely inspect her personal genital area in the empty locker room one day so Lisa knew exactly what she was potentially signing herself up for.  Lisa, satisfied with the boundary-pushing experience of closely examining her friend’s genitals, had not accepted the invitation to touch it, so Debi manipulated it with her own hand so Lisa could clearly take in the full effect that the supplements could have on her body once she began.  The encounter was odd and a bit uncomfortable, and Lisa recalled how foreign such an intimate exchange with a female friend would have sounded to her a few short years before that moment.  Remarkably, though, Lisa found that she often conjured the unusually sensual image in her mind of Debi’s enlarged clitoris being handled by her friend’s manicured fingers for years afterward.   

The two of them dressed quietly and packed their bags.  Since it was Saturday, they didn’t have any particular scheduled items that rushed them from the gym, so the process was a bit lazy.  As they were leaving the locker room, Debi broke the silence.

“So, tell me how Daniel is adjusting to the new you.”

“I don’t know, I’m not so new anymore.  I think I started to surpass him physically about a year ago, one of the last times we came to the gym together.  I out-lifted him then, and I’ve been distancing myself strength-wise pretty steadily since then.”

“Oh, there’s no doubt about that.  He never comes to the gym with you at all?  That’s funny, I’d think he’d find that enjoyable.”

Lisa knew Debi had a very personal understanding of Daniel’s sexual proclivities, so she knew what she was really asking.  She had played a central role in Lisa’s discovery of Daniel’s precise feelings about muscular women after all.  For that matter, Debi had been instrumental in Lisa’s feelings on that subject as well, and Lisa would definitely not be where she was today had Debi not come into her life several years ago.

“You’d think, but it is a bit funny.  I don’t know if he quite knows what to make of his actual personal life manifesting his fantasy so completely.  It is one thing to fantasize that your wife becomes bigger and stronger than you when that’s what you’re into, but I suspect it is quite another when faced with the real thing in the flesh.  He’s often reluctant to talk to me about my muscles or what I can do in the weight room.  Perhaps it is a bit embarrassing, or emasculating, or maybe he’s jealous now that he knows I’m so much more powerful than him.  I don’t know.”

“Hmm, yes, I can see that.  Men are a lot more complicated than we give them credit, aren’t they.  Their equipment is so simple, yet what they’ve got going on between the ears can never quite be predicted.  How’s the sex?”

Lisa smiled at the blunt question.  They were in the parking lot now, and effectively alone to speak of such private matters, “It is pretty good.  He’s an enthusiastic lover.  He often initiates these days, so I never have to beg him, that’s for sure.  It is usually done pretty quick, though.  I clearly turn him on intensely in bed.”

“I’d figure you would.  Has your sex changed much since you really started bodybuilding…now that you pretty much embody his fetish now?”

“Surprisingly, it hasn’t changed much.  We stick to pretty standard positions that were our usual favorites even in the old days before I had developed my body.  Foreplay is mostly the same stuff we did before.  His hands are all over me, and I often try to steer it toward more of a worship-like activity, but when I flex I find that he retreats.  I don’t know what to make of that…I know that he’s really into the idea of muscle worship from the videos that I’ve seen in his collection, and well, I guess you know what else I have to base that on.”

Debi looked thoughtful, “Yes, I remember that night.  Tell me, what did he think of you getting on the gear?”

“There is a little story there.  As you know, we discussed it at length before I got started.  He was pretty concerned about the standard stuff and especially about my health.  That night, we were up pretty late talking.  I had so much on my mind, I had a tough time getting to sleep, and I laid awake for a long while in bed.  I was surprised when I perceived him masturbating quietly in bed next to me after he must have thought I had gone to sleep.  That seemed a bit odd and I can’t recall him ever doing it before…at least not that I was aware.  I decided to stay quiet and let him do it, because I didn’t want to embarrass him.  The real funny thing is that he did it two more times that night.  My guess is that the conversation and his behavior were related.  I can only conclude even though our talk was pretty academic that night about the risks of me starting steroids, but in the end he was extremely turned on about the thought of me taking the next step in bodybuilding.”

Debi laughed, “I’ve been around this fetish in guys for many years, and I’ve probably seen it all.  They can be funny about it, and he may not even know how to explain where his head is on it.  My guess is that after years of hiding his preferences from everyone, he’s still got some deep-rooted inhibitions that prevent him from acting on his desire, even with his willing and enthusiastic muscle-bound wife, of all people.  I’ve seen elements of this in many men that don’t have regular access to a muscular female goddess as their lover, of course, and it seems to be caused by a sort of shame that they have about a taboo fetish.”

“The funny thing is that the muscle worship has actually turned into my main fantasy now.  The idea of him giving in completely to what he wants, and finding it in my body, is incredibly sexy to me.  The only moment that he seems to really allow himself to go for what he likes is when he is about to climax.  His hands always find my arms or my chest.  I can always tell he’s close then.  I always respond by flexing wherever his hands end up.  It turns me on so much that I usually come almost instantly.  It is a momentary, fleeting thing, though, and he seems to retreat from my body after that.”  The thoughts that Lisa brought to mind having this conversation were turning her on even now. 

Debi shook her head, “This is really something.  I don’t think I’ve ever come across a situation like you two.  Here you have a man who’s had a fetish for muscular women for probably his entire life.  Like most men, he gets together with a typical woman who has no interest or awareness of bodybuilding, though, and he settles down with her and they get married.  He has to find ways to satisfy his desires privately in the meantime.  Miraculously, his normal, non-muscular wife discovers the sport of bodybuilding and it appeals to her…then, without any pressure from him, she decides to pursue it independently and therefore turns herself into the woman of his dreams.  As the icing on the cake, she’s really good at it and has phenomenal genetics.  It is unbelievable…I feel like I just read the plot of some schmoe fairy tale.”

Lisa laughed, “That’s pretty funny.  You’re right, I don’t know if someone could have written a better love story than that, as unconventional as the circumstances are.  Does that make you the Golden Goose in this fairy tale?”

“Let’s go with me being the Fairy Godmother that helped make all the magic happen.  You know, when I look at how amazing you two are as a couple, I can’t believe you aren’t having the hottest sex on earth!”

“I know.  Don’t get me wrong, it is very good, but I think we both might want a little more.”

They arrived at Debi’s Porsche Cayenne and she threw her gym bag in the backseat.  She looked at Lisa, “As your Fairy Godmother, I’m going to help you achieve just that.  I think you need to take some control on this.  You both actually want the same thing, and the only obstacle is Daniel’s inhibitions.  You need to go for it, and present him with it in a way he can’t refuse.  Don’t let him retreat.”

Lisa pondered the idea, “You’re right.  That thought has been on my mind as well.  I think I have an idea what I need to do.”  The picture that formed in Lisa’s head was intensely arousing.

Debi smiled at her, “That’s my girl.  If you need any ideas, let me know.  Like I said, I know a lot about this particular fetish.”

Offline bulldozer

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #51 on: January 06, 2015, 01:22:45 pm »
This is the best story I have ever read.  I love the fact that it is realistic and possibly could happen, the unreal super human stories or stories about brutal weird sex acts are ok but let's face it they are getting a bit old.   Keep doing what your doing.  Please get Lisa and Debi together on Daniel for a night of sexual bliss.  I think he should get to watch the two best friends worship each other for a while first though. 

Offline jabber7

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #52 on: January 06, 2015, 04:28:22 pm »
Uh oh...sounds like Lisa is about to manhandle hubby in bed pretty good this next chapter ^_^

Love the part where she is doing chest fly's right next to a guy doing chest presses with less weight and struggling noticeably. Then for him to be the father of one of her kindergarten students lol that's so hot. I love this story its fantastic, keep up the good work!

Offline madsoam2

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #53 on: March 18, 2015, 02:32:42 am »
Thanks for the continued interest.  I do intend to see this to the is often hard to find time to commit to the task of writing, though.  I do apologize for the lengthy delays between chapters.  It does help that I know people want to read it, though.

Offline madsoam2

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #54 on: July 24, 2015, 02:35:59 am »
Hi folks,

Rest assured, the next chapter will be coming.  I've even started it, but it remains a work in progress until I can find the time to complete it.  Unfortunately, I've been so busy between my work with HBO on the adaptation of this story to an epic fantasy series and my need to attend comic cons conducting interviews and participating on panels that I've just not gotten it done. 

Mad R. R. Soam2

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #55 on: July 24, 2015, 07:05:02 am »
Sorry to get your hopes up, but I was trying to be funny and it was perhaps a poor attempt at a clever joke.  I was playing on the increasingly long delays between my chapters, where I was drawing a parallel to a currently popular author that is (rightfully) taking heat from his fans due to his inability to get the next books in his series out.

An HBO series based on the premise I've been writing here would be pretty least to a small, but very enthusiastic audience.  I suspect that the wider public would find it somewhere between terribly boring and generally unappealing to their tastes, unfortunately.

Offline madsoam2

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #56 on: September 30, 2015, 07:12:59 am »
OK, folks.  I hope this end up being worth the wait.  I believe this is a chapter that has been eagerly awaited...

Lisa’s Path Part 10 (3 months ago)

She gently pulled on Daniel’s necktie as she led him into the bedroom, slowly walking backwards as the knot slipped.  They were both buzzing from the wine at dinner, but her head was clear enough to be fully in control of herself.  Plus, she was motivated.  Daniel pulled his sport coat off and eyed her bared legs as she strutted back away from him while continuing to pull him along.  He was now drinking her appearance in without inhibition, drunken more by lust than the night’s alcohol.  Lisa relished the fire that was lit in her husband eyes, sparked by her, and her senses were heightened by the energy that pulsed between them.  She could feel the silk fabric of the tie slither through his collar as she released one end from her hand.  The thin fabric of her dress brushed her bare nipples once again with her motion and it triggered a tingle that radiated through her, just as it had all through the night.

Daniel began to unbutton his shirt and Lisa kicked off her heels.  She put her hands on her hips and watched as he pulled the shirt from his shoulders.  He then moved to his belt and she continued to watch in silent stillness, enjoying the sight of her husband preparing for what was to come…the part she had been anticipating for several days.  Daniel apparently became conscious of the fact that Lisa had stopped undressing and that he was now proceeding alone under her inspection.

“Umm, are you OK?” he asked.

Lisa smiled, “Oh, I’m wonderful.  I’m just enjoying myself.”

Daniel smiled back, recovering from the momentary discomfort, “Well, are you going to undress?”

“Oh, most definitely.  I assume you’d like me to, yes?”

Daniel smiled more widely, “Yes dear, I would.  This is a lot more fun when we both participate.”

“I completely agree.  I have some plans for tonight, if you don’t mind me taking the lead for a bit.”

Daniel appeared confused at this break from routine, and his eyes betrayed a bit nervousness, “I…see.  OK.  What did you have in mind?”

“You’ll see.  Go ahead and get all those clothes off and you can wait in bed.  I’m going to change.”

Lisa felt Daniel’s eyes scan over her physique.  He likely realized that this was the last he’d see her in this dress for some time, and she guessed that he was absorbing her appearance in it as thoroughly as possible this one last time for the night.  In response, she obliged his gaze by slinking off to the bathroom slowly, lingering a moment at the threshold before disappearing from his sight.  She knew she looked fantastic, and she had bought this dress just for the effect.  It was a soft, silky emerald dress of extremely light weight fabric, which flowed infinitely with the slightest movements to vary how it draped over the complex contours of her figure beneath.  It scooped low at her chest to display her muscular pectorals as she moved, periodically daring any onlooker to steal a glance of her nipples, which she had decided to tease scandalously tonight by not wearing a bra.  The dress pinched to very thin straps at her shoulders that settled at the clefts formed at the base of her sloping traps and bulging deltoids.  The cut plunged daringly in the back to reveal her back just below the midpoint of her spine, prominently exposing her protruding traps and the flare of her lats.  This dress was not necessarily intended to taper at her waist, but her strapping physique dominated the intended design to do exactly that as it forced the garment to gently hug her lower abdomen and cling periodically to the ridges of her abdominals, giving brief but tantalizing hints at the physique underneath before falling away to once again leave the contours only to imagination.  The hem of the dress stopped perilously high on her thighs, perhaps only 6 inches below her glutes, and her flaring quadriceps and hamstrings protruded generously in their exposed glory for all to admire as she strutted.  She wore white heels, which forced each of her calves to bunch into a magnificently tight and complex mass of musculature below her small knees.  She knew even men and women that did not fully appreciate the unique overall look of a highly trained female bodybuilder could not help but admire and envy the curves of her calves when displayed in these shoes.

Much like Daniel eyed her in the bedroom moments before, everyone had watched her tonight.  From the moment they stepped out of the car in the parking lot downtown, people’s eyes were magnetically drawn to her.  The two of them had to walk five blocks through the busy row of bars and restaurants as area was starting to come alive with the weekend nightlife in the waning sunlight of the early evening.  This was, of course, according to her plan.  She delicately held the bicep of Daniel’s arm femininely as they strolled down the sidewalk, which plainly stated to everyone that stared at them (well, stared mainly at her) that she was his and he was the man in their relationship.  She still covertly registered all the reactions, though, noting how they invariably looked at her first, then him, then returned to her as they passed.  She felt the onlookers watch them from the moment they first caught a glimpse to the moment they were out of sight.  As usual, some tried to hide the curiosity while others did not, but everyone looked.  She thoroughly enjoyed the men and women fascinating at this muscular woman who appeared to be on a date with this “normal” guy. 

This was all exactly as she wanted it.  She selected a restaurant downtown, on a warm summer night when everyone would be out and she could wear something to display her hard-earned assets.  She chose a current, trendy restaurant that would be packed with people, such that they’d have to wait publicly at the bar, then sit in a big room surrounded by people all night.  All of this was orchestrated for the public exhibition, meant to generate the spectacle amongst these anonymous people that could not stop ogling at her in her striking, muscular glory, while she was out with her husband.  She knew Daniel was self-conscious, but she had more than enough confidence for the both of them, and she kept her eyes diligently trained on him all night just to feed as much of it into him as possible.  He was not accustomed to this kind of attention in public, but she had learned to not only expect it but to actually enjoy it while out.  Daniel was used to the anonymity that most people could enjoy in a crowd, but being in the presence of Lisa and her remarkable physique (particularly when overtly displayed like tonight) changed that completely.
While Daniel was shrinking from the attention, it had an opposite effect on her.  The interested gazes had energized her, and after her first drink at the bar she had begun to perform for them.  She would play with her hair and flex her biceps as she did so, or tighten her pecs as she laughed, or put her weight on her toes to harden her calves as she whispered to Daniel, just to see the reactions of the men and women that drank and dined around them.  Although Daniel’s embarrassment was palpable, she could also sense the arousal in him from these subtle displays of her remarkable physicality.  This was perhaps most poignant when Lisa put on a show by casually flexing in front of the waiter as he stood at the tableside to take their order.  While he was looking directly at her, patiently awaiting her decision as she peered at the menu (where she mocked her lengthy indecision, playfully bouncing various options off Daniel and the waiter just to prolong the undivided attention of the two men), she took several opportunities to faintly move her arms to flex her biceps and deltoids and leaned her torso while tightening and relaxing her pecs.  She could sense the young man’s eyes moving irresistibly to each body part as she did this when he thought she wasn’t looking, and caught the ever-so-slight delay as his eyes snapped from whatever feature he was ogling to meet hers when she did look back to him.  In her peripheral vision, over the top of the menu, she also saw Daniel sheepishly watching the display as he clearly recognized what she was doing.

Lisa fully realized that this entire situation not only directed a social spotlight on the two of them collectively, but it also effectively put his deeply hidden sexual fetish on full public display.  There he was, in the open for everyone to see, with his pumped-up, bodybuilder wife.  Everyone in the restaurant could plainly see that he was in a romantic relationship with this uncommon woman, and his sexuality was thereby laid bare.  Although Lisa had no desire to “out” her husband and embarrass him, the sheer fact that he was her husband and they were in public unavoidably accomplished this very thing.  A younger version of her never would have orchestrated a scenario like this simply for the purpose of generating the sexual energy she was after, but the present version could not resist the opportunity.  Her confidence in her skin had never been so high.  She knew her husband loved her, and she was emboldened by the strong sexual reaction she got from him such that she could not help but to show off.  She fixated on Daniel unwaveringly through the night and made sure that he knew that she was strictly for him, and she was showing off to the world what was purely his to enjoy most intimately.

Offline madsoam2

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #57 on: September 30, 2015, 07:17:01 am »

Lisa mind returned to the present as she left Daniel waiting on the bed.  She moved into the walk-in closet and quickly slipped off the dress and allowed it to fall into a small heap on the floor.  She pulled the negligee she had selected earlier in the day from the shelf in the corner and pulled it over her upper body, relishing the feeling of the sheer fabric as it slid over her body and caressed her nipples.  The panties she had on originally were intended to go with this top, so she didn’t change them.  She walked to the vanity and touched up her make-up in the mirror and admired herself momentarily.  Then she turned and walked into the room.

Daniel eyed her hungrily, as expected.  He drew in his breath sharply when she emerged fully into the room, “Oh my god.  You look amazing!”

“Mmm, thank you.  I’m glad you like what you see.”  Instinctively, Lisa peered down at herself and struck a soft, feminine pose with her knees drawn together and one hand moving to caress her hip.

“I haven’t seen you dress in anything like that in, I don’t know…years.  Certainly not since you started, well, you know…  Wow.”  He trailed to a whisper and continued to scan her up and down.

“I know, it has been a while, hasn’t it?” she smiled.  “You know, I’m going to be honest with you.  I know your feelings about my body now, since I’ve known how you feel about muscular women for years, even before I started to strive for this look myself.  Despite what we both know, I think neither of us have really accepted ourselves completely with each other, yet.”  She paused to contemplate how Daniel was taking this blunt message, but he was presently inscrutable, “Although this has been a slow process as I’ve, umm, transformed myself, we seem to have avoided really doing anything with it in the bedroom.  I don’t really understand why that is.”

Daniel broke his gaze from Lisa’s body and made eye contact with her, “I know.  I don’t know why.  Having a wife like you is simply a dream come true for me, and yet I can’t seem to let myself go completely.  I’ve hidden what I like for so long that I simply don’t know how to…well…”  He trailed off, then regained his voice and spoke up again, “It is hard to believe that you have really become what you are.”

Lisa smiled at him, “It’s OK.  Tonight, we’re both going to change that!  I want us to enjoy this body of mine together and do what feels right for both of us.  Tell me what you like…what you want is what I want.  What would you like to do first?”

Daniel swallowed, “Will you…ahem…can you,” her mustered some courage, “I don’t know, pose for me?”

Lisa smiled at him as she felt a warmth immediately spread from within her as he had never asked her to do this, “I thought you’d never ask.”

She spread her legs slightly beyond shoulder width, pointed her right toe and tightened the muscles in her quads and calves, and then she extended her arms over her head.  The natural first pose to come to mind was a front double biceps pose, and she pulled her elbows down and contracted her lats, then she raised her elbows back up and clenched her fists to cause the biceps to compress into the tight peaks that she had inspected so many thousands of times in the mirror.  She could picture the patterns of the veins each inner biceps muscle (more visible in the front view on the right side than the left), and the more numerous veins that emerged prominently in each forearm.  Muscle memory from her frequent posing sessions with Debi kicked in as she tightened her abs, even though they were mostly hidden beneath the negligee.  Daniel licked his lips and sat up in bed to look at her fully in the competition pose for the first time ever.  She could see how he had quickly become sharply aroused as he enthusiastically looked at her body.

“Well, what do you think?”

Daniel’s mouth had apparently become dry, “You look absolutely stunning.  I can’t believe it.  You look like a professional bodybuilder.”  He sat up further, as if he was going to get up to come over to her.

“No, stay on the bed.  I just want you to watch first,” Lisa instructed.  Daniel obeyed and leaned back again.

She proceeded to move through more of the compulsory poses that Debi had taught her.  She realized, amazingly, that this was the very first time she had ever done any of these poses for Daniel.  The feeling of the poses changed within her.  She was performing now; she was putting herself on display for someone else rather than inspecting herself in the mirror looking for flaws or weak areas, like usual.  She moved through the motions of the poses, delighting in the feeling as she squeezed and tightened the individual muscles as Debi has drilled in her.  The actions changed, though, from mechanical to sensual as she watched the desire in her husband’s eyes while he watched her.  She transitioned from one pose to another smoothly and relished Daniel’s examination as he’d first focus on the targeted muscle group that she featured in each pose, then wander about her body to delight in every detail.  She tried to reward him both with improvisations on the core poses as well as repeated flexing and relaxing for each one.  She knew that the repetitive flexing of each muscle, over and over, provided the most intense visual stimulation to the muscle fetishist’s eye.  Daniel responded as expected, devotedly staring at each muscle group as the shapes changed under her command.  The sinuous muscles and veins became engorged as they worked, clearly heightening his excitement.  Daniel’s hand moved to touch himself as he watched, likely from habit.

Lisa tutted at him playfully, “Hmm, not yet, dear.  Save that for me,” Lisa delivered the admonishment with a smile, “We’re not ready to be done so soon.  We’ve only just begun!”

Daniel obeyed and put his hand back by his side, but she felt her own hunger swell as she eyed his erect manhood as it saluted her.

Lisa smiled bigger, “Tell me what you think.”  The prompt was clearly rhetorical, of course, as she could tell quite obviously what he thought, but she wanted the verbalization.

Daniel swallowed, “I’m simply astounded at how you look.  I’ve watched you grow for years now, but somehow I had no idea how big you had really gotten…how complete you are.  You’re a real bodybuilder…my wife is a bodybuilder!  I can’t believe it.  I just never imagined that you would ever look like this…or do something like this for me.  You’re so incredibly sexy!”

Lisa returned to a front double biceps pose, “Well, I’ve done this for me, honestly.  But that’s what is amazing…that this is what you like.  At this moment, this is for US!”  She punctuated by flexing her biceps even harder, feeling the peaks burn with the effort.  Then she relaxed and slinked slowly over to the bed.

“I’d like you to feel me.  Feel my body.  Wherever you want.  Just use your hands and I’ll do what you want.”

Offline madsoam2

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #58 on: September 30, 2015, 07:20:20 am »

Daniel’s eyes grew large.  He was clearly intoxicated in the presence of his wife in a way that he never had been before.  While Lisa expected him to go straight to her arms (knowing from his video collection that his preference was for upper bodies), his hand started at her thigh.  She smiled and looked at him, but his eyes were watching his hand on her muscular leg.  She tightened the muscles in her quadriceps and felt the muscle swell.  Daniel’s hand rose slightly as the muscle pushed outward and he tightened his grasp to dig his fingertips in gently, meeting the hardness of the trained muscle.

“Oh my god.  You’re so hard.  Your leg is so unbelievably hard!”  His hand caressed over the contoured quadriceps, and Lisa now extended her leg to cause the muscles to change shape beneath his touch, and he traced the topology of her thigh beneath his fingertips as his jaw hung agape.  His fingers explored the teardrop shaped vastus medialis inside her kneecap for a long time.  He turned his hand around the back of her knee and moved downward to find her calves.  She flexed and extended her toes in response to actuate the muscles meeting his caress.  He first cupped the entirety of Lisa’s upper calf and appeared to savor the bulk of knotted muscle “en masse” and she worked her toes, then he began to probe the complex crevasses and bulges of the muscle network with his fingertips as they moved, taking extra time to trace the veins that crisscrossed over them.

Once Daniel had apparently satisfied himself on Lisa’s legs, he slowly ran his hand upward along the sweep of her outer thigh, transiting over the bulge of her hip flexors, then proceeded to work beneath the negligee draped over her stomach.  He found her abdominals and began to trace the ridges with his fingertips.  Lisa straightened her torso to stretch her stomach, then she exhaled sharply and clenched her abs tightly.  Daniel’s eyes widened.

“Amazing.  Your stomach is as hard as a rock.  I can barely feel any fat on you.”

Lisa just smiled at the complement and twisted slightly to engage her obliques, lifting the corresponding arm nearest to Daniel to place it over her head.  Daniel’s eyes moved to look at the deltoid and flexed bicep that was now inches in front of his face, but his hands remained on Lisa’s abs.  He continued to trace the individual muscles of her obliques, following them back down to where they met the transverse abdominals that wrapped the side of her torso.  Lisa used her other hand to lift the negligee so they could both watch his hands work over her muscles of her stomach.  Her husband seemed entranced and never looked up from the work that his hands were doing.

Daniel began to move upward to Lisa’s pectorals and her (extremely diminished) breasts.  He cupped her left pec, smothering her nipple with his palm, and his fingers and thumb closed around the exterior and interior boundaries of the muscle.  Lisa brought her arm down and clenched the pectoral tightly such that the muscle mounded below his hand.  Again, his eyes widened in initial disbelief before he renewed his focus and committed his fingers to thoroughly probe the hard edges of her chest musculature.  She began to tighten and relax the pec slowly and rhythmically, drawing deep satisfaction as she watched Daniel’s captivation of the sight and sensation of her chest as it changed shape.  She peeked down to watch the striations of the muscle emerge and fade during the action, and Daniel’s fingers strummed over them enthusiastically.  He explored the cleft between her pecs, and she dutifully responded by flexing both sides together to make the muscle cleavage as pronounced as possible.  Daniel took his time feeling the mass of her pecs where they joined at the lowest point on her sternum, continuously running his hand over the transition from her flat abs to her mounded inner pectorals, relishing the detailed shapes of her physique.  Without any verbal queues, Lisa could quickly sense the regions that most interested him and she tried to respond by flexing the muscles in whatever manner seemed to elicit the greatest enjoyment for him.

“I simply can’t believe your body.  I don’t know how you developed like this without me really noticing it…I mean, I’ve noticed of course, but I had no idea how far you’ve really come.”  He was almost talking to himself.  “I’ve been looking at pictures and watching videos of muscular women, bodybuilders, for years, but now to be so close to one that I can touch at will, wherever I like…to see and feel what it is really like.  I’m amazed.  You’re a woman with muscles that are so much bigger than mine, so much bigger than any man I even really know.  And…you’re my wife.  I simply can’t believe this.”

Lisa leaned over and kissed him, and he returned it ardently.  She moved to his ear and whispered, “I want you to worship my arms.  I think they are the best part.  Would you like that?”

Daniel nodded and he eyed the arm nearest him hungrily as she slid her body away slightly to create room for her to create some room.  In doing so, she briefly supported her weight on her arms, causing her triceps muscle to contract, to which Daniel’s hand was immediately drawn.  Lisa smiled to herself, recognizing how rapt her husband was at this moment in her presence.

At first she did nothing, only looking into Daniel’s eyes, then she raised her arm and pulled her fist slowly toward her forehead, continuing to watch his face as her biceps pulled into a tight ball just a handful of inches before him.  Daniel obediently watched the motion of the muscle, seemingly paralyzed by the closeness.  She relaxed the muscle without moving her arm, allowing her attention to move from her husband to the study her own remarkable physique in action as she watched the hard peak disappear and soften into the unflexed form that still seemed retain a significant solidness and formidability, poised to respond to action.  She repeated the flex and admired how the sinuous muscle fibers bunched back together and hardened back into the large ball.  Daniel finally reached up and somewhat tenderly placed his hand on the hardened muscle.  She watched him initially explore the contours of her biceps, deltoids, and triceps first with his fingertips, then indulge the process more substantially by firmly placing his palm against the muscle, bringing his other hand in to cup her triceps at the same time in an attempt to envelop her arm.  He squeezed the peak of her biceps repeatedly, exploring how the blood-filled tissue failed to yield to either the distributed pressure of his fully cupped hands or the more focused pressure of his fingertips.

“My god…it is just so hard…you’re so hard.  It is just like I remember Debi’s arm.  I can’t believe what you’ve been able to accomplish.”

Lisa returned to meet his eyes, “Did you want to get closer?  Would you like to kiss it?”

Daniel accepted the invitation with tremendous gusto.  He brought his lips to her biceps and kissed them passionately.  He nuzzled the muscles with his cheeks and licked them with his tongue.  He repositioned himself to lick the inside curvature of the peaked biceps and requested that she repeatedly extend her arm and pull it back into the biceps pose while he did so as he felt the muscle contractions with his tongue and face, reveling in the intimate proximity to her arm.

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Re: Lisa's Path
« Reply #59 on: September 30, 2015, 07:23:21 am »

Lisa’s curiosity was piqued, “Tell me, what is it about a woman’s muscles that you find so fascinating?”

The question seemed to jar Daniel from his trance, “I really don’t know.  It is the fact that a woman just isn’t supposed to be like this, perhaps.  A woman shouldn’t have a body that rivals a man’s, she shouldn’t be bigger than him.  The fact that a woman can do this, and that she’d want to do it…I don’t know how to explain it.  The foundation of this is somewhat based in there…in the entire concept of a woman challenging what a woman is supposed to be physically.  Then, when she achieves this she is still completely a woman, but she’s a woman who is physically superior to most men.  That is the core of it for me, the essence.  Over the years, I think less about that central concept and simply get off on the look itself.”

“Hmm.  Tell me, is it the size?  The fact that my muscles are so large…larger than yours?  Larger and more developed than most men?  Or is it the strength that they possess?  I’m stronger than you, and I’m probably stronger than most of your male friends.”

“I don’t know if I can totally differentiate.  The muscles, your muscles…the shape, the size, the definition…your vascularity…it all drives me nuts.  But I know that they aren’t entirely for show, I know what capability they possess, at least I sort of know…” 

Lisa lapsed into a thoughtful silence as she continued to flex and relax the muscles in her arm while Daniel administered to the study of every possible contour as they talked.  Eventually, she interrupted Daniel’s concentration, “Honey, can you reach under the bed and pull out what I left under there?”

Daniel looked puzzled, but he didn’t question the direction so he slid off the bed and kneeled down.  “What?  Where did these come from?”  He grunted as he pulled two forty-five pound dumbbells from under the bed and looked up at Lisa, “Have these always been stashed under here?”

Lisa laughed, “No dear, I put them there just for tonight.  Can you lift them?”

Daniel looked a bit confused, “Umm, I’m not dressed for a workout, if you couldn’t tell.”  He quickly absorbed that Lisa was not joking, “I guess I can lift them.”  He stood up, and Lisa tried not to smile too broadly at the sight of him standing there, struggling slightly with the weights, while naked and still clearly aroused.

“Do I look dressed to workout, either?  Go ahead, curl them.”

Daniel suddenly looked surprised, “I…I am not sure that I can.”  Despite the protest, he gamely accepted the challenge and began to apply himself to the task, and the weights moved.  First he curled the right side, then the left.  His form was strict and proper, since Daniel was not a stranger to the weight room.  After completing three repetitions with each arm, though, he began to struggle and failed on the right arm when trying for a fourth rep.  He tried again and ultimately completed a fourth rep for each arm with broken form, but he was unable to do any more.  Lisa admired the quick pump that came to his arms and noticed the veins that had emerged in his forearms and even at the top of his deltoids from the brief, but intense, effort she had requested of him.

“Nicely done.  I’ll take them.”  Lisa took the weights easily from Daniel, brushing his slightly softened erection as she stepped close for the transfer, giving him a wry smile.  Once she settled her grip, she started to slowly curl the weights in alternating fashion while Daniel returned to the edge of the bed to watch.  She maintained perfect form, and watched each arm work respectively as she conducted each rep.  Her muscles, already engorged from nearly a half hour of flexing while Daniel worshipped her, swelled even more when subjected to the true resistance of the dumbbells.  The veins in her forearms, biceps, and deltoids quickly engorged with blood and became prominently displayed.  She knew from her workouts that could easily complete twelve reps with each arm at this weight.   

Daniel was captivated, and she could see his hardness returning.  “Stand behind me, honey.  I’d like you to feel me as I do this.”  As if the thought had not occurred to him, Daniel showed immediate excitement at this invitation and quickly moved behind her.  Lisa didn’t stop performing the exercise as she felt Daniel’s body meet her from behind.  She immediately perceived his erection pressing against her glutes as he moved himself into position, then his hands slid onto her deltoids.  She continued the alternating curls slowly, making the eighth rep on the right side.  His fingertips first explored the network of veins pressing against the skin of her deltoid, but quickly moved to the top of her biceps to probe the contraction of the muscle with the ninth rep.  The left hand mirrored the action a moment later to follow the action of the other side.  On the tenth rep, his hand tried to engulf the entire upper arm, biceps and triceps, to feel the full expansion.  She felt him dig his fingers in as the muscles swelled against his grip, then irresistibly forced his hand back outward to easily win the battle.  She felt his hand expand as it could not hope to encompass the full extent of her upper arm at the top of the contraction.  Daniel whispered something unintelligible and bent down to kiss her neck, then her ear, then worked down to her trap.  She felt him press his hips further into her lower back and relished the feeling of his stimulation.  She continued on with the repetitions while Daniel indulged himself in the experience and the closeness to her, hitting her twelfth and feeling the familiar fatigue set in.  She was fueled by the shared energy of the moment with her husband, though, so she proceeded to a thirteenth.  The weight moved slowly and she had to break form slightly to execute it, but it continued to rise and Daniel dutifully studied her anatomy as she worked.

She completed the movements and bent over to put the weights down.  Daniel’s hands moved to her hips as she consciously kept her butt pressed against him.  She stood back up and raised her arms to move into a double biceps pose.  Daniels hands immediately found her deltoids, then moved to wrap around the front of her arms to caress the front of her biceps as she hit the pose.  She repeated the flex several times and felt him moan quietly as he experienced the blood-filled muscles swell and harden beneath his touch.

“Let’s take off this top,” Lisa whispered.  Daniel responded immediately by moving his hand down and started to peel the negligee from the bottom, brushing her abdominals as he did so.  Lisa raised her arms above her head so he could work the top off.  Once off, Daniel’s hands moved to her now exposed chest and he began to alternate between fondling her nipples and exploring her pectorals.  She closed her eyes and responded by tightening and relaxing her chest, enjoying the gentle stimulation of his touch.  Daniel ran his hands down her abs (which she flexed in response) and down to her panties.  He worked his fingers between the fabric and her skin and continued downward to touch her intimately and gently. 

“Let’s take these off, too,” Daniel said into her ear, then kissed it as he bent over to work the lingerie down her legs.  She stepped out of them and Daniel caressed her calves and thighs from a squatting position.  “I simply can’t believe how strong you’ve become.  You embarrassed me with those forty-five pound dumbbells.  You’re incredible.”

She flexed her quadriceps under his hands.  “It is nothing to be embarrassed about.  I’ve been dedicating my life to building this body for a while now.  It has been a singular focus of mine.”

“There’s simply no question about how much bigger and stronger you are than me.  I’m your husband…a full grown man!  It is so humbling that my wife is so physically superior to me, but it turns me on so much.”

Forum Saradas  |  Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction  |  Muscular Women Fiction  |  #1st STORY: [madsoam2] Lisa's Path

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