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Author Topic: Hyper Girl  (Read 10912 times)

Offline tttrbn

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Hyper Girl
« on: May 29, 2023, 02:52:06 am »
After a 72-hour shift, I was looking forward to nothing more than finishing my cool-down exercises and relaxing at home-base for a bit. However. as I was finishing my 40th lap around the sun (a few miles inside of Mercury's orbit), I heard a distress call coming from Earth. They said you shouldn't be able to hear things in space, sound not being able to travel in a vacuum or whatever, but I guess they never had hearing as good as mine. Judging from the angle of the incoming sound, the distress call was coming from the middle of Bumblefuck, Nowhere, USA, square in the middle of my jurisdiction. With where Earth was in its own orbit at this time, as well as its rotation, it would normally take me eight seconds to get to where I needed to be from here. However, since I'm doing my cool-down and this will definitely be the last thing I do today (hopefully...), I promise myself that I'll go slow and get there in twelve.

Just over ten seconds later, I stop a crook right from his tracks as he attempts to leave the scene of a robbery. The poor fool ran straight into me, which for him must have been like running into a reinforced steel wall. No surprise, he fell to the ground right after impact, clearly concussed. The second he made contact with me, though, I was able to use my telemetry to see what happened before I arrived: the schmuck was looking for some quick cash, saw an older woman standing unaware with her purse at her feet, grabbed the bag, and then ran off. What's funny is that I could see what had happened through his eyes, and the woman in question was significantly bigger than him (most were these days, but with the older ones they may still be unaltered). Why he thought she'd be an easy mark I'll never know (that's not true; reading his thoughts was pretty easy I just didn't care to), but this woman could have easily apprehended him if she had wanted to; I guess women from her generation were still used to calling for help instead of solving things on their own.

As I glanced down at him to make sure he didn't die from running into me, it clicked that he was pretty deep into some bootleg super therapy, so he probably tried to rob this woman to get his next fix. Yeah, that makes things make more sense - in the ten seconds it took me to get here since the robbery happened, he had sprinted nearly 100 yards away. Unless the mark was going through similar therapy herself (which was unlikely, again, given her age), she likely never would have caught up to him.

Either way, I had spent enough time thinking about this. It was time to do the hero thing. I widened my feet and stood up to my full 8' height, bringing my fists to my hips to make sure my lats looked as wide as possible, and I made a little gust of wind to get my cape flapping the way the Hero Federation always had them in their propaganda - I mean educational - films. It was a little hard to see the guy over my cleavage, but that didn't matter since I had about thirteen other senses trained on him. I got my hair flowing in a similar gust of wind, showing off just how long and voluminous it is, and in my best "authority" voice, I chastised the perp the way I was taught.

"In a hurry? It's a shame that the only place you'll be visiting is jail! However, thanks to Super Hero Law, bylaw 22.5a, I'm allowed to enact a punishment that I think is proportional to the crime committed before handing you over to the police. And since you seem to think that a man like you has the right to rob women, I know just what to do to teach you a lesson!"

Without wasting a moment, I lifted the guy up into the air with my mind and I castrated him with my laser vision. The wound cauterized instantly, and due to how disoriented he already was from running into me he was clearly too out of it to feel any pain from this. Now that I had the guy in the air, I decided to actually get a decent look at him. He was pretty big for a man these days at 5'4", though without going deep into telemetry I wouldn't be able to know how much of that was due to his illegal super therapy and how much of that was him. Either way, looking directly at him it was plain as day that he had been to more than a couple illicit "doctors", probably trying to chase some antiquated form of masculinity his dad or grandpa passed down to him. A couple decades in jail would do him good.

In two seconds, I was able to return to where I was after dropping him off at the local precinct. At that time, the mark had finished running over; it was clear she wanted to thank me. Looking at her, I could tell that she was unaltered but had been taking some super supplements. I think the term they were using these days for someone like her was "peak normal". I could tell that she wasn't literally at the peak of what a normal could accomplish, but she'd live way longer than a normal would, she'd be capable of a lot more for longer, and so on, but she'd never hit the realm of a super or an altered person.

She was, however, quite the looker. At 6' tall, she clearly worked out a lot and took a lot of pride in her appearance. She had raven black hair down to her broad shoulders that ended in curls, sparkling green eyes, a perfect hourglass figure, and not a single sign of aging. She was wearing a baggy dress that she made somewhat more shapely with a belt, though it barely went past her pelvis, and she was wearing some "walking around heels" that gave her two more inches. Even with her taller frame and the extra height from the heels, the top of her head was level with the middle of my breasts. She clearly liked the difference in our sizes, as I could both smell the pheromones coming off her and feel the heat beginning to radiate from her crotch. I thought that I may as well play along, and I increased my own pheromone output by 50 times; after all, I wanted her horny, not useless.

In a slightly deep voice that showed no signs of deterioration, Debra (I had known that was her name from the second she had walked up to me) said, "Oh my, thank goodness you were so close, Hyper Girl! Had you been even a second later, that bastard would have ran away with my purse! We're so lucky to have such an attentive and effective hero watching over us." Her voice trailed off a bit at the end as my pheromones started to overwhelm her, and before she knew it she was reaching out to touch my forearms. Each one was easily bigger than her hips, so I can imagine how they'd be interesting to her. Her touch was light, only made lighter from the material of my bright pink super suit.

"Not at all," I replied in the same voice I used earlier, "it's all in a day's work for heroes like me! If anything, I'm lucky to have citizens like you who are so worth protecting!"

"Oh Hyper Girl," she moaned, getting even closer to me. Her boiling crotch was only a few centimeters away from my leg, so I decided to flex it a bit to tantalize her. I'd manipulate the muscle just enough to be within a hair's breadth from making contact with her, but it was still so close that she would swear she felt it. Debra began to move her pelvis to try and reach my muscle, but as she moved close to me I retracted my flex. I could tell her clit was getting engorged, and this was a woman who was used to getting her way. Right on cue, she tried to make her move.

"Oh, but what you do is so amazing, you really go above and beyond what all the other heroes do. There must be a way I can show you just how much I care about your protection. Perhaps, just maybe, I could treat you to a homemade meal tonight? Just the two of us, at my home." Every other word was either cut short or elongated as she moaned, but from reading her mind I was able to gather what I needed. Now it was time for me to make my move.

"I'm sorry, Debra, but it's unethical for a hero such as myself to enter the home of a private citizen." I could tell right away that she was disappointed, but before she could get too crestfallen I made my actual move. I brought my hand to the side of her head (it could easily fit in my palm), and with a level of dexterity most wouldn't expect for a girl my size I tucked some of her curls behind her ear. As I did, I whispered down to her, "Though I'm sure that if you made a nice meal for two tonight it wouldn't go to waste. Hopefully you don't mind eating late - is 11 PM alright?" She didn't even need to answer; I knew it was a yes.

After a quick goodbye I took off and made my way back to base. The one we had on Earth wasn't my favorite, but it was where I was supposed to be. I plunged into the Pacific Ocean when I was hundreds of miles away from the nearest landmass and jetted to the underwater entrance. Right as I stepped through the water barrier, before any had a chance to empty out, I felt her touch. She was inescapable once you were inside the base, and each time I came here it was the most exhilarating experience of my life. To this day, she's the only one I know who's actually able to overwhelm me, and the feeling of her might as she bent me and my powers to her will brought me to my knees and took me to the brink every time.

Before my heart could beat a second time, I felt the strength leave my body, almost as though she were letting air out of a tire. She shrank my muscles and the rest of me to match, until I was an absolutely tiny 5'10". The pink leotard I always wore when I was out was morphed into a baggy sweatpants and sweatshirt combo, both of which were black, save for a few minor pink accents. Even my hair wasn't allowed to stay the same, as it became dark, nearly black, and instead of being long and luscious it was short and choppy. Whenever I was outside, I was allowed to be whoever I wanted, including Hyper Girl. But while I was home, I was only ever allowed to be Amber.

Once my heart finished its second beat since coming in (and once I had finished my third orgasm), I was allowed to fully come inside. Immediately an array of mechanisms dried me off, though even with her presence I was still in control of my powers enough to not get wet. And then, three steps inside as usual, I felt her voice in my head. It was so loud, so strong, I was sure it could drive a normal to madness and make an altered deaf, but even in my reduced state the most it did was keep my face flushed.

You're late.

"Sorry, Root," I said aloud, this being one of the only acts of defiance she allowed at home.

No, you're not. Regardless, report to your room immediately. Your thoughts on your most recent time out have been extracted and are pending analysis against objectivity. Once your rest period is over you will be given nutrients and a review of your performance.

"You know I don't need to eat, right? At least not for another few months-"

You will stick to the regiment until all required testing is complete. This will not be argued and it will not be amended. Report to your room and begin your rest period. If you resist I will assume control.

"No need for that. See, already on my way." Not wanting to get on her bad side, I kicked off from the ground and slowly hovered my way to my room. I wasn't exactly rushing, but the fact that it took me a full 15 seconds to cross 300 yards put a bit of a frown on my face. My room was small, but I didn't spend much time in here anyway so I didn't mind. I still had a mirror from when I was little and still needed to look at myself to know what I looked like, so for old time's sake I thought I'd waste another few seconds by looking at me.

To be honest, I thought Amber was pretty hot. They weren't my favorite appearance, but I'd still show them a good time. Ugh, I think I feel some introspection about to happen. Yeah, I guess it was weird that I was looking at myself but talked as though the person I was looking at wasn't me. Shape changing was one of the first powers I developed, and it was the one I had the most mastery over, but I remember being younger and getting a little freaked out that there wasn't a single "me". But thanks to Root (if I'm being honest, it was the "regiment" that helped more than her, but she was the one who enforced it, so I guess it may as well have been her), I was able to learn that the person I was wasn't who I saw in the mirror, but who I was on the inside. I've assumed thousands, maybe millions, of appearances since learning how to change my shape, and without a strong sense of identity I would have lost myself by now.

Amber was a slightly modified version of how I looked originally, and they were meant to be my form whenever I was home, to give me a center or whatever. Hyper Girl was my hero form, and even though I knew she looked ridiculous I still loved looking like her. She was hot as hell and a total sex icon, but even she had her limitations. Whenever I looked like her I was only allowed to use a small subset of my powers, but I was allowed to be strong enough to easily handle any conflict so long as I never raised the level of aggression. There were about a dozen other forms I stuck within a couple minor variations of whenever I needed to be someone else, but by far I spent the most time as Amber and Hyper Girl.

Okay, three seconds of staring at myself is enough. It's about time I listened to Root and started my rest period. After all, I had a hot date tonight and doubted I'd get much more rest for a while after.

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2023, 08:51:12 pm »
To my surprise, Root actually let me sleep past my usual hour. Try as she might to act like an uncaring authority figure, I knew she had a soft spot for me. After all, I was by far her most successful test subject to date.

I changed out of my sweats and into my training gear- a bodysuit filled to the brim with all kinds of sensors and trackers so that Root could get even the most minor and specific kind of data. Even though I was perfectly capable to creating all those gadgets myself and sending her the data, with how much Root was dampening my powers I had to actually change out of my sweats and physically pull the bodysuit on. Such a novel experience for me.

The suit was skin tight despite how much tech was packed into it. It was predominately white with accents of pink and light blue - the same colors I used as Hyper Girl, though inverted in how much they were used. As I always did, I gave myself a couple looks in the mirror to make sure I put the thing on right. I really may as well have been naked. Each of the muscles of my abs was on full display, all 12 of them, and the gaps between them were so pronounced I could see the material of the suit dip a little between them. It's strange - I knew Amber looked like this, but I guess I never really take the time to appreciate amc acknowledge their appearance.

I made my way to the training room without any further delay. Of course, since I was late, I got a head-full from Root.

Once again, you're late. Each second you delay the training is completely unrecoverable.

"Then I guess you better not delay us any further by chastising me," I fired back, feeling more playful than my voice betrayed.

As expected, I felt Root's hold on my powers strengthen, and training immediately began.  Training was conducted in three rounds. In the first I was completely unpowered. According to Root, this was to have a control for the other two tests to see how much my powers amplified my "natural" abilities. In the second round Root would restore my powers to the normal level she dampened them to whenever I was here, and in the third round she would loosen her hold on me a little.

We never used terms like "10% of my power" or anything since there was no reliable way to test the full extent of my powers. At least not yet, but that was for Root and whatever secret agencies she worked with to create. I pretty much always had to hold back, even when I was doing a shift or on leave. As long as I stayed within a few light-years of the solar system (and I knew there were hundreds of failsafes programed into me to ensure that), I was within Root's dampening range. It's only because I've been more or less cooperative that I've been able to be as strong as I am when I'm Hyper Girl.

Anyway, back to training. Within each round Root conducted a series of tests that fell into a few broad categories: speed, agility, strength, and endurance. Not particularly inspired categories, but these were the things they wanted to study, so we stayed within those bounds. The exact tests we did changed based on what round we were in, but we always stuck to those categories. Root had full control over the room we were in (since she had full control over every room in the base), so as long as the test we were doing was mechanically possible she could make it happen. The room itself was a sterile white from floor to ceiling, and it was a perfect cube with 50 feet from wall to wall.

As it always did, training began with a full body scan of my fully unpowered body. In a second I had all the relevant data in front of me that Root wanted to share. At 5'11" tall (hey, Amber grew an inch) I weighed 274 pounds with 8.1% body fat. Amber's chest had widened up to a 54J cup (this was the only time I needed to wear a bra) and their waist had slimmed down to 23". My arms had grown to 22", my thighs to 31', and my calves to 25". It was weird thinking about Amber's muscles, since theirs were the only ones that ever weren't aesthetic only. I mean, I had super strength most of the time and the ability to freely change my appearance, so my muscularity usually didn't matter.

You've grown 0.23 centimeters since your last measurement. That's a total growth of 2.1 centimeters this month. In addition you've gained 10 grams of muscle mass since your last measurement, 1.4 kilograms this month. It was expected that your unpowered rate of growth would decrease over time, but you're still growing at a much faster rate than projected.

"Should I be concerned?" I had a tone of mock worry in my voice. Amber continously growing meant they might one day be as big as Hyper Girl, which was all upside for me.

This is simply a data point and a statement. Draw your own conclusions, but do not deviate from the regiment.

With that, we began with strength. As per usual, that meant doing 1 rep maxes for each of squat, bench press, and deadlift. The idea was I would lift the heaviest weight Amber could muster for a single rep, Root would heal me, we'd up the weight, and we'd keep going in that cycle until Amber couldn't go any heavier. In order to make it work, I would assume the necessary position for each exercise and then Root would create a bar for me that was the appropriate weight.

I wasn't used to feeling a burn in my muscles when I used them, but it was oddly satisfying to keep trying no matter how exerted I felt after each rep. Even though Root brought me back to peak physical condition between reps, it was still exhausting without any of my powers. By the end of the strength section, I reached new personal records in all three exercises. I was able to lift 645 pounds at bench, 1180 pounds for squat, and 920 pounds for deadlift. These numbers were nothing for Hyper Girl, but they left Amber a pumped and sweaty mess who could barely catch their breath.

My muscles must have looked so jacked, but without all my super senses I couldn't know just how hot I looked. Before I could even finish that thought, though, Root healed me and it was time for speed. For this, Root turned the floor of the room into a treadmill that I had to outspeed. The first trial was a 40 yard dash, the second was a 100 meter dash, and the third was a 5k time trial. Just like with strength, between each attempt Root would heal me to peak condition until I wasn't any faster. To my pleasant surprise, my 40 yard dash time was down to 2.995 seconds, my 100 meter dash was down to 9.112 seconds, and my 5k sprint was down to 8 minutes 1.983 seconds. Amber was always much slower than they were strong, so being able to get these times unpowered felt good.

On top of my muscles being on fire, my heart was pounding so hard I could feel it in my throat. But Root had as much compassion as she did time to spare, so she rejuvenated me and it was time for endurance. This time I would repeat the strength exercises at 80% of my max and do reps until failure. Not until I was tired, mind you, and not until my muscles ached. As Root reminded me every time, I had to keep going until it was physically impossible to lift the bar again. I managed to do 28 reps for bench, 47 for squat, and 39 for deadlift. My last rep in each set ended with me crumpling down to the floor, gasping for air. In the time between hitting the floor and Root bringing me back I was in the most excruciating pain I'd ever felt, and even though my body was healed each time the mental toll of each exercise was really hitting me.

And I was loving it. We weren't even done with endurance and I was the hardest I'd ever been. Had the material of the bodysuit not been designed by Root herself my clit would have burst though by now. But I wasn't allowed to be satisfied, not until we were done. The last exercise in endurance was a run at 80% of my 5k pace. Once again, I had to go to failure, which meant I had to run until I was ready to heave up all of my insides. I lasted just under 60 minutes, and I would have been spasming on the floor in pleasure if I weren't more focused on staying alive.

I could swear that after each exercise Root waited just a little bit longer to bring me back, as though letting me suffer for a few more microseconds was her revenge for my petulence. She'd never confirm it, of course, but I was convinced it was the truth. Finally, it was time for agility. This meant more running, but instead of just aiming for a certain speed I had to demonstrate the ability to change direction and speed at a moment's notice. Essentially, Root would have me run to a point in the room, but on top of her usual machinations she'd feed me millions of bits of information on the situation, so I'd need to sift through what I was "sensing" and adjust my path to the most efficient without losing any time to do so.

This was the task I struggled with the most without my powers. It was so much harder for me to suddenly shift my speed and direction when I wasn't flying, and my super senses made it way easier to sift through all the bogus data Root was feeding me. But I guess that was the point. For this task, we'd do attempts with a stationary target and with a moving target, and each attempt would have an increasing difficulty. By the end I was dizzy, tired, and so overstimulated that I was desperate for a few seconds in a cool, dark room.

But this was just round one. I still had two more sets to do, but at least I'd have powers for them. From start to finish, today's training took exactly 90 minutes, just like every other training session. I don't know how she did it, but whenever Root was in charge she made things take exactly as long as they were supposed to. I guess when your brain is the size of a building you can do that.

The split-second training ended, though, Root resumed her usual dampening of my powers. As rough as it was to feel whenever I came back here, the restrictions she put on me after training were somehow worse.

Training is now complete. Nourishment will be provided in your room. After consuming it you will have another rest period, followed by 12 hours of leave. You are expected back here at exactly 0500. Until then, do as you wish.

I didn't even wait for Root to finish ordering me before I ripped my bodysuit off. Almost as though she knew I would do this, the suit was designed so that it can be taken off way faster than it can be put on. Floating a few feet off the ground, I bring my hand to my now-exposed clit and jerk myself off. I'm so unbelievably horny, though, that I orgasm before I even make contact, and I give myself twelve more before I'm finally sated. Without a word, I dreamily float myself back to my room, eat the nutrient paste Root prepared for me, and I knock out for another hour.

I feel like a new woman after that nap, and my date with Debra is at the front of my mind. I have some time to kill before that, though, and I'm still a bit too horny to show her a good time. I make my way to the exit of the base as I think about the best way to satisfy those two needs, and the moment that Root's touch fades to the background I shudder and immediately turn into Hyper Girl. She won't do, though. I can't fly around as her when I'm not on duty, but I'm tired of being Amber. My mouth curls into a smirk as I decide on a way to blow off steam: I'll play for the opposite team for a few hours. As I exit into the water at the bottom of the sea, I assume Empress, one of my villainous forms, and I set off to terrorize Coast City, the jurisdiction of Ice Queen, one of my exes.

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2023, 06:20:18 pm »
It may sound a bit trite to say this, but Empress was one of my favorite personas. I didn't get to wear her often, so whenever I did it felt like a special occasion. On top of liking her look, I liked that she was one of my few appearances with a backstory. Her whole deal was that she was an alien queen who would occasionally come to Earth to dominate the normals, defeat the supers, and otherwise establish herself as the, well, empress of the planet. She hit a few different cities across the globe when I first came up with her, but lately she's been focusing on Coast City.

Now, I said that Ice Queen, the protector of Coast City, was one of my exes, and that's true, but she's not one of Empress's exes. She and I had briefly dated a couple years ago when I had assumed a civilian identity (I read her mind the first time I met her as Hyper Girl to figure out the exact kind of person Ice Queen was into, personality included). Even though she had no idea the two events were related, I thought it was a good bit of fun to have my attacks on her city as Empress be my acts of petty revenge for us breaking up.

In less than a second, I was out of the sea and floating above Coast City, fully dressed as Empress. The woman was an absolute tower, standing at 8'8", further complemented by the 8" calf-high high-heeled leather boots she wore. My skin took on a like purple shade, almost platinum, with my lips turning a more violent shade of purple and my hair exploding out in a fiery red mane that reached the middle of my back. She wore a bustier and a royal cape, which was lazily draped across her wildly broad shoulders. On top of being almost 5' from end to end, the shoulders themselves were capped in boulder-like muscles that really rounded off my frame.

One of my favorite things about Empress's look was how bulky she was. Most of my forms were quite lean, but not her. Empress was all about size, and that was reflected everything about her, from her hair down to her feet. Her arms were huge, each bicep being 83" around, her legs were huge, each quad being 102" around, and there wasn't an ounce of definition on her. While most of my forms had varying levels of washboard abs, Empress had a proud, soft, protruding belly, and tits to match (not like most of my forms weren't well endowed in that area).

Lastly was her staff, an ornate jewel-encrusted piece of metal that appeared alien in origin, topped with a diamond the size of her fist. the story was, as powerful as she was, her staff the real source of her power, and without it Empress would be forced to retreat. At this point, most of my encounters with Ice Queen devolved into her minimizing damage while trying to get to my staff as fast as possible. Ice Queen knows she can't win in a straight fight, which is by design. I think it's way more entertaining for me to present myself as a more powerful threat with a huge weakness - that way my appearance is always taken seriously, but Ice Queen knows there's a way for her to win.

The sun was setting on Coast City when I got there, floating a few miles above the city, so most people wouldn't know I was here. Thank changed really fast when I raised my staff, made the diamond glow, and exerted my influence over the city. As Empress I was allowed to use a greater level of strength for my powers as long as I restricted myself to only a couple of them, so it was pretty trivial for me to dominate all the normals and altereds in the city. However, since Empress wasn't supposed to be that strong yet, I had the majority of them act like normal.

I cackled as I lowered myself to the ground, and in my best deep villain voice I declared, "People of Coast City! Your Empress has returned! Submit to me and you will be given favor! Resist... and face my wrath!" To accent my remark I shot a beam out of my staff, blowing up a nearby building. I had most of my thralls act panicked and try to run away, while the couple dozen that were "under my control" flocked to me, ready to obey. I start to bark some orders at them, really hamming it up, when I feel a frosty beam shoot over to me. I stop it with my staff, turn to face, Ice Queen, and say, "Well, well, well. If it isn't Frigid Bitch. You got here fast this time, you miss me?"

Ice Queen had a similar regal getup to Empress, though hers was ever so slightly more modest. Unlike me, though, she wore a tiara that was fitted with sapphires. Additionally, while my color scheme was mostly purples and dark reds, hers was white and light blues. A bit on the nose for someone with her powers, I would say, but, hey, it works for her. Ice Queen was 7'4" and extremely lean and narrow. She had 6" heels on that really accentuated her long, slender legs, a tight 8 pack that was clearly visible through the sheer fabric of her outfit, and an incredibly developed and defined upper body. Super strength wasn't one of her powers, but she still worked out as much as she could to compensate. I should know - I trained her a dozen times as Hyper Girl.

Her eyes trained on me, her face contorts to make a sneer as she says, "Cut the shit, Empress. I want you out of my city - now."

I chuckle as I respond, "Or what, you'll break my staff again? Bad news for you, princess, but that won't be so easy for you this time! I forged a new one from metal taken from a dying star! Not even Hyper Girl could break it!" I just loved how theatrical I could be as Empress, and I could tell that my boast rattle her a little bit. Now Ice Queen was questioning if she really could take me down - but with a little subliminal shove from me, she was resolved that even if she didn't she'd go down trying to defend her city. Fuck, she could be so determined.

With that, we were done with words, and it was time for action. Ice Queen fired a salvo of frosty rays at me from her fingertips, which I easily blocked by creating a forcefield with my staff. The clever girl used that time to run around in an arc, trying to get closer to me without running straight at me. I flourished my staff, commanding several of my thralls to get in her way. Though most of them were women, none of them were supers so they weren't as big as Ice Queen, but, being a hero, she wouldn't use her powers on them. This distraction allowed me to rise into the air, giving me a clear bead on her from above. Brandishing my staff again, I fired a "beam of control" at her. In an earlier encounter, I established that Empress has two main ways of mind control: a weaker wide-range burst (like how I established control over the city this time), and a much more powerful single-target beam. Again, this was a choice I made for drama - the implication of the beam was that if I hit Ice Queen with it she'd be under my control, but there was still a way for her to dodge it. And I always made sure to miss her with it. This time I had the mob of thralls drag her down, so the beam just narrowly flew by her head.

Ice Queen, clearly fed up of being at the bottom of this human pile, used her powers to create thins layers of ice between her and my thralls, giving her just the wiggle room she needed to escape them. I had instructed my thralls to be extra grabby while they were piling onto her, so her costume was messed up in a lot of places. No damage was done to her, but we were now a bit closer together in terms of immodesty. Notably, the fabric over her stomach was destroyed, showing off the flat and incredibly defined 10 pack she sported. I felt my clit twitch in my costume at the sight - her abs had always been such a turn-on for me.

"Had enough, little princess," I shouted at her, feeling elated that this encounter was going exactly as I had expected. To my surprise, Ice Queen's face, though exhausted, was smiling. I continued with, "What are you smiling at? Your city is about to fall into my hands, you have nothing to be happy about!"

She snarled at me, saying, "You're not the only one with a trick up her sleeve." It only just then occurred to me that I hadn't been reading her mind for most of the fight, my grip on my powers still loosened from my recent training with Root. In the split second before Ice Queen opened her mouth again, I gleaned some of the details: she had a new partner in Coast City, and I had no idea.

"Now, Firebomb!"

Almost as though she were speaking to me, I opened up my senses at Ice Queen's direction, gaining full clarity of the situation right before a huge lash of flame was about to make contact. Firebomb was relocated to Coast City 7 months ago to help Ice Queen handle the increased levels of crime and danger. Though they clashed at first, they quickly established a connection, becoming romantic partners not much longer after that. This fucking slut.

Remembering I was still in character, I raised up my staff at the last second and dissipated the fire with another forcefield. Though I knew what she looked like by now, I still looked up at her as she used her control over fire to propel herself around. She was the same height as Ice Queen, 7'4", and just as lean and slender, with bright red hair even longer than mine. It was full of luscious, voluminous curls, and went down nearly to her ankles. Her costume, however, was so ridiculous it made me look chaste in comparison. Quite literally, she only wore a stylized bikini bottom and pasties that covered the areola of her oversized breasts. Of course, being a super, she had no need for a bra. I'm amazed she even bothered covering her tits at this point.

Firebomb flew over to Ice Queen and gently put her hand on her face, whispering in an accent from the other side of the country, "Are you okay, babe? Sorry I didn't get her."

Ice Queen responded quickly in a similarly small voice, saying, "That's ok. Just remember what I told you - as long as we can separate her from her staff, we win. Let's alternate between dealing with her and her thralls. Eventually we should be able to tire her out."

The fucking audacity I was hearing from her! She really thinks she has any control here? Oh no, little miss, you only ever have a chance of winning these encounters because I let you! And how fucking dare you move on from me! I was the best thing that ever happened to you, and when I left that was supposed to have broken your heart permanently!

My grip on my staff tightened to the point that I could feel it breaking in my hand. This snapped me back to the present situation, and, more importantly, reminded me that I was still in character. I needed to end this, and I sure as hell won't let her win this time.

I let the fight continue as they expected, with me using my staff to alternate between blocking their attacks and sending more and more minions at them. From reading their minds, I know that they're aware of how I'm moving the fight as we go so that I can continuously pick up more people and dominate them. What they don't know, though, is that I've been slowly mobilizing the entire city and some of the outer towns towards them. If they were looking for a battle of attrition, I'll make sure they get one.

We continue in this pattern for nearly half an hour as I make a lap around the city blocks where we started this conflict. I can tell that, despite their conditioning, the lovers weren't ready for a battle as arduous as this. I gave them a few near misses to keep their spirits up, but at this point I haven't sustained any real damage, meanwhile both of them are tired, gasping for air, and weighed down from the constant assault of little people I've been sending at them. Hey, they may not be supers, but if you hit the same spot enough time you'll eventually wear it down.

They were contemplating calling for backup (I prevented them from doing it earlier with some more subliminal suggestions) when I decided it was time to end this. I leveled my staff at Firebomb and prepared to fire off my beam of control. I made the diamond glow a violent color, suggesting that it was gathering power, as I cackled at them with, "It's over, Puddle Duo! Coast City is mine! And as a trophy of this fight and as a sign of my enmity towards you, Ice Queen, I'm taking your little girlfriend with me!"

As expected, Ice Queen took my threat seriously and summoned her last bits of energy to run in front of my beam, hoping to take it instead of Firebomb. The slut never would have done something like that for me, so I shoot the beam faster than she expected, landing it right on Firebomb. Theatrics aside, I took control of her mind at the beginning of my little speech, and had her drop to the ground after the light show ended. With a wave of my staff I teleported her away to a base I established off-planet. I'd deal with her later.

I walk over to Ice Queen, who was crumpled on the ground, totally spent. Even though I was furious with her, I was pitching such an intense tent from seeing her like that. Tears in her eyes, she whispers up at me saying, "You... bitch. Give her back... Give me Firebomb back..."

The poor thing barely had the energy to resist me now. Relishing my position of dominance, I sternly said to her, "Out of respect for our longstanding conflict, I won't kill you here. Coast City will be the capital of my glorious empire, and unless you wish to serve me you will be forcibly ousted." As her answer was a foregone conclusion, I lifted her off the ground with a flourish of my staff and launched her into the next county.

I look back on Coast City, its entire population under my control. That stupid fucking bitch just had to start dating someone else, and now I have a whole city to deal with. Just my luck. And worst of all, I still have four hours until my date with Debra. I'll need to figure something out, since I sure as hell won't be here the next time Ice Queen and whatever other homewrecker she brings along with her try to fight Empress.

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2023, 04:18:55 pm »
I'm loving Hyper Girl's adventures

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2023, 07:40:33 pm »
Okay, now time to figure out what I'm going to do about Coast City. I could keep the normals and altereds in the city dominated as long as I was inside the planet's orbit, but that didn't seem like the best idea. Not only did I not want to actually take over the city, the second I went back to Root I'd lose control over them. No, the better route here was to modify their memories so that they knew I was in charge and they had to live by my rule.

This, however, lead to a new problem: I couldn't be Empress and Hyper Girl (or any of my other various personas) at the same time, no matter how fast I was. I was hesitant to try to clone myself, since, again, I would want to dominate the clone and would lose control of her the second I went back to base. Plus, I hadn't really practiced cloning before, so I wasn't too confident in how well that would go. Instead, I had a better idea.

While dressed as Empress, I flew over to one of my male thralls. After doing a quick mind read, I learned that he didn't have any family or friends and didn't belong to anyone, so no one would miss him. Perfect, I'm about to make this kid's life incomparably better. I can't instantaneously change his appearance, but I create a synthetic cocoon to wrap around him and teleport him to the middle of the city. In an hour, he'll emerge from that cocoon looking like and thinking he is Empress, with just enough of her power to pose a minor threat in one or two conflicts. I unfortunately have to donate some of my power to him to make the illusion real, but while he's in the cocoon he'll be subjected to an intense array of hypnotic suggestions to make sure he stays in line. Plus, once he's defeated, the power will return to me and he'll go back to being his former self.

To cover all my bases, I make everyone I have under my control pass out for 80 minutes. That way, when they wake up their minds will be in order, and the fake Empress will be ready to reign over them. I just love it when a plan comes together.

A plan that did not come together, however, was this little diversion. I had planned on this taking the better part of two hours, but it barely took 30 minutes. I still had over 3 hours until my date with Debra, and I was so bricked up I was ready to hump a building. Thinking of Debra, it might be good to try the Ice Queen tactic with her for a one time night of passion. I quickly sift through my memories of reading her mind, and I find that I did, in fact, read a memory she had of an old flame. Debra didn't remember the exact date of this memory so I can only infer when it happened from context, but I would guess, based primarily on the size of the girl in question, that this was about 60 years ago. While I was fine making myself small for short stints, I wasn't willing to go as far as this one. Instead, I'll "reimagine" this woman to better fit the current age.

In an instant my form changed to match my idea, and, frankly, I liked what I saw: 6'5", long, thick legs that look like they go on forever, and not a single ounce of definition. The girl from the past certainly wasn't lean, but I figured I may as well play up the "full-figured" look. Weight was always a tricky thing for me to get right since I can freely change my density, but I would probably say that I weighed between 400 and 500 pounds now. In many ways, I was a slimmed down version of Empress in this form (makes me wonder why Debra liked Hyper Girl so much - maybe a hero kink?), but my skin had an olive complexion instead of the alien-like purple Empress had, and my hair was a light auburn. My hair was just as big, however, if not bigger proportionately, and was stuffed to the brim with voluminous curls and lift, and yet it still made its way to the middle of my thighs. My brown eyes had flecks of gold in them, and, as the final touch, I grew out my body hair a couple extra inches and thickened it up. Turns out Debra liked her girls quite a bit hairier than most, even for the current times, which was fine by me.

I finished off the look with a pair of shorts that barely made it past my vulva and a crop top that didn't quite cover my generous bosom. Since the girl in Debra's memory was named Christine, I figured I may as well use that as my cover. There was still so much time to kill, though, and my clit was so engorged it was separating the tops of my shorts from my body, putting my pubes on full display. I could have changed my shorts to fix that, but I actually liked the look so I decided to keep it. I didn't want to head back to Bumblefuck yet, so if I wanted to kill time I may as well do something to break in the new girl.

Before I could even finish my thought, I had flown myself across the country to Horizon City, named as such because it was in a mountain valley, giving you a perfect view at the horizon. I flew in right outside the city limits and decided that until it was time to leave, I would spend time here and try to meet people the "old-fashioned way". In brief, I wouldn't use my powers to read minds or alter emotions, and in general I would try to behave like a non-super. That being said, I still had a perfect understanding of where everything and everyone was in the city at all times, as well as a general psych profile, just so I wouldn't waste any time.

I quickly found my way to a bar called Hedonism, and before I even took my first step in I saw that it was living up to its name. Girls were making out and fingering each other as far as the eye could see, and what few males that were there were either keeping to themselves, hoping that they wouldn't get noticed by a particularly domineering woman, or were actively being used as toys in someone else's pleasure. I saw a staircase in the very back of the room, and I didn't even need powers to know what was upstairs. I licked my lips hungrily and was immediately happy I picked this place.

Walking it, I was assaulted by the smell of sex. I expected that, of course, but it was still powerful enough to expand my clit further. I ordered a strong drink at the bar and began scoping out the women here. From what I could tell none of them were supers, though most were altereds. The few normals that were here seemed quite happy to get used by the bigger, stronger women, though I did spy one who was able to dom an altered. Out of the corner of my eye I see a woman who's clearly checking me out - once again, I don't even need powers to be able to read her. She stands up and starts stalking towards me, and I'm able to use my senses to get a full picture of her: 6'8", somewhere between lean and bulky, with an angular face, black hair in an undercut, dressed in ripped jeans and a leather jacket - no shirt, though, so you could see all the hard work she had done on her upper body.

She walks up to me, her combat boots giving her more than enough height to look down at me as I sit on one of the bar stools. Either she didn't have much of a sense for personal space or she didn't care, because she got so close to me I could smell the subtle notes of sweat beneath her perfume. She didn't look pumped, though, so she must have done something other than working out that made her work up a sweat. A small glance to where she just was let me see a dreamy-eyed girl with a glazed over look in her eyes. That, combined with the smell I just started noticing from her fingers (it was hard to separate out from the overall smell of sex, even with my senses), let me know just what had gotten her so worked up.

"Hey, can I get you a drink? You look like you could use another."

Her voice was deep and a bit gravelly. I bit my lip as a shiver went down my spine - I just loved any opportunity I got to break a dom. She put an arm on the bar as she leaned in close, her voice just barely above a whisper. It was reasonably thick and loaded up with tattoos.

"I'm Christine," I replied back, desperately wanting us to move past the pick up line part of the night. I stood up to greet her, pressing my ample chest into the bottoms of her solid pecs. My clit was so hard that anyone could just peer over and look into my shorts. I could tell that my suitor was trying to see over my obstructions to check out what I was packing.

"Jesse. Let's go upstairs."

Catching her meaning, I let her lead me by the hand up the staircase at the back of the room. Halfway up all my suspicions were confirmed. While there was no real subtlety going on downstairs, at least people, for the most part, stayed clothed. Here, no such formality was required. The floor was padded and there were platforms of various sizes and height strewn around so that people could assume whatever position they wanted as they either received or gave out pleasure. As I expected, the only men who were up here were being used as sex toys.

I glanced around and saw a few off-duty supers. I recognized them all, but, of course, none of them recognized Christine. No one was using any powers that could be seen, but I could tell that one of them, Heartthrob, was going strong. Heartthrob had the power to manipulate people, like Empress, though they couldn't take control of anyone. Rather, they could only amplify or nullify a person's attitude towards someone else. The public didn't know the full extent of their power, but I had gleaned it the first time I met them as Hyper Girl: essentially, they saw an "intensity" and an "attitude" with how one person felt about another and could manipulate both to a certain degree within a specific amount of time. Two lovers, for example, would feel "strongly" and "positively" toward each other, and Heartthrob could, over time, turn that "strongly" into a "weakly" or "none", or turn that "positively" into "negatively" or something else entirely.

I always appreciated how Heartthrob only thought of using their powers as a hero, since they wouldn't make a very good villain with how weak they were. As Jesse and I finished our ascent, I looked over at the small group that was working on Heartthrob, and it was clear from my various senses that everyone there was consenting. Given that, I shifted my focus to Jesse, who was clearly getting more and more aroused as we walked. We soon found a corner that wasn't being occupied, and without a word she dropped to her knees and started sucking off my clit. As her head bobbed up and down its length, she stuck one hand on one of my thighs for support and the other on my generous bush. I started moaning, more to urge her along than to signify how good it felt, and her pace quickly increased. She continued this for a minute, and without any warning I blew a load into her mouth. She had clearly expected it to come any second now, but did not expect how big it was or how fast it shot out. Within seconds her mouth was overflowing, and she couldn't swallow fast enough.

About 30 seconds later I finished my stream, a thick puddle forming at my feet despite the 27 times Jesse swallowed. I take my member out of her mouth, throbbing and still hard. Looking down at her, I say, "What, too much for you?"

She looks up at me, eyes wide and mouth quivering, and replies, "No, I promise! I just... I've never had so much before. I... I want more!" She rises immediately, planting her lips on mine while she wraps a meaty hand around my clit. She sticks her tongue down my throat while she jerks me off, the sudden display of dominance finally getting a real bit of arousal out of me. My hands find her hard (soft to me), round ass, and I press her closer to me while she works. I try my hardest to limit my strength - I want to make it clear that I'm stronger, but that I'm not a super.

I separate my mouth from hers and say, "I'm ready." She knows what I mean, and quickly undoes her jeans. She's not wearing any underwear either, so I'm able to jam myself into her without any further delay. I hoist her onto one of the cushioned platforms and proceed to pump into her with far greater force than she was expecting. Jesse shrieks between her moans, clearly unused to being the sub and loving it. People start looking our way. Jesse is a known element around here, and no one has ever heard her make these sounds, let alone let anyone penetrate her. Even Heartthrob's crew give us a few glances, though clearly still focused on them.

I rail into Jesse for 20 minutes, at one point lifting her off the table entirely, until I finally whisper at her, "Now." I lost count after her 40th orgasm, but she fell into one final one as I came for the second time that night, so much harder than the first one. With just the force of my cum I launch her off my clit, her spasming body landing a few feet away. Jesse writhes on the floor, sweating and cumming, lapping up any of mine that ends up near her. I, on the other hand, appear to only have a light sheen of sweat (purely fabricated; I doubt this effort would have even made Amber exert much).

This was something no one on this floor could ignore, all their heads turning my way in quick succession, even Heartthrob's. A few heads peak up from the stairs, clearly interested in what the commotion was despite not thinking they were ready for the big leagues. I look at all of their fawning faces, some enduring an orgasm just from being near Jesse, others wondering what a fuck like that must have felt like. I stare at them, breathing slightly heavier than normal to imply exertion, my mouth curling into a seemingly genuine smile. Standing back up straight, I raise an arm and flex at the gathered crowd, and I say, fully in command, "Who's next?"

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2023, 12:32:28 pm »
Very enticing story!  Loving the world building and the extreme levels of your characters. Very interested to know more about Root and what led to everything.

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2023, 08:51:17 pm »
It took me three hours to fuck my way through the bar. Woman, man, it didn't matter; everyone wanted a piece of Christine. Even Heartthrob and the bar tenders got roped in, and I could tell that Heartthrob was actually quite enthralled by the idea of getting dominated so much by an alleged normal. By the time I was done, everyone in the building was a writhing mess, convulsing as they were brought to orgasm after nearly endless orgasm. Most had gotten into two digits before I laid a single hand on them, and some were even hitting three digits. Was I manipulating the amount of pheromones being released by myself and everyone else? Of course I was; it was far too much fun to not do it, and I barely even considered it a use of my powers.

I had flexed out of my clothes at some point during the fucking, and I didn't want to risk anyone see me suddenly become clothed again, so I took my first steps back outside in the buff. I enjoyed the sounds of my feet slapping against the puddles of cum that were dribbling out of almost every orifice. It's a good thing I made myself sterile before coming here, because otherwise everyone I had fucked who was capable of getting pregnant would assuredly end up that way.

A couple of people glanced my way as I walked through Horizon City (some even outright staring), and I honestly couldn't blame them. Public nudity wasn't illegal, nor had it been for nearly a century, but a woman my size, covered and matted with sweat and cum, was sure to draw some eyes. I decided to have my fun, though, and I winked and gestured at each and every one of them. A particularly brazen young woman, she was barely 5'8", walked right up to my side and started humping my leg. She was rather plain-looking for my taste so I didn't do anything to her, but given the circumstances I would have been within my rights to attack her for forcing herself onto me. That being said, I could tell just from her body language that my presence had completely overwhelmed this girl and there wasn't a single thought going through her head that wasn't a primal desire to fuck.

Since she was barely an impediment as far as my forward movement was concerned, I was content to let her finish herself off on my leg and crumple to the ground in pleasure. I had a bit of a hand in that, using a last second sensory power to magnify her feeling of pleasure by a factor of 1000. Maybe in a few years when she was bigger I'd find her and get my due, but, for now, I felt it was best to let the little one be.

Finally, after a few minutes of walking, I found an alley that was sufficiently dark and abandoned. Once I knew I was outside of eyesight, I cleaned myself up and dressed myself in Christine's normal attire: a pair of shorts that barely made it past my vulva and a crop top that didn't quite cover my generous bosom. I still had about 20 minutes until my date with Debra, which meant if I took my time getting there I'd still be 20 minutes early. Oh, well. She's been waiting all day for this date, longer still for her long lost love, and I still had over seven hours of leave. I doubt she'd mind me being a touch early.

Before I could even finish that thought I arrived in Bumblefuck, about a mile from Debra's home. The place didn't have much of a sense of night lift, given the people who lived here tried to live as close to an agrarian lifestyle as possible. It meant they didn't have all the advancements of modern society, but I respected the choice. It had long been my belief that people are only owed what they can do for themselves. I know, that sounds highly atypical for someone who spends most of her time as a superhero, but my occupation was hardly my choice. As with most things in my life, the whole "hero" thing was because of Root - it's why I was created, after all, and it's why we do all the training and testing and whatnot. Ultimately I didn't really mind the hero stuff that much, since the perks more than made up for it. Plus, it lets me meet all these interesting people and use them however I want.

A two minute walk was all I needed to hoof it over to Debra's house. It was a quaint little building, two stories, one bedroom, one bathroom, not much else. As I walked up to knock on the door, I made a resolution that by the time I left the building would be reduced to rubble. I only needed to make contact with the door once before Debra threw it open. She was dressed in a negligee that didn't even bother covering her loins, and the material was so thin it practically didn't exist. Her pussy was steaming hot and dripping with anticipation, and the look on her face changed about 12 times as it went through that many emotions when it looked at me. Clearly she was expecting Hyper Girl, and while she was a bit disappointed that her night time visitor wasn't her, clearly she was still satisfied with the replacement.

Looking down at her, I say in a sultry voice, "I'm a friend of Hyper Girl's. She told me there was an appreciative citizen here who wanted to share a home cooked meal with her." I reach a hand down and stick a finger slowly into her hole as I continue, "And it looks like you've been slaving over it all day."

Debra's eyes were screwed shut as she uttered a moan so deep and so hungry that I was surprised she could reply.

"I hope you have an appetite. I don't cook often, but when I do it takes hours to finish."

That was all I needed to hear. With my one finger still inside of her, I bring her up closer to me and plant my lips on hers as I go inside, using telekinesis to shut the door behind me. Christine may have masqueraded as a normal in Horizon City, but for Debra she would be super.

The older woman goes limp as an electric shock runs through her spine from my sudden show of force, and I can tell that she wants more. I stick my tongue as far as it can go in her mouth, and then stick it down into her esophagus, going farther and farther and farther until I've completely filled up her mouth. She can barely breath, which makes her helpless, but she won't choke to death. I take my finger out of her but I use my mind to keep her in the air, and then I use it to force her arms and legs out. My hands go to work on pressing her face into mine as I make out with her, while my mind starts stimulating each part of her body, especially her short but meaty clit.

As I do this I review every single thought and memory she's ever had and download them all so I can find every little thing that turns her on and makes her horny. I was spot-on that she was a sub, but even if she hadn't started that way I would ensure that she would end as one. Not just a sub, it turns out; Debra liked it rough. Real rough.

Knowing that, I turn up the force on the part of my telekinesis that's stretching her limbs out and change the vector so that it's also pulling on them as well. As the pain begins to cascade into her, I speak into her mind, saying, "Don't worry, little Debra. I'm going to make you hurt, but I'm not going to kill you or do any permanent damage. You wanted to fuck a super, right? So I'm going to give you what you wanted."

I take my tongue out of her mouth and allow Debra to gasp in all the air I was denying her. Her lungs were running low but not fully depleted, and there were tears streaming down her face. If I couldn't read minds or body language as well as I did, I might have some doubts on how she was feeling at this time, but I didn't even need her to respond to know what she was going to say.


I smiled, probably wider than Christine's face was supposed to, but I took that as permission to do as I saw fit. True to that, by the time Debra had her first mind-shattering orgasm, naturally accompanied by a scream so loud that it threatened to rattle the foundation of the house we were in, she was covered in bruises and marks, and most of her body was numb from overexertion. Her face was swollen, her eyes forced shut, and she was sobbing and sniveling between the sounds of pleasure that were quite literally being forced out of her mouth. Not literally, though, as that's not something I found any reason to do. Rather, I was hitting on so many of her kinks in so extreme a manner that she, quite literally, could not keep it in. And we were only an hour into hour date.

Suffice to say, once the sun was starting to come up and my remaining leave was best measured in a single-digit amount of minutes, I had put Debra through such an intense rigmarole of punishment that she would be unable to function for a week. Which, all things equal, was probably for the best, since she would need at least that much time to recover from this. It was a good thing she had taken a couple extra doses of her super supplements (if she did this regularly she'd be well on her way to being an altered), because otherwise I'd need to have someone look after her while she recovered. I made sure her house was fully stocked with easy to access nutrients and hydration sources before leaving so that she wouldn't be too inconvenienced in the first few days of her recovery.

To my disappointment, the house was still standing as I left, but it was, at the very least, looking worse for wear. Call it sympathy, call it my edge being dulled from my time in Horizon City before coming here, but I felt it was right to let Debra keep her house. Regardless, now that my leave was over, it was time to resume my identity as Amber and deal with whatever foreplay Root called training before I got to go back out and do something fun.

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2023, 08:52:31 pm »
I meant to include this in my post, but I just wanted to say thank you both for the comments. It's always great to see people engage with your work beyond just the views, especially when it's one of the greats like BMB.

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2023, 08:42:55 pm »
As expected, the second I crossed the threshold into the underwater Earth-base I was forced back into Amber. All the same, I actually liked being someone who had a bit of definition on her. I loved how bulky and beefy Empress was, and Christine, though new, certainly had her appeal, but I always preferred it when my muscles were visible. Since I was actually on time for once, I didn't want to waste any time heading into a training room. To my surprise, Root waited until I was a few steps inside to talk to me this time.

It is good that you were not late today. An important development has happened that will need your attention soon. Because of this, training will be cancelled until the development is concluded.

This was a total shock to me. Root never let me skip training, so whatever this was must have been important.

"Lucky me. I get to have a fun night all to myself and now I don't need to spend 90 minutes getting tortured by you. What's so important that you had to disrupt your precious regiment?"

I'm sure if Root had eyes, she'd be rolling them at my tone. I just couldn't help myself, I loved being petulant when I was around her.

Word came in from the White House. The president, along with her wife, several of her husbands, and her youngest daughter will be taking a diplomatic trip to Mons Olympus, Mars. In addition to her normal security detail, she reached out to the Department of Superheroics and requested three additional superpowered bodyguards. Two of them she left up to the Department to decide, but she requested Hyper Girl by name.

I had never been much into politics, but even I knew that when the President asked for you, it was generally unwise to snub her. She couldn't do anything to me, but if I wasn't on my best behavior Root would make my life a living hell. Then again, she only has control over me when I'm near Earth. Sure, Mars was close, but that was definitely out of her range. Once I'm off-world, she won't have any control over me!

"Well, if Madame President wants me, she's gonna get me. And I promise, Root, I'm going to be on my best behavior."

Your compliance, as well as your tone, is noted. It is doubtful that you will be, as you say, on your best behavior, but that is irrelevant. Upon receiving this news I created a device that is capable of extending my effective range for dealing with you, specifically. Once activated, so long as it is within one meter of your body, you being on the surface of Mars will feel no different that right now. Unfortunately, this comes with the side effect that while you are on Earth you will feel the effects of my grasp on you double in force.

"Fuck that, Root! No way in hell am I letting you put that device on me!"

I couldn't help myself but get angry. The relationship I had with Root had always been like this, to an extent, but we also a fair share of trust between us. Or so I thought.

Your outrage is noted, but, again, it is irrelevant. The news of which I speak came in before your most recent round of training, and the device was put into the nourishment you were given immediately afterwards. It is already inside you, and, based on your metabolic rate, it will be able to last until well after you are predicted to return to Earth.

My jaw dropped. I honestly couldn't believe she would pull something like this, deceiving me and acting like she hadn't done anything wrong. I also couldn't believe myself, how I didn't even notice a foreign body enter mine. Was it a lapse in my senses? Was I just not paying attention? Or did Root think that far ahead and do something so that I wouldn't notice it?

Either way I tried using all of my senses to locate it inside me, but before I could even concentrate I felt my senses dull. In an instant the rate at which my senses provided information was halved, and it took twice the effort to understand what I was being given. More importantly, the harder I tried to look for the thing, the less focused I became. This clinches it; Root must have put a measure in place to make sure I can't find this thing once it's activated.

I tried to fire a response at her, summarizing all my distaste into a couple sounds, but the shock of having my normal-person abilities cut in half like this was just too much. I could barely understand what Root said to me as she continued.

I would apologize for activating the device now, but you forced my hand. In truth, the motivation for why I had to create this device in the first place can be traced back to you. If you could truly be trusted with all the power you wield, none of this would be necessary. Not the device, not the regiment. Not even myself. I know the thoughts that cross your mind all hours of the day. I know how you view me, how you view your life. Prove to me that I do not need to take such measures in the future. Use this mission as your first step.

Things were starting to become normal, little by little. I was still fuming at Root, but, on the other hand, I can't exactly say she was wrong. That being said, the news that she knew all my thoughts was a bit off-putting. I had always suspected that she could read minds, especially given our primary mode of communication, but I had never been able to confirm it. Then again, I read people's minds without telling them all the time. Am I really any better than Root?

Ugh, I hated introspection so much, and I hated that even as Amber and even in my current state I couldn't stop myself from it.

"Fine. Whatever. So what's the actual mission, anyway? I just need to babysit a couple normals while we go off-world? Not exactly a reason to call in Hyper Girl, is it?"

The reason you are being called in have to do with the President's youngest daughter, Aki. Similar to you, she was a genetically engineered baby who has been undergoing super therapy since before she was born. The President isn't aware that I know this, but Aki is the result of a secret American initiative to try and create Hyper Girls of their own.

Maybe it was the device Root put in me, but I was having a hard time keeping up with this.

"What are you talking about? A secret initiative? Plus, the President's youngest daughter is named Shae, not Aki."

Aki is not a matter of public record. Even calling her the President's daughter is slightly disingenuous, as none of the President's DNA was used to create her. As for the secret initiative, it was created shortly after Hyper Girl made her debut appearance. Though you claimed American citizenship for the purpose of being a part of the Department of Superheroics, neither you, nor I, not the organization that funds us belongs to America. That, of course, is also not a matter of public record, but I have little fear of it making its way outside of this room.

"Still, asking for Hyper Girl specifically just to watch over a super-brat seems like overkill to me. But, whatever, the sooner I do this thing the sooner it's over, the sooner I can get this damn thing out of me. Anything else I need to know, Root?"

There is no further information I can give you that is relevant to your performance on this mission. I will, however, urge you to perform well. It is important that Hyper Girl keep a positive relationship with the President.

"Yeah, yeah, politics and all that. I got it. Don't you worry, Root, I'll watch the hell out of the secret kid."

With that, Root became silent and I made my way out of the underwater base. Even as Hyper Girl, when the brunt of Root's hold on me was removed, I still felt off, like things weren't quite right. I didn't feel a significant dampening of my powers, though, but I noticed that it was harder for me to get to my usual standards. Normally I could get to my typical flying speed in 0.2 seconds, but now it was taking me a full second to fully accelerate. That was way more than what Root had promised, but there really was nothing I could do at this point. As they say, the only way out is through.

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2023, 10:55:36 pm »
One of the best stories I've read in a while. Keep it up!

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2023, 04:52:37 pm »
 8) wonderful story, I'm loving especially her super clitores

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2023, 05:00:59 pm »
Despite the fog I was in, it felt good to be back in the old pink, white, and blue. The flight from the underwater base to the White House, though, was unbearably slow by my standards. The trip would normally be about 0.9 seconds for me, but at 1.5 seconds I was just over halfway there. The extra time it took me to accelerate was brutal.

One upside, though, was that with my senses dampened I couldn't hear all the distress calls that were coming in. I probably still had enough time to handle most of them without being late for my mission, but I'll leave those to the other heroes. A couple were coming from Coast City, no doubt from the new reign of terror "Empress" was enforcing on her subjects. Ice Queen should have some fun with that.

I made my landing on the front lawn of the White House in the designated drop point for supers. There weren't any markings for where it was, but it was a half-mile wide circle filled with all manner of high-tech sensors and whatnot just below rhe surface. That, coupled with the hundreds of other measures put in place by the Department of  Superheroics, made sure that they knew exactly who was coming and going. The drop point was a bit of an open secret amongst the Department supers - most of us had some form of super senses, so we knew about the drop point even though no one official talked about it.

As I landed, I was immediately swarmed by half a dozen Secret Service agents. They knew to expect me, of course, but not when I'd show up, so I was actually quite impressed with their reaction times. They were all altereds (on the record, anyway; we all knew about half of any given Secret Service detail was comprised of undocumented low-grade supers), but even in my reduced state I needed to be careful around them. The biggest among them, a 6'7" blonde with her hair kept in a tight fishtail braid, was the first to speak.

"Hyper Girl. The President is expecting you. Thank you for responding to her request to have you along for this mission."

"No need to thank me, Agent Wildes. As a proud member of the Department, it's my pleasure and duty to do as the commander-in-chief requests."

She didn't react to me using her name, but from how one of the less experienced agents reacted I could tell most of this detail wasn't too familiar with me or my M.O.  See, Department heroes had to have all of their powers registered, and mind reading wasn't one of the powers I registered. Despite that, I have a reputation of being able to pull out information that I would have little reason to know. Officially, this is chalked up to my registered increased intelligence levels and a thorough amount of preparation before all encounters, social or otherwise. I loved pulling small stunts like these with nobodies just to keep them on their toes.

A quick peak into Agent Wildes' head revealed that she had read up on me extensively once being assigned to this detail, so she was expecting something like this. I liked where her head was at, and was further pleased to see that she would be coming with us to Mars. Turns out she's actually quite the big deal herself, having been a vigilante as a kid and a top CIA agent for a few years after turning 16. She has been on the Secret Service for two years now at 23 years old, and has been on super therapy for three. From reading her memories, the President actually has very high hopes for her, and allegedly wants to keep her on as a private bodyguard if and when she ever loses office.

Completely nonplussed, Agent Wildes continued, "Of course. Please, follow me. The President wanted to give you the brief herself."

She walked decently fast for someone without notable super speed, and the pace gave me more than enough time to take her in. The Agent had a body similar to Ice Queen - narrow and lean, but densely packed with efficient muscle. She was a bit wider in the shoulder than Ice Queen, but that wasn't a problem for me. The suit jacket, slacks, and tie she wore were solid black, but the dress shirt was a crisp white, almost luminescent compared to the rest of her garb. This was the standard uniform for a Secret Service agent, but hers had a special quality to it as though to denote her rank or relative importance. Watching her blonde braid bounce against her smooth black jacket that betrayed just enough of the musculature of her back was fascinating and nearly tantalizing. I'll make her mine before the mission is done.

It takes us ten minutes to get to our destination. I'd be surprised that we weren't heading for the Oval Office had I not gleaned that from the minds of my escorts when I landed. Unsurprisingly we were in yet another underground base. It had the mixed appearance of a lab and a home, not unlike the base I had left to come here. The room I was lead to had the appearance of a living room or den, with all the typical fixings: a mock-fireplace with a painting of a landscape on the mantle, several houseplants in decorative pots, a coffee table with different drinks and snacks, and the President on a couch getting head from her wife.

President Coraline McAddams was a bull of a woman, a normal by all accounts who could go toe-to-toe with most altereds. She kept her raven hair cut short to the point where she looked bald in some lights, but everything else about her was purposely designed to scream "imposing". Her head was huge and sported a jaw big enough to take in half of Hyper Girl's clit without much trouble, her shoulders were wide enough that she needed to get all the White House doors refitted (and had to do it again at the start of her second term - the woman was no stranger to the gym), and she had hips to match, giving her a very boxy and dense look whenever she wasn't wearing something form fitting. Each of her legs was nearly three feet thick, and her feet were over a foot and a half long (a size 12 by modern sizes). I couldn't see the clit her wife was choking on, but I could tell that the thing was a foot long and four inches thick. Truly, there was no other woman I'd want as my President.

The First Lady Bes McAddams (née Phillips), on the other hand... well, let's just say she's not my type. At an absolutely diminutive 5'6" (seriously, most middle school girls were taller than her), she was a rejection of all modern beauty standards for women. Her body was pear-shaped and packed a lot of extra fat around her stomach and hips, and the amount of muscle tone she had underneath it was nearly comparable to a man's. The First Lady clocked in at 205 pounds this morning, and I doubt she was strong enough to bench that much weight more than twice. The hair on her head was decently thin, but she was otherwise barren from the neck down. I knew what the President saw in her, but I just didn't understand it.

Upon hearing us walk in, the First Lady tried to remove herself from her wife's member, but a large, firmly placed hand kept her on it for a few more seconds, just enough for the President to finish. Satisfied, she removed herself from her wife's mouth, zipped up, and stood to greet us. Bes wiped away the dribble of cum that she couldn't fit in her mouth, then quickly followed the President's lead, keeping her head down the whole time.

In her deep, gravely voice, President McAddams said, "Ah, Hyper Girl. It's a pleasure to see you once again. I hope you didn't mind the act of spousal bonding."

Even if I were at full power, I'd still be a little impressed with how she acted. Even though she was over a foot shorter than me and insignificant in terms of strength, she really did make me feel like she was the most powerful person in the room. I guess thinking that she has me at her beck and call will do that to a person.

"Not at all, Madame President. I understand the heavy stresses that come with the office, so it's only natural to look for relief when you can get it."

She cocked her eyebrow at my response, clearly catching my implication. As expected, she responded with a chuckle to show she was a good sport.

"Let's cut out the bullshit. We both know that I wouldn't have requested you specifically if this were an ordinary diplomatic mission. You're here specifically because of the reason I'm going to Mars in the first place, that being the entity codenamed MACH-1. When we're not being technical, I like to call her my daughter."

She left a pause in her monolog, clearly expecting a reaction out of me. Since Root said I wasn't supposed to know this, I gave it to her. I contorted my face to present shock and confusion, and replied in such a manner as to amplify that.

"What do you mean by MACH-1? You turned one of your daughters into a test subject?"

The President bought my reaction and chuckled again, saying, "No, no. I wouldn't do that to one of my existing daughters. We did tests on already living subjects years ago, and the results just weren't worth it. No, we needed to start from scratch. And, between all of us, I only call her my daughter because I started the program that created her. There's not an ounce of me in her, though I doubt you'll believe that after getting a look at her. "

Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow. I had met President McAddams before, and her reputation of being loud, boisterous, and confrontational certainly preceeded her, but I was genuinely shocked. Not so much by what I was hearing, nor by how open she was being with me, but how, the more we talked, the harder it became to read her mind. Facts that normally take fractions of a second for me to draw, even with the extra dampening, were taking me two or three times as long to pull. I tried scanning her mind to see what could be going on, but the process was sluggish. By the time she had finished speaking nothing had turned up. She raised me a cocky smile as real confusion started to spread across my face.

"In fact, it looks like there'll be no end to the surprises you'll be seeing today."

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2023, 12:58:46 am »
I too am very much enjoying this world you have created controlled by enhanced and super women with incredible physiques.  I am very interested to see more of the dynamic btw these vastly superior women and the men in this society.  We saw a man try to rob a woman earlier, but sounds like that was something that could have gone horribly wrong.  Would love to see a situation like that.  Do father's have to be scared of their daughters.  Could men or boys at any moment be taken by women for their pleasure or worse. 

At some point I would love to see the beginning days of the first emergence of the enhanced and super women.  How did it all begin?  Who or what created the pills.  When did women begin to notice their incredible strength and power.  How did they experiment with their new abilities - the ability to run faster than cars, bend steel and not fear a fall from a 20 story building?  Men had power to lose and women had power to assert.  How and when did the first conflicts begin - in athletics, the workplace, the home, politics etc.  I am sure women very much wanted to revisit men from abusive relationships, abusive work relationships etc. and seek retribution.

The conflicts and initial chaos that arose with the rise of the superwomen would be great to see.

Just a few thoughts

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2023, 02:43:12 pm »
Thank you, again, everyone, for the engagement and kind words! It's always validating as a writer to see people care and have questions.

@nikolai, you raise a lot of good questions and observations! Unfortunately, a look into the past isn't something I'm interested in doing in Hyper Girl, other than brief moments where she points out things that are more unique to the modern day. That being said, I think it's definitely interesting enough to warrant a story of its own! One of my weaknesses as a writer, though, is that I like to write stories from limited perspectives, so if I do end up writing a story that can serve as a prequel to this one, it would likely be from a specific person's perspective.

Now, onto the chapter.


"Why don't we give the girl a gander? If my timing is right, she should be in the middle of her morning grooming right as we speak."

The President gestured for us all to come by the couch. Her wife took a seat next to her, whereas both Agent Wildes and I stood. The wall we were all facing, which I only realized moments ago was a screen, switched from showing us the picture of a wall we had been looking at to a camera feed of this supposed "grooming room". Though there were over a dozen men in the room working, the thing all of our eyes were drawn to was an enormous girl that I can only imagine was Aki, this MACH-1 test subject. She was sitting down, and the room itself seemed built to accommodate a specific posture. The floor was tilted so that she could sit directly on it while elevating her back and legs. Despite her position and my only view of her being through a screen, my senses were still sharp enough to be able to calculate that she was around 7' tall.

Though the camera was fixed, it was put in such a place that we could get a good picture of what was happening in the room. At this exact moment, four things were happening. The first that I noticed was that four men were being used to shave her. On either side of her, one was being used to hold up one of her arms, and another was using what must have been a special-made razor to remove hair from her underarms. It was clear that each man who was supporting an arm was slowly being crushed by its weight, as I doubt the girl was using any force on them, and that each man shaving was getting exhausted from how much force he had to use to cut through her hair.

The second thing I noticed was that, after each movement of the razor, another team of men was employed to wash the girl. One would lather up the area that the razor touched, and another would rinse the lather off with what looked like a high-pressure hose. Each brief blast of the hose had enough pressure to punch a hole through one of the men using it, as demonstrated by the special gear each of the hose-wielders had to wear. On top of having extra supports to keep him in place, it was made of a material that could resist heavy ballistics without causing much damage to the person inside. These were actually fairly typical protective suits that men were given if they had been harassed one too many times, as most normal women still couldn't break through them. That will probably change in another generation or two, though.

The third thing I noticed was that six total men were working on her feet, three to a side. It looked like they were just rubbing her feet, but closer inspection revealed that they were also rubbing a lotion or a gel into her skin. That should have been my first guess, as if Aki were anywhere near as super as I've been lead to believe, there was no way any of these men were strong enough to giver her a massage; her skin would be far too thick and durable. As they worked, though, I could see thick, short stubbles growing out of her legs. Any of the men who moved their hands up too high and accidentally rubbed Aki's calves would cut their hands on the hairs. Despite their injuries, however, they kept going. From where I was I couldn't tell if it was due to fear, mind control, or, perhaps, some sense of devotion to the girl they were working on.

The fourth and last thing I noticed about the work being done to her were the three men being used to stimulate her clit. Those poor, little men had no hopes of being able to really jack her off, so they had to wear high-friction gloves just to have a chance. Her clit appeared fully erect, and based on how big it was relative to her, I would estimate it to be 3' in length and 6" wide. Due to how she was positioned, the tip of her clit extended about a foot above the heads of the men working on her, and so the one stationed to the upper part of her clit actually needed a step ladder to be able to do his work. The two that were stationed towards the base of her clit seemed to be purposefully keeping a distance away from her pubes, which were wild with overgrowth. The mass was shaggy and curly, extremely dark and probably thick enough to snap off one of these men's arms, and easily a foot thick at its widest part. Those two men kept glancing down at it, probably in awe about how this single bush contained more hair than any of these men could grow in a lifetime.

Once the shavers had finally finished their duty under Aki's arms, the washers did their last lather and rinse routine, and the men who were keeping the giant girl's arms up finally collapsed, their faces beat-red with exertion, their muscles taxed far more than they had ever expected. The one on the right was in bad shape, but would probably recover with enough rest and medical attention. The one on the left, however, won't make it. It was clear from how shallow his breathing was, but unless he got medical attention at this exact moment he would pass. I glanced over at the President, and she was smirking, her mouth and face contorted into a cruel smile, rejoicing in how no one will see to that man to make sure he lives. Keeping my eyes on her but looking downward, I can see that her hand is on her crotch, over her pants, as an erection strains the fabric nearly to its breaking point.

Once the shaving and washing finished, the feet rubbers also stopped, tired from their work but not deadly so. Soon after, I saw Aki make a face, the first display of emotion or reaction she had this whole time. It was almost time for her. She moved her arms, which were easily thicker than any man's whole body, and clasped her hands around her clit, trapping the three men who were stimulating her. The movement was too swift for any of them to react to it. Though the camera didn't have a microphone, it was obvious that the other men in the room heard a series of cracking sounds as all the bones in the three men's bodies were broken, completely shattered. Aki pumped herself five times and sprayed a fountain of cum out of her clit. The force of it was such that the wall she shot was dented, nearly to the breaking point, and the splatter was still forceful enough to pierce through the other men in the room. Standing up, she faced the survivors, and flexed.

I had known from the feed that Aki was a girl of great proportion, but seeing her, not quite face the camera, but close enough, I got a good look at her nude mass. Her head was totally bald, no doubt to make any testing somewhat easier on the staff, but the rest of her body was either covered in stubble or outright hair growth. Even the spots the men had just shaved were growing those same thick, dense stubbles as found on her legs. Speaking of her legs, if each of her arms were thicker than any of the men here, than each of her legs were thicker than three of them together. She pointed her clit at the surviving men, and with just one pump sprayed another torrent on them, completely eviscerating the bodies of the cowering masses before her. Then, as though this were all a trivial affair, Aki grabbed one of the high pressure hoses and used it to wash the viscera off herself and the cum off the room. Turning it off, she calmly walked back to the wall she had dented with her first spray, and, with a simple movement of her arm, punched the rest of the wall off. The nude giantess then walked out, likely to the next phase of her routine.

The wall we had all been looking at switched back to a wall, and another glance at the President revealed her erection had, in fact, torn through the crotch of her pants, and a load similar (though much, much smaller) to the two we had just witnessed Aki make was all over the table and floor in front of her. Turning her head to me, the President, somewhat lazily and with a very cocky tone, said, "So, that's the girl I hired you for. As you just saw, it took a whole team of men just to subdue her long enough for a routine grooming. And even then, I only think they lasted till the end because Aki let them. The amount of people I would need to bring with us to Mars to keep her routine up just isn't feasible, so I asked for the only person I was mostly sure could handle her. And that's you, Hyper Girl."

I raised an eyebrow at the remark and scoffed before replying, "Only mostly sure? Madame President, I assure you, I'm more than capable of keeping your daughter in line. In fact, I think it'll be rather easy."

I was talking out of my ass there, as I really didn't know how dampened I was from Root's device. There were far too many things I didn't understand right now, which was unusual for me, but I needed to display confidence. I was Hyper Girl, damnit, and that meant I couldn't be beat.

The President must have caught a whiff of my bravado, because she stood back up with a very excited look on her face and got very close to me. She was only just shorter than Aki at 6'10", quite above average for a normal, but she betrayed no weakness or hesitation.

"If you're so sure, why don't we make a bet? I know that you're not really an American citizen, but I've been happy to let that slide due to optics. Plenty of people in my administration, as well as several of my opponents, are aware of that as well, and are itching to break that news. You manage to keep Aki in-line, no slip-ups, and I make that knowledge go away. You may not care about being a citizen of one country or another, but I promise you it's in your best interest to have it so that no one knows that little tidbit about you."

I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes at her, which was really a defense mechanism I developed to express shock without showing it. I thought Root had said knowledge of the organization not being American wouldn't leave the base? Or, did she just mean the organization? How did the President know I wasn't American?

"No slip-ups at all? Shouldn't be a problem, though I guess we'll need to go over what that really means. Fine by me though. In the impossible outcome that I fail, though, what do you get?"

The President's smile grew wider than I had ever seen it, as though she were convinced it was a sure-win for her. Without delay, she replied, "You belong to me. Not the American government, not the Department of Superheroics. Me. And I get to do whatever I want with you."

I considered the deal for a split second before realizing that I was locked into this. If I said no, that could spell disaster for Hyper Girl's image. Without a word, I raised my hand to offer a handshake. The President met my hand with hers, her hand, though smaller than mine, still filling it up quite a bit. We shook, and the deal was done.

"You should probably meet the runt properly before we set off for Mars, though. You know, just to make sure she understands what's going on and work out any kinks prior to the start of our bet. Don't worry about any dings or scratches you may end up getting or causing while we're on Terra Ferma, the mission doesn't start for another three hours so I won't count anything until that happens. Oh, and if you end up changing your mind after meeting her, well, you're still contracted to do this mission. And who knows what I may end up doing as a result of you rescinding your word?"

I honestly couldn't believe I was letting myself get bossed around by a normal! I know she's the President or whatever, but I could splatter her in a microsecond if I wanted to! At least, I was pretty sure I could still do that in my current condition. I couldn't really place it, but I had an ominous feeling in my gut, almost like I needed to get ready for something I definitely wasn't prepared for.

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Re: Hyper Girl
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2023, 11:27:33 am »
Incredible chapter!  The grooming scene was one of my favorite things I ever read.  So wild and well done!  I can't wait for this to continue and to see more of Aki.

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