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Author Topic: Domestic Muscle  (Read 61590 times)

Offline Jayder

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Domestic Muscle
« on: November 06, 2022, 06:07:43 pm »
New story about a muscular stay at home mom. Might not be too many chapters in this one but the first part here is some setup. Second part should be coming soon.


My wife and I have been happily married for 10 years, but things have changed so much during that time that it’s hard for me to believe it hasn’t been a lifetime. We met at Yale. I was an overly ambitious business student with a sharp wit and she was a chemistry major who was on the rowing team. We met at a frat party during our junior year.
Sarah was different than a lot of the girls I usually approached. I’m about 5 foot 7 on a good day so it was always just easier for me to go for short and petite girls. Sarah though was a couple inches taller than me and had rather broad shoulders and long toned arms. She was extremely attractive though with long brown hair and intoxicating green eyes that I could get lost in for days. She was easy to bring to laughter and her pearly white smile lit up the room.

I had an abundance of confidence and made a move after a couple drinks. Somehow she found me interesting and funny enough and we spent the rest of the night hitting it off. The next couple years were a whirlwind. We immediately started dating and became inseparable. Thanks to good old fashioned Ivy league networking I got a job in New York City at a big investment bank and she got one as a lab technician. We were able to afford a decent Manhattan apartment and enjoyed our nights out in the city. Although she was no longer an athlete she still stayed in shape through a mixture of cardio and light weights. I was never a big exerciser but even if I was my hours made it too difficult to manage.

We married four years later and moved to the suburbs a year after that when we had our daughter. Things were moving along smoothly. I was killing it at work and by the time Sarah became pregnant I was pulling in almost seven figures a year. Needless to say, there was no need for Sarah to go back to work so she became a full time stay at home mom.

When our daughter turned three we enrolled her in one of those fancy preschools which allowed Sarah to have a little bit more free time during the day. Unfortunately, depression creeped in with our daughter away and me constantly working. I encouraged her as best I could and when she told me she wanted to start working out and lifting weights again I was all too eager to support. While I loved my wife dearly and thought she was objectively gorgeous, one of the reasons I approached her all those years ago was her physique. Fit women turned me on and her arms, shoulders and toned mid-section were like kerosene to me at the time.

Sarah was a very type A person and could have quite an obsessive and addictive personality. When she got into something, she really got into it. It’s one of the things that made her be able to juggle being a college athlete and an Ivy league student. She had free reign of the credit card and next to the steady charges for new clothing and purses I began to see charges for a gym membership, protein powder, creatine and books on lifting and nutrition. Many nights were filled with her browsing the internet on lifting forums and sub*****s, absorbing as much info as she could and obsessing over what she should eat and how she should lift to maximize her what she called her “natural ceiling”.

After about a year she had shed the modest layer of fat that accumulates on most young mothers and had returned to the same shape that she was in in college, if not a little better. Lithe strong arms, wider shoulders, a flat stomach with a nice four pack when she flexed and a big firm ass on solid quads. She looked fantastic. It was weird though, she never seemed satisfied and always made faces at herself in the mirror or made self-deprecating comments about her body. Her body dysmorphia was a bit saddening but it fueled her to keep pushing herself to be better.

For her one year “lift-iversary”, as I playfully called it, I gave her permission to build her dream home gym in our new house. Our financial situation had gotten even better in the last few months as I had accepted an offer to become Vice President of a startup “boutique” investment firm that only catered to rich individuals. A position that came with a ridiculous salary and bonus. First thing we did was upgrade to a beautiful mansion. The basement was finished but down a few steps we had an unfinished subbasement that would be perfect for Sarah’s gym.

Since price was no option, Sarah dove in and began purchasing exactly what she wanted. A massive power rack, a deadlift platform, a huge dumbbell rack, mirrors all over the place, big pulley systems, and the list went on and on. I barely knew what it all was but the way she excitedly rambled on about every minute detail made me just as happy as she was.

On the daily we got box after box delivered and while I was away at work she would put everything exactly the way she wanted it. One night I arrived home late and after grabbing a quick bite to eat ran upstairs but my daughter was already fast asleep. I hadn’t seen Sarah around so I went downstairs to see if she was there.

The subbasement door was closed and I could help but laugh as Sarah had bought out up a sign that said “Dungeon” on the door. I knocked and walked in to see Sarah doing pullups in a black sports bra and shorts. She beamed at me through the mirror, her hair and body glistening with sweat. She did three more and jumped off.

“Hi hunny” she said as she walked toward me, pulling her hair back behind her round shoulders and giving me a kass.

“Hey babe, is it all done? You took her for a spin?”

“Yea, its amazing isn’t it. Just finished a back workout. I’m up to sets of 10 for pullups.” She lit up, clearly proud of herself and her new gym. She showed me around and explained every piece of equipment and why she decided to get it. Toward the end of the “tour” she dropped a question on me that I wasn’t expecting. One that would change things at an accelerating pace.

“I have something I want to run by you. Now before you say anything I want you to know that I am doing my research and am going to be very careful with how I approach things.”

“Relax, you know I trust you. You definitely do you due diligence, I could honestly probably use that side of you at the firm.” I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes a bit but softened up.

“Thanks babe…. The thing is, I’ve been plateauing on most of my lifts and haven’t really been able to put on much muscle in the past couple months. Things were easy at first because I was regaining what I had lost from college but I think I’ve hit my natural ceiling.” She paused for a bit and I began to reply.

“Ummmm, ok…” but she cut me off before I could really form a thought beyond puzzlement.

“I want to start taking steroids. I love being strong again and I want to keep going, I want to push myself to my limits. I needed a hobby when our baby went off to school and now it’s the only thing I can think of during the day.”

I arched my eyebrows, surprised a bit, but deep down the words definitely lit a fire in me. One of curiosity and lust. Sensing her hesitancy at my reaction, I embraced her.

“Honey, I want you to be happy and to be the best version of yourself that you can be. I’ll always find you sexy. Make sure to be careful though, you don’t want to harm yourself.”

She reassured me that she would and I knew that she was telling the truth. I knew that she would probably start researching nonstop about what compounds to take and all that. So, I wasn’t surprised at all later that night when she started explaining that she had already started researching what hormones to take. Money wasn’t an issue so she was going to buy the best pharma grade stuff she could.

Sarah’s progress over the next few years was unbelievable. Her gains seemed gradual but unrelenting, putting on 1-2 pounds of lean mass per month depending on what she was taking and how much she was eating. She was scientific about the process and obsessed over the smallest details. Tracking her calories, her training, and even her mood and how she reacted to each cycle and each different compound that she took. Her chemistry background helped her understand how each compound worked and she would read as much literature as she could. She even reached out to other bodybuilders to get their opinions on what cycles worked best and tinkered everything to maximize her response.

At first she turned to lighter stuff like Anavar. Things that would let her reach the next plateau while minimizing the side effects. Then she would take a step up in dosage or drug class. She explained all the details to me along the way but most of it went in one ear and out the other. One thing that I did internalize though was the results. After a year, she was like a figure model. After another, she was like a physique competitor. Then she entered into female bodybuilder range. And now after 6 years… well I doubt there are woman with the muscularity that she has. She is a monster. She could go toe-to-toe with male bodybuilders, maybe not the behemoths, but certain classes for sure.

While minimizing the side effects of her steroid usage was the original goal, it was impossible to eliminate them entirely at the point she was at now. I loved the change in attitude, confidence, and sex drive and neither of us really minded the “other” effects.

Forum Saradas

Domestic Muscle
« on: November 06, 2022, 06:07:43 pm »

Offline crow004

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2022, 07:34:20 pm »
Nice start! Looking forward to the next chapter

Offline jhunter

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2022, 12:09:49 am »
Nice start, though shame of skipping the details of a build up with year skipping. But hopefully there will be more detailed writing in the next part.

Offline Wookey

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2022, 05:09:21 am »
Feels as though you tried to compress too much into the chapter. Missing details that would enhance story include how you felt at each stage of her growth, whether you were inspired to start training again and whether the power balance has changed over the course of the relationship. Look forward to more chapters.

Offline bertmacklinsbrother

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2022, 01:14:42 pm »
A good start; hard to tell if this is going to be a long-form character driven story, or an exposition of the journey (mostly due to the lack of dialogue).  But I'm still very intrigued and hope you keep writing more!

Offline Jaguar

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2022, 07:01:07 pm »
It has been quiet in here.  It is good to see this promising story come along.

Take your time.  Keep up the good work!
* You are the author and you are the boss of your story!
* Take your time and write what you are driven to write and what your characters drive you to write.
* The story is the journey, and when the journey is over, we will all wish it was longer.

Offline giantgirl7foot2

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2022, 10:28:03 pm »
Great start!
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Offline Jayder

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2022, 10:39:16 pm »
Thanks for the comments, everyone! I can understand how the first part felt fast, it slows down considerably from here. I love reading growth stories but so far I've preferred writing ones where the woman is already muscular, which is why I glossed over the initial growth, although I've been working on a slower growth story.

Anywho, here is the next installment.

Present Day: Chapter 1

Present Day:

I pulled my Mercedes past the gated entrance and up in front of our mansion. I’d been away for a couple days on a stress-filled business trip and was happy to be home. It was a Friday and our daughter was at a friend’s house for a sleepover, leaving the Mrs. all for me. I stepped outside and was greeted with a blast of summer humidity, it was still mid-80s despite being 10 pm.

In the kitchen there was a plate for me covered in tin foil. A sticky note was sticking to the foil that read “Here’s some fajitas and rice. I’m where you think I am, xoxo- S”. It was a long few days away from my beautiful wide and I was already getting hard just reading her note.

My hunger defeated my horniness for the moment though as I sat down at our big custom made dining table and dove in to the food. Sarah’s fajitas were amazing. Pretty much all of the food she made was amazing. Despite having the T-levels of a high school football team, Sarah was a run-of-the-mill stay at home mom. She cooked, cleaned, did the laundry, and took care of our daughter. And she was great at it. At times she really was a walking contrast. Huge, man-shaming muscles juxtaposed against a love for femininity. Her nails and hair were always immaculate. She constantly smelled heavenly and sweet. She wore beautiful sun dresses and blouses and always had the perfect amount of makeup on. She even maintained a submissive side, often playfully calling me Daddy, even though she could snap me like a twig.

It sometimes felt strange but she still wanted me to be the “Alpha” in the relationship. I am rather slight of build and pretty short but with money comes power so I was used to this type of dynamic and my wife loved it. She likes me being the breadwinner with her as my arm candy. And that dynamic works for us nearly everywhere we go. Everywhere except the Dungeon. That was her domain and she was the boss when she was down there pumping iron.

It’s the reason she left the note. She wasn’t going to interrupt her workout in the middle to come greet her husband like a “good wife’. Nope, during her workout I was going to need to go down into her domain if I wanted to see her. And that always excited the shit out of me.

So, I wolfed down my food, changed into a t-shirt and some loose gym-shorts and ran down the stairs like an excited co-ed.

The house was pretty cool, the AC working over time to offset the summer heat. But when I opened the heavy door to the Dungeon, I was hit with a tidal wave of heat and humidity. Sarah refused to have the weightroom air conditioned despite my badgering. She wanted to sweat when she worked out. She wanted to get the most out of every session.

After recovering from the shock of the temperature change I gazed across the large, dimly lit room. Sarah was at the other end, facing away from me and seated on a bench with back raised up. She dwarfed the bench from this angle, the meat of her lats and traps hanging over the edges of bench. When I sit on it like that you my body is barely wider than the bench, but her wide tanned back made it look like a toy.

Her eyes were closed and headphones were in. Above her head was a barbell loaded up with two 45-pound plates plus an extra 10 and 5 on each side. She must have been doing seated overhead presses.

Then her eyes snapped open, and she started banging her head a bit to whatever heavy metal music she had blasting in her ears. Her sweat-matted hair flew around a bit and smacked into the bench.

She lifted her gargantuan arms, gripped the metal bar so hard her knuckles turned white and blasted the bar up off the supports of the rack. She held it aloft for a second, her unyielding arms showing no strain from the weight. Then it descended down under her chin and blasted upward. Like a machine the barbell went up and down and up and down. Her form was perfect and her muscles were responding. From the back I could see her arms and shoulders blowing up with each rep. Veins crisscrossed across her bloated muscles, pumping them up and fueling them to grow even larger.

Her focus was completely on her set as I moved across the room. On her eighth and final rep she began to struggle a bit when pushing the bar up. A loud, deep, primal grunt emanated from her chest as she willed herself to finish the rep, locking eyes with me through the mirror as she let the weight come crashing down into the safety bar, shaking the power rack.

She sat on the bench staring me in the eyes and just breathing heavily from the strain for a few seconds. Now that I was facing the front of her I could get the full scene. She was completely drenched in sweat, not a dry spot could be found on her yellow Gold’s Gym tank top. The tank top was stretched tight, clinging to life across her thick shelf like pecs. Her hard nipples could easily be seen poking through the wet tank, not an ounce of fat clung to her meaty chest. Outside of her tank her shoulders were blown up like I’d never seen them before. Two veiny, pumped cannonballs that looked as big as my head, giving her an unimaginable width.

“Hii honey” Her deep voice reverberated through the room. That was one of the unavoidable changes from her years of gear usage. And I found it unbearably sexy. Her voice seemed to have gotten deeper in the last few weeks, and although my voice wasn’t deep for a man’s, hers may have been deeper than mine now. But it still had this velvety femininity underscoring it. This sexy singsong silkiness, just with the bass turned up.

“Come say hi to daddy” she said cheekily as she patted her muscled thigh with a loud thud. It was the weightroom after all, she was “daddy” down here.

I swung out my legs to straddle her, sitting on her thighs and reaching my arms around her wide torso. It was like hugging a tree. As I embraced her body it lit up my senses, in a way that would have grossed me out if it was anyone else in the world. She was drenched in sweat after all, and the dampness washed over me immediately. And the other thing was, she stunk to high heavens from the sweat. But it was intoxicating, as weird as it sounds I loved smelling her sweat. There was something primal about it, maybe some sort of pheromones that she had started producing from all that steroid-enhanced meat.

As I sat down she embraced me into a powerful hug, engulfing me into the enormity of her body. My head was buried into her bull-like neck and her bulging pecs. Effortlessly, she sprung up into a standing position and twirled us around a couple times before returning us back to the chair. As she loosened the embrace I popped my head up just in time for her to lock lips with me in a passionate kiss. After we separated I just looked into her face for a moment.

Her sparkling green eyes were staring back at me. As big and shining as the first day we met. Her smile was soft and her teeth were shining white. The rest of her face had changed though. Her cheekbones had sharpened and her jaw line had become heavier and sharper. Her cheeks were slightly coarse against my 5 O’clock shadow. She was very far from being able to grow a beard or anything, but we both chuckled when I had to teach her how to shave her face a few weeks ago.

“How was my man’s work trip?”

“Ugghhh, long and tiring” I said as I collapsed into her embrace. She felt like a furnace even in this inferno of a weight room, but I embraced the heat. I was always expected to be cold and calculating when it came to business so it was nice to be vulnerable. She wrapped her big heavy arms around me and held me for a bit.

“It was good though” I said, slightly muffled as I was talking into her deltoid, where my face was nuzzled. “We closed the deal, a huge new client. They represent about 12% of our portfolio now. Should allow me to afford at least a couple more months of your crazy food and ‘supplement’ budget.”

“That’s good” She whispered huskily, directly into my ear. “Your big muscle stud needs all of the fuel she can get. Its why I keep you around, you know.” We both smiled sarcastically.

“So…” She purred sultrily, looking me in the eye with her muscular pythons draped over me. “Do you want to take care of that?” As she glanced down.
I had been hard since I walked in the room. And my cock was boring directly into her bloated eight-pack, I could feel the blocky bricks through the fabric of my shorts.

“Ohhh, I thought you’d never ask” As I started to reach my hand down towards her crotch.

“Nope” she said, plucking my hand out of the air and holding it firmly. Not tight enough to hurt but tight enough for me to know I wasn’t moving it any lower not matter how hard I tried.

“I’m not done with my workout. I still have a lot more to do. But….” She said with mischievous grin “You are free to stand in front of me and really show me how much these little, girly muscles turn you on.”

I hopped off her lap and quickly stripped out of my shorts and boxers, my big cock sprung to life and pointed like the north star at my she-hulk wife.

“Mmmmm. Momma likes” she growled and licked her lips “Be a dear and take off the ten and five from each side and replace them with a 35-pound plate.”

I dutifully did as I was told. I was pretty slight and didn’t lift regularly so the 35-pound plates felt heavy in my hands. Lifting them up to shoulder height wasn’t the easiest thing and I heard a self-satisfied hum escape from my wife hum as I struggled with the second one. But when I looked over she had closed her eyes, getting back into the zone. Letting the beast back out of its cage to replace the loving wife. Then she started breathing sharply and deliberately as I stood directly in front of her, the enormity of her body evident in all its glory.

“Make it quick” She snapped, as she applied her vice grip to the bar, rolled it around in her hands a bit against the safety and hefted the weight up. The heavy bar shook slightly above her head before she steadied it in her powerful grasp and lowered it down. At her command I started furiously jacking off as I stared at my muscle of a wife press a weight I couldn’t even deadlift off the ground.

Veins snaked across her shoulders and chest as her whole upper body blew up in response to the weight. Her tank top clung to life across her bloated body as she hit rep three. She started to shake a bit, as did I, but we both soldiered on. After finishing rep four she was beat red and looked like her delts and traps were gonna burst out of her thin, soft skin. Each rep emphasized by a deep, raspy grunt.

Her upper body began to shake a bit as she powered up her fifth rep but she kept going, the fibers and veins pulsing and pumping outwards on her shoulders and arms. On her eight rep, she brought the bar all the way down past her chin, touching it slightly to her bloated sweaty pecs before powering it back up with a grunt. The bar stalled halfway up, Sarah struggled mightily to finish her rep until I desperately moaned out words of encouragement and she powered through the plateau, setting the weights down on to the rack with another room shaking crash that almost sent me over the edge.

As soon as she finished she thrust her arms and torso forward into a mind melting most muscular, accompanied by a guttural growl. Her defined biceps flared out towards each other. Her pecs climbed towards her chin. Her traps towards her chin, the two bulging mounds seemed to have a life of their own. Thick slabs of muscle fought for space all over her upper body. The individual fibers roll and tensed all through her shoulders, chest, arms, and neck. Big, thick veins were crisscrossed with smaller capillaries, like tributaries feeding great rivers.

She looked into my eyes and stuck out her tongue. I couldn’t take it anymore and exploded all over my beastly wife. I splattered her bloated pecs before she lowered down a bit so that I finished on her pretty face. Cum dripped down her cheeks and chin as she licked as wide as she could around her plump lips, grabbing the rest with her finger and sucking it down.

“Mmmmmm, you know I love it when you give me extra protein baby.” She said as she licked her fingers with a pop. “Now be a good boy and go upstairs so I can finish up my workout. Too many distractions and I won’t be able to add even more muscle to this little body”. 

In a post-climactic haze, I just grunted a "Yes, love" and headed for the door. The heat and smell of the dungeon crashed back into me as my senses returned. Just as I was leaving I heard my wife call back in her chocolatey voice.

“Let’s hop in the shower after this so you can help me clean those hard-to-reach places”

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2022, 10:45:47 pm »
Love this, really hot. Can't wait for the next one

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2022, 07:39:29 am »
Great and I hope fore more chapters +k

Offline ArkhamAsylum

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2022, 10:54:47 am »
Yhis story has been really good so far, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Offline paulo998

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2022, 07:39:01 pm »
Can't wait for the next part, hope it's coming soon.

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2022, 11:45:15 pm »
Oh yea!, really got me on a high! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
So many women, So little time!! :)

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2022, 08:37:42 am »
Oh no!!, I was getting really into this hot escapade-& now I have to wait for part 4 :shucks

A really gripping storyline that’s warming up my nether regions, can’t wait for it to continue.
Now I’m off to the gym myself hoping to see an enormous muscle woman there too!  :)
So many women, So little time!! :)

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Re: Domestic Muscle
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2022, 01:33:10 am »
Enjoying this story looking forward to more and seeing what the conflict might be
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