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Author Topic: Author: [Little Man] Magnificent Tina  (Read 8358 times)

Offline jos73

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Author: [Little Man] Magnificent Tina
« on: May 15, 2010, 02:28:51 pm »
Magnificent Tina
By Little Man
Tina is a powerful 7' 8" beauty.  Sammy only is 5' 5". 

I was on a business trip and had just finished having dinner at an
associate's home.  Being on the road so much, it was a rare opportunity to
have a good home cooked meal.  It was a nice change having people to
converse with over a great meal.  Needless to say, I had a great evening. 
Bill, his lovely wife Judy and I exchanged farewells and I was on my way. 
The road back to my hotel was dark and deserted.  This was not a heavily
populated part of the country.  As a matter of fact, this WAS the country. 
The 2-lane highway started to wind and curve.  I found myself driving
through a thick wooded area.  I remembered Bill telling me that the
Interstate was about 8 miles after a stretch of thick forest.  So, I kept
driving.  Other than a few oncoming cars, there was no other sign of life.

As I got to the midpoint of the forest, I noticed a set of headlights in my
rear view mirror.  This vehicle was approaching fast so I assumed it would
pass me on the left.  I maintained my speed as it was closing fast.  As it
came up on my rear, I noticed it was not a normal sized car, but more like
an oversized van and just smaller than a recreational vehicle.  It passed me
just as I had thought.  Within a few seconds all I could see were faint
taillights in the distance.  Then all of a sudden, it slammed on its brakes
and lost control.  It spun 360 degrees several times and then started to
tumble, crushing the top and side panels a little more with each bounce. 
The momentum of the van carried it off the road and into the thick brush of
the forest.  It slammed into a large tree and finally came to rest against it
upside down.  I quickly pulled over and ran towards the van.  I heard hissing
and creaking sounds of twisted metal trying to hold together.

As I approached the van I yelled out "Are you OK in there? Can anybody
here me?"

From the looks of the wreckage, there was no way anyone could have
escaped injury.  I was just hoping I would find someone alive.   As I circled
the twisted pile of metal, I kept calling out to anyone that may have been
conscious.  I wasn't sure how many people were in there besides the

Suddenly, I heard loud noises that sounded like metal tearing as if it were
about to give under some tremendous pressure.  I thought to myself, this
thing is going to crumble any second now but I was wrong.  What
happened next amazed me.  The back doors of the van flew off their hinges
and landed about 20 feet away.  Out of the wreckage stepped a huge
person dressed in baggy sweat pants and sweatshirt.  As I got closer to
this mass of humanity, I realized it was a woman.  She was brushing herself
off when I reached her.

I screamed out, "Are you OK?"

She replied in a shaken yet sweet voice, "Yes I, I think so."

"Is anyone else in there?" I asked.

"No, no, just me", she answered.

"Are you injured?  Should I call an ambulance or take you to a hospital?"  I

She said, "No, no thanks. I'm a trooper."

I thought to myself, trooper, is not the word for it.  I wanted to say `Lady,
you are superhuman.'  Little did I know that my words were true.  I was yet
to find out how superhuman she actually was.

"You were going pretty fast.  What happened?" I asked.

She replied, "A couple of deer streaked across the road right in front of
me.  I couldn't hit the sweet little things, so I swerved out of their way and
lost control." 

I asked her if we should at least call the police or her insurance company. 
She kept replying with a firm "NO" every time.  I figured she had to be
hiding or avoiding something, so I left it alone.  Besides, she looked like
she could stomp me with ease if I got her too upset.  She asked if I could
give her a ride home.  I obliged.

As we were walking to my rental car, my head started clearing from the
events that had just transpired.  It was only then that I realized her true
size.  She looked at least seven feet tall and very wide.  As though she was
200 pounds overweight.  She was leaving deep massive footprints in the
dirt three times the size of mine.  All I could see in front of me was her
massive body.  She seemed to block everything else out.

Now, I'm a small guy, 5' 5", and 150 pounds, proportional with good muscle
tone.  But never in my 40 years had I stood next to anyone that made me
look and feel like a child.  I was dwarfed by this mass of humanity.

When we reached the car, she stood next to the passenger door with her
hand on the handle, waiting for me to unlock it.  I got into the driver's seat
and hit the door unlock button.  She opened the door and stared inside.  I
knew what she was thinking.  There was no way she would fit.  Even if she
pushed the seat back to it's limit.   Fortunately, I had a big luxury rental car,
so she opened the rear door and got in the back seat feet first.  She
stretched her big long legs across the entire seat and slid in.  I could hear
the car's suspension creaking as her massive weight was being added. 
She couldn't fit all the way in, so she bent her knees at a 45-degree angle
and tilted her head and large frame.  I started driving as soon as she closed
the door.

"Where to", I said.

She replied, "Stay on this road for a while and I'll tell you where to turn."  I
drove on into the dark.  I couldn't see the back window in the rear view
mirror because her body was blocking it.  I would have to use the side view

As we drove on she seemed to be getting more comfortable and started to
talk.  "Thanks."

"For what", I asked.

"You know", she said in a shy voice, "for stopping to help me and not
asking questions".

I said, "It's really none of my business.  As long as you're OK and not hurt. 
That's all that matters."  Then the car became silent for the next few miles. 
Thoughts were racing through my mind about everything.  What was I
getting myself into?  Was this woman setting me up for something?  How
come she wasn't hurt in the crash?  Was she from Earth?

My thoughts were interrupted by her voice when she asked me if I was
hungry.  I told her that I had just eaten a big meal.  She said she was
starving and was wondering if I would mind buying her something to eat,
adding she had lost her purse in the crash.  I obliged once again.  We were
way past the Interstate by now anyway.  I didn't have to wake up early since
my return flight home wasn't until late afternoon the next day.  She said
that there was a small `out of the way' truck stop about a mile from where
we were.  I could see the sign as we got closer.  We pulled into the parking
lot and we got out of the car.  Before we went into the restaurant, she took
a baseball cap out of her shirt pocket and put it over her head tucking her
long thick hair under it.  She also grabbed some dirt from the ground and
rubbed some on her cheeks and chin.

The restaurant was empty except for a waitress and the cook.  The giant
lady picked a table all the way in the back where it was hard for anyone to
see her and sat down.  I sat down across from her.  It was the first time I
got a good look at her.  Even with her face covered in dirt, she had a
beautiful and clear olive toned complexion on a soft but firm face.  Her
dark brown eyes were big and very intense, as if they were seeing right through
me.  Her hair was a sheen dark brown, full, wavy and thick.  Although it was
tucked in her hat, I knew it was long and flowed down to the middle of her
back.  She had full luscious lips and a wide mouth with a set of teeth a
dentist would be proud of.  But most noticeable were her massive, thick
hands and fingers.  I wasn't sure exactly how large.  They looked at least
2 1/2 times the size of mine.  I got a good perspective when she started to
rearrange items on the table.  Everything looked miniaturized in her hands.

The waitress came over to take our order.  My giant lady friend ordered 4
full meals with the side dishes, soups and a large salad with plenty of
bread.  The waitress and I just stared at her with amazement at the amount
of food she was ordering.  She was talking in a very deep husky voice
much different than she had just a few moments ago.  When she was finally
finished I ordered a cup of coffee.  I looked at her now with a confused look
on my face.

She spoke in her normal, sweet and seductive voice and said, "please play
along with me.  I'll explain later."

I didn't want to question the antics of this massive human, so I agreed.  I
asked what her name was.

"It's Christina, call me Tina for short.  But when the waitress is around call
me `Joe Bob' or something like that.  What's your name?"

I said, "My name is Sammy."  We then sat in silence until the food came.

The waitress came over with the food and placed as much as she could on
the table.  She set the remaining plates on a tray and portable stand next to
our table.  As soon as the waitress walked away, I got a true perspective of
Tina's hand size.  She shuffled and arranged the plates around on the table. 
A few times, she opened her hand, put 2 plates on it and held the plates up
while she arranged things on the table.  Her hand was so large that both
plates fit on her single hand and fingers.  She could still curl the tips of her
fingers and thumb around the edges of the plates.  Now I started to quiver a
bit with fear and respect.  It was only the beginning of what I was about to
experience.  I drank my coffee in silence while watching this food machine
devour her meals.  When she was finished, she ordered more snacks,
sodas and desserts.

I was certain this girl was a ton of flab underneath that baggy sweat suit. 
The check came when she finally finished her grand feast.  The check had
the food order written on several pages with the last one showing the
damage.  $146 without tip included.  I didn't have enough cash with me so I
pulled out my Visa card and charged it.

"Thanks", said Tina, "I feel much better now.  I'll pay you back when we get
to my place."

As I was signing the charge slip at the register, the waitress commented
that it was the best sales night and tip she had ever seen.  "Bring your
buddy back here anytime", she said.  We left and drove off to Tina's place.

Tina's house was about 35 miles further away.  When we got there she
directed me to turn into a driveway.  Long, winding and secluded, the
driveway went for about a 1/4 mile.  At the end was a magnificent home.  It
was huge and spread out over several acres.  I parked the car and sat
silent.  She invited me in but I turned her down.

Tina said, "But I have to pay you for my dinner."  I told her not to worry
about it and I really wanted to be on my way.  She insisted that I come in
and at least keep her company for a while.  Actually, it was more like a
command.  Once again I gave in.  We made our way to the front door.

When we got to the door, I noticed it was enormous.  It was about 10 feet
high, 6 feet wide and made of steel.  It had a numeric keypad on it, which
was about 9 feet high.  Tina's long arm easily reached the keypad.  She had
just finished entering a series of numbers on it.  The door latch released
and the door swung open slowly.  Then I noticed that the door and walls were
about 2-3 feet thick.  What is this place?  What the hell am I doing here? 
Even Fort Knox didn't have this much steel around it.  Tina took my small
hand into her massive one and gently led me inside.  My hand was like a
baby's in hers.  I figured that even if I had spread my hand and fingers as
wide as I could, it would only be about 2/3 the size of her palm.  My knees
got very weak.

The house was just as magnificent on the inside as it looked from the
outside.  The foyer and rooms were huge with high ceilings and large
doorways like the front door.  This had to be a million dollar home, even in
this part of the country.  She led me into the living room and we stood next
to a grand sofa and coffee table.  All the furnishings were oversized.

I asked, " Do you live here alone?"  She replied with a yes.  Being more
curious, I asked if she had any family.

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Offline jos73

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Re: Magnificent Tina
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2010, 02:29:52 pm »
She then let go of my hand and brought both her hands up to cover her
face and started crying.  I felt really bad but didn't know how to offer any
comfort to this giant woman.  I kept apologizing but she kept crying louder. 
The tears were flowing from her face like a faucet.  I felt I had to do
something else to ease things.  So I stepped on top of the coffee table
which was 2 feet off the floor and pulled her close to me.  She responded
quickly.  Even standing on the table, the top of my head only came up to
her nose.  I put my little arms around her thick neck, pulled her huge head
down and held it to my shoulder.  She cried louder and heavier.  Her tears
now drenched my shirt and necktie.  I kept apologizing over and over.  She
then wrapped her arms around my upper and lower back, giving a powerful
yet gentle squeeze.  I now realized this woman was not fat or overweight. 
Her arms, shoulders and chest were thick with solid muscle.  She finally
stopped crying long enough to realize that I was standing on the tabletop
and started laughing.

Looking down at me and laughing she said, "You're so cute, so sweet and
so little."  Using my hand, I wiped the tears from her face.  Now that she
was calm, she gazed up and down at me still giggling and said, " I'm sorry
for bursting out in tears like that.  I don't have a family anymore.  It's a long
sad story.  Thanks for the shoulder.  If you stay, I'll tell you all about it".

Feeling guilty for making her cry, I told her I'd stay and hear her story. 
Then she gave me a beautiful smile and engulfed my mouth with her big
lips in a long sensuous kiss that weakened my knees.  I couldn't help
melting in her powerful arms.  I didn't realize it at the time, but she was
holding me up to prevent me from falling.  After about a minute of kissing,
she stopped, smiled down at me and made sure I was able to stand on my
own.  She then handed me a videotape and told me to watch it.  She said
she was going to take a quick shower and be right back, reminding me to
pay attention to the video.  With that, she headed off.

I put the tape in the VCR, turned everything on and hit the play button. 
After a few seconds, a man appeared on the screen.  He was wearing a lab
coat and seemed to be standing in a scientific laboratory of some kind.  He
introduced himself as Dr. Raymond Hillcrest of the Westlake Nuclear
Research Laboratory.  He was constantly addressing Christina during his
speech.  It was obvious the recording was made for her.  He began to
explain why she turned out the way she did.

He explained that her parents had worked at a nuclear power plant for
many years before she was born.  When her mother was only 3 weeks
pregnant with Tina, there were several tests being conducted using human
subjects.  Radiation was injected into humans in various but mild doses to
see the effects.  Tina's parents volunteered for the tests because of the
financial incentives offered by management.  At the time, they were
struggling to make ends meet and a baby on the way didn't help matters
any.  After being assured by the management and test administrators that
this would not harm them or the unborn child, her parents agreed.  The
injections were administered for the next few months.  Amazingly, there
were no side affects at all.

When her mother was 8 1/2 months pregnant, Tina's father started to feel some
serious effects and died just prior to her birth.  Tina's mother survived and
gave birth to a beautiful and healthy 7 pound 6 ounce girl.  Her mother died a
few months after delivery. Tina was breast fed during that brief period. 
Due to the radiation in baby Tina's systems and fueled by breast milk, Tina
was to become a giant of a woman with natural superior strength and abilities. 
Every part of her body would grow to abnormal enormous size and strength.  She
would also mature at
an accelerated rate with an unusually high IQ.  Dr. Hillcrest also mentioned
that she was not alone.  Five other babies, 3 girls and 2 boys, were born
around the same time and afflicted in the same manner.  For unknown
reasons, the boys died after only a few months.  All parents involved also
died.  Dr. Hillcrest led a class action lawsuit on behalf of the children which
resulted in each baby receiving $1 billion tax free dollars.  For his efforts,
Dr. Hillcrest received unlimited federal funding to ensure and maintain the
children's' health and well being.

Tina walked into the room just as the tape finished.  I was so mesmerized
by what I just saw that I didn't notice her in the room.  Using the remote
control, she turned the TV and VCR off.  She was standing there in bare
feet wearing a bathrobe the size of a tent.  She put her large index finger
under my chin.  Tilting my head back, she looked at my eyes now red and
watery from the tears I was trying to hold back.

She remarked, "You now understand a little more about me, and I see you
feel sad about it, too.  I can't tell you how much I truly appreciate how you
feel for me.  You're a thoughtful, sweet and kind little man.  Don't be afraid
of me.  Everything will be alright."

She then untied the belt on her robe and slid it off her shoulders.  When it
dropped to the floor I started to tremble at the sight of this gorgeous,
massive, muscular and perfect human specimen now standing before me. 
Then she started telling me details of her amazing statistics and abilities.

She said, " I'm 7' 8" tall, 425 pounds, almost 17 years old, AND STILL GROWING! 
When last measured, my chest was 115 1/2"; waist 70"; hips 106".  My
hands from wrist to the tip of my middle finger measure 15" and my palms
are 10" wide.  My feet from heel to toe are 17 1/4" long and 11" wide.  When
flexed, my biceps are 45"; forearms 31"; thighs 55"; calves 35".  I have
an arm span of 104"; my inseam is 57"."

She continued, now with her statistics of strength, "I can one arm curl
1,000 pounds; two arm curl 2,200 pounds; bench press 3,500 pounds;
overhead press 3,200 pounds; leg press 10, 000 pounds; create 800 pounds
of pressure if I squeeze something in my hand.  If I just squeeze my thighs
together, I create over 1,000 pounds of pressure.  If I squeeze scissors
style, I create over 3,500 pounds of pressure.  But my greatest ability of
strength is that I can hold about 800 pounds at arm's length for over 2
hours without any shaking or strain.  After 5 minutes rest, I can do it again."

The details continued, "My muscles are so hard and strong that I can bend
or twist iron.  Nothing can penetrate my skin.  The sharpest razor, knife or
bullets from a powerful gun at point blank range can't hurt me.  I have no
illnesses or diseases, nor will I ever catch any.  As a matter of fact, Dr.
Hillcrest is using my body's chemicals and DNA to find a cure for many of
the worlds health problems.  My bodily fluids have a rejuvenating effect on
anything they contact.  But I have to be careful and patient not to let things
upset me easily.  Other than being able to destroy anything with my
strength, my bodily fluids contain radiation.  They can cause damage by
severely burning or melting anything they come in contact with.  This is
only caused by a rise in my body temperature due to distress or powerful
anger.  However, my temperature can rise from excitement or happiness
and my fluids wouldn't hurt a fly."

She added, "When I was crying earlier I waited until you hugged and
calmed me down before kissing you.  Otherwise you would have turned
into a blob of boiling jelly.  My tears don't have any damaging effects but all
my other fluids can be lethal.  Other than Dr. Hillcrest and the other 3 girls
afflicted like me, you're the only person that hasn't made fun of me.  You
were also a Good Samaritan and helped me.  For that, you will have a
lifetime of security and ecstasy.  I will protect my sweet adorable little man
forever.  You and I will share a life of happiness and bliss for eternity".

Needless to say, I was doing everything in my power not to shit and piss in
my pants.  My body was shaking with a noticeable sense of helpless fear.  I
felt so weak that I sunk deeper into the sofa with a lump in my throat, ready
to burst out in tears.  What did she mean by, "happiness and bliss for eternity"? 
I had a plane to catch the next day.  Was my life over as I knew it or
was it just beginning?  There was nothing else I could do.  I knew right then
that I wasn't going anywhere for a long time.  I would be foolish to even
attempt an escape.

Offline jos73

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Re: Magnificent Tina
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2010, 02:30:20 pm »
She continued to explain why she lived in seclusion.  "People don't
understand anything about me.  I must keep my distance so I don't get
upset.  They make fun of me, calling me a freak.  This house is much larger
than what you have seen until now.  It has everything anyone would ever
need.  I will show you the rest in a little while.  The walls and outer doors
are 3 feet thick and made of hardened cast iron.  No one can penetrate
them from inside or out except myself and the other 3 girls.  If I wanted to, I
could get a running start and put a hole in the wall the size of my body. 
You, on the other hand, will never be able to leave here without me or my

Sensing my fear and discomfort, she sat down right next to me.  Her 425
pounds created a canyon in the sofa's cushions.  I sunk even deeper into
the sofa, falling against the mountain that was her body.  She slid one
massive hand under my buttocks and placed the other on my back.  With
one swift and effortless motion, she picked me up and held me in front of
her.  Her hands completely covered my rear end and back.  She reassured
me somewhat by saying she would never hurt me, as long as I treated her
like a normal person and kept her happy and satisfied.  She then told me to
take off my clothes.  I hesitated thinking she would put me down so I could
undress, but I was wrong.  Shivering with fear, I unbuckled and removed
my pants, then my shirts.  She maneuvered her hands so they wouldn't
impede my actions, always keeping a secure and firm grip on me.  The hold
was incredibly gentle for such powerful hands.  I felt the pressure of my
own weight on her hands without a trace of pain in my body.  Her hands
and arms never shook or strained.  It was as though I was lying on a warm
steel table with a cushion underneath me conforming to my skin and the
contours of my body.

When I was completely naked she pulled me close to her chest, resting my
head on her massive shoulder between her enormous bicep and breast. 
She set my rear end down on her huge powerful thigh with my feet
dangling between her legs.  I felt weak and helpless, yet so secure that
nothing in this big bad world could hurt me as long as I was in her arms.  A
smirk fell upon her face as she noticed my smaller than average manhood
stand at attention.  She cradled me in a firm yet gentle hold for about an
hour pressing her face against mine and occasionally rocking me back and
forth.  Her massive body and long thick hair completely engulfed me.  My
mouth was occasionally pressed against her thick powerful neck so I
wouldn't be able to speak.  I didn't want to speak anyway.  I took advantage
by occasionally placing soft and gentle kisses on her neck.  My body
pressed into silence against her soft skin and warm body of steel was all I
needed to feel comfortable, safe and secure.  She had an aura about her I
couldn't understand.  If WWW III had started I wouldn't know it nor would I
have cared.

After a while she stood up with me in her arms.  Still pressing my body
gently against her own, she made her way through several rooms and
hallways, some containing up and downhill ramps.  She stopped walking
when she reached what seemed to be a huge room.  I still couldn't see
much but managed to catch a glimpse around the breast, shoulder and hair
that engulfed me.  She then changed her hold on me so that both of
my butt cheeks were resting in the palm of one hand with my back leaning
against her arm and my head on her shoulder.  She held me slightly out
from her body facing me forward.  I could now see we were standing in an
enormous gymnasium filled with massive free weights, oversized exercise
machines.  There were also thickly re-enforced chip-up and parallel bars,
basketball hoops and backboards, and treadmills.  The room had mirrors
on every wall and other machines with digital displays.  Being
knowledgeable with machinery, I could tell they were used to monitor and
report progress.

I didn't know what was in store for me but soon found out.  Tina said she
had to workout at least once a day to keep her blood pumping at a rapid
rate throughout her body.  Otherwise the radiation in her bloodstream
would start to deteriorate her veins.  This was one of the other things she
had to be cautious about.

With me firmly in her palm, Tina walked over to the chin-up bar.  Looking
down at me, she smiled and said, "Now my beautiful, sweet little darling,
you are about to experience something you never have in your life.  Just relax
and enjoy the ride of your life.  Big strong Tina will do all the work."

Then with one swift motion she leapt into the air and wrapped her huge free
hand around the thick bar.  Her feet were now hanging about 3 feet off the
ground.  This whole time I was in her secure grasp.  I was startled when
she first jumped.  But now I felt even more secure after I realized I hadn't
budged an inch when she leapt.

She turned me around so I was facing her and asked, "Are you ready my
little bundle of joy?  Cause here goes."

What happened next was incredibly sensual and erotic.  While holding on
to the bar, she moved me around at will, rubbing my erect penis against her
enormous breasts, then on her perfect abdomen and eventually made her
way down to her thick, soft pubic hairs.  I felt like I was a bath sponge.

She said, "Don't hold back.  It's OK if you climax.  I will have no problem
keeping you hard and ready."  I lost it right then, spraying my semen all
over her stomach.

I stayed fully erect.  After about 15 minutes of being rubbed against her
pubic hairs she raised her legs and spread them wide to her sides as if she
were doing the splits in mid air.  Still planted firmly in her
palm with my legs slightly dangling, she spread her fingers out even more
to maneuver the bottom half of my body at will.  She curled her thumb
around the side of one of my thigh and her pinky around the other.  Her 3
middle fingers made their way between my thighs and cradled my penis
and testicles in order to guide my small member to the glorious destination
that was now spread and waiting.  It was as if I was about to be inserted
into the belly of an airplane from the bottom.  She inserted my penis and
began to pump me in and out at a slow and steady pace, pushing me all the
way in then out, never letting my manhood escape her warm gentle grip.  I
came quickly with a vengeance, harder and longer than before.  Just when I
thought it couldn't get better, she started pulling herself up with her one
arm to bring her chin above the bar, then lowering herself back down until
her arm was completely straight.  She repeated her chin-ups while pumping
me in and out without missing a beat.  This time my face was buried deep
into one of her massive breasts, sucking the large erect nipple like a
starving baby.  My hands were trying to hold and squeeze anything they
could grab onto.  She continued and increased the pace of her chin-ups
and pumping of her human dildo for 20 minutes.  I could not hold back any
longer, so I shot my hot semen into her with such power it felt like my
penis was going to detach.

Still pumping me in and out, she glanced down at me and gave me a kiss on
my forehead.  I looked up to see beautiful lips smiling at me.

She spoke in a soft whisper and said, "One more time."  My body was
practically limp from exhaustion by now but my penis was fully erect and
still inside her now steaming wet vagina.

While still holding the bar and my ass in her other palm, she wrapped one
leg around and behind me resting my head on her calf.  She wrapped the
other leg around my buttocks resting it on her calf.  I noticed she was
massaging my member with her powerful vaginal muscles to prevent it
from falling out and keep it rock hard.  Now she removed her palm from my
ass suspending me with only her legs.  She then switched hands on the
bar, putting her now free hand and arm around me to hold just as before. 
The muscles on the arm she was now holding me with had become more
massive and ripped from the vigorous chin-ups.  It felt even more secure
than before.  Splitting her legs wide apart again, she resumed the chin-ups
and pumping action.  This time it was faster than ever.  Her vaginal
muscles tightened with every pump.  She was extremely hot and wet.  Her
juices were flowing like a gusher.  Her panting moans grew louder and
echoed throughout the gym.  I was being shaken as though an 8.0
earthquake on the Richter scale was occurring, though I never had any fear
of falling to the ground.  After 45 minutes of vigorous chin-ups and
pumping me, her body started trembling.  She soon let loose with a
deafening scream and came with such incredible force that my entire
stomach and lower half of my body was soaked with her cum.  Her juices
finally stopped flowing and she ceased the chin-ups and pumping.

She let out several sighs of relief while lifting my face to hers.  Her mouth
and lips were opened wide.  They engulfed my entire face, licking, sucking and
sensually biting it.  It felt like my face was going down her throat.  She
finally concentrated on my mouth sending her big, powerful, long tongue to
explore my mouth.  Every once in a while I managed to nibble, lick and
suck on her big luscious lips and tongue.

Then without pausing our mouth to mouth embrace, she let go of the bar
and landed ever so gently on the balls of her feet.  I had entirely forgotten
the fact that she was still holding on to the bar while we were sucking each
other's face for the past 30 minutes.  I barely felt more than a slight shake
when her feet landed on the floor.  While still kissing, she switched me to
her other arm and it felt as big and powerful as the other.

She paused, pulling her face slightly away so she could look deep into my
eyes saying, "Let's go get cleaned up and into bed."

My body was so weak by now that it hung limp in her arm.  Then she
opened her mouth as if to start kissing me again. To my surprise, her big
luscious lips and wide mouth engulfed my entire neck from front to back. 
She started walking and performing the same sensual tricks on my neck as
she had just done to my face.  Occasionally, she would sigh and let out a
moan onto my neck.  The moaning against my skin was so loud and
powerful that the vibrations reverberated and shook my entire body.

We made it into the shower with me still in her arm.  The showerhead was
10' high on the wall.  The warm water felt good as it hit our bodies.  Most of
the water I got was the result of it dripping or deflecting off of Tina's body. 
She lathered and scrubbed my entire body with shampoo and soap.  When
rinsing me off, she would hold me up high and turn me around to get all the
soap off my body.  When we finished, she sat on the edge of the bathtub
and towel dried me, then herself.  The towel was larger than a living room
drape on me, but felt good anyway.

Then she wrapped one hand under my armpit and around my shoulder,
stood up and lifted me to her face with ease.  Kissing me softly on the lips
she said, "My little man smells fresh and clean now.  Let's go to bed."
She carried me to her bedroom in her huge hand with her arm slightly bent.

We slipped under the covers of her huge bed.  Tina lay on her back.  I lay
on my side and cuddled close to her.  I placed my head on her huge,
comfortable arm that was now around the back of my head and down my
back.  I buried my face into the side of her huge breast with my arm and
hand underneath both breasts.  The weight of her breasts prevented my arm 
from sliding off.  I raised my leg as high as I could, bent my knee and
placed it across her abdomen.  She brought her other arm around to rest it
over my leg with her palm on my buttocks pulling me securely to her huge,
comforting warm body.  The weight of her massive arms and breasts on me,
coupled with the incredible sex I had just experienced said it all.  I'm
not going anywhere for a long time, maybe for the rest of my life.  Never
in my life had I felt so secure and content.

I heard her soothing voice whisper to me, "You're in good hands with Tina.
Now sleep tight my sweet little man.  You'll need plenty of rest for
tomorrow.  Sweet dreams."  I fell into a deep sleep, knowing that I belonged
to Tina and no one else. 

Sweet dreams is right, Sammy boy.  And they have just begun.

The Gov

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Re: Magnificent Tina
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2010, 10:16:38 pm »
Nice!  (My humble karma gladly given.)

Offline mermoz

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Re: Magnificent Tina
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2010, 03:10:41 am »
Nice story K+
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