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Author Topic: ★Memorable Author: [Spoonmaster] Self-Confidence *Illus* [by SONJA]  (Read 33328 times)

Offline spoonmaster

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Here's the beginning of a new story that I've been working on with Sonja.  Sonja is doing all of the art, I'm taking care of the words.  Plenty more to follow as soon as we can get it done.

TEXT: Spoonmaster


I've got a story I need to tell you.  It's such a strange and amazing story, I can hardly believe it happened.  I keep expecting to wake up from this weird dream, but hope beyond hope that I don't.  I've never been happier.

Let me start from the beginning.  My name is Stan.  I'm 34 years old, and over the last 5 years I've been working construction.  The job was a blessing and a curse.  First of all, it's a very physically demanding job.  When I started, I didn't exactly have the build for the job.  At 6'0" and only 150lbs, I was a pretty lanky guy.  It was hard going for awhile, but I really loved the job and wanted to do well.  I started working out and getting in really good shape.  Over the years I started adding some muscle and strength to my frame.  Now I weigh almost  200lbs, all of it solid muscle, and I've gotten pretty strong!  I can bench press my body weight, and curl about half as much.

The new build and the new strength did wonders for my confidence.  People started noticing me walking down the street, especially the ladies.  I used to feel as though I was invisible, but now women are always coming up and flirting with me, and I mean really hot chicks!  It was the life I had always dreamed of.   Well, almost.

I said the job was also a curse.  Well it was.  You see my life would have been perfect, unfortunately, I was married.  Yes I said was.  Her name was Lisa.  We met many years ago in college, she was two years younger than me.   If you looked up plain in the dictionary, you'd probably see Lisa's picture.  She was 5'9" tall and thin as a rail.  She couldn't have weighed more than 110lbs soaking wet.  Her appearance was all together unspectacular.  She had blond hair, which could have been sexy, but never did anything with it and it just sat on her head like a mop.  Her face was the same, she looked like she could have been pretty, but she never put on makeup, or smiled much, or did anything to draw attention to whatever natural beauty she had.  Her body was thin and basically all skin and bone.   She did have some pretty nice breasts, but you could hardly tell.  She wore loose and baggy clothes that draped her body like a sack.  She was always wearing drab colors too, like brown, gray, light brown, light gray, you get the picture.   Here's a picture of her:

As plain as her appearance was, her personality was worse.  She was very shy, I had to ask her out about a hundred times before she said yes, and she's anything but adventurous.  She doesn't like going out, she'd rather stay at home, she's really self conscious about the way she looks, but never seemed to be interested in doing anything about it.  She never worked out, or played any sports, she's never been to a beauty salon.  I'm not even sure she owns make up.  She certainly doesn't own any sexy clothes.

Anyhow, when we met, I was a pretty plain person myself, and quite honestly, wasn't really the ladies man.  When we started dating, I thought she was about the best I could do.  So after school we decided to get married.  From the start it was a passionless affair.  And for awhile, for me, I was fine with that.  But then I started changing.  I started getting all big and buff.  I started getting noticed more and more by women who were beautiful, and sexy, and flirty, and adventurous.  Suddenly plain and drab wasn't good enough for me anymore.

To my credit I tried to get her to do more things with me.  I tried taking her out, but she barely ever wanted to go.  The one time I got her out was a disaster.  We went to this bar, and the whole time, these busty, beautiful girls were flirting with me, with Lisa sitting right there!  But Lisa didn't get mad, or angry at me.   She just seemed to draw further into her shell.  Soon she wouldn't even leave the house.  I tried to tell her that I loved her, that she was the only one for me, but they were empty words, and she knew it.

Anyhow, a year ago, I decided to stop trying.  I asked her for a divorce.  She seemed to think it was inevitable and signed the papers without so much as a fuss.  Lisa didn't have anything.  She didn't have a job, or a car, or really any drive to go out and get either.  I felt bad for her, I'm really not a bad guy, and I wanted to take care of her.  So I told her she could stay with me.  She accepted without much of a word, I expected no less.  We split the house into two different sections, the upstairs and the down stairs, with her living upstairs and me below.  At first she would come down and talk to me every now and then.  But then I started bringing women home.  She stopped coming down after that.

Now it's been a year since our divorce.  Lisa still lives upstairs keeping mostly to herself.  Sometimes I even forget she lives there.  And this is how I thought our lives would wind up being for the rest of my life.  But things never turn out as you think.  And my relationship with Lisa, was about to take a strange, and wondrous turn.


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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2009, 02:35:11 pm »
Come on boys,

give us some feedback !


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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2009, 08:22:59 pm »
the story has great potential. i also like the image. please keep it up : )


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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2009, 04:10:44 am »
Great teaser of a start, along with the pic (is it your artwork?) Sure like to read some more...

Offline spoonmaster

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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2009, 01:47:48 pm »
Chapter 1:

So the whole thing started on a Friday.  For me, it was a pretty busy Friday.  We had just started laying the foundation on this set of townhouses.  Tony was out on vacation, and Mikey had called in sick, so we were a little short staffed.  Still it was Friday and we all wanted to get done as soon as we could so we could leave a little early and start the weekend.  So all day we were cutting corners, if you know what I mean.

My job was moving these big ole bags of cement that weigh 80lbs a piece.  Now I can handle an 80lb bag of cement pretty easily; however, there were a couple dozen of them that I had to move, and let me tell you, when a guy is trying to work fast, a lot of things get forgotten, like proper lifting technique.  Probably wouldn't have mattered if it was only a couple of bags, but after about my 20th bag, and not exactly lifting with my legs, my back let me know how stupid I was being in a big way.  I could actually feel the thing pop.

Now I'm just as macho a man as all the rest of the guys on the site, and at first I wasn't about to let a little thing like a bad back stop me from working, but with my back thrown out, there was just no way I was lifting anymore bags of concrete, let alone any of the other heavy equipment you need to use to lay down a foundation.  So the foreman let me go and told me I should go see my doctor.

Did I mention that I'm a macho guy?  Macho guys don't go to the doctor unless they're dying.  So I went home, and grabbed myself the only doctor that I need: Dr. Samuel Adams.

It normally felt good, drinking a beer after a hard day's work, but I wasn't in the position to enjoy it.  I plopped down on a chair a little too hard, grunting as my back again told me how stupid I was and spent the next few minutes trying to find a position to sit in that didn't hurt like a bitch.  I was grunting so loudly, I almost didn't hear the nearly whispered voice coming from the other side of the room.

"Hey, Stan."  It was Lisa.  She was standing on the other side of the room, half hidden by the wall, almost peeking around it as if she wasn't sure she was allowed to be there.  She was wearing a loose fitting dress the color of dirt that wouldn't have looked good on Carmen Electra.  I was a little stunned that the sleeves were bare, showing off a lot more skin that Lisa normally would.

"Hey Lis, how are you doing?"  I stood up, you know, to be polite, and grunted as a burst of pain shot through my back.  

Lisa retreated further behind the wall, so that I could only see half of her face.  She looked like she was ready to bolt at any minute.  "Are you okay?"  Her voice was so small, it would have been hard to hear for anyone who wasn't used to listening for it.

Of course I wasn't okay, but that's not the kind of thing a macho guy admits to a woman.  "Oh, I'm okay.  Just threw my back out at work. I'll be fine."  My body betrayed me though.  I put my beer down, and grabbed my back with both of my hands, trying to find a position that would offer some kind of comfort.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"  

"Actually, I think there's some aspirin in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.  If you could go in there and see if you could find it for me, I would appreciate it."  Damn, my back was really hurting now.  It was going to take a lot of aspirin to fix this.  

I was so intent upon my pain, I practically forgot that Lisa was there.  Then, suddenly, two hands shot through my arms from behind and grabbed me right under the ribs.  "Uh, Lis, what are you doing?  I really don't need a hug right...  ugh!"  The rest of the sentence got choked off as she squeezed me so hard all the air was forced from my body.  My hands shot up to her wrists.  Grabbing them, I pulled, trying to dislodge her grip.  I was stunned when I couldn't loosen her hold in the least.  "What the hell?" I thought.  I was a lot bigger than she was.  How the hell was she resisting me?

Then, amazingly, my feet left the floor!  I couldn't believe it!  I weighed almost 200lbs, yet my ex wife, who used to have trouble carrying in the groceries, had lifted me right off the ground!  How was that possible?

I was starting to think the pain was making me hallucinate.  Lisa couldn't be doing this to me, it was simply impossible!   But she wasn't done yet.  Still holding my 200lbs off the ground, she started shaking me up and down like she was trying to make the change fall out of my pocket.  I was starting to panic.  I continued to uselessly pull at her impossibly strong grip, trying to somehow free myself from my diminutive ex.  Then suddenly, I felt another pop in my back.

For a split second I was afraid that she actually broke it, but then I felt the most amazing sensation.  My back loosened up and all the pain flowed out as if it was being washed away by water.  It was the greatest sense of relief I could ever remember feeling in my life.  I was so entranced by the loss of pain that I didn't even realize that Lisa was still holding me off the ground until I felt my feet hit the ground a few moments later.  As she released me, I twisted back and forth, and bent up and down.  The pain was totally gone!  Hell, I felt better than I had in a long time.  

I turned around to thank Lisa, and was shocked to see that she was all the way back across the room, again half hiding behind the wall.  I didn't even hear her move.  She was as quiet as a church mouse.  

"Thanks, Lis.  That was amazing!  I'm gonna have to get you to do that more often."  She blushed a deep shade of red at the compliment.  She really wasn't used to hearing them.  Maybe I should change that.  "Say, how were you able to lift me like that?  I mean, I out weigh you by like 70-80lbs!"

Lisa blushed again.  She really wasn't used to this much attention.  "I've been working out a little."

For the first time, I really took a look at what little I could see of Lisa's body.  I was a little surprised at what I saw.  She certainly looked healthier.  Her skin had a little more color to it, she didn't look so gaunt as she used to.  In fact, I think I could see a little tone on her bare arm.  "Well you look great."  Another blush.  "You should keep it up.  With a little work you might be able to put a little muscle on those limbs."

Lisa looked like she was about to say something, but decided against it.  She gazed at me for a second, and then she smiled.  I couldn't even remember the last time she smiled, it actually made her look quite pretty.  Then she really gave me a real shock.  She lifted her arm and flexed her bicep for me.  My draw dropped.

I was stunned!  An impressive sized muscle rose up from her toned arm.  I mean, it wasn't like she was a body builder or anything, but she definitely had some size and definition that I didn't expect.  Maybe she weighed a little more than I thought.

Unfortunately, Lisa took my open mouthed stare of amazement the wrong way.  She blushed the darkest red I'd ever seen anyone get, and disappeared behind the wall.  Before I could regain my composure and say anything, I heard a door close upstairs.  Damn she was quiet, and fast!

And so I was left alone with my perfectly fixed back, and the strange memories of my ex wife's unexpected muscle and strength.  As weird as the day was, the part the was really strange was that the memories actually aroused me.  It was the first time Lisa had done anything to arouse me in years.


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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2009, 02:06:53 pm »
Wonderful!  Can't wait to read more.   I hope it ends up being a rather long story, but then who wouldn't be greedy for more good stuff like this.  K+ to both of you!

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2009, 06:22:09 pm »
Its a very nice story, I can't wait to read more! k+ to both you and Sonja.
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline elgat

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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2009, 06:07:12 pm »
I can't wait to read more too! The start was very promising and the first chapter more than good. Spoonmaster/Sonja is a great team! Obviousely I gave K+ to both.

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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2009, 07:19:45 pm »
Chapter 2:

The next couple of weeks were kind of weird for me.  For the first time ever, I actually found myself daydreaming about Lisa.  I mean, even when we first started dating I had never found her all that physically attractive, and yet now, the image of her flexing her arm seemed to be engraved in my mind.  

Truth be told, I’d never known a woman with any kind of muscle at all.  Up until a couple weeks ago, I didn’t really even have an opinion on what I thought about it.  But now, I had to admit I thought it was pretty hot.  I mean, that single moment, when Lisa was flexing, was the most beautiful I’d ever seen her look.

Unfortunately, I was sure she got the wrong impression from the stunned look on my face when she showed me her muscle.  Lisa is the kind of person who can find an insult or slight in the most innocuous of comments.  I’m sure that she thought I found her disgusting, or ugly, or something.  It was too bad, since the exact opposite was the case.  

So I decided that I’d talk to her, and let her know how good I thought she looked.  I didn’t really want to make a big deal about it, just a little passing comment.  The problem was, when Lisa didn’t want to be seen, she wasn’t seen.  Once, last year, I went for two full months without even seeing any sign that she was still living upstairs.  So I began lingering around the house a lot more often than normal, hoping to catch a glimpse of her so I could start up a conversation.  Unfortunately, after two weeks, I still hadn’t seen even the slightest hint of Lisa.

Eventually, I decided that if I wanted to talk to her, I’d have to go up and see her.  I usually tried to respect her privacy, but it wasn’t totally out of the ordinary for me to go upstairs and see how she was doing.  So a little more than two weeks after the whole back incident, I got out of work a little early, and heard some loud music coming from upstairs.  I figured this was my chance, so went up to the door and gave a little knock.

Either the music was too loud, or she was purposely trying to ignore me, cause there was no answer.  I almost went back downstairs, but as I turned to go, I gave the knob a little twist and saw that it was unlocked.  I really shouldn’t just barge in; it wouldn’t be very nice to disturb her privacy.  I should just go back downstairs and try again later.  That’s what I should have done.  What I did instead was open up the door and peak inside.  The music was coming from her old bedroom.  She could have been doing anything in there.  I really should have just gone back downstairs.  Instead I crept down the short hallway and peaked my head into the door.

I was simply stunned by what I saw.  Lisa was standing there, looking at her reflection in a full sized mirror, and what a reflection it was.  She was wearing this incredibly short little dress that was barely long enough to cover her ass and showed every inch of her impressively muscular legs.  Instead of the normal earth tones that she regularly wore, this thing was a bright magenta that set off perfectly against her skin.  She was wearing matching high heals, which not only made her almost my height, but set her bare legs in a perpetually flexed state.  I found myself nearly drooling over her muscular calves.

I couldn’t believe how good she looked.  She was gorgeous.  She easily had the best legs I’d ever seen on a woman.  Looking at her 5’9” body, I figured she probably weighed about 135lbs, at least 20lbs more than she weighed while we were married, and by the looks of her legs, all of it was muscle.

After gawking at her for several minutes, I started to realize how creepy this would seem if she saw me.  So I decided to leave discreetly, and come back a little later.  Unfortunately, I was unable to take my eyes off her amazing body, and decided to try to walk out of the room backwards.  Big mistake.  I tripped over a small table by the door, knocked over a lamp and fell on my ass with a shout.  Lisa whipped her head around to see what was happening.

It took her a second to process what was going on.  But as realization dawned on her, she let out a high-pitched scream.  Her first thought went to her almost bare ass.  She grabbed the bottom of her dress and tried to pull it further over her ass while quickly turning around.  Unfortunately for Lisa, this only pulled down a surprisingly low cut front, exposing a good bit of her perky breasts.  She eventually realized what was going on, and let go of the dress and put her arms over her chest.  She was about as dark a shade of red as you could be.  I wasn’t sure if it was embarrassment or anger.

I got to my feet as quickly as I could, and quite clumsily.  I tried calming her down.  “Woe, Lis, it’s okay, it’s just me.  Calm down.”

She eventually realized that it was just me and calmed down a little bit.  She moved to the stereo and turned the music off.  Then she turned back toward me with a furious look on her face.  “What the hell are you doing here?!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.  I just wanted to come up here and talk.  And you didn’t answer your door cause you probably didn’t hear me knock, so I came in.  I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have.  I was trying to leave, and I just tripped.  I’m so sorry, Lis, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Her face softened at my apology.  As her initial fear wore off, her temper started going down.  She really couldn’t be that mad at me, she had snuck up on me more times than I could remember.  “It’s okay, you just startled me, that’s all.”  She went over and sat down on a bench against the wall.  She took a couple of deep breaths to calm down.  I was treated to the sight of the heaving of her breasts under a very revealing top.  “What did you want to talk about?”

“What?  Oh, yeah, um, well it’s just that…  Well, the last time, uh, you came downstairs, and uh, you um, you flexed your arm.”  God this would have been hard to say under the best of circumstances.  Getting caught peeping at your ex was not the best of circumstances.  Clearly this wasn’t something Lisa wanted to remember.  She blushed and turned slightly from me as I brought up the uncomfortable memory.

I stammered on before she could get a word in edge wise.  “Anyhow, when you, uh, flexed your arm, I think I made a little face.  Um, and like, I’m not sure that you interpreted the look in the way that I meant it.”

That got her attention.  Lisa looked up at me with an inquisitive look on her face, clearly unsure what I was trying to say.

“It’s just, I never met a woman who was fit and had muscles before.  And I was a little surprised, but I thought it looked really great.  I mean, you look really great, I mean, look at you.”  Lisa turned away from me, blushing.  I took the chance to sit down beside her on the bench.  I reached over and turned her around so that she was facing me.  “Hey, I’m serious.  I mean you really look like you’ve put in a lot of hard work on your body, and it’s paid off big time.  You look better than I’ve ever seen.  And that dress.  I mean you really just look stunning.”

Lisa smiled up at me, obviously pleased by the comment.  “You really think so?” she was talking in her little shy girl voice.  It was actually quite cute.

“Of course I do.  I mean damn, why didn’t you wear dresses like this when we were dating?”

“No not the dress.  I mean do you like the muscle?”  And with that, she lifted her arm and treated me to a bicep flex.  It was hard to tell, because I was a lot closer to her than when she flexed last time, but damn if the thing didn’t look bigger than it was just two weeks ago.  “Do you think I look good with muscle?”

“Absolutely I do.  I mean, I think your muscles are really sexy, Lis.”  I reached up and gave her bicep a little squeeze.  At least I tried to squeeze it, the thing was harder than it looked.  My fingers couldn’t dent it an inch.  “Damn they’re hard too, and not only that, but strong.  I mean, I weigh almost 200lbs and you lifted me right off the ground the other day.”

Lisa was smiling even bigger now; the shyness was receding a little.  Clearly she was very interested in talking about her muscles.  “Oh that wasn’t my arms, that was mostly my legs.”  And with that, she straightened one of her legs out and flexed it for me.  

Wow!  As big as her arm was, her leg was much bigger.  Again, she was no bodybuilder, but she had a nice tight and toned thigh that had some really great definition.  I reached my hand down and grabbed her thigh.  It was just as hard as her bicep!  And the skin was so smooth.  I felt a stirring in my pants.  I was definitely getting aroused.

“And I’m getting really strong too.  Do you want to see?”  This was a surprising thing to see out of Lisa.  I’d never seen her passionate about anything.  But she was clearly excited about her developing body, and I sure wasn’t going to be the one to dissuade her from further development, so I nodded, hopefully not too eagerly.

She jumped up from the bench, clapping like a little girl who just got her favorite present.  “Good, come here.”  She led me over to the desk in her room, which was immaculate, and sat on it.  She leaned back a little, grasping the back of the desk with her hands, and extended her legs straight out in front of her, her tight little thighs and calves flexing powerfully.  

“Now, I want you to sit down on my legs.  Down near my feet.”  She looked at me anxiously, giddy with excitement.

I was a little stunned at what she proposed.  “Are you sure?  I’m pretty heavy.”

She just grinned wider.  “Oh, I can handle it.  I’m a stronger than you think.”

What do you do?  I was actually a little excited to see what she was capable of.   So I walked up to her and straddled her legs.  Then I slowly and gently lowered myself down onto her awaiting shins.  As my butt finally came in contact with her legs, and my weight started pushing down on her, I fully expected there to be some kind of sag, or that she would drop me.  Boy was I surprised.  Her legs didn’t sag a bit, even after I was fully seated.  I couldn’t believe it!  I lifted my feet up off the ground and crossed them in front of me, so she was now fully supporting my 200lbs, yet her legs were still as steady as though I was sitting on a park bench.  I looked at her face with amazement.   If she was having any difficulty handling my weight, she was hiding it behind a huge smile.  She was just beaming with pride.  She looked beautiful.

“Oh Stan, I just love being so strong.”  Her voice was steady and light, giving no hint of strain.  “For the longest time I could never find my place in the world.  Never found anything I was good at, or that I enjoyed doing.  Then I started weight lifting.  Oh, Stan, the feeling I get when I lift.  I never knew you could feel like that.  And what’s even better is overpowering guys.”  There was a real twinkle in her eye as it met my own. Then her smile turned almost mischievous.  I didn’t realize she was capable of feeling that way.  “Especially bigger guys who outweigh me by 60lbs.”

I couldn’t believe it!  Was she flirting with me?  I had to be hearing things!  Lisa did not flirt.  “Well, I wouldn’t say you’re overpowering me.”  It was a strange thing to say to someone who’s easily supporting your bodyweight with her legs.

Her mischievous grin got bigger, and she cocked one of her eyebrows at me.  Suddenly I was falling.  Lisa had spread her legs apart and I plummeted right through them.  I crashed to the ground with a thud, confused as what was happening.  I tried to get up, big mistake.  As my head rose up between Lisa’s legs, she clamped them together around my head.  She didn’t apply a lot of pressure, but it was more than enough to hold me firmly in place.

Instinctively, I reached my hands up, grabbed her legs and tried to pull them apart.  It was like grabbing at a statue.  Lisa’s legs were just as hard, just as immovable.  I pawed at her legs for a couple minutes before I simpy gave up.  

“So, do you think I’m overpowering you now?”  I looked up at her best I can.  My eyes roamed by her hands that were now gripping the front of the desk.  Up passed her flexed tricep that bulged from her arm.  All the way to her face, which wore a look of triumph.  I had never been more turned on in my life.

I was at a loss for what to do.  I was hopelessly trapped.  The only way I was getting out was if she let me go.  But I felt as though I had to do something.  My gaze fell back down to what was directly in front of me, the fuzzy image of Lisa's white, cotton panties.  I have no idea what came over me, but I did the only thing I could think to do.  I puckered out my lips and kissed her right in the love shack.  Big mistake!

When a woman who has incredibly strong legs has those legs wrapped around your head, the worst possible thing to do is surprise that woman.  The reason is, in her shock she might inadvertently squeeze those thighs too tight.  That was Lisa's reaction.  The most intense pain I can ever remember feeling exploded through my head.  Luckily it only lasted a moment.  Then I passed out.

I woke a couple hours later in my own bed.  Lisa must have carried me down here.  Next to my bed was a glass of water and a few aspirin.  I took the drugs and went to sleep.  In my dreams, I saw nothing but my powerful, sexy, ex wife.

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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2009, 11:10:56 pm »
Chapter 3:

For the few days after she knocked me out, I saw neither hide nor hair of Lisa.  I was afraid that we were once again heading into one of those “uncomfortable” periods, where she ignored my existence.  For a second I considered going upstairs and saying something to her, but what was I going to say?  “Sorry for kissing your pussy.”?  I simply couldn’t see having that conversation with her.  So I was ready to not see Lis for a few weeks.

You could imagine my surprise when Lisa walked into my living room one Sunday afternoon while I was watching some football on TV.  Not only was it weird because she walked right into the center of the room instead of hiding half around the wall like she used to, but again she was wearing a pretty sexy outfit.  A very short pair of running shorts, bright blue, and a white tee shirt that was surprisingly tight.  She was wearing some running shoes and had her hair tied up behind her.  All together it was a pretty good look on her.  Was my little Lisa actually changing?  If so, it was definitely for the better.

“Stan, I owe you an apology.”  The little, shy girl voice was different today.  She spoke louder, with more confidence, but you could still hear a hint of uncertainty.  “I got carried away, and I hurt you, and I shouldn’t have.  I guess I just don’t know my own strength.  It’s just, when you…” There was a time Lisa would have ran from the room recalling such an uncomfortable memory, but Lisa was changing.  This time, there was only a little blush; it wasn’t the deep red she usually turned; just a light coloring of the cheeks that I thought made her look adorable.

“I need to apologize to you too, Lis.  What I did was inappropriate.  You had me trapped, and I didn’t know what to do.  I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too.”  She echoed immediately. 


The blush was gone, and was replaced by a cute little smile.  “Friends.”  She said with a touch of relief. 

And so was the start of a new chapter in our relationship.  Lisa actually seemed to be more comfortable around me.  Almost every day she’d stop downstairs to say hi and have a quick chat, sometimes she’d even stay for dinner, or watch some TV.  It was nice to have a friend around, and really nice to see this side of Lisa.

A few weeks later, Lisa came downstairs all excited.  She was wearing a loose fitting zip up sweatshirt which hung loosely around her upper body, but a pair of those short shorts, which showed off every inch of her fantastic legs.  Just looking at them kind of got me a little excited too.  “Oooo, Stan, you’ve got to come upstairs and see what I just got!”  She grabbed my hand and almost dragged me upstairs into my old bedroom, which she had turned into a living room.  On the ground was a box that said Stud Bar.

“What the heck is a Stud Bar?” 

“It’s a pull up bar.  I decided I want to be able to workout at home, so I bought some equipment to workout with.  They're delivering most of it, but this I just carried home with me.”

“Very nice, Lis.”  I couldn’t help but to look down to her bare legs, she had definitely put on some more muscle this past month.  I wondered how much bigger she wanted to get.

“I was wondering if you’d help me set it up?”  She had her hands clasped in front of her, swaying back and forth with a sweet look on her face.  She must have been practicing cute looks in the mirror.

“I’d be happy to help.”  So I pulled the thing out of the box, scanned over the directions, and then went downstairs to get the tools I’d need.  In no time, I had the thing securely fastened to the ceiling.  Lisa clapped her hands with delight when I finished. 

“There you go, all set.  Now are you sure you’re gonna be able to do pull ups?  I mean, I know you’ve got some strong legs, but pull ups are all upper body.  Most women don’t have the upper body strength to do pull ups.”

Lisa shot me a coy smile, which actually changed to a bit of a sultry look.  She reached up and grabbed the zipper to her sweat jacket and unzipped it.  She pulled of her jacket, and then pulled down her shorts.  My mouth hung open! (which was becoming a more common occurrence around Lisa)  She was standing in front of me wearing nothing more than a light pink, one-piece leotard.  It was tight, hugging her body almost like a second skin.  The material got so narrow as it got higher up her torso that it was struggling to contain her very sizeable breasts.   

Lisa noticed the stunned expression on my face, and this time knew to take it as a compliment.  It seemed to give her more confidence as she actually smiled standing there in front of me in such a skimpy outfit.  She let me take in her physique for a few moments, and then brought up both arms and treated me to a double bicep flex.

Her arms could no longer be described as little.  She had some real guns pop up out of those arms.  I think my mouth widened even more at the sight.

Lisa just smiled at me, clearly pleased with my reaction.  “I think you’ll agree that I probably have a little more upper body strength than most women.”

“Wow, Lis!  That’s incredible.  You definitely look like you’d be pretty strong for a girl.”

Lisa cocked an eyebrow at my comment.  “For a girl, huh.  We’ll see about that.  But first, I’m assuming that men have the “upper body strength” necessary to do pull-ups?”

“Of course we do.”  I did a little bicep flex of my own, which was hard to see under my tee shirt.  And a good thing, cause I may have been bigger, but I certainly didn’t have the peak, or definition that Lisa had in her arms.

“Well then, Stud.  Get up there and show me how it’s done.”

Now if I were smart, I’d probably see that I was getting set up here, but unfortunately, I’m a guy.  And when a hot chick in a one-piece leotard asks you to show off your manliness to her, then you make sure you show her the most manliness you can show. 

Now as I said before, I’m pretty strong for my size, you have to have a certain amount of physical strength to work construction.  But I’m not exactly Mr. Fitness.  While Lisa is lean and toned, I’m a little more bulky, so things like pull-ups and pushups and sit-ups aren’t exactly my forte.  Of course that didn’t stop me from jumping up, grabbing the bar, and giving it my best.  I huffed and puffed, and pulled for all I was worth.  In the end, I was able to bang out 25. 

Dropping to the ground, I looked over at Lisa with a smile and puffed out my chest some, pleased with my effort.  “Well, what do you think of that.”

Lisa actually looked impressed.  “Wow, Stan, you sure are strong.”  I puffed out my chest a little more; I had impressed the sexy woman, my job as a man was complete.

I got out of the way, and Lisa moved under the bar.  With amazing grace, she leaped up and grabbed the bar in a wide grip.  “That’s going to be a tough act to follow, Macho Man, but let’s see what I can do.”

Lisa started doing pull-ups of her own.  I was impressed, I had really never met a woman who was capable of doing even one, but my mighty ex wife once again proved her physical prowess by doing rep after rep.  She did 10 easy enough, but then she started to slow.  She seemed to be putting more and more effort into it as she performed rep after rep.  Finally, at 20, she looked done.  She tried to pull herself up again, but only wound up getting half way. 

I was impressed with her upper body strength, and more than a little turned on by her display of power.  Though I have to admit, I was a little relieved when she stopped short of my number.  I moved closer to her and grabbed her legs; her wonderful, smooth, rock solid legs.  I pushed up, trying to help her finish her last rep.  “Come on sweetie, you can do it.  Just one more.”


I was pushing as hard as I could, but she wasn’t going up at all.  In fact it almost seemed as though she was pushing against me.  I was wondering what the hell was going on, then I heard her giggle.  I looked up at her face, and saw that she was smiling down at me.

“Why are you smiling?”

“Because I know something you don’t know.”  She looked absolutely tickled pink.

“And what’s that?”

“That I was just teasing you.”  And with that, Lisa shot right up to the chin up bar so fast, I lost my grip on her. 

For a second, I didn’t understand what was happening.  Then Lisa lowered herself down, and then pulled herself back up, then down, then up, down, up.  Her arms moved like pistons, easily moving her body up and down like it was weightless.  Every rep was smooth as silk, performed steadily and under full control. 

She shouted out a loud “25” as she sped past my max without any hint of slowing down.  I was a bit disappointed that she beat me, but the disappointment was short lived.  It was soon replaced with awe. 

Like a machine, Lisa pulled herself up over and over.  I thought I was counting the reps in my head, and didn’t even realize that I was actually counting aloud until I heard myself say “50”.  And yet she still didn’t stop!  I kept thinking that she had to be getting tired, but then she hit 60 reps, and then 70.  Her 80th reps seemed just as effortless as her 1rst, and it wasn’t until she hit her 90th rep before she stopped, but she wasn’t quite done yet. 

She started moving her hands together until they touched, and then she let go with her left arm.  For a moment, she just hung there from bar with one arm, her hair flopping in front of her face.  She looked up at me, making sure she had my full attention, which of course she did.  She gave me a wink and a smile, and then, with the power of just her right arm, pulled herself all the way up until her chin was over the bar.  With a slow, controlled motion, she lowered herself back down, and then just as slowly, pulled herself back up.  10 times she performed this amazing feat, every one with perfect control. 

Finally, she released the bar and fell lightly to her feet.  She fixed me with a smile and then flexed up those powerful guns for me once more.  “Well,” she asked, “was that pretty good, for a girl?”   

You could have ridden a semi through my mouth it was opened so wide.  I had never seen such an amazing display of power and stamina before in my life.  It took me almost a minute to get into a state where I was able to talk.  “I don’t believe it!  How did you do that?”

She giggled, pleased at my response.  “Oh it was nothing, Stan.  I could have done more.”  She started walking toward me.  “Actually, my own bodyweight really isn’t heavy enough for a good workout.  If I really wanted a pump, I’d need a bigger body.  Luckily I got you!”

She was now so close to me that her nipples, which were erect and sticking out of either side of her leotard, were pressed into my chest.  Her nipples weren’t the only thing erect.  Looking down at this powerhouse with her big, heaving chest and her rock hard, powerful muscles, was almost more than I could take. 

As if that wasn’t enough, Lisa bent down, reached one arm behind my back and the other behind my legs.  Before I knew what was happening, she swept me up off my feet and held me in her arms, cradled like a baby.  Her arms didn’t shake, she didn’t grunt, or arch her back, or show any sign what so ever that she was having any kind of trouble handling my 200lbs.  She just smiled at me like she was having the time of her life.

"I love going to the gym and lifting weights. The feeling of power as I lift heavy bars, it's the best high I've ever had.  But I realized something, before when I helped you with your back.  I realized that as much as I enjoyed lifting weights, lifting a grown man was so much better.  It makes me feel so much more powerful than just the weights.  Especially lifting a big, strong man, like you."  Lisa's gaze ran up and down my body, held easily in her arms.  It stopped at my crotch.  Only a blind man would miss the bulge in my pants.  "Oooo, it looks like someone likes to be lifted, huh.  Well just you wait, Stan.  I'm going to get bigger and bigger, and stronger and stronger.  Soon you'll be lighter than a feather to me, and I'll be able to lift you in ways you can't even imagine."

As she talked, she curled my body up until her breast rubbed right against my crotch.  It was too much for me to handle.  My whole body shook with ecstasy as I spewed all over my boxers.  Me thrashing in her arms didn't seem to bother Lisa in the slightest.  She held me firmly and easily until my spasm was over.  "Oooo, you really like the strong women don't you."

I was at a loss for words.  I felt like an idiot just laying there.  I felt like I should say something, but my brain simply wasn't working.  I was saved by a knock at the door. 

"Oh goodie,  the rest of my stuff is here." Lisa actually jumped up and down a little with me still in her arms.

She carried me downstairs as easy as if I was a stuffed animal, and set me on the couch before going to answer the door.  Movers were there.  Apparently Lisa had bought more exercise equipment then just the pull up bar.  For the next 20 minutes, two big burly men carried box after box of equipment up to Lisa's pad.  As they moved in and out, they never passed up a chance to leer at Lisa, who was still in her light pink leotard.  The most incredible part was that she didn't even seem to care.  She actually seemed to enjoy the attention. 

I couldn't believe how much Lisa had changed in little more than a month.  I don't know what brought it on and I didn't care.  All I know is that she was turning into a real Amazon, which I found extremely attractive, and best of all, she still seemed to have some feelings for me.


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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2009, 07:05:00 am »
Thank you spoonmaster for the great text!  :-*

Please give him some karma and a feedback.

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2009, 07:32:16 am »
I do like the story, I love lifting and carrying scenes, I love working out scenes, spoonmaster's text is very nicely done and your pictures are great as well. I can't wait for more.
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline spoonmaster

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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2009, 03:35:57 pm »
Chapter 4:

Over the next few weeks my relationship with Lisa really started to heat up.  What started with a little conversation here and there had turned into a little conversation; plus flirting.  Lisa was subtle, but oh so effective.  Sometimes she’d use her sex appeal, “accidentally” rubbing her breasts against me as she walked by, or brushing her hand over my crotch.  Other times she’d tease me with her muscle, like walking slowly up the stairs so I could watch her calves flex as she climbed the steps, or teasing her hair with her hand, all the while flexing her rock solid bicep.

Accompanying her flirting was an increasingly robust closet full of revealing outfits.  The shorts kept getting shorter, and the tops kept getting cut lower and lower.  Sometimes she wouldn’t even overtly flirt at all, but she’d come downstairs wearing a top that practically showed her entire breasts, and then she’d pretend not to notice when I couldn’t take my eyes off her chest.

Another technique she learned to master was to use her “shyness” to help her flirting.  Like, she’d absentmindedly be flexing her biceps for me, then, when she caught me staring, she’d blush and act like she didn’t realize what she was doing.  I found the whole act quite sexy.

Of course Lisa had another way of turning me on that she really enjoyed employing: besting me in athletic competition.  For the last several years, since I’ve been doing construction, I considered myself somewhat of a macho man.  So it came as somewhat of a surprise to me that I got aroused when she would best me at physical activities.  Our pull up “competition” was only the first in a long line of competitions that she beat me at, and all of them handily.  We did sit ups, push ups; she crushed me in both, performing several times the number of reps I could manage, always making it look easy.  She could jump higher and further.  Once we decided to race 4 laps around the track.  Again, I’m not in the best shape, but she simply whooped me, running her four laps in the time it took me to run just two.  I’d end every single competition with a raging erection, which only fueled Lisa desire to be better at me at everything.

Still, despite all the flirting, our relationship remained rather platonic.  I was hesitant making any kind of first move.  I was the one that divorced her, and I felt trying to get back together with her just because she was now this incredible hottie would be pretty shitty of me.  So I decided I’d leave it up to Lisa to decide how far she wanted to take this.  For awhile I wasn’t sure she wanted to take it too far at all, then last night, she cleared up all confusion of where we stood.

I had invited her down for dinner, which we’ve been doing more and more over the past couple of months.  I cooked for her at least once a week, often two or three times, so I didn’t really think too much of it when I asked her to dinner last night.  When I heard a knock at the door I was a little surprised.  Lisa never knocked.  When I opened up the door, drool started pouring down my mouth.

Lisa had worn some pretty revealing outfits over the past couple months, but none of them compared to what she wore at my front door.  Lisa had on the skimpiest, cherry red dress I’d ever seen.  The thing was so short; I could almost see her underwear peaking out underneath.  The front of the dress drooped down to her belly button, leaving almost her entire breasts bare.  The thinnest spaghetti straps draped over her shoulder leaving her arms bare.   She had on matching heels, bringing her up to my height, and showing off the increasing size of her legs.  

And it wasn’t just the outfit.  She had clearly been to the beauty salon.  Her hair was no longer the unformed mess it normally was; it was cut, and styled and quite elegant.  She was wearing make up!  Lisa never wore make up!  She didn’t have it caked on, but had enough to enhance her natural beauty.  Simply put she looked incredible.  The most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

“Are you just going to stand there and stare, or are you going to invite me in?”  God even her voice was sexy!  There was barely a hint of the shyness I had grown accustomed to.  Instead, she sounded like a predator getting ready to pounce.

“What?  Oh, gosh, I’m sorry.  Here come in.”  I stood aside and let her in.  I put my hand on her back as she passed me.  The back of the dress was just as skimpy as the front, leaving most of it bare.  As my hand touched her warm, smooth skin, I could feel my arousal heightening.  “Damn, Lis.  You look amazing.”

She turned and flashed me a seductive smile.  “What you mean this little thing.”  She ran her hands over her sexy red, barely there dress.  "Or do you mean these little things", and with that, she brought her arms up in a double bicep flex.

I couldn’t believe how big she was getting!  Overall I was sure I still outweighed her by a good bit, but looking at her amazing biceps, I wasn’t sure that her arms weren’t bigger than mine!  How the hell was she getting so big so fast?  It was impossible.

“Wow.  I can’t believe how big you’ve gotten.  You’re not taking any drugs or anything, are you?”

“Hell no!  That stuff will ruin your body.  This is just pure female power and dedication.”  She went through a series of poses, showing off all of her amazing muscles.  “And believe me, there’s going to be a lot more where these came from.”

Well, needless to say I was impressed, and getting really horny.  I tried to change the subject to keep from jumping her right there.  Lisa giggled, she knew she was driving me crazy, but she played along.

Dinner was wondrous and torturous at the same time.  We had a normal conversation, talking about what was going on in our lives, but I was having a hard time paying attention to what she was saying.  First of all, her dress was so skimpy, her breasts kept falling out of it.  Lisa seemed to be oblivious to this.  Whenever one would pop out, she’d just continue on talking like nothing had happened.  I tried to be a gentleman and not stare, but I couldn’t help myself, her breasts were just so perfect.  But Lisa either didn’t notice I was staring, or didn’t mind, and from the amount of staring I was doing, I was betting on the later.  She just kept chatting away like nothing was going on.

And it wasn’t just her tits.  Lisa seemed to take any and every opportunity she could to flex her muscles.  She’d scratch her head or play with her hair, causing her biceps to balloon.  She’d do these big, theatrical yawns, stretching out her body flexing all its muscles.  She even managed to flex here and there during the simple act of eating.  She was driving me crazy with lust.  Again she seemed oblivious to what she was doing, never drawing any attention to her flexing, and never seeming to notice the fact that my eyes were glued to her body.  

I was almost sad when dinner was over.  I poured Lisa some wine, and was about ready to retire to the living room, when she hit me with a bombshell.

“So, Stan.  I was thinking about the old times, back when we were married.  Do you ever think about that?”

Oooo, didn’t know how to answer that.  Our marriage wasn’t exactly full of memories, in fact, nothing really stood out.  “Yeah,” the key here is to be noncommittal, “we had some good times, didn’t we?”

“No we didn’t.”  I shot her a quick look, expecting her to be mad, but she was still smiling at me.  What was she up to?  “Look, lets be real here.  We had a loveless marriage.  The only reason we got together is because neither of us thought we’d ever find anyone else.”

I couldn’t agree more, but while Lisa was willing and able to talk about it, I still felt uncomfortable saying anything that might upset her.  Who would have thought that Lisa would be assertive and I would be shy.  She had changed in more ways than one.

She waited for me to say something, when I didn’t she pushed forward, taking control of the conversation.  “Well things are different now.  You’ve changed, I’ve changed.”  That’s an understatement.  “Have you ever thought that maybe, now that we’re two different people, we might be a little more compatible?”

My heart was racing, for the last couple months I had been dreaming of this conversation.  But I felt I had to tread lightly here, this could still go south.  “I have, quite a bit actually.  I mean Lisa, you’re amazing.  Seriously, I’ve never found a woman so attractive in my life.”  I looked away from her, putting on my own little shy boy face.  I felt kind of ridiculous.  “But Lis, I left you, and not for really great reasons.  I mean I’d like to think that I’m not a very shallow guy, but if I divorced you and then we got back together just cause you started working out and turned into this incredible babe, wouldn’t that just be me being shallow?”

Lisa got up and walked right up to me til our bodies were touching.  With her heals on she was able to look me right in the eye.  “Sweetie, it wasn’t your fault.  I really didn’t do a whole lot to make you love me, but I’m willing to take another stab at it.  I think we have a real opportunity to have something special, we just need to be willing to work at it.  I am, the question is, are you?”

I could feel her breath on my face as she talked; feel her breasts press up against my chest.  She was so sexy, and quite honestly, her taking a firm stand, and being so assertive was quite a turn on.  “I think I’m willing to give it a shot.”

That was all she needed, she leaned forward and gave me a kiss.  It was the most passionate kiss we had ever shared.  I didn’t want it to end, and almost cried when it did.  She moved away from me and grabbed her wine to take a sip.  That would have upset me too, except it gave me an opportunity to stare at her calves and her ass.

“Well, I’m glad we got that settled.  It may be tough if we really wanted to make this work.  I mean a lot has changed since we’ve been married.”

“That may be true, but I’d like to think the changes are all for the better.”

“Really?”  The sultry look was back.  “I’m surprised to hear you say that.”

“Why’s that?”

“Well, you’ve turned into this big, macho man.  Guys like that are normally not interested in women who are stronger than they are.”

Well that took me by surprise.  “What, who said you were stronger than me?”

She laughed out loud at that.  “Oh please, are you kidding?  I can do like a hundred more pull ups than you, and push ups and sit ups.  I’m faster than you. I have more endurance, better dexterity, and over all a better athlete than you are.  What makes you think that I’m not stronger too?”

Truth is, I wasn’t entirely sure she wasn’t stronger than I me, but what she said before about being a macho man was right.  There was just no way a chick could be stronger than me.  Totally impossible.  “Come on Lis, don’t be silly.  Just because you’re faster than me doesn’t make you stronger.  And sure you can do more pull ups, but I still got you by what, 40lbs, 50lbs?  So you were pulling up a lot less weight than I was, so it’s not really a fair test of strength.  Plus,” I really shouldn’t go there, but I just couldn’t help myself,  “guys are stronger than girls.”

If I thought the statement would make her angry, I was wrong.  In fact, it only seemed to make her smile more.  “Is that so, big man?  Well, it’s time for a bruising of the ole ego.”  She took a seat at the table and put her hand up in a classic arm wrestling position.  “All right He-Man, let’s see what you got.”

In the way, way back of my mind, where reason was banished, I thought this could be a bad idea.  I mean despite my weight advantage, her arms really could have been bigger than mine, but all the rest of my brain remembered all the things that Lisa had bested me at over the last month, and thought that surely this was a chance to get one up on her.  So I sat down across from her, and grabbed her hand in mine.  “Whenever you’re ready, little girl.”

Lisa was really enjoying this; it should have been a sign.  “You want to say go, or should I?”

“Ladies first.”  It never hurt to be gentlemanly, especially when you were about to put your lady in her place.

“All right then, ready, set, GO!”  THUMP!!  

It was just that fast!  I started pushing against her arm, but before I could even get a decent head of steam going, my arm had been slammed down on the table.  It all happened in a second.  I couldn’t believe it!  Lisa was giggling.

“Not so strong as we thought, are we?”

Nothing like getting taunted by a woman to get a guy all defensive.  “That was no fair, you started before I was ready.”  God, I sounded like a two year old.

Lisa just laughed at me.  “You’re right, that was totally unfair.  Let’s do it again, this time you can start us.”

That small little reason section of my brain was screaming “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”  But I’m a guy, and ignoring reason was one of the hallmarks of my sex.  “All right honey, now we’ll see what you got.”  This time I took a long time getting ready.  Making sure my hand was set properly.  Lisa just sat there, smiling at my intensity.  

“All right, Lis, this time you’re going down.  Show you not to mess with a guy when it comes to strength.  Ready, set, GO!”  I was a little ashamed that I started a little before I actually said “GO!”, but I really wanted to win.

Turns out, it didn’t matter.  I laid into Lisa’s arm with all the strength I could muster, intent on evening up our little contest, problem was, her arm didn’t move.  It didn’t even budge!  It was like pushing against a god damned statue!  I looked up at her to see what the hell she was doing.  She was just smiling at me like she didn’t have a care in the world, seemingly oblivious to my efforts.  What’s more, she was leaning slightly forward with her breasts sticking right out of her top.  Obviously she was enjoying herself, her nipples were sticking straight out like bullets.

I was so awestruck by the site that not only did I stop pushing against her arm, but it took me a few seconds to realize she wasn’t pushing me down either.  “What are you doing?”  I asked her, not taking my eyes from her breasts.

“I just wanted to make sure I gave you ample opportunity to try to put my arm down before I beat you.  Wouldn’t want you to think I was cheating.  So come on big boy, push.”

She was taunting me?  I don’t think so.  With renewed vigor I once more attacked her arm.  Still the thing didn’t even budge an inch!  How the hell was she doing this?

“Looks like the big man is having some trouble against the little girls arm.  Well, luckily you agreed to be my boyfriend before we started.  Cause I’m always willing to help out my boyfriend when he needs it.”  Finally her arm started going down.  For a second I thought it was actually because of something I did, but that thought ended when her arm stopped about half way down.  “There, I gave you a little head start, isn’t your girlfriend nice to you.  Now lets see if you can get it down the rest of the way.”

I couldn’t!  Once more her arm was as immovable as a mountain.  Even though I had size and quite a bit of leverage on my side, I still couldn’t budge Lisa’s arm, not even a millimeter!  What was worse is she wasn’t even paying attention!  Instead all of her attention seemed to be on her breasts, which she was now making bounce up and down by flexing her pecs.  

I was totally torn, half of me was utterly embarrassed by being so thoroughly over powered by a woman, who was 50lbs lighter than me no less!  The other half was incredibly turned on by her powerful, sexy display, especially my bottom half.  My dick was so hard it was threatening to break through my pants!

After bouncing her pecs up and down for almost a minute, Lisa turned her attention back to me.  “Still no luck, huh, well, lets see what else I can do for you.”  Again her hand started going down, this time I was under no delusion that it had anything to do with my efforts.  She stopped me once more, this time her hand was just inches from the table.  “There you go, Stud.  Now all you got to do is get my little girly arm down just two little inches.  Do you think the big strong man can handle that?”

The answer was an emphatic NO!  Again, despite all my advantages, I couldn’t make her arm so much as quiver.  

“Well, I guess this brings us back to the original question, do you mind dating a girl who’s stronger than you; much, much stronger by the looks of it.”  Her voice gave no sign that she was putting forth any effort what so ever.  “If you ask me, I think you like it.  I think like strong women.  I think you like being overpowered like you were a child.”

I think she was waiting for me to respond.  Unfortunately, I was putting all my effort into trying to get her arm down, even though I knew it was hopeless.  Deep down I just couldn’t believe she could be so strong.

“That’s okay, Stan, you don’t have to answer me, I have other ways of finding out how you feel.”  Suddenly, I felt her toes, right in my crotch!  Holy shit!  “Oooo, me thinks the big man likes.”   She started rubbing her foot up and down my bulging member.  “You just love these big voluptuous breasts and these rock hard, powerful muscles, don’t you, Stan?”  I was almost to the point of orgasm.  Suddenly, my hand started slowly but surely rising up.  “But what you really love, more than anything, is my incredible, superhuman, overwhelming strength.”  With that, she slammed my arm the rest of the way down to the table, beating me in the most emphatic way.

It was all too much for me.  Her beauty, her strength, not to mention her foot rubbing against my crotch.  I orgasmed right there, once again messing my pants in her presence.  She could undoubtedly feel it with her foot.  She seemed to love it.

Without a word, she let go of my hand, came around to my side of the table, and scooped me up in he powerful arms.  She easily carried me toward my bedroom.  “Stan, this is going to be the start of a wonderful relationship.”

Offline elgat

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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2009, 10:42:24 pm »
Giving karma is the minimum to support this stori; great work of spoonmaster and Sonja; I can't wait to see how this story developes.

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: Self Confidence (Illustrated)
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2009, 01:11:58 am »
Great story spoonmaster, I have become a big fan of your writing, because its very much like my own, though I tend to use even greater size differences than you use, I think your muscle and strength description are just great. And the pictures by Sonja are very good as well. I can't wait to see more.
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

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