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Author Topic: The R-suite  (Read 5435 times)

Offline the_boffin

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The R-suite
« on: August 19, 2020, 02:01:01 pm »


This is my first try at a stories and It might be slightly modified to make time lines more consistente with futur stories. I have other Ideas for the continuation of this stories but I'm lacking fillers, any advice is welcome.

The R-suit

Meeting ahsoka

Meeting ahsoka

I was working a concert set, preparing and doing a few tests that were vital to get rehearsals going in the afternoon.
I had set up the whole stage using my A-suit. The A-suit for augmentative suits is in essence an exoskeleton made of a
fabrique made of electroactive polymers. This coupled with a power supply allows it to supplement significantly the
users strength. Mine had run out of juice and the charger had gone bust. The producer said he would get one for the
pack down but we reckoned that since most of our actions that required an A-suit had been done there was no urgency in
getting a power supply. This had the knock on effect of significantly reducing crew sizes and allowing us to operate
in areas where lift vehicles had limited access. Unfortunately a bunch of hooligans had managed to sneak and knock
down one of our speaker stacks that I needed up to finish my tests. I immediately informed the producer so we could
fill a complaint with the security firm. The speaker damage was mostly cosmetic, these are tough little buggers? I’ve
seen some fall 5 meter and just get put back up and worked fine but I was now stuck having to stack it back up on my
own and with no A-suit, something that would usually be done with two people holding the heavy speaker and a third
maneuvering the speaker. Just lifting the largest speaker back up was going to be difficult. I was now in a situation
where at best I’ll be missing lunch and at worst there was going to be a significant delay to the beginning of
rehearsal which due to the contracts we had would likely impact our bottom line of the contract. As I was trying and
struggling to lift back up the big bottom speaker when I heard. “Do you need a hand sir?” A young black woman wearing
jogging gear was there. “I said well I need to get this stacked back up but they are really heavy”, “let me help she
said'', “they are really really heavy”, “well what alternative do not you have?”, “fair point but you might get hurt”,
“you might get hurt doing this on your own but if it reassures you, I’m tougher than I look”, “well if you insist I
accept your assistance”. She came to help me and it made all the difference. I'd swear the speaker should weigh a lot
more. It even had me looking several times to see if nothing had fallen out, there was the occasional screw but none
of the heavy parts were missing. I didn’t have time to think about that. I thanked the young woman and she went off
running around the venue, she was fast. I did the test and ajustements I needed and looked at the time. I wouldn’t
have the time to join the crew for lunch but if i went for something local I should be more then fine. The young woman
was still running focused, so I decided to try and talk to her. She was focused on her running and wearing headphones
so she didn’t notice me or hear me. So I tried running alongside her when she can back around. damn she fast even at a
full sprint, I was struggling catching up to her and she’d been running for half an hour. In a ditch effort to catch
her I tripped over brushing her arm and fell. “Oh wow, are you alright sir?”, “ouch” as I tried to get up, I checked
quickly to see if i hadn’t broken anything. As far as I can tell I was fine if rather bashed. “Are you alright ?”, “I
think I’m fine, man you run fast”, “hi hi, were you trying to catch me?”, “yes, I wanted to invite you to lunch.”,
“why?”, “mostly to thank you for the help you gave me, you saved me from missing lunch, it will also that i don’t know
where to eat locally”, “ok” she giggled. She took me to a nice asian and ordered some food. “So what do you do in this
gig?” I asked, “I’m one of the maintenance crew working here although they also use me alot for the many creative
aspects when clients ask for advice.” “nice, i’m, well, probably qualify as a production director for the gig we are
doing”. We casually chatted till the food arrived, she’s called Ahsoka, she’s single although not really a gamer she
enjoyed watching esport and occasionally playing, she was thus very proud that the final where coming to the theater
she was working at, she also talked about the work she did. I then realised the time and ate quickly to be on time for
the rehearsal. I excused myself. But Just before leaving “and Like to make up for my rudeness, I’ll be here for
awhile, would you accept that I invite you tonight when I have more time”, “are you really trying to excuse yourself
or are you looking for an opportunity to see me ?”, “hmm, probably the latter'', “well then i’ll be the one inviting”.
I left her my business card and went to join the crew. The producer said “ah there you are. Are you sure the speaker
stack fell over?” “yes look at the damage, they still work though” “you must be stronger than you look we needed 3
people to set that up” “well I did get help from a young woman who works here", well you both be pretty strong then",
that had me thinking, I wouldn’t consider myself a particularly strong guy,”I trust you took pictures for our claim”,
“ah flute, I forgot that I was to focused on getting things done on time my bad I didn’t think of that”, “nts, well
never, it have been easier to get the security firm to pay for the damage, but in fairness a delay would cost more,
well done for catching up on time. ok people let's get things going”. We started the rehearsal. Whilst I always have
to be there it is usually more relaxed. I got a message from Ahsoka asking what time I was available. Answered 1800.
She told me to meet her at the entrance at 1800.

I joined her at 1800. “So what plans do you have?” I asked, “I thought we could watch tonight's matches on my big
screen at my place rather than you watch them on the little screen of your hotel”, “bringing a man to your place
you’ve only just met is that wise”, “well your not dangerous are you, I’m sure i’ll be perfectly safe”, we got to her
place. She said “I’ll get some food going how about you set up the stream”. I set up the stream and saw the count down
to the pre show. There was quite a lot of time left before the pre show, so i looked around her flat. She had a modern
flat with bedroom, kitchen bathroom she had a small gym in the living room with what looked like some fairly hefty
dumbbells. I went into the kitchen. Ahsoka said, “I hope you like african food”, “I can’t say i’ve tried some, but I
generally like exotic food”. I observed that she had prepared a lot of food, “Are you preparing for multiple meals ?”
I asked, “nope not tonight” she answered, “that’s a lot of food, blokes usually eat more than girls but even so that
is a lot”, “don’t worry, I don’t expect their to be any left tonight, in fact if you eat like the guys at work I think
their isn’t going to be enough”, “they are big eater”, “their ok, they’d eat about a quarter of this”, "so you are
expecting more people?", "Nope". As I was speaking I was starting to put two and two together. “You are not a normal
girl are you ?”, “what do you think is weird?”, “I think you are extremely athletic, that is proven simply by the fact
I could hardly catch you after you’d been running around the venue for half an hour.”, “you where probably wearing
safety shoe”, “I wasn’t and I don’t think the shoes can account for the difference in speed displayed”, “second, you
are clearly planning on eating somewear between 3 and 4 time more than me, you are not a particularly big woman maybe
a little bit round but that make you look cute but your size can not justify that food consumption that much”, “what
gives that away?”, “well the amount of food you are preparing added to the fact you know roughly how much men who eat
a lot eat”, she was smiling, “for you to stay this thin and small mean you must be using a huge amount of energy this
leads me to the conclusion that the activities you do are not challenging the cardiovascular system at least not
specifically but the muscular one”, “hmmm, interesting, what conclusion does this lead to ?”, “hold on i’ve still got
evidence, when you helped me the morning, thank you by the way that saved us a hole load of trouble, the speakers felt
unusually light, to the point I was looking each time because for them to be that light that the actual speaker
component must had fallen out”, “hmm, maybe I should ask for some form of prize”, “without wanting to sound blunt,
you’ll have to negotiate that with your company, after it their security falling that got us into the mess in the
first place”, “hmm, well if this goes where i think it's going i’ll have my prize any way, you haven’t finished”, “I
know those speakers well and you saw me struggling to lift and I know that we usually have 3 or 4 people on a single
speaker, it not impossible to do with 2 people but its not safe and a lot harder, It felt easier than when we have 4
people on the job this lead me to believe you were doing most of the lifting. Add to that I’ve seen the little gym you
have, those dumbbells would be impossible for most men to lift with two arms and would challenge the strong one. Only
the very strongest men could lift that with one arm. It is clearly used regularly and I haven’t seen any indication
that a family member or friend comes around often enough to justify a gym like that without at the same time a sofa
that can be easily used as a bed.” “hmm, so what's you conclusion”, “you must be an extremely strong gal, not strong
for a girl but strong for man, probably strong for multiple men, almost certainly much stronger than me”, “hmm,
interesting theory and how would you prove that'', “a strength challenge you against me. If I am right, you will
easily crush me even if i cheat”, “what would prevent me from hiding my supposedly extremely high strength”, “why
would you want to hide your strength ?”, “to not scare you away ?”, “why would you do that, we hardly know each other
and I’m not from here. What is more I’ve come to this conclusion if that were really an issue, I’d likely have already
run.”, “hmm, interesting” she said with a suspicious smile, “and what do you think of girls who are stronger than
guys'', “I have no personal problem, at least I hope, the problem would arouse in cases of abuse” “what kind of
strength challenge do you have in mind ?”, “how about some armwrestling ?”, “all right”, we sat down at the table and
locked our hands to arm wrestle. what I saw and what I felt was incredible. What I saw was this, a young woman wanting
to play armwrestling with a man where she would gently start pushing without trying to apply much force. What I felt
on the other hand was completely different, what I felt was an unstoppable force pushing into my hand. I immediately
used my second hand in the hope of holding back my arm. I was trying to hold her arm back for dear life, the few
glimpses I got of her she clearly still wasn’t trying. Eventually she just decided to win. It wasn’t a long tourture,
it wasn’t a slam, it was simply she put enough force to put my arms down. “You’re so cute when you are struggling” she
said, kissing me on the cheek. She got up and found that the food was ready. She served two plates and we watched the
pre show to the quarter finals. The food was good. Whilst we were watching she went to get herself extra servings. She
eventually settled down and laid down on me. I put my arm around her, with my hand settling on her arm. I started
rubbing her arm and massaging the muscles in her arm. The ones that crushed me at armwrestling. I was half on auto
pilot and half mesmerised by their solidity, the slightest twitch would immediately make my fingers pop out of her
muscles and they were twitching a lot, I was still thinking about how easily she crushed me. “Enjoying yourself” she
asked,”ah”, I jumped taking my hand off her arm. “Please continue, I was enjoying that” she said, I put my hand and
started massaging again. “This is mesmerizing” I said, “what is?” she answered. “Your muscles aren’t like anything
I’ve felt before, they feel so dense, I’ve felt muscle that where less firm flex than this and your relaxed”, “and you
like that” her voice was starting to get breathy, “not as much as the armwrestling, it looked so easy for you”, “that
because it was” she said batting her eyes. “I am really really strong,” she said as she got up and flexed. I pinched
her bicep, which was really firm. “How strong are you?” I asked, “how about we find out?” she whispered whilst rubbing
her hand against my crotch. She kissed me on the forehead and walked down the corridor, she turned around and looked
at me in a “are you coming?” way. I followed her into the bedroom. Her bedroom was mainly equipped with a high coming
up to just under my chest. After some kissing, we undressed each other. She then put her hands under my armpits,
lifted me and threw me on the bed. She then jumped onto the bed doing a somersault and landing on her knees with one
on each side of my legs. She was clearly wanting to show off. She took my hands and once again I felt the irresistible
force she could produce with her arms, immediately sending my arms above my head, she took hold of both my hands with
one of hers and used the other to put my penis into her vagina at which point she started thrusting rough and fast
quickly. We both orgasemed quickly. At which point we both fell asleep. I woke up a bit later in the night. Clearly
Ahsoka had woken and got into some pj, she was also once again twitching. I got lost in my thoughts about the girl
lying right next to me eventually falling asleep.

The next morning I found Ahsoka in the kitchen getting breakfast ready. “Hey, how are you ?” she asked, “I’m fine and
you”, “I’m great, I really enjoyed last night”, “I could tell”, “I don’t get to show off to guys like, i got carried
away, I don’t normally do this with someone that I’ve only just met”, “don’t worry, I enjoyed it to”, she served
breakfast with her taking a much large portion. “I’ve been wondering” I said, “how come you are so strong?”, “ahh,
well you see i’m a bit of an experiment”, “you are a GMO”, “no haha” she laughed, “my mother is the inventor of
something called an R-suit” she rapidly described the R-suit.

The R-suit for resistance is a workout device inspired from modern space suit technologies designed to give you a
workout from regular activities. I work by using a variety of electroactive piezoelectrique polymers to contract and
regidify the fabric. This, in turn, alloys to provide resistance to any activities you wish to perform. Self powered
by your own movement no need for batteries or power supplies to make this operate in most normal conditions. When at
rest you can provide power and the suit will provide massaging and electrostimulation for faster recovery and provide
cardio training with the onboard AI capable of gently blending this into your daily activities*. The advanced ai will
allow the suit to simulate high G, static tension or divide the user strength by a factor. The AI provides a wide
array of programmes to build the body the user desires.

“Ah so that explains the twitching” I said, “yes that's the electrostimulation, I’m so used to It I hardly notice” she
answered. “I’m confused, this is clearly effective. why haven’t heard of this ?”. “Well it has but it has also a very
limited success”, “any Idea why ?”, “well, we aren’t a hundred percent sure. One might be that it is not all that
effective on men”, “and on women”, “oh extremely”, “any idea why it is not so effective on men ?”, “well men
physiology means the muscles tire very quickly and recover very slowly, a woman can workout at peak performance six
times more than men and can stay at peak performance for a lot longer. The main reason women couldn’t take advantage
of that is the lack of time. Since the R-suit basically makes you workout in your normal activities time is much less
of a factor. Add to that the woman's body is also capable of adapting much quicker and better to new environments than
men. The army is showing interest in the technology to train their women after the demonstration that I am”, “ah that
true you said you where an experiment”, “yes, my mother put me in a suit almost a soon a I was born and I’ve been
wearing one pretty much all the time ever since”, “clearly, it was incredibly effective, it’s a shame, we weren’t able
to test your strength”, “yeah sorry about that”, “don’t worry I don’t think their much I can do that could challenge
your body”, “well if you are willing to come back around to night, I have a couple of sexy ideas strength challenges
and i’d like to try out against you, hopefully they will give you enough of an advantage”, “thank you for breakfast,
I’ll have to go it be better if I could get a change of clothes before I go to work”, “take a spare for tonight”.

I went to the hotel to get my change clothes and picked an extra spare. And went to do this day's work. At the end I
went straight to Ahsoka’s place. “So are you ready for this challenge?” she asked, “yes, what is this challenge?” I
asked, “So the idea is to use the wheelbarrow position and modify it a bit” she answered, “the wheelbarrow position
?”, “you know the game that is often done with kids with on their arms and the other standing behind holding the
legs.”, “that shouldn’t be to hard for you, in fact it likely be me who would give in first”, “holdon I haven’t
finished, this is the modified bit, we aren’t going to be collaboration we are going to push against each other in a
strength contest my arms against your legs, who pushes the other into the wall first win is the the boss for tonight.”
We got into position and I started pushing carefully at first because if her arms just failed she could get badly hurt
but I soon realised if I wanted any chance at winning I’d have to push hard, very hard, as hard as I possibly could
and I couldn’t push her. I was starting to grunt under the huge effort I had to do to try and push Ahsoka. And then it
happened, Ahsoka started pushing even harder and my legs weren’t strong enough. She started to push me back; she was
grunting but it was unclear if it was from the effort or the rather awkward position she was in. Bit by bit my legs
were giving away to her arms, even as she moved an arm back to have a new hold I was unable to make her flinch. As I
felt the wall behind me, I used that to give a last ditch effort bit, Ahsoka was too strong, I collapsed against the
wall from the sheer excitement of the feat of strength that Ahsoka had just demonstrated. After recovering,“so what do
you think? Do you think I’m strong?” she said in a cute voice while flexing. After a short pause, she said “anyway,
I’m boss now, so I’m going to have a shower to get into something more comfortable and you are going to get dinner
ready”. There was a nice diner that offered deliveries of nice hot ready meals and decorations for romantic nights. I
prepared the living room for the night. Ahsoka showed up in a lovely white dress. I accompanied her to the table and
pushed the chair in as she sat. and began serving the 4 course meal the diner had provided. We talked about various
topics from league of legends to the various jobs we did. After desert, Ahsoka said she needed to refresh herself, so
I began clearing up when Ahsoka called “Come into the bedroom”. She was in her sexy white dress lying on her stomach.
"I'll give you an opportunity to get the leadership back. If you take my fingers down you get to do what you want to
me, if you can't I keep doing what i want". I took her fingers in my hand in an armwrestling position adding my other
hand. I began pushing taking full advantage of being on my feet, using two hand and my whole body, the lost force from
lengthening her arm with finger, the awkward position of being on her stomach, in spite of all that the powerful limb
would not move at least against her will, worst she could still toy with me in spite of all that. Needless to say, I
lost again leaving me follow her will for the evening. After once again crushing me in armwrestling she got on her
knees, between her black skin her African braided hair and the white dress she was wearing she looked stunning. She
lifted me onto the bed and then began to guide me through the kissing and worshipping her body guiding me through her
forearms, her biceps, her chest and all over. She eventually asked me to sit with my legs crossed, she then slid the
legs under mine and slid me into her. With excited breath she said " hold on to me" after holding onto her I felt us
both be lifted as she had reached for a strong bar above her and was pulling us both up with her arms. She then began
to thrust me with her legs. "Thrust with me" she asked. To which complied. This was an incredible sight of this
beautiful muscular girl lifting both of us with her arms. The sensation of her back muscles contracting in sync with a
thrust. This was tiring, my abs and arms were about to give when she caught me with one of her arms, holding me in
place, but the pull ups kept going, both us being pulled up by one of her powerful limbs. I was now able to admire her
beautiful dark brown bicep as it inflated in the movement. She came with giving a sudden jerk that revealed her
muscular arm in all its glory. After climaxing together, She dropped us down gently, lying down on top of me as we
both fell asleep.

Offline gersoncv1991

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Re: The R-suite
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2020, 06:57:05 pm »
Es exelente, que bueno que incorporas una chica africana. Son muy pocas las que aparecen en historias cómo así también chicas nativas o indígenas

Offline jhunter

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Re: The R-suite
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2020, 01:42:10 am »
Not a bad start. Let's see how things continue.

Offline the_boffin

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Re: The R-suite
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2021, 08:22:45 am »
sorry for the delay

Ahsoka true strength

The following day, I got up before ahsoka and after doing a bit of washing up that I found, I returned to the venu.
The producer called me on the radio to go and join her. “Ah there you are. We have just had a last second request,
they have special guests and artists coming, I need you to look after it.”, “Now, I’ve got a million things to do.”
she looked at me and said “since when has that prevented you from doing special requests? I’m sure you’ll manage, what
was your motto already ‘we don’t have the choice so it will work’.” I frowned at her but she was quite right, I had a
history of pulling off the impossible. “In any case,” she went on, “your the only one I’m comfortable in doing this
and I haven’t got any one I can comfortably spare”, “what do you mean no one, I’m good but not that good”, “no one
from our team, but the venu owner are seeking to be forgiven for the trespassers and have made their maintenance team
available to help so you can ask them, presumably they know how to set stages up”, “I’m, I digging into the spare
equipment, I don’t think their is enough to make anything nice”, “No, i’ve ordered a set that I know you generally
like, It should arrive soon'', “wow, on such short notice must have cost a fortune”, “yes, our client is paying out
the nose for this. I suggest you drop what you are doing and go and prepare their maintenance team and you try and
draft something they can use to set the stage.”, "when do we need this done by ?", "Yesterday". After a quick visit of
the room that would be used and a quick sketch, I went to the maintenance area. Where I found ahsoka working on some
posters on a computer. "Hello ahsoka, I need to get some people from the maintenance team for an urgent mission, who
is the leader of the maintenance team, I need to iron out some details" "hold on i'll call him" she said as she
reached for a radio. The person showed up quickly and we were able to work out the details on cable management, power
supply, passages for the public. "Thank you for this information, we need to workout organisation", "well I think the
easiest is you look after everything that i related to your tech and be available for questions and we handle the
rest, so wiring, rigging and installation we will handle and integration and programming you can handle”, “how many
people do you have”, “I’ve got 4 people plus me”, “is this going to be enough? Don’t you have a few more people”,
“Ahsoka”, he called “your with us today ?“, “yes she answered”, “it should be fine then, she’s an incredible gal, an
absolute force of nature, she will make things rolling real quick. Anyway I suggest you let us handle all the
unloading while you make sure all the detail for your infrastructure is worked out”? “Good idea see you later then”. I
went off to get into contact with the people running the various tools, I didn’t strictly need them to get things
running, after all I have both the know how and the authority to get it done and if I can’t find them quickly I’ll
just set things up without their opinion and inform them after the fact but it’s more polite and it’s always better to
make sure you are not using resources they were planning on using. After having arranged what was needed I went to the
loading area in the hope of finding the flycase that contained the wiring I needed to connect to our infrastructure.
At the loading area I saw the venus maintenance team unloading the two lorries that had arrived full of wiring,
speaker, lights, screen, truss and rigging. As I was looking for the flycase I wanted, I spotted the maintenance team
moving a weight used to stabilize trusses that was simply put on the ground. Why that hoist wasn’t in a wheeled
flycase or why they were not using a palette loader to that thing is an absolute mystery. With the chain those things
can weigh more than 100 kg. Fortunately for then Ahsoka was with them so as two of her colleagues struggled to get the
heavy hoist to the edge of the lorry, Ahsoka lifted it up and gently put it onto a wooden pallet with unsettling ease.
I probably stayed longer than required mesmerized by Ahsoka's impressive strength, I got back to my senses and back to
work. It had been a while before I was back. It was a long trip between our server room and the room which I was
setting up. I'd have hated doing this 10 years ago, it would have required dozens of long copper cables. Today using
modern networking it could be done with a small bundle of fiber optics cables, still there were a few hundred meters
of them to set up. By the time I got back they had brought everything in from the lorries and a couple of people were
up on the roof setting up ropes that would be used to lift the chains of the winch and the cables carrying power, the
dmx light signal and analogue sound to the truss. Ahsoka had picked up the 5 power cables. When very high power is
involved rather than one 3 phase cable being used we use 1 cable for each task so 3 phase cable usually brown black
and grey, a blue neutral cable since there's no way the 3 phases would be ever balanced and a green earth for safety.
These are used for high power because a 5 core cable would be too rigid, big and heavy to use in most scenarios, not
that the latter seemed to be a problem for ahsoka. Part of the maintenance team was setting up the control both, I now
had a lot of configuring to do. The fact that this was a surprise event meant that we didn’t have any of the
configuration ready, this is usually done in advance using the appropriate software and loaded on a flash drive. This
meant that I would have a lot of programming some of which needed to be done for testing purposes ideally before
lifting anything. The setting up was going fast too, in large part thanks to Ahsoka pulling way more than her weight.
She was doing tasks that would normally have four people on her own. These days equipment is not as heavy as it used
to be and the heavy stuff is usually designed and prepared to be set up without having to lift the object. Still, a
powerful spot weighing between 40 to 50 kg isn’t too hard to lift on your own but tell me the same thing after having
set up dozens of them in awkward positions and now do it two at a time, well ahsoka could still say that. With her
powerful muscles she just kept going. Damn that girl is strong, I’ll have to work quickly. I got to programming the
lighting consoles, it was what had the most work to do and also was the most in the way of everything else. After a
while, the leader of the maintenance team came over. “Are you ready for testing ?”, “almost, I have a few more
addresses, indeed you were quick”, “told you, it a lot easier when we have a force of nature on our side”, “well I’m
almost done, power up the lights that are ready and will get onto testing the communication”, “ok, I’m on channel 3”
he went off, I finished addressing the console and writing a couple of programs to test. A few minutes later I
finished hitting a button running a simple effect. Suddenly, Most of the room came to life. I forget sometimes how
magical it feels when you get a whole room to light up at the hit of a button. Their were some issues, some section of
lights had not been powered up as technician were still working on them, others had the wrong address or universe and
finally some didn’t respond probably an error in configuration or a dead wire, this was expected though, these test
are always performed and with short notice a the relative lack of experience the odds of mistakes were high. I hopped
onto the radio to coordinate the corrections starting off with the sections that were the most in the way then lifted
them as I moved on to other sections by the time I finished, the stage had beggan construction with two maintenance
crew picking up platforms, setting them up at the right height and adjusting each to make a level stage. They finished
and went to pick one grunting as they had to put some effort to lift it, in fairness it was like the eighth they were
setting up, at that moment Ahsoka arrived carrying one on each arm. She noticed me looking at her as no one else was
looking, she batted her eye-lashes at me, flashed her thick powerful biceps and blew me a kiss. She walked off,
presumably to pick two more platforms. I got a call from the producer, she wanted to consult me on a few topics. By
the time I got back, the stage was fully built and a technician came over to tell me lunch was available. This got me
by surprise, I’m quite used to losing track of time on tight assignments, so having missed lunch wouldn’t have
surprised me. What did was it was only launch time and the grille was lifted and the stage set, that means only the
deck had to be set up. I’d expected it to be a lot later, on tight schedules it happens that I miss lunch. When I got
back from lunch I got to work on the sound and video systems while the chef of the maintenance team was laying cables
for the instruments and the others setting up what was left of the lights on the ground including a few pylons holding
some elevated lights. After they had set up a pylon Aahsoka brought over a couple of heavy weights used to stabilize
them and put it on its base then walked off to get something else. They must have made a slight mistake because I then
noticed her two colleagues removing them to move the pylon a bit. They were having put considerably more effort to
remove them one by one than ahsoka had to bring both but they ultimately managed just as ahsoka arrived carrying the
next piece of truss and base plates. Work advanced just as quickly as in the morning and at 4 pm I got a call from the
producer asking, “hey, how are things going?”, I though for a second running back through my check list, “We’ve ..
finished”, I answered surprised looking at the time, “really” she answered “that incredible, I said you’d manage but
this is much better than expected”, “i’m not sure i can take much credit on this, the team here is incredible” I
answered, “well the bottleneck is now getting the operators their, so the performer can start working, I didn’t think
we would be ready this quickly”, “do you want me to do something about that ?”, “No you've done enough, I promised
tomorrow anyway and I’d rather have you well rested for the coming day, take the rest of the day off to relax”. Ahsoka
that had ever heard the call then said “want to relax at my place ?”.

After relaxing for some time on ahsoka’s sofa, with her lying on me, I complimented her for her action. “you were
incredible today” i said with a calm deep voice, “thank you” she responded slightly sleepily, “ou had some incredible
synergy with the rest of the team”, “i’ve been working with them for year and we’ve learned to take full advantage of
my capabilities”, “you are so strong, I bet you lifted more than the rest of us combined, you might be able to lift
more than the rest of us combined” I said as I stroked arm, “how how about we try to find out?” she said as she began
flexing her strong solid muscles, “how can we do that ?” as I squeezed her muscles, she turned around got above ma and
said “well I give you control over the setting of my r-suit and we can do some more armwrestling or other strength
challenges, you’ll just have to select the setting you want me to fight you on” and walked off to the table kissing me
on the forehead. She handed me her phone with the app already opened and said “here you are, select my difficulty”.
There was a wide range with complexe workout routines, AI powered guide, to simple setting. In the simple settings.
“Can I still use two hands ?” I asked, “of course, you can try whatever you like to take my arm down” I selected to
keep her strength a 100% to start off with as I wanted to feel her true strength and then slowly ramp up to find her
limits. We locked hands and I wrapped my other hand around our two locked hands. Needless to say, I went down very
quickly, It looked as though she had just pushed an annoying pest out the way. There was simply no way I could
challenge this super girl with just two arms. It was not quick as she could have taken me down, she was being careful
as she could very easily harm me if she is not careful. On our second try I ramped the difficulty up so she could only
use half her strength and once again wrapped hand into both of mine. If you didn’t know that I had changed the
setting, you’d have been forgiven for not noticing as even with her strength halved the challenge was excessively easy
for her, even at half strength her one arm was still much stronger than both my own. Looking closely you would have
seen the fiber that didn’t react when I had set her strength to 100% but now we could see the fibers move contract and
harden as they tried to resist Ahsoka movements. I upped the setting this time she was going to experience 4 times the
strength of my two hands in her one. We set up once again for armwrestling and started, this time was different, the
fibers on her R-suit were clearly trying to resist three quarters of the force produced by her muscles, and me once
again hopelessly trying to hold back a quarter of her strength. I wouldn’t say it was hard for her but she clearly had
to choose to put the effort both my hands down and I’d swear I heard a grunt at one point. Still even with my two
hands and the r-suit reapplying the same force 3 times she still beat me. Judging that I was starting to get close I
increased the settings to only to only a sixth of her strength and took her hand. Even at a sixth of her strength
(17%), I was on my very limits to holding her back, this time she was actually having to try maybe not a hard as I was
but any attack would still struggle to break me and there were time i thought I managed to bend her arm back a bit but
not nearly enough, after a few minutes of intense struggle I suddenly felt the force pushing against my arms suddenly
increase. I couldn’t possibly resist and my hands went straight for the deck hitting the table. “Oh flute, are you
ok?” ahsoka asked in a panic, it was true that my hand had hit the table a lot harder than the previous times, “I’m
ok, what happened?” I answered, “well it looks like we found roughly my limit”, “how do you know?”, “my suit run out
of power, remember the suit requires me moving against the force it produces to produce power, you held me at a stall
mate long enough that suit run out of power and stopped resisting me, which caught me a bit of guard, hasn’t happened
in a long time”, “wow, so it actually be impossible for me to beat you then even on higher settings”, “well with a
source of external power you definitely could, without let me think, you’d definitely have to take me very down
quickly to work erm, the question is does the suit have enough stored energy to be able to push my arm that distance,
you know what I don’t think it does, it would be done with a few minor modification to store or generate power”, “it
probably for the best as is, it make it a good passive safety feature”, “yeah I suppose”, “so anyway, what do you
think? Who do you think was stronger, me or the four of you ?” she said, “you by miles, you are at least 2 times
stronger than all 4 of us combined probably closer to 3”, “that more like it”, “you knew already”, “of course I do, my
mother has been monitoring my progress for her research”, “have you ever lost any armwrestling ?”, “not as an adult
no”, “and as a child or teenager?”, “those will be a story for another time, right now I have other ideas in mind” she
said with a predatory look, with that she got up and pushed me up against a wall kissing me. She quickly started
undressing me and herself and wrestling me towards the bedroom. Even at a sixth of her strength, resisting her was
simply impossible as her beautiful, muscular body was still way too powerful for mine. We eventually got to the
bedroom where she wrestled me onto the bed. There, this beautiful black woman simply overpowered my body pining to the
bed and took what she wanted, what a glorious night that was.

Forum Saradas  |  Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction  |  Muscular Women Fiction  |  The R-suite

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