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Author Topic: Jenna's Diary  (Read 5885 times)

Offline king22222000

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Jenna's Diary
« on: June 03, 2018, 12:05:12 pm »
June 12th, 2002

Let’s see… how do I start this?  Just write down what I’m thinking?  I’ve never written in a diary before but Collin gave it to me for my birthday today so I might as well make use of it.  Well let’s see where do I start?  Well for starters I’m really excited about my new job that I have been dying to get for such a long time!  I managed to land the role of Jennifer Walters for the upcoming movie about She-Hulk (YAY!) and I’ve been soooo wanting to be Jen for a long time, we even have the same name!  I’m not too keen about turning into a big green muscle bound woman but I am looking forward to playing Jen who I think could really show my acting skills.  Although She-Hulk is pretty cool personality wise I’m just not really a fan of her body… Collin says that I should “buff up” and try to do both Jen Walters and She-Hulk but I told him that I wasn’t interested in growing huge muscles and he was pretty disappointed and heart broken in me.
   I don’t know what he sees in muscular women but he sure likes em big and strong, I remember he even told me once that he really loves it when a girl starts growing out of her clothes, sleeves bursting and everything!  It doesn’t really interest me but it doesn’t bother me either so I find it as a kind of cute little quirk because other than that Collin is a really sweet and stand up guy.  He takes care of me when I’m sick and always treats me like an equal and I try to do the same so he doesn’t think I take our relationship for granted.  Heh… but no matter how much he asks there’s no way I’m going to “grow” into a huge woman just for his pleasure.  Hey writing in this thing is easier than I thought!  Okay now back to the movie, supposedly the director is going to try to show both the savage and intellectual side of She-Hulk meaning that if my character Jen transforms when she is afraid, angered, or hurt she will grow into an angrier more powerful and muscular version of She-Hulk that completely goes ballistic.  However, if she willfully turns herself into She-Hulk while she’s calm and relaxed then She-Hulk retains her intelligences but kind of unlocks Jen’s other personality making her more bold, reckless, and basically leap before she looks.
   I still feel a little odd about the whole concept of clothes tearing off my body and muscles forming all over to turn into She-Hulk but… I’m an actress and I don’t have a job, so there’s really not much of a choice.  Besides I still think Jen and She-Hulk are cool characters to play with and so I’m willing to put up with a few of their quirks in order to fully portray the character.  Hopefully they won’t go as far as putting me naked on the big screen because this body is only for my man Collin and nobody else!  All right well it’s getting late and I don’t want to accidentally wake Collin up so I’ll just put this away and see what tomorrow has in store for me.  I’ll try to carry this little diary around in my pocket and write down what happens to me on my little journeys, ta ta for now!

June 13th, 2002

   Well I’m at the studio lot right now and honestly I am bored as hell!  They’re still trying to set up the scene for when gangsters shoot Jen and Bruce comes to give her a blood transfusion which first changes her into the She-Hulk.  I knew movies took a long time to produce but I didn’t think it took THAT long!  I haven’t been put into costume yet and they haven’t put make up on me so that means I don’t come into the scene until much later.  But anyway… I’m bored sitting around here so I’m going to go onto the set and see what everyone is up to.

June 16th, 2002

   I… I’m so out of it… I don’t know what has happened but I’m really afraid now.  I can barely remember what’s been going on but all I know is that I’m prisoner in some kind of science lab.  The last thing I remember is… I was walking to the studio when suddenly someone appeared from out of the shadows and hit me hard on my back and I remember falling to the ground.  During the time I was unconscious I can remember waking up but being extremely drowsy and I remember two scientist women speaking to me but I didn’t understand what the heck they were saying.  I wasn’t paying attention because I had a major headache and all I remember seeing was this blonde scientist woman… it was a blonde and a brunette… and the blonde woman injected a syringe into my skin which made my veins glow green.  After that I blacked out again and remember having a dream where… I was in some sort of tube and the two scientist women were staring at me.
   They starting mess around with a bunch of switches and the next thing I remember was my body suddenly shock me and then tingle all over like as if my leg has fallen asleep except it was over my entire body.  I started feeling sick and nauseous and a bunch of lights began shining down upon me and it made me feel really strange.  I was feeling tired yet at the same time really strong but… my body was in pain all over!  Honestly, it felt like my body was trying to tear out from under my clothes, almost as if the clothes I was wearing were suffocating it!  Then… I remember in the dream that I had felt something strange on my arm, like a cool air blowing on it.  And so I lifted it up to my head and saw that there was a tear where my bicep was and my skin was peeking through.  I thought that maybe my shirt had caught on something and had torn but as I looked closer at my arm I couldn’t believe my eyes!  My bicep was growing!  As I slowly started to flex my arm the bicep would bulge up and actually rip open out of the sleeve!
   It was as if my arm was getting bigger and more muscular!  And the second I realized it I started feeling a surge of anger flow through me and I started growling and roaring… I don’t even know why I was doing that but I was REALLY angry!  And the next thing I k new I heard a sudden rip from behind me and it felt like all of my muscles were pushing me forward when really my back had turned into a fricking mountain!  I felt the cold air on my back and realized that it had just ripped open the back of my shirt and it made me even ANGRIER because I knew my clothes were ripping!  Everything started going so fast, I looked at my shoes and noticed that I could see the imprints of my toes among the ends of the show and the next thing I knew it started ballooning up as if air was being pumped into it.  I felt my feet and toes hurting like as if I had been walking for twelve hours and when I felt a sudden release of pressure down by my feet I looked again and saw my toes burst out of the tips of my shoes!  I watched as they grew larger and larger and even wiggled my toes to see if it were real and I gasped in shock when I saw them actually respond and move to my commands!
   The fabric of my white socks was still covering them but it wasn’t long before I saw the peach color of my skin begin to peer through the fabric.  I saw loose threads begin to pop up all over the sock until finally my foot completely broke free shredding the sock and shoes I had on!  Shortly after my calves started aching and I rubbed them to try to relieve myself of the pain.  But when I had put my hands on them my calves felt different, they were rock hard solid and I rubbed them a bit to see if it were true.  The next thing I knew the cuff of my pants split open and my calves started pouring out like water from a pitcher creating a river of tears that traveled up my legs.  And as the tear quickly flowed upstream the quadriceps on my leg spread open and wide creating a monstrous tear on my khaki pants and as I looked I merely saw a large bulb of muscle sticking out of the ends of my pants.  As I moved my legs around the rest of my pants ripped and split open to the point that they were no longer pants but shorts and I saw my legs had grown monstrously huge!
   I didn’t know what was happening to me, all I knew was that my body was changing before my eyes and I was afraid!  I felt the waist around my pants suffocating me, my pants had grown smaller and I couldn’t breath because the waste around my stomach was squeezing tightly not letting me get any air.  I took in a deep breath and looked down and saw my breasts slowly grow out in front of me but when I breathed out they didn’t shrink, they merely just stood there wobbling at my breathy movements.  I took in another deep breath and I heard the sound of a button popping off and a zipper sliding down, I felt a sudden release by my waste and felt the waist of my pants expand open; especially near the front where it felt open the most.  I put my hands down there to feel what was going on since my growing breasts were getting in the way and as I looked for the button of my pants I couldn’t feel anything but solid skin!  It wasn’t soft like it used to be but instead it was very bumpy and rock solid like a pure thick slab of muscle!  I slowly slid my fingers down even further below and felt the fabric of my pink panties wondering where the heck my pants went!  Because I didn’t know what was happening to me I also put my hand underneath my panties and felt around below to see if anything had changed.  I was surprised to find out that everything was normal except for the fact that my pubic hair had vanished; I only felt the softness of my skin down below!
   I was soon distracted by my now watermelon like breasts and I was feeling their weight begin to slowly bring me forward.  I took in another deep breath and as I breathed in I heard the sound of stretching and rubbing like a balloon and watched as my breasts began to slowly enlarge themselves in front of my very eyes!  I held in my breath so as to not breathe and make them grow larger but that only slowed the rate of growth.  I put my hands over my mouth and nose to avoid letting any air in whatsoever and instead screamed when I saw my forearms and bicep!  The torn sleeves were hanging from my shoulder and my hands had grown to gigantic sizes!  My forearm looked like a rock formation and veins were bulging from all over along with the muscles on my arm!  I screamed and when I did that I started breathing hard again causing my breasts to expand exponentially to the point where my breasts started pulling sideways causing the center of my shirt to split open!  As my breasts slowly pulled out they took the ends of the shirt with it and slowly began tearing my clothing apart!  I felt a snap on my back and then on my shoulders and then I suddenly felt a piece of fabric falling off the front of my breasts, but not completely.  The fabric had fallen off my left breast which when I put my hand on it was completely naked and had an engorged nipple protruding out.  The fabric was my bra and it had fallen off my left breast when my nipples stiffened up and became erect, but since it happened on the left one first my bra fell off but held on to my right breast who’s nipple just grew into a large size.
   My shirt was like a bib now, it has become so torn that my shirt only covered a small neck portion of my back and rested between the cleavage between my breasts.  The growth had stopped on my chest but when I put my arms on my once slender stomach I felt a cobblestone of bumps growing and growing and growing into a series of metal bolts and a mosaic tile formation of muscle.  My abs had become a wall of power and it felt like nothing could hurt it… I beat my stomach a couple of times to see how sturdy and thick my abs were and was surprised to barely feel anything except for the knowledge that it was there no matter how hard I hit it!  I felt a lot stronger now like I could even deflect bullets!  And so I decided to stand up which was extremely difficult because I wasn’t used to having large feet and muscles to have to balance out.  But as I tried to stand from my crouching position I felt my butt spread open like my breasts which ripped open the back of my pants and inevitably ripped off my new shorts completely from my body.  I felt my rump growing larger and larger until suddenly I felt my panties tightly pull around my crotch and I felt my butt completely swallow the back of my panties turning them into my new thong.  The panties were a really tight fit for my growing frame and they were a whole lot tighter than the thongs I was used to wearing!  But I stood up and as I did my neck suddenly bulged up like an erecting tower making me look even larger and more hulking than ever!  The sudden growth of my neck muscles tore off the remnants of my blouse until the only thing left covering my naked body was my new pink thong and a hanging pink bra.
   I caught a glimpse of my body in the reflection of the test tube completely ignoring the two women that were staring at me.  And I was in awe… I was not a big fan of muscles on a woman but after feeling the growth and seeing what my body looked like afterwards I will confess to say that I liked seeing my body that way.  I flexed my arm and saw my bicep peak high above my head wrapped in large veins and I gently rubbed it with my hands, I loved how the veins felt, how my skin felt, how hard my arm felt… I gently touched my nipple on my left breast and enjoyed playing with it, as it stood erect no matter how hard I tried to push it down.  I grabbed my bra off my right nipple and threw it on the ground and started just touching myself and taking great pleasure in it.  I… I never felt like that before and I never EVER considered the thought that having a muscular body would make me feel… sexy.  My little moment of sexual pleasure ended when I felt my body suddenly start to grow larger in mass… I was getting so large that the test tube was shrinking around me and I started feeling claustrophobic.  I started roaring in anger and began beating along the walls of the tube until suddenly my body had grown so large that it completely shattered the glass and exploded open!  I was becoming more massive that was humanly possible and my ultra tight panties snapped open and fell down to the bottom of my legs and feet as I grew larger, more muscular, meaner, and above all else… sexier.
   I saw the two scientist women and I wanted to reach out and crush them!  I don’t know why I just felt so angry and so much energy that I wanted to release!  The next thing I knew however… they started pressing some switches in their little control room and more bright lights began flashing on my gladiator like body.  I started feeling dizzy and I suddenly fell unconscious… next thing I knew I woke up here, fully clothed in the clothes I was wearing when I was supposedly transforming.  Was it really a dream?  It seemed to vivid and clear to be a dream but it’s possible… no human on this earth could do what my body did and I’m one of those humans.  I don’t know why I had a dream about growing like that but I will admit for the first time, if Collin wanted me to turn into a walking She-Hulk I don’t think I would mind as much anymore.  Ugh… my stomach still hurts and I’m still feeling nauseous, the scientist women are coming so I have to stop writing now but I’ll be back to let you know what else happens.

June 17th, 2002

   Oh my God… the pain is getting so intense… my stomach is hurting so much and I feel like I’m going to puke all over the place!  It’s been a day since I wrote in here and since then I’ve discovered who those women were and what I was doing in this place.  The blonde scientist with green eyes was named Amanda while the brunette was named Maryanne and while they were mixing different chemicals in the lab they were talking to each other without realizing that I was still awake.  When I stopped writing in my diary they had come into my room and knocked me unconscious with a gas mask and although I thought about resisting I felt too much pain all over my body to do anything about it.  When I came to I realized that I was strapped down onto a table with my clothes off except for my underwear and Maryanne and Amanda were in front of me mixing chemicals.  They were talking about a woman who they keep referring to as “The Leader” and they mentioned something about me being the host for the new leader.
   I didn’t like where this was going… I didn’t like what they were talking about… I had a bad feeling about this whole situation.  When I watched Maryanne and Amanda… they didn’t seem… normal to me.  I mean they had the appearance of normal women but the way they behaved seemed like as if… I don’t know how to explain it… as if maybe they were hypnotized or something or like as if they were under some sort of mind control.  It didn’t seem like they were fully working under their own influence and it made me wonder what was really going on here.  I noticed Maryanne suddenly turn towards me and closed my eyes to pretend that I had fallen asleep.  I heard her walk closer to me along with Amanda and next thing I knew I felt something cold being smeared across my arm.  I wanted to look to see what it was but I was too afraid of what Amanda and Maryanne might do to me if they knew that I was fully awake.  I felt a sudden prick upon my skin and knew at that moment that they had injected another chemical into my body.
   They waited for a few minutes for the chemical to course throughout my body and though I tried to keep my eyes closed and not make a move the chemicals started causing me to endure great pain and I started groaning and moaning and next thing I knew I was going through a seizure.  Amanda and Maryanne started trying to hold me back into the table as I started to go through convulsions and as they did that I became angry and was furious to the fact that they were treating me like a human guinea pig.  I started getting that strange feeling of strength again and I felt myself going berserk like I was going to lift Maryanne and Amanda by their necks and wring em to death!  But then the convulsions began to pass and I started relaxing and slowing down… I was sweating like crazy and I was becoming extremely exhausted.  Maryanne picked me up and carried me off back to my room, I was surprised how strong she was considering how small and skinny she appeared to be, just by that action alone I began to become suspicious again.  As Maryanne placed me in my room she began to clutch her stomach and slowly started walking towards the door… Amanda ran up to her and asked, “Are you all right?  Is it happening again?” Maryanne nodded her head and Amanda walked her out… I don’t know where they went but having a moment of piece allowed me to sit back and analyze what was going on.  I remembered before I fell asleep yesterday that I heard a lot of strange noises… I heard the sounds of things being knocked over, metal creaking, yelling, and the sound of really loud growling and roaring.
   I didn’t know what it was but after seeing Maryanne clutch her stomach I began to wonder if maybe she was the cause of all that noise yesterday?  No way… I’ve been watching way too many Hulk movies, I should have known that they would start giving me dreams I had never considered.  Heh, the price to pay for being an actress I guess… but it still doesn’t explain what those sounds were, then again I don’t even know if they were REAL or not.  I… ohh… something… something feels funny.  Ow… OW!  That familiar pain is coming back again… I can barely WrItE what ThE HELL is wrong with me?  I’m lsoing coehency I cnat kepe foucs…

June 18th, 2002

   It was REAL!  Oh my God… it was all real!  I’m so freaked out right now that I don’t know what to do!  I… I just couldn’t believe it; it couldn’t be possible!  Yesterday… when I started losing coherency as I was writing, it wasn’t because I was tired or that I was drugged but because I was… I… I was… changing… I was changing into a real live She-Hulk without the green skin.  It hurt so much… the pain was like nothing I had ever felt before and the transformation was frightening.  When I thought it was a dream I wasn’t afraid of it because after all… it was just a dream and not real, so what had happened to my body really didn’t matter because IT WASN’T REAL.  But now that I’ve consciously seen myself transform and felt it happen to me I’m afraid.  I’m afraid of what this transformation might do to me in the long haul, what if I get stuck in this form?  What if I turn into a man?  What if I suddenly get green skin?  What if I start flipping out?  What if Collin makes me mad and I change and try to kill him?  All these thoughts started going through my head and I still didn’t even know what triggered these growths.
   I started thinking about why I was afraid… and I think what I was afraid of the most was how unpredictable these transformations could possibly be.  When do they happen?  Do they happen when I get angry like the Incredible Hulk?  Do they happen when I become afraid or hurt like She-Hulk?  Or can I willfully control it?  I also feared that… I would lose control and go berserk in this hulked out form.  I think that part is the one I dread above all others… the fear that I might hurt someone I love out of anger.  And you know sometimes I get angry over petty things, which makes things even worse!  I get mad when people browse through my personal stuff, like if someone read this diary without me knowing I would get really upset and angry.  What if that triggered the sudden transformation and I started smashing everything in sight including the culprit who read my diary?  What then?  But honestly I feel a bit guilty though… although there are a lot of things I am afraid I might do or happen to me, I will confess that growing into a hulking Amazon woman was a real thrill despite the initial pain.  It was a bit different from my dream… well I shouldn’t say dream anymore, let’s say my initial experience.
   I was wearing the clothes that I “thought” were torn and shredded during my first transformation which was a dark blue long sleeve shirt and tan khaki pants.  But it turns out that I really DID rip my initial clothes but in order to keep me out of the loop they had clothed me in the clothes that I had “hulked” out of.  I guess they didn’t want me to find out about my new “quirks” and so they intentionally deceived me to make sure I didn’t find out what was happening to me.  Of course, it all makes sense when I start thinking about the numerous times they put chemicals into my system and how my body reacted to it.  Well anyway let me describe to you what was different about this growth than the previous one I had in the test tube.  It started after I began losing coherency in the previous page where I started writing all funky and misspelling my words.  Apparently the whole nausea and stomach pain was a little hint saying to me “Something’s wrong with your body, do something about it before it starts to change!”  But me not having believed that the dream I had was true ignored all the warning signs and simply thought that I was catching some type of fever or sickness.
   I put down my pen and book and started thrashing about my room, I didn’t care if Maryanne or Amanda was near I just wanted to get rid of the pain!  I felt so much anger building and fueling inside of me that I picked up a nearby table and threw it into the wall!  I started breathing deeply and I was clenching my teeth… my face was scrunched up and I was angry… REALLY angry… you did NOT want to be that table right now.  I don’t know what my face looked like but if I had to guess I would say that I looked like some angry ogre who’s been provoked one too many times.  I clenched my fights and closed my eyes so tightly that I heard the sounds of bones cracking.  I quickly opened my eyes and looked down at my hands and screamed when I saw that they had become swollen!  It looked like I had been stung by a bee and I was having an allergic reaction to the venom, and my hands were all puffy and sweaty!  But as I kept staring at my hands they began to “thin” out and my fingers started becoming slender again… but they weren’t the same; the length of my fingers had increased dramatically and the shape of my fist had turned into that of a brute.  I rubbed my eyes with my massive fists to see if I was hallucinating and looked again at my hands only to find that now my forearms had swollen up and the ends of my sleeves were beginning to show signs of tearing around the tips.
   I started freaking out even more so than before and in my panic I pulled my left sleeve up from my forearm to see how much of my arm was swollen and was surprised that as I began pulling on my sleeve my forearm would start growing larger and larger!  Veins began pulsing within and my arm started getting more defined and more… more muscular?  I didn’t want to believe it… and without even realizing it I had completely torn off the sleeve from my shirt!  I didn’t know I was so strong!  I threw the fabric of my sleeve down on the floor and got down on my knees so I could get into a comfortable sitting or kneeling position.  I turned my head and now looked at my exposed left arm and was completely speechless to what I saw!  My once thin featureless tan skin with the exception of the occasional beauty mark was bulging with muscle!  I rubbed my other hand against my arm and felt the deep striations of muscle beneath my skin and it was like touching a rock with deep indentations in it.  I flexed my arm to see how large my bicep was and watched as the vein engorged itself and grew larger as my hand drew closer and closer to my head.  The bicep began soaring and peaking like an explosive geyser and it simply rippled with immense power.  I was breathless and frightened at the same time… at this point I didn’t know what was happening to me and I was afraid of what I was turning into!
   I felt another sudden shock and sting of pain emanating from my stomach and it aggravated me to the point where I started lifting up my shirt to see what the hell was going on under there.  But I had trouble lifting my shirt… for some reason it was a lot tighter around my body and I was having a tough time getting it to go up.  Apparently I hadn’t noticed that my breasts and torso had gotten larger and so when I started lifting my shirt up it was having a hard time getting around my growing breasts and expanding torso.  But I didn’t notice it because I was so angry and so I started pulling and pulling and pulling, and with each pull I would hear a tiny “shrip, rip, shhhrrriiip” and I got to the point where I was so frustrated that I just pulled in one large motion that it literally shred open my shirt by where my obliques were located and I finally managed to at least get my shirt to rest atop my mountainous breasts.  I quietly yelled “Oh my God” as I realized that I had torn my shirt and how large my breasts have grown but unlike the time in the test tube my breasts hasn’t gotten to the point where they were so large that I could see below me.  So I looked down trying to ignore my continually expanding breasts and I saw my stomach.  I found it odd that when I stared at it my stomach was actually completely flat and totally lacking of any muscle definition whatsoever.
   But as I began moving around a bit twisting intentionally to watch my stomach move I started noticing little small marks appear around my stomach that weren’t the usual skin folds.  And as I twisted around some more the marks began fading into deeper, thicker, stronger, accentuated marks and they started becoming extremely bumpy and broke the perfectly horizontal line my stomach used to have.  I placed my hand on my abs and actually felt the muscle grow underneath the palm of my hand.  I stopped squirming about and watched as the muscles on my abs began to erect like massive towers and I felt my stomach get harder and harder to the point where my ab muscles had gotten so large and strong that I began having that familiar feeling of suffocation near the waist of my pants.  My abs felt like a chiseled slab of marble, which was slowly becoming as thick and strong as steel and they felt so damn hard that I felt like I could break a cement block if it were dropped on me.  Although I was starting to find my transformation fascinating the pain of it all brought me back to my original fears and I started groaning and was even on the borderline to crying my eyes out.  In stories like this that Collin told me about he said that writers normally make the first transformation into an extraordinarily painful one, and after they start getting used to it the pain becomes more of a pleasure.  Well needless to say I’m kind of pissed at the writers for making the process that way!  Why couldn’t they just make it something simple and PAINLESS so that I wouldn’t have to go through all this torture!
   I couldn’t take it anymore and I started crawling toward the door trying to find a way out and to call for some help.  But the pain was so unbearable that I couldn’t even crawl ten inches without having to stop completely.  The door seemed so far to me and it was hard to move around since not all of my body parts were the same size, so I decided to crawl over next to the wall.  I closed my fists and placed them on the wall… then I placed my eyes over my fists so as to cover them so as to trick myself into believing that I was dreaming and that what was happening to me wasn’t real.  My mouth was open and I was breathing deeply despite my grunts and groans and I just tried to focus my attention away from the pain.  I was reminded of the old hulk cartoon series, not the 90’s one where the episode was the Incredible Shrinking Hulk or something like that.  And Banner was in some sort of chamber that was blocked off and so he got in the post that I was in with hands covering the eyes up against the wall and he started to transform into the Hulk.  When I started thinking about it I immediately began to think “Oh no!  That’s what’s going to happen to me!”  And before I could get myself out of that pose I felt a sudden surge of energy rip through my back and I felt a sudden rush of cold air sting my skin!  My back felt like it was bulging and my bra was squeezing me tightly… so tight that my skin was practically hanging OVER the bra instead of beneath it because my muscles had grown so large.
   I started screaming and screaming and the next thing I knew the button on my pants popped off and clattered on the ground and my zipper slid down at a pace so slow it was almost as if it were taunting me saying “Well…well… well… look what’s happening to you freak, I want you to feel and see what’s happening to you.”  I didn’t want to open my eyes anymore; I didn’t want to leave the safety and comfort I felt the wall was giving me.  And so I knelt there closing my eyes tightly with my hands over them… and suddenly I felt a huge enormous weight build up in my legs like as if I had suddenly gained over one-hundred pounds.  It felt like fat at first and I thought I was turning into an overweight woman but as I knelt there I started listening for the tears again and started sensing where the cold air would suddenly appear.  And as I felt the tears my legs started feeling much more thicker, tougher, and above all else extremely much more muscular.  I felt the muscles growing beneath my pants and I felt my legs tense up so as to force my legs to explode out of their khaki prison.  I wanted to resist, I tried to resist, but I couldn’t… maybe I really didn’t want to?  The attempt at resistance made everything accelerate at a much faster pace and before I knew it I heard the longest “shhhhhhrrrrrriiiiiiippppp” sound occur and I felt the cold air now completely cover the entire lower portion of my body.
   I felt my feet begin to ache beneath my calves, which exploded under the pant cuffs and I heard the sound of rubber creaking and stretching in my shoes like when you try to put on a shoe that isn’t the right size for you and is too small.  My toes were getting so scrunched up within my shrinking shoes that they felt like they were burning at the tips and it felt just like walking around in shoes that were the wrong size for long periods of time.  I felt so relieved when I heard the sound of rubber ripping open and I wiggled my toes to quickly bypass the pain they were undergoing during the tight squeeze.  I felt my feet grow larger and larger as my shoes grew smaller and smaller and eventually I felt my entire shoes along with my socks completely torn off from my feet which were now enjoying new found freedom.  I started feeling less pain and more sexual sensation as my body began growing to its final size and I flexed my right arm completely shredding open my sleeve to reveal what I wanted to see, feel and touch… my new… large… gigantic… powerful… muscles.  I tore off the remnants of my shirt and INTETIONALLY pulled my arms behind my back to make my breasts jut out forward which caused a sudden surge of nipple erection forcing my bra to completely snap off and fall to the ground.
   I began standing up and felt my butt enlarge and tightly squeeze my panties to nestle it in between the crevice and I let out a long “Rrrrrr… I’m starting to feel REALLY good…” As I stood up my breasts pushed forward into the wall and I guess the force and mass of my breasts and erect nipples combined were what caused the wall to completely crack as I accidentally smacked into it with my two large globes.  I let out a small gasp and… heh I feel kind of guilty admitting this by I smiled and even giggled for a little bit.  I found it incredibly awesome that just with my breasts alone I was able to do that kind of damage to a wall and it stimulated me in a way I had never felt before.  I never ever once in my life felt powerful before… well except maybe back in the day when I used to take Martial Arts classes but that was so long ago I only remember the basic punches and throws and forgot all about the advanced kicks.  But that’s beside the point, what I’m trying to say is that I’ve never felt so much power contained in my body before… and I loved it which I really found hard to believe.  After all these times of arguing with Collin that I didn’t want to become muscular for She-Hulk… I kind of want to take back what I said because… being muscular, strong, powerful, and sexy at the same time is unbe(explicative)inglieavably awesome.  Heh, thought I was going to curse didn’t you?  Sorry to disappoint you diary but I don’t like cursing, oh… there I go off on a tangent again, but like I was saying.  My body having grown to this size is really cool and FEELS really cool.
   I looked around the room after my growth had finished for a mirror and could only once again catch my semi transparent reflection on an observation glass window and I simply started doing a variety of poses in front of it.  I started flexing every single muscle that I could find on my body and I flexed it to the fullest.  I jumped up and down to watch my massive breasts bounce and wobble just so I could feel their weight and wind push against my skin.  I turned my back towards the mirror, brushed my long brown shoulder length hair (which had grown to my back for the time being) and brushed it out of my eyes so I could see my tight ripped butt completely engulf my pretty pink panties.  And I did several back poses showing off all of the muscle groups located within… needless to say I was “playing” with myself and I liked it.  And what was even more interesting was that apparently… I wasn’t going berserk or trying to kill anybody!  I felt like little well maybe not little… but I felt like the regular old Jenna with the exception of a massively muscled body and a huge boost in energy.  It was incredible!  Even if I get angry and start transforming I still keep control and don’t become all savage like!  Now I wasn’t one hundred percent sure this was true… but from the way things were working out I really think that I could keep my sanity as I transform into a bigger, sexier, more powerful version of me.
   You know… for a brief second and just a very brief second, and NOBODY better find out about this.  But for a second I wanted to tear off my panties and look at my ENTIRE body at its' fullest.  I also wanted to umm… wow this is sort of embarrassing but… I wanted to touch inside my… *ahem* special area to see if that was affected by the growth too, whether it became stronger, tighter, or even… *gulp* larger?  Heh heh heh… man I feel like such a naughty girl sometimes, its times like these that I wanted funk the ship out of Collin with my new muscles and see if he could withstand my power and last long in bed with… me the goddess of muscle.  God… my personality isn’t normally like this, I wonder if I like this change?  Ah well whatever… hey… I just heard something.  Uh oh diary looks like I’m going to have to end everything here, Maryanne and Amanda are coming into my room.

June 19th, 2002

   I can’t stop crying!  I can’t believe they’re doing this to me!  Oh God it’s so hard to write and see clearly with all these tears in my eyes!  Maryanne and Amanda… they’re evil!  Either they are the ones that are evil or they are serving someone evil, I don’t know which but after all the things that they have done to me I will never forgive them!  The things they’ve done to me just for the sake of their experiments are sick!  There are laws against the things they did, it’s call Cruel and Unusual punishment and this truly falls into one of their categories.  When they came into my room yesterday they basically shot me with a tranquilizer dart that made me drowsy and completely knocked me unconscious.  So not only did they not use gas masks anymore now they were using more aggressive means of subduing me, which I did not like one bit.  When I woke up they had put a patients gown over my body meaning that the only thing that was showing were my arms, sleeves, and my entire back.  I wondered when the heck I put it on and wondered what was going on but once I saw Maryanne and Amanda everything started becoming clear to me.  Now at this point I didn’t think they were going to do anything serious, I didn’t like the tranquilizer dart but then I thought since I was in hulk form maybe they had to do it that way.
   But when I saw their facial expressions… it was extremely grim and hostile towards me.  They started babbling about how my body wasn’t compatible with their host and that they were angry that they spent so much time on a “failure.”  AS IF I WANTED TO BE A GUINEA PIG IN THE FIRST PLACE!  But they said they wanted to test out new growth chemicals in my body and so Amanda came up to me and tore open my gown and I watched as my breasts popped out and dropped themselves into their position.  I started screaming “What the hell are you doing!?” and Amanda backhanded me across the face!  I was lying there in a torn gown completely naked pubic hair showing and everything and these chicks just started abusing me!  Maryanne came up to me and I started trying to fight back but Amanda started punching me so hard I was practically falling unconscious and as Amanda was doing that Maryanne stabbed the damn needle in my arm and started injecting me with more damn fluids!  And these chemicals were worse than the last because now I practically felt instant nausea and was on the verge of vomiting all over Amanda’s green shirt.  I started feeling stronger again and although I was feeling nauseous I knew I was going to be in trouble if I didn’t fight back so I started punching kicking and screaming managing to keep Maryanne and Amanda off me but damn they were really a whole lot stronger than they appeared to be.
   I felt my body starting to grow and I welcomed it as my abdomen started pushing up and my arm started bulking up.  It was getting easier to fight off Maryanne and Amanda and now their abuse wasn’t hurting me as much.  I thought I was going to manage to break myself free but then Maryanne came with these weird looking chains and she immediately locked them onto both of my wrists!  They were pretty much giant handcuffs that supposedly restricted the flow of adrenaline in my system, which caused me to stop growing.  And let me tell you that hurt like a mother f’er… the handcuffs squeezed my wrists so tightly that it was probably cutting off even the flow of blood to my veins!  I felt my body shrinking and I started feeling light headed and dizzy… I couldn’t fight off Maryanne and Amanda anymore and so they took that opportunity to pick me up off the bed and take me into a chamber I had never been in before.  The chained me up to a wall and Amanda said to me “Change.” And I asked “Changed?  What do you mean change?” and she said, “Change moron!  Hulk out already!  Grow huge!” she was already getting on my nerves but I kept my cool and asked her “Why?” and she said “We want to see if the new chemical makes any changes to your body.” And I angrily replied, “You’re damn chemicals have made MORE than enough changes to my body!  Why don’t you tell me what this is all about?  I’m sick of being your damn test subject!”  I watched Amanda’s reaction and her eyes narrowed with a stern look on her face… at that moment I felt like I had made the biggest mistake of my life.
   Amanda then said to me… “Fine if you don’t want to willfully change we’ll MAKE you change.”  So since I was chained to a wall Amanda and Maryanne used my vulnerability to their advantage and the next thing I knew Maryanne was holding a whip in her hand.  I immediately looked up into the sky whimpering softly knowing what was about to happen and I whispered “Please God… save me!” THWAP!  Oh my God it stung and hurt so badly!  The leather of the whip making full contact with my bare skin unleashed the whips maximum damage output upon my defenseless body.  I knew they didn’t need me anymore… that’s why they decided to abuse me now since I had pretty much fulfilled their purpose.  They were now just looking for an excuse to get rid of me and they had found it and were exploiting it to its fullest potential I wanted to… hurt them so badly and give them such a punishment that it would last them throughout the rest of their lifetime.  I felt my butt begin to tighten and I felt the staccato growth of my muscles beginning to push outwards as I began to tap into my inner rage and began to embrace my growing form.  I started pulling my arms away from the wall as the chains tried to hold me back; my biceps began to swell and I saw my own veins bulge out from underneath my skin as I pulled harder and harder and heard the popping of the links one by one.  Amanda continued to whip me harder and harder slicing my flesh open to the point of bleeding but it only served to fuel my rage and to increase my strength and muscle mass.  I began growing and growing with my feet expanding and my breasts inflating as I flexed my muscles to form massive mountains of muscle.
   I thrust my arms backwards almost as if I was doing the rowboat exercise and watched as the wall began to crack and the chains began to pop even further.  And just as I let out a bellowing roar to show Amanda and Maryanne that I was going to kick their ass the second I broke myself free… the power went out!  Apparently while Amanda and Maryanne were torturing me they were running experiments in the other room with some kind of teleporter or dimensional gate or something… and also some new type of laser cannon, which by my guess would create any ordinary female who walked into its beam to grow into a gigantic hulking woman.  I mean c’mon isn’t it predictable by now that these women would be developing some serious muscle growth device here?  I’m not just all looks you know… I did after all complete a four year college and received a very excellent education for the money I paid and for the work I put into studying.  Of course, all that studying doesn’t really help you to write better when you’re going through a period of emotional and physical distress!  Sometimes I worry that I’m going to hulk out for no reason and crush the pen between my hand not knowing my own strength (Go lefties!) I just had to say that.  Anyway… so where was I?  Oh yeah so the power went out and stupidly like every classic villain you’ve ever seen in comics or TV both Maryanne and Amanda ran out of the room I was sequestered in unguarded to check on the portal and uh… growth ray I’ll call it.  So naturally I took this chance to rip the chains off the wall and effectively free myself from this damn torture chamber.  I didn’t want to risk going through Maryanne and Amanda to escape so I looked at the wall in front of me which I had cracked by pulling my arms backwards while attached to the chains and I decided that this would probably be the best way to escape.  I started punching at the wall and at first the resistance it put up against my fist hurt me for a bit, but the pain quickly faded away.  And as I continued to punch it I began to not even feel the impact I was making anymore and so I began to hit harder and harder trying to thrust me fist through the wall.  And as I did that the cracks began forming becoming larger and larger until BAM!  I broke down the entire wall allowing me to freely escape without anyone to stop me.  I’ll tell you later about what happened after I got out.

October 7th, 2002

Finally I found you!  Jeez I thought I had lost you forever but I finally found you!  Wow diary… first off let me tell you that A LOT of things have happened over these past couple of months.  Some good and some not so good, remember when I told you I was going to write to you about what happened after I escaped from Amanda and Maryanne’s clutches?  Well it turns out that after I had got home and put you away in a shoebox that I kept in the closet, Collin came up to me hugging me and asking where I had been and I lied to him and told him that I had been staying at a hotel near the set where we were shooting the film.  And he believed me and then said to me… “We’re moving into a new house!” and I got so excited that we were leaving this dingy old apartment that I completely forgot to take you out of the shoebox and put you someplace safe where I could find you and write again.  So we packed up all our things and I guess Collin brought the shoebox with him and we moved to this huge beautiful mansion that Collin had apparently been working on with a construction crew even before I started filming the movie.
The mansion is gorgeous!  It was three stories high and had ten guestrooms, five master bedrooms, six bathrooms, a pool in the back with a cascading waterfall, an open lush backyard with carefully pruned bushes and flowers, four garage doors, a fountain in the front courtyard by the drive way, an entertainment center for when Jonas plays his games or we watch TV, and my personal favorite the Jacuzzi.  If you’re wondering where Collin got all this money from he apparently made it into the millionaires club while working with a financial service company that helps families get out of debt.  Apparently he did enough recruiting and insurance forms that he managed to save and invest enough cash to purchase a home like this and it was a really great surprise to me.  Anyway during those months of getting settled in at the mansion allowed me to live the quiet life without any stress whatsoever… at least not enough stress to make me… you know.  And so while we were living out the house I made the difficult decision of quitting my job for the new She-Hulk movie, which pretty much cancelled its production indefinitely and instead opted to go to the police department where I began training to become a police officer.  Collin thought I was heading out to go film the movie and so he didn’t really ask where I was going but he did ask how the movie was coming along.  Naturally I had to lie to him because if there’s one thing Collin doesn’t like me doing is me putting my life on the line.  So naturally if I told him that I was training to be a cop he would get really upset with me.  Now if you’re wondering why I became a cop it’s really a simple reason… I wanted access to police records so that I could do a follow up on Maryanne and Amanda to see if they had any past criminal records that I could expose and thus bring them into jail.  I mean after all they did torture me and did some freak show experiments on my body turning me into some superhuman monster, I might as well get my payback by at least bringing them in if they had criminal backgrounds.
So after several months of training I made it into the police force and since I scored so well on my tests I got recommended into a new Special Forces group that actually used a new prototype jet to deploy their troops.  Naturally I accepted and started the gruesome training boot camp for it, which quite honestly really stressed me out, and you know what happens when I get stressed out.  It happed during week five of training where our drill instructor had gotten aggravated with our team’s performance and he began punishing us with physical exercise and labor that would make it feel like your arms were falling off.  But not only were we being pushed to our limits but he was physically kicking us, punching us, and abusing us causing some of the recruits to bleed and even broke their noses.  This was definitely a new unorthodox way of training and the instructor didn’t like it when after all the hits he landed on me didn’t make me bleed or bruise anywhere.  He started hitting me harder and harder as I was doing my push-ups and I tried, honest to God I tried so hard to control myself.  But he kept kicking and punching until finally he got one clean shot on my face with his combat boots and I felt a sharp sting suddenly appear around the bottom of my lip.  I felt a strange taste in my mouth and spit it out only to find that he actually cut me and I was spitting out blood.
I don’t know what happened but seeing the blood come out of my body just drove me berserk!  I started thinking back to when Maryanne and Amanda were torturing me and how I hated the taste of blood in my mouth.  And as I dropped down to the ground for my next pushup my arm exploded out of my sleeve.  I gasped and hoped that no one noticed my expanding biceps and triceps but I knew that everyone saw especially when the drill instructor started kicking me.  My feet bust out of the combat boots they made us wear and my breasts quickly tore open the shirt I was wearing which started showing off my stiff and erect nipples.  I was so embarrassed and scared at the same time not knowing how these people would react; I decided that since it was raining I would quickly drop my growing body into the mud and cover myself up completely in the moist soil so that none of the guys on the team could see my nipples or thickly pumped up arms.  The drill instructor starting saying to me “You ain’t gonna hulk out on me now are ya recruit?”  And I said to him… “Sir! No sir!” and as I said that the back of my shirt ripped open and all of my muscles began pushing up like a hill bulging with thick power.  I don’t know why but I started crying as my calves ripped open my pant cuffs and I said to my drill instructor “Please don’t kick me out sir!  I’m not like the other girls but I can still do my job!”  The drill instructor surprised me and told one of the recruits to grab a blanket to cover my body and he and the team escorted me to our private barracks where no other ordinary police officers have access.  They started asking me about what had just happened and I had explained to them my story while leaving out the um-private details about my body.  And to my absolute surprise the team did not have a problem with it!  Most of the guys on the team got aroused, I could tell from the bulge in their pants so even though I feel mildly degraded at least it’s better than one of them going public and telling the world what the hell I am.  The females on the team gave a different reaction though… they were disgusted with my current form and kept their distance away from me.  My drill instructor merely had a humorous approach to it and nicknamed me She-Hulk.  Ironic isn’t it?  Before I was trying out for a movie all about She-Hulk and now I actually BECOME her.
It was hard to win over the females on the team but after they saw me use my strength to my advantage and watched how I controlled the boys by moving my body in sexy ways they started become jealous and actually in secret told me that they wanted to be like me.  I told them that if I didn’t move the way I did or if my personality were different you probably wouldn’t be telling me that right now and they agreed.  It was my personality that won them over… had I been some butch tomboy type of girl for sure the girls and even the guys would have hated me.  It was nice to know that with a little bit of hard work you can eventually win people over with just your personality alone.  I asked my team to keep my extra abilities a secret and they gladly abided by it knowing full well what would happen if word got out which would turn me into a tool instead of a human being.  I will confess that as training continued I cheated and used my enhance strength and resistance to damage to my advantage and it gave me a huge edge over the competition.  Well anyway I had completed my training with the rest of the team and we officially became a part of the new Special Forces task force.  Only one guy on our team didn’t make it, instead he ended up being stuck on S.W.A.T. instead of joining with the rest of us but he didn’t seem to mind much.  After completing training Collin had started asking me about the film.  I kept up my usual deceptiveness but he knew I was lying at this point.  He had called up the director and asked him about the movie (he used to work in the entertainment biz so he knows people) and the director told him that the project was cancelled.  I didn’t know what to say to him… I told him that we could talk about it at our favorite restaurant and that I would meet him there in a fancy dress to at least sex him up a bit so he doesn’t get too angry.
   He agreed and we set up a little date to meet at the restaurant, I didn’t want us to go together because if we drive in the same car he’s going to end up yelling off my ear the entire ride home.  I’ll tell you what happened at the restaurant but it’s late and I’m getting tired so I’ll check in later, bye bye for now.

October 10th, 2002

   Well… things didn’t go quite as I expected.  In fact, everything pretty much hit the fan and uh… I got stressed out a couple of times.  I really don’t feel like talking about this to anyone so I’ll just write it in here because it makes me feel better and allows me to avoid people.  All right so on the eighth of October I went out and bought this beautiful dress which cost me five hundred dollars in order to butter Collin up for the bad news.  Well I started driving to the restaurant we were going to meet in and already I could tell my day was going to be bad.  First off I got stuck in traffic (and you know how New York traffic can be during rush hour) and so I called Collin and told him that I was probably going to be a couple of hours late.  He wasn’t too pleased with that but he said he would wait as long as I eventually did show up.  Then as I was arriving at the restaurant all the parking spots were full and I couldn’t find a spot anywhere!  So I drove around the block and had to park in a rented parking garage, which was ten blocks away from the restaurant.  I already felt myself begin to boil inside but I kept my control and prevented any um… “Outbursts” from happening.  So I started walking to the restaurant where I knew Collin was patiently waiting and as I was doing that I saw this Chinese restaurant and looked inside the glass window because I thought I saw someone that looked familiar inside.
   So I opened the door and just as I did that a table flew across the room and landed right in front of me!  I asked what the hell was going on and a man cowering behind the counter told me that there was some crazy woman inside of the restaurant trying to rob people of their money.  And when I looked ahead into the restaurant I saw… her.  Amanda was at the restaurant robbing people of their hard earned cash and the first thing I thought to myself was… “Not now I just paid 500 dollars for this fricking dress!”  I don’t know if those were my exact words or not but I know I didn’t want to ruin this dress because I was going to go see Collin right afterwards.  But after I stared Amanda down for a few seconds the righteous side of me kicked in and I grabbed her hand before she could hurt the man she was next to and I immediately twisted her around and threw her out of the glass window shattering it completely.  Everyone started screaming and I didn’t realize that I had thrown her that far!  To make matters worse I managed to time my throw with that of an oncoming car so as she hit the pavement a vehicle rolled right over her and stopped.  I started brushing my hands off and was about to leave when I noticed that the car which stopped over Amanda began moving in an odd way… it started bouncing up and down and apparently the guy who was driving didn’t know what the heck was going on and kept on slamming on the accelerator and you could see the smoke emanating from his tires.
   I was wondering if the man even knew that Amanda had just crashed through a window and that she was under his car or that perhaps maybe he did know but he didn’t want to get arrested by the cops.  Heh well either way I wasn’t going to arrest him because I was hoping Amanda was dead anyway.  As I looked closer my mouth gaped open as I looked on in terror as to what was happening underneath the car.  I watched and heard as the fabric in Amanda’s dress began to rip open and I saw her doing what I thought was only unique to me… Amanda was growing!  Her biceps began to bulge making her scrawny little arms into giant slabs of beef and her dress completely tore open revealing her fricking gigantic growing physique that made her look like she was going to transform into a fifty foot titan of massive muscle!  She began roaring and her hair grew to savage lengths almost as long as mine and she began slowly standing up as the car was on her back!  I watched the mans’ face as he began to freak out from his car suddenly gaining in elevation and Amanda growled with pure anger in her voice looking at me as a strand of hair fell over her green eye.  I stared at her remember the look on her face on how angry she was and I was a bit scared and intimidated by her.  She had grown into a huge size and the only way I could possibly stand a chance against her was to force myself to grow.  Before I could even react Amanda reeled back and tossed the car in my direction!  The last thing I said before the car hit me was, “Oh SHIT!” Me!  I actually cursed!  I was so shocked by Amanda’s actions that it actually made me curse out loud and I HATE cursing!  Anyway the car slammed into my face and knocked me down on the ground bruised, cut, bleeding, the works.  So I’m lying there in a pool of my own blood and I suddenly notice that my wounds were healing almost instantly.
   It was at that point that I knew exactly what was going to happen to me and I panicked!  A man put his arm on my shoulder and asked if I was all right and I immediately snapped at him and said to get the hell away from me.  I felt the slow growth of my body begin to travel throughout my muscles and I kept saying to myself to stay in control and not allow myself to go berserk while there are innocent people around me.  I was relieved and disappointed at the same time when I actually did grow… relieved because I wasn’t flipping out and hurting people but disappointed because it was a pretty mild transformation.  When I really like a transformation I write to you about it but this one was kinda… kinda lame to be honest.  I saw my bicep grow, my chest push forward, and my torso rip my dress in the center but that was pretty much it you know.  It didn’t feel erotic like the past ones and it was really nothing to write home about.  I began to wonder if I was getting tired of it but decided not to think about it yet until Amanda was dealt with.  Surprisingly Amanda was quite the pushover, she was calling me out with her little “Bring it on!” but I don’t think she really expected me to go through with it.  I charged at her and forced my fist into her stomach full force, which completely knocked her down and made her shrink back to normal!  I said to her “Sweet Dreams” as she closed her eyes and immediately called the boys in blue to pick her up and take her away to jail.  Now back to what happened with the transformation… I began thinking about why it felt so bland to me and I realized that the reason it was so boring was because nothing really changed that much, just a tiny bit of growth.  After thinking back to my first transformation or one where I had a lot of clothes on I realized that I really loved it when I began ripping out of my normal everyday clothes.  Like when my feet pop out of my shoes or the buttons on my blouse begin shooting out like bullets to give my breasts some air, and even when the zipper on my pants slowly begins to unzip down until I can see my panties.  I… I liked to feel the pain of the growth because it was a unique sensation, it’s not a pain that you really want to go away much because you actually FEEL your body get heavier and more gargantuan.  You feel the wind on your back and listening to the sound of the fabric tearing off of your body fricking… fricking turns me on.
   Sometimes in secret I would go into the bathroom of our house and I would try to purposefully induce a transformation as I stared into the mirror.  I tried holding out my bicep in a flex position and tried to force myself to get angry but it didn’t work and I didn’t want to go as far as hurting myself to make the transformation happen.  Ah well… I get the feeling that later on I’ll probably get that sensation again but in the meantime I now had to figure out what I was going to do without a dress.  Before people could start asking me questions I ran out of the restaurant and ran to a nearby Macy’s to see if I could find another dress like this one.  Unfortunately, I had left all of my money and credits cards in the car and I really didn’t have time to run another ten blocks to get to it.  So I had to tap into my emergency stash, which I hid between my breasts and found that I had fifty bucks on me.  Once I realized I only had fifty I left Macy’s and went over to “Targé” otherwise known as Target here in the United States, Targé being a fancy word for a cheap ass department store.  And I bought a plain old pink shirt, some really ugly bright pink pants, white socks, and a pair of boring brown shoes.  It was about forty-five ninety-five and so I paid it off cash and reluctantly went into the restaurant that Collin and I agreed to meet at.  The first thing I noticed was several people wearing tuxedoes, business suits, and beautiful elegant dresses, while I strolled in with this trailer park garbage on my body.  Oh yeah I guess somewhere along the line as I was running to Macy’s and Target my body had shrunk back because I had noticed that a lot of clothes I was trying on was feeling too loose on me, sorry I left out that minor detail.
   The host immediately raised his one eyebrow at me and said “Ma’am you do realize we wear formal clothes at this restaurant?” and I said to him “You do realize that I will kick your ass if you make my day any worse than it is right now?” and then he said to me “Well… do you at least have a reservation?” and I said, “Yes under Steel” and that snob said to me “Right this way Mrs. Steel, Mr. Steel has been expecting you for quite a long time now.”  I angrily said to him “Shut it!” and he proceeded to escort me to the table where Collin was patiently waiting.  The second he looked at me he said, “Holy crap… not only are you two hours late, not only are you not wearing a dress, but you’re wearing THAT outfit to THIS restaurant?  Unbelievable… Jenna, you’re sexy but come on now!”  I wanted to smack him so hard but I realized that he didn’t know what had happened before hand so I merely sat down and told him “I’ve been having a bad day.”  He ordered the food for us and we started talking a bit about what was going on but I was afraid to mention my newfound abilities and I was also afraid of telling him about my new job occupation so I intentionally beat around the bush avoiding any topics that might lead to it.  When our food came Collin started going into this big spiel how he made all this great sales and how he’s moving into a fancy office at the place her works in with a great view of the city.  And as he was talking I started day dreaming and having flashbacks of when Maryanne and Amanda began torturing me and I began thinking about the whole growth process itself… it was so exciting that sometimes I border on the lines of having an orgasm and it makes me feel so dirty that I hate it.  I don’t like talking about sexual stuff or about myself about to “release” liquid but it just feels so damn good when it happens.
   So as I was daydreaming Collin finally said to me “Yoo hoo Jenna are you there?” And I replied saying that I wasn’t paying attention and he said, “Are you all right?  You haven’t touched your food.  Am I boring you?” and at that moment I don’t know why but I just blurted out “I quit my job as an actress and joined the police force!” If you had seen the look on his face you would have sworn that this man was about to kill.  He stared at me for a few seconds with this furious look on his face and then screamed… “YOU…. WHAT!?” and he slammed his fist on the table so hard that the plates shook and everyone started staring in our direction.  I got so embarrassed as everyone started whispering to each other talking about me and Collin and in the meanwhile he was screaming his head off telling me why it was such a stupid move to do what I did.  I felt myself getting angry and so instead of screaming back at him, which I normally would, I simply got up and went to the bathroom where I just wanted to vent or cry or do whatever to get my mind off the embarrassment.  Anyway I went into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face trying to get myself to calm down and get my mind off of things when I noticed that instead of feeling relieved I was actually starting to feel much more worse.  I felt like I was suffocating and tried splashing more water on my face while taking deep breaths but as I did that my head started pounding like a hammer being struck on a nail and I put my hands on my head and held it tightly.
   I looked in the mirror and saw that veins were starting to bulge on my hands!  I kept thinking to myself “Please don’t change now, please don’t change now!” but that only seemed to make it worse as I started feeling my clothes wrap tighter and tighter around my body.  I wanted to lock the bathroom door but I already felt my shirt rip open from the back!  I ran into the bathroom stall, locked it and then sat on the toilet trying my best to hold back my growing body.  I tried to fight it so hard but the more I kept thinking about my muscles bursting out of my clothes and turning me into a sexy ultra giantess the more I began to NOT resist anymore.  I… I started losing focus and started drifting in and out of consciousness and I began feeling a tingling sensation like when your leg falls asleep.  I felt the tear in the back of my shirt spreading open getting larger and larger and I listened to the sound of my newly acquired pink blouse shredding open.  I felt the excitement of transformation flowing through my body and I… I just couldn’t resist!  In fact the more I fought the more stimulating my growth would become and it almost felt as if my own muscles began to pulse and tense up harder as long as I resisted.  Eventually the swelling became so enormous throughout my body that my feet burst through my brown shoes and I watched as my little toes wiggled out of the tip of my shoes and then grew to such a gigantic size that it completely tore open my shoe like a football dome opening up.  After that the explosive river of muscle began traveling up my legs with my calves exploding out of the cuff of my pants and my quads ripping through the inner seams of my pants ripping open large holes where I could see my skin pouring out and mounds of muscles forming in.
   As the muscles began systematically exploding out of my pants I felt my waist getting tighter and tighter like as if I tried to squeeze myself in jeans five sizes smaller than my own body.  It got so tight that the second I exhaled the button on my pants popped off and hit the stall door in front of me and then immediately dropped down on the ground making a clacking sound when it landed.  I felt and heard my zipper begin sliding down almost as if I was going to seduce Collin in bed and the more I thought about how large I was getting the more excited I started to feel.  In fact, I was feeling so excited that I think I felt my nipples push forward into my bra stretching my straps almost as if they had erected themselves in excitement.  I’m just glad they weren’t feeling moist because I wouldn’t want to lactate milk all over the floor, which would end up giving cops evidence leading back to me.  Anyway so my zipper had gotten down to the bottom of my pants and I saw my blue underwear with white stars begin to show through.  It felt like my underwear was getting tighter and tighter around my crotch and I worried that it would get so tight or my um… vagina would get so large that my panties would completely snap off.  I mean could you even visualize if say you suddenly saw my pubic hair begin to appear on the edges of my panties and then suddenly snap you could see my entire vagina? Well maybe you can’t but I can, and I mean although I love this muscle growth I don’t want people seeing me completely naked!  Topless I wouldn’t mind as much because with today’s TV standards it’s really nothing new, but anything below the belt is a little too personal for me.
   So my panties luckily managed to stay on and the muscles in my legs had fully grown and had therefore completely torn off any remains of my pants.  My breasts were next on the list of “things to inflate today” and it was like someone stuck a hose on my nipples and began pumping up my breasts with helium.  My breasts started shooting up and the force of their sudden enlargement pushed me back as my eyes gaped wide open and stared at my ballooning breasts, which were starting to float almost over my head!  I started groaning and grunting as I heard the stretching of skin and felt the orgasmic sensation of my breasts becoming so large… my breasts finally did what I was waiting for and that was rip my shirt open so that I could feel the cool air begin to caress my skin and I quickly rubbed my hands against my abdomen to feel my rock hard muscles and make sure they were there.  The way my blouse was torn made it feel like I was wearing a jacket that wasn’t zipped up… a skintight jacket nonetheless.  I knew this was my opportunity to really feel some power and so I flexed my arms and caused the sleeves to tear open creating a huge mass of biceps to emerge like an erupting volcano.  I then flexed myself forward into a crab position and felt the remaining fabric rip off of my body and fall onto the floor leaving only my outstretched bra and panties on my body.  My body had grown to a large enough size to support my breasts and my growth transformation was completely.
   Power suddenly surged through my body, which caused me to get up and slam the bathroom door so hard that it broke off its hinges and fell on the floor!  I knew I was making a commotion so it would only be a matter of time before someone walked into the bathroom and saw me in my new form.  I also couldn’t just go out the door and face Collin because I didn’t want him to see my like this (no matter how sexy I was) and so I did the only thing I could think of with my instincts controlling my actions… I plowed through the wall out onto the city street and leaped in the direction of my home where I could calmly shrink back to my normal form (against my will) and pretend like I had gone home straight to sleep after the restaurant incident.  I would deal with Collin later but in the meantime I needed to rest in order to prepare for work tomorrow because I hear that the new Special Forces division in the police force is finally going to get deployed on a mission.  I’m excited about it and I will tell you what happened during that mission when I get back.

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