  • #46 by Daniefan on 24 Oct 2017
  • Well I tink I had a slightly different access to female muscle.
    As a eight or nine year old I discovered dad`s bodybuilding magazins in the basement together with a friend.
    We saw all the pictures of those bodybuilders from the 80ies. This must have happened in my sexually formative time, so I developed a big attraction towards muscles as itself (no matter what gender) by watching those bodies over and over.
    Perhaps this would led me to get gay, I dont know. But later in the 90ies I realized that  there are also big muscular women around and this was kind of a holy grail for me, the combination of muscle and female. So it turned out I didnt get gay but have a big attraction towards fbbs since then!  ;)

    Karma please!   :clap:
  • #47 by GAP on 25 Oct 2017
  • I agree wholeheartedly. I really like the strength, power and beauty that goes into female muscle and muscle in general.
  • #48 by gokuman7 on 08 Dec 2017
  • When I first saw chyna on TV in 1998
    • gokuman7
  • #49 by GAP on 09 Dec 2017
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    When I first saw chyna on TV in 1998

    I like Chyna too. She was rippsed and she is a lot bigger than most feamle WWE wrestlers nowadays
  • #50 by gokuman7 on 12 Dec 2017
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    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    When I first saw chyna on TV in 1998

    I like Chyna too. She was rippsed and she is a lot bigger than most feamle WWE wrestlers nowadays

    The closest we got was Beth Phoenix, but she doesn't wrestle anymore.
    • gokuman7
  • #51 by MadameXena on 06 Jan 2018
  • I first saw Bev Francis on the Ray Martin Show when I was in High School. I am not sure how old I was but they were discussing the judging of the Ms Olympia. Bev did not win as she was deemed to be too masculine and the criteria specifically said female competitors had to be feminine. So in the show itself, they showed her walking down the steps of the Ms Olympia stage and had blocked out her head. Trying to see if it looked like a man's body in a bikini.

    And all I could think was wow.

    I knew I loved watching muscles move. The shape and movement of muscle in any living thing is poetry in motion. Watching the Olympic Games is a must - the gymnasts are amazing!!

    The funny thing is, I never saw it as being something I desired in men. It was something I desired for myself but there was no gym in my home town, I had no idea how these people got this kind of muscle definition except through hard physical work and sport. When I got to University I was introduced to a gym. In one month of doing a basic program put together by a friend of mine who had done some training in high school and I had more muscle definition than after six months of swimming every morning. I was hooked :)
  • #52 by Maladjester on 07 Jan 2018
  • A *very* athletic girl in my grade. The whole package was amazing but I particularly liked her full, diamond-shaped calves. Even as a child she had good ones. By the time we finished high school, lots of track and being genetically gifted had given her better calves than you see on most pro fitness competitors, something like Lindsey Boswell's. She almost never wore shorts, so every time she did was a treat. Tight jeans looked amazing on her, like she was going to burst out of them the first time she flexed. I had a crush on her from before I even liked girls all the way through graduation. Sadly, I knew she was so far out of my league as to defy any longshot chance you've ever seen in a coming-of-age movie. I was very careful never to interact with her, never to tip my hand. It would only have annoyed her.

    Anyway, once I knew I had the interest, it was a short step to finding Muscle & Fitness in the local bookstore. This was back when bookstores were everywhere and magazines used to put actual big girls on the cover instead of the cheesecake aerobics instructors of later years. Shelley Beattie, Lisa Lorio, lots of the 90's women. Shelley is still my all-time favorite.
  • #53 by Chipsnsalsa on 18 Jan 2018
  • A couple of other people have mentioned Skin Deep and THAT Raye Hollit scene: for me it was one of the most incredible moments of my life, as it provided me with my first orgasm  :) 

    This was UK, c.1990: no internet, no cable/satellite TV, a fairly sheltered middle class upbringing. I was 12 years old, it was the summer holidays from school, and I had just got a little portable TV in my room. I used to go through the Radio Times (the oddly named TV guide) looking through the movie reviews for the telltale warning: "nudity". I had been feeling tingles around girls and when looking at sexy women on TV for some time, but had not yet popped the cork, so to speak.

    And so I settled down into bed, locked the door, and turned on Skin Deep, waiting for the promised nudity and the enjoyable tingles it would give me. Until then, I can't remember seeing a genuinely muscular woman, though I had enjoyed looking at female gymnasts and athletes on TV, not to mention a girl at my school who had what I remember as astonishingly thick and muscular legs for an 11 year old (though perhaps they have grown in my imagination over the years).

    Raye blew them all out of the water. Lying in bed, in the dark, I had absolutely no idea what was about to come (in more ways than one, heh) when she emerged from the bathroom and turned down the light. As I said, I was an innocent kid in an innocent age: a couple of my worldier friends had made some knowing cracks about "wanking" and of course I had laughed along without knowing what the hell they were on about.

    And then she stepped into the spotlight, shrugging off her shawl, exposing the lushest, most beautiful, powerful, erotic vision I had ever encountered in my young life. My stomach lurched and I became dizzy even though I was lying down; I had the feeling you get when you think you're about to vomit, only somehow more pleasurable and exciting. Through the neurons and as-yet-undiscovered pleasure centres exploding in my brain, I watched her flex that unfathomable body, and heard her say something about it being "all do you feel about that?"

    It was as if she was talking to me. My dick had reached diamond-level hardness and I began involuntarily thrusting my hips back and forth beneath my duvet as I watched Raye finish her show with a giggle, and approach the bed: from behind, my eyes ate up her flawless, powerful body as she removed her bra, focusing (inasmuch as I could focus on anything in my state of extreme panicked arousal) first on her thick, shapely bottom, and then on the glimpse of sideboob and back to the ass as she peeled down her panties.

    As if I couldn't get any more aroused, she was talking to the wide-eyed guy in bed (ie me) in a teasing, dominant way, as if she was guiding me into my first sexual experience, which indeed she was! "I hope you're not frightened now," she said, as that unbelievable naked body straddled John Ritter's penis. My own penis was now beyond my control, humping the bedsheets like a locomotive. I imagined Raye on top of me instead of the actor, those immense naked thighs squeezing me, strong hands rubbing my chest and face while her huge chest bounced before my eyes and her long blonde hair tickled me. Asher lovely face headed downward, my uncontrollable jerking reached fever pitch: I lost control of my entire body and mind; literal fireworks were going off in my head as I released the longest, most powerful orgasm I have ever produced. It must have been thirty seconds from start to finish.

    As I lay trembling, looking glazed-eyed (and glazed-panted, heh) at Raye doing aerobics in the following scene, I literally did not know what had occurred. What the hell was all this goop on my shorts and duvet? Was this supposed to happen? Had I broken something? One thing was for sure, I was gonna try it again, with women like Raye as my inspiration! Ah, to be young again  ;)
  • #54 by Saxit2me on 19 Jan 2018
  • It was the 1980's and I was a young kid.  Back then there was Rachel McLish, Gladys Portuguese, and my favorites Carla Dunlap and Mary Roberts.  Later in the 80's I had a bodybuilder teacher Cathy Palyo.  I didn't know who she was but I saw her calves and was mesmorized.  I have been a real fan ever since.  I marvel at the way a womans body can transform.  Its not how you grew up thinking about the way ladies are supposed to look back then but none of my social conditioning ever stopped my admiration of the effort, discipline, and of course the results.
  • #55 by diggs on 22 Jan 2018
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    ...Later in the 80's I had a bodybuilder teacher Cathy Palyo....

    You lucky dog!

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  • #56 by I like strong women on 01 Feb 2018
  • The event that sealed the deal for me was getting beaten up by our neighborhood tomboy- in a boxing match.
    She let up on me because she was clearly the winner and did not want to hurt me-- since we were friends.
    Bu I have never forgotten that- and it has always been a source of erotic excitement to me-- in all of it's ramifications.
    We were 6th or 7th graders at the time.
  • #57 by ozzyfm on 02 Feb 2018
  • You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    A couple of other people have mentioned Skin Deep and THAT Raye Hollit scene: for me it was one of the most incredible moments of my life, as it provided me with my first orgasm  :) 

    This was UK, c.1990: no internet, no cable/satellite TV, a fairly sheltered middle class upbringing. I was 12 years old, it was the summer holidays from school, and I had just got a little portable TV in my room. I used to go through the Radio Times (the oddly named TV guide) looking through the movie reviews for the telltale warning: "nudity". I had been feeling tingles around girls and when looking at sexy women on TV for some time, but had not yet popped the cork, so to speak.

    And so I settled down into bed, locked the door, and turned on Skin Deep, waiting for the promised nudity and the enjoyable tingles it would give me. Until then, I can't remember seeing a genuinely muscular woman, though I had enjoyed looking at female gymnasts and athletes on TV, not to mention a girl at my school who had what I remember as astonishingly thick and muscular legs for an 11 year old (though perhaps they have grown in my imagination over the years).

    Raye blew them all out of the water. Lying in bed, in the dark, I had absolutely no idea what was about to come (in more ways than one, heh) when she emerged from the bathroom and turned down the light. As I said, I was an innocent kid in an innocent age: a couple of my worldier friends had made some knowing cracks about "wanking" and of course I had laughed along without knowing what the hell they were on about.

    And then she stepped into the spotlight, shrugging off her shawl, exposing the lushest, most beautiful, powerful, erotic vision I had ever encountered in my young life. My stomach lurched and I became dizzy even though I was lying down; I had the feeling you get when you think you're about to vomit, only somehow more pleasurable and exciting. Through the neurons and as-yet-undiscovered pleasure centres exploding in my brain, I watched her flex that unfathomable body, and heard her say something about it being "all do you feel about that?"

    It was as if she was talking to me. My dick had reached diamond-level hardness and I began involuntarily thrusting my hips back and forth beneath my duvet as I watched Raye finish her show with a giggle, and approach the bed: from behind, my eyes ate up her flawless, powerful body as she removed her bra, focusing (inasmuch as I could focus on anything in my state of extreme panicked arousal) first on her thick, shapely bottom, and then on the glimpse of sideboob and back to the ass as she peeled down her panties.

    As if I couldn't get any more aroused, she was talking to the wide-eyed guy in bed (ie me) in a teasing, dominant way, as if she was guiding me into my first sexual experience, which indeed she was! "I hope you're not frightened now," she said, as that unbelievable naked body straddled John Ritter's penis. My own penis was now beyond my control, humping the bedsheets like a locomotive. I imagined Raye on top of me instead of the actor, those immense naked thighs squeezing me, strong hands rubbing my chest and face while her huge chest bounced before my eyes and her long blonde hair tickled me. Asher lovely face headed downward, my uncontrollable jerking reached fever pitch: I lost control of my entire body and mind; literal fireworks were going off in my head as I released the longest, most powerful orgasm I have ever produced. It must have been thirty seconds from start to finish.

    As I lay trembling, looking glazed-eyed (and glazed-panted, heh) at Raye doing aerobics in the following scene, I literally did not know what had occurred. What the hell was all this goop on my shorts and duvet? Was this supposed to happen? Had I broken something? One thing was for sure, I was gonna try it again, with women like Raye as my inspiration! Ah, to be young again  ;)

    Really nice story, I perfectly see what you mean. I had (almost) the same experience with Denise Rutkowski, at the jan Tana 1993.
    • ozzyfm
  • #58 by cook417 on 08 Feb 2018
  • When I was a kid, my friend got into lifting weights and was on his school's wrestling team.  He had a subscription to some muscle magazines back in the day and I was fascinated by the women.  He'd sometimes catch me looking at them and say "Man, those chick are pretty gross!" and I'd be like "Yeah...gross...".  I used to snag a few magazines here and there to take home with me for some *ahem* "private viewing" and then return them.

    When I was in the service, I bought a copy of Women's Physique World and was blown away.  Unfortunately, I was never able to find another copy of the magazine...Fortunately, the internet became a thing and it wasn't long before I ordered up my first VHS tape of Denise Hoshor.  And I've been loving FBB's ever since...and my weightlifting friend still doesn't know that I love FBB's.
  • #59 by musclelvr56 on 18 Mar 2018
  • There was a gymnast in my class in 7th and 8th grade. She was pretty top level and her physique showed. I remember some guys hasseling her one day to flex her arms. She did and she had an amazing bicep. I remember very clearly how that little show of muscle made me feel. I soon found the internet, and lucky for me my early explorations were when female bodybuilding was still "fairly" popular. Andy's Muscle Goddesses was a must visit and from there I found the more hardcore side of female muscle (both athletically and sexually). Girls like Britt Miller and Cindy Phillips were at their peak when I was going throught high school...lets just say no girlfriend I had could ever match up.
  • #60 by 4brmassmuscle on 18 Mar 2018
  • I started to like it when I was 12 years old. A bodybuilder was a client of my father's magazine, which sold advertising space to his supplement store and my father invited me to go with him on the day of  delivery of the magazine. My father talked a little with this client and before we left the store, the owner gave me a bodybuilding magazine that circulated here in Brazil and a trophy he had won, because my father said that I had many action figures at home.

    When I got home that day, the first thing I did was lock myself in the room and flip through the magazine. Inside this magazine had a section of female bodybuilding and I read all the pages and specials of that part. It was a time when I was discovering my body - if you understand me - and it was the first time I felt an uncontrollable excitement. After that day, I never bought another magazine because my father would berate me, so I set out to find EVERYTHING that was possible about these women on the internet, always anonymously. I've been doing this for ten years.