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Author Topic: Author: [My Transformations] Graduation Day  (Read 8145 times)


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Author: [My Transformations] Graduation Day
« on: April 23, 2015, 10:34:46 pm »
Female Muscle Growth, Male Muscle Loss

Graduation Day
by My Transformations

Chapter One

Alexandra and Nicholas were the perfect couple. All their friends said so, at any rate.

Both seniors at Notre Dame University, the two had met under unusual circumstances. Nicholas was a hulky, handsome star football player, but his GPA was badly hemorrhaging. He had made an appointment with a tutor to help him with math class. That day it was pretty crowded, so Nicholas couldn’t find an unused table. He took a seat next to Alexandra, hoping that when his tutor arrived in a few minutes, he could sit across from him.

For Nicholas, the minutes drifted by at a snail’s pace. He twisted a paperclip into a pretzel and he nervously fidgeted in his chair and scratching his closely shaved head. Academic and educational settings, especially libraries, were not where he felt the most comfortable. He’d much rather be out on the field.

Eventually, after dozens of glances at his wristwatch, he became clear that his tutor was going to be a no-show. “I can’t believe this,” Nicholas said under his breath. Feeling the need to blow off steam, he turned to the short, petite looking girl beside him. “My math tutor just doesn’t show up, can you believe it?”

“That’s too bad,” she said in a high pitched, sweetly feminine voice.

“I guess nobody wants to think about math, huh. Not even math tutors,” Nicholas grumbled. “What’s your major, anyway?”

“Mathematics,” Alexandra, replied, blushing and turning away slightly.

“Oh, I’m sorry – I guess some people do like it,” he said. “You wouldn’t be interested in helping though – right?”

But Nicholas was wrong. For the next few hours, they did indeed study together.

“I’ve never heard it explained so clearly,” Nicholas said. “You have to let me pay you.”

“No, that’s not necessary,” Alexandra replied as they started walking towards the exit together. “I don’t need any compensation for helping.”

“Well, then, if you won’t take money, can I at least give you a ticket to the homecoming football game?” Nicholas asked. Alexandra didn’t immediately reply. “Come on,” he insisted, “I just got a chance to see you do something you’re good at, the very least I can do is repay the favor.”

“How egalitarian…okay,” she said at last with a little smile. Just then, one of the librarians lost his grip on the ladder he was using and tumbled forwards, causing the bookshelf to fall towards Alexandra.

With remarkable speed, Nicholas dashed forwards, catching the massive shelf just as it was about to topple over onto her. With a heave and a grunt, he righted it.

“Wow, you’re so strong,” Alexandra said with admiration as she ran her hand up his muscular arm and hefty shoulder. “My hero,” she added jokingly.

“Just wait until you see me at the game,” he said with his rich, deep voice, a twinkle in his eye all the while.

When she arrived, Alexandra sat in the front row of the bleachers. It was of her first football game, and it did not disappoint. Nicholas lead a tremendous effort in the offensive line, and the game was won. Her heart was warmed when Nicholas strode right past the cheerleaders to talk with her upon the game’s conclusion.

“Enjoyed yourself?” he asked.

“Yes, very much,” she replied.


Though Alexandra hardly saw herself as a catch, she had delicate, beautiful features, and long, flowing hair. At barely five feet, she stood quite a bit shorter than the towering Nicholas, but somehow she felt that she’d do just fine up in his arms.

A couple of weeks and several dates later, Nicholas decided to have her over for dinner with his family. Both his mother and father were very polite, but after dinner, his father invited just him out on the back porch to share a cigar. To get there, they had to walk down a hall which contained a trophy closet stuffed with the prestige Nicholas had earned throughout his sporting career.

“What’s going on, Dad?” Nicholas asked his father. He knew his old man well – the cigar on the porch routine always was used to get some privacy.

“Do you like her?” his father asked him.

“Yes, very much,” Nicholas, feeling a little defensive.

“Good. Because, son, I want you to know you could have anybody. You’re a star. You’re probably going to land multimillion NFL contract. A father could not be more proud. And I’m just saying…since you have so many options, don’t tie yourself down too quickly,” he said, the glow from his blazing cigar reflecting off his eyes.

“Sure thing, Dad,” Nicholas promised, but inwardly he winced. Alexandra was a kind and beautiful person, and that was enough for him.

They had been dating for just over a month when they made the fateful decision to attend the Renascence faire. Alexandra dressed in a princess costume, while Nicholas played the dashing knight.

Towards the end of the evening, the two of them were stuck in a very long and slow-moving line to see a fortune teller. Nicholas had his arm protectively draped around Alexandra’s shoulder, as it often was. Eventually there came a sad announcement: the faire would be closing soon. This was quickly followed by a second announcement from the front of the gypsy tent; there would only be time to perform one more reading. This announcement was made more frustrating by the fact that Alexandra and Nicholas were second in line.

The couple in front of them was middle aged, consisting of a fat, bald man with a wild beard and his equally rotund wife.

“You two go on ahead of us,” the man insisted to Nicholas.

“We surely couldn’t,” Alexandra replied, feeling embarrassed.

“Nonsense,” the wife chimed in. “We’re settled. We know our fortune. You two are such a nice looking young couple, take your turn.” When the tent opened, the two stepped out of line, and a bony hand with purple fingernails beckoned.

The fortune itself was unmemorable – that is, until Nicholas realized he didn’t have enough faire tickets to pay the lady who read their fortune. He ran out of the tent, promising to return after exchanging his money for tickets at one of the machines.

“I know we’ve only known each other a brief while,” Alexandra began, “but I feel like Nicholas and I are falling in love.”

“You think so?” the old gypsy woman cooed. “True love, is it?”

“Absolutely,” Alexandra replied. “I know I’d stay true to him through thick and thin.”

“I certainly hope you do,” the woman said cryptically, a twinkle in her eye.

Nicholas returned with the tickets after a few more moments, politely said good bye to the old woman, and departed from the faire. Once they arrived home, Nicholas pressed Alexandra’s smaller form up against the wall. Her tiny body stood in stark contrast to his massive, chiseled one. Every muscle in his body seemed developed, and pressing itself into her delicate flesh.

“So, feel good about the future?” he said as he stroked her cheek.

“I feel good about the present,” she said as she closed her eyes and went limp in his arms. His arms interlocked behind her as he gave her a passionate kiss.

Chapter Two

A week later, Alexandra was in the front row of the bleachers, waiting for the next football game to begin. When Nick walked onto the field, though, the coach walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Woah, there, Nick,” he said. “When I said you were on the team, I meant second string. You can feel free to step in later if our starting offense gets tired or injured, but let’s let the big boys shine for now, ok?”

“What?” Nicholas replied, astonished. “First I’m the biggest tackler you’ve got, and second I never go by Nick.”

“I think Toby here is a bit taller than you,” the coach said. “And I’ve known you as Nick for two years.”

Feeling angry, Nicholas walked up to Toby, who was apparently usurping his slot in the offensive. He knew Toby was an inch shorter than him – Nicholas was six one and Toby was six even. But when he made his way up to the man who used to be his backup, he found that he was looking up at him, just barely.

“Toby, what’s my name?” Nicholas asked, feeling frightened.

“Is this a trick question?” Toby replied with a grin.

“No, just say my name, damn it,” Nicholas fumed.

“Geez, Nick, what’s with you today? You’ll get your shot when if my knee starts acting up again, ok?” Toby replied, and pushed him out of the way. Stunned, Nicholas planted his butt on the bench, and sat there for the rest of the game. He secretly was hoping that his removal of the game would cause them to lose, but they won without him – and by a healthy margin, too.

When the game was over, he quickly made his way over to Alexandra’s place in the stands.

“I have to ask you something,” he began. “I think I’m going crazy.”

“Tell me about it,” Alexandra replied. “I’ve had a really crazy day too.”

“Wait…what happened?” Nicholas asked, suddenly feeling very worried.

“I just had some trouble in math class, and the teacher reacted very strangely. Like he didn’t know who I was. I’m always raising my hand in that class,” Alexandra complained.

“Alexandra  - what is my name?” Nicholas asked.

“What do you mean?” she replied, causing Nicholas to groan.

“Why does everyone always not want to answer that? Just what was my name when I introduced myself to you?” he said, gritting his teeth in frustration.

“Nicholas,” Alexandra replied tentatively. “Why?”

“Good,” he said, breathing a sigh of relief. “Everyone was calling me Nick today. And what did you see last football game? Was I playing?”

“Of course, you were the hero of the game,” she said. “Why did they bench you today? Are you feeling alright?”

“No, not at all,” he said. “Let’s just go, ok? Just get down from that step, and let’s get out of here.”

“I’m not on the step,” she replied, walking on the grass towards him.

How could she not be on a step? He was a foot taller than her, he had always been. But he didn’t need to crane his neck to look down at her anymore.

“How tall are you?” he asked.

“Five foot one,” she said. “But I hit my head on the stove hood today, actually, can you believe that?”

“Do you feel like you are five one?” Nicholas nervously asked.

“Sure,” she said.

“Then kiss me,” he said. Standing on her tip toes, she gave him a peck on the cheek. “Didn’t you always need to jump or have me lean down to give me a kiss?”

“Oh my god,” she said, shaking. “What’s going on?”


When Nicholas changed out of his uniform, he took a good luck at his body. He was still ripped, but some of the definition had faded away. He was strong, but not a hulk anymore. Playing football was his dream – and now he was a glorified extra. He smashed the side of the locker with his fist, feeling nothing but fury at what had happened to him.

“Nick, what’s going on?” one of his teammates asked. Unwilling to respond to that name, he quickly put his clothes on and stormed out in silent rage.

When he rejoined Alexandra, he felt a little better – at least she knew who he really was. She was proof he wasn’t insane. But her added height was a little disconcerting. It was a reminder of what he had lot.

“What’s happening to us?” Alexandra asked when they were both in the car.

“I don’t know,” Nicholas lamented as he checked his phone. “I’m reading my old emails. Everyone was calling me ‘Nick’ instead of Nicholas.”

“I know, you already said that,” Alexandra replied.

“No – this is more serious. They were calling me Nick. Past tense. Even my emails from my parents! According to my email history, that’s what everyone has called me, always.”

“How is that possible?” Alexandra said.

“Again, I don’t know. But I know we have each other. I know we are not crazy,” he said as he pulled over.

Alexandra leaved over on to his shoulder and started crying. Nicholas stroked her arm and her shoulder comfortingly, and was surprised to find some muscle definition in her formerly petite limbs. He didn’t say anything about it, though. He decided to hope this was all a bad dream – that this new reality would vanish if he didn’t think too hard about it.

Alexandra slept at Nicholas’s apartment that night, and soon after that told him she wanted to move in with him. The world was becoming a frightening place to both of them, and neither ever wanted to be alone.

For a few weeks, both existed in a state of uneasy equilibrium. Nicholas spent hours in the gym every day, desperately trying to get back his former physique. Second place wasn’t good enough for a man like him, and he wasn’t going to lie down and take a demotion. Every day his brow would be damp with sweat and his muscles would burn, but he just refused to go gently into that goodnight.

Alexandra similarly did not want her grasp of higher mathematics to fade. Every day, she would stay after class to talk with a professor or a student aide, trying to right her mental ship. She fell asleep with headphones on, listening to podcasts about calculus. She even started eating a handful of mixed nuts for breakfast every day after reading that Brazilian students saw their test scores in math go up after they snaked on the food.

Neither made any progress, but neither was ready to quit. In addition, neither knew what would come next.

Chapter Three

“Are you awake?” Alexandra asked. Judging from the low light peeking at them from the window, it was close to dawn.

“Yeah, what’s up?” he replied groggily. He noticed her voice sounded a bit deeper than it usually did, but figured it was from morning phlegm and didn’t bring it up.

“Well, Nick,” she began before pausing and catching herself. It was the first time she had used his nickname. Everyone else had been calling him that for weeks, so it was bound to happen eventually, but she still knew it must have hurt. “I’m sorry,” she said softly.

“It’s ok,” Nick replied. “I’ve accepted it. Nick is what my family calls me, Nick is what my friends call me. I’m Nick now. No reason why you can’t call me that, too.”

“But I know that’s not who you really are,” Alexandra replied. “Or were. Whatever.” Nick responded by gently squeezing her hand. “I guess you’re right,” she conceded. “Names aren’t important.”

“A rose by any other name,” Nick added.

“Yeah…” Alexandra agreed, a little surprised that a meathead like Nick knew Shakespeare.

“Anyway, what did you want to ask me?” Nick inquired.

“Oh yeah,” Alexandra said. “Is there a game tonight?”

“Absolutely there is,” Nick said proudly. “And I don’t care if I only get to see three minutes of play. I’m still going to give it my best.”

“I’ll be there,” Alexandra promised. After a few more moments of idle chatter, she finally pulled herself out of bed.

As she pushed open the blinds, she yawed and stretched her arms. Nick looked up at his girlfriend, the bright light of the sun temporarily obscuring his vision. For a few moments, all he could see was her silhouette against the window. What funny tricks the light can play, he thought to himself. Thanks to the shadows of the light, she looks so big.

He rolled over in bed and as Alexandra headed to the bathroom. Within a few moments, he heard a yelp, followed by the clatter of a toothbrush falling on the tile floor. Nick’s first thought was that she must have slipped in the bathroom, and rushed to help. He remembered reading an article that said statistically, the bathroom was the place in the house with the most accidents.

When he got to the open door, though, he discovered that Alexandra had not fallen. On the contrary, she was standing tall – too tall.

“It’s happened again,” she said as she looked into the bathroom mirror. Nick quickly saw what she meant. The changes were far more visible now. Her long hair was shorter, going only to her shoulders instead of halfway down her waist. Her tiny limbs were longer, and carried a lot more heft to them. Her arms and shoulders in particular seemed to have gained muscle definition, and he could see the beginning of six pack abs as well. Her jaw was a little broader and her smallish chest had swelled. Her toothpick frame had become toned end enlarged.

“You too,” she said, looking him up and down. Nick walked through the doorway and gazed into the mirror. The first thing he noticed was that he and Alexandra were now the same exactly height, but there were many other changes as well. His compact, muscular form had vanished, replaced with a thin, lithe frame. He flexed his arms in the mirror and saw his once proud biceps had shrunk to the size of eggs. His shaved head was now covered with very short, wavy hair, and his brows and chin looked a lot less tough.

“All the working out, and this is what happens?” Nick said, feeling flustered and emotional. “This isn’t fair,” he whined. His frustration quickly melted into a burst of anger, and he threw his fist in the direction of the mirror, eager to shatter the image that it gave him.

With a level of quickness that surprised them both, Alexandra grabbed at and caught his arm before it could strike.

“Don’t hurt yourself,” she said. “The important thing is that we’re in this together. Nothing can take that away from us.”

“Yeah,” Nick replied weakly, as doubts crept into his mind.

“Do you still want to go to the game tonight?” Alexandra asked, as she looked at his smaller body. She guessed they were both around five foot eight now. He wasn’t a tiny man, but he wasn’t an athletic one either, not anymore anyway.

“With this body I might not be able to excel,” Nick began, “but I know I have to keep playing. If I don’t go, it’s tantamount abnegating my identity,” he explained.

“Where’d you get such a big vocabulary?” she asked him.

“I…I don’t know,” Nick said, feeling more troubled by the minute.


When Nick arrived on the field, he saw his coach shaking his head.

“Look, Nick, we’ve had this conversation. You didn’t make the team, end of story,” the man said in a tired sounding voice.

“Didn’t make the team?” Nick asked, his own voice going up an octave higher than he was used to. “I was your star player at the start of this year and you remember me not making the team?”

“Ever seen the movie ‘Rudy,’ Nick?” the coach asked. “It’s about a little guy that wants to play football at this school. Watch that movie so I don’t have to keep explaining this to you.”

Nick hung his head low. It pained him to admit it, but he knew the coach was right. He was useless to the team now. All his dreams felt shattered - eviscerated by the cruel ravages of whatever fate was doing to him.

He slowly walked back to the stands. It took him a while to spot Alexandra – she was a bit bigger than his mental image of her.

“Cut from the team?” Alexandra replied.

“I never made the team,” Nick said. “The coach told me to watch a movie about a loser who couldn’t play football.” He sighed and flopped down next to her on the bleachers next to her, staring at his feet during kickoff. “How was your day?”

“Terrible,” she said. “I just found out I have a D in statistics. And nobody knows who I am! Pull out your cell phone,” she said, and he complied. “Now, go through your contacts. Can you find me?” He shook his head.

“Read from the top of the list,” she instructed.

“Abe, Adam, Amelia, Alex, Brian,” he said. “Wait, how did I miss you?”

“You didn’t,” she said coolly.

“What do you mean?” Nick said, scratching his head. “Why aren’t you in my phone?”

“Nick, everyone thinks my name is Alex now,” she replied. “My teachers, my friends, my family. Even your cell phone says I’m Alex.”

“Alex?” Nick asked. “That’s so…so…”

“Masculine?” she finished for him. “Yeah. I wonder why people have thought that’s my name, huh? Let’s just get out of here, ok?”

Nick slumped his shoulders and the two walked back to the car, their hands not interlinked. When they arrived back at their apartment, they were stony faced. Alexandra tried to give Nick a kiss, but he turned away.

“I felt so pathetic today, Alexandra,” he said, bemoaning his plight.

“You can just call me Alex, as long as I’m calling you Nick,” she conceded.

“Alex…you first fell in love with a big, strapping man. An athlete. A man you called your hero. I am none of those things anymore. I don’t want to hold you back,” he said, tears forming in his eyes.

“Are you crazy?” she asked. “Nick, you’re the only person who understands what I’m going through. You’re the only reason I’m not locked up right now. You’re my rock.”

“So that’s it? I’m just the guy who understands you. I’m not a real man to you anymore. And I know you need a man, Alex,” he sobbed. “Don’t deny it.”

“Nick, just because you can’t play football doesn’t mean you aren’t a man,” she said. “It doesn’t mean I have to stop loving you because you’re not buff. I used to be a petite little thing. I’m sure most guys would be intimidated by me now. Are you going to run away because of that?”

“You’ve never stopped being beautiful to me,” Nick confessed.

“Then don’t presume to tell me what I want,” Alex countered. “I want you, Nick,” she said, looking into his eyes.

He collapsed into her arms and started crying on her shoulder. With her strong arms, she gently stroked his back. “I’ll never let you go, Nick,” she promised. “Besides, this is it,” she predicted. “We can’t be hit with anything else. Your dream of football is over, and my mastery of math is history. What else could possibly happen to us now?”

Chapter Four

Two more weeks passed without any change. Many of Nick’s friends were still playing or obsessed with football, and he had begun the painful process of accepting that they no longer idolized him. Similarly, Alex had to let go of the fact that she was no longer an intellectual titan to her circle.

Winter break came, and Alex left for Miami, where her family lived. Nick hugged her as hard as his slender arms could, still worried he might never see her again. He remembered hearing a phrase to describe couples: “The stronger the woman, the stronger the man,” and worried she’d start to long for someone more manly than him.

When Nick arrived, his family was still happy to see him. But the first thing he did was run to the hallway near the entrance to the back porch to check the trophy closet. It was still there – but it was empty.

During the break, Nick and Alex talked a few times, but the conversations were brief. When Nick picked up Alex at the airport in January, both of their faces were sullen, and there was no kiss. Both noticed that now Alex was now slightly taller than Nick. Neither said a word about it.

After arriving at the apartment, they made dinner and ate together in silence. They lay in bed together for hours, without saying a word and without touching each other.

“Why do you think this happened to us?” Alex asked, after finally giving up the ghost of slumber to insomnia.

“I don’t know. Were we too perfect? Too happy? Did fate just want to take us down a notch?” Nick asked.

“The old days were great” Alex agreed. “We did have a nice balance, the two of us. I think we had what everyone wishes for as a little kid.”

“You know, I think I’ve got it,” Nick said. “What’s really making us depressed is that we can remember how it once was. If I never know what my old life was like, I might think what I have now is pretty good.”

“Yeah, I suppose I shouldn’t complain,” Alex conceded. “Feeling like sleeping now?”

“Sure,” he said, and the two drifted into a restless sleep.


Nick dreamt he and Alex were arriving at another football game. He was prepared to run onto the field one last time, but this time he noticed Alex was wearing his football jersey. At first, he felt jealous – how could she steal his spot on the team? But when she started playing – and excelling – he could help but feel admiration for her. The walked arm and arm back to the car, and Nick felt content for what seemed like the first time in eons.

He woke up to find himself wrapped around Alex’s arm. It was still pretty dark. “Good morning…I had a nice dream about you last night,” he said, noticing his voice had become slightly squeaky. He continued to hold onto her arm, which felt surprisingly strong. “I feel like today is going to be a good day.”

“I had a dream about you, too,” she said. “I feel really close to you right now,” Alex added. Her voice sounded more husky and sultry, deeper than Nick remembered. She pulled him closer and as they embraced, Nick felt Alex run her hands through his hair. He smiled at first but the expression vanished when she stopped.

“Nick – your hair. Something has happened. Get up, we have to turn the lights on,” Alex said. Nick didn’t bother. He just ran to the bathroom. He couldn’t wait to see Alex’s face. He had to know what had occurred firsthand.

She was right to notice his hair. It now hung in front of his face, like a brooding poet. He remembered seeing a picture of Oscar Wilde holding his head in his hand, and what his longer hair looked like. But – since when did he know anything about writers, he wondered?

And that wasn’t all he had to wonder about – the sink seemed unusually high to him this morning. Had he shrunk yet again? He didn’t need to wait long for the answer – Alex walked behind him, dwarfing his size. His frame had shrunk too – he could tell he was much thinner and smaller. His features looked more delicate, giving him a slender look.

“Woah,” she said. “I can’t believe this,” she added as she took off her oversized Notre Dame T shirt and revealed her rippling upper body. Her shoulders seemed impossibly wide, her breasts were large and muscular looking, and her stomach was hard and indented, even though she wasn’t flexing. Her thighs were large and solid, and her even her wrists were larger and had little veins popping up. Alex tried flexing her biceps in the mirror, and her large eyes went wide when a massive, chucky bicep leapt forward. As she contracted her arm and shifted her body weight, she could see the muscles in her body leap to attention from all over – her back, her shoulders, and her chest. Little muscles she forgot existed, like the little muscle connecting the lower arm to the torso, seemed to bulge out at the slightest movement.

“You must be a foot taller than me,” Nick said as he gazed up at her. Her hair had become a short, pixie style ‘do, while her dark eyes and brows gave her an intense gaze. As they stared into each other’s eyes, they did not speak. There were no accusations, no recriminations, no lamentations. They simply looked at each other with curiosity in their eyes.

“Are you hungry?” Alex asked after a long while had passed.

“Famished,” Nick said. “But I don’t think we have much food here. We’ve both been at our parent’s for break.”

“Let’s go walk to the store and get some stuff, then,” Alex proposed. “First, though, I’ve got to check something,” she said as she ran back to the bedroom. “Aha, just as I thought,” Alex said as she held up her cell phone.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Your name is Nicky now,” she said, smiling widely.

“Nicky, huh? Well…” he began with a dopey grin on his face. “Why not?”


Nicky and Alex were talking and laughing on the way back with their bags. They were just about to reach the front door of their apartment complex when two men jumped out onto the street in front of them. One had a knife, which he waved in front of them menacingly.

“Wallets and cell phones, now,” he ordered. Alex dropped her grocery bags, and then threw her purse at the man with the knife. He struggled to catch it with one hand, and as he did, she wound up a roundhouse kick to his face. He dropped both the purse and the knife and flew backwards. His partner tried to throw a punch, but Alex caught it and pushed his arm out of the way in one smooth motion. He attempted to step back and get his bearings, and Alex readied her fists for a punch. The man took one look at his bleeding comrade and ran off. His partner was not far behind him.

Alex and Nicky rescued with groceries they could from the street and ran upstairs to their apartment. They were both panting when the finished climbing up the stairs and entered their place.

“That was amazing,” Nicky gushed as he put away the food. “Really, spectacular.”

“It was nothing,” Alex said humbly. “But thanks.”

“I’m serious,” Nicky said as he reached for Alex’s bicep. “You’re so strong,” he said, as he felt the muscle become firm under his fingers. He could feel himself start to harden as well.

“Glad I could be there to protect you,” she said in a low voice, as Nicky massaged her arms.

“My hero,” he whispered. Alex leaned down, wrapped her arms around his narrow frame and squeezed him tightly as she kissed him. It was a hungry, passionate kiss – Alex invaded Nicky’s mouth and made out for all she was worth. It was as if Alex wanted to make up for all the lost kisses over the past few months. Nicky could feel himself tracing his fingers all over her muscular, warm frame. He wanted to drink in every detail of her new body. With little effort, she picked him up and he wrapped his legs around her sinewy waist. She pressed him up against the wall as she ran her fingers through his flowing hair.

“God. you’re a beautiful man,” she said breathlessly.


On Monday, both Alex and Nicky found their class schedules had changed. Alex’s troublesome advanced math classes had vanished completely. Nicky had several classes on literature – and soon discovered he was a top student, and a comparative literature major. He even had a novel he was apparently working on saved to his laptop. He had a new circle of friends – also aspiring writers. When he brought up his relationship, everyone had good things to say about Alex.

“Want to go to a football game? Just for old time’s sake?” Nicky asked Alex at the end of their day, as they met near the parking lot.

“I’ve got a better idea,” Alex replied. “How would you like to attend a basketball game?”

“Sure, though it’s never been my sport,” Nicky answered.

“Well, it’s mine!” Alex exclaimed excitedly. “I’m team captain!”

Alex ended up scoring 31 points, including a hitting a buzzer-beating shot during the final seconds of play. When the game was over, she ran up to Nicky and picked him up excitedly.

“There was a talent scout in the audience – she just spoke with me. When I graduate I’m going to go pro!”

“Congratulations,” he said. “I’m so happy for you,” he added, feeling nothing but joy in his heart. “Do you have new friends now?”

“Yeah, new basketball buddies,” she said.

“Do they think it’s funny you’re with a guy who’s so much shorter?” he asked tentatively.

“One made a joke about it in the locker room. Another said she thought it was adorable and we make the perfect couple,” Alex explained.

“And which opinion did you find to be more persuasive?” Nicky asked.

“What do you think?” she replied as she leaned down to give him a kiss.


A few days before graduation, Nicky took Alex to visit with his family again. Like everyone else, Nicky’s family acted as though nothing had ever changed. At the end of the evening, though, Nicky’s father pulled the cigar on the porch routine. As Nicky walked down the back hall, he spotted the trophy closet. Inside was a certificate from National Novel Writing Month, several poetry awards, and other accolades he had apparently earned from his literary prowess.

Nicky’s father noticed him staring at the awards and put his hand on his son’s shoulder. “No father could be prouder,” he said. “Come outside with me.”

“What’s up, Dad?” Nicky asked, hoping he wouldn’t hear another ‘put the breaks on it’ speech from his father about Alex.

“I know you don’t tell your Dad everything,” he began as he lit up a cigar. “As it should be. You are entitled to your privacy. But I know you well enough to know you’ve had a tough year, even if you didn’t want to explain why.”

“Yeah…” Nicky began, but was cut off.

“I know it can be tempting to think of the end of college as a convenient time to call it quits. But Alex has stuck by you through the thick and thin of whatever you’ve had to go through. And seeing you together today, you look just as in love as you did when you had first met, nearly nine months ago. That’s a real rarity, my boy. Don’t let that slip away.”

“I won’t, Dad,” Nicky said, as a tear made its way down his cheek.

The End

I hope you enjoyed my story Let me know what you think, and let me know if you'd like to read more of my stuff.

Offline NinjaStar

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Re: Story: Graduation Day
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2015, 02:51:00 pm »
What makes or breaks a story for me is unrealistic behavior and unrealized characters. There's usually a huge emphasis on seeing the guy fall and be humiliated and that's it, but this was enjoyable because both characters behave as people really would in such a situation. Nicholas/Nick/Nicky especially overcomes the distress brought about by the change and comes out ahead in a different way rather than exist simply to be punished. Too many stories around here ignore framework in favor of pure fetish. The only thing I really didn't get is why the change occurred in the first place. Usually in these types of stories there's some reason or another why the role reversal happens. Was it test of some sort? Did the fortune teller think they'd be happier this way? Was she pissed that Nicholas didn't have a ticket like Indiana Jones? Perhaps I think too much.

At any rate, truly well written, albeit short, but I suppose that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I'm a weapons-grade skeptic, industrial-strength cynic, a hospital-grade bullshit detector. Logic and reasoning will be used with extreme prejudice. Your feelings are collateral damage.

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: Story: Graduation Day
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2015, 04:55:59 pm »
I think it was a test to see if they were truly meant for each other, I think that the gypsy saw that they were in love but it may have been a superficial love because of their relationship roles, and if they truly loved each other, they would stick together through thick and thin, if their relationship roles changed, could they stick it out, because that's what true love is. And I think, even though I'm not a huge fan of muscle transfer/complete change stories, the way you worked it here was excellent and I enjoyed reading it, for the most part. k+!
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

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Re: Story: Graduation Day
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2015, 01:15:24 pm »
Cool start!  I love to see the role reversal building.  Keep it up!

Offline Gertos

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Re: Story: Graduation Day
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2015, 04:57:35 pm »
This was very sweet, and much more than a cut above the standard fare.


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Re: Story: Graduation Day
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2015, 03:03:10 pm »
Very well written with a cool storyline. Maybe a bit low on details that I personally love to read, but that doesn't make it bad, I enjoyed it, karma +

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