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Author Topic: ★Memorable Author: [Steve the Z] Stories~collected  (Read 17767 times)


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★Memorable Author: [Steve the Z] Stories~collected
« on: March 21, 2015, 09:38:08 pm »

Stories in this collection:


Thoroughly Modernized Julie

by Steve the Z

David and Gina were college students who had been dating about a month when they saw a notice on the bulletin board:
'Students needed for experimental (and SAFE) drug testing program. You will be PAID to participate. Interested parties report to Mackenzie Hall at 2:30 PM Friday.'
"I wonder how much money is involved here." Gina speculated. "I sure could use some extra cash!"
"Yeah, me too." David said. "Let's check it out!"
The next day was Friday, and the couple entered the hall at a little before the appointed time. Following a hand printed sign that said "DRUG PROGRAM VOLUNTEERS" with an arrow underneath it, they found themselves before a desk, behind which sat a young woman with a pretty, elfin face and short, straight black hair, wearing a plain long sleeved white blouse and a modest black pencil skirt. She looked up and, upon seeing David, she smiled, then blushed.
"Uh, can I help you?" she asked.
"We're here about the paid drug testing thing." David said.
"Oh, of course!" she said, standing and going to a door behind her desk. "You're the only, I mean the first ones to show up."
She rapped at the door and at the muffled 'yes?' said. "Peter, there's a couple here about the FMG-22 drug test."
"Send them in!"
She opened the door and ushered David and Gina into the room. Passing the slim girl, David saw she was barely five feet tall, and very petite. He also noticed a baseball cap with a Yankees logo on her desk, half hidden by her computer.
As the girl closed the door behind them, a young man with long black hair and a black beard rose from a lab bench.
"Hello!" he said, shaking their hands. "My name's Peter. I'll be your technician for the program if your vitals deem you satisfactory for testing. My assistant, Bridgette, is the girl you met in the hall outside."
"What sort of 'vitals'?" David asked, as he and Gina looked around the room, which looked like a doctor's examination office, but with a bit more equipment than would seem normal.
"Oh, the usual." Peter said. "Pulse, blood pressure, weight, height, that sort of thing. Nothing invasive, don’t worry about that! And no needles involved, in case you're squeamish about that."
"I am." David said, while at the same time Gina said, "I'm not."
"Well, no matter!" Peter said. "I can take your stats now, if you'd like."
"You two seem healthy enough." Peter said ten minutes later after using his stethoscope, tongue depressor, pulse rate device and other measuring equipment on them, besides jotting down their weight. "I think you'll be OK for the drug."
"What sort of drug is it? David asked as Peter took a couple of cellophane wrapped pills from a drawer and handed one to each of them.
"It's sort of an advanced pep pill we're experimenting with before its release to the general public." he answered as Gina and David each took one of the small pink pills and washed them down with a Dixie cup of water.
"Pep pill eh?" David said. "Sounds good to me."
"Yeah, me too." Gina said, giggling "I guess I could use a little more pep!"
"Can't we all!" Peter replied. Oh, by the way, here's your gratuity for helping us out." He handed each of them a hundred dollar bill, to their delighted surprise. "I'd like you to report back in a week so we can review the drug's effects, if any. Then I'll do another determination and decide whether to continue with the program. Does that sound satisfactory to each of you?"
"Sure thing!" they said.
"I'll see both of you next Friday then." Peter said as he let them out.
Bridgette, still at her desk, looked up as they left the examination room.
"Everything go all right?" she asked, her face lighting up again at the sight of David.
"Perfect!" he said as Gina nodded. "Yankees fan?" he asked, indicating her cap with a jut of his chin.
"Oh, I just love baseball!" Bridgette said. "I'd join the college women's team, but they said I'm too short! I don't think that's very fair!"
"No, it's not!" David agreed. "Well, we'll see you next week, Bridgette!"
"That was easy!" Gina said as they walked down the corridor to the front entrance.
"Yeah, easiest hundred bucks I ever made!" David said.
"I think that little girl's got a crush on you." Gina said.
"What? No way! Besides, I've already got a girl!" David said, putting his arm around her waist.
David held the door for Gina, then, following her outside, started walking down the steps to the concourse. He stopped three steps down, watching in surprise as Gina practically danced down them.
"Whoa! What's gotten into you?" he asked.
"I don't know, suddenly I just feel like running and jumping!" she said, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. "I feel full of energy, don't you?"
"Uh, no." he said.
"Want to take a few laps around the stadium track with me?" she asked.
"What's gotten into you Gina? I thought we were going to my place to study, and fool around!" he said.
"Yeah sure. But I want to run around the track first! Come on!"
"Nah." he said. "I think I'll go back to my place and watch some TV. You go ahead though. I'll be waiting for you!"
"OK! Your loss, baby! Catch you later!"
David watched Gina trot away with a puzzled expression on his face.
"Can't work that fast!" he mumbled. "Must be some other explanation."
During the course of the next week, Gina ran the track every day, played basketball and volleyball after and even in between classes, joined a gym, and jogged five miles every day before David even got out of bed.
David, in the meantime, spent most of his evenings slumped in front of the tube or playing video games on his cell phone.
"Come on over and let's play Halo or something!" he begged her over the phone Monday, sprawled on the couch with his controller in one hand and his cell in the other.
"Halo!?" Gina said. "That's so lame, David! Why don't we do some push-ups or sit-ups at the gym instead?"
"Now THAT'S lame!" he retorted. "Come on over later and I'll show you my new high score!"
But she never did show up, and he barely saw her during the course of the week. She met him one time for lunch between classes, on Wednesday.
David was sitting in a booth, eating a greasy burger, when Gina walked into the small eatery that mainly catered to the students. She was wearing a thin white nylon jacket over a pink sports-bra and black running tights with white Nike sneakers.
"David, you need a shave!" she said.
Startled, he looked up at her shining eyes and healthy, tanned face.
Rubbing his bristly jaw, he said. "Yeah, I guess. Sit down. Where've you been all week?"
"Right here!" she said. "At the gym, the pool; I'm thinking about taking swimming lessons or maybe joining the girl's swim team, at the track, playing some B-ball, you know! You should come and play with me sometime!"
"Sure, I will!" he promised.
But he didn't, and he didn't see Gina again until Friday…
…where they met at the foot of Mackenzie Hall's steps.
David was sitting on the bottom step, slouched over, wearing a dirty t-shirt, still unshaven, when he heard a voice call his name.
"David! Are you ill?" Gina said, bending down to see him better.
Startled, he raised his head, to peer blearily into her clear blue eyes.
"Oh, hi Gina." he said. "What's up?"
She frowned at his baggy jeans, dirty t-shirt and the beginning of a pot belly underneath it. His scuffed sneakers looked as if they had been dragged along cement for a month. In contrast, she was fresh and clean in a new pair of tight jeans and her own pale blue t-shirt, clinging nicely to her torso, and the contours of some toned muscles David has never noticed before.
"Let's get you inside." she said, helping him to his feet. He was surprised at the ease with which she pulled him up; where was the skinny little girl he had been going out with for the last month or so?
Holding his arm, Gina shouldered the door open and led him to Bridgette's desk. Her eyes widened in concern when she saw David's pale face.
"Oh my!" she said, rising and opening the exam room's door. "I think you better go in right away!"
Peter was also very concerned about David's wan appearance. He made him sit on the paper coated exam table while he quickly, but efficiently, took his vitals.
He then told David to lay on his back and rest while he examined Gina.
"Interesting." he said when he was finished, reading through his notes.
"What's interesting?" Gina asked.
"A number of things. For instance, you seem to have grown an inch taller while your friend here…"
"Boyfriend, I'm her boyfriend." David interjected.
"Ah, yes, your boyfriend seems to be just a tad shorter, although I think it's mainly due to his stooped posture. He can't seem to stand up completely straight. You've also each seemed to have gained some weight. Three pounds for David and ten for Gina!"
"Nonsense!" said David, patting his little round belly.
"Really?" said Gina, her slender hand going to her taut stomach, and the faint abs that had arisen there in the last week.
"Our scales are precise." the tech assured them. "However, to get back to the point, I don't think David should continue the program, It seems to be having a deleterious effect on him."
"But – I need the money!" David protested. "I was counting on it!"
"There is one thing…" Peter said.
"Yes?" Gina said.
"There are two versions of the pill. Each of you was given a different one. If I gave you the opposite pills this time, chances are David's condition will improve and he'll return to his normal self, but I'm afraid what the other pill might do to you, Gina."
"I'll take the other pill!" David said. "That explains how I feel!" He absently rubbed his stubbled jaw. "You gave me a bum pill!"
"For David's sake I'll try the opposite pill." Gina said with a sigh.
"They're not strictly speaking 'opposite' pills." Peter said, handing them each another cellophane wrapped packet. "Merely slight variations of the same drug."
"I'll see you both next week then." he continued, after they had washed the pink pills down. "And call me if anything unusual happens, please!"
"We will!" Gina assured him.
They opened the door, and Bridgette hastily pulled away.
"Oh!" she said, "I was just going to knock! Is everything ok?" She was looking worriedly at David.
"I hope so." Gina said. "We got a different dose or something this time. So David should be feeling better soon!"
"Oh, I hope so!" Bridgette said, reaching out to touch David's shoulder, but pulling her hand back before making contact.
"I hope so!" she repeated in a whisper as they walked away.


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Re: Story - Pillzz
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2015, 09:38:53 pm »

Gina's tread was light on the steps as David, still supported by her hand on his arm, tramped heavy footed beside her. But by the time they reached the bottom, he had actually straightened up a bit and wasn't breathing so hard.
Hands on hips, Gina looked him up and down.
"You don't look so hot." she said. "But you do seem a little better now."
"Yeah, I DO feel a little better." he admitted. "That Peter slipped me a bum pill last week, that's all! I'll be fine now."
"And now I got the 'bum pill'." she reminded him.
"Oh yeah, you feeling okay?" he asked.
"Yes, I feel good. At least so far." She shrugged and twisted this way and that.
David looked at her closely. Had her t-shirt been riding that high above her waist? He was sure he would have noticed the two inches of skin showing between her belt and the bottom of her shirt before, even in his slightly worn out condition. And where the heck had all those muscular bumps and ridges on her waist come from?
"Want me to walk you home?" she asked.
For some reason he took offense at her concerned tone.
"I'm not a sick puppy!" he said. "I can make it there myself!"
She held her hands up. "All right already! Just asking!"
"I'll, uh, see you later." he said, moving away.
"Call me!" she said, but he didn't answer.
Maybe he didn't hear me, Gina thought.
Even though worried about David, Gina couldn't relax her athletic proclivities. Different pill or not, she felt no diminution at all physically; in fact, the opposite seemed to be true. She signed up for swimming lessons at the college gym on Saturday. The instructor was mystified at her swift progress, and even more so when she had to change from a SMALL size Speedo competitive swimsuit to a MEDIUM in only three days, due to an increase in her shoulder and chest width and depth. She also learned very quickly and was soon outdistancing even the most experienced swimmers as she did lap upon lap around the pool.
One day, while practicing, she was standing next to one of the male swimmers. To her surprise, she saw that her shoulders, now much broader and packed with noticeable muscularity, were bigger than his, and this guy was the college's best male swimmer.
Before he could notice her, she jumped into the pool.
In her dorm room that day, she found that none of her sleeved tops or blouses would fit her comfortably.
"Darn!" she said, holding her favorite top up and trying unsuccessfully to stretch it as wide as her shoulders. "This cost over thirty dollars!"
Wearing sports bras, sleeveless tops or tank tops drew many admiring glances in the hallways as she went to and from classes. She also realized that she was now as tall as, and in many cases, taller than all the boys in her classes.
She didn't hear much from David, even though he was her boyfriend. The few times she called him to try and convince him to go out, he mumbled some excuse or other about being too busy, but he did agree to meet her at Mackenzie on Friday, although he seemed reluctant to do so. So she just shrugged her broad shoulders and did her own thing without him.
"Well, I tried!" she said to herself.
2:30 Friday afternoon found Gina at the foot of the steps to Mackenzie Hall. She was wearing a beige tank top and cut-off denim shorts. All her slacks and pants looked funny now, the cuffs dangling so far above her ankles, so in the meantime shorts seemed her only option. And she was getting used to the stares and wolf whistles engendered by her
long, deeply tanned, sturdy legs. In fact, she kind of liked it and even encouraged it by wearing the tightest and briefest shorts from her limited wardrobe.
David appeared around the corner, and stopped dead in front of Gina. Literally and figuratively, his jaw dropped at the sight of her.
Gina spoke first, since David's vocal cords seemed momentarily frozen. "Oh my god, Dave! What happened to you? Are you sick??!!"
"N-no, I'm fine." he managed to mumble. However, he didn't look fine He was as white as a ghost and looked much thinner than before. He had lost his paunchiness though, and now was approaching rail thinness. He looked like a bean stalk next to a telephone poll compared to Gina. "But you! You look great! What happened to your shoulders! They're so broad!"
"Oh, well, I took some swimming lessons." Gina said awkwardly, suddenly aware of the contrast between her and David, and not wanting him to feel intimidated. She put her hands behind her back to minimize the impact, but only succeeded in calling even more attention to her shoulders and chest. She cursed herself mentally for not putting a bra on. Her breasts were so firm lately she hardly ever felt the need for one anymore.
"Swimming." he said somewhat lamely, unable to stop staring at her, his gaze moving from her left to her right shoulder.
Gina cleared her throat. "Uhm, yeah, good for the delts, you know." she said glibly with a sheepish smile.
"Yeah, VERY good for the delts!" David said.
Gina broke the sudden silence. "Come on, let's get inside." She put one foot on the bottom step, her calf instantly flexing, as David also raised his foot to the same step. His eyes rolled up when he saw how skinny and pale his calf (he wore a pair of old cargo shorts) looked next to Gina's.
"After only one week!" he sub vocalized.
"What did you say David?" Gina asked as they marched up the steps.
"Oh nothing." he said. "Nothing at all."
Bridgette was reading the back of a paper, on the front of which was printed 'COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASEBALL APPLICATION FORM'. This time she dropped the paper, rushed around her desk and, throwing caution to the wind, grabbed one of David's arms and looked up with deep worry into his haggard face. He was almost as skinny as she was.
"This has to stop!" she said. "David, please don't let Peter give you any more of those nasty pills! Look what they're doing to you!"
"I agree!" Gina said. "Let's go see Peter immediately!"
Bridgette didn't bother to knock. She opened the door and called, "Peter! David and Gina are here! You better see them right away!"
Peter was shocked by both of their appearances. The first thing he did was find a chair for David.
"Whoa!" he said, "Sit down, man, you look like you're going to fall over! I think we better discontinue the testing on you right away! Something's definitely not right here."
"I thought you said you reversed the pills last time." Gina said, hands on hips and staring fixedly at him.
"I did!" He shook his head. "This shouldn't have happened. There are only two versions of the experimental drug, and you've each had an equal amount of them." He stared at Gina for a moment. "Obviously, you're thriving on them, but your friend here is having an abject reaction. I don't like this at all!"
"But I need the money!" David protested. "And I'm better than I was last time. Give me a pill!"
"I simply cannot." the tech said, emphatically shaking his head NO.
"I have to have that money." David said feebly, "I owe a payment, and I can't get out of it."
"For what?" Gina asked in exasperation.
He shook his head. "I can't tell you, sorry." He looked at them both pleadingly.
"How about I take both of the pills." Gina said, and you give us each the hundred dollars? Would that be ok?"
"God, I don't know." Peter said. "It wouldn't be ethical. On the other hand, from what I see, they aren't harming you in the least. And I simply can't give David another, it might…"
"Kill him?" Gina said softly.
"I didn't say that!" Peter said. "Let me think."
After a moment, he made a decision. "Tell you what, let me take the usual tests on both of you while I make up my mind."
"Amazing." he said ten minutes later. "David's lost five pounds, Gina's gained FIFTEEN more pounds and also grown two inches taller!"
"You're kidding!" she said when informed of this. "You mean I'm five feet, seven inches tall now?"
"I thought you looked taller!" David said. "But I wasn't sure."
"You've gained three inches in height since we begin this program." the tech assured her.
"Cool!" she said. "I'm only three inches shorter than David! And no wonder all my slacks are too short! Now Peter, what about those two pills?"
When they left, Bridgette asked what the deal was. Gina explained.
"You mean he gave you BOTH pills?" she said. "Are you going to take them? Aren't you afraid of what might happen?"
"Nothing bad, I hope!" Gina said, since I swallowed them in there." She jerked her thumb towards the examination room, making her bicep pop, and Bridgette's brows rise in surprise.
"Oh…" she said, in a tiny voice. "Well, good luck then. And you too David! Please take care of yourself!"
David finally realized that Bridgette had a small crush on him. He looked into her earnest green eyes and thought it wasn't such a bad thing.
"I will." he said. "I guess we'll see you next Friday then. Peter insists on it, and then I can see you again and see if you joined the baseball team!"
"I still don't think they'll have me." she said disconsolately. "But I'll try one more time - and stand on my toes!"
"Thanks for doing this for me, Gina." David said as they left the building. "I really do need the money. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I bought a bunch of video games from, let's say a bad person. And if I don’t pay him I'll be in big trouble."
"Anything I can help with?" she asked.
"Oh no! The hundred will pay him off and that's that! No more black market games for me!"
"I know this sounds crazy, but your game habit may have been a weird side effect the pills had on you!" Gina said. "I hope now you'll start to feel better since you're off of them!"
"Yeah, me too! How about you? Do you feel all right after talking two pills this time? That was sort of a daring thing to do!"
Gina mentally took a tally of herself. "Yeah, I feel fine. I wonder why they affect you one way and me another? It doesn't make any sense! And I hope you're right and it's daring and not dumb of me!"
"I know." he said, referring to the effects. "It's like you said - weird!"
"Well, if you need anything, you call me, you hear!" she said, tilting her head up a bit and giving him a peck on the cheek, something she'd have had to stand on her toes to do a couple of weeks ago.
"I will!" he said, his cheek pleasantly warm from her lips. "I think I feel better already!"
"Great!" Gina said, as they parted. Neither of them noticed her shorts had become a bit tighter, her butt a bit rounder, and that she had already grown another inch taller.
David did feel better during the course of the next week. His posture improved, and he actually started eating some fruits and vegetables. He was secretly glad he didn't have to take the pills anymore, but thought he better start looking for a job now since he was afraid of trying them again, even for a hundred bucks.
Gina, meanwhile, joined the college rowing team. During the first practice session, her biceps grew two inches larger, her back and lat muscles began to ripple with new strength, and her triceps, glutes and abs all responded favorably to her new exertions. After several days, the team captain couldn't believe the changes that had occurred in her body.
"If I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, I'd never have believed it possible!" he said as he stared at the five foot, ten inch tall Gina, now sporting about ten more pounds of strategically placed muscle. "It's simply unheard of to gain that much muscle-tone in so short a time!"
"I can't explain it either!" Gina said, flexing one of her twelve inch biceps. "But here's the proof! Seeing is believing!"
The captain just shook his head in mute wonder.
David tried to make a couple of dates with Gina, but she always said she was just too busy with all her new activities and studies. Secretly, although she still liked David as a friend, the thought of his, to her mind, skinny little male body, did nothing to excite her. As she talked to him on the phone, wearing a tiny pair of gray cotton shorts, her long muscular legs stretched out on the couch, she idly flexed her arm, watching the bicep swell to thirteen inches, over and over, pleased as punch at the way it looked. Her own arm excited her. She shook her head at her own foolishness, made another excuse to David, and decided to take a shower and soap up her muscles while the hot water ran over her.
Friday inevitably rolled around again. It was now the fourth time David and Gina met at the bottom of Mackenzie Hall's steps. He wasn't even surprised that she was now as tall as him, her tight stretch-jeans failing to hide the newly developed muscles of her thighs and calves but in fact emphasizing them. This time she wore a top with sleeves that covered half of her shoulders, which were considerably wider than they had been a week ago, definitely packed with more muscle. They looked about to burst through the taut material stretched around them at any second.
Noticing his stare, Gina somewhat self consciously cleared her throat before saying, "Well, I figure if you've got it you might as well flaunt it!"
"You've certainly got it!" David said, "And then some! You look great Gina!"
"You don’t look so bad yourself, big boy." she said, smiling.
Indeed, David looked much better, almost back to his old self. His paleness had been replaced by a much healthier looking skin tone, and his shaven face was clear of the acne he had exhibited last time (and everyone discretely avoided mentioning) while his eyes were clear and focused.
"I do feel better." he admitted. "And I think I'm the one who should be calling you 'big girl'! You've added so much muscle I can hardly believe it!"
"I've been hearing that a lot lately." she admitted.
"I've no doubt as to that!" he said emphatically.
"Well, shall we go in?" she said, offering David her arm, which was clearly more muscular than his. He took it, and arm in arm they entered the building.
Bridgette was simply flabbergasted at the site of Gina.
"I – I can't believe it!" she said.
Smiling somewhat uncomfortably, Gina nodded. "Me either, sometimes!" she said.
"And David!" Bridgette said. "You look like yourself again! I'm so glad for you!"
"Thanks Bridgette!" David said. "I feel much better. Those pills aren't for me, that's for sure!"
"What's all the noise out here?" Peter said, opening the door to his exam room, gasping a the sight of Gina.
"I was prepared for something like this." he said. "But it's still kind of overwhelming! Absolutely amazing! Come in, come in!"
"Absolutely amazing!" he said again after he had closed the door and turned back to her.
"You think?" Gina said, half amused and half embarrassed by his reaction.
"I never thought the drug would be so effective!" he said. "Vitals! Yes, I must take your vitals!"
He proceeded to first take David's blood pressure, then put the cuff around Gina's arm. Or tried to. Frowning, he took it off and then took another cuff from a drawer.
"Sorry." he said. That bladder was too small for your arm, I had to go up a size."
"Oh really?" Gina said as he squeezed the bulb to expand the cuff.
"Uh, yeah, this cuff is usually used on bigger arms, like bodybuilders."
"Wow." Gina said. "I didn't know my arm had gotten that big!"
"Well, it has!" he said, removing the cuff from her bulging bicep. "It has!"
He then confirmed her height at five feet, ten inches and another weight gain, this time eighteen pounds.
"And it all seems to be solid muscle!" he said.
"I do feel a lot stronger." Gina said. "And I admit I like it!"
"What about the pills this time?" David interrupted, miffed at the fact the blood pressure cuff had actually felt a bit loose on his arm. "How are we going to do that now?"
"I anticipated your question." the tech said, talking two more cellophane wrapped pills from the drawer. "This one, with the number '1' on it, is a less potent, or if you will, a watered down version of the pill." He handed it to David. "And this one…" which he handed to Gina. "Is the original pill you took the first day you came here. We'll still give each of one hundred dollars to take them, and hope the side effects won't be harmful to David with the less effective version."
"Sounds ok to me." Gina said. "But what about you David? I thought you said you were through with the pills!"
"I thought so too, but, I haven't found a good part time job yet, so I sure could use the money. How watered down is this thing?"
"Very." David answered. "Less than ten percent of the actual drug is in the pill. The rest is simply placebo, in this case, sugar. I did this so I could keep Gina on the program. Her changes are just too fascinating to stop the testing now. Your system, now that it's back to normal, should just reject the drug completely, so it will be ineffective on you. That's what my computer calculations show anyway."
"What does your computer say about me?" Gina asked, taking her pill from Peter.
He laughed, a little nervously. "Insufficient information. What else?"
David swallowed his placebo while Gina also took her pink pill, Peter watching with more than just scientific curiosity.
"I'll admit." he said. "I'm highly anticipating next week's check!"
"I hope I don’t disappoint you!" Gina said with a laugh.
Bridgette walked with them to the entrance.
"If you need anything, call me." she told David, handing him a slip of paper. "This is my phone number. Especially if you start getting a bad reaction again. Ok?"
"I will!" he said. "Maybe I'll call you even if I don't get a bad reaction!"
"That would be nice too." she said.
"Are you going to ask her out already?" Gina said when they were outside.
"Yeah, probably." he said. "As soon as I get a job so I can afford to take her someplace nice."
"I think she'd just be happy to go to a ball game with you, David. And that's free for students!"
"Yeah, maybe. That's not a bad idea!"
"Well, I have to go study. Big test Monday. I'll see you around!"
Monday, after acing her calculus test (were the pills also making her smarter?), Gina joined the bowling class, after seeing a notice on the Quad bulletin board asking for a substitute bowler. On bowling night, she wore a vertically ribbed open necked bowling shirt and a short black skirt. The sporting goods store carried two styles of skirt; one for running and one for cycling. The cycling skirt was pretty short, and her legs were pretty long (she was now five-eleven), so she shrugged her massive shoulders and bought it.
Picking through the bowling balls at the alley, she found most of them ridiculously light. Finally, she found the 16 pound balls, and even though they also seemed light, heavier balls were not allowed, so she took one of those. She had only bowled one frame when the team captain took her aside, explaining that he had to let her go, none of the other bowlers could concentrate with her bowling, all they could do was stare at her amazingly muscular legs. He discreetly didn't mention they were also staring at her top, which was straining across her formidable chest.
"Are you kidding me?" she asked, staring down at him, for he was only five feet, nine inches tall.
"No, sorry Gina!" he stammered, turning red. "We need to win this game, and I can't have all my guys throwing gutter balls, including me, every time you cross your legs!"
"Well, darn it, all right, I guess!"
So she picked her ball out of the rotunda, deliberately bending down more than necessary, bounced it up and down on her palm a few times, making her thirteen inch bicep stretch her short sleeve in a most fascinating manner, and carried it back to the rack, her little skirt flouncing around her hips, her long legs the main attraction of every male eye in the alley, secretly pleased at the sound of one bowling ball after another falling into the gutter as she moved past the bowlers. Tossing the ball easily on the rack, she went home and looked through the college sports offerings brochure.
The next day she joined a weight lifting class.
David had meanwhile taken Gina's advice and took Bridgette to a ball game. The college's girl's team, The Bluebirds, were playing.
"So you really like baseball, huh?" he asked her when they were sitting in the stands.
"Ever since I was a little girl!" she said. "My dad wanted a boy and so he bought me a glove for my tenth birthday and, you know, it's a typical story. I just wish I could play on the team! They won't even let me be shortstop!"
"Hmm, we'll have to do something about that." he murmured.
"What can you do? I've applied twice and been rejected both times."
"Not sure yet." he said. "But I've got an idea."
It was Friday once again, and David was waiting for Gina at the foot of the steps. He had already gone inside and said hello to Bridgette, telling her he'd come back in with Gina when she got there. Bridgette said that Peter was eagerly waiting to see them.
David had faired well with the lesser dosage pill, and thought he looked pretty good today. He had even done ten push ups that morning.
Then Gina came around the corner.
David's mouth dropped open (again).
She was wearing a pair of very faded, very tight, very low cut at the waist and very high cut at the hips, denim shorts she had personally ripped the legs off of, a task made easy by using her strong grip and fifteen inch, engorged with muscle, biceps, the bottoms of the pockets laying atop her massive thighs. Her long, tanned legs were all mind-blowing muscle, longer now by two inches than the previous Friday. The black racer-back crop top she wore was short, displaying her rock hard abs and corded obliques. The top was stretched like a drumskin across her lats, which flared out even with her arms swaying at her sides as she walked. From her miniscule waist up her upper body swelled into a monstrous 'V' of muscle, the like of which he had never seen before. Fifteen inch biceps and thickly muscled forearms made her look strong enough to uproot a tree, further confirmation of this fact being her Herculean chest, the striations of her pecs thicker than the width of both David's thumbs side by side.
"Better close that, or a fly might get in." Gina said, smiling as she looked down at David, who at five-ten was now two inches shorter than her.
Putting her hands on her hips she announced. "I started weight training in the gym. Can you tell?"
David stammered something unintelligible.
"That's what all the guys at the gym say!" she said, laughing, and then, putting her hands behind her head, she twisted her torso left and right, her muscles dancing, biceps as big as softballs, laughing even harder at David's utterly flabbergasted expression of amazement.
"I put on so much muscle none of my clothes would fit me anymore! I even outgrew my comfy baggy sweatshirt. It split open right across my back! See?"
She turned around so he could see the rippling, humungous muscles adorning her back, and her muscle-bound glutes, which the almost non-existent back of her shorts revealed in all their glory. Then she spread her lats, and he fell back, gasping.
"Sorry." Gina said, turning back to face him. "I didn't mean to give you a heart attack or anything!" She took his elbow to steady him, and helped David climb the steps. "Don't worry, you'll get your voice back in a little while. I always seem to have this effect on guys now! Good thing I'm enjoying it! I guess the only bad part is you all seem so fragile. It's quite amazing how a bit of muscle can change a gal's outlook!"
"A little muscle!" David gasped. "Gina, you're huge!"
"But in a good way, right?" she said, holding the door open for him.
David stopped just past the entranceway, tried to say something, cleared his throat, tried again.
"Gina, can I ask you something?" he said, his face turning red.
"Sure, what?"
Can I, I mean could I…feel your bicep…please?"
She laughed loudly.
"Of course! No need to be embarrassed Davie! I like when people ask me if they can touch or squeeze my muscles!"
She obligingly flexed her left arm for him, bending down a bit so it was right in front of his eyes. He placed his hand on the hard bulge and gave a tentative squeeze.
"Grab it as hard as you like." she said. "It won't break!"
"It's like iron!" he said.
"Yeah, it is pretty hard." she admitted. "Only fifteen inches though. But three inches bigger than last week! I hope I can put another three on it this week. Then it'll be eighteen inches! Won't that be neat?!"
"Yeah…neat." he said, very reluctantly removing his hand.
Bridgette was dumbstruck. David looked like a little boy next to Gina. Wordlessly, she waved them towards the examination room's door.
Gina tap tapped, and then opened the door, letting David go in ahead of her.
It was a good thing Peter was sitting down when they entered. Even so, he almost fell off his stool.
A grinning Gina said as she did a double biceps pose for him. "Look what your little pills did to me! Was this supposed to happen?"
Patting him on the back to relieve his sudden coughing fit Gina said contritely. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you like that! It's ok, I LOVE the way I look! Are you all right?"
"Y-yes, yes…" he said. "It's just that, my god, you're magnificent! I can't believe it. I thought you'd be a little more muscular than last week, but this is unprecedented! The pills are definitely effective. In fact, too effective. We'll have to go back to the drawing board on them! Imagine what would happen if they were released to the general public as they are now!"
"Hmm, depending on who was willing to take them, it might be a different world." Gina said.
"Right, I can't even think about that at the moment!" Peter replied. "My hands are full with just the two of you." Absently, he picked up the blood pressure cuff, then shook his head and put it back down.
"Do they make one big enough for me?" Gina asked teasingly.
"Actually, they do." he said. "But I'd have to special order it. And if it came by next week it might still be too small!"
"Does that mean you're going to continue the pill program with me?" Gina asked, surprised.
"If you're willing to chance it, I'd like to do give you one more."
"What about me?" David asked.
"Sorry, David, I've been neglecting you!" Peter said.
"It's ok. I completely understand!" he said, looking at Gina.
"Let me do what tests I can on both of you first." David said. "And then we'll discuss our options."
He confirmed first that David was in much better shape now. All his vitals were normal or even better than average, and he seemed to have suffered no lingering bad effects from his former bad reactions to the pills.
Gina's story was a little different.
"From what I can tell, you're as strong as an ox!" David told her. "You're heart is sound, you've gained an astonishing thirty five pounds of muscle, and believe me it shows! Making the total you've gained so far at eighty eight pounds!"
"Wow! You mean I weigh one hundred and ninety eight pounds?" she asked.
"I only weigh one sixty!" David said in a whisper.
"Poor David!" Gina said with real sympathy. "I wish the pills worked on you too! Then you'd be big and strong like me!"
Peter cleared his throat. "As I was saying, options. This is what I'd like to do. One more pill for Gina. Of course David is no longer on the program. So I can only offer a hundred dollars to you, Gina."
David looked crestfallen.
"Still no job?" Gina asked.
"That's ok, Give the money to David. My gym instructor set me up with a guy at another gym, who's going to take some pics of me and blow them up as posters to put on the walls of HIS gym for inspiration. So I really don't need the money."
"Wow." David said.
"No word of the pills to anyone you guys." David said. Then he snapped his fingers. "Bridgette! I'll have to make sure she doesn't say anything too!"
He went to the door, opened it, and said, "Bridgette? Could you come in here please?"
A glum looking Bridgette came into the room.
"Yes Peter?" she asked. "What is it?"
"Why so sad?" David asked.
"What? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you with my problems. The team rejected my application again, that's all."
"Oh, that's terrible." David said. "And it's not fair either!"
"What can you do? Rules are rules, I guess." she said.
"Well, I'm sorry about that too Bridgette." Peter said. "But I have an important matter to discuss with you."
"Yes?" she said.
He explained the necessity of keeping David and Gina's recent activities regarding the experimental pills a secret, and also informed her he was giving Gina one more pill.
"Do you think that's safe?" she asked, looking wide eyed at Gina. "She's already so, so, well, you know!"
"I do believe it's perfectly safe, Bridgette." Peter assured her. "Otherwise I wouldn't be doing this."
"Well, you’re the scientist!" she said.
Peter gave a pink pill to Gina and a green bill to David. Gina put the pill in her mouth and David put the bill in his wallet.
"Better find that job soon." Peter told him. "That's the last of the money."
"Thank you Peter." Gina said, holding out her hand. "For all you've done for me!"
"You're very welcome!" he said, grimacing as her iron grip crushed his fingers together. "This research will be invaluable. And don't forget to report back here next week!"
"Don't worry." Gina said. "We'll be here!"
Bridgette started to accompany them out the door, but Peter called her back. "I need to talk to you about something else." he said.
"Oh, ok." She turned to David. "See you later David!"


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Re: Story - Pillzz
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2015, 09:39:26 pm »

After they left, Peter asked. "What was the main reason the baseball team turned you down, Bridgette?"
"What? Why do you want to know that?"
"Humor me, ok?"
"Well, I'm too short, not the right 'type', whatever that means! It just makes me so mad! I love baseball so much!"
"Yes, I can tell!"
Peter opened the drawer where he kept the 'pep' pills.
"Bridgette, I have a proposition for you." he said.
"I hope taking another pill was a good idea!" David said as he and Gina walked away from the hall and unto the campus quadrangle, drawing stares and gasps from every student that spotted them. "I wonder if there's a limit to their effectiveness."
"I don't know!" she said. "But I admit I'm curious to see what'll happen now!"
"From what's happened so far." he said, giving her a sideways glance, tilting his head back to look up at her. "You might become a giant!"
"You mean a giantess." she corrected him. "I sure don't want to be ten feet tall!"
"Yeah, I guess that would be kind of inconvenient."
"I'd be a freak! I like the height I am now!"
"Me too." David admitted. "You look great!"
"I love being so tall!" she admitted. "I'm taller than any guy I ever dated. I guess that aspect of my life's gonna' change some. Most guys don't like taller girls."
"I do!" David said.
"Oh gee, Davy, I mean David, don't take this personally, and I know it sounds condescending, but I think I've outgrown you. I'm so sorry!"
"Well, that's all right. I came to that conclusion a couple of weeks ago."
"No wonder I fell for you, you're a sweet guy David. And I think you and Bridgette are better suited for each other than you and I were. And I'm not saying that just because I'm taller than you or stronger; it's other things as well. I just don't think our interests coincide like they used to, you know?"
"I know." he sighed.
"We’ll still be friends, won't we?" Gina asked earnestly, stopping and looking down at him.
"Of course!" he said. "I don't want that to change!"
"And if you ever need a ketchup bottle opened, you just call me!" she said.
"You can count on it!"
"Let's meet right here next Friday!" Gina said.
"Ok, I'll be sitting on this bench, waiting for you."
They went their separate ways once again.
The next morning found Gina eager to begin another venture. She had already tired of swimming, rowing and bowling. She wanted to lift some weights at the gym, but she'd do that later, maybe tomorrow. She pulled on a pair of dark green leggings, which came up to mid-calf and did nothing at all to hide the muscles adorning her legs, then, just to show off, she donned a white t-shirt, a men's size XX Large. Her shoulders and chest were so big the shirt was practically skin-tight on her, and would have been loose at her small waist, but was pulled up so much by her chest her whole midriff was bared.
"I could crack walnuts on these!" she said, feeling the bumps and ridges of her abs with her fingers. "I think they got bigger overnight!"
Just for kicks she found a tape measure and managed to measure one of her biceps single handedly.
"Holy crap!" she said. "I did grow overnight! It's sixteen inches!"
She clenched her fist and watched the muscles bunch up in her arm, tautening the skin around them as they writhed and flexed.
"I think my forearm alone is bigger than poor little David's bicep or maybe even both of his biceps added together! I know it sounds narcissistic, but I am freakin' awesome!"
She wore no bra. On a lark, she had tried to put on one of her old ones, and was surprised, but not unpleasantly so, when the distance between the ends of the straps spanned more than ten inches. Her formerly trim chest measurement of thirty two inches had been augmented to more than forty four inches by the growth of her thick pectoral muscles. Her breasts were thrust outward atop them, high and proud, and her nipples were doing their best to poke through the thin fabric of her shirt.
"I know they're gonna' stare." she said. "but if you've got it, might as well flaunt it!"
She went to her first class, eliciting stares of wonder and/or admiration from everyone she encountered. When she entered the classroom, three things immediately became apparent; she was easily the tallest, most muscular and best looking person there.
"Ms. Armstrong!" the teacher gasped. "Whatever in the world! I mean, is it a special effect? Are you filming a movie here? You can't possibly have changed so much in the last few weeks! Where's the camera?"
Gina couldn't help it, looking at all the stunned faces surrounding her. She giggled, put her books down on a nearby desk, and wowed her audience with a double biceps pose, unaware another inch had already been added to her now seventeen inch guns.
"What? These little muscles?" she said. "Of course it's a computer generated effect! Not!"
Every class that day was going to be the same, she soon found out, and she became tired of being the center of attention after trying to sit through her third one. No one could concentrate on anything except her.
This is ridiculous, she thought, as she let the nineteenth or twentieth guy feel her bicep as she flexed it for him. A number of girls had also highly enjoyed this experience. Gina had grown tired of being so popular and decided to check the gym out. If it was too crowded, she'd just go to her dorm room and study.
To her relief, at this hour of the day the gym was deserted. She went to her locker and changed into a pair of black spandex workout shorts. She tried to put on her sports bra, but the darn thing was just too tight, so she changed back into her t-shirt. Wandering around the room, she idly ran her fingertips along the racks of weights, not realizing what an imposing figure she had become until she passed one of the floor to ceiling mirrors.
"Gosh, that's really me!" she gasped as she stared raptly at her reflection. She couldn't believe how muscular her legs were, or the incredible 'V' of power rising from her still slim waist. "I look like a super hero!"
She decide to try a few bench presses, which were way too easy. She kept upping the weight, and not until it was over three hundred and fifty pounds did she feel like she was actually making an effort. Only when her shirt became uncomfortably tight did she stop, sitting up on the padded seat and marveling at the amount of discs she had slipped unto the bar. "I could probably change a tire without a jack!" she said. "One hand to lift the car and the other to change the tire!"
She resumed her pacing, picking up a barbell here, another there. Twenty, fifty, seventy five, a hundred pounds. One handed, she did a few reps with the hundred pounder, first with one hand and then the other.
"This can't be right." she murmured. "The number on this thing is a mistake. It barely feels like I'm lifting a box of cereal!"
On the other hand, her vein covered bicep looked absolutely huge now, like a mini-mountain of muscle erupting from her arm.
"I better stop!" she said. "It's only Monday, and I have a feeling my eighteen inch dream has become a reality, and then some!"
While Gina was in the gym, David was hurrying across the Quad on his was to a class, his previous one being in a different building. As he was trotting past the bulletin board he noticed a girl, her back to him, standing in front of it and reading a notice about baseball tryouts which someone had posted at the very top of the board, forcing her to stand on her tiptoes to read it and thus displaying a pair of agonizingly beautiful upside down fully developed heart shaped calves. At first he thought it was Bridgette, for she was wearing an abbreviated version of the pencil skirt she always wore when working for Peter in Mackenzie Hall, the back of the skirt was stretched tautly around the curvature of the most alluringly shaped bubble butt he had ever seen, since Gina's anyway. Her legs were very athletic, not the slender stems possessed by Bridgette. He wondered if….
"Nah, can't be!" he said, and realizing he was going to be late for class, he hurried away with only one backward glance, thinking, 'That girl's hair sure looks like Bridgette's though!'
Then, on Wednesday, again rushing between classes and trying not to be late, he spotted the same girl at the Bulletin board, or was it the same girl? She was reading the notice proclaiming who had been accepted for the college's girl's baseball team. This paper was as high as the previous one, but this time (the same girl?? Could it be??) she stood flat footed, reading it easily, since a number of inches seemed to have been added to the length of her legs. David was almost positive it was Bridgette. Her skirt had been replaced by a pair of tight black denim shorts, and her legs were, besides longer, even more muscular and tanned than two days previously. Also, her black hair was no longer as short as it had been and hung just below her (of course wider) shoulders.
He stopped, determined to accost her, but a classmate waylaid him about an assignment, and even though David brushed him off, when he turned back, the girl had disappeared.
David sat waiting somewhat impatiently on the bench Friday afternoon. He had called Bridgette a dozen times since Wednesday, but she was never in her dorm room, and only answered one of his messages with one of her own, saying she was very busy but would call him as soon as possible. He had called Gina a couple of times. She said she was great and would see him at the bench as promised Friday.
He heard a yell, and a collision, as if two of the many quad bicycle riders had had an accident. Turning his head, he immediately knew what the cause of the accident had been, for Gina was coming up the sidewalk towards him.
It was a good thing he was sitting down, for at six and a half feet tall, and two hundred and fifty pounds of the most incredibly developed muscular feminine body he had ever seen, Gina was an imposing sight indeed and would have knocked him off his feet!
Wearing a pair of brown corduroy micro-shorts, high heeled, laced up around her ankles sandals, and a simple light green workman's shirt that barely covered her breasts and stretched alarmingly tight by her massive fifty two inch chest, her abs looking like titanium plates under the taut tanned skin of her tummy, Gina had indeed become almost super human in appearance.
She stopped in front of the bench, looked way down at her former boyfriend and said, with a wan smile, "Well, I guess I've grown a little since you last saw me, huh?"
"A-a little!!" he sputtered.
Slowly, a bit unsteadily, David rose to his feet, to find that, with her heels, Gina towered over him by almost a full foot.
"H-h-how tall ARE you?" he stammered, still stunned by her appearance.
"In my bare feet, six-six." she said. "Hard to believe, huh?"
"Gina, you are, you are…god, I don't have the words!"
"I know, I know." she said, sighing. "It's the same everywhere I go. Everybody just stares at me. I quit, you know."
"Quit? Quit what?"
"School! I simply can't go to classes anymore. No one does anything except ask me questions or just, well, drools! It's kind of embarrassing."
"You're not going to ask Peter for another pill, are you?"
"No way, Jose! Imagine what another one would do to me!"
"I am!" he said. "I am!"
They stared at one another for a moment, then David asked. "What are you going to do then? If not school?"
"Oh, I don't know. Join the circus as the strongest woman on earth, maybe. Get into construction. Can you see me in cut-off jeans and a plaid work shirt, welding I-beams at the top of a twenty story building? I could probably carry them up there without using a crane. I'm really strong!"
"I can SEE that!" he said fervently.
"Yeah." Almost sheepishly Gina indicated her right arm with her left hand. "Remember I said I wanted an eighteen inch bicep?"
"Yeah, I remember. Uh, did you….?"
"Twenty two inches." she said, doing a side bicep flex for him and making his eyes practically pop out of his head. "And probably still growing!"
"Oh…my…god." David said in a near whisper.
"Well, David, what say we go pay our friend Peter one more visit. What do think he'll say?"
"He'll shi…I mean, he'll be very, very surprised."
So they walked over to the Hall again, David scurrying to keep up with Gina's long-legged stride, looking like an even littler boy next to her. He couldn't stop staring at her incredible body, and those legs left him weak at the knees; never had he seen such muscular curves in a woman's legs before, and he discovered he absolutely loved the way they looked.
Gina held the door for him, and he ducked under her arm and stepped inside. Then, as they turned the corner and approached Bridgette's desk, David had his second big surprise of the day.
Bridgette was waiting for them, sitting on the edge of her desk with her hands resting on the edges. Her black denim shorts seemed even tighter than on Wednesday, and tiny rips had opened at the sides to accommodate the enlarged muscles of her thighs. Her feet were encased in cleated Nike running shoes and a baseball bat was propped against the desk next to her. The team's name, 'BLUEBIRDS' was stitched across the front of her uniform blouse, the short sleeves stretched rather tight around her bulging biceps, the front unbuttoned enough to show the striations of her pecs, and the knotted shirt-tails revealing her newly developed abs. Her much longer hair had been pulled through the gap in the back of the BLUEBIRDS cap she wore, and hung down her back.
David stopped short at the sight of her.
"I KNEW that was you in the quad!" he said.
"Hi David." she said, looking just a trifle embarrassed as she straightened up. David had another small shock, for she was now a little taller than him. "Peter felt so sorry for me when I couldn't make the team that he suggested I try one of those pills too! I – I hope you don't mind!"
"I – I – I don't know what to say!" he said.
"Oh! I knew I should have asked you first!" she said, tentatively raising her hand to touch his cheek. A ripping sound was accompanied by her bicep tearing through the sleeve of her shirt. "Oh no! My uniform! Peter gave me another pill this morning. He said my metabolism assimilates them really fast! Oh – my legs! They feel so strange!"
Before his eyes, Bridgette grew another inch taller, and her thighs and calves became even more muscular. She took a deep breath to calm herself, her chest expanding, putting even more of a strain on her blouse. A button popped off.
"Darn, I'll have to pay for this shirt!" she said.
"Wow!" Gina said. "It took me a week to grow that much!"
"Maybe I shouldn't have taken that extra pill!" Bridgette said, looking at David, who was staring at her in awe. "I hope you still want me to be your girlfriend, David!"
"Are you kidding!" he said. "You're beautiful!"
"Oh David!" she said, hugging him, pulling his head to her breasts. "I really, really like you lot, you know?"
"I can see that!" he said, his voice muffled against her very healthy chest. "I like you a lot too!"
"Hey guys." Gina said. "I hate to break this up, but don't we have an appointment with Peter?"
"Oh, I'm so sorry Gina!" Bridgette said. "I know he'll be really surprised when he sees you! Here, go right in!" She reluctantly let David go and opened the door for them.
To say Peter was surprised was quite an understatement. His head swiveled from one muscular beauty to another, both attired in sexy outfits that exhibited all their attributes in a spectacular fashion. And both smiling sweetly at him, their benefactor!
Gina put one hand on her hip, her legs straight and slightly apart, and flexed a bicep that was 175 percent (or almost three times) larger than it was before she had taken the pills. She was also fourteen inches taller and 135 pounds heavier, most of that new weight solid muscle.
Bridgette, who was now five feet, eleven inches tall, was still a bit self-conscious about her new stature, and held her hands together in front of her stomach, unaware of how this made her biceps bulge out in a most delightful manner.
Peter was stunned. He turned white, and it looked as if he was about to faint. Gina rushed over to him and helped him sit on the edge of a worn leather sofa that stood against the wall. She fanned his face with her hands, while David got a Dixie cup of water from the cooler.
Peter was soon back on his feet, his face flaming with embarrassment.
"I should be more of a scientist!" he said. "I expected a dramatic change in you, even hoped for it! But seeing is a lot more of a shock than making notes on a piece of paper!
Still, Gina, incredible, simply incredible!"
Then he noticed something else.
"And Bridgette! Why, you're bigger than you were when you left here just a few minutes ago! This is astounding!"
"Yeah, I guess that last pill worked even faster than the one before it!" she said.
"In mere minutes!" Peter agreed. "My god, I wonder what would happen if…no…I can't suggest it. Can I?"
"Suggest what?" David asked.
"That Bridgette take another pill, right now."
"You can't be serious!" David protested.
"I, no, I guess that would be to much to ask." Peter said, looking questioningly at Bridgette. "Wouldn't it?"
Bridgette looked over at Gina, her eyes roving over her muscles, her height, her incredible air of confidence and, yes, superiority. David was the shortest person in the room at five-ten, she was an inch taller than him, while Peter, at six-two, was three inches taller than her and four inches shorter than Gina, if she wasn't wearing heels, that is. What would it be like to be taller than both of these guys? she thought.
"Well, I don't know." she hesitated, "Maybe not."
Peter was babbling about the fact that taking any vitals was now ridiculous. There wasn't a blood pressure cuff big enough to even fit around Gina's forearm, her huge bicep was simply out of the question on that score. Bridgette decided that she wanted to see what it would feel like to have a bicep that big and strong for herself!
"I'll take another pill!" she announced, interrupting Peter's chatter.
"What? You will?" he said.
"Yes!" she stated firmly. "I want to try it!"
"Bridgette, are you sure you want to do that?" David asked, taking her hands and gazing into her cool green eyes.
She squeezed his hands, gently, so as not to hurt him, and nodded her head, then bent down and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "If you don't mind, sweetheart."
His heart suddenly skipping a beat or two, David nodded back. "Ok, whatever you want, I want too!" he said.
"I can't wait to see this!" Gina said, as Peter took another of the wrapped pink pills from the drawer and handed it to Bridgette while Gina filled a Dixie cup with water from the dispenser for her.
"Well, uh, here goes!" Bridgette said, tearing the cellophane from the pill, placing it on her tongue and washing it down.
"Oh look!" she said, crushing the fragile cup in her fist. "It's working already!"
They all laughed, although a bit tensely.
Peter started pecking away on a calculator as Bridgette tossed the cup into the waste basket. "Let's see." he said. "If the response time is an exponential ratio, and based on the time it took for all the pills I've given you to work, this latest one should start taking effect….now!"
They all started as Bridgette's shoulders burst through both of her sleeves just as Peter uttered the word 'now!'
"Oh….god! That feels so good!" she said, clenching her little fists while everyone stared at her now visibly growing biceps and becoming more muscular by the second forearms. Two more buttons popped from her blouse as her chest forced it's growing way forward, her shirt not standing a chance against the masses of muscle that were being added to her pecs, lifting her breasts high, the edges of the lapels catching on her distended nipples being the only factor that kept the shirt still upon her, the bottom of the tight garment rising above the plates of her tremendously over-developed abs.
"Oh my god!" Peter said, as Bridgette's ponytail inched it's way down her back.
"Kee-rist!" David said, as Bridgette grew an inch, than another inch, taller.
"Wow!" Gina said, as even more muscle packed itself onto Bridgette's thighs and calves.
Bridgette raised her arms, flexing her biceps, which were no longer as big as hardballs, but now as large as softballs, thick distended blue veins encircling the mighty muscles, strong enough to break a baseball bat in half as if it were a toothpick.
"Oh David!" she said. "I feel so…so…freakin' awesome!" Then she pouted as she looked at Peter. "But I'm STILL not as tall as you!"
She went to David and grasped his shoulders, her face brightening.
"Now we can get that stubborn peanut butter jar open! Won't that be nice?"
"Uh, yeah." he said, looking up at his super jacked up girlfriend.
"You don't think I'm too muscular now, do you David?" she asked, concern showing on her face.
"No! You're…awesome! Just like you said. I never saw anything like that before, is all! I mean, you just…GREW!...right in front of my eyes!"
"It IS unprecedented!" Peter said, joining the conversation. "In fact, if I hadn't seen it myself, I'd say it was impossible!"
"And don't worry about finding a job now baby!" Bridgette told David. "As of right now you're the team's waterboy! I don't think anyone will argue with me about that!"


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Pillzz-A-Poppin [Steve the Z]
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2016, 06:40:45 pm »
Pillzz-A-Poppin by 'Steve the Z' - Submitted by Steve the Z on March 26, 2014

by Steve the Z

This is loosely based on a story with the same character's names. I apologize to the original author for not asking his permission to use his idea and characters, but I can not remember who it is. I greatly enjoyed the original version of this story and thought I'd expand it a little.

David and Gina were college students who had been dating about a month when they saw a notice on the bulletin board:
'Students needed for experimental (and SAFE) drug testing program. You will be PAID to participate. Interested parties report to Mackenzie Hall at 2:30 PM Friday.'
"I wonder how much money is involved here." Gina speculated. "I sure could use some extra cash!"
"Yeah, me too." David said. "Let's check it out!"
The next day was Friday, and the couple entered the hall at a little before the appointed time. Following a hand printed sign that said "DRUG PROGRAM VOLUNTEERS" with an arrow underneath it, they found themselves before a desk, behind which sat a young woman with a pretty, elfin face and short, straight black hair, wearing a plain long sleeved white blouse and a modest black pencil skirt. She looked up and, upon seeing David, she smiled, then blushed.
"Uh, can I help you?" she asked.
"We're here about the paid drug testing thing." David said.
"Oh, of course!" she said, standing and going to a door behind her desk. "You're the only, I mean the first ones to show up."
She rapped at the door and at the muffled 'yes?' said. "Peter, there's a couple here about the FMG-22 drug test."
"Send them in!"
She opened the door and ushered David and Gina into the room. Passing the slim girl, David saw she was barely five feet tall, and very petite. He also noticed a baseball cap with a Yankees logo on her desk, half hidden by her computer.
As the girl closed the door behind them, a young man with long black hair and a black beard rose from a lab bench.
"Hello!" he said, shaking their hands. "My name's Peter. I'll be your technician for the program if your vitals deem you satisfactory for testing. My assistant, Bridgette, is the girl you met in the hall outside."
"What sort of 'vitals'?" David asked, as he and Gina looked around the room, which looked like a doctor's examination office, but with a bit more equipment than would seem normal.
"Oh, the usual." Peter said. "Pulse, blood pressure, weight, height, that sort of thing. Nothing invasive, don’t worry about that! And no needles involved, in case you're squeamish about that."
"I am." David said, while at the same time Gina said, "I'm not."
"Well, no matter!" Peter said. "I can take your stats now, if you'd like."
"You two seem healthy enough." Peter said ten minutes later after using his stethoscope, tongue depressor, pulse rate device and other measuring equipment on them, besides jotting down their weight. "I think you'll be OK for the drug."
"What sort of drug is it? David asked as Peter took a couple of cellophane wrapped pills from a drawer and handed one to each of them.
"It's sort of an advanced pep pill we're experimenting with before its release to the general public." he answered as Gina and David each took one of the small pink pills and washed them down with a Dixie cup of water.
"Pep pill eh?" David said. "Sounds good to me."
"Yeah, me too." Gina said, giggling "I guess I could use a little more pep!"
"Can't we all!" Peter replied. Oh, by the way, here's your gratuity for helping us out." He handed each of them a hundred dollar bill, to their delighted surprise. "I'd like you to report back in a week so we can review the drug's effects, if any. Then I'll do another determination and decide whether to continue with the program. Does that sound satisfactory to each of you?"
"Sure thing!" they said.
"I'll see both of you next Friday then." Peter said as he let them out.
Bridgette, still at her desk, looked up as they left the examination room.
"Everything go all right?" she asked, her face lighting up again at the sight of David.
"Perfect!" he said as Gina nodded. "Yankees fan?" he asked, indicating her cap with a jut of his chin.
"Oh, I just love baseball!" Bridgette said. "I'd join the college women's team, but they said I'm too short! I don't think that's very fair!"
"No, it's not!" David agreed. "Well, we'll see you next week, Bridgette!"
"That was easy!" Gina said as they walked down the corridor to the front entrance.
"Yeah, easiest hundred bucks I ever made!" David said.
"I think that little girl's got a crush on you." Gina said.
"What? No way! Besides, I've already got a girl!" David said, putting his arm around her waist.
David held the door for Gina, then, following her outside, started walking down the steps to the concourse. He stopped three steps down, watching in surprise as Gina practically danced down them.
"Whoa! What's gotten into you?" he asked.
"I don't know, suddenly I just feel like running and jumping!" she said, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. "I feel full of energy, don't you?"
"Uh, no." he said.
"Want to take a few laps around the stadium track with me?" she asked.
"What's gotten into you Gina? I thought we were going to my place to study, and fool around!" he said.
"Yeah sure. But I want to run around the track first! Come on!"
"Nah." he said. "I think I'll go back to my place and watch some TV. You go ahead though. I'll be waiting for you!"
"OK! Your loss, baby! Catch you later!"
David watched Gina trot away with a puzzled expression on his face.
"Can't work that fast!" he mumbled. "Must be some other explanation."
During the course of the next week, Gina ran the track every day, played basketball and volleyball after and even in between classes, joined a gym, and jogged five miles every day before David even got out of bed.
David, in the meantime, spent most of his evenings slumped in front of the tube or playing video games on his cell phone.
"Come on over and let's play Halo or something!" he begged her over the phone Monday, sprawled on the couch with his controller in one hand and his cell in the other.
"Halo!?" Gina said. "That's so lame, David! Why don't we do some push-ups or sit-ups at the gym instead?"
"Now THAT'S lame!" he retorted. "Come on over later and I'll show you my new high score!"
But she never did show up, and he barely saw her during the course of the week. She met him one time for lunch between classes, on Wednesday.
David was sitting in a booth, eating a greasy burger, when Gina walked into the small eatery that mainly catered to the students. She was wearing a thin white nylon jacket over a pink sports-bra and black running tights with white Nike sneakers.
"David, you need a shave!" she said.
Startled, he looked up at her shining eyes and healthy, tanned face.
Rubbing his bristly jaw, he said. "Yeah, I guess. Sit down. Where've you been all week?"
"Right here!" she said. "At the gym, the pool; I'm thinking about taking swimming lessons or maybe joining the girl's swim team, at the track, playing some B-ball, you know! You should come and play with me sometime!"
"Sure, I will!" he promised.
But he didn't, and he didn't see Gina again until Friday…
…where they met at the foot of Mackenzie Hall's steps.
David was sitting on the bottom step, slouched over, wearing a dirty t-shirt, still unshaven, when he heard a voice call his name.
"David! Are you ill?" Gina said, bending down to see him better.
Startled, he raised his head, to peer blearily into her clear blue eyes.
"Oh, hi Gina." he said. "What's up?"
She frowned at his baggy jeans, dirty t-shirt and the beginning of a pot belly underneath it. His scuffed sneakers looked as if they had been dragged along cement for a month. In contrast, she was fresh and clean in a new pair of tight jeans and her own pale blue t-shirt, clinging nicely to her torso, and the contours of some toned muscles David has never noticed before.
"Let's get you inside." she said, helping him to his feet. He was surprised at the ease with which she pulled him up; where was the skinny little girl he had been going out with for the last month or so?
Holding his arm, Gina shouldered the door open and led him to Bridgette's desk. Her eyes widened in concern when she saw David's pale face.
"Oh my!" she said, rising and opening the exam room's door. "I think you better go in right away!"
Peter was also very concerned about David's wan appearance. He made him sit on the paper coated exam table while he quickly, but efficiently, took his vitals.
He then told David to lay on his back and rest while he examined Gina.
"Interesting." he said when he was finished, reading through his notes.
"What's interesting?" Gina asked.
"A number of things. For instance, you seem to have grown an inch taller while your friend here…"
"Boyfriend, I'm her boyfriend." David interjected.
"Ah, yes, your boyfriend seems to be just a tad shorter, although I think it's mainly due to his stooped posture. He can't seem to stand up completely straight. You've also each seemed to have gained some weight. Three pounds for David and ten for Gina!"
"Nonsense!" said David, patting his little round belly.
"Really?" said Gina, her slender hand going to her taut stomach, and the faint abs that had arisen there in the last week.
"Our scales are precise." the tech assured them. "However, to get back to the point, I don't think David should continue the program, It seems to be having a deleterious effect on him."
"But – I need the money!" David protested. "I was counting on it!"
"There is one thing…" Peter said.
"Yes?" Gina said.
"There are two versions of the pill. Each of you was given a different one. If I gave you the opposite pills this time, chances are David's condition will improve and he'll return to his normal self, but I'm afraid what the other pill might do to you, Gina."
"I'll take the other pill!" David said. "That explains how I feel!" He absently rubbed his stubbled jaw. "You gave me a bum pill!"
"For David's sake I'll try the opposite pill." Gina said with a sigh.
"They're not strictly speaking 'opposite' pills." Peter said, handing them each another cellophane wrapped packet. "Merely slight variations of the same drug."
"I'll see you both next week then." he continued, after they had washed the pink pills down. "And call me if anything unusual happens, please!"
"We will!" Gina assured him.
They opened the door, and Bridgette hastily pulled away.
"Oh!" she said, "I was just going to knock! Is everything ok?" She was looking worriedly at David.
"I hope so." Gina said. "We got a different dose or something this time. So David should be feeling better soon!"
"Oh, I hope so!" Bridgette said, reaching out to touch David's shoulder, but pulling her hand back before making contact.
"I hope so!" she repeated in a whisper as they walked away.
Gina's tread was light on the steps as David, still supported by her hand on his arm, tramped heavy footed beside her. But by the time they reached the bottom, he had actually straightened up a bit and wasn't breathing so hard.
Hands on hips, Gina looked him up and down.
"You don't look so hot." she said. "But you do seem a little better now."
"Yeah, I DO feel a little better." he admitted. "That Peter slipped me a bum pill last week, that's all! I'll be fine now."
"And now I got the 'bum pill'." she reminded him.
"Oh yeah, you feeling okay?" he asked.
"Yes, I feel good. At least so far." She shrugged and twisted this way and that.
David looked at her closely. Had her t-shirt been riding that high above her waist? He was sure he would have noticed the two inches of skin showing between her belt and the bottom of her shirt before, even in his slightly worn out condition. And where the heck had all those muscular bumps and ridges on her waist come from?
"Want me to walk you home?" she asked.
For some reason he took offense at her concerned tone.
"I'm not a sick puppy!" he said. "I can make it there myself!"
She held her hands up. "All right already! Just asking!"
"I'll, uh, see you later." he said, moving away.
"Call me!" she said, but he didn't answer.
Maybe he didn't hear me, Gina thought.
Even though worried about David, Gina couldn't relax her athletic proclivities. Different pill or not, she felt no diminution at all physically; in fact, the opposite seemed to be true. She signed up for swimming lessons at the college gym on Saturday. The instructor was mystified at her swift progress, and even more so when she had to change from a SMALL size Speedo competitive swimsuit to a MEDIUM in only three days, due to an increase in her shoulder and chest width and depth. She also learned very quickly and was soon outdistancing even the most experienced swimmers as she did lap upon lap around the pool.
One day, while practicing, she was standing next to one of the male swimmers. To her surprise, she saw that her shoulders, now much broader and packed with noticeable muscularity, were bigger than his, and this guy was the college's best male swimmer.
Before he could notice her, she jumped into the pool.
In her dorm room that day, she found that none of her sleeved tops or blouses would fit her comfortably.
"Darn!" she said, holding her favorite top up and trying unsuccessfully to stretch it as wide as her shoulders. "This cost over thirty dollars!"
Wearing sports bras, sleeveless tops or tank tops drew many admiring glances in the hallways as she went to and from classes. She also realized that she was now as tall as, and in many cases, taller than all the boys in her classes.
She didn't hear much from David, even though he was her boyfriend. The few times she called him to try and convince him to go out, he mumbled some excuse or other about being too busy, but he did agree to meet her at Mackenzie on Friday, although he seemed reluctant to do so. So she just shrugged her broad shoulders and did her own thing without him.
"Well, I tried!" she said to herself.
2:30 Friday afternoon found Gina at the foot of the steps to Mackenzie Hall. She was wearing a beige tank top and cut-off denim shorts. All her slacks and pants looked funny now, the cuffs dangling so far above her ankles, so in the meantime shorts seemed her only option. And she was getting used to the stares and wolf whistles engendered by her
long, deeply tanned, sturdy legs. In fact, she kind of liked it and even encouraged it by wearing the tightest and briefest shorts from her limited wardrobe.
David appeared around the corner, and stopped dead in front of Gina. Literally and figuratively, his jaw dropped at the sight of her.
Gina spoke first, since David's vocal cords seemed momentarily frozen. "Oh my god, Dave! What happened to you? Are you sick??!!"
"N-no, I'm fine." he managed to mumble. However, he didn't look fine He was as white as a ghost and looked much thinner than before. He had lost his paunchiness though, and now was approaching rail thinness. He looked like a bean stalk next to a telephone poll compared to Gina. "But you! You look great! What happened to your shoulders! They're so broad!"
"Oh, well, I took some swimming lessons." Gina said awkwardly, suddenly aware of the contrast between her and David, and not wanting him to feel intimidated. She put her hands behind her back to minimize the impact, but only succeeded in calling even more attention to her shoulders and chest. She cursed herself mentally for not putting a bra on. Her breasts were so firm lately she hardly ever felt the need for one anymore.
"Swimming." he said somewhat lamely, unable to stop staring at her, his gaze moving from her left to her right shoulder.
Gina cleared her throat. "Uhm, yeah, good for the delts, you know." she said glibly with a sheepish smile.
"Yeah, VERY good for the delts!" David said.
Gina broke the sudden silence. "Come on, let's get inside." She put one foot on the bottom step, her calf instantly flexing, as David also raised his foot to the same step. His eyes rolled up when he saw how skinny and pale his calf (he wore a pair of old cargo shorts) looked next to Gina's.
"After only one week!" he sub vocalized.
"What did you say David?" Gina asked as they marched up the steps.
"Oh nothing." he said. "Nothing at all."
Bridgette was reading the back of a paper, on the front of which was printed 'COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASEBALL APPLICATION FORM'. This time she dropped the paper, rushed around her desk and, throwing caution to the wind, grabbed one of David's arms and looked up with deep worry into his haggard face. He was almost as skinny as she was.
"This has to stop!" she said. "David, please don't let Peter give you any more of those nasty pills! Look what they're doing to you!"
"I agree!" Gina said. "Let's go see Peter immediately!"
Bridgette didn't bother to knock. She opened the door and called, "Peter! David and Gina are here! You better see them right away!"
Peter was shocked by both of their appearances. The first thing he did was find a chair for David.
"Whoa!" he said, "Sit down, man, you look like you're going to fall over! I think we better discontinue the testing on you right away! Something's definitely not right here."
"I thought you said you reversed the pills last time." Gina said, hands on hips and staring fixedly at him.
"I did!" He shook his head. "This shouldn't have happened. There are only two versions of the experimental drug, and you've each had an equal amount of them." He stared at Gina for a moment. "Obviously, you're thriving on them, but your friend here is having an abject reaction. I don't like this at all!"
"But I need the money!" David protested. "And I'm better than I was last time. Give me a pill!"
"I simply cannot." the tech said, emphatically shaking his head NO.
"I have to have that money." David said feebly, "I owe a payment, and I can't get out of it."
"For what?" Gina asked in exasperation.
He shook his head. "I can't tell you, sorry." He looked at them both pleadingly.
"How about I take both of the pills." Gina said, and you give us each the hundred dollars? Would that be ok?"
"God, I don't know." Peter said. "It wouldn't be ethical. On the other hand, from what I see, they aren't harming you in the least. And I simply can't give David another, it might…"
"Kill him?" Gina said softly.
"I didn't say that!" Peter said. "Let me think."
After a moment, he made a decision. "Tell you what, let me take the usual tests on both of you while I make up my mind."
"Amazing." he said ten minutes later. "David's lost five pounds, Gina's gained FIFTEEN more pounds and also grown two inches taller!"
"You're kidding!" she said when informed of this. "You mean I'm five feet, seven inches tall now?"
"I thought you looked taller!" David said. "But I wasn't sure."
"You've gained three inches in height since we begin this program." the tech assured her.
"Cool!" she said. "I'm only three inches shorter than David! And no wonder all my slacks are too short! Now Peter, what about those two pills?"
When they left, Bridgette asked what the deal was. Gina explained.
"You mean he gave you BOTH pills?" she said. "Are you going to take them? Aren't you afraid of what might happen?"
"Nothing bad, I hope!" Gina said, since I swallowed them in there." She jerked her thumb towards the examination room, making her bicep pop, and Bridgette's brows rise in surprise.
"Oh…" she said, in a tiny voice. "Well, good luck then. And you too David! Please take care of yourself!"
David finally realized that Bridgette had a small crush on him. He looked into her earnest green eyes and thought it wasn't such a bad thing.
"I will." he said. "I guess we'll see you next Friday then. Peter insists on it, and then I can see you again and see if you joined the baseball team!"
"I still don't think they'll have me." she said disconsolately. "But I'll try one more time - and stand on my toes!"
"Thanks for doing this for me, Gina." David said as they left the building. "I really do need the money. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I bought a bunch of video games from, let's say a bad person. And if I don’t pay him I'll be in big trouble."
"Anything I can help with?" she asked.
"Oh no! The hundred will pay him off and that's that! No more black market games for me!"
"I know this sounds crazy, but your game habit may have been a weird side effect the pills had on you!" Gina said. "I hope now you'll start to feel better since you're off of them!"
"Yeah, me too! How about you? Do you feel all right after talking two pills this time? That was sort of a daring thing to do!"
Gina mentally took a tally of herself. "Yeah, I feel fine. I wonder why they affect you one way and me another? It doesn't make any sense! And I hope you're right and it's daring and not dumb of me!"
"I know." he said, referring to the effects. "It's like you said - weird!"
"Well, if you need anything, you call me, you hear!" she said, tilting her head up a bit and giving him a peck on the cheek, something she'd have had to stand on her toes to do a couple of weeks ago.
"I will!" he said, his cheek pleasantly warm from her lips. "I think I feel better already!"
"Great!" Gina said, as they parted. Neither of them noticed her shorts had become a bit tighter, her butt a bit rounder, and that she had already grown another inch taller.
David did feel better during the course of the next week. His posture improved, and he actually started eating some fruits and vegetables. He was secretly glad he didn't have to take the pills anymore, but thought he better start looking for a job now since he was afraid of trying them again, even for a hundred bucks.
Gina, meanwhile, joined the college rowing team. During the first practice session, her biceps grew two inches larger, her back and lat muscles began to ripple with new strength, and her triceps, glutes and abs all responded favorably to her new exertions. After several days, the team captain couldn't believe the changes that had occurred in her body.
"If I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, I'd never have believed it possible!" he said as he stared at the five foot, ten inch tall Gina, now sporting about ten more pounds of strategically placed muscle. "It's simply unheard of to gain that much muscle-tone in so short a time!"
"I can't explain it either!" Gina said, flexing one of her twelve inch biceps. "But here's the proof! Seeing is believing!"
The captain just shook his head in mute wonder.
David tried to make a couple of dates with Gina, but she always said she was just too busy with all her new activities and studies. Secretly, although she still liked David as a friend, the thought of his, to her mind, skinny little male body, did nothing to excite her. As she talked to him on the phone, wearing a tiny pair of gray cotton shorts, her long muscular legs stretched out on the couch, she idly flexed her arm, watching the bicep swell to thirteen inches, over and over, pleased as punch at the way it looked. Her own arm excited her. She shook her head at her own foolishness, made another excuse to David, and decided to take a shower and soap up her muscles while the hot water ran over her.
Friday inevitably rolled around again. It was now the fourth time David and Gina met at the bottom of Mackenzie Hall's steps. He wasn't even surprised that she was now as tall as him, her tight stretch-jeans failing to hide the newly developed muscles of her thighs and calves but in fact emphasizing them. This time she wore a top with sleeves that covered half of her shoulders, which were considerably wider than they had been a week ago, definitely packed with more muscle. They looked about to burst through the taut material stretched around them at any second.
Noticing his stare, Gina somewhat self consciously cleared her throat before saying, "Well, I figure if you've got it you might as well flaunt it!"
"You've certainly got it!" David said, "And then some! You look great Gina!"
"You don’t look so bad yourself, big boy." she said, smiling.
Indeed, David looked much better, almost back to his old self. His paleness had been replaced by a much healthier looking skin tone, and his shaven face was clear of the acne he had exhibited last time (and everyone discretely avoided mentioning) while his eyes were clear and focused.
"I do feel better." he admitted. "And I think I'm the one who should be calling you 'big girl'! You've added so much muscle I can hardly believe it!"
"I've been hearing that a lot lately." she admitted.
"I've no doubt as to that!" he said emphatically.
"Well, shall we go in?" she said, offering David her arm, which was clearly more muscular than his. He took it, and arm in arm they entered the building.
Bridgette was simply flabbergasted at the site of Gina.
"I – I can't believe it!" she said.
Smiling somewhat uncomfortably, Gina nodded. "Me either, sometimes!" she said.
"And David!" Bridgette said. "You look like yourself again! I'm so glad for you!"
"Thanks Bridgette!" David said. "I feel much better. Those pills aren't for me, that's for sure!"
"What's all the noise out here?" Peter said, opening the door to his exam room, gasping a the sight of Gina.
"I was prepared for something like this." he said. "But it's still kind of overwhelming! Absolutely amazing! Come in, come in!"
"Absolutely amazing!" he said again after he had closed the door and turned back to her.
"You think?" Gina said, half amused and half embarrassed by his reaction.
"I never thought the drug would be so effective!" he said. "Vitals! Yes, I must take your vitals!"
He proceeded to first take David's blood pressure, then put the cuff around Gina's arm. Or tried to. Frowning, he took it off and then took another cuff from a drawer.
"Sorry." he said. That bladder was too small for your arm, I had to go up a size."
"Oh really?" Gina said as he squeezed the bulb to expand the cuff.
"Uh, yeah, this cuff is usually used on bigger arms, like bodybuilders."
"Wow." Gina said. "I didn't know my arm had gotten that big!"
"Well, it has!" he said, removing the cuff from her bulging bicep. "It has!"
He then confirmed her height at five feet, ten inches and another weight gain, this time eighteen pounds.
"And it all seems to be solid muscle!" he said.
"I do feel a lot stronger." Gina said. "And I admit I like it!"
"What about the pills this time?" David interrupted, miffed at the fact the blood pressure cuff had actually felt a bit loose on his arm. "How are we going to do that now?"
"I anticipated your question." the tech said, talking two more cellophane wrapped pills from the drawer. "This one, with the number '1' on it, is a less potent, or if you will, a watered down version of the pill." He handed it to David. "And this one…" which he handed to Gina. "Is the original pill you took the first day you came here. We'll still give each of one hundred dollars to take them, and hope the side effects won't be harmful to David with the less effective version."
"Sounds ok to me." Gina said. "But what about you David? I thought you said you were through with the pills!"
"I thought so too, but, I haven't found a good part time job yet, so I sure could use the money. How watered down is this thing?"
"Very." David answered. "Less than ten percent of the actual drug is in the pill. The rest is simply placebo, in this case, sugar. I did this so I could keep Gina on the program. Her changes are just too fascinating to stop the testing now. Your system, now that it's back to normal, should just reject the drug completely, so it will be ineffective on you. That's what my computer calculations show anyway."
"What does your computer say about me?" Gina asked, taking her pill from Peter.
He laughed, a little nervously. "Insufficient information. What else?"
David swallowed his placebo while Gina also took her pink pill, Peter watching with more than just scientific curiosity.
"I'll admit." he said. "I'm highly anticipating next week's check!"
"I hope I don’t disappoint you!" Gina said with a laugh.
Bridgette walked with them to the entrance.
"If you need anything, call me." she told David, handing him a slip of paper. "This is my phone number. Especially if you start getting a bad reaction again. Ok?"
"I will!" he said. "Maybe I'll call you even if I don't get a bad reaction!"
"That would be nice too." she said.
"Are you going to ask her out already?" Gina said when they were outside.
"Yeah, probably." he said. "As soon as I get a job so I can afford to take her someplace nice."
"I think she'd just be happy to go to a ball game with you, David. And that's free for students!"
"Yeah, maybe. That's not a bad idea!"
"Well, I have to go study. Big test Monday. I'll see you around!"
Monday, after acing her calculus test (were the pills also making her smarter?), Gina joined the bowling class, after seeing a notice on the Quad bulletin board asking for a substitute bowler. On bowling night, she wore a vertically ribbed open necked bowling shirt and a short black skirt. The sporting goods store carried two styles of skirt; one for running and one for cycling. The cycling skirt was pretty short, and her legs were pretty long (she was now five-eleven), so she shrugged her massive shoulders and bought it.
Picking through the bowling balls at the alley, she found most of them ridiculously light. Finally, she found the 16 pound balls, and even though they also seemed light, heavier balls were not allowed, so she took one of those. She had only bowled one frame when the team captain took her aside, explaining that he had to let her go, none of the other bowlers could concentrate with her bowling, all they could do was stare at her amazingly muscular legs. He discreetly didn't mention they were also staring at her top, which was straining across her formidable chest.
"Are you kidding me?" she asked, staring down at him, for he was only five feet, nine inches tall.
"No, sorry Gina!" he stammered, turning red. "We need to win this game, and I can't have all my guys throwing gutter balls, including me, every time you cross your legs!"
"Well, darn it, all right, I guess!"
So she picked her ball out of the rotunda, deliberately bending down more than necessary, bounced it up and down on her palm a few times, making her thirteen inch bicep stretch her short sleeve in a most fascinating manner, and carried it back to the rack, her little skirt flouncing around her hips, her long legs the main attraction of every male eye in the alley, secretly pleased at the sound of one bowling ball after another falling into the gutter as she moved past the bowlers. Tossing the ball easily on the rack, she went home and looked through the college sports offerings brochure.
The next day she joined a weight lifting class.
David had meanwhile taken Gina's advice and took Bridgette to a ball game. The college's girl's team, The Bluebirds, were playing.
"So you really like baseball, huh?" he asked her when they were sitting in the stands.
"Ever since I was a little girl!" she said. "My dad wanted a boy and so he bought me a glove for my tenth birthday and, you know, it's a typical story. I just wish I could play on the team! They won't even let me be shortstop!"
"Hmm, we'll have to do something about that." he murmured.
"What can you do? I've applied twice and been rejected both times."
"Not sure yet." he said. "But I've got an idea."
It was Friday once again, and David was waiting for Gina at the foot of the steps. He had already gone inside and said hello to Bridgette, telling her he'd come back in with Gina when she got there. Bridgette said that Peter was eagerly waiting to see them.
David had faired well with the lesser dosage pill, and thought he looked pretty good today. He had even done ten push ups that morning.
Then Gina came around the corner.
David's mouth dropped open (again).
She was wearing a pair of very faded, very tight, very low cut at the waist and very high cut at the hips, denim shorts she had personally ripped the legs off of, a task made easy by using her strong grip and fifteen inch, engorged with muscle, biceps, the bottoms of the pockets laying atop her massive thighs. Her long, tanned legs were all mind-blowing muscle, longer now by two inches than the previous Friday. The black racer-back crop top she wore was short, displaying her rock hard abs and corded obliques. The top was stretched like a drumskin across her lats, which flared out even with her arms swaying at her sides as she walked. From her miniscule waist up her upper body swelled into a monstrous 'V' of muscle, the like of which he had never seen before. Fifteen inch biceps and thickly muscled forearms made her look strong enough to uproot a tree, further confirmation of this fact being her Herculean chest, the striations of her pecs thicker than the width of both David's thumbs side by side.
"Better close that, or a fly might get in." Gina said, smiling as she looked down at David, who at five-ten was now two inches shorter than her.
Putting her hands on her hips she announced. "I started weight training in the gym. Can you tell?"
David stammered something unintelligible.
"That's what all the guys at the gym say!" she said, laughing, and then, putting her hands behind her head, she twisted her torso left and right, her muscles dancing, biceps as big as softballs, laughing even harder at David's utterly flabbergasted expression of amazement.
"I put on so much muscle none of my clothes would fit me anymore! I even outgrew my comfy baggy sweatshirt. It split open right across my back! See?"
She turned around so he could see the rippling, humungous muscles adorning her back, and her muscle-bound glutes, which the almost non-existent back of her shorts revealed in all their glory. Then she spread her lats, and he fell back, gasping.
"Sorry." Gina said, turning back to face him. "I didn't mean to give you a heart attack or anything!" She took his elbow to steady him, and helped David climb the steps. "Don't worry, you'll get your voice back in a little while. I always seem to have this effect on guys now! Good thing I'm enjoying it! I guess the only bad part is you all seem so fragile. It's quite amazing how a bit of muscle can change a gal's outlook!"
"A little muscle!" David gasped. "Gina, you're huge!"
"But in a good way, right?" she said, holding the door open for him.
David stopped just past the entranceway, tried to say something, cleared his throat, tried again.
"Gina, can I ask you something?" he said, his face turning red.
"Sure, what?"
Can I, I mean could I…feel your bicep…please?"
She laughed loudly.
"Of course! No need to be embarrassed Davie! I like when people ask me if they can touch or squeeze my muscles!"
She obligingly flexed her left arm for him, bending down a bit so it was right in front of his eyes. He placed his hand on the hard bulge and gave a tentative squeeze.
"Grab it as hard as you like." she said. "It won't break!"
"It's like iron!" he said.
"Yeah, it is pretty hard." she admitted. "Only fifteen inches though. But three inches bigger than last week! I hope I can put another three on it this week. Then it'll be eighteen inches! Won't that be neat?!"
"Yeah…neat." he said, very reluctantly removing his hand.
Bridgette was dumbstruck. David looked like a little boy next to Gina. Wordlessly, she waved them towards the examination room's door.
Gina tap tapped, and then opened the door, letting David go in ahead of her.
It was a good thing Peter was sitting down when they entered. Even so, he almost fell off his stool.
A grinning Gina said as she did a double biceps pose for him. "Look what your little pills did to me! Was this supposed to happen?"
Patting him on the back to relieve his sudden coughing fit Gina said contritely. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you like that! It's ok, I LOVE the way I look! Are you all right?"
"Y-yes, yes…" he said. "It's just that, my god, you're magnificent! I can't believe it. I thought you'd be a little more muscular than last week, but this is unprecedented! The pills are definitely effective. In fact, too effective. We'll have to go back to the drawing board on them! Imagine what would happen if they were released to the general public as they are now!"
"Hmm, depending on who was willing to take them, it might be a different world." Gina said.
"Right, I can't even think about that at the moment!" Peter replied. "My hands are full with just the two of you." Absently, he picked up the blood pressure cuff, then shook his head and put it back down.
"Do they make one big enough for me?" Gina asked teasingly.
"Actually, they do." he said. "But I'd have to special order it. And if it came by next week it might still be too small!"
"Does that mean you're going to continue the pill program with me?" Gina asked, surprised.
"If you're willing to chance it, I'd like to do give you one more."
"What about me?" David asked.
"Sorry, David, I've been neglecting you!" Peter said.
"It's ok. I completely understand!" he said, looking at Gina.
"Let me do what tests I can on both of you first." David said. "And then we'll discuss our options."
He confirmed first that David was in much better shape now. All his vitals were normal or even better than average, and he seemed to have suffered no lingering bad effects from his former bad reactions to the pills.
Gina's story was a little different.
"From what I can tell, you're as strong as an ox!" David told her. "You're heart is sound, you've gained an astonishing thirty five pounds of muscle, and believe me it shows! Making the total you've gained so far at eighty eight pounds!"
"Wow! You mean I weigh one hundred and ninety eight pounds?" she asked.
"I only weigh one sixty!" David said in a whisper.
"Poor David!" Gina said with real sympathy. "I wish the pills worked on you too! Then you'd be big and strong like me!"
Peter cleared his throat. "As I was saying, options. This is what I'd like to do. One more pill for Gina. Of course David is no longer on the program. So I can only offer a hundred dollars to you, Gina."
David looked crestfallen.
"Still no job?" Gina asked.
"That's ok, Give the money to David. My gym instructor set me up with a guy at another gym, who's going to take some pics of me and blow them up as posters to put on the walls of HIS gym for inspiration. So I really don't need the money."
"Wow." David said.
"No word of the pills to anyone you guys." David said. Then he snapped his fingers. "Bridgette! I'll have to make sure she doesn't say anything too!"
He went to the door, opened it, and said, "Bridgette? Could you come in here please?"
A glum looking Bridgette came into the room.
"Yes Peter?" she asked. "What is it?"
"Why so sad?" David asked.
"What? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you with my problems. The team rejected my application again, that's all."
"Oh, that's terrible." David said. "And it's not fair either!"
"What can you do? Rules are rules, I guess." she said.
"Well, I'm sorry about that too Bridgette." Peter said. "But I have an important matter to discuss with you."
"Yes?" she said.
He explained the necessity of keeping David and Gina's recent activities regarding the experimental pills a secret, and also informed her he was giving Gina one more pill.
"Do you think that's safe?" she asked, looking wide eyed at Gina. "She's already so, so, well, you know!"
"I do believe it's perfectly safe, Bridgette." Peter assured her. "Otherwise I wouldn't be doing this."
"Well, you’re the scientist!" she said.
Peter gave a pink pill to Gina and a green bill to David. Gina put the pill in her mouth and David put the bill in his wallet.
"Better find that job soon." Peter told him. "That's the last of the money."
"Thank you Peter." Gina said, holding out her hand. "For all you've done for me!"
"You're very welcome!" he said, grimacing as her iron grip crushed his fingers together. "This research will be invaluable. And don't forget to report back here next week!"
"Don't worry." Gina said. "We'll be here!"
Bridgette started to accompany them out the door, but Peter called her back. "I need to talk to you about something else." he said.
"Oh, ok." She turned to David. "See you later David!"
After they left, Peter asked. "What was the main reason the baseball team turned you down, Bridgette?"
"What? Why do you want to know that?"
"Humor me, ok?"
"Well, I'm too short, not the right 'type', whatever that means! It just makes me so mad! I love baseball so much!"
"Yes, I can tell!"
Peter opened the drawer where he kept the 'pep' pills.
"Bridgette, I have a proposition for you." he said.
"I hope taking another pill was a good idea!" David said as he and Gina walked away from the hall and unto the campus quadrangle, drawing stares and gasps from every student that spotted them. "I wonder if there's a limit to their effectiveness."
"I don't know!" she said. "But I admit I'm curious to see what'll happen now!"
"From what's happened so far." he said, giving her a sideways glance, tilting his head back to look up at her. "You might become a giant!"
"You mean a giantess." she corrected him. "I sure don't want to be ten feet tall!"
"Yeah, I guess that would be kind of inconvenient."
"I'd be a freak! I like the height I am now!"
"Me too." David admitted. "You look great!"
"I love being so tall!" she admitted. "I'm taller than any guy I ever dated. I guess that aspect of my life's gonna' change some. Most guys don't like taller girls."
"I do!" David said.
"Oh gee, Davy, I mean David, don't take this personally, and I know it sounds condescending, but I think I've outgrown you. I'm so sorry!"
"Well, that's all right. I came to that conclusion a couple of weeks ago."
"No wonder I fell for you, you're a sweet guy David. And I think you and Bridgette are better suited for each other than you and I were. And I'm not saying that just because I'm taller than you or stronger; it's other things as well. I just don't think our interests coincide like they used to, you know?"
"I know." he sighed.
"We’ll still be friends, won't we?" Gina asked earnestly, stopping and looking down at him.
"Of course!" he said. "I don't want that to change!"
"And if you ever need a ketchup bottle opened, you just call me!" she said.
"You can count on it!"
"Let's meet right here next Friday!" Gina said.
"Ok, I'll be sitting on this bench, waiting for you."
They went their separate ways once again.
The next morning found Gina eager to begin another venture. She had already tired of swimming, rowing and bowling. She wanted to lift some weights at the gym, but she'd do that later, maybe tomorrow. She pulled on a pair of dark green leggings, which came up to mid-calf and did nothing at all to hide the muscles adorning her legs, then, just to show off, she donned a white t-shirt, a men's size XX Large. Her shoulders and chest were so big the shirt was practically skin-tight on her, and would have been loose at her small waist, but was pulled up so much by her chest her whole midriff was bared.
"I could crack walnuts on these!" she said, feeling the bumps and ridges of her abs with her fingers. "I think they got bigger overnight!"
Just for kicks she found a tape measure and managed to measure one of her biceps single handedly.
"Holy crap!" she said. "I did grow overnight! It's sixteen inches!"
She clenched her fist and watched the muscles bunch up in her arm, tautening the skin around them as they writhed and flexed.
"I think my forearm alone is bigger than poor little David's bicep or maybe even both of his biceps added together! I know it sounds narcissistic, but I am freakin' awesome!"
She wore no bra. On a lark, she had tried to put on one of her old ones, and was surprised, but not unpleasantly so, when the distance between the ends of the straps spanned more than ten inches. Her formerly trim chest measurement of thirty two inches had been augmented to more than forty four inches by the growth of her thick pectoral muscles. Her breasts were thrust outward atop them, high and proud, and her nipples were doing their best to poke through the thin fabric of her shirt.
"I know they're gonna' stare." she said. "but if you've got it, might as well flaunt it!"
She went to her first class, eliciting stares of wonder and/or admiration from everyone she encountered. When she entered the classroom, three things immediately became apparent; she was easily the tallest, most muscular and best looking person there.
"Ms. Armstrong!" the teacher gasped. "Whatever in the world! I mean, is it a special effect? Are you filming a movie here? You can't possibly have changed so much in the last few weeks! Where's the camera?"
Gina couldn't help it, looking at all the stunned faces surrounding her. She giggled, put her books down on a nearby desk, and wowed her audience with a double biceps pose, unaware another inch had already been added to her now seventeen inch guns.
"What? These little muscles?" she said. "Of course it's a computer generated effect! Not!"
Every class that day was going to be the same, she soon found out, and she became tired of being the center of attention after trying to sit through her third one. No one could concentrate on anything except her.
This is ridiculous, she thought, as she let the nineteenth or twentieth guy feel her bicep as she flexed it for him. A number of girls had also highly enjoyed this experience. Gina had grown tired of being so popular and decided to check the gym out. If it was too crowded, she'd just go to her dorm room and study.
To her relief, at this hour of the day the gym was deserted. She went to her locker and changed into a pair of black spandex workout shorts. She tried to put on her sports bra, but the darn thing was just too tight, so she changed back into her t-shirt. Wandering around the room, she idly ran her fingertips along the racks of weights, not realizing what an imposing figure she had become until she passed one of the floor to ceiling mirrors.
"Gosh, that's really me!" she gasped as she stared raptly at her reflection. She couldn't believe how muscular her legs were, or the incredible 'V' of power rising from her still slim waist. "I look like a super hero!"
She decide to try a few bench presses, which were way too easy. She kept upping the weight, and not until it was over three hundred and fifty pounds did she feel like she was actually making an effort. Only when her shirt became uncomfortably tight did she stop, sitting up on the padded seat and marveling at the amount of discs she had slipped unto the bar. "I could probably change a tire without a jack!" she said. "One hand to lift the car and the other to change the tire!"
She resumed her pacing, picking up a barbell here, another there. Twenty, fifty, seventy five, a hundred pounds. One handed, she did a few reps with the hundred pounder, first with one hand and then the other.
"This can't be right." she murmured. "The number on this thing is a mistake. It barely feels like I'm lifting a box of cereal!"
On the other hand, her vein covered bicep looked absolutely huge now, like a mini-mountain of muscle erupting from her arm.
"I better stop!" she said. "It's only Monday, and I have a feeling my eighteen inch dream has become a reality, and then some!"
While Gina was in the gym, David was hurrying across the Quad on his was to a class, his previous one being in a different building. As he was trotting past the bulletin board he noticed a girl, her back to him, standing in front of it and reading a notice about baseball tryouts which someone had posted at the very top of the board, forcing her to stand on her tiptoes to read it and thus displaying a pair of agonizingly beautiful upside down fully developed heart shaped calves. At first he thought it was Bridgette, for she was wearing an abbreviated version of the pencil skirt she always wore when working for Peter in Mackenzie Hall, the back of the skirt was stretched tautly around the curvature of the most alluringly shaped bubble butt he had ever seen, since Gina's anyway. Her legs were very athletic, not the slender stems possessed by Bridgette. He wondered if….
"Nah, can't be!" he said, and realizing he was going to be late for class, he hurried away with only one backward glance, thinking, 'That girl's hair sure looks like Bridgette's though!'
Then, on Wednesday, again rushing between classes and trying not to be late, he spotted the same girl at the Bulletin board, or was it the same girl? She was reading the notice proclaiming who had been accepted for the college's girl's baseball team. This paper was as high as the previous one, but this time (the same girl?? Could it be??) she stood flat footed, reading it easily, since a number of inches seemed to have been added to the length of her legs. David was almost positive it was Bridgette. Her skirt had been replaced by a pair of tight black denim shorts, and her legs were, besides longer, even more muscular and tanned than two days previously. Also, her black hair was no longer as short as it had been and hung just below her (of course wider) shoulders.
He stopped, determined to accost her, but a classmate waylaid him about an assignment, and even though David brushed him off, when he turned back, the girl had disappeared.
David sat waiting somewhat impatiently on the bench Friday afternoon. He had called Bridgette a dozen times since Wednesday, but she was never in her dorm room, and only answered one of his messages with one of her own, saying she was very busy but would call him as soon as possible. He had called Gina a couple of times. She said she was great and would see him at the bench as promised Friday.
He heard a yell, and a collision, as if two of the many quad bicycle riders had had an accident. Turning his head, he immediately knew what the cause of the accident had been, for Gina was coming up the sidewalk towards him.
It was a good thing he was sitting down, for at six and a half feet tall, and two hundred and fifty pounds of the most incredibly developed muscular feminine body he had ever seen, Gina was an imposing sight indeed and would have knocked him off his feet!
Wearing a pair of brown corduroy micro-shorts, high heeled, laced up around her ankles sandals, and a simple light green workman's shirt that barely covered her breasts and stretched alarmingly tight by her massive fifty two inch chest, her abs looking like titanium plates under the taut tanned skin of her tummy, Gina had indeed become almost super human in appearance.
She stopped in front of the bench, looked way down at her former boyfriend and said, with a wan smile, "Well, I guess I've grown a little since you last saw me, huh?"
"A-a little!!" he sputtered.
Slowly, a bit unsteadily, David rose to his feet, to find that, with her heels, Gina towered over him by almost a full foot.
"H-h-how tall ARE you?" he stammered, still stunned by her appearance.
"In my bare feet, six-six." she said. "Hard to believe, huh?"
"Gina, you are, you are…god, I don't have the words!"
"I know, I know." she said, sighing. "It's the same everywhere I go. Everybody just stares at me. I quit, you know."
"Quit? Quit what?"
"School! I simply can't go to classes anymore. No one does anything except ask me questions or just, well, drools! It's kind of embarrassing."
"You're not going to ask Peter for another pill, are you?"
"No way, Jose! Imagine what another one would do to me!"
"I am!" he said. "I am!"
They stared at one another for a moment, then David asked. "What are you going to do then? If not school?"
"Oh, I don't know. Join the circus as the strongest woman on earth, maybe. Get into construction. Can you see me in cut-off jeans and a plaid work shirt, welding I-beams at the top of a twenty story building? I could probably carry them up there without using a crane. I'm really strong!"
"I can SEE that!" he said fervently.
"Yeah." Almost sheepishly Gina indicated her right arm with her left hand. "Remember I said I wanted an eighteen inch bicep?"
"Yeah, I remember. Uh, did you….?"
"Twenty two inches." she said, doing a side bicep flex for him and making his eyes practically pop out of his head. "And probably still growing!"
"Oh…my…god." David said in a near whisper.
"Well, David, what say we go pay our friend Peter one more visit. What do think he'll say?"
"He'll shi…I mean, he'll be very, very surprised."
So they walked over to the Hall again, David scurrying to keep up with Gina's long-legged stride, looking like an even littler boy next to her. He couldn't stop staring at her incredible body, and those legs left him weak at the knees; never had he seen such muscular curves in a woman's legs before, and he discovered he absolutely loved the way they looked.
Gina held the door for him, and he ducked under her arm and stepped inside. Then, as they turned the corner and approached Bridgette's desk, David had his second big surprise of the day.
Bridgette was waiting for them, sitting on the edge of her desk with her hands resting on the edges. Her black denim shorts seemed even tighter than on Wednesday, and tiny rips had opened at the sides to accommodate the enlarged muscles of her thighs. Her feet were encased in cleated Nike running shoes and a baseball bat was propped against the desk next to her. The team's name, 'BLUEBIRDS' was stitched across the front of her uniform blouse, the short sleeves stretched rather tight around her bulging biceps, the front unbuttoned enough to show the striations of her pecs, and the knotted shirt-tails revealing her newly developed abs. Her much longer hair had been pulled through the gap in the back of the BLUEBIRDS cap she wore, and hung down her back.
David stopped short at the sight of her.
"I KNEW that was you in the quad!" he said.
"Hi David." she said, looking just a trifle embarrassed as she straightened up. David had another small shock, for she was now a little taller than him. "Peter felt so sorry for me when I couldn't make the team that he suggested I try one of those pills too! I – I hope you don't mind!"
"I – I – I don't know what to say!" he said.
"Oh! I knew I should have asked you first!" she said, tentatively raising her hand to touch his cheek. A ripping sound was accompanied by her bicep tearing through the sleeve of her shirt. "Oh no! My uniform! Peter gave me another pill this morning. He said my metabolism assimilates them really fast! Oh – my legs! They feel so strange!"
Before his eyes, Bridgette grew another inch taller, and her thighs and calves became even more muscular. She took a deep breath to calm herself, her chest expanding, putting even more of a strain on her blouse. A button popped off.
"Darn, I'll have to pay for this shirt!" she said.
"Wow!" Gina said. "It took me a week to grow that much!"
"Maybe I shouldn't have taken that extra pill!" Bridgette said, looking at David, who was staring at her in awe. "I hope you still want me to be your girlfriend, David!"
"Are you kidding!" he said. "You're beautiful!"
"Oh David!" she said, hugging him, pulling his head to her breasts. "I really, really like you lot, you know?"
"I can see that!" he said, his voice muffled against her very healthy chest. "I like you a lot too!"
"Hey guys." Gina said. "I hate to break this up, but don't we have an appointment with Peter?"
"Oh, I'm so sorry Gina!" Bridgette said. "I know he'll be really surprised when he sees you! Here, go right in!" She reluctantly let David go and opened the door for them.
To say Peter was surprised was quite an understatement. His head swiveled from one muscular beauty to another, both attired in sexy outfits that exhibited all their attributes in a spectacular fashion. And both smiling sweetly at him, their benefactor!
Gina put one hand on her hip, her legs straight and slightly apart, and flexed a bicep that was 175 percent (or almost three times) larger than it was before she had taken the pills. She was also fourteen inches taller and 135 pounds heavier, most of that new weight solid muscle.
Bridgette, who was now five feet, eleven inches tall, was still a bit self-conscious about her new stature, and held her hands together in front of her stomach, unaware of how this made her biceps bulge out in a most delightful manner.
Peter was stunned. He turned white, and it looked as if he was about to faint. Gina rushed over to him and helped him sit on the edge of a worn leather sofa that stood against the wall. She fanned his face with her hands, while David got a Dixie cup of water from the cooler.
Peter was soon back on his feet, his face flaming with embarrassment.
"I should be more of a scientist!" he said. "I expected a dramatic change in you, even hoped for it! But seeing is a lot more of a shock than making notes on a piece of paper!
Still, Gina, incredible, simply incredible!"
Then he noticed something else.
"And Bridgette! Why, you're bigger than you were when you left here just a few minutes ago! This is astounding!"
"Yeah, I guess that last pill worked even faster than the one before it!" she said.
"In mere minutes!" Peter agreed. "My god, I wonder what would happen if…no…I can't suggest it. Can I?"
"Suggest what?" David asked.
"That Bridgette take another pill, right now."
"You can't be serious!" David protested.
"I, no, I guess that would be to much to ask." Peter said, looking questioningly at Bridgette. "Wouldn't it?"
Bridgette looked over at Gina, her eyes roving over her muscles, her height, her incredible air of confidence and, yes, superiority. David was the shortest person in the room at five-ten, she was an inch taller than him, while Peter, at six-two, was three inches taller than her and four inches shorter than Gina, if she wasn't wearing heels, that is. What would it be like to be taller than both of these guys? she thought.
"Well, I don't know." she hesitated, "Maybe not."
Peter was babbling about the fact that taking any vitals was now ridiculous. There wasn't a blood pressure cuff big enough to even fit around Gina's forearm, her huge bicep was simply out of the question on that score. Bridgette decided that she wanted to see what it would feel like to have a bicep that big and strong for herself!
"I'll take another pill!" she announced, interrupting Peter's chatter.
"What? You will?" he said.
"Yes!" she stated firmly. "I want to try it!"
"Bridgette, are you sure you want to do that?" David asked, taking her hands and gazing into her cool green eyes.
She squeezed his hands, gently, so as not to hurt him, and nodded her head, then bent down and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "If you don't mind, sweetheart."
His heart suddenly skipping a beat or two, David nodded back. "Ok, whatever you want, I want too!" he said.
"I can't wait to see this!" Gina said, as Peter took another of the wrapped pink pills from the drawer and handed it to Bridgette while Gina filled a Dixie cup with water from the dispenser for her.
"Well, uh, here goes!" Bridgette said, tearing the cellophane from the pill, placing it on her tongue and washing it down.
"Oh look!" she said, crushing the fragile cup in her fist. "It's working already!"
They all laughed, although a bit tensely.
Peter started pecking away on a calculator as Bridgette tossed the cup into the waste basket. "Let's see." he said. "If the response time is an exponential ratio, and based on the time it took for all the pills I've given you to work, this latest one should start taking effect….now!"
They all started as Bridgette's shoulders burst through both of her sleeves just as Peter uttered the word 'now!'
"Oh….god! That feels so good!" she said, clenching her little fists while everyone stared at her now visibly growing biceps and becoming more muscular by the second forearms. Two more buttons popped from her blouse as her chest forced it's growing way forward, her shirt not standing a chance against the masses of muscle that were being added to her pecs, lifting her breasts high, the edges of the lapels catching on her distended nipples being the only factor that kept the shirt still upon her, the bottom of the tight garment rising above the plates of her tremendously over-developed abs.
"Oh my god!" Peter said, as Bridgette's ponytail inched it's way down her back.
"Kee-rist!" David said, as Bridgette grew an inch, than another inch, taller.
"Wow!" Gina said, as even more muscle packed itself onto Bridgette's thighs and calves.
Bridgette raised her arms, flexing her biceps, which were no longer as big as hardballs, but now as large as softballs, thick distended blue veins encircling the mighty muscles, strong enough to break a baseball bat in half as if it were a toothpick.
"Oh David!" she said. "I feel so…so…freakin' awesome!" Then she pouted as she looked at Peter. "But I'm STILL not as tall as you!"
She went to David and grasped his shoulders, her face brightening.
"Now we can get that stubborn peanut butter jar open! Won't that be nice?"
"Uh, yeah." he said, looking up at his super jacked up girlfriend.
"You don't think I'm too muscular now, do you David?" she asked, concern showing on her face.
"No! You're…awesome! Just like you said. I never saw anything like that before, is all! I mean, you just…GREW!...right in front of my eyes!"
"It IS unprecedented!" Peter said, joining the conversation. "In fact, if I hadn't seen it myself, I'd say it was impossible!"
"And don't worry about finding a job now baby!" Bridgette told David. "As of right now you're the team's waterboy! I don't think anyone will argue with me about that!"

Offline steve44

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Re: +Notable Author: [Steve the Z] Pillzz-A-Poppin
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2017, 12:58:06 am »
This is great. I never saw this story before, and Steve the Z is one of my favorite FMG authors.

I just now noticed this story here. It was originally posted to © Saradas*, which is in a state of flux. I now post my stories on DeviantArt under Steve the Z (what else?)**. Since last September (2016), I've written and sent over 100 stories to DeviantArt, without getting a single cent for my efforts. Obviously it's all a labor of love. Check them out if you like.

I am Steve the Z and I approve this message (or not depending on circumstances not yet known. One has to cover all the bases in this modern day and age).

I did not type Saradas but a site beginning with B. Gee whiz already.

*[Br@wna]  **[well, actually "steveabc"]

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Re: +Notable Author: [Steve the Z] Pillzz-A-Poppin
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2017, 10:40:43 am »
I just now noticed this story here...Since last September (2016), I've written and sent over 100 stories to DeviantArt, without getting a single cent for my efforts. Obviously it's all a labor of love. Check them out if you like.

At first I was like, "100 stories? Really?" But then I counted. Closer to 150! Your production in the last year has been nothing short of remarkable Steve, and every story is a treat. I'm doing my best with likes and comments to keep you going (MVDR on *****), but like you say, it's the labor of love that defines some of the best artists.

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Re: +Notable Author: [Steve the Z] Pillzz-A-Poppin
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2017, 02:20:55 am »
Searching DA for Steve the Z's page and coming up empty - can IBP or Steve himself post the DA name?, e.g., is it stevethez.D* or steve44.D* etc.?

At the risk of being banned or having this thread sent to the corn field, Steve's DA name is steveabc. And golly gee he has a bunch of really cool new stories there!

I can never remember if abc or xyz comes first in the alphabet. Sorry about that. Yes, I am steveabc on the DA site.

I myself didn't realize I'd posted almost 150 stories. They're all basically the same thing! Well, not really.

Hope you enjoy the stories as much as I do writing them.

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★Memorable Author: [Steve the Z] Thoroughly Modernized Julie
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2017, 01:06:00 pm »
Thoroughly Modernized Julie  [New New Nanette sequel]
by Steve the Z
Submitted by Steve the Z on October 25, 2015 - 4:53pm

"I can't believe it!" Julia said, after John had explained what had happened to Nanette, while his brother watched a football game on the TV in the living room. "That was really Aunt Nanette doing all those things?"
"It really was." John said. He had left out the part about Nanette threatening to wipe out the human race. He didn't want to frighten her, and besides, he was frightened about it enough for both of them. "And…"
"Yes?" Julia said, her eyes glowing with excitement.
John opened a drawer and brought out a freshly prepared syringe.
"I can do the same thing for YOU!"
"You can?" Now Julia was breathing even harder. He could tell the thought of being a super-heroine was tempting to her.
"Yes. But there's a catch."
"Oh." she said, looking a bit crestfallen.
"I want you to bring Nanette back to me. Go into that vortex or dimension or whatever it was she created and talk her into coming home. I miss her!"
"You mean you want me to become a super evolved 16 year old girl, so smart I know how to cross inter-dimensional space just by using the power of my mind, and bring Aunt Nanette home? Aren't you afraid I'll become just as cold blooded and decide to join her instead?"
"It’s a chance I'm willing to take, if you are too. I think being younger you'll be more resistant to a major change in your life, and hopefully your fresher emotions won't be subject to cooling off as much as your aunt's did. So what do you say?"
Julia gave it five seconds of consideration.
"I'll do it Uncle John!"
"Great! I…" He had already uncapped the needle's tip.
"But I've got a catch too!"
"Oh? And what would that be?" John said, slowly replacing the protective sleeve.
"I want to have some fun first! Let me see what happens for a few days, and then I'll come back here and we'll figure out how to super-brain me so I can go find Aunt Nanette for you. Ok?"
"Deal!" he said, holding the needle up with a drop of the serum glistening at the tip.
"Ugh, I hate needles!" Julia said, but she held out her arm, conveniently bared by her pink and green Hello Kitty t-shirt.
"Won't hurt a bit." John promised, positioning the sharp tip above her forearm.
"Eep!" Julia said, her face turned away as the needle slipped under her skin and into her vein. John depressed the plunger and injected the serum into his niece's arm and vein.
"All done!" he said. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
"No, I guess not." Julia said as she pressed the cotton ball he held out to her against the small wound. "Now what?"
"Now we wait for an appropriate occasion to arise that will trigger the serum's activating agent in your body. Don't worry, there's no pain involved in the transformations."
"Wow, transformations." Julia murmured. "Cool, I guess."
"Time to go!" her dad called from the living room. "It's halftime and I want to get home before the rest of the game starts."
"No sweat Dad." Julia said as she came out of the lab, her voice ringing with confidence. "I can get us home in five minutes."
"What the…" her dad said, staring at the new outfit her Hello Kitty 'T' and pre-faded denim jeans were rapidly rearranging themselves into as she stepped across the threshold between the lab and the living room; namely, a black micro-mini-dress with a checkered flag design imprinted down the right side which handily displayed her slender teen-aged legs.
"Something wrong Pops?" Julia asked, raising a perfect, aloof brow as she strode past him, still changing, no longer mini-skirted but now tightly and provocatively hot-pantsed.
Before his astonished brain could even begin to formulate a reply, his daughter's long, black fishnet stocking covered legs had taken her to the front door where she stood impatiently waiting for him, from the tip of her impulsively tapping toe up to the top of her blonde covered head, now six feet above the floor.
"What in the world's happened to you baby-doll?" he finally jabbered.
"Whatever do you mean Daddy-oh?" Julia asked, her straight blonde hair swaying saucily as she stopped to look at him, a shiny black racing helmet that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere (because it did!) clutched under her recently (as of two seconds ago) muscular arm (that three seconds ago had been a limber girlishly thin appendage), more than well equipped to turn even the most stubborn wheel on hairpin turns.
"Wh-where did you get that outfit…and…and….why do you look so - different?"
John had rushed to the lab's doorway in time to witness most of the 'occasion'.
"It's working already!" he whispered.
With ears sensitive enough to gauge an engine's timing to one-one thousandth of a second with no instrumentation required, Julia plainly heard her uncle's remark.
"Of course it's working, Uncle John! Like, duh, OBVIOUSLY!" she said, one fist planted on a now very curvaceous and ultra-micro-short-shorts covered hip, her (even longer, and needless to say more muscular) legs seeming to have grown exponentially longer for every inch her jumper's length had constricted. Her buckled black boots had sprouted four inch heels which would in no way impede her expert foot control over any car designed, no matter how many gears or shifts it possessed, the miniscule amounts of clothing covering her hips and buttocks intended to not hinder any impediment to her body's movements while she drove; her rock-hard diamond shaped calves no match for any brake, clutch or accelerator pedal ever devised. "Now let's get on the road, Daddy wants to watch football!"

Exactly six minutes later John received a phone call from his very excited niece.
"Oh Uncle John, it was fantastic! I've never felt so alive, so in control of my life! I didn’t want to change back but as soon as we screeched into the driveway at 100 miles an hour I started to, uh, revert, I guess you'd call it. You should have seen Daddy's face! He was as white as a sheet! Hee hee hee!"
The phone was snatched from Julia's hand.
"What in the hell's going on here John? What have you done to my daughter?" demanded his brother's angry voice.
"Calm down!" John said, and he explained, editing his remarks carefully, what had happened to Nanette and his hopes of getting her back. He was convincing, the sobs helped, and his brother relaxed with assurances Julia's changes would be completely harmless and cease within a week. (So OK, he's not so bright)

Julia however, could not stop calling her favorite uncle and giving him reports about the happenings at school, which she tried to keep her father from finding out about.
"Oh Uncle John, you should have seen me at the baseball game, and when those bullies started to pester the nerds again, boy they sure got a surprise when Super-Nerd-Girl took care of them!"
"Julia! You didn't hurt anybody…!" John said.
"Of course not!" she said. "At least not permanently."
Then she described in detail what had happened at the girl's baseball game yesterday. They were losing 6 to 3 in the 9th, two outs and no one left to put in, so as a last resort, the coach sent in her worst player – Julia.
Everyone groaned as she made her way to the plate in her standard uniform: off white pants and a blue shirt with the team's name emblazoned in glittery gold across the front. But then something strange happened. The closer Julia came to the plate, the tighter her pants became, and the shorter the long sleeves of her blouse.
By the time she stepped up to the batter's box her pants had become snug-fitting culottes, her muscular calves fully revealed beneath the tight material. The fans stared at the unexpected muscles adorning the slender girl's legs, muscles somehow shaped a bit like baseballs, a fact which became more apparent as she stepped INTO the batter's box, as before everyone's disbelieving eyes, her culottes rapidly shrank into a pair of skin-tight Daisey-Dukes. She grasped the aluminum bat firmly and bent into her stance, the muscles of her thighs bunching up as alarmingly in their turn as her calves had. The pitcher's eyes became wide with shock and the male fan's eyes behind the batter's cage became equally wide in response to the tautness of the backside of Julia's shorts across her amazing glutes, which were NOT shaped like baseballs, but had attained their own extremely eye-catching contours. As if in response to the ogling, the material covering them obligingly retreated upwards to reveal more tanned, tight skin.
"Sh-sh-she's out of uniform!" the pitcher called, nervously staring at Julia, who was giving her a steely gray-eyed look back, the handle of the bat denting under her vice-like grip, her baseball sized biceps bulging menacingly. Even the veins encircling those intimidating muscles looked strangely like the stitches around a hardball.
No one answered. everyone was staring at Julia with their mouths hanging open, the men's eyes traveling up and down her superbly athletic body, and the deep cleavage now undulating between the letters of the team's name that had been split apart in the middle by the extremely eye-catching expansion of her chest.
"I ain't got all day honey!" Julia said, spitting a wad of tobacco from the corner of her set, though pouty lipped, mouth. "Throw the damn ball already!"
The pitcher later swore that Julia grew four inches taller during her windup, and all her muscles added an equal four inches to their measurements. Nevertheless, she gave it her all, sending Julia her best pitch, a screaming fastball at the knees.
Julia smiled evilly. Almost nonchalantly, she swatted at the ball, there was a resounding !CLINK! as metal met rawhide, and the ball, trailing it's ruptured skin, sailed high and lazily out of the field and into the church parking lot 600 feet away.
Julia tossed her squeezed to the thickness of a toothpick handled bat away and let her long powerful legs guide her around the bases.
Later, the whole thing was attributed to mass hysteria, people just couldn't believe what they had seen. It was after all a hot day and the sun had been in their eyes.
But John and Julia knew better.

Julia never did tell Uncle John about the event that occurred BEFORE the baseball game, as there were only a few witnesses to this particular chapter of her serum injected adventures.
She had been in the hallway between classes, alone, when passing the chemistry classroom. Hearing some loud voices from within, she had stopped at the doorway to see what was going on, to spy two of the school's bullies harassing a boy and girl who had been doing a science experiment for extra credit.
The tough kids were bullies, big, overweight bruisers who had been terrorizing the weaker students for some time now. They were currently teasing a boy in plaid pants and a white shirt, taking the pens from his pocket protector and tossing them to the floor and stomping on them. The skinny girl with him had had her black horn-rimmed glasses taken and smashed on the Formica counter top of the lab bench. She was sitting on a stool and crying, her plaid skirt draped around her skinny, knobby knees.
Julia clenched her hands in outrage at the scene, pushing her own horn-rimmed glasses up on her perky cute nose, although she had never up to now worn glasses in her life. Behind the lenses she blinked her long and lushly lashed sea-green eyes.
As her rage increased, her shortening red and black plaid skirt (it had been denim a moment before) rose upwards over thighs that had begin to brim with muscle, and her perky breasts thrust against her white, fully buttoned long sleeved blouse impertinently until the top three buttons gave up and sprang open to allow her deep cleavage room to breathe, although it was mostly covered by the black men's tie that had appeared around her neck. Her hair gathered itself into a ponytail that hung down her back all the way to her very trim waist.
The pocket protector that was tilted at a 45 degree angle on the ski-slope rise of her left breast contained four pens, colored red, white, blue and silver. They all ended in very sharp points, as did the long pink nails on her hands.
Julia stepped into the classroom, her height increasing from 5'5' to five-eight as she stepped over the threshold, and an inch per step for the five strides it took her to reach the scene of the trouble. She put her hands on her hips, the palms resting against the wool fabric of her pleated, flared out micro-mini-skirt.
She cleared her throat and tapped her toe on the floor, her feet encased in five inch pink stilettos with Stars Wars characters decals emblazoned on the sides and bottoms of the shoes.
The two thugs looked around, then looked UP, into Julia's innocent, lovely eyes, which her long, bare, superbly athletic, firm legs flaunted by her now exceedingly short skirt had elevated to well above their heads.
"Wow! Wh-wh-who are you?" the one who'd stomped the girl's glasses asked.
"Hee hee!" Julia said. "You sound like an owl! The most common of which is the Barn Owl, you know. Of the Tytonidae family. Us nerds know those kinds of things, you know? So why are you picking on my friends? Why don't you pick on someone your own size? Like me, for instance."
Julia nonchalantly clenched her fists, and the two boys, along with their victims, eyes bugged out as her biceps immediately smoothly tautened her blouse's sleeves around them before beginning to rip through the fabric.
"Or are you scaredy-cats?" she asked.
"She's just a girl!" one of them whispered.
"Yeah, sure." the other said. "She's a freaking Amazon! Let's get out of here!"
"Not so fast, boys." Julia aid, as they tried to rush around her. Her hand darted to her pocket, and before they could even blink, four spear-like pins flashed through the air, impelling the two jerks backwards and against the blackboard, the pens holding them up by where they'd pierced their shirts at the shoulders and their pants at the cuffs. Try as they might, they couldn't dislodge the ballpoints.
"You're just a pair of nasty bullies." Julia said as she sauntered up to their imprisoned bodies. "But I'll leave your punishment up to your victims."
So saying, she turned to the two still cowering students, who were looking at her in awe, seemingly frozen into immobility on their lab stools.
"Th-thank you, whoever you are." the girl finally managed to say.
"Oh, think nothing of it." Julia said. "It was my pleasure. What are your names?"
"I'm Cindy." the girl said. "This is Jack." She pointed at the boy.
"Is Cindy your girlfriend Jack?" Julia asked.
Blushing and stammering, Jack said, "N-no! She's my cousin!"
"Oh? Kissing cousins?" Julia teased.
"Gulp!" Jack turned even redder, unable to speak, but he did cast a longing look in Cindy's direction.
"Hmm, being Super-Nerd-Girl has given me a bit more brainpower than usual." Julia said. And I've just had a great idea!"
"What's that?" Cindy ventured.
"An idea to fix two problems at the same time. A new girlfriend for Jack here, who seems like a nice, likable guy, and a way to get even with these two yo-yos." Julia said, jerking a well manicured thumb at the impaled tormentors.
Cindy giggled and Jack managed a weak smile.
"I gotta go now." Julia said. "But first - ."
She leaned over (giving the hanging hooligans a nice view of the back of her pink panties as her minuscule skirt raised up), and gave Jack a peck on his cheek. He turned as red as a nice ripe tomato. Then Julia turned to Cindy and gave her a big smack right on the mouth, making sure her tongue slipped between the VERY surprised girl's lips so their saliva mixed.
"There! That ought to do it!" she said, dusting her hands together and making sure her plan had worked by looking at the blushing Cindy's loafers, which were in the process of turning into a pair of shiny black high-heeled pumps with a pair of frilly white ankle socks to go along with them.
"Yup! Working like a charm!" she affirmed. "Well, toodle-oo you two!"
Julia walked towards the door, beginning to shrink back into her normal everyday self while at the same time Cindy's plain and now not so ill-fitting plaid skirt began to slide upwards, baring her legs below the knees, the skin starting to tan all by itself, her calves rounding out into provocative new shapes.
"Wow! That was so weird!" Jack said, turning to look at Cindy, who appraised him with a pair of beautiful blue peepers.
"Holy cow!" Jack said, "What happened to your eyes!"
"Hmmm, whatever do you mean Jack?" Cindy asked, smoothing her now even shorter skirt down her hips.
"Well, they, they're all so blue! And the lashes are so long and thick!"
"Oh really?" Cindy said, fluttering them for her cousin, and making his heart beat harder and harder, the hem of her skirt slithering up and over her knees, her feet leaving the bottom rung of the stool and planting themselves firmly on the floor. "Do you like them?" She bent closer so Jack could get a better look, her breasts thrusting against the front of her white blouse, which sure didn't look plain and baggy any more.
Jacks eyes were irresistibly drawn to the increasing depths of Cindy's cleavage as her breasts somehow began to push the lapels of her blouse aside, uncovering the upper portions of their firmly rounded orbs. It was almost as if they were growing bigger! Then he did a double take as her 34C cup also did it's own double take to a 36DD cup. They WERE growing bigger!
"Jack honey." the dulcet tones of Cindy's voice intruded into his thoughts. "My eyes are up here, hee hee! But I don't mind. I like when you look at me."
Embarrassed, Jack jerked his head up so quickly his neck popped.
"Here." Cindy said, sliding off the stool, her plaid mini-skirt falling decorously to mid-thigh. "I'll let you get a better look at me, ok?"
Jack looked. He couldn't help it. What had happened to his dorky little cousin, who he had always secretly lusted after? Where did this 5'10" long-legged tall sexy girl with the 36-22-36 measurements come from, her long blonde hair hanging to a pair of wide, firm shoulders that made his slumping delts look so pathetic?
"What do you think? Like what you see?" Cindy asked, eagerly awaiting his answer as she put her hands on her curvaceous hips, her mini-skirt somehow having become a micro-mini, her legs seemingly even longer, toner and tanner now, her shoulders so athletic they were downright muscular, her hair flowing down her back almost to her incredibly shrinking waist, flaunting her 38-20-36 figure for her cousin, who she had always had a crush on.
"…yes…" Jack whispered huskily, his throat gone dry, his voice rasping as he gazed adoringly at the girl of his dreams, now towering over his 5'7" tall frail frame by a good half a foot.
"Oh! I'm so glad!" Cindy said, gathering him in her strong arms and pressing his head to her robust, soft bosom before lifting his chin with a long-nailed hand and bending low to plant a passionate kiss on his mouth.
Giggling like a schoolgirl (which she was), Cindy pressed her pelvis against Jack's.
"Ooooooo!" she said in delight. "Now I KNOW you really like me!"
She took Jack's hand and led him out of the room.
"Let's find someplace where we can be alone." she said, giving him a conspiratorial wink. "I've got something I want to show you."
"Hey! What about us?" one of the two forgotten people in the classroom yelled.
Cindy looked over her muscle-bound shoulder at him.
"What about you?" she said.
And now back to our regular story

"But I saved the best for last Uncle John!"
"Please don’t tell me you hurt anyone Julia!"
"Of course not! What kind of girl do you think I am? And really, it was just the opposite! I was riding the bus to school, in my school uniform, you know. I think you saw me in it once, they make us wear these white blouse's with a bit of ruff down the front, and gray and black checked plaid A-line skirts with these horrible white socks. The skirts're SUPPOSED to be only an inch or two above your knees, but most of us cheat on that a little. Anyway, we were rolling along and suddenly the bus hits this BIG pothole with one of the back tires! It's so deep the bus can't get out! It's too heavy! We're sitting right in the middle of the road and the traffic's starting to pick up. The driver started to panic and everyone was yelling and laughing or something. And then it started! Suddenly I felt all mystical and swami-like, you know? I saw my reflection in the window, and my eyes were really big! I almost hypnotized myself! My lips were full and pouty, my lashes REALLY long and my hair was piled on top of my head big time! I never had so much hair before! Anyway, I stood up, and everybody just stopped making noise and stared at me. I was wearing some kind of long tight maroon dress with a really long slit on the left side that went up PAST my waist! It was so cool! Whatever happened to my regular uniform I sure don't know! Then I raised my hand. You should've seen my fingernails Uncle John! They were way over an inch long and PERFECTLY manicured. I simply LOVED them! Now this part I don’t remember so well, but I just KNEW how to get into all these puny little minds around me and do anything I wanted with them. So I made everybody go into a trance. It was so easy! Then I walked to the back of the bus and opened the emergency door. And get this! As soon as I hopped out I was ME again! Wearing my uniform just like nothing had even happened! It was weird! Then I looked at the tire and it was almost completely gone, the hole it was in was so deep. And that's when it started again!"
"Another change?" John asked, amazed. "So soon after the first one?"
"Yup! Because the problem this time was getting the bus back on the road, see? As soon as I took one step towards the pothole, my skirt became the CUTEST micro-mini! You should have seen me Uncle John, I looked just ADORABLE in it!"
"Uh, er, I'm sure you did." he said.
"Did you know our buses weigh 25,350 pounds EACH Uncle John? I looked it up after, that's a lot! That's over 12 TONS! You know what else happened when I took another step?"
"I think I might!" he said.
Julia snickered. "Well, first of all my mini skirt turned into mini-shorts, well MICRO-mini shorts really, if you know what I mean! I think I looked really great in them too. Especially since my legs had become really long again, just like when I played baseball. But this time the shorts were bright red, just like a costume, because that's what they were – a Supergirl costume! And if you'd seen the muscles I had on my legs Uncle John you would've flipped! I remembered that stupid movie I'd seen, but believe me this was mucho gain with NO pain! I didn't even know muscles like that even EXISTED on girls, and boy were they BIG! I felt so STRONG! I just stood there a minute and GREW! My arms swelled up and my shoulders and my chest! And I was wearing the CUTEST little bright blue tank top! I could see my ab muscles like TOTALLY! I was one macho chick let me tell you! And here's a weird thing Uncle John! I took a look at that bus, that weighed all those thousands and thousands of pounds, and I just KNEW it was absolutely no match for me and me super girly muscles. Oh, did I mention the white boots with the high heels? No dumb socks anymore. And the cape was pretty cool too!"
"Oh my god." John said.
"Well, I moseyed over to the buss. I was so tall I could see into the back window, and everybody was still as statues inside, still under my spell. I put one hand on my hip and stuck my other one under the bumper. It was as light as a feather! I lifted the whole back end of the bus with ONE HAND! Then I just stood there. I knew as soon as I put it down I'd start changing back, and I wanted to be Supergirl forever! I wanted to keep all my big new muscles and my super powers; I had lots more of them, I just KNEW it! But I couldn't do it. I had to put the buss down and then turn into a silly schoolgirl again and go to school. What a letdown after all that huh? Wouldn't it have been great if I could have stayed like that Uncle John?"
"Uhm, maybe Julia. But the serum just doesn't work that way."
"It should though! I can't tell you what a bummer it was to see my sexy shorts turn into that old skirt again and my chest shrink and the big 'S' fade away and all my muscles turn to sticks again! But I did it though."
She sounded disappointed. John couldn't imagine what it had felt like to transform into Supergirl, but he certainly sympathized with Julia.
"So what do we do now Uncle John?" Julia asked, breaking into his reverie.
"I think." he said. "That it's time we go after Nanette. Does that sound OK to you Julia?"
"Sure thing!" she said. "When?"
"Next time you're over here." he said.
He waited, but there was no response.
"Julia?" he said.
He heard a strange noise coming from the living room. Hastily dropping his phone on the lab bench, he rushed into the hallway and towards the sound, which reminded him of a certain transportation special effect sound used in an old science fiction show, just in time to see –
- a coruscating, scintillating multi-colored beam of light in the center of the room just in front of the couch, ceiling high, inside of which a tall female form became more and more visible to finally resolve itself into a transformed, smiling Julia.
Six feet tall, she was wearing a pair of lime green black belted spandex booty shorts, a similarly colored short sleeved tight top under which she was flagrantly braless, a big black 'T' embossed across her chest, made all the more eye-catching by her 38-19-36 hour and a half glass figure, silver diamond encrusted earrings, one in the shape of a T and the other a G dangling from her ears, and green 6" stiletto heeled pumps.
"Hi Uncle John!" she said brightly. "Since I knew you were in a hurry to see me I became Teleport Girl and beamed myself right over! Cool huh? How do I look?"
She whirled around, giving him more of a view of her mostly bared backside than he was willing to admit he cared to see.
But he said "Beautiful!"
"Ohhhh! I'm saying to myself that you need something from the store so I can stay like this to get it for you! Please tell me you need beer or a loaf of bread or something so I don't change back right away!"
"Sure, I do need something." he said.
"Oh goody!" Julia said. "It's so SIMPLE to teleport if you know how to do it. It's just a matter of taking Quadrature Phase Shift Keying and extrapolating it into the quantum level of…"
John's head begin to spin as he listened to Julia's explanation. She used nomenclature he had never heard before and wasn't even sure existed yet.
"So you see." she concluded. "Easy as solving 5 over 2 minus X plus X minus 5 over X plus 2 plus 3 times X plus 8 over X squared minus 4 equals zero! Child's play!"
John winced at the term 'child's play' as he stared at Julia in amazement.
"Julia, do you realize that what you just said is totally incomprehensible to me?"
"Really? But it's so simple!"
"Not to me! Don't you see, the serum's made you smarter! No one can teleport, no one knows how! It's light years beyond current scientific principles!"
"Super cool!" Julia said, running her hands down her sides and over her hips. "All this and brains too! What more could a girl want! Except for more brains, maybe!"
"This is very encouraging." John said. "Your increased mental abilities don't seem to have affected your emotions at all! There's hope yet for Nanette!"
"I LOVE being smarter Uncle John. I can't wait to see what happens when I get smart enough to go into other dimensions like Aunt Nanette!"
John kept Julia, or Teleport Girl, as she preferred to be called now, busy popping into and out of temporal existence and into the hardware, drug and grocery store buying him small items and causing instant commotions wherever her svelte and gorgeous and scantily clad young body appeared, while meanwhile he tried to think of what the best approach to getting his wife back was.
"Uncle John." Teleport Girl said after her faster than light journey to get him a pack of gum. "I noticed while crossing flux-line X55-OR7 on the way back that your garage door is hanging askew. What happened to it?"
"Oh I don't know." he growled. "I was pulling the car out yesterday and the door seemed to slip off the track or something. I tried to fix it but it's stuck fast, and right now I have more important things on my mind."
"Oh darn it!" Julia said.
"What's wrong?" John asked, puzzled.
"So much for being Teleport Girl!" she moaned. He could see she was changing again, but not back to her usual self.
"What's happening now?" he said.
"Looks like I'm going to fix your dumb old garage door." she said somewhat morosely as her tiny booty shorts became a pair of sturdy but faded denim cut-offs (although still fashionably tight), her legs became a few inches shorter but more heavily muscled, and her top shifted gears into a blue men's work shirt (X-TRA Large to fit her muscle-bound torso) with the sleeves completely ripped off so her burly, tanned shoulders were exposed.
Julia flexed two VERY impressive bicep muscles. "Looks like I've got the 'tools' to get the job done right, anyway." she said, stomping to the back door in her workman's boots.
In a moment they were standing before the garage. At 5'11", Julia was only an inch taller than her uncle, but she probably outweighed him by fifty pounds due to her incredibly muscular build.
"I don't know why I'm so short." she complained. "I'll have to use a ladder."
She raised a hand and pointed, her work shirt rising just enough to show off a chiseled ab or two. "There's the problem, your trolley carriage slipped off the rail and got bent. No wonder you couldn't move the door, it's wedged shut."
She moved to the half open door and gripped the edge. "This is a Reers Soeback Model 44-A. It's known for this! This is an old wooden door, probably weighs about 250 pounds."
Julia heaved, and the door went up easily, the bent trolley snapping back into place.
"250 pounds!" John said. "And it was stuck!"
"That's what THESE are for Uncle John!" Julia said, holding the door with one hand and flexing the 19 and a half inch, vein covered hard as granite bicep on her other arm. "No way your puny little muscles would budge this thing. Heck, I doubt if you could lift an ALUMINUM door with those spaghetti strands you call muscles!"
Julia went into the garage and came back carrying his heavy duty ladder, one handed of course. She set it up and mounted it, her tightly encased posterior swaying innocently but oh so alluringly. John noticed the sides of her shorts had ripped open, unable to hold those incredibly well built thigh muscles inside any longer. He watched as she grabbed the trolley and, striations and cords of muscular sinew popping up all over the place, bent and molded it with her hands until it looked brand new.
Her small yet very strong and supple fingers loosened bolts, no wrench required, snapped the trolley into place and re-tightened the bolts.
Coming down off the ladder Julia dusted her hands together in satisfaction.
"That should do it!" she said, sauntering over to the car and retrieving the remote.
The door closed and opened completely silently.
"It works better than before!" John said.
"Of course." Julia said matter of factly, tossing him the control, which he fumblingly caught. "So, have you given any further thought about rescuing Aunt Nanette?"
Julia followed John back into the house, strangely not changing back into her normal form.
"Why am I still built like a brick powerhouse, Uncle John?" she asked, standing in, and dominating, the living room, hands on hips, muscles bulging everywhere. "I mean like, I'm not complaining! But I usually switch back pretty quick."
"I don't know how, but somehow you must be sensing I've made a decision about Nanette." he said.
"Really? What are we going to do?"
"Basically, the same thing that happened to her is going to have to happen to you. The only difference is, instead of becoming a Super Scientist, I think it might be best if you transform yourself into a Super Schoolgirl, or in other words, a schoolgirl of the far, far future. That way, you'll still retain your fresh outlook on life and hopefully not become so cynical. And then I'm hoping again you'll be ready and able to find her and bring her back. How does that sound to you?"
"Why, just terrific, Uncle John. See?"
Julia indicated her shorts, which were already busily morphing themselves into a plaid schoolgirl's mini-skirt.
"I'm changing already!" she said. "How germane!'
"Amazing!" John said, staring at her.
"These incipient aspects shall soon accelerate." Julia affirmed. "My intellect, however, has already far surpassed yours, Uncle John. "My pity for your inferior mental abilities has induced a feeling of lachrymosity in me!"
"But not disdain, I hope!" he said.
Julia's shoulder length blonde tresses had seemingly grown back into her head, which grew not only balder but bigger as her rapidly evolving brain expanded, her skull growing larger and larger to house the billions of brain cells she was amassing.
"I shall advance my physical and mental adjuncts five million years." she stated. "Unfortunately, as my mental acumen increases, my pity for you accelerates."
Julia's now exceedingly short skirt had assumed a metallic, prismatic hue, their pleated folds changing colors seemingly at random. Her lengthening legs and growing cerebrum thrust her upwards to a height well past six feet tall. Her great dark eyes peered at John with depths of unfathomable wisdom radiating from the silver irises. He had to wrench his gaze away before he became completely mesmerized.
"Pity?" he said in a whisper. It was all he could manage due to the overwhelming changes occurring to Julia. Her head was now shaped somewhat like a gargantuan light bulb, her great brain having attained an even larger size than Nanette's had become. Her ears were more convoluted, and her brows now slanted upwards at the ends, giving her a somewhat malicious mien. Six long, double-jointed fingers adorned her hands and her waist had become impossibly small, although great ridges of trapezius muscle had grown to support her huge head, and her shoulders had become exceedingly broad.
"Imagine trying to communicate sensibly with your pet dog, Uncle John, to discuss it's daily routine. I must now struggle similarly to make myself fathomable to you. Soon it will be comparable to making my thoughts known to a flatworm."
"Please Julia, don't drift away from me! I need you…!"
"I am aware of this." she said with a sigh. "The trials of cunctipotentcy. Very well, I shall help you, despite your immeasurable inferiority to me."
"Thank you!" he said fervently.
She reached out an evolved hand, plucked a sparkling ruby jewel from the air, it's many facets sparkling in the light.
"Take this." she said, handing it to him. Her fingers were unusually long, very slender, cool to the touch, all twelve of them. John couldn't help but stare.
"What is it?" he asked, feeling the warm gemstone pulsing faintly in his hand. "And…and how far along are you?"
"Three million years." Julia stated, her head pulsing with brain power as it expanded even further, thick blue veins encircling it's great spherical shape. "Soon I shall be unable to communicate directly with you. My mind will be so far beyond yours I shall seem like a goddess to you. This crystal will render my thoughts into their simplest tenets so your primitive brain can understand me."
"B-b-but how do I use it?" John asked.
Julia waved a hand, and the crystal was around his neck on a silver chain.
Her eyes glowed, bored into his brain.
'Do not lose it.' her thoughts boomed inside his head. 'I now find speech unnecessary. We will communicate thusly from this moment on.'
"A-are you ready to find Nanette yet?" John asked, gazing in awe at his seven foot tall 16 year old future evolved niece, whose chest had expanded enormously. Her ultra brain needed oxygen to function properly; her one piece garment, which covered her from neck to extreme upper thigh clinging to her like a second skin, it's color never quite steadying; one second it was silver, the next gold, then a prismatic display of coruscations too quick to follow.
'Your mate is ensconced in an n-matrix protodelegate thought dimension of the 7th vortex.' Julia mentally informed him, her great mesmeric eyes boring into his very soul. Perspiration beaded his brow as she focused her thoughts into his brain. 'The process of travel through dimensions is simplicity itself. I have already located her, although she has no knowledge of my superior intellect or observation.'
"Wh-what are you going to do?" John asked querulously.
Julia shrugged her titanic shoulders.
'Return her, as per our initial agreement. Then I shall explore the cosmos to depths and heights indecipherable to you."
And with those words ringing in his head, Julia disappeared.
A second later, Nanette materialized in her place.
"Nanette!" John yelped.
She was still in an evolved state, wearing a one-piece pure white leotard and nothing else. She looked daggers down at her husband, as if her brain had instantly comprehended her situation – which of course it had.
'You primitive fool!' her thoughts blared so loudly in his mind he instinctively covered his ears with his hands. 'I won't allow you to interfere with my plans! I ---.'
She stopped abruptly. John looked up, to see a 6'6" tall Nanette clad in a white jumper, her head reduced by half it's former imposing size, staring at him with a distraught expression.
"Oh John!" she said. "What have I done?"
"Nanette! Are you coming back to me?" he pleaded.
She reached out and pulled him to her, clasping him tightly, murmuring into his ear.
"My poor little primitive mate! Although I would remain as I am now if only I could. Wait! I've ceased de-evolving! I have reached a state of mental acuity which perfectly coordinates high intelligence with human emotion! Are you able to love me as I am now John?"
He stood back and gazed at his 6 foot tall wife, her bald head only one and a half times the size of his own, her beautiful analytical eyes fixed on his, wearing a skintight micro-skirted jumper-like costume, her dainty feet encased in white slippers.
"How…how smart are you now?" he asked warily.
"My IQ is 515, and I am evolved as a woman will be approximately 750,000 years from now. I am immensely more intelligent than you dear, but I love you with all my heart. My vast intellect is yours to plunder as you see fit, and I can promise you I will show you wonders that will amaze you beyond your wildest dreams, especially those of a sexual nature."
She favored him with a beautiful smile.
"John gazed at her perfect body and wondered what it would feel like to caress that huge head (and other parts) while making love to her.
"I can live with that." he said.

I Saradas

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