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Author Topic: Author: [bertmacklinsbrother = BMB] My Wife Jennifer  (Read 277078 times)

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Author: [bertmacklinsbrother = BMB] My Wife Jennifer
« on: December 28, 2014, 11:31:03 pm »
Hi everyone.  This is the beginning chapter of a story I've been working on!  It starts out innocent enough...for now.  This is really just setting the groundwork for the chapters to come.  Hope you enjoy and feedback is always nice!

My Wife Jennifer
by bertmacklinsbrother = BMB

Summer, 2008

"Hey, Jen," I groaned, hefting the cardboard box up from the ground, "take that box from the truck and stack it on this one.  They're both going to the kitchen."
Damn the sun was shining down hard.  A bead of sweat, which had been building up on the tip of my nose, finally dropped to the ground and I could have sworn I heard a sizzle from the sweltering pavement.  The day wasn't all bad though; I watched my wife walk to the truck to get the box I requested, her shapely ass swaying back and forth.  Even during a grueling day of work, wearing some dirty jean shorts and sneakers, she still managed to look sexy.

I considered my wife to be a real feminine beauty.  While a little tall for a woman, standing at 5’11”, she was an all-around average girl.  We had met in college our freshman year during an introductory Chemistry course.  I was in the class just to get my dreaded required science credits out of the way, but for her, science was a passion.  And it suited her because she was brilliant when it came to her studies.  Every time I'd see her in class, she'd keep to herself, diligently taking notes with ceaseless determination.  Though her demeanor was quiet and mousy, she was as smart as a whip.

She had a relatively in-shape body, but was by no means a fitness nut.  She did yoga maybe a few times a week and kept on eye on the junk food she ate, and that was enough to retain her standard 130lbs figure, but she never cared for traditional exercise.  If anyone was the fitness guru, it was me.  I boasted a 6’4” 210lbs frame, trim and muscular.  I had always taken lifting weights seriously and usually found solace in physical activity.  That fact made it so surprising that we connected at all during that Chemistry class.  I was your typical jock; more intelligent than I appeared, though never seeing the importance in  applying myself.  I cared more about having fun partying and playing football or soccer with my buddies, not focusing on school or securing a job.  Loud and maybe a bit egocentric (hey, it was college) I was the complete antithesis of this shy, introverted brainiac who caught my eye during the most boring class of my life.

Something about her captivated me after a fateful day when we became lab partners.  I was completely taken in by her dedication to learning and even found her sheepish behavior endearing.  She was definitely a little apprehensive about opening up to me, often looking at the ground and mumbling her sentences whenever we spoke, but once we got to know each other over the course of the semester, we really grew close.  I asked her out the very minute the semester concluded and just over three years later, we were married with a lifetime of excitement ahead of us.

Today, the day of our big move, was seriously steaming hot outside; those mid-western summers always snuck up on you.  It was a poor choice to schedule a move during this insufferable dry heat.  It felt like we had been carrying an endless pile of boxes hour after hour, and yet the moving truck never seemed any less full.  Now usually I'm game for any type of endurance test, but this was quite the trial.  I was absolutely exhausted from the long afternoon and even the anticipation of being in a new house couldn't keep me going.  On this moving day however, I noticed my new spouse sporting far more energy than she ever had.  At first I thought it was just the excitement of living in our new home fueling her, but then I noticed something different.


“Whoa, Jennifer, what is that?!” I exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at a small bicep perking up at the base of her sleeve as she lifted a box.  Her arm was looking noticeably toned and much bigger than I'd ever seen it.  She set down the box and put her hands on her hips.

“Oh, this?” She asked in a soft, high voice, pointing to her seemingly defined arm.  “Are you impressed?"  She chuckled and turned to admire her own bicep; a small, but clear mound of muscle with a defined cut where it met her shoulder.   "Yeah, I guess I should talk to you about that.  It’s kind of a new project the company wants me to be a part of.  It’s a great opportunity and is the reason they hired me in the first place, but I just haven’t had time to sit down and tell you.  You know, with the big move and all.  I guess I should share this news with you.  You look like you could use a break anyways.  Come on, let’s go inside.”

As we walked into our spacious, bare living room, I couldn’t help but be wowed by the size of our new house.  Or could it be considered a mansion?  It wasn’t just gigantic in its entirety, but in its features and framework.  Every room, hallway, cabinet, and closet seemed like it was specifically built to house a family of giants.  The doorframe was much taller and wider than a typical entry way, the kitchen surfaces and cupboards were long and deep, and our fridge felt as big as an industrial walk-in freezer.  The shower was almost the size of a guest bedroom; an expansive, tiled room with a generously high ceiling and one broad showerhead that dropped from the center, creating a pseudo waterfall that sprayed every inch of the place.  When the real-estate agent was showing us the house, we were completely awestruck at the sheer size of everything, though we didn’t think too much of it; we just figured living large was just what rich people did.

And our newly attained wealth was the entire reason we were making this big move so soon into our marriage.  Back at the beginning of the summer, a few months away from our wedding, we were both freshly graduated and looking for work.  And let me tell you, it was difficult trying to pack in job searching alongside planning a wedding.  Between contacting all the caterers, setting up the venue we had reserved, gathering flower arrangements, organizing the RSVPs, and confirming the guest list, our days were packed, and we only had a few hours a day to send out resumes and apply for jobs.  Our country was also suffering from the backlash of a recent financial crisis, so the economy did not favor graduates fresh into the job market.  All of the stress of finding work to pay for our new life together was taking its toll on our stress levels.

That is until Jennifer was contacted by Feminox Inc, an up and coming research firm that she had never even heard of, let alone applied to.  They allegedly came across a paper she wrote for her final bio-chemistry lab seminar and were so impressed with her work that they wanted to bring her in for an interview as soon as possible.  At first, we were both a bit skeptical of this strange, completely unknown company.  I warned her that it might all be a scam; one of those pyramid-scheme marketing groups that prey on those in need of employment, giving false hopes of easy cash for a small investment.  They were known for contacting people out of the blue, usually getting their phone number or email from the university’s job portal online.  But, fueled by our desperation and Jen’s interest in a lab science career, she decided to give them a call.

Going on a tour of the Feminox facility put all of our worries aside.  Their entire building was gorgeous; seemingly dropped straight from the future, complete with pristine white walls and transparent touchscreen glass for computer monitors.  I didn’t know much about chemistry, but Jennifer was extremely impressed with their bio-chem lab where she would be doing her work.  During her interview, I waited outside in the lobby, doing a little job searching of my own on my smart phone.  Occasionally, I’d glance up as a group of women in suits would strut by, conversing on the way to a meeting or checking their phones as they lugged around big work bags.  It didn’t dawn on me until about 20 minutes of watching all these women walk around the halls that there didn’t seem to be any men working in the building.  I would have given it more thought had Jen not just exited the conference room.  I stood up, noticing the big smile on her face as she chatted with the two ladies escorting her back to the lobby.

“, talk with your fiancé about the new opportunity,” one of her interviewers said, motioning with her hands as she talked, “and hopefully we’ll hear from you soon!”  She was a tall woman with long blonde hair and a low, honey smooth voice.  She was nearly my height and seemed quite fit by the look of her shapely legs.  “And congratulations again on the engagement, you two!  I bet the wedding will be beautiful!  I see a big future for the both of you.”  She flashed a perfect white smile in my direction and spun around, briskly walking back down the hall.

“Thank you so much!  You will definitely hear back from me!”  As we turned to leave, Jennifer grabbed my hand and swung our arms in sync like a little girl would, thrilled beyond belief.  During the drive back, she didn’t even pause to take a breath, excitedly bantering on about how amazing the company was, the exciting work she’d be doing, and all of the discoveries and advancements they’ve made in this field and that field.  I didn’t understand half of it; most of it was scientist mumbo jumbo to me, but based on her enthusiasm alone, I could tell this job was a perfect career move for her.  She was absolutely in love with this corporation as well as all the bright people she'd be working with.

“They’re paying you how much?!” I exclaimed, nearly slamming on the breaks after the news escaped her lips.  I felt as though I was going in shock.  There was no way this was real.  “I must have misheard you.”

“No, I’m serious!  Trust me, I had the same disbelief during the interview,” Jen nodded, her face beaming with passion, “It's incredible!  With that kind of paycheck I can support both of us.  You don't need to stress about finding a job until we get settled after the wedding.  Hell, you don’t even need to be pressured to look for a job at all with the mulah I'll be raking in!  You can go back to school if you’d like or pursue another hobby you’re interested in.  And I didn’t even tell you the best part!” She paused, looking longingly into my eyes as I tried to keep my attention on the road.  “They’re buying us a house!”


As we walked in to our cavernous living room, the large stacks of boxes not even coming close to cluttering the place, I took closer notice of my wife’s legs.  They looked longer; more toned and strong.  I also didn’t even realize it at first, but she seemed taller.  Initially I thought it was because she was wearing shoes, but as she removed her old sneakers she had been wearing for the lengthy moving day, she clearly appeared more stretched out than I recalled, her head nearly coming up to my chin.  Combined with her noticeable bicep taking shape, something was definitely up.  Had she been working out in secret to prepare for the wedding?  I know how crazy some women can get when it comes to fitting into that white dress, but I never suspected Jen to be the type to take exercise to the extreme.  We took a seat by the enormous empty fire place mantle that opened to the entire room.

“So, Feminox wants me to be a part of this new project,” she said as we sat down.  As good of shape as I was in, I was beat from the long day of moving boxes in the sun.  I slouched a little, though I noticed my wife continued to sit up tall with perfect posture.  Seeing her effortlessly retain her composure made me a little self-conscious of my exhaustion, so I cleared my throat and sat up a little straighter.  “They’ve been making incredible advancements lately in vaccinations, nutrition, supplements, genetics, and chemical engineering.  They envision a future where everyone is disease free and healthy; a world full of people who live longer, happier lives exceeding the limitations of our flawed immune systems and metabolism.  Just imagine a world where no one is sick; where we're all more energetic and intelligent, working together to rebuild a broken planet.”

“Well that certainly sounds great,” I interrupted.  “I’m really happy to hear you’re so excited about the corporation; it’s important that you believe in the work they’re doing.  But I have to admit, this sounds like a pitch you'd hear on an infomercial for snake oil.”

“I can certainly understand that,” she chuckled, “It was something I had to see and analyze for myself in their lab.  I was just as apprehensive as you, but after studying the formulas they've come up with and talking to a lot of the executives, I don't know what else to think.  I really do believe they are onto something huge and that we can obtain this future.  For the past few weeks I’ve been helping them run some of the initial tests so we can be more conclusive on the development process.”

“Development process of what?  Initial tests of what?”  I asked curiously.

“A serum; it’s an injection intended to simultaneously fight off infection, viruses, and harmful bacteria while aiding in protein synthesis for muscle building and recovery.  It’s essentially a super vitamin and super vaccine all rolled into one.  The higher-ups wanted to make me lead long as I can take account of the serum's effects first hand...”

“Wait a minute, if I'm understanding this right, you've only been there a few months and you’re injecting¬ yourself with strange substances at work?  Honey, I…”

“Babe, it’s completely safe; it’s largely derived from steroids and growth hormones.  All of the components are things athletes and doctors have been using for years to fight muscle atrophy.  Trust me; I wouldn’t be doing it if I thought it would put me in harm’s way.  I really believe this can be the future; the company believes it too.  And we were making such amazing progress and I didn’t want us to have to stop everything they've been working for and wait months, if not years while they go through all the legal red tape to get proper test subjects.  I mean, we’ll get a test group ready eventually, but in the meantime I volunteered myself.  I really want this to get off the ground; just think how much it could change the world!”

“I still don’t know about this,” I stammered, unsure what to say, “I mean, steroids?  You know how damaging those can be to your organs?  Not to mention the hormonal effects.  Is this going to change you?”

“Again, it’s a serum; not steroids.  It’s just derived¬ from steroids as well as some vaccinations, vitamins, and various herbal extracts from around the world,” she said trying to be reassuring.  I had a feeling there was more to it than that, but she was just simplifying on my behalf.  She took my hands in hers; they felt quite warm to the touch.  “And yes, there may be some small side effects, but we’ll be tweaking the formula as we discover more and we won’t discover more until we know exactly the reactions the human body will have, hence it's vital to our progress that I keep taking my daily doses.”

“Well, you said you’ve been doing these injections for a few weeks,” I said, still not quite sure what to make of all this news, “Have you noticed anything different?  Obviously your muscles seem to be responding.”
She released my hands, raising her left arm and flexing her bicep.  Now that she was fully flexing, I could see just how big her arms had gotten.  Not only did she have a round peak for a bicep, but a small tricep head that protruded a bit, further defining her deltoids.  Her arms weren’t quite as big as mine, but they were nearly 50% larger than what I was used to seeing.  How it took me so long to take notice, I have no idea.  I guess I really had been distracted these last few weeks.

“Yeah, that’s definitely a plus,” she laughed.  It was odd seeing my normally shy, introverted wife confidently flexing her arm.  “I've been using the fitness room at work.  At first, I thought it'd be good to get an accurate calculation on the strength increases, but for the last few days, I've been going longer than my normal sessions just to get rid of all this pent up energy!  Seriously it's like I'm exploding with power!  It feels great!"
"And I’m not sure if you noticed, but I’m a little taller.  I measured in just shy of 6’0” this morning, about a half inch taller than I was last month.  It’s a small change, but it’s pretty exciting considering I thought I was done growing like five years ago.  Oh and my libido also seems to be affected.”

“Really?”  I pondered, thinking back on the last few weeks of constant, amazing sex we had been having.  “I thought you were just jumping my bones constantly lately due to the wedding and the hype of moving into our house.”

“Well that was certainly part of it,” she said, taking my hands again and winking, “that and the fact that you’re so sexy.  But even yesterday when you were out running errands, I masturbated three times before you got home.  I seem to be insatiable lately.”  She smiled a bit, rubbing my leg coyly.  Again, I was a bit confused seeing my modest wife act like such a sexual deviant.  “So, what are you thinking? Talk to me; I’m going to do this no matter what, but as my husband and partner for life I really want you to be okay with it.  I’d like to hear your opinion.”

To be honest, I didn't know what to think.  From the tone in her voice, it sounded like she had made her mind up already.  In fact, the assured manner with which she spoke told me that she didn't truly care if I was okay with it or not; this was what she wanted and she was going to do it.  I guess this is what happens when I quiet, scientific woman finally finds her calling.  Who was I to get in the way of her dreams?

“I guess considering everything you told me,” I started, trying to gather all of my thoughts, “as long as you think it’s safe, I’ll support you.  If this research can really make the world a better place, I want to be by your side for that.  And if you feel more energetic and horny, I can’t really complain about those effects!  Not to mention, Feminox is treating us ridiculously well.  Between the money you’re making and this enormous mansion of a house they've provided, I can’t imagine a more solid foundation upon which to build our future together.”

Jen broke into a big smile and gave me a tight hug.  A bit too tight; damn she was stronger than before too.  Her stark and unexpected embrace forced the air from my lungs.  “Oh babe, I’m so glad you see it that way.  There may be some ups and downs along the way, as well as some unexpected changes, but I think we can be prepared to face them together as long as we keep an open mind.”

Offline chilipalmer99

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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2014, 04:51:53 am »
Please continue. This initial setup is very promising and you write well.


Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2014, 04:57:26 am »
Very good start, I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes! k+!
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline bertmacklinsbrother

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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2014, 06:50:22 am »
Thanks for the encouraging comments!  I'm writing the next part as we speak; hopefully I'll finish it soon.  If anyone has any feedback, or even any ideas as to where they'd like to see the story (and Jennifer) go, let me know.  Either here or PM.

I have nearly all of the story timeline down to a tee and like 90% of it written out in a rough draft, but I think it'd be fun to hear from you all and see what you'd like... who knows; maybe it'll end up aligning with my plans and preferences for this story!


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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2014, 07:10:00 am »
Hello everyone.  The second section is here!  It contains some more story building.  That is very important to me; I like to really set the stage for these characters, as it always makes the build up a lot more fun.  This section still features some raunchiness though, don't you worry!  And there are plenty more crazy changes on the way for Jen!  Thanks again for reading, and as always, feedback and comments are most welcome!

Fall, 2008

Three months into our marriage, I still had no luck finding work.  Well, I guess that’s overstating things; to be honest, I hadn’t really been actively looking for work.  Jennifer’s job at Feminox paid so incredibly well that we were in the upper tax bracket with her income alone.  Even with the best job I could find in my field, the money I contributed would be completely insignificant compared to what Jen was making.  Not to mention the company covered the entire cost of our gigantic house, including the upkeep, utilities, and various other renditions. 

Imagine my surprise when some Feminox representatives dropped off some blueprints for the pool they’d be adding in our backyard.  Like everything else in our mansion, it was gargantuan; according to the schematics it went up to 20 feet deep and even the shallow end was sitting at a depth of 6 feet, which would barely allow me to stand with my head above the water.  Even the railing was going to be made of sturdy, reinforced steel.  Why the hell they'd make a pool that big and that deep was beyond me; we weren't Olympic divers for crying out loud, we were just two people.  I guess they wanted to make a statement as to how well they were treating us.  As odd as it was to receive all of these oversized accommodations, I can’t spite them for providing us with quality services.  With fall being well under way however, construction wouldn’t start on the pool until next spring.

I still wanted to find a job, or at least something to keep me busy, but I had grown a bit lazy due to how easy life had become.  I had been sleeping in each morning; it was habit I desperately wanted to break out of, but everything about this house just relaxed me, as if it was built strictly for my comfort.  The heating and cooling system was self regulating, always keeping our house the perfect temperature.  Our bedroom was enormous with a giant custom made bed the company provided, soft enough to sink halfway into and covered in warm velvety sheets.  It was at least the size of four California King sized mattresses put together in quadrants; far bigger than a family of eight would ever need, let alone an average married couple.  But, I slept like a baby every night, rarely waking when Jen got out of bed to get ready for work.

During the days, I would wake up, walk down the large steps to our spacious kitchen, and rummage through our vast steel refrigerator for something to eat.  And there was always plenty of food in our house.  Due to Jennifer volunteering to take the injections at Feminox, the company seemed absolutely elated and insisted on supplying extra things for our home, including food.  We received crates of eggs, chicken, fish, beef, and cheese that stacked up in our roomy fridge as well as whopping 30lbs bags of rice, pasta, oats, fruits, and vegetables.  When I asked Jen if all the extra food was necessary, she told me that the serum along with her intense workouts increased her appetite substantially.  As her body’s metabolism, muscle synthesis, and immune system went into overdrive, she needed to refill her energy stores constantly with lots of meals.  By the time I woke up there was always a heaping pile of dishes left in the sink from her breakfast and I was amazed each time I watched her wolf down a protein packed dinner in the evenings like it was nothing.  She certainly wasn’t exaggerating; she was a hungry girl.

And a growing one, at that.  Jen had been working hard for the past few months, rising early and coming home late.  Seeing her walk through the door every night when she got home was always a sight to see.  The steroids—though she continued to correct me every time I said that, confirming that it’s a serum—had been changing her into a new woman.  She had grown another inch or two, stretching to 6’2” and she was creeping up in weight as well.  Last week when she weighed herself, she hit 170, confirming she had gained nearly 40lbs in the last three months.

All that new weight was mostly muscle, her arms filling all of her shirts with bulky, defined biceps, nearly as big as mine.  She had grown wider in the shoulders too, her delts expanding outwards, giving her a build close to that of a male swimmer.  The pecs underneath her breasts were also forming and some clear upper chest separation could be seen above her cleavage.  This also pushed her breasts outward, making them appear perkier, but at the same time, the fat in her chest was being minimized so her breasts seemed to be getting a bit smaller, dropping her down half a cup size.  Ironically though, she ended up going up in bra size due to how big around her back was getting.  Her legs were growing a lot too; clear definition could be seen across her quads and despite how long her legs were, her ham strings and glutes were bulking up considerably.  This gave her an incredibly shapely ass; big, round, and muscular.  I always had a thing for asses, so watching her ample growing buttocks shift from side to side as she strutted around the house drove me wild.

But even though I couldn't complain about her astounding ass and strong legs, the rest of the changes were rough for me to get used to.  When you're so used to be the tallest and the strongest, it strikes your ego pretty hard.  Jen used to ask me to do her small favors all of the time; lifting a heavy box, moving the couch, or reaching up to grab something from the top of the cabinet.  I did these things without a care, never really noting how much pride I felt; being her big, strong man.  That is, until she simply stopped asking.  As we unpacked our things over the last few months and settled into our new place, Jen needed my help less and less.  She'd move the couches and dressers, and grab things from the highest cupboards all without me.  I guess it was nice for her to be more independent, but then it dawned on me that she didn't necessarily need my strength or height anymore simply because she was almost as strong and tall as me.  And that really freaked me out.

“Hey sweetie, how are you this evening?” She asked, as she came through the heavy oak door, her voice sounding a bit more silky than usual.  She removed her high heels and walked over to me, her black nylons making her feet slippery on the wood floors.  I walked up to give her a kiss.  Because, we now stood at roughly the same height with a similar build, hugging was made a little awkward, especially when her head only came up to my shoulders a few months prior.  But she embraced me warmly and strongly, tightening her grip on me with a firm hug until a putrid stench hit my nose.

“Oh jeez, what is that smell?”  It was a slightly sour, nose tingling aura that emanated from my wife.

“Hmm? Oh yeah, the extra hormones in my system have caused some excess sweating during the day.” She lifted her athletic arm, revealing a big wet circle soaking her dress clothes at the base of her armpits.  She gave it a loud sniff, shrugged, and continued as if it was nothing out of the ordinary.  She went to the dining table, set down her work bag, and pulled out the large mahogany dining chair, taking a seat.  She stretched out her long legs, setting them up on the chair adjacent to her.  “Ugh, my feet are absolutely killing me today.”

“Do a lot of walking around today?” I asked, striding over to join her at the oversized table; everything about this house made me feel like we were toddlers, as everything was huge in comparison to us.  She lifted her feet, allowing me to sit down on her impromptu leg rest; she then plopped her legs back down on top of my lap.  Damn, they were certainly getting heavy.  Her calf muscles were popping out, hard and clearly defined even through her nylons.

“No it’s those damn shoes of mine.  Got them last month but they’re feeling tighter than ever.  I might need to go another size up.”  She stretched her feet as they lay across my legs.  I grabbed them and started rubbing, immediately noticing how moist they had made her nylons.  I also noticed a strong foot odor as I began to massage them.

“Wow, babe, your feet smell terrible!” I exclaimed as I worked them, “And are they growing too?  Christ, I think they’re as big as mine.”  I continued to knead her huge sweaty feet; I swear you could ring out her nylons, they were so soggy.

“I already told you, I’ve been sweating excessively,” she said, again nonchalantly.  She didn’t seem the slightest bit self-conscious about her body odor as if it was to be expected.  In fact, right then, she shamelessly gave her crotch a few scratches and let out a loud belch.  I was astonished at how audaciously gross she was acting lately.  Through the years we dated, she was always so shy about her bodily functions; her cheeks turning red if she even burped in my presence.  But in the last few weeks she had been scratching her pubes and sniffing her sweaty armpits while belching proudly.  All the extra meals she had been consuming were making her burp quite a bit and she didn’t seem embarrassed about letting it loose around me.  “And to answer your other question, yes, my feet are growing, as well as my hands.”

“As well as the rest of you,” I interrupted, a little annoyed.  “Sweetie, don’t you think this is a bit much, or at least a little out of the ordinary?  I mean, I was fine with you testing the serum because you said it would lead to some amazing discoveries…”

“It will lead to amazing discoveries!” She replied, getting defensive.  She didn't seem to give a second thought about her changing body, but god forbid you questioned her research...

“I know, I know, but I just thought that the side-effects would be a little less extravagant.”

“What do you mean?” She asked lazily, again not fully seeing my concern for the situation.

“I mean, I thought initially the effects would be an increased libido, more energy, and maybe a fitter body," I ranted off, getting a bit worked up.  "Sure the increased height thing was odd at first, but I thought it was just a fluke or a wrong measurement.  But after three months you’ve grown 2 inches; you’re almost as tall as I am and you’ve certainly put on more muscle than I could have after years in a gym!  Your arms are as big as mine and your back is getting straight up bulky!  Not only that, but now you tell me your feet and hands are growing too?  And all the sweating, the excessive gas, and the way you smell; shouldn’t you be a little more, I don’t know, anxious about what is happening to you?”

“Babe, maybe it’s just because I’m a scientist,” she replied calmly, as if she was bored with the conversation. “I look at the situation empirically.  I knew the effects the serum would have on its test subject; even if I couldn't predict everything, I definitely knew what I was getting into.”

“Well I didn’t!” I nearly shouted, “I love you, and I’ll always love you no matter what, but I just feel like I’ve been misled.  These changes are just a lot for me to take in; you’re rapidly becoming a different woman from the one I proposed to and you don’t even seem to notice or care.”

I needed to step away; I lifted her hefty, sweaty feet from my lap and walked into the living room, crashing down on the couch.  I let out a long sigh as my wife got up calmly and walked over to sit down next to me.   She cradled my head into her firm bosom and shushed me.  Her hands really were growing; they were definitely nearly the size of mine, her big palms reaching up the length of my face as she stroked my cheek.  Her rhythmic petting and warm chest began to calm me down.

“I’m sorry,” I said softly, “I know how much this means to you.  And your company has done nothing but treat us well; we’re incredibly lucky.  I’m incredibly lucky.  Maybe I’m just a little down because I still haven’t found work and that I’ve gotten so used to living this privileged life of comfort while not contributing anything.  I feel like a useless housewife while you’re off working hard, bringing home the bacon.  I feel a little guilty, like it should be my job to support you.  But I should be really thankful.  Again, I’m sorry.  I’ll be more supportive of your research, I promise.”

A big smile crept across Jen’s face.  “That means a lot,” she said as she began rubbing my legs.  With my head resting against her well-built chest, my nose was incredibly close to her musky armpit.  The strong smell was lingering in my nose, but with all the emotions in the air, and listening to my wife’s heart beat through her muscular chest while she slowly and soothingly rubbed my legs and head, I ignored it.  Her hands started to move up my jeans, massaging further north and I began growing hard in anticipation. 

We quickly descended into a furious make-out, grabbing at each other and ripping at each other’s clothes until only our underwear remained.  My wife’s bush of pubic hair was peeking out the sides of her panties.  It had been growing a lot faster lately and she had stopped shaving it a few weeks ago so she wouldn’t be so rushed in the mornings.  But through her panties, I noticed something more; as if she had a little something extra down in her lady parts.  She pulled down her garments, revealing her thick clit, throbbing and nearly half an inch long.

“Baby,” she cooed, tracing her fingers around my erect cock, “just let me take care of you.”  We both stood up at the same time; it was so odd standing straight and meeting my wife's eye line.  But in the heat of the moment, there was something intimate about it as well.  We were two people with similar builds and similar heights, standing eye to eye with another; I felt as though we were equals and while my inner self felt a little emasculated, I was also happy for my wife and could understand why she had been so excited in the last few months and embracing her changes.  I had probably been acting like an asshole these last few weeks.

I pulled her in for a long kiss, reaching my hands around to unhook her bra.  My arms needed to travel a bit further than I was used to, her widening delts and back giving her a meaty upper body.  She returned the hug, one hand reaching around to grab my ass while her she laced her fingers through my hair with the other.  The bra clasps gave way with a click.  Her bra had been strained so tight against her thick back that the straps receded with a snappy force; I'm convinced the bra would have fired across the room like a rubber band had our torsos not been pressed together.  We separated our chests for a second, allowing the lingerie to tumble to the ground.  I watched it fall down past her strong, perky breasts and the trace of abs barely peeking out from her stomach.  From there, I looked down at her bush, which had she had been letting grow, and let my eyes take in her thickening thighs with upper quads that had become as big around as mine.  Finally, I glanced to where the bra lay; down by her big feet.  Though growing, her toes were painted with a delicate candy apple red, redeeming their femininity and cuteness.

I wasn't exactly turned on by my wife's new body so much as I was intrigued.  I couldn't help but stare at the new curves her muscles crafted, especially along her torso and legs.  It wasn't a sight I found pleasant, but at the same time, I didn't hate it.  It was just different.  But intimacy with my wife was always passionate, and my member still responded all the same.  She reached down with her bulky arms and wrapped her growing fingers around my hard on, the sensation of her warm hands instantly causing me to exhale in ecstasy.  Slowly, she started to pump while her other hand lightly scratched my back.  As her strokes began to quicken in pace, I noticed her forearms sporting some gnarly veins, leading up to a bicep that was bulging and flexing with her motions.  I'll admit, the sight was hypnotizing, but I quickly closed my eyes; I didn't want to ruin the mood by thinking about her weird muscles.

As she worked my shaft, a slight odor from her underarms hit my nose, but it wasn't unpleasant like it was before.  It was strange how something that disgusted me just a moment ago became somewhat welcoming.  It's like if you were to smell pussy right in the middle of the day, in broad daylight while out in public; it probably wouldn't do anything for you, if not turn you off completely.  However, in the darkness of your own home with a naked woman in your bed, those lady smells just become so sweet and desirable you wouldn't mind getting lost in it. 

Not that Jen's sweatiness was desirable by any stretch, but in this context, it was bearable... and natural.  If I had mentioned anything, Jen would have given me some science jibber jabber lecture about "pheromones" or something.  The thought of that almost made me chuckle.  At that moment, Jen seemed to notice that I was lost in thought and stopped her stroking.  She grabbed my hand and gently led me up the stairs towards our bed.  As she climbed the stairs, I followed a little ways behind for a good view, watching her strong hamstrings stretch and contract with each step, her big muscled ass cheeks shaking from side to side.  She turned around, noticing my gaze, and gave a sexy, confident smirk, as if to say, "Enjoying the show?"

My wife's sheer level of self-assurance was also a noticeable change.  Gone was the meek, shy girl who refused to speak her mind.  The new Jen was fierce and sly, housing a new cache of confidence.  Everything she did these days exuded that very confidence, almost to the point where I was convinced she didn't really care about what I thought anymore.  While I was happy for her, it did kind of hurt thinking that she didn't rely on me the same way she once did.  Though, I couldn't be too upset, because her taking charge in the bedroom these last few months became the highlight of my nights.

We approached the oversized doorway into our bedroom and Jen allowed me to enter first, then proceeded to gently shove me onto our giant mattress.  As the soft cushions cradled my back, Jen climbed on top of me, straddling my torso with her meaty legs.  She stood tall on her knees, allowing me to take in her fit figure.  She swayed lightly, her trim obliques stretching and her pussy hovering just inches above my stiff cock.  I could feel the moist heat nearly dripping from her lady parts as she teased my dick, forcing me to watch her bush creep closer to my pelvis.  Finally at wits end, I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her down, gently sliding myself into her warm crevice.

We both gasped simultaneously as our foreplay concluded and the real fun began.  Her hips moved back and forth rhythmically as her pussy completely engulfed my erection.  As she rode me, I could feel her engorged clit rubbing against the length of my shaft.  This seemed to drive her crazy, and while I was a little spooked by how big her clit had become, the sexual stimulation she got seemed to jump up tenfold, which I definitely couldn't complain about.  She let out moan after moan in a soft, yet slightly throaty voice, her pace quickening.  The wetness coming from her was insanely intense, to the point where my own pubes were starting to get soaked in her juice as she continued to slide up and down.

She continued to ride, eyes closed and muscled torso dancing, until her hips were pumping with incredible motion.  I noticed how much more endurance and energy she had, allowing her to bounce on endlessly without any sign of tiring.  Her pure sexual fortitude was intimidating, but I wasn't in the right mind to care as I rocked my head in pleasure and my load reached its limits.  Finally, with a loud gasp, her strong legs gripped my torso and her pussy clenched my throbbing member as we both reached the point of no return.  The pure strength of her vaginal muscles grabbed my penis in a tight, warm, slippery hug until I finally climaxed and exploded.  As came in unison, she continued to moan, though the speed of her thrusts finally declined, until we both let out a final sigh.  Jen collapsed next to me on the bed and let out a laugh.  I couldn't help but laugh back between short breaths.  There was no denying how amazing the sex was.

She laid her head back on the pillow and wrapped her hands behind her head in a confidently satisfied fashion.  The wings of her strong lats became obvious from this pose, her thick back curving wide and meeting her strengthening delts at her underarms.  Fully exposing her armpits, I noticed beads of sweat were formed in the nook, as well as a few dots of thick hair that, despite being freshly shaved, were already showing signs of growing back.  But in my elated and calm state, that was the last thing I wanted to think about.  I had no desire to ruin my mood and just wanted to relax in bliss after an awesome romp with my wife.  Shutting my eyes and letting my body sink into the gigantic bed, I decided that I'd face those problems another day.  Right then, I just wanted to rest and enjoy things as they were... before they changed even more drastically.

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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2014, 08:19:34 am »
Very nice second chapter, I definitely like what I see here in terms of her continued growth and seeming masculinization, the hair growth, the muscle growth, the sweating, the armpit hair, the clit growth, I like how Jen has grown, I hope she continues to grow (though I am not so much into the height growth, I hope that stays at a minimum compared to the rest of her.) I'm looking forward to the point of where she becomes more masculine than he is and how they both react to that fact. She's close now, it's coming and I really can't wait to see it. k+!
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline bertmacklinsbrother

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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2015, 08:06:19 pm »
Hey everyone!  Thanks again for the comments and of course for reading.

The third part is well under way, but of course, being the holiday season, the time I've had to set aside for writing lately has been minimal.

But, no better time to get back to it like the start of a new year, right?

To address some comments, I know that the story may go too far for some of you in certain regards; for others it may not go far enough.  Or there will be plenty of stuff you'd wish would be left out or things you think I'm missing.  But, these are all themes that I enjoy and I think they add to the story.  As a few have mentioned, it is "my" story afterall.

That being said, I write because I like to share with others!  And I always love a good discussion as well as constructive criticism.  And as always, I urge those who may not be too interested in some of the themes to read on; you never know what you might come to enjoy.

Regardless, I hope everyone had an awesome New Years!


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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2015, 10:39:32 pm »
The only thing I don't like about this story is the height growth.  The type of serum she is on would not cause that if it were mostly based on steroids.  However I do like that her hands and feet are getting better.  The part about the body odor turned me on so bad because that is an overlooked side effect from steroids... the women start to smell like men.  I also love how Jen's personality is changing as I have seen from other FBB's on webcam as they changed. 

Most notably is Oana..I have been following her progress on HBC for years since she started as a skinny FBB with smallish muscles. She use to be such a submissive girly girl giving out free shows, eager to please the customers, now she is a dominant man.  She knows she is huge and muscular now and that men will pay and she does not go out of her way to please like she did before.  She doesn't go on free chat anymore at all and her posing time on cam has gotten shorter and shorter if to say "I know you want my muscles now I don't have to beg for attention like a woman anymore"  She is so different on cam now than she use to be.. more confident and less willing to please than before.  She use to be shy when I would ask her to do most musculars and flex like a guy... now she is totally into it when I ask her to man out for me on cam.  If you notice some of oana's profile pics on HBC are most musculars with the head cropped off and before her implants to look like a man flexing.  Even tho oana gave birth to two kids she told me that she feels less of a motherly instinct and would even not buy her kids something in lieu of saving money to pay for more of her steroids.  Now she may have been saying that cause its what I wanted to hear but there is probably some grain of truth to it. 

So in seeing how oana has changed it is awesome to see how you have included the masculine way in how jenn is acting too. When women juice up their whole soul changes, personality, attitude, everything.   IN the future I look forward to seeing how jenn changes and the dynamic of the relationship with her and her man.  With her becoming a man without even realizing it, to her husband being disgusted at first by her changes then slowly becoming the woman in the relationship, loving jenn's masculinity and basically doing a husband wife role reversal.  I can't wait to see how he slowly changes from being disgusted by her muscles and increased masculinity to begging for her to fuck him with a strap on..  I hope you include something about how jenn starts using his razors and dulling them and the progression of jenns beard growth until she has a thicker, faster growing beard than him, and goes through razors twice as fast as he does.

Also want to see how Jenn responds to her changes from at first loving the changes without realizing she is literally becoming a man, to being ashamed she is turning into a man , and then finally embracing her masculinity and wanting to be more manly, comparing herself with men now instead of women.

Love where this story is going.. Bravo on being able to articulate the subtleties of the fantasy we men have of a female to masculine change in women.  Both from a physical and psycological perspective.  Can't wait to be aroused as you so cleverly weave the plot and intracacies of the fantasy of masculinization together... I am jealous of some FBB husbands who have seen their women go through these changes in real life.  Would love to know if behind closed doors these men are becoming bitches to their newly masculinized women.. even though publicly they would never admit it.  I bet more than one fbb husband has been fucked with his wife's strap on.  Always would have loved to have a hidden cam on an FBB bathroom where her and her husband are standing side by side shaving their faces in the morning together.

Can't wait to read more.. Thank you!


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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2015, 10:41:30 pm »
Sorry I meant I love how her hands and feet are getting bigger.  Oana herself has showed me how her wedding ring can't even fit anymore on her now huge hands, and has told me she has gone up a shoe size from all the HGH

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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2015, 02:16:34 am »
Why try and hijack this story and try to make it a generic story about women becoming the "men" of the relationship? This story has a great set-up, it shouldn't be cheapened and ruined so easily. Also, the sheer level of masculinity you are describing would suit better on a forum about MALE muscle growth.

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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2015, 06:31:06 pm »
Well said, tdg!

@bertmacklinsbrother: just keep writing your story as you intend to! It is very well written and a joy reading it so far!
Karma, whenever I pass by your posts!


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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2015, 10:36:44 pm »
Hey Guys not trying to hijack the story... Bert wrote me asking for feedback so I gave it.. its his story he can do what he wants..  I just thought I saw where the story is going and offered suggestions based on where I thought he was going with it... Do what you want Bert I was just giving my own feedback..

Offline bertmacklinsbrother

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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2015, 01:58:53 am »
Part 3 is here!  I'm sorry for the long delay.  The winter/holiday season really picked up and I wasn't left with a ton of free time.  I hope you all continue to enjoy the story!  I've been getting a lot of suggestions and critique, which is wonderful!  The story is pretty set in where it is headed, but I love to hear everyone's opinion, and if I hear a really good idea that intrigues me and fits the characters, it might work its way into a later chapter.  Also, keep in mind that this story is (obviously) rooted in fiction.  Some have pointed out that the story is not realistic because of such and such reasons.  And while they're totally correct, I'm the type that enjoys suspending belief for the sake of fantasy.  That's the beauty of writing; you can make anything happen.  Sure, the science might not match up, but that's part of the fun!  Anyways, enjoy!

Winter, 2008

After what seemed like the hottest summer in decades, and a long but mild Fall, snow finally settled across the landscape, piling up in the yards and streets.  I'd often look out the windows into the white abyss, thinking of that first winter Jen and I spent together when we were dating.  We'd go sledding together on this hill behind our college campus, letting the entire day fly by until our clothes were soaked and cold from the snow.  When she was winded, I'd scoop her up swiftly into my arms and carry her up the hill for one last ride. Then we'd run back to my apartment, leave all of the sopping snow gear in the entry way and turn on a warm shower.  The entire evening would be centered on having sex, enjoying the hot water, and cuddling up with a cup of cocoa and a shitty TV movie.

Getting lost in the memories, I thought about how much I loved my wife, but also how much things had changed in such a short amount of time.  For starters, our time together seemed incredibly limited; at least it felt that way to me.  She was at work all week long while I sat alone in our big, empty house, bored out of my mind.  And of course, my wife simply wasn't the same girl that she was even a year ago.  She certainly wasn't that petite mousy girl I could just scoop into my arms anymore, and that disappointed me.  I missed being able to woo her with my strength and athleticism.  These days, despite our money and Jen's success, I felt like we were drifting apart.

At least Feminox supplied us with a few more renovations to our house, which helped in making the cold and lonely winter go by much quicker.  The most exciting addition was the home gym they put together in our basement.  The massive, yet empty room was always the most desolate part of our home.  We almost never found a reason to go down there and to be honest we never actually utilized the space.  I mean, our house was so much bigger than I could have dreamed that we hadn't found a use for the basement.  Having been poor college graduates only a few months prior, we hadn't exactly accumulated a lot of stuff.  The possessions that we did have were comfortably placed around our spacious living room and dining room, with the remaining areas looking relatively bare.  We had so much room and just not enough stuff to fill it with.  This, by default, made a lot of our house look pretty boring and dull; nothing but big empty halls and cavernous rooms.

But, with Jen's ridiculous paychecks and Feminox's constant insistence on home renovations, our place was slowly starting to look livable, and the basement was finally somewhere I wanted to spend my time.  It was completely decked out with all of the equipment you could imagine; rows of bench presses and barbells, squat racks, pull up bars, cable machines, rowing machines, dip stations, and an impressive full set of dumbbells ranging from 5 lbs to 250 lbs (I honestly didn't even know they made dumbbells that heavy).  It was more impressive than my college weight room, that's for sure.

It was so nice to have something to do with my days.  I hated to admit it, but the job hunt really slowed down on my end.  I seemed to be having a lot of trouble narrowing down what it was I wanted to do with my life.  I pictured myself spending my days chained to a desk, making water-cooler talk with peers I didn't care about, and staring at a computer screen all day; the thought simply depressed me.  Pretty soon, my motivation to look for a job I really didn't give a damn about began to dwindle and I found myself caring less and less.  It certainly didn't help my drive knowing how financially secure we were.  We were living so well that I could spend my entire day flushing 100 dollar bills down the toilet and we'd still have more money than we'd know what to do with.  Being so wealthy was still very new to me and the realization of it all was slowly starting to sink in.
It felt shameful to admit to myself, but I had kind of become a house-husband.  My time was used doing chores around the house while Jen was at work; dishes, dusting, laundry, cleaning, and generally keeping things tidy.  It may not sound like much, but these chores were starting to become herculean tasks.  Jen's meals only seemed to grow ridiculously more absurd, and the piles of dishes she'd leave in her wake was astonishing.  Laundry had also gotten out of hand as Jen was regularly buying new clothes; not just out of a shopping habit but because she was constantly growing out of them, bit by bit.  Plus with all of her workouts at the office, she was sweating through multiple pairs of clothes each day.  Every evening, she'd come home with a gym bag full of sweaty clothes.  Had we actually needed to worry about money, I'd be concerned for our water bill with how many loads of laundry I was doing a week.

But, now that we had a home gym, I finally had something else to do with my time.  I had always been an athletic guy, so the prospect of working out in my own house was amazing to me.  Each afternoon, I was down in the basement, getting a good lifting session in.  Jen claimed that Feminox was adamant about installing the home gym, but I had a strange feeling that it was something she requested herself.  She seemed more excited about it than I did, which was odd considering before we got married, she wouldn't get near a gym unless they had a yoga studio and a smoothie bar.  Apparently she had been lifting weights twice a day now at work due to her insatiable energy, and it was obvious she wanted this home gym so she could continue to work out over the weekends.

And let's just say her workouts were proving to be effective (on top of the cocktail of drugs she was on).  Jen was getting big.  She had stretched upward another two inches and now stood at 6'4".  We were at the point I honestly never pictured we'd reach; my wife was now as tall as me.  Upon the discovery, I  told her that I still had a few centimeters on her, but she just laughed a throaty chuckle, as if to assure me it was only a matter of time.  Sadly enough, that's how I saw it these days and as much as I hated to think about it, it was inevitable; Jen was going to outgrow me.

Not just in height, but in weight and muscularity as well.  In the last few months, I had dropped a few pounds due to my general inactivity.  I was still maintaining a healthy diet due to all of the protein rich food around our house, but my lack of hypertrophic training caused me to lose about 10 lbs.  And while I had dropped to 200 lbs, Jen had blown up to 200 lbs.  We were effectively the exact same muscular frame, though sadly, she looked more in-shape and ripped than I did because she was getting a lot more cut and regularly had a pump from her workouts.

Her shoulders had really rounded out, giving her a pair of bulking delts that cut down into her bulging biceps and vascular forearms.  The upper pecs of her chest had clear cuts, which were obvious whenever she wore a v-neck shirt around the house.  Her breasts continued to shrink too.  I wasn't too good with cup sizes, but she was probably down to an A cup.  But again, her widening back and pec slabs meant she needed to go up in bra size, just so the damn thing would reach all the way around her large upper body.  Her lats constantly flared out too as she was moving throughout the day, and I could nearly hear her bra straps screaming in agony, not able to hold on much longer.  Her traps and neck had also gotten notably thicker, making her appear much taller than she actually was.

Those legs of hers had become veritable tree trunks; thick, strong, and necessary to support her ever growing upper half.  I had never had a very defined lower body, given my long legs.  So I was surprised to see Jen's lower body, with legs now as long as mine, put on size so easily.  Her calves exploded out, so hard and solid you could grind an ax on them.  They were always clear, even when she was wearing baggy sweatpants.  Her feet had also gotten larger and more veiny, her shoe size actually exceeding mine.  It was all so weird to me and I couldn't exactly say I was attracted to her changing body.  She was my wife, so I'd always love her and have an attraction out of affection, but physically, she was starting to scare me.  At least her strong glutes were getting bigger and more shapely; as an ass-man that was my one silver lining.

But, her growth really lit a fire under my ass to get my shit together.  I was working up a sweat in our weight room every day now like a man out of desperation; I'd be damned if I'd let my wife get bigger than me.  Right now, we were about tied across the board, and that was freaky enough.  I had to draw the line.  Honestly, when this all started, I never imagined Jen getting as ripped and muscular as she had.  It never really sunk in that we'd be comparable in height and weight.  But now that the situation was becoming a reality, I needed to take control.  I couldn't imagine the humiliation of being out-muscled by my wife.  The gym was going to be my new home and I was going to work my ass off and show Jen that I was the man in this relationship and that I could still be her protector.  I still wanted to be that guy who could scoop her into my arms and whisk her away.


"Hey, babe, I'm home!" a voice called from upstairs.  It was a voice that I barely recognized these days; throaty, scratchy, and deeper than your average woman's, like a pubescent teenager who was just becoming familiar with their changing vocal chords.  Jen's tone was dropping little by little and it seemed to surprise me every time I heard her speak.  At first, it was kind of sexy.  When she started on the serum, her words became silkier with just a hint of hoarseness; it gave her an air of maturity and it definitely drove me wild.  But now, whenever she talked I could hear how deeply she was speaking and it was starting to become extremely noticeable.

"I'm down here, hon!" I shouted back, lying down on the bench press, taking a quick breather between sets.  I had gotten a bit of a late start today.  For the last week, I had this ridiculous determination to get back in shape and get bigger than ever.  I wanted so badly to continue to be bigger and stronger than my wife that it was pushing me further than I had ever gone.  And that was taking a harsh toll on my body.  No matter how motivated I was, it seemed my body just couldn't keep up with my internal drive.  I was feeling more sluggish and sore than ever after constant workouts for days on end.

"Oh!" Jen exclaimed excitedly from the entry way upstairs, "Are you working out?  How fun!  I want to join!  I'll get changed and be right down!"  I heard her heavy stomps make their way over to the living room above my head and sprint up the stairs in a flurry.

"Great," I sighed to myself.  I wasn't having the easiest time at the gym this week and the last thing I needed was Jen working out with me.  Within moments, she was stomping back towards the basement and descending the stairs.  She was changed into a tight sports bra and some booty shorts that showed off her bulky quads.  Every time I saw her these days, a sense of shock fluttered into my heart.  Some part of me still expected to see my small, scrawny, soft wife enter that basement, but instead, my eyes were met with a hulking bruiser, with a physical frame nearly identical to mine, only more vascular and ripped.

"So, what are we doing today?" she asked with bubbly affection.  She took a sip from her water bottle and stood there proudly with impeccable posture.  She set her hands on her hips, her lats and delts flaring in response.  Above the lining of her sports bra, her upper chest had clear separations, making her tiny A cup breasts below look almost fake; like they were bolted on top of a pair of muscular pecs.  As she inhaled and exhaled, her tight abs would shift and settle and it was obvious that she didn't even need to flex for them to be so apparent.

"Uh, not much," I stammered, trying to focus, "Just some bench press now and some squats.  Say, didn't you already work out today at the office?"  I was hoping she'd give up the pursuit.  It's odd; a year ago, I would have killed for my wife to show some interest in a weight room, but now, I didn't want her to go near one.  I knew she meant well, but to me it seemed like she just wanted to show me how strong she was now, and that was something I didn't want to see.  I just wasn't in the mood to be emasculated.

"Yeah," she responded absent-mindedly in her raspy tone, "Twice actually.  But, I'm feeling great; I could use a third workout!  Here, I'll give you spot!"  She bounced over to the bench with an immeasurable energy, the heavy steps of her big feet echoing within the room.  It was obvious she still wasn't used to her new weight and wasn't as graceful as she used to be.  That or she simply didn't care about grace anymore.  She walked back behind the bench, where I already had four plates loaded up.  As she entered my vicinity, I could smell the hint of body odor coming off of her.

"Babe, did you shower today?" I asked, not really caring if I offended her.  I was in such a bad mood, and I couldn't find the drive to actually hide it.  "You're pretty smelly."  Upon her drawing closer, I also noticed some small speckles of stubble growing on her shins and calves.  Was she forgetting to shave her legs?  Jen simply laughed in response to my question.

"Heh," she chuckled deeply, "Yeah, I showered after my first workout, but didn't have time to shower after my second.  Sorry, I bet I'm a bit ripe."  I couldn't fathom why she thought it was okay to ignore basic hygiene, especially when I was the one who had to live with her.  I decided to just shake it off, or at the very least, let my anger fuel my weight lifting.  I laid down on the bench, now looking up at this gigantic woman standing behind me.  Staring up at her bulky muscular body, I felt smaller than ever.

I looked at the 225 pounds loaded onto the bar, trying to collect my focus.  This wasn't a big deal; I've benched 225 tons of times.  But with Jen peering over me, I felt nervous and shaky.  I stifled those emotions and grasped the bar, lifting it off the rack.  Immediately, the soreness from the week of constant lifting flooded into my body and I nearly yelped with the pain.  In any other context, I would have reset the bar and taken down the weight; no sense in hurting myself when my body wasn't ready. But with my wife near me, staring and waiting for me to do something, I decided to fight through it.  I brought the bar down to my chest slowly and pushed.  A single rep felt like an eternity, but I continued.  I brought it down again and finished another rep.  Finally, the bar was just too much for me, and in the middle of the third rep, I felt the weight fighting back, slowly drooping and sinking despite my constant huffing and puffing. 

"Help!" I finally squeaked, admitting defeat.  Jen's big hands swooped down to grip the bar and she easily pulled it up with my help and racked it.  I sat up, heavy breaths escaping my lungs as I bent over, trying to regain my composure.  Damn it, I could have done more.  Why was I struggling so hard?

"That was so good, baby!" Jen cooed in a coddling tone that pissed me off.  "You almost got three reps!"

"I," I tried to stammer in between breaths, "I could have...done more.  I'm just... a little sore." 

"Well, move it slow-poke!" my wife laughed, rushing over to take the seat of the bench.  She easily shoved me aside and laid down.

"Whoa," I said, still regaining my strength, "Babe, don't you think we should start on a lower weight?"  Even if Jen was much stronger than she used to be, there was no way she could handle that much weight.  It wasn't just a matter of strength either; it took years to develop the proper form and technique needed to lift effectively.

"No need!" she said with a grunt as the bar was hefted from the rack.  She brought it down swiftly and in a fluid motion, pushed it up.  With no pause, she allowed the weight to sink back towards her chest, and explode up in yet another rep.  I should have been standing behind the bench to spot her, but I was frozen in place with awe and fear seeing Jen so easily pump out two reps at 225.  Her chest was striated with muscle and her lats spread out underneath her.  Under her rounded delts, I could spot black speckles of armpit stubble again threatening to grow before my very eyes.  Her abs flexed into a bulking pack of boulders as her core strained with the reps, her bulky legs planted firmly to give her a wide base.

And she wasn't done.  Two reps became three, three became four, four became five.  It seemed like she could go on forever.  I didn't even want to know how many reps she was going to do before I butted in.  "Babe, I think that's enough bench press for today.  In fact, I'm a bit sore, I think I'm going to just go upstairs and get some food." 

"Aw you're no fun," she said hoarsely with a final grunt as she reracked the weight with ease.  I felt like a scumbag, but I really wasn't in the mood to care.  I had been killing myself in the gym all week, desperate to stay ahead of Jen, and somewhere in the meantime, she had already surpassed me in strength.  She was big, she was ripped, she was tall, and she was strong; all of the things that I used to be to her.  How the hell was I supposed to impress my wife and be the man she needed me to be?  Well, hell, maybe she didn't need me to be the man anymore.  She had that covered all by herself.  And that made me feel shitty.

Walking upstairs, I just wanted to erase the last twenty minutes from my mind and go to bed.  Down in the living room, I heard the stove fire up and plates clattering as Jen went to prepare her immense dinner.  I had no doubt there'd be a tall stack of dishes waiting for me tomorrow.  Whether it was the week of workouts or the tiring emotions of my own humiliation, my head felt light and sleep took me quickly.  As I drifted off, my mind poured over the last few months of my life and the changes that had come.

"You better get used to it," a voice in my head rang as I fell into a dream.  And as much as I hated to admit it, it was probably right.  My life was going to be very different from here on out.

Offline bertmacklinsbrother

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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2015, 03:02:22 am »
Hey everyone.  Can you believe it?  The next part is finally here!  I apologize for quite the delay.  Things have been busy in day to day life and I stalled for a bit on this chapter because I really had to make a conscious choice where the story was going to go.  As you'll soon read, this section is really a pivotal point for both characters, so I had to decide where things are bound to lead and if that's how I envisioned the story progressing.  All in all, I'm happy with how it turned out and think it'll transition into some sexy and exciting stuff.  Bear in mind, this chapter is a lot more heavy on dialogue; it's really setting up where the story goes from here and the changes that are to come!  I hope you enjoy the read and thank you everyone for your patience and support!

Also keep in mind that the content of this story might not be up everyone's alley.  Some have already commented that they don't like certain aspects or would like to see the story go a different route.  I do appreciate all criticism, advice, and ideas; I do take all of them into consideration.  But, in the end, I'm going to tell the story I'm going to tell, and that may not suit everyone's tastes.  But, I hope you give it a fair shake; who knows, you might just enjoy it.  Cheers!

Winter, 2008

A few weeks passed since my wife easily out-lifted me in our basement gym.  I'll admit that I was a bit bruised; my ego took a hard hit from that unspeakable event.  I had been basically avoiding Jen as much as I could since then, not really wanting to recognize the fact that she now surpassed me in all regards; height, muscularity, and strength.  Not to mention, I was still the bum without a job while she was successful and bringing home riches.  I didn't want to think on how much worse it was going to get. 

Avoiding her was actually much easier than it should be to avoid someone who lives in the same house as you.  Feminox had been keeping Jen busy during the entire week and the number of hours she spent at work sky rocketed.  There were multiple days where she'd leave before I woke up in the morning and wouldn't return home until I was already snoozing in bed for the night.  I should have cared more about her insane work schedule and the fact that we were a married couple that barely saw one another these days, but at that point I actually needed the space.  I really didn't want to face her or come to terms with our changing marriage.  When she arrived home, she'd always crawl her massive body into bed, give me a peck on the cheek, and effortlessly turn my body so she could spoon me (me being the little spoon).  I pretended to be asleep the whole time; I didn't want to have to talk, though I'll admit I was ashamed at how childishly I was behaving.

If I'm being honest, the thought of divorce actually crossed my mind a few times during those weeks.  It was a nearly unbearable thought; no matter what changed, Jen was my wife and the woman I loved.  But, when I pictured "Jen" in my mind I still saw her as a short, slender, giggly woman, feminine and loving.  I thought of her soft voice, her supple smooth skin, her shy demeanor, and the sparkle her beautiful eyes would get when she'd look up at me and I'd wrap her small body into my arms.  The Jen that I pictured and the Jen that I was now married to were two different beings.

Now when we hugged, it was like two muscular male bodies hugging, her wrapping me into her bulky frame just as much as I would her.  When we kissed, we were at the same height, and I imagined soon I'd be the one looking up at her.  I used to love running my hands down her smooth, soft body, but now my hands ran across rock hard peeks, rugged veins, and body hair stubble that her constant shaving was having trouble maintaining.  The sweet sparkle in her eyes that once showed doe-like awe and naivety was gone.  Her gaze was now cool, confident, and steely; a look that said "I can and will do anything I want," and her smile was now more dimply and framed by a stronger jawline.  Occasionally her bubbly personality would still show through when I said something funny, but instead of meeting my joke with a soft, high pitched laugh, it was met with a low, throaty chuckle from a voice that was much more baritone than treble these days.

The swiftness of Jen's transformation was so jarring that I really hadn't had much time to process.  I always pictured things would be temporary and that any side-effects or changes would be something we'd tackle as a couple, conquer, and put behind us.  But now, when I laid my eyes on Jen and her huge, hulking body, I realized that things may never go back to normal.  I mostly got the feeling that even if Jen could change herself back to the way she was, she'd refuse; it was quite obvious that she enjoyed what she was becoming, and that bothered me even more.

But divorce?  Even if the thought popped in my head a few times, I knew I could never do it.  I had a feeling that it was mostly my self-esteem and bruised ego that was causing these thoughts.  Jen was still my wife and loving her was my duty as a faithful husband.  When times got tough, you didn't turn on your spouse and leave them to deal with their problems alone;  you faced them together and helped each other out.  The issue was that Jen didn't exactly see her changes as a problem.

These thoughts continued to rumble around in my head as I lay down staring at the ceiling.  The clock beside my end table read 1:04 a.m.  Usually I'd be asleep by this hour, but my constant thinking had been keeping me wired.  I was snapped out of it when I heard the front door creak open and slam shut followed by Jen's heavy footsteps.  While her muscularity gave her a gracefulness and control over her body, it seemed she still underestimated her weight and size; her beefy legs crashed down, sending a  stomping noise echoing through the house as I heard her rummaging downstairs, like a wild bull grazing through our home.  I heard the refrigerator open and shut, along with the stove crackling and the sound of clinking cutlery.  Obviously it was time for one of my wife's many meals.

About twenty minutes later, Jen appeared in the door frame.  The light from the hall bled in through the open door, but her silhouetted, black shadow covered most of the area.  It was quite jarring at first actually.  In the darkness, all I saw was a hulking black shadow standing in the door way; that shape and size could have easily passed as a large strange man standing in my home.  My heart jumped a little bit, even though my brain fully knew it was just my huge wife.

"Oh are you still up, babe?" Jen said in a low voice.  I think she was trying to hush her words to sound more quiet, but the raspy tone made it sound much deeper than usual.  I watched her muscular body leave the doorway and turn to the bathroom, flicking on the light, illuminating her titanic figure.  Her light blue dress shirt was packed to the limits, even with half of the buttons undone and her black blouse, while thick, still showed signs of the bulky thighs that lie underneath.  She began to remove her tight work clothes, removing the sweat stained shirt until she was down to her bra, nylons, and panties.  Even her lingerie strained against her expanding muscularity.  She finally loosed the bra strap, which was already on the verge of breaking, exposing her breasts.  Well, at least what was left of her breasts.  They weren't even A cups anymore.  Instead she had small, puffy lumps that sat over her square pec slabs. 

As she began to brush her teeth, I watched her hulking biceps and triceps flex and shift as she went about her nightly routine.  Her lats would flare and her boulders for delts balled up as her arms moved around, tossing her clothes into the bin, grabbing binders out of her hair, and eventually reaching down to peel off her nylons and remove her large panties from her expanding ass and thighs.  When her underwear hit the floor, her big feet stepped out of them and walked towards the bed.  I could see her fully exposed bush, which had become very thick and wild, even to the point of starting to crawl upwards towards her belly button.  Her clit, which was continuing to grow, was also quite obvious, a sizable nub nearing a few inches, protruding from her pussy lips.

She hopped into bed, the spring board groaning and squeaking as her weight came crashing down onto it, stifling a burp from her recent meal.  She sidled up next to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.  Her massive arm came swooping under my neck, and she pulled me into a snuggle, my head now resting on the crux of her shoulder and one of my legs draping over her bulky mid section.  It was comfortable, but I quickly realized that she had pulled me into a cuddling position that the woman is normally in, with my curled body now being cradled by her huge arms.  I felt my face grow warm with embarrassment.  Sheesh, was she trying to emasculate me?  It was so easy for her.

A slight smell hit my nose, which wasn't a surprise considering my face's proximity to her underarm.  It was a bit faint; I suspected she showered at work before coming home, but just enough time had passed for her to build up a bit of odor again.  Her increased testosterone meant the sweating was abundant these days.  But while the stench was recognizable, it wasn't unpleasant.  It was just limited enough to not bother me, yet still tingle my senses.  My mind flashed back to one of Jen's science lectures where she tried to explain pheromones to me.  This was probably evidence of that; the odor definitely put me at ease.  It was "her" smell and that made it much more bearable.

My brain was snapped out of its calmed mood, however, when I noticed the stubble peppered under Jen's arms.  It was much thicker this time around, making it obvious even to my dark-adjusted eyes.  At that moment my legs, which were draped over her quads, became acutely aware of the rough stubble on her thighs as well. "You really need to shave more," I said quietly as we cuddled.  My goal wasn't to make conversation tonight, but I just couldn't let that slide.  I felt like she should be more self-conscious about her body.  What if some of her peers at work noticed it?  Wouldn't she be embarrassed?  But, as I suspected, Jen responded with a deep chuckle.

"Yeah, isn't that crazy?  I'm already shaving every day."  As she spoke, her low tone reverberated in her chest; I could feel it through my body with my head so close to her pecs.  "I guess my body's getting quite packed with hormones, huh?"  she said with an amused inflection.

"Maybe that's a sign you should, you know, slow down?" I gulped.  I didn't want to offend Jen; she definitely got touchy whenever I brought up the idea of her stopping the injections and finding a different way to help with the research.

"No, we're too close to slow down," she said in a cold manner that sent a slight shiver down my spine.  "The progress we've made is astounding.  I mean, just look at me?  I'm not even close to the woman I was six months ago!"

"That's precisely the problem," I mumbled, frustration welling in my voice.  "You're so focused on your work that you're not seeing how this project is affecting us.  Me and you."

"What do you mean?" she pondered, "things are better than they've ever been!  We have more money than we know what to do with, a house bigger than we ever dreamed of owning.  Considering we were both broke college students last spring, that's an unheard of accomplishment for us!  And you always got on my case about being healthier and getting into fitness.  I'm stronger, faster, and healthier than I've ever been!  Not to mention how much sex we have."

She wasn't wrong about the sex part.  Other than the last few weeks, and the occasional times where her work schedule flared, we were always making love.  Jen was constantly horny and in need of satiation.  Back when the changes to her body weren't so drastic, things were pretty great!  But now, I had a hard time wanting to screw a woman who's body and personality I barely recognized.  We still had sex, but I was getting less and less into it.  And honestly, sometimes Jen would force me to fuck even when I didn't want to.  Okay, so she never actually forced me, but the nights where I'd refuse, she'd simply wrestle me, straddle me, and keep my pinned while grinding my crotch with hers.  Eventually, I'd be coaxed into an erection and my mood would change, but it was a little scary once I realized that there wasn't much I could do if she didn't want to listen to my refusal.

"But, all of those things are what cost?  Your body has changed so significantly, you're probably bigger than I am!  Or at least the same size, but how long is that going to last?  In another week or two, you'll get taller, stronger, and larger.  You're just not the woman I married!"  I blurted that last part out and instantly regretted it.  My lips tightened shut.

"Not the woman you married, huh?" Jen's deep voice grew dark, which caused a twinge of fear to strike my heart.  I knew Jen would never hurt me, but her demeanor was so confident and dominant, the uncertainty downright intimidated me.  "What about the whole 'til death do us part' thing?  'For better and for worse'?  'In sickness and in health'?"

"I'm sorry," I recoiled, "I didn't mean it like that.  I love you, babe.  It's just that, you've changed so much.  Maybe you don't see just how drastic your transformation has been, but I've watched the small, petite, shy girl I knew grow into a gruff, abrasive, energetic, muscular animal.  I've had to sit by as you've approached me in height and now surpassed it.  I kept my mouth shut as you lifted more and more weights until you could out bench me with barely any effort.  And I've done my best to be supportive as you eat mountains of food, pile up dishes and dirty laundry, sweat up a storm, and fail to control your body hair that keeps insisting on growing.  I just... it's hard to see much of the 'old Jen' in you anymore.  And it scares me."

"You know I think?" Jen said with a rough laugh, "I don't think you're scared that I'm different.  I think you're scared that I'm bigger.  Honey, let's face it; you do have a bit of an ego on you."

"Well, yeah!" my voice raised and my face grew hot," I guess it is a little shameful of me to admit, but yes, I have an ego and yes, it sucks that I'm not bigger than you anymore.  But is that so strange for me to feel that way?  You've always admired my athleticism and loved it when I'd pick you up, swing you around, and just hold you in my arms.  I liked the way that you felt protected and I could feel like I was keeping a watchful eye over you.  I loved that you looked up to me to be your man.  Now that's gone and so yes, I feel like less of a man.  I said it.  Are you happy?"

Jen was still and for a few seconds, silence filled the room.  There was nothing but the sound of our breathing and the thumping in her chest as we remained in a snuggled position.  We both simply inhaled and exhaled for a few moments, letting the tension sink.  Finally, Jen spoke up.

"Yes," she said calmly with a dramatic pause.  "Yes, I'm happy to hear you finally say it.  I don't take any joy in the fact that our situation bothers you so much, but at the very least, I'm happy we're talking about it and I'm relieved that you can finally admit it."

She was still again as she let her words sink in.  I remained quiet as my breathing returned to normal and my mood dampened a little.  I was still upset, but she was right; it was a good thing that we were talking about this instead of ignoring it.  She continued.

"Whether you realize it or not, our situation is different and I think that, if you keep an open mind, it will be for the better.  It's not healthy for you to feel so much necessity in being the protector, the provider, the alpha male.  We live in wonderful times where relationships can operate on different dynamics, with both partners being equals... or even the woman taking the dominant role."

"It's not that I don't want us to be equals!" I piped in defensively.  Wasn't it?  I mean, I always considered our relationship to be very balanced.  But if that was true, why did the sudden power shift in our marriage offend me so much.  "Or at least...well, is it such a big deal that I miss being the strong one?  Why do you have to make me feel guilty?  Is it wrong for me to enjoy my physical stature?"

"Not at all, dear," she spoke in a monotonous tone, "But it's the way you rely on it so heavily for happiness.  I mean, look at us now.  We're newlyweds; we're supposed to be happy and blissful, and yet just because your wife gets a little bit of muscle and a fancy job, suddenly you feel oppressed and moody."

"I..." I started to speak, but couldn't find the proper comeback.  I mean, I guess I was being a bit moody about it.  I knew I should be grateful.  But it was more than that.  Her body straight up bothered me.  I began to open my mouth, knowing that I needed to speak my next words very carefully if I didn't want to offend her.  "Maybe it's the fact that I'm... not as attracted to your new body, physically, as I was your old one?"

Even in the darkness, I could feel Jen's cold eyes staring at me.  But she waited for further explanation, so I gulped and continued.

"You're taller and more muscular than the average male.  Your breasts have pretty much been replaced by pecs.  Your traps and back give you a dominating posture that's hard to miss.  And it's not just the muscles.  There are other things that give you a far more...masculine presence than ever before.  Your face has gotten harder, your jaw is definitely more defined, and your eyes are more piercing and intimidating.  Even your neck is thicker and your adams apple has protruded noticeably.  Your voice has gotten much deeper, to the point where you don't even sound the same.  Your feet and hands are not just bigger, but all around veiny and rough.  And that's not even bringing your body hair into account.  I know you've been shaving daily, but it still doesn't seem like enough to keep it at bay.  You're constantly stubbly and I'm just not attracted to it.  I don't feel attracted to any of it, and the more you change, the more I realize it."

I felt bad saying it.  But I needed to get it all off my chest.  She needed to know what I saw and what I thought.  Of course, I may have been exaggerating my disgust a little bit.  I still had trouble admitting it to myself, but I actually didn't find her unattractive.  I mean, I didn't love her new look or her changes; I desperately wanted my old life back.  But, it's not like I wanted to throw up at the site of her or anything.  Sure, her large, muscular frame and more rugged traits were jarring and confusing, but I wouldn't say that I hated them or anything.  They were just...different and only made me more aware of my own inferior size and strength.  That was the real issue here.  But, maybe if she thought I didn't find her attractive anymore, it'd change her mind and we could go back to being a normal married couple.

Another moment passed until Jen finally bellowed in a deep laugh.  "Ha," she chuckled starkly, "You really thought I didn't notice?  You don't think I realize these traits aren't the definition of female beauty?   Don't be so naive, hon."

"Listen," she continued, "What we're accomplishing with our research is an amazing thing, and that alone keeps me motivated.  But the longer I've been a part of these tests and the more I changed, the more I realized something.  The standards that society puts on female beauty are despicable.  You mean we're supposed to remain weak, mousy, frail, and pathetic all of our lives, just because some people tell us that's the way we're supposed to look and act?  Now that I'm on the other side, I'm not just choosing not to accept that, I'm choosing to shatter those standards.  I'm going to be my own standard.  I choose to be strong, tall, dominant, successful, and confident, even with the world telling, maybe even my own husband, telling me that it's 'not sexy'.  I'm going to transcend these societal boundaries and transform the ideals from the inside out.  Hell, maybe I'll inspire some other women to follow suit.  You should hear the other women at work murmur about how jealous they are of my size and stature and how they can't wait to try the serum for themselves once it's perfected.  Honestly, if they had to take a little extra body hair and a deeper voice to obtain what I've obtained, I have a feeling most of them would make that trade happily.  The world is going to change, and women are going to realize that they don't need to be anything but what they want to be.  We can be tall and strong and in charge and we can change the standard for what's beautiful."

For a few minutes, I let Jen's speech sink in, her words echoing through my head.  She spoke about it with such passion, I knew she wasn't kidding.  She really did believe in what she was doing; not just the health benefits of the serum, but in her entire transformation.  She was right.  She really was becoming something else; something that the world hadn't seen before and something that most of society would try and shun and find to be an abomination.  And I couldn't help but find admiration in my wife's motivations.

A big weight of humility nestled into my heart and I find myself feeling pretty ashamed of how selfish I had been acting.  The more I considered her words, the more I realized that I was a part of the problem Jen was trying to fix.  I was at the very center of that society, telling her that she was no longer beautiful because she didn't fit what was deemed "ideal".  I was too unsatisfied with my own life and my own failures that I tried to point out her success and call it unnatural, claiming that "It's not supposed to be that way."  Dammit, I was being such an asshole.

Of course, my ego still needed healing and I didn't know if I could ever be truly comfortable with the way our lives had changed, but I knew that I needed to start focusing on the positive and be more supportive.

"Look," I said, swallowing and trying to collect my thoughts, "I'm sorry for the things I've said and how I've acted.  You have to admit that this whole situation is still quite startling.  I'm not crazy for thinking that right?  I mean, you have changed so drastically in just a handful of months that I still think that I'm going to wake up from a crazy dream any second and we'll be back in our college dorm, binge watching The Office and eating ice cream, worrying about exams and paying student loans.  Our life is just different than what I ever pictured it would look like.  And, to put it quite bluntly, you're different than what I ever pictured you'd look like.  I mean, I thought once we were married and got older the worst that could happen is that you'd put on some weight."

I let out a genuine laugh to try and ease the tension and Jen followed suit.  In the darkness she raised her big beefy arm into a flex, releasing a mountainous bicep.  "I have definitely put on weight," she chuckled deeply, "Probably just not the kind you expected."

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'll try and...get used to this.  If this is what you really want.  I can't promise it'll be easy for me.  I still picture you as the small, slender girl that I met in science class.  It's going to take quite some adjusting for me to start getting it into my head that...this is the person you want to be and this is who you are now."  The words stuck in my throat a bit.  I knew I was telling the truth; I'd definitely give this whole thing an honest try, but I could sense how hard it was going to be.  Could I ever be truly okay with this?

"I appreciate it, babe," Jen's arm around me tightened a little more, her hard bicep digging into my face and squeezing my head deeper into the crux of her shoulder.  "I hope you realize that this isn't just a phase or a temporary side effect.  This is who I picture myself as and who I want to be.  I'm happier than I've ever been."

As uneasy as it made me, I definitely believed her.  And if I truly loved her, I'd need to get that through my skull and learn to adopt that way of thinking.  This was Jen now.  Not that skinny, mousy science nerd I asked out on a date.  That woman was long gone.  I still felt sick trying to accept it, but I put on a smile.

"I promise, I'm going to try my hardest to change my approach to this whole thing.  I'll be supportive of you and your life.  Again, this won't be easy.  I hope you can understand how uncomfortable I am with all of this and how drastically my life has been changing and will continue to change."

"I do understand," Jen said in a serious tone.  "I've understood that from day one.  And maybe I should have done a better job at easing you into this.  I know I made a huge life decision while barely consulting you and that's not how a marriage should work.  For that, I'm sorry and I'll keep you updated on every part of my new life from now on.  I think we can really become something better; a couple that can be the example of a new generation.  A generation of acceptance and breaking traditional gender roles.  If you can learn to accept this and let go of your preconceptions, we can really change things."

With that, she leaned down and kissed me on the cheek.  I stayed snuggled onto my wife's hulking muscle body, letting her words repeat themselves in my head until I finally drifted off.  I knew that there were bound to be some bumps, but I just wanted a happy marriage.  And Jen was so sure this was what she wanted that I knew in order to be happy, I had to be happy for her.  Our lives were going to get much different; they had been doing so for months now and would continue to do so.  Only this time, maybe I could finally be ahead of the curve and actually look forward to it instead of letting it shock me into submission.

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Re: My Wife Jennifer
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2015, 04:26:06 am »
Spring, 2009

"Babe, is it almost done?" a deep voice bellowed suddenly from behind me, making me jump slightly.  "I'm starving over here!"

"It's nearly ready, dear," I stammered with a smile, "Just be a little more patient."  Four sizable cuts of beef sizzled over the skillet in front of me, oil crackling as the meat was seared by the heat.  I grabbed a pinch of cracked pepper and delicately sprinkled the extra seasoning on top while diced mushrooms and onions stewed on the smaller pan.  I also had a sizeable tray of garlic mashed potatoes ready to pop out of the oven at any moment and a béarnaise sauce slowly churning in a pot.  The smell of the entire ensemble hit my nose as I cooked, making my mouth water.

The amount of food I cooked was enough to feed a family of five.  Or one massive Jen and her husband.  Three of the thick steaks were hers and she'd likely go through the entire tray of potatoes, letting me take a few scoops first before it was demolished.  And of course, this would be her second dinner of the day.  She had already eaten at a work banquet just a few hours prior, but was basically demanding another meal the second she came crashing through the door.  I didn't mind though; she was a growing girl after all and needed all the nutrients she could get.  She did become quite intimidating when she was hungry though; I swear if she was hasty enough, she'd rip apart those steaks raw.

My outlook on things in the last few months had certainly changed.  I still wouldn't say I was 100% comfortable with our situation, but I did promise I would try my best to be supportive and I was living by that promise.  And that certainly helped me get past my obvious issues with feeling inferior to my wife.  The day finally came that Jen's powerful legs stretched long enough to overtake me in height, and while I should have been far more bothered by it, I decided not to let it get to me and keep a positive attitude while looking towards the future.

After the night that we had our meaningful chat, we had spent other nights trying to ease me into accepting her transformation.  We tried to talk more openly about her changes, her increasing size and strength, her ridiculous amounts of testosterone and all of the effects that came with it.  The subject was still a little touchy, but after a few weeks, things got a little easier.  Once I was able to accept that I was no longer the biggest or the strongest in the household, and that this was who Jen wanted to be, my ego could be placed on the shelf and I finally had room to simply...admire my wife's changes.

I still wouldn't say I was attracted to her new self, but at the very least I was awe struck by it.  The sheer width of her frame and the way her silhouette now completely encompassed mine; it was certainly a sight to behold whether I enjoyed it or not.  I started finding much more intrigue in her other features too.  For instance her adams apple had distended and her voice had dropped so low that it almost mimicked mine.  We spent one night in bed, in a bit of a silly mood, just seeing who could talk in the deepest tone.  At that point, we were about tied, but I couldn't help but find amazement in the fact that she would probably sound deeper than me in just another couple of weeks.

Her hands and feet were also something to marvel at.  Sometimes, as we cuddled on the couch during a movie, I'd take her hand in mine and gawk at the fact that I could no longer engulf her once petite hands in my own.  Jen would laugh and we'd hold up our hands together to compare sizes; her thick fingers reached up a couple centimeters past my own and her entire palm was able to overshadow the entirety of mine.  They were also more veiny and rough too, usually covered in a few calluses due to her intense weight training.

I also started to take more note of her facial changes.  Her smooth and feminine cheeks were certainly gone; the leanness in her face had given her a much more dimply smile with a stronger, more defined jaw and chin.  Her nose also seemed a bit wider and more pronounced.  I had definitely noticed the difference in her eyes early on, but now that I was really accepting her new body, I could really see the change.  Sure, they were the same color, but something in them just seemed colder, more calculating, and angrier.  Not that Jen was an angry person, but the look in her eyes just gave her an air of intimidation that dropped the temperature of whatever room she entered.   It instilled within her a confidence that I fell victim to; every time I met her stark gaze, I immediately felt weaker and inferior.  It didn't necessarily bring me fear, but rather urged me to respect her authority.  Everything about her, both in looks and attitude, seemed more gruff.

I finally was able to confront her body hair problem too.  Now that we could talk about it openly, I voiced that since it was the one part of her body that she could at least control (or attempt to, anyway), she had to be more adamant about shaving.  When I brought it up, she kind of scoffed amusingly, as if me ordering her to do something was a complete joke.  But Jen agreed and she removed her armpit, leg, and various other body stubble frequently enough that I barely noticed it when she was home.  She did say that she wanted her bush to remain and I accepted that.  If I'm being honest, her pubic hair had become a bit attractive to me; it was maybe a bit too wild and unkempt for my taste, but the more I was around it, the more I came to enjoy it.  Something about it was just so feral and ferocious.

Our sex life had also taken a pretty drastic turn.  Now that I was more accommodating of Jen's more "dominant" persona, that characteristic started popping up more and more in the bedroom.  First, she started preferring the top more and more, always wanting to ride me.  I think it was partly so she could be in control, but also because she wanted to force me to stare at her muscular torso as we fucked.  Her beefy legs would straddle my entire upper body and her chiseled abs would churn and move as we heavy weight ground me into the bed, my cock wedged deep inside of her.  If I tried to close my eyes or turn my head away from her body, she'd reach down a vascular hand, grab my chin, and turn me to face her while she brought up her impressive guns into a heroic double bicep flex.  A dimply smile would always cross her hard face as she took in my stunned reaction.  I felt a little ashamed to admit that seeing her flex like that usually pushed me over the edge, causing me to cum right then and there.  She'd let out a throaty chuckle, as if to say "Right on schedule."

She also found a lot of satisfaction in lifting me up during foreplay.  We'd be kissing tenderly on the couch, devolving into a slow, but steady make-out, and she'd get up off the couch, suddenly towering above my sitting viewpoint, and lift me up by the armpits.  My feet would be dangling just inches off the ground while she drove her face back into mine, resuming the kissing session.  The first few times it shocked me, not only in terms of her forcefulness, but her sheer strength as well.  But I started to almost expect it; once the heat got turned up, I knew it was only going to be moments before she'd hoist me up, engulfing my body into her muscular frame.  While it was still a bit freaky to me, there was something about the way she took control that started to turn me on, just a little bit.  It was a far departure from our old sex life, and that was probably for the better.

At this point, I estimated she stood about 6'5" and 225 lbs, which gave her enough sturdiness to pick me up and make me feel dwarfed by her size.  Still, the ease with which she could pluck me off the couch and maneuver my 200 lbs seemed impossible.  But, with Jen, I was beginning to learn that she considered "impossible" a challenge.  I could now see clearly that even as the changes became more drastic, she had no intention of stopping.  Sure, she had always said that to me in the past, but I suppose I turned a blind eye to it and managed to convince myself that one day it would be over and our lives could go back to normal.  But now that I shed the naivety, I could definitely see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice; there was no stopping for her.  She was going to achieve the impossible and change the world, by force if necessary.  The intensity in her attitude towards her transformation and the eventual impact she'd pose on society made me shudder, but at the same time, being able to be by her side to witness the marvels she was accomplishing, it sure was amazing.


"Seriously, babe," Jen called from the dining area, "I'm going to eat this table soon if I don't get some meat in front of me."  She let out a deep laugh.  I chuckled along, but couldn't help but sense a bit of seriousness.  She was absolutely insatiable these days, and I meant that in more ways than one.

The steaks were still a little on the rare side, but were definitely ready enough.  I didn't have the heart to make my wife wait another minute for her meal, so I grabbed a pair of tongs and plucked the sizzling beef off of the skillet.  I piled three thick cuts of meat onto Jen's plate, topped the stack with some mushrooms, onions, and sauce, and quickly delivered the steaming meal to the table.

"Sheesh, calm down honey," I said with a smile, setting down the steaks in front of her, "See, all ready.  Now, I'll bring the potatoes over and I think I can heat up some veggies quick for a nice side-dish and-"

Before my hand let go of the plate, Jen was already stabbing it with a fork, angrily butchering it with a knife, and removing a huge bite.  She shoved the chunk into her mouth and chewed greedily, moaning deeply with closed eyes.  Within a few seconds, she was swallowing and already slicing up another piece to feed her hungry gullet. 

"Damn, Jennifer!" I said in amazement with a hint of annoyance, "You know I spent a long time trying to capture the perfect flavor; I bet you're not even tasting it!"

"Sorry...dear," Jen murmured between forkfuls, "it'"  Sitting down, I decided I better scoop up some potatoes while I still could; it wouldn't be long before Jen was done with her three steaks and was hungrily gulping down the rest of the food on the table.  I sighed, but couldn't help but laugh a little.

"I understand," I said to the sound of clattering silverware and Jen's eating noises, "You need your protein."  It was crazy seeing my wife hunch over the table in front of her; she managed to make everything around her look small in comparison.  I was honestly starting to see why Feminox insisted on decking out our house with oversized furniture and appliances.  Could they have been anticipating this for a while now?  It seemed too odd to be a coincidence.

Come to think of it, I really didn't know a whole lot about Jen's company.  I hadn't visited the building since her interview last summer and I was never invited to come see her workplace again.  Life had moved pretty fast for us and being preoccupied with my own job search and getting our new house situated, I really hadn't had the time to wonder about the business.  But there were definitely things that didn't add up.  I mean, searching the name on the internet came up with virtually nothing and their company website was clean and prestine, but essentially bare bones as far as information was concerned; nothing but your typical PR speak, some vague lines about their mission statement, and a list of women's organizations and charities they've supported.  The whole thing was a mystery and all I knew for certain was that Feminox was a science lab, that they were the ones that pushed Jen into the forefront of her research, and that they were paying her a fuck load of money for it.

"Hey babe," I mumbled, slowly cutting at my steak, "Can I ask you about your company?"  Jen looked up from her plate of food but continued to devour the feast in front of her.  At this point, there was only a little of her meal left, and that would be gone in no time at all.  She swallowed, grunted, and spoke up as her utensils worked on freeing another large bite, her round delts flaring in the process.

"What do you want to know?"

"Well, I just sort of realized that I know basically nothing about where you work.  I mean, considering it's your career, I feel like I should take more of an interest in it.  They have been treating us very well, not just in terms of money, but also this house and all of its features.  And...well, let's be honest.  They are the reason that you've...changed so much.  I just want to know more about Feminox.  Why was it started?  What are they trying to accomplish?  What's up with the name?  I don't know, just give me anything.  My information bank on your place of work is completely empty."

Jen paused her eating.  At first I thought she was pausing for dramatic effect, but then I noticed that the only reason she stopped was because all the food in front of her had disappeared completely.  It never ceased to amaze me; I was still only a quarter of the way through my own steak and meanwhile she had consumed three of them and almost an entire tray of potatoes.

"Okay," she said with a cool look on her face.  She set down her fork and knife, and leaned back into a stretch, her hulking arms jetting up overhead, which caused her lats to spread widely, showing off their fullness even through her work shirt.  Underneath her arms, wet circles of sweat soaked through, starting at her armpits and reaching halfway down her torso.  But that wasn't even surprising these days; she still was sweating more than I thought possible, but at least recently she was showering more for my sake so her stench was more mild.  Though I'll admit, I was growing accustomed to her natural odor.  Now, I thought of it less as a "bad" smell and more as a "Jen" smell.

"I guess I can fill you in on some things.  First of all, I'm sure you could guess that the name is because the company finds great necessity in the advancement of women.  We're well known to sponsor different women's organizations and some of our greatest donations are put into scholarships and grants for women who want to get into the fields of mathematics, politics, and science.  I guess you could say our entire goal is to see women treated differently than we have been in the past, in terms of societal expectations, careers, and positions of power."

"Well, that all makes sense," I interrupted slightly, "I think it's a great cause and all, but, you were never too much into all this feminist stuff when we were in college."

"These were ideas I always believed in; I have for a long time.  I guess I just never had the courage to speak out about them.  As a woman of science, college was rough for me.  You wouldn't believe the amount of students and even professors that treat you as an outcast; like you don't belong in their department.  Most women going into science try to become doctors or nurses, but other areas such as physics, engineering, and chemistry; these are male dominated fields.  No matter how smart I was, I always felt I was looked at differently."

"I didn't know that," I said softly, "You were always a bit shy in college, but I always considered you to be a happy person.  I didn't realize you were so passionate about this and that you felt so mistreated."

"Well, I'll admit that it wasn't as drastic as I'm making it sound.  And I was always happy, especially when it came to us.  But, I suppose a lot of the reason I was happy is because I decided to just put my head down and ignore the greater issues.  I ignored the sexism prevalent at our university, even when it was affecting me directly.  I didn't have the voice to speak up.  But working at Feminox has made me realize that not only should I speak up about it, but that I can actively be a part of the solution.  My research has shown us that we really can change the world."

"You keep saying that," I noted, getting up from the table to start clearing a few plates and getting the kitchen cleaned.  "You've mentioned before that you intend on changing the world and shifting how society views women.  And it all leads back to your research and the drugs you're taking...and what you're becoming.  I guess, I'm wondering; should I be concerned?  At first, you pitched this serum to me as something that could make humanity stronger and healthier as a whole.  But now, it seems like Feminox wants to use this serum, and god knows whatever other research they have going on, to forcefully push women into the forefront of society."

There was a glint in Jen's cold eyes for a moment.  These days her face always had a stern look on it; the way her jaw was strengthening and squaring up always gave her a serious tone and an air of authority.  The sight made me shrink down in my seat a little, my posture drooping slightly.  But soon her dimples formed into a smile and she bellowed out a chuckle.

"Dear," she laughed, "You make it sound like I work at some evil lair formed in the heart of a volcano and that our CEO is a mad scientist, twirling his long mustache.  Don't be so dramatic.  Look, we're just trying to do good where we can.  And yes, our focus is on women, but we have the good of the whole planet at heart.  We just want to make this crazy, fucked up Earth a little bit better for everyone, okay?  And thank you for the dinner, it was delicious.  Sorry, I was so impatient; I get a little unruly when I'm hungry!"

I thought for a moment, but decided to let the conversation slide.  I suspected there was more I was missing, but tonight wasn't the night to get into it.  Jen had at least opened up a little bit about her company and that was a start.

"You're welcome," I said with a smirk, running the sink over the pile of dishes and cooking wares.  However, Jen was soon right behind me, her large arm reaching around me to switch off the sink.  I stood there motionless as her large, veiny hands gripped me tight and pulled me back against her.  I could feel her rockhard pecs bulging into my upper back and the warmth of her titan body engulfing mine was pleasant and calming.

"Leave the dishes," Jen instructed deeply, her breath tingling on my neck.  She turned me around, taking my hand in hers and leading me over to the large couch in our oversized living room. "I just want to hold my husband for a bit."  We sat down on the couch and cuddled in silence for a few minutes, my head resting on her large pecs as the sound of her strong heart thumped in her chest.

We went from our snuggle to eventually laying down on the couch with Jen on top, kissing softly.  My hands, knowing exactly what they wanted, worked their way down to her ass.  It definitely wasn't the jiggly petite butt that the old Jen had.  Now it wasn't something else entirely.  It was a big round fleshy globe of rock hard muscle, complete with striations that led down to her beefy hamstrings.  Her ass was certainly much different, but I still loved it.  Now I just loved it for new reasons.  It was no longer petite and soft, but it was bigger and more shapely, and the muscularity of it made it fun to grope and spank.  Each cheek was its own bundle of muscle, and I had a feeling that if I reached into her deep crack, she could cut off circulation to my fingers just by flexing those strong glutes together.

Our tender kissing continued and I wrapped my hands around her wide back, admittedly finding pleasure in gripping her thick lats.  The more I was able to explore her muscular body without limitations, the more I was growing fond of it.  Sure, it wasn't the slender, feminine body that I remembered, but it wasn't unattractive.  In fact, the new curves of her muscles made her body a new relic for me to discover; now when we got intimate, it was like I was seeing her for the first time all over again.  There was still a hint of uneasiness at the fact that she was bigger than I was, but that was slowly subsiding and my outlook was getting a bit more positive each day.  This was just the way things were now, and it was neither right nor wrong.  This was simply our reality.

Running my fingers across her back and up to her bouldering deltoids, I paused as my finger felt the moist circle of sweat that drenched her shirt by her underarms.  The moment wasn't exactly ruined, but I knew that I couldn't continue as long as I was aware of it.  I then also became acutely aware of how wet her nylons were as my bare feet rubbed up against hers.

"Babe," I said, breaking away from the kiss, "Sorry,'re pretty sweaty right now. It's kind of distracting."

Jen simply chuckled in a low tone.  She was never the least bit offended whenever I brought it up.  I kind of appreciated the sheer amount of self assurance she had.  Instead of getting huffy or embarrassed like other women might have, she simply got up off the couch and pulled me up easily with her, setting me back down on my feet.

"Well," she said seductively, "Let's just go get cleaned up then."

We giggled like high school kids at the prom as we jogged up the stairs of our mansion up to the shower room.  I say shower room because that's exactly what it was; it was an entire room that was a shower.  Think of a locker room washroom with tiled walls and floors and multiple shower heads jetting water from all sides.  Here though, there were also several tiled seating platforms, a wall sized mirror at one end, and a giant faucet overhead that drizzled down a steady stream, covering the entirety of the area.  It was becoming one of my favorite places in our house, especially during the frigid winter when you could just sit and let the hot water encase your body from every direction.

On our way, we started leaving a trail of clothes, my jeans and her work skirt becoming casualties of our sexy escapade.  Soon our shirts followed, along with Jen's pantyhose, bra, and underwear.  As I nearly tripped over my socks, trying to wrestle the last clothing item from my feet, Jen paced ahead of me with her long strides.  I soaked in the view of Jen's huge, muscle butt and thick thighs marching rhythmically.  The way she walked was less and less feminine; she no longer shook her hips and walked with dainty carefulness.  Instead, these days she had a certain strut to her step that was much more certain and confident, like she always knew exactly where she was headed. 

I watched how her glutes flexed and shifted with each step, how her hamstrings would contract and bulge, and the way her meaty calves would ball up into tight softball sized pistons of energy.  Her feet, getting larger by the day, met the ground with a stomp that echoed through the hall.  They had become much bigger than my own feet and appeared grotesque due to their size and vascularity.  However, Jen still painted her toe nails a deep, candy apple red, as they were clinging on to the shred of femininity they had left.  A smirk crossed my face as I realized I no longer found those features of hers to be disgusting as I used to; now, it was simply amusing and just another part of Jennifer's pursuit.

We entered the shower and the auto sensors, picking up our motion, turned the water on immediately.  Within seconds, a rain of hot water was pouring down over our naked bodies, relieving and washing away any sense of worry or tension of the previous weeks.  Steam quickly began to rise off of the ground, but the large open area and plentiful ventilation allowed it to dissipate easily.  Jen turned around to face me and my eyes drunk in her frame.  Her shoulder length hair, now sopping wet, reached down to the peaks of her bulging traps, which framed her thick neck.  Those traps arced down and met her wide, round delts, which gave her an incredibly imposing stature.  Combined with the size and strength of her back, her posture was unmatched, and even though she was only an inch taller than I was, she made me feel like I was shrinking in her presence.  Her breasts were, well, simply not breasts anymore.  There wasn't a single trace of fat left on her chest, her boobs now completely gone.  In their place was a beefy, manly set of pectorals complete with large, erect nipples.

My eyes traced down her bulky abs and obliques, which distended out and back in as she took heavy, hulking breaths.  From there, I gazed at her full hairy bush, which was now sopping wet from the shower.  The hair also had crawled up even closer to her belly button, giving her a faint treasure trail that was growing darker.  I didn't think that when she said she wanted to keep her pubic hair that it included keeping that part.  But at the moment, while I was horny and gaping at my wife's naked body, I couldn't find myself caring.  Also, protruding from her thick, wet pubes was an erect clit; likely the only soft part on her entire body these days.  It was a silky, nub that seemed to be expanding along with the rest of her.  During sex it usually rubbed up against the top of my penis, which gave an extra amazing sensation for both of us.  Lately she was finding much more pleasure from me stimulating it; today, it didn't seem to need any extra stimulation.

I went over to her and she opened her arms for an embrace.  As our naked bodies enclosed on one another, beads of hot water ran down our backs and pooled in the creases where our skin pressed together.  Her muscles bulged hard against me and my dick began to bulge against her upper thigh.  She wrapped her beefy arms around me and I could feel her round biceps squeezing into my shoulders and holding me tighter.  I reached both of my hands down, one reaching around to grope her muscled ass and the other squirming between our pelvises to fondle her clit.  I began rubbing it and pinching, giving it light squeezes and soft strokes in between my fingers.  Jen let out a deep moan that thrummed within her chest.

At that point, she lost control and used her superior strength to grab me by the shoulders and lead me towards the tiled bench.  She gave me a light shove, forcing me to sit down on the outcropping.  From my seated position, I looked up to see her tall, domineering body in front of me, water dripping down from her head and shoulders and running down her hard pecs and abs.  She towered over me with her hands on her hips, looking down on me with a devious smile across her strong face and a spark of cold, mischief in her eyes.  She didn't look at me like I was her husband; she looked at me like I was a piece of meat that she was ready to devour, the same way she had devoured those steaks a little earlier.

"Time to pleasure your wife, little man."  Jen didn't say it as a question; that was an order, and she said so confidently in her deep baritone voice.  Little man?  That was an odd thing to say.  She knew just how sensitive I had been about her overtaking me in size and that my ego was still a bit fragile about it.  Was she trying to upset me?  She had never said something demeaning like that to me before.

Before I could think on it any longer, a big, strong hand palmed the back of my head and shoved me face-first into her hairy pussy.  At first, I didn't do a single thing due to the shock of her forwardness, but after a few seconds, I started to lick, and damn it, I started to enjoy it.  The way she had completely taken control was something to get used to, but it certainly turned up the heat and I quickly found myself lapping at her lips and jetting my tongue in and out of her cunt.  Another deep moan reverberated within her torso and her thick fingers began to tangle up in my wet hair as she pushed my head even more firmly into her crotch.  As I licked my tongue deep inside her, her huge clit rubbed up against my nose until I worked my way up to it.  I lapped at the sizeable nub for a while until taking the whole thing into my mouth, sucking and twirling my tongue around it.  Jen's body shuddered and she continued to groan.

The whole scene was such a rush and I couldn't stand it anymore; I reached down to grab my erect penis and started stroking myself.  There I sat, on a bench in our shower, jerking myself off while my face was deep in my wife's hairy box.  The warm water that ran down her body dripped onto my head and I found myself looking up to take in my wife's giant body.  To my surprise, in Jen's ecstasy, she had her eyes completely closed and was flexing her bicep!  The hand that wasn't placed on my head was balled into a fist, pumping tightly so her bicep could expand and contract into a ball of dense muscle.  She wasn't just getting off on my oral performance, she was getting off from just flexing to herself!  She was also visibly squeezing her huge pecs together; as they tightened, they danced and bounced, displaying the immense control she had over her chest muscles.

The sight of it was so odd, and honestly, quite freaky.  And for some reason, that's exactly what made it so hot; my wife was obsessed with her changing body, her strength, and her dominance.  She was completely enraptured by how she was growing and how beefy it made her.  As I continued to lick her vag and stroke myself, it was clear just how much of a sexual high she was getting from her own buffness.  And that was starting to affect me too.  Within a few more seconds, I reached the point of no return and began cumming, spraying a few strands onto the shower floor and onto my wife's ankles.  I must have made a moaning sound, because my wife was snapped back to attention, opening her eyes and looking back down on me with a smile.  She caught my glance and smiled while I looked up at her, staring at her flexing and watching in awe with my hand wrapped around my spurting cock.  I couldn't imagine how pathetic I looked; so small and insignificant compared to her, literally beneath her and at her service, helplessly masturbating to her huge body.

It was as if she read my mind, and that moment sent her over the edge.  My tongue wiggled wildly around her thick clit and she bucked back, pressing my head as deep as she could into her hairy pussy.  She boomed out a deep moan; the deepest I had ever heard her voice go.  It echoed throughout the walls of the shower, vibrating the steam encased room for a few seconds.  She bucked a few more times as her moans grew softer and eventually her grip on my hair loosened and she let me escape from the confines of her thick bush.

Jen looked down on me and gave a satisfied grunt, her large pecs heaving with each of her gratuitous, post orgasm breaths.  Both of her big hands slid under my arms and she hoisted me up effortlessly to a standing position.  She brought me into a firm embrace and we both stood there, gasping in lingering pleasure as the warm water continued to trickle down our bodies.

After a few moments, I looked into Jen's eyes.  Now that she was just a bit taller than me, I definitely noticed my glance had a bit of an upward angle to it in order to meet her eye-line.  Her steely irises were wild with energy and she gave me a confident smirk.  Even immediately after her climax, the look on her face said that she was ready for more; I just couldn't believe how out of control her libido was.  After cumming, I was tired and knew I'd be satisfied for quite a while.  I didn't want to tempt fate by turning Jen on again; she'd probably run me raged without even a thought.  Instead, I simply walked out of the shower room to get some towels.

"It's getting a little too warm for me," I said as I exited the water, "I'm going to dry off."  My wife watched me walk out (I could feel her eyes hungrily eating me up) and soon followed.  We both dried off as we made our way to the master bathroom.  I was tired after the big meal and the evening romp.  Plus the hot water had calmed my mind and put me in the perfect mood for sleep. 

Jen and I both stood side by side in the bathroom, facing the mirror, both of us completely naked while we went through our nightly routine.  There, in the mirror, was the most jaw dropping sight I had ever seen; the full image of our two bodies, right next to each other.  I had, of course, seen Jen grow right before my eyes over the last half a year, but never before had we really compared our bodies so directly.  As I stood to her immediate left, I was absolutely astonished by the sheer contrast the mirror was portraying.

I looked at myself and back to Jen; in the mirror I still appeared quite tall and well-built, but compared to my wife, I looked skinnier, smaller, and more drained than ever.  Next to me, Jen stood tall and straight with her bulky traps and flared lats creating an inspiring silhouette, while I could feel the way I hunched slightly.  My shoulders were well muscled and had a decent broadness to them, but her shoulders were truly round caps that took her width to the next level.  Next to her wide frame, I appeared thinner than I usually saw myself.  I had a slight hint of abs that were definitely notably strong when I flexed, but Jen's mid section was packed with a rippling washboard without the slightest effort.  All over her body her muscles were much more noticeable than mine; ripped and bulky, complete with striations, veins, and cuts.

While Jen continued to get ready, brushing her teeth and washing her face, I continued to take in the clear differences between our reflections.  Even the little things were becoming apparent now.  Her adam's apple was now more distended than mine and was placed upon a much more broad and thick neck.  Her chin and jaw were much more distinct, following strong curves that gave her a much more stoic appearance than my own traditionally handsome visage.  Of course her hands and feet had already grown bigger than mine, but I never noticed how much thicker and veinier her wrists and calves were.  It was odd but I even began comparing our pubic hair.  I trimmed mine every now and again just to keep things modest, but it had been a while since I had groomed down there.  Even so, Jen's bush was unkempt and thick, clearly longer and more unruly than mine.  Hers also had started to form upwards into a treasure trail, adding to the feral appearance.  As she continued to wash her face, I also noticed the growing stubble underneath her arms.

I had come to accept a lot of Jen; hell, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't taking an enjoyment in certain aspects of her new self.  But it was a slow process and occasionally, the red warning sign popped up in my head when I saw something my brain was convinced I should be concerned about.  Seeing just how much pubic hair she had accumulated as well as the already growing armpit hair lurking, I opened my mouth in a knee jerk response.

"You're getting too hairy again," I murmured without much thought.  I didn't mean to sound so blunt and it was only when Jen paused while rinsing her face that I realized how abrupt that probably sounded.  Still, after our sexy shower, I was a little light headed and swamped with an exhaustion that had overcome my internal filter.

"I shaved this morning," Jen stated deeply, dabbing her face with a towel.  I continued to gape at her armpits as she dried herself; they were clearly past the stubble stage and were starting to get a lengthy scruffiness to them.  My glance drifted downwards and noticed a similar peppering of hair on her shins and lower thighs.

"Well, I guess once a day just isn't cutting it anymore," I stated, unsatisfied with her response.  "You'll need to start shaving after one of your work outs at the office.  Before you come home." I said the spiel calmly, my mental tiredness not fully preparing me for Jen's response.  But once I made eye-contact with Jen's devious glare, I knew I had crossed a line.  I felt myself hunch down a little bit, my posture growing even weaker in the mirror next to Jen's mighty frame.  I shouldn't have talked to her that way; the way I had said it made it sound like an order. 

After a few moments of Jen's cold stare (which felt like hours), a malicious, dimply smile crossed Jen's strong face. 

"I have a better idea," she said calmly, but in a low register that sent a shiver up my spine.  "I think I'm done shaving.  Keeping up with it has been nothing but a hassle and it's getting in the way of time I could be spending eating, researching, exercising, or fucking.  If you want me shaven, you're going to have to do it yourself.  That's right, little man.  If you want a wife that's as bare as a newborn, you'll need to pick up that razor and shave me while I take my morning shower.  Let's see how much you enjoy my hairlessness when you're the one that needs to maintain it."

My mouth slacked open slightly as I considered her words.  I couldn't believe she was saying these things to me!  First of all, she called me "little man" again.  Why was she all of a sudden going out of her way to say demeaning things to me?  Of course, as evidenced by the mirror in front of us, I was now the smallest one in the household.  But she knew how sensitive I was about our shifting relationship.  And the way she had been ordering me around; I'll admit that it was pretty hot during intimacy, but I got the sinking feeling that this was the new dynamic she saw for our marriage.

"I-I...I um," I stammered for a bit, trying to collect my words, "You, uh, really want me to shave you?  You're not going to shave yourself at all?  C'mon, honey, I didn't mean to offend you.  I'm a little tired and I was just making an observation.  Don't turn this into a fight."

"Oh, this isn't a fight at all," Jen said coolly, "and I'm not the least bit offended.  I know that I'm becoming one hairy beast!  I'm simply putting the decision in your hands.  You want me shaven?  Fine.  I completely understand; but you're the one that's going to need to put in the work."

"Wait," I muttered, still processing the situation, "You're really saying that you're fine letting your body hair grow out?  You're serious?  If I don't shave you from now on, you're just going to become a hairy, muscle freak?  And you'd be completely okay with that?"  I probably shouldn't have used the word freak, but my mind wasn't exactly firing on all cylinders.  Jen simply shrugged.

"Like I said," she stated in a low, confident tone, "Shaving is a chunk of time out of my day that I'd like back.  Why waste my time doing something that's only fighting the inevitable?  I have much better ways to spend my time."

"What?!" I exclaimed, "Babe, you can't just let your body hair grow out!  Your body needs to be shaved."

"Great," she said with a coy smirk, "Then I'll see you in the shower tomorrow morning.  6 a.m. sharp."  She turned to walk out of the bathroom and gave me a firm pat on the buttocks with her large hand on her way out.  My mouth still hung open, failing to comprehend everything I was hearing.

What was with Jen's new attitude?  She had been growing more confident yes, but this was something else.  She now had an authority that was unquestioned and was beginning to make me doubt my position in our marriage.  I was all for feminism and equality, but...this just didn't feel like equality, not in the slightest.  But, I was far too tired to concern myself with an internal philosophical debate.  I needed to get some rest; apparently I was going to be waking up much earlier than I originally thought.

Forum Saradas  |  Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction  |  Muscular Women Fiction  |  Author: [bertmacklinsbrother = BMB] My Wife Jennifer

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