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Author Topic: +Notable Author: [jdm022] Stories~collected  (Read 281575 times)

Offline jdm022

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2014, 05:25:36 am »

Jill was just giddy with happiness and content following our little session in the bathroom.  I turned to open the bathroom door and Jill just reached around my torso, squeezed me tightly and rested her chin on my left shoulder.  After a few seconds, she said, “I could just hold you all day honey.” She then let out a sigh and continued to hold me tightly.  We stood there like that for another 20 or 30 seconds, while Jill slowly rocked me back and forth gently.  Finally, she gave me one more big squeeze, a kiss on the neck and then released her grip.  I grabbed the door knob and opened the door.  As I walked out, Jill gave me a slap on the butt and laughed.

We walked into the kitchen where Lisa was sitting down to have another meal.  She presented us with a plate of chicken breasts, vegetable mix, and a sweet potato mush.  I wasn’t that hungry and had a small portion of the sweet potatoes and a glass of fat free milk.  The girls dug into the chicken breasts, veggies and potatoes.  Just watching the girls eat was impressive.  Their arm and shoulder muscles were becoming quite large and as Jill cut into her chicken, I was really turned on by the flexing muscles in her wrists and hands.  Two huge veins ran across the top of Jill’s hand and they branched out impressively into her fingers.  As her jaw chomped on the massive quantity of food Jill shoveled into her mouth, it flexed and became larger with each bite.  As I slowly ate my meal, I became hard and erect again just watching my wife eat.  I knew the chicken, veggies and potatoes Jill consumed represented future muscular power and I couldn’t wait for her to grow even more!

Lisa finally took a break from shoveling food into her mouth and said, “Davey, is that all you’re going to eat?  You’ll waste away to nothing eating like that.”  “I’m just trying to keep my washboard abs Lisa.” I replied.  “I’m not in the Bulking-up phase, you and Jill are in ya know.”  “Yah.” She replied, “I just don’t want you blowing away in the wind cutie!”  Jill and I laughed, then Jill put her hand down on my thigh and said, “Really enjoying my skinny guy right now Lis, he’s perfect in all the right places in my eyes. I’ll have enough muscles for both of us soon, so he can just keep on working on those tight ass abs and we’re ALL GOOD!” “Good for you two.” Lisa said, “Davey here will fit into all your old shirts and shorts pretty soon!”  We all laughed and the girls went back to consuming the rest of the chicken veggies and potatoes.

A couple of minutes later I heard Louie walk in.  I immediately froze in embarrassment realizing how ridiculous I looked in Lisa’s small running shorts and tank top.  I hadn’t seen Louie in over a month and was as skinny as ever.  Louie walked into the kitchen and immediately burst out in laughter.  “Holy shit Dave, are you going for Mr. Skinny Olympia or what?”  I was too humiliated to speak and my face turned bright red.  Instead of laughing too, Lisa burst out, calling Louie a pig and an ass hole.  Jill and I immediately felt uncomfortable and didn’t know how to react.  Louie immediately apologized, came over and shook my hand and told me he was just goofing with me.  Jill looked up at Louie and said, “Hey Louie, not every girl needs a muscle man as long as he’s got it where it counts.”  Louie laughed and then gave me a high-five and said, “Dude, if you can get a babe like Jill, kudos for satisfying her needs, if you know what I mean!” Then we all chuckled and the mood immediately calmed down.

Jill and I were ready to go a few minutes later after their huge meal, which was one of 6 different meals the girls were having per day.  The girls were consuming so much food, It seemed as though they were gaining several pounds per week!  As we attempted to walk out Lisa wanted to take a quick group pic.  So she set her camera on the tripod and Louie, Lisa, Jill and I posed for a few pics.  We stood with arms around each other for one, then we all did a goofy pose, then Lisa had an idea.  She had Louie squat down, she got on his shoulders and he stood up.  She then suggested that I get on Jill’s shoulders the same way.  Jill had squatted up to 265 pounds in the gym, so my mere 161 pounds would be no problem.  Sure enough, I got on Jill’s shoulders as she squatted down, and she easily stood up, hoisting me up in the air.  Now we all hit double biceps poses for the camera.  Jill then walked me around the room and started doing a few more squats.  Lisa quickly grabbed the camera and started videoing it.  Finally, Jill stood in front of the camera, flexed her right biceps and did a slow squat.  She was easily playing with my weight and the strength she had gained over the last year and a half now seemed incredible.  With a full woody, Jill finally let me down and we had a good laugh.  Lisa looked at us and said to Jill, “Your boy-toy could be a lot of fun hon, …I’m feeling a bit jealous here!” “Well.” Jill replied, “Unless Louie here goes on a crash diet…I guess you’ll just have to be jealous of my little Davey.”  They laughed and again I was a bit embarrassed at being referred to as “little Davey”.

Jill was ready to leave, so she gave Louie and Lisa hugs and said, “Let’s go babe, I want to get you home and naked right now.”  “Hold on a minute.” I replied, “I’ve got to get out of Lisa’s clothes and put on mine.”  “No way honey” Jill said, “I like that look on you, makes you look vulnerable and ripe for the taking.”  “Okay with me if it’s okay with Lisa.”  Lisa gave me a wink and said, “Keep ‘em Davey. I think Jill’s hormones really like you in them.”  I laughed, shook Louie’s hand, gave Lisa a quick hug and Jill and I left.  As I walked past Jill towards my truck, she patted me on the ass and said, “Take my car babe, I want to drive the truck home.”  “Why?” I asked.  “I don’t know hon, I just have had a couple of close calls in my Volkswagen bug and I just don’t feel real safe in it right now.”  I said, “No problem babe.” and handed her my key to the truck.  She handed me her Bug key and walked towards my Black and Silver Ford F150 and got in.  I stood still as she got in and she actually looked amazing in it.  I then walked over to her Light metallic green Volkswagen Bug and got in.  She backed the truck out and we began to drive home. 

As I was stopped at a red light, I was in the middle lane and she was in the left lane.  I looked over to talk to her or give her a wink, but the Bug I was driving was too low and I couldn’t make eye contact with her.  Just then, another truck pulled into the right lane.  There were a couple of high school or young college guys in it.  They were pretty buff and were wearing t-shirts with the sleeves cut off.  They spotted Jill in the truck to my left and started yelling obscene remarks.  Jill couldn’t hear them because she had all of the windows up and was probably listening to the radio pretty loud as always.  After a few more comments, the driver looked at me in the bug and said, “What are you staring at Faggot?”  I immediately realized that these guys might be able to kick my ass so I looked forward and tried to ignore their derogatory threats. The light finally turned green, and like an idiot, I flipped the boys off as I drove away.  Unfortunately, just a quarter mile up the road, we hit another red light.  Jill had zoomed through the intersection when the light was Yellow, but the Bug was slower and I didn’t get there in time.  I immediately realized how dumb I was for flipping them off. 

They stopped their truck right behind me and the passenger got out of the truck.  I looked down to find the door lock button, but in the panic of trying to roll the windows up quickly, I accidentally hit the OPEN button instead of the LOCK button.  Right then, the right side door on my Bug flew open and the kid leaned in.  He was much smaller than the driver of the truck that followed me and younger too, he still had braces on his teeth and pimples on his face.  He was thin, but very muscular and even though I knew immediately he was probably only 15 or 16, I was quickly petrified.  I put both my arms up and said, “I’m Sorry, I’m Sorry, I’m Sorry.”  The kid quickly grabbed my hair with his left hand and punched me four or five times in the arm and side of the head.  As I was being beaten, I quickly reached forward and honked my car horn loudly.  For some reason, it startled the kid and he jumped out of my Bug and ran back to the truck.  I quickly reached over and locked the door the kid had just slammed closed.  Instead of feeling pain, I had become completely numb with fear and I hid down across the seat.  I heard their truck zoom away as one of the kids hit my car with a cup of ice and soda.

I sat there for another 5 or 10 seconds paralyzed and almost afraid to move.  A car horn behind me honked loudly, and I realized that I was holding up traffic.  Without thinking, I pressed the gas pedal and drove through the intersection.  Just a couple of blocks down the road, I began shaking uncontrollably and quickly pulled into a parking lot.  I saw a dumpster and a brick wall near the far end of the parking lot and without knowing why, I parked the Bug behind it.  I was now hidden from the road and felt a little safer.  I tried to stop my shakes but couldn’t and as I relived the past minute in my head, I began having trouble breathing and began to cry uncontrollably.  I was trying to be deafly quit as I cried and snot ran from my nose, thinking I needed to hide from the world at that moment.  After a few minutes, the numbness started to go away and it was replaced by major pain in my arm and face.  I slowly pulled down the sunshade and looked at my reflection in the mirror.  I had a huge welt developing over my right eye and some blood was trickling out of my right ear.  The kid had also punched my arm and there was a huge red mark on it, and it now hurt to move my arm in any direction.  I felt a little safer parked behind the dumpster, but I wanted to wait a few more minutes just in case those kids in the truck were still out there somewhere.  Shortly thereafter, I tried to gather myself and drive home, but what seemed like just a few minutes had been a half hour.  Finally my phone rang and it was Jill.  I tried to answer it in a very normal voice and said, “Hi honey.” Jill somehow sensed something was wrong and said, “Are you Okay?”  “Ya.” I replied, “Umm I just got in a little scuffle.”  “What!” she said, “Are you hurt?  Where are you?”  “I’m in the Bank of America parking lot behind the dumpster.” I replied.  “Will you come get me?”  Without hesitating a second, she said, “Yes honey, I’ll be right there.”

It was about ten minutes from my house to the parking lot I was in so I waited a couple of minutes and then decided to try to clean myself off a little bit.  I made sure the lot was clear and I got out seeing if Jill had a rag in the trunk of the Bug.  Right then, I heard a vehicle pull into the lot so I quickly jumped back into the car and locked the doors.  I ducked down in the seat and peeked up as the car drove by.  It was an older lady in a Honda Accord so I felt a bit of relief.  I waited another couple of minutes to calm down and then attempted to get a rag from the trunk again.  Sure enough, Jill had some old gym towels in the trunk so I grabbed one and wiped the blood from my ear and cheek.  After cleaning up a bit, I walked a few feet to throw the towel in the dumpster.  Right at that moment, I heard a loud truck engine pull up.  It startled me and I instinctively dove behind the dumpster to hide.  I laid on the cold hard ground frozen solid in fear as I heard the vehicle stop and the door open.  After a few seconds of terror, I heard Jill yelling, “Dave, where are you?  Dave, are you here?” Still lying on the ground, I answered back, “Jill!” 
For some reason, I didn’t even move after I knew it was Jill, still thinking I was safer on the ground behind the dumpster.  Jill walked around the dumpster and I looked up at her as she found me.  She had put on some thin white tights and a tight blue tank top.  Her thigh muscles bulged hugely through the material and her arms seemed enormous to me as I laid on the ground looking up at her.  Jill quickly bent down and grabbed my face in her powerful hands. “Oh My God Davey!” she said, “Are you Okay? Are you Okay?”  I tried to answer her but as she wrapped me up in her warm muscular arms, I just began to cry again uncontrollably.  Jill sat next to me and pulled my head into hear amazing chest.  She then calmly petted my head softly and whispered, “It’s okay honey, It’s okay, I’ve got you, I’ve got you.”  Jill then patiently kissed and caressed me for several more minutes until the tears stopped flowing and I began to regain my senses.  I felt incredibly safe in her arms and I never wanted her to let me go.  Finally, Jill reached her left arm around my torso and put her right arm under my legs and lifted me up.  She carried me over to the truck and put me in.  Jill grabbed my phone and the keys from the Bug, locked the doors and then got in the truck with me.  I scooted right next to my wife and wrapped my arms around her muscular body as she drove us home.
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Forum Saradas

Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2014, 05:25:36 am »

Offline jdm022

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #31 on: October 07, 2014, 05:17:28 am »

In the presence of my beautiful muscular wife, I felt very safe and a calming sense of security soon came over me.  I began to spill out the details of my beating to Jill.  As I spoke she filled with rage and I saw a side of her I had never seen.  She kept shaking her head in anger and was grabbing the steering wheel tightly.  As I spoke and the muscles in her arms bulged and twitched fiercely.  Within a couple of minutes, she was so filled with rage that the veins in her neck began to pop our profusely.  At the conclusion of my detailed recollection of the events I told her that I hoped never to see those guys again.  Jill was steaming mad and hardly uttered a word the entire ride home.  I hadn’t ever seen her this upset and it actually scared me a bit.  I started to try to calm HER down at this point, instead of the other way around.  I let her know I was okay now, and that I learned my lesson to not flip people off in the car and actually tried to take on some of the blame myself.  It wasn’t working and as we got home, Jill simply grabbed my hand and led me inside the house.  I think she was trying to be gentle, but she was still filled with anger and her hand was crushing mine inside of it.  She led me into the living room and told me to lay down.  I laid on the couch and just a minute later, she walked back in with a frozen bag of pees.  Jill kneeled next to me, applied it to the side of my face and the cold temperature took the pain away and would hopefully reduce the swelling.

 “You know Davey.” Jill Said, “Thank you for thinking of me and trying to protect me from those boys yelling obscenities…it was very brave of you.”

“More like Stupid of me Jill.”  I replied. 

“No honey, it was brave of you, but you don’t need to do that. I don’t want anyone hurting you ever again, and I’ve been making sure that I can protect myself if needed and you too.” Jill answered. 

“Thanks Jill” I replied. “I have to admit it’s been fun seeing you grow into a powerful and muscular woman.  I’ve enjoyed the thrill of you being stronger than me very much.  But it’s too frustrating being so weak.  I am going to get back into the gym and put on some muscle too.”
Slowly, Jill rose to her feet.  Her gorgeous muscular thighs were now bulging beautifully right next to my head.  She relaxed and then shook her right thigh several times.  I watched the pounds of muscle swing from side to side again and again until she flexed forcefully and caused the muscle to tighten and protrude amazingly through her thin white tights.  I reached out to touch her quad and caressed it softly with my hand, again causing me to become erect.  Jill sensed my immediate excitement and with her incredibly muscular arms, she slowly pulled her white tights down over her bulging thighs and huge muscular calves.  As she slipped out of her tights, my wife grabbed Lisa’s running shorts that I was wearing and pulled them down over my rock hard cock and thin legs.  My wife then threw her left leg over my legs, and carefully laid directly on top of me.  We were face to face, staring into each other’s eyes.  I was held completely motionless under the massive weight and power of my wife as we began to kiss passionately.  Just as I thought things were going to get very fun, Jill stopped kissing me and rose her torso slightly.

Looking down at me, Jill said, “Honey, I’ve always been with women in the past because I have a burning desire to be the protector and the strong, robust force in the relationship.  Probably because I had a horrible father, who was abusive to my mom and me and who ultimately put this scar on my face.”  I laid there silent and stunned at the words now coming from my wife’s mouth.  I had never heard a word about an abusive father and had always believed her scar was from a childhood accident.  She continued, “When we first met, I loved your sense of humor and your looks.  But in hearing some of the stories about your ex-girlfriends, I learned that you preferred strong willed, athletic women.  At that point, I knew we could be perfect together….and we are perfect together, don’t you think?”  I was still speechless and simply nodded my head “Yes.”

“I see you stare at me all the time Davey.” She said, “I know you ogle over my muscles and secretly want to feel and caress their power, my power, my strength.  But what you don’t realize, is that I ogle you too.  I’ve watched your weight loss and have secretly enjoyed every minute of it.  I’ve felt and fondled your abs, always encouraging you to get ripped and cut down a few pounds.  I want to feel that you need my protection…….and that you desire it.  I love knowing that you walk around with a little insecurity, it makes me feel warm and needed.  It’s my aphrodisiac my love.”

I was completely stunned and speechless as I stared into my wife’s beautiful eyes.  Although she was a very strong and powerful woman, I knew she had just put her heart and true feelings out there, and I needed to respond.  Jill’s arms were outstretched and straightened; her left arm to the right of my head and her right arm on the other side of my head.  I slowly bent my arms back and grabbed her meaty forearms.  Slowly I began to massage them as I spoke.  “Jill” I said, “We are perfect for each other.  I love your smile, your sense of self and desire to protect me.  I guess I have always wanted that in the end.  I now realize that it’s not just the muscles that I lust, it’s the feeling of having a protector and someone to rely on, that I have to rely on.  We are meant for each other and I want us to be together forever too.”

My wife started to tear up with happiness and she again leaned down to kiss me passionately.  I reached my arms around her to slowly stroke the bulging muscles in her back.  They protruded and bulged as Jill moved her arms while squeezing my face and kissing me lovingly.  She then reached down and inserted my penis into her pussy.  It was warm, moist and tight and her vaginal muscles began to squeeze and massage my cock perfectly.   As Jill thrust her hips up and down, I moved slightly left and right in perfect timing to excite her incredibly.  I grabbed her gorgeous, flexing, massive quads as tight as I possibly could to feel their amazing, unstoppable power as she fucked me.  I then started saying over and over again, “Fuck me honey, Fuck me honey, Fuck me!” Jill grunted loudly with every thrust.  As she started to speed up her thrusts, I reached up and grabbed the bulging muscle under her arms on her sides above and back of her oblique’s.  She looked to be growing wings and now had protruding muscle where I didn’t even know it could exist.  Knowing my pleasures, Jill then lifted up both arms and gave me a double biceps pose.  While my cock was in ultimate pleasure dome, I reached up and grabbed her now flexing arms.  Jill relaxed and flexed her biceps for me several times.  She was obviously enjoying her show of strength as much as I was. 

The thrusting, and fucking and massaging went on for a bit longer until Jill finally started to reach climax.  She began to thrust much more rapidly with shorter and shorter strokes until finally Jill moaned loudly and had a quick violent shake.  She released her hot juices forcefully and my penis became much more wet in her already moist vagina.  Still wanting me to finish, Jill lifted herself up slightly, turned her body around, stuck her bulging, muscular ass in my face and began to blow and stroke my cock.  I was already near climax before this and just a minute into my blow job, I ejected my semen violently.  All the while, Jill stroked my penis with her powerful right hand and licked up and swallowed every last ounce of my juices.  As she relaxed, I reached up and massaged her round, sweaty ass. 

After a brief respite, Jill slowly rolled on to the ground next to the couch.  She then reached her arm up and carefully pulled me down on top of her.  I laid on top of my beautiful muscular wife nose to nose.  She was still breathing heavy but with a look of total satisfaction on her face.  Her body was so solid and strong, I could tell my weight on top of her was not bothering her at all.  After a few seconds of staring into each other’s eye, we both just burst out laughing.  We had been open in many things but also hidden in each’s selfish desires for each other.  Now that it was all on the table, we laughed with relief, joy and excitement at the future we were going to have together.  Jill then began to run her finger through my hair and said, “I love you Davey, you’re my soul mate without a doubt.”  I nodded in agreement and said, “I love you too Jill, and can’t wait to get started on an awesome future with you….us!” 

I know my wife was pretty much a muscular bad ass, but I felt compelled to treat her like a fine woman.  The next day, I had the local florist deliver roses to her at the gym.  I knew that had to be rare, but fuck it, I wanted to make her feel a bit special in return for making me feel awesome all the time.  She might be stronger than I, but I was the man and that’s what we do.  Sure enough, minutes after their delivery my phone rang.  Jill was telling me how much she loved me and what an amazing husband I had become.  Lisa was in the background essentially issuing the same sentiment.  After a few minutes of that, Jill and Lis had to get back to the workout.  I had scored some major points and I knew Jill would return a favor.  Jill had a late kick boxing class and I was asleep when she got home.  Jill quietly got into bed next to me and kissed me on the ear.  I slowly turned over in hopes of a nice long evening but Jill shut me down.  “Not tonight honey.” She said, “I’m dead tired but will make it up to you very soon!”  We kissed briefly and I rolled over to wrap my arms around my muscular wife as she went to sleep.  It was a bit disappointing to not ‘Get Lucky’ after buying my wife flowers, but it’s always good to have your wife feel like she owes you….so I guess it was probably a ‘Win’ anyway.   
My face had been swollen for a few days but my job was installing and teaching corporations on the use of new security software.  Because I didn’t have any clients in town or have to go out of town that week, I was able to work from home and avoid the office.  This helped, but Jill and my Wedding Party for family and friends was in 1 day.  I felt like the swelling would go down, but my bruising and skin discoloration would still be there.  Not ideal, but it was too late to cancel. 
Finally, the day came to welcome my family into town.  Our house had 2 extra rooms so my brother and also my mom would be able to stay with us.  I was looking forward to seeing them again but was unsure about asking Jill to take down all of the bodybuilding pictures she had posted about the house.  So the morning I was supposed to pick up the family, I decided to ask her.  “Jill” I said, “What do you think about all of the bodybuilding pictures being up while my family is here?”
“I hadn’t thought of it dear.” She replied, “But should we really change the place up and hide things from them? They’re going to realize I’m quite into bodybuilding don’t you think?”

“You know Jill, you’re right.” I admitted.  “My family knew I had always liked fit, athletic and even muscular women.  But I guess I still fear the shock factory when they meet my wife who is obviously bigger, stronger and more muscular than me.” 

Jill slowly walked up to me, reached her muscular arms out and grabbed each one of my biceps in her hands.  She kissed me gently and then said, “Honey, they’re going to love us together for who we are. Don’t be afraid of what they’ll think, I may be more muscular then the average woman, but you really underestimate people’s acceptance of their family and friend’s spouses.  The few times I’ve spoken with your mom, it’s been nothing but a pleasure….so quit worrying silly.”  Jill gave me another kiss, winked at me and said, “Follow me to the bedroom.”

I followed my wife to the bedroom thinking we might just have time for a quickie before I pick my mom and brother up from the airport.  Instead of fun, Jill wanted to show me the outfit she bought for me.  It was a pair of designer skinny jeans with a wild design on the ass and a white long-sleeved shirt with a huge fleur de lis design on it.  The Shirt and jeans were way over the top and expensive too, but Jill loved ‘em and so I hugged her excitedly and thanked her for the awesome new duds.  Jill didn’t want to show me her outfit and said It would be a surprise for when I showed back up with my family.  Jill was spot on with the 31” waist and although I had not worn that size since high school, they did fit well.  They were tight around the thigh and calf and you could tell I didn’t have much meat on my legs but I guess that was the style.  I expected the shirt to be a little looser fit, but I guess the shirt style was tight too.  I hadn’t worn a men’s medium since high school either I thought.   I left for the airport and gave my muscle bound wife a kiss goodbye.

I hopped in the truck and made the 45 minute drive to the airport.  After a few texts, I spotted them by the curb.  I excitedly jumped out to give my mom a big hug.  She took a step back and said, “Oh my God David, you’ve gotten so thin!”  I lied and said, “Oh Mom, I may have lost 10 pounds since I‘ve seen you last.  Just trying to keep from getting fat.”  “Well you’re face looks way too thin honey.” She replied, “We’ll fix you up with some good cooking this weekend and get a little weight on you.” We hugged and I then reached to my brother.  Eric had always been about my size, but it looked like he had put on a few pounds and he seemed huge compared to me now.  We embraced and he too said, “Damn dude, you’re hella skinny.  You’re not going anorexic on us are you?”  I laughed and told him to F off.  We high fived and I grabbed my mom’s bag.  Not even thinking of the weight, I tried to lift it up onto the truck tailgate.  At most, I may have gotten it half way up before realizing it was way too heavy.  My mom and Eric saw my struggle, as the bag dropped quickly down on the ground.  I tried again.  This time, I took a breath and used all of my might to lift it.  I would have had it up, but the bottom wheel on her suitcase caught the tailgate and stopped.  Now out of momentum, the weight of the bag threw me off balance and the bag and I fell to the ground.  I was totally embarrassed and began to turn red.  Eric gave me a hand up, and with a bit of effort, he lifted the bag up and into my truck.  “Wow!” Eric said, “You may want to eat a steak once in a while or something brother.”  My mom just kind of shook her head and we got into the car.

On the way home, my mom asked about me and Jill.  I let her know that I had really started running and exercising a lot and that Jill had too.  “Wow!” my mom replied, “I just don’t understand what it is about you young people exercising so much and wasting away to nothing.  I’m going to treat you two to some down home cooking and put a pound or two on your bones.”  I could have jumped in right there as my mom obviously assumed Jill had been losing weight like I had, but I decided not to and wanted to see the wow factor on my mom’s face when she saw Jill.  “Okay mom!  I can’t wait to have some of your cooking.” I replied.  We made a bit more chit chat and finally arrived at my new house.

I had no idea what Jill might be wearing as she wanted it to be a surprise.  I grabbed my brother’s smaller bag out of the truck bed, and he was nice enough to grab my mom’s bag, which had already proven too packed full of whatever for me to handle.  We walked up to the front door and entered the house.  Just as we entered, I heard Jill say, “Welcome to our home Judy!”  I turned quickly to the left to see my gorgeous wife.  She looked absolutely stunning and majestic in her dress and open toed high-heeled shoes!  Jill was wearing a long blue dress which went almost all the way down to the ground.  There was a slit down the left side of the dress from about mid-thigh to the bottom, but the way she was standing, you could see some beautifully tanned leg, but her bulging muscle was not really visible.  The neck opening was wide and reached from the top of one shoulder over to the top of her other shoulder.  It revealed her stunning muscular traps, but her long brown hair was pulled over the shoulder closest to us and my mom probably didn’t really notice.  The sleeves went down to her wrists, but there was a slit in them too from just below the shoulder to about mid-forearm.  Again, you could see her lovely skin, but could not truly see her large muscles through the sleeves.  Her makeup was also amazing and she seemed to be glowing.  My mom was speechless for a second and then said, “Oh my God Jill, you’re three times more beautiful than I remember!”  “My Davey has done very-very well I see!” My wife smiled widely and said, “My mother would say the same thing about David, Judy!” They both laughed cutely.

My mom was holding a small gift she had brought, so as Jill took it, she leaned down considerably and gave Judy a kiss on the cheek.  Somehow, my tall 180 pound muscle bound wife had pulled off looking absolutely amazing without revealing the physique she now enjoyed.  Instead of a hug, Eric just stuck out his hand gave Jill a friendly hand shake and a smile.  He did notice her muscular traps though and said, “Wow Jill, you look to be in amazing shape.  I expected you to be almost too thin like my brother, but you seem much more healthy.”  “Thanks!” my wife said with a grin, “Davey is more into the cardio thing and I actually really enjoy lifting weights.”  Eric nodded his head and said, “Whatever it is Jill, you look great!”  With that, Jill turned and asked to take Judy and show her the room she would have the next two days.

I then walked Eric the other way to his room.  “God damn!” Eric said, “Jill’s looking pretty damn athletic bro, and her shoulders are damn muscular for a chick don’t you think.”  “Man.” I answered, “You know I like athletic chicks, and by the way, you haven’t seen anything yet, she’s frickin’ buff.”  “Then I guess she’s ridiculous in bed huh?” he asked.  “Like you wouldn’t believe E.  Once she really started working out, she developed some unreal vaginal muscles.  It’s almost like I’m being fucked while I’m fucking her.  I had never experienced anything like it before and she’s Horney A LOT so our sex life is through the roof.”  “No wonder why I hadn’t seen you in a year Dave, you’re too busy Fucking!”  We laughed our asses off and it was like we hadn’t been apart that long at all.   
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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #32 on: October 07, 2014, 05:18:33 am »


A couple of minutes later, I wheeled my mom’s huge piece of luggage to her room.  There was a table in the room so I placed it right next to the table while the girls were talking.  My mom stopped mid-sentence and asked, “Oh David dear, could you put it up on the dresser, I just am having a hard time bending over right now, and it will make getting my things a bit easier?”
Here I was again dealing with some heavy luggage.  After not being able to lift the damn luggage into my truck bed at the airport, I knew getting it on the taller dresser would be an even tougher task.  I said, “Sure mom, no problem.”  I felt if I got my legs into it, I could probably get it to the dresser surface.  So as my mom and Jill watched, I squatted down, grabbed the handles with my outstretched arms and lifted with my legs.  It worked great and using my legs, easily allowed me to stand with it.  Unfortunately, I still had to lift it another foot or so to place it on top of the dresser.  I kind of squatted down slightly and then thrust upward, figuring the momentum, and my arm strength could lift it high enough.  It made it within an inch of the top but clipped the edge.  The weight was now far too much for my now extended arms to hold and I dropped it to the ground with a thud.
“David!” my mom screamed, “Be careful, I’ve got your gifts in there and they’re Very Fragile!”  I apologized and attempted to pick it up again.  Just then, I felt Jill’s powerful arm easily push me back.  Jill then bent slightly at the knees, grabbed the luggage powerfully with only her right arm and forcefully lifted it up and onto the dresser.  My mom was shocked and stood mouth agape, stunned at how easily Jill had hoisted the bag with one arm while I couldn’t even raise it to the top of the dresser using my whole body.  Jill looked at my mom, brushed both hands together signifying a job well done and said, “Seems a woman’s job is never done around here….I guess I’ll go check on the appetizers Judy.”  With that, she sauntered out of the room, but not before turning to me and giving me a hidden wink.  As she walked away, I couldn’t help but stare at her muscular ass which protruded nicely through her dress.
Just a few months before, Jill was actually timid and unsure about her growing muscular physique.  She barely showed it off for me at home and never would show it off out in public.  But ever since the Mr. Olympia weekend, she had a new found confidence in both her strength and her strong physique.  Although her dress today was beautiful but conservative, Jill had recently started wearing short-shorts and tank tops out in public.  The reactions she started receiving were almost all complimentary, especially from other women who would politely ask her for training advice.  Showing off her strength so obviously in front of my mom was Jill’s way of saying she felt extremely confident in our relationship and her strength and that my mom needed to know that and accept her for who she was, not judge her because of the non-traditional physicality that she now possessed.
My mom then turned her surprised, open mouth gaze at me and just half coughed and blinked in disbelief.  I could see my mom was in silent surprise so I broke it by saying, “Well, someone around here has to have the muscle mom, and I guess it’s Jill.”  I thought my little joke would cause a laugh, but my mom just shook her head, still in disbelief.  As a last ditch effort to calm her mood, I leaned in and gave my mom a kiss.  Just as I began to pull away, my mom grabbed my hand to hold me close, she then put her other hand on my face which still had some bruising from the beating I took a few days earlier.
As she looked me dead in the eye and caressed my face, my mom said, “David, how did this bruising happen?”  “Mom.” I explained, “A few days ago, I flipped off a couple of guys in a truck.  It was stupid I now realize, but they were yelling obscenities at Jill and I felt like I had to do it.  Anyway, less than a mile down the road, I hit a red light and one of the guys reached into the car and hit me a few times.”  As I told the story, my mom just shook her head and softly felt my bruising.  After a brief pause, my mom finally said, “Dear, be careful.  You’re not in High School anymore and fighting is just so stupid….promise me.”  “I promise mom, trust me, I promise.”  I then gave my sweet mom a kiss and walked out of the room. 

As I walked into the kitchen, Jill was standing next to my brother Eric.  Although he’s a big guy at 195 pounds she dwarfed him.  Like me, Eric stands 5’10” tall.  In her heels, Jill stands 6’1 or 6’2” so it was an awesome sight and it turned me on immediately to see Jill standing so tall.  As I approached, I could see Jill’s amazing ass bulging outward, her thin blue dress gracefully following its round contour.  I then peered down to see that her muscular thigh was partially flexed and visible through the slit in her dress.  I quickly grabbed the digital camera off the kitchen table and took a pic.  They didn’t know I was taking it so it was truly a candid pic.  From the angle, you could see Jill’s beautiful thigh as I just described and also a significant height difference.  One of the pics I definitely planned to add to our wedding party album!  Jill was really trying to keep it classy and elegant, and she was pulling it off beautifully, but like everyone else lately, my brother was asking her about her training.  Finally, although I was still several feet away organizing the mini bar we had set up, I saw Jill stick out her right arm and flex her biceps.  It was still hidden under her dress sleeves, but there was obviously a large bulge visible.  Eric then reached up and grabbed it.  “My God!” he exclaimed out loud, “It’s ridiculous.”  She gave Eric a smile and a cute wink, but instead of feeling it just once, Eric reached up again and seemed to be testing its hardness as he gripped it firmly.  He couldn’t make it bulge and finally quit grabbing it and just said, “That is solid as a rock Jill.”  Again, she just smiled and said, “That’s what an exhaustive year and a half in the gym will do Eric.”

Right then the doorbell rang and our first guests arrived. It was Lisa and Louie.  I knew they had been having some issues at home, but they came together for our party.  I opened the door to greet them.  Lisa looked fucking incredible.  She was wearing black high heeled shoes with black, skin tight leather pants.  Her huge calf and thigh muscles were bulging the material greatly.  She also was wearing a sleeveless leopard print top that hung beautifully over her thick neck and left her bulging muscular arms exposed.  She must have just worked out earlier that day because her arms were incredibly pumped and there were extended veins running beautifully over her huge biceps and forearms.  Lisa reached out and gave me her signature hug, squeeze and lift.  After a few seconds of not being able to breathe, Lisa put me down and gave me a peck on the lips.  Louie then reached out and gave me a firm handshake.  He was wearing jeans and a designer long-sleeved shirt and looking as big as ever.

I followed Lisa and Louie over to Eric and Jill for the introductions.  Before I could say a word, Lisa walked up and said, “You must be David’s brother Eric, you look so much alike.”  He said ‘yes’ and reached his hand out.  Lisa took it and gave him her signature Hard, Long squeeze.  I could see Eric tense up immediately and after just a couple of seconds he blurted out “Hey, hey, hey.”  Lisa could sense immediately she had got the better of him and released her powerful grip.  He kind of laughed and shook his hand a bit to relieve the pain.  Eric kind of stepped back and took a full look at Lisa’s physique and said, “I think you could crack walnuts with that Grip Lisa.”  She laughed and replied, “Whatever needs ‘cracking’ I think and she hit a quick biceps pose.”  Eric instinctively reached out to touch Lisa’s amazing bicep and jaw a gape said, “God Damn that’s impressive.”  I quickly realized that Eric might have a similar attraction to muscular females that I have.  Even though he never verbally admitted it to me in our youth, I think he definitely was either very curious or very attracted to it.  I had made it pretty clear that I was always attracted to fit athletic women, but Eric always went for the large breasted girls, maybe he was more open to a muscular female than I knew.

Louie then also shook my brothers’ hand and started making a bit of boring chit chat.  Meanwhile, Lisa, Jill and I headed out to get some gifts from Lisa’s car.  Once there, Lisa says, “So Davey, does your brother obsess over muscular women like you do?” “C’mon.” I replied, “I don’t obsess over it, I just happen to find muscles on a female very attractive.”  Lisa laughed and looked at Jill.  Jill shook her head up and down while saying, “Honey, you may obsess over my muscles a little bit you know!”  “Okay, okay, I guess I might obsess a little over them damn it…”  “Any way, I brought up the subject of my attraction to athletic and buff girls when we were in high school.  He just told me he didn’t want to date a girl that could beat him up…but he never bagged on me for liking them and now that I think of it, he dated a very athletic college swimmer at Oregon State for a year or so.”  Lisa looked at Jill and said, “The way he ogled and caressed my biceps a minute ago, I’d say this lust for muscular girls must run in the family!”  Jill and Lisa got a big laugh out of it and we headed back inside.  “Oh Shit.” I though, now it’s going to be Lisa’s quest to find out if my brother likes muscles on woman as much as I do. 

A few more guests arrived and then finally Samantha showed up as well.  She looked fucking incredible.  She wore a long red dress and high heeled shoes making her stand 6’3” at least.  The flowing red dress hung from behind her neck and left her muscular neck, shoulders, arms and some cleavage exposed.  I had not seen Samantha since Las Vegas six weeks ago and she was using the Explode Supplements to full effect.  Her once solid but sleek shoulders and arms were now fully muscular and pumped.  There was now a large vein that draped over her rounder powerful shoulder and reached down her bulging bicep and into her muscular fore arm.  I walked over to give Samantha a hug but she leaned down and gave me a VERY friendly kiss on the lips.  “Samantha.” I said, “You look absolutely amazing girl!”  She smiled and said, “I owe it all to you for buying the Explode product Davey, I truly owe you.”  “Well, looking like this is payment enough Samantha.” I replied.  “Well David, I truly want to thank you somehow, in my own special way.”  I didn’t know what she meant by that but I simply said “Oh, okayyyyyyy.”  Samantha then gave me a pat on the butt and walked in to the party.

As you might expect, with three totally buff girls at the party, much of the group conversation revolved around them and how great they looked, and how they got in such amazing shape.  The girls were busy speaking with each other and dolling out diet and training advice to the others at the party.  A couple of my work friends, my brother Eric and my mom were taking in every bit of advice from the girls and the response was overwhelmingly positive.  I was most nervous about my mom and her acceptance of me having such a muscular and strong wife, but as the wine flowed, she too asked Jill for a bicep flex and had to feel its hardness and size.  She had a very surprised and ‘deer in the headlights’ look on her face at first.  My mom had obviously never felt a rock hard bicep before and this new experience for her was fun to witness.  As soon as she was past the shock factor at Jill’s huge, muscular arm, Judy turned to me and asked me for a bicep flex.  I laughed and gave it all I had.  The long sleeves on my shirt covered my right arm, but as I flexed there was certainly no bulging of the material if you know what I mean.  My mom then reached out and grabbed my bicep.  She then reached over with her left arm and grabbed Jill’s left bicep, still covered in her dress sleeve and hanging down at her side not flexed.  Even just hanging at her side, I knew my mom was feeling a large, solid bicep compared to my much smaller arm.  “Wow.” My mom exclaimed, “Jill’s arm is, I have to say, much larger dear.”  Right then, Jill quickly lifted her forearm and flexed her left bicep muscle firmly.  It obviously gained considerably in size and hardness and startled my mom as she let out a quick scream and said, “Ahhh, Oh My God Jill!!!!”  I chuckled knowing exactly what my mom had just experienced.  With her rock hard bicep flexed, my mom again grabbed both of our arms at the same time for comparison.  Finally she let go and said, “You be nice to my boy now, won’t you.”  Jill smiled and said, “As long as he’s a Good Boy Judy.”  We all laughed and decided on a bit more wine.

Without too much more excitement, the party went on a bit longer before our guests began to depart.  I kissed my mother good night around midnight and she went off to bed while Jill and I started to do a bit of clean up.  I thought that Lisa and Louie were the last to leave but then Jill and I noticed my brother Eric and Samantha chatting on the patio in the back yard.  My brother was pretty funny, like me, and he had Samantha laughing loudly.  We decided to join Eric and Samantha in the back.

We wanted to know what was so funny so we asked what all the laughter was about.  Samantha started to relay the story.  “Apparently, when Davey was about 12 or so he really began the early stages of masturbating to some dirty magazines.  In addition to the Playboy and Penthouse magazines that his buddies were also using to pleasure themselves, Davey had grown very fond of the Shape magazines his mom had in her bathroom.  He would obviously go into her bathroom and masturbate to the fit girls on the pages, not needing to see boobs or vagina to get aroused.  Their fit bodies were what David started lusting for.”  I already had relayed this info to Jill, so at this point; there was really no surprise to what Samantha was saying.  I looked over at my brother Eric and he had a large smirk on his face, like the surprise was coming.  Samantha continued, “Any way, for whatever reason, while in her bathroom one day, he must have noticed his mom’s red one-piece swimsuit hanging over the shower door.  It matched ones worn by many of the models in the Shape magazines.  So Davey here must have put on the swimsuit and began masturbating to the models.  Unfortunately, he made a mess on the swimsuit and attempted to wash it off.  He surely assumed he had done so, but his mom noticed some very light staining and put two and two together to determine what had happened.  To double check, she noticed the arrangement of the Shape magazines and her swimsuit the very next day.  Sure enough, when she checked on them after getting home from work they HAD BEEN MOVED!”  Jill, Samantha and Eric all began laughing hysterically as I turned bright-bright red thinking that secret had never been known.  I looked at Eric and said, “How the fuck did you know about that???”  “Mom told me dude.”  He replied, “You mean she never told you that she knew about that.”  “No.” I answered, “I thought I pulled it off.”  Eric just shook his head with a huge smile on his face the whole time.  Jill then looked at me and asked, “Why the hell did you masturbate in her swimsuit?”  Still bright red, I answered “I don’t think it was the swimsuit per say; what I really liked was the tight, smooth, slick feel of the swimsuit material on my cock.  It always gave me an immediate hard on.” “Well,” Jill answered, “I guess I know how to make you hard in an instant if I ever need to!”  We all laughed and although I was still very embarrassed about that part of my youth, I did have to admit that it was pretty funny.

The mood got pretty fun and light, especially following Eric and Samantha’s very embarrassing story about me and my youth.  We were all a bit drunk at this point in the evening and certainly didn’t want the fun to end.  Jill then asked, “Who’s up for the Jacuzzi?”  I was always up for a dip but Eric and Samantha said in unison, “I didn’t bring a suit.”  “No problem.” Jill answered, “I’ve got suits for you”.  She then walked inside to fetch them.   I looked over at Samantha, still a little embarrassed about the whole mom’s swimsuit issue.  She sensed it immediately and said, “Don’t worry about it Davey, we’ve all done some goofy and embarrassing stuff in our youth…that has to be pretty low on the scale compared to some other craziness I’ve heard of.”  I thanked her for saying that and gave her foot a playful kick under the table.

Just two minutes later Jill walked out of the house.  She looked absolutely amazing in her little two piece black bikini with light blue trim.  Her quads jumped to attention with every slow step she made towards us.  The muscles in her calves were rock hard and I half expected the concrete to buckle under her powerful strides.  She clutched towels in her right hand and swimsuits in her left.  The way she was holding them, her biceps flexed beautifully and the mounds of muscle in them was exhilarating to look at.  Before I could say anything, Samantha said, “Damn girl….showing off those unreal muscles for us all. Huh?”  Eric was quite impressed with Jill’s freakish physique and even though he knew she worked out, he had no idea she was carrying this amount of muscle.  Jill looked at Eric and said,  “What’s the matter?...Cat got your tongue?”  He stood there staring and finally said, “Damn!!!!”  She was curious so she replied, “Damn Good….or Damn Bad???”  Finally he answered, “Damn Impressive.”  She took that as an approval and threw him a swim suit.  Jill then tossed Samantha a cute little pink two-piece bikini and then took a step back.  “Hey guys.” She said, “I brought this one just for Davey.”  Instead of board shorts, Jill held up between her hands a Red and Black one piece women’s swimsuit.  We all got the joke instantly and began laughing hysterically!  I then looked at my brother, shook my head and said, “Thanks again dick, for that story…I owe you one bro.”  “I know, I know,” he laughed as he walked into the bathroom to throw on his suit.

Eric soon emerged from the bathroom wearing one of my old swimsuits Jill tossed him that was obviously several sizes bigger than the ones I wear now.  He joined Jill in the spa as Samantha walked into the bathroom and I went to my bedroom to grab a pair of my swim trunks.  As I emerged from my room Samantha jumped out from around the corner.  It scared the shit out of me and I jumped back.  Samantha laughed but she looked fucking amazing.  Her abs were not shredded but actually bulged out of her stomach, full of muscle.  Her legs were not as large as Jill’s but they were incredibly muscular and at 6 feet tall, they were long and must be very powerful.  As I stood staring at Samantha’s amazing physique, she stopped me with a quick question.  “Davey.” She said, “I’m really liking your brother right now.  Do you think he’s into me or am I just too damn muscular for him?”  “Right now.” I answered, “There’s not a straight guy in the world that wouldn’t be into you!  If I wasn’t married, I’d be hitting on you like white on rice!”  Samantha smiled, gave me a long wet kiss on the lips and said, “Thanks Davey, I needed that.”  As we walked out to the spa, I was mesmerized by her rock hard ass flexing and bulging with every step.  By the time we got to the water’s edge, I had a ridiculous hard on.

Eric was facing us and I could tell he was very impressed with Samantha’s physique.  It was kind of dark since we had the pool lights off but I could see him try to look away; but he couldn’t and when he went to say something it came out as gibberish.  I chuckled but I could tell Samantha was nervous that he wouldn’t approve of her extreme musculature.  She got in the spa and sat next to Eric and I sat next to Jill.  We eventually got into our own conversions and Jill and I could tell that Eric and Sammy were really starting to get along well.    Within a few more minutes, I could see Sammy’s shoulder muscle flexing and relaxing and making a quick motion.  I knew immediately that my brother was getting a hand job.  I squeezed Jill’s muscular thigh under the water to signal her that something was up.  She knew too, but instead of us getting out of the spa and giving them some privacy, Jill quickly slipped off her bikini bottoms and brought her muscular right thigh over my legs and straddled me.  I was already hard and Jill’s muscle bound physique sitting right in front of me got me even harder. 

Jill placed her two hands on the edge of the spa just to the right and left of my head.  I reached up and grabbed the thick muscular wings under her arms and inserted my penis into her pussy as she began to ride me like a stallion.  Jill started riding me more and more quickly, all while her amazing vagina muscles grabbed and massaged my cock inside of her.  I was fully into Jill, but when she moved slightly to the side on one of her thrusts, I could see that Samantha was now riding Eric too.  His hands were clearly visible grabbing her back muscle and then her strong well-built arms.  I was happy for him and for Samantha.  And I immediately realized that I was not alone in loving these strong, athletic, strapping women.  But, a few moments later, I could no longer think about Eric and Samantha and became one with Jill’s dominant body.  I reached around and grabbed her amazing ass.  I tried to control the power and speed of her pelvic thrusts, but she was too strong for my weak arms and she totally controlled the speed and virtue of our sex.  She wanted it to last for a while, but I was having a hard time controlling myself.  As Jill moved her upper torso forward towards me, I leaned in and began to lick her buff abs.  I then reached up to feel her heaving chest.  I had never noticed how deep the cleavage was between her pumped up chest muscles, but it seemed deeper and harder than ever.  Her chest, not her tits mind you, but her chest was becoming larger, more rounded and rock solid.  This new revelation had me entranced and I spent the next moments caressing her heaving chest muscles hypnotically.  This somehow put Jill and me in sync perfectly and we began to thrust together in absolute unison.  Jill became aroused almost beyond control and began to spasm shortly after.  Just as her spasms reached a climax, I let go of all control and we reached orgasm almost completely in tune.  Jill slowly stopped thrusting and she laid her heavy, powerful body on top of mine, exhausted but totally satisfied.  My cock was still inside her warm vagina and I could have slept there all night.

Minutes later, I tilted my head to the left to see if Eric and Samantha were still having fun.  They had finished their love making, and they now sat next to each other, with eyes closed kissing passionately.  As they made out, Eric was lustfully caressing Samantha’s muscle bound, pumped up arms.  I got a large smile on my face knowing my brother had clearly come over to the dark side.  Although I had and still do find pretty, skinny girls with nice tits attractive, There is nothing in this world that can compare to the hotness of a muscular female physique and I knew there was no turning back for my brother now.  “Welcome to my world bro”, I thought, ‘Welcome!”
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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #33 on: November 02, 2014, 10:40:12 pm »


The next morning came very- very quickly.  I felt Jill lift her heavy arm off my torso and rustle out of bed to go to the gym.  Normally I immediately roll over and watch her beautiful muscular curves as she readies herself.  But after our long night of drinking and hot tub sex, I was too tired to move.  Shortly after she got up, I felt Jill’s wet lips on my forehead as she whispered, “Love you babe.”  I was half a sleep and responded the same.
A half hour or so later, I decided to get up and get in some cardio.  I threw on a pair of my running shorts.  They were too loose and seemingly getting looser all the time.  Luckily, in Jill’s dresser, I noticed she still had a few pairs of old running shorts she used to wear, so I grabbed the least feminine pair and threw them on.  They fit perfectly.  The shorts were black with purple piping, but were a lot better than the pink or light blue pair she also had.  They were pretty short, as running shorts are and my shaved, skinny thighs and calves were totally exposed.  I wasn’t proud of my skinny legs, but Jill didn’t seem to mind and always insisted on shaving them herself every couple days.  Anyway, since she liked my bird legs, I guess I didn’t need to be self-conscious at all about them.  I quickly laced up my running shoes and put on a tank top and headed out the door.

My jog went great and after the 60 minute trek, I knew I had just burned a bunch more calories and also got a little sun to add a bit of color and get the Vitamin D.  I kicked off my shoes and walked into the house hoping Eric and my mom were still asleep.  Unfortunately, they were up by then and were having some fruit and toast in the kitchen.  I walked in and decided to join them and have some fruit as well.  Eric looked at me and started to laugh, “Jesus Christ dude.” He said, “You runners sure look gay.”  “Well! Jill would argue pretty hard against that bro.” I replied.   Eric had seen me in the hot tub the night before so I expected his shock level to be low, but I guess he was a bit pre-occupied with Samantha and didn’t notice my obvious weight loss.  Almost immediately following my brothers comment, was my moms’ reaction. “Oh, God David,” she exclaimed, “You’re just as skinny as a bird dear.”  “Mom” I exclaimed, “I weigh 160 pounds, so it’s not like I’m blowing away in the wind or something.”  She reached over and grabbed my skinny arm and then looked me up and down really slowly.  “You were always so athletic with some muscle dear.” She said, “Now you’re just so darn thin.”  “Well, standing next to Eric, who weighs 195 pounds, I look really skinny, but in reality 160 pounds isn’t anorexic or anything mom.”  Eric didn’t like the conversation so he just walked away shaking his head in disapproval and a bit of disbelief and scuttled off to take a shower. 

My mom looked at me with her loving eyes and said, “Son, I need you to be 100% honest with me.”  She placed her hand on my still slightly bruised face and asked, “Did Jill do this to you?” “WHAT! NO! Of course not mom!” I replied.  “She wouldn’t hurt a fly.  This is from those ass holes in the truck!”  My mom tilted her head slightly and asked, “Are you sure?”  “I’m telling you the truth MOM. She wouldn’t hurt a fly!”

At that exact moment, the front door swung open.  Standing in all her muscular glory was my wife Jill.  She looked absolutely amazing.  She was wearing CAT work boots with long black socks which covered her bulging calves and stopped just below her knee.  Her gorgeous muscular thighs were exposed and feed beautifully into her tight, black workout shorts.  A small portion of her lower abs was exposed, and she wore a grey sweater with the sleeves cut off awkwardly with a pair of scissors.  It exposed her huge, round powerful shoulders and of course her amazing biceps and thick fore arms.  Jill’s long black hair draped over her tight, round, thick traps and she wore a baseball hat turned backwards.  She looked like a complete bad-ass and with each step she took towards my mom and me, her muscular quads jumped to attention and bulged massively.  She personified strength and power and I could tell that my mom was intimidated and almost frightened by Jill’s powerful musculature.

As she approached, Jill looked at me and said, “You look delicious honey, I could just eat you up right now.”  She then reached around me with her powerful musclebound arms, crushed me in a bear hug and lifted me off the ground.  In her boots, because I was barefoot, Jill was easily 2 inches taller than me.  It must have looked like David versus Goliath to my mom as Jill easily hoisted me in the air and kissed me passionately on the lips.  My skinny arms were pinned against my sides and Jill’s pumped up arms were much bigger than mine and I realized that my mom was shocked by the sheer difference in our physiques.  Jill then put me down, said hello to my mom and walked over to the fridge.  My mom was still too much in shock to respond and simply manage a fake smile.  As she reached the fridge, Jill’s back was turned to us, and my mom and I gazed at her physique as she opened the fridge.  Jill’s muscular ass was bulging greatly and the hamstring muscles in the back of her legs were becoming massive.  At 189 pounds of muscle, my wife looked like she could start for an NFL team any day.  My mother knew that Jill had some muscle from the night before, but now, dressed like a beast and pumped to the max after a hard workout, Jill looked down right huge!

Jill, still facing the fridge, grabbed a protein drink and began to guzzle it.  As she held it in her right hand, her biceps muscle formed into a large, round, thick ball of muscle.  I was now hard as a rock watching my beautiful wife’s massive physique move and flex.  It was a sight to see and my mom was still speechless.  As Jill drank, it also drew our attention to her thick and muscular neck.  Ten seconds later, finally done, Jill turned at us and said, “How was your morning?”   “Great babe!” I replied, “I got in an amazing run and worked off all of the calories I surely put last night.”  Jill slowly walked over, stood behind me and reached her muscular right arm around my waist.  She then reached her hand under my tank top and massaged my abs.  She then lifted the tank top up, looked at my mom and said, “Judy, look at your son’s six pack…isn’t it amazing?....I just can’t get enough of it!!!”  My mom, who had sat silent since Jill walked in, finally spoke. “Jill, they are very impressive, but I think you’re the one with the unreal physique here.”  I didn’t since that my mom meant it as a compliment, only as a statement of fact.  Even so, Jill took it as a compliment and said, “Oh, thank you so much Judy, I was so worried you might judge me as being a freak or something.”  Jill then walked over to my mom and gave her a hug.  As she did, I could since my mom was a bit uncomfortable by the look on her face and she said, “Oh my God Jill, I feel like I’m hugging a rock.” Again Jill took it as a compliment and thanked her.  What she did next though just blew me away.  My wife stuck out her right arm and flexed her biceps, then straightened her arm, then flexed it again, then straightened it.  My mom flinched backwards slightly and covered her mouth in shock and awe.  Jill repeated her flexing and relaxing five or six more times then said, “Look at this Judy.”  My mom and I were both in awe of my wife’s huge, now pumped-up flexed biceps.  But Jill then grabbed my mom’s left hand and placed her middle and index fingers on the bulging vein that ran across her muscle.  It was ballooning out, full of blood and seemed as large as a garden hose coursing across her biceps.  As Jill moved my mom’s fingers back and forth across the thick vein, I saw Judy lean back slightly as her eyes fluttered for she was failing to comprehend what she was witnessing and had gone into some kind of mental overload.  Jill felt my mom falling backwards as she seemingly lost consciousness and grabbed her quickly. 

After a few seconds my mother kind of came to her senses.  As Jill asked if my mom was OK, I quickly rushed over and handed her a glass of water.  Judy sipped on the water and then said, “I don’t know what came over me kids, I just kind of lost it a bit there.”  She then looked at my wife saying, “I’m so sorry Jill, I would never judge you but I just kind of freaked out there for a minute.  I mean, your muscles are truly amazing, but I just have never seen such muscle on a woman.  It was quite an odd and euphoric feeling that came over me there.”  “See mom.” I replied, “I get the same feeling every time I’m around her too.  I just can’t get enough of it.”  Jill looked over at me and said, “Awe, thanks babe.  That means a lot.”  I then leaned over and we shared a quick but passionate kiss in front of my mother.  I then stood behind Jill and reached my arms around to grab Jill’s gorgeous biceps.  With their mass in my hands, I leaned around Jill’s torso to face my mom with a huge grin on my face.   “Well.” My mom responded to us, “I can certainly see the spark in your eyes when you’re around each other.  It’s refreshing to see in this day of age.”  “Thanks Judy.” Jill replied, “And now, I think it’s time I take this sweaty kid of yours to the showers.”  We kind of all laughed and Jill grabbed my hand and led me down the hallway to our room.  It must have been a sight for my mom to see her thin, petite son being led away by a hulking, muscle bound woman.  But at least she knew our true love for each other and appreciated that passion.

As Jill led me to the bedroom, I peered down at her bulging ass as it flexed to a rock hard huge mound of muscle with every step.  It had grown immensely since she began working out religiously and I knew it now contained tremendous power.  With my other hand, I reached down and tried to grab it.  The muscle was so rock hard, it was like trying to grab a huge firm watermelon.  I pushed with as much force as possible against it, but it didn’t dent even a millimeter.  By the time we reached the bedroom, my cock was rock hard and busting out of my shorts.  I grabbed to close the door behind me and just as I did, Jill swung me around through the air and easily tossed me onto the bed.  Her strength was now becoming massively overwhelming and as I looked into her steely gaze, she barked with a voice of firmness and confidence I had never heard from Jill before, “Take off my cute little shorts you skinny little bitch and get ready for the ride of your life.”  I reached down and lowered the shorts off my feet while Jill kicked off her boots and removed her tight, black workout shorts.  With her massive quad muscles exposed, Jill reached up over her head to grab the back neck of her cut off sweatshirt.  As she lifted the garment over her head, her biceps muscles bulged into baseball sized mounds of power. Still wearing a small, blue workout bra, Jill stepped to the edge of the bed.  I was laying down on my back, my dick completely erect as Jill lifted her huge right thigh and placed it on the bed next to my left leg.  She then brought up her massively pumped left thigh and began to slowly crawl up the bed towards my midsection on her knees.  As her knees reached my waist, I stretched out my arms and grabbed each quad.  I then bent up slightly and reached around her legs further to grab her bulging hamstring muscles.  The hamstring muscle was also rock hard but had a beautiful, massive memorizing curvature to them and they connected so perfectly into her massively rounded ass. As I began massaging the back of my wife’s gorgeous muscular legs, she sat back, immediately trapping my hands between her rock hard calves and quads.  I tried to pull them out, but my strength was no match for the power of her legs.  Jill laughed as she realized how vulnerable and stuck I was and after a few more failed attempts to release myself, I looked up at my powerful wife as she smiled down at me.

Jill peered down at me with her signature grin, flexed her right biceps muscle, grabbed her chin with her left hand and whispered, “Hmmmm, what shall I do with you now.”  In all of our 2+ years together, Jill had never had me in a completely trapped and vulnerable position, and there was a bit of trepidation on my side and some true felt exhilaration on her side.  She seemed excited about it, so I again attempted to struggle free from her massive grip on my hands.  Again Jill got a huge gleam in her eye and grin on her face as she leaned down to kiss me on the lips.  As we made out passionately, I felt Jill’s hand grasp my cock and begin to massage it.  The more I tried to free my hands, the more Jill flexed her leg muscles keeping me helpless in her grip.  As she massaged my cock more vigorously, she said, “Davey, your helpless in my grasp aren’t you?” “Uh huh.” I replied. “Well then.” She asked, “I guess you’re just my little bitch right now aren’t you?”  “Uh huh.” I again answered.  Still massaging my cock, Jill lifted up her torso so I could get a better look at the muscle bound woman who was clearly having her way with me.  Jill then squeezed her quads together smashing my pencil thin legs between them.  My hands were still stuck between her calves and hamstrings, and now my legs were being crushed between her thighs.  Jill could see that she now had complete control over me and she kept squeezing until I finally screamed in agony.  Jill let off the pressure slightly and said, “Shhhhh my little bitch, I don’t want your mom to think I’m beating you in here!”  I quieted down immediately but looked up at Jill wondering why she was causing me such intense pain.   

After a few more seconds, Jill reached down and pinched my upper arms with her powerful hands.  My small arm muscles were being compressed between her fingers and it didn’t take much effort on her part to again send me into excruciating pain.  I grunted loudly in agony and Jill again said, “Shhhhh, my little bitch, Shhhhh.”  She let go of my arms and then grabbed the very small amount of trap muscle I had on top of my shoulders just at each side of my neck.  Jill was probably again using minimal force, but the massive amount of sharp pain she was causing had me wheezing greatly, but per her instruction I kept as quiet as possible.  Jill was going crazy as she was realizing the power and control she now possessed over me.  She had known that she could lift more weight than me, but now she was coming to realize that she could very easily, physically dominate me.  My eyes started to water as I tried to cope with the massive stress and discomfort her vice like grip was causing.  Something came over my wife and she just kept on squeezing and finally pinched even harder to the point I felt like a knife was piercing through my skin and muscle.  As the tears welled up and started to flow from my eyes like a waterfall, Jill bent down and began to lick them off my face.  She was licking up my tears and as a little snot slowly dripped from my nose, she lapped that up as well.  Finally, Jill released her grip and began to massage my half limp cock back to life.  The freeing of my traps from immense pain allowed me to take a full deep breath which now caused the tears to flow even more and the snot to gush from my nose at full throttle.  My wife quickly raised her thigh pressure off of my hands and I pulled them to my sides.  After just a couple of moments, Jill had my cock at full erection and she lifted her torso up and inserted my member into her vagina.

Jill quickly grabbed my limp arms and brought them up, directing me to grab her muscular torso.  She then hit a full, double biceps pose flexing her buff arms to their full, muscular, powerful beauty and looked down at me.  I was still crying and turned away immediately from her commanding and confident gaze.  We both realized at that exact moment, that I was now meek, obedient and submissive to her and that she was now completely dominant in our relationship.  With tears still streaming down my face, Jill said, “Look at me Davey, look at me.”  For some reason, I was actually fearful to look her in the eye, like I wasn’t deserving of it.  Realizing this fear and obedience she had just instilled into me, Jill grabbed my jaw with her left hand and turned my head to face hers while she gave my right arm another painful pinch.  She brought her torso back down and with her face just a few inches from mine said, “Now Davey, I love you now as much as ever, but you are my little bitch aren’t you?”  My cock, still at full erection and experiencing the pleasures of her amazing muscular pussy control, tears still flowing from my eyes, I nodded my head yes.  “Say it.” She commanded.  I paused a few seconds so she commanded it again, only she whispered softly as she slowly compressed my arm harder causing more immense agony.  Finally realizing what she wanted, I softly whispered as the snot ran into my mouth, “I’m your bitch.”  Jill immediately raised her torso back up and again placed my hands upon it.  She began gyrating up and down faster and faster bringing me immense pleasure.  As I felt and held onto her muscular, powerful body, she ordered, “Keep saying it.”  So over and over again, I kept saying, “I’m your bitch, I’m your bitch, I’m your bitch.”  Jill and I fucked as I continued to repeat the phrase of my submissiveness to her when we almost reached orgasm. 

At that moment, Jill got a scowl on her face, dismounted me and stood at the side of the bed in her sweaty, musclebound glory.  She reached out her arms and I instinctively stood and stepped to her.  She grabbed me around the chest with her powerful grasp and I wrapped my legs around her body.  Jill easily carried me to the shower and we stepped in.  Within seconds, warm water was flowing over our bodies.  My wife was easily hoisting me in the air and I looked her dead in the eye and said sincerely and slowly, “I’m your bitch.”  Jill lowered me to my feet, simply put her hand on my shoulder and slowly pushed me down to my knees.  Knowing my clear obedience to her every whim, I immediately started to eat her out.  As I licked her pussy with total vigor, I grabbed her wet, muscular, powerful thighs.  Jill was enjoying my efforts and began to gyrate slightly as the immense pleasure overcame her.  I too was enjoying the experience completely and reached around to caress her warm, moist, muscular hamstrings and rock solid bulging ass muscles.  Normally, after I licked my wife’s pussy for some time, she would return the favor by sucking my cock or fucking me.  But this session was about her and we both knew it.  I licked and flicked her box like never before and I wanted this to be the best oral sex she had ever experienced.  As I felt her gyrating massively, she grabbed my hair and greatly tightened her grip, almost pulling the hair out of my head and again causing me great pain.  I didn’t waver and continued to lick her pussy with almost unconscious effort as again, tears flowed from my eyes.  My rhythm and speed and pressure were in perfect sync and I gripped her muscular ass tightly as Jill shoved my head deeper and deeper into her rock hard pelvis.  My hands were feeling and massaging my wife’s firm powerful glutes, my head was feeling immense agony and my tongue and mouth were tasting my wife’s flavorful muscular pussy.  At the same time, my wife was experiencing total and immense pleasure while her now knowingly obedient husband performed oral sex on her while she caused him pain.  The varied, physical and emotional intense feelings were causing us both to be in a wild state of flux, experiencing something completely new and previously unfathomable.  Jill had finally reached emotional and physical climax and she fluttered massively.  Her pussy juices flowed and I slurped them up and swallowed them into my warm body.  As I licked up around her pussy and pelvis eagerly, Jill finally released her massive grip on my head.  Exhausted, Jill reached her hand under my chin and slowly lifted me up to my feet.  I still didn’t make eye contact with her so Jill, again grabbed my chin and turned my eyes towards hers.  With caring eyes, she leaned in and again licked the tears from my check and then kissed me passionately.  She then placed my head on her round, bulky, massive, powerful shoulder and tightly hugged me in her muscular grip as the warm water continued to pour over our naked bodies.
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Offline totocom

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #34 on: November 20, 2014, 08:24:14 am »
This is one of the best stories i have ever read. What makes me to like it that much  is the mutual love between the characters. :-*
Personnaly, i prefer Jill gentle and passionate, teasing her husband, showing off her superiority, making him to feel inadequate, weak, but still loving it and caring about his needs.
I hope this is the way the story is going to follow -even if sometimes i read with pleasure stories with violent acts or i write such stories myself-.

Anyway, i think an author needs to lead his story where he wants, without caring of his readers hopes, because this is the better way to express the feelings, the scenes, what makes a good story.
I only wish the story will turn to a direction i like.

Nevertheless, expressing ideas about scenes to come or characters, can -imho-  help the author, or help readers to become authors themselves  :) .
Of course, Jdm022 doesn't need any help. :rock:
... he just needs more time to write  :) :) :)

almost 3 weeks, the next plot is coming soon  :) :) :) :letsparty:

I'm Totocom (aka Scat, in another time...)

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2014, 02:29:51 am »

My wife had obviously grown more muscular and stronger than me with her ridiculous dedication to weight training.  She was like a kid with a new toy, and I think she had an underlying, childlike curiosity to use it.  I couldn’t know if her recent actions were intended to hurt or dominate me, or more of an experimentation of her superior strength and the fact that it did clearly help define our new positions in the relationship.  Jill loved me more than ever and this slight shift in the relationship dynamic was exciting for both of us.  It wasn’t stated, but Jill had slowly developed the confidence of the Alpha person over the last two years of our time together and I had become attracted and completely addicted to it.  I could have worked out and gained strength, but I didn’t, I wanted to feel this new excitement so it was my fault and not hers and I knew it.  I grabbed a towel and began drying her off.  She stood majestically, silent in front of the shower door as I wiped off the last bit of water from her rock hard muscular frame.  A wry grin of confidence painted her face and then Jill gave me a peck on the lips before slowly walking into the bedroom.  Jill’s peck made me feel very warm and happy inside as I had recently become more and more addicted to her every approval.  Her long brown hair was still wet and hung behind her, draped over her round, powerful back muscles.  With each step, I ogled at her bulging muscular thighs and huge, round ass.  She was becoming an incredible sight and the model of physical perfection before my eyes.  I knew I would do anything to remain with her.  Jill eventually turned the corner out of my view and I dried myself off too, before entering the room.

Jill and my mom were going to go shopping and Eric and I were going to head downtown to grab lunch and check out the new bridge over the small river walk we had.  I wanted to be comfortable so I threw on some cargo shorts, which were way too loose of course, but using Jill’s belt, I was able to tighten them enough to stay on.  I then grabbed a size Large T-shirt I had and threw it on too.  It was a bit loose as well, but it was the smallest non-running shirt I had.  Just then, Jill came out of her walk-in closet looking God Damn amazing!  She was wearing these Sneakers that actually had small high-heels built into them, making her easily 3 inches taller than normal.  Because of the heels, her calves were flexed into large, beautiful diamonds, and her quad muscles looked like bulging, powerful teardrops as they draped lusciously around her knee caps.  She was wearing short Blue-Jean shorts and a small portion of the white pocket material was exposed.  Jill had put on a pink tank-top which fit tightly around her muscular torso and exposed her buff shoulders and arms fully.  Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail and if a woman this muscular could look CUTE, she definitely did.  She took one look at me and let out a chuckle.  “My goodness Davey.” She said, “You look like a kid who’s in his older brother’s hand-me-down clothes.”  I stepped to my left and looked at my reflection in our full-length mirror.  My shorts and shirt were hanging more loosely than I thought originally and what made it worse was that my ever-thinning arms and legs were exposed.  I started to become embarrassed and started to turn bright red I’m sure.  Jill quickly walked over, patted me on the ass and said, “Don’t worry baby, we’ll hit the store next week and find some clothes that fit, OK.”  I nodded my head affirmative and followed Jill to the kitchen.

Jill was a few steps in front of me and because of her mass, I was not visible to my mom and Eric walking down the hall.  As Jill entered, I head Judy say, “Wow! You look incredible!” while Eric said, “Damn, that’s freaky!”  I couldn’t tell if Eric was being complimentary or derogatory, but Jill let it go either way and thanked Judy.  As they saw me walk in, Eric started laughing and said, “Dude, I think you need to put on some damn weight.”  Before I could say a word, Jill quipped, “He’s got it ALL where it counts Eric, if you know what I mean.  And don’t be mean to my Davey, he’s perfect if you ask me.”  My mom just laughed and got a huge smile on her face after THAT comment and I was very happy that Jill had stuck up for me so quickly and the fact that she thought I was perfect meant the world to me.  I walked up, stood next to her, and put my arm around her muscular, rock solid torso.  She was in her lifted shoes and I was still barefoot so the size difference was huge.  Eric quickly took out his smart phone and wanted to take a picture.  I smiled and Jill gave me a nice squeeze with one hand and put her outside hand on her hip.  Her arm made kind of a 45 degree angle and I knew she was probably flexing to make her arm and shoulder stand out greatly.  “Oh, that’s perfect!” Eric replied as he took the picture, “Now let’s get one with Jill flexing.”  Jill obliged my brother’s request and flexed her left biceps.  “Make sure you text me a copy” Jill asked.  Instead of replying to her, Eric chuckled again and said, “The guys at work are going to die laughing when I show them this picture of my brother and his huge ass wife.”  At that point, I knew Eric was just being a dick head and Jill sensed it too.  My mom immediately scolded Eric for being rude and told him that true love is blind!  He kind of quit laughing and we all decided that we should head out.

I wasn’t sure why Eric was being such a jerk, but I guess it was just weirding him out to see his brother, who dated a bunch of hot, cute girls over the years, to be married to such a huge, muscular woman.  Clearly that, and the fact that I had lost 25 pounds or more since the last time he saw me was making him act strangely as it took him out of his comfort zone.

We all walked out to the driveway and my mom instinctively walked to the Volkswagen bug.   Jill looked over at her and said, “Oh Judy, we’re taking my truck. The boys are taking Dave’s Bug.”  My mom got a bit of a funny look on her face and replied, “So Dave has the cute little Bug and you’re running around in this big truck?” as she pointed at the truck.  “Oh my God Judy,” Jill answered, “I’m constantly throwing my gym stuff, cases of supplements from Explode, gobs of food from Costco and everything else in here.  All he does is drive to work and back, so we gave him the little bug.”  As if I hadn’t endured enough grief, Eric had to comment on my green little “Hot Rod” too.  Jill’s truck only had the stock raise on it, so it’s not like it was huge, but my mom still seemed to struggle a bit to hop in.  With a honk and a wave, Jill and my mom took off while Eric and I got in the Bug and left as well.

I could tell as we drove downtown that my brother was still bothered a bit by me and Jill.  Finally I just said, “Dude, what is your problem with me and Jill?”  “What’s my problem.” He answered.  “My problem is that Jill is turning you into a little bitch and she could straight kick your ass.  That’s my problem.”  I immediately pulled to the side of the road and looked Eric in the eye.  “Man, you know I’ve always liked athletic chicks right?” “Right” he replied. “Well, when we started dating, that’s what she was;  An athletic chick, with muscular legs and a few pounds overweight.  That was enough for me and we were having sex almost daily.  She started working out, met her friend Lisa, and then really began putting on muscle.  It never changed who she was and that’s who I fell in love with.  This muscle thing may just be a few year fad of hers, but I will still love her no matter what.  So I’d appreciate if you’d get over the fact that she’s really muscular and focus on the fact that she’s an awesome girl and your sister-in-law.”  Eric was taken aback by that and realized that he really hadn’t thought about her as anything but a bad ass muscle-bound chick.  He apologized, shook my hand and admitted that he probably needed to get to know her a bit better.

So we grabbed some lunch and then went over to the cool new river-walk bridge.  Sure enough, a couple of minutes later, a really fit girl goes jogging by.  Eric and I both watch her firm ass and toned legs as she disappears into the distance.  I couldn’t let the moment go without commenting on her.  “See.” I said to Eric, “We both ogled that hot fit girl run by.  Her tight, athletic body is all the rage right now and girls would kill to have her abs.  Why is Jill so different?”  “She’s just too muscular for me Dave.” He answered.  “I couldn’t date a girl that could kick my ass.”  “What are you talking about dude?” I asked, “You just hooked up with Samantha at my house last night!”  “Yea.” He said, “She was a bit too muscular but I was drunk and in the mood, you know.”  “Nope brother,” I responded “you let your true admiration and attraction to her muscular body come out last night because you were drunk.  When you’re sober, you find it appalling because that’s’ what society teaches us, that physically and mentally strong women are too masculine.  But they’re not…they’re just Hot, Strong women!  Why can’t we just accept that?” “Dave, don’t try to convince me who I’m attracted to or not attracted too, okay?” he replied.  “I won’t Eric, I won’t.” I answered, “But you sure didn’t need my convincing to be all over Samantha last night…that’s all I’m saying.”  He waited 10 or 15 seconds and then said, “Yah, she was pretty God Damn Hot, wasn’t she?”  I just nodded my head yes and we stared out at the water.

A little later, after Eric and I ate lunch, checked out the bridge and grabbed a beer, I got a text from Jill which read, “GREAT DAY with Judy!!!  Heading over to Lisa’s to take more of the Explode pics, bring Eric.”  I replied quickly, “Sure honey, see you there, but Eric…are you sure?” “Yep.” She replied, “Somebody wants to see him ”  I chuckled a bit knowing that Samantha probably asked Jill to have me bring him, but I didn’t tell Eric.  I simply got in the car with him and we drove over to Lisa’s.

Sure enough, we arrived at Lisa’s house and I saw several cars in the drive, one belonging to Samantha.  We walked to the door and rang the bell.  Lisa quickly answered the door.  As always, she looked amazing.  She was wearing short, tight black workout shorts and a small black workout bra with an Explode advertisement on it.  She had obviously just worked out and her biceps were pumped to the max.  Besides the bulging muscle, there were large, full veins crisscrossing her arms and into her hands.  Lisa gave me a kiss and grabbed me in her signature bear hug and lifted me off the ground.  Her grip was super strong and my arms were pinched at my sides rendering me helpless in her grasp.  Seeing Eric besides me, Lisa then put me down and extended her hand to my brother.  He shook her hand firmly.  I could tell he wasn’t expecting her to use a vise like grip and he gestured in some discomfort as she squeezed his hand tightly.  The pain written on my brothers face increased, but before embarrassing him too much, Lisa let go and guided us inside.  As Lisa led us in, Eric tapped me on the shoulder and as I turned around, he shook his hand in pain and whispered, “What the Fuck?”  I just chuckled and followed Lisa.

When I entered the kitchen, Jill began walking towards me in all of her muscular glory.  Her eyes lit up like flashlights and she had a huge, giddy, childlike smile on her face.  I was a bit surprised at her total excitement to see me but pretty damn stoked.  Jill’s huge quads had begun to dominate her muscular physique and with each powerful step, the muscle bulged tightly and formed a large teardrop shape around each kneecap.  Her calves were gorgeous too and they began getting that diamond like appearance, visible even from the front.  I felt like Jill had more muscle and power in her amazing legs than I did in my whole body.  As she reached me, I leaned in to kiss Jill and grabbed onto her bulging, round shoulders.  Just touching her rock hard body turned me on and gave me an almost immediate erection.  She grabbed me firmly and instead of a little kiss, we began to make out passionately.  After 10 seconds or so, Jill leaned back, looked me in the eyes and said, “Oh honey, I missed you today! So glad to see you.”  “It’s great to be with you too honey.” I replied in surprise.  We had only ben apart for a few hours, but Jill had become quite passionate about being around me all the time and I must admit that I liked it.  As she stood back, Jill simply grabbed my torso with her left hand and gave it a quick squeeze.  It was almost a crushing pinch and a shot of pain rocketed through me.  I made a slight grunt from the pain and Jill released her grip quickly.  She got a wry smile on her face and gave me a quick wink.  It was amazing to me now, how quickly Jill could cause me some pain with minimal effort.  I don’t think she fully grasped how strong she was becoming and her playful pinches hurt a lot more than she knew.  But it was obvious that Jill enjoyed these little shows of strength she had over me.  The fact that she, Lisa and Samantha were still going full bore with their workouts and Explode supplementation only meant that she would continue to get even bigger and stronger.  I must admit that I was eager to see them all grow in strength and size!

Still reeling from his painful handshake, Eric leaned in and gave Jill a hug too.  She didn’t seem to pull a Lisa and just gave him a standard quick grasp and let go.  Right then, Samantha walked out of the bathroom.  She also looked absolutely incredible.  We all stood speechless as she approached.  Samantha was wearing the White version of the same little Explode Workout wear that Lisa and Jill had on.  Her gorgeous blonde hair was hiked back in a ponytail.  Her six pack abs flexed hard with each step and her golden brown tan made her buff arm and leg muscles look extra ripped.  Although she was not quite as muscular as Lisa and Jill, Samantha was plenty buff and her arm and legs were significantly larger than mine.  In all of her beautiful glory, Samantha walked up to Eric, with a huge smile across her face and gave him a friendly hug.  Eric was completely speechless and probably didn’t realize how muscular Samantha was from the night before because of his inebriated state.  Eric tried to say something but it came out a bit like gibberish and we all began to laugh.  I looked at Samantha and said, “He’s a little confused right now Samantha, not sure he realized how HOT you were!”  We all laughed and finally Eric said, “F off Dave.” He then looked back at Samantha and said, “He’s right though, you look very impressive.”  “Impressive huh?” she replied, “Well thank you….I think.”  She the smiled and walked over to a glass of water she had set down earlier.  As she walked, I watched my brother.  His eyes were glued to her bulging, tight ass and muscular legs and like every man would be, he was entranced by them.

I walked over to give my mother a kiss and she immediately blurted out about the amazing day she had with Jill.  They went shopping, ate lunch, chatted about me and had just a great few hours together.  Then she said, “You know David, Jill was complimented by no less than 5 or 6 people during the afternoon about her physique and she was so nice to give them diet and training advise.  A couple of people even wanted to take a picture with her.  It really opened my eyes to her musculature and her kind personality as well.  She’s a good one.” My mom then gave me a pat on the butt and I gave her a kiss.  “I know mom.” I replied, “I just figured you had to get past her appearance and get to know the Jill that I know and love.”  “Well honey, I think she’s great and so glad to welcome her to the family.”  Jill was so happy to hear that from my mom and gave her a big hug as she smiled widely.  Jill then looked at me and said, “Yep, I just love your mom and we’re going to get her on a little exercise program too!”  I knew that was great because getting my mom and my wife to become friends was huge and was my biggest hope for inviting her and my brother down!

With all of the greetings out of the way, the girls wanted to do their Explode photo shoot.  As I mentioned earlier, they were all gorgeous; and to watch the three musclebound women bounce around in next to nothing was an amazing sight.  First, each one of the girls would do some standard bodybuilding like poses, front lat spread, double biceps, side chest, etc.  They were all very muscular and impressive to look at, but it was rather boring so I decided to inject some excitement into it.  I grabbed the camera from Lisa as she was finishing up with Jill’s shoot.  I then said, “Lisa, why don’t the three of you get together for some group posing and I’ll take the pics?”  Lisa agreed that it was a good idea and she and Samantha joined Jill in front of me by the wall.  Instead of taking pics though, I put the camera in HD Video mode and began recording.  The girls were acting funny at first, posing like Victoria Secret models, flinging their hair around, blowing kisses at the camera and strutting around.  As they moved, they were flexing their muscles unintentionally.  Biceps were bulging, quads were flexing, triceps were protruding and their hard asses were bouncing so firmly, I knew I could bounce a quarter off of them.  It was fun to watch and I was trying to hide my obvious excitement, especially since my mom was in the room. 

Then, without any warning, Lisa grabs Samantha’s muscular torso with her bulging meaty right arm, placed her left arm under Samantha’s buff legs and hoist her into the air.  I moved in closer with the camera and began to focus on the huge protruding back muscles on Lisa.  The weight of Samantha was causing Lisa’s traps, shoulders and upper back muscles to fill with blood and pump up nicely.  As I focused in on Lisa’s incredible muscles, I suddenly was grabbed firmly and hoist into the air as well.  Jill had a vice like grip around my body and easily lifted my legs with her muscular left arm.  As Jill spun me around, I could see my brother and mom laughing hysterically.  It was all a good bit of fun, but Jill easily spun me around and around and at one point kind of fake tossed me up in the air.  Then, she and Lisa somehow communicated without saying a word, faced each other and began doing squats with me and Samantha.  I quickly threw Eric the camera before I dropped and broke it.  They began counting as they squatted and it was obvious that a competition had ensued.  I looked over at Samantha and said, “How much do you weigh?” She replied “169, how about you?” “160” I answered.  “Oh, looks like Jill has a slight advantage then…” Samantha quipped.

“Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen!” my brother counted out loud. “Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty!” my mom exclaimed in total astonishment at Jill and Lisa’s strength.  Everyone was excited and having a blast watching Jill and Lisa squat me and Samantha.  I was held firmly in Jill’s powerful grip and I grabbed onto her rock solid forearm as she lowered and then raised me in unison with Lisa.  I then peered over at Lisa and became mesmerized by her muscular quads as they flexed massively.  Over the next few reps, the girls started to slow a bit and they kind of nodded at each other to stop at twenty five.  Eric and Judy began clapping and cheering wildly for Lisa and Jill for being such amazing studs.       

Lisa put Samantha down, and Eric immediately gave Lisa a big high-five and gave Samantha a hug.  It was good to see him so excited in the midst of these powerful, muscular women.  I expected Jill to put me down as well, but my light weight and her increased strength kept her arms from getting tired.  Jill then began to rock me back and forth like a child and said, “How do you like it up here dear?” “Just fine.” I answered, “This will take all the work out of walking around the amusement park when I get tired you know.”  We all chuckled and Jill walked me over to the bar stool near my mom, did a couple of squats, again proving how strong she was and then sat me on the stool.  It was a bit demeaning but at the same time, I knew Jill was just having a bit of fun at my expense so I shrugged it off.  My mom looked at me, still laughing and smiling from ear to ear and said, “hmmmm Davey, you are a bit red faced, Jill didn’t embarrass you too badly did she?” “No mom.” I replied, “And as long as we still have our own private fun every night, she can just go around carrying me all she wants.”  My mom gave me a nice wink and we both looked back at the girls. 

Jill then looked at my excited mom and said, “What do you think of these Judy?”  Right then, she began to shake her massive right quad muscles and then in an instant, flexed them to a rock hard huge mound of muscle.  It startled my mom and she exclaimed, “Oh My God Jill!  WOW! that again!”  Without hesitation, Jill again shook the massive muscle in her right thigh from side to side and then, without warning, flexed it again into a huge rock hard state.  Jill could tell that my mom was curious so she said, “Go ahead Judy, give them a squeeze.”  Slowly, my mom reached down to feel Jill’s pumped up quads.  As she placed her hand on Jill’s un-flexed muscle she said, “Oh my God Jill, it’s so solid.”  My mom then began pushing harder on it with both hands and then tried to squeeze it.  At that moment, Jill flexed her thigh massively.  The individual thigh muscles jumped up into a rock-hard state and again startled my mom.  “OH MY!” she exclaimed as she pulled away briefly.  She then reached back down and began poking at Jill’s flexed thigh.  “It is harder than granite!” my mom said shockingly.  She kept poking and feeling the tense muscle, but it didn’t give and my mom was a bit shocked at how truly massive and solid Jill’s legs had become.  “Don’t mess with Jill!” my mom then announced to the group, still in amazement at her muscles.

Not to be outdone, Lisa walked up to my brother and began shaking her quad muscles for him.  She tensed them into a solid, massive mound of muscle as Jill had done with virtually the same reaction from my brother.  After a couple of rounds of flexing, Lisa said to Eric, “Feel these babies!”  As instructed, he reached down and felt her solid un-flexed muscle.  He shook his head in amazement and then grabbed her thigh with both hands.  As he attempted to squeeze them, Lisa flexed them again into a rock hard muscular mass.  Eric squeezed as hard as he could, but could not make a dent in them.  “Holy Shit!” he exclaimed, “That’s Crazy!”  Lisa started laughing and replied, “What do you think of this much muscle on a woman?”  He was still kind of shaking his head while he continued to hold her beautiful, massive thighs in his hands, but all eyes were on him.  After a few more moments he said, “I was never one for bodybuilders, like Dave, but I admit, it’s pretty hot I guess.”  “I know.” Lisa answered, “All a guy has to do is feel some muscle on a woman, and he’s hooked.”  Eric kind of laughed and gave a friendly gaze over to Samantha.  I could tell she was very interested in Eric’s response and had obviously taken a liking to him.  She gave him a quick smile and he smiled in return.  I could tell she was a bit jealous of all the attention Lisa was giving Eric, so she stood behind him and began giving him a shoulder massage.  I quickly grabbed the camera and took a picture of my brother massaging Lisa’s enormous quads while Samantha, in all her muscular glory was rubbing his neck. 

I knew we had to get my mom and Eric to the Airport, so I suggested that we make way.  Samantha immediately said, “Oh, I’ll give Eric a ride to the Airport.”  Eric looked up at her a bit stunned, so she quickly looked back at him and added, “If that’s Ok with youuuuuu?”   Eric smiled and said, “Yea, that’ll work for me if Dave can bring my suitcase when he drops off mom.”  “No problem E.” I answered, knowing Samantha had some obvious plans for my brother over the next hour.  So Jill, Judy and I gave our good byes to Samantha and Lisa and headed home.  This time, my mom wanted to ride with me in the bug while Jill drove home in her truck.

Almost immediately as we drove out of the drive my mom says, “I would have never though such muscley women would be so sexy to men, but it’s obvious you and your brother have taken a liking to it.”  “Mom” I replied, “I’ve always liked it.  You had to know when I hung a poster of Rachel Mclish on my bedroom wall in high school.”  “Oh dear.” She said, “That girl was quite fit, but Jill and Lisa are surely more muscular.”  “Could be mom, Jill may be rock solid but she has a soft heart, and I love her.”  “Yes dear.” She answered, “I like her too.”  “By the way mom,”  I added, “as frisky as Jill has become, you could have a grandchild or two before you know it!”  She smiled and I could tell she was VERY happy to hear that.  I was glad to have had this little discussion, because I didn’t want it to be awkward around the holidays every time I bring my musclebound wife around.

Soon enough, we arrived home and to my surprise, Jill’s truck was already home.  I guess I took the long way but it was good since I had a bit of time to talk to my mom and get her approval on Jill.  Not that I needed it, but I obviously wanted it.  We walked inside and Jill was not around.  My mom went to the guest room to gather her and Eric’s things so I headed down to our bedroom.  The door was open so I walked inside and called to Jill.  There was no answer so I walked over and looked in our bathroom.  Right then I heard the bedroom door shut behind me.  I turned to look.

Jill stood in front of the bedroom door she had just shut.  The lights were off but some ambient light was sneaking through our window blinds which immediately gave off a romantic mood.  Jill was wearing her lifted hightop sneakers and my old favorite Yosemite shirt.  It was just long enough to cover her naked pelvic area but 99.9% of her gorgeous, muscular legs were exposed.  Jill had cut off the sleeves of the Yosemite shirt and her massive, rounded shoulders were unconcealed.  Her muscular chest and torso made my XL shirt seem like a medium as it stretched almost to the breaking point.  My wife held up her impressive right arm towards me, gave me an imposing stare and motioned with her index finger for me to come over.  As I approached my gorgeous wife, I couldn’t get over the size and power her massive quads now contained.   I tried to smile at Jill as I walked closer, but none was returned.  At that moment, I again knew my musclebound wife was in total control and my obedience would be required, which sent a chill of fear and excitement through my body.  As I reached her, Jill placed her left hand on my right shoulder and pushed down.  I fell to my knees and instinctively reached into her pelvic area and began pleasuring her.

As I licked Jill’s juicy tight pussy, I again grabbed her massive, rock hard, firm ass and began massaging it.  I then slid my hands down slightly and squeezed her bulging hamstring muscles.  They were completely firm and warm and my tight grip didn’t even make a slight dent in their curved structure.  Finally, I slid my hands down to her diamond like, gorgeous and powerful calf muscles.  They were also rock hard and I began to think she was chiseled out of stone.   She hadn’t grabbed my hair or caused me pain in any way and I began to think she had experimented enough with her little tests of strength.  I quickly lifted my head away from her magical vagina and looked up at her.  She had both arms up under the Yosemite shirt and was caressing her own breasts.  She quickly looked down, grabbed my head and again shoved it into her pelvis area.  On queue, I immediately began pleasuring her again and reached around to massage her amazing, powerful butt. 

Right then, Jill leaned back slightly against the door, lifted her massive left leg and lowered it over and behind my right shoulder.  Next, she lifted her muscular right leg and lowered it over and behind my left shoulder.  My body was now forced under her muscular ass and torso and my head was bent back slightly in front of her juicy hot vagina and between her immense quads.  I reached under and around her muscular thighs from beneath and grabbed onto the top of them for support.  They were warm and started to become slightly moist from our session.  I began to massage them firmly as I continued to pleasure my wife.  Jill then slowly closed her powerful thighs together, squeezing my head slightly in the process.  First it was just slight pressure on my ears and I was able to feel their massive power, which turned me on greatly.  I loved this little power play by Jill and began eating her out furiously.   A minute or two later, Jill decided to tighten her grip and squeezed my head a bit more.  Now the pressure became a bit too much.  My ears were feeling a sharp piercing pain as they were pinched tightly against my skull while the heat being generated was causing me to turn bright red.  I tried to slip my head down as the heat and pain intensified, but could not even budge.  At the same time, I pulled against her huge thighs with all my might but couldn’t come close to moving them.  Jill again tightened her legs slightly and my head soon became burning hot and it felt as if my eyes were about to shoot out of their sockets.  I was unable to even move my jaw in her muscular grip to beg Jill to stop so I started tapping Jill on the legs, like a wrestler giving up.  Jill must have known the grip was far too tight for me to handle but obviously loved proving to me how strong she had become.  She let me battle for probably 30 seconds, which seemed like an eternity and then released her locking grip on me and I fell to the floor in relief.

Jill quickly reached down and lifted me up in front of her.  I barely had time to ogle her muscular physique and she spun me around and pulled my back tightly against her chest.  As I now faced away from her, she reached down and grabbed my throbbing cock in her right hand.  She began to give me a hand job while gripping my body tightly and holding me against hers.  My left arm was trapped but my hand reached down and I felt the awesome muscular dimple on the outside of her round ass.  With my right hand, I grabbed her strong and massive left forearm.  As I massaged it, I felt the veins crisscrossing its surface and realized the strength it must have contained.  We were stationary in this position for several minutes while my wife continued to pleasure me.  I started to move my hand up her arm and felt a round hard bulge on the outside of her elbow.  It must have been the upper part of her forearm muscle but it was firm and round and I loved the powerful feel of it.  After a few more moments caressing that, I slipped my hand up to grab her mighty biceps.  There was a long thick vein running the length of her arm and I found myself mesmerized by its size.  Large veins feed large muscles and the thought of how large her veins were got me very excited.  Finally, I couldn’t hold it any longer and I began to eject my seaman.  Jill sensed this immediately and quickly spun me around, lowered her head and started licking and swallowing every last ounce of my salty white cum.  This woman who had just so easily caused me great pain was now offering me great pleasure.  The pain in my head had long since stopped and I knew I never ever EVER wanted to leave this powerful woman’s side.
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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2014, 03:10:58 am »

Hi guys, sorry for the lack of regular might notice I post a lot of scans from my old Muscle Magazines to the "Memorable Female Muscle & Hall of Legends" board.  It's a project i'm trying to complete and it's very time consuming to scan the pics in at such a high resolution.

I hope some of you have enjoyed them, but it has taken away from my writing time...but alas, here is a small update and then I will have a really long chapter upcoming and some crazy discoveries for Dave about Jill....enjoy :)

Chapter...I don't know...I lost count :)

After another amazing session with my beautiful musclebound wife, it was time to run my mom to the airport.  I threw on my same loose fitting clothes and Jill put on some workout wear as she was going to meet Lisa and Samantha at the gym for a workout.  As Jill pulled on the paper thin light blue yoga pants I loved so much, I watched the muscles in her back and triceps pop powerfully and move and flex gracefully.  It was a fluid, mesmerizing act, watching Jill simply get dressed.  With each movement she made, different muscles moved in such a beautiful and harmonious motion.  Jill then slowly pulled on a small white workout bra.  As she lifted it over her head, her traps bulged massively and the way they connected to her powerful neck, turned me on immediately. I walked up from behind and wrapped my arms around her solid, muscular torso.  She turned and gave me a quick wink, then, with muscles bulging, she walked into the kitchen to meet with my mom to say good bye.  I walked into the guest room to grab my mother’s suitcase.  I tried to lift it off the bed with one arm, but it was obviously too heavy for me, like it was a couple of days before and I kind of dragged it off and dropped it to the floor.  It made a loud bang and I knew the girls heard it.  I then grabbed it with both hands and held it in front of me as I waddled into the kitchen.  My mom saw my struggles and said, “Still having problems lifting my suitcase dear?”  “A little”, I answered, “What do you have in here, ROCKS?”  She laughed and said, “I picked up a few things when Jill and I went shopping honey, but nothing too crazy.”  Hugs and kisses were shared and we needed to leave.  Instead of grabbing just my mom’s suitcase, Jill grabbed both my mom and my brother’s heavy suitcases.  Her arms flexed hugely and her triceps muscles were especially on display.  My mom reached over and grabbed Jill’s amazing triceps.  Jill looked over and smirked as the weight of the bags was not that heavy for her and she knew my mom was warming up to her incredible musculature.  “Hard as rocks.” My mom exclaimed, “Well,” Jill answered, “With a bit of work, you can have these too Judy.”  They both laughed and we followed Jill to the car.  With each step I watched her muscular thighs bulge massively to the sides as her calves and glutes formed rock hard balls of muscle.  Her biceps and triceps were also flexing greatly as she carried the heavy bags.  Jill loaded them into the back as Judy and I hoped into the bug. 

Jill then walked over to the driver’s side window.  Her size completely consumed the girth of the window and she looked massive as she leaned into the car to give me a kiss goodbye.  As she did so, my hand was on the steering wheel.  Jill placed her hand on top of mine gripping it tightly as we kissed.  Right then my mom said, “Oh my Gosh.” I looked over and said, “What’s up mom?”  “Oh, nothing, I just am noticing your two arms.  Jill’s looks twice as thick as yours, just surprising I guess”.  Sure enough, I looked at Jill’s arm which was resting on top of mine as her hand grasped mine on the steering wheel.  It was seemingly twice as thick as mine and rock hard muscle to boot.  “I know Judy,” Jill responded, “But I just love his cute arms and hands.”  Jill then kind of lifted her arm, twisted it slightly and started flexing her forearm muscles.  As the thick muscles bulged and moved powerfully, we really got a great grasp on Jill’s size and strength.  My arm was still positioned a few inches below Jill’s and I truly felt like a wimp in her presence.  Jill quit posing, gave me another quick kiss and said, “So great meeting you Judy, we’ll talk soon.”  My mom said, “Goodbye.” And we drove away.

On our way to the airport my mom just couldn’t stop commenting on Jill and how muscular she was.  I had to ask so I said, “Mom, does it bother you that my wife is more muscular and stronger than me?”  “At first it seemed a bit odd, but she’s just wonderful dear, so if it doesn’t bother you, it’s fine with me.”  “Good mom.” I replied, “Because I know she and Lisa are really into getting big so she may put on even more muscle, especially since they’re getting a partial sponsorship from Explode Supplements.”   We drove the rest of the way to the airport and I gave my mom a huge hug and kiss as I dropped her off.  Just then, Eric also showed up.  Samantha dropped him off after what was surely a fun time.  Eric didn’t see me as I drove by, but I could see he had a bit of a limp going and was wearing his sun glasses even though the sun wasn’t out.

I drove home and decided to get in some sit ups and cardio.  I did an hour of abs and then hit the pavement for a nice run.  Jill had insisted I let my hair grow out a bit, so to keep my bangs out of my eyes, I threw on one of her head bands.  As I mentioned earlier, her short dolphin running shorts now fit me pretty well, so I had thrown them on and also the black Explode Supplements tank top Lisa had given me.  Although I was looking pretty damn skinny, I was developing a decent tan which I liked and it made my abs look good too so I knew Jill loved it.  About half way through the run, I could tell there was a car which had slowed a bit and was not passing me.  I turned to look and it was a Honda with two young guys in it.  As soon as I turned, the passenger stared at me for a couple seconds and then said to his buddy, “Oh shit! That’s a dude.”  “Damn” the driver replied, “Could have fooled me.”  I then turned away from them and heard them laughing as they drove away.  I was a bit shocked that I could have possibly been mistaken for a chick but then realized that from behind, I was thin, completely shaved by Jill, had shoulder length hair, had on a neon yellow headband and was wearing Jill’s running shorts.  As soon as I arrived back home, I placed Jill’s full length mirror at one end of the hallway.  I then stood at the other end of the hallway about 15 feet away.  Sure enough, if I squinted my eyes just a bit, my frame was now thin, with kind of meek shoulders and long hair.  I still wasn’t convinced, but when I turned around and looked at myself from the back, I quickly realized that I could easily have been mistaken for a frickin’ chick
About an hour later, Jill got home.  She looked fucking amazing and her biceps were bulging massively from her hardcore arms workout with Lisa.  Still wearing her small running shorts and headband, Jill got a huge smile on her face and said, “You look delicious honey, I wanna’  just eat you up.”  Jill then grabbed both my thin arms in her powerful hands and leaned down to kiss me.  As she took my tongue in her mouth, she reached around and grabbed my ass, squeezing it tightly in her hand.  “hmmm.” She said, “I love these shorts on you babe.”  “Well then,” I replied, “I guess I’ll keep wearing them.”  We shared another quick passionate kiss and then left the entryway.   We sat in the kitchen and she spoke excitedly about her connection with my mom and how she was looking forward to giving her workout advice and getting closer to her.  After some more chit chat, I said, “Jill, I’m thinking of cutting my hair short again.” “NO!” Jill blurted out instinctively.  “No, you can’t.” she followed, “I love your longer hair, so keep growing it out.”  “Okay, Jill, no problem…it was just a thought.”  Jill stood up, walked around the table and grabbed my hair in her hand, she then smelled it and said, “You have beautiful, healthy, thick hair Davey. You can’t even think of cutting this, it’s beautiful.”  “Thanks babe!” I replied, “But, I was also thinking of hitting the gym a little bit with you and the girls to put on a few pounds.”  “My God Dave!” She quickly shot back, “Don’t even think about it, you nearly perfect.” Jill immediately reached down and caressed my rock hard abs and said, “See….perfect.”  That was all the assurance I needed.  I urged to please Jill in every way, and if she wanted me to be thin and have longer hair, I would have longer hair!

We then walked down to share a nice warm shower together.  With each step, I again ogled her every muscle and how it moves so harmoniously on her.  We quickly undressed and got in the shower.  As I massaged her gorgeous, muscular body, I had to ask her about Eric and Samantha.  “So babe,” I asked, “I saw Eric at the airport and he looked a bit sore and was wearing dark sunglasses.  Did Samantha say anything about her and Eric?”  Jill grabbed me around the torso with her strong grip and pushed me back against the shower wall.  As Jill pushed me forcibly against the shower tiles, she leaned her body firmly against mine.  Jill was rock solid and I felt like I was being squeezed in a vice between her and the equally hard tiled surface of the shower.  It turned me on greatly and I had an immediate erection.  With me now held firmly in her control, Jill said, “Apparently, your brother wanted to experience a bit of rough sex with strong Samantha.  But he bit off more than he could chew, and when Eric started insulting Samantha to get a rise out of her she took it a bit too far.”  “What do you mean?” I asked.  “Well honey,” Jill whispered, “Eric called her the C word thinking he was funny, and without thinking she popped him in the face.  Upset about being struck by Samantha, he then called her a crazy Bitch, so she jumped up, put him in a choke hold and made him pass out.  When he woke up, dazed, he swears he didn’t remember calling her any of that and tried to have sex with her again.  She was still mad, so she put him in a scissors hold between her powerful thighs and gave him a squeeze so hard, she thinks she may have broken a rib.”  “Holy shit!,” I exclaimed, “Samantha gave him a black eye, made him pass out and then broke a God Damn rib….he’s never going to want to visit again!!!”  “I know.” Jill answered, “I’m sorry Samantha hurt him so badly. Hopefully his pride recovers soon, Samantha said he didn’t say a word to her on the ride to the airport and looked totally defeated.”  “Well honey, I’m sure that’s the first time a chick kicked his ass, so he’s probably trying to come to grips with that right now.  I’ll call him later and see if he’s OK.” I said.  Jill then looked me in the eye and said, “Just let me know anytime you want it a little rough Davey, I wouldn’t mind having a bit of fun with that you know!”  I smiled and replied, “Any way you want to give it to me Jill, and I’ll take it!!!”  We then kissed passionately as the warm water soothed our bare skin.

Later that night I called Eric to see if he was OK.  He didn’t answer and I’m sure he knew Jill told me what had happened.  He was a prideful guy, so it didn’t surprise me that much.  I left him a voice mail and told him to call me soon.  Two weeks had gone by and I still hadn’t heard back from him so I gave him another call.  He answered this time and I asked him if he was all right. “Ya.” He replied, “I just needed some time to reflect.”  “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well.” He answered, “Sammy is crazy in bed and I thought she would be great to date, but after she hit me and made me pass out, I freaked out, lost my mind and needed a break.”  “Crazy knowing a chick could literally kick your ass brother.” I said, “But don’t let it get to you, just move on and enjoy the next chick.”  “Thanks.” He replied, “I think I need to do just that.  It’s cool that you and Jill get along so great, but it just wasn’t the same for me and Samantha bro.”  He hung up and I felt good that we were able to talk a bit.  I texted Jill about my chat with Eric and she texted back that she’s glad he was able to overcome his pride and move on and then texted, “I wasn’t sure Sammy was right for Eric anyway Dave, she seems a bit mean to all the guys I’ve seen her date.”  I wasn’t aware of that part of Samantha, but was still bummed a bit though since I did want him and Samantha to hit it off.

It wasn’t two weeks later and I got another call from Eric.  We started having basic sports talk and then he said, “Hey, can you give me Samantha’s number?”  I was a bit surprised since I knew he had moved on but said, “Sure, why do you want it though?”  “Well Dave.” He answered, “I’ve gotten with two chicks lately and all I could think about when I was with them was having crazy sex with Samantha!  They were just weak and frail and boring, ya know.”  “Ya.” I answered, “I do know, that’s why I love every minute with Jill…I’ll never experience weak and boring again!”  “Thanks” he replied, “I’ll let you know how it goes.”  “Good Luck.” I replied and hung up the phone.  I was excited for him and couldn’t wait to tell Jill when she got home from the gym.

I quickly suited up to go for a quick run wearing the usual gear.  My hair was now starting to get annoyingly long and I absolutely had to wear Jill’s headbands all the time to keep my long bangs out of my eyes.  I had taken over her old Dolphin running shorts collection and at this point considered them mine.  They drove Jill crazy when I wore them around the house too so I was glad to have them.  I tried to run more in the evenings when it was dark so I didn’t have to deal with idiots that mistook me for a chick from behind.  It made my runs more enjoyable as well.  An hour later, I got home from my run and as usual, had beaten Jill home.  It wasn’t a surprise since she, Lisa and Samantha always completed their workout, had some of their pre-packed food and then took their self-defense class on Tuesday nights.  They were all becoming muscle bound bad asses and I enjoyed being around them all the time.  Anyway, I threw off my shoes, and tank top and stepped on the bathroom scale.  I was down to 154 and had lost 5 more pounds over the last few weeks.  I was thin in the arms, legs and chest, but my abs and legs were becoming more and more ripped and Jill loved me walking around the house with no shirt on, showing them off.  Sure enough, Jill walked in and attacked me immediately.  We kissed passionately for a few moments and Jill then leaned her muscular torso down to lick my abs up and down.  As she did I looked down to notice her back muscles bulging out even more than normal.  They were rock hard and full of muscle.  Just seeing muscular bulges on her back sent me into orbit and I began caressing them feverishly.  Jill was also in a great mood and quickly took my solid cock in her mouth.  Seconds later, Jill was on her knees satisfying me greatly.  She normally would have toyed with me for a while, bringing me almost to climax and then calming me back down, over and over again.  But today was different.  She had something on her mind and I knew it.  Within three minutes, I had blown my load and my wife quickly licked up every bit of cum. 

We kissed again briefly and then I said, “Hey babe, I have some exciting news for you.”  She said, “Really, I’ve got a bit of news for you too.”  Now standing upright in her workout shoes, I was looking up slightly at my muscular wife as I told her about Eric wanting to call Samantha again.  “That’s great.” Jill replied, but he may not be able to see her for a month.”  I got a very quizzical look on my face and said “Why not?” “Well.” She replied. “That’s my news.  The girls and I want to go to Texas tomorrow for 4 weeks to train with a couple of world renowned trainers there.  Explode Supplements has been really impressed with our progress and they want to do a full photo shoot, take training videos and have us work with top professional trainers for a month.”  “Holy Shit!” I said, “That’s awesome!”  “I was hoping you’d be OK with me being gone that long.” Jill replied.  She then grasped me in a bear hug, lifted me off the ground and walked us into our room for a quick shower.  As we soon stood in the wet shower, warm water pouring over us, soothing our slightly aching bodies I said, “Honey, I’m going to miss you every minute of every day that you’re gone.  But I know this is a great opportunity and I’m really excited for you and the girls.”  Jill just nodded without saying a word.  She then held out the bar of soap in her hand.  I instinctively grabbed it and began to lather and caress every inch of her muscle-bound body.  Jill turned around away from me and placed her hands up on the shower wall, like someone who’s being searched by the cops.  She then said, “Get a load of these.”  At that exact moment, she flexed her back tensely.  The muscles jumped out of her back and it became a huge powerful surface with mounds of bulges all over it.  With soapy hands, I began to feel the large, solid mounds on her back and knew the power she contained must be tremendous.  Her ass was flexed as well and I then grabbed it too.  I then began to beat on her round ass with my hard cock as the warm water continued to rain down on us.  Slowly, I reached down and placed my cock underneath her muscular round goodness.  Jill reached down with her left hand, grabbed my cock and inserted it into her tight, hot pussy.  I began to pound her rapidly and then slowly and the rapidly again.  I knew she loved the change of tempo, and luckily, since she pleasured me just minutes before, I knew I could go for a while.  I reached under her torso and grabbed her breasts as I pleasured her from behind.  They were disappearing with her extensive training and diet, but the huge amounts of chest muscle she was developing just under and above them, turned me on even more.  I gently tickled her nipples and within seconds they were rock hard.  She loved when I did that while banging her and within a few more minutes, she began to shudder. We had been at it for almost 45 minutes and the water was barely above cold by this point.  Her amazing pussy control had me at climax too and as her vagina muscles griped and released my cock more rapidly, I finally couldn’t hold it any longer.  Right as I began to cum, Jill climaxed and released her pussy juices in a soup of love liquid with mine.  Jill and I both finished our respective climax and took a few seconds break.  My cock was still inside her amazing, powerful pussy and I loved leaving it in for a minute or so after sex.  When I finally pulled it out, it gave Jill a final rush of pleasure and she always shivered and shook.  I knew she always got the last little bit of pleasure from that and it helped me seal the deal with her 2 years earlier for sure.

We soon dried off and as we readied for bed, I said, “Honey, will you step on the scale for me real quick.  I am down to 154 pounds today and I was curious to see where you’re at?”  Jill started to get on the scale for me, then turned and said, “Let’s make it my little secret, and I’ll get on it for you when we get back from Texas in 4 weeks.”  I was a little bummed, but figured that would really be something for me to look forward to.  “Ok.” I replied, “I hope you don’t break the scale with all the muscle you’re going to put on out there.” She laughed and said, “Yes you do!”  “Ha Ha Ha, ya, you’re right….i do.” I answered and I gave her another goodnight kiss as I embraced her muscular body and drifted to sleep.
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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #37 on: December 23, 2014, 04:37:09 pm »
As i said earlier, this story is one of the best ones i ever read.

I like the fact that everyone accept the rolereversal. But switching roles doesn't necessary mean feminization of the male, as it doesn't mean masculinization of our pretty heroine.
Jill is very feminine, she's nice and loving.
Why becoming strong, confident and comanding should mean masculine?
Why being weak, timide and loving should mean feminine?

i'm just hoping he will never wear dresses or make-up.  :hellno:
I'm Totocom (aka Scat, in another time...)

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #38 on: December 24, 2014, 05:01:43 pm »
A MUST READ SUMMATION for those of you with questions about Jill, Dave and their future together!!!

I feel the need to clear some things up for you:
I guess I didn’t paint a clear enough picture of Jill and Dave prior to them getting together.  All of the below items are mentioned or implied at times in the story, but here’s a summation for you:

Jill had a very poor relationship with her father, and he actually was a bit abusive and caused the scar on her face which has given her an inferiority complex her entire life.  She ate too much as a stress relief, obviously gained some unwanted weight which gave her even more confidence problems.  As a result, Jill was mainly in same-sex relationships since high school as she felt uneasy around men.  She has always had a slight fear or mistrust in them because of her bad father.  Because of her height and slight weight issue, Jill has normally taken the alpha role in her same-sex relationships.  This is her comfort zone but certainly she couldn’t take on that role in a normal hetero-sexual relationship.

…along comes Dave.  Jill met Dave in a co-ed softball league and after a few months felt very comfortable around him and loved his kindness and sense of humor.  She found out from friends on the team that Dave was impressed by her muscular legs and something about that fact triggered a possible relationship response from her.  He was not large like her father, in fact, Jill and Dave are almost the same height and Dave was fairly thin at 5’10” and 175 pounds.  Although stronger and larger at the time, Dave was not a physically imposing man and Jill needed that.  Remember, she still has an underlying fear and mistrust in men, one that will probably never totally go away.  As Jill met Lisa and began working out vigorously, she was becoming stronger.  With every pound of strength she gained, Jill was able to suppress her inferiority complex and gain self-confidence, something she never had prior. 

Jill knew she was becoming stronger over the months and months of working out with Lisa and she certainly noticed that Dave had lost a little weight since they first started dating.  It was never a conscience realization, but this played perfectly into her sub-conscience needs and she was losing her underlying fear and mistrust in men when she was with Dave.  Jill had never possessed this comfortable of a feeling with any man and it made her want to be with Davey exclusively and possibly forever.  When in Las Vegas for the Olympia show, Lisa and Louie pointed out that Jill might actually be more muscular than Dave, and later that weekend, she actually found out that she was indeed Stronger than Dave too.  As soon as she realized this, for the first time ever, she actually had no uneasiness around a man and fell more deeply in love with Dave than she ever thought possible.   They got married almost immediately. 

As Jill continues to work out, and Dave continues to lose weight, she suppresses the underlying fear and mistrust she’s always had in men to an almost unrecognizable level.  As the ALPHA in the relationship, Jill sub-consciously wants this gap in their physical strength to widen.  Having Dave take on a more meager and slightly more feminine appearance, only works to more solidify Jill’s sub-conscious needs.  It will never go away in Jill and she will always feel the need to be strong so that the horrible mental scars her father left in her will not resurface.  It is a battle with herself that Jill fights, not one with the one man she loves in Dave. 
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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #39 on: December 26, 2014, 12:03:00 am »
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A MUST READ SUMMATION for those of you with questions about Jill, Dave and their future together!!!

I feel the need to clear some things up for you:
I guess I didn’t paint a clear enough picture of Jill and Dave prior to them getting together.  All of the below items are mentioned or implied at times in the story, but here’s a summation for you:

Jill had a very poor relationship with her father, and he actually was a bit abusive and caused the scar on her face which has given her an inferiority complex her entire life.  She ate too much as a stress relief, obviously gained some unwanted weight which gave her even more confidence problems.  As a result, Jill was mainly in same-sex relationships since high school as she felt uneasy around men.  She has always had a slight fear or mistrust in them because of her bad father.  Because of her height and slight weight issue, Jill has normally taken the alpha role in her same-sex relationships.  This is her comfort zone but certainly she couldn’t take on that role in a normal hetero-sexual relationship.

…along comes Dave.  Jill met Dave in a co-ed softball league and after a few months felt very comfortable around him and loved his kindness and sense of humor.  She found out from friends on the team that Dave was impressed by her muscular legs and something about that fact triggered a possible relationship response from her.  He was not large like her father, in fact, Jill and Dave are almost the same height and Dave was fairly thin at 5’10” and 175 pounds.  Although stronger and larger at the time, Dave was not a physically imposing man and Jill needed that.  Remember, she still has an underlying fear and mistrust in men, one that will probably never totally go away.  As Jill met Lisa and began working out vigorously, she was becoming stronger.  With every pound of strength she gained, Jill was able to suppress her inferiority complex and gain self-confidence, something she never had prior. 

Jill knew she was becoming stronger over the months and months of working out with Lisa and she certainly noticed that Dave had lost a little weight since they first started dating.  It was never a conscience realization, but this played perfectly into her sub-conscience needs and she was losing her underlying fear and mistrust in men when she was with Dave.  Jill had never possessed this comfortable of a feeling with any man and it made her want to be with Davey exclusively and possibly forever.  When in Las Vegas for the Olympia show, Lisa and Louie pointed out that Jill might actually be more muscular than Dave, and later that weekend, she actually found out that she was indeed Stronger than Dave too.  As soon as she realized this, for the first time ever, she actually had no uneasiness around a man and fell more deeply in love with Dave than she ever thought possible.   They got married almost immediately. 

As Jill continues to work out, and Dave continues to lose weight, she suppresses the underlying fear and mistrust she’s always had in men to an almost unrecognizable level.  As the ALPHA in the relationship, Jill sub-consciously wants this gap in their physical strength to widen.  Having Dave take on a more meager and slightly more feminine appearance, only works to more solidify Jill’s sub-conscious needs.  It will never go away in Jill and she will always feel the need to be strong so that the horrible mental scars her father left in her will not resurface.  It is a battle with herself that Jill fights, not one with the one man she loves in Dave.

Alright. Just promise that He won't stand for any more feminization-attempts by Jill. He MUST be allowed to express himself in the way he dresses and looks, not just the way Jill wants him to. The relationship isn't just about her.

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #40 on: December 26, 2014, 05:33:41 am »
I've enjoyed reading this story.  I missed the history with her father in the story, but I did figure that the feminization was related to her history in same sex relationships.  In the current phase of their relationship its a little unclear which way Jill will go.  She doesn't seem like the same gentle Jill from when they got married.  I have to admit that I'm a fan of the gentle women in these stories.  Either way, keep it up.  Look forward to reading more.

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2015, 08:07:06 pm »
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A MUST READ SUMMATION for those of you with questions about Jill, Dave and their future together!!!

I feel the need to clear some things up for you:
I guess I didn’t paint a clear enough picture of Jill and Dave prior to them getting together.  All of the below items are mentioned or implied at times in the story, but here’s a summation for you:

Jill had a very poor relationship with her father, and he actually was a bit abusive and caused the scar on her face which has given her an inferiority complex her entire life.  She ate too much as a stress relief, obviously gained some unwanted weight which gave her even more confidence problems.  As a result, Jill was mainly in same-sex relationships since high school as she felt uneasy around men.  She has always had a slight fear or mistrust in them because of her bad father.  Because of her height and slight weight issue, Jill has normally taken the alpha role in her same-sex relationships.  This is her comfort zone but certainly she couldn’t take on that role in a normal hetero-sexual relationship.

…along comes Dave.  Jill met Dave in a co-ed softball league and after a few months felt very comfortable around him and loved his kindness and sense of humor.  She found out from friends on the team that Dave was impressed by her muscular legs and something about that fact triggered a possible relationship response from her.  He was not large like her father, in fact, Jill and Dave are almost the same height and Dave was fairly thin at 5’10” and 175 pounds.  Although stronger and larger at the time, Dave was not a physically imposing man and Jill needed that.  Remember, she still has an underlying fear and mistrust in men, one that will probably never totally go away.  As Jill met Lisa and began working out vigorously, she was becoming stronger.  With every pound of strength she gained, Jill was able to suppress her inferiority complex and gain self-confidence, something she never had prior. 

Jill knew she was becoming stronger over the months and months of working out with Lisa and she certainly noticed that Dave had lost a little weight since they first started dating.  It was never a conscience realization, but this played perfectly into her sub-conscience needs and she was losing her underlying fear and mistrust in men when she was with Dave.  Jill had never possessed this comfortable of a feeling with any man and it made her want to be with Davey exclusively and possibly forever.  When in Las Vegas for the Olympia show, Lisa and Louie pointed out that Jill might actually be more muscular than Dave, and later that weekend, she actually found out that she was indeed Stronger than Dave too.  As soon as she realized this, for the first time ever, she actually had no uneasiness around a man and fell more deeply in love with Dave than she ever thought possible.   They got married almost immediately. 

As Jill continues to work out, and Dave continues to lose weight, she suppresses the underlying fear and mistrust she’s always had in men to an almost unrecognizable level.  As the ALPHA in the relationship, Jill sub-consciously wants this gap in their physical strength to widen.  Having Dave take on a more meager and slightly more feminine appearance, only works to more solidify Jill’s sub-conscious needs.  It will never go away in Jill and she will always feel the need to be strong so that the horrible mental scars her father left in her will not resurface.  It is a battle with herself that Jill fights, not one with the one man she loves in Dave.

It doesn't sound like a healthy relationship any way you slice it.
I'm a weapons-grade skeptic, industrial-strength cynic, a hospital-grade bullshit detector. Logic and reasoning will be used with extreme prejudice. Your feelings are collateral damage.

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #42 on: January 09, 2015, 05:24:24 pm »
Workout Journal and new found comparison…

It had been a few days since Jill had left and I missed her immensely.  I had pleasured myself for a couple of days, just thinking about her gorgeous muscular thighs wrapped around my torso as she would hover above me fucking me passionately.  The feel of the firmness and power in her quads was intoxicating to me and I was thinking about them often.  The previous night was nice as well, Jill called me and we had phone sex for the first time ever.  It seemed that we had almost always been together for the two years since we met, and she had fun describing her hot, wet, muscular pussy to me as she fingered herself from 1000 miles away.  Even so, I desperately missed the smell of her breath and the sight of her gorgeous, muscular body.   I decided to look in her closet to see if she had thrown any of her sweaty gym clothes in her hamper.  My hope was that she had, and they still contained her wonderful, sweaty scent.  Unfortunately, she didn’t have any clothes there, but she had left one of her gym bags.  That was totally uncharacteristic of Jill and she almost always had her blue gym bag with her.  I decided to unzip the bag hoping to find some of her recently worn clothes.  To my complete happiness and amazement, the bag contained Jill’s light blue long workout tights and a white half-sweater top that had the arms cut off.  They had been worn and Jill’s scent was still on them, making me Horney immediately.  Being nosey, I looked in her bag some more and actually found what I figured was her workout log book.  I was very curious as to what exercises and weights Jill was lifting so I decided to thumb through it.

To my surprise, it was kind of a combination life journal and workout book.  She dated and titled some of her entries and as I started to read them, a sense of guilt crept over me.  These were obviously private thoughts and not meant to be shared.  For example, I quickly saw an entry for just three weeks prior;  March 15th: “nervous about meeting Dave’s family, hope they’re not freaked out with a little muscle…what to wear???...cover up or expose"  Obviously Jill decided to cover up a bit for the initial meet at the house but exposed both her large muscles and her superior strength the next day.  Flipping a little further back, it got really juicy. I found an entry from almost a year earlier; “Showered with Lisa at the gym today, caressed her muscular body, and she mine; we may be taking a giant step here...should I tell my Davey???”  I knew that Jill had lived a bit of a bi-sexual past before she met me, but thought I had cured her of that...obviously not.  Was that a good thing or a bad thing?  Luckily our sex life was really in full force during that time and I think I somehow convinced her that I was her best option.  She did mention me sexually in the journal on several occasions following that entry.  Most of them were about how wonderful it was or she would just write, “Still feel Amazing! D was on fire last night!”  Shit like that.  I had later hooked up with Lisa in Las Vegas so I didn’t think she even went both ways.  Holy shit, what to think???  I scoured the journal looking for another entry with her and Lisa, but other than workout info, I didn’t find any more sexual entries between them.  Maybe I was overthinking the whole thing! But I did see that even a few months prior to our Las Vegas trip, she was thinking about our future together.  One dated July 30th read, “Lisa asked me again…Where’s the RING???”  “Wow!” I thought, I guess she was ready to marry me months earlier than we did.  I’m glad I mentioned the word marriage to her in Las Vegas, because she was wet and ready for it FOR SURE!

 I looked back several months’ earlier, a few weeks before we left for the Olympia weekend and saw an entry titled “ST - Davey Ice test…40 Pounds…barely, both arms; I used one arm with all 60, not crazy heavy, could I really be that much stronger???" I immediately realized that Jill had been testing my strength level leading up to our trip!  We were going to a BBQ at a friend’s house and needed to take ice.  Jill volunteered to run to the store really quick and get it.  I had noticed that when I walked down the hall, the three 20 pound bags were inside a large duffle bag.  In passing, but now I realize that it was premeditated, Jill said, “Hey honey, will you put the ice up on the counter for me?”  As she watched, I reached down and grabbed the small straps on the duffle bag.  I lifted it only a few inches off the ground when I realized it would be way too heavy for me to lift up onto a 40” high counter.  I guess I simply thought Jill had struggled to bring the ice in from the car and couldn’t lift it to the counter top either.  I then reached in the duffle bag and grabbed one of the 20 pound bags of ice.  I placed it on the counter and then believed I could easily lift the remaining bags and duffle up.  Knowing Jill was watching, I grabbed both straps and lifted.  The bag was too heavy and hung too low for me to simply place it on the counter, so I kind of swung the bag out, and used its momentum to sling it up onto the counter; so technically, I kind of cheated to even lift the 40 pounds of ice that high.  Jill must have realized at that point that she was in fact considerably stronger than me.  Curious, I started flipping back through the pages looking for the letters “ST”, which I assumed stood for “Strength Test”.

Sure enough, just two months prior to the ice lifting test was another ST entry.  It read, “ST – Davey PB jar test….he couldn’t open it, even with the kitchen gripper strip we had.  I acted like it was a struggle, but easily opened it in front of Davey.  He liked it and jokingly made another positive comment about how strong I was…I know he loves it!!!”  Jill was obviously stoked to be stronger than me and even more excited that I knew and loved how strong she was becoming.  Still flipping through the log book, I found another comment that just a week after the PB jar test that said, “Tightened all the jar lids today!”  There were no comments about ST related to that, but I immediately realized that over the past six months, I constantly had to ask Jill to open lids for me.  She had over tightened them on purpose and enjoyed watching me struggle and fail to perform a strength related task that she could so easily execute.  The journal was not littered with so called Strength Tests for me, but it was obvious that she was keeping an eye on it and it was an important factor in our relationship.  Finally concerning me, I noticed that the several times we had weighed each other, Jill thought it important enough to jot down my weight too.  Even the last one from a few days ago read, “D-Weight 154!!! 140’s possible???”  Now it was absolutely solidified in my mind that she was turned on and excited about either my weight loss, or her massive weight and strength advantage over me…or both!  That’s why this relationship was working so well.  We were on the same page on what we wanted both emotionally and physical and I was overjoyed at where we might be able to take it!

What I really wanted to find at this point were any kind of strength or size measurements Jill might have jotted down.  Unfortunately, in the entire journal, there was only one that I could find on Jill’s growing size.  It was dated from a month ago but damn impressive.  “Mar. 7th, Measure Up! - Lisa insisted she measure me today, putting on some size so it was interesting to see…Biceps: Right 15.25”, Left 15.0”…Waist 27”…Quads: Right 25”, Left 25.5”…Calves: Right 15.5”, Left 15.75”.  Jill was really getting muscular and I knew at that point, after a little over two years of 110% dedicated training and supplementation, not only was she bigger than me now, I think she may be bigger than I had ever been.  I remember measuring my biceps once in college when I was hitting the gym a little bit.  I think my right biceps had got to about 14 3/4” and my left was just slightly smaller at 14 ½” if I remembered correctly.  That was back at the height of my weight at probably 182 or 183 pounds, so now at only 154 pounds, I was desperate to know what my measurements were and how I staked up against my beautiful muscle-bound wife. 

I grabbed a fabric tape measure out of the box of odds and ends Jill had in our linin closet.  I then wrapped it around my left biceps.  First I measured it without flexing: 11 ½”.  It was pretty meager I thought, so I decided to flex it and measure.  Due to my complete lack of working out and lack of any physical activity other than running, even totally flexed, there was almost no movement or peak created.  I realized immediately that my left arm was a complete pussy.  The slight movement didn’t even stretch the tape.  I then moved the tape to my right arm.  I measured it before flexing as well and it was slightly larger at just over 11 ½”.  For the hell of it, with my arm still in the tape, I loosened it to where it would be stretched to 15 ¼”.  The mass in that empty space was impressive but hard for me to really wrap my mind around.   At first I thought, wow, Jill’s biceps are 3” larger than mine are; she must be about 20% stronger than me now.  I got an immediate erection even thinking about the possibility that Jill’s muscles, and strength was 20% greater than mine! 

After a bit more thought, I realized that I was wrong.  Looking at a dissection of a biceps muscle, a circle with a circumference of 15” has more than 20% more area than one of only 12”.  I had to know how much and decided to really find out.  First off, I found out that the area of the average female Humerus arm bone is 1.77 sq. inches while the males is 2.22 sq. inches.  Plugging it into my computer, Jill’s biceps, a circle with a 15.25” circumference has an area of 18.55sq. in., less the Humerus bone equals 16.78sq. in.  Ok I thought, Jill’s biceps have an area of approximately 16.78 square inches.  Now for mine, a circle with a circumference of 11.5” has an area of 10.52sq. in., less the Humerus bone of 2.22” equals 8.30 square inches.  HOLY SHIT!!!!!  Although her arms were just over 3” larger around than mine, they contained over double the muscle mass.  Jill’s arms could be Twice as strong as mine!  To get a visual, I quickly got on the computer and created a visual aid of a circle with a 15.25” circumference and one with an 11.5” circumference.  The difference was astounding and I immediately realized how much more massive Jill was than me...

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Really curious, I then measured my right thigh muscle.  It was hard and lean from my running and came to 22” in circumference, compared to Jill’s 25.5” quads.  So Jill’s massive quads contained about 52 sq. in. of muscle while mine only contained about 38.5 sq. in.  Again, subtracting the area of the Femur bone, which is slightly thicker in males, our relative quadriceps muscle mass was 49.56 Sq.” for Jill and 35.96 Sq.” for me.  Jill’s quads were literally 13.6 Sq.” more massive than mine, almost 40% larger and of course they were longer than mine too.  The power in Jill’s legs had to be almost exponentially stronger than mine!

Finally, I decided to run another overall muscle mass comparison, like I had done when we attended the Olympia 6 months earlier.  I knew that I was about 95 pounds of organs, bones and fat; and so carried about the rest in muscle.  At 154 pounds, I was now carrying approximately 59 pounds of muscle.  Jill was about 189 pounds of mass when my mom had just visited, but had put on a little body fat while bulking up.  She had been about 18.5% body fat at the Olympia, but I guessed that she was a little higher now at maybe 22%.  So Jill was carrying the same 55 pounds of bones and organs, but at 22% also carried approximately 42.5 pounds of body fat.  At 189 pounds, minus 55 pounds of bones and organs, and 42.5 pounds of fat, Jill must be carrying about……. 91.5 pounds of muscle.  91.5 POUNDS OF MUSCLE….GOD DAMN!!!!  My wife was now carrying 32.5 pounds more muscle than I was.  She was slightly stronger than me 6 months prior when we carried almost the same amount of muscle, now there was no question.  She was had to be massively stronger than me.

Overly excited, I put on the white half-sweater with the arms cut off that I found in her gym bag.  I stood in front of the mirror and looked at my scrawny arms, just picturing how massive and muscular her arms would look wearing this same sweater.  I leaned my head back, closed my eyes and pictured her beautifully buff, powerful body as I masturbated.  I imagined her muscular arms, pumping heavy weight, while drops of sweat bubbled to the surface.  Her neck and chest heaving as she breathed deeply, exerting massive force against the bars and dumbbells she was moving.  How amazing it must be for her to lift heavy bags of ice, luggage, groceries or whatever in her daily life, always thinking they were as light as a feather while I would struggle or could barely lift them.  She had tightened all of the lids on the jars in the pantry, loving her strength compared to my weakness.  Jill’s lovely, strong muscles had become an obsession for both of us and I pictured her naked, powerful body next to mine as I began to squirt my semen all over the bathroom sink.  As it spewed from my rock hard cock, I pictured Jill, squatting down on her huge quads, taking my penis in her mouth and sucking up and swallowing every last ounce of cum.

Jill was obviously gung ho at this point in her life with the whole weightlifting thing, but like with a lot of women, I knew it could be a quick two or three year fad and then on to something else.  I also knew that my recent dedication to losing weight could also easily pass and I’d be back to 175 or 180 pounds in no time.  So I said to myself, “Fuck it Dave, go ape shit on the weight loss thing for a month, and then re-evaluate or even put the weight back on!!!”  Over the next few weeks, more committed than ever, I slightly lowered my calorie intake to four small meals per day consisting of fruit, vegetables and fish.  I then began doing two sessions of high-intensity cardio per day (on the stationary cycle), while also increasing my sit-up regimen.  It was obvious to me that Jill wanted me to weight in the 140’s and I was dedicated to achieving that before she returned from Texas.  I knew that muscle weighed more than fat, and I figured if I reduced my protein intake significantly I could lose a bit of that muscle and hit the 140’s. Wondering how healthy or unhealthy that could be, I picked up a book by Sabastian Coe and found that at 5’10” he weighed only 120 pounds when he competed in the Olympics.  At the same height, I was 34 pounds heavier so I knew I could easily drop a few pounds without significant health risk! 

The diet and exercise regimen was working brilliantly and I lost 2.5 pounds the first week alone.  I lost another 2.0 pounds the second week and about 2 more pounds the third week.  I felt a little weak but was excited to have dropped all the way down to 148.5 pounds.  Knowing my beautiful wife would be home in just 8 more days, I decided to cut down by one meal per day and add 10 to 15 minutes to each cardio session.  I knew I wasn’t dramatically risking my health, but constantly took vitamin supplements in hopes all would be well.  Just a day before Jill’s arrival, I stood on the scale again.  To my amazement, the scale flickered numbers and then stopped at 145 pounds.  Doing a quick calibration, (145 – 95) I realized that I was probably now carrying about 50 pounds of muscle on my frame.  I quickly grabbed the measuring tape and threw it around my left arm.  I pulled the tape tightly to see it read exactly 11”.  Using the same formula from before, my arm now contained only 7.40Sq. in. of muscle.  If Jill hadn’t gained a centimeter over the last month, she would still sport 16.78Sq. In. of biceps mass…now 2.25 times as massive as mine!

I wasn’t 100% sure I could believe it and decided to weigh myself again.  Sure enough, the digital readout said 145.  I wanted to make sure the scale was calibrated correctly and decided to go into the other room and grab one of Jill’s kettlebells to be sure.   There was a 40 pounder, a 30 pounder and a 20 pounder lined up against the wall.  For the hell of it, I reached down and attempted to lift the 40 pounder.  It seemed like it weighed 100 pounds and I nearly ripped my arm out of its socket during the try.  I laughed briefly reached over and attempted to lift the 30 pounder.  I was able to bring it about six or eight inches off the ground, but my grip couldn’t handle the weight and it slipped out of my weak hand and dropped with a thud to the ground.  Lastly, I reached over and grabbed the 20 pound kettlebell.  It was also very heavy to me, and my grip seemed like it might let go at any second, so I grabbed it with my other hand too and walked it into the bathroom.  Hanging the weight in front of me as I gripped the handle with both hands, I stepped on the scale.  After a few seconds of calculating, it stopped at 165 pounds.  The scale was obviously accurate and I had indeed dropped to 145 pounds. 

Proud of my accomplishment, I walked the weight back into the other room.  For the hell of it, I thought I would try a few curls with the 20 pound weight.  I held it down at my right side and attempted to curl the weight.  I literally got it 1/2 of the way up and could not move it further.  I even tried leaning back slightly to cheat, but could not manage to lift it any higher.  Finally, I reached over with my left arm and helped my right arm curl up the weight.  I had to shake my head and laugh at how weak I had become, not even able to curl a 20 pound weight.   I put the 20 pound weight down and stepped over the 30 pound kettlebell.  Reaching down and squatting slightly, I grabbed the handle of the 30 pound weight with both hands and stood up.  With the weight hanging by both hands in front of me, I began to curl the kettlebell up.  It seemed like it weighed a ton, but I was able to curl it all the way up.  Curious, I tried it again, it burned a bit and felt like it was heavier, but I got it all the way up.  I repeated this again but by the sixth rep, I no longer had the strength to curl the weight.  I knew I had really lost a lot of strength by this point, only able to curl 30 pounds with both hands five times.  I know it sounds weird, but I actually got an erection thinking about how weak I had become, knowing Jill had done nothing but get larger and stronger over the same time frame.  I couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow…
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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #43 on: January 24, 2015, 10:18:51 pm »
Jill’s return…

Before Jill left for Texas, I let her know not to send me pictures of her progress.  I wanted to be surprised when I saw her at the end of her intense training.  She agreed and we simply texted, e-mailed and called each other over that time.  There was the obvious phone sex, but I was left using my imagination and some pictures I had of her on my computer.  Over the past two weeks though, I quit even looking at pictures of her at all, wanting the eventual meeting to be that much more exciting.  The night before she came home I decided to send a quick picture.  I stood on the scale which read 145 and took and sent the picture.  Just a minute later, she texted back, “No way that’s you honey, but very funny .”   We texted back and forth a couple of times but it was obvious she didn’t believe I had lost 9 more pounds over a month.  Finally, to prove it was actually me, I set a mirror up on the floor next to the scale.  It was hard to get the angle right, but I finally was able to take a picture with my face in the reflection of the mirror next to my feet and the 145 pound readout on the scale.  It seemed like a long wait, but finally she texted back, “XOXOXOXOXO!!!! Can’t wait to hold you in my arms my Davey!!!!”  I was pretty happy to read that and was trying to picture just how buff and powerful those arms would now be.

I wanted to look good for Jill when I picked her up from the airport so I started going through my dresser and closet for some cool clothes.  I found a pair of pretty dope Lucky Brand jeans she bought me when we first started dating and threw them on.  Unfortunately, I had lost almost 35 pounds since then and they were 34” waist.  I grabbed a belt, but even at the tightest hole, the belt and pants were so loose, they dropped off my waist and down to my ankles.  I also looked for a cool shirt to wear, but other than a couple of nice button down dress shirts I bought for my occasional visits to a client, they were all way too big.  The XL shirts looked like I was wearing a blanket, as the sleeves now came way past my elbows as I had obviously lost all of my shoulder girth.  I had purchased a couple of size L shirts when I was down to about 165 pounds, but those looked way too big on me as well, and other than being slightly shorter than my old size XL shirts, they were still very loose and the sleeves also came down just below my elbow.  Looking in the mirror, it looked as if I was a kid wearing his dad’s big shirts.  So, I literally had nothing cool to wear.

I had read on the internet that high school kids were now wearing tight “Skinny Jeans” to be cool and that guys were actually wearing “girls” jeans because tight ass jeans were in-style for some reason.  I imagined that they were popular because they were so damn tight, they actually showed off the guys package too.  Anyway,   I knew Jill had been about 150 pounds when we started dating so I thought, she might have a pair of jeans that would fit me in her old clothes area of the closet.  Sure enough, she had several designer pairs of jeans that she had not worn in forever.  A couple of the pairs were actually kind of loose on me, but I eventually found a few pairs that fit really well.  The pair that fit the best was a pair of Rock & Republic jeans with some sort of crown bead design on the pockets.  They fit my legs tightly, but I was surprised that they actually looked decent on me.  Normally, I was not one for designs on my clothes, but I laughed and thought, well, I guess I’d be cool in high school wearing these.  She had some shirts in there too and I figured there had to be something that fit me pretty well in her wide selection.  I found a black v-neck short-sleeved shirt that fit me perfectly.  The sleeves only came about half way down my upper arm and it was just barely loose around the shoulders and tight around my torso.  It had a small blue shamrock and the letters LB on the back, just below the neck line.  I had the jeans and shirt on and looked in the mirror.  I actually looked pretty cool and knew I had my outfit for the meet up with my wife.  My hair was starting to get annoyingly long, but I knew Jill loved it so I kind of parted it in the middle, let the left side hand down covering part of my face and scooped the right side behind my ear.  I saw a picture of Brad Pitt doing that with his long hair and figured chicks probably dug that look.

Motivated and excited about seeing my wife for the first time in a month, I got in a last 90 minute cardio and abs workout.  I had become very obsessed with it and an hour and a half of cardio per day was becoming the norm.  Sleep was awesome and I woke up the next morning refreshed and excited to see Jill.  I cleaned up, put on the clothes I had picked out and jumped in Jill’s truck to head for the airport.  Having not even looked at an old picture of Jill in two weeks, and knowing she had certainly put on some muscle, I started to get a hard on just thinking about my beautiful, muscular wife.  I hit a bit of traffic on the way, but found a decent parking spot just across from the baggage claim entrance, which Is where I was supposed to meet Jill.  I couldn’t wait to see her, so I hopped out of the truck and walked briskly to the entrance.  On the way out of the parking lot, a very muscular guy walked slowly past me.  He was wearing shorts and a white tank top showing off his obvious dedication to lifting major amounts of weights, and looked pretty damn impressive.  He was bigger than your normal bodybuilder and I wondered if he also went to Texas to train with who Jill and Lisa trained with over the last month.  It was kind of a bodybuilding workout camp and I immediately realized that the airport might me filled with these muscle heads.

Sure enough, I walked in an immediately saw another huge muscle head sitting on a wooden bench about 20 feet away.  As I walked up, I was admittedly impressed with how muscular he was.  Since he was kind of sitting just on the edge of the bench, and wearing short, black workout shorts, his muscular quads heaved upward as there was basically muscle piled on top of muscle.  What was more impressive to me though, was how his muscular hamstrings hung powerfully down in a large arcing curve with major separation between the upper and lower mounds of leg muscle.  His calves were thick as well and I knew that was a dude I would not want to cross.  He was also wearing a white hoodie with the arm sleeves cut off.  The hood was up over his head and hat as he looked down at a magazine.  As I was almost up to him, I couldn’t help but peer at the huge biceps and for arms on him.  They were incredibly muscular and even from a few feet away, I could see the veins almost protruding out of his skin as they coursed over his thick muscles.  Just as I passed this muscle bound bodybuilder to look around for Jill he gave me a quick cat-call whistle.  I was immediately embarrassed, realizing that he probably was mistaking me for a chick so I didn’t turn and just kept walking.  Six or eight quick steps later he whistled again, now making it obvious he thought I was some hot chick walking by that he was just going to seduce by showing off his huge muscles.  A bit frightened, I took a few more quick steps and he again whistled and then said, “Dave.” In a bit of a high pitched voice.  I quickly turned to look at him wondering how the fuck this huge bodybuilder knew my name. 

The sun was shining brightly from directly behind him and I immediately realized that it was probably Louie waiting there to pick up Lisa.  He stood up and I had to squint to keep from being blinded by the light.  I could really just see his silhouette as he started walking towards me.  With each step, his huge quad muscles bulged and protruded out massively.  He had so much leg muscle, that he actually had that bodybuilder waddle stride as he approached.  His massive arms were hanging down at his sides, but his triceps poked out of his arm greatly and I knew he had to be incredibly powerful.  He had sunglasses on, plus he had the hood covering his head and hat so I said with a questioning voice, “Louie?”  He just started laughing and as he got to only a few feet away I could finally see his face clearly.  I stood there stunned and in complete disbelief as I now realized that this massive bodybuilder with huge powerful quads, calves and biceps was not Louie, and not some other powerful meathead…..It was my wife!

Jill had a gleam in her eye and huge smile on her face as she enveloped me with her massive, muscular arms and easily lifted me off the ground.  She leaned back slightly as we embraced, lifting my feet easily one or two feet off the ground.  Her arms were crushing my small frame and I felt like I was hugging a massive stone statue.  The muscles in her back were now so large and wide, I could not even wrap my arms completely around her.  Rock hard and incredibly powerful, Jill swung me back and forth excitedly as she began to place wet kisses all over my face.  She just kept saying, “I missed you, I missed you, I missed you.” As I hung there silent and speechless at the huge mass of muscle that was now my wife.  Jill finally put me down and we stood back slightly, checking each other out.  I was still speechless as I looked at her imposing, massive, bulging muscles.  Her shoulders were now large balls of rock hard muscle that protruded greatly out of her white hoodie.  I couldn’t fathom how large they had actually become and I felt like she had shoulders that would make an NFL linebacker jealous!  Her biceps had also grown massively larger and it seemed like they were now bigger than my thighs.  I reached out to grab her thickly muscled left biceps and as my hand slowly approached, it began to shake uncontrollably.  I hadn’t even realized it, but my entire body, now starting to realize how enormous and powerful my wife now was, began to shake uncontrollably.  She was colossal in size and as I looked at her neck and jaw, I realized that she had somehow developed tremendous musculature there as well, with two thick and bulging veins running up from her upper chest to just under her jaw.  My body was reacting subconsciously, trying to process the presence of my now gargantuan wife.  Wearing her shoes with a bit of lift in them, I peered up at her as usual, but she not only seemed much more muscular, for some reason, she seemed a little taller too.  It may have just been the overall mass of her, but I immediately felt miniscule in her presence.  Jill grabbed my face gently with her now thickly muscled hands and moved our faces together to again share a passionate kiss.  As we kissed, I reached my hands up underneath her arms and felt the power and unbelievable size of her massively developed lats.  I actually tried to cup them in my outstretched hands but they were too large and bulky, and I only was able to feel part of their new mass.   I now had a massive hard-on and the skinny jeans of hers that I was wearing could barely contain it.  Jill reached down to cup my balls and cock but I said, “Don’t do that now or I’ll be cuming all over the place in here.”  She laughed and said, “I can’t wait to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before honey.”  With her new strength and size, I knew it was certainly going to be a ridiculous ride!

After holding her for a few more moments, I noticed one of her bags was coming around on the luggage carousel.  I walked a few feet up the lane and reached over to grab the handle.  Unfortunately it was on the opposite side of the edge of the carousel rail and I was really outstretched to grab it.  I started to tilt it upright, but it felt extremely heavy and at about half way up, the conveyer came to an abrupt stop and while holding on to the handle, her bag dropped back down.  The weight of the bag, and my unwillingness to let go, suddenly pulled me over and into the carousel.  Just then, before I could quickly recover and push myself upright and out of the luggage bin, the conveyer started up again, pulling me sideways and laying me, stomach down, completely into the metal carousel.  Before I could react, Jill quickly grabbed the back of my pants and belt and lifted me completely out of the carousel and onto the ground.  I turned to look up and saw my hugely muscled wife, standing over me as a tower of pure strength, saving me from the jaws of the dreaded luggage monster!  Her right arm was flexing massively as she had also, in the same motion as whisking me up and out of the carousel, grabbed her luggage.  I looked up at her with a puzzled gaze ad said, “How the hell did you lift me with one arm?”  “Adrenaline I guess.” She replied, “Oh yea, and this!” she said as she hit a full-fledged left biceps pose.  The biceps balled up into a huge mass of muscle and I couldn’t believe how much volume my wife had so recently put on.  I froze, speechless as I looked up and ogled her unbelievable arm.  Sensing I wasn’t going to budge, Jill reached down, grabbed me under the left arm-pit and easily lifted me up and onto my feet.  I immediately wrapped my arms around her hulky torso and held her tightly.  A few moments later, Jill grabbed her other bag and amongst many jeers and stares, we wheeled them out of the baggage claim area and walked to the truck.  I had a million questions I wanted to ask Jill, but was somehow speechless and we walked quietly to the parking lot.  My wife was now so huge and massive, I just couldn’t believe it.

We arrived at the truck and I said, “Wait a second.”  She stopped, so I grabbed one of the bags with both hands and tried to lift it above the truck bed wall and into the back.  I could only manage to lift it a little over waist high and I quickly dropped it back to the ground.  Jill laughed, said, “You’re funny.” And grabbed the handles on both bags.  She then easily lifted them simultaneously up and over the bed wall and laid them in the back.  It was pretty impressive, but I knew that as easily as she made it look, it had to be a bit of a struggle.  I then started to walk to the driver’s door to get in.  Jill slapped me on the ass, stinging it greatly and said, “Other side princess.”  She had never called me that before, and I gave her another puzzled look.  She got a really serious look on her face and said, “Well, if you’re going to wear my old designer clothes, I guess the name fits, doesn’t it?”  I thought she might be mad that I wore them and an immediate sense of dread came over me as I stared at her, speechless again, not knowing what to say.  “Relax honey.” She said after a brief pause and stare, “I’m just kidding, and I’m going to have you out of them exactly zero minutes after we get home any way.”  I was still a bit too nervous to smile and then said, “oh, um….Ok.”

We got in the truck and Jill began driving us home.  We could not get there fast enough and we wanted to ravage each other immediately.  I lifted the middle center console and slid next to my muscle bound wife.  Her thighs towered up and seemed to have grown immensely in the 4 ½ weeks she was gone.  I placed my hand on her right thigh, feeling its warmth and tremendous, solid, mass even as it was relaxed.  It was almost rock hard, even while relaxed and I couldn’t even imagine how much brute force it contained.  I had an erection busting through my pants but really wanted to wait till we got home before I started shooting semen all over the damn place.  Jill grabbed the steering wheel with her brawny left hand, reached her muscular right arm around my shoulder and pulled me in tightly next to her now massively solid body.  She then looked down and said, “Looks like you’re VERY excited to see me.”  I replied, “Ummm huh.” And then reached out with my left hand and grabbed onto her huge left biceps and triceps as she drove. “Unbelievable” I uttered as I caressed it in total amazement at its new, larger size.  I then started to caress her massive fore arm, noticing all of the newly developed protruding veins crisscrossing its muscular surface.   We hit a red light and Jill took the opportunity to lean in and start kissing me passionately.  While kissing, Jill reached down with her left hand and unzipped my pants, taking my cock in her warm, powerful hand.  With her now monumental power and size, I felt vulnerable to her every whim, but also warm and safe in her presence.  A feeling of euphoria had completely taken over me and she probably sensed my complete reverence to her every word.

I was hoping not to cum all over myself in the truck and so I grabbed her forearm in my hands to stop her.  It was so large, it seemed bigger than my biceps.  I had no chance of interrupting her desires and her powerful, warm grip caressed my penis perfectly.  The light turned green and Jill began driving us closer to home, all the while giving me a hand job.  I reached up and grabbed her weighty biceps in my hands.  Both hands could not even reach all the way around it, and I realized that she had indeed put on at least an inch or so since she left for Texas.  “Oh my God!” I exclaimed as the elation of realizing just how massive her gorgeous biceps had become and the amazing feeling of her hand massaging my cock sent me skyrocketing into an amazing state of ecstasy.  I then leaned over and began lightly kissing the enormous mound of muscle that now covered her shoulder.  It almost seemed fake, it was so large but it too was very firm to the touch and I knew it had to contain astonishing strength.  Finally unable to contain myself, I exclaimed, “I think I’m about to explode!”  Jill immediately pulled to the side of the road, bent over and took my cock in her moist, warm mouth.  With literally six or eight thrusts, my member erupted like a volcano into her.  Jill continued to thrust and drink every last ounce of my cum, like a dog lapping up water after a hot run.  While cleaning me up, Jill’s weight was against me and I was being squeezed into the seat like I was going to become a permanent part of it.  It was not a painful feeling, but the pressure was immense and I was starting to fully realize the power in her glorious mass.  I looked down at the back of her neck as she finished cleaning me up and noticed that her traps had also grown immensely and they flexed massively as she moved.  I reached out and grabbed them in my hands, feeling how absolutely dense and mighty they had become.  Jill finished and slowly rose up, and kissed me passionately for a few seconds.  She then, put the truck in drive and guided us home.  As she drove, I again placed my hand on her massive quad muscles, anxious to have them wrapped around my thin torso when we got home.

We arrived home and Jill parked the truck in the drive way.  She got out and looked back at me with a sexy and sinister look.  “Come here my darling.” She whispered as she held out her enormous arm towards me.  Excitedly, I grabbed her powerful hand and exited the truck.  She turned, flipping her gorgeous, long brown pony-tail through the air and it rested beautifully over her huge right trap muscle as we began to walk towards the house.  In tow, I peered down to watch her colossal quads, hammies and calves as she waddled us to the door.  As I had always loved about big bodybuilders, Jill’s inner thighs were now so muscular; she could not take a straight step.  So her hips had to turn slightly with each stride.  This made her legs turn just a bit outwards and thus her muscular thighs seemed even more gargantuan.  I was also having trouble believing how huge and powerful her ass had become.  I reached down and clutched it as we approached the door.  It was more round and bulbous than I had ever remembered and it was hard as nails!  It felt amazing as I felt its mass through her silky black shorts.  We approached the door and I fumbled for the key to unlock it and get inside.  I opened the door and walked a few feet inside.  I then remembered that we had left the luggage in the truck.  Quickly, I turned around and said to Jill, “We forgot your luggage.”   Jill immediately answered, “Fuck the luggage babe, I want to eat you up right now.”

Facing my wife just inside the door, Jill put both hands under my armpits and easily lifted me straight up into the air.  As she lifted me skyward, my hard cock was now right in front of her face.  Jill walked me several feet into the living room and threw me onto the couch.  I bounced a couple of times and Jill was now at my feet.  She quickly pulled off my shoes and threw them back over her shoulder.  I couldn’t help but notice her huge, protruding triceps flex massively as she did so.  Now shoeless, Jill grabbed my pant legs and ripped them off and tossed them over her shoulders as well.  I was ridiculously excited as Jill was now easily having her way with me.  She quickly jumped on me, and instead of sliding my boxer shorts off, she grabbed the fly and ripped them in half, exposing my rock hard cock.  She kissed me passionately for a few seconds and then rose her torso up to remove her top.  Her weight was immense and I felt like I was being smashed through the couch and onto the floor under her mass.  Jill threw off her top and I was stunned at what I saw.  Instead of her rather medium to small breasts; they had been getting smaller since she had taken up weightlifting a couple of years prior, she now had almost no visible boobs, but had grown, massive, rounded chest muscles.  They heaved outward and made a huge, cavernous valley in the middle of her upper trunk.  I reached up and felt their immense hardness and as I ran my fingers into the middle, she quickly flexed them and her pecs literally grabbed my middle finger!  It shocked me and I had to pull firmly to remove it.  Jill then decided to give me a pec dance.  She flexed and relaxed her left and right pectoral muscles in opposite rhythm five or six times, putting me into a state of awe.  Then, with no warning, she flexed them both firmly at the same time and gave me a “most muscular” pose.  The muscles in her huge chest flexed massively and led my vision straight to her towering traps which of course tied into her ever thickening neck, covered in large, rounded, blood pumping veins.  As I stared her in the eyes, Jill had a huge wry smile on her face and her gorgeous eyes peered through me like arrows of confidence.  I was aroused beyond human capacity and my eyes uncontrollably rolled back into my head as I faded from consciousness and fainted.

I awoke a few moments later to Jill gently patting me in the cheek saying, “Wake up Davey, Wake Uuuup….”  She was now standing next to me and had taken off her shorts, but was still wearing the boots.  As I peered up ay my huge, muscle-bound wife, she grabbed my hand and helped me get to my feet.  Because she was wearing her tall heeled shoes, and I was barefoot, she towered a few inches over me; simply exaggerating the fact that she was much more massive than me any way.  “Sorry my love,” She whispered, “I didn’t know my muscles could have that drastic of an effect on you.” Finding it a bit hard to speak I looked up into her eyes and said, “They’re, they’re, they’re….” I couldn’t find the words to accurately describe their magnificence so Jill jumped in and said, “I know honey, I know.”  She then bent her head down and we began to kiss passionately.  As we did, I reached my arms around her mammoth torso and felt the leviathan mounds of muscle protruding from her back.  As I moved my arms down closer to her waist, there were two huge mountains of thick muscle on either side of her spine, again causing a cavernous valley in between them.  The amount of thick, layers of muscle on my wife were almost unfathomable to me.  The power they contained had to be tremendous and my cock was about to explode just thinking about her potential.

Jill now turned and walked me a few feet to the dining room table.  She then turned away from me and bent over.  I was now staring down at her formidable rear and extraordinary legs.  I quickly inserted my penis into her warm, tight pussy and began to pump in and out in a slow but methodical rhythm to get her warmed up.  Just twenty seconds or so into it, Jill slightly twisted her quads outward and simultaneously flexed her powerful ass.  Her muscle-bound glutes clinched my cock so tightly I could not move.  They were like a vice on my cock and I could not believe the power they harnessed.  “What’s the matter back there?” Jill joked, “Does something got you all bundled up?”  I laughed as I could never even have dreamed that I could be held motionless, trapped by my wife’s enormously muscled ass.  She laughed a bit as well and then released her powerful grip on my cock.  Enjoying my newfound freedom, I began pulsating in and out of my wife’s moist pussy at a faster rate.  Her pussy had always been firm and strong, and she could control it in a way to actually massage my penis.  But now, it was gripping onto my cock with every stroke, more firmly than ever before, and its muscles gripped and massaged my cock to the point of ultimate pleasure.  It seemed as this was now this inner world inside Jill that was controlling and overpowering my cock, much like in the real world, Jill could easily over power me.  Again, I was probably close to fainting from pleasure overdose when Jill relaxed her pussy just a bit.  I then got into a nice, firm, regular pace and tried to hit her G-spot with every stroke.  As I did, I reached up with my hands and began to caress the bulging, thick, layers of muscle covering her back.  It seemed like there was muscle where I didn’t even know it existed, and then even more, smaller muscle piled on top of that.

Just as I again seemed close to climax, Jill clinched her ass muscles and held my cock tightly, trapped and helpless.  She then rose up, now standing immediately in front of me, my nose hitting the base of her thick, muscular neck.  Jill then started to slowly slide step back to the dining room.  I grabbed onto her thick torso as she moved, hoping she would not tear my cock off me.  As I held her, I felt thick bulges of ab muscle flex and relax with each baby step.  I was held captive by her powerful glutes and had to mimic her every move.   Now into the dining room, Jill relaxed her powerful grip and released my erect cock.  She then spun me to face sideways to her, put her massive arms under my knees and back and hoisted me into the air.  She held me in her arms like a small child and I knew her strength over me was beyond recognition.  Jill slightly curled my body up, leaned her head down and took my cock in her mouth.  I wrapped my arm around her massive shoulder and held on tightly as I knew this was going to be a wild ride.  As Jill gave me the most extreme, erotic blow-job of my life, I leaned my head back and couldn’t believe how awesome my life had just become.  Jill started to walk me around the table while pleasuring me greatly.  Her powerful, wet tongue and seemingly muscular lips held my cock tightly as she bobbed her head up and down rapidly.  I kind of grabbed onto her towering trap muscle as my world was going nuts.  Finally tiring from holding me aloft, Jill leaned me up against the wall for a little support.  My powerful wife was holding me 4 or 5 feet in the air, giving me head and sweat began to cover her face.  It was unbelievably sexy and that sent me in to orbit.  I tried to hold it, but feeling the intense pleasure on my rock hard cock, I finally ejected my cum into her mouth.   Jill drank my moist warm semen and then began to lick up everything around my cock.  Because I was hairless down there, per her request, she was able to lick me quite clean.  Finally done, Jill peered into my eyes, smiled and said, “Your turn.”  She then placed me back on my feet and pushed my shoulder down.

I got on my knees and was now directly in front of my wife’s gigantic quads.  I slowly began to caress and kiss them as Jill massaged my head with her strong hands, occasionally running her fingernails across my scalp.  I reached down to grip Jill’s calves as they had become so hard and massive, I felt like they could cut class.  I tried to put my hands around one of her calves and together, they could not even totally reach around them.  I knew they were now much larger than when she had left for Texas and obviously stronger too.  Jill then sat slightly, her powerful ass now resting on our dining room table.  My head was now between Jill’s massive thighs and she pushed it in forcefully to engage her vagina.  I stuck out my tongue and placed it deep into her pussy.  Her vagina instinctively gripped my tongue and actually started to pulsate.  I left it there for a few seconds, wanting to feel how powerful her vaginal muscle had actually become.  Excited by that, I began to flick my tongue quickly, while also moving my head in and out in a method that always turned Jill on.  Her pussy was so wet, warm and firm I couldn’t believe I survived a month without it.  I reached my arms up and around her musclebound quads and dove in more firmly.  My cock was now fully erect and if I had any cum left to spew, I surely would have.  Jill loved my method but wanted it to last even longer.  She would occasionally close her powerful thighs in on my head, squeezing me just enough to feel a little pain and realize how fucking massively strong she now was.  After a few seconds held motionless, my wife would relax her authoritative grasp and allow me to continue to lick and pleasure her irresistible pussy.  Finally near climax, Jill began to gyrate in a way that always led to her ultimate pleasure.

Just then the doorbell rang.  It screwed up my mojo for a second, but I quickly got my rhythm back and got Jill close to her gyrations.   Ten seconds later, it rang again.  Again, it messed with me a bit, but I figured they would now leave and Jill and I could finish.  They must have heard a little noise and the persistent bastard now started knocking on the door.  Jill angrily pushed me to the side, flinging me easily onto the floor as she marched towards the door.  She burst open the door, standing totally nude still wearing her boots.  The salesman was completely in shock as he stared at my naked, musclebound wife standing in front of him.  “What!!!?” she said, “ALL THAT FUCKING RINGING AND KNOCKING AND YOU’VE NOTHING TO SAY!”  Jill then grabbed the guys briefcase and threw it fifteen feet behind him, then, in an instant, my wife grabbed the guys arm, twisted him around, grabbed under his ass and easily threw him several feet into the yard.  As he was still rolling across the lawn, Jill slammed the door shut, and turned towards me.  She still had a ferocious look of rage on her face as she waddled over.   The guy had to be my height and probably close to 200 pounds and Jill treated him like a rag doll.  I realized then, that she wasn’t just much stronger than me, she was probably stronger than most guys!

The moment had been ruined, so Jill grabbed my hand and lifted me to my feet.  She then bent down and hoisted me over her shoulder and waddled us down the hall.  As we made our way, I looked down at her powerful ass and legs, not believing how strong she was and how fierce she had become.  Jill tossed me on the bed and mounted me.  Not wanting to be cheated of her orgasm, she stuck my cock in her amazing pussy and began to ride me.  As she pounded up and down on me, she came closer and closer to the ultimate climax she certainly deserved.  She leaned over and had her hands on either side of my head.  I reached up and began to feel and caress her ravishing, huge pecs.  Somehow, while fucking me hard and rapidly, she flexed her chest muscles forcefully, bringing them to their ultimate size.  I marveled at how thick and large they were and wanted to lick them passionately.  Jill sensed this and lowered her upper torso towards my head.  As I kissed and licked her chest, she flexed them on my nose, grabbing it between them.  It seemed like there was no part of my wife that was not totally muscular and completely over-powering.  As she released my nose and I looked back up at her, I noticed that even her face seemed buff and muscular.  It wasn’t fear that struck me, but there was now a major intimidation factor knowing my wife could so easily overwhelm me with a quick flex of her muscles.  Jill then began to ride me with shorter more rapid strokes and my cock felt amazing in her pulsating, muscular vagina.  She rose her herculean torso up and reached her hands up and on top of her head.  As she did, her lats stretched out widely and she appeared easily twice as wide as me.  Her biceps bunched up into huge balls of muscle and she leaned her head back slightly.  Jill began to gyrate quickly and with four or five final gasps, she let out a sigh of ultimate pleasure and reached orgasm.  She slowly pumped my cock a few more times and then laid her muscular, hulky, warm, sweat covered body on top of mine.  Jill then let out a comforting grown, closed her beautiful eyes and went to sleep in my warm embrace. 
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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2015, 01:47:02 pm »
 :bravo: :bravo:

Again a masterpiece.
Your srory is astounishing.
Nevertheless, i have to confess that this time i'm a bit frustrated, i wanted so much to see how much she weighted now  :'(  and how big she was.

Now , we have to wait again.
 :shutup:   :laugh:
I'm Totocom (aka Scat, in another time...)

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