  • #16 by dsax40s on 26 Sep 2018
  • Hang in there luvhuge - I've been married 26 years and my wife just started seriously training this year!
  • #17 by johnnylm on 26 Sep 2018
  • Nice Dsax. But you say the women in this pictures pinned you and folded you in half?? Dude. My wife has arms like that too and she barely works out, but she's not nearly as strong as I am and I'm a skinny guy. Just a little credibility issue here.
  • #18 by nbunited21 on 26 Sep 2018
  • My fiance is naturally very muscular.  She's been an athlete most of her life ane played lacrosse in college. She's 5'8" and 160 of pure muscle.  She's not shredded but has big arms, just massive legs, and the biggest calves I've ever seen in my life.  She's definitely in the elite for building muscle and does lift but not extremely heavy.  She has naturally very broad shoulders, wide jawline, and deep voice.  Basically, she's made to be a bodybuilder.  A lot of people tell her she should be or looks like a bodybuilder. There's pictures of her when she's younger and has always just been bigger and thicker than everyone including most guys in her classes.  I train pretty intensely too so hopefully she moves past the "just want to be in shape" mode and starts training seriously for bodybuilding. 
  • #19 by dsax40s on 26 Sep 2018
  • @johnnylm - that's cool.  I didn't mention that I have 2 sprained shoulders and can't really fight back too hard at the moment. But - my wife is much much stronger than she looks.  Always was.  Russian born and just naturally strong as shit. First time I ever took her into the gym - years ago - she leg pressed 550 lbs. 

    So while your wife's arms might be the same size, I'd match my wife up against her any time :-)
  • #20 by Musjaxx on 28 Sep 2018
  • One of the best things I've done in my relationship is tell my future wife that I was into muscular women early. 

    It was pretty scary, as you'd expect, but she got over the initial weirded out reaction and saw it as an oppurtunity.  To her, it was "If I have muscles, this guy is gonna find me sexy no matter how old I get."

    I'm not saying she went full-on bodybuilder (And its still a bit weird to her how I find massive, ripped bodybuilders sexy as fuck) but she made an effort to put on some muscle. By the time we got married, she had solid biceps that show when she flexes.

    I try not to push my luck with getting her to bulk, but she does find her muscles sexy, and I'm taking it as it goes for now
  • #21 by spenbro on 03 Oct 2018
  • For those of you with GF/wives who are into training and gaining muscle, would you ever encourage the use of gear? My wife has been into the fitness/physique lifestyle for the past 5 years, but has really started gravitating towards bodybuilding and wanting to add more size. She feels that she has hit a plateau. She has asked about steroids several times, as I'm well versed in various cycles, but I'm hesitant to share my knowledge as I know she'll get hooked.

    Thoughts, suggestions?
  • #22 by MaxSideburns72 on 04 Oct 2018
  • I appreciate your stories, but some details look a bit too much pushed by fantasy.
    Anyway to put another experience:
    my wife spent several years into classic dance and modern dance, then she decided to go into a gym when she had to leave the dance.
    Genetically she started with big calves and yet very muscular, talking of strength they were unbelievable for her size (but legs always been big and muscular). I am a far bigger guy who can easily overpower her in every challenge if it doesn't include the use of legs. SHe is, not joking, 3 times stronger there in term of challenge (squeeze power or when you cross legs trying to flex the opponent ones), she can joke with me. Even at the gym, she can outlift me easily in leg press, calf raise, leg extensions etc.
    THat's my story, oh well, she can lift me using her legs, if the lift include back spine or arms, well she can but prefer to avoid. She is 5'4 and 115lbs and I am 6'1 and 190 lbs.
  • #23 by DamageControl on 07 Oct 2018
  • I have a wife that decided to start training with me 4.5 years ago.  She won her first competition this year.

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  • #24 by dsax40s on 10 Oct 2018
  • Congrats man!