  • #1 by Hcohen775 on 08 Jun 2017
  • Has anyone here sessioned with her? Any details?
  • #2 by aracnidman on 09 Jun 2017
  • I'm hoping to see her as well.  Trying to get more info before I do
  • #3 by katzave on 12 Jun 2017
  • Has anyone sessioned with her she's coming to my area and wanted to know if anyone has had one with her.  Details if possible.  Thanks!
  • #4 by Grapple1940 on 26 Jun 2017
  • Had a Skype session with her in preparation for a live session in a couple of weeks. She sounded really nice and her body is unbelievable....absolutely shredded...
  • #5 by Duke69 on 26 Jun 2017
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    Had a Skype session with her in preparation for a live session in a couple of weeks. She sounded really nice and her body is unbelievable....absolutely shredded...

    What types of sessions does she seem to be offering?
    • Duke69
  • #6 by xepha on 04 Jul 2017
  • Inspired by the review posted elsewhere of a multi-day session with Lyra, thought I'd write a review of Tapered Physique, whom there seems little about.  (And no I wont even try to approach that Lyra review in terms of detail/pics/etc).  Saw her during her NY/NJ trip this past weekend.
    I scheduled somewhat last minute (1 week before) than I typically do, and it was no problem.  Communication was easy.  She's very prompt and gives a nice vibe through her email.

    I asked her to come covered up for a role play type session.  I don't usually press on this once I arrive as I've found some simply forget the details or even to come covered up.  If it turns out they're into it, it's a bonus.  And in this case, she was totally into it.  Her slow and sexy reveal of her body underneath her sweats had me grinning stupidly.

    She just competed the week prior and this must have been the perfect time to see her - still in nearly peak condition but in good spirits (we talked of the merits of NYC pizza for a while..).  Tall, dark tan, smooth skin over truly hard muscle, ripped but not stringy, lots of veins.  She has long limbs but is bulky enough with a thick upper body, particularly amazing shoulders and pecs.  I noticed no tattoos; she must be the last woman on the physique circuit without one.  Makes her even sexier.  She's intense, but also sweet.    In my wheelhouse personality wise.  She played the role I requested (high school GF met at a reunion who has since become muscular) to the nines and really got into it, the best role play session I've had.  She knows how to please but was spontaneous, and doesn't give the impression of being rote about it. 

    Can't recommend her highly enough.  IHer goal is to put on more muscle and I hope she'll come back to the NY/NE area to show off the results.
  • #7 by boyofwinter on 05 Jul 2017
  • Tall with long limbs, just making sure it's the same lady I'm thinking of, she lists herself at 5'4". Very big shoes?
    Nice review otherwise.
  • #8 by xepha on 05 Jul 2017
  • Interesting you point that out.  Not sure exact height but I'm 6'1" and I find myself much taller than most of the ladies I've sessioned with.  She was not short and stocky like I'm used to.  No shoes either.  Maybe the long-ish torso gave the illusion of height.
  • #9 by pirate pete on 28 Jul 2017
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    Had a Skype session with her in preparation for a live session in a couple of weeks. She sounded really nice and her body is unbelievable....absolutely shredded...

    looking for some info as i have a session booked with her soon. any info you can give me @ Grapple1940?
    • pirate pete
  • #10 by pirate pete on 28 Jul 2017
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    Can't recommend her highly enough.  IHer goal is to put on more muscle and I hope she'll come back to the NY/NE area to show off the results.

    can you give any detail as to her sensual side? i have a session with her set up shortly and am curious. Thanks!
    • pirate pete
  • #11 by Polite Society on 28 Jul 2017
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    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

    Can't recommend her highly enough.  IHer goal is to put on more muscle and I hope she'll come back to the NY/NE area to show off the results.

    can you give any detail as to her sensual side? i have a session with her set up shortly and am curious. Thanks!

      No guarantee you'll get what he got.
  • #12 by Duke69 on 07 Sep 2017
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    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

    Can't recommend her highly enough.  IHer goal is to put on more muscle and I hope she'll come back to the NY/NE area to show off the results.

    can you give any detail as to her sensual side? i have a session with her set up shortly and am curious. Thanks!

    I found her very sensual end eager to please but she is very dominant if that makes sense
    • Duke69
  • #13 by on 01 Oct 2017
  • So is there any updates for her sessions? She looks incredible and I'm seriously thinking about setting up a session,  what can I expect?
  • #14 by MixedFighter99 on 05 Oct 2017
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    So is there any updates for her sessions? She looks incredible and I'm seriously thinking about setting up a session,  what can I expect?

    I sessioned with her over the past weekend. As I posted on another board, my session review of her is absolutely fabulous as I put her near the top of my list even though my list is pretty long as I been sessioning for over 17 years now.  PT might be new to sessioning (at least I didn't know of her until she popped up on wb.270 earlier this year) but you wouldn't have the slightest clue that were true. PT was fabulous about getting back via email as communication was very easy. She was very professional in corresponses but also showed a playful/fun side as she wasn't abrupt or rude and wanted to make sure that the session I had in mind could be meant. PT was also very flexible too as I originally gave her the wrong time I be avaible to sessioned so I asked for it to be change and we were able to find a time that work for both of us.

    PT lists herself at 5'4 135 pounds and the minute I open the door I knew that was a bit outdated, at least the 135 part. Even though she was fully clothed (as part of a roleplay similiar to the previous posted as I request that) it was evident that as he mention was putting on good weight for competition. I say she was closer to 145+ as she seem to be stronger and bulker (in a good way) then her original pics on wb270 though her cut and definition was still there. She had a smile ear to ear as I open the door that put me at ease right away and seem generally happy to see me. It's funny but  evern after having sessions for nearly two decades, I still get nervous every time I knock on the door but smiles like hers erase any worries.  PT welcome me with welcome arms and we chatted for a little bit like two old friends over coffee that I bought (I always like to bring a sessioner a little something that they request like coffee, food, etc. I think it's good manners and always seem to make them more excited about the session). Chatting with her was a lot of fun as we went over the session one last time just to make sure we were on the same page and other stuff.

    When it came down to our session, PT played the rp and what wanted I envision the session to be a tee. She went from being a sweet fun natured gal to exactly the dominate powerhouse I wanted to her to play in the rp in a blink of an eye. Like the previous poster mention, watching her strip down was a site to be hold as her trash talk was great as well. I knew once she began to strip down to her session wear, I was in deep shit! PT proceed to gave me a fabulous ass kicking as I was absolutely helpless to stop her even though I am 5'9, 170 and in very good shape for a man reaching near 40 soon. Her muscles were a lot stronger then they even look and her skills were sharp for someone that is truly classically trained. It was apparent within the first few mintes that PT was a lifer and throughly enjoying this just as much as me. I have a belief that there are two types of session women, jobbers and lifers. For the jobbers, it's all about the $$$ as they only session because the chance to make big bucks for an 1-2 hours of work at a time. But lifers are those sessioners that truly enjoy it and being dominate ass kickers is apart of who they are, not just a job. PT definitely is a lifer. The way she worked me over and made me suffer was sadistic and fabulous at the same time. PT was pretty good at knowing my limits and was definitely respectful if she thought I was ever in real trouble (we worked with a safe word throughout). Her legs in particular are like granite and frankly, I would given that woman the pink of my car she had my ribs in such a vice with them. Her shit talk throughut was great too. Not overly cruel and not cheesy either. Just the right touch to make the session feel more alive.

    After she was done toying with me physically and giving a real ass kicking from one side of the hotel to the other, we move on to the more sensual part with lots of domination and muscle worship. Again PT seem to be enjoying it just as me as she put me in my place yet again before letting me worship her sculpture of a body. Everything was so tight and  amazing on her. Veins popping, peaks bulging, stomach flat and hard enough you can bounce quarters off and her ass is so amazing it makes you want to cry! Her gentle side came out during this part as well which I truly enjoyed as she knew I was now owned so there was no point of really rubbing my face in it. She even threw in a few wrinkles throughout the session that I was not expecting but really enjoyed. PT never look at the clock not one single time as we session for well over an hour and the session ended when it should, when it was over. Not when the clock says so.

    After we finally finished, she insisted I stay for a bit longer to chat and finish our coffees. I was her last session of the night and she made sure I was fully satisifed in every way possible (physically, emotionally, mentality) before she gave me a BIG WHOLE SLOW hug (where she picked me up again not expected but appreciated) and said our goodbyes...for now.

    If you have any questions or wish some more details, don't be shy but hopefully this answered your question. If you want to compare her to anymore, she reminded me a lot of Val (FlexZee) which is about the highest compliment I can give considering Val is about my all time favorite session gal. If you are on the fence of sessioning with her, I DEFINITELY recommend doing it. You will not be disappointed!!

  • #15 by MixedFighter99 on 06 Oct 2017
  • PS I have no clue on why her intials came up as PT instead of TP in my post. Totally odd!