  • #16 by ♥αlphα♀ on 23 Jan 2013
  • Maybe few girls read this forum but many fans do. We all see the girls tour plans on wb270 and it takes 15 sec to copy/paste the URL in an Email to them, we keep it alive and the word will spread.

    Megan did received a print screen of the guy's picture, I guess that was you Wujeck, to your credit (with the good breath you've got at least 2 qualities), linking the URL is better imo, there's more info than just his picture.

    What we could do is gather enough money to hire a lawyer specialised in harassment cases and file a collective complaint based on the written legal statements of the many girls who've been harassed & agressed by that guy. Personaly I'd be ready to put 100$/€ in a pot managed by a trustworthy entity like wb270. It could also set a precedent for future cases like him anywhere in the world.
    Hiring an ex-cop, ref cubsfan, to set-up and nail the guy with the assistance of a new girl visiting Paris is also a good idea, it may cost more though.

    What do you think ?
    • ♥αlphα♀
  • #17 by Fritz on 23 Jan 2013
  • has it been this guy?

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    • Fritz
  • #18 by bugs on 23 Jan 2013
  • On another note can anyone explain the culture in Europe for hygiene?  I walk through airports there and literally lose my breath sometimes from the body odors.  I've smelled those odors from homeless people but people in airports and people who can afford hundreds of Euros for a session must have a home.  I know the majority of Europeans have great hygiene but how can a few people walk around smelling like that without a friend or relative telling them to shower?  And with that odor they must be able to smell themselves also.
    • bugs
  • #19 by ♥αlphα♀ on 24 Jan 2013
  • Hi Fritz, yes it's the guy.

    Bugs, you raise a very interesting point the best would be to start a separate thread about that and keep this one on topic.
    • ♥αlphα♀
  • #20 by renrew on 24 Jan 2013
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    On another note can anyone explain the culture in Europe for hygiene?  I walk through airports there and literally lose my breath sometimes from the body odors.  I've smelled those odors from homeless people but people in airports and people who can afford hundreds of Euros for a session must have a home.  I know the majority of Europeans have great hygiene but how can a few people walk around smelling like that without a friend or relative telling them to shower?  And with that odor they must be able to smell themselves also.
    I don't think that airports are a good spot to judge hygiene ... first point: not all people on European airports are Europeans ;-) .... and more crucial: sometimes you stuck on airports without having a great chance to take a shower there .... or you did arrive after a long flight and wait for a connection , all possibilities not to be as fresh as you should (and would like to be).
    But ok, I saw some differences in countries where I might second you.
  • #21 by Athletic on 25 Jan 2013
  • i am a bit surprised that everybody encourage and applauds the M.O. that the girls should "kick this guys ass" Obviously this is exactly his fantasy and his objective for his outrageous behavior.

    CALL THE POLICE for god's sake!!! One kick in the balls and then secure him by locking him in the room(obviously with you on the other side of the door) and wait for police to arrive. I bet that would NOT be part of his fantasy/amusement.  >:D

    He don't expect any woman to do this, because of the nature of the business, so surprise him :angry:

  • #22 by wujekcity on 25 Jan 2013
  • I agree somewhat Athletic, but these are women in foreign countries doing what some may equate to prostitution. I dont think they are gonna call the police and he knows that. From what Megan told me, this guy is a tiny little scrawny guy! I hope someone kicks his ass badly! Someone like Dominique Danger, who actualy knows martial arts! Id love to see tape of that!
    • wujekcity
  • #23 by Athletic on 25 Jan 2013
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    I agree somewhat Athletic, but these are women in foreign countries doing what some may equate to prostitution. I dont think they are gonna call the police and he knows that.

    Exactly, this is what he thrives on. The minute a girl brings in the Police, he will be gone for ever, just like the troll he is.

    If this continues it will surely end badly, lets just hope that it is him that will be on the receiving end of it.  :angry:
  • #24 by MixedWrestler on 25 Jan 2013
  • I believe Helen von Mott cleaned his clock some time ago too.
  • #25 by nujerz84 on 26 Jan 2013
  • No women period should be in a position to defend themselves from that creep in the first place.
    • nujerz84
  • #26 by Tiberius on 26 Jan 2013
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    I agree somewhat Athletic, but these are women in foreign countries doing what some may equate to prostitution. I dont think they are gonna call the police and he knows that. From what Megan told me, this guy is a tiny little scrawny guy! I hope someone kicks his ass badly! Someone like Dominique Danger, who actualy knows martial arts! Id love to see tape of that!

    Europe is not America. They wouldnt pursue them for that and even if they wanted to, what proof do they have?
  • #27 by bruce321 on 26 Jan 2013

  • While I agree that calling the police might curb this guy's activities,  there's a reason he's been getting away with it for years. If you're a foreign visitor with a schedule to keep and this clown shows up, do you really want to cancel the rest of your sessions and spend your time at the police station trying to explain this? Forget prostitution, try assault. He's got emails where you agreed to wrestle him and maybe more. Was there mention of a beat down? He claims he paid you and you got carried away doing what he asked. He was just trying to defend himself. It won't look good to people who aren't involved in this world. Lets say that best case they do arrest him without arresting you as well. Are you going to return to France for the trial? What do you think the odds are that a jury of average people are going to listen to both sides and will be confident enough to convict? Sorry, I know I'm describing this in terms of the American justice system, but it still comes down to he said, she said, and somebody who thinks both parties are deviants judging. I agree he's got a pattern, but I don't know how difficult it would be to establish given that the witnesses aren't in the country.

    It's not as satisfying as our fantasies, but a good course of action might be to send an email to every woman advertising travel to France and nearby countries (Is it just France? They have a great train system in Europe.) with his pictures and all the information that's been compiled explicitly warning them. Explain to them that he gets off on a free beating, and they shouldn't let him in the room. If he hangs around in the hall, call hotel security or the police to chase him away. Of course that also comes with some risk that you'll miss a day's appointments defending yourself against whatever story he tells about you, but it's a lot better than the stories he could tell if you let him in and his scrotum has swollen to the size of a soccer ball. He obviously wants personal interaction, even if it means he takes a beating - deny it to him.

    It makes me think if there's some way women can't screen people so they don't know your room number. Every once in a while I've had a woman meet me in the lobby, but that seems to be because the elevators need a room card. That might not be a bad practice in France. What's he going to do? Jump on you in front of a roomful of people? If he doesn't leave, report him at the desk.

  • #28 by j635746 on 27 Jan 2013
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    Hi Everyone! Its me the Spanish Bull! I just run into the BAD BOY in PAris this morning! He wrote mixed in english and French by email. He did the appoinment very early in the morning at 9.00am So thanks for this picture I reconized him when he was already in my room. I told him to pay me but he refused!
    He took his clothes off and try to jump on me, but I knee his BALLS so hard he fall down to the ground, took him by the hair and throw him out of my room and told him to never go close a woman again!!

    This is the name he goes after last time:
    Alain Pernet - this is his phone number: 623 - 87 25 28
    Please call him guys and just tell him to FUCK OFF!! U will do all girls a favour...
    Maria - The Spanish Bull
    Maria, you dealt with this really well.  I heard about him from Megan Abshire, who was in the same hotel when the incident happened and if you had not dealt with him, I suspect she would have.
    • j635746
  • #29 by nujerz84 on 27 Jan 2013
  • You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    Hi Everyone! Its me the Spanish Bull! I just run into the BAD BOY in PAris this morning! He wrote mixed in english and French by email. He did the appoinment very early in the morning at 9.00am So thanks for this picture I reconized him when he was already in my room. I told him to pay me but he refused!
    He took his clothes off and try to jump on me, but I knee his BALLS so hard he fall down to the ground, took him by the hair and throw him out of my room and told him to never go close a woman again!!

    This is the name he goes after last time:
    Alain Pernet - this is his phone number: 623 - 87 25 28
    Please call him guys and just tell him to FUCK OFF!! U will do all girls a favour...
    Maria - The Spanish Bull

    Whats sad the freak probably may have got off on you doing that to him... glad you hurt him but you shouldnt be placed in that situation in the first place.
    • nujerz84
  • #30 by lee092760 on 27 Jan 2013
  • Hope he lost a nut