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Author Topic: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation  (Read 57961 times)

Offline terra557

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #90 on: January 15, 2024, 04:52:58 pm »
 :bravo: :clap: absolutely, a real masterpiece! I only wish I‘d be able to create something like this.
Hope for more!
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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #91 on: January 16, 2024, 02:39:38 pm »
Brilliant story, definitely hoping for more.

Offline Cincydrew

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #92 on: February 13, 2024, 04:22:22 am »
Really hope this story is continued!

Offline grbaclig

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #93 on: April 02, 2024, 04:02:23 am »
Thanks for the kind words everybody!

My life has been crazy lately but I'll wrap this up in short order.

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #94 on: April 02, 2024, 04:05:37 am »
Chapter 33

       “Just keep walking,” I said as I pushed open the ballroom door, and we were bombarded by flecks of light and dance music. “She'll find someone else for... whatever she has planned.”
       “Did you hear what she said Kevin?” Tammy asked.
       “Uh, she said a lot of things,” I gulped. “Which thing in particular are you thinking of?”
       “She said I make her pussy gush like a waterfall, Kevin,” Tammy said excitedly.
       “She said, uh, lots of other stuff too,” I said. “I just don't think-”
       “You don't understand Kevin,” Tammy said, “All the most popular girls at school have had a romantic rendezvous with Lizzie Munsch―Shayla Washington, the Covington twins, and even Megan Masters. And now she wants to sleep with me. It's like being invited to the Oscars!”
       “Megan Masters is, uh, into girls?” I gulped.
       “Oh Kevin,” Tammy giggled as she started to sway gently to the music.  “It's not really like that.”
       My hands were drawn irresistibly to Tammy's hips, and soon we were lazily rocking back and forth, her arms draped over my shoulders. “Well uh, what's it really like then?” I asked.
       “Tammy smiled as she looked up at me. “It's well documented in sexual literature that women are more likely to feel sexual attraction to members of the same sex,” she said, “and are similarly more likely to act on those feelings during their lifetime―most often during late adolescence. Furthermore, as I've grown more aware of my own sexuality over the past month I've become quite curious about the particulars of lesbian sex.”
       “The, uh, particulars?” I gulped.
       “Kevin you're blushing!” Tammy giggled. “Is this discussion making you nervous? I would have thought you would be excited at the prospect of a sexual encounter with multiple women. After all, many of the images that I saw on your phone in September featured women touching each other in-”
       “Yeah, it would be super hot,” I cut in, hoping to extinguish the burning embarrassment that I still carried from having Tammy discover the muscle girl files on my phone. “It's just that Lizzie Munsch is... she's a bad person. She was always mean to you. And to me. She's always been mean to everyone. Remember when made made Katie Bartlett cry in front of the whole pep rally? Or when she beat up Jimmy Jenkins because he wouldn't let her copy his algebra homework? I guess what I'm saying is that if you want to... uh... experiment with other girls, you can do better than Lizzie Munsch.”
       “That's really sweet of you to say, Kevin, “Tammy said, pulling me close.
       But just as we were about to kiss, the sound of screaming pierced the air. It was Becky. She was running past us toward the doors, with mascara-stained tears streaming down her face, but suddenly turned on her heels. “How could you do this to me? I love you!” she screamed. “How could you be so cruel?”
       Becky's screams were directed at Lizzie, who stood several feet away with her hand up the skirt of a curvaceous black girl in a purple dress, who was teetering on the brink of orgasm as she leaned against Lizzie with her eyes closed, trembling as she bit her lip. “Oh grow up,” Lizzie chuckled. “You didn't seriously think I was in love with you, did you? Besides, how can I to say no to a pair of tits like Kendra's. Kendra honey, show Becky what you're working with.”
       Without hesitating or even looking up, as if she were in a trance, Kendra obediently reached up and pulled a fulsome chocolate-colored breast from her dress as she continued to squirm under Lizzie's touch. Becky wasn't impressed. “Fuck you!” she shrieked and stormed out the door.
       Lizzie cackled sadistically as she continued to stroke her her new girl toy to completion, but quickly her eyes fell upon Tammy. Tossing her strawberry blonde locks over her shoulder Lizzie licked her lips and narrowed her eyes seductively, then blew a kiss at Tammy. Tammy spun around immediately, turning her back on the brazen display of sexuality. She pulled me close once again, and I could feel her heart beating like a jackhammer. “We have to get out of here, Kevin,” she gulped.
       “Sure,” I said, looking around. “I guess we can go-”
       “It doesn't matter where, Kevin,” Tammy pleaded, gesturing toward Lizzie and Kendra. “I'm so horny that I'm about to explode, and I need to get away from... that, before I lose control!”
       Instinctively, I put my hand around Tammy's waist and ran, heading toward the door behind us, and a second later we were in a nearly-dark corridor with the sounds of the dance muted behind us.

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #95 on: April 02, 2024, 04:13:26 am »
Chapter 34

        Tammy was upon me instantly. As the music pulsed in the background, she threw me against a wall, kissing and nibbling at my face and neck as she undid my pants and hastily groped my depleted cock. I winced and jumped backward, bumping into a wall, but my reprieve was short-lived. Tammy was pressed against me, her hands digging into my pants and squeezing my buttocks. I could feel the contours of her chiseled abs rubbing against my soft midsection, and her nipples dug into my ribs, hard as steel behind the thin leather strap of her dress. “Don't go soft on me now, Kevin Turner, I need you as hard as you can get,” she giggled, but quickly her voice grew deep and smoky. “So hard, Kevin. And so deep. And wet. And hard and oh God Kevin fuck me fuck me fuck me now!”
        “Tammy please,” I pleaded, slipping from her grasp. “I'm so sore. I just need a day to recover-”
        I backed away into the darkness, but Tammy stalked after me, the dim light filtering into the corridor highlighting the cuts of her nearly bare physique, making her look like a predatory animal on the prowl. “A day to recover? But I need dick now, Kevin,” she insisted. “And as you may recall from our object lesson in my basement, you are powerless to stop me if I chose to take said dick by force.”
        “I'm sorry Tammy,” I pleaded, “I just can't. It even hurts when I move too fast. It won't get hard.”
        “Then eat me out, Kevin!” Tammy yelled as she leapt at me. “I need to get off right now, and it's your responsibility as my boyfriend to make sure that I do.”
        I stumbled backward, Tammy clawing at my clothes, and crashed into a door, which gave way instantly. I fell backward into a dimly lit room with Tammy still atop me. “We have a room in hotel,” I gulped. “It's a two minute walk up the stairs. We can-”
        But my words were muffled by the moist heat of Tammy's vulva as she slid into position with her knees by my head and her bare groin pressed against my face and the muscular orbs of her buttocks on my chest. “No, Kevin!” she snarled, grabbing a fistful of my hair and forcing my mouth deeper into her sex. “Lick me off now. I need to cum. My pussy must be licked!”
        There was a brief moment of silence as I began to stroke Tammy's labia with my tongue, grazing her throbbing clit with each stroke, and she began to sigh deeply. Then, suddenly, the silence was broken. “Holy shit,” squeaked a quiet voice behind us.
        Tammy and I both froze and took in our surroundings. We were in a small storage room filled with chairs, tables, and bottles of alcohol. And there, sitting alone with a bottle of wine in her hands, was Becky, her cheeks still streaked with mascara from her tears as she stared at us wide-eyed.
        “Oh, uh, hi Becky,” I said, my voice still muffled by Tammy's crotch.
        “Hey,” Becky said meekly, sniffling back her tears. “Don't mind me, I'm just... you know... drinking and crying alone in the dark. I can leave if you two need privacy.”
        “No we were just, uh, going to our hotel room,” I stammered as Tammy dismounted me.
        Tammy and I collected ourselves in awkward silence, and we were just about ready to leave when Becky spoke up again. “Tamara?” she called. “Before you go, can I ask you something?”
        Tammy was visibly wary of what the jilted, tear-streaked beauty might ask, but she didn't have the heart to reject her outright, not after what we'd just seen her go through. “Sure,” Tammy said haltingly. "What did you want to ask me?"
        “This is going to sound super crazy,” Becky said nervously, “but I'm feeling super crazy right now, and I've got nothing to lose... Okay so here goes nothing... Tamara, can I touch your muscles?”
        Tammy's face lit up instantly. “That's not crazy at all,” she said reassuringly. “Sometimes I can't resist touching them myself. The way they feel when the flex and contract can be... intoxicating. Come here and see for yourself.”
        As a proud smile spread across her face, Tammy flexed her biceps into sculpted rocks of tanned flesh, her hips cocked and her fingers splayed like a fitness competitor. Becky approached her eagerly, biting her lip as her eyes twinkled with delight, her fingertips trembling as they began to trace along the cuts of Tammy's muscular arms. “Oh my God,” Becky squealed with delight as she cupped Tammy's biceps in her hands. “Your muscles are so big. And so hard. I'll bet you're super strong.”
        “Oh I am,” Tammy purred, reveling in Becky's worshipful touch and breathless awe. “Just ask Kevin. I can make him do anything I want him to. Anything.”
        That comment made me blush, and the girls giggled. “You're so hot,” Becky sighed as she lovingly stroked Tammy's biceps. “The muscles, the confidence, the tits, the tan... No wonder Lizzie is obsessed with you. OMG she would be so jealous if she knew I was touching your biceps right now.”
        Tammy leaned forward and whispered into Becky's ear, loudly enough for me to hear. “If you really want to make Lizzie jealous you can touch more than just my biceps.”
        Becky blushed as a smile crept across her face. “What do you have in mind?” she asked. 

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #96 on: April 03, 2024, 12:55:48 am »
waiting for so long,nice work :cool2:

Offline grbaclig

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #97 on: April 08, 2024, 12:51:16 am »
Chapter 35

        Tammy whispered into Becky's ear again, this time quietly, and with every words she spoke, Becky's eyes grew wider. Then they were standing side by side, looking at squarely at me. “Do you think he would be down for that?” Becky asked Tammy.
        “What guy wouldn't be,” Tammy giggled. “And that aside, I can make him do anything I want.”
        “So, uh, what are you all talking about?” I asked.
        Tammy and Becky looked at each other and laughed. And then they pounced. Like a flash, Tammy had me trapped in a bearhug with my arms pinned to my sides. I felt my feet leave the ground as she hoisted me into the air and began peppering my face and neck with kisses. “Get the room key,” she told Becky. “It's in his front pocket. We're on the third floor.”
        Becky giggled as she stood behind me, her tumescent nipples poking into my back as she worked her hands into the hip pockets of my pants. She found the hotel key card almost instantly in my right hip pocket, but her hands kept prowling about until finally she found what she was looking for, and the slender fingers of her left hand grasped my partially erect, but fully sore penis. “Oh I definitely found something in his pocket, but I don't think it's a key!” she sang, as I winced.
        “Be careful,” Tammy teased. “He's very delicate. I think I might have broken him.”
        “Oh I hope not,” Becky pouted playfully. “It's been weeks since I had some dick.”
        Then the room spun before me as Tammy effortlessly threw me over her shoulder, and before I knew it she was bounding up a flight of stairs, her heels clacking on the concrete as I struggled to get my bearings. I heard a door open, then slam closed, and I was in total darkness surrounded by girlish giggles. “OMG Tamara, you are so strong,” Becky gushed as the soft light filled the hotel room. “You just carried your boyfriend up three flights of stairs in heels and you're not even breathing heavy.”
        “He weighs 180 at his absolute heaviest, and I can lift significantly more than that,” Tammy said as she slung me lengthwise across her shoulders like a barbell, facing forward so I could see Becky gazing at her reverently “In fact, he's barely enough weight to warm up with. Check this out.”
        Then Tammy proceeded to knock out one squat after another, using me as a human barbell. As I went up and down, I saw Becky's mouth hang open, her nipples hardening visibly beneath the sheer blue fabric of her dress. I was hardening too. The feel of Tammy's rock-hard arms and shoulders bulging against my body, coupled with the incredible display of strength she was displaying, was like a sexual fantasy come to life. And apparently, Becky felt the same way. “OMG Tamara, you're so sexy,” she whimpered, grinding her hips together, as Tammy gently placed me on my feet. “Your body is just so... fuck I can't even think of the words for how hot you are. You're like a sex goddess.”
        “Ooh I like the sound of that!” Tammy said, beaming with pride as she wriggled out of her dress, the leather straps falling to her feet as she raised her arms overhead, triumphant in her nudity.
        Becky was upon her instantly, mewing softly as she licked the sculpted slabs of Tammy's pectoral muscles, running her tongue along the striated contours while frantically groping the muscular orbs of Tammy's buttocks. “Take me,” she pleaded. “Ravish me. Fuck me, Tamara! Fuck me hard!”
        A voracious smile spread across Tammy's face as she grabbed Becky the shoulders and spun her around. “Call me Tammy,” she said, peeling Becky's dress from her body in one quick motion.
        Becky giggled with glee, the bare creamy flesh of her curvaceous young body glowing in the soft light of the hotel room as she playfully covered her breasts and vulva. Tammy was upon her instantly, and threw her to the bed. Becky was splayed spread-eagle, her body trembling with desire as Tammy hovered above her on all fours, her tanned, musclebound physique flexing with every move as she began to kiss Becky passionately, both of them sighing with desire as their nipples brushed against each other. “All these big, hard muscles,” Becky moaned as she ran her hands up and down the muscle-studded contours of Tammy's back. “Show me your muscles, my sex goddess. Please?”
        Tammy rose up on her knees, and smiled as she placed her hands on her hips. “Are you sure you can handle a sex goddess?” she teased as she performed a front lat spread that emphasized her feminine figure, wide back, muscle-capped shoulders, and made her her perky breasts point upward.
        Becky squirmed beneath her, running her hands along Tammy's chiseled abs, tracing the outline of her shredded ribs and sculpted obliques. “I'm so horny,” she whimpered. “Take me, Tammy.”
        “Oh I will,” Tammy purred. “But I can't help but think we're forgetting someone...”

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #98 on: April 10, 2024, 12:23:28 am »
Another fantastic one!

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #99 on: April 11, 2024, 12:23:31 am »
So happy to see this story continuing.

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #100 on: April 13, 2024, 02:11:11 am »
Chapter 36

        In the blink of an eye, I was yanked onto the bed, being tossed and flipped like a doll as Tammy and Becky tore my clothes away, giggling gleefully as they did. “Check out his cock,” Tammy said as she flipped me onto my back, her knees pinning my arms to the mattress as she hovered over me facing my feet, her perfectly waxed vulva hovering inches above my face. “He has a great cock.”
        “Ooh he does!” Becky sang as she straddled my legs and rested the firm orbs of her perfectly round buttocks  on my thighs. “But it's bruised. Oh the poor little thing. How did you do that, Tammy?”
        “Sometimes I don't know my own strength,” Tammy crowed as she put her hands on her hips and hit a front lat spread.
        Becky squealed with delight and crawled up my body, straddling my midsection as she eagerly ran her hands along Tammy's sprawling lats. “Ooh these curves,” she sighed. “Your waist is so tiny, and your lats are so wide... OMG they're so thick and hard. Tammy your figure makes me so wet!”
        “Ooh I like the sound of that!” Tammy said as she folded her arms behind her head and tensed her core, causing her torso to harden into a chiseled rock-hard tableau of tanned feminine muscle.
        “Oh fuck me... your abs... and your tits...” Becky moaned as she collapsed forward, her bulbous buttocks engulfing my rapidly hardening member as she began to grope Tammy with abandon, licking her nipples vigorously.
        “Oh wow,” Tammy sighed, collapsing downward so that her rapidly moistening labia rested on my mouth and nose. “Oh wow, Becky. Oh wow! You're really good at sucking nipples!”
        “I know,” Becky said between licks. “I love tits. My absolute favorite thing is to go nipple-to-nipple. Have you ever tried that?”
        “No,” Tammy purred. “I've never been with a girl before. Will you show me how?”
        Eagerly the two young women scooted toward one another, Becky with her soft curves of creamy white flesh, and Tammy with a symphony of sculpted muscles rippling beneath her tanned skin, rubbing their hot, wet, vaginas along my body as they eagerly brought their breasts together.
        “Your tits are perfect,” Tammy giggled.
        “Your tits are perfect,” Becky said in response. “Now check this out.”
        Becky wrapped her arms around Tammy's waist and began to wiggle, shaking the bed beneath me as her big round boobs wobbled and jiggled against Tammy's perky breasts, causing Tammy to squeal with laughter. “Oh I love it!” Tammy cried. “Oh I never knew my tits could feel so... alive!”
        The two girls squealed with delight as they began to kiss one another passionately, sliding along my body as they writhed in lust. But their gleeful sapphic exploration came to a halt when Becky slid backward, and my fully engorged member slid between her fulsome buttocks. “Whoa!” she gasped. “Is that... OMG Kevin that thing is amazing!”
        “I told you, he has a great cock,” Tammy bragged as her and Becky pulled apart.
        “Can I borrow it?” Becky giggled. “I haven't had a dick in weeks.”
        “Of course,” Tammy said as she gently stroked my chest and stomach. “But be careful with him. He's delicate and he bruises so easily.”
        “I promise I'll be gentle,” Becky said as she rose up onto her knees and rested her pelvis just above my throbbing hard-on, and began stroking my thighs. “Don't be scared, Kevin. I won't hurt you.”
        Then Becky slid down, engulfing me in her tight warm sex, her soft but firm buttocks resting gently on my pelvis as she began to slowly wiggle her hips in a circle. “Do you like that, Becky?” Tammy asked breathily. “Do you like that big thick cock inside you?”
        “Yeah,” Becky squealed.
        “Do you like that, Kevin?” Tammy asked breathily. “Do you like being inside that hot little pussy?”
        “Yeah,” I moaned.
        “I like it too,” Tammy giggled. “Now Kevin, honey, I'm going to need you to lick me off while Becky and I finish what we started."
        Before I could respond, Tammy pressed her sex against my face, and I reflexively began to lick away, as above me two of the hottest girls in school made out like wild animals as they used me like a sex toy. Soon we were all covered in sweat, and the hotel room was filled with moans of pleasure.
        I'm not sure how long I lasted inside Becky, how many times I made Tammy cum, or how long the two of them kept at it after I collapsed from exhaustion, but it wasn't long before the first rays of dawn began to sneak through the curtains of the hotel room. We lay on the bed, panting and shivering in the afterglow of what must have been hours of unbridled sexual experimentation. Tammy and Becky lay on either side of me now, but still they couldn't keep their hands off one another, kissing and stroking one another as my body screamed in pain, sore and exhausted from the marathon of sex. “That was amazing,” Tammy sighed. “I'm so grateful for this moment. It's just so life-affirming to embrace my sexuality and give in to the animalistic urge to give and receive sexual pleasure.”
        “Totally,” Becky agreed.
        “Are you okay, baby?” Tammy giggled in my ear. “I thought we were going to have to call an ambulance for you when Becky went reverse cowgirl on you.”
        “I'll be okay,” I gulped. “I just need to rest. Just a day or two without sex.”
        “Oh no,” Becky pouted. “My parents are out of town, this weekend, and we just got a hot tub!”
        “Ooh I like the sound of that!” Tammy said. “We'll be there!”
        “Please,” I whined. "Just a day without sex. Just one day!"
        “Poor Kevin,” Becky teased. “Are two red-hot pussies too much for you to handle?”
        “He'll be ready,” Tammy laughed as she proudly flexed a baseball sized bicep in my face. “Now that I have muscles, I can make him do anything I want. Anything.”
        As I gazed up at the perfectly peaked, rock-hard ball of muscle, my heart jumped in my chest. Tammy was right. I was completely at her mercy—physically, emotionally, and sexually. As crazy it was to think about, Tammy Terwilliger was everything I ever hoped for in a girlfriend, and more. Now all I had to do was survive her.


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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #101 on: April 13, 2024, 04:03:59 am »
The end? 😭

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #102 on: April 13, 2024, 05:55:46 am »
no lizzie confrontation? so what comes next on part 3? i want more lizzie

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #103 on: April 14, 2024, 06:22:52 am »
This Flexington High series is incredible. I need more of it! PART 3 PLEASE!!!

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Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 2 - Motivation
« Reply #104 on: May 12, 2024, 02:58:04 am »
So good it hurts. Although I wish their relationship was explored in even more depth, I am not sure I would be able to withstand it.

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