  • #1 by abman on 03 Mar 2017
  • Beth and Ashley: Crimefighters

    Beth Randall, a wrongly convicted ex-cop is on a quest to clear her name and get reinstated. On her journey she meets Ashley, a muscular street cop. Follow their exploits as they uncover the truth behind Beth's conviction.

    Chapter 1 - Beth Gets Out of Jail
    Beth Randall was just finishing up her work out. The difference was her workout was in the exercise yard of the Women's State Penitentiary.  Beth was a detective in the drug unit, and was set up, wrongly convicted of trafficking. As a cop, she was in protective custody, but she was always in danger. There were two dominant gangs in the prison, and both wanted to kill her. None more than the Bloods, due to the fact that Beth had arrested the leader's brother who was subsequently sentenced to 10 years.

    Beth only had an hour's exercise time in the yard every day, so she made the most of it. With nothing else to do, Beth exercised in her cell, but the yard gave her the opportunity to use weights. She had been in good shape during her time as police officer, but the stress of her arrest and trial meant she lost 10 lbs. But during the last nine months she had put on 20 lbs of muscle. She had even managed to get hold of some steroids for a few months, not just to build muscle, but to stay alive. Beth was in the best shape of her life, with wide shoulders, bulging biceps and 6-pack abs. She kept the same T-shirt she was given when she entered the prison, now three sizes too small, it was skin tight over her muscular frame.

    She tried to look as intimidating as possible, but at 5'6" there was a limit, and even her martial arts skills would be of little use if she were attacked in her cell, especially by overwhelming numbers. She tried to be ready as best she could, so at the end of her 500 sit ups she asked the guard to hit her in the stomach with her Billy Club. Beth grunted as the guard hit her 10 times, but managed to hold out without doubling over.

    "You must be a sadist," said Maggie, the guard.

    "Hurts like hell, but I could get a lot worse in general population," replied Beth.

    The next few days would be the most dangerous as Beth was expecting early release. The problem was the other prisoners knew this as well. Beth returned to her cell and to her surprise the Warden was waiting for her. "Get you things, you're leaving." Beth thought this might be some trick, but not if it came directly from the Warden. Not needed to be told twice, Beth quickly packed her meager belongings and followed the Warden out to be processed. Beth was still in shock when she went outside.

    It was beginning to get dark, and she saw someone leaning on a car, obviously waiting for her. As she got closer, she recognized her brother Tony. She ran towards him and hugged him, almost in tears.

    "When did you find out?" stuttered Beth.

     "A couple of days ago," replied Tony. "The prison knew you were a target and was worried about your safety, so the Warden arranged a secret early release. I guess they didn't want to risk a police officer getting injured while in custody."

    "Ex-police officer." corrected Beth. "Where are we going?" asked Beth still in shock.

    "Tonight you're going to stay at my place. But I've got you a small apartment." explained Tony.

    "I can't afford any rent, I don't have any money," protested Beth.

    "Don't worry," said Tony. "A friend of mine said you can stay there free for a few months. He's getting ready to renovate it, but is tied up with other projects."

    As they pulled up outside Tony's house, Beth exclaimed "No, it can't" She was looking at a gleaming Mustang GT—her old car.

    "I lost everything, my condo foreclosed and all my savings to pay for lawyers."

    Tony grinned. "I knew they would repo your car so I stored it in a friends lock up. There were a few inquiries, and then a repo firm turned up. After 6 months I found out the insurance company had paid out and now owned the title, so I went to them and offered them a $1000, which they accepted. I registered the car in my name."

    The next day was first of Beth's new life. She was determined to clear her name. She had been an exemplary cop. Hard working, dedicated, smart and honest. She quickly progressed and got her detective's shield, and after two years was assigned to the Drug Squad. There was a new designer drug that had hit the streets in limited fashion, and Beth was close to linking the drug with the City Blues, the number 2 gang in the city. She was convinced that the Blues had set her up by planting money and drugs in her condo before tipping off the DEA.

    The Blues had been using a new drug, street name HULK. This drug gave the user enormous strength and fearlessness. The Blues had used the drug to attack it larger rivals. Originally, HULK was developed by a biotech company as a miracle weight loss treatment. Initial trials showed it increased the bodies metabolism, and ate fat. In conjunction with exercise, it quickly increased muscle mass. The company had produced several thousand doses, ready to move on to the next stage of trials. It then discovered that the test rats had become very aggressive with very high levels of adrenalin. They attacked and killed the other rats in the control group. What the company didn't know that some of the researchers had also taken the drug, hoping to speed it's approval, and become millionaires, by cashing in stock options. Two of the researchers went berserk, attacking their colleagues. The company quickly and quietly shut down the program, but not before one of the researchers left with the entire stock of HULK. He's been selling it on the black market, a lot of it to the City Blues.

    **Much more to come**
  • #2 by abman on 05 Mar 2017
  • Chapter 2 - Beth Meets Ashley

    Beth left her brother's house and planned to meet her old partner and training officer, Sergeant Steve Sexton.  She knew all his favorite stops, places were he got free coffee. She didn't have any real leads, but she hoped Steve could get her started with the latest word on the street. Steroid Steve, was his nickname at the 14th Precinct, and you could see why. He had the typical amateur bodybuilder's shape, wide shoulders, no neck, large chest, bulging biceps, thin waist and matchstick legs. Everyone was convinced he used Roids, but he always passed all the drug tests. Beth was hoping that Steve could point her in the right direction.

    Beth waited in a booth at Joe's Diner, and right on time Sergeant Sexton walked in with a female officer. She was about 5'8" with blond hair. Beth thought she looked overweight for a cop.

    "Well, I see you're out then," remarked Steve.

     "Good to see you too," replied Beth.

    "This is Officer Sullivan," said Steve pointing with his thumb over his shoulder. Officer Sullivan pushed passed him and held out her hand.

    "Ashley, pleased to meet you." Beth took her hand and was surprised at the firm grip as they shook hands. Just at that moment the police offers' radios came to life.

    "Gotta go, purse snatcher," exclaimed Steve.

    They turned and ran out of the diner. Almost by instinct Beth followed. She got into her car and followed the speeding cruiser. A few blocks ahead Ashley pointed "There" A guy running holding a bag and fitting the description. On seeing the police cruiser, the guy ran down a side alley. Steve drove past the alley and let Ashley out. She started running parallel to the alley. Steve turned on the siren and proceeded after the suspect.

    Beth knew what they were doing, Steve would drive the suspect towards Ashley. Beth followed Ashley in her car. "Maybe I can help," she thought to herself. Beth could now see the suspect running towards Ashley, but he was more concerned with the sound of the police siren behind him. The guy was about 6 feet and 180-190 lbs, and by the way he was running, athletic. Ashley ran straight towards him.

    "What the hell is she doing," said Beth aloud.

    At that moment Ashley tackled the guy like a rabid linebacker taking down a quarterback. The guy didn't know what hit him. Ashley had knocked him clean off his feet. At that moment Steve pulled up and gave Ashley a "high five." He then bent down to the crumpled heap on the sidewalk and cuffed the suspect. A small crowd had gathered taking the obligatory cell phone pictures, and burst out in spontaneous applause. "Holy shit," exclaimed Beth. That's certainly not by the book. She then decided to find out more about Ashley and Steve. Maybe here was the lead she was looking for.

    Chapter 3 - Time to Work Out

    Later that evening, Beth went to gym where she knew Steve worked out. It was an old school gym, both boxing and weights, but none of that fancy exercise equipment.

    Beth needed cash. All of her assets were gone, and she couldn't expect her brother to keep providing for her. She approached Donny, the gym owner,

    "I'm need to make some money," said Beth.

    Donny laughed. "I can't employ you. Heck, the people who 'work' here tidying up and cleaning do if in exchange for free gym time and use of the equipment."

    "That's not what I meant," said Beth, looking Donny right in the eye. "Fight night."

    "You know about that?" said Donny with a surprised look.

    "Of course I do. I was a detective remember?"

    "You never said anything," replied Donny sheepishly.

    "Look, I know you organize these events, I need in," said Beth.

    "OK, said Donny. As a matter of fact there's one coming up in a few days, in an abandoned warehouse, by the docks."

    "What's the prize money?" asked Beth.

    "$1000," replied Donny.

    "I was hoping for more," said Beth looking disappointed.

    "Well, that's for fighting a girl. If you're prepared to fight a guy, same weight class, you'd get $5000 IF, you win and $1000 if you lose. Half the punters like to see the girl getting pummeled, the other half like to see the guy humiliated."

    "OK, set it up. I'll fight a guy, just me know the place, date and time."

    Beth approached Steroid Steve "I need to talk to you about HULK," said Beth. Steve look nervous and replied "Not now, but Ashley needs a sparring partner. None of the women will get into the ring with her. You used to be pretty good before your State-sponsored vacation." "OK, but we talk after?" Beth thought this would also be a good opportunity to get a workout in and boxing practice before the fight. She put on the protective headgear and gloves and got in the ring where Ashley was waiting. She wore a tank top and sweat pants. Ashley's arms looked massive.

    Ashley for the most part stood in the center of the ring while Beth danced around her flicking jabs which Ashley blocked. "She hardly moves her feet," thought Beth. She certainly isn't scoring any points. Ashley kept her arms and gloves up high protecting her face.  Beth's jabs didn't have any effect and bounced off Ashley's massive arms. Still Ashley had hardly landed a punch. Beth noticed that Ashley's hands were getting higher and higher, leaving her midsection exposed. Beth took advantage and delivered a powerful blow right in Ashley's stomach. Beth was shocked, it felt as if she's punched a truck tire. Beth let guard down for a split second and nearly missed the uppercut from Ashley. Beth managed to lean back and she just caught a glancing blow. Still, it nearly took her head off, and knocked her off her feet. Even with the protective headgear, Beth was dazed. "That's my girl," shouted Steve from the sidelines. Beth realized that Ashley must win all her fights by knockout. Donny stepped in the ring and said, "OK you two, times up, others are waiting." Beth picked herself up and looked around for Steve, but he was gone.