  • #16 by billylong224 on 06 Dec 2023
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    You come across as if you think you've outsmarted her with this creepy proposal.  Not aware of any hotel chain using RV's as room alternatives but you know best.

    lol.  i'm not concerned about your imaginary intelligence contest, i'm looking to disposition this mess.  i asked for advice here, so not sure why anyone with an IQ over 60 would conclude " know best", but here we are.  the evidence heretofore suggests you cant make a rational argument as to why an RV would be any more "creepy" than going to some random, shitty motel room.  it's almost like you've never actually had a session - which wouldn't surprise me at all. 

    and, in fairness, you come across as a sanctimonious bag of dicks whenever you pop up.  it's a shame your weak will outmatches your bluster in reply 5, resulting in my having to continue to suffer from your inanity.  oh well.  do please reconsider your pathetic focus on my thread and feel free to GTFO, thx!

  • #17 by FemFlexUSA on 06 Dec 2023
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    Thanks OS!  Appreciate the useful comment.

    In parallel with my solicitation here, I have reached out to the sessionette who, disappointingly, since receiving my deposit has gone full ghost. 

    My POV is that she has lost nothing other than the time to send a few emails. 
    And, I suggested she refund me less $50, for any trouble.
    My last message to her was that I would give her another 24 hrs, then feel compelled to at least warn others of this "surprise".

    On my end, I completely recognize that any deposit should be considered gone once it is sent.  And, of course, had I simply no-showed or given some last minute reason to not go forward, I would expect nothing back.  But that is pretty much the opposite of what happened here.    Within minutes of the deposit going through and getting wind that she would not be able to host, I asked for the deposit back.  So, again, I'm at a loss to understand why she would think it was reasonable for her to keep it. 

    But, then, reasonable is not always in great supply in this world.  I get it!  :)

    Thx again my good man; will keep y'all posted.

    At worst, at least I have been entertained.

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    Update: the silence has been broken.  Although no clear resolution yet.
    I sense we weren't going to get anywhere with simply cutting our mutual losses: bummer.

    So, I suggested a spot.  I don't think she is going to like it, but let's call this my curveball back.  I will drive my RV up to where she is, we session in the RV!  :D

    So, the sessionette now has three options I've presented:
    - she can offer a place
    - she can accept my offer of a place
    - she can refund my money

    I feel I'm being more than fair, but let's see how she responds; stay tuned!

    Your feelings are your own and while they're valid for you, they're meaningless for her. Your POV about "what she has lost" is pure fucking shit. If it were just that one comment, I think it's a fair mention - you're merely verbalizing the "balance" you see/don't see - but in the broader context of all the other things you've written, it becomes another data point saying "this motherfucker is a sociopath".

    Have you spoken with your real-world friends about this new proposal? What do they think about it? Because if you have anyone close to you who's endorsing this, you should get them the fuck out of your life.

    RV sessioning is only on the table after you've already met several times over a period of years. You have to know this proposal is crazy.
  • #18 by Polite Society on 06 Dec 2023
  •     If I hadn't already shown you to be a toolbag, FemFlex wrapped this one up.
       Clearly the fourth option was overlooked. She returns nothing and goes back to ghosting you. Not bad considering my IQ compared to B who demonstrates in every post he doesn't have the sense he was born with.
  • #19 by billylong224 on 06 Dec 2023
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    You have to know this proposal is crazy.

    perhaps, if you ignore EVERYTHING ELSE:
    - she can host, which is what was expected
    - she can refund

    if/when i disclose a warning for others and reveal the sessionette, i will post the entire thread.  then you can tell me this is crazy, or if this girl is - as it seems - unreasonably holding my deposit (yes, my opinion - not sure who else's i should be representing).

  • #20 by Polite Society on 06 Dec 2023
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    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    You have to know this proposal is crazy.

    perhaps, if you ignore EVERYTHING ELSE:
    - she can host, which is what was expected
    - she can refund

    if/when i disclose a warning for others and reveal the sessionette, i will post the entire thread.  then you can tell me this is crazy, or if this girl is - as it seems - unreasonably holding my deposit (yes, my opinion - not sure who else's i should be representing).


     Only 'you' expected. The rest of us know to establish the session location arrangements way before sending a deposit. Let this one go, cheapskate.
  • #21 by billylong224 on 06 Dec 2023
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        If I hadn't already shown you to be a toolbag, FemFlex wrapped this one up.
       Clearly the fourth option was overlooked. She returns nothing and goes back to ghosting you. Not bad considering my IQ compared to B who demonstrates in every post he doesn't have the sense he was born with.

    can't script this.  thanks so much!  you dont reveal anything about anyone other than yourself:  an intellectually flaccid asshole.  congrats!

  • #22 by billylong224 on 06 Dec 2023
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    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    You have to know this proposal is crazy.

    perhaps, if you ignore EVERYTHING ELSE:
    - she can host, which is what was expected
    - she can refund

    if/when i disclose a warning for others and reveal the sessionette, i will post the entire thread.  then you can tell me this is crazy, or if this girl is - as it seems - unreasonably holding my deposit (yes, my opinion - not sure who else's i should be representing).


     Only 'you' expected. The rest of us know to establish the session location arrangements way before sending a deposit. Let this one go, cheapskate.

    good to know your perfection has resulted in a life with nothing resembling simple miscommunication.  the rest of us pleibs can only imagine what it's like to be such a giant dick. 
  • #23 by billylong224 on 06 Dec 2023
  • btw:  it's worth reminding at least one person reading this saga, that had the sessionette followed the same pattern as the SCORES before her i've met, this thread wouldn't exist.

    no, i am not perfect, like others here pretend to be.  but, neither is anyone else, including this sessionette.

  • #24 by Polite Society on 06 Dec 2023
  •      Can't wait to see your heavily edited version of your thread with the sessionette to then have her confirm the accuracy. Because that's what all us massive dicks do to show people up.
  • #25 by mra78 on 06 Dec 2023
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    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    An RV is verging into a Jame Gumb's van sort of session locale.

    Ha!  Well, notwithstanding that being sorta the point

    I'm still parsing that. It was the point to conjure images of one of the creepiest cinematic serial killers of all time? It might be time to take a minute and regroup here.
  • #26 by Polite Society on 06 Dec 2023
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    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    An RV is verging into a Jame Gumb's van sort of session locale.

    Ha!  Well, notwithstanding that being sorta the point

    I'm still parsing that. It was the point to conjure images of one of the creepiest cinematic serial killers of all time? It might be time to take a minute and regroup here.

     You're killing it against this mental midget.
  • #27 by billylong224 on 06 Dec 2023
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    You're killing it against this mental midget.

    great news!  when you're done swinging from mra's nuts, you'll have a dick nearby you can go eat!  lol
  • #28 by Polite Society on 06 Dec 2023
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    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    You're killing it against this mental midget.

    great news!  when you're done swinging from mra's nuts, you'll have a dick nearby you can go eat!  lol

      Had the RV offer accepted yet Jame?
  • #29 by billylong224 on 06 Dec 2023
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      Had the RV offer accepted yet Jame?

    new to English, eh? 
    if it was anyone else, it would go unnoticed.  but since your the type of "genius" that likes to point this kind of thing out:  "Has"
    you're welcome!

  • #30 by billylong224 on 06 Dec 2023
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         Can't wait to see your heavily edited version of your thread with the sessionette to then have her confirm the accuracy. Because that's what all us massive dicks do to show people up.

    LOL...  "us"?  No, my good friend; the only doosher I continue to see here is you.

    To everyone (anyone?) else following along, I'm very happy to report that the sessionette and I have found a mutually amicable resolution.  Yay!  She acknowledged she will refund the deposit; just waiting for that to come through.  Hope to see it soon and with that move along.

    Lastly, I learned two lessons from all this:  PS is a total loser (although, truthfully, this recognition began about 15 years or so ago, whenever it was I first stumbled across this place), and, most importantly, communication/setup can never be explicit enough when booking someone new.   I'm pleased to go forth incorporating this learning in the future.

    With that, a good day, gentlemen!

    B / Jame