  • #1 by TBS W A on 13 Dec 2007
  • Mistress Mona - 1

    A tale of four strong men, totally overwhelmed and dominated by one small women   
       The night was dark and dreary. It had been overcast all day, and
    the moon reflected precious little light. I had been working till eleven p.m.
    that day , taking inventory. The bus deposited me not five blocks from my
    apartment, and I walked down the deserted street towards home. The
    shadows from the buildings cast an erie reflection, and I imagined that I was
    being watched. It seemed to me in my fevered imagination, that I was being
    stalked. I thought that the moonlight was playing tricks with my eyes. As I
    continued down the deserted street, I thought how wonderful it would have
    been if I had a companion walking along with me.
       As I turned a corner of the street, my view was blocked by a tall
    building. Suddenly I was seized by two very powerful arms. One covered my
    mouth so that I couldn't shout. The other grabbing me from behind, forced
    my legs appart, and snaking between my thighs, quickly grasped  my
       I was lifted off of my feet and held immobile, afraid to move for fear
    of either hand. One able to halt my breathing, while the other lightly
    squeezed my testicles as a warning. I thought, "who was this monster who
    could hold me so easily immoble?" After all I'm not a small man. I weigh two
    hundred and fifty pounds, am six feet two inches tall, and in pretty good
       Then I smelled a sweet perfume, and the fingers that captured my
    mouth, contained long nails covered with red polish.
       I thought to myself "A women? immposible!  But then confirming
    my suspicions, a high pitched voice said "relax little feller, Mona doesn't
    want to break you." I said to myself, "break me, what the hell could she
    mean" And then Mona showed me what she meant.
       Releasing my genitals her hand slid upwards, until her palm
    rested on my stomach.  I was now sitting on her bicep
       She quickly squeezed inward, and my mind went crazy with the
    pain. It felt as if my intestines where going to come out of my back. The
    agony was so great that I could't even cry out, and beg her to stop, A
    feeling of nausea settled over me, and stars where whirling before my tortured
    eyes. I prayed, "please let me live", and then just as suddenly as it
    started, it stopped.
       After a while she asked " feeling better now sweety?" She released
    her hand from my mouth, and I said, "O God, yes" She continued, "and you
    are just going to enjoy the ride quietly from now on, aren't you my little
    honey?"  I said that "I would be good boy", just like a little child, which
    is exactly how I felt in her vicelike arms. Dreading a repetition of the
    pain, I lay there as quietly as I could.

       She walked quickly through the deserted streets for many hours,
    my weight seeming as nothing to her. Finally we came to the outskirts of the
    city. The streets changing into country roads. She must have felt safer now,
    because she started to jog swiftly. I marveled at her strength, and despaired
    of getting away.
       Finally she entered into a wooded area, saying "that there were
    many thorns and bushes here, but not to worry little guy, you will be just
    fine" As I started to feel the prickly shrubbery, she lifted me straight over
    her head, and clear of the thorns saying  "didn't I tell you that you would be
    fine? You see, I take care of my own." I had never imagined that a woman
    would be capable of such a feat, as I hung suspended, mouth opened in
       Neither did I relish being called her own, but what the hell could I
    do? She was just something that I had nerver experience before, even in my
    wildest imagination. So I thanked her for her consideration, as she held me
    helplessly overhead. Smiling, she lowered me easily to her face, and kissed
       That was the first glance that I got of Mistress Mona, and let me
    ask you my dear reader, "did you ever glimps for the first  time, one of
    those incredibly beautiful Hollywood starlets? You know how it is when you can't
    catch your breath, and feel stupid and dumbfounded, because you have
    trouble talking. Thats the way it was with me when I first saw Mona." As the
    comedian Jackie Gleason would say "hamena, hamena, hamena," which is
    exactly what I said.
       She laughted delightfully and squeezed me, but gently this time.
    "You're sweet" she said. "We are going to get along just fine, you and me." I
    said "I hope so for my sake,"  She laughed again and kissed my nose.  She
    said "I think that I am going to make you my wimp jester. Wouldn't you like
    that? I said tongue in cheek, "thank you for this great honor", and she
    continued the banter with a "don't mention it."
       Finally we left the shrubbery and came to a clearing in the woods.
    Parked there was a magnificent limousine, that must have cost a fortune.
       Placing me in the front seat as if I were a fragile piece of
    merchandise, she buckled my seat belt and said, "only a little ways to go
    my sweet."
       We traveled for about twenty miles down country roads, seeming
    to leave civilization far behind. At last we drove unto a well paved road,
    continuing for another five minutes.
       As she started to slow down, I spied an imposing structure,
    looming before us. It looked like a mansion to me. However, Mona didn't
    give me much time to admire this edifice, or its sourroundings, before she
    lifted me out of the car, and spirited me inside.
       Cradled softly in her power packed arms, I stared at the
    magnificent chandeliers and plush furniture. Mona said, " time enough to get
    acquainted  with your surroundings later. First to your own private quarters."
    My heart sank, as I could see for myself that she meant to hold me here, for
    god knows how long.
       Climbing the rich carpeted stairs, she took me through a long
    corridor, occupied with what seemed liked many rooms. Near the end of the
    hallway, she entered one of these many private rooms, and my mouth
    dropped open at the magnificence of my quarters.
       The room was at least fifty by thirty feet, and was lavishly furnished.
    A computer with all the latest up to date attachments, was hooked up to a
    television set, with a screen that covered one entire wall. The bed was king
    sized and covered with a bedspread of pure silk.
       Directing me to another door, I entered the bathroom. And what a
    bathroom it was. It held a Roman style bath, about twenty by thirty feet.
    Standing in the corner was a  sauna and  exercise  equipment, complete
    with  free weights and nautalus machines.
       The Mistress informed me, that she expected me to make good
    use of all this marvelous equipment. She said that she wanted her stable of
    wimps, to be in tip top shape. "You will need to be, let me assure you." she
    said ominously. Looking me straight in the eye, she asked if I understood
    her. I could see that she was serious, and I quickly assured her, in wimp
    style, that I would try my best. Mona said, " you will do better than that",
    and I meekly said, " Yes Mistress. She  mussed my hair playfully and said, "thats
    a good boy, yes we should get along very well. You haven't much choice
    you know."
       Leaving me alone, she told me to relax, and get to now my own
    personal space. You will be informed when dinner is served, where you will
    meet the other  wimps."
       When she left, I continued to explore my room, and found an
    enormous closet full of clothes, of every style and size. I also found shirts
    and underwear in the bureau . I noticed that the briefs were just that,
    I thought, "so she was kinky heh". And then a wave of exhaustion settled
    over me, and lying down,  I fell into a deep sleep.
        In my dream someone was trying desparatly to wake me, but I
    couldn't move. Then I realized that it wasn't a dream at all. A young guy was
    shaking me furiously, and begging me to please wake up. I tried turning
    around , so that I could go back to sleep, but he kept shaking me.
    Pleadingly he cried, "Oh my God she sent me to get you fifteen minutes
    ago. Please wake up," and there such terror in his voice, that I immediately
    snapped to attention.  I said " Jesus, hold your horses, can't you see that
    im totally exhusted?"  I'll be right with you," and I turned around and tried to
    go back to sleep. Screaming, "Oh God, he dragged me out of bed, and on to
    the floor.
       Well now I was pissed. I said 'you son of a bitch, im going to kick
    your ass. He said, "kick it later, I won't even fight back. Just come with me
    right now. Please for the sake of our future friendship." He was so sincere
    that I said in a more reasonable tone, "ok, ok, just calm down. I'll just
    take a quick shower, change my clothes, and be with you in a jiffy." He yelled in
    exasperation, "can't you see that I'm getting ready to shit my pants?"
       I asked,"just because Mona sent you?" He said unashamedly,
    "Yes, is that good enough for you big man?" I thought , "holy shit, what
    could terrify such a large man so?" He was about my size, but much more heavily
    muscled, I assumed from working out. He dragged me from the room, and
    down the stairs, running all the way. He called for me to please hurry, as I
    sauntered casually after him.
       Walking quickly through the large plush room that Mona had
    carried me, when I first came here, we entered a large dinning room.
    Everything in that house seemed huge. Sitting at the head of the table was
    Mona, flanked by two large men, also well built and heavily muscled. As a
    matter of fact, some wise ass might be tempted to call us clones.
       Mona said, "alex, you're twenty minutes late. How do you explain
    this"? And that shnook started shivering with fright, and much to my
    amazment, so did the other two. Alex started to stutter," m,m, mistress I
    tried to wake him, but it was like he was drugged. I yelled, I begged, I even
    bounced him out of bed. Well at least that woke him. Please mistress short
    of killing him, which I thought seriously about, he was just dead to the
       Mona said, "all right Alex, it probably was the experience that he
    went through that drained him, poor dear fragile man." Well this statement
    didn't do much for my ego, but I kept still. I was introduced to Bill and
    Don, and Mona said happily, "my entire stable of wimps." I informed her that my
    name was Paul, and she said playfully "my four little cute wimpy guys." This
    didn't exactly thrill me, but after witnessing their fear, I thought better
    of confronting her, at least just then.
       As we ate, there was an animated conversation around the table.
    The topics ranged  from politics, to art, to sex. I just listened while
    eating, trying to think of a way to escape this weird situation that I had gotten
    myself into.
       After an hour or so of spirited conversation, Mona's face took on a
    glow, and she said, " time for a little fun boys." She clapped her hands
    happily like a child, anticipating some future delight. I noticed however,
    that the men weren't particularly overwhelmed at this prospect.
       She said " I know, lets play circus. Well this brought a visible
    shiver to the men, and I don't know why, but I was shaking also. Don who
    seemed to be the elder statesman of the group, said, "Mistress, no
    disrespect intended, but we have just finished eating a large meal. Perhaps
    a more sedentary game would be in order." She answered, " nonsense
    Don, you know that's an old wives tale, like not going swimming after

    Clapping her hands, she said, " come on guys, up, up, up."
       We rose reluctantly and tread towards our destination, the men
    walking as if they were going to their execution. I couldn't help thinking, "
    my God, what a scene. Here we are, four large virile men, terrorized by one
    small women. Well then again, she wasn't really small, just of average size,
    although you could see that she was very athletic and extremly firm, like a
    fitness model, and O my God, how beautiful. It was hard to look into her
    eyes, and breath at the same time.
       We walked for a few minutes in that humongous house, and finally
    came to our destination. Mona opened the door, and my mouth fell open in
    amazement. I had never seen a room quite like this one before. It was large,
    very large, just like every other room in this house, but weird would be an
    understatement. First af all, it was entirely padded, floor, walls, and

    Off to a side were lockers, containing who knows what. There were very
    large hooks on the wall, that seemed able to sustain very heavy weights. In
    other words, not for hanging pictures.
       I could see that the guys were extremely ill at ease, and this feeling
    was transfered to me. She opened one of the lockers, and removed what to
    my eyes, looked like crazy jump suits. They had zippers in the front for
    entry, and handles were protruding  from all over this ridiculous outfit. I glanced
    over at the other wimps, but they refused to meet me stare, and just looked
    down at the floor.
       Placing these nutty outfits down on the floor, she folded her arms
    and just waited. The men became immediately animated, quickly stepping
    into those moronic suits, and zipping them up from the fly to the neck. I
    just stood and stared in amazement.
       Mona noticing  that I wasn't getting dressed, called for Don. She
    said, "Don it lookes as if Paul is a bit bewildered, would you please help
    him dress." Well Don comes over to me, and seeing that I have no intention of
    putting on this jerky looking outfit, whispers to me. " Look please get
    dressed, you really don't want to get her mad."
       I said "fuck you and her together Don." Suddenly Mona was standing
    right in front of us. Don shrank back and away from me, as if he didn't
    want to get in the way of the fallout. She told him to go back to where the
    other wimps are waiting, and said, " I'll take care of this myself."
       Well now I was beginning to really get scared, I hadn't forgotten my
    abduction, and the mens fear was having its effect on me. Still that macho
    thing was in operation, and I guess that I'm just one big jerk.
    • TBS W A
  • #2 by TBS W A on 13 Dec 2007
  • Mistress Mona - 3

    Don looked at me and said "end of story". I asked him how he
    could know about this, he looked at me and smiling said, Haven't you
    realized who the teenager was yet?" Bill and alex smiled knowingly,
    and a bell went off in my head. It was you I said. Smiling he said
    "bingo Paul you finally got it haven't you?"
       I said "nice little story Don, got any others for me, you know
    like Mother Goose, or cinderella?" He stared at me and said, "boy your
    a tough cookie aren't you?" I answered, "no, not if you tell me something
    that I can believe." He asked the others if they believed the story,
    and they said that they didn't have any doubts of its authenticity.
    Alex said that he had been here with the mistress long enough to
    know, that just about anything was possible. Bill Agreed. I said don't
    hold it against me if I suspend my belief for a while yet, until I get to
    know what going on around here.
       Don said that I spoke another story when Mona was around.
    I agreed, and said that there was no doubt that she scared the shit out
    of me, but lifting a car, and spinning it around was another matter.
       Suddenly the mistress was standing in the door of the room.
    She entered saying that she was happy that we were becoming so
    friendly. She said that we were isolated here, and needed to be good
    company for each other. I just hoped that she hadn't heard my comment
    about fairytales.
       She seemed very happy and clapping  her hand in glee like
    a little girl said, how about an outing in the country my little wimps?"
    The men had been cooped up for a long time, and after my ordeal
    of entry into this household, I felt like I could use some time away
    from here. We all agreed as if we had any choice, and she told us
    to get dressed in some leisure clothes, and to meet her in the driveway.
       When I arrived she said that Don had begged off, complaining
    of a headache, which surprised me because he appeared all right just
    a few minutes ago. She said " Paul please get in the car and sent Bill
    for her purse, and Alex for her sweater.  As I sat there waiting for the
    other two guys to arrive, I had a funny premonition. I was somehow
    uneasy about the situation. Why did she send both on an errand, when
    one person was enough to get her purse and sweater?
       I put the matter out of my mind, and resolved to relax and
    have a good time. As I sat there feeling wonderful and relaxed,
    I began to feel a funny rocking  motion ,as if the car were moving.   
    Then I panicked, remembering Don story.
    I was afraid to look out of the car, cognizant of the fact that Mona was
    lifting me and the car together.
       There was no doubt in my mind, as I looked out and down about
    six and one half feet from the ground. I started to scream and cried,
    " please mistress I didn't doubt Don's story for a moment."
     She yelled up at me from underneath the car,
     " don't you want to go for an outing in the country Paul"? I screamed
    Oh God please, no no. Mona asked me why I mentioned God so much, and
    I answered , that against her, God was the only defense that a man could
       Mona said " I promised you a ride in the country, and I always
    deliver on my promises. As I started to plead she spun the car around
    and around. I tried to get into my seat belt, but the revolving of the car
    had become to fast, and my poor body was shaken back and forth.
    And then much to my horror, but not to my surprise, the car was hurled
    skyward, about ten feet. My head hit the roof of the auto, and I crashed
    to the floor. She hurled the car upwards again with a shriek of joy.
       She was having the time of her life, while I was shitting in
    my pants. I begged I pleaded. I said as well as the buffeting  would
    allow, "please mistress I'll be a good boy, I'll do whatever you want. "
    I screamed as loud as a terrified man  in free fall could. I pleaded
    for my life, and I really thought that this would be the end of me.
    The vehicle with its cargo, was propelled with increasing trajectory
    ever upwards. My head and body was being catapulted from the back
    of the car to the front. From the roof to the floor.
       I let out the standard  hollywood movie shriek, as high pitched
    as a frightened women, in a horror flick. As she hurled the car skyward
    for the forth time, my head crashed into the roof, and the last thing
    that I remembered, was my final howl of horror.
       I awoke with a violent headache, cradled in her arms. I felt a
    chill and noticed that I was naked. She looked
    at me apprehensively, and informed me that I had soiled and wet
    myself, and she had to have one of the men wash and change me.
    She asked if I had any doubts now, and I assured her with trepidation,
    that I had none whatsoever ,and begged her not to do that to me again.
    She carried me into the house, and to the padded room. There were
    some clothes on the floor, and she put me down, and told me to get
       When I was fully clothed, she lifted me over her head, and
    hung me from one of the hooks on the wall. Mona said, "think
    about your situation for a while." I said " yes mistress, don't worry
    about me, I'll just hang around here for a while." She started to laugh
    and said, "always with the jokes, heh Paul." I answered "that the
    only defense against her was God, and a good old fashioned
    disarming laugh." Chuckling she took me down from the wall and
    said " all right Paul, you win." Smiling I said " you can't win all the
    time mistress." She kissed me passionately, thrusting her tongue
    into my mouth, and squeezed me so hard that I thought that I
    would faint again.
       She said "its ravish time," and I asked her if she would
    still respect me in the morning. She carried me up the stairs laughing
    all the way, and I thought that she would drop me , and I would go
    bouncing down the stairs.
       When we arrived in my quarters, she looked at me with steady
    gaze, and said seriously, "you know that you are mine now, body and
    soul." I looked at her with adoration and said, how could it be otherwise?"
    "All my little wimps, seem to end up this way" she said, and I said
    mistress, that's as it should be. I am your obedient servant."
    Mona answered, "that's quite a change of attitude Paul, to what do you
    attribute this change."  I answered , "fear, abject terror,  enlightened
    self interest, and love.
       I continued" you must know how very beautiful you are" and how
    no man could resist you for long, especially this kind of man?" She kissed
    me once again passionately, and ripped my clothes from my body,
    as I feigned abject terror. I started to scream at the top of my lungs,
    help, Oh God help me, from the big bad lady." She growled, "nothing
    can save you now my pretty."  I made such a racket that Bill and Alex
    came into the room, and asked what was the matter. "I said, "please
    get the hell out of here," and laughing they left.
       Lifting me above her head, she said "this is where you love
    to be, isn't it little Paul"? I almost swooned with passion, and said,
    "please mistress, never put me down." She said "even I couldn't handle that,
    but if your a good boy I will give it the old college try, and she held
    my two hundred and fifty pounds over head for what seemed like hours.
    When she did lower me, it was because she was bored not tired.
       Finally she said and now for me little one. she held me in
    the palm of her hand, and said , "hm let me think."
    Laughing she threw me up into the air, and I started to yell bloody
    murder, "oh no not again". On my way down, she grabbed hold
    of my legs, and lifted up, so that I was turned completely upside
    down. Clutching both my ankles, she spread my legs apart,
     holding me in an upside down spread eagle position.
       She yelled laughing wildly, "make a wish", and I screamed
    "my wish is to stay in one piece". She brought my body  to her mouth
    and started to lick me, all around my groin. I moaned  and shook
    at the same time, the former in extasy, the latter in fear of falling.
    "Why are you shaking" she asked, and when I told her that I was
    afraid that she would drop on my head, She said, "when will learn
    to trust me? Don't you think that a person who can throw a car
    around as if it were a frisbee, is capable of handling a weight of a
    mere two hundred and fifty pounds?" I said that I would hardly
    call two hundred and fifty pounds, a trifle. She answered, " two
    hundred fifty, three hundred, four hundred, what's the difference?"
    Well what can you answer to that? So I shut up and concentrated
    on the feelings of passon.
       She plunged her tongue up my ass, and started to lift me up
    and down, as her tongue entered and exited my rear. Well there
    was nothing more for me to do, except moan and yell in passion.
    Suddenly she hurled me up in the air and spun me around, so that
    when I came down, she could grab my legs again, but I would be facing
    her, of course still upside down, and spread eagled.
       With a cry of victory, she screamed out, "my little wimp,
    Mona is going to suck you dry", and she started to lick my balls, and
    cock, lifting me up and down, so quickly  that I became dizzy. As I
    continued to rise and fall, she licked me between my helpless
    thighs, and belly. Taking my penis in her mouth, she drew me in and
    out with just the sucking motion of her wonderful lips. I bucked
    like a wild stallion, but she just held me in place with the greatest
    of ease. Nothing that I could do, could deter her from her mission
    of sucking the life out of me. I came with a force that I had never
    known heretofore. It felt as if my head was being sucked through
    my inflamed cock. I screamed, Mommy  Mommy,  not knowing what
    was happening or what I was saying.
       As I was starting to calm down, she placed one hand between
    my legs, and the other under my armpit. She adjusted my position
    so that she held me across her body, like a giant T, her arms extended.
    And then amazingly, all though not for her, with me stretched out
    across her body, she executed a perfect back bend, landing on her
    beautiful head. It was a breathtaking feat.
       Still holding my helpless body at arms length, she plunged
    me penis first, into her mighty vagina. Then just holding my body up
    with only the power of her genitals, she brought her hands behind her
    head to steady her, in her backbend. Screaming out, "ride im cowboy"
    she moved me in and out of her, with only the power of her vagina.
    She had more power in her box, then I had in my entire body, no surprise
    here. As she moved me back and forth, I clutched her around the thigh
    and the neck, so as to get some leverage and traction. Just for fun I
    tried to stop the motion of her mighty box, by tightening my hold on her
    legs, as hard as I could.
       She just kept going, not even perceiving my little ploy. I had
    about as much effect on her as a baby would have on a locomotive.
    I started to yell bloody murder, as I started to feel the blood rushing
    from my head , and toes, to my impassioned cock. When I came it
    felt to me like an atomic eruption, and I started to weep for joy.
    As I collapsed around her in exhustion, she lifted me off of her groin,
    and cradling me in her arms, said, "there there, little baby is exhausted,
    here suck on mommy's breast." I didn't need a second invitation,  and
    I sucked freneticly, while clutching her other breast with my free hand.
       She started to laugh, and said, "mustn't  be greedy", theres enough
    of me to go around." And she called out loud, "Alex, Bill, Don, come in
    here."  They came in running buck naked, with big wide smiles on their
    faces. Mona put me down much to my chagrin and said, "don't worry
    Paul, your going to love this." crouching down in a deep knee bend,
    she sat Bill on one bicep, and Alex on the other. She grasped my groin
    in one hand, and Don's in the other, and stood up, holding me and Don
    in the palm of her hands, while the other  men sat upon her mighty arms.
    She now supported over one thousand pounds of man, in her arms, as
    easily as if she were holding her laundry.
       She started to dance, and sang playfully, "I got the whole of
    mankind in my hands, I got the whole of mankind in my hands."
    We all laughed hysterically, and she said, and now my little
    wimps, Im going to rape and ravish all of you, and there isn't a thing
    that any of you can do about it., nes pau? We all started to scream and
    wail in mock fear, begging her to spare us.
        She carried us out into the woods behind the house, and said
    menacingly, get ready my pretties, for the hour is upon us. Tying us
    tightly together with a rope that she had brought from the house, She
    lifted all one thousand pounds of us overhead with one hand, and with
    her free hand, started to tickle us under our butts and balls. Four
    large men screamed and laughed in glee, as she held us and tickled
    and tormented our helpless bodies, at her pleasure.
       When she finished playing with our powerless bodies, She
    untied one at a time, and raped each one of us. Well we didn't
    exactly object, but if we had it would have availed us nothing.
       Finally as the wonderful event came to a close, she scooped
    all four of us in her powerful arms, and carried us toward the house.
    I overcome with emotion, said adoringly, "mistress I will never leave
    you." She looked at me and said meaningfully , "you better not Paul."
    You better not Paul.

    Enjoy and send your Karmas - if you like the story
    • TBS W A