  • #1 by older on 08 Jun 2010
  • Brother vs Sister Combat VIII: An Hour in the Cage
    by Buzz Haywood

    The time had come. The Iron Sibling match in a steel cage. The time had
    finally arrived. Richie Kroll was our referee. So far; 6-309; 315 matches. The
    basement was packed. Annie and Randal were both here. Pre-match interviews
    were done with the both of us.

    Annie wished me luck. The introductions were made. I, of course, was
    introduced first. Oh well! I entered the cage. Next, Lauren got the big, grand
    entrance. There were even puffs of smoke from a machine. There was even a
    light show for her. The ring announcer, Dave Cappetta, went over the rules.
    The bell rang. We circled the ring and then locked up. She began pounding away
    on me. She arm dragged me.

    Next she drop kicked me. She then applied a belly to back suplex. She pinned
    me. I kicked out at two. She kept up the attack. Next I got a DDT from her.
    1-2-3! At 2 minutes and 54 seconds she scored the first fall. She pulled me by
    the hair, I began kicking at her ankle, then I body slammed her. I went to
    drop the elbow, but she moved. After I crashed, she lifted me up for a body
    slam, but I cradled her and placed my feet on the ropes for leverage while the
    referee counted to three. I finally scored a pin fall on her! Yeah, I cheated,
    but at the 6 minute and 7 second mark, we were tied at 1-1 in this match.
    Lauren couldn't believe it.

    No one could believe what just happened. While I was feeling proud of myself,
    Lauren clotheslined me right down. She dragged me into the middle of the ring
    and applied a figure four leg lock on me. I tried to fight it, but I couldn't.
    "Do you submit?" asked the ref. "Yes!" I said. So at 7 minutes and 22 seconds,
    the score of the match was 2-1 in Lauren's favor. I got up slowly, Lauren
    kicked me, I fell into referee Richie Kroll, we both fell, with me crashing on
    top of him. As I got up, Lauren rolled me up.

    Richie crawled over and counted, but I kicked out. Then Lauren threw me into
    the cage and rolled me up again. 1-2-3! At 9 minutes and 37 seconds. 3-1 in
    her favor. She wasted no time in applying a sleeper hold on me. I was fighting
    it and began swinging my feet. My foot kicked his stomach. Richie hit the
    cage. Lauren had it locked on me. Chip Patrick entered the cage and helped
    Ricky out of there. I hit Lauren's arm three times. Chip thought I was tapping
    out, so at the 12 minute and 56 second mark, it turned into 4-1. She kept it
    on. I had an idea. I kicked up my feet and fell on top of Lauren for the pin
    at the 14 minute and 6 second mark. 4-2.

    I got up, but so did she. Lauren hit a super kick and then pinned me. 1-2-3!
    At the 14 minute and 34 second mark. 5-2. I got up slowly and Lauren slapped
    on the sleeper again. The more I struggled, the harder she pressed. I was
    moving my arms around, trying to somehow escape. The more I fought it, the
    worse it got. We both went down onto the mat. The ref raised my arm up, and it
    went down. Then he raised it up again, and it went down again. Then he raised
    up my arm one more time and it went down again. So, at the 18 minute and 59
    second mark it became 6-2.

    Then she placed her foot on top of me. 1-2-3! At 19 minutes and 6 seconds it
    turned into 7-2. Then Lauren placed one finger on me. 1-2-3! At the 19 minute
    and 11 seconds it became 8-2. Then she placed her hand on me. 1-2-3! And at 19
    minutes and 17 seconds it was 9-2. Suddenly, I rolled onto my stomach. Lauren
    applied a camel clutch. "Do you submit?" asked the ref. "Yes!" I said. So at
    19 minutes and 36 seconds the scoreboard was 10-2. I started slithering around
    the ring. Lauren grabbed onto my ankles, so I grabbed a whole of the ref's
    feet. As Lauren yanked on me I dragged Chip the ref crashing down.

    He was still down when Lauren pinned me. Chip stood up and ran over, but
    twisted his ankle in the process. He was in pain, but he started crawling over
    then he slapped the mat. Then he slapped it again. And then again. So at the
    23 minute and 58 second mark it became 11-2. The match continued and referee
    Lenny Anderson took over the refereeing duties. Lauren punched me in the face
    and I went crashing down. Lauren pinned me. 1-2-3! At 25 minutes and 11
    seconds the score turned to 12-2. Again, I rolled to my stomach. But she
    rolled me back. Now Lauren climbed the ropes.

    She changed her mind and climbed the cage. She went as high as she could and
    executed a wonderful looking frog splash, but I moved and she crashed. We were
    both down. The ref put on the count. "One." Lauren was hurt. "Two." But so was
    I. "Three." I got closer to the ropes. "Four." Five." I was using the ropes
    for leverage. "Six." Lauren was just laying there. "Seven." I was almost up.
    "Eight." I was on my feet. "Nine." Just barely. "Ten." At the 27 minute and 46
    second mark, the board now read 12-3. I didn't want to miss an opportunity, so
    I quickly rolled Lauren onto her back and hooked both her legs as I pinned
    her. 1-2-3! At 27 minutes and 58 seconds, it was now 12-4.

    Lauren was still hurt, this was my chance. I locked on a figure four on her.
    The ref asked her if she wanted to submit. She didn't reply. But her shoulders
    were down. So the ref slapped the mat three times. 28 minutes and 34 seconds,
    and it became 12-5. I kept the figure four on so Lenny the ref counted again.
    (28 minutes and 57 seconds; 12-6.) Lauren attempted to reverse the figure
    four. She accidently left her shoulders down too long and the ref counted
    again. (29 minutes and 44 seconds; 12-7.) She finally reversed the figure
    four. Now the pain was on me. I had no choice but to release the hold. We were
    both down. "One." "Two." Had to grab the rope. "Three." "Four." Getting
    closer! "Five!" Six!" Grabbed it. "Seven." Getting up. "Eight." "Nine." I was
    up. "Ten."

    So at 31 minutes and 53 seconds, it was now 12-8. Lauren still hadn't gotten
    back up to her feet, so the referee counted again. "One." "Two." I was leaning
    up against the turn buckle post. "Three." "Four." Lauren was attempting to
    stand up. "Five." "Six." She was still moving. "Seven." "Eight." I was at
    least getting my air back. "Nine." "Ten." And at 32 minutes and 54 seconds it
    was now 12-9. I still needed more rest. So I stood and watched the ref count
    her out again. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Just like that at 33:18 the
    score was 12-10.

    To Be Continued... Hour in the Cage continues!

    • older