  • #1 by dkstories on 04 Feb 2017
  • I am working on one but I would like to know what type of interest there is? What kind of things would people like to see in it?

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    • dkstories
  • #2 by NinjaStar on 04 Feb 2017
  • I'm actually looking into creating one myself. I'd rather do an adventure style one like A-Sea-Lion's A Growing Girl than a stat-based click fest. It gets kind of old after a while. This game is fine, but I guess it's a little barebones for my tastes.
  • #3 by dkstories on 04 Feb 2017
  • Good feedback, thank you. Yes it is a bit of a stat based click fest light on the rpg elements that A Growing Girl has. Not for everyone but I appreciate the comments. I may go for more of an RPG at somepoint but I was testing the waters with this format.
    • dkstories
  • #4 by 87fg on 05 Feb 2017
  • A RPG like game would be good. Another option is to have it like the bodybuilding game in which you make your character grow through workouts and nutrition intake.
    • 87fg
  • #5 by Drbench012 on 19 Feb 2017
  • Do you need any sprites for this game? Some visuals would make this more fun.

    Email me @

    I'll send you some of my work
    • Drbench012
  • #6 by dkstories on 21 Feb 2017
  • Thanks! It could use some art for sure, but I am no artist! If you are offering up some sprites or artwork I can incorporate those and credit you for sure!
    • dkstories
  • #7 by High Evolutionary XIII on 22 Feb 2017
  • This was actually pretty fun simulator. With a bit more polish it would be perfect.
  • #8 by Drbench012 on 23 Feb 2017
  • Yeah I want to take a crack at drawing some sprites.

    • Drbench012
  • #9 by OSAMANASR on 09 Oct 2019

  • I would love more of your work, do you have anything else you are working on ?
  • #10 by mangodebango on 06 Nov 2019
  • Interesting but it needs some kind of visual element.

    I maxed out my size, my breasts and even saved up for a magical item.

    Pretty funny storyline with the chain of events too.

    Nice job!  ;D
  • #11 by V893 on 07 Dec 2019
  • I just found this,
    Is this game still updated ?
    I cannot find any updates anywhere.
  • #12 by mattes on 15 May 2020
  • Is it possible to put pics in it or Illustrations? that would be great
  • #13 by bertmacklinsbrother on 02 Feb 2021
  • Reviving this topic, but I love interactive FMG games and I hope to see more of them.  I've tried to learn some basic coding in an attempt to build one myself, but never had the time to dedicate.

    It's been tough to find a solid FMG game, and the most prominent example is probably "FMG Life Sim" which has been a work in progress for years.  FMG games, to be "good" in my eyes, need to have a perfect combination of a few things:

    1) Core gameplay loop.  Unfortunately, a lot of the FMG games that are easiest to create are simply clicking on options and watching stats go up.  Gameplay isn't really engaging in a text adventure, so what has to drive the player forward is the story or the growth result of the character.  I think having competent leveling systems (that are balanced and can't be exploited) is sort of step 1.

    2) Artwork.  Art in these games is rare.  To get artwork done, you either have to commission it or be able to create it yourself.

    3) The writing.  This is the most important piece, especially when you can't include a lot of artwork.  If you're going to have the player stare at a screen and click around to see their results go up, you better include descriptions that make the interactivity worth it.

    And overall, that kind of goes into one last argument for text-based RPG games:  free form or on-rails?  Do you create simple but expansive set of descriptions for the player to encounter in a modular fashion, letting them customize their experience?  Or do you make it a single story?  More like a visual novel, than an actual game?  There isn't really a right answer as both have different focuses.

    Either way you slice it, I'd love to see more of these. If there's someone that has more technical and coding aptitude to create the game itself and needs to outsource the actual writing content, hit me up.  There's a potential we could collab on a project!
  • #14 by lilguy31 on 27 Feb 2021
  • Hi

    Mind if I ask what software you used.
  • #15 by throwaway1488420 on 06 Mar 2021
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    Mind if I ask what software you used.

    It looks to be made in Twine with Sugarcube