  • #1 by Prophaniti on 23 Jan 2023
  • Hi everyone

    OF is @curlyexotic
    IG is @ileezy_

    Paid for a custom, told turnaround time was 1 week.
    2 weeks later, she got sick and needed a few more days
    2 weeks later, she said she lost all her customs in her inbox and it should be done tomorrow
    1 week later, she had to take an emergency trip out of state and it would be done tomorrow
    Ghosted for the next month, never received anything and she blocked me on IG
  • #2 by Polite Society on 23 Jan 2023
  • Hi everyone

    OF is @curlyexotic
    IG is @ileezy_

    Paid for a custom, told turnaround time was 1 week.
    2 weeks later, she got sick and needed a few more days
    2 weeks later, she said she lost all her customs in her inbox and it should be done tomorrow
    1 week later, she had to take an emergency trip out of state and it would be done tomorrow
    Ghosted for the next month, never received anything and she blocked me on IG

     Amount of money lost?
  • #3 by Zenzen on 23 Jan 2023
  • Hi everyone

    OF is @curlyexotic
    IG is @ileezy_

    Paid for a custom, told turnaround time was 1 week.
    2 weeks later, she got sick and needed a few more days
    2 weeks later, she said she lost all her customs in her inbox and it should be done tomorrow
    1 week later, she had to take an emergency trip out of state and it would be done tomorrow
    Ghosted for the next month, never received anything and she blocked me on IG

    21 years old scammer.

    Iliana Ramos

    TikTok @ileezy_
    21 | Bodybuilder | 🇯🇲🇯🇵
    My dream is to motivate

    YouTube @Ileezy_
    My name is Iliana. I am 21 years old and I am from NYC. I currently reside in WV. I am a bodybuilder and thrill seeker. My dream is to win the Ms Olympia and to inspire people. I’ve overcame many hardships in my life and I hope to use my story as a way to inspire others that they too can overcome anything.

    Only Fans @curlyexotic

    5’4 150lbs of sexy feminine muscle

    Ethnicity: Jamaican & Japanese

    Thank you for subscribing! I am an amateur bodybuilder from NYC but I currently live in WV. I enjoy lifting heavy, self development and going on adventures.

    Account is ran and managed by myself.

    What you can expect:

    ♡ Daily posts, uncensored
    ♡ Full length solo
    ♡ B/G
    ♡ Exclusive photos and videos you won’t see anywhere else
    ♡ Very interactive, I love getting to know you guys!
    ♡ Femdom
    ♡ Muscle flexing
    ♡ DM me for customs 🖤

    IG @ ileezy_

    If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.
    Combat Engineer
    Plant based

    Iliana Ramos living in Beckley, WV

    Age 21

    Current Address
    528 Manor Dr
    Beckley WV 25801
    Raleigh County
    Since October 2021

    Also Known As
    Iliana A Ramos

    Associatesof Iliana Ramos in Beckley, WV
    Michael Humphrey

    Iliana Ramos is 21 years old. Currently Iliana lives at the address 528 Manor Dr, Beckley WV 25801. Iliana has lived at this Beckley, WV address for about 1 year, after moving in around October of 2021. Iliana previously lived at 409 Manor Dr, Beckley WV 25801 for 2 years, starting in January of 2020.

    How old is Iliana Ramos?
    Iliana Ramos is 21 years old.

    Where does Iliana Ramos live currently?
    Iliana Ramos's current address is 528 Manor Dr, Beckley WV 25801. Iliana has lived there for about 1 years, since October of 2021.

    Does Iliana Ramos go by any other names or aliases?
    Iliana Ramos may also go by the following names or aliases: Iliana A Ramos

    Who does Iliana Ramos associate with?
    The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Iliana Ramos: Michael Humphrey

    Where did Iliana Ramos live previously?
    Iliana Ramos was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 409 Manor Dr, Beckley WV 25801

    ARREST: Deputy W.H. Bogle arrested Iliana Ramos, from Beckley, for Domestic Battery.

    My Mom Was Allegedly Murdered By Her Boyfriend

    Iliana Ramos is organizing this fundraiser.


    I’m currently trying to raise money for my mother’s funeral. Her boyfriend was violent towards her and had a history of beating her but I found this out too late. My mother was my only surviving parent and she died a brutal, horrific, messy death. The autopsy report shows she suffered a broken neck with severe injuries to her face and body and blunt force trauma. She had no life insurance and the boyfriend gets access to all of her belongings. I need money to transport my mom’s body from nyc to my state of West Virginia plus the cost for funeral and burial expenses. Also some proceeds will be going towards lawyer and legal fees to make sure the dirtbag who did this goes to jail. This is destroying me and it is hard for me to function so a portion of the proceeds will be going to getting food delivered to me and my grandma because I can’t go out right now. Also money will be going to transportation cost of me going to nyc and back to speak with detectives and handling things down there. Below I’m listing the link to my mom’s death article and the national domestic violence hotline.

    Articles about my mom:

    My Inst@gram: ileezy_
  • #4 by Polite Society on 23 Jan 2023
  •  Whatever floats your boat Zenzen.
  • #5 by Prophaniti on 24 Jan 2023
  • Hi everyone

    OF is @curlyexotic
    IG is @ileezy_

    Paid for a custom, told turnaround time was 1 week.
    2 weeks later, she got sick and needed a few more days
    2 weeks later, she said she lost all her customs in her inbox and it should be done tomorrow
    1 week later, she had to take an emergency trip out of state and it would be done tomorrow
    Ghosted for the next month, never received anything and she blocked me on IG

     Amount of money lost?

  • #6 by FemFlexUSA on 25 Jan 2023
  • Hi everyone

    OF is @curlyexotic
    IG is @ileezy_

    Paid for a custom, told turnaround time was 1 week.
    2 weeks later, she got sick and needed a few more days
    2 weeks later, she said she lost all her customs in her inbox and it should be done tomorrow
    1 week later, she had to take an emergency trip out of state and it would be done tomorrow
    Ghosted for the next month, never received anything and she blocked me on IG

     Amount of money lost?


    My guess is that a good number of guys who read your warning here will likely pass on her. By taking your $80, she likely cost herself at least $800 or more, BUT she could undo maybe 50% of that damage by making good on the deal and you coming back to let readers know your experience.

    How did you make the payment?

  • #7 by Prophaniti on 26 Jan 2023
  • OF Tips, so im basically screwed from the OF front
  • #8 by Zenzen on 06 Feb 2023
  • OF Tips, so im basically screwed from the OF front

    I've already downloaded all her OF content, I'll post all over the net if this little scammer still insist on not refunding your money back. I'm going to kill her OF business.
  • #9 by Female Bodybuilding on 09 Mar 2023
  • OF Tips, so im basically screwed from the OF front

    This scammer OF @curlyexotic aka Iliana Ramos still insist on not returning your $80 back or the custom video?
  • #10 by Prophaniti on 10 Mar 2023
  • I got blocked on everything