  • #1 by The First One on 20 Apr 2022
  • Honestly I think it’s kind of odd there’s not already a thread like this here, but how do you prefer for a musclewoman to demonstrate her power?

    Bonus: what are some unusual examples you would like to see more of?
  • #2 by Brentman on 28 Apr 2022
  • Tug-of-war is a simple way for a single woman to show her superiority over men. I imagine a game where a woman competes against one man, then when she beats him another man is added to his team, and when these two lose to the woman another one is added and so forth. The real competition is not between the men and the woman but between different women trying to beat the most men at once.
  • #3 by fbbluver2 on 08 May 2022
  • Here are some ideas.....

    - Shaking someone's hand and accidentally squeezing a bit too hard, causing them to flinch
    - Clothing ripping from nothing more than a flex
    - Lifting heavy weights (duh) or other heavy objects
    - Punching / kicking down a door or through a wall
    - Beating an opponent in arm-wrestling
    - Bending metal bars
    - Picking up / carrying / throwing another person
    - Taking a punch to the stomach and not even flinching
  • #4 by ep92010 on 23 Jul 2022
  • for me it's being lifted in a really dominant way. i've had a handful of sessions where the woman was strong enough to lift me by the throat and i can't think of anything that shows sheer power better than that (unless of course i can find a woman who can do that with one arm instead of two). second to  that is being lifted under the armpits. the feeling and sight of being held a foot or two in the air by a woman and looking down into her eyes from above her head is so overpowering i can't describe it. too few can do any of these though - it's really hard to find
  • #5 by Theawillem80 on 04 Aug 2022
  • Over the head lifts .Females lifting 1,2 or even 3 guys over the head in one gorilla press.
  • #6 by GLKnight on 04 Aug 2022
  • I like having them do something that seems really difficult, but in actuality is really simple once you know how to do it properly.

    Like in The Sandow Family: Who's Your Daddy?, I start off the story with Valerie going full Macho Bara Hunk mode by tearing up a tree stump with her bare hands. Practically no one realizes that in order to do that, you have to loosen the soil around the stump's roots. And if you don't, it makes it way, WAY more difficult. But it's still an incredibly impressive feat, nonetheless.
  • #7 by nickolai on 25 Jul 2023
  • Constant incidents that illustrate that the woman is so powerful the world is nothing but rice paper and tinfoil compared to her.  If not paying acute attention:

    - concrete and asphalt crumble and cracks beneath her feet and her mere footsteps quakes the ground
    - rather than trip on a sidewalk her foot continues through it unabated sending up a dust cloud of concrete debris
    - stepping out of her titanium bed that groans from every turn shakes the reinforced house
    - an errant shoulder knocks over a light pole or tears through a doorframe
    - an errant knee knocks cars and pickups several feet away while walking in a parking lot
    - a sigh in the office blows everything off of an office mates desk
    - just shifting her body on a metal bench ol chair bends and renders the item misshapen
    - stepping on to an elevator, bus or boat makes time dip or tip noticeably, frightening the passengers

    Love that stuff in addition to the usual.

    And while I like the "big" stuff like lifting massive objects, I like the not so giant FoS stuff that demonstrate how superior these women are to males.  Like a "run of the mill" single handed throat or collar lift, walking across the room holding a struggling male a foot off of the ground followed by a flick of the wrist that sends him across the room ... I love that.  That's a get her hands dirty, show her superiority to the arrogant male action I like.
  • #8 by crimsonskies02 on 26 Jul 2023
  • I like feats of strength in the bedroom. As in having a girl that’s so much stronger that the guy can fight back all he wants, and it’s expected that he fights back to the best of his ability and strength, but that it doesn’t matter. She’s going to get exactly what she wants, how she wants it, and nothing he does is going to slow her down.
  • #9 by bertmacklinsbrother on 27 Jul 2023
  • You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    Constant incidents that illustrate that the woman is so powerful the world is nothing but rice paper and tinfoil compared to her.  If not paying acute attention:

    - concrete and asphalt crumble and cracks beneath her feet and her mere footsteps quakes the ground
    - rather than trip on a sidewalk her foot continues through it unabated sending up a dust cloud of concrete debris
    - stepping out of her titanium bed that groans from every turn shakes the reinforced house
    - an errant shoulder knocks over a light pole or tears through a doorframe
    - an errant knee knocks cars and pickups several feet away while walking in a parking lot
    - a sigh in the office blows everything off of an office mates desk
    - just shifting her body on a metal bench ol chair bends and renders the item misshapen
    - stepping on to an elevator, bus or boat makes time dip or tip noticeably, frightening the passengers

    Love that stuff in addition to the usual.

    And while I like the "big" stuff like lifting massive objects, I like the not so giant FoS stuff that demonstrate how superior these women are to males.  Like a "run of the mill" single handed throat or collar lift, walking across the room holding a struggling male a foot off of the ground followed by a flick of the wrist that sends him across the room ... I love that.  That's a get her hands dirty, show her superiority to the arrogant male action I like.

    I love your examples here.  I'm also obsessed with the feats of strength that are so effortless and create an air of superhuman superiority.  Cracking the concrete/asphalt as they walk or their bare footsteps leaving impact craters with each step, combined with the booming and shaking of the ground; there is nothing better than that to display raw power without even realizing it.

    On a similar note, walking into oncoming traffic and getting hit by a car, only for the car to hit them and crumble as if they just ran into a solid wall, where she hardly notices that she got hit and just continues on her path.
  • #10 by kiko28 on 01 Dec 2023
  • You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    I love your examples here.  I'm also obsessed with the feats of strength that are so effortless and create an air of superhuman superiority.  Cracking the concrete/asphalt as they walk or their bare footsteps leaving impact craters with each step, combined with the booming and shaking of the ground; there is nothing better than that to display raw power without even realizing it.

    On a similar note, walking into oncoming traffic and getting hit by a car, only for the car to hit them and crumble as if they just ran into a solid wall, where she hardly notices that she got hit and just continues on her path.

    I also really like to see feats that are done very effortlessly, but I enjoy if they can control their strength as well.
    For example: On one side asking for help to open a jar, but on the other lifting their entire house to move to the other side of the country, because it's easier then packing and unpacking all of their stuff, and finding a new home.

    Accidentally flexing by using "a little" too much of their strength is also something I thought about. Like a tiny flex of their pecs creating two perfectly round holes in a wall, or flattening a few dozens trees by flexing their abs
  • #11 by chris.p.bacon on 15 Jan 2024
  • For me nothing beats losing at armwrestling, especially when the strength and size difference is noticeable which allows for teasing, using two hands etc. I think the fact that men are genetically ‘meant’ to have bigger arms than women, as opposed to leg wrestling for example, adds to the humiliation factor - ‘are you really gonna lose to a girl?’, ‘you need to workout more’ etc
  • #12 by DCReviews on 26 Apr 2024
  • One that comes to mind immediately for me that tends to be more common is going to the gym with a girl and having her easily lift way more weight than me for many more reps. 
    Also feeling hand strength, shaking a woman’s hand that clearly has way more strength and she squeezes your hand till you can’t take it. Without much perceived effort on their part.  There are also some bedroom ones that come to mind.
