  • #31 by hairylover321 on 08 Jun 2015
  • You've done it again Bert! This chapter was great. Again, I cannot stress enough how refreshing it is to be at the edge of your seat at the end of each chapter. It is so common for writers to just rush through the transformation and the story and not even try to develop the characters. Bravo good sir! And, as you might of guessed, I cannot wait to see what happens with the armpit she let grow that day!  :woohoo:
  • #32 by Jeremy Lightning on 08 Jun 2015
  • Really loved reading this story, I loved that basically Jennifer didn't care about her armpits or acting feminine at all, I'm really interested in seeing how she acts around Amy and Brian, she is dominant and commanding with her husband, but will she be so commanding and unfeminine with them? Not that I mind, in fact, that's sort of sexier that way, she just commands all eyes in the room to her awesome frame, her pure presence of dominance, her lack of inhibitions is awesome, hope that continues. k+!
  • #33 by bertmacklinsbrother on 13 Jun 2015
  • The Double Date between our beloved married couple and Brian and Amy continues!  Hope everyone enjoys the read.  As always, thanks a lot for the great comments!  Keep em coming!  It really helps to keep the thread bumped while I write the next section.  Cheers!

    Spring, 2009 - Double Date Continued

    The breeze whirred lightly across the porch, shaking the grilling utensils that dangled from the grill and rustling the table umbrella, rocking it gently back and forth.  Those were the only sounds for what seemed like several minutes of utter silence.  Neither Brian nor Amy made a single peep, both completely stunned, eyes wide and mouth slack with terrified expressions.  I peered lifelessly into my glass of cabernet watching the deep red pool swirl delicately, just waiting for this horrible moment to be over.  The swimming sensation the wine had given me faded, and I was left dead sober and all too aware of my surroundings.  Frantically, I put the glass to my lips and took a large gulp, wishing the soothing feeling would return soon.  I finally looked up to Jen in desperation, hoping she would say something to break the silence.  But the look on her impassive face made it apparent just how much she enjoyed this reception; she loved to be gawked at as though she was an effigy crafted by the gods.  This was all just a game to her.

    Not able to take the stillness anymore, I cleared my throat to speak.  But before I open my mouth, Brian stammered out a few words.  "I-is that really you, Jenny?"  His tone faltered slightly and soon he was simply back to staring, hypnotized by Jen's majestic presence as we all waited for her to respond.

    "Hi Brian," Jen smirked proudly, clearly relishing his reaction, "It's good to see you again.  Been a while, hasn't it?"  At the sudden sound of Jen's deep voice, a look of complete bewilderment colored Brian's expression.  He shook his head slightly, as if he wasn't quite sure he heard her right; he seemed to notice the low, resonating sound came from Jen, but at the same time, didn't seem convinced it was actually her speaking.  My wife simply stepped forward out of the doorway and stomped loudly over to the extra glass of wine Brian had just overflowed during her shocking entrance.  She gave it a light sniff, then tipped the entire glass back, nearly dumping the booze down her gullet.

    "J-Jenny..." Brian stuttered once again, desperately grasping for something to say, "You're!"  As he continued to gape, Jen smiled and gave him a sideways look, as if he was an idiot for stating the obvious.  And he was.  There were a lot of words you could use to describe Jen, but saying she was big was like saying a pigeon is a bird.  It might be correct, but it isn't exactly a meaningful description.

    "Brian," I said softly, trying to carefully snap him back, "Isn't there someone you want to introduce?"  I nodded towards Amy, whose facial expression hadn't budged an inch since first laying eyes on Jen.  Brian's eyes darted over to me, noticed the direction I was nodding, and then lazily panned over to his girlfriend, slowly gaining a little sentience.

    "Um," he swallowed hard, blinking quickly, aiming to regain his composure, "Yes, sorry.  Uh, Jenny, this is my girlfriend A-amy."  He lifted his arm in a haphazard gesture, motioning towards Amy, then let his hand slap back down towards his sides, dangling lifelessly.

    "It's nice to meet you," Jen said slyly, flashing a confident smile across her rugged face, "welcome to our home."  She spoke so smoothly and collected, clearly in complete charge of the entire situation.  The pleasure she must be feeling in the presence of our manic fumbling was getting her more drunk than all the wine in the world could provide.

    "H-hi," Amy squeaked, remaining completely frozen, as if she was trying to dissuade an angry bear from turning her into an evening snack.  Her gorgeous blue eyes dared not blink as she gawked.  Not being able to take the situation anymore, I quickly rose to my feet, the weight of the wine in my stomach finally making itself known.  I stumbled for a second, but carefully maintained my composure, and headed over to the smoker.

    "Well," I exclaimed as excitedly as I could, hoping to snap Jen's audience out of their trance, "those ribs should be about done!  Brian, why don't you help me load up the plates.  Babe, our guests were nice enough to bring us a bottle of wine, but it seems to have disappeared.  Why don't you go grab another bottle from our wine rack."

    Jen let out a low chuckle, as if me ordering her around was cute, like a puppy barking at a much bigger dog in a vain attempt to prove how tough it is.  Still, she obliged and her heavy footsteps faded into the kitchen.  Amy continued to stare blankly, watching my wife maneuver within our house, still stunned by the titanic sight before her.  Brian steadily sidled up next to me and held out plates as I used a pair of tongs to dish out the ribs. 

    "Okay," Brian hissed, "What the fuck is going on, dude?  Are you playing a prank on us?  What the hell is this?"  He tried his best to raise his voice at me while still retaining a whisper, casually peering over his shoulder to check for anyone listening.  While Jen couldn't hear us, Amy was well within earshot, but gave no sign she was paying attention to anything but the massive muscle beast in our kitchen.

    "Well," I said, keeping quiet, "I tried to tell you that Jen has...changed.  I didn't know how to tell you exactly, so I thought it best you saw with your own eyes."  I continued to load ribs on top of the plates at a quickening pace, hoping that a table full of food would ease everyone's minds.  I also knew how hungry Jen was likely to be.  If I wanted tonight's train wreck to improve at all, I needed to ensure my wife was fed.

    "Yeah but, this isn't exactly what I had in mind" Brian confessed, running one hand nervously through his dark, spiky hair.  "I mean, you realize how insane this is, right?  This is goddamn crazy.  Not to mention i-i-impossible!  No... no, there is no way she could have changed like that.  It's just not physically possible... She's taller than you now!  She's built like a truck!  She has the biggest arms I've ever seen on a woman and those shoulders were bursting out of her blouse!  And it's not just her looks, it''s her entire persona!  The way she just smiled at us while we stared like idiots.  The confident sound in her voice.  And, dear god, her voice!  It's deeper than mine!  Seriously, what in the hell is even happening right now?"

    Brian continued to ramble, but not exactly towards me.  Rather, he was working the situation out in his own head; I was merely witnessing him trying to solve the puzzle that was Jen's astonishing transformation.  As his babbling proceeded, Jen finally emerged with two bottles of wine engulfed by her massive, veiny hands.  She had rolled the sleeves of her works shirt up just past her elbows, showing off her bulky, strong forearms, already dotted with dark, returning hair.  Absently noticing her return, Brian's chatter dissipated and he quickly set the meat down on the table, and rushed to take a seat, crossing his legs in a failed nonchalant manner.

    "Smooth," I sighed, delivering the remainder of the food.  "Well, let's eat."


    The meal was intensely quiet.  We all just glanced about with feigned casualness, nibbling on our ribs and sipping on our wine, with the occasional cough and clanking of glasses breaking the silence.  Though, the night wasn't all quiet; the sounds of Jen eating blared across the porch as she grunted and swallowed, greedily destroying the meat in front of her.  A pile of bones had already piled up in front of her, all sucked completely dry as she continued to wolf down every morsel she could grab.  Occasionally, she'd stop to wash it all down with a large swig of wine, downing half of her glass in a single go.  As amazed as our guests were by the display in front of them, they averted their eyes, seemingly not wanting to offend Jen or myself with any more gawking.

    Once we were all finished, we all sat around in discomfort, slowly taking more pulls of cabernet as the sun sank in the purple sky.  The booze was really beginning to settle, and with a spike of courage I attempted to inject the awkwardness with some conversation, in hopes of reeling everyone back into a state of repose.  We were all friends after all.  "So, Amy, are you working somewhere right now?"

    Amy appeared a little startled, realizing she suddenly had the focus on her.  She meekly shifted in her seat.  "Um, well, I guess I'm just kind of waitressing down at Wiley's.  Bri and I moved in together last fall, so I'm still figuring out what I want to do.  But it's great; my friends work there, so it's basically like a party every time I have a shift!"  A hint of her bubbly personality returned for just a moment, enthusiasm sparkling in her big blue eyes as she spoke of her friends and partying.  Her excitement faded quickly and silence threatened to settle in once again.

    "Well," I declared, hoping more energy in my voice would help snap everyone out of their daze, "waitressing is a good gig.  People tip well around here.  And Wiley's is a fun place; Brian and I used to go there all the time in college, right bud?"

    Brian didn't pay any attention to me.  Apparently he wasn't even aware anyone had been talking; he simply looked in Jen's direction, determination cultivating on his unreadable mug.  Instead of answering me, he took one sizeable chug of wine and set the glass down with a bit of force, his eyes locking with Jen's from across the table.  "Jenny, can you please tell us what the hell is going on?"

    Jen didn't move a muscle.  She just made eye contact right back at Brian, her cold, stern stare penetrating him, as if telling him he made a huge mistake raising his voice to her.  The cool rage boiled within Jen and her emotions were palpable in the air.  As if realizing his mistake, Brian shifted uncomfortably in his chair, slouching slightly and decided it was a better idea to stare down at the table instead of at the angry bull in front of him.  The tension continued to rise for another moment until Jen's lips tugged into a dimply smile.

    "I guess you have a lot of questions for me."  Jen spoke the words without a single care, as if she had understood exactly how this conversation would play out before she even left for work that morning.  "Well, anything for an old friend.  C'mon now, I'm an open book.  Ask away."

    Brian seemed caught slightly off guard at the openness of it all, but recomposed himself and took the opportunity to dive right in.  "Um, okay, well before we get into the 'why', I'd like to know the 'how'.  As in, how the hell did you manage to get that...huge?!  Not just muscle, but height!  You must have grown half a foot!  Now, I'm no rocket scientist, but I'm pretty sure that's just not humanly possible.  Unless you have some robotic legs underneath that skirt of yours."

    "We could be here for three days straight if I tried to explain the exact science to you," Jen chortled deeply in a condescending manner.  Understanding exactly what a long discussion we were in for, I began refilling everyone's wine glasses.  "But, I'll start from the beginning with you.  I work for a science company called Feminox, a start up lab that specializes in...well, a lot of things.  My research is in organic chemistry and we've been working on a serum..."

    Jen continued to mull through the long-winded exposition, gulping down her wine and occasionally motioning for me to fill her glass.  Brian and Amy remained focused on her, drawn in by her commanding voice and the riveting details of Jen's project at Feminox.  She talked for nearly fifteen minutes straight, giving them similar pitches to the ones she had given me.  "Making the world a better place," and "bringing about a needed change," were phrases used liberally.  And I'll admit, even though I already had this conversation many times with Jen, hearing her explain it all anew had me more eager than ever to support her.  Her deep tone suggested her authority and urged me to believe everything she was saying, wanting to be with her every step of the way.  As I glanced over to our guests, I could see I wasn't the only one feeling it.  Their demeanors had shifted from shock and awe to slight admiration.  Though, no doubt my adamancy on making sure the wine never stopped flowing helped iron out the wrinkles.

    "Wow," Brian finally piped in as Jen finished her scientific rant, "I had no idea science could even obtain...this."  He motioned at Jen's body with his wine glass, the liquid sloshing about as his arm jutted out before him.  At the rate I had been refilling all of our glasses, it seemed as though the alcohol was finally taking its toll; it no doubt helped make the situation far easier to cope with and the general easiness in everyone's attitude seemed to reflect that.  I, too, was beginning to feel lighter in the head, a warm smile spreading across my face and my internal monologue telling me everything was going to be just fine.

    "So," Amy spoke up meekly, the first time she had really instigated all night.  Her long lashes fluttered with childlike wonder, "How tall are you and how much do you weigh?  Oh wait!  I'm not supposed to ask a lady those questions!  I'm sorry if that sounded rude!"  She covered up a drunken laugh with her hand apologetically, her blue eyes wide with excitement nonetheless, hoping to receive an answer.

    "Not rude at all," Jen corrected, "I'm a pupil of science after all; there's no sense in practicing politeness around raw data.  As a part of my studies, we record my height and weight every morning.  This morning, I clocked in at over 6'5" and 231 lbs, buck naked.  It is a fine start to our research."

    "Start?!" Brian shouted,  a bit louder than he likely intended, "You're saying this is just the beginning?"  His jaw hung open as a puzzled look washed over him.  Amy's face also lit up at Jen's remark.

    "Why not?" Jen stated uncaringly, a slight shrug of her shoulders causing her traps to bunch up into dense mountains underneath her blouse.  "We're still a ways off from a product that can pass rigorous FDA testing, let alone something we can feasibly release on the market.  As long as we're still in the experimental phase, I'll be there at the helm of the project.  I won't stop until our baby is perfected and ready.  And even then...who knows."

    "Okay, but, you can't just stay on the drug forever," Brian inquired, leaning back in his chair and looking towards the sky, rolling through the questions rattling around in his brain.  "I mean, there have to be side effects?  You said the serum is derived from growth hormones and steroids; everyone knows those can cause some pretty drastic...alterations."  He said the last words carefully and looked casually at Jen for an answer.

    "I take it you already noticed my voice change," Jen boomed, going a little deeper than usual as if to drive home her point, "My vocal cords have changed structurally and my adam's apple has distended, severely lowering the pitch of my voice.  Another feature you've likely taken note of is the difference in my face.  Some of it is due to the general loss of body fat I've experienced, which has slimmed out my face, giving it a more dimply appearance with sharper lines.  But the bones in my jaw have also grown and shifted, giving me a more rugged chin and jawline, making me appear wickedly handsome."  She flashed her intimidating smile in their direction.  Brian simply chuckled nervously while Amy stared blankly as Jen continued her explanation.

    "It's the same way the bones in my entire body have been kickstarted into a growth spurt, becoming longer, thicker, and much more dense, allowing them to support my increasing weight and muscle mass.  My breast tissue has atrophied completely and combined with my workouts, I no longer have anything that could resemble tits; just rock hard pecs.  I've seen an immense increase in sweating, leading to a far more frequent and pungent body odor.  Hair all over my body comes in at a much quicker rate and notably darker.  This includes my legs, ass, stomach, chest, arms, armpits, and back.  It has also increased across less common areas for women, including my hands, the tops of my feet, and along my face.  My dear husband can attest to that."  She bellowed a deep, confident laugh while I blushed in embarrassment, fearing my friends' reaction to the introduction of my wife's innate hairiness.

    "Libido has also seen a significant increase as well as the size and sensitivity of my clitoris.  I masturbate at least eight times at the office each day and during most of my workouts.  Even then, I always have the energy and means to ravage my husband when I'm home.  He can attest to that fact as well."  Jen gave me a not so subtle wink and I merely blinked in response.  The admission of her frequent masturbation was news to me.  I guess I had assumed that she needed to keep her insatiable body satisfied throughout the day, but eight times?!  That was bordering on ridiculous; it was astounding that she got anything done.  Even more astounding was the way she mentioned such a taboo subject right in front of Brian and Amy, as though they were getting a high school biology lecture.

    "Of course, the purpose of our serum is to increase health and wellness, so we went through pains to remove any harmful side effects from the sequence; liver damage, glaucoma, hypertension, kidney disease, and so on.  But removing these traits directly from the serum's sequence is a complicated process; some sacrifices had to be made in order to achieve the desired result.  Siphoning out every single side effect from the injections would be nitpicky and a vast waste of resources.  So, other than those that directly affect health, all of the other side effects will remain."

    Jen finally paused her listing and chugged the rest of her wine, grunting heavily with satisfaction.  I was at a loss for words; the ease and confidence with which she rattled off her afflictions was surprising.  The way she spoke of her hairiness, sweating, and lack of breasts really drove home the fact that she didn't see any of these things as negative aspects of her research.  They were just a part of her now and it was all just as scientific as the rest of her progress.

    "Um," Brian finally spoke after a bit of stillness, "Wow.  That's quite the number of...developments."  He paused for another moment, considering something in his head.  I could tell the wine was slowing his thought process, but soon a sly smirk appeared on his face.

    "So, why hasn't your husband taken part in the trials?"  Brian asked with a swagger of drunken confidence.  "These injections have made you taller, stronger, bigger, faster, and more confident, not to mention all of the repercussions you're facing would be far more accepted on a male body; the hair, the deep voice... What if I want to try this serum?  Hell, I'd give anything for a few more inches of height.  Where do I sign up?"

    Brian chortled, a bit of wine sloshing over the rim of his glass.  Though he laughed, I'd known Brian long enough to tell when he was trying to make light of an otherwise serious question.

    It was then that I noticed it.  In my current state, brain soaking in a lake of booze, I had almost missed it, but looking over at Jen, my body suddenly froze over and I dared not make a move as I observed the most terrifying sight I had ever witnessed.  A look of pure, untamed fury was stricken across my wife's frigid demeanor.  The corners of her lips twitched, almost in a feral snarl.  Her wide nostrils flared and her cold eyes shot daggers in Brian's direction.  In that instant, it felt as though the temperature dropped ten degrees, a sudden chill creeping its way up my spine.  All of a sudden, I understood exactly what my wife's enraged face was saying.  She was insinuating "This gift is not meant for the likes of you."

    Brian certainly didn't notice the slight shift in the atmosphere, his eyes still squinting drunkenly as he awaited her response.  Amy, on the other hand, must have noticed the subtleties as she suddenly slouched down further into her seat, averting her eyes strictly to the cobblestones of the porch.  While the pause in the conversation seemed like hours, in reality, it had only been a quick handful of seconds, and the terrible beast behind Jen's eyes faded as she readied herself for a response, a devious smile slowly forming on her face.

    "I'm sorry, Brian," she shrugged casually, "But the drug simply isn't ready for the male anatomy.  Something funny with the genetic code... there just isn't a safe version of the serum for men.  Though if Amy wanted to give it a shot, we'd be happy to have another test subject."  Jen's gaze flicked over to Amy and in a second, the attention was focused on her.  Brian's eyes widened, mouth forming into a frown.

    "M-me?" Amy squeaked, her typically peppy persona taken aback by the sudden offer.  "Why would you want me for your research?"

    "Why not?" Jen said, taking another large gulp of wine and reaching her beefy arm over to grab the remainder of the bottle.  "I've always wanted to note the difference the serum would have on women of different body shapes, sizes, personalities, and education backgrounds.  Plus you'd be considered an employee during the time of the testing; it pays much better than waitressing, that's for certain."  She said the last words with an air of sweetness as to not come off insulting.

    "No!" Brian exclaimed, quickly getting to his feet, his knees almost buckling underneath him as he nearly lost his balance.  He wavered for a second, but caught the table to steady his inhibited coordination.  "You can't give Amy your drugs, like she's a labrat!  I-I won't allow it!"

    The fury that had coated Jen before returned with a vengeance, and even Brian was quick to notice this time around.  Jen slid her chair back, a loud scraping screech sent from the cobblestone, and she rose, slowly and steadily in a perfect motion, not a single semblance of drunkenness.  In absolute control and deliberation, she straightened until she stood tall, and proud, completely dwarfing Brian in height and size.  Brian's legs began to shake at the sight, though he continued, bravely enough, to make direct eye contact with Jen, his gaze slowly angling up as she towered over him.  She spoke deeply and clearly, ice in her every word.

    "You do not have any power to tell her what she can and can't do.  You do not get to make decisions for her.  She is a strong, proud woman and she doesn't need you to guide her through her own life.  Why don't you let Amy answer for herself.  And don't you dare speak on her behalf, ever again.  Do you understand, little man?"

    She reached out a thick finger and extended her muscled arm, a road map of forearm veins twitching as she firmly pointed in Brian's direction.  Pure darkness was in her eyes and her long arm stretched easily over to Brian, her index prodding firmly in his sternum.  The force from her tap caused him to stumble back into his chair as the words from her booming voice reverberated off of the walls of our mansion and out into the dusk.  And then silence.
  • #34 by Jeremy Lightning on 13 Jun 2015
  • What a great chapter, wow, Jennifer's confidence sure didn't sugar coat anything about the formula, she just came right out and said it, as though there was no shame attached to her changes, and I guess for her, there isn't, she has seemed to love the changes that her body and mind has gone through. And now she would like to see what changes Amy may go through, and I sort of do too. k+!
  • #35 by GLKnight on 14 Jun 2015
  • My Agenda sense just went off big time. The way Jennifer reacted is less "I'm being challenged", and more "this man is impeding the overall goal". Feminox has probably indoctrinated Jennifer, and this is the first time we see her actually being pressured to go into detail (which she obviously didn't want with the "You obviously wouldn't understand/you're too dumb to see" comment), and then Brian actually bringing up his rejection of her offer to Amy.

    Be VERY careful, Bert. This is a really dangerous approach to the story, which could lead into direct femdom/utter humiliation cliche territory. If that's the direction you want to go, that's fine. But I'm letting you know if you fall into the cliche trap, that could kill the actual effectiveness of the story entirely.

    And before anyone says anything, I said STORY, not detailing. I know it's the detailing that gets most people going on here, but I focus on overall story more than individual moments. There is a clear difference.
  • #36 by M7 on 14 Jun 2015
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    My Agenda sense just went off big time. The way Jennifer reacted is less "I'm being challenged", and more "this man is impeding the overall goal". Feminox has probably indoctrinated Jennifer, and this is the first time we see her actually being pressured to go into detail (which she obviously didn't want with the "You obviously wouldn't understand/you're too dumb to see" comment), and then Brian actually bringing up his rejection of her offer to Amy.

    Be VERY careful, Bert. This is a really dangerous approach to the story, which could lead into direct femdom/utter humiliation cliche territory. If that's the direction you want to go, that's fine. But I'm letting you know if you fall into the cliche trap, that could kill the actual effectiveness of the story entirely.

    And before anyone says anything, I said STORY, not detailing. I know it's the detailing that gets most people going on here, but I focus on overall story more than individual moments. There is a clear difference.

    Whatever the case, I don't think BMB is capable of writing a bad story. I look forward to whatever direction he decides to take it. I keep hearing that stupid McDonalds song in my head because,"I'M LOVIN IT!!"
  • #37 by GLKnight on 15 Jun 2015
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    Whatever the case, I don't think BMB is capable of writing a bad story. I look forward to whatever direction he decides to take it. I keep hearing that stupid McDonalds song in my head because,"I'M LOVIN IT!!"

    Yes, I'm looking forward to how the story progresses, too. But every writer's capable of crapping the bed when it comes to pitfalls in storytelling. I have a friend who loves this story about aliens invading Earth, and then out of NOWHERE comes vampires to fight them off. I read it after he recommended it, and it was one of the most cliche things I've ever read after the vampires came in. The invasion and the restructuring of society before that point was interesting, and the human survival aspect was well done. Then BOOM! Bloodsuckers with superpowers are the real heroes of the story, and it just drains the story of all punch it should have had if it had focused on the humans alone.

    As readers for forum built stories, it's our responsibility to keep the writer focused on writing, not placating the reader's sensibilities. And though people may not like that I do bring up criticisms, it's constructive criticism to keep the writer focused. So, Bert. all I have to say is keep focused on how you want to build the story, try to think of angles and perspectives you normally wouldn't see in stories like this, and be aware of the pitfalls of this genre's writing, okay? It'll help you in the long run, just like any other writer.
  • #38 by bertmacklinsbrother on 15 Jun 2015
  • You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    My Agenda sense just went off big time. The way Jennifer reacted is less "I'm being challenged", and more "this man is impeding the overall goal". Feminox has probably indoctrinated Jennifer, and this is the first time we see her actually being pressured to go into detail (which she obviously didn't want with the "You obviously wouldn't understand/you're too dumb to see" comment), and then Brian actually bringing up his rejection of her offer to Amy.

    Be VERY careful, Bert. This is a really dangerous approach to the story, which could lead into direct femdom/utter humiliation cliche territory. If that's the direction you want to go, that's fine. But I'm letting you know if you fall into the cliche trap, that could kill the actual effectiveness of the story entirely.

    And before anyone says anything, I said STORY, not detailing. I know it's the detailing that gets most people going on here, but I focus on overall story more than individual moments. There is a clear difference.

    Thanks for reading and I appreciate the criticism.  As to not spoil anything, I'll just say that the story has a lot of moving pieces behind the scenes, though most have been hinted at through dialogue moments or observations.  Some major points have yet to come in the light, mostly due to the narration being a first person perspective; we only know as much as the character knows; it'd be poor story telling if our main character suddenly knew things he simply isn't supposed to know.  Also keep in mind that because we see/hear things from the character's eyes, he may be making completely wrong assumptions.  For instance, when he hears anger in Jen's voice or sees a coldness in her eyes, that doesn't mean she's actually angry or emotionless; it's just what he assumes based on what those observations.  Some food for thought.

    The story is, and has always been, headed exactly where I want it to go.  Some of it may fall into a cliche, some may be completely original, but it's all still intentional at this point. 

    But I can't thank you enough for reading and I really do appreciate you voicing your worries with the story.  The best I can do is tell you that everything is going according to plan and I have no intention of jumping the shark.
  • #39 by bertmacklinsbrother on 26 Jun 2015
  • Next Chapter!  Yay!  This one, again, is on the shorter side.  But I was I ready to move the timeline a little and start getting into the next part of their lives!  Hope you enjoy and thanks as always for reading!

    Spring, 2009 - Double Date Concluded

    Our date night came to an end fairly abruptly.  After a few minutes of stunned silence and sipping from wine glasses, Brian and Amy left, mumbling a few light excuses to hit the road as they gathered their things.  Amy thanked us for inviting them over, and helped Brian stumble to their car.  Amy ensured me she was still sober enough to drive, as Brian had become quite uselessly drunk.  Soon, they were pulling out of the driveway, and I was still left wondering if the night was a success or not.  On the one hand, Brian and Amy got to see the new Jennifer and take a close peak at our different life, and after some initial disbelief, they seemed to fully accept her.

    On the other hand, the double date ended on a sour note after Jen lashed out at Brian.  He seemed eager to scamper off after that, and I suppose I didn't blame him.

    In the end, Amy had declined Jen's offer to help her research at Feminox.  She did so politely and Jen simply shrugged her huge shoulders, thinking nothing of it, likely expecting an answer to that degree.  I'll admit that while Brian was the only one vocal about it, I also had my qualms about Jen's proposal to Amy.  If Jen really needed more subjects for her tests, I imagined she'd find dozens of worthy candidates within her workplace alone.  Asking Amy to take part in it felt a bit disrespectful to Brian; looking back at all the hardships I struggled to overcome in the last year, I certainly wouldn't wish those dark times on my best friend.

    After wiping down the smoker, I began clearing the porch table of wine glasses and plates.  As I moved around, I nearly tripped over my own feet several times and it became apparent just how drunk I had gotten over the course of the evening.  I never counted the amount of times I refilled my glass, but I'd have guessed I consumed around a bottle by myself.  And due to the fact that I didn't drink too often, the alcohol had a potent effect.  The world around me wavered lightly, bringing on a dizziness that wasn't nauseating, but instead soothing.  A coursing warmness still encompassed me and I felt a relaxing pool of comfort settle deep within my gut.

    I carried the dishes inside and heard Jen's heavy footsteps descending from our bedroom.  I peered over as she rounded the corner, clad in a set of workout clothes which consisted of nothing more than a tight pair of booty shorts and a sports bra stretched to its breaking point across her wide, masculine chest.  Her midriff was completely exposed, displaying her bulky abs.  Her tiny shorts might as well have been painted on; they hugged her wide hips as the outline of her upper quads peeked from beneath the fabric.

    "I'm going to get in a workout before bed," Jen said coolly, sauntering quickly over to the fridge to grab a jug of water.  "Don't wait up."

    "Wait," I slurred curiously, observing her fluid movements, "Why aren't you drunk?  I saw you chugging wine for the last hour; you probably drank more than any of us.  "You're really okay for a workout?"

    Jen gave a slight snort, mostly amused by my bewilderment.  "My body metabolizes the alcohol much faster than a normal person.  I definitely got a little drunk after dinner, but only for a handful of minutes.  By now, it's all out of my system."

    "Is that why you snapped at Brian?"  The words escaped my lips before I could rethink saying them.  My lowered inhibitions were going to get me in a heap of trouble; I cringed, awaiting a verbal smackdown from my wife.

    But instead, she spoke calmly after a deep, long sigh.  "I wish I could blame the alcohol.  It may have nudged me a bit further than I should have gone, but in the end I said exactly what I meant.  However, I do feel some regret at the way I said it.  I didn't mean to scare off your friend.  The poor guy was shaking like a puppy."  Jen allowed a subtle smirk to cross her lips, but in her eyes was a twinge of apology. 

    "This whole week," I started, clearing my throat, "I've been worrying about Brian seeing the new you.  Scared of what he and his new girlfriend would think of you.  And what they'd think of my life.  Things were going so well until you went off on him..."

    At this point, my brain couldn't convince my mouth to stop moving.  I was babbling on while screaming at myself internally.  The wine urged me to keep pushing my luck with the conversation, and I hoped I wouldn't come to regret it.

    "You're right."  Jen said plainly, which caught me a bit by surprise.  "I could tell how happy you were to finally get this whole secret off your chest.  You looked so relieved; finally being able to share our new life with your friends.  But, the way he jumped in to answer for Amy just got to me.  It was like he didn't think she was capable of answering for herself."  She let out a slight scoff, trying to hide the disgust on her face.

    "He didn't mean it like that," I pleaded, "I hope you can see that.  He was just startled by your offer, that's all.  Even if it was Amy's decision, it was still a decision that would affect him directly... the same way your decision affected me..."

    I looked down at my feet, the ground rippling slightly as my dizzy eyes tried to focus.  Jen's huge body moved into my peripheral and her long, buff arm reached over to me, her large hand cupping my chin and tilting it up until I was making eye contact with her.  There was love in her eyes, but also an energetic determination.

    "But you love it when I make the decisions," she said deeply, her bass voice vibrating in my chest.  A sexy grin spread across her rough face.

    "Yes, I do."  I said it before I even realized my mouth had opened.

    "And though you were hesitant and angry for a while, my decision has changed our lives for the better.  You're happier than you've been in a long time."  Her voice was so low and powerful, it's commanding tone making me feel protected; telling me I could be truthful with her.

    "It's true.  To be honest...I...I can't even picture going back to the way things were."  Again, the wine conflicted my judgments, but I knew my words were from the heart.  As scared as I had been about everything that had happened, I couldn't deny that I was happy.  We were wealthy and we had more sex than I could handle.  I supported a wife who had purpose and we shared a love that I now knew could overcome any obstacle.  The memories of the old Jen had been slowly fading, eagerly being replaced by my new, beefy muscle wife.  Our new relationship dynamic was unlocking a whole new side of me that was intimidating, yet completely exciting.

    "Now how about you clean up these dishes while your wife goes to lift some weights, huh?" she said it with such authority and I smiled at her request, happy to follow through.  But instead, a different idea popped into my head.

    "Or," I said, a little sheepishly, averting my gaze, "I could...give my wife a spot while she lifts."

    "Aaah," Jen said with a smile, "You want to watch me, don't you?  You want to see what your big wife can do, don't you little man?"

    I simply swallowed and nodded my head, my eyes welling with lust.  I had been avoiding watching Jen work out since she humiliated me in the gym last winter.  But as time went on and my ego mended, I was becoming more and more curious, endlessly wondering how much she had progressed and just how strong she had become.  Seeing her display her muscles had become quite the erotic sight in the bedroom; watching her actually put her muscles to use had been fascinating me.

    Jen took my small hand in her gorilla grip and led me seductively down to the basement.  Between the cool breeze out on the porch and the smoky aroma of dinner, I hadn't noticed Jen's smell since she got home (probably for the best as our guests didn't have to suffer it).  Now that we were close, her familiar scent flowed through my nostrils, intoxicating me the same way the wine had.  I welcomed it, closing my eyes and enjoying the presence of my wife.

    As we entered the gym, Jen peeled off her tight booty shorts, hamstrings flaring as she bent over in front of me to roll them down her legs, giving me a full picture of her bulky legs and globular glutes.  She let me enjoy the sight for a moment, then straightened her meaty back and turned to me.  She then pulled her sports bra over her head, lats bulging and pecs contracting as she lifted the tiny piece of stretched fabric past her thick neck, revealing her ripped chest.  As she stripped, I got a close up view of her quite hairy armpits, which had grown far past the stubble stage since we had missed shaving them that morning.  And while my impulse was to act disgusted, I found that I didn't quite feel that way.  The warmness in my chest spread and my heart beat a little faster as I took in the display. 

    While her pits were hairy, the peppering of scruff having transformed into a short dark tuft, their appearance didn't turn me off.  In fact, they only seemed to complement Jen, looking natural and fitting in effortlessly with the sculpt of her muscular body.  As I stared, I briefly wondered what Jen would look like if we let her body hair go for a few days...

    I shook the thought out of my mind, attributing the daydreaming to my drunken state.  Before I could soak in anymore of my wife's hard body, she strutted, completely naked over to the squat rack.  I stared, enjoying the show as she bent down to pick up the 45's from the weight tree and effortlessly maneuvered them onto the barbell.  She continued to stack another set of plates.  Then another set.  Then another.

    "Holy hell, Jen," I exclaimed, "That's four sets of plates!  You're really going to squat 405?  That's more than I could ever squat..."

    Jen let out a husky laugh that boomed through the gym walls.  She turned to face me, her nude stature looking heroic in all its muscularity.  My eyes were drawn to her unkempt bush and the thick clit that protruded from the forest of hair.  "Are you really that surprised?  I surpassed you in strength months ago, my little husband."

    My face flushed with embarrassment, but I continued to stare.  Of course I knew that she had out lifted me a while ago, but seeing it again in person came as a shock.  I thought back to my years and years of weight training and hard, heavy work outs.  I could still picture the goals I had set for myself, pressing myself to bench more and squat more, becoming as strong as I could.  And after nearly a decade of athleticism and grueling lifts, I could not achieve what Jen had achieved in just a few months.  Weeks ago, this probably would have bothered me more.  Now, I felt... proud?  Before I realized it, a smile was creeping along my face.  I was...happy... at what my wife could now do.  I felt elated that while there were things I couldn't accomplish, my Jennifer could clearly do so.

    "And this is just a quick warm-up," Jen blurted out a deep laugh, "Don't blow your load just yet!"
    I was about to laugh at her jest, until I realized she really wasn't joking.  Looking down, my erection was bolstered, digging firmly into the crotch of my khakis.  My face reddened again, though I knew I shouldn't be ashamed.  "Well then, get on with the show!" I smirked, waving a drunken hand while taking a seat on the bench.  I began to unfasten my belt and remove my clothes.  No sense in letting Jen have all the fun.

    The bar creaked as it was hefted violently off of the rack, the heavy weights tugging on either side, giving it a slight bend.  Jen took a few steps back, her huge bare feet smacking loudly against the lifting platform.  Slowly, she grunted and began to descend, her slightly widened stance shifting as her beefy legs flared, dropping smoothly into a squatted position.  With barely a moment of pause, Jen exploded upwards, the hundreds of pounds on her back seeming like a small pair of pink 5 pounders.  Her thick quads contracted and the weight was heaved to its starting position.  In another grunt, she dropped back down, completing rep after rep.

    The sight was marvelous.  I got the full view of Jen's spectacular muscle glutes flexing and bending, spreading as she reached the bottom and fully tightening back to her stance.  Her hamstrings and calves bulged, thick veins forming under her taught skin, every striation mapped vividly.  I continued to stare in awe as she pumped up and down, nearly effortlessly, performing a physical feat that I couldn't hope to achieve.  It was driving me wild.  As I sat, completely naked on the bench, my cock was a stiff rod, aching and throbbing from the presence of my beastly wife.

    Setting the bar back in its place, Jen gasped in a refreshing huff, the entire rack shaking as the heavy weight was thrown against it, wobbling until it finally settled.  Without so much as a breather, she went to the weight tree and grabbed another pair of 45's followed by a few 25's and some 10's.  My mouth hung slack and my shaft jolted with excitement as she loaded it all on the bar.  565 pounds!  I could hardly believe it.  She was actually going to squat 565 lbs!

    Before I could even relish in the thought, Jen was transforming my imagination to reality; she hucked the bar back onto her meaty traps, and descended once again into a fury of powerful squats, yelling deeply with each rep.

    "Touch...yourself..." she instructed in between each of her manly grunts, the bass of her voice vibrating the mirror in front of her.  "Stroke... while... you... marvel... at your... muscle wife!"  She finished another rep, the weights bouncing slightly on the drooping bar.

    I didn't need to be told twice!  I took my erect cock in my hands and began to stroke, my eyes wide as I absorbed the scene in front of me.  Jen's naked ass and thick, beefy legs flared and quivered as the squatted deeply and exploded in a powerful surge of raw energy.  As I continued to massage my dick, Jen continued to bark her orders, grunting deeply.

    "Tell me... how big... I am..." she bellowed.

    "You're so big, my love!" I murmured in ecstasy, "Huge, in fact!  There is no woman bigger!"  As fast as my hand was pumping, it looked as though Jen was pumping even faster, her body moving up and down swiftly, like the massive weight meant nothing to her.

    "No...woman...bigger."  Jen yelled, "And soon... no...MAN... bigger!"

    "Yes..." I found myself saying.  "Yes!"  My head was still swimming from the wine.  I must have been completely out of it.  And yet, I continued, spouting off insane things as my hand moved faster across my shaft. 

    "Yes, you'll be bigger than any man!  Stronger!  M-m-more...m-more mus-muscular!" I was reaching the point of no return.  My wrist was a blur and my eyes began to cloud, the blurry image of Jen's titanic, naked body, still throwing around all that weight like she was going for an evening stroll.  "So...s-so...mmmuscularrr...mmmm."

    I trailed off into a whimpering moan as I began to spurt, streams of jizz lightly pattering onto the matted floor.  A tingling spread from my toes, through my loins, and up into my chest and neck.  I felt the warmness of the orgasm calm my body as my heart thumped rapidly in my chest.  Suddenly, the wine and the post climax exhaustion hit me like a wall.  I found myself slumping onto the bench until I was lying down, dick still in hand as it became soft and limp.

    "So tired," I mumbled, drunken sleep threatening to take me.  I heard the bar slam into the rack and heavy footsteps approached as my vision darkened.  In a moment, I was hoisted off of the bench as two beefy arms shot under my torso and legs, manipulating me into a carried position.  I felt my body pressed firmly against Jen's huge pec slabs, now moist with her sweat.  I placed a hand gently against her torso, feeling her strong, steady heartbeat from beneath her layers of thick muscle.

    "You're amazing," I sighed wearily, my speech slurred from the alcohol and post-cum drowsiness.  Though my eyes were closed as I continued to dance around the edge of sleep, I swore I could almost hear Jen's cool, confident smile peering down at me, safely cradled in her arms.

    "Let's get you to bed."  Jen thrummed, the rumbling of her deep voice resonating within her chest.  She stomped up the stairs and soon we were snuggled between our sheets, Jen's large, sweaty body fully encompassing my own.
  • #40 by Jeremy Lightning on 26 Jun 2015
  • Really nice! I love workout scenes, and of course I have liked Jen's attitude from the very start, how her muscles and strength have made her really confident, how they made her feel really sexy, that really translated through this chapter. I also liked the armpit hair. How it had grown from stubble to tufts over the course of what, 12-14 hours? Nice! k+! 
  • #41 by bertmacklinsbrother on 28 Jun 2015
  • Thank you everyone for the comments; you all are an amazing group of support as always!  I'm very pleased you're all enjoying the story so much!  It's definitely what keeps me writing!

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    I read from the start to this point over the past couple of hours.

    This is the best story I've read in years !

    I do have to confess that I was one of those put off reading about the hairyness and smelliness back on page 1.  I was expecting a simple mindless plotless fetishist story.

    I was not expecting anything like this !

    There is a whole side of living with elite female athletes that usually gets ignored.  The smells, the sweat soaked clothes falling apart, the mounds of dirty laundry, the time all that training requires, the moods, the changing demands, the necessary self-obsession, the necessary sacrifices her support team must make for her.

    This story takes that side and explores what happens when the athletics are taken to fantasy levels -- how hard it would be for her support team, especially the men in her life, to deal with the psychological changes, the physical stresses, the emotions, the pleasures necessary to deliver those fantasy level results.

    It is so good to read a story in this genre that doesn't race immediately to the end, but that takes time to develop the characters and to create a complex plot.

    This is an amazing story, not just for how well it is written, but also for its originality in exploring what is almost universally ignored.

    Please keep writing.  Please keep exploring.

     :bravo: :clap:

    Wow, that is some mighty praise.  First off, thank you for reading through it, even when the story contained some things that weren't up your alley.  I'm glad you could find things you liked within the writing itself!

    Exploring the impact such an extreme case like this would have on a family and friends is exactly what drove me to write the story the way I did.  I didn't just want it to be a typical growth story, or something where the main character just so happens to have that fetish all along.  Instead, I wanted it to be a struggle and show the internal back and forth between being supportive and dealing with the changes that are suddenly imposed on the way you'd live your life.

    While the purpose of the story IS to be a fun, sexy, growth story, I still wanted it to show characterization and development that was believable (or as believable as it can be in a fantasy setting).  So thank you very much for reading and for finding the enjoyment in that fact :)
  • #42 by bertmacklinsbrother on 13 Jul 2015
  • Aaaaand we're back.  Sorry for the short delay between chapters.  The summer has been predictably busy.  But I'm glad to have been able to finish the section.  I hope everyone enjoys it.  A new season begins and some big changes are underway as always!

    Summer, 2009

    Before I was ready for it, the summer sun began blaze in the sky day after day, as the cool, comfortable weather of Spring escalated into the scolding mid-June inferno.  The Summer was supposed to be a hot one, and the prediction was already proving to be true.  Stepping outside was like jumping into an oven and asking to be cooked as the waves of heat slammed into you like a wall. 

    With the intense weather, I suppose I was lucky I had been returning to my hermit ways.  Ever since the disaster dinner with Brian and Amy, I had yet to hear from either of them.  Our interaction had made me a bit self conscious; I was afraid that if I left the house and ever tried to reconnect with friends and family or even attempted to meet new people, eventually they'd need to meet Jen.  I pictured the situations over and over again, where my old acquaintances and family members would leave our house in horror, disappointment, and fear in their eyes as they judged my wife and our lifestyle.  No matter how hard I tried to change my view, I always assumed that my friends and family would come to alienate me in the end.  I guess the irony was that by not even trying, I was alienating them anyways.

    But at the moment, I was completely content without friends or family complicating matters.  I had everything I needed; I had a beautiful air-conditioned home, I had a kitchen full of food, I had a gym (not that I had been using it much these days), I had plenty of chores to occupy my time, and of course, I had my lovely wife Jen.

    Over the last three months, Jen had, predictably, continued to grow in height and weight, coming in at 6'6" and 250 lbs.  With every passing day, it seemed she towered over me even more and packed on pounds of beef onto her freaky muscular frame. 

    And now, I could confidently say we had put the past behind us.  I was no longer ashamed to admit that I absolutely loved my wife's body.  I loved it with all my heart.  From her thick traps and wide shoulder boulders to her meaty quads, Jen's body continued to astound me every time I saw it.  The way her corded back would bulge through her clothes with even the slightest movement to how her huge pecs pushed the limits of every bra she owned; every part of Jen was a testament to her ridiculous physique.  Whenever I got the chance, I was ogling over her long, thick legs or her dense biceps, mouth watering with lust.  And it wasn't just the muscles that drove me wild. 

    I loved Jen's confident strut and how she took ownership of whatever room she walked into.  I loved how deep her voice had become and how it seemed to shake the very foundation of our home with each bellowing laugh.  I loved how she had been neglecting her bras more and more, rarely seeing a need for them to cover her ripped man-pecs.  I loved the way she tore a meal apart, grunting and gulping as she consumed dozens of pounds of protein at every sitting.  I loved her desire to get bigger and how it was the focal point of her existence, leading to some of the most jaw dropping workouts I could ever imagine.  I loved how she took command of our sex life and could bring me to my knees with a single word.  Simply, I loved how absolutely passionate our attraction to each other had become.

    Even her body hair, which had once been a major facet of my disgust towards Jen's changes, was becoming a feature I didn't really mind.  Every morning, I still went through my ritual in the shower, shaving every inch of my wife.  Though, occasionally, I'd make an excuse to skip a day.  I'd claim that I didn't sleep well and wanted to snooze for a few extra hours, or I'd offer to make an extravagant breakfast, which would cut into Jen's grooming time.  But, I did these things out of curiosity; I wanted to see just how crazy things would get after a day.  The dark stubble that grew in quickly was a testament to the amount of testosterone flowing through her body and I found myself getting turned on at the idea.  I relished in the thought of my wife being so pumped full of drugs and steroids that her hair was untamable.

    Our relationship was brimming with excitement, though I'll admit that I still grew a bit antsy around the house.  Usually, there was always plenty to do.  Between cleaning up after Jen's prior meals and preparing for her next one, it felt as though I spent 90% of my waking day in the kitchen, either scrubbing at plates and pans or frying up some sort of nutritional meal that could feed an army barracks.  Jen even made a joke of my frequent cooking and cleaning and bought me a 1920's style light blue apron, complete with a white lace trim, that you'd see on a house wife in a Normal Rockwell painting.  We laughed together at the absurdity of it, but I actually had been utilizing it lately.  The only other apron I owned was the one I used for grilling, and that one was typically covered in charcoal and smelled of smoke.  This one was perfect for keeping the dishwater and food splatter off of my clothes.  And Jen always seemed to enjoy coming home to the sight of me donned in an apron, cooking mountains of food for her.  Knowing it turned her on was just icing on the cake.

    When I wasn't cooking, cleaning, or doing the laundry, I enjoyed relaxing on the porch and soaking up a little sun.  The construction on our pool was nearly done and I anticipated the day I'd be able to take a dip to relieve my skin from the torturous inferno of the summer.  It was always smoldering outside, and the exception of a little time spent on the porch, I found it was so much lovelier to spend the day enjoying the brisk cold of our air conditioned home.

    On this day, having finally finished my chores, I was spending some time outdoors, lying back on one of the chairs, lightly shaded from the table umbrella.  In my hand, I held an iced margarita.  It was sweet and refreshing, and the condensation on the glass felt amazing as it sent trickles of water down my fingers.  I hadn't been a big drinker since graduating from college, but ever since indulging in the wine during our double date, I found comfort in enjoying a drink during the day.  I suppose, I had always looked down on it a bit, finding it shameful that I'd be drinking in the middle of the day while other more successful individuals worked hard at their jobs.  I always thought at the very least I should be looking for a new career before diving into a bottle.  But, those days had passed, and now, I enjoyed being a house-husband.  And it's not like I didn't work hard; doing the countless chores to upkeep our house (and Jen's insane appetite) was its own form of grueling labor, and it was something I found pride in.  Now, I saw a little day drinking as one of the many "perks" of my new job.

    To my surprise, my phone began to ring, snapping my consciousness back to the present.  From the porch, I could hear my cell vibrating on the kitchen counter.  At first I thought I was mistaken, but again, I heard the rhythmic pulsing of the phone buzzing against the granite top.  I rose to my feet and swiftly walked back inside, a rush of cool air lightly chilling my skin and whisking away all of the heated moisture as I entered the air conditioned space.  It was odd for me to get calls; I hadn't exactly stayed in touch with friends.  Occasionally, my family would call to check in and complain how long it's been since we last saw each other, but those moments were few and far between.

    I assumed it may have been a telemarketer until I reached my phone and saw Brian's name flashing on the screen.  My stomach fluttered and memories of our last encounter flashed through my head, bringing on uncomfortable feelings I didn't want to face.  I couldn't guess to the reason he was calling, but I hoped it wasn't to berate me about our cookout all those months ago.  As I realized I was staring at a cell phone that continued to vibrate wildly, I fumbled it in my hands and quickly answered.

    "Um...hello?" I said with a bit of uncertainty in my voice.

    "Hey, man," Brian's chipper voice called from the other end, "How are you?"

    "I'm uh..." I stammered, not quite knowing how to answer the question.  By all accounts, everything was fantastic.  But, not wanting to talk about Jen in front of Brian, and perhaps force another uncomfortable conversation, I simply said, "fine... Everything's fine.  How are you?"

    "Well," Brian hesitated with a chuckle under his breath, "That's a tough question.  Look, I know I haven't called or anything in months, but... do you think we could meet for lunch or something?  There are some things I need advice on.  And I know we left on awkward terms when we last saw each other, but it'd be nice to just hang out, like old times."

    "Sure," I exclaimed before clearing my throat and attempting to smooth my demeanor.  "I mean... yeah, I think I'm free.  I could meet you at Bistro Brothers in an hour."


    Sitting at the table at the little sandwich joint, I found myself people watching without realizing it.  I had been so used to practicing my mild agoraphobia that being out in public, on the rare occasions it happened, was quite a spectacle.  All around me, people lived, well...completely normal lives.  A beautiful couple bickered in the corner about buying a new sofa.  A few kids ran around their mother's legs as she texted on her phone, swatting down at them every now and again to get them to stop rough housing.  An old man ordered his sandwich at the front counter, apparently far too slow as the clerk yawned and occasionally pushed a button on the register while the people building up behind him shuffled impatiently.  A worker, clad in a blue uniform and black apron, swept up the floor and stopped periodically to wipe down a table.  Everything was just so... boring.

    There was no excitement, no oddities.  Everyone looked like they belonged in a sitcom as background extras; hired only to look entirely average and play their part.  Being surrounded by nothing but my own freaky lifestyle and equally freaky wife for nearly a year had skewed my perception, and I couldn't help but look at the seemingly "normal" lives of those around me with distaste.  Sure, my life wasn't perfect, but at least there was excitement.  There was struggle and strife, but also moments of extreme highs.  The things I had gone through with Jen had by all means addicted me to being surrounded by the weird.  Imagining my huge, burly wife trying to interact in this restaurant normally, in the midst of all these average, boring people brought a smile to my lips. 

    Brian walked through the door and sat down quickly.  He dressed largely the same way I had always seen him dress; khaki shorts, a polo shirt, and a pair of aviators he insisted on wearing year round, no matter how hard I tried to convince him how tacky it looked.  He removed his aviators and began to drum his fingers on the table energetically, and I could see the nervousness in his eyes, along with the dark circles that showed he hadn't been sleeping well.  Other than that, he gave me his same content smile I had remembered so well.

    "Hey man," I said slowly, taking in the tired look on his face, "How are you doing?  I already ordered some food, so you might want to get in line before the lunch rush gets too ridiculous."

    "Not that hungry," Brian said curtly, glancing slightly from side to side, seeming unsure how to proceed, "Look...Let me get this out of the way quickly.  I was an ass.  I got drunk at your house and I said stupid things that I barely remember.  All I can recall was Jenny getting super upset with me and my head hitting the pillow that night.  I've been wanting to say it for a while now, but I'm sorry.  Okay?  Sorry that I acted like a drunken idiot.  Can you forgive an old pal?"

    I sat there for a moment stunned.  Was that why I hadn't heard from Brian in all these months.  Did he think that he was the one in the wrong?  Sure, I was also drunk, but I clearly remember Brian simply having a lapse in emotion and Jen intimidating him into terror with her mountainous presence and her deep, intense voice.  I always thought I was the one to blame for how poorly the night went.  It was hard to imagine Brian going all this time, too scared to contact me, thinking that he was the one who caused the night to end so abruptly.

    "Um," I stuttered, unsure if I should tell him the truth about what happened that night or just let it go.  I decided that it was better to just let the entire thing slide, hoping it was never brought up again.  I just wanted my friendship repaired.  "It's totally fine man.  We all say stupid stuff when we're drunk.  Just so you know we're not mad at you or anything.  We've just been...busy...that's all.  So please, forget all about it."

    Brian's face seemed to regain some its color after hearing that.  The man had such a kind heart, I couldn't help but picture him bearing all of that guilt for so many weeks.  The thought was a painful one; he deserved better than that.

    "That's great to hear," Brian said happily, though his thumbs continued to thump nervously on the table, "Though, that's only part of the reason I asked you to lunch today.  There was something else I wanted to talk to you about."

    "Alright," I said seriously, staring at Brian with a bit of concern.  His face showed no tell of what he could be suggesting.  "Well, don't leave me hanging.  What's going on, man?"

    "It's Amy."  Brian muttered uneasily.  He stopped for a moment and inhaled loudly, slowly letting the air out of his nose as he pondered what to say next.  "She', been talking to Jen."

    "What? " I asked curiously, stunned by the revelation.  "Well, that'd definitely news to me.  Jen never mentioned it.  How long have they been talking?"

    "I don't know for certain," Brian's fingers continued to fidget on the table, "But I'd assume they got in contact shortly after our double date."  He glanced around nervously, not sure if he wanted to proceed with the conversation.  I decided that I needed to press him a little on it.

    "And..." I began, urging Brian to continue. When he didn't, I simply blurted, "What have they been talking about?"

    "Well," Brian started.  He was visibly uncomfortable, clearly trying to avoid needing to answer the question.  But, I feared already knew the answer to what I was asking.  "Amy is interested in working with Feminox... working on the drug trial... as a test subject."

    "Are you serious?!" I exclaimed, a little too loudly for a public food joint.  I glanced around a bit embarrassed, but upon noticing the other customers were too occupied with their food to pay any attention, I continued though in a more hushed tone.  "You must have heard her wrong.  Amy wouldn't want that, would she?  I mean, she just doesn't seem like the type of girl that would willingly do that to herself..."

    "Well, to be honest," Brian stammered with an audible swallow, "I think she's uh...already began the trials."

    I simply paused and waited for him to continue.  Picturing small, bubbly, ditzy Amy wanting to transform herself into a monster like Jen was a strange thought indeed.

    "She hasn't admitted anything yet." Brian grated on, "She claims that she's not going to make any decisions until we've discussed it and arrived at a conclusion together as a couple.  But a few weeks ago, I noticed that she came home with a little more bounce in her step and a fire in her eyes that I couldn't place a finger on.  Apparently she's being meeting Jen at Feminox to talk more about the research before she makes her choice, but I have a feeling she's been going through with the testing.  I've already noted her arms looking a little thicker and I swear she seems a bit taller than usual.  And...well, her mood swings have been crazy."

    I was left with a loss for words.  I couldn't believe it was happening.  If what he was saying was true, my best friend was about to go through the struggle of his life and I had no idea what I could say to him.  I was currently extremely happy with my relationship, but it wasn't hard to remember all of the internal turmoil I suffered trying to reconcile the situation.  It felt as though I went through hell and back, and now that the journey was finally over, I was watching someone I cared about heading towards the same thing.  It was disastrous.

    "And, well,..." Brian continued to my surprise, a slight smile forming on his lips "I...think I'm okay with it."

    "What?!" I exclaimed.  My mouth hung agape for a second before I blinked and began shaking my head, fully taking in his words.  "You can't be serious.  Brian, you don't know what you're getting yourself into."

    "Well," he stated, gesturing to me, "I guess I don't know exactly what I'm getting into, but you do.  That's kind of why I wanted to talk with you.  I suppose if Amy is going to go through with this, I need to know what I should be prepared for."

    "No, you don't understand," I muttered as plainly as I could, hoping he could sense the sincerity in my voice, "You can't even begin to imagine the strain something like this puts on your relationship.  Tell me; why are you okay with Amy going through with this?  Even though she clearly made this decision behind your back."

    Brian paused for a moment, pondering on my question.  It seemed that he didn't really know why he felt that way and needed a bit of time to sort out his thoughts.  I waited patiently until he finally opened his mouth to answer.

    "Honestly," Brian said, "It's the first thing she's shown any sort of passion towards since I met her.  Amy is a girl of simple tastes and simple thoughts.  She likes going shopping and partying with her friends.  She'd rather spend the day reading Facebook updates than learning about current events.  She's completely content waitressing in a sleazy college town bar and has no desire to further herself.  As long as she has her phone, her friends, and enough money to buy clothes and shots, she's completely happy.  I can't hope to explain why Amy is all of a sudden urged to join Jen's research; all I know is that it's the first thing she's given a damn about since we started dating."

    "Sure," I said, nodding my head along with Brian's explanation, "That makes sense.  But while it's great she's showing some excitement towards pursuing a goal, you do realize that this drug trial is going to change everything about her, don't you?  I mean, you saw what Jen has become.  You saw that she's clearly not the same woman that I married.  You're telling me that even though you fully know the end game, you're still prepared to stick by her through this?"

    "I think so," Brian pondered, his remark surprising me somewhat.  "I mean, I definitely had a moment of panic.  I imagined Amy transforming to look like Jenny and it scared me to death.  But at the same time, Jenny is, to put it frankly, quite astounding when you get right down to it.  Okay, so she's not the same cute girl that we knew in college, but the new her, from what I saw, has plenty of great qualities too.  She's driven, passionate, strong, and determined."

    "Yes," I responded, raising my index finger in the air, "But she's also intense.  You saw firsthand the rage she seemed to have, always boiling beneath the surface.  She's also completely dominant; I've lost almost all of my decision making power in the relationship and my days of taking control during sex are over.  And let's not ignore the elephant in the room, Brian.  She's humongous.  She's a gigantic, muscular freak that could crush me in an instant if I ever annoyed her.  She's more muscular than 90% of the men I've ever witnessed in my life and has taken on plenty of other masculine qualities that have taken me months upon months to come around to accepting."

    "But you love her," Brian interjected, a serious tone in his voice as his mouth made a hard line across his face.

    "Yes," I said without pause, "Yes, I love her but..."

    "And I love Amy," Brian interrupted once again, "Yes, Jenny is not the same, but you still love her; something inside of you knows that even though the outer appearance has changed and something within her has been unleashed, this is still the Jenny you've always known; maybe just the Jenny she was always to scared to become.  She now has the confidence to show her true self and the strength to do the things she's never had the courage to do.  Deep down, I think you know that she's still your wife.  You can't imagine how badly I want to see Amy achieve that.  I love her, but I have no idea what she really wants out of life.  I can't even begin to guess what her true passions are because she either doesn't care enough to admit them or is too scared to try and achieve them.  How am I supposed to marry this girl if she's too content not embracing her true self?"

    I let his words sink in as I sat.  Perhaps he was right.  I had always considered Jen to no longer be the woman I married; while I had come around to accept that fact, it was still firmly what I believed.  But Brian definitely had a way of putting things in a different perspective.  Maybe this was what Jen always truly desired, in some form or another.  Maybe she just seems different because she actually has the courage to speak her mind and do what she's dreamed of doing.  There was no way of knowing for sure.  In the midst of my deep thought, a teenage, pimply faced worker brought my basket of food to the table, but I was too wrapped up in the conversation to begin eating.  I took a breath, exhaling audibly and continued.

    "I suppose that's worth considering." I said, poking at my sandwich absently as I readied myself to wander into more a more awkward territory of the conversation.  "You know, you can still...break up with Amy.  It's not that I'm not happy now, but it was something I had to work for, and the process wasn't pretty; as much as I hate to admit it, I had even considered divorce during my darker hours.  If I had been in your shoes at that point, still unmarried, I may have just ended things.  I don't want to say anything offensive; I just want you to know how serious your life will be affected in the weeks to come."

    "I didn't know things had been that rough for you," Brian murmured, glancing down at the table.  He seemed to think on it for a moment, but quickly returned to his previous assured demeanor.  "I can't see myself going that far though.  Keep in mind, I know the road Amy is headed down; I've seen Jenny and listened to her explain all the ways the drugs have changed her.  I may not full know all of the details, but I feel like I'm ready for this.  I think I can really be supportive."

    "That's great, I suppose," I said with a bit of unease, "But you can also clearly see that my wife is no longer what you'd call conventionally beautiful.  She's hard, rough, and by many accounts, more masculine than I am.  Are you sure you want to see Amy turn into that?  She's a very pretty woman with feminine curves; are you ready to watch that change?"

    "I think I am," Brian admitted slowly, a bit of a shy smile forming on his face, "It was never Amy's body that had attracted me to her in the first place; remember we spent most of our early history together long-distance, just communicating through phone calls and texts.  Her physical appearance was never what drew me to her.  And, if I can be honest with you, I've kind of always dug girls with a bit more athleticism to them.  I dated in a swimmer in high school, ya know.  The whole slender bikini model never really interested me.  I like a woman who will go on hikes with me and loves to play sports."

    "This is a little more than just athleticism," I said coolly, "I'm not sure if you reached this conclusion by now, but Jen can lift heavier weights than I could hope to achieve in my lifetime.  If you want someone who can keep up with you physically, that's not something you need to be concerned about.  What you should be worried about is whether or not you'll be able to keep up!"

    Brian laughed at that; a hearty, honest laugh.  It was hard for me to grasp how lightly he was taking this conversation.  While I still felt he couldn't possibly be prepared for the direction his life was about to go, the sincerity on his face and in his voice told me that he truly believed he could accept and support Amy.  I sighed, relinquishing my cynicism.  It was time I started showing my support as well.

    "Well," I began, picking up my sandwich, "Tell me.  What do you want to know?  I'll tell you everything Jen and I have been through."
  • #43 by Jeremy Lightning on 13 Jul 2015
  • Really liked what I read here, good for Amy for wanting to get muscular like Jen and good for Brian for being so accepting of it. At least at this juncture, we'll see if Amy gets as big and masculine as Jen and if she does we'll see if Brian's as accepting at that point. But I like that we're going to see that transformation twice over! k+!
  • #44 by bertmacklinsbrother on 14 Jul 2015
  • Thanks everyone for all of the comments and support!  I'm glad so many are excited to see where this story goes!  All of the comments definitely keep me motivated to write as much as I can, so I really appreciate them.


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    I find my self skipping through most of the last 3/4 chapters. the story was so good when it focused more on the sex. don't get me wrong it's still a great story with  an amazing premise. hopefully we'll get back to the muscles, strength, growth, and sex and less two guys talking at a cafe. just my opinion.

    Thanks for your honesty, lizarking.  My story was always meant to contain a slow development and focus not just on the sexy stuff, but also the characters and how their lives are changing.  A lot of stories that I've read tend to go straight for the money shot within the first paragraph, and I'm trying to avoid that.  I'm a firm believer that without a proper build up, the climax is ungratifying and dulls quickly.  If it's all sex all the time, to me, it loses its meaning.

    But I'll keep your comment in mind as I write future chapters.  In every chapter, I always try to include some semblance of Jen's growth, their size lives, or a physical description of her to ensure that the reader always knows how she's progressing.  But I do understand some of the chapters can be a little more dialogue heavy.  I'll do my best to make things more interesting. 
  • #45 by Greatguy87 on 17 Jul 2015
  • Any interest in a colaboration?