  • #1 by VegasAce on 06 May 2024
  • From my observations online through social media networks, online forums and chats, and through in-person events like expos and competitions, I have noticed that the vast majority of the female muscle admirer community (or "schmoes", for lack of a better word) are quite out of shape. In a way, it's a bit ironic given that we are attracted to the extreme opposite of that, and while I know there are exceptions and that there are some fit and muscular schmoes out there, like I said, from my experience most either look very underweight or obese.

    Why is that? And no, I'm not saying that being fit is a requirement for being attracted to muscular women (I used to be very overweight and am now fit and have always been into them,) but I am curious why so many of us seem to avoid hitting the weights, especially considering that if you look at most female bodybuilders and muscular women who are in relationships, the vast majority have muscular or fit partners. It's kind of like seeing "unfit" women on dating sites only interested in fit men. You can be attracted to whatever you want even if they don't reflect your current lifestyle, but you're facing an uphill battle. Plus, I see a lot of dudes always asking how to meet muscular women, and the best way to do that is really to actually get involved in your local fitness community.
  • #2 by Iron Wolf on 07 May 2024
  • Because a lot of these schmoes are creepy. The fact that these women are in better shape and stronger than they are feeds into their fetish.  They're more into indulging into their female muscle fetish than keeping in shape. They compensate for their physical shortcomings with money. That's why so many of these guys get taken advantage of. Look at some of the guys they use in their videos. They're either fat, old  or wimpy looking. Sometimes you'll see an in shape guy doing videos, but they're usually the girl's significant other or a pornstar. It's good for the market. These creeps want to know all the personal information about these women, while keeping their identity a secret. The only way they're going to get with these women is if they pay for it. After a while, women get sick of these creeps and transition out of the sport. There are still a lot of good men who take care of themselves, who support the sport and the women. Also keep in mind that some average or out of shape guys you see actually make money off other schmoes with websites.