  • #1 by calavera1975 on 26 Jan 2011
  • hi guys i contacted andreea mirotoi aka fitandrea and ask her if she want to coem in italy for a 2 hour session and accordfing to her we decided to do it for a week end i did send her airplane ticket and hotel confirmation and i also send her 300 euro that was the half of our session price and wanna knwo what?? i did wait to teh airport to her and she did nto come at all i called her and she told me she lose the airpplane and bla bla bla and told me she will send me my money back but she did not well is true i was a totally stupid but guys we have to broke all the contact with this girl she is a bad girl a bad person and is the most bad pubblicity she can make to FBB world i have meet lots of FBB and all was nice person this girl is nothing and so please do not ask her for web cam session or wrestlign session anymore so she learn how to live......
    ....and wanna knwo what when i say i was going to tell all that she did to this forum she told me she is going to tell that she discover i want to rape her thats why she did not come Smiley) really stupid of me but you do not make this mistake and tell that in all the others forum about this girl we help FBB with our money to reach their goal and so we do deserve some more respect i think
    • calavera1975
  • #2 by Old Surehand on 27 Jan 2011
  • Yes betmenbet, she's posted this thread about some Italian sex pervert and his 4 friends who are baiting FBB's into sessions, so he can rape them. I have one question: Has any other bodybuilders come forward about this guy? I'm going to leave this alone until more facts come out.
    Here's more what she writes:
    "He's such a big liar! I have spoken with some of the female bb that know him, and they told me to BE VERY CAREFUL because he's a fake man!!! He's a sex addict and a very sick and degenerated man!!! He pays you a sum of money for the agreeme...nt and when you get there he will rape you along with other 4 men in the hotel room, where he calls them! BE VERY CAREFUL!!! DO NOT TRUST HIM!!! HE IS MAD AT ME BECAUSE I FOUND OUT HIS PLAN AND HE SAYS EVERYWHERE THAT I AM A LIAR AND THAT I TOOK HIS MONEY FOR NOTHING!!! OF COURSE, AND I WILL MAKE AN OFFICIAL ANNOUNCE ON EVERY SPECIAL FORUM FOR FEMALE BODYBUILDERS!!!!"
  • #3 by calavera1975 on 27 Jan 2011
  • guys i have no rerason to lie about her i just tell you what happen to me you decide to belive me or to her im just tellign you that do not change my life at all but i think is right to tell to all what happen to me
    • calavera1975