  • #16 by Jackass500 on 10 Dec 2021
  • Rebekah kresila
  • #17 by boyofwinter on 10 Dec 2021
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    Rebekah kresila
    Great pull.
  • #18 by mooretiger on 11 Dec 2021
  • monique jones
    monique jones
    monique jones

    mayla ash

    alyssa kiessling
  • #19 by MLB93 on 11 Dec 2021
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    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    Rebekah kresila
    Great pull.
    The guys of Utopia were lucky.
  • #20 by Prophaniti on 11 Dec 2021
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    I miss Iron Baby as she was fabulous especially since I think her short listing on was a false start and is again retired from sessioning. I do agree Crossfit Girls becoming sessioniates would be a game changer. Even someone like Ashlee Potts would make a fortune as I would Jace my credit card for a down payment no questions asked if she ever sessioned. And it's too late since she been picked up by WWE but Jessica Woynilko would been an incredible sessionate.  But Mary Ann Graves would always be the one that got away no questions asked. Even was finalizing a session with her during the short time she was listed on but then decided to pull the pin for a bit in order to rethink it and then never came back. God what could been. Runner up is Lyndsay Dejager who session for a short while and was lciinf it until one asshole decided he wanted to go out and apparently she got hurt so she quit. I love to kick that dirt bag ass in for that one.

    Speaking of Dejagers, Johanna Dejager would have been fantastic
  • #21 by liftcarryfan1 on 11 Dec 2021
  • We talking just bodybuilders, powerlifters, cross fitters? Wrestlers? Athletes? What’s ok and what’s not? Lol
  • #22 by MixedFighter99 on 11 Dec 2021
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    We talking just bodybuilders, powerlifters, cross fitters? Wrestlers? Athletes? What’s ok and what’s not? Lol

    I think anything goes long as it's semirealistic and not some insanely rich Hollywood actress.

    And yes I agree Johanna Dejager would been good as well. 
  • #23 by showmesara on 11 Dec 2021
  • Tina Willliams ,Mayla Ash, Julia Fory,   I like bigger girls but Rachael Daniels is so sassy.

    Have to agree with some above that some top class X Fitters entering the session world  would be a great add. Why we haven't seen any is interesting.
  • #24 by boyofwinter on 11 Dec 2021
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    Have to agree with some above that some top class X Fitters entering the session world  would be a great add. Why we haven't seen any is interesting.

    Of the ones I've met (3 if I'm not forgetting anyone), each had absolutely no idea this was a thing, or at least said as much, s hard as that might seem for us to believe. Consider though that none of them went on to list and it's possible they don't talk amongst themselves to the degree we naturally assume.
  • #25 by Bulklover on 11 Dec 2021
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    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    We talking just bodybuilders, powerlifters, cross fitters? Wrestlers? Athletes? What’s ok and what’s not? Lol

    I think anything goes long as it's semirealistic and not some insanely rich Hollywood actress.

    And yes I agree Johanna Dejager would been good as well.

    If Brooke Ence or Annie Thorsdottir started doing sessions, I'd divorce my wife, sell my house, cash out my IRA, shoot the cat, and soil my dyties. 

    Then I'd book.

  • #26 by HarleyKG on 12 Dec 2021
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    Pretty much most ladies who do the cross fit games.

  • #27 by HarleyKG on 12 Dec 2021
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    I also have a weakness for the super massive girls, and I wish Andrea Shaw and Aleesha Young were doing sessions.

    How could I have forgotten Aleesha Young.  Amazing woman.
  • #28 by liftcarryfan1 on 12 Dec 2021
  • Man so many! To name a quick few… Alesha Young, Delle Speegle, Gabi Garcia, Brooke wells, Amanda Lawrence, stereo cohen, Brittany diamond, Daniella melo, Jen Thompson, Megan Gallagher, Lydia valentine, Theresa ivancik,
  • #29 by showmesara on 12 Dec 2021
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    You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
    Have to agree with some above that some top class X Fitters entering the session world  would be a great add. Why we haven't seen any is interesting.

    Of the ones I've met (3 if I'm not forgetting anyone), each had absolutely no idea this was a thing, or at least said as much, s hard as that might seem for us to believe. Consider though that none of them went on to list and it's possible they don't talk amongst themselves to the degree we naturally assume.

    Mr Winter thank you for having the brass to bring up the session world with those ladies. I don't think I would. Perhaps you've planted some seeds and the awareness will slowly come up casually between the ladies as they must talk.
  • #30 by enoch on 12 Dec 2021
  • I miss Christine Marshall.  I saw her on her last tour.  Great session!