  • #1 by BossRose on 30 Oct 2022
  • Luke loves his girlfriend Nicole, a hard working fashion model. But he hates what the job is doing to her. He hates how she is forced to starve herself in order to keep her career going. To save her from wasting away Luke resorts to eating a mystical berry that turns his cum into a powerful muscle growing serum and it's not long before Nicole starts growing. But how will Nicole's new body impact her career? And how will it change their relationship?


    Chapter 1

    "Babe, do I look bigger to you?" Nicole calls out to me from the house.

    I'm out back in the greenhouse, watering my plants.

    "Luke?" She calls.

    I sigh to myself. Nicole always gets like this before an important shoot. At this point she's skinny enough to make a skeleton jealous.


    But what if? I glance over to the plant in the corner of the greenhouse. It looks innocent enough under the little glass dome.

    "Are you there? I'm freaking out over here." She sounds genuinely worried now.

    "I'm running Nicky," I shout as I cross the lawn; it's still wet from morning dew.

    Could it actually have worked? The very idea makes my dick throb.

    Nicole is in the bathroom with her back turned to me and her dark hair is unfurled over a white bathrobe.

    "Do I look any different to you? Or am I just going crazy?" Nicole turns to me. I know it's her job to be a pretty face, but every now and then I'm still surprised. Her eyes have this shine to them, like when the sun hits a leaf just right and makes it glow with a golden green. And then there's her adorable round little ears, which she obviously hates and I obviously love, which stands out at an angle from her face.

    "What's going on? You look great darling." Part of me is a bit disappointed to see that the bathrobe fits her lanky body just as it did yesterday.

    "Are you sure?" She says and opens the robe wide.

    I gasp for air. She's not lanky at all! Where there used to be a flat smooth tummy, two columns of abs now rise above her shaven pussy.

    Her arms are toned and thick.

    Her skinny legs are firm with two pear shaped muscles visible on the front.

    And where her chest used to be completely flat there's even a pair of small boobs.

    "Wow, you look… buff," I say.

    "But how? I didn't look like this at all yesterday," Nicole says. "Or maybe I did? Am I hallucinating?"

    Holy shit. It worked. The berries worked.


    Chapter 2

    "Have you weighed yourself?" I ask her.

    "No, I didn't dare."

    Normally this is the first thing she does each morning. We once spent a week at her father's cabin and Nicole almost went crazy because she had no way to tell her weight.

    Nicole hands me the bath robe and steps onto the scale.

    "Holy fuck, Nicky. Your back…"

    Nicole's spine used to be visible like a bead of pearls under her skin, but now it's hidden under two thick ridges of muscle. Blocky shoulders jut out from her arms and hard balls of muscle fill out the width of her torso.

    "No this can't be right." Nicole steps off the scale, then back onto it. "It must be broken."

    She bends over and the sight sends a jolt of horniness down my dick. Her rear used to be all bony and flat but now she's got a tight and muscular ass riding high on her toned legs. I reach out to feel her. The skin is warm and soft with an unyielding hardness underneath. I let my thumb brush over her pussy.

    "Babe what are you doing?" She stands up.

    I understand her surprise, we rarely have sex these days and only in complete darkness. But now I want her. I grab her well-cobbled waist and pull her close. I'm a pretty built guy, we have a home gym in the basement which I use regularly, and I'm big enough to have Nicole disappear in my embrace. But not today. Now I can feel the width of her as I hug her from behind.

    "You look amazing," My hands slide down her abs and I can feel every bump and ridge.

    "Babe. No. Not now." She forces my arms apart and I'm surprised by her strength.

    It takes all my willpower not to bend her over and fuck her right there on the bathroom floor.

    "I can't be late for this shoot," Nicole says and puts the robe back on. "Fuck, do you think they'll notice?"

    "What will you be wearing?"

    "No idea, they didn't say."

    "I'll drive you into town," I say. "It'll be faster than your Vespa."

    "Don't you have plants to take care of?"

    "They can wait."

    "You don't have to do that," she says and looks down on her feet.

    "I'm serious, I've been working in the greenhouse all week. I'll keep you company on the shoot."

    "Thanks, Penguin," Nicole says and gives me a quick kiss. "Now get out, I need to dry my hair."


    Chapter 3

    Spotlights with some kind of white umbrellas blast light onto a white backdrop. Two photographers are checking their equipment while a tall woman drones over them.

    "You're late," the woman barks. She's got the longest neck I've ever seen and her eyes are huge. "The others are already in makeup!"

    Nicole is ushered away and I'm put on a foldable chair by the side. The long necked woman is fussing about the place like a spider on caffeine. Her long thin fingers are always pointing, adjusting or jabbing at the poor photographers or their tools.

    Finally, when there seems to be nothing more to complain about, the old woman claps her hands and the girls enter like a parade of giraffes , all lanky and bony in swimsuits ranging from dark brown to dark orange
    Last comes Nicole and I feel my heart beat faster; She looks so much more powerful and alive up there compared to the other girls. Her legs look strong and her arms are so beautifully muscled.

    "Is this a joke?" The long necked woman barks. "Who's this cavewoman supposed to be?"

    "Nicole Hale," Nicole says and shoots off a big smile but I see her ears turning red, they always do when she's nervous or stressed.

    "This is no good. Get your man-shoulders out of the shot. You're blocking the real models," The woman waves dismissively and one of the girls stifles a giggle.

    "You don't have to be rude about it," I hear myself saying.

    The old woman cranes her neck as she turns to me and her eyes look like they're gonna pop out of their sockets. The room has gone completely silent.

    "Luke, it's all right," Nicole says and strains her smile.

    The old woman barks again. "I'll tell you what's rude boy! Showing up to a shoot and ruining it by looking like some weightlifter."

    "So what if she's buff? What's it to you?"

    "Don't you know what the purpose of a model is?" The old woman scoffs. "No? Then let me educate you."

    The old woman points to one of the skinny girls.

    "The purpose of a model is to accentuate the design she's wearing. To blend into the background and bring the art to the front."

    Then she points to Nicole.

    "This. This is a distraction! No, worse even, a defilement. Who's going to care about the clothes when they're being worn by a butch neanderthal?"

    "And you look like E.T's grandma," I say.

    One of the photographers laughs but is immediately shut down by a death glare from the old woman.

    I take Nicole by the hand and drag her from the scene. "Let's go Nicky." I slam the door on our way out.

    Nicole looks mortified as we get into the car.

    "Are you alright babe?" I ask.

    "You shouldn't have done that," Nicole says. "She'll never hire me again. Maybe nobody will."

    "They don't get to talk to you like that, Nicky. You deserve better," I say and pull out of the parking lot.

    "But that was Diana Silber!" Nicole says.

    "She can be the queen herself or whatever. I don't care. I won't let anybody disrespect my girl like that."

    "People talk in this industry don't you get that? Don't you remember how much work it took for me to land this shoot?" Nicole groans
    and slams the seat with the back of her head. "You called her E.T.'s grandma! My career is literally over."

    "I'm sorry babe," I say. "I'll find you another opportunity. I promise."

    "If only I hadn't woken up like this." Nicole looks down at her body. "I mean what even happened to my body? It shouldn't be physically possible right? Or is it?"

    "Nicole," I say. "When we get back home there is something I need to show you in the greenhouse."

    The plant looks small in the light from my flashlight. It's just a green bushel of leaves with small green berries.

    "You're joking." Nicole shakes her head.

    "Do you have a better explanation Nicole?"

    "Better? You ate a berry from a plant and now your cum makes me grow muscles whenever I swallow?"

    "I'm dead serious, Nicky."

    "It's sweet of you trying to take responsibility for what happened, but no. This is ridiculous.

    "You have to believe me babe."

    "I might actually have to call someone and have you institutionalized."

    "Hey, I'm totally sane right now."

    "This is ridiculous. Let's go."


    "Inside. And then I'm going to suck your cock and hopefully you'll snap out of this madness when you see that nothing happens."

  • #2 by Jdrabbit1 on 30 Oct 2022
  • I like where this is going... Keep it coming.
  • #3 by madwolf88 on 30 Oct 2022
  • Lovely idea for a story! And good on you for saving someone, (even if she is fictional) high-fassion modeling.
  • #4 by quick on 31 Oct 2022
  •  :rock:
  • #5 by eroricoco1234 on 31 Oct 2022
  • Great start, looking forward for next part!
  • #6 by ArkhamAsylum on 31 Oct 2022
  • Agreed.
  • #7 by Flex dir on 31 Oct 2022
  • Magnificent and sexy story. looking forward to the sequels
  • #8 by sgsg69 on 31 Oct 2022
  • Great start, hopefully we get some detail in the next section as she explores her new body and what it can do..........Karma to you!!
  • #9 by Wookey on 03 Nov 2022
  • K+
  • #10 by BossRose on 05 Nov 2022
  • Chapter 4

    "Alright, let's do this." Nicole sashays into the living room as if it were a runway. A red sports bra is clutching her toned upper body and a pair of yoga shorts fit snugly over her legs; they're even cut low enough to put her rack of abs on display.

    "Wow." My mouth falls wide open.

    "I was hoping they'd get you in the mood." Nicole strikes a pose with her arms raised over her head which makes two solid mounds of bicep pop out from her arms. She's even got a pair of small lats poking out from her sides.

    "You look incredible babe." I can't believe that I literally have a fitness model giving me a private show at home.

    Nicole puts a foot up on the sofa. A line of muscle runs along the side of her thigh and I trace it with my fingers all the way to her ass. The fabric is tight and glossy to the touch.

    "So this is what you want isn't it? Muscles?"

    "Well, not exactly…" That's a lie. She looks hotter than I've ever seen her before.

    "No? So why did you eat those berries then?" She climbs on top of me and straddles me. I'm pushed deeper into the sofa under her weight and my hard dick presses up against her ass.

    "Oh, you like it alright." Nicole grinds herself against me as I run my hands all over her buff body. She leans in and we sink into a kiss. It's still Nicole, the face and the scent of her skin, but the body is like a new person. The shape is so much harder and fuller than before, it's as if she's been charged with power and raw sex.

    "This is driving you crazy isn't it?" She breaks off the kiss and brings her arms up in a flex. Her biceps twitch up and down. "Admit it."

    "I mean, you look great. You always did."

    "Sure I did."

    She slides onto the floor to pull my pants down. My dick is absolutely rigid in her face. She pumps it a few times. Holy shit the muscles on her shoulders look huge as she moves her hand up and down. I grab her shoulder, it fills up my palm, and I squeeze it. There's no give at all, it's all firm muscle under the skin and I can even feel the striations.

    "So now," Nicole says. "You're saying that if you finish in my mouth I'll get all muscly?"

    "I'm not - " A wave of pleasure cuts me off. " I'm not sure."

    "But that was your plan wasn't it?" Nicole flicks her tongue over my tip, sending jolts of pleasure through my body.

    "I just wanted you to be healthy." I say.

    "So you don't want me to grow huge bulging muscles all over my body?"

    I cum. My mind goes blank as I shoot rope after rope into Nicole's open mouth. She sucks my dick empty and I fall back, totally spent.

    "Doesn't seem like anything is happening." She looks down on her arms.

    "I don't know," I say out of breath. "Maybe it takes time?"

    "Luke. Let's stop pretending as if we both don't know what this is actually about."

    "What do you mean?"

    Nicole sighs. "You hate me when I diet don't you?"

    I feel a knot in my stomach.

    "You don't think I've noticed how you avoid looking at my body? How we never have sex  when I prepare for a shoot?" She says.

    I don't say anything.

    "And now all this magical berry talk. Give me a break. You're going crazy over some fantasy."

    "Nicole. I'm sorry but I have to say it. The only crazy thing here is your job. I know you love being a model but, truly, the dieting they're putting you through is insane. It's as if you're slowly dying in front of me," I say.

    "You're right!" Nicole crosses her arms. "But my body is my job and I know what I'm doing. I know about the risks."

    "Do you really?"

    "Yes. All you need to do is have some faith in me," She looks right at me. "Can you do that? Can you trust me with my own body?"

    "Nicky I love you but..."

    "Luke," She says. "Trust me."

    "I will."

    "Good. And can we please forget about these silly berries now?"


    Chapter 5

    Nicole's side of the bed is empty in the white morning light. I make it downstairs and find my pants and boxers still on the floor of the living room.

    "Nicky?" I call out, but there's no answer. Only the wind rustling the trees outside.

    The pick up truck and Nicole's Vespa is still in the driveway so she must be around somewhere. I check the green house too but it's empty. The plant sits nicely under the glass dome.

    Leaves rustle behind me and a shadow blocks out the sun.

    "What the hell did you do to me?" Nicole says from behind and I can feel the very presence of her.

    I swallow and turn around.

    Her body fills up the entire width of the greenhouse and forces the plants aside. She's wearing the same workout clothes from yesterday, only now they are stretched to their absolute limit. And she is packed with muscle all over. Huge veiny things that bulge and push against each other for space. If before she was fit and toned she's now bulky and ripped like a god damned bodybuilder.

    "H-How?" Is all I manage.

    "You're asking me? You're the one with the fucking berries!" She says.

    Nicole's lats are like two whole hams bursting out from her torso and her neck is thick and bullish with swollen meaty traps that rise all the way up to her jaw.

    "I told you they'd make you grow," I say.

    "Do you realize what you have done? How am I ever going to model like this?"

    "I'm sorry Nicky. Really."

    "And you ruined the shoot yesterday too! You've ruined everything for me! Are you doing this on purpose?"

    Nicole takes a step towards me and I instinctively back up. Her chest is a shelf of muscle with a crevice right where the swollen slabs of meat join. Even her tits have grown and they look firmer than ever with thick nipples pointing straight at me in the cold morning air.

    "And for what? Some stupid sex fantasy of yours?" She says.

    "I made a mistake. I didn't think it was possible for someone to grow that much. I just wanted you to gain some weight back."

    "I look like a man! A monster. Look at all these disgusting lumps all over me," she says.

    "Nicole, you're more beautiful than ever."

    And it's true. Despite all the hulking muscles she's looking incredibly feminine. There's a sheen to her long hair and her hips are full and wide; They curve beautifully into a tight waist before flaring out to support her firm breasts.

    "No! I'm hideous!" Nicole groans, turns around and her shoulder topples a pot from the table. It shatters against the floor.

    "Fuck!" She crouches down and hides her face in her hands; Her biceps blow up like two hills with veins flowing back and forth like rivers.
    "This isn't happening right? It's all a nightmare."

    "Babe. Hey, come here." I sit down next to her and put an arm around her wide shoulders.

    "I don't want this." She looks at me with tear streaked eyes. "I need to be normal or I'll never be able to do model again."

    As much as I enjoy her new muscles, I hate seeing her cry like this.

    "There might be something we can try," I say.
  • #11 by sgsg69 on 07 Nov 2022
  • Oh can't wait for what his mind is thinking up right now..........great addition............wonder what happens if she eats them, too!!

    Karma to you, K+++++++++++++++
  • #12 by Jaguar on 08 Nov 2022
  • Excellent story so far!  I love the characters.
  • #13 by BossRose on 13 Nov 2022
  • Chapter 6

    The home gym doubles as a laundry room which gives everything down here a pleasant smell of detergent. Not much light makes it down here but I've still managed to grow some pots of Devil's Ivy and their green leaves seem to enjoy the humidity.

    Nicole is leaning against the tumble dryer with her arms crossed.

    "I was thinking that maybe you're just bloated," I say.

    "Does this look bloated to you? I'm ripped!"
    She straightens her arms and wiggles her fingers; I can see the wedges of muscle move and twitch beneath her skin like keys on a self playing piano. I try to suppress the wave of lust pulsing through me and focus on helping her.

    "We don't know for sure if you are as strong as you look. Maybe all this muscle will shrink back if you put them under some stress," I say.

    "And that will make me go back to normal?"


    "I'm ready to try anything," she says.

    "Where do you want to start?" I look around. I have a rack set up for squats here, a whole row of dumbbells of varying sizes and a bench. There's also a treadmill which Nicole uses during the winter when it's too cold for her to run outside.

    "I'm not sure." Nicole looks around too and I notice how the Santorini designed top really shows off her muscled arms and capped shoulders. "How about squats?"

    My heart beats faster as we approach the rack and set up her barbell.

    "Let's start easy," I say. "Just in case."

    "Okay," Nicole says and gets under the empty bar. It looks ridiculous, her huge muscled frame makes it look tiny. And sure enough she easily does ten squats in a row.

    "Hmm. I used to be completely winded after those," she says and frowns.

    "Let's go a bit higher," I say and put two smaller plates on each side.

    Nicole gets under the bar and does ten reps again.

    "Okay, so I'm definitely stronger than before." Nicole slaps two more big plates onto the bar. I'm amazed by how easy it's for her brawny arms to handle the weights.

    "Take it easy Nicky, this is just a few plates shy of how much I lift," I say.

    "Don't worry. I feel strong." Nicole gets under the bar and unhooks it. Then she squats deep. Her form is bad but it doesn't matter, she cranks out ten reps like nothing.

    "Well? Do I like any smaller?" Nicole puts a beefy leg out and her quads tense up into rock hard tear drops of muscle.

    "Not really."

    "Then we go higher," she says. I gulp and we load four more huge plates onto the barbell.

    "Now this much weight could actually be dangerous Nicky," I say.

    "Don't worry. I feel fine." She says and unhooks, the bar wobbles up and down under the immense weight. Then she descends and I can see her thighs and quads bulge with power as she pushes back up. Ten times she brings the bar up and down. But she doesn't stop there, she adds another rep, and another until she finally slows down and racks the bar at twenty.

    "Damn it!" She slaps her thighs which are now so swollen and pumped that it looks like her yoga shorts will burst into shreds at any moment. "I'm not getting smaller at all am I?"

    "This is crazy, you could compete with these kinds of lifts," I say.

    "Are you for real?" She says.

    "Nicole, you're stronger than me for god's sake." I feel my chest tighten as I realize what I've just said.

    "I am?"

    "You just squatted more than my personal best. Twenty times."

    "But it felt so light," she says.

    "I guess that proves it. Those muscles of yours are the real deal," I say.

    "Maybe I should try something else." Nicole looks around like the gym like it was a playground and spots the chin up bar on top of the squat rack.

    "Pull ups! I've never even been able to do even one of those," Nicole says. "How many of these can you do?"

    "About eight or so, they are pretty tough if you weigh a lot."

    Nicole leaps up and grabs the bar, adjusts her grip a bit and then slowly pulls herself up. I inhale sharply as her lats spread out like two meaty wings from her back. It's like she just doubled in width! Nicole lowers herself and pulls herself back up. The speed is slow and controlled during her ten first reps. I'm mesmerized by the muscled landscape of her back, the swollen bumps and hard ridges all sliding and moving against each other to power her body up and down. Up and down. Up. Down.

    "Phew, alright, so that's quite an improvement," Nicole says and drops to the floor.

    I just stare at her in disbelief, she just cranked out twenty five reps and her lats are now so pumped up that her arms are resting on them at an angle.

    "How about some dumbbells?" Nicole says and makes a beeline for the heaviest one she can find; a pair of ridiculous oversized ones at the far end of the shelf. She dusts them off and carries them over to the bench.

    "What are you planning to do with those monsters?" I say.

    "Curls," She says and sits down on the bench.

    "Nicole look, let's not get carried away, I've never even touched those weights since I bought them, they're not made for curling, they're just too heavy for that."

    Nicole ignores me, she leans forward and groans as she sits back up with the gargantuan weight in her hand. Her face turns into a grimace as her right bicep starts to swell and the weight starts to move. The whole arm shakes and her biceps vibrate from the extortion, her shoulder, now visibly split up in three different almond shaped muscles, tremble in waves. But the weight stops halfway up. Nicole breathes hard and veins as thick as my fingers sprawl out all over her arm.

    "Fuck!" She lowers the weight.

    "I think we should call it a day Nicole."

    "No." Nicole grips the weight again but now with her left hand. Her knuckles turn white while she grunts to inch the weight just a little bit higher. Sweat breaks out in her face. Nicole's arm doubles in width when her bicep stretches the skin to its limit and forces the weight upwards at a steady pace while thick veins expand to pump blood into her mighty muscle. With a roar Nicole completes the rep and drops the barbell on the floor.

    "Fuck yeah." She flashes me a smile. "You know, this is kind of fun."

    I can't take it anymore. I need to fuck this muscle beast right now or I'm gonna blow my load right in the gym.


    Chapter 7

    I throw myself over her like a virgin teen about to fuck for the first time and wrap my arms around her brawny frame. There is a reluctance when she embraces me back, as if she's worried she'll break me between her strong arms. And she probably could. The thought makes my dick tense.

    "You're beautiful," I say and run my hands over her biceps, they're so huge now that I can't fit my hands over them.

    "You really think so?" Nicole says.

    I kiss her, our tongues twirl around each other in a warm wet dance.

    "I want to see it all," I say and tear at her bra. "Please."

    Nicole struggles to roll up her workout bra over her meaty lats but I'm eager to help her. I throw the bra away and she falls back on the bench.

    "You're staring, Penguin." She brings her arms up to cover her boobs and the thick cords of muscle in her forearms twist and turn as her bicep bunches up.

    "How can I not?" I say and tear her arms aside. Or rather, I try. No matter how hard I pull at her wrists her arms won't budge an inch. The smile creeping into Nicole's face is the most erotic sight of my life. The smile that tells me that she knows. She knows that she is stronger than me.

    "Why don't you try a little bit harder?" She says and winks at me.

    I grab one of her arms with both hands and pull. Nothing. In a last desperate effort I put a foot on the bench and use my whole body weight to push against her arm.

    "I can't!" I'm breathing hard now.

    "Come here," she opens her arms and bury my face between her tits. How can her boobs be so soft against my face while her arms are so hard? I playfully bite down at her nipple and Nicole moans in response. The salty scent of her sweat is all around me. My dick presses against her abs and I feel its ridges through my boxers.

    "I'll make you feel like the goddess you are." I say and kneel on the floor to spread her thick legs. Her quads jut out over her knees like ripe veiny fruits. I'm breathing hard as I peel the yoga pants down her legs and marvel at the sight before me. Wedges of muscle run along the inside of her legs and point straight at her pussy. Damn, she even looks different down there, there's veins crisscrossed under her skin and pussy looks thicker somehow, more powerful.

    "Is it too much?" She says.

    "It's the hottest thing I've seen in my life," I say. The thick sharp smell of her makes me lightheaded. I kiss the insides of her thighs, there's a line running from her knees up to her pussy, I trace it with my tongue.

    "Now that's cute," Nicole says. "You look tiny down there."

    She's right, I even feel small being this close to her and that makes me want to please her even more.

    My lips slide against the folds of her pussy and I bury my face deep in there, probing her hole with my tongue. Nicole's legs tower and tremble around me as pleasure runs through her powerful body. She's a muscle goddess and she deserves to be pleased so I lick and suck her hard clit until my face is slick from her juices.

    "Fuck that's so good Luke! Fuck that's hot!" Nicole grabs my ass.

    "Nicky!" I gasp as my feet leaves the floor.

    "Don't worry, I got you. Now give me that gorgeous cock of yours."

    She puts me on the tumble dryer. My dick is throbbing with lust when she frees it from my boxers and guides it inside her. It's as if her pussy lurches out and sucks me in.

    "Mmm! Yes baby!" Her strong hands push my hips back and the dryer rattles beneath me. She's in complete control of the rhythm and I realize that I couldn't escape her even if I wanted to, I'm only along for the ride.

    "Nicky, that's amazing!" I can feel her squeezing my dick inside her, tight pulses creating an orgasmic sensation.

    A tremble travels through Nicole's ripped body, I feel her inner muscles squeeze me as she cums in waves. I cling on to her broad back and kiss her massive traps. Lust is building up in my dick as I tense up and get ready to cum.

    "No." Nicole's hole clamps down on my cock like a zip tie and I gasp.

    "Please!" I beg. "I'm so close babe."

    Nicole ejects me, the muscles between her legs simply pushes me right out.

    "I want more." Nicole smiles as she kneels before me, unfurls her wet tongue and gives me a long lick. I lean back and close my eyes, the sloppy slurping sounds are the sexiest thing I've ever heard.

    "Imagine how big I'll get when I swallow your next load," Nicole says.

    I should protest. I should stop this before it gets out of hand. But I don't say anything, I just moan in pleasure as she throats me up and down.

    "It feels so fucking good to be strong," Nicole says.

    I groan as the urge to cum mounts inside my cock, like a flood of cum building up inside me.

    "That's right, give it to me, make me bigger. Make me huge!"

    Nicole rolls her tongue back and forth over the head of my dick and it's impossible to resist. I lean over her face and hold on to her head as I shoot the thickest load of my life into her mouth.

    We sit on the carpet leaning against the dryer and Nicole completely envelopes me in her embrace. I can feel that she's big enough to hide me if someone were to come into the room.

    "So when do you think I'll grow?" She asks and flexes her already massive arm.

    "Babe I'm not sure how much of those berries are left in me," I say.

    "I could just eat some berries myself, couldn't I?" She says.

    "Maybe. But how much bigger can you get? And what about your modelling career?"

    "Luke." Nicole turns to me, puts her brawny arms up in the air and makes them explode into two jagged peaks of pure female muscle. "I never want to be skinny again."
  • #14 by Jaguar on 13 Nov 2022
  • Great chapter, very well written !
  • #15 by Sounder9- on 13 Nov 2022
  • A very nice continuation of the story! She's really embracing the muscle now.