  • #16 by mariobkei on 08 Jan 2019
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    Suppose you encountered a magic lamp, the Dragon Balls, the Infinity Gauntler or whatever, the point is, you can ask for absolutely any female muscle related wish. What would you ask for?

    have a 50 FBB and fitness goddesses harem :D
  • #17 by mick2view on 09 Jan 2019
  •    I would love to go on a date with a 6 ft version of Tina Lockwood.
       That would be favourite.
  • #18 by beowulff on 10 Jan 2019
  • I'd like to be bigger and more muscular than Phil Heath, and have a girlfriend who was even bigger than me.
    I'd love to walk hand-in-hand in public, and have everyone gape at us as we blotted out the sun.
    We would pick up sexy normal people and give them the sexual experience of their life!
  • #19 by steroidfreak on 03 May 2019
  • I would love her to be freakisly packed with muscle, the biggest muscle freak ever. Full of steroids and side effects, addicted to muscles and power, always wanting more. Voice insanely deep, shaving daily, massive jaw, chin, waist and clit... overgrown roid gut, rough skin and so masculine, shredded and grotesquely vascular
  • #20 by streetcleanr on 17 May 2019
  • I used to read stories on another site years ago.  The stories always ranged from good to really sophomoric.  I always wondered why there were so many stories where the main character was an underage girl.  I personally am very sensitive about pretending to want to know about a 13 year old wanting muscle and sex....bleech!  What I always wanted was a woman of about 50 years old who had gone to an extreme to achieve the body she wanted...and with that she surpasses her husband because it turned out she is not only willing to 'roid out, but happens to have a body type where the muscle is thick, dense and ripped all at the same time....if she could be my height...then she would weigh about 210 pounds.  No flabbiness anywhere, but huge muscle bellies creating the largest obvious muscles when flexed.

    My dream would be a dark skinned black woman who finds it easier to just be bald,  she has definite masculine shapes to her face.  Also as a married couple she now calls the of those control items is neither of us are allowed to wear any clothing in the house because she does not ever want to find me hiding an erection...I ring a bell at the smallest twitch of my that point she knows just that me just gazing at her body will result in uncontrollable desire to be inside her...which is always acted on.   

    Beside her magnificent body my greatest fetish of all is her hands.  They are big and thick, veins all over the back of her hands, perfect jerk off hands and she was some kind of internal release when I ejaculate with such force the that the long rope of of the fluid has not stopped flowing out the head when it splats upon contact with the ceiling.

    With me there is never any getting beat up...just getting lost in becoming one together the sex being so urgent
  • #21 by Jeremy Lightning on 18 May 2019
  • I have two girls in mind, and they are almost complete opposites, but both are insanely ripped, muscular, super strong, and sexually adventurous. One is like a Mr. Shhh character on steroids, wider than she is tall, biceps bigger than basketballs, pecs bigger than beachballs, 0.00001% bodyfat, so every single striation and vein can be easily seen, at rest. She would have a  deep, husky breathy voice, and loves to show off her body for me. Meanwhile, the other girl would be tiny, not just in comparison to the first, but overall, but her muscles would be no less defined, just the size of a normal woman, she would be less than 5 feet tall, but no one would guess the power she possesses, able to overhead press the other girl, who weighs almost as much as a car with one hand over her head like she's weightless. She would have a cute, high pitched voice, and wears clothes that don't give away her true power, which is about 50 times that of an average man.
  • #22 by Tetaadicto1965 on 20 May 2019
  • To organize a female muscle cruise, with the presence on board of hundreds of the biggest, massive and most muscular female bodybuilders in the world.
  • #23 by amazonophile on 23 May 2019
  • I would wish for Lesa Lewis(.I dream about her all the time.) She would appear right in front of me wearing daisy duke denim  shorts  and the top part of the swimsuit she wears during a workout.  She would be  covered in sweat and she would tell me that she knows that I need her She would also tell me that  she  needs me and that women bodybuilders  have a stronger sex drive than other women.  She would start by embracing  me and kissing me paasionately with her full luscious  kissable  lips.  She would tell me how cute  I am  and how I am " her little fawn"  and how I would always be safe in her embrace.  The she would pick me up and carry me into the bedroom telling me what a good boy Ive been .  While she carries  me I ask her if I can lick the sweat off of her arms and she smiles and says yes  She places me down gently on th3 bed ,kisses me passionately  again( Lesa Lewis has VERY big lips that are perfect  for  kissing.) She would tell me to stay there while she takes off her clothes and than she would do all kinds of bodybuilding  poses completely  naked in front of me.  Then I ask her if I can lick her armpits  while she flexes her arms.  She looks pleasantly  surprised  and tells me how I am the first man that ever asked to lick her armpits ,pats my head ,tells me again  what a good boy I am and how she was frustrating  in the past that no man had ever asked her that and how lucky she was to find me.  I lick her sweaty armpits as she moans while I lick her armpits ( they  taste and smell so good!) and she almost has an orgasm while I lick her pits .   Then she tells me that she is going to make love to me and takes off my clothes  and then she mounts me.
    • amazonophile
  • #24 by amazonophile on 23 May 2019
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    I would wish for Lesa Lewis(.I dream about her all the time.) She would appear right in front of me wearing daisy duke denim  shorts  and the top part of the swimsuit she wears during a workout.  She would be  covered in sweat and she would tell me that she knows that I need her She would also tell me that  she  needs me and that women bodybuilders  have a stronger sex drive than other women.  She would start by embracing  me and kissing me paasionately with her full luscious  kissable  lips.  She would tell me how cute  I am  and how I am " her little fawn"  and how I would always be safe in her embrace.  The she would pick me up and carry me into the bedroom telling me what a good boy Ive been .  While she carries  me I ask her if I can lick the sweat off of her arms and she smiles and says yes  She places me down gently on th3 bed ,kisses me passionately  again( Lesa Lewis has VERY big lips that are perfect  for  kissing.) She would tell me to stay there while she takes off her clothes and than she would do all kinds of bodybuilding  poses completely  naked in front of me.  Then I ask her if I can lick her armpits  while she flexes her arms.  She looks pleasantly  surprised  and tells me how I am the first man that ever asked to lick her armpits ,pats my head ,tells me again  what a good boy I am and how she was frustrating  in the past that no man had ever asked her that and how lucky she was to find me.  I lick her sweaty armpits as she moans while I lick her armpits ( they  taste and smell so good!) and she almost has an orgasm while I lick her pits .   Then she tells me that she is going to make love to me and takes off my clothes  and then she mounts me.
    Then after she has sex with me ( woman on top position,Lesa Lewis is an amazon of course; amazons are always woman on top.).  I ask her if I can lick her sweaty vagina.  She is very pleasantly  surprised; tells me how no man has ever asked her that before  and how lucky she was to find me.  She puts her vagina in my face. I lick it and then Lesa Lewis  moans deeply rubbung her hands through my hair and then she organisms  right into my mouth.  I love Lesa Lewis  so much.!  Literally  the  woman of my dreams.
    • amazonophile
  • #25 by thor000 on 19 Jul 2019
  • I'd wish to become myself totally irresistible for all beautiful women, especially muscle toned ones.
  • #26 by Vandar_savage on 21 Jul 2019
  • My wish would reorder all of reality to one of those alternate realities I enjoy reading about so much on this site and a few others where most of the tables of our reality have been turned around.  That'd be fun to experience.
  • #27 by The First One on 16 Aug 2019
  • To live in a world where women are the bigger, stronger and otherwise dominant sex.  By a lot.
  • #28 by bobsaget on 12 Nov 2019
  • If I could wish for any kind of crazy wild fantasy, I would wish that everyone was naturally freakishly massive. Some ripped to shreds and more vascular that is possible, some soft and full, some tall some short, but everyone huge, the smallest being Mr Olympia sized, the womens pecs four to 10 times thicker than the mens so that you could clearly tell they were women.
  • #29 by Mastron on 05 Dec 2019
  • So, if i had like some reality altering powers like the Gaunlet and stuff...

    I'd rebuild the universe to the point that every single woman is super massive and busty, like brimming with muscles and oozing sex appeal. I'd super kickstart their biology so they don't age any more (in fact they are all stuck and reverted to their peak), are practically important, and would make them far too powerful, to the point that 1 of them can easily overpower me even with the Infinity Gauntlet. They'd be so insanely powerful, that I wouldn't be able to unmake the wish had I wanted to, would not be able to travel in time to any period before they were muscular.

    Because these girls ooze power and sex, the whole freaking universe is their sandbox, they can collapse worlds and galaxies in their muscles and survive the vacuum of space, the insides of a black hole... so there's absolute no where to escape or run.... Thankfully, I was smart enough to provide myself with intangibility, invisibility, ultra potential regeneration powers (think 1000000x more powerful than Deadpool or Cell from DBZ, that from a single cell he could regenerate) super speed (but even so, these freakish muscle girls have snap reflexes so super fast that border FTL, so shiiit....) so while they are easily capable of overpowering me, the God that Made Them, I'd still have the necessary tools to survive. Because time has been rendered irrelevant. I'd spend all Eternity exploring and battling these super goddesses, always escaping within an inch of my life (be it in orgasmic muscle orgies, or real wars).

    There's absolutely nothing else I could do, because subjugating these girl's muscles is impossible. Their sheer willpower and desire to grow more renders them utterly immune to demonic possession, hypnosis, mind control, etc.

    So essentially, with that level of power that a Cosmic Cube, genie, etc., I'd be responsible for creating my own Nemesis, the Beings I desire and can so utterly defeat me....

  • #30 by JogiBear on 04 Mar 2020
  • being raped by an FBB