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Author Topic: Mighty Mountain Village  (Read 5864 times)

Offline Biceps108

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Mighty Mountain Village
« on: January 29, 2023, 08:02:27 pm »
Tim stared at the long dirt road ahead. It was an old, weathered path that truly belonged to the countryside. He looked right and left, seeing nothing but hills and forest trees. Then he looked back. The small station where he’d stepped off the train was not in the best shape either, by the looks of it. It wasn’t an ugly building; there was even a certain appeal to it that only decades-old architecture possessed. But the station was undeniably old, and the local government hadn’t properly maintained it.

No doubt because rarely anyone got off the train. Tim couldn’t see any signs of civilization nearby, save for the small and weathered roads that led along the railroad tracks or into the mountains.

This officially couldn’t get any worse.

The young man—barely older than sixteen – groaned as he slumped over his luggage. It was already late in the afternoon, and would get dark soon. No way he’d find his way through the mountain path if he couldn’t see where he was headed. He blamed his parents for this. Or, rather, their work that required the small family of three to move overseas.

Tim didn’t want to go, however, because he was terrible at learning new languages. Neither did he desire to leave his home country behind for an unknown period of time. But that left only one acceptable solution; living at his grandpa’s place.

He and his grandfather got along great, even though the old man visited only a few times per year. They lived too far apart for casual visits, unfortunately. But grandpa Max was a doting grandparent. Tim couldn’t say he had a bad relationship with him. They loved each other very much, actually. And although he would have to attend a different school, make friends there and get used to his new life, Tim was more than willing if it meant staying. So that option appealed better to the teen.

There was just one small problem with this idea. Tim had always lived in the big city, and rarely ever visited non-rural parts. Yet grandpa Max lived in the countryside.

To say that Tim was out of his element was an understatement. He warily glanced at his surroundings, unsure of what to do. He had brought a map along with him for safety, but his grandfather was supposed to come pick him up at the station. There wasn’t a soul in sight, though. He let out a deep sigh. This is why he hated change. Tim thought he’d dodge a bullet by not going overseas to a different country. Yet by the looks of it, he was in a whole different world altogether. At least his parents weren’t going to a countryside place that anyone barely heard of.

“This sucks. This sucks so, so much.” Moaned Tim, covering his eyes with his hand.

“Tim, young boy! Is that you?”

He quickly looked up, and saw a figure emerge from the path that led to the mountains. A big smile appeared on his face.


Leaving his luggage behind, which Tim considered safe to do since there was no one else there, he all but ran toward his grandfather. Both men were of slightly below-average height, and had no difficulty hugging each other. Max chuckled heartily as he embraced his grandson.

“It’s so good to see ya, my boy. Look at how big you’ve gotten. Eating all of your veggies, I see.” Said the older man. His long, yet thin white beard tickled Tim’s face.

“I’m literally still the same height as the last time you visited.” Tim countered with an eye-roll. Still, he kept grinning. “And you have more wrinkles on your face. That old age of yours is getting to you.”

Max simply laughed in response. “Ha! You young fellas and your rudeness. It’s enough to make a grandparent worry. Let’s hope your tongue won’t get you into any trouble out here. Can’t have people thinking my grandson is a brat. Come on, I’ll show you the way.”

Tim went back to get his luggage, and carried it along with him as they began climbing. It was luckily not a steep path. However, the road wasn’t paved, which made it uneven and somewhat difficult to follow. But Tim managed. He wasn’t exactly the most physically-gifted member of the family, but neither was he weak. He managed to keep up somehow.

During their walk, Max told him about what he should know if he was going to live out there. That included directions for starters. He was instructed to memorize the main road while keeping an eye on the smaller paths that led through the trees. Some were shortcuts that he could take whenever he needed to reach the train station down below. Others led to a nearby lake or clearings within the forest itself. There were far too many to remember all at once, but that was okay. Like his grandfather said: it was only his first day.

“And if you follow that one, you’ll reach a series of small caves. They’re not too impressive. Just small carvings into the mountainside. Still, lots of edible mushrooms grow there. Makes for a good soup.” Max rattled off, walking along the road at a leisurely pace.

“What about the village itself?” Asked Tim.

Only now did it come to mind how little he actually knew about the tiny settlement. He’d often asked about it whenever Max visited, back when he was still a little kid, but the weathered man never gave much info. Only small bits that painted the image of a small and secluded, yet peaceful town.

“Mhm? Oh, well, let’s see…” The old man took off his straw hat to scratch an itch, before putting it back on his head. “You might have noticed by now, but this isn’t really a place that folks regularly visit. It’s not well-known, after all. However, although it’s a small community, we get along just fine and rarely have any trouble. Can’t remember the last time a police officer even set foot here.”

“Really? None whatsoever? Back in the city, we heard sirens on a daily basis.”

“I betcha! Lots of people there, yet few familiar faces. It’s different out here. Almost everyone knows each other by name, you see. That would make it awkward if you stole something from a neighbor. And besides, we take care of each other. You can always expect people to help out if you have a problem that requires fixing. The village mainly sustains itself so we’re not quite dependent on outside aid, either.” Explained Max.

Tim had a hard time imagining that. The city life was all he’d ever known, starting from an early age. There were of course videos and tales online about secluded settlements that barely interacted with the outside world. Hearing of it was one thing, but seeing it in real life was a whole different story. All he could do was wait and see.

“I see. So you really don’t have any shops out here? Or at least no supermarkets.” He said.

Max nodded slowly. “Only small family businesses. For example, there’s a convenience store where you can get just about anything, and if it lacks what you need, then you can ask them to put in an order. Every week when they stock up, they receive your requested item and you can come pick it up. It might not be as fast as in the city, but you’ll manage. And we’ve just got about everything else. There’s a small market, food stores, a recreational area, a doctor, and more. Even have wi-fi! Though it’s not always a good connection.”

“Well, it could be worse. So I shouldn’t complain.” Tim admitted that the situation was better than expected. He’d first expected this place to be so cut off from the world that basic necessities would be hard to get by. But if his grandfather’s claims were to be trusted, then his stay at the village would be okay. “Thanks again, grandpa. I really appreciate it.”

“Ah, what are you saying, my boy? If anything, I should be thanking you! I get to spend more time with my favorite grandson!”

He grinned wryly. “I’m your only grandson.”

“And that makes you my favorite.” Retorted Max as he poked a wrinkly finger into Tim’s chest. The senior was smiling mischievously. “So you’d better prepare yourself. We’re going to do tons of stuff together. There’s a fishing rod with your name on back home, and I plan on making sure you use it. The nearby river is a perfect spot!”

“I’m looking forward to it.” Replied Tim honestly.

Spending more time with grandpa Max sounded like a great time. In the past, Tim had often lamented the fact that they were separated by the far distance between their homes. That’s why every little thing mattered. Fishing was something that he himself had no passion for, but neither did he dislike going on a fishing trip with Max, who loved spending time next to the water. Another reason why staying was the right decision.

Tim saw the roof of a house in the distance. They were almost there, it seemed. Good. His suitcases came with wheels, but those didn’t do much on a dirt road like this one. And his arms were positively aching by now. Maybe the uphill journey was a downside. He tried not to let it get to him. During school days, he’d only be carrying his backpack around instead of all his personal belongings. Tim nevertheless planned on building his stamina up. A jog in the morning sounded nice. Especially since the forest was so peaceful, compared to the city where you’d run into someone else or had to use small sidewalks.

However, his fatigue was more serious than expected. Because Tim’s grip gave way, causing one of his suitcases to fall over.

“Ah, dammit.” He cursed quietly.

He tried picking it up again, yet struggled while keeping a hold of the other suitcase. It was an embarrassing display of clumsiness that stemmed from his exhaustion. His fingers ached miserably, and his arms lacked the necessary strength. A drop of sweat cascaded down the back of his neck.

“You okay there, Tim?”

“Just fine, grandpa! Give me a moment.” He waved his grandfather’s concern away, wanting to do this on his own.

That proved to be a mistake, though. In another show of clumsiness, Tim crouched too low and slipped on the grainy road and fell. He let out an indignant yelp as he landed on his backside. The other suitcase similarly fell down on the ground.


Someone unfamiliar gasped nearby. “Oh, my! Are you all right? Here– let me help you with that.”

The voice was distinctively feminine. Laced with a countryside accent similar to his grandfather. But it definitely wasn’t the old man. Tim blinked as dust got into his eyes, which impeded his vision. A hand suddenly appeared in his line of vision, prompting him to look up.

It was a woman. No ordinary woman, though.

Tim’s gaze traveled past a thick, sinewy forearm that led to a muscular arm and rounded shoulder, before stopping just beyond a bull-like neck; the final destination was a pair of brown eyes staring into his blue ones. His mind barely registered the size of the female that towered over his prone form. Tim felt his jaw go slack as he took in the sheer musculature of the woman.

Thus it came as no surprise when his voice utterly failed him.


Offline G$$n

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Re: Mighty Mountain Village
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2023, 08:49:40 pm »
This story is really cool I love the build up aswell. Always love yourself a mountain girl
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Offline kiko28

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Re: Mighty Mountain Village
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2023, 10:06:02 pm »
I really like the way the scenery was described, so now I'm curious, in which direction the story will go

Offline jhunter

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Re: Mighty Mountain Village
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2023, 12:17:40 am »
Really nice setup. Can't wait to see how things play out.

Offline Flex dir

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Re: Mighty Mountain Village
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2023, 01:25:56 pm »
great story :cool2:

Offline brave_archer

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Re: Mighty Mountain Village
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2023, 05:22:33 pm »
Great world-building you've done here. This has so much potential. Looking forward to what's next!

Offline Biceps108

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Re: Mighty Mountain Village
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2023, 08:58:09 pm »
“That doesn’t sound good. Did you hit your head, maybe?” Asked the stranger.

There was concern in her eyes. Surprise, too. But Tim didn’t know why. He had more important things on his mind.

Like the fact that this woman was totally jacked.

Seriously, he’d never seen a woman this muscular. But her appearance was normal if you didn’t count her physique. The person before him appeared as if she was in her mid or late twenties. Her face retained a youthful look, devoid of the usual signs of old age such as laughing lines or crow’s feet. In fact, Tim considered her to be very pretty. The brunette had her hair swept back in a ponytail that hung down her neck. Her voice was deeper than he was used to from a girl, yet not too much.

That’s where the normality stopped, though. The height of this woman alone had to be around two meters tall. That eclipsed his own meager length, which was nothing to write home about. Tim never felt insecure about his own body. He personally believed that he could be proud of having such confidence. However, anyone would be questioning their own fitness right about now.

The stranger’s figure was – surprisingly enough – a pronounced hourglass shape. Mainly due to her narrow waist, connecting her thick legs to a broad upper chest. She wore a plaid weave button-up shirt over that phenomenal torso. It clung to her like a second skin, and the top two buttons were undone to give her sizeable bust some breathing room. The sleeves were rolled up over big, vascular biceps and striated triceps. Tim could perfectly see those impressive lumps of sinew. The muscularity of her limbs was matched by her round, bulbous delts. No wonder she looked so big; those shoulders were so wide, he doubted she could view past her traps and neck. Enormous thighs were hugged tight by a pair of blue jeans. How those threads held on was a mystery.

And one of those heavily-muscled arms was reaching out, with an open hand being extended to him. A moment of clarity dawned on Tim as he finished gaping dumbly.

“I’m fine. Totally. Just, um– surprised. That’s all.” Said the bewildered teenager.

“That’s great! I thought you’d sustained a head injury or something.”

He accepted her offer, and grabbed her hand with his own. Tim immediately noticed that the palm of her hand was rough with calluses. There was nothing delicate about it. Although considering her impressive fitness, he shouldn’t be surprised.

She pulled him to his feet with ease. There was no sharp tug or leaning back to utilize her weight. The powerful woman merely pulled slowly, muscle fibers tightening as they swelled larger. Tim tried not to gawk again. Just how strong was this woman?! Granted, he was no heavyweight, but neither was he overly light. His gaze flickered to the arm opposite of his own, taking note of how her bicep and triceps bulged slightly.

Tim cleared his throat as he let go. “Thank you, uh…”

“Maria. That’s my name.” The now-identified strongwoman supplied helpfully. She flashed him another smile, showing pearly white teeth. “And it was my pleasure. You’re Tim, right?”

“You know of me?”

The barrel-chested woman began laughing out loud. It wasn’t meant mockingly, obviously. Her laughter was the sort you’d receive after telling a particularly funny joke; honest and rich.

Tim took a moment to size Maria up, now that he was standing on his own feet again. She truly was massive compared to him. His head was on eye level with her chest. He willed himself not to stare, though. Even if she was large-chested in a way that would make men drool all over her. Sadly the buttons on her shirt were in no capacity to cover up more of her tanned flesh.

That granted him an exquisite view of her upper body muscles, though. Behind those breasts was a shelf of pectoral beef. Could women even have such big pecs? Apparently so. Maria was living proof that a girl could have armored plates underneath her bust. The combined cleavage of her muscles and breasts was mindboggling, to say the least. And so were the older woman’s abs. They were visible through the tight shirt; six defined blocks of hard sinew.

“I’d say everyone here knows about you. And you can thank old man Max for that.” Explained Maria, once she calmed down. The muscular woman pointed a thumb over her broad shoulder as she gestured toward his grandfather, who on his part shrugged in response.

“There’s nothing wrong with telling people about my favorite grandson, no?”

Tim’s cheeks flushed red. “You can’t be serious. Grandpa! Please tell me you didn’t tell anything embarrassing.”

“Me? Pssh! Perish the thought.”

He groaned in pure embarrassment, much to the delight of Maria and Max. Great. So apparently he already had a reputation thanks to his tormentor of a grandfather. Tim wished a hole would swallow him up right there and then. Anything to get out of this predicament.

“But I’ve got to say,” Maria spoke up, gaining his attention, as she smirked down at him, “Your grandfather kept boasting of how handsome you were. Turns out he wasn’t lying.”

This time, he was so mortified that his ears were burning. Tim rubbed the back of his head; a nervous tick of his.

“T-Thanks. And again, I’m grateful for your help. If there’s anything I can do, I’d be happy to repay the favor.”

She waved her hand dismissively, causing her prominent muscles to flex. “Don’t worry about it! I was on my way to deliver wood, and saw you lying on the ground. There’s no way I could just stand by and watch.”

“It was kind nevertheless.” He remarked.

Maria blinked silently, then looked to the side. Her confident and boisterous demeanor did a one-eighty as the tall woman behaved bashfully. Similarly to Tim, she rubbed her arm in what he assumed to be a comforting manner, which inadvertently made her strong arms ripple with dense sinew. Maria’s bicep inflated like a balloon. The muscle wasn’t even fully flexed, and it still had to be on the same level as hardcore bodybuilders. There was a big, fat blue vein that snaked underneath her skin as well.

“Quite the sweet talker, aren’t you?” Murmured Maria.

Was he? Tim didn’t think so. He was just being brutally honest. Partially due to being overwhelmed by his new life, the embarrassment, and meeting Maria. Tim’s nerves were shot to hell. That meant he didn’t have a filter on his mouth anymore.

“That’s my grandson!” Max boasted as he patted Tim’s back. It was an affectionate gesture, though no less humiliating for the latter. “But you said you were making a delivery, right? Then that settles it. Little Tim here can lend you a hand, Maria.”

The amazon of a woman regarded them with excited surprise. “Really? I would like that. If Tim is okay with that, of course.”

Their eyes were suddenly on him. Tim was taken aback for a second. But honestly, there was no reason to refuse. And his offer to return the favor for helping him out was genuine.

“Sure. I’d love to.”


Maria was all smiles. Honestly, the contrast between her upbeat and intimidating physique amused Tim. He found himself returning the happy expression. 

“My, my. Aren’t you two getting along well.” Said grandpa Max, bemused. He grabbed Tim’s luggage as he began to walk away. “I’m going on ahead. Dinner will be ready by the time you’re done. Maria. Be a dear and show him the way, will you?”

“Of course. You can count on me.” The brunette responded affirmatively.

Without further ado, the elderly man left toward the village ahead. Tim felt a tiny bit awkward being all alone with Maria. She seemed to be a kind person, and had even gone out of her way to check if he was okay, but she was still a stranger for the most part; someone he’d met only five minutes ago. How should he start a conversation with her? Tim had a few topics in mind – more than half of them surrounding her immense muscle mass – but didn’t think it was appropriate to ask them out of the blue.

He chose to focus on the task at hand. One step at a time.

“So, I guess we should get going.”

Maria gave a single nod, her thick neck tensing for a split second. “True. This might take a while. If we move now, we’ll be back in time for dinner. Don’t want to stay outside for too long, either. There are no lamp posts around here. The lighting is decent because the stars and moon are far brighter compared to the city, but it’s not smart to wander around the mountain when it’s dark. That’s just asking for trouble.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.” Said Tim.

“Alright! Let me go grab my stuff real quick.”

The muscular woman walked over to the side of the road, where a large log had been deposited. Tim frowned in confusion. That hadn’t been there before, right?

His question was answered quickly. Maria stopped next to the log, before crouching and wrapping her beefy arms around the chunk of wood. Then, with nothing more than a small grunt, she lifted the entire thing. Her large thighs bulged and flexed with dense muscle. They almost grew out of her pants right there and then! The sharp outlines of her defined quadriceps poked through for a moment, but there was certainly no hiding the swelling of Maria’s spherical glutes.

Tim watched in astonishment as she raised the whole tree trunk into the air. She put it on her shoulder, which was luckily wide enough, and turned to look at him.

“Well? Are you coming or what?” Maria asked playfully. She even winked coyly, showing no strain whatsoever as the wood was balanced on her shoulder.


He quickly ran up to her. They then set off deeper into the forest.

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Re: Mighty Mountain Village
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2023, 04:58:14 am »
This is fun! Cannot imagine where it is going but I like the description of Maria. K+!

Offline Wookey

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Re: Mighty Mountain Village
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2023, 11:01:53 am »
So many possibilities K++

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Re: Mighty Mountain Village
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2023, 06:47:33 am »
What will happen in the forest?

Offline brave_archer

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Re: Mighty Mountain Village
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2023, 05:38:44 am »
Hoping for another chapter of this one. Great start so far!

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