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Author Topic: From Chubby to Chiseled  (Read 27973 times)

Offline Brfan

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2020, 04:39:26 pm »
"C'mon, give me two more"
Joanna had her eyes closed, but Vicky's voice was just the right push she needed. Keeping her eyes shut for extra concentration, Joanna tensed up her hands on the EZ bar she held and curled it up to her shoulder height, letting out a loud grunt as she did it, she controlled the movement back down, opened up her eyes and breathed hard a few times.
"C'mon Joanna, just one more. You can do it" Vicky was standing right next to her, looking at Joanna through the mirror in front of them. Joanna focused her eyes on the plates that hanged from the bar. Ten Kg on each side, which meant she was curling more than 25kg. Not many kids her age could do that, and she knew it. Grunting again, she started bringing the bar back up. Her whole upper body was shivering. Vicky made mention to help her with the last curl, but Joanna barked
That stopped Vicky. With one last surge of strength, Joanna finished her curl and immediately placed the bar on the supporting rack, where she kept propped as she regained her breath. Vicky's complimenting words were nothing but a blur right now
"That was so intense, Jo! Truly amazing! Congratulations!"
Joanna looked at herself in the mirror again. She loved how her shoulders became more and more defined over the last few months. The exercises today got them even more pumped, the splits between her deltoids and pecs, and deltoids and arm's muscles more prominent. Grabbing her tank top, she pulled it over her head and admired her silhouette, now almost fully exposed, except for her nipples that were hidden by a very tight sports bra.
"That really was something, huh? I thought I didn't have it for a second there" Finally intelligible words came out of Joanna's mouth.
"It sure was. But don't tell me it's not worth it. Look at you" Vicky scanned Joanna's body top to bottom "I guess you already look better than I did on those pictures, you know?"
Joanna knew. It took her a lot of time and discipline, but her body had changed for the best. As she falsely played the modest role, she looked down at herself. Joanna was absolutely in love with her abs now, that finally started chiseling themselves up into a six pack. She flexed them, causing the crevices to become more prominent, and patted her hard, washboard stomach
"If you say so... I mean, I can only thank you"
"You sure do. Hey, before I get out of here, I've been meaning to ask you... you still use that playlist I gave you?"
"Well, yes and no...."
"Care to explain?" Vicky giggled with Joanna's evasive answer
"Well, sometimes when I get angry or anxious I still listen to it. So yes. But I don't come down here to walk on the treadmill anymore. So no."
Joanna picked up her towel and started drying herself up from the sweat around her neck. She noticed Vicky staring down at her muscle made cleavage. It's been a while now that sometimes she caught Vicky admiring her body, but she didn't mind. In fact, she loved those stares.
"Oh, I see... so you just listen to it?"
"Not really, you see... sometimes I come down here, only that... instead of cardio, I force myself to do some hard weightlifting"
"What do you mean?"
"Well... I know it's not on our program, but... sometimes I like coming down here and squatting"
"Oh.. really?"
"Yeah, and... and bench pressing too. If I'm angry at something, I come down here and try to max out at something" Joanna blushed
Vicky didn't see that one coming. She seemed bewildered "O-oh... that's... that's ok, I guess"
Joanna smiled "Yeah, I mean... it sure didn't work out for the worst, right? I like where all that squatting got me" She patted her hard ass. Joanna's butt was gorgeously round and hard. She loved that when she flexed it, it reshaped itself into two square blocks of fibered steel.
"So... how much have you been squatting?" Vicky had completely left the trainer persona and seemed a lot like and admirer of Joanna's achievements.
"Oh, max out? I squatted 85kg last week. Pretty wicked, right? I mean, it's 20kg more than what I weight! And I can benchpress my own weight too"
Joanna knew that was something special. She had a secret goal to squat over 150kg and press over 100kg by next Christmas.
Vicky seemed shocked "That's.. that's really impressive, Jo. But I should have known. I mean, for crying out loud, look at you. You're only 16 and you look like a mini Hulk" she giggled. Normally she wouldn't say something like that, but she knew Joanna liked her muscular frame.
Joanna laughed. She liked being praised by her body, especially by someone who really saw that she was a muscled girl. Giggling, Joanna flexed her upper body in front of Vicky, in a most muscular pose, and grunted. She saw in the mirror her body exploding in power, even her traps and chest jumping out
"Mini-Hulk smash!" she giggled.
As Joanna relaxed back to 'Dr. Banner' shape, Vicky tried to find her words.
"So, listen Jo... I'm heading back to my parent's house this week, there are some family business I need to attend, and your mom told me you guys are going on a trip on the next week... Bahamas, right?"
"Barbados, actually, but yeah. We'll meet with Jonas, who is flying in, at the airport on Friday. It will be a good way to end up summer"
"Sure is. About your brother.... he hasn't seen you in quite a while, right?"
"Yeah, why? Last time he came was close to Christmas"
"Oh boy, is he in for a surprise..."
"What do you mean?"
"Are you kidding? The last time your brother saw you, you were starting to look fit. Now look at you. It will not be easy on him, you know"
"Oh, c'mon... Jonas is very comprehensive and open minded. I'm sure he won't even bother"
"I'm not saying he won't support you... It's just... It's hard for a guy to be around a strong looking woman, you know. Now picture if this strong looking woman is your younger sister"
"Oh, I don't know, I mean... sure, he will be surprised, but I don't think it will be a problem"
"I'm sure it won't, but... let him into the news with ease, you know. Don't go full Mini Hulk mode in front of him or you might make him feel uncomfortable, that's it"
"Oh, well... I--I guess you're right. Thanks, Vicky. You're the best"
"Oh, don't mention. Anyways, I'll email you a program for the next few weeks, alright? Try to follow it and don't eat too much crap during your trip. See you in a couple of weeks. Bye, Jo!"
"Bye Vicky!"

Joanna walked up the stairs, and as she was heading to the shower, Vicky's words came back to her head. How would Jonas react to her new physique? Would he say nice words to her? Or would he be scared? Maybe disgusted? Oh, God... she never considered how he would react to her hard earned muscles. Not sure why, Joanna entered Jonas room. She looked around the pretty much sterile looking room. Jonas had never lived there. Their parents just brought the stuff from his old room to that and left there. Except for a magnetic board that Jonas had filled with some pictures of his friends and family, everything was still untouched. Joanna scanned through the pictures. There she was, a couple years ago, still chubby and round faced, next to him. Jonas was probably around 10cm taller than her, and she always thought of him like this handsome, strong man. But now...
Joanna removed the magnet that held the picture and watched it closer. Jonas looked rather skinny on that picture. Thinking something might be wrong with the printing, she looked at others. In all of them her brother didn't seem like the super hero she thought. Finally, she found a picture of him and a couple friends on some beach. Jonas was shirtless, and for the first time she could tell that he was, in fact, a regular young man. Truth to be told, his arms looked quite thin, and his torso didn't have much size.
Looking around, Joanna stared down at Jonas closet. She opened it up. There was a pile of some old t-shirts. Not sure why, she picked up the one on the top. She remembered that. He used to wear it all the time. It was an Iron Maiden t-shirt, with Eddie's face on fire. Joanna tried to remember Jonas with it. The t-shirt always looked quite loose on him. Driven by an unstoppable curiosity, Joanna put the shirt on and walked out the closet to look at herself in the mirror. Yes, the shirt fit her well, but... it was quite tight on her chest and arms.
"That's... interesting" she said out loud.
"I guess Vicky is right. Maybe Jonas is in for a surprise"

Offline Brfan

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2020, 04:14:01 pm »
Friday came soon enough. The two parties (Joanna and her parents on one side, Jonas on the other) met at Miami International Airport for the connecting flight that would take them to Barbados. Having digested everything Vicky had said to her over the last week, Joanna had decided to travel with baggy clothes, so Jonas wouldn't be shocked from the start. He did however noticed that she looked fitter
"Hey Sis... looks like all that jogging is paying off, huh?"
Joanna fought back the impulse to show off a bit, and just thanked him
"Oh, yeah... I guess it is, huh. So, Window or aisle?"
"Can I take the window?"
During the almost 4 hour flight, Joanna couldn't help but compare herself sitting next to her brother. Even in her baggy trousers her legs looked bigger than his. It was pretty clear that her torso, especially her shoulders occupied more room than Jonas'. Joanna kept thinking that it couldn't go unnoticed for him, and a couple times she thought she caught him staring at her frame, but she wasn't completely sure of it.
"Hey... mind if I rest my head on your shoulder for a bit? We woke up really early for the flight" she asked him with a girlish, naive voice that she used when she wanted something out of him
"Sure, go ahead. I'll keep watching this movie" Jonas pointed to the screen
"Thanks" Joanna snapped back as she rested her head on her brother. She immediately felt that Jonas' shoulder was skinny and very 'bony'. It was hard to find a comfortable position. Also, at any small move, her head ended up falling off it. There wasn't too much volume there.

The family arrived right about when the sun was setting. They pick an Uber to their resort and checked in. As Joanna and Jonas entered their room, they scanned the place
"So... which bed do you want?" the older brother asked
Joanna loved that he wasn't the regular old brother bully type
"Hum... the one by the window"
They settled in and headed to the buffet. Jonas was impressed with how much Joanna put on her plate. It was like she was never lost any weight
"Hey, easy there Tiger"
"Oh, shut up... it's only vegetables and protein, you know" she smiled back at him
Jonas took a better look. Indeed, Joanna was eating a lot, but it seemed healthier than what she usually ate.

The next morning Joanna woke up around 6 am and headed to the gym. Before leaving, she made sure to pick up a sweatshirt. After her workout, she put on the sweats, even though it was really hot, and entered her room. Jonas was already up
"Hey, where have you been? Mom and dad just texted, they told us to meet them for breakfast and then hit the pool. I figured we better put on our bathing suits underneath already. Or will you want to head back to the room?"
"Wow... aren't you all fired up. I was at the gym. Sure, Let me just take a quick shower, alright?"
"Sure, sis. I'll go change"
Joanna showered quickly and put on her bikini. She looked at herself in the mirror. This was it. At some point she'd have to show her new self to Jonas. She looked at her carved abs and strong looking thighs. Before throwing a loose t-shirt and her jeans shorts, Joanna placed her hands on her hips and spread her lats. She loved how she looked like an hourglass when she did that.
"Hey Jo... mind rubbing this sunscreen on my back? I don't want to get sunburn on day one" Jonas was holding a banana boat on his hand.
"Sure, turn around"
As Joanna rubbed the lotion on her brother, she realized how much he lacked muscles on his upper body. All her suspicions from last week were true. Her older brother was rather skinny indeed. And he also wasn't very toned, she noticed as she finished up his shoulders and arms
"Thanks sis. Want me to do you?"
For a second there Joanna considered her options. She knew Jonas would be completely blindsided by her physique. And yet, if he didn't realize how big she was by now, the few minutes between their room and the pool wouldn't change much. In fact, it was better if the first shock was there, away from other people's eyes.
Finally, sighing, she answered him
"Yeah, sure" and then she pulled off her t-shirt.
The next thing she saw as Jonas' jaw dropping on the floor, as his eyes popped out of his head.

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2020, 04:24:50 pm »

The cats out of the bag and Jonas reaction is gonna be priceless and truly jaw dropping

Offline caino

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2020, 06:50:32 pm »
please, don't stop this!!!
I know you are not for long story, but... that is something special!!!
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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2020, 03:50:30 am »
Gonna be fun. Please don't stop yet. Let him pick up his jaw at least.

Offline Brfan

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2020, 05:42:25 pm »
'Don't say anything. Let it sink in' Joanna was talking to herself in her mind as Jonas shocked eyes scanned her body. He still hadn't closed up his mouth. Joanna fought the urge to flex. 'Maybe just the abs, or the quads' 'No!' the little devil and angel inside her head kept fighting. Before the evil one could win, Jonas finally said something. Or at least tried to
"M-my... God... You... you're... Jo... What... Wow!"
Joanna smiled. 'Wow' sounds just perfect. She realized that it made absolutely no sense pretending she didn't know what have caused all the babbling from her brother.
"Yeah... there's that" she said, trying to sound just the right amount of proud.
Jonas kept scanning his younger sister body. His eyes ran from her traps to her shoulders, and from there to her chest and arms. His jaw fell opened again when he reached her abs, where he seemed to lose track of time and just gazed at them
"You're... buff" Finally he came up with a sentence, albeit a short one.
"Well... yeah, I guess I am" Joanna was getting a bit nervous with all the staring "So... sunscreen?" she held the bottle in front of Jonas' face, taking him out of his trance
"What? Yeah, yeah... sure"
Joanna handed him the bottle and turned around. Jonas started spreading the white liquid over her large, lumpy back. As he rubbed it, Joanna could feel that Jonas' hands were impressed by the density and hardness of her back muscles, not to mention the volume. As he reached and finished up with her lumbar, Joanna turned back again, putting her t-shirt back on
"Thanks, bro... so... breakfast and pool?"
"Y-yeah... let's.. let's go" Jonas' voice made it very clear that he was still in shock.

The family ate their breakfast and grabbed a nice bungalow just by the pool. Joanna stripped out of her t-shirt and shorts, and again she felt Jonas' eyes locking up on her body. 'Well, give him time. It's ok' she thought. She also knew that his weren't the only eyes staring at the sixteen year old with a rocking muscular body. Pretty much everyone at the hotel glimpsed at her, then feigned normality. She didn't mind them.
"Hey guys, I'm gonna go get some water. Do you want anything?" After a while Joanna inquired her parents
"Well, sure honey... bring some Ice tea for me will you?" her mom answered
"Make that two!" her dad added
"Nah... I'm good" Jonas voice came lower than usual
"Alright, be right back" Joanna hopped up from her chair and walked towards the bar.
Jonas watched his younger sister walking away, still mesmerized by her powerful frame. As soon as she was out of reach, he turned to his parents
"What the heck? Do you guys realize Joanna is like... like... muscular?"
His mother was nonchalant. "Yeah, so? She is also a lot healthier now"
"I know, I know, it's just... don't you think it's too much? I mean, you guys told me that you'd hire a personal trainer and try to take her out of her sedentary lifestyle, but... look at her, for Crying out loud"
"Son, I see no problem with her being a little stronger than the usual girl. In fact, I think she looks great! I might start working out with her, you know" her mother giggled at the idea. Jonas was livid
"I'm just not sure if this is the best for her, you know? I bet she will end up being bullied for having such manly shape just as she was by being fat"
"Look Jonas" his father intervened "I know it's not usual. But your sister now eats healthier, exercise daily and has friends. I see no downside on this. Now drop it, cause here she comes" he pointed with his Chin to her daughter who was coming back with the drinks.
Jonas gulped as he saw Joanna's quads bulging at each step.

The next couple days Joanna felt her brother weird. He didn't bring the subject of her body again, and tried to act cool about it, but she knew it was bothering him. Also, she caught him staring at her at least half a dozen times now. Yeah, alright, she was buff and tough, but that was it. She was still just Joanna, his younger sister.
That night mom and dad were out to the cassino, which meant the two were left at their own. They went to the games room to play some air hockey. They played for about 20 minutes, until Joanna scored a couple straight goals. This was odd, as Jonas was a good player and also quite competitive. She then realized that he was constantly losing focus from the puck staring at her triceps, which contracted like they were when she was playing bulged out of her sleeve. She had enough
"Alright, this is it. Jonas, what's the matter with you?" she had to do it. she had to confront him and set things straight
"What? Nothing"
"It's not nothing. You've been acting weird ever since you found out I'm, well, big. Come here, talk to me"
She was being absolutely caring and supportive of her brother's issues, whatever they were, but it seemed that he simply... obeyed her request.
As Jonas walked towards her, Joanna scanned the place. They were pretty much alone
"Let's go outside and talk" she turned around and walked to some chairs that were in a lawn in front of the ocean. There they were completely alone
Jonas followed her.
"Alright, what is it about my body that seems to tick you off?"
"What, it doesn't!" Jonas was all defensive. Joanna was getting irritated
"Yeah, sure. Listen, Help me understand so we can work it out, ok? I know it's a big change. I know I look, you know, more muscular than most girls and many boys. What does it do to you? Are you... disgusted? Afraid?"
"What? No, of course I'm not afraid of you!" Words said one thing, Jonas' voice didn't sound so sincere thought, Joanna realized
"Jo... are you afraid I might be stronger than you? Is that it?"
"Or are you worried that people will pick on you cause my body looks more muscular than yours?"
Joanna sensed she was getting somewhere, but Jonas refused to talk
"Fine, don't talk" she was losing her nerve. Why didn't he spill it out? "But you are going..." she decided a more intense approach, as she took off her t-shirt. Joanna was still on her bikinis underneath "... to have to..." Joanna dropped the t-shirt over the chair, raised both her arms and flexed her biceps. She felt the baseball sized muscles popping out and standing proud "... deal with it"
Jonas gulped hard. His hands where grabbing the arms of his chair so hard his hand was turning white. He was almost shivering, Joanna noticed. Finally one of his hands got loose and twitched towards her arms, as if he wanted to feel them, but he stopped himself. Joanna noticed Jonas was all sweaty, and in an odd position, as if he was trying to shove his hip down the chair. She deviated her look to his groin. Than it hit her
"Oh shit... so that's it"

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2020, 07:02:53 pm »
 :heart: Loving this story

Offline jhunter

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2020, 08:19:28 pm »
So glad to see more. Keep up the great work.

Offline Brfan

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2020, 08:50:52 pm »
Joanna picked up her t-shirt and put it back on in a hurry
"Erm.. so... I... think... I'm gonna get... back to our room" She was so embarrassed for her brother she couldn't even stare him in the eye
"Huh... yeah... I... I think I'm gonna... gonna stay here for a while"
"Huh... sure..."
Joanna rushed back to her room. She couldn't believe it. "Jonas... is aroused... by... my body" The idea made her shiver. That was wrong. Plain and simple.
By the time Jonas got back into the room, Joanna was all covered up, facing the other side, pretending to be asleep. She couldn't deal with this right now. Sleep came just a few hours later, and it was an agitated awkward sleep. Joanna dreamt. When she woke up, she remembered parts of her dream. On it, she was bigger, more muscular. And she was posing, as if it was a bodybuilding competition. She flexed all her muscles, in a ordered sequence, for the audience. But there was no one there. She tried hard to impress the judges, flexing and flexing, but the empty chairs didn't aplaude her. It was frustrating. She was crying. Until someone came from behind and placed his hand on her flexed, bulging bicep. Joanna remember vividly how big and hard her bicep was. She remembered that the hand on it tried to squeeze it, but couldn't. Tried to wrap his fingers around it, but it was just too big. And it had a big, thick vein on top of it, that fed that muscle. Joanna remembered that the touch of that hand calmed her down in her dream. That hand told her, just by touching her, how much he admired her hard earned body. How much he worshiped every ounce of muscle Joanna had in her body. The hand ran up her arm arm to her shoulder, and then her traps. She remembered having huge traps on her dream.

The next day Joanna and Jonas did the best they could to avoid each other. Outside of family meals, they tried to stay clear. When Jonas was by the pool, Joanna went for walks on the beach, or the gym. When it was her turn to sunbathe, Jonas shot some hoops with his father on the basketball court. They simply couldn't look at each other.
That night Joanna dozed off to the same dream. This time, when the hand reached her thick, triangular shaped traps, she heard a voice. 'Flex' the voice said, and she obeyed. Joanna flexed her traps, and then stroke a rear double bicep pose, so the hand could see and feel how massive she was. Her rhomboids and lats flared out insanely, Her upper back almost twice as wide as her waist. The hand then went down to her glutes, her gorgeously shaped and impressive strong glutes. She remembered flexing them hard and watching every striation on it being felt by the hand. It made her feel desired, empowered. Finally, the hands went for her calves. Her huge, diamond shaped calves, that were so much bigger than that soft small hand.
That time Joanna woke up sweaty and apprehensive. She looked to her side and saw Jonas sleeping. He had one of his hands hanging out of the sheets.
Joanna was livid.

The next morning Joanna called Vicky. She was the only one she could talk about that situation
"hey Girl, what's up?" the voice on the other side of the line seemed cheerful
"I need your help"
"Sure, what is it? Your program or...?"
"No. It's not that" Joanna interrupted her
"Ok... so what is it? I'm getting worried here"
"It's... my.. brother"
"Oh. What about him?"
"He... seems to be... oh well... I think... I... crap. He had a boner watching my muscles. There. I said it"
There were a few moments of silence that drove Joanna mad
"Say something, please"
"Ok... listen Jo... It's.. weird... and yet... it's not"
"What? How come? And how it's not weird? I'm his younger sister, for crying out loud"
"Yeah, yeah... that part is weird. But listen, It's not such an uncommon thing for some men to be attracted to muscular, strong girls."
"Huh..." that was a surprise for Joanna
"And... given the fact that there aren't that many of you, us there... I'd say this is the either the first time your brother realized he was attracted to muscles, or the first time he saw a muscular, chiseled girl like yourself"
Joanna was puzzled
"That... I.... What should I do?"
Vicky let out a little giggle from the other side "well... first of did you feel?"
"I... at first I was grossed, but... not really... I don't know. I guess It felt.... good to know I can cause that reaction on men?"
This time Vicky let out a loud laugh "Yeah... that seems about right. I mean, I know it isn't something you were used to, right? To be sexually desired by boys around you"
"Yeah... that's a new one for me"
"Well, then... first of all, enjoy. It is good for your self-esteem. And, I'm sure you just didn't realize it, but probably there are other people there, even older men or maybe some women that look at that hard ass of yours and your beefy chest and have huh... spicy thoughts as well" Vicky giggled again
"What? Are you crazy?"
"Pay attention. You'll see"
"Alright, alright. But... what about Jonas?"
"What about him?"
"What do I do with him? I don't want to lose my older brother just because suddenly I became juicy to his eyes"
"Well... have you talked to him about it?"
"What? Of course not! Are you insane?"
"Listen. Normally boys who have this kind of fetish never talked to anyone about it. Now, if you had figured he has it on your own, I'd tell you to respect his privacy. But considering that that ship has sailed, talk to him. Offer him a pair of ears that will allow him to be fully himself. It will do him good. Plus, it will help your sexuality. I mean, I hope sometime you have a boyfriend that has the same fetish as your brother. Knowing what he likes might help you in the future with said boyfriend"
"I... huh... That's... I'm not sure. I'll see what I'll do. Thanks anyway, Vicky"
"No problem and huh..."
"Maybe you could introduce me to this brother of yours one day"
This time it was Joanna who giggled
"Alright, I'll see what I can do. Bye"

The next few days Joanna felt more and more secure about the whole 'being a sex symbol' thing, as she realized Vicky was right. She caught lascivious eyes staring at her legs, her butt, her abs and even her arms quite a few times. She even put the theory to a test, flexing 'involuntarily' some part of her body just to watch people's reactions. 'Damn you Vicky, you were completely right' she thought to herself. It also made her feel more confident about what to do next.
That night Joanna completed her dream with the hand. As it felt her calves, Joanna turned around, and waited for the hand to make it's way up through her marble carved quads, chiseled abs and thick chest. Joanna remembered flexing her chest in the dream. She also had big breast implants, that didn't hide much of her behemoth pectoral muscles, but made her very feminine. Finally, Joanna grabbed the hand. The rest of the body was hidden in the shadows. Joanna pulled it closer. She couldn't say she was surprised by seeing Jonas' face coming out of the dark.
She woke up resolute.

It was their last day at the resort, and Joanna knew that Jonas would fly back to college and they wouldn't see each other for at least another 4 months, until Christmas. She considered the idea of letting it go and pretend it didn't happen, but her curiosity added to Vicky's suggestion gave her another option.
During the morning, Joanna convinced her parents to hit another Casino night
"Are you sure you're gonna be okay? You and your brother haven't done much together..." her mother was always very sensitive
"Yeah, we're gonna be ok, Mom. I'll promise I'll find something for us to do"
"Well, we could use another blackjack night, hon..." Her father pondered
"Yeah, I guess we could... alright, but be good you two"
"We will. I promise" Joanna said to her mother with a kiss on the cheek

It was around seven when their parents left for the casino, And Jonas had just started seeing a movie back in their room. This was it.
Grabbing a backpack, Joanna went down to the gym.
"If we are gonna do this, we are gonna do this right" she said to herself as she set up the first apparatus of the day. Joanna went through an off script brutal workout. She pushed every muscle group on her body to the limit. By the time she finished it, she looked absolutely jacked. Every inch of her body was pumped, swollen. She stared at herself in the mirror. She looked even bigger than she thought. 'Damn, girl... you really look like Hulk' she giggled as she remembered that conversation with Vicky.
Joanna left the gym back to the room. Jonas movie must be about to end 'Perfect' she thought.
On her way she walked across an empty bar. Just a young, skinny bartender that looked like 18 or something was there, cleaning up. She had an idea.
"Good evening, sir. Can I get a bottle of your rum?" Joanna pretended to be tying up her hair as she spoke to the young man. He immediately focused on Joanna's pumped biceps, that danced around mischievously.
"I... I'm not sure..."
Joanna then purposely flexed her right bicep, making the muscle contract and jump out of her arm. Using her left hand, she caressed it as if she was taking some dust off it's peak
"What? Is there a problem?"
"N-no! H-here.." the scared boy handed her the bottle
"thank you. I'll need two shot glasses as well"
Again, the boy handed it to her, this time not saying a word
"Good evening" Joanna put the bottle and the glasses on her backpack and headed back to her room.
She was feeling so damn invincible and unstoppable right now that she considered just busting the door opened and beating everything out of Jonas. She had just made an older young man do whatever she told just by flexing her guns.
"That's not the plan. He don't deserve it" Joanna talked herself down.
Before entering the room, Joanna took the sweats she had on her backpack and put them on. She didn't want to scare Jonas.
Joanna entered the room and looked at the TV. The movie had just ended
'perfect timing' she thought to herself
"Oh, hey sis... I was just about to go out for a walk..." Jonas' voice was weak
Joanna breathed hard
"No, you're not. You're going to stay here and talk to me"
She saw Jonas retreat a little on his bed, not saying a word.
Joanna walked around his and her bed, opened up the backpack and placed the bottle of rum and the two glasses over the table in the room.
"Come here and sit with me" she demanded
Jonas walked to the table and sat in one of the chairs, not questioning her. Then he saw the bottle
"What? How did you get this?"
Joanna smiled "Well... if you must know... maybe the drinking age around here is 16. Or maybe the bartender just didn't want so say anything"
She poured the glasses
"Drink" she said. Jonas grabbed one of the glasses and drank it. She did the same. It was bitter, and it burned. She poured a second one. Jonas looked at her, but her stare back held him from saying anything. He drank again. So did she. Then she sat on the chair across him
"Now. Let's talk, brother. We are gonna talk about how you feel... about me"

Offline Brfan

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2020, 09:58:39 pm »
Jonas stared at Joanna and remained silent. After what seemed to be an eternity, he reached for the bottle of rum and poured himself another glass. He drank it. Then he finally spoke
"Ok, Jo. What do you want to know?"
Joanna breathed relieved.
"Well, first... did you already know you had a thing for muscles or did you just discovered?"
"Oh, I've known for quite some time now"
"Since when?"
"I was around 15 or 16, I'd say..."
"And how did it happen?"
"I was watching some movie on TV, when this really muscular chick came in the scene. I didn't know back then, but I was completely hooked by how strong and confident she looked. And during the movie, of course, she kicked some ass. That was so freaking sexy that on that same day I pulled an all nighter online, finding pictures and videos of muscular, strong women and the stunts they did. By sunrise I was completely sure that that was my thing"
Joanna looked at her brother. Maybe it had been the booze, or maybe he just needed to say that to someone, but he felt... free. She felt happy with that
"and...?" she wanted him to continue
"And ever since that day, I keep a pretty big collection of pictures and videos on my computer. I also scan every place I am to find some muscle chick around, or at least a fit girl with some tone. It's a bit creepy, I know"
"Hey, not judging here. Seriously. So.. what is it? Is it the muscles? Or what?"
"Well...yeah, the muscles play a large role. I mean... I like watching these fit girls and all, but those bulging, massive mounts of muscle are... better. It helps if despite being so big and chiseled, the girl has, you know, breast implants, a nice face... I mean... if they are feminine. Flexing and stuff can be very gracious, very delicate, despite all those biceps and quads transpiring raw power"
Joanna knew exactly what Jonas was talking about. In her dreams, she remembered feeling womanly, sexy while showing off her gorgeous, enormous body.
"I see..."
"But.. there is also the strength" Jonas' tongue was loosening up. "It's damn freaking sexy when I see a woman lifting something, or crushing something, or curling some huge dumbbells. I mean... normally that's when they look the most confident It is... wow"
Joanna remembered her training days with Vicky. How she felt after a tough series. Those last reps Vicky pushed her through. Her grunts. How powerful she felt. God, Jonas was describing exactly how she felt to her.
"Wow... I had no idea... is there... is there anything else?" Joanna needed to know more
"Well... yeah, actually. There's the... overpowering men. Domination. I don't know why but when a woman beat a man in some sort of strength contest, outlifts him at the gym, or flat out beat the crap out of the guy, that's... that's weird I know, but that's what turns me on the most"
Joanna remembered how she felt when she beat all the boys in armwrestling. God, she wanted to feel that way again.
This time it was her who poured another glass
"And... have you ever... been with a girl... woman... like that?"
"Oh, no... of course not"
They stood quiet for a while. Then finally Jonas spoke up again. But first, another rum
"In fact..."
"yes?" Joanna was eager to hear more
"... I've never been around... a woman with muscles... until... well, you"
Joanna was burning inside. She couldn't believe it
"So... you're saying... I'm the most muscular girl you've ever seen?"
"By far, Jo." Jonas was sincere
This was it. Joanna had to ask him
"Do you wanna... see it again?"
Jonas pushed another shot glass down
Joanna stood up, and not removing her eyes from her brother's, took off her sneakers, then pulled off her sweatpants and finally her sweater. She was back into her gym clothes, a minimal black lycra shorts so glued to her butt that seemed paint on, and pink sports bra. She was still very pumped from her workout. Joanna stood there, still, as Jonas tried to hide his hard on by slowly placing his hands in front of his groin.
Joanna inhaled deeply, held her breath and finally flared out her lats. She knew how it seemed she got bigger when she did that. Jonas' eyes bulged. Exhaling, Joanna placed her hands above her head and flexed her abs. Every muscle square that made her core jumped out. Jonas counted them with his eyes.
"Go ahead. Feel them" she invited him. Jonas didn't waste any time. Placing his left hand on her abs, he pushed them
"My God... it's... concrete"
Joanna extended one of her legs closer to him, and flexed her quads strongly. She watched as the muscles on her legs split apart from each other. Jonas ran his hands from her abs to her quads. Joanna shivered as he did it. This was sexy for her too, she realized. She was wet.
"So... thick" Jonas mumbled
Not sure what had taken her, Joanna stripped out of her shorts. Only in her panties, she turned around and flexed her butt. Recently she had discovered a few striations on the upper part of her glutes, and she just wanted to shot them to Jonas. She heard him babbling. Joanna raised both hands above her head and slowly brought them down to a bicep flex. She held her pose. Jonas got up from the chair and ran his hands through the valleys of her back. He then placed his hands on her triceps, coping them. Joanna just stood still. She could hear his hard breathing. It was getting hot. Jonas placed his hands on Joanna's bulging bicep and felt it's hardness. He tried to squeeze it.
"So mighty..." was all he could say.
She turned around and looked him in the eye. She knew exactly how he felt. And she knew how she felt as well. She felt dominant. empowered. Despite being 10cm shorter, Joanna was bigger. Period.
Jonas broke the eye contact and sat down again.
"Can... can I ask you something?" his voice was a whisper
"Flex like... those big guys.." Jonas placed his hands in front of his chest, mimicking the flex
"Oh, you mean a crab flex?" she laughed. And then she did it. She loved that flex. How her traps and shoulders exploded, and her chest came into life. She did it a few times after her workouts back home. She held her flex long enough. She felt every vein in her upper body filling up. Joanna grunted to add another aspect of her intense power to the flex
"Oh... wow... just... wow" It was all Jonas could say. Joanna smiled and relaxed her body
She remembered what Jonas had just said to her. Domination. Empowerment.
"My turn now. But I won't ask. I'll demand" she said placing her hands on her hips in a threading pose
"Take off your t-shirt"
Jonas promptly obeyed
"Now flex your bicep"
He did
Joanna approached his flexed tiny arm, and flexed hers next to it. She just watched them. Looking at him, she smiled
"What do you think, Jonas? Whose is bigger?"
"Correct. And how does it make you feel?"
"Awed. Humbled"
"What else?"
"and aroused"
she smiled at him. "That's good. I hope you are enjoying... so, let's see... get up"
He did. Joanna came up to him, lowered her body, wrapped one of her arms around his legs and the other around his neck, pulled him to the top of her back and lifted him up. Then she started squatting with her older brother on her back. Once, twice... up to 5, before putting him back up.
"Is that strong enough for you, brother?"
"That was... God"
"Now sit"
He did once again, not questioning. Joanna sat across him and placed her elbow on the table. Jonas followed her
Joanna grabbed Jonas' and squeezed hard. A little pain, just so he knew how strong she really was. She relieved the grip
"Now, I want you to push with all you got, Jonas. Is that clear?"
"Alright, go!"
Jonas pushed, but her arm didn't move. Joanna smiled. This was a special day to her. She knew for a while that she was stronger than most boys in her class, maybe even in her school. But today she was realizing that not only she was stronger than a college man, but much stronger. She could have crushed her older brother's hand. But she wanted to enjoy it. And she wanted Jonas to enjoy it as well. Joanna knew he was giving his all, and wasn't able to move her. He was realizing how so much stronger than him she was. Joanna pushed him a bit, and Jonas couldn't offer resistance. She thought about calling him a wimp, maybe that was something he enjoyed as well, but decided not to. 'Not today at least' she thought. She held him still for about a minute, then slowly pushed him down. They both knew it could have ended much sooner.
She smiled at him. He smiled back
"So... how does it feel knowing your younger sister is this big, and hard and strong... stronger than you?"
"I must say... I thought it would be worse"
Joanna smiled. She picked up her shorts and her sweater, and put them on. Then she walked towards Jonas' chair and, with him still sitting, pulled it away from the table. She thought about all the things she could do to him, and that he would like, they both would like. But he was her brother, and she loved him. In a brotherly way. Finally, she put on her sweat pants, approached Jonas and sat on his lap, staring at him. She let her whole weight crush his legs. She wanted him to feel how heavy and full of muscles she was. Joanna also felt that Jonas was still hard, and very close to her wetter parts. She laid over his ear and whispered
"I hope this was an awesome first time for you and a muscular girl, brother. Now, we never talk about this to anyone, alright?"
Jonas just nodded
"And... well, I'm not sure of how you'll react, but by the time you come home for Christmas... I'll will be bigger, and stronger"
Jonas stared at her with his eyes bulging again
"Now let's get you into bed, shall we?" Joanna got up and lifted Jonas as if he was a baby. She put him into his bed and kissed his forehead
"nighty night, Jonas"



Alternative End

Finally, she approached Jonas and sat on his lap, staring at him. She let her whole weight crush his legs. She wanted him to feel how heavy and full of muscles she was. Joanna also felt that Jonas was still hard, and very close to her wetter parts. She laid over his ear and whispered
"I hope this was an awesome first time for you and a muscular girl, brother. Now, we never talk about this to anyone, alright?"
Jonas just nodded
"And... well, I'm not sure of how you'll react, but by the time you come home for Christmas... I'll will be bigger, and stronger"
Jonas stared at her with his eyes bulging again
"Now let's get you into bed, shall we?" Joanna got up and lifted Jonas as if he was a baby. She put him into his bed.
"Huh... Jo..."
"There's one other... one other thing that I really like..." Jonas was embarrassed, staring down
"We are way past any shame between us two, Jonas. What is it?"
"I... can you show me how strong you are... like... with your body...and... crushing... mine?"
Joanna smiled. She knew what he meant. Like a cat, she jumped into his bed, and before Jonas could realize, Joanna had found her way around him and wrapped her legs around his waist
"Now... This might hurt a bit... I'm not very sure how to control my strength..."
"That's... ok."
Joanna locked her ankles together and started squeezing her brother's torso. Thank God for watching all that MMA. Jonas placed his hands on her thighs, more to feel them flexed then trying to break them apart. He was getting red, and it was burning, but he didn't mind.
Joanna calmly took off her sweater again, still holding him using only her legs, and then wrapped her right arm around his neck. She flexed it
"Do you like how this single muscle can utterly dominate you right?"
Jonas just nodded. Joanna passed her other arm through the back of his neck and locked his head in between her arms. Then she squeezed with all she had. She felt her bicep pressing his Adam's apple. After a few seconds, she felt Jonas' body going relaxed. She released the hold and got out of his bed. She looked at him, passed out.
"I guess I literally put you to bed, huh, brother? Now this is something I might get used to" she giggled


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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2020, 02:02:55 am »
Beautiful ending to the story.  :woohoo:

As always you  :rock:

Offline wowser1016

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2020, 06:54:50 am »
Very well done! Excellent and satisfying end in both versions. Thank you and K+!

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2020, 02:33:40 pm »
Amazing story! It's a shame that it's over but I'm glad that you end it properly instead of just giving up on it and leave it hanging. Would love to see a sequel   where Vicky and Jonas get together but Joanna gets a little jealous so she gets as big as in her dream to win him over but she ends up getting him and Vicky to fall in love with her.

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #28 on: October 15, 2020, 12:57:49 am »
Glad for the stpry, great read and endings. Look forward to any other works you may come up with.

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Re: From Chubby to Chiseled
« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2020, 04:27:58 am »
Amazing story. Also it already ended I hope for a new chapter what happens christmas when she gets home to Jonas and being much much bigger than now.

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