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Author Topic: Author: [Ratlaf] Stories~collected  (Read 16649 times)

Offline hatour

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Author: [Ratlaf] Stories~collected
« on: September 22, 2009, 06:10:17 pm »

Stories in this collection:

Magic iPhone

Ski Trips

Monkey's Paw

Magic iPhone
Part 1
Fan Fiction by Ratlaf

Original story "Voodoo iPhone" by: hundreth
Link: http://©,com_smf/Itemid,135/topic,5593.0/

Original Story “Amazon Cruise” by: spoonmaster
Link: http://©,com_smf/Itemid,135/topic,6852.0/

* * * * * * * *

"Here's the evidence from that freakshow house explosion Connelley."

"Thanks.  I'll get to work on it in a moment."

"You finishing up the Chisholm case?"

"Yep, won't take but half an hour."

"Sounds good.  Thanks Ben."

After completing and saving the case report from the grisly Chisholm case, one he was glad to be done with, Ben broke the seals on the cartons and began sorting the evidence.  Most of it was high school kitch, pieces of the destroyed house, several DNA and hair samples, and several cell phones.  It was a weird case. 

The house the five teenagers had been found in, had totally collapsed around them, yet they seemed fine.  No injuries to speak of.  Their memories of the events were something else entirely.  Something about giant muscular women taking over the world.  Ben was glad he wasn't in interrogation and only had to deal with inanimate objects.  He pieced together the story through evidence while the detectives did the same with people.  Usually the two matched up, when they didn't, those were the interesting cases.  Those were the cases where you knew that someone was trying to get away with something and it was up to them, and the evidence, to figure out what really happened.  He definitely liked his job.

Diving into the tedious first phase of the job he quickly lost himself in the work.  His mind didn't wander, but he also didn't really think about what he was doing.  This was the best way for him to work.  Intuition would usually hit him this way.  He would be capable of putting all the pieces together in the back of his mind, before he realied in the front of his mind, that he knew what had happened.

This was working just fine until he got to the cell phones.  There was an iPhone and a couple other nondescript phones.  It was the iPhone that caught his attention.  There was a new text message.  When he picked it up, even though it was in a plastic bag and he didn't touch the screen, the text message opened.

"Help me!" it said.

"Ok..." thought Ben.  "This is a bit weird. I'd better see who sent it in case it's vital." No sooner had he thought this than a new text arrived. 

"I need energy, power, anima, essence, anything..."


Another text: "Let me put this in terms you can understand dipshit.  My battery is low...  Charge me!!!"

"Great now this phone is reading my thoughs and asking for power."  He put on gloves and pulled it out of it's bag, and dusted it for prints. There were three sets on the phone.  Two from the five kids in the house and an unknown set, as of yet.  He ran it into the databank and set it to searching.

After dusting it he pulled off his gloves and picked it up.   The instant he touched it, he felt this incredibly strong draining sensation.  He felt weak and faint and realized his own energy was draining out of his hand and into the phone.  After a couple seconds the draining sensation eased a bit to the point where he felt almost normal.  He could still fee the phone draining him, but it was within his limits.

"Sorry, that was too much.  You're nowhere near as powerful as he was."

"As who was?"

"Who are you talking to Ben?" Wil asked.  Ben looked up startled to see his boss leaning in through the door. 

"Uh, no one..." Ben stammered.

"You looked kind of faint, so I came to see if you were alright. Are you?"

"Yeah, sure, I'm fine," he said although he felt totally bewildered.

"Good, finish up on your phone and I'll be back in a bit to go through everything with you." 

"No problem." without thinking Ben put the iPhone in his pocket and went back to work.

A voice spoke up in his head: "Thanks, I'll make sure there's no evidence that I was there.  It'll take a bit of your strength so maybe get a soda or something."  So, zombie-like, Ben went and got a soda.  As he was working he noticed that the photos that featured his new phone, changed so that there was no phone.  Handwritten notes changed, even the plastic evidence bag disappeared.  Soon, only the feel of the phone in his pocket let him know that he hadn't hallucinated the whole thing.

"Wasn't there an iPhone amonst all this?" Wil asked later.  Ben felt a moment of that draining sensation then, "No that was last weeks case." Wil went on to say, "show me what you've got on this mysterious house collapse."

"Well, from all the building fragments we were able to record on the laser mapper, and the ones brought in, it seems that the building expanded outwards, from the inside, almost like an explosion, before it collapsed."

"How is that possible?"

"Don't know... yet." but Ben thought he might know and was suddenly looking forward to the end of his workday.


About thirty seconds after stepping out the front door of the building, his phone rang.  His new iPhone, not his real phone.  He looked at who was calling and it just said "iPhone Calling".  With a shrug he answered it.

"This is Ben."

"Hi Ben, this is your new phone!  I figured this would be a better way to talk."  Ben couldn't say anything his mouth was totally dry.  "Thanks for the charge too.  Sorry for draining you so much but I was almost dead."

"How..." he finally managed to say.

"Oh, you probably don't want to know.  Anyway, I'm glad to be free of that idiot and his siter, and the big man too.  I didn't much like to think about what he would make me do.  You seem to be a good man and I'll stick with you for a bit."

"Thanks.  Um, so you charge from, what, my life force?"

"Yeah, basically.  Those kids totally exhausted me and they paid the price.  Unfortunately so did I.  Everything requires energy so if you don't have the strength to do what you want me to do, I can't do it for you."

"Ok... so what can you do?"


Silence on both ends of the line.

Finally Ben swallowed, hard, just to do something because his mouth felt like the Kalahari durring a drought.

"I see you understand, a little, what that means.  Good.  Anyway, I'm whipped, I'm going to sleep for a few days now.  All my aps will still work, but deep down I'll know what you're doing.  Later Ben." and the call ended.

Ben couldn't move.  He couldn't think, he couldn't....  Did he just have a conversation with his new phone?  Did it tell him that it could do anything he wanted it to do, so long as he had the strength and energy to do it?  Wow!  He was suddenly so excited that he nearly dropped it.  He had to sit down!

He went to a local bar, one of his favorites, ordered their best beer and began to play with his new phone.  He brought out his old one and set it next to it.  A window appeared asking if he'd like to transfer contacts and messages and files etc.  He did, and as easy as that it was done.  He decided to brag a bit and updated his FaceBook and Twitter accounts with "has a new iPhone!!!"  As he was updating it, he noticed that he didn't actually have to type each letter.  He'd get to the keyboard screen and just place a thumb on the screen and what he wanted to type, appeared!

As he was playing around he got a few comments from his status update and noticed that the full website loaded on this phone, not just the whimpy mobile version.  Taking another drink he also noticed that his beer was still full.  He though he'd drunk about half already.  He'd heard about the 'Beer' app and checked to see if it was loaded.  It was and the beer on the screen was full, and no matter how he tipped it, it remained full.  He checked the settings and the 'Refill' option was checked.  He unchecked it and took a drink from his real beer.  This time the glass stayed at it's lower level.

"Nice!" thought Ben as he re-checked the 'Refill' option.

Amongst the settings he found the power guage.  Experimentally he tried touching it, and not touching it, just to watch the charging start and stop.  He was begining to be amazed by how much energy he had inside him although the phone was only up to 45%.  He could feel that it was high time for dinner though.  So he took off and went home to cook something.

Once on the sidewalk an idea hit him.  He opened up Google Earth and found his address.  Once it had zoomed in, there was a 'Teleport' option in the address bubble.  Smiling he hit it and the world suddenly went black, he felt like he was being squeezed through a hole the size of a pinprick, and suddenly, the feeling disappeared, he was released from the blackness and the crushing squeezing sensation, and was standing in front of his house.

After recovering his balance and breath, a huge smile bloomed on his face.  Out of curiosity he checked to see how much energy that took.  It was only down 5%.  Wow, for only 5% of whatever the phone was capable of, which was actually what he himself was capable of he inferred, he could travel anywhere in the world!  This was definitely the best day  of his life!!  Totally content with his life at the moment he put a pizza in the oven and cracked open a beer.

Curious as to how the 'Beer' app refilled his drink he hit the help menu.  It explained to him that this app only transported the beer from whatever nearby reservoir was available to his glass.  If the keg was empty, there'd be nothing left to refill with.  It didn't actually create the beer.

That made a certain amount of sense.  Where would the energy to do anything come from?  There had to be an input somewhere and the limitation of not being able to create food out of nothing seemed a small thing.  He had to eat food from an external source to build up his own energy so that his phone would charge and allow him to do whatever he wanted.  That last part hadn't fully sunk in yet, but now that he understood better how it worked, he figured he'd be able to put his phone to very good use.

The pizza was done and he chowed down while enjoying what must've been his second beer at home.  After he was done, he checked the fridge and indeed, one of the bottles in the fridge was empty, without ever having been opened. That particular beer was in his glass waiting for consumption.  He'd have to remember to turn off the auto refill on the app.  Maybe he could work in a manual refill button.

His housemates wanted to watch a movie that nobody owned.  That would necesitate a trip to the rental store, but Ben told them to wait a second.  He checked his phone for a 'Movie' app and sure enough there was one loaded.  He searched for the movie, found it, and one of the play options was 'Play on Nearest View Screen'.  So he hit that and had to pause it because no one was prepared for his sudden efficiency.  There was general agreement that his new iPhone was awesome!  He couldn't agree more.

During the movie a FaceBook chat popped up from Sandy, a really good friend of his.

"Hey Ben, what'cha doin'?"

"Watching a movie with the roomies..."

"Ooooh, which one?"

" 'Up' "

"Really, it's not even out of the Theatres yet, how'd you get it?"

"My new iPhone..."

"Cool!!  You going to be at Quinn's tomorrow?"

"For what?"

"Nothing, just to go.  You should come!"

"I'll be there."

"Great! 9pm  _"

With that he went back to watching the movie.  Then his brain tickled him a bit and he loaded her FaceBook profile.  There were way more options present than usual.  Exploring a bit he realized he could totaly do anything he wanted to her, and for her, just through her profile.  And why not?  Didn't people pour their hearts and souls into their profiles?  Wouldn't it make sense that he'd have access to every part of them through his phone?

Feeling like he was reading her diary, he pushed on her 'Interests' tab.  There were subcategories, 'Social' and 'Personal' among others.  He hit 'Social' and all her close friends were listed with slide bars to indicate her level of interest in that person.  He scrolled down to himself and saw that his indicator was right at the border of 'Great Friend' and 'Romantic Interest'.  Trembling, knowing he shouldn't mess around, he slid his slider just over the border and into 'Romantic Interest' range.  It was the slightest of adjustments yet he still felt dirty doing it.  She was nine tenths of the way there on her own already, all he did was nudge her over the edge.  Amazing how humans can justify their actions.

Not wanting to mess around more, but helpless to stop himself, he hit the 'Personal Interests' tab.  A list of her personal preferences and goals loaded and he was surprised to see that under sports she had volleyball and bodybuilding listed.  She was maybe 5'6" and gorgeous with her slim, tight, athletic body, but would never play volleyball at her height, and clearly didn't have the genetics for bodybuilding.  Bodybuilding? Really?  Such a weird interest.  What would prompt her to want huge bulging muscles?  Men had muscles, not women, yet here it was, plain as day.

He did a bit of searching for female bodybuilders and found that most of the women were quite ugly and clearly using 'roids.  There were a few women who were beautiful and cute, who just happened to also be extremely muscular compared to the average woman.  One in particular, Katya, was gorgeous!  It was a weird mix and while he found the women abusing drugs to be very off-putting and manly, the women not abusing didn't really disgust him, he just found it to be... weird, unusual, different.

Ok!  Enough meddling.  He went back to watching the rest of the movie.  Actually, he was starving so he made himself yet another full pizza.  Wondering about his hunger he checked the power meter and it was now up to 65%.  No wonder he was hungry!  The phone must've really been on the edge of death when he took possesion of it.  If it had died, it probably would've reverted back into a normal iPhone.  Without the spirit, enchantment, whatever it was in the phone, it wouldn't be anything special.

Somehow he resisted the temptation to play with his phone the rest of that evening and hung out with the roomies.  He did put away most of a tray of brownies along with several glasses of milk the rest of that evening.  When he finally crashed, he was so tired from charging his phone that he fell immediately into a deep, but not dreamless, sleep.

In his dream he had to experience everyone he knew, without thier faces on, just a mask of skin, yelling incomprehensible words at him and finally turning their backs until he was in a ring, a prison, of his friends backs.  Then suddenly they were all facing him with their faces on and smiling, then they turned their backs again, then they turned smiling, then back again.  Then several would turn to face him and smile while other kept their back turned, then others would turn again, then others until it was a chaos of friends facing him, turning their backs on him, facing, smiling, turning their backs and ever the circle shrunk until it was so tight that all his friends were crushing him, crushing the life out of him, crushing him into oblivion...  and that was when he woke up at 3:30 in the morning.

Realizing it was just a dream he fell back asleep and into much more pleasant, but just as unusual dreams of Sandy, his volleyball playing, bodybuilder girlfriend.  Dreams which his waking mind didn't remember.  Unlike the nightmare.  That, he remembered vividly in the morning.

The next day he went to drive to work and realized his car was still parked in the parking garage at work.  Feeling like a bit of an idiot he pulled out his phone, pinpointed an alley around the corner from his building, and teleported there.  That black squeezing through a pinhole feeling was just as bad as the first time.  He didn't think it'd be something he'd ever get used to. 

Once in his department he realized he still had to explain the exploding house case, without an explosion.  They worked on the puzzle most of the morning but when a kidnapping case came along, they focused on that.  It was his turn to do the field collection and he was more than happy to leave the other case to someone else.  He felt that if he could be involved in that one as little as possible, that would be a good thing.

At the scene of the kidnapping they got to work.  The subject was the little girl of the woman who had called it in.  She also happened to be filthy rich and an heiress and the forceful entry suggested that someone soon would get a randsom call or letter or something.  Either way it would provide more evidence and they'd either catch them, or expose them for the frauds they were.  Their first priority was finding the girl, second was to figure out who was involved.  Most likely a friend or someone related to the mother...

Unfortunately there wasn't much to go on.  Whoever took her was profesional and efficient.  Time was getting short and they still had nothing to go on.  Then Ben felt his phone vibrate.  There was a new text message telling him to check the neighbor's trashcans in the alley, five houses down.  In the alley they'd found tire tracks but not much else.  On the trashcans they found paint scrapings along with coresponding tire tracks.  Now they could piece together a color, and possibly a manufacturer too, of the fleeing vehicle and cross-ref with eyewitness reports.

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Re: Magic iPhone Part 1 by Ratlaf
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2009, 06:10:57 pm »
Ben replied to the text with: "Thanks!"

"No worries..."

"That was good work Ben, finding those scrapings.  Not just anyone would be so thorough." Wil surprised Ben as he was texting. 

"Thanks, I had a hunch."

"Well, keep having those 'hunches' Ben."

"I will." he said as they piled back into the van and headed back to the office with their collected evidence.

That night, after teleporting home again, and eating a huge dinner, charging his phone up to 95%, he got ready to meet with Sandy and the crew at Quinn's.  When he arrived he found Sandy, but no one else was there yet.

"Hey Sandy!"

"Hi Ben," she said, getting up and giving him a hug.  "How are you?"

"I'm great!" and he meant it too. "Where's everyone else?"

"Oh, Layla had to work late so she's not coming, and Amy and Jen flaked out as usual."

"Yeah, Mike and Steve had other stuff already going on so they didn't come either."

"So I guess it's just the two of us..." she said shifting a bit closer to Ben, and definitely within the usual comfort zone for friends.  She also looked straight into his eyes as she let the moment sink in.  "Would you like a beer?"

"Yeah, thanks," and suddenly there was the barkeep to take his order.  They spent the majority of that evening chatting, talking, telling stories of their lives and all the while Sandy was touching Ben, laughing at his jokes and generally letting her interest in him be known.

Ben, with his inside info, definitely enjoyed it and not being a total idiot, reciprocated, letting her know that he was interested too.  He also wondered how he might be able to steer the conversation towards her sports aspirations without letting her know how he knew about them.  Turned out she did it for him, with a bit of prompting.

"What're you up to this weekend Sandy?"

"I'm actually playing in a Volleyball tournament.  Bree and I play doubles."

"Volleyball...?" Ben asked with what he hoped was the right amount of dubiousness in his voice, obviously hinting at her height.

"Yeah, I'm usually just the setter.  Andrea digs the ball and I'll pass it to her to spike.  She's like 6'8" so we make quite the pair when we show up for tourneys, but we're also usually in the top five so we kick ass!"

"I'll say you do!  Don't they spike it to you too?"

"They do, and usually then she'll just spike it off my pass.  Soemtimes she'll have to pass it back to me, but there's usually not much I can do when I hit it across.  I've been working on my jump but only my calves really respond to training.  The rest of me stays stubbornly slim."

"You're calves?" Ben prompted.

"Yeah, check 'em out sometime cutie, and you'll see what I mean, I don't even work on them and they're huge!  If I trained them they'd explode and I'd be some sort of 'muscled-calves' freak.  Now if only..."

"If only...?"

Sandy studied him a second.  Then she came to a decision.  "Nothing, I mean, maybe, I might tell you sometime..."

"Um, OK.  How often do you workout then, for volleyball?"

"Almost every day.  But only, like, a day or two of volleyball skills, the rest is either weights or cardio."

"Cool, and your tourney is Sunday?"

"Yeah a whole week away.  Grrr...!"

They burst into laughter together at her mock ferociousness.  It was also getting late and as they left the bar, they both, almost automatically, reached for each others hands.  Once they were holding hands, they shared a smile as they walked in companiable silence to Sandy's bicycle.  Once there she quickly hugged Ben, pressing herself fully into him, and kissing his cheek.

"See you Thursday at the run?"

"You're coming to the STB run?  Have you ever been before?"

"Once or twice.  Will you be there?"

"Yeah, I'll be there.  See you in a few days Sandy." She looked like she was about to say something else, but then changed her mind and got ready to ride home.  Ben squeezed her hand before she took off and once she was on her way, he turned to find an incospicous place to teleport back home.

He almost forgot to check out her calves, so he spun back to take his invited look.  Pedaling her bike, her calves really were huge even though it was obvious she didn't train them and that they had the potential to grow much bigger.  They were, however, gigantic compared to the rest of her legs, almost completely round, up-side-down heart shaped masses of muscle that definitely didn't fit with the rest of her physique.  The size and shape of them sent a shiver of pleasure through Ben that he didn't quite understand, yet liked anyway.

"How was your date with Sandy?" Mike asked when he got home and had shaken off the effects of teleporting.  Layla, Jen, Amy and Steve were hanging out in the living room with huge smiles on their faces.

"Um, great!  Did she...?" Ben asked bewildered.

"Yep, we all got frantic texts from her asking if she could have you all to herself tonight." Layla said.

"Whoa, right on!  Thanks guys." Ben said and the huge smile that erupted on his face told them all they needed to know.  They hung out for a while longer but Ben was preoccupied with his iPhone and how well everything was going now that he had it.  Of course, he couldn't stop himself from fiddling with Sandy's profile again.  This time when he looked at his slidebar under her 'Personal Interests', he was surprised to see that he was well into 'Romantic Interest' and halfway  towards 'Love Interest' already.  All he'd done was reciporcate his interest in her and she'd already become that much more interested in him.  She must've been very happy with how this evening went.

Next he navigated to the 'Properties' tab of her profile.  There were sub-tabs: 'Physical' 'Mental' 'Emotional' 'Spritual'.  Under physical he went to her skeletal muscles and isolated her calves.  There were a few settings: 'Strength' 'Speed' 'Endurance' 'Mass' 'Density' 'Training Sensitivity'.  All were set to 9 out of ten.  He checked a few of her other muscle groups and they were all set to 3.  This is what she must've meant.  'If only...' she'd started but didn't finish.  If only what?  If only the rest of her responded to weights like her calves did?  Was that what she meant?  Ben thought yes.

Trembling with desire he didn't understand he moved all of her skeletal muscles to 9.  When he hit 'Apply' a confirmation window asked him if he'd like to make the changes 'Retro-Active' or 'From this point on'.  Thinking he shouldn't, he hit 'Retro-Active'.  Another warning popped up: 'Retro-active changes alter the timeline.  This usually results in unexpected and catastrophic results. Are you sure you want to continue?'  This was what he half expected so he hit 'No' and made the changes from this point on.

He felt a bigger than usual draining sensation, both from the phone's battery and his own reserves.  It was begining to feel like he'd put in a good day of hard physical labor, or lifted weights for six hours straight.  The percent bar finally made it to 100% and both he and the phone were exhausted.  That must've been a bigger change than he'd anticipated. 

He ducked out of the socialzing and went to bed.  He did wonder, before he fell asleep, how different Sandy would be if(when) her whole body was as big and massive and muscular as her calves.  She didn't even train them and they were huge and strong.  Now the rest of her would do the same?  Before he knew it he was hard for her and when he imagined the mass of her calves on the rest of her legs and ass, he exploded in his shorts before he could get any farther in his dreaming or do anything to make cleaning himself off easier...  He couldn't wait to see her on Thursday and how she might have changed by then.

The next few days at work flew by and thanks to another couple hints from his phone, they were able to find the kidnapped girl, and discovered that one of her mother's ex-husbands had orchestrated it because he felt he'd been jyped in the divorce settlement.  Needless to say he was going to jail for a long time.  An arson case had come along and slowly the exploding house case, with the giantesses, was getting shoved to the back shelf because there was no case against anyone, and other than the insurance company sueing the home builder, that case was basically dead.

Ben thought that was good because like his phone had told him the first day, he probably didn't want to know.  He had, in the interim, discovered that there was a 'Gasoline' app that topped up the tank of whatever car he was in whenever it passed a Gas Station.  It was doing the same thing as the Beer app.  He'd also reprogrammed the 'Beer' app so that it had a 'Refil' button when auto refil was off.  He even set it up so that it would drain the beer on the screen and fill the glass at the same time.  It made for a cool looking magic trick that he'd show off to his friends.  They all thought he was hiding a bottle of beer, somewhere up his sleeve, or something, but were thoroughly impressed and didn't suspect a thing.  No one thought it was the phone itself doing the magic.  That would just be crazy.

A few people commented on the fact that Ben was no longer driving his car, yet getting everywhere faster than usual.  He invented an excuse and said that he'd bought a motorcycle and didn't have to deal with all the traffic jams, he'd just weave through them.  They were similarly impressed, but Ben knew that he'd have to make that reality or someone would catch on.

When he finally approached his car, after days of not driving, he realized he'd become so used to teleporting that he didn't really want it anymore.  How to do this?  He searched through his phone and found a 'Matter' app.  It was quite complicated but after fiddling with it a bit he discovered that you could link pictures to the app.  So he took a picture of his car.  The phone filled in all the vital information about his car including the VIN number!  Then he surfed the web for a motorcylce he'd like to ride.  He found one and linked it to the app.  Then he set it up to transform his car into the motorcylce.

The app processed for a bit and up came a request window.  'Matter Available exceeds Matter Required.  Energy Required exceeds Energy Available.  Would you like to use Excess Matter to compensate for Missing Required Energy?'  He hit 'Yes'.  This time he didn't feel much draining at all, and the phone's battery hardly dropped at all.  It seemed that most of the energy was coming from the excess matter.  Either that or his own energy reserves were growing.

Either way, he was totally fascinated by what his car was doing.  It was totally re-arranging itself, much like a Transformer, into his new bike!  The whole process took about a minute, and it took him another minute to stop gaping at what he'd just witnessed.  He sat down on the bike and realized he had no idea what to do, or how to ride it.  Chagrined he turned to his iPhone again.

This time he pulled up his own profile.  He spent a few minutes fascinated by all the stuff about himself that his phone knew that he himself had forgotten.  Like how much he liked coffee ice cream.  He hadn't had the stuff in years!  Eventually he wandered over to his skills section and found a 'Learn New Skill' option.  He scrolled through and under 'Driving' found 'Motorcycle'.  He chose the 'Expert' option and hit 'Learn'.

The sensation that followed was the craziest things he'd ever experienced.  Including teleportation!  He'd seen 'The Matrix' and what happened to him was reminiscent of the 'I know Kung Fu' scene where Neo learns everything.  Within seconds he knew exactly how to ride a motorcycle!!  He keyed the bike, fired it up, and rode home.  He was glad he'd made up this excuse, this was fun!  Much slower than teleporting, but it's nice to take it slow sometimes.  Besides, he could give Sandy a ride.  The thought of her sitting behind him with her arms around his waist as she held on, totally convinced him that this was a really great idea.

Thursday came about and at lunch an app was requesting his attention.  It was the 'Properties' app that had adjusted Sandy's musculature.  It reported that: '25% of Transition Complete'.  That meant that by her tournament she'd be more than halfway to her new bodytype.  He wondered how well she'd play.

That evening he arrived at the STB group run and became super anxious because Sandy wasn't there yet.  She arrived a few excrutiating minutes later and Ben was glad to see her.  He also noticed, thanks to the app notifying him, that she had lost that super slimness and was begining to fill out her clothes a bit more.  It wasn't much and was obviously not fat, it was just the general size of her.  She was still well within any normal healthy woman's bodytype, she simply wasn't slim anymore.

She also gave him a hug and beamed up at him, clearly glad to see him.  They chatted a bit and then went out on the run together, chatting the whole way.  They didn't run fast but after a while Ben began to tire, while Sandy didn't. 

"Why aren't you ... huffing and puffing ... like me?" he asked.

"I don't know.  I do a good amount of cardio, but in the past few days I've felt different.  Can people's bodies change drastically.  Like, their body types?"

"Maybe..." he didn't want to give away too much, but he also didn't want to outright lie to her.  That's a bad habit to get into.

"Well, whatever's happening to me, I'm seeing huge gains in the gym, and I guess with my cardio too, seeing as I totally feel I could comfortably go way faster," she said as she picked up the pace.  A lot!  Ben was barely able to keep up with her, let alone hold a conversation.  She was still chatting away about her weekend and the tournament.  Ben was able to listen well enough to realize she didn't have any plans for tomorrow night.

When they were done with their run and back at the STB, Ben asked her if she'd like to go out for dinner tomorrow night. 

"I'd love to!!" she was obviously glowing.  "How about Sushi?" she asked.

Ben cringed internally but let nothing show on his face because he knew he could either change his preferences, or something, with his phone.  "Sounds great, I'll pick you up at 6 tomorrow?"

"I'll be ready for you," she almost purred at Ben, while stepping extremely close to him.  She kissed him on his cheek again, but her eyes were asking him to kiss her lips.  He decided to wait until tomorrow.  He had a bit of planning to do still, with his phone's help.

After ‘porting back home and taking a shower Ben decided to try some Sushi before messing with his own preferences.  He felt a bit weird messing with Sandy’s preference towards him and wanted to know what it felt like.  He teleported a Sushi meal from the local restaurant, Mr. Yamato’s, while a very confused chef and waiter were wondering where the meal for table 13 went.  Ben grimaced and tried a very unappetizing looking piece of fish on a bed of rice.

As he expected it was fishy and nasty and he nearly spit it back out.  Arrrgh!  He could do this!  Especially since he’d made a fairly major adjustment to Sandy’s preferences he could do this minor one to himself.  He pulled up his profile and under the foods tab of his preferences he switched the Sushi option to ‘Like’.  When he hit apply he tried to pay attention to how he felt different.  He didn’t feel different at all.  Had the phone done it’s magic?

He tried another piece of Sushi and found, to his utter astonishment, that it was delicious!  The way the texture of the fish and rice melted together in his mouth.  How the flavor of the fish perfectly off-set the taste of the rice.  The way the Wasabi and Soy Sauce added their own perfectly balanced flavors.  No wonder people geeked out about Sushi all the time!  He was definitely looking forward to tomorrow night and decided to pick her up on his new cycle.  He conjured up a helmet for her and using his phone, made a reservation at the most chic and expensive Sushi restaurant in town.  The one where nobody can get a reservation.  He could afford it now because, since he’d taken possesion of this phone, he hadn’t spent a dime.

He picked her up at 6, like he said and after putting her eyes back in her sockets at the sight of him on his bike, they rode to the overlook and she sat in his lap as they watched the sunset over the mountains.  She was quite a bit heavier than he expected and he eventually shifted her onto the rock next to her, still keeping her within his arms.

“Harry Housens?  Are you serious!!” Sandy asked him when he pulled into the valet spot.

“Yep.  Is it too much?  We can go to Mr. Yamato’s if you’d prefer.”

“No, no!  How often will I get to be spoiled like this?  We’ll go to Yamato’s some other time and you can see the difference between high and low class,” she said with a peculiar look in her eye, as if she was trying to get a lesson across.  “I am a bit underdressed, but after that cycle ride, I don’t care!” she took his arm as they were escorted in and the valets were trying to find one of them who knew how to ride a motorcycle.

Dinner was great, but there was something missing in the food.  It was tasty but Ben got the feeling that he was paying more for the ambienace, the service and the exclusivity.  That didn’t stop them from having a great time though, and just like Sandy said, they were spoiled.

The way home took them past another overlook, this time looking East towards the rising moon.  Sandy squeezed Ben and he pulled over.  She was totally flushed and, was she turned on?  How was that possible?  She pulled him over to the edge of the overlook and looked up at him.  Ben recognized this was the moment and kissed her!  It was amazing for both of them.  Once she’d fully absorbed that her man had kissed her, she ferociously kissed him back and her sudden assault was so strong that Ben was momentarily stunned.  Then he realized that she was only going to get stronger and something inside him clicked.  He couldn’t wait for her to get stronger, so he kissed her even more intensely.

Then she was kissing him again, and doing things to his body that he’d never experienced before, even though she was only running her hands over his body and they were both fully clothed.  Fully clothed and fully aroused.  They both knew it was only a matter of time before they’d find themselves naked in bed together.

After the moon had risen to a silver radiance in the sky above the lovers, in all but the most intimate ways, they climbed back on the bike.  When Ben fired it up, Sandy gasped and he turned to look at her.  She was suddenly flushed again with her mouth half open and her eyes half closed.

“Did I just turn you on too?” he asked, snapping her eyes fully open and on him.

“Yeah you did!  Do it again!” He kissed her and reached back to rev the engine a bit.  She broke off the kiss with another gasp.  “You’d better know how to drive this thing fast or I’m going to rip you to pieces!!” she growled.  He got them home in minutes, all the while she was shifting her hips forwards and backwards on the seat while kneading him into a high state of pleasure.

That night was epic for both of them.

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Re: Magic iPhone Part 1 by Ratlaf
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2009, 06:12:27 pm »
Ben woke up to a giggling female form nestled into his arms.  “What’s so funny?”

“My arm is as big as yours, and I haven’t lifted once this week…”

“Really?  Let me see.” She showed him their two arms side by side and when he saw that she was indeed as big as he was, he felt a sudden pulse of pleasure circulate through his body finally settling in his penis, causing it to twitch.  Naturally she felt it and squirmed up against him.

“Hmm, seems my man likes a strong woman.”  Another pleasure pulse.  “It seems he likes it that the rest of my body has finally decided to do the same thing my calves have done all my life…”  Pulse.  “If that’s true then I’ll be able to do whatever I want to my man.”  Pulse!  “I’ll be so strong and muscular that he won’t be able to stop me…”

Concious thought had left Ben two sentences ago so he didn’t really absorb what she was saying, that she was sharing her deepest darkest secrets with him.  He was too busy seducing her. 

That morning was epic for them as well.

The day of the volleyball tournament Sandy was starting to look like a serious powerhouse.  She was now a solid little thing.  Her legs had started to form a subtle "V" from her knees up to her hips.  Her ass had definitely begun to bubble out into a globe of sexy power.  Her pert breasts were being pushed out by her pecs, making them appear bigger.  Her shoulders had broadened and her back had also begun to form a subtle "V" shape.  Her arms were clearly buff and when she'd move, her muscles were visibly moving and shifting under her skin.

She'd invited Ben to watch their match and Sandy and Bree did indeed make for an interesting pairing.  Bree was so tall that Sandy didn't even reach her shoulders, but Sandy's new bulk made Bree look like a toothpick.  Her added strength and reflexes meant that she was able to move that much faster, react quicker, and jump way higher than usual for her.  When standing at the net, her head was only halfway up the net, but when she jumped most of her head cleared the top of the net which meant that she was able to spike the ball quite easily.  Her added strength also meant that her spikes were that much faster and even when the other girls dug the ball, it usually went wild.

They won the tourney definitively and Sandy was so pumped from the effort that all her new muscles, slowly catching up to the size of her calves, were clearly visible.  She was now as strong as any average Joe who worked out a little.  She bounded over to Ben, forcefully pulled him down for a kiss, and pointedly asked him if he'd ridden his motorcycle here.

"Of course I did.  You go get your stuff and I'll pull it around." He had teleported here so once she'd turned to get her stuff he pulled out his phone and quickly transported his cycle into the parking lot.  He also looked at the properties of the bike and saw that the 'Vibration' setting was set to 'Maximum Female Pleasure'.  He scaled it down to 50%, not wanting to totally turn it(her) off, but knowing that she'd never last the 40 minute ride home.  Although, leaving it where it was might be exciting too, he thought, so instead he returned it to its former setting.

On the way home, as she was holding on to him with her much stronger arms and shifting her hips forwards and backwards unconciously, she squeezed his waist when they were approaching an obviously little-used barn with a few horses grazing in the fields nearby.  She pointed and then grabbed him, making him hard.  Her intent was clear.  He teased her a bit by shaking his head, but with a glint in his eyes and a smile on his face that showed that he knew exactly what she wanted.  She resonded by putting a mock frown on her face and flexing her arm.  Up popped a much bigger muscle than he was expecting and his usually perfect control of the cycle, wavered.

Needless to say he pulled into the barn where they quickly found a haystack all to themselves, watched only by a couple of horses.


Three days later his phone alerted him that she was done transitioning.  She was now naturally stronger and more muscular than 90% of women worldwide.  So that's what the '9' setting meant.  It showed too!  She looked buff and strong and muscular from head to toe.  Where before only her calves had the fullness of an extremely strong woman, now her entire body radiated power and strength and potential.

Ben found the new size and shape of her to be totally alluring and attractive.  He still didn’t understand it but when just the thought of her growing body nearly made him come in his pants, he knew there was something going on in the attraction department.  Who was he to argue?

Potential was definitely the best word to describe her physique now.  She now possessed the potential to transform herself into one of the most muscular women in the world.  Or at least one of the top 10%.  It was about a week after she’d reached this new potential that she asked Ben a few questions.  They were seeing each other on a regular basis and Ben’s interest slider was slowly inching up towards ‘Love Interest’. 

He had also, in the interim, discovered the ‘Light Saber’ app in his phone.  That was one of the biggest shocks of his life.  When he activated it, the phone rolled itself into a tube and unsheathed a real Light Saber blade from the business end of the phone.  He totally dropped the phone/Saber where it promptly cut through the kitchen counter setting a little of it on fire.  Frantically he picked up the Saber, deactivated the blade, and extinguished the flames with a pitcher of water.  He also used the phone to repair the counter so no one would ask what happened.  No one would believe ‘I sliced it with my Light Saber’ as an explanation.  He was discovering that no matter how obvious somethings were, people still refuse to believe in them.  That was fine by him because he was totally enjoying the magical power he had at his fingertips.  If everyone else was going to let him get away with it, fine by him.  He was going to practice with his Light Saber in the woods where he could destroy all the rocks and trees he wanted to.

“Ben, I wanted to ask you something,” Sandy said as she situated herself in his lap.  They were all hanging out at Quinn’s but the two of them were suddenly in their own world.

“Sure babe.”

“Do you like me now?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well, I know that people’s body types can shift, and usually not for the better, but I think I got lucky.  I’m totally thrilled with what happened to me.  I’m wondering if you are too?”

“Well, surprisingly enough, yes.  It’s definitely weird and unusual, but I can’t deny that the thought of the shape and size and strength of your muscles turns me on.”

“Like now, while we’re talking about all 170 pounds of my muscles in your lap?”

“Yep, like now, and forever more.”

“Really?  Even if…” she hesitated.

“Even if you want more?” he finished for her.

The look she gave him was one of total surprise and adoration and commitment.  Here was her man sugesting that she follow her heart’s most secret desire now that she had the opportunity to do so.  Or at least one of her heart’s secret desires…  She nodded her head.

“Go for it my super strong, super sweet Sandy!  Build yourself into a true muscle woman.  Make yourself exponentially stronger than me.  I’ll enjoy every moment of it, and every square inch of your sexy, sexy body…”

Sandy was overcome and kissed him deeply.  “I… think I love you Ben.” She said, a look of absolute terror washing across her face at the risk she was taking.  Men didn’t usually respond well to this kind of thing.

Ben smiled and said, “I think I love you too, Sandy.”  They kissed deeply again, then slowly emerged from their happy world to socialize with their friends again.  They never left each other’s side from then on.  Even when things started to get rough they stuck with each other, through thick or thin.

Sandy took to bodybuilding like a fish to water.  Her muscles responded to lifting weights as if she'd been born to be the strongest woman in the world.  After only two weeks, she'd added 10 pounds of mass and was already adding fullness to her muscles.  She began to track her changes a bit and her arms started out at 12 inches fully flexed.  After those two weeks she was already up to 13.5 inches around and the changes in her musculature were almost perceptible from day to day.  It also helped that Ben adjusted her skeletal muscles all the way up to '10'.  Now, she would be guranteed to become the strongest woman in the world.  Ben noticed that the number of the slide bar was an active number, implying that he could enter a number manually.  He filed that little nugget away in his brain for when Sandy had reached her full potential, which promised to be stupendous indeed. 

Ben also continued to develop several magical apps in his phone, along with experimenting with the 'Memory', 'Temporal' and ‘Spatial’ apps.  Those were super tricky and he didn't dare do much other than use them for observation.  The 'Possible Future Timelines' window was fascinating!

He taught himself every language on the planet, current and past, and totally drove Sandy crazy when he seduced her in a foriegn tongue.  The fact that she would drive him totaly crazy when secuding him with her massive sexy musculature balanced things nicely between them.  He also learned Kendo so that he was competent with the Light Saber app, and along with about a dozen other subjects that he'd mastered, his brain was filling up nicely.  He'd also adjusted his eyes so that he could see perfectly in the dark, and upped his own muscles from 4 to 5.

One day he received a call.  "This is Ben."

"Hey Ben, it's me.  You know, your phone."

"I know, I saw that it was you on the caller ID.  Did you sleep well?"

"I did, thanks.  Those teenage idiots draining me in less than a day really took it out of me.  They got what they deserved though.  Karma's a bitch.  She's not even pretty either, that might make it easier to deal with her."

"Karma is real?"

"Yep, and at some point you're going to have to pay up.  What you've done so far hasn't been too drastic, but she keeps meticulous records and she'll get to you eventually.  By the way, I can't help you with her.  She's above most of us anyway."

"How do I deal with her?"

"How do you deal with any other hard, challenging thing life throws at you?  It's the same.  She'll probably try to go through Sandy, just so you know."

"Thanks.  Oh and thanks for the tips at work too.  I'm doing really well with that job."

"Hmmm, you're welcome," the knowing sound of the phone's voice tipped Ben off.


"Oh, you'll figure it out soon enough.  Talk to you later, and keep up the good work.  I'm glad I chose to stick with you."

A month after Sandy began to seriously lift weights, she had inflated with so much muscle that she was making most of the guys in the Gym look like toothpicks.  Not the serious weightlifters, but just the regular guys who came in for an hour, three times a week.  Whenever she'd flex, globes of gorgeous female might would rise magestically out of her seriously muscular physique.  Ben had no chance of resisting her strength and as he said, he enjoyed every second they were together.  She now possessed 17 inch arms which looked huge on her 5'6", 195 pound frame.  She also showed no signs of slowing down.  She was on a weekly lifting program and every week she had to increase the weights she was using, substantially.

The next two months Sandy added about 20 pounds of muscle per month to her physique.  She was decidedly as muscular as any woman had ever been able to become, and yet, she was still growing, but her rate of growth began to tapper off. It seemed that once she'd broken through the 20 inch arms ceiling that women are limited to, she just wasn't able to coax her muscles to grow any larger or stronger.  Although a woman who can bench almost 700 pounds for reps was totally unheard of before Sandy came along...


Six months later... "It is my great pleasure to introduce to you our next competitor.  This years Nationals winner, winner of the Miss International, the Miss Universe, and the World's Strongest Woman Competition.  She's only five feet, six inches tall, yet packs 235 pounds of incredible muscle onto her frame.  Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to the Miss Olyimpia stage, Sandy Winkler!"  A round of thunderous applause greeted her as she stepped onto the stage.

"Was there ever any doubt that you'd win?" Ben asked after she'd bounded backstage with her medal around her neck, the two-handed broadsword that was taller than Ben, in one hand, and hugged and kissed her man with her other hand.

"No, no doubt.  I just wish that the general public saw me the way these people do.  I didn't realize how many dirty looks I'd get."

"You just won the penultimate bodybuilding contest in the world, and that's what you're worrying about?  Silly girl!"

"Yeah, I guess I am being silly.  Let's go celebrate!"


They were walking down the street, on their way out when suddenly everything went dark.  "I can't see," Sandy said startled, "Ben, where are you?"

Ben had been forced against the wall and was dangling about thirty feet up.  There was nothing holding him there, yet he could feel the lines of force being used to hold him there.  He let his mind feel where they were coming from and felt the man doing this just before he turned the corner.  Ben thought it would be a great time to have his phone in his hand, but couldn't move at all.  He tried visualizing the 'Teleport' app as it brought his phone from his pocket to his hand.

The phone appeared!  Once it was in his hand he extended the Saber and cut the lines of force holding him up against the wall.  He fell, but he quickly visualized a 'Flight' app in the phone and landed on the ground as gently as a feather.

"You've learned much, and now you will pay for your insolence!" the man shouted as he began releasing bolts of lighting at Ben, flinging trashcans and cars and whatever else his mind could find.  Ben however put his Kendo and Sabre skills to good use and dodged or parried all the attacks.  He noticed that the lightning bolts would reflect off the blade, so he began reflecting them back at the man attacking him. 

Then he remembered he could teleport, and began 'porting around until he had his enemy totally confused.  The other began 'porting as well in response to this new strategy.  Ben took a peek at the possible timelines window, somehow in his head, and ported to the spot where the other would be appearing.  He put the blade against his throat, where it buzzed like an angry wasp, and forced him against the wall.  Ben was holding him with his mind as well as the sword.  The man froze, knowing he was beat.  Not even his mental tricks would be fast enough to save him now, at this range.

"Talk!  Who are you?" Ben commanded.

"I'll die before I give you power over me like that, Ben Connelly."  Ben paused thinking that he knew enough about the 'Memory' app to force him to tell.  Then he realized this guy was only a footsoldier.

"Understandable, who do you work for?"

“I’m a dead man anyway.  I’ve failed.  You’re too powerful.”

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Re: Magic iPhone Part 1 by Ratlaf
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2009, 06:13:19 pm »
“Me? Powerful, what the hell are you talking about?”

“You really don’t know do you.  Well, your ignorance will undo you, I don’t need to do anything after all, simply wait.”

“If you say so, but before I let you go...” Ben visualized the ‘Memory’ app again and extracted the man’s name.  It was quite a fight too.  He resisted and tried his best to keep Ben out, but eventually he slipped and it leaked through his defenses.  “Thanks Milo.” Ben said as he released the man.

“You’re letting me go?”

“Of course.  Why wouldn’t I?”

“You’re an idiot,” Milo said and vanished.

The darkness lifted revealing a sobbing Sandy sitting on the curb, her feet in the gutter.

“Oh, there you are...!” she cried out the anger evident in her voice.


“Sure, when you’re faced with a woman vastly stronger and more muscular than you you’ve got more stones than Rambo, but when some weasel begins to berate us, you vanish like the Cowardly Lion! Men!”

“Sandy, I...”

“Don’t say you love me, if you loved me you would’ve stood up to him and stopped his tirade against me, you would’ve defended me, instead of cowering like you did, letting me take the full force of it.” 

Ben had put his arms around her and despite her words, she was letting him hold her.  This encouraged him.  He’d also recognized the work of Karma, both helping keep his secret, and making him pay up.  Despite her recent victory, Sandy was going to take convincing that she really was gorgeous and his woman.  This was going to be a long rough night.

“Sandy, my love, I’m sorry!  I don’t know what came over me.  The strength of his attack, the vehemence behind it, the hate.  It floored me and I froze.  I’m sorry and I won’t let it happen again!”

She looked at Ben.  Stared into his eyes, searching for any hint of deciet or dishonesty.  Apparently she found none and while that helped a little, she still continued sobbing.  He, at least, had been partially forgiven.  Ben knew it wasn’t enough so he continued.

“And men like him,” Ben gestured to the spot where Milo had ‘ported, “are just so uncomfortable with their own lives, their own selves that they can’t handle it when someone taps into their full potential.  When someone like you says ‘Fuck ‘em all, I’m doing what I want to do and I’m going to be the best at it!’”  he was encouraged because her sobbing had begun to subside a bit.

“And remember the auditorium filled with cheering men and women at your victory tonight!  They all thought you were extraordinary.  And me.  I’m here for you, I want you and even if you weren’t the most muscular woman in the world, I’d still be just as crazy about you!”

“But if that were the case then we wouldn’t be here now, and I wouldn’t have had to see you freeze like you did, letting him yell at me as if giving him permission, supporting him.”

“I don’t agree with him and I don’t support him.  He just stunned me to the point where I couldn’t do anything.  I’m so sorry my Baby Seal.  I promise, I won’t let anything like that happen to us, ever again!”

She looked up at him, more because he used her favorite endearment, and decided he was right.  She believed his promise and discovered that she did trust him, that she did still love him.  It was a good feeling.  Not quite enough to dispel the shadow of what happened just now, but enough.

She stood up, sweeping him up with her as if he weighed nothing, and hugged him fiercely.  After a few moments she heard him gasp, and eased up a bit.  He nudged her face out of the hollow of his shoulder so that she was looking up at him, a vantage point she wished she had over him.  He smiled and kissed her.

“Lets go back to the hotel, call roomservice and take a bath together.  We’ll celebrate your victory, just the two of us.”

“But they’re waiting for us...” she gestured at the restaurant a few blocks away.

“They’ll understand.  Besides we’ll see them again tomorrow, at the expo.”

Sniffling she agreed, “you’ve got a date handsome.”  All the way back to the hotel she was clutching her man, and still sobbing occasionally, and all that time Ben was holding her and comforting her the best he could.  He was definitely in agreement with his phone, Karma was a bitch, and if he didn’t figure out a way to put his magic in balance, he’d have to deal with more and more of this kind of thing.  He filed that assingment away for later.  Tonight he wanted to be totally and completely present for Sandy, so that she would stay with him and return to her usual self.

The expo the next day helped lift Sandy’s spirits another notch, especially all the attention and praise she was recieving from not just the masses of fan boys, but her fellow compeditors, and the male bodybuilders.  All the people here knew how much hard work and sacrifice their way of life was and totally respected her for her level of commitment, evident in her massive, unrivalled physique.

Ben was by her side the whole day and by the end Sandy seemed to have recovered herself.  It wasn’t until the flight home that he was able to play around with his iPhone a bit.  To his surprise, there were a number of new apps on his phone.  ‘Flight’ ‘Dueling’ ‘Telekinesis’ and ‘Stun’ among them.

He’d totaly forgotten everything that he’d needed to do while defending himself the other night and was surprised to see that what he’d created in his mind, appeared in his phone.  He started to put the pieces together, but wasn’t completely sure his theory was right.  In order to truly test it he’d have to...  But he couldn’t even form that thought completey.  Not yet anyway, he’d need more time to learn and grow in power.  More confidence...

He did think of a way to help Sandy out with her self esteem issue created by the general public’s perception of her beauty.  He surfed to a number of women’s fasion and health magazines and adjusted their standards of female beauty to halfway between ‘Anorexic’ and ‘Extremely Muscular’.  Before it had only been at 15%.  Now the fitness and figure compeditors would be considered the height of feminine beauty, instead of the runnway models.  By these magazines’ standards at least.

He also adjusted the covereage of Female Bodybuilding to 50% in all the Muscle Mags.  What better way to change public perceptions of beauty than through the media?

“You’re always playing around with that thing.  Is it really that cool?” she asked him looking up from her book, startling him a bit.

“It really is that cool.  I’ll show you.  Do you want something to drink?” he asked hoping to let her in a little bit on his secret.  He felt that at some point it would be good for her to know what was really going on.

“Mmmm, I could go for some red wine...” she said purring and stretching; muscles bulging everywhere, turning him on.

He visualized a ‘Wine’ app, and it appeared.  He scrolled through the options and when she chose one to her liking, he poured it into her empty water glass.

“How did you...?” she couldn’t finish her sentence she was stunned.  She’d seen the ‘Beer’ app magic trick before but always though he’d prepared for it somehow.  This time she knew he hadn’t had a chance to stage it and was stunned.

“It’s a magic trick, and a good magician never reveals his secrets.”

“We’ll just see about that,” she replied, giving him a meaningful look which was exactly what he’d hoped for.  By the time he revealed the full extent of his secret, she would be ready to accept and understand it.

“Mmmm, this is amazing!  Thanks my big little man,” she said as she sipped her wine and snuggled into him.  They were both content, together, the rest of the flight home.

The next day, Ben worked on creating a ‘Balance’ app.  He was somewhat concerned for his Karmic debts and wanted to keep track.  It was quite easy to do.  He simply visualized an oldskool scale with magic that benefited himself, compared to magic that benefitted others.  He also worked in harm to others vs. help to others.  He hit the ‘Compile App’ button that appeared whenever he’d manually create an app like this, and once the phone was done processing, the end result had a few modifications that he’d missed.

He also looked himself and Sandy up in the augmented Google search engine.  Up popped a map of their current locations, and every concievable piece of information about them.  To his horror he noticed that all that information was freely accessible to anyone with the means.  He now had very good reason to believe that he wasn’t the only one with the means and that they harbored some ill will against him.  Why?  He didn’t know, but he did know that he wasn’t going to make it easy for them to find him again.  He set his, and Sandy’s location and info to almost the highest privacy setting available.  It would still allow phone calls and e-mails from trusted friends, but it stopped short of turning them invisible.

“Invisible” Ben thought, now that would be a cool app, seperate from this privacy setting.  Sure enough, once he was done hiding themselves in plain sight, an ‘Invisibility’ app had appeared in the menu.  Curious about how much memory was still available he was stunned to realize that only 3% was filled.

End Part 1

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Magic iPhone Part 2 by Ratlaf
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2009, 02:07:30 pm »
Magic iPhone
Part 2

Meanwhile, weeks went by and Sandy continued to lift weights, but she’d reached her full potential.  It was also about this time that everyone began to notice the extremely fit and somewhat muscular women in all the fasion magazines.  Sandy was vaguely aware of this shift too and was secretly pleased.  Especially when Vouge asked her for a short one page interview.  One page was better than nothing and they totally glamed her up for the picture that went with it.

She looked gorgeous in a black cocktail dress, hair wind blown, and muscles bulging and flexing everywhere!  After that experience, she was starting to feel much better about herself, and was even begining to get more compliments than insults on the street.

But she wanted more and that was her undoing.   

One night she was waiting for Ben to come home.  When he did she pounced on him and used her strength to totally and completely seduce him.  She’d never been this wild or turned on before.  She was also using her strength in new and interesting ways.  Ben could barely believe that she was able to press him over her head while giving him a blowjob.  Rep after rep she raised and lowered him into her mouth until he came.  She responded by also orgasming with a ferocity and openness that she hadn’t released before.  Most of the neighborhood heard her.  She never tired and even after Ben fell unconcious she continued to play with herself.  Never sated.

The next night was the same.  This time Ben tried to stop her after a few hours because he was exhausted.

“Shut up and fuck me!” she said as she held him down with one hand.  He had no choice, she was too strong, but he also knew this wasn’t his Sandy.  Something was off.  He passed out shortly thereafter.

The next morning Sandy was waiting for Ben in the kitchen with coffee ready.  He walked up to her and kissed her, still in love with her and hoping she was back to normal.  Then he stepped back, shocked because she was taller.  She was as tall as he was and he didn’t have to look down at her anymore.

“Like the new me loverboy?” said a voice that was definitely not Sandy’s anymore.

“Wha-  Who the hell are you?”

“Hell, now there’s a place I vaguely remember.  Warm like Vegas, like your dick when you fuck me.” She  reached out and grabbed him.  He didn’t have a chance.  She was now 6’1” tall and had the arm reach to prove it.  Along with her unrivalled strength, among women anyway, Ben had no chance of escaping.

She ripped off all his clothes, somehow turned him on, almost like flicking a switch, and parried each and every one of Ben’s attempts to magically escape.  She was way more powerful than he was and had no chance resisting her, phone or no phone.  She was going to fuck his brains out ‘till she got what she wanted out of him.

What she wanted was his seed.  He watched with horror when she grew taller and taller as he came into her again and again.  A demon had infested Sandy and sex was it’s weapon.  It was also it’s source of power, and Ben hoped, could also be it’s undoing.  Unfortunately it took him six hours to form this thought coherently through the haze of relentles sex and orgasms.  In those hours, Sandy’s body had grown to well over seven feet tall, but strangely hadn’t added any muscle mass.  What kind of demon was this?

Ben didn’t care!  He just wanted it out of his girlfriend.  He formed mental barbs all along the length of his penis.  If this thing wanted to fuck him to death, he was going to take it with him.  Instead what happened is that it shrieked the most unearthly sound of pain, terror and pleasure imaginable.  He also saw, to his satisfaction, that the barbs he’d mentally created had trapped the demon but not Sandy’s body.  He was pulling the demon out of her body with his dick!

It was an ephemeral blue mist, at first only pulling out of her when he pulled back.  Then, using all of his energy and tapping into the phone for help, he slowly pulled the demon out of Sandy.  It wasn’t going to let go of the best fuck of it’s life, and as a result, it was being exorcised.  Sex was it’s undoing.

Once he’d totally pulled the ten foot tall demon out of Sandy all it’s strength and power left it.  It was incorporeal and thus vulnerable.  It also resembled a five legged stork with three heads and razor sharp teeth set into a five foot long beak.  With horror at what he was mentally fucking, and with what he’d just been forced to do, he used the ‘Spatial’ app in his mind and opened a rift in space, pushing the demon through into the nothingness of outer space in another dimension.

He promptly passed out.

When he came too he was burried in rubble and there were voices nearby yelling and corrdinating.  He put together that it was a rescue operation.  He looked at the rubble around him and realized it was the house they lived in.  It looked like it had imploded.  “I guess that’s what happens when you open a rift in space...” Ben thought.  “instant Karma...”

“Over here,” he yelled out.

“Ben, are you hurt!?”

“I don’t think so, I’m pinned though.”  He wasn’t going to extract himself magically now, too many witnesses and if he did, he’d throw off the books with Karma.  This was his payment for opening that rift.  But what else could he have done?

“Kill it, of course,” a voice spoke up in his head.


“How did you exorcise it, with your mind you idiot!!  My screen is cracked and your girlfriend is in a coma!  I told you Karma’s a bitch.”

They finally extracted him from the rubble and brought him to the hospital.  He had ‘ported his phone to him and once they left him alone for a bit, he visualized a ‘Heal’ app and used it while running his finger along the cracks of the phone, sealing them as good as new.

“Thanks.  If that had been any worse, I’d’ve been released.  End of my existance.  Poof, gone like that.  See to yourself, then help Sandy.”

“I will, thanks,” Ben replied to his phone, in his head.  He healed his minor injuries, his whiplash and his cuts and bruises, and went to find his woman.  The phone told him she was in room 519 and when he got there he was amazed.

She was HUGE!!!  Before she’d been just extremely muscular.  More muscular than any woman ever.  Now she still appeared muscular, but all those muscles were stretched over a frame well over seven feel tall, if the numbers on the extendable hospital bed could be trusted and interpreted correctly.  90?  Was that 90 inches??  Was she really so tall now that they’d need to extend the bed to it’s maximum of 7’6”??? 

He couldn’t move while his brain absorbed this.  “Well, now she’ll be able to play volleyball...” he thought.  That got him moving and he sat in a chair next to her and took her hand.

She was cold.  Her hand wasn’t cold, temprature wise she seemed normal, but he felt that she was still cold.  Wherever she was, she was still lost inside herself and hadn’t found her way back yet.

“Very good,” the phone spoke up in his head.  “Now go rescue her.”

“A’ight.”  So Ben, not wanting to be criticised by his phone again for knowing how do do something, send his mind into Sandy’s body.  He travelled through her hand and into her mind.  This was going to be interesting.

He landed in a room, a nursery, filled with stuffed animals.  Actually, filling up with stuffed animals.  They were overwhelming the room and soon he would be buried alive, crushed by plush.  He lunged for the door and somehow made it out, into a gym.  It was filled with workout equipment stacked with weights that not even Sandy would be able to budge.  Or at least Sandy as she was now...  Otherwise it was deserted.  There was another door so he went through, into the strangest zoo.  All the animals were half human hybrids.  From the waist up they were perfectly human.  From the waist down they were not.  There was a mermaid, an octopus, a snake, a spider, and a centaur.  Totally creeped out by this unexpected and unknown part of her mind he went through the next door into every place the two of them had ever made love, and they were both here making love in her memories forever more.  Aching to find her he went through the next door, and the next, and the next.  Coffee shop, library, school, office, bar, memory after memory.  He was begining to think he was in the wrong part of her mind when he came to a prison.

He was miles from it.  It was perched on top of a cliff on top of a huge hill.  He started walking towards it but it stayed the same distance away from him.  He teleported and wound up right in front of it’s gates.

“Sandy!!!” he called out.

“Ben??!” she replied faintly from deep inside the gulag, her voice filled with terror.

“I’m coming for you Baby Seal!”

“Where am I, what’s happened??”

“I’ll explain everything once I get you out.”  He used his Saber, extending it straight out from his bare hand, to cut through the gate.  He raced into the labyrinth of this prison, cutting through walls when they were in his way as the two of them played Marco-Polo, in order to find each other.

He finally reached her cell and they hugged and kissed akwardly through the bars.

“What am I doing in here, get me out Ben!” she was completely panicked.

“Stand back.”  Knowing she was now going to be totally in on his new abilities, he unsheathed hs Saber and tried to cut through the bars, ingoring her gasp of surprise.  Nothing happened to the bars.  He sheated it, not too surprised by this, but he thought he knew how to get her out anyway.  It would take some convincing though.

“Was that a Light Saber?  Like from Star Wars?” she asked.

“Yeah, but I can’t get you out.  We’re in your mind, and this is the prison that demon used your mind to create.  You don’t know it but you’re the only one who can let yourself out.”

“Wait, what? A demon?  What are you talking about, I didn’t put myself here.”

“No you didn’t.  A demon possessed you, then used your mind to create this prison and locked you up in it.  I pulled it out of you, but it’s still your mind so you have to do the unlocking.”

“Ok, I’m totally confused, but I want out of here.  You’re going to explain everything to me Mister Magic Man, starting with that phone!” she flexed all her massive muscles at the same time in a very intimidating show of power.

He couldn’t hide his surprise.  “Actually the phone is where it does start Baby Seal.  Now open that door.”

She stared at the door, trying to find her rightful place in her own mind.  After a bit, it clicked open.  The second it did the prison dissolved around them into a white void.  It was somewhat disconcerting because there were no reference points, not even gravity, but Ben and Sandy were able to touch and kiss each other.  It was a sweet reunion.

“Ok,” Ben said after their kissing subsided a bit. “we’ve got you back in your mind, now to get your mind back in your body.”

“How do we do that?”

“No idea.  I’ve been improvising as I go along.  Done pretty well so far too.”


“Sandy, visualize us in a gym with a volleyball tournament going on.”

She looked at him quizically, “How did you know?”

He smiled at her, “Just do it.”  She did and they were in the stands watching a game.  “Ok, now imagine yourself playing.”  She did.  “Ok, now imagine that you’re the tallest player here...”

“Really?  Like how tall?”

“See her?” he pointed to a woman who stood just a hair shorter than the seven foot tall net.

“Yeah,” she replied trembling with anticipation.  Was she going to get her other deepest darkest desire?

“Taller than her...”

“Wow!” she said, and began growing.  Ben materialized next to her so that he could experience her 5’6” tall body grow and grow and grow.  She was his height, then she was looking down at him, then she was a head taller, then he only came up to her shoulders!  “How’s this?”

“Yep, that’ll about do it.”

“Mmmm, it turns me on to see you way down there little man!”

“Really?  Then wake up to your new body and experiene it for yourself,” he Comanded her.  He’d only used ‘Command’ once before on his attacker, Milo and it worked just as well now.  She woke up and returned to her new body, and as she did, her natural defenses reasserted themselves and pushed him out of her.

The next thing both of them knew, they were in the hospital, Ben was holding Sandy’s hand, and she was awake!  This reunion was even more sweet.

“Wow, I think I’m even taller than I imagined myself to be, and I still have my muscles, but they look so puny on my long arms!”  she flexed experimentally and while her bicep didn’t form a beautifully round sphere of sexy feminine power, her arm was still much bigger than one of Ben’s legs.  She still had all of her strength, it was simply repackaged.

“Alright Mister Magic Man, talk.  Tell me everything.  We’ve got the time seeing as I’m going to be stuck here ‘till they let me out.”

So Ben told her everything from the day he took possesion of the phone.  She frowned a bit when he admitted to adjusting her preferences and her musculature, but she never interupted, and she definitely didn’t freak out.  He glossed over the finer details of how he exorcised the demon out of her, but otherwise he told her everything.

"Well, Miss Winkler, you are an interesting case," the Doctor said, coming in just as Ben finished, not giving Sandy a chance to reply to Ben's story.

"Please, call me Sandy.  You make me feel like my grandmother when you say, Miss Winkler."

"Whatever you prefer Sandy," the Doctor replied.  "Your chart shows you to be 5'6" tall, and yet here you are, just over 7'3" tall!  Any idea how that could've happened during a demonic possession resulting in a house implosion due to an outer space vortex."

They both looked at the doctor stunned.  Their looks made him laugh out loud.  "Apparently you're both so new to our world that you don't yet know how widespread we all really are.  I want to commend you young man.  Extracting and exiling that demon the way you did. Although it would've been better if you'd killed it.  Not many would've been able to do that, or have the strength of mind to still be sane.  And then to bring Sandy back to her right mind and body.  You have natural talent"

"Thanks Doc."

"And Sandy, unfortunately you're going to be stuck at this new height for the rest of your life.  Partly because of the demon's influence and partly because of Karma.  Some things are irreversible.  I'm sorry my dear."

"Why would you be sorry?  I love it!  As Ben here surreptitiously discovered, it's what I've secretly wanted most of my life.  Don't ask me why, I don't even know.  Oh by the way Ben, you've got some disciplinary action coming your way from me too, not just from Karma," she said as she winked at him.

Ben trembled at the thought of being 'punished' by his now massive girlfriend.  He couldn't wait.

"Doc, how do you think the demon possessed her in the first place?"

"Good question.  You had an altercation with a foot soldier of the Crimson King I believe.  A few weeks ago?"

"Yes," Ben replied.  Sandy was stunned as she put two and two together.  She realized that he really was fighting to defend her, even if her memories said otherwise.  She felt totally ashamed of how she'd yelled at him afterwards.

"Well, Milo never fights alone, but once you got the upper hand, the demon abandoned him, and found a much safer, more tempting host.  Most demons are total cowards and this one was no exception.  Sandy was open to it, and, well you know the rest."

"How do I prevent that from happening again?" Sandy asked worried.

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Re: Magic iPhone Part 2 by Ratlaf
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2009, 02:08:15 pm »
The Doctor said a terrifying thing: "Guard your mind."

Ben could see she was about to ask how and he said, "Don't worry, I'll teach you."

"Well, I'll leave you two love birds to it.  I've made the appropriate adjustments to your files Sandy and made these changes 'Retroactive' so that all of your friends and family won't freak out with your sudden growth.  And Ben, when the time comes, let it go.  I think you're already learning that you don't need it, but don't let it become your downfall too."

"I won't, thanks Doc."  The Doctor smiled and continued on his rounds.

"Let it go?" Sandy asked.

"The iPhone.  When I'm confident in my own skills I won't need it at all anymore.  Already now I'm only partially reliant upon it."

"Partially?  Show me some of your magic, Magic Man!" she exclaimed hopping up out of bed.  This was the first time she had stood up to her new full height.  Ben was so stunned that he totally forgot where he was, or anything else in the world for that matter except his towering, strong, gorgeous, glowing woman, standing before him, beaming a loving smile down at him.

"Hello?  Earth to Ben," she teased.

Ben struggled to reassemble his incoherent thoughts.  "Wow," was all he could manage.

"Wow is right.  I'm so happy all this happened!" she gushed and lifted Ben up to her height to kiss him.  He felt like he was flying but he knew it was Sandy's strength holding him up, so he did a thorough job kissing her.  She totally melted under his ministrations.

"Get us out of here quick so I can 'punish' you properly for meddling Magic Man…"

"Sure thing Baby Seal," although he'd never tried 'porting with another person before, he found it worked exactly the same, just took a bit more energy.  He also did it without the phone.  He was used to the crushing pinhole blackness of teleporting, but it was new to Sandy.  It took her a moment to catch her breath and when she did she saw that he'd brought them back to the same overlook where they'd shared their first kiss.

Knowing she'd made the right choice she lifted him up to her height again and brought them under the cover of a nearby group of shrubs.  Once there she set him down and he began to seduce her. 

"I thought I was supposed to be 'punishing' you?" she gasped as his expert hands just happened upon the right spot.

When she laid down on the ground, she wasn't surprised to find the ground was soft moss, like a bed, and that several blankets had appeared.  He drove her crazy while he peeled away every piece of her clothing, one by one, until she was revealed in all her glory.

He had a different idea for his own clothes.  One moment they were there, the next they disappeared, forming a pile next to her own.  That was too much and she needed him that instant so she used her strength to totally overpower him, to totally overwhelm him with her Amazonian size and strength.  Previously, they'd both thought that it could'nt've been any better between them.  Somehow, now, it was even better than they'd ever imagined possible.


And so they embarked upon the next stage of their relationship.  Ben continued to practice with his iPhone/teacher, and Sandy learned to guard her mind.  That was all the magic she claimed she wanted to learn and it was a direct result of the demonic possession she experienced that resulted in her seven foot plus stature.  Her memories of that event were vague at best.  Mostly she described a fading sensation but what the demon did, she, blessedly, didn't remember.

The 'Sheild' app was coming along nicely and along with a handful of others Ben's magical repertoire was rounding out nicely.  He did wonder about finding himself a real teacher because so far, everything he'd done was a product of his own imagination, assisted and actualized by his phone.  What was he still missing?  He didn't know hence his desire to find someone to learn from.  He tried to track down the Doctor from the hospital, but he was mysteriously gone.  That worried him a little.

Sandy did however, totally benefit from Ben's magical aptitude.  They always drank the best wine and beer from around the world.  It took quite a bit more energy to transport things from around the world, but still not nearly as much as it would have to transport from another dimension.

A few months later, Sandy took Ben out for a date night.  A simple dinner and a movie but they had been quite busy with their lives recently and relished the time together.  They celebrated by going to Mr. Yamato's House of Sushi.

"You didn't like Sushi before?" she asked totally skeptical.

"Nope, I even tried some before switching my own preferences."

"You used the phone on yourself?"

"I did.  I wanted to experience it for myself."

She smiled and put the last piece of her Unagi in his mouth.  Ben savored it.

The movie they went to see was a mindless, exciting action flick but one of the characters was totally jacked!  He was a huge man, tall with well rounded massive muscles.  Sandy gasped when she saw him perform and quickly whispered to Ben: "Is that what I looked like when I was short?  All rounded and powerful like him?"

"You looked way better!"

She giggled, "You're a bit biased you know…?"

"I know, but I ain't lyin' either"

"I know," she replied and snuggled into him.  Of course now neither of them were paying any attention to the movie, they were both wondering what Sandy would look like if she were to fill her massive frame completely with super sexy, full, hard, powerful muscle that no woman had ever been able to build before.  Ben found himself thinking of her skeletal muscle settings and before he could stop himself, he edited the active number of the sliding scale to ‘15’.  A warning popped up on the screen he was visualizing in his head. ‘Warning, this setting exceeds maximum Human Female settings.  Are you sure you want to continue?’  He was sure.

“Oh!” she gasped sitting up and looking at him speculatively in the dark theatre.  “You didn’t?”

“I did...” he said with a smile.

“You rascal you!  Mmmmm...” she snuggled back into his arms glad that she’d found the man of her dreams.

“As if you haven’t been naughty yourself...?” he countered.  She just shrugged, but didn’t deny that she’d adjusted Ben herself, a bit more to her liking.

“What did it feel like?” he asked her as they were walking home.

“I felt all my muscles relax, like they suddenly had much more room to expand.  To grow I guess.  Oooh, how much more did you give me?”

“I upped you to ‘15’.  I guess that’s 150% strength.  Whoa, that means with your almost 700 pound bench, you’ll be able to bench over 1000 pounds!”

“...and lift you off the ground with one arm, over my head, so that I can give you the best blowjob of your life...” she whispered into his ear, leaning way down in order to do it.  To her satisfaction, she saw that he was trembling with desire for her.  “Don’t worry little man, I’ll hit the gym twice a day starting tomorrow, then I’ll really grow into this body.  Gah!!  I can’t wait, I want it now, I want you now!  Why the hell are we walking??”

Taking her hint, and her hand, they ‘ported home...


She was as good as her word.  Sandy went to the gym twice a day and it showed.  Before she had simply appeared to be a very strong fintess sized compeditor at her incredible height.  Now she was returning to her previous look of incomparable female bodybuilder.  But her seven plus feet of height meant that she was much, much stronger and more muscular than any woman had ever been.  Twenty inch arms were a distant memory.  As were 40 inch quads, and a 100 inch chest... 

She was spectacular!!  Just the gentle sweep of muscle from her delicate wrist to her massive elbow was enough to drive Ben crazy.  Not to mention the width of her Lat spread which was more than twice the width of her slim waist.  Each of her massive arms was nearly the same size as her apparently thin waist.  It only looked so thin because the rest of her was so muscular.  Her Lats like wings.  Her Glutes like the volleyballs she so likes to smack around.  Legs like tree trunks.  Like I said, spectacular.

Her metabolism was basically unchanged from before, so she generally retained only the usual, healthy level of body fat for women.  As a result, the appearance of her massive muscles was softened a bit, unless she was preparing for a contest.  She didn't compete much anymore, preferring to partake in the Strength competitions instead.  It gave both of them a thrill to watch her compete with the men, and match them event after event.  The biggest difference being that she was a gorgeous brunette with much more definition to her muscles than any of the men competing.  Even though she matched their strength, she made them all look like Pillsbury-Dough-Boys.

Winter had finally hit and they were both itching for a vacation in warmer climes.  They found a cruise line that almost seemed tailor made for them.  The Amazon Cruise line.  It looked interesting and the destinations were definitely exciting.  They were to set sail from Miami and for a week and a half, wander around the Caribbean.

A few days after making the reservation Ben got a call: "Mr. Connely or Miss Winkler please," said a super sexy female voice.

"This is Ben."

"Hello Ben.  We received your reservation for two and just wanted to confirm with you.  We're thrilled that you two have chosen us over our competitors.  Our cruise line does cater to single men, however, and your experience as a couple might not be exactly what you were expecting.  We just wanted to forewarn you and verify that you're comfortable with the situation."

"Will we be the only couple on board?"

"Oh no.  Some of our former staff and their partners have decided to sail with us as guests, but there will only be a handful of you, vastly outnumbered by the single men."

"I think as long as we get a chance to hang out with the other couples on board, we'd be OK with it.  Will you group our cabins and arrange for a few activities specifically for us couples?"

"Naturally Mr. Connely," she said, hesitating only the slightest amount.  Ben smiled knowing they hadn't thought about it, but were now going to arrange for their slowly shifting demographic.

About a week before they were to leave for the cruise, Sandy buttered Ben up again with a super sexy muscle posing striptease that took her from the sweater and jeans she was wearing down to her lingerie, and finally down to nothing but massive bulging muscles.  After their inevitable marathon session of lovemaking, thanks in part to how Sandy had altered Ben, she asked him what was really on her mind.

"So, Magic Man, did you feel like there was something missing…?"

"Something…?" knowing she had something on her mind he let her lead on.  "No, I can't think of anything."

"Well, if we're going on this cruise, I'm going to wear a bikini…"  Ben trembled at the thought. "…and if I'm going to wear a bikini I want to fill it out properly.  I want a bit of cleavage mister Magic Man!" She leapt on top of him again, turned him on like flicking a switch, and lowered herself onto him again.  As she took all of him into herself, filling her to capacity, and then some, her breasts began to fill out.  She then began raising and lowering herself onto him and every time she'd settle down on top of him, filling herself with him, her breasts would grow a bit more.

Totally enthralled by what his massive woman was doing (he wasn't performing the magic), he couldn't contain a chuckle that bubbled up out of him.

"Why are you laughing?" she asked pausing.

"Aren't I the one who's supposed to want bigger breasts on you?"

"Well, you're one of those mysterious men who's content with what they have.  You've given me what I've secretly wanted, and I'm going to give you the best woman I can be.  What do you think, should I go bigger?"  She had grown herself to a decent size which, when wearing a t-shirt would show that she did indeed have breasts.  He imagined her in a sweater and thought she could use a bit more, so he began to move in and out of her instead.

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Re: Magic iPhone Part 2 by Ratlaf
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2009, 02:09:20 pm »
"Oh!  Look who's a naughty boy now…?" she gasped.

When she'd grown respectably larger, so that even through a sweater you'd be able to tell her breasts were quite large, and spectacular in a bikini, he paused again.

"Good?" she asked feeling herself, taking his hands and making him feel her.  He could only nod.  He needed the release.  "Ok, I've turned it off, now let's finish in style!" but instead of continuing to ride him, she placed him between her new endowments and began rhythmically flexing.  This new technique, not possible before, surprised Ben into orgasming.

To his even greater surprise, Sandy extended a much longer than human tongue out of her mouth to clean off both of their chests.  "What?" she asked in response to his bug-eyed stare.  "Oh, you mean this," she asked sticking her tongue out to it's foot and a half length and tickling his neck.  "I figured that if I was going to let myself do a bit of magic on myself, that I’d go all the way.  Wait ‘till I pull you into my octopus tentacles...”

Ben gulped.  What had he released?  Sandy was turning into quite the freak.  But wasn’t she already?  What was a little more?  Besides, he’d already wandered through this part of her mind.  He just didn’t think it was as active it apparently was.

“Are you talking about that strange zoo I saw inside your mind?”

“Oh!  You mean you’ve already seen all that?”

“If you mean the half human, half animal creations, yep.”

“...and, what do you think...?” she asked shyly, ready for him to freak out because of the freak she really was.

“Well, like I said at the begining, I found bodybuilding to be weird but, wow if I don’t enjoy it, especially on you my Mega Monster Baby Seal.  This is new and definitely well within the range of freaky, but I’d be willing to give it a try.”

“Really, because I’d totally understand if you don’t want to share in this part of me.  Thanks to that crazy phone of yours, I can now fulfill all those wild desires.”

“I want to share in every part of you, including this one.  Just ease me into it and we’ll see how it goes.”

“Ooooh, so do I get to keep my tongue?” she asked, then coiled it around his penis, massaging it and making him hard again.

“Whoa!  That’s almost as good as a Sky Job.”

“I can do that too, and with one arm!” and before Ben could respond she’d scooped him way up into the air with one hand and had him perched, seven and a half feet off the ground, using her super long tongue to give him the best blow job of his life!

To Bens surprise, Sandy kept the freaky animagi-metamorph side of herself undercover.  Possibly to let him get used to the idea.  Or had he imagined the whole thing?   He even kissed her one night, coaxing her mouth open with his tongue to see if hers was as long as before.  It seemed normal enough.  If it weren't for her much larger breasts, which they both thoroughly enjoyed, he would've totally written it off.

They 'ported with their luggage to the dock in Miami where the Amazon Cruise line was to start.  One look at the stewardess who was going to check them in told them that they had made the right choice.  She was a tall blonde goddess of muscle packaged in a blazingly white uniform that showed way too much cleavage.  While she wasn't as tall as Sandy, she was much more muscular.

Once they'd given their names, she welcomed them warmly and didn't flirt with Ben like she'd been flirting with the man ahead of them.  She checked them in and directed them to their cabin.  At the top of the ramp they were greeted by another woman.  She was so tall that Sandy felt a little short.  Sandy was much more muscular but there was something about the tall woman's authority that even Sandy felt.

Everywhere on the ship were various forms and sizes of Amazonian women that made Ben's Sandy feel right at home.  She was so happy to feel normal that once they were alone in their cabin she wanted to get a quickie out of Ben before the muster practice.  He did too and they did.

At the muster practice they met the other couples on board.  As requested their cabins were all grouped together and they all met in the greenhouse.  It was interesting to meet other couples with similar situations to their own.  All the women were either hugely muscular, or extremely tall, or both.  As it turned out, they were all former crew members and their men were all former pasangers.  They’d all met on board.

“How did the two of you meet up?” one lady asked Ben and Sandy.

“We’ve been friends for a while and then, suddenly, everything just clicked between us,” Sandy said giving Ben a knowing look.

He returned it and added: “and we’ve never been happier...!”

“That’s great for you two!!  And never a problem with you being so much bigger than him?” she asked Sandy.

“Nope, not yet.  He misbehaves occasionally and I have to punish him, but otherwise...”

“Me misbehave?  Who gets into so much trouble that I have to come rescue her only every other day...?”

“See what I mean,” Sandy said smiling.  Ben was grinning from ear to ear too.

"See you two at the disembarking party.  That's something you don't want to miss."

"We'll be there." they both said at the same time to their mutual surprise.  They both burst out laughing as they went off to begin exploring the ship.  It was a gorgeous ship!  Bars and clubs and spas everywhere.  Workout rooms too, and the artwork featured Amazons performing various feats of strength that the two of them were quite used to.

They wandered onto the deck where they discovered the pool deck and all its amenities.  They saw one of the other couples from the muster and went to sit with them.  They were still a bit early for the disembarking.

They chatted away, bonding based on their share experiences.  The men because their women were so much stronger than them, and the women because they had so much in common with each other.  Even when the party started and all the stewardesses stripped to their bikinis and began dancing, the six of them now, sat back and watched.  Of course a few of the guys got towed out to dance, including Ben.  Sandy was a good dancer and picked up the choreography quickly.  She lifted and tossed Ben around just like all the other stewardesses were doing to their guests.  It was a great party and a great way to start the cruise.

Throughout the next week and a half Ben and Sandy spent time with the ten other couples on board, but didn't ignore the rest of the guests there either.  They socialized and relaxed and had a great time.  Sandy made many new girlfriends, who were all tall and/or strong.  Ben also made a decision on a thought he’d been mulling over for a little while. 

He pulled out his phone for the first time in who knew how long, other than to call and text, and dug deep into a specific part of his and Sandy's minds.  After a bit of tinkering he designed exactly what they wanted and sent it to a jeweler in Antwerp.  A message came back that they'd be able to have it ready for him in three days.  That was three before the end of the cruise.  Perfect.

They thoroughly enjoyed the cruise.  Snorkeling on the reef.  Kayaking, swimming with dolphins and rays.  Hiking through the jungle canopy, and the subsequent ropes course to get back down.  Finally, one night, while they were watching the sunset standing on a perfect white sand beach with the jungle at their backs, holding each other Ben asked:


"Yes my love."

Ben disentangled himself from her arms and went down on one knee.  "Will you marry me?" he asked pulling the ring out.  It was the perfect ring.  Perfect for Sandy, and Ben who were perfect for each other.  It glittered in the last rays of the setting sun, catching the colors perfectly.  She was speechless.  She began gasping, and smiling, but before she could answer-

"Well…  I hate to break up such a happy moment.  No actually, I'm really going to enjoy this..." a man's voice interrupted.  The looked at him and it turned out to be the Doctor from the hospital, along with two others neither of them had ever seen.  They exuded menace and evil.

Ben, grasping the situation a bit quicker than Sandy, grabbed her hand and tried to 'port back to the ship.  He was just quick enough, or strong enough, he couldn't tell which, but the net that was supposed to trap him, magically, still had a few openings, enough for him to squeak through.

They appeared on the pool deck, much to the astonishment of a few guests, but none of the stewardesses were surprised.  Instead they began to form a ring around them, closing off any escape.  Oddly the guests who were stunned, shook it off and began doing the same, along with all the other guests on the deck.  This time when Ben tried to 'port, there was an invisible eggshell surrounding the ship that he definitely couldn't get through.

"Ha, ha, ha… It took us quite a while to set up this little trap, and what better place to do it than here, on this exiled ship?"  They both looked up to the balcony of the upper deck and there, standing next to Milo, was a man dressed all in black, with a hood up so that only his too pale face could barely be seen.  His lips were blood red as if he’d just drunk some really good red wine, or...

"Get them!" he commanded.

Ben sped up their own timelines by a factor ten as bolts of lightning filled the air.  Ben took a moment to evaluate the magical lines in the air.

"Sandy, the guests and stewardesses are just puppets, stun them.  There's only five of them doing all of this, mostly the man in black.  If we can get away I can hide us again.  But it'd be best if we can take out as many of them as possible."

"Ok…" she looked scared but determined.

"Defend yourself as best you can," Ben told her as he unsheathed a light saber, one from each hand.  He’d deciding to fight Miyamoto Musashi style with a blade in each hand, setting one of them to stun, the other to kill.  They turned back to back and began fighting.  A quarter of a second had elapsed. 

Sandy began changing her shape and no matter how desperately Ben wanted to see what she'd changed into, he had about 50 puppets to deal with, most of which were sending bursts of magic at him.  They were coming from the magicians controlling these people, but he still needed to get through them to get to the man in black.  Or to escape.

He was stunning guests and stewardesses left and right when a sudden spin brought Sandy into view.  Or rather the Scorpion Queen!!!  She had transformed herself into a gigantic scorpion human hybrid.  Her head muscular arms and enormous torso were pretty much her own, but it appeared she'd grown a carapace shell, and fangs.  Her lower body was the segmented body of a scorpion including six legs and a tail with stinger.  Her hands were claws and she was bashing and stinging puppets just like him.  She didn't worry too much about defending from the magical attacks because her carapace was reflecting them away, except for her face and the front of her still obviously muscular upper body still wearing her bikini top. 

She looked truly terrifying as she waded through the people, leaving some of them bloody.  Then she reached one of the three magicians who had accosted them on the beach and sliced him in half with a claw.

Ben's momentary distraction at his fighting fiancé allowed a bolt to sneak through and stun him a bit.  He healed what he could and returned to the fight.  Sandy had sliced and diced another magician and some of the puppets began running for their lives from this terror on what had been, up 'till now, a pleasantly peaceful cruise. 

Ben finally reached the Doc and after dueling with him for a few rounds, in the same relative timeframe, he was able to mentally insert a distraction into his head, and when he reacted, Ben was able to run his 'kill' saber through the Doc’s heart.  More puppets began running.

Unfortunately Ben's duel had begun to tire him and another bolt slipped through his defenses.  Their attackers were now down to a handful of human puppets, Milo and the man in black, who took it upon himself to enter the fray.  Ben had no chance.  It took all of his concentration and energy just to defend against this man, and he was constantly losing ground.  Fortunately this was pushing him closer to Sandy, who was squaring off with Milo.  She was crouched menacingly, stinger in the air, claws snapping.

Milo didn't last long.  She leapt and with claws and stinger totally shredded him, getting her revenge for his previous attack on her.  Unfortunately in that same time Ben had been knocked down by the man in black.  He was leaning over Ben, ready to deal the death blow when suddenly, something leapt up out of Ben’s pocket and into the man's hand.  The iPhone.

The moment of surprise that overcame the man in balck was all Sandy needed.  She retransformed, picked Ben up off the ground, and flew away.  The man in black didn't pursue them.  His forces had been decimated, but somehow, he'd retrieved what he came for.  As far as he was concerned, they could try to run.  Now that he had the phone, there was nowhere they could run that he wouldn't be able to find them.

When Ben woke up they were still in the Caribbean, on the beach of what appeared to be a very tiny deserted island.  Sandy was asleep next to him and she was back to her massively muscular, gigantic self.  She was exhausted and sleeping peacefully.  He could tell he was still injured but nevertheless he wrapped his arms around her massive waist, rested his chin on her shoulder, and fell back asleep with her in his arms.  She sighed with contentment in her sleep, feeling her man comfort her.

They woke up in each others arms, glad to be alive and with no desire to leave their little island just yet.  Ben did reset their secrecy settings, again to just below being invisible.  They were able to catch plenty of fish and the small jungle had enough fruit for the two of them.  They stayed there for the rest of their vacation.

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Re: Magic iPhone Part 2 by Ratlaf
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2009, 02:10:00 pm »
"Oh!" Sandy startled herself one day.  "You asked me a question, didn't you?"

"I did."

"…and we were rudely interrupted."

"We were," Ben had taken her into his arms by now and she lifted him up to her height.

"I will." Sandy told him as she looked deep into his eyes.  The smile that erupted on Ben's face cause Sandy to gasp out a smile too.  He basically knew her answer when she totally trusted him and decided to fight with him, to rescue him.  Hearing it confirmed, from her lips to his ears made both of them as happy as they'd ever been their entire lives.

Once they'd kissed and thoroughly enjoyed the moment, Sandy asked him how he'd like to celebrate.  She was hinting at something and Ben thought he had a decent idea what she might be thinking.

"Does this have anything to do with that gym I wandered through when I rescued you?"

"Oh!!! Are none of my fantasies safe anymore?"

"Well, you've just agreed to share all of the rest of your life with me, so I'd say no.  Besides, I can't help it that they're now my fantasies as well…"

"Mmmm, so what number do you think I should set myself to?"

Ben trembled as he thought about it.  The strongest woman he'd been able to find in the normal world had a bench press right about 600 pounds, for one rep.  "How about 75?"

"Oh!" she gasped with pleasure as the change took effect in her body, "who's a naughty boy then…?"  Ben totally ignored the warning that this was overstepping the bounds of normal human settings.  He'd pay Karma back later.

Her muscles began growing while they were on the island, but mostly they went swimming, gathered and prepared their meals, and spent time together.  When swimming Sandy would take on one of her half human forms, either a mermaid, or an octopus.  Both of them made it so that they could breathe underwater and they explored the reef surrounding their island with pleasure.  As an octopus, her lower body turned into tentacles but where the beak would normally be was now occupied by her sexual organs.  In the water she would wrap her tentacles gently around his body and pull him into the center of her where one of the greatest pleasure of life awaited them both.

Her octopus tentacles also came in handy one day.  A shark was on the prowl and had targeted Ben.  Sandy was sea creature enough that the shark paid her no mind.  They both saw it circling, and then suddenly it swam deeper and disappeared.  Knowing how sharks ambush, from below, Sandy swam below Ben and told him to stay near the surface.  When the shark came, she reached out with her tentacles and snared it.  It was strong but Sandy was able to manage it.  It struggled futilely in her grasp and when it was obvious it hasn't hunting anymore, and desperate just to escape, she let it go.  It immediately disappeared and they weren't disturbed again.

Finally they were both beginning to feel the need to return to the real world.  Before they could do that though, Ben wanted to make sure they would be safe to return to their lives.  Mostly that meant making sure that whoever that man in black was, the Crimson King supposedly, wouldn't be able to get to them or their friends and family.

First priority, see if he was still attached to his iPhone.  One morning Sandy found Ben apparently meditating.  She could feel lines of magical power flowing in and out of him and was astounded by the sheer strength and number of them.  Her own skills were quite basic, but Ben seemed to be quite advanced, thanks to his extensive use of the phone.  The way he was almost able to hold his own against what was probably one of the most powerful magicians in existence said a lot about his skills.

She was filled with love and a sense of security which she took great comfort from, that her man, although he didn't look it, was definitely strong enough to protect her, them.  She wanted him in her arms so she sat behind him and encircled his body with hers.  He leaned into her, taking comfort in his woman, but it didn't phase his concentration.  He worked with the lines of magical power for another twenty minutes before finally opening his eyes.

"Whoa!  That was interesting, and exhausting!"

"What all did you do?  I could sense a little of what you were doing, but didn't get much out of it."

"Well, mostly I was working a web of protection around everyone we know, and everyone we will know in the future, whoever they may be.  I was also searching for my iPhone being super careful though assuming that it'd be with that guy."

"Yeah, I saw it jump out of your pocket and into his hand.  I think it saved your life."

"I know.  It snuck off really quick so that we could talk.  I haven't given it up yet, and as a result it can't do anything to us on behalf of Him.  But I also don't really need it anymore, so we've decided to keep things as they are right now.  We get our lives, mostly protected from Him, and it gets to explore the possibilities of magic with a new magician.  Although He will never be able to fully explore it's true potential and I'm sure that'll grate on His nerves.  We're going to have to be cautious and alert."

"That I can do," Sandy said as she grew little kittie ears on top of her head, poking out through her lush brown hair.

They both laughed at her joke but when Ben stroked her ear, a shiver of pleasure ran through her body and before Ben knew it, she had a tail, and claws, and fur, and a cat-like face and was ravaging him.

"You ready," he asked her the next morning.

"You're sure they won't be waiting for us?"

"I already checked and there's no one there.  I don't think they even know where I live let alone anyone else I know.  That phone really took care of us!  I've simply renewed it's defenses through me this time."

"Alright," she said brightly, taking Ben's hand.  They went through that crushing pinhole blackness and were back in their living room where they did indeed have a visitor.  Visitors actually.

Instinctively Ben went on full defence, raising his shield and accelerating their timeline, but in the time it took him to do that he recognized the two people lounging on his couch.  It was the Doctor from the hospital again, and one of the Stewardesses from the Amazon Cruise line.  He didn't know what they were up to so before dropping his defenses he cut off their access to magical power so that they wouldn't be able to do anything.  Sandy had coated herself with her scorpion carapace but hadn't gone farther in her transformation.

"Jeez!  Did you feel that Amy?  He's good!"

"Yeah, he may just be the one we've been searching for."

"Maybe, but that's up to him, and it's definitely not the time for him right now."

Amy sighed and said, "I know…"

The Doctor stood up and extended his hand, "Hello again Ben.  You've had quite the adventure since last we met."

"Um, didn't you just die a few days ago?"

"Yeah, but I can't, so here I am again."


"You really don't want to know."

Amy stood up then towering over me and the Doc, "We really don't mean you any harm, actually I'm here to thank you, and to apologize.  None of my crew would ever have turned against you.  'He' made us."

"I know, I sensed that…" Ben replied.

"You sensed that…?" Amy's mouth fell open in shock.

"Sure, just like I can sense the Doc here-"


"-Ray here testing my shell around you.  Not having much luck are you?”

“Just curious.”

“So what do you want?  Are you here to relay a message from Him?”

“No actually, I wanted to commend you.  I did my best to help you but I’m bound so I could only do so much.  But I think I can help you in another way.  Help all of us actually.”

“What do you mean?”

“A teacher...” was all that Ray said.  Ben knew that was exactly what he’d wanted and the idea was incredibly tempting. “But...”

“But...?“ Ben prompted with a cold feeling.  Somehow he knew that the price to pay for a teacher would probably be too high, yet he’d probably have to pay it anyway.

“Well, he’s extradimensional so the first test is to find him outside of reality.”

“Which basically means I’d have to give up everything,” he looked deep up into Sandy’s eyes.  What he saw there convinced him that right now, he wouldn’t make that choice.  Pay that price.

“Yeah, also when you come back you probably won’t even recogniye yourself.”

“I’ll come back as Him, won’t I?”

“We’re hoping not.  But we’ve had tens of thousands of years of rulers like Him.  You taught yourself and basically created your own lineage of magic, your own branch you could say.  That’s why we’re hopeful.  Oh crap!!  I gotta go.” Ray suddenly looked terrified but he didn’t go anywehere.  “Let me go, or he’ll find me here!! And then he’ll find you too!!!” Ray pleaded.

Ben glanced at Amy and she nodded imperceptibly.  He let Ray out of the shell.  Actually, he dropped all his defences knowing that his Sandy would be able to handle Amy, even though they were about the same size.

“It was good to let him go.  He was calling for him and if they don’t show up within seconds, well, like Ray said, you don’t want to know.” Amy explained.

“Why are you exiles,” Sandy asked, the compassion evident in her voice.

“Well, He came to our dimension because of our reputation.  When He didn’t get what He was expecting He set things in motion that ahnialated our world.  The three of us were the only ones to escape, and only because he let us.”

“Three?  But your cruise ship was full-“

“We hire the lonely and unfortunate girls of this world, and give them a new life as Amazons.  They realize they’ll still be on the fringes of society but their transformations are all worth it for them, as you saw.  Most of them have since found happiness where before they were miserable.  We’ve even hired a few boys who would rather be women...”

“Wow...!  I knew I was lucky!!” Sandy said sweeping Ben up into her arms for a kiss.

“So, I’ll ask the question that all of the rest of us are dying to know the answer to,” Amy said on her way to the door, “will you go find your teacher?”

Ben looked at Sandy and said “No.  Not now, not ever maybe...”

“We’ll see.” Amy replied.  “The best of everything to you two, and feel free to get in touch with us whenever you want to, or need to.”

“Thanks,” Ben said from his perch in Sandy’s arms as she said, “Bye Amy.”

Once the door was closed, they looked at each other again, enjoying that they had someone to love, who loved them, yet seeing the fear and worry over their new lives lurking behind their eyes.  Their resolve didn’t falter though, and they turned as one to face their crazy new life together.

End Part 2


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Ski Trips [Ratlaf]
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2009, 04:38:27 pm »
Ski Trips
By Ratlaf

Part 2 on his site:  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.*****

   “Oh my god!” Jenny chirped up on the ski lift at a near valley girl decibel, “I decided I’m just going to do it!  I’m going to become a bodybuilder!”

   “Oh, really?” I replied a bit surprised.  “I thought you decided that wasn’t for you?”

   “Well, after meeting your friend Heather and seeing how comfortable she is with being one of the strongest most muscular women on the planet, I decided I want that feeling too.  She’s huge and never stopped smiling when the guys around her realized she’s easily ten times stronger than they are.  It’s that feeling of confidence and power that I want.  Knowing that she can lift all of you off the ground with one arm, well barely, makes me want to do that to you too!  And she, like, outweighs you by a good sixty pounds and I’m nearly her height.  My body has always built muscle quickly so now I decided that I’ll let it.”

   “Right on!  I think you’ll make an awesome bodybuilder with your cute face, bubbly voice and especially that rack of yours.  You won’t end up like Heather with only massive pecs for breasts, you’ll probably be closer to Gina or Nikki who have ultra sexy pec-breast hybrids…”

   “Hey!  Watch it there buddy… I know you like my body already, well except for this little pot belly that I’ve got growing, which is another reason I’m doing this.  But soon I’ll catch you staring not only at my big sexy rack, which’ll grow because of my pecs, but my bulging shoulders, my massive arms, my gargantuan quads, and my diamond shaped calves.”

   “You forgot about your bowling ball ass…”

   “You are so going to get beat!” she said and none too gently pushed me across the seat of the lift.

   “Damn girl, have you already started lifting?”

   “Heh, as a matter of fact, I started two weeks ago, I just couldn’t wait any longer to tell you because I know you like us muscular women.”

   “Damn straight I do!  Wow, I can’t wait to watch your progress…”

   We skied together all that day and as often as I could I’d steer the conversation to weightlifting and bodybuilding.  At lunch she slid into the booth seat next to me and had me hold her after we’d finished eating.  “You need to feel me before I transform so that as I change you can compare me to how I was before I become the incredible hulk.”  I knew she could feel the hard-on I had for her because she squirmed against me, making me twitch and grow even harder.

   “I even asked Heather to help me out,” she added, on the lift again, “so she’s put me on the same program that built her to her current insane size.  Did you see her rip the sleeve of her shirt when she flexed for me.  I can’t wait to do that to one of your shirts.  It’s a lot of hard painful work but it’s totally worth it!  Also, she told me that I’m actually starting out quite a bit stronger than she did so I’ll definitely be stronger and more muscular than her.  I’ll be the strongest most muscular woman in the world hands down!  Now if only I was a foot and a half taller too.  Hmm not much I can do about that.  Wouldn’t that be fun too.  I’d be almost seven feet tall and you’d only come up to my collarbone, or somewhere near there.  Anyway you’d have a perfect view of this rack you so prize…”

   I had a hard time getting off of the ski lift chairs after that conversation because I had hooked up with Heather in the past and the amount of strength and muscle mass that she possesses made for one of the best nights of my life!  She handled me like a rag doll while being totally gentle and completely irresistible with how she used her strength and flexed her muscles while we were having sex.  Now, to think that Jenny would grow bigger, stronger and more muscular than Heather was almost too much.

   I’d also hooked up with tall women too, and Amber was a stunning towering beauty at six feet eight inches tall.  Imagining Heather’s strength and muscles on Amber’s towering frame definitely sent me over the edge.

   Before we headed down the slopes I grabbed Jenny’s ass and pulled her in for a kiss.  The shocked expression of pleasure on her face definitely cemented her desire to transform her body into the amazon of our dreams, minus the height of course.  This is still the real world after all…

   “I knew that was the way to finally catch you.  I’ve wanted you for a while now and it wasn’t ‘till I learned about your muscle woman thing, and met Heather, that I knew how to do it…”

   “If you know you can grow that strong and muscular, you’ll definitely keep me around!”

   “Feel this little man,” she said, sending a chill down my spine because she was only 5’5” at most and yet, I was already her little man.  She brought her arm up and flexed her bicep and I felt, even through the ski jacket and layers of clothes, a lump of muscle lurking, waiting to grow into a boulder of feminine strength and power.

   I was speechless, so she pulled me down to her, again with surprising force and kissed me long and hard, using her long tongue very efficiently.

   “Just wait until I’ll be able to give you a blow job while holding your whole body off the ground, and I’ll outweigh you by like 150 pounds or something…”

   My body began twitching involuntarily at the thought of Jenny holding me off the ground while giving me a blow job, and as for her being twice as heavy as me, all of it muscle, I nearly came in my pants.

   That night, when I dropped her off at her place she pulled me inside and of course we lost our clothes very quickly.  She still had a long ways to go until she became what we both wanted but her glorious breasts more than made up for the little pot belly she’d been growing.

   She even tried to overpower me, and while it was a bit of a struggle for me I was still able to escape from her attempts to pin me to the bed, and I was able to turn the tables on her and roll us over to pin her down.


   The next morning I drove the ten hours home and still put in half a day at work.  I couldn’t wait for our next ski trip.  She was coming down here in 6 weeks and I wondered how much of a change there’d be in her body after more than a month of benefiting from Heather’s expertise.  I knew that Heather would have her on the fastest mass building program and diet humanly possible.

   She described it to me once, in the afterglow of an amazing lovemaking session, as a self replicating loop.  You start with one loop, then the next week add another loop on top of that and the third week another loop and so on.  Basically she’d started with the easiest weight and every week added that same amount of weight to her workout.  Her bicep curl started out at 10 pounds but within ten weeks she was at 100 pounds.  It sounds impossible but Heather was proof that it did work, she told me as she flexed a 23 inch arm that I knew could curl all 150 pounds of me easily.

   “So you’ve only been on it for, what, 15 weeks or so…”

   “No, the self replicating loop works great for about 12 weeks, but after that it levels off and any progress is minimal. We only have to do as much lifting as necessary to keep our strength and muscles.”

   “So in your case a 300 pound barbell curl?”

   “Yep,” she said giving her massive arm another flex, making me grow hard for her again...


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Author: [Ratlaf] Monkey's Paw
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2015, 09:49:05 pm »
I've seen several takes on monkey's paw and muscle growth.  I'm a big fan of 'wishes gone wrong', although this one is pretty straight forward.

Monkey's Paw
By Ratlaf


“Yar!  What's that?!!!” I asked promptly dropping the whole box!

“What's what? Marissa asked me.

“That, in the box.  It looks like a hand.” I said as I rummaged for what
I'd seen.

“Oh that? That's been in my family for years.  We use it mostly for
Halloween parties ‘cause it's all creepy and gross,” she explained as I
pulled out a very convincing hand that looked like it came from a monkey
of some sorts.  All five fingers were curled up into a sort of fist, but
as I held it the fingers slowly opened up and extended.

Both of our eyes grew wide as we watched and when I asked her with my
eyes she replied; “It's always been closed, well, at least it's been
closed since I was a kid.  I just thought it'd dried up or something.”

“OK. Hmm, well where do you want this box” I asked putting the now open
paw back in the box.

“Eh? With all the rest of the random stuff, right over there,” she

“I wish we were done moving all her stuff in and relaxing on the couch!”
I thought to myself as I set down that box, and the next thing I know
we're sitting on the couch, Marissa's cuddling up to me as I put my arm
around her and all of her stuff was moved in.  We'd just opened a few
beers and were totally exhausted, looking to relax for the evening. 

Wow, time really flies when you're busy, but just to be sure I checked my
watch and it was about an hour and a half later than when I'd set down
the box with that crazy monkey's paw in it.

“Hmm, that's curious.”

“What's curious babe?”

“What, oh nothing.  Didn't it seem to you that we got done moving fairly

“I guess. It still took us about 2 hours, and I'm definitely going to be
sore tomorrow from all that heavy lifting  But to finally be living
together makes it totally worthwhile!”

“Yeah?” I replied absently thinking about that monkey's paw again.  I
thought I knew a way to make today's efforts seem like nothing to
her.  After wondering a bit about the fact that what had happened earlier
was totally impossible and that I just lost track of time while we were
moving, I thought: What the hell.  “I wish my Marissa had been born
Myostatin negative.”

This time I noticed an immediate change!  My woman was getting heavier
and heavier as she relaxed in my arms.  She was also growing bigger too,
and I noticed that her ladies weights were being replaced with a real
weight set that we'd thrown wherever we could as we were moving.

In a matter of thirty seconds she easily added 40 pounds to her body and
from the feel of the hardness of her I could tell that it was all muscle.

“Mmmm, that was such a good workout,” she purred as she stretched in
front of me.  Her stretching also made her new muscles flex and bulge and
I was startled to realize just how much extra muscle a person who is
negative for the Myostatin gene builds.  Although judging from the
weights she must lift a bit too because she was easily more muscular that
any woman I'd ever seen, and most guys too come to think of it.

“What is it babe?” she asked when I gasped at the new size of her.

“I just never realized you were this muscular.”

“What are you talking about?  I've always been strong, ever since I was a
baby.  Sure I've been lifting a bit since we met but I've always been
stronger than everyone around me.  Don't you remember?”

“Oh, yeah, sure I do, I guess you just caught me off guard.”

“Hmm, okay.  You're not having second thoughts about this are you?”

“What?  No!  Of course not!”

“Oh good, because you're one of the few guys who doesn't treat me like
some circus sideshow freak.  Although I'd've done well with that
life.  Out lifting all the guys in the audience with one muscle packed
arm. Mmmm, maybe I should lift a bit more,” she said as she
experimentally flexed her arm which suddenly bulged to at least 15” of
feminine power.

“Woah, you're huge!”

“Babe, I've always been this big.  What's going on?  You've always loved
the fact that I'm stronger and more muscular than you.”

“I have?  I have!  Yeah, I definitely have, I guess it's just all that
moving's made me a bit light headed.”

“Oh, okay.  Lets get some dinner then,” she said as she stood up.  The
next thing I knew she was carrying me across the living room.  She'd
taken hold of the hand that was draped over her suddenly broad shoulders
and held onto it as she stood up, and she just took me with her!


“What, did I squeeze too hard?”

“No, it's just that you're so strong!”

“Okay, now I'm starting to get worried.  I've never seen you so hungry and
light headed that you'd forget that I carry you all the time, especially
when we're having sex because it turns you on so much, and you get so
hard for me.”

“I what?” I said vaguely registering the fact that I was already hard
for my now very strong woman!

“Alright, sit yourself here and I'll rustle up some grub!”

“Okay,” I said as I watched her move about the kitchen.  As I watched her
I realized that she really was quite muscular now.  She wasn't super cut
or anything but her body was definitely bulging with muscles that would
totally dwarf and overpower my own.

“You know babe, ever since I was five I was strong enough to lift and
carry my dad.  I was doing one armed pull-ups by the time I was two.  The
iron cross on my first birthday, remember I showed you my baby
picture?  And in high school none of the boys were able to beat me at arm
wrestling because puberty made me even stronger and more muscular.  This
is how I've been all my life and I love it!  And I know you do
too.  You're the best of all those men who didn't treat me like a mutant
and I love you and want to be as strong as I can for you.”

“Really!” I replied still dazed and trying to figure out what just

“Sure, in fact, I think starting this week I'm going to lift five days a
week at a proper gym instead of the once or twice a week I've been doing
at home.  Then we'll see just how much more muscle I can pack onto my
5'9” 180 pound frame!” she said treating me to a double biceps flex that
would make any lightweight female bodybuilder envious.

“Okay,” I was thinking about the wish and the only explanation was that
the two wishes I'd made today had come true, the last in such a
spectacular fashion that I'd've never imagined it to be possible in real

“You'd like that wouldn't you my love”

“Oh yeah!”

“I'd be able to pin you to the wall with one hand instead of two when I
give you a blow job.”  I was hard for her and I noticed she wasn't
preparing dinner anymore.  “I'd be able to carry you with one arm to your
bed.  I'd be able to pin you down using just one arm instead of two, and
you'd have absolutely no chance of escape against my one muscle bloated

I vaguely realized that she'd lifted me off the chair and was holding me
against her body with her hands under my legs.  She'd moved us to the
nearest kitchen wall and pressed me against it.  Then she began to work
my body up the wall while she held me pinned by her body, her legs
helping as well.  The feeling of weightlessness was amazing and when I
felt her unzip me, and slide me farther up the wall so that she could
take me into her mouth, I very quickly began twitching with my orgasm.

“Oooh, you're definitely going to like a stronger more muscular version
of me if that's all it takes now!”  Then I realized I was floating
through our house to our bedroom and when she threw me onto the bed I
bounced a bit before she pinned me down.  She was using both hands and I
was barely able to squirm out of her grip.  When she realized I was
trying to take off my clothes, she let me and pulled off her own as well.

I then leapt at her and although she wasn't expecting it she absorbed my
weight easily and began positioning me so that I'd slide up into her,
while she was holding me.  Once I was filling her up, I felt her arms
quiver with the effort and she laid us down on our bed where we brought
each other to several amazing orgasms.

I was in heaven because mere hours ago she'd been struggling with one of
her own book boxes, and now she was maneuvering me around with some
serious muscle and power.  She was in heaven because she'd found the best
man in the world to match her and the life she was born into!  Or the
life she was born into after the wish I'd made!

I thought about the monkey's paw as we held each other in our afterglow
and wondered how many fingers were still uncurled.


She was as good as her word.  My Marissa went to the gym every day after
work and lifted for about an hour.  Since it took me about an hour to do
my running workouts it worked out well because we'd arrive home at about
the same time.

Wow did she change!  Not only did she grow much stronger much quicker her
body gleefully added muscle upon muscle to her already well muscled
body.  Not only that but her muscles also became very defined as she
worked off the little bit of extra body fat she'd had.  She was eating
copious amounts of food in order to feed her growing body but when she
told me she'd added three inches in a month to her arms alone, I gladly
paid the extra money at the grocery store.

Six months after  we'd moved in together she'd totally transformed
herself into the most muscular woman in the world, as far as we could
tell anyway.  We'd compare her measurements and best lifts to the other
female bodybuilders in the sport and Marissa totally blew them all away.

Her 22” arms were able to curl 100 pounds each, she was able to bench 500
pounds for 20 reps, and at her 5'9” she weighed in at 235 pounds for the
contests she entered!  Needless to say I was in heaven, and she was
thoroughly enjoying the fact that she was able to lift me so very easily,
especially when we were having sex.  Her new strength opened up quite a
few new possibilities, all of which we totally enjoyed while orgasm after
orgasm ripped through our bodies.

It seemed though, that even with the Myostatin gene turned off, she'd
reached the maximum muscular size women were capable of.  She was so much
stronger than me, and every other woman in the world, that I should've
been happy, but one day, when she had totally obliterated all the women
in a regional bodybuilding competition, the men took the stage and even
the scrawniest of men still out muscled my woman.

When we got home Marissa went to take a shower.  I rummaged for that
monkey's paw and when I found it I saw that two of the fingers had closed
again.  The pinky and ring fingers.  Smiling to myself I thought: “I wish
that my Marissa was born with 200 times more testosterone receptors in
her muscles than a normal woman while keeping her levels of the
testosterone hormone normal for women.”

This time, the thumb of the paw closed.  I heard the floor of the
bathroom creak ominously as she stepped out of the shower.  My body
shuddered uncontrollably at the thought of how muscular she'd be having
been born without myostatin regulation and hypersensitivity in her
muscles to the little bit of testosterone that women naturally produce as
a result of puberty.

Would she be as big and muscular as those guys we saw in the contest
Today?  Would she make them look like shrimps, or would she make even the
champion male bodybuilders look puny by comparison?  I couldn't wait to
find out.

“Did you see the looks on those guys faces today babe?” her musical
feminine voice drifted through the bathroom door as the floor creaked

“I did, they couldn't believe what their eyes were telling them,” I
invented wildly, hoping against hope that she'd totally embarrassed the
guys at the competition today.

“Well, when you're genetically gifted to build more muscle than anyone on
the planet, it's pretty easy,” she said coming out of the bathroom
wearing just a bathrobe. 

I nearly passed out! 

Where before her bathrobe somewhat concealed the fact that she was a very
muscular woman, now it was struggling futilely to cover even a fraction
of her immense muscularity.  Her neck traps and delts were so enormous
that the collar of the robe was resting where her traps met her
delts.  The resulting ‘V’ of the robe traveled over a chest and pair of
breasts, hovering without support, that seemed to make her so thick from
front to back that she'd fill an entire doorway.  The ‘V’ ended halfway
down her pool ball sized abs directing my eyes down to her mammoth legs
each of which were easily twice the size of her narrow waist!  After
admiring her calves, which looked like volleyballs, my eyes toured back
up the impossible muscularity of her gigantic legs, past her narrow
waist, up her rock hard tummy, over her monumental, pillowy chest to her
shoulders and finally to her arms.

It was her arms that finally unhinged my knees. They filled her sleeve so
completely that only her deltoids were covered with struggling silver
fabric.  Her biceps alone were bigger than her calves, and her triceps
bulged out as if she had a dozen horseshoes vying for position under her
skin.  Unflexed her one arm looked bigger than her head and the cable of
muscles forming her forearm made my legs look skinny!

“That's right babe.  I want you to take me right now!  Out muscling those
men at the competition made me so horny,” she growled as she put one hand
under my armpit and lifted me off the ground while her arm bulged
obscenely!  She always wore this robe when she wanted me to make love to
her, to overwhelm her with my skills and passion, when she was horny and
didn't want to work for her orgasms.  This bathrobe, among a few other
items of clothing she possesses, always did the trick because I was rock
hard for her as she carried me through the air to our bed.  She hovered
on top of me for a bit but when I untied her robe with my teeth and
peeled it off of her heaving, flexing body she willingly let me turn the
tables as she played the part of the submissive woman being taken by her

Much as she loved being exponentially stronger than me, and driving me
crazy with her strength and power, she still needed to feel like a woman,
to feel my weight on top of her, to feel me moving inside her, to feel me
in control.  As always, because we have such a close bond, we orgasmed
together, well it was actually her third when I finally let myself go
into her to drive her totally over the edge.

In our afterglow she smiled sleepily at me and said: “Ever since Junior
High, when my muscles began growing on their own, I thought I'd never
find a boy, or, well, a man, who'd love me for who I really am.  Then I
found you, and no matter how inhumanly muscular and strong I grow, I'll
always have you.”  As she was talking about being inhumanly muscular I
almost instantly grew hard for her again.  “That's right babe, no human
ever has built an arm as muscular as mine,” she said flexing one of her
arms that I knew stretched the tape at just over 32 inches, four inches
more than her waist!  “Mmmm, are you ready for round two, I know I am!”
and this time she totally overpowered me as she pinned me to the bed with
one arm and began riding me.

My whole body was pleasantly sore the next day.


Life went on for us for the next few months and we took every opportunity
to enjoy her unrivalled physique.  She didn't compete because the female
bodybuilding guidelines applied to women without her genetic gifts, but
she was constantly invited for guest posings at those same competitions,
video and photo shoots, and appearances at expos. 

She did compete in the World's Strongest Woman competition and after
submitting to every drug test know to man and a humiliating gender test
as well, they allowed her to compete.  As if her beautiful feminine face,
cute high pitched voice, narrow waist and generous breasts didn't
efficiently convey her womanhood!  She requested to compete with the
men's weights against the other women so that it'd be a closer
competition.  Instead of letting her humiliate the women in this manner
they had her compete against the men where she still totally and
completely blew them away.

One day she came home from a shopping trip with her friend Kelsey with a
pair of high heels.  She wears heels occasionally when she wants to be
the same height as me, but these were something else entirely.  They had
a 5 inch platform under the ball of the foot with a heel that added
another three inches on top of that!  I don't know what that heel was
made of but it must've been some strong stuff to support all 385 pounds
of her magnificent musculature.  It came to an almost suicidaly thin
point that made me wonder how she was going to be able to walk wearing
these behemoths.

She snatched them out of my hands and said that those are for later, but
as she went to put them away my mind was already bursting with ideas of
what it'll be like when she'll be six inches taller than me.  That also
led me back to the monkey's paw with it's two fingers still uncurled.  So
I did some quick research online, and from the same source that I'd based
my previous two wishes on formulated the wording for my third wish.  I
wasn't going to use it yet but I had a pretty good idea of what would
happen when I did!


“Are you ready for me now my big strong man'!” Marissa asked a few days
later.  I'd just arrived home from work and her melodious voice drifted
towards me from our bedroom. 

“You bet I am my…” I stopped mid sentence because she was wearing a see
through nightie and those 8” heels she'd bought.  Her new height and her
bulging gargantuan muscles (which were stronger than any man's on the
planet) made my jaw drop and my eyes bulge out of their sockets!  “…my
Amazonian goddess of muscle!”  I finished agog at my woman's new stature.

It was amazing how much bigger and more muscular she looked when she
towered over me by six inches.  Bending down to me oh so slowly she
flexed her whole body in a most muscular pose.  The explosion of muscle
from her body, combined with the fact that when she'd bent down I was
still looking up at her made me wild for her.

I also decided to submit my next wish right then and there, because I
wanted to see the effect it'd have on her in person.  I'd missed the
swelling of her muscles to inhuman size when she'd been taking a shower

“I wish my Marissa was born with twice the normal levels of HGH all
through her childhood and all through puberty, but normal levels of HGH
in adulthood.” I thought to the Monkey's Paw.  I felt, rather than saw,
the index finger curl closed and had an image in my mind of the paw
flipping me off with it's middle finger.

Before I could think about it she began to grow as she was sexily walking
towards me rubbing her hands all over her body.  The nightie and shoes
grew right along with her because my wish had, presumably altered the
timeline to match.

As she sauntered closer to me I was looking farther and farther up at
her.  She broke through six and a half feet, soared past seven feet,
shattered eight feet, and finally stopped growing when she was a bit
taller than the eight-and-a-half foot tall doorframe behind her, wearing
those heels of course.

Not only did she grow taller, her body and muscles grew in proportion
with the rest of her.  She was just as muscular at her well over eight
feet of height as she had been when she was only a few inches shorter
than me!  Her previously 32 inch arm had grown into a muscled behemoth
that had to be at least 60 inches around.  Her arm alone was bigger than
the width of my shoulders.

“I…ubbadu wah uuuu” I whimpered as I realized that her one arm, wider
than my shoulders, was at my eye level.

“Hmmmm, I just knew this new nightie would totally overwhelm you.  I
don't even need to use these glorious muscles I was born with, or my
towering height either,” she said as she stepped right up to me.  I had
to look up slightly just to stare into her glorious breasts.  When I
finally made it up to her eyes she treated me to a double biceps flex
that was totally out of this world!

Once again this glorious physique I'd given my woman floored me.  She
bent down to me, except that she was now so gigantic it seemed to take
ages for her to finally make it all the way down to the floor where my
body was twitching involuntarily with pleasure and desire.

“What's wrong babe?  You've been weak kneed a lot lately.”

“Yeah, I guess I'm just continually amazed at how gigantic and muscular
you are.”

“Babe, we've been together for years.  You haven't been floored by me in
a long time.  I'm glad I can still turn you on so much just by towering
over you, flexing muscles that you'd never be able to build in your
lifetime, even though you are a puny man.  I'm glad I can still turn you
on just by being who I was born to be.  Your muscle giantess!  Oh! I

But she didn't finish her sentence.  Instead she put one finger under my
armpit and lifted me into the air so fast that I felt like I was on a
rollercoaster.  She threw me a little into the air and caught me with her
other hand.  It's a good thing my place has twelve foot ceilings!  I was
definitely hard for her by now so with that same finger that had thrown
me into the air she ripped off my clothes.

While holding my whole body in one hand, her muscle bloated arm barely
even flexing with my weight, she gave me the best blowjob I'd ever
received, almost nine feet off the ground, that feeling of being
weightless because of my woman's strength hyper-accentuated by the orgasm
she was giving me in mid-air!

All that night she'd get me hard just by flexing her massive muscles,
towering over me as the giantess she now was, and make me orgasm by
curling me up to her mouth with a bicep bigger than my torso, by holding
all of me inside her with just her vagina, and by riding on top of me,
totally smothering me with her muscles while not crushing me to
death!  It was the greatest night of my life.

“Wow, you've never been this turned on for me before.  What happened
tonight?”  she asked me after what had to’ve been her sixth or seventh
consecutive orgasm.

“I guess I just realized again how incredibly lucky I am to have found
you, my mighty giantess,” I invented wildly again.

“No! I'm the lucky one!  Until you came along I hadn't had a boyfriend
since seventh grade.  Ever since puberty hit me and transformed me!”

“Tell me again my lady muscles,” I invited.

“You've heard it before.”

“Well, I just like hearing it again,” I replied as my dick twitched a bit
at the prospect of hearing first hand what it was like to turn into a
muscle packed giantess at puberty.

“Oh, I see how it is.  Well, I'd always been strong, ever since my first
birthday when I did an iron cross.  I'll show you that baby picture
again.  Everything I tried I did really well because not only was I super
strong for a girl, I was also tall too.  I was always in the back row of
my school pictures because all the other kid's'd disappear behind me.”

I was already growing hard and she hadn't even made it to the good parts

“By the time I was eleven I was five and a half feet tall and so well
muscled that I'd always be the first kid picked in gym class, and one
time, this college boy at the mall asked me to flex my muscles.  I
weighed 165 pounds already and my arms were 15 inches around.  When that
same guy asked me out I told him I'm only in 5th grade, I'd better ask my
Mom.  He looked horrified and scuttled away.”

“When I was twelve I entered puberty and wow did that change me.  I first
noticed that all my clothes wouldn't fit anymore, or that I'd rip through
them as the day went on.  I remember one day when my muscles had grown so
much in just one day that my pants and shirt ripped and everyone at
school was taunting me and calling me She Hulk!  That was probably the
worst day of my life.”

“In a year I grew a foot taller and added at least 150 pounds of muscle
easily making me the strongest and most muscular girl on the planet.  I
was the biggest person in my Middle School including the gym teacher who
used to be a bodybuilder.  Nobody called me She Hulk anymore unless
they were either my friends or paying me a compliment, like when I'd
single-handedly pinned three of the guys on the wrestling team.”

“A year later I'd added another foot of height and about 150 more pounds
of muscle making me the tallest and most muscular person on the
planet.  And I hadn't even touched a single weight to try and build my
muscles up!  By the time I could drive I'd reached my final, towering
height of eight feet and a quarter of an inch and leveled off at about
550 pounds of car lifting, tree snapping muscular strength and power.”

“Of course my other womanly endowments grew too and I had to have custom
bras made for my unheard of size.  Although I'd rarely wear them because
my muscles seemed to keep my breasts from sagging.”

“By this time I'd been forced to come to terms with my giantess of a body
and I decided, since I have no hope at all of hiding the fact that I'm
now an enormous woman, majestically tall and hugely muscled, I'd start
working out and build myself up to the maximum my genetically gifted body
was capable of.  I'd long since given up hope of ever having a boyfriend
so I substituted that with my training.”

“When the doctors did a full genetic work up on me, just to make sure
that I was healthy and in no danger of hyper-thyroidism, Marfan Syndrome
and several other giantism genetic diseases, they revealed to me, and the
broader scientific world, that the combination of genes that I possess
completely explained my height and musculature yet had never been seen in
any species on the planet.  They found that I was Myostatin negative, had
about 200 times more receptors for testosterone in my muscles, and twice
the normal levels of Human Growth Hormone all throughout my childhood and
adolescence, yet all normal human female adult levels of testosterone and

“I'm a perfectly healthy adult woman with a genetic make up that turned
me into the eight foot tall, 785 pound muscle woman with whom you're now
sharing a bed, my little man!  I can bench press your car, military press
you motorcycle with one arm, squat with my SUV and totally overpower you
with my huge bulging sexy flexing muscles my sweet little man!” she
concluded pouncing on top of me again because she was totally turned on
and I was rock hard for her and ready to explode into her yet again.

We set a personal record of about a dozen orgasms for her, and half as
many for me.  Women and their multiple orgasms'!!


That next day, after we woke up at about 2 in the afternoon, I went in
search of the monkey's paw.  It still had it's middle finger up, flipping
me off, but as I held it that finger curled and the paw was once again
curled into the fist I'd found it in.

“Did it flip you off too?” my Marissa asked me, ducking slightly under
the door as she came into the garage where the paw had ended up.


“It did that to me too.  I guess it figures that five wishes is being a
bit too greedy so it always flips you off and gives the last wish to
someone else.  In this case me, because my sister stole all but one of

“What are you? You mean you knew about this.  You knew when the wishes
transformed you?”  I asked flabbergasted and looking up into my Marissa's
face for the slightest trace of anger.  There was none, and she smiled as
she reached down to me, picked me up gently and kissed me passionately.

“Of course I did.  Didn't I tell you it's been in my family for years.  I
was just playing along so that you'd finish turning me into the woman of
both of our dreams.  I've wanted this just as much as you did, and
thoroughly enjoyed every one of your wishes.  Although I was a bit
surprised at how you worded them, making the changes in me genetic from
birth.  It made my wish so much easier!”

What did you wish for my sweet muscle goddess?” I asked kissing her
again and immensely relieved she wasn't going to rip me limb from limb.

“You'll see when you go to work tomorrow…”


On the way to work I noticed a large number of SUVs that seemed bigger
than what I'd previously been used to.  I also noticed that the doors of
all the shops, cafes and stores were easily ten feet tall, and when a
woman walked out of one of the stores it looked to be a perfectly
proportioned door.  I'd driven by before I could get a good look, so I
shrugged it off.

Our receptionist wasn't in yet when I arrived at work, and Kim wouldn't
arrive for another hour or so, which meant that I didn't see any of the
women in the office until our weekly meeting at 9.  As I was walking to
the meeting I caught a glimpse of one of the women sitting in her
cubicle, only it looked like she was actually standing.

Getting more and more confused I actually squawked loudly when the women
of my office walked in for the meeting.  They were all at least seven
feet tall and enormously well muscled!  All the guys took the entrance of
these muscled giantesses in stride, I was the only one gaping.

I struggled through the morning, being dwarfed by incredibly tall and
muscular women all throughout the office.  I needed to escape, so I went
out for lunch.  I didn't find anything different outside my office.  The
waitress who served me was almost nine feet tall with breasts the size of
beer kegs yet so round and delicious.  The table next to me had a trio of
ladies that had obviously come from the gym and were packing so much
muscle on their bodies that I was feeling weak in the knees as I brought
my food to the table next to them.  Everywhere I looked women were at
least seven feet tall, and so enormously muscled that no guy in the world
would be able to compete with them, ever.

None of them, however, were as muscular as my Marissa, who had apparently
built herself up just for me, especially since it seemed all women had
her genetic traits now.  My phone chimed with a text message and I saw
that it was from my lady muscles. 

“I wished that all women in the world were just like me!” her text
confirming my suspicions.

With a shudder of pleasure and desire for my woman, I decided that it
really wasn't so bad.  It was what I'd wanted after all, and to know that
every woman in the world was as genetically gifted as my Muscled Massive
Marissa, made me smile with complete happiness and total contentment!

“Mmmm, I can't wait to take you tonight my mega-muscular maiden,” I
texted back.

“Ooooh, take me if you can my little lover boy!”

I barely made it through the rest of my day!


  • Guest
Re: Story: Monkey's Paw
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2015, 09:50:16 pm »
There may be a few's an older file and I had to reformat, but think I caught most of them

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