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Author Topic: ★Memorable Author: [Jeremy Wilson] Stories~collected  (Read 115032 times)

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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★Memorable Author: [Jeremy Wilson] Stories~collected
« on: January 08, 2007, 04:58:05 am »

Stories in this collection:

Hugely Muscled Lucy

Future of Woman

Gym Master

She Became Strong Just For Me

My Short but Very Strong Neighbor

Yet Another Blind Date Story

The Crossing Over

A Short Story - Lauren


The Island of Muscle Girls

Pound for Pound

The Dwarf Tosser

Dream or Reality?

Double Trouble - Part 2

    -unauthorized continuation of Jim Lake’s story Double Trouble

Sam and Me - Part 2
    -unauthorized continuation of Rampant Tiger’s story Sam and Me

The Circus Strongman Encounter

What's a Boyfriend To Do?

Claire’s Visit

Little Mickie, the Superior Athlete

Jersey Shore Strength

Monstrous Muscle - "Made to Order" side story

The World of Warcraft: the Unfortunate Death Knight

My Kind of Dimension

The Crossing Over - A Story of Feminine Power

Growing Stronger With Every Round

Car Destruction Is Her Fetish

Hugely Muscled Lucy
By Jeremy Wilson

A young woman transforms herself into an extremely strong goddess

**Author's note: Well, here I am, back again to excite, disgust, arouse, or
whatever else you want from these stories that I write. I was taking a little
break from writing when this angel from heaven named Big Muscle Lucy suggested
to me to do a story based on her, she gave me many details, and said that she
loved my work, so how could I refuse. Anyway, this is along the usual lines of
my stories, dealing with extreme strength and huge muscle, so if you do not
find those story elements appealing at all, please do not read this story.
This story is pretty much the opposite of what has been appearing recently,
this story contains a plot that deals with extreme muscle and strength growth
and use of that strength, it is complete and total fiction, with no real
people being used (other than the title character who gave me complete
permission to use her as a character), killed or hurt in any way. However,
there are elements of violence, sex, and even blasphemy in this story, which
are not my ideas, by the way, but elements that Big Muscles Lucy wanted to see
in her story, so I will include them. Most of you have read my stories
already, and know when you see my name attached to a story what to expect in
the story, so why did you click on the link? Thanks to my fans though, without
you, there would be no me. **

Part 1: The Beginning

Ever since she was very little, Lucy knew one thing, that she liked muscle and
strength, that she wanted it for herself. She began working out at age 15,
lifting weights, doing aerobics, riding stationary bikes, and whatever else
she could do to shape her muscles. By the time she reached 19, she was a very
fit young woman, but it wasn't enough for her, at 5'2 and 130 pounds of
muscle, she was very big by most female bodybuilding standards, with 15" arms
and a 40 inch chest, but her goals couldn't be met, she didn't want to be as
big as a female bodybuilder, she wanted to be the most muscular human being
that the planet Earth had ever seen, and her genetics just wouldn't let her
get to that point. She had been using supplements, protein drinks and
following all the bodybuilder diets she had discovered from all the male and
female bodybuilding magazines she had collected since she was 13, but it was
never leading to the mass she wanted, the definition she wanted, the power she
wanted for herself. Finally she couldn't stand it, she decided to take
advanced chemistry in college, so she could create a steroid like substance
that would create super powerful and huge muscles on her body, without the
negative side effects that are associated with steroid abuse. Lucy went
through class after class and after gleaning as much knowledge as she possibly
could, she got all the elements together and brought them home, to work with
in her own personal laboratory in her basement. She was a scientific genius, a
nerd of the highest caliber, so figuring out the right mixture would be very
easy for her.

Three hours later she put down her test tubes and beakers, she was confident
that she had succeeded, but wasn't so stupid as to test it on herself, she
took a female lab rat named Maggie, put it down next to a small dish, where
she put her formula and encouraged the lab rat to lap it up. Nothing happened
for a couple of seconds, the rat just started walking around like normal, then
it stumbled a couple of steps and laid down on the counter, Lucy moved to pick
it up but before she could pick her up, Maggie jumped up lunged her. Lucy
leaped back, her eyes bulging at her sudden movement, then she looked a little
closer at Maggie, her eyes grew even larger! Maggie was muscular, much, much
larger than a mouse her size is supposed to be, and the muscles were very
visible, from the enlarged shoulders to the engorged hindquarters, there was a
visible difference from the mouse she was 10 seconds before. There was
something else she noticed about the lab rat, her eyes had changed, they
weren't the bright pink they were before, now they looked like a deep reddish
type of color, like it made her evil or something. Lucy knew she had to act
quick, because this mouse could be dangerous if left out. So she filled a
needle with Cyanide and as quick as she could she grabbed Maggie and inserted
the full tube of the poison into Maggie. Now on most mice Maggie's size, the
poison would have worked immediately, but that didn't happen with Maggie, as
soon as she was put down she started running, it wasn't until 30 seconds later
that she started to slow down, and finally 1 minute after being injected with
an incredibly powerful poison, she died. Lucy was incredulous, with what she
injected, a normal mouse would have died in 5 seconds, maybe less, but because
of the solution she made, Maggie took 12 times that to die.

Lucy had a lot to think about, the experiment with Maggie was clearly a
success, as Maggie grew more muscular, stronger, and tougher than a mouse
should be. But she also grew more feral, could it be that the animal's more
baser instinct took over, or did the formular really make you evil? Lucy
weighed the good effects against the bad effects and came to the conclusion
that her human intellect will help negate the feral outcome that Maggie went
through. She thought to herself, hell, I'm much more intelligent than a
little, puny mouse, I can handle it. With that thought she took her formula
and put it into a hypodermic needle, she then swabbed herself with alcohol and
tied herself off with a piece of rubber. She injected herself with the serum,
pulled the needle out and put pressure on the needle hole. Lucy started
shaking, convulsing, she fell down to her knees in almost unbearble pain, she
shouted "What's...whats..happening?" Muscle starting bulging from nowhere,
pulsing, growing bigger, veins became visible all over her arms, she started
laughing, the pain was leaving her body and was replaced by a feeling of
Euphoria that she had never experienced before. After 10 minutes of this
rollercoaster of emotion, she stood up, she felt lighter than air, like her
feet weren't even touching the ground as she walked around gracefully. She
spun around, her arms out like a ballet dancer, when she focused on her
outstretched appendage. Her eyes were wide open in pure disbelief as she saw
the muscle size, the definition, the veins going all over, she flexed for the
first time and was amazed to find that her arms got 3 times bigger with just a
light flex! Lucy finally realized that she did it, she had become the woman
she had always dreamed! An Amazon, capable of holding her own in strength and
muscle size with any man, a super woman, to be feared and respected. She could
feel the power in her, but she wanted, no, she needed to test it, even with
muscles the size of Mr. Olympia, she wouldn't be satisfied being merely strong
for a human, she wanted super human strength to the extreme!

She walked towards the lab door, which she locked when she first came in
there, absentmindedly she grabbed the door handle, twisted and pulled, the
door was ripped from the hinges with absolute ease, she threw it away like a
frisbee, marvelling at her incidental show of strength, the door's hinges were
pretty tough, thick metal, but she treated it like nothing but styrofoam. She
walked down the hall, looking for the biggest man there, to test her strength
against, she found him in the security guard, 6'4 275 pounds of muscle,
capable of benching 600 pounds, but she was confident in her abilities to
overpower him. She approached him with lust in her eyes and he was disarmed by
the fact that she was so beautiful, yet so muscular, she stood right in front
of him and in a flash she had him up over her head with one hand. His 275
pounds was hardly straining her, but she noticed something, she was feeling
his weight less and less, she felt herself growing bigger and stronger
muscles, she looked at the guard and saw that his muscles were disappearing,
slowly, but surely, his muscles were becoming her muscles. This brought a
wicked smile to her face as she understood what this meant, not only was she
stronger than any man on the planet, she could make herself stronger by coming
in contact with them. When he was completely drained of his muscle, weighing
only 130 pounds at 6'4 she dropped him on the floor and took some time to
admire her new size. She flexed her biceps and was giggling with joy at the
sight, they peaked right near where her fist was, her pecs were now 5 inches
deep, looking like two flesh covered toasters. She looked down in contempt at
the security guard, she says in a superior voice "Men shouldn't be allowed to
have muscle, they only use it for their own ends, now that I have the power,
things will change around here."

She walks out confidently and sets her sights on a van that she owned, she
wondered how fast she was now, the van was 200 yards away, she started running
and got there in less than 5 seconds, it seems she won't need her car, since
she can move just as fast, if not faster than a car could ever move. She
thinks about what she could do with her current car and it hits her, she has
the chance to experiment with her strength again, she bends down and grips the
side of the 4 ton vehicle, she raises her hands and with ease she lifts the
side off the ground, she walks her hands inward, trying to find a balance
point for the van. Once she found it, she took a grip on the undercarriage and
started lifting, in less than a second the whole 8,000 pound van was off the
ground and over her head, she isn't even straining, maybe absorbing that
security guard multiplied her strength even more. She started twirling the van
around like a baton, from hand to hand, on a finger, nothing was too hard for
her, the van's weight was insignificant to her. She was moaning in pleasure as
she experienced a strength induced orgasm, knowing that she was well stronger
than 10 men put together and knew she could only get stronger. An idea came to
her, the strongest man in the World, the Universe, Superman, lived across the
country in Metropolis, if she could somehow gain his strength, she would
become unstoppable! Her wicked mind formulated a plan on how to bring the
World's strongest man to his knees... End of Part 1

This is my story, so please if you like it, give me some cred, and karma.
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Forum Saradas

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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★Memorable Author: [Jeremy Wilson] Stories~collected
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2007, 11:55:20 pm »
Hugely Muscled Lucy part 2
The mega powerful and muscular Lucy puts her plan to work
By Jeremy Wilson

*Author's note: This is the second part of a story requested from me by Big
Muscles Lucy, a woman who has some great muscle and strength growth ideas. It
is not my usual type of story, as I try to make the women in my stories very
good and kind, but Lucy wanted her character to be a villain, so Hugely
Muscled Lucy is about a woman who loves power and loves to use it over men,
and begins to grow mentally unstable because of it, some of you may find this
story too disgusting, too blasphemous, and negative for your liking, and for
that, I'm completely sorry and I understand, but if you like that kind of
stuff, I hope you enjoy this story. I have to tell you that there will be no
use of children, no real people have been hurt in the writing of this story,
if you don't like my style of writing, then please don't read this story and
complain to me later, just don't read it, and save us all some stress. Here we
go! By the way, I have no ownership of Superman or anything related, Superman
is owned by DC comics*

Hugely Muscled Lucy Part 2: The Making of a Goddess

Lucy formulated her plan, she smiled wickedly as she thought about what she
was going to do, Superman was the idol of manhood, he was the masculine ideal
for many in the World, if anyone deserved to be knocked down a few notches, it
was him. She flexed her muscles, knowing that she may not be strong enough now
to defeat the Man of Steel, but she knew her powers would even them up and
then move her well ahead of his incredible physical strength very quickly. She
smiled down at her immense pectoral muscles as they bulged out over 6 inches
from her sternum, she looked below at her six pack stomach, with plates of
muscle that reached an inch and a half deep, she looked over to her biceps
which looked so vascular that the vein running on top of her muscle was as big
around as a pencil. Her thighs were the figureative tree trunks, completely
separated and ripped to shreds, while her calve took on the shape of a giant
upside down heart, striated and veined to a degree that there may have been no
body fat anywhere on her body. She started giggling like a little girl when
she thought about how big she might turn out to be after fighting the greatest
Hero in the world, with his immense power added to her body, she would become
totally unstoppable! When she was finally ready to go about her plan, she got
up and delivered a spinning back kick to the van she had lifted earlier, which
sent the van hurtling away at well over 300 miles an hour, it landed 20 miles
away in a lake. She smiled again as she said to herself "Oh yeah, I'm totally
ready for this!"

Lucy figured she wouldn't be able to take on Superman at her current strength
level, so instead she went to find Wonder Woman, who wasn't as strong, and she
could use Wonder Woman's attributes in her fight against Superman. So she ran
off to the Amazon City, dressed in a tunic that showed off a bit of her
muscle, but hid the majority of her incredible strength. She had a plan for
Wonder Woman too, she would prove herself to be worthy of Amazon sisterhood
and attatch herself to Wonder Woman, and while they're working close together,
she would slowly drain Wonder Woman's power, until she felt strong enough to
go one on one with Superman. Lucy didn't really care about the fact that
Wonder Woman was the world's greatest female superhero, Lucy's mind was so
fueled with gaining strength that her mind told her that the Maid of Might was
not using her strength to help the plight of women, but used it to further the
male dominated agenda of the world and therefore had to be stopped. Lucy
walked up to Diana and put her hand on her shoulder, slowly and carefully
draining her power so that Wonder Woman didn't notice. Diana turned around to
find herself looking into the eyes of a woman looking very much like herself,
she had long, flowing black hair and an Amazonian like body that was quite
tall and muscular. Diana then gripped the hand on her shoulder and tried to
pull it away, but it was much stronger than she thought it would be, it took
her full strength to move it a little. At this point, Lucy was in full
strength absorbing mode and Diana was getting weaker and weaker by the second.
Finally, Lucy threw Diana's arm to the side and then backhanded Wonder Woman
across the face with a slap so thunderous it could be heard for miles around,
not only that, but it made Wonder Woman fly 20 feet away, blood flowing from
her lips and nose. Wonder Woman was just conscious, but fully weak and could
hardly even move, Lucy was on her like a flash of lightning, holding her down
and taking Wonder Woman's gold lariat, with it she tied Wonder Woman to a huge
oak. Lucy laughed as she saw how weak and helpless Wonder Woman was when
compared to her, her muscles were pumped up so huge that she could have
stepped on stage at Mr. Olympia and run away with the contest. She was just
about 6 feet tall and looked like she weighed about 225 pounds of muscle, but
actually weighed much more because of her denseness and power her body held.
Lucy felt the power racing through her body, the power of the World's
strongest woman multiplied many times. She smiled evilly and said "Now, its
time, its time to pay the good old man of steel a visit, a visit he'll never

Lucy then ran to the highest skyscraper in the city which is impressive in
itself, as the building was 12 miles away and she got there in 45 seconds, the
skyscraper was an 100 story building 1084 feet high, she looked up and smiled
as part one of her diabolical plan grew to fruition. She decided to go
incognito, so she wore a big trenchcoat and a brown wide rimmed hat, so when
Superman saw her, he wouldn't notice her special developments. She wanted to
surprise the Man of Steel, so she could take his muscle and strength without
too much of a fight, at least before she was stronger than him. She took the
stairs up to the top, going those 100 flights in about 12 seconds, pumping up
her calves something fierce, making them at least 20 inches around at this
point, with veins as large around as a finger. Lucy got to the edge and
shouted "I'm falling, help me, Superman!" Just like clockwork, Superman zipped
in from halfway around the world and caught Lucy's body about 30 feet from the
sidewalk, then floated down with her still in his arms. Superman was none the
wiser, he was so concerned with her safety that he failed to notice that her
body was far harder than any woman's that he's ever felt. He set her down on
her feet, and was quite surprised that she seemed almost as tall as he was, at
6'4, thats quite a tall lady, but that wasn't the case, he had grown 2 inches
shorter from her draining his size, and she had grown 1 inch taller from that.
Superman said "Please try to be more careful ma'am, that was a close one, and
I won't always be here to save damsels in distress like yourself." Superman
giggled at the last part, to which Lucy responded "Oh please call me Lucy, and
you won't have to worry about me any more, I doubt I'll need anymore saving
from now on. In fact, you'll be the one who's going to need saving." With that
Lucy ripped off her trenchcoat and hat to show a huge muscular body that
rivaled, maybe even was larger Superman's own massively muscled frame.

Superman's jaw was on the ground as he gazed at the muscular vision in front
of him, she was only in her bra and panties, which were straining to hold
themselves on. Her body was completely ripped, containing muscles that you
could only find on the most massive of male bodybuilders, and she wasn't even
flexing at this point! She giggled at his astounded reaction and said "You
see, Superman, I've been given a gift, a gift to help all of womankind, and
since you're the model of manhood to all the world, you're gonna be the first
in a long line of my slaves, Man of Steel, when I'm done with you, you're
gonna be the Man of Tissue Paper." She grabbed him so fast that he couldn't
resist, she held him by his shoulders and said "Are you feeling it, Supes,
your power is becoming my power, you're growing weaker, while I'm getting
stronger, and there's not a thing you can do about it." It seemed she was
right, Superman struggled with all of his prodigious physical strength, but he
couldn't shake himself loose from her increasingly tight grip. Before his eyes
he could see Lucy change, her muscles growing a little bigger second by
second, her height growing, the look in her eyes appeared to get more and more
crazy, she was driven insane by the power she was absorbing. Superman's mind
flashed with an idea, he figured she must have some weaknesses, sure she might
have muscles hard as stone, but even her hard muscles can't deflect his heat
vision. He fired it up and hit her on the chest, but it didn't cause her any
pain at all, in fact she was moaning in pleasure, he tried harder, but that
didn't get anything more than louder and more passionate moans from Lucy. The
third time he tried the beams only got half way to her chest before he was
forced to stop, as his energy was far too low.

Superman was in a frenzy now, he saw that his powers had no affect on her at
all, so he was jerking left and right until finally he managed to wriggle free
and then he flew up into the air, hoping that she couldn't absorb his ability
to fly as well. Unfortunately for him, she was too fast and before he could
get 5 feet off the ground she grabbed his ankle and with a flick of the wrist
threw him thirty feet, where he smashed into a hotdog vender's cart. She
snorted and said "Leaving so soon, I wouldn't hear of it! You see, I have to
eliminate you, Supes, with your power, I will make a new world order, where
women rule, and men will be nothing but sex slaves to use at our leisure. When
you fall, men from all over the World will see, and they'll have no choice but
to follow me, I'll see to it that all women in the world will get the power
they deserve! Before this night is through, all men will bow before me!" She
said this with a crazy look in her eye as she ran to him, getting there in a
fraction of a second. She held her hand around his throat, her arm was huge
with muscle, but it didn't even strain with the Man of Steel's prodigious
weight. Superman was trying with all his might, using both hands to pry one of
her fingers off his throat, but he was so weak and she was so strong, that she
didn't even notice his efforts. She looked at his face and then at his hands
and started laughing like a crazed banshee, "Hahaha, this is what the mighty
Superman is reduced too, trying to move my little old fingers with all his
power, it seems you don't understand this, but I AM POWER!!!" With that, she
chokeslammed him so hard that he was drilled 10 feet into the ground, his body
was broken, his back was shattered, but he hung on to life, hoping that she
would think he was dead and go away, he stayed there, unbreathing, unmoving,
and it worked. Seeing his motionless form, Lucy clapped her hands like
cleaning an eraser, and walked away, thinking of what next to do with her
power. Superman laid in that hole for 2 hours before finally gaining the
strength to fly again, he made a straight line towards the sun, so he could
recover his strength, but it was going much harder than usual, he was so beat
up that it could take days or even weeks to regain his full strength. As he
recovered, he thought of how he could beat the Hugely Muscled Lucy, she was
more powerful than anyone he's ever faced, and she took his power while
fighting him, how could he possibly beat her in a fight? He knew he couldn't
do it alone, so he placed a call to Gotham be continued

Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Hugely Muscled Lucy Part 3
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2007, 11:56:32 pm »
Hugely Muscled Lucy Part 3
By Jeremy Wilson
Lucy tests her muscles and strength while Superman recovers and plans

**Author's note: Here we go again, another new story by yours truly, the
standard rules apply, if you don't like reading about hugely muscled and super
strong women, you've clicked on the wrong link, I've warned you, so don't
complain to me. I have been given this idea by a girl named Big Muscles Lucy,
she wanted to see herself as the main character, gaining strength and muscle
by sucking it out of men and super heroes, this is not my usual kind of story,
most of the time my characters are good, kind, and gentle, while Lucy is quite
the opposite, but this story will feature many of the standards you have come
to know in my stories. There will be lifting, flexing, muscle growth,
incredibly huge muscle on the order of one of my favorite authors, GBM, and
very extreme feats of strength. If you like that kind of thing, then I hope
you enjoy this story, if not, I hope you find your kind of story elsewhere. I
do not own any of these characters, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, or any of
the other members of the Justice League, but I do hold them and their
creators/owners in the highest respect. Again, I hope you enjoy.**

Four Months later

Superman came back from his self imposed exile in his unknown (to almost every
villain and just about every ally) place of residence, the Fortress of
Solitude. What he saw amazed and dumbfounded him, there were deserted cars
that were crushed, or bent into incredible positions, wrecked buildings, signs
bent at 90 degree angles, and bodies of police and army men all over the city
of Metropolis. Whomever or whatever had caused this, must have been very
powerful, and equally evil. He knew that Lucy must have been behind it, the
men strung all over were much smaller than normal, they had absolutely no
muscle tone and shorter than normal as well. There were hundreds of them,
Superman looked around and was queasy from all the death and destruction, he
knew in his mind, if he had been there, he may have been able to prevent this,
he might have been able to stop Lucy, but he was too embarrassed, injured and
of course his muscle and strength were drained by his first encounter, and had
to heal up, and grow even stronger to try and defeat Lucy when he faced her
again. Now, hundreds, maybe thousands were dead, and it was his fault. He made
a promise to himself right then and there that Lucy wouldn't do this ever
again, not on his watch!

Lucy was happy, not only had she eliminated her biggest possible nemesis,
Superman, with absolute ease, she had collected the power of well over 800
men, and multiplied that many times beyond with her incredible gifts. This was
one of many cities she had done this with, her body now contained the power of
thousands and thousands of men, who were guilty of nothing but being men. Not
only that, she possessed the power of two of the most powerful superheroes in
Earth's history, Wonder Woman and Superman, so that multiplied her natural
strength exponentially. Her muscles pulsed with each step she took, she had
grown to 6 foot 1, but with the denseness of her muscles, she weighed well
over a ton, and the size of her muscles could only be described as gargantuan.
Her relaxed arms hung at her side, which was quite difficult because of the
fact that her lats stuck out so far, if you had measured them at this point,
the tape would have said 62 inches around, cold. But she held so much male
power in her, she can expand her muscles incredibly huge, with her incredible
powers she could draw as much strength as she wanted, and she could multiply
that strength by factors up to 100 times. Not only that, but she found that
she had the power to shrink her height and muscle size, but still keep a
significant amount of her strength, she had fun using that power a lot.

One time, Lucy went into an all male gym, she transformed herself to be 5'4
and looked like a fitness model, small muscles that were ripped and a pair of
D cup breasts that would be the envy of any porn star. Her face was as
beautiful as any super model and her hair was long, blonde, and had no
imperfections, she was about as perfectly female as any of these men had seen.
The guy in the front desk was first mesmerized, but then he stopped her by
placing his right hand on her shoulder, saying only guys could enter, he was
this big bouncer looking guy, 6'4 325 pounds at least, he could bench 650
pounds, one of the top 5 strongest guys in the gym. She looked up at him with
doe eyes and said "Awww please, can't a little itty bitty girl like me go in
your big strong man gym?" He couldn't be swayed, then faster than his eye
could follow, her slender little arm came up, took his wrist, then flipped him
over in a judo type move, he was on the ground moaning and she wrenched his
arm even harder, her strength breaking it with ease. He looked up in fear,
then something sparked in his mind, he knew who she was, the girl who's been
attacking the city, draining all the men of their strength and muscles, the
girl who claimed to have beaten and killed Superman, he started shaking. He
half cried, half croaked "Please don't kill me, I'm sorry, I didn't know who
you were, please, go in the gym, let me live, I'm begging you." She smirked
down at him and yelled "Do you men ever let up when you're beating your
girlfriends, do you just give up if they say no? No! I'm doing this for all
the women in the World who's ever had the stuffings beat out of them by their
husbands! I'm doing this for every teenage mother whose boyfriend ran off when
she was pregnant! You men have been leading this World down the path to
destruction for too long, I am going to stop you!" She was quite insane,
almost frothing at the mouth, with no remorse at all, she drained him of his
power, and let him lay there, helpless and slowly dying. She entered the gym
and the scene was played out on every man present, no matter if they were
innocent or guilty, she didn't care, she craved power. After that encounter
she flexed her biceps, roaring like a lioness, the roar shattered glass for 3
square blocks around, and rattled the foundations of the gym. Her biceps grew
hugely, growing from 70 inches, to 80, to 100, quickly surpassing 200 inches
around, till they peaked 15 feet over her head at 350 inches around! She
released the flex and soaked in the revelry, the new feeling of strength and
euphoria that the strength gave her.

That was 2 weeks ago, she has repeated this with hundreds of men since then,
their power different each time, she made it a priority to drain the largest
and strongest of men, she figured in her frenzied mind that the stronger the
man is, the more damage he could do to a woman when angry. Local
weightlifters, boxers, wrestlers, football players, bodybuilders and just any
generic sports stars were left lying, their muscles nothing but mush, their
extreme strength gone, they were as weak as a baby kitten. And of course, this
just added to the muscle and strength resources she could call upon at any
time, if need be, and it made her standing strength greater as well. Without
having to call on her reserves of extra strength, she was now about 100 times
as strong as a normal man, she could do several feats of strength that would
test the strength of a whole football team, with little or no effort. The more
strength she took, the more she could transform her body, the more control she
had over changing her own body both inside and out. She could spend hours
underneath the sea, just swimming for fun, she would wrestle sharks and killer
whales for fun, seeing if she could drain them, she couldn't but she was
stronger and could toss them around with absolute ease. She found that she
could jump higher than the tallest skyscraper in the World with ease, and lift
it out of the ground with her bare hands as well! She climbed the summit of
Mount Everest using only her hands in less than 5 minutes, and didn't wear
anything other than her normal pink bikini. She felt no discomfort at all,
even though the temperatures reached well under 60 degrees below zero. To top
it off, her draining of Superman also managed to transfer some of his powers
to her, like the ability to fly, and the ability to run faster than the Flash!
She used each of these abilities to her advantage as she drained half of the
men in the United States in just under half a year.

Superman had to have help, he realized, as he saw the gym, with machines
twisted, brickwork sagging, and the bodies of 2 dozen formerly huge, masculine
men laying around, either dead or nearly dead. Lucy was a lot stronger than
him the last time they met, and even though he recovered to be 200 percent
stronger, he knew, with all the men she had drained, she may have gotten 1000
percent stronger, if not even more. He had placed a call to Bruce Wayne,
knowing that Batman was in contact with a lot of other superheroes, trying to
put together a rag tag band of superheroes known as the Justice League of
America, he thought this was the perfect first case, as they would be facing
an enemy that would test them to the utmost of each and every one of their
powers. So a week later, they gathered together in an orbiting space lab,
which was soon to become the headquarters of the JLA. Batman brought along
Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, and Supergirl. Superman was
curious though "Where's Wonder Woman, I expected her to be here?" Batman
answered, "Well, we don't really know, we've tried contacting her apartment,
but no one's there, she may be at Themiscyra, the Capital city of Amazonia,
but if she is we have no way of communicating with her there. Superman then
said, "I'll go check, I've been there before, but I might need backup, Green
Lantern, Supergirl, come with me, please, I just hope that we're not too
late." Superman took them down to Themiscyra and found Wonder Woman still tied
to a tree with her golden lasso, Superman untied her and caught her falling,
powerless, emaciated body. She was still alive, but hadn't eaten anything in
nearly a month, it was only her iron will and Amazon strength that saved her.
"Diana, Diana, speak to us, who did this?!?" Superman almost shouted into her
ear, his heart already telling him the answer. "It was, it was a woman, she
was about my height, but had muscles bigger than I've ever seen on a woman,
with long blonde, curly hair, she was disguised as an Amazon sister, but she
was stronger than anyone I've ever felt!" Superman nodded his head in
recognition. "Yes, I've met your attacker myself, her name is Lucy, she is
thoroughly insane, and more powerful than I myself am, that's why I've asked
for some help." He gestured to Supergirl and Green Lantern behind him, "Even
then, it might not be enough, she has grown terribly stronger over the last
few weeks, she has drained thousands and thousands of strong men, making her
exponentially stronger, if we work together, we might be able to do something,

Lucy stood in front of a football stadium, her muscles pulsing from what she
was about to do, from the knowledge that she was going to show men how
pathetic they are compared to her. She walked into the stadium to see a
football game going on between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the San Francisco
49ers, she jumped the rail, and threw the various security and police to the
side, so she could accomplish what she set out to do. She was wearing a faux
fitness outfit, and had her muscles pumped to a size that put most female
bodybuilders to shame, but gave no impression of the true strength she had in
her body. She approached the players, when she heard thousands of rifles and
pistols being cocked and aimed at her with her super hearing. She giggled,
because she knew that no weapon man had created could hurt her, she was shot
at before, and the bullets just bounced off, not even causing her skin to
redden. Using her enhanced voice, she shouted louder than any of the stadium's
speakers could hope to achieve, "I'm here for one reason, I heard that some of
the strongest, toughest men in the World can be found here tonight, and I want
to challenge them to a test of strength, I'm the strongest person in the
World, so I challenge both teams to meet me in a tug of war!" The nearest man
laughed and said "Who are you supposed to be, Wonder Woman?" Lucy sneered and
said "No, my name is Super Lucy, I am the one that killed Wonder Woman! And I
killed Superman as well." Then she approached the goalpost at the southern end
of the stadium, she proceeded to tear the metal, 800 pound object up with
abject ease, and started to tie knots with it. "Now, do you face me in that
tug of war, or do I have to do this to each and every one of your bodies?" The
players, now scared to death at her terrible feat of strength, took the rope,
105 football players strong, averaging 6'3 260 pounds, facing off against one
6'1 200 pound muscle woman. "Okay, on three, you big, strong men, you!" She
said, with a little degree of edge in her voice. "1....2....3, GO!" The men
started pulling with all their might, over 100 huge men, some with muscles
that wouldn't look out of place on a Mr. Olympia, they couldn't move her body
an inch, she was standing there, laughing, like they weren't even pulling at
all! Then she let go of the rope with one hand, holding the combined force of
210 arms and hands at bay with just one hand, held next to her hip like she
was waiting for a bus. She got bored of this and decided to end it, she pulled
with that one hand and the men were pulled along like they were nothing, she
had won with a minimal of effort and decided that these men were useless, so
to the crowds horror, she started draining each of the huge men, sometimes two
or three at a time.

"Superman, there's a disturbance in San Francisco, it seems a very muscular
woman got onto the field in the football stadium and challenged both teams to
have a tug of war with her, she totally dominated them, beating them with one
hand, then she started stealing their strength and muscle!" Superman ran over
to the screen and immediately shouted "That's her, we've got to stop her,
everyone get to San Francisco as fast as you can!" The Justice League arrived
minutes later, to find Lucy was finished with both teams and was ready to move
on, the stadium was almost humming with the power she now possessed. The
Superheroes gathered and Superman yelled in his most intimidating baritone "It
all stops now, you will surrender or face the combined might of the new
Justice League, you vile evil doer." With that Lucy laughed, and said "Might?
Might! You think you know anything about being mighty? Watch what might is all
about, puny heroes!" That started a rumbling, and with a terrible roar, Lucy
began to flex her tremendous body, the heroes stood transfixed, their eyes
wide as saucers as they saw muscles sprout, then grow inexorably bigger.
Within seconds, her biceps were over 150 inches, then a minute later 300
inches, then 2 minutes after that it passed 500 inches, when fully flexed her
mighty bicep reached an incredible 900 inches around and 30 feet tall. Her
pecs had grown to well over 1500 inches around, full of veins and striations
that looked like giant garden hoses. Lucy was laughing maniacally as she
looked at the faces of each of the members, their mouths open in awe, their
eyes bulging in abject horror and said in a little girl voice "Awww, does it
look big to you, well, just wait until you see how strong it is!" She picked
up a 3 ton SUV with one hand, crushed it will ease and rolled into a ball the
size of a basketball, she tossed it right at Superman and knocked him right
into a wall across the street. That seemed to shock the rest of the Justice
League out of their daze, as they raced to get people out of the line of fire.
After accomplishing that, they formed a plan to take her down, Green Lantern
used his ring to form a force field, and put it around himself so she couldn't
steal his strength, but even his enhanced strength was nothing to her, as she
batted him around like a teddy bear. Supergirl and Wonder Woman each took an
Amazonian golden lariat and encircled each of Lucy's arms with them, but Lucy
spun around at superspeed until they flew off and crashed into another
building. The golden lariats spun around her body, and almost had her trapped,
but their superstrength tensiles were not strong enough as she broke them just
by flexing her arms and pecs a little. She started laughing hysterically again
as she flexed her awesome muscles once more and said "So this is all the
resistance you could bring against me? This is all you little superheroes can
do, when I'm done with this planet, I will be a God!" To be concluded...

Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Hugely Muscled Lucy part 4
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2007, 05:57:20 am »
Hugely Muscled Lucy part 4
By Jeremy Wilson
Does Lucy finally meet her match or does she become immortal?

*Author's note: Well, this is the much awaited conclusion of one of my
favorite stories to write, Hugely Muscled Lucy. I hope you all enjoy this and
those who don't let me just warn you now, there might be elements of
blasphemy, violence, super huge muscles and super duper strength in this
story. If you don't dig that at all, then heed these warnings and don't read
this story. Most of these characters aren't mine, the main character is based
on a living person who wanted me to write this series for her, while the
others are copyrighted characters from a variety of comic books, I don't own
them, but I have the greatest respect for their creators. Also, to not offend
those who are religious, I will not use you standard current deities/God
beings, so instead I will use Norse Gods, who I hope will be acceptable to
your reading sensibilities. This is not your standard Jeremy Wilson story, you
will see a lot more violence, death, and general badness than I usually like
to put in my stories, but that is basically how the person who asked me to
write this story wanted it, so I'll travel out of my normal realm for her and
hopefully your enjoyment. Also, the muscle size is greatly increased from my
normal characters, as I'm basing that part of it liberally on one of my
favorite authors, GBM. If you don't enjoy reading about outrageous muscles and
super human strength feats, than I advise you to not read this story, if you
do, I hope you like this story. Anyway, here we go!*

12 years prior to where our story takes place*

Lucy was opening one of her few Christmas presents as across the house, faint
shouts echo from across the medium sized house, as her parents were arguing
once again. Lucy had learned to block them out, as this had become a regular
occurrence in the 7 and a half years she had been alive, sometimes it calmed
down before escalating to violence, but most of the time her mother ended up
with a black eye, broken nose, or bodily bruises, as her very drunk father
smacked her mother around with little restraint, if mother tried to fight
back, she would be beaten to near unconsciousness. It was those times that
Lucy cursed herself for being so powerless, for being so weak in a world where
men had so much strength, so much impunity. After an especially violent
episode, her mother moved out, finally having had enough of the violence, and
of having subjected her own daughter to that violence, she vowed that no
matter what it took, Lucy wouldn't have to live that kind of a nightmare. This
is where Lucy developed her deep hatred of men, she vowed to herself that she
would become stronger than any man, and pay men back for their crimes against
her gender, it was at age 9 she started to lift weights, then at 12 she
started taking science and chemistry classes to develop a new female only
steroid, obviously she succeeded, as at 19 she became Hugely Muscled Lucy!

Back to present day**

"I will be a God!" Lucy screamed so loud most of the San Francisco Bay area
could hear her, but they weren't the only ones listening, the Norse Gods Loki
and Odin were listening as well and were aghast that a mortal would ever
proclaim Godship for herself. Normally these two would leave the humans to
rot, but after hearing this mortal commit blasphemy against them, it was more
than they could stand. They saw that she had fought the greatest heroes in her
world, but they knew other dimensions contained heroes as well, those that are
as powerful, if not more powerful than the ones she currently faced. They
called up a collection of them, Spiderman, Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey,
Professor Charles Xavier, Rogue, and the Incredible Hulk. When they had been
gathered to Valhalla, the heroes were totally incredulous, they had been taken
out of their normal everyday lives, some of them were fighting evil in their
World, but now suddenly they were in a cold, icy place they had never seen
before. Suddenly they heard a voice, "Good, good you're all here, heroes there
is something that needs to be done, someone who needs to be stopped, a woman
named Lucy has become incredibly powerful through science, she has become evil
and crazy, vowing to destroy the world and becoming a God!" Wolverine stepped
forward "Why do you need our help, it seems you have a lot of power
yourselves, can't you take care of it, or are you too scared?" The voiced
laughed, thundering through the chamber, "You are the one called Wolverine?
Well, Wolverine, my name is Odin and I am King of the Gods, I can not let this
woman stand against what I have taken eons to build, but I can't do it alone,
I do need your help, all of your help, as she has become something stronger
than any hero, no matter how strong can overcome alone." Professor X rolls
forward in his wheel chair, "We have had our problems with the human race
before, but when Mother Earth needs us, we will answer its call, I can't speak
for everyone here, but I will lend my help in whatever way I can." The others
nodded, Odin finally showed himself "Very well, know this though, Lucy seems
to grow stronger when she is in bodily contact with someone, so stay as far
away from her hands as possible. Don't think that you will be alone, I will
send with you my favorite son, Thor, god of Thunder, with the mighty hammer
Mjolnir, my hope is with you and the entire human race."

The battle still waged on, Superman and the forces of the Justice League
trying their best to hold off Lucy through any means they could, Green Lantern
using his ring to through things and shield him and the rest of the league,
the Flash using his speed to try and distract Lucy while the other members
took turns attacking her. Yet nothing seemed to phase her, she didn't have
much in the way of superpowers, other than superspeed and flying, but she just
stood there, her hands on her hips, as tons of metal, concrete, and wood
slammed into her impenetrable, outrageously muscled physique. She was smiling,
knowing that she was completely indestructible, but then her countenance
changed when she heard storm clouds rumbling, than a bolt of lightning struck
to her left. It created a portal of green and black, from which emerged a
group of strange looking heroes. Then a thunderous voice could be heard
"Hugely Muscled Lucy, you have defied the Gods by proclaiming divinity, you
will be made to pay!" With that these strange new superpowered beings
attacked, but they too found Lucy's skin to be impenetrable, her muscles too
hard to be dented. Wolverine's claws could cut through the hardest of steel,
but only sparks came off when he swung them at Lucy's tanned skin. Cyclops'
laser blasts only ricocheted off her skin, not even affecting her in the
least, Thor threw his mighty hammer Mjolnir, which Lucy caught with one hand
by the handle, put between her incredibly huge pecs, and crushed it flatter
than a sheet of paper. Storm hit her with thunderbolts, hail, and Tornadoes
but Lucy stood unmoving, seemingly amused at their attempts to harm her. But
they weren't out of ideas, Professor Xavier went into her mind to examine her
psyche, to find a weakness, and the reason she was so destructive. He managed
to find that she was abused in her life, and the potion she took contained a
chemical that made her twisted and evil, he thought of ways to eliminate that
chemical, to remove it from her bloodstream. He needed her to stand still, for
him to remove them, so he called Rogue over and asked her to hold Lucy with
her ungloved hand. While Lucy was distracted, Rogue flew up from behind and
placed her hand on Lucy's enormous, pumpkin shaped delt. She started feeling
Lucy's incredible power flow into her, but felt something else, an electrical
sensation that flooded her mind, it was too much for her, with a scream she
pulled her hand off and fell to the ground. Lucy fell to the ground as well,
paralyzed from her brief encounter with Rogue's life and power sucking powers.
This gave Xavier enough time, he started destroying the chemicals in her
bloodstream, the strain of which was visibly apparent on his face. He smiled
after 14 minutes, as he apparently destroyed every single shred of the
overpowering chemical that induced hate in Lucy. Lucy was now asleep, a smile
of contentment on her face, her muscles still bulging with more muscle than
could be found on any 3 male bodybuilders, but relaxed to a more greatly
reduced size than usual.

Lucy awoke hours later, yawning and stretching her massive arms into
incredible size, she opened her eyes and the site was incredible, strange
looking men and women were standing over her, looking at her with suspicion in
their gazes. Well, at least most of them did, some of the male superheroes,
and at least one of the female superheroines were staring in unabashed longing
and lust. She looked down to discover she was wearing nothing but a hot pink
bikini top and bottom, and with great speed, she moved to cover herself.
"What's going on? Who are you people, and why am I here, wearing only this
bikini?" Professor Xavier came forward and answered "Lucy, you have been under
an evil influence, you destroyed half of the United States with your strength
and muscles, you have killed well over 100,000 men in your reign of terror,
absorbing their power into your own body." Lucy was still confused,
remembering nothing since just before drinking the liquid that was supposed to
give her incredible muscle and strength. She looked down and discovered the
experiment worked, more than she ever dreamed it could, she flexed one bicep
lightly, watching it jump to a height well above her own head in less than a
second, then driving up even taller each second after, finally peaking at 5
feet over her head, if anyone had a measuring tape, they would find that
currently Lucy's bicep was well over 250 inches around, and she was barely
trying! "Whoa, this is awesome!" The men around her agreed, as most of their
tights held impressive tents in the groin region. Even Charles Xavier, a
cultured and intelligent man couldn't help but pop an involuntary woody at the
sight before him, an incredibly beautiful, hugely muscled woman, wearing a
micro-sized bikini, her muscles bulging all over, not even flexing that hard.
He regained his senses first, saying "Lucy, you are in major trouble, you may
not have the evil in you anymore, but that doesn't change the fact that
thousands upon thousands of people are dead by your doing. What do you have to
say for yourself?" Lucy began tearing up, she spoke through tortured sobs,
"I'm incredibly sorry, but I couldn't control myself, I wasn't mentally strong
enough to fight off the evil demons that controlled me, all I can ask is for
people's forgiveness, and pledge to fix everything that I've broken in my
rampages." Xavier nodded "That's a good start, I will help you recover your
humanity and help you learn to control your power." Lucy bent over and hugged
Xavier, his head was level with her breathtaking, vein and striation covered
pectorals, he involuntarily came at the most incredible sight.

And from that point forward, Lucy used her incredible strength to build things
much faster than the most efficient construction crews ever could. She lifted
I beams 4 at a time, drove them into the ground with her bare hands, and
started constructing a 30 story office building in New York in place of a huge
building she pulled out of the ground and tossed into the East River 2 months
prior. A regular construction crew would have taken 6 months to fully erect
the building, Lucy's awesome strength and speed allowed her to finish it in 6
hours. She did this all over the country, to pay for the crimes she had
perpetrated while under the evil spell the potion had created in her. Things
had never been better for the residents of the US, as not only did they have a
one woman construction crew whenever they needed her, but also a crime fighter
that could respond instantly to whatever crisis she was needed for. Not only
that, she had zero weaknesses, unless you count her love for German chocolate
cake and kittens, but only she knew of these potential problems. She was made
an honorary member of the Justice League, although she was basically the whole
league, as she was so much faster than the Flash and Superman that she could
race from New York City to Los Angeles in about 4 seconds flat. In the end,
Lucy had done so much good in the years after her rampages, people all over
the World hailed her as a true hero and a friend of justice. Her muscles
continued to grow, as she continued to absorb a little each from her
associates in the JLA, but not so much that they became weak and emaciated,
only enough to make her a tiny bit stronger and a little bit more muscular
every day of her life. Not that she needed it, when at full strength, there
was nothing in the World that Lucy couldn't lift, there was no creature she
couldn't overpower, there was no steel that she couldn't make run from her
hands like rain. But Lucy never did this with malice in her heart, she learned
how to control her strength and use it for good. So ends the story of Hugely
Muscled Lucy.

Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Future of Woman
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2007, 09:39:34 pm »
Future of Woman
By Jeremy Wilson 
A woman from the future terrorizes the past

* Please Read!! Authors note: this is an unauthorized parody of a male muscle
story named Future of Man, slightly changed and with different feats, but the
general theme is the same, enjoy! By the way, I also changed it so that there
would be less snuff and death, sorry if you are into that, you won't find it
here. I did borrow most of the situations and some of the lines from Future of
Man, but most of it is paraphrased, and changed, because the character is
female. If Chip Masterson, the author of Future of Man, reads this, just know
that I love your work and would love to see more of it and this is sort of my
tribute to you.*

It all happened in a couple of seconds, there was a ground-level lightning
storm like out of the Terminator movies, then a golden oval shaped pod
appeared out of nowhere. After coming to a rest the door of the pod opened up
to reveal a beautiful, but terribly powerful-looking woman. She had
waist-length blond hair, piercing blue-gray eyes, and a bronze tan that showed
off her unbelievable musculature. She wasn’t particularly tall, at 5’7", but
her muscles made her look very heavy, possibly over 200 pounds, the observers
of this event thought to themselves. What they didn’t realize was that the
denseness of her muscles made her weight about 525 pounds, and she was very
much more powerful than she looked! She was smirking at the group of inferior
humans, knowing that her power was several hundred, if not thousands of times
greater than theirs. She looked at the nearest one and said "Where is the
nearest military base, it is about time I showed my true power and dominance
to this puny planet." He couldn't talk, her presence so overwhelmed him that
he was rendered speechless, so he pointed to the Northeast. She winked and
said "Thanks, big boy, I'll try not to forget you when I take over this world,
I might give you a cabinet position in my dictatorship of the planet, HA HA HA
HA." With that she burst into a run that was too fast to see with human eyes,
she was over the horizon in less than 2 seconds, making a sonic boom that
could be heard for miles around, had she been going at her maximum power, the
decibel level of the sonic boom would have made a person's head explode!

Her name was Naomi Powers (coincidence?!?) She explained herself to the
general and his leading officers at the base, she told them that she was from
2000 years in the future, where the Earth is a horrible place. The environment
is harsh, and you have to be tough and strong to be able to survive and she
was the strongest and toughest person that existed in her time. But in her
time everyone is stronger, because these changes that she alluded to had been
happening for over 20 generations, so the children of each generation had to
get tougher and tougher. "Even girls as young as seven are more powerful than
your male power lifters and strong men, I was 16 when I ripped a lion apart
with my bare hands, and our lions are twice the size and strength of the
biggest lions in this time." She told them that all the animals were bigger
and stronger, but the humans were far above any of them. She said that when
she was stronger than any three men or women of her time, but most likely the
difference between her strength and any human of this time was maybe a million
to one. To emphasize her point she flexed her biceps into the biggest arms
ever seen on any human being, over 30 inches of hard, veiny muscle. She smiled
menacingly, knowing that no human could match her muscle size or her strength,
she would be a goddess to these pathetic little humans.

"The civilization of my day is simple, but the science is advanced, the people
in charge couldn't control me, but with several of their strongest athletes
they managed to strap me into a time machine, and send me back to this time,
so I wouldn't bother them anymore." The general and his staff were standing
there amazed, mouths open and knees shaking. They asked, "What do you want
from us?" She smiled and said "Well, I want to rule this puny little planet, I
may have been the strongest person in my time, but several strong people at
once could overpower me, but I am stronger than a thousand strong men in this
time period, so I can take what I want, and I want to rule the World!" She
looked at the angered expressions and laughed, "Oh, I knew you wouldn't
believe me, so I'll tell you what, I'll let you challenge me to whatever
athletic or intellectual tests you can come up with and if you beat me at even
one of them, I will live with you in peace and will not attempt to take over
this planet at all." They called her bluff and got together with all the top
scientists and sports stars from all around the world to discuss a plan of
attack against this enormous invader. The general took out his glock and
started firing saying "like hell you will, you evil bitch!" But she was faster
than sight and after 30 seconds of firing the general stopped to find her
unscathed and laughing. She opened up her hand, showing a rolled up ball of
metal and said "Oh, I'm afraid you don't have a choice in the matter, general,
now are we going to play my way, or are we going to do it the hard way?" The
general relented, understanding that he couldn't have stopped her with any
weapon he had at his disposal.

She said "I researched the past a little when I heard I was going to be sent
back 2000 years and discovered several physically demanding sports, I want to
play some, against the greatest athletes in each sport, first baseball, so
batter up!" They got the best 12 baseball players they could find together,
the notables being Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds, Curt Schilling, Alex Rodriguez,
David Wells, Derek Jeter, and Manny Ramirez. She pitched to them, some of them
she struck out, with pitches going in excess of 175 mph, too fast for everyone
to see but her, but she did let one or two get a hit off of her, just to show
her athleticism. One hit looked to be a sure home run hit by Barry Bonds, but
Naomi went back to the wall and in an incredible display jumped straight up in
the air over 30 feet and caught the ball in mid-flight! After giving the
all-star players twelve outs, she got up to bat, she took bat and crushed it
flat by taking it and putting it in the crook of her elbow and flexed her arm.
No matter what the three pitchers could dish out at her, everything she hit
was a huge home run, going out of the stadium and out of the state in some
cases, but in all cases it seemed they were aimed perfectly. They were playing
at 3-Com Park in San Francisco but the balls were hit with such speed and
power, that reports were coming in from all over the United States and Canada
that baseballs were falling out of the sky and hitting in such cities as
Milwaukee, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Montreal, and Toronto. The final
pitch, though, was special, Naomi had hit this one extra hard, the ball was
photographed speeding past a satellite on the way to the moon!

It was obvious that she had outclassed the baseball superstars, so the general
and the president, who came in after reports of this super-powerful girl was
brought to his attention, went to the next sport they could think of:
football. As a one-woman football team, she took the best players the national
football league could produce. She played without padding, which made her look
fairly small compared to the offensive and defensive linemen she came up
against, but her shoulders looked as wide as theirs, and they were wearing
shoulder pads and she wasn’t! She threw guys around with ease, on one play she
pushed three 325 pound lineman aside and sacked the quarterback in about 3
seconds. 975 pounds of linemen vs. her 525 pounds of dense muscle was no
contest, she won easily. But on offense she was even more impressive, one play
saw her drag 8 300 pound men across the goal line as she dominated the game,
they decided to end the game after the first half because the score was
already 84-0, she scored every time the ball touched her hands and the other
team, all 45 of them, refused to drag their bodies out of the locker room for
another 30 minutes of the damage she was unleashing on them. She said, "Well,
how about armwrestling?" All the men looked at each other and shook their
heads no, they were sure that even all together, they couldn't hope to equal
her power. Imagine, 45 full grown men, over half of them weighing over 300
pounds, and all of them able to bench at least 350 pounds, except the
quarterback and the kicker, and they refused to armwrestle one 5'7 woman, who
had just beaten them in a football game easily. Then she just shrugged her
shoulders and jogged down to the home goal post, which she proceeded to rip
out of the ground and bend into a couple of words, as easily as an average
human being could bend licorice. The words she formed were telling of what her
purpose here was "You're mine." This made every male and female in the stadium
shudder with fear, which Naomi sensed and this made her smile wide and
beautiful, but also with malice.

Next was basketball, which she showed she was an expert at because she was
amazingly fast and graceful, yet powerful as she beat an all-star team of 10
players, all ten on the floor at once, they only made one field goal, which
she could have prevented, but she wanted to lull them into a false sense of
security. She scored over the tallest centers in the game, and stole the ball
from the surest handed guards, even the fastest point guard in the league
couldn't get past her. The final score was 170-2, and her field goal percent
and three point percentages were both perfect. Her last points Were from an
amazing slam dunk that she performed from the middle court line, she broke the
back board and pulled down the rim with her. She proved her dominance in other
sports as well, Hockey was easy for her as she defeated a ten man team that
included the All-stars of both conferences put together. Boxing was no
contest, she had one hand tied behind her back and proceeded to knock out the
top 20 heavyweight boxers in the world. She tried wrestling, both professional
and amateur and found that no matter how heavy the person she was wrestling
she could pin them in under 5 seconds a piece. It was impossible the general
thought, here was this muscular, beautiful woman, and she was handily
defeating everyone and everything put against her.

Now it appeared, the general and his aides were desperate, first they tried
all human athletes, since she was so dominate though, she requested other
battles, against the animals and machines of the Earth. She raced in a sprint
against a cheetah, the fastest land animal in the world and easily blasted
past it even though it started with a 2 second head start. Over 100 meters her
time was an incomprehensible 4.5 seconds, and over 200 meters it was an even
more unbelievable 8.75 seconds. She swam against a mako shark, reportedly the
fastest of the sharks, she gave the shark a 3 second head start, but blasted
by it and finished the 200 meter swim in about 12 seconds, showing that water
can't slow her down that much. The aides and scientists thought, the animals
are no match for her either, how can we even come up with something she can't
beat easily. Then they asked her to do some individual sports, golf, bowling,
and gymnastics. There wasn't a course that could be found that she couldn't
finish in 18 strokes, a hole in one each time, she bowled 3 straight perfect
games and the last time she threw the ball with so much power, the pins turned
to dust. In gymnastics she was just as perfect, doing both male and female
events and getting a perfect ten in each one, showing so much grace and beauty
in doing so that many of the male spectators had started crying.

Next came the machines, first, though the scientists decided to test Naomi to
see if she was indeed human, which was found to be true, she was just
incredibly powerful and had invulnerable skin and muscles. The aides of the
general and the scientists thought that she looked good in a sprint, but how
good would she do in a race like the Indianapolis 500, against cars, going 200
laps around a 2.5 mile course. She started behind all the cars, but as soon as
the green flag dropped she jumped over all of them and landed running, so fast
that there were sparks coming off the track. For the first time, the general
and everyone else noticed that she was wearing no shoes at all, her feet were
going so fast that they were causing sparks to erupt off the asphalt track.
Her lead after the first ten laps was impossible to get as she was going in
excess of 250 miles an hour and not even going as fast as she could. When the
race ended the asphalt track seemed to have two furrows dug that were about
shoulder width apart, it seems Naomi stayed in the same lane the whole time
and was going with so much speed and power that her feet had melted the road.
She won easily, besting the track record for 200 laps by 21 minutes 43

Next the military decided to see how fast she was compared to a naval vessel,
obviously sharks are one thing, a nuclear submarine is another. To everyone's
amazement, she decided to give the sub a head start of 200 meters, to go from
The West coast of the U.S. over to the southern tip of Japan. The top speed
for the sub is 80 knots, or 55 miles per hour in water, when she began, the
sub had a 850 meter lead, but while it was staying at the same speed, the
rooster tail she was kicking up grew larger and larger. About thirty seconds
in, she was only 200 meters behind, and then at 45 seconds she was right
alongside of the sub! A minute in they had both gone 2000 meters and she was
ahead now by 200 meters. Well, as you can guess, Naomi only got faster and by
the time she reached Japan, only an hour and a half after leaving California,
the sub was only about 3/5 of the way there, and it seemed it was pushing
itself as hard as it could. She went back to get the sub, because it had
broken down about 50 miles away from the coast of Japan. She did something
even more amazing then what they had seen before then, as cameras filmed it,
she actually lifted the sub, over 250 tons, and she actually swam back the 50
miles holding the sub over her head! She looked straight into the camera lens
and said "Who's next?"

The next challenge was more intellectual, seeing as though she came out
dominant at all the physical challenges, so they picked 10 games of chess,
played against five top chess players and five supercomputers. She read the
rules of chess and proceeded to dominate every single player there, as though
she knew what they were going to do before they made the move. She took down
the computers first because they computed their moves just as fast as she did,
and she defeated everyone of them in about a minute each. She beat several
undefeated world champion chess players just as easily, but they took longer
since the humans had to think their moves out more thoroughly. They were
confused and beaten as she was reading books during the time they were making
their moves. She didn't need time to think as she moved her pieces and waited
for them to do the same. It took her a total of 1 hr 15 minutes to beat all
five of them. The only reason it took so long was because the human players
had to process her moves and think and that took them about 15 minutes a piece
total. They were completely and easily beaten, and she showed that her brain
is as powerful as the rest of her body.

At this point they tried to lull her into a mistake that could cost her if she
didn't come through. She would have to sleep with 500 men in 48 hours and make
each one have an orgasm. She smiled so sexually at this point that even the
most ardent of homosexuals couldn't help but get hard. The scientists looked
at each other uneasily knowing that without even touching them, she could no
doubt make them cum easily. She said "I accept your challenge, but if I lose,
then I will go back to the future in my time machine, if you lose, your world,
your people, your whole civilization will belong to me!" With that she got
undressed and to everyone's disbelief in the room, she looked even more
beautiful, many of the men in the room watching her immense muscles and
breasts couldn't help but cum in their pants. But they remained hard, hoping
that they themselves would have a chance to make love to her perfect body. 200
of the most well endowed porn stars and athletes were flown in from all over
the world and the contest started. It was incredible to watch, men with huge
muscles and dicks were no match for this one woman as she laid them down and
basically screwed their brains out. Man after man came, and she never rested,
she didn't need rest, and it was over 500 men later, each man had orgasmed and
she looked ready for more!

Naomi stood up and smiled "That was hardly worth the effort, since that was
such an easy test for me, I will allow you one more test to prove that I am
ultimately unbeatable and invincible. I hear that your military is the best in
the world and have the most powerful weapons, use the most powerful you have
against me, and I will make you sorry you ever doubted me." She continued "If
I win, I will be your goddess, I will rule over every man, woman, child, and
animal on Earth. I will crush all churches, temples, and synagogues, I will be
worshipped by all you puny weaklings, or you will die." The generals were
nodding their heads, as though thinking that an atom bomb would be enough to
stop her. "For all those who haven't seen their new goddess before, take a
good look, because I will be around for a very long time, and my rule will be
as powerful and unyielding as this." With that she raised her arm in the air
with one finger pointing straight up, then she started bringing the finger
down, and at the same time she flexed her bicep! It was the most astounding
sight that anyone of them had ever seen, unflexed her biceps definitely looked
powerful, but not huge. When she flexed it though, it was impossible to look
away, as it kept growing, higher and higher the peak went, until it was level
with her eyes. The general suddenly turned pale, and broke out in a cold
sweat, he didn't know whether to be terrified or turned on. The general's
expression was mirrored by every male in the room, as well as every man and
woman that looked on at home, since this would decide all their fates. After
all the things he had been able to accomplish, the men still couldn't believe
the size and the power that this one woman possessed.

They led her out into the deserts of New Mexico, where the A-Bomb was first
tested over 60 years before. Without a single word she went out into the
middle of the desert and waited on them to do their worst. There was a flash
of light, and then a huge blast that got to 50 feet in height and over a
hundred feet around, a huge mushroom cloud of radiation. Just after the blast
went off a private in charge of monitoring the a bombs affect on her ran over
to the general, almost yelling "Sir, there's something wrong, the radiation of
the bomb is not spreading anymore, and it seems like the volume is down to 1/3
what it should have been at this point!" The general looked out at where the
mushroom cloud was and exclaimed "What the hell is going on, that cloud is
getting smaller, it looks like its being vacuumed up, but what could be doing
that!?!" Then they got their answer, it was Naomi, standing right in the
middle ground zero, was inhaling the radiation into her lungs, like it was
nothing but air to her. Nothing escaped as she kept sucking, and within 1
minute, all the radiation and sand that existed in the desert was sucked into
her lungs. She didn't look to be affected one bit, except for one thing, her
muscles appeared to be bulging, bigger and bigger, and more and more shredded.
She looked straight into the camera, flexed her biceps until they reached over
her head, and said "You're mine." Then she blew a kiss at that very same
camera and it blew up in a shower of sparks, just from the power of her
breath! Everyone wondered what it would be like, being the slaves of this
woman. The End
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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★Memorable Author: [Jeremy Lighning] Stories~collected
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2007, 11:24:36 pm »
Gym Master
By Jeremy Wilson
A short woman shows a gym its not smart to mess with her

**Authors note: Throughout the years I have read many, many excellent stories,
but the stories that have affected me most are the stories that have seen a
short, though very muscular woman that overpower a big man, or a group of big
men, out lift them and then maybe lift and carry them around like nothing.
Since there is a story called Gym Conqueror, I cannot call this story by that
title, so this is the next best thing I could think of. Obviously there are a
great deal of those kinds of stories out there, and this is my homage to them,
certainly this story type is not for everyone, so for those of you who don't
like to see girls that are short, but incredibly strong and muscular, then
just don't read, if this is a subject you do enjoy, I hope that my writing
fulfills your fantasies. Thanks for your support.**

Rosie McCallum was not what you would call an average stay at home mom, but
then again, she is not what you would call an average woman either, you see,
she is 38 years old but is only 4'10 tall, and weighs 140 pounds of muscle.
She has been working out for most of her life, and before that worked on her
parent's farm, so she became immensely strong and muscular from a really early
time. She moved to the city when she was 22 and wanted to find something that
would build her strength and muscles even beyond what they were before, so she
got a membership at the local Gold's Gym. She met her former husband there,
but when he found out how strong and muscular she wanted to become he fell out
of love with her, and left her at home with their only child, a girl named
Brittany. This only made her focus more on her goal, to be among the strongest
people in the world, and to be the most muscular woman at her height that ever
existed. She moved across town to not be reminded of the heartache of her
divorce, and joined Iron's Gym, there she honed her body into a temple of
muscle, which led several men to believe that she was on steroids. The men at
the gym could hardly believe that one so small could be so big muscle wise and
be as strong as she was, without a little chemical help, but the guys don't
even know the half of it. But some guys tried to find that out one night at
the gym and they got more than they ever bargained for.

Rosie was coming in late at night the last couple of weeks and rented out one
of the private sections of the gym, to work out by herself. 2 or 3 of the
regulars at the gym were still there as well and wondered exactly why Rosie
was given this privilege, why was she so special to not be able to work out in
the main gym like everyone else? So the guys waited, and watched as Rosie came
in, picked up the private room key from the night manager of the gym, and
without much hesitation opened and relocked the door again. The guys went over
to the night manager and the leader asked "Why does Rosie get to work out all
by herself, she hasn't been working out here so long and isn't rich enough to
afford it, so how come she's so special she gets her own workout room?" The
manager said "Guys, Rosie has been coming here for 14 years now, me and her
came to an understanding a while ago that if she feels threatened or annoyed
by anybody else in the gym, she gets to use one of the gym's private rooms, I
guess she likes to keep to herself." That made the guys even more angry, so
she thought the guys in the gym were annoying, well, she is gonna get it. The
leader, whose name is Brandon, spoke to his cohorts "Hey, Moose, Bill, get
another key from this guy, I am going to give Rosie a most annoying surprise."
Moose and Billy started punching and kicking the manager, knowing that they
would probably be thrown out, but they didn't care, they wanted to see what
Rosie was doing in her private room. They took the key off of him and threw it
to Brandon, who opened the door to Rosie's private gym.

Brandon entered quickly and closed the door silently, and turned around to
witness something he never expected, Rosie, this 4'10 140 pound muscle girl
was lifting a huge barbell with 5 100 pound plates on each side, a combined
weight of 1050 pounds with the bar included. She was overhead pressing the
half ton like it was almost nothing to her, and it was actually, since she was
actually very much stronger than that, but I'll get to that later. Another
thing that blew Brandon away was the fact that Rosie was naked while lifting
the huge thing! He couldn't help but gasp as he saw her body, her traps were
big, rising up on either side of her neck like miniature mountains, her
shoulders were immense balls of muscle, much bigger than a cantaloupe, her
arm's size was unreal, they were sticking out like tractor tires on a
Cadillac, a big pencil thin, bluish-gray colored vein running across the top
of it. Her back was incredibly wide, she was standing with her back to him, so
he could see its full enormousness. The striations and ridges that were
visible looked to be several times bigger than what should be normal for a
woman her size, almost as big as any male bodybuilder that he knew in the gym.
He noticed that even after 5 minutes of standing there, she hadn't noticed
him, and was still doing reps with the half-ton of weight she held over her
head. He was slowly backing out after seeing the extreme strength and size of
Rosie, when suddenly her voice stopped him, "I hope you are enjoying the show,
boy, don't go just yet, you haven't even seen me lift heavy." With that she
set down the bar and turned to look him in the eye with a smirk on her lips,
saying "Do you like what you see? You know now why I have to have a private
workout room, my muscles need huge amounts of weight to grow and get even
stronger, and the manager gave me the biggest, heaviest equipment he could
afford to satisfy that need, now you know, are you going to keep your mouth
shut, or am I going to have to shut it for you?" With that she flexed her
muscles hard, crunching down into a mind blowing most muscular flex, showing
off veins and striations that even the most ripped male bodybuilders could
only dream of. The intensity of it was too much for Brandon, his eyes rolled
back into his head as he shot the biggest load he ever had in his life.

"Oh, so you're still with us, are you, you've been out for twenty minutes, I
was almost worried about you, but I still haven't been given your answer, are
you going to tell about me, or am I going to have silence you?" She said as
she was 2 feet away from him, flexing her tremendous bicep right in front of
his face. Brandon's head was lolling, like a beach ball on the ocean, but he
managed to get out "Okay, I won't tell anyone about you, I will tell everyone
you're just a regular fitness girl, but please, do something for me, ok?"
Rosie considered this for a while and said "Okay, I will do something for you,
because this secret is very important for me to keep, I am trusting you with
the biggest secret of my life, so I guess I do owe you something in return for
keeping it." Brandon nodded and said "The only thing I want from you is to
watch you work out with heavy, heavy weights, I have been a fan of strong
women since I dated a basketball player in high school, she was 6'1 and
weighed 250 pounds of muscle, she was the strongest woman I had ever known,
until I saw you press that half-ton barbell like it was a toothpick, I want to
see how strong you really are!" He expected a negative response from this and
cringed, ready for the worst, but after a couple of minutes he opened his eyes
to see her smiling down at him, "Okay, I will let you watch me workout, my
husband and I broke up seven years ago, and I have been searching for that
special someone who would appreciate me for being what I am, a strong,
independent woman, I think you could be that someone." Brandon looked up in
wonder, he smiled as she reached down with her small hand and grabbed his much
larger hand in hers, she pulled him up off the floor with ease, even though he
weighed well over 250 pounds, she was truly strong beyond her size. They
walked off together, talking the whole way.

"My whole life has centered around sports, when I was 8 my parents enrolled me
in a gymnasts academy that I left when I was 14, I had become disenchanted
with the whole sport, there was no fun, just training, and competing, I didn't
really like that kind of atmosphere. I joined the Cross Country and Track
Teams in high school, I was a middle of the road runner, not very bad, but not
the best on the team either. My coach suggest that I lift weights to gain
strength and endurance for running, but after a couple weeks, I became
addicted to the feel of it, and that's where I stand now, over 20 years of
weightlifting, muscles the size of your average male heavyweight bodybuilder
and strength well beyond any human on Earth, so what's your story?" Brandon
thought and said "Well, I used to be a wimp, actually, my first two years of
high school was full of me being bullied by the senior football players, until
I made the decision to start bodybuilding and taking taekwando classes, it
turns out my body was mesomorphic, so I gained a lot of muscle in a short
period, I also became increasingly aggressive, figuring that if I was the
bully, it would be the top link in the food chain, so I just became what I
hated and never looked back, but seeing someone even stronger than me brought
back some feelings for me, some feelings that seem almost natural, I almost
liked being dominated by the female jocks, even they were stronger than me as
a freshman, and my girlfriend was stronger than me as well, and all I can
think of is how pleasurable those days were for me, once I broke up with her,
I figured I would never find a girl that strong again, now I am glad that I
found about your little secret." Rosie laughed "You know, Brandon, I had a
feeling someone would find out about me eventually, I am glad that it was
someone as nice and understanding as you, it really seems that we are the
perfect match."

Rosie asked him to get the small weights off the bench bar, and he thought to
himself "One hundred pound weights are the biggest standard weight disks that
I know of, if she thinks they are the smaller disks, she must really be
incredibly strong!" He nodded, trying not to let on that he was amazed by the
notion of 100s being called small. He grunted a little as he duck walked the
100's back to their rack, she was looking fresh as a daisy as she handled two
of those weights in each hand! Then he gasped as he saw why she referred to
the 100's as being small, she was handling weights that looked to be three
times the size of the 100's, one in each hand. "These weigh 450 pounds a
piece, I had them made especially for me, because the regular 100 pounders
were not enough challenge anymore, but even these are beginning to become a
little easy." Rosie said with a wink, Brandon let out a breath he didn't know
he was holding in, shuddered in both awe and fear as he realized just how
strong Rosie could be. She loaded 2 on each side of the bar, so it now totaled
1850 pounds, but she wasn't done yet, she put 1 one hundred pound plate on
each side, so the total was over a ton, 2050 pounds to be exact. She asked him
to spot her, which he did without hesitation, he looked down into her face and
for the first time he realized how really beautiful she was, there were no
words he knew of to describe it, in fact the word beautiful wasn't close at
all, gorgeous wasn't even in the same category, the only way I can describe
it, is wonderfully orgasmic. She smiled up at him, smirking in a way to tell
him that she knew he thought she was attractive and she found him attractive
too. She then lifted up the heavy barbell and brought it down to her chest, in
a slow, controlled motion, then pushed it up the same way, but her smiling
face showed that the weight wasn't even near her maximum. She proceeded to
bench the ton plus for 15 reps, and put the bar back in its place. She winked
at Brandon again as she said, "Well, that's good for a warm-up, lets put some
real weight on there."

She took the hundreds off of each side and came around with 2 more 450 pound
plates, adding them to the already unbelievable 1800 pounds on the 50 pound
bar, 2,750 pounds total now, but she didn't stop there, she put on 2 100 pound
plates on each side, making it a combined 3,150. Brandon was sure there was no
human being on Earth who could even lift that weight fully off the ground
without help, but this short, though incredibly muscular woman was going to
try. She told him that she would probably need a spotter here too, and he
sighed in a mix of resignation and anticipation of what was about to happen.
His body was tingling as she lifted the bar off the rests and slowly but
steadily brought the bar down to her immense pecs, held it there for a second
and then incredibly, brought it back to start position, she had done it! Over
a ton and a half was lifted by a woman that was over a foot shorter and nearly
120 pounds lighter than he was, and it looked easy. Just when he thought it
was her max, though, she brought it down to her chest just as before and
pressed the 3150 pounds again, then a 3rd time, finally ending up with 6
presses with the immense poundage. "One more set, my good Brandon, then we'll
decide what to do about you and how you snuck in here without my permission."
she said with a hint of malice, but it was really jest. That made Brandon gulp
almost audibly, first of all, she was going to try more weight, but after
that, he might be in serious trouble from his dream woman. She put 2 more 100
pound weights on each side of the bar, plus one 25 pound weight on each side,
looking ridiculously small next to the much bigger and heavier weights, to
make the total 3600 pounds, more than a ton and three quarters. "Okay, I am
really, really going to need a spot for this one, Brandon, this was my one rep
max last week." He nodded quickly, nervously, he knew that if she had problems
with it, there was no way he would be able to lift it off of her. He got
behind the bench apparatus and waited for her, she lifted the bar off the
rests and slowly, though a little shakily, brought it down to her pecs, which
were unbelievably striated, sticking out 2 inches at least, with no apparent
breast tissue at all. She held the bar to her chest longer than usual, as
though it was too much for her. He reached down, thinking it was too heavy for
her, but she shouted "no! give me a little time to power my pecs!" She was
actually growling, like some savage beast, then she took several deep breaths
and powered the bar off her chest, inch by inch it rose, agonizingly slow, but
after seeming hours, it finally reached the top and she put it back in its

"Yes! You did it Rosie, you are so strong, I can't believe it, that had to be
the biggest weight ever lifted by anyone!" Brandon exclaimed, without even
thinking about it. But Rosie wasn't as enthused, she hadn't told him this, but
she was used to growing stronger every week, but she struggled with this
weight as much as she had the first time she had benched it. It made her
think, maybe she reached her zenith and it depressed her a little, but she
didn't let it show as she smiled and got up and hugged the overly enthusiastic
Brandon, lifting his body off the ground and twirled him around a couple
times. She then realized that she should be happy, she found a guy that was
completely interested in her strength and her muscles, and the fact that she
was superstrong didn't turn him off at all, in fact it made him even more
attracted to her, she smiled even wider. She carried Brandon all around the
private room, with one hand under his butt, as though his 265 pounds were
nothing to her, and laughed as she really thought how lucky she was to be
there that night, how lucky she was to find a man like Brandon. It occurred to
her that this could be the happiest she had ever been, and that made her smile
even wider. To make a long story short, Brandon proposed to her 3 months
later, they got married 11 months after that, and they lived a long and happy
life together.

Hope you like, if you do, please give me your feedback and if you deem it, a karma point or two
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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★Memorable Author: [Jeremy Lighning] Stories~collected
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2007, 05:46:35 pm »
She Became Strong Just For Me
By Jeremy Wilson,
A girl wants to show me the strength she built just for me

I had met my new girlfriend over the internet, at a chat room where she said
to me "What do you think of women who lift weights?" It came right out and I
had to say "I love women weightlifters and bodybuilders, they are really my
idea of the perfect woman." She responded positively to this, not really as
negatively as most of the other women I had met online. We discussed a lot of
different things since then and we found we had a lot of things in common, but
one thing was a constant, she wanted to get stronger and more muscular and I
supported her, because most of her friends didn’t like the idea of her being
strong and muscular. I not only said I was fine with it, I told her, you get
bigger and stronger, and I will even love you for it, because it has always
been my fantasy to find a woman strong enough to lift me over her head and
carry me around like a baby." She had said that her fantasy was to meet a man
like me, someone who she could share her strong body with and would support
her to become even bigger and stronger. When I heard that , I knew we were
soul mates, if I ever met her, I knew we would fall madly in love and both our
fantasies would be fulfilled. Then I checked her profile and guess what, this
fantasy woman lived in the next town, just about 6 miles from where I lived. I
knew, I absolutely knew we were going to get together soon, she lived six
miles away and we held so many things in common. This is gonna be it, I said
to myself, after years of searching, finally I found my fantasy woman. Boy, I
got more than I bargained for, in a good way, but that can wait.

We finally met at the YMCA gym about 6 months after we started talking on the
net. It was sort of a coincidence because we didn’t arrange it, it just
happened that we were there at the same time. I recognized her right away, as
she was standing , facing me with what looked like 40 pound dumbbells, curling
them with absolute ease. It took her a second to recognize me from the photo I
had placed on there about three months earlier. I had lost some weight, but
not all that much. We were dedicated to working out and from what I could
gather she was already quite strong, but wanted to get a lot stronger, and she
said that I was her inspiration, she wanted to get as strong as possible just
for me. With my help and supervision, she had said, she knew her strength and
muscles would grow with me at her side. As I watched her I sized her up, she
was 5’5" and was very thick, not fat but bulky, and probably weighed around
165. Then when she saw me staring at her, her eyes sparkled with recognition,
she smiled at me and made a gesture to come over there. My stomach was full of
butterflies already, and approaching her. I said "hi, Christine, I’m Jerry, I
didn’t think we would meet this soon, but I am so glad to finally meet you."
She shook my hand with surprising strength and said "Jerry, I knew we would
meet one day, and I always wanted to be in the same gym with you, now we can
truly be the partners and friends we have always talked about being." I looked
into her eyes and I saw a fire I had never seen before in a woman’s eyes, its
like right at that moment this woman had seen me and fallen completely and
utterly in love with me. And my butterflies were in my throat, I was
absolutely speechless, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t blink, I was completely
entrapped in her eyes, I knew right at that moment, this was to be the woman I
would grow old with.

We had talked about her power level over the net, she said she had benched 250
before and she was trying to work up to that again, but with my help, she
would go above and beyond that by a great deal. 250 was not even a decent warm
up for curls if I have my way and get her to be as strong as I know she can
get. So we went easy the first time we were together, she was benching 185 and
it looked like a warm-up for my girlfriend/workout partner, she did it for 15
reps and asked if I wanted in, I was amazed because the whole time I had ever
lifted, the most reps I could do with 185 was 7 reps, and she handled it like
it was nothing. I knew right at that point that she had more potential than
anyone I had worked out with ever. So we put the bar up to 225, which was my
one rep max, but she had told me over the net that one time she benched this
weight for 12 reps, which to me is unbelievable. I, the man of the
relationship, was 6 inches taller and weighed 100 more pounds, mostly fat
admittedly, was shown up by this girl, 20 years old herself, 5 years younger
than me. So she got down and pressed it with seeming ease, doing 10 reps and
not even sweating and breathing hard she said, "Jerry, two days ago I couldn’t
do this weight for even 4 reps, now I feel tons stronger. Lets go for my max."
So we put an extra 10 and 2.5 pound plates on each side for the total of 250,
her max about 2 years ago. She said she has tried many times to get this up
over the past two years, but had not. So with me behind the bar as her
spotter, she lifted it with ease and brought the bar down to her ample chest.
With a grunt of effort she brought the bar up, looking as though it was easy
for her. She did 4 reps with it and set it down, with a look of euphoria on
her face. She had done, not only had she conquered her max, but it seems, with
me at her side, she can get nothing but stronger. She got up off the bench and
came around to where I was standing, she had a look of animal lust in her
eyes, a look that I had never seen a woman direct at me. She wanted me right
then , right there, and she didn’t care about anyone else in the gym. Her body
looked different somehow, she looked to have lost some of her bulk, but with a
sweatshirt on, I couldn’t tell if it was real or my imagination. She said
"Jerry, I have to go right now, but I want to meet here again tomorrow, I know
that we can help each other out with our fantasies, because with you by my
side, the sky is the limit." I listened to the passion in her words and could
feel chills up and down my spine, I said without hesitation "I will be here,
right on time, ready to help you make your body stronger, I would love to be
with you for as long as you’ll have me." She smiled and said, "Be here
tomorrow at 2pm, I will be ready and I know you will be, I know you can get me
stronger, oh and one more thing." With that she made a quick pass on me and
kissed me right on the lips, it was a little peck, but it truly was
earth-shattering for me, this pretty muscle girl found me attractive. My heart
was going like a drum and I could almost feel my breath being drawn from my
body. It was very intense and I had weak knees the rest of the day.

So, I got up extra early the next day and did some light cardio and
calisthenics, but most of the time I feel energized at the end of them, that
day I felt like I couldn’t lift my arms. I got back to feeling normal in about
20 minutes, but what happened distressed me, how could I be so out of shape
that a little cardio and stretching could tire me out so quickly. Then I
realized something, after we shook hands the day before, Christy had somehow
gained some strength, and then we kissed at the end of the workout. Oh, God,
it can’t be, Christy was absorbing my strength through bodily contact, but
how, that is stuff out of fictional stories, like those posted at Diana the
Valkyrie and the Xtreme Strength website. This can not be real, but what else
could explain it, she was more fit and stronger than from when I met her and I
was all worn out and somewhat weakened. I imed her right then, at about 8am
and asked her if she came in contact with anybody last night after our workout
session. She said she talked a lot with her roommates and saw an old friend
from school and went and hugged him. Oh, man, I thought to myself, she might
have stolen their strength too, even if she didn’t know it. I asked her, "Do
you feel any stronger today, because I have this little theory, and I want to
test it today when we work out?" She said that she did feel a little stronger
and more energetic today, but didn’t know the reason for it, then she asked
why I wanted to know. I said "Well, I guess it could be a coincidence, but
when we were working out yesterday, after we shook hands I felt a little
weaker and then you were able to push yourself harder and make yourself
stronger. And then after that you looked a little less bulky, in your sweats,
we kissed and I had another feeling of weakness, like my breath had been
drained from me. I had trouble getting energized this morning and my cardio
workout just wore me out."

So we made plans to go to the gym at the same time as the day before, but
instead of working a different body part, like is usually done in
bodybuilding, I decided to test my theory and have her bench her max once
again. So we met again, and we had some light contact, we touched hands
lightly and she gave me a short peck on the cheek. I didn’t think it affected
me that much this time, but I did find it a little more tiring to climb the
steps, much more than the day before. I was out of breath for a while, but
didn’t let it show to Christy. So we took over a Bench press station and
immediately stacked it up to 250 pounds, the amount that used to be her max
two years ago, but she did it for 4 reps the day before. If she had gained the
strength that I imagined she had throughout all of yesterday, this should be
no more than a warm-up for her. So she got down on the bench and lifted it
from the rack without any help from me. She brought it down to her chest and
without even thinking about it, lifted it straight up, she started repping it
out, each rep as easy as the rest until she finally finished 25 reps, which
confirmed by theory, but I wanted to see how much stronger she possibly could
have got. When we first met she shook my hand for about a second, if she
hugged her old friend for a long time, say more than 10 seconds, it is
conceivable that she gained 25-30 percent of his strength. Over the net she
told me he was a champion football player and power lifter, so she might have
gained a hell of a lot of strength.

I was conflicted at this point, I knew in the past she had said she wanted to
get strong mostly for me, but how strong was she able to get by draining the
strength of others. Then a light bulb turned on in my head, she could be
superhumanly strong, as strong as the fictional superheroes in the comic
books, who knows where she would stop. So without a second thought in my head,
I said "Let’s get some real weight on this bar." So I took off the small
weights and put one two 45 pound plates on each side, making the combined
total 405 pounds, what to my knowledge, was an official woman’s world record
for bench press. I said, "Since you handled that weight so easily, I know you
can get this up, and if you need a little help, here’s some good luck for
you." With that, I gave her a long and passionate kiss, that for me lasted for
minutes, but might have only lasted for five seconds for her. While I knew
this would drain some of my strength, I was willing to do it for her, she was
my life now, she was the one who I wanted to please, and I knew if she could
do this, it would be the most pleasing thing that could have happened for me.
So, she got under the bar, a look of determination on her face and brought the
bar off the supports, once again without my help and without any effort. She
slowly brought the 405 pounds to her chest, stopped for a moment, looked me
straight in the eyes, and said this is for you, honey. With that she brought
it up like there was nothing in her hands, as though the weight haven’t been
heavy at all, not only that but she wasn’t done with it. She was repping it
like it was the 250 pounds she had used before, but this time she went beyond
what she did, with over 150 pounds more on the bar, she finally finished at
100 reps, which had everyone in the gym cheering and chanting her name, but
she was oblivious to all this. She only had two things on her mind, her love
for me and her determination to make me the happiest man alive.

After she set the bar down she did something I wouldn’t have imagined her to
do, since she was a generally shy person, she ripped her sweatshirt off her
body to reveal the most muscular body I had ever seen on a woman. Her arms
were huge and ripped, showing striations and veins that no one in the gym and
maybe the world had seen up to this point. I was mesmerized, I couldn’t
believe my eyes, here standing in front of my was my dream woman, a beautiful
face on a huge muscular body that was strong enough to lift and carry me like
I was an infant. She saw me staring at her unbelievable body and licked her
lips and winked. It seems that she didn’t just get stronger and more muscular,
but she also got less inhibited. She appeared to be a totally different
Christy than the one I met just yesterday. Yesterday, she was the almost
nerdy, bulky, and shy bodybuilder. Now she was a smoldering sex goddess, with
muscles that rivaled those of Mr. Olympia, and she wasn’t shy about showing
them either, as she flexed in several different ways, her eyes never leaving
mine. The whole gym was crowded around her, eyes open like they had just seen
the most amazing thing in their lives, but that didn’t matter to her one bit,
it was like she was focusing just on me and didn’t even notice anybody else in
the room. I noticed this tunnel vision and had to snap her out of it, I didn’t
want a whole disruption in the gym. So I said, "Christy, I love you, you know
I do, but this is neither the time nor the place for this, how about we get
out of here, then you could show me how much you love me back at your place."
This snapped her out of the trance she was in and finally noticed that there
were other people present. She didn’t go back to her shy persona though, she
just smiled at them and said "Thanks everyone, but this show is over." With
that she put a warmup jacket on, barely squeezing it over her record breaking
muscle and went out with me, hand in hand.

Boy, walking out with her, hand in hand was a bad idea, I could feel my
strength fading, my knees becoming more and more unstable and her strength
increasing by the second. Right after we got out the gym’s door, she let go of
my hand and then I collapsed on the sidewalk. She knew she had to do something
quick, so without a second’s hesitation, she took her jacket off, picked me
off the ground easily in a cradle carry and carried me to her car, which was
parked on the street two blocks away. I was conscious but I was almost
paralyzed, she had drained so much strength from me that my limbs had lost
most of their feeling. After she picked me up, I looked up at her amazed to
find that even though she was holding me, no more of my strength was being
lost and I seemed to be regaining the feeling in my arms and legs. She walked
slowly to her car, not even noticing my 275 pounds, and took great pleasure in
my amazement of her great muscles and strength. We finally got to her car, it
seemed like a long time, because she was very gentle with me, but I knew she
just liked showing off her new strength for me. I looked at her car and saw
possibilities, it was a 1986 Chevy Nova, small and probably weighed about a
ton and a half. I said "How much stronger are you, because that 405 pounds
looked completely weightless to you, I bet you’re just itching to see how
strong you really are. Well, I have an idea, I have seen this done on the
world’s strongest man shows without much effort, big guys 6’5" and over 300
pounds dead lifting these size cars with ease, I bet you’re strong enough to
do it with your Nova." This was not as surprising to her as I thought it would
be, so she said "I’ll tell you what, how about you get in and I will deadlift
both you and the car at the same time." I knew she could do it, but I sat in
the back seat almost believing that my baby was not strong enough to lift it.
It was 3275 pounds total, of course, the front end weighs more, probably more
than half, but still, it would be more weight than a female has ever lifted
and I was there to witness it. She got behind the car and without warming up
took the back bumper, got herself a good grip and proceeded to lift the back
end of her Nova, with me in it, to waist height. I couldn’t believe the power
this super girl must possess, but she didn’t stop there. With me watching her
every move, she had to do something effective and mindblowing, so she took her
right hand off of the bumper, effectively putting the whole strain of the
vehicle on what she said was her weak arm. Not only that, she winked at me and
started to curl the whole thing higher until the car was up over her head. She
walked her hands to the middle while still holding it up and, when she found
the perfect balancing point, she lifted the entire car, all 3275 pounds,
including me over her head, with not even a grunt. It seemed impossible to me,
but this girl had gotten so strong in just two days that she went from trying
to bench 250 pounds, to being able to overhead press a car, easily I might

After that feat we got settled down a bit, she drove us to her home and when
we got there, she insisted on carrying me up to her apartment, even though I
was strong enough to walk by then. But she didn’t care, she brought my 275
pounds up two flights of stairs, but this time she was cradling me in one arm.
I didn’t know what to do or what to say, she was absolutely the strongest
person, living or dead, Earth and she did it all for me. The End...for now.

One of my earlier stories, based on a real person, hope you like
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Short But Strong [Jeremy Wilson]
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2007, 12:11:32 am »
My Short but Very Strong Neighbor
By Jeremy Wilson
I meet my little neighbor, who turns out to be strong

*Author’s note: This is a brand new story from me, this deals with a subject that may be a little sensitive to some people in the audience so let me say this now, the main female character happens to be a dwarf, I have no personal knowledge of what their everyday lives are really like, and I hope that if a little person or whatever you people want to be called reads this, that I do not offend you, as it is definitely not my intention. Like I have said numerous times, one of the greatest, most exciting storylines that I enjoy reading are stories where there is a great difference in height and weight between the main characters, and I have tried my best to make stories that meet that standard, this one is even more extreme than usual based on the fact that this adult woman is only about 3/5 the size of a normal woman, and about 1/5 the weight of the male character in the story. I’m intrigued to think what would happen if this was true, what if a woman could easily lift 5 times her own bodyweight, especially one so small, I’m hoping that this story finds you well, but I know I will have my share of critical readers who object to the subject matter. If that’s true, I’m sorry that I didn’t hit your fantasy right on this time, but really, my intention was to write my own greatest fantasy down to the nearest extent that I could, and this will be the result of that work, hopefully. Now on with the story!*

Sheila, My little lifter

    I had just moved into my new house when I saw something spectacular, here was this little woman, about 3 foot 10 inches tall, walking a huge dog, its shoulders reached right up to her head and it seemed to be big, strong and muscular itself, but she held it at bay with seeming ease. I would think that the dog weighed more than she did, but this miniature woman was actually pulling it towards her, the dog was resisting, but it seems he couldn't do anything against her strength. I knew right at that moment that this little lady was something special and I had to meet her, to find out how strong she really was. I went over and introduced myself, I held out my hand and she took it, meaning she was holding the dog back with only one hand, I was completely impressed, and then felt my hand bones start to creak from her grip. "Wow, you've got quite a grip there..." She said "Sheila, my name's Sheila, and yeah, sometimes I don't know my own strength." I nodded and asked "Do you workout then, Sheila, I happen to really like strong women and from the way you handle that big dog of yours and your hand grip, I think you could be one of the strongest women I've ever met." Sheila put her hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle and said "Well, yeah, I used to work out a lot, but because of my size, my joints took a lot of strain, so I've had to give up lifting regularly, but I can show you how strong I am, if you want to come into my house." I nodded quickly, "I would love to Sheila, I think you're beautiful, and if your strength is even close to what I hope it is, I would like to move beyond friends, if you know what I mean?" Sheila nodded shyly, she opened up the door and invited me in, she locked the dog in its cage, and took me downstairs to her basement.

   As we walked to the basement of Sheila's house I asked her a little bit about herself. "Well, I'm 27 years old, I graduated from UW-Madison in 2004 with a degree in Physical Education. I've moved back here to teach PE at the grade school, as you can probably tell, I've been made fun of most of my life for my height, that's one of the reasons I started working out 12 years ago, not only to improve my health in the long run, but to protect myself against people who get a little too abusive. I haven't had a problem with that for a couple years though, since news came out about a football player who picked on me at a party one night and was found the next morning stuffed in a garbage can with his jock in his mouth." She laughed at that and so did I, I was curious though, how big the football player was and how she managed to beat him up. "Well, he was about your size, 6'2, 310 pounds, he played Guard for the university football team, and as for me kicking his butt, it wasn't hard with this muscle." She flexed her bicep and for the first time I saw a bit of the reason that she was so strong, her arm was huge for her size! She nodded to me, signaling I could touch it if I wanted to, and without hesitation I did, it was harder than any muscle I've ever felt, I mean her arm was like iron wrapped in leather. "Wow, that's awesome, Sheila, I never thought someone well, so small, could have such big muscle. I haven't seen too many women that could match up proportionally to your huge bicep, no wonder you're so strong!" She giggled, and said "You don't even know the half of it, even as muscular as I am, I'm much, much stronger than I look, actually, sometimes its scary to see what I'm truly capable off. Which you're about to find out, you big stud you." I came down to her basement, and was amazed to see it was huge! It was filled with all kinds of modified weight machines, and there was a high ceiling, plus a big blue mat filling one side of the floor. This woman must be loaded to be able to afford all this! "Okay, Jeremy, what do you want to see me do first?"

   “Oh man!” I exclaimed as I looked around at all the weightlifting equipment, all the huge, heavy weights on the bars, and the huge plates in the universal machine, I had a hard time deciding exactly how I would like her to demonstrate her strength to me. I realized at that point how lucky I was to be in this position in the first place, I’m pretty sure she wasn’t this forward with most of the men who she has met for the first time, but I guess she must have sensed something in my willingness to tell her about me and my personal likes in terms of female strength and muscle. She must have known from that point that I didn’t care about and was able to look past  her supposed physical flaws, (What flaws? Muscle and strength on a female body makes any woman my dream girl) and saw through to the real person. My smile was wide as I looked towards the bench press, that seemed to be loaded with an incredible amount of weight, and I nodded over to it “How about benches first, that’s one of my favorite lifting exercises, and to me it shows the most upper body strength, and I’m a huge fan of that!” She laughed and said “Well, that’s great for me, because the bench happens to be one of my favorite exercises as well, here let me change into my workout gear and I’ll start off with a nice warmup, be right back, Jeremy.”

   Sheila came back wearing a sports top and a pair of elastic shorts, I was mesmerized, these showed off her very large muscles very well and gave her enough room to grow, if that's what she wanted. I could see her shoulders were incredibly broad, maybe even farther across than she was tall, which was a sight to behold, they led to tennis ball sized biceps, which on her pretty short arm was incredible to see.  Her legs were no less incredible, it looked like she was smuggling small beer kegs under her skin, though beer kegs weren't that striated and defined, her calves had the perfect heart shape, and actually appeared to be the only muscle on her body that looked to have the same size and shape that a normal-sized woman would have. She nodded at my look of awe and lust and said, "You like? I don't get a chance to wear this much anymore, my previous boyfriends hadn't seen me workout, they didn't know the real extent of my power." Something struck in my mind, "Did you say your previous boyfriends? Does this make me your current boyfriend, then? If so, I would be delighted, even if you weren't powerful, I'd like to know you better too, as you're bright, funny, and beautiful, I'd be flattered to have you on my arm at any dance club." She blushed, "Well, yes, I would love to go out with you, you're also very intelligent, you have a sense of humor, you're handsome, and most of all, you treat me as an equal, all my previous men in my life thought they had to do this or that for me, because of my size they didn't think I could, but you're different and I love you for it!" We looked at each other passionately, she came right over to me, pulled me down by my shirt to her level and starting giving me the French kiss of a lifetime, I've never felt like this before, here was this small woman who was almost 1/5 of my weight and she was handling me like I was a child.

   The next thing I know, my feet have left the ground, Sheila no longer wanted to beat around the bush, as she started carrying my 325 pounds like it was next to nothing over to the wrestling mats in a cradle carry, while at the same time kissing me like a horny schoolgirl. She set me down, less than gently, but at the time I didn't care, I mean she was my complete fantasy woman to me, 2 feet shorter, 225 pounds lighter, yet able to lift and carry me like I was the little person and she was the fully grown adult. She backed off me to rip off her sports bra and shorts, as I started undoing my own clothing, knowing exactly what she had in mind, but she stopped me. "First, I'm going to give you a show you'll never, ever forget, then you can do what you want, whatever it is. I sat there excitedly, my cock harder than I've felt it in a long time, in fact, maybe ever, before I was always imagining my fantasy woman when masturbating and making love to my former less strong and muscular girlfriends, but now I had it right in front of me, willing to do whatever I said! She went over to the bench press machine and asked "What weight do you want to see me lift?" I said to her, "Well, you lifted me quite easy, and I weigh over 320 pounds, so I'm guessing you're well above 400 pounds, maybe 500 pounds?" She laughed hard at that, "Only 500 pounds?!? My dear, I passed 500 pounds well over 5 years ago, I don't even use it as a warmup now, that's how easy its gotten, let's say 750 pounds for now." Wow, I thought to myself, this little woman was attempting to lift over 10 times her own bodyweight, its a weight that only the strongest MEN in the World could even lift, and here she was only 3'10 and weighing only 72 pounds of muscle, and she's attempting that much weight!

   I rubbed my hands in anticipation as I saw her hands lift the bar off the supports with apparent ease, she brought it down the short distance to her chest, and pressed it right up with very little effort, then again, then again, until finally she completed 20 repetitions, never really showing a strain at all the whole time. Once again I was blown away, as I looked on with awe and lust at the fact that my new girlfriend was perhaps the strongest person in the whole world, not just for her size or weight, but overall, and she wasn't done yet. "Well, what should I use for next set, Jeremy, you decide, you saw how easy the 750 pounds was for me, how much do you think I max out at?" I was admittedly a little shy at answering this question, as she appeared to break each and every single law of what should be possible in the World, so I gave it some thought and answered, "Ummm, how about 1000 pounds, Sheila?" She nodded, and said "Well, it's not my max, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, then we can get down and dirty!" She put weights on the bar until it was loaded with 1000 pounds, which was over 14 times her bodyweight, then got down, got a good grip on the bar, which was severely bending from the incredible weights that were on it, and took it easily off the rests once again. She brought it down to her chest and brought it up in a strong, solid looking motion, although you could tell it was closer to her max, as it was making her try more, it was no where near her one rep max, as she proceeded to do 7 reps with the half-ton of weight on the bar.

   Sheila sat up, her naked body glistening with sweat, and called me over to her, she flexed her biceps and pecs and had me feel them. I did with great excitement, finding that if anything, they were even harder than what I felt more than an hour before, she was pumped up huge, her tennis balls were now about the size of a baseball, and her shoulders would best be described as bowling balls with deep ridges, her pectorals were just as impressive, showing striations that only the top 10 percent in FBB could achieve, she was without doubt, a pure genetic marvel. "Now, what is it you want to do, darling, I'm open to anything?" I whispered in her ear, and her eyes popped open like she was looking at a huge, creepy spider. But that surprise soon turned to lust, and when she said "Okay, let's do it." I couldn't believe my ears, I'm so glad to be with a woman that was so understanding and loving. She stood up from the bunch and held her arms straight out to her side, she smiled at me and nodded for me to go ahead with my fantasy. I did, as I walked over and proceeded to sit on her bicep, my immense weight seemingly doing nothing to her, my feet left the ground and I found myself sitting on a woman's arm, it was like a warm cast iron bench, or something, there was no shiver, no shake, just hardness and stability. I knew at this point, my little lover would be strong enough to fulfill every fantasy I ever had and more. "Thank you, Sheila, thank you so much! I never thought I'd meet any woman strong enough to do this for me, I never thought it was possible in the real world, I love you with all my heart, but aren't you getting tired yet?" Sheila laughed and said "Haven't you heard the phrase a man in love has the strength of thousands, well, I'm a woman in love, and I have the strength of millions!"

   I got down off her arm, not because I was bored, or because she was tired, but my butt was getting sore, and I couldn't take it anymore, I bent down and basically attacked Sheila straight out with kisses, feeling up her body with my hands, and squeezing her biceps and pecs. I was a complete love maniac at that point, and Sheila wasn't far behind, she once again lifted me up, this time in a front lift, I put my legs around her miniscule waist and she carried me up the two flights of stairs to her bedroom. In there we made our relationship complete, by having the most incredible night of sex that either of us have ever had, it was an incredible 4 hour long session of kissing, screwing, licking, sucking, flexing, and feeling that has never existed in my life until now. At one point in the evening, she surprised me again with her power by pressing me over her head and bringing my penis down into her mouth, giving me the most spectacular blowjob that I've ever been given, deepthroating my 9 and a half inches with almost comical ease. Sheila was incredible all night, sometimes letting me take control of our love making, but most of the time, she was in complete control, making my body her own personal dildo, not that I had a problem with that, to feel her lifting my 325 pound body around like it was a small toy was an incredible feeling. Especially considering her small size, I'm like 4 and one half of her, yet my body was as light as a stuffed animal to her. Man, I am so lucky that my neighbor turned out to be my perfect woman, ain't I? The End....
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Yet Another Blind Date Story
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2007, 12:14:59 am »
Yet Another Blind Date Story

*Author's note: Do I really need to do this? You probably already know what to expect from me, as I'm always pushing the boundaries of taste, and I'm always going to be pushing someone's buttons, but whether you like it or not, I'm back again with another of my tales designed to entice you, this time, with an ode to a story type that has been used time and again, the Blind Date story, where men who have had no luck with the opposite sex try out a blind date, and through seemingly miraculous means, they meet their personal fantasies. Well, I'm no different, as I decided to do the exact same thing, though my fantasy seems to be quite a lot different from other peoples, the other Blind Date stories I have read are all about tall, muscular females, much bigger than their male companions, and of course much stronger, well, you know my recent style, much bigger? Nope, much stronger? Oh, heck yeah! Like it always goes with me, if you don't like my personal style of writing, then don't read my stories, I have so many out there, if you've read one or two, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know, you got my style pretty much down pat. But yeah, if you do like my story telling style, all I got to say is thanks for supporting me, I do it just as much for you, as I do it for me, which is what it all should be about. Thanks for reading, thanks for commenting, the readers and my fellow writers are the lifeblood of this genre.* 

   You know, I'm not that much of a confident guy, I'm 5'11 and I weigh 320 pounds, mostly fat, and I have a poor body image anyway, so it makes me pretty shy around the opposite sex. I have dated before, but my natural shyness has pretty much stopped those relationships before they really started, and my constant relationship failures have made my looking for affection even less likely to ever come to fruition. Plus, there is the fact that I am attracted to one kind of woman only, a very strong woman, but not only that, the woman would have to be much smaller than me, but able to lift and carry me with ease. Well, I wouldn't say that's the only woman I go for, but it is the closest to my fantasy that I can articulate right now. And as of yet, I haven't met my fantasy woman, I have dreamed about it, I have written stories about it, but so far, no woman has come and swept me off my feet the way I have wanted and dreamed for so long. So, for the first time in my life, I started browsing the internet for women with similar interests, and body types that would work out for me. My eye was immediately attracted to an ad that said: "Tiny, athletic girl seeking big teddy bear to cuddle and squeeze." That seemed like my perfect girl, I looked up her stats, she was 25 years old, she was 4'10 and weighed 102 pounds, her picture showed a nice blonde girl, but nothing of the body, so I had no way of knowing if it was all muscle or not. Her interests included gymnastics, female bodybuilding, fitness contests, armwrestling, and professional wrestling. I decided to find out more about her, I found her Yahoo Messenger ID, sent her an instant message, and introduced myself to her. Her name turned out to be Tina Alexander, and she had moved around most of the country before settling in Mishicot 1 year ago.

   She turned out to be very receptive, she loved the fact I was a big guy and admitted to it, she said her brother was also very big and she was very close with him. She also said she was from the town of Mishicot, which is a little over 5 miles away from where I lived, so immediately I thought this was too good to be true. But she was the one who wanted to set up a meeting between us, I immediately said "Okay, how about we meet up at Lester Library in my hometown, Two Rivers, its pretty near where I live?" She agreed, seemingly very excited about our meeting, as I definitely was. I mean she seemed to be a very nice person, with interests pretty much the same as mine, and if what she had in her profile was true, she was very strong, muscular and fit. So I got there at the appointed time, and I saw her, she was wearing a long sleeved shirt, so I was disappointed that I wasn't able to see her arms, but her neck was corded with veins and muscle, so I thought she might have some possibilities. She smiled as she saw me walking over, and she put her hand out for me to shake, I did with perhaps a little too much enthusiasm, but it seemed she didn't notice, but my attention was immediately drawn to the force in which she shook my hand. She was a very small woman, only coming up to the top of my chest, but it seemed she put my fingers through a ringer with hardly any effort. I noticeably shook my hand after she let go, trying to get the circulation flowing again, she giggled and said "Oops, sometime I forget my own strength, I've always been stronger than most people I've known, even since I was about 4 years old I could overpower my 8 year old brother, he was a foot taller and twice my weight but I could wrestle and pin him to the ground easily. Ever since then, I just continued to get stronger, without having to work really hard for it, I am probably what most people would call an easy gainer. Not muscle mind you, as you can see, I'm quite small there, but my body is much, much stronger than it looks, I promise you that."

   I was nodding the whole time, not letting her on to my thoughts that this could be a perfect match if what she says is true, of course, I also try my best to conceal my trouser snake which was rigidly erect from her last statement, so I take her hand and said, "To dinner, milady, how do you feel about going out to that new fancy diner in Manitowoc, The Elbow Room?" She giggled and nodded, "Well, if you don't mind me paying for it, I know that place is expensive and I happen to have a lot of money, my family is quite wealthy, and I have been making money through various other means, including a moving company me and my brother started, and by winning fitness contests, not that I want to demean you or your manhood, I am sure you could pay for it, but I just feel like treating you, you're the first person I've been with in about 8 months, my last boyfriend couldn't handle my strength." I nodded and said, "Don't worry about that, Tina, I'm all for going Dutch, and don't worry about your strength around me, I like my women strong, and you seem to be stronger than any woman I've ever been with." She shook her head and said, "I'm sure I am, but you'll find out about that later, and I meant I would pay for both of us, straight up, I want you to not worry about anything tonight, I usually like to take charge, not because I want to threaten your masculinity, I want to take care of any man I'm with, to let them know that they don't have any worries as far as love, money, or anything else in the World." I hung my head for a while, and looked straight into her eye and said, "Tina, while I do think this is quite strange, to have the woman pay for everything, I think you are a nice person, and I'll do whatever you want, as long as you'll have me." She shook her head again, "No, I mean I want to do whatever you want, but I want to be in control of the money aspects of our relationship, I'm very good with numbers, but that's the only aspect of the relationship I want to take charge in, you can ask anything of me, and I'll do so with no complaints, as long as its economically feasible."

   Well, what could I say, dear reader, I mean here was possibly my idea of the perfect woman standing in front of me, asking for me to order her around, to buy me what I wanted, to do anything physically I wanted, what would you do? I said, "Tina, it seems a little like slavery, I mean except that I would do these things in love of you and you would do it for love of me, but ordering you around, it seems a little bit weird." She nodded and said, "I hear that argument from a lot of my boyfriends, but don't worry, I do everything out of love, I want you to understand that you mean the World to me, from our conversations online, to now, you've been a perfect gentleman, and you remind me so much of my older brother, I think it would be best if we just went and see where the evening takes us before we start discussing this again." I nodded and said, "Sure, lets go to the Elbow Room, who's car do you want to take?" She laughed and said, "I would like to drive you around, Jeremy, so let's take my car, that way we can go back to my place after the date and really get down to business." As she said this, she seemed to lick her lips and bat her eyelashes at me, that made me surrender to her will, and I agreed, anyway, I had walked there so it made more sense to take her car. We went, talked a little over supper, about her brother, her job, my job, just small talk, after eating a nice dessert, a piece of strawberry cheesecake, we decided to go to the movies, she moved a little closer to me inside the theater and I put my hand on her shoulder. I couldn't believe it, it felt like stone, I tried squeezing it, poking it with my fingers, but nothing dented the muscle, and she hardly noticed, actually thinking I was tickling her instead of powering down on her with all the strength I contained in my large hand. After the movie ended we got in her car and she took us to her house, a ranch style house with a big basement, which she outfitted as a sort of gym, with gymnastic mats, a huge weight machine in the corner, and several dumbbells and barbells laying around, not one that looked under 150 pounds, even the dumbbells!

   She took me down to the gym immediately, as she knew I was as curious and excited about her strength as she was excited to show it to me. She said, "Jeremy, just go sit over on the bench there, I want to get into my workout clothes, there's a fridge upstairs in case you want a drink, I'll be out in a couple minutes." I went up, found the fridge, took a diet coke, and went back down to sit on the bench she told me to. About 4 minutes later she came out wearing a lycra top and shorts, they were light blue with orange highlights, she also changed her shoes from her pumps to a pair of white sneakers. I was mesmerized at the sight of her body though, her clothes showed up a fully ripped, striated frame, it wasn't big by any means, about the size of a gymnast, but you could see every single muscle pulse, she had a body an anatomy chart would be jealous of, including a six pack that was ripped and even had veins running all up and down. I was taken aback at the sight, I mean she was so shredded, I had never seen any man take his body to these limits, it was like watching an alien from another planet, you knew you had never seen anything like it before, nor would any time in the future. She smiled as she saw the awed look in my eyes and said, "Well, what do you think?" I had to shake my head for a second to regain my senses, and had trouble getting my mouth working, but I finally made out, "Tina, your body is absolutely amazing, I have never seen anything like it, I've been a fan of bodybuilding for over 15 years now and in all that time, I haven't even seen a man achieve the level of definition you have, you're like the ideal body chart, not an ounce of fat, every muscle defined and visible." Tina smiled more, but then seemed a little more contrite as she asked, "Are you disappointed that I'm not bigger, I have heard you say you like bigger muscle on a woman, like Collette Guimond or Renne Toney, how is my body compared to theirs?"

   I thought about it for a while, it wasn't quite an easy answer, but it was the truth from my eyes, "You're right, I've been a fan of big women for a long time, but that is mostly because they projected the look of power through their huge muscles, but with you, I feel you're perfectly defined muscles show as much, if not more power than those two women have ever had, and from the first time I met you, when you shook my hand and almost crushed it effortlessly, I knew you were probably the strongest woman I had ever met, maybe even the strongest woman in the World, and if I would have to chose between Renne, Collette or you, I'd pick you, because you fulfill my fantasy more than those other women." She smiled even bigger and came over, she asked me to feel her bicep, I put my hand on it, being that it was fairly small I could fit my whole hand over it, but I started squeezing it with all the might I could in that one hand, nothing, not one dent, I didn't accomplish anything other than cramping my own hand up. She said, "Before we get into it heavy, I want you to strip, don't worry, my brother is XXXL as well, he's been heavy for a long time, I bought some new clothes for him a month ago, before we started talking, but I never gave them to him, so I'll give them to you, then we can't start working out, however you want my dear." So I took the clothes, a gray T-shirt and a pair of black shorts, went into the bathroom and put them on, they fit perfectly, I was very comfortable in them. I came out of the bathroom to find Tina readying the bench press, she had 225 on the bar, which I told her is what my regular workout weight was, but I may have been lying a bit, because really, that was my max for all time. I got under the bar anyway, hoping to impress her, and got 2 reps out of it. Noticing my struggle, she giggled a little and said, "Well, that was impressive Jeremy, you're stronger than most normal guys, but you've got a long way to go before you start coming near my strength." With that she took off the 45 pound weights and started piling 100 pound plates on both sides of the bar, when she was finished the bar was bending under the extreme mass, I counted out the weights and found that there were 7 100 pounders on each side, if the bar weighed 45 pounds, that would have equaled 1,445 pounds, well over anything any woman has ever squatted or deadlifted in history, and she proposed to bench it!

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Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: Yet Another Blind Date Story
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2007, 12:15:31 am »
Part 2 of Yet Another Blind Date Story

"This should be a decent warm-up, then I'm really going heavy, baby!" She took the bar off the rack without even a grunt and brought it down to her flat, though incredibly striated and veiny pecs, then brought it straight up again in one smooth motion, then kept going and going, until finally, 100 reps later, she set the bar back down in the rack. She wasn't even breathing hard as she took the hundred pounders off with ease, two at a time, and brung in some even bigger plates, again, one in each hand, they filled her tiny hands, and if I had to judge from their size, I would guess weighed 250 pounds a piece, but she was carrying them with absolute ease, here was a small woman, carrying over 2 and a half times her own bodyweight in each hand like she was handling pieces of paper. She set them down next to the bench, not putting them on the bar, then after placing 4 on each side of the bench, she picked up the bar on the bench and stood it up against the wall, then went into a storage closet, bringing back a much longer and thicker bar. "This bar weighs 200 pounds, it's made of denser steel than a regular 45 pound bar, it was specially made for me when I was 18, because regular weight bars couldn't hold the weights I were capable of lifting even then, and I'm much stronger now than I was then." She put the bar down on it, then piled the 8 250 pound plates on each side, making the total 2200 pounds, then she put on 4 more 100 pound plates on each side, making the grand total weight 3000 pounds, almost 10 times what I weighed!  I was getting kind of nervous, I mean I was impressed by her strength already, but if she could lift that, it would have been unreal, that means this woman couldn't possibly exist in the real world. But she got down, despite my uneasiness and started repping out the 3000 pounds like it was nothing to her, I mean, the weight itself was 30 times her own weight, but she treated it like a feather, as it went up and down with incomprehensible ease, perhaps repping it out 2 times per second, she finally finished after doing 300 reps. This was still a part of her warm-up, even though the weight on the bar was just under the weight of a car!

   "Okay, okay, I think you've seen enough, huh honey? Just so you know, that 3000 pounds felt just as light as the 1450 pounds, there is probably no weight that can be constructed that I can't lift. And the story I told you about me and my brother, well that was sort of a lie, itself, I was 4, but he wasn't 8, he was 10 years old, and he didn't weigh twice what I did, I weighed 40 pounds, and he weighed 120 pounds, so he weighed 3 times what I did, at the time. Not only did I pin him and overpower him with ease, I armwrestled him, telling him to use both his hands against my one, I beat him with ease, then I carried him around the house, his 120 pounds hardly even making me try. At 4, I was probably as strong as a fully grown man, and like I said, my strength just kept growing and growing, now, at 25, I wouldn't even venture a guess as to how strong I am, but rest assured, if I was pushing against the offensive line of a NFL team, I would likely win with ease, if I had a tug of war against the whole team, I think I might win that as well. I'm sorry for lying to you, I didn't know how you would react, how are you feeling?" I was shaken, here I was, standing in the presence of a woman, who herself was 1/3 my weight, who was shorter than me by 1 foot, and she may be stronger than an entire football team! If this was a dream, I never wanted to wake up, because I have found my dream woman! "I'm sorry, Tina, I'm finding it hard to speak right now, most of the blood that was meant for my brain has gone down to my other head down below my waist, but I still want to be with you, to help you explore the limits of your strength, I have always fantasized of meeting a woman like you, someone who could lift and carry me with ease, in whatever ways I could request, I want to stay with you, because you're my ideal woman, and I want you to lift me because I haven't been lifted by a woman since before I was 10 years old, and now you're standing here right in front of me, with the strength of a football team in your tiny body, and I want to experience it for myself."

   This got a small yip from her, and she rushed over to me, she put her tiny, short arms around my waist and lifted me straight off the ground and started spinning me around, like what you would see in a romantic movie, except the roles were switched. She held me up there, looked into my eyes, and then put her hands underneath my armpits, lifting me straight above her head with no effort at all. "Oh, Jeremy, I'm so happy, you're everything I want in a man, I want to lift you in any way you want me to, as long as you'll have me, heck, you're so light right now, I could keep you up thee all day!" But she brought me down to her, and kissed me passionately. I returned with the passion with the best French kiss I ever remember giving, I was still off the ground, bending my knees as she held me under my armpits, and I realized, she probably wasn't joking, my weight seemed like nothing more than a grain of rice on her finger, even though I weighed 3 times what she did. After she set me down on my feet, my feet immediately left the ground again, as she cradled me against her ultra-hard physique and started carrying me up to her room, she almost sprinted up the stairs as though my weight was no inconvenience to her at all, and jogged to her room, she then dumped me on her bed, ripped off her clothes, then ripped off mine. She didn't waste any time as she leaped on me, her hard muscle meeting my much softer flesh with a sort of splotch sound, we kissed each other even more passionately, then she reached down to my fully engorged 9 inch penis and inserted it into her vagina, which it seemed sucked me right into it with muscles I never even thought existed! It seems that orifice might be just as strong as the rest of her!

   That thought gave me an idea, "Tina, wait, I don't know if you read a lot of stories at Diana the Valkyrie, but a while back there was this story named Mistress Mona's Stable part 3, in which the guy and Mistress Mona were making love, she did a bridge, and only with the power of her vagina, was moving the man, who probably weighed twice as much as her, in and out, do you think your pussy is that strong my dear?" She giggled and said, "Yes, I know all about Diana the Valkyrie's site, and that just happens to be one of my favorite stories, but as of yet I haven't acted that out with any of my former boyfriends, I'm glad to it for you, my sweet." With that, she took her hands off me, started bending herself backwards into a bridge, her hands on the back of her head, and I was raised straight in the air by my her. After she got herself in position, a look of concentration came over her face, and I suddenly felt a tightening in her vaginal muscles! Oh my god, I think she's going to do it I thought to myself, and I was right, with her grip she started rippling it to bring me out, then brought me back in, she went like this 10 times before I couldn't take it anymore and squirted my cum into her vagina. I thought for a while, then I shouted, "Oh no, I didn't use any protection! Please tell me you're on the pill!" She nodded and giggled, "Don't worry about it Jeremy, I am on the pill right now, and even if I did get pregnant, we could move back in with my family, they live in a huge house down in Madison, we could raise the baby there, but we won't have to worry about that for a while, at least if you want to stay with me." I could only smile and said, "Of course I'll stay with you, forever my darling, I know we only just met today, but you're everything I've ever looked for in a woman, you're just as perfect as I could envision any woman, and like I said, I want to explore every facet of your strength with you, for as long as you want me, so what I'm saying is, Tina Alexander, will you marry me?" I got down on the floor and kissed her tiny hands, which were about half the size of mine, but held many hundred times their power. She cried a little, the first sign of any weakness in her, pulled me up to my feet and said "Yes, yes, of course I'll marry you!" She kissed me passionately again, wrapped her arms around my back and lifted me off the ground again in a gentle bear hug. Our wedding is set for July next year, and I'm looking forward to the honeymoon more than ever, imagine the sight of a tiny woman carrying her much bigger husband over the threshold! God, I must be the luckiest guy in the world! The End.

Please, don't hesitate to give me K+ if you enjoyed my story and thanx in advance if you do.
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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The Crossing Over
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2007, 07:50:37 am »
The Crossing Over

*Author’s Note: I think I have written most kinds of stories, and looking back, I think science fiction stories have been my most successful, so here I go with another science fiction type tale, where the main female character comes to us from another dimension, where all women are like she is, hugely muscular, super powerful, and completely sexually uninhibited. This is sort of my homage to Musclebound’s stories, but unlike most of his characters, my female characters will be very gentle and caring concerning her mortal male characters, despite the fact that she could be billions of times stronger than they are. That’s one of the things that draw me to his particular stories, that fact that no feat of strength is beyond their reach, they can do things that the human imagination has a hard time conceiving, with barely the flick of their pinky. This story may resemble Future of Woman, also written by yours truly, but trust me, I am trying my best here to make it a completely different story, while still trying to infuse the spirit of that story into this one. Like in all my stories, there will be some haters who have never liked anything written by me, and some that love every single thing I do, to the former, I hope that I eventually change your view of me through hard work, but if not, that’s okay, I try to write stories to render my own personal fantasies, not to render your fantasies, however similar it may be. To the latter, may I say thanks for staying about so long, through the ups and downs of my career, and I hope you enjoy this story as well. And for the rest of you, if you enjoy stories of nearly infinitely strong women, read on, if you don’t, I suggest you find something else to read, for this won’t be to your liking. Some characters are not my property, so I hope the creators of those characters are not perturbed by my use of them.**

The Arrival of Zendala
   The night was dark, the sky a shade of deep blue that hasn't even a name, the clouds gray, some white and fluffy, but there was a wind in the air that chilled Michael Stevens to the bone as he walked the highway looking for a car to hitchhike with, he was trying to get to a phone, he was heading home, but his car broke down a couple miles back, he has had no contact for the past 7 hours and was exhausted with hardly anything to drink or eat. It may have been a hallucination, something brought on by his severe fatigue, it could have been a waking dream, but he saw something incredible. A large, silverish colored flash could be seen from miles around, if there was anyone other than him to see it, it was 40 meters away from where he was standing, he shielded his eyes away from the light, only to find an incredibly large silhouette of what looked like a person standing where the flash had been just a couple seconds before. The image looked incredibly wide, though not very tall compared to his 6'2, on closer inspection, he could see that it was indeed a woman, though like no woman he had ever seen in all of his life. Coming closer to her, he noticed that she was quite short, only about 4'10 or so, but despite his height advantage, he could tell she may have weighed more than his 220 pounds, as she looked more muscular than any male bodybuilder he's ever seen! It was also clear from her eyes, that she didn't know what was going on, or where she was, but she immediately saw the man moving towards her and yelled out, in clear English, "Who are you and Where am I?"

   "Well, my name is Michael Stevens, and where you are, I don't really know, I've been walking in the desert for miles and miles, the last town was at least 7 miles back, Lake Tahoe, Nevada." Michael found it hard to talk and even to breath really, as he looked on at the face of the woman he was talking to, it was almost too beautiful for words, she made the World Class beauty of Angelina Jolie look like a pig in slop! She had nice, plump limps, shiny blond hair that went down to her shoulders, piercing dark blue eyes, and a pert, petite little nose. He quickly broke the spell, "My question, what's your name, and how did you get here?" She smiled and said, "Well, Michael, you can call me Zendala, as for how I got here, I don't really know, we were having a thunderstorm in my home village, and a bolt of lightning hit me and I guess it must have shifted me into this dimension." Michael's mind could barely wrap itself around what she just said, she was from another dimension. "Another dimension, well, what makes your dimension so different from this one?" Michael asked in a perplexed voice. "Well, in my home village, everyone looks like me, we're all muscular women, and there are no men, they have been scared off by our muscle and strength, so you're the first man I have seen in 12 of our years." With that she suddenly started coming on to Michael, it was obvious by the look in her eye that she wanted him, but he was a bit taken aback by her, I mean she was tremendously muscular, and she came from a World where women are the superior race, so who knows what she could do to him? Michael said. “Zendala, you are a very beautiful woman, but I don't know, you are probably too strong for me, I mean I do like my women strong, but if you are as strong as you look, I'm sure you'd squash me in less than a second!" Zendala laughed a bit at that, saying "Oh, I'm much, much stronger than I look, but don't worry, I can be very gentle as well, I can control my strength, so you have absolutely nothing to worry about there, sweety."

   Michael was considering this, he thought a while and said, "Still, I would like to know just how strong you are, I have read many stories on the internet involving strong ladies, I don't know how long you're staying in this dimension, and of course, you are here now, claiming to be very, very strong, so it would be cool to see exactly what those gigantic muscles can do and I don't know if I ever will have this chance again." Zendala nodded and said, "Well, to tell you the truth, I don't really know all of what I'm capable of, you see we are brought up to be strong from the time we're infants, so I started off lifting small things, and kept on through, until I reached my current age of 19, I lifted the equivalent of your weight when I was 2 standard years old, and have just gotten stronger and stronger since then. But, I would love to see how strong I am in this dimension, perhaps I am even stronger over here than I was in my home dimension, there's only one way to find out!" With that she walked over to a fairly big rock, about 3 feet by 1 and a half foot, probably weighed about 180 pounds, she reached down with one hand, crunching her fingers into it to establish a grip, and with minimal effort, lifted over her head with that one arm. "This is nothing, I hope you got some bigger weights around here than this!" With that she threw it up in the air straight up, and when it came down, she flicked it away with her index finger, way away, I mean it crossed over the horizon going 1000 miles per hour or more. She moved over to a much bigger rock, about 5 feet tall, 7 feet long and three feet across, I'm guessing it must have weighed 3 tons, if it weighed an ounce, she picked it up with two hands and raised it above her head with seeming ease! "This is just as easy, look!" She took one of her hands off of it, and started tossing it back and forth between her hands like a beach ball, before finally balancing it overhead with one finger! That huge rock was nothing to her, 6000 pounds being supported first with her index finger, then with nothing but her pinky finger, and it was just as light for each!

   She became board of this after a while, no challenge was had for her, so she flicked it with her pinky straight up, and it flew higher and higher, out of sight, really, I'm sure it left Earth's atmosphere, as it didn't come down anywhere around us! Her power was beyond belief, I mean even that was beyond my imagining when Michael first asked her to demonstrate some of her power for him. Of course, she wasn't even close to being done yet, what she had used up to that point is a very, very small percentage of her overall strength, she was just running short of objects to test her strength on out here. "Michael, I want to test my strength more, but there doesn't seem to be anything out here heavy enough to do that with, is there anything close to here that you know of?" Michael thought about it for a bit and said, "Well, there's this new gym in Las Vegas that opened about 2 months ago, called the Mega Power and Bodybuilding gym, they have strength requirements that members have to reach, only the strongest 10 percent of Superheroes from around the Universe are being let in, and only one Woman has qualified so far, Wonder Woman, but I have no doubts that you might have what it takes to work out there." She smiled and turned around, nodding for Michael to get on her back, he did and said, "Las Vegas is 200 miles in that direction", pointing west. She nodded again and took off, running awesomely fast, everything became a blur for Michael, he was lucky he was holding on tight, as Zendala was going close to 300 miles per hour, and for her it was a light jog, she was capable of going much, much faster! Michael just closed his eyes when the velocity was getting too fast for him, but suddenly we stopped, he opened them after what seemed like a few seconds to find that they were there!

   Michael got down from Zendala's wide back and round, hard butt cheeks and went to the front door, he tried pulling it open with one hand, but it wouldn't budge, then with both hands and all his power, he couldn't get the door to move at all, it must have weighed hundreds of pounds, he couldn't even budge it an inch. Zendala laughed a bit and said, "What's the matter, honey, is that door too big and heavy for you, let little old me take care of it for you." She grasped the door handle with one hand and pulled it open with seeming ease, ushering Michael into the gym, seemingly not even noticing the doors weight and bulk on the end of her arm. They were immediately stopped by a huge guy, he must have been 6'8 and 450 pounds of muscle, who said "Rules state that in order to enter, you must defeat me in an armwrestling match, just so you know, I have 25,000 times the strength of a normal man, do you accept this match?" He was looking at Michael at the time of saying this, not even think about Zendala, who stepped forward and said, "I am the one who accept this challenge, I think I am strong enough to beat you, so let's get it on!" The huge man couldn't believe his eyes, here was a girl, almost two feet shorter than him, 230 pounds less than him at least, and she was the one challenging him to a strength match, was she insane? But he noticed that she did seem especially muscular for her size, so it might be a better than average match, he thought that She-Hulk just missed being a member, and Supergirl hadn't applied yet, so it may be sort of cool to have more females around. He motioned to a close-at-hand armwrestling table and signaled Michael to be the referee, Zendala and he clasped their hands, he had all the leverage so he called for 2 phone books to be placed under her elbow. "On three, ready, one, two, three, go!" Michael counted down, but they didn't seem to really go at all, Michael could tell the bouncer was straining, but he couldn't see any signs of strain out of Zendala, in fact she was smiling! She looked calmly over to Michael and winked, then looked back at the huge, straining bodybuilder and said, "Have you started, yet? Why don't you use two hands, cause I'm feeling you pushing at all." The enormous man looked up to his tiny opponent's face, and nodded, joining his right arm with his left, pulling with all the strength he had in two arms against her one. Yet it wasn't changing the situation any, her arm stood motionless, against his two huge, veiny, 32 inch arms, finally she gently forced his arms down to the table without out any effort and entered the gym. Michael tried to enter too, but the man said "Hey, only she enters, you haven't beaten me, yet." Zendala didn't like the sound of that.

   She approached him, threateningly, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but I happen to have well over twice your strength, this man happens to be my trainer and boyfriend, if you don’t let him in, I will drag you in by your hair and physically humiliate you right in front of everyone in that gym, do you want that, small fry?” She flexed her biceps to emphasize her point, and for the first time, the man could see what he was dealing with, her arms reaching 26 inches around in seconds, finally stopping at 30 inches around, she was 2 feet shorter, 230 pounds lighter, but her biceps were only 2 inches smaller than his own! He was greatly humbled and motioned them both towards the gym door, “Go ahead, Miss, and I’m sorry for the inconvenience, sir, you can go in too.” Michael and Zendala went into the interior of the huge gym, they were amazed by the sight that lay before them, tons and tons of huge weights, weight machines, and specially designed cardio equipment that was meant for only the strongest people in the entire Universe. Zendala put her hand on her mouth, trying to cover her school-girl like giggling as she saw weights she knew no 20,000 men could lift, Michael was more in awe of all the iron, steel and lead weights that were bigger than some cars. Dumbbells looked only a little bigger than he was used to, but he knew they were built to be hundreds of times denser than normal dumbbells in order to hold the incomprehensible weights they did. He went over to the smallest one he could find, which had a 5 on the side, so he thought it weighed only 5 pounds, but no matter what he did, he couldn't budge it in the least, using all his power and weight, he couldn't get what was normally a very light weight for him off the rack. He stopped trying, then Zendala, whom Michael started referring to as Zendie, took it right off the rack and started curling it with ease. "You silly man, don't you realize that the 5 on the side doesn't stand for pounds, it stands for tons! This dumbbell weighs 10,000 pounds!"

   She did 100 reps for each arm before deciding to put it down and find some bigger weights to lift. She moved on down to the 50 ton dumbbells and picked one up in each arm, 100,000 pounds on each arm and she barely noticed their weight! Again she did 100 reps with each arm and with a sigh put them back down, she was bored, as the supposedly heavy weights were truly weightless to her. Without a second thought, she went all the way to the end of the dumbbell rack, where she lifted two dumbbells off the rack that had 250 marked on the side, if every weight on up meant tons, the total she held in her hands weighed 500,000 pounds! But no, there was an M on the side, so it  didn't weigh 250 tons, it must have weighed 250 mega-tons! She was in the process of lifting 500,000,000 pounds, and she didn't notice a difference! She skipped right over the tons and went into the mega-ton dumbbells and didn't even register that she made a mistake, only the strongest of the strongest of superheroes could even budge those weights, and my girlfriend was curling them just as easily as she curled the 50 ton dumbbells! "Zendala, do you notice any added weight on those?" Zendala shook her head no and asked why, Michael said "Well, those aren't 250 tons, darling, those are 250 Mega-tons, that means its 1000 times the weight of 250 tons, those dumbbells weigh 500 million pounds a piece, and you're curling them like nothing!" She looked down in shock, mouth open, then she looked back at Michael, "I couldn't really feel a difference, I mean, 50 tons and 250 mega tons really felt the same, and I'm completely honest here, I wonder how heavy the machines are, maybe they can give me some kind of pump?" She went over to a bench press machine, the clip down at the bottom said 500M, Michael and Zendala guessed the total weight at the bottom of the stack was 1 billion pounds, Zendala got down and set the clip at the bottom, preparing to lift more weight than anyone but the absolute strongest of the strongest superheroes could lift! She smiled at Michael, then got herself focused and pressed the weight above her, she was still smiling as she brought the weight down to her chest and pressed it up again, the weight was a joke to her! 1 billion pounds of steel, and Zendala treated it like a stuffed animal, after finishing 100 reps with both arms, she decided to experiment and placed one hand in the middle of the bar, with a slight grunt, she raised the billion pounds with that one hand, it was slightly harder, but she still managed to get 25 before stopping and doing another 25 with her other arm.

   When Zendala finally got up, she found a hugely muscular green skinned man staring at her, standing right next to Michael. She assumed this was the fabled Incredible Hulk who was said to be the second strongest superhero on Earth, next to Superman. He was all of 9 feet tall, and about 7 and a half feet wide at the shoulders. His traps were just under his ears and he had a brutish, caveman like face. His awe and wonder were apparent though as he stared right at Zendala's muscled body, I guess he wasn't used to seeing a woman that strong, his cousin, She-Hulk wasn't even close, and Wonder Woman had never ever done a feat of strength like he witnessed Zendala do. Zendala looked right in his eyes and raised her eyebrow asking as if asking a question. Hulk shyly said, "Hulk sorry, me never see such a strong girl, Hulk himself have trouble benching whole stack with both hands, girl use one hand and lift it easy, Hulk wonder how it possible?" Zendala blushed a little and said, "Well, Hulk, my name is Zendala, I don't come from this Dimension, I come from an alternate dimension where every woman is strong like me, I came here to see how strong I am, but it appears nothing in this gym is heavy enough for me not to be able to lift it. I mean 1 billion pounds was just about as heavy to me as 100 pounds, I guess I'm just infinitely strong, unfortunately there isn't much to test my strength on here, without hurting millions, perhaps billions of people." The Hulk was rubbing his chin, as if he was thinking of a way to possibly test her strength without hurting anyone, "Hulk don't know, but maybe Dr. Banner would, he smart, he make Hulk, he do scientific stuff every day, he could help you test strength." Zendala and Michael smiled at each other, and Zendala said, "Sure, I'd love to meet him, so when can we discuss this with him?" Hulk shrugged, "Dr. Banner isn't here now, he come out only when Hulk go away, Hulk don't know when next time that happens."

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Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: The Crossing Over
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2007, 07:51:00 am »
Part 2

So the trio waited a couple of hours, going to Hulk/Banner's laboratory, where they sat and discussed Zendala's incredible power, how the billion pounds actually felt to her, Michael took her measurements, and Hulk told them of his exploits in his brutish, caveman-like manner. Michael was amazed to find that even though Zendala was only 4'10, she weighed 255 pounds, and her muscles were well over what could be considered normal for superheavyweight male bodybuilders, her calves were 29 inches, her thighs 44 inches, her waist was a miniscule 22 inches, her chest was 67 inches, over three times her waist measurement, and her biceps were 30 inches around. She was not ripped to shreds, but her body did seem like stone to Michael and Hulk as they tried to squeeze it in places, and even Hulk, with his hand size and strength, couldn't dent her muscles in the least. About 4 hours after arriving at the lab, Hulk started growing smaller, and he reverted back to World renowned scientist Bruce Banner. Bruce listened to Zendala and Michael's problems and he thought about it, before coming to the conclusion of finding a thicker and denser metal to make weights out of, then putting them all together and making a weight unheard of at the gym, a 1 million Mega-ton barbell! Zendala's and Michael's eyes popped open at the sound of that, he was proposing to build a barbell that weighed 2 trillion pounds! That weight had been unheard of in history, it was the equivalent of the whole state of Nevada!

2 months later

   “Well, its finally complete Zendala, Michael, the 2 trillion pound weight has finally been created!” Dr. Banner shouted excitedly to the couple waiting in the kitchen of his lab/house. They had been staying there in his extra room for the past 2 months, trying to learn all they could about the dimensional gate that lead Zendala to this reality, and also how to combine metals to become heavier and denser, now they had come up with a solution to both, with Dr. Banner's help, of course, particle physics was the answer. They found a way to make an alternate dimensional portal as a way to try and get Zendala back to her regular dimension, and they also were able to figure out how to combine titanium with the material that the weights from the Mega Power and Bodybuilding Gym to create a new metal, one that was so dense, a plate that looked to be about 45 pounds to the average human being actually weighs 45,000 pounds using the new metal. Michael and Zendala walk in to find a super huge barbell with plates the size of tractor tires, the barbell itself looks as thick around as an I-beam. The weights were so huge, that the bar towered over Zendala's head, but Dr. Banner had seen to that, making a bunch of stairs out of the same material that he made the barbell out of. "Wow, that barbell is huge, do you think you could possibly lift it, Zendala?" Michael asked, still staring at the enormous barbell standing in front of him. Zendala stepped up the stairs and took as good a grip on the I beam-sized bar as she could, "There's only one way to find out Michael, and that's by trying." She breathed in and out a couple times, got herself set, and with a grunt of effort, she started lifting, this weight, 2 trillion pounds of metal, was slowly rising off the floor in her hands. But it was not an easy weight for her, she was struggling with every once of strength in her body, and it showed. Her muscles, which up until now Michael had never seen strain for anything, were in full detail, the shoulders striated beyond anything he's ever seen in his life, her chest was not only striated deeply, it was thicker than he's ever seen from her, and the veins were highly visible, at neat an inch thick each! Her abs were zipped up into 10 separate blocks of muscle, an inch and a half deep between each block, her thighs shaking with the strain, showing off each separate head of her quadriceps, striations and veins running crazily over each sector. Finally, she had straightened up, the bar completely off the floor, being held in the arms of this other worldly woman. She was having noticeable trouble standing with it, but she knew if she dropped it, she could do considerable damage to the Earth, not to mention to her lover, Michael and Dr. Banner, so with all the power she had remaining in her body, she lowered it as gently to the ground as she could. 

   Michael rushed up to Zendala to hug and congratulate her, but he actually had to catch her, as the power had drained from her body from lifting the incredible weight, she couldn't hardly stand, he and Dr. Banner had to carry her back into their guest bedroom where she stayed until she got her strength back. When she recovered enough, she decided it was time for her to go back to her home dimension, she had basically done what she set out to do, test her strength limits and learn all she could of the dimension she had been forced to come to by a freak accident. Michael had begged her not to go, but she knew this wasn't her home, even with the love she felt for Michael, she knew she had to move on, but Michael did not want to leave her side. He packed a bag and stood beside her in the Nexus machine that would transfer her back to her home dimension. She pleaded with him not to, but he said, "Zendala, I really have no place in this World, I'm unemployed, I have no one to love here, but I found you, and I love you, not just for your strength and muscle, but for you, yourself and I can't leave you now, I'm willing to give up my life in this dimension to go back with you to yours and live with you there, as the only man in your village, as long as I have you, I'm willing to take whatever risks necessary, please take me along with you!" A tear came to Zendala's eye, and she nodded, speechless with love and caring for the man she adored. Michael signaled Dr. Banner to start the machine, and they were sent to Zendala's dimension in a brilliant sphere of whitish-silver while engaged in a loving, passionate kiss.  The End?
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Offline Jeremy Lightning

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A Short Story- Lauren
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2007, 05:25:25 pm »
A Short Story - Lauren

*Author’s Note: Hey all, its me again, back at it again, doing my usual pre-story spiel about how if you don’t like a story about a vertically challenged woman with extreme muscle and strength, don’t read it, because that’s exactly what this story is about. Its almost the same story that I did a couple months ago, but I'm going to try something different here to make it seem like two completely different stories, and I hope that comes through in my writing. First of all, I made the first story about a fairly muscular woman, who just happens to come up to my waist, and happens to be about 5 times as strong as a normal man, this is going to be a woman who is a little bit taller than that, with hardly any muscle, but well, her strength should be a whole lot more. This story may follow along the lift and carry portions of the previous story, but that's fine, because that's one of my favorite story elements, and I think almost all of my stories from now on should have a little element of lift and carry. I do enjoy writing, don't get me wrong, as it seems I'm ungrateful in these things, I appreciate every comment I get, good and bad, we're all trying to improve here and there as writers and I can only do that through feedback, which I don't get often enough these days, so if you read this story, please don't hesitate to send your comments to me, I would really like to see what you think. I don't do these stories for just anybody, because no one really has my particular tastes in stories, I do it mostly for myself, but if anyone has a good time while reading my stories, are they turn you on in any way, may I say thanks to all those people.*

   I was walking down main street when I saw something out of the corner of my eye, down a back alley I saw a small woman, I estimated her height at about 4'3, and she looked to be pretty thin, tiny basically, but she was fighting off two big men at the same time, they were trying to snatch her purse, but she wasn't backing down in the least, pulling back with enough force to negate their combined force! These guys were not small at all, I estimated their height to be at least 6'3 a piece, and one was bigger than the other, but the smaller one must have weighed 225 pounds if he weighed an ounce, the bigger one was probably 260 pounds, so really, a woman who probably weighed 75 pounds was struggling against a combined 485 pounds and appeared to be winning! I decided to go and investigate, I moved closer and I heard the smaller one shouting, "What the hell is happening here, how can you be doing this, you're a friggin' midget, pull harder Jerry, she can't hold out for too long!" The larger one was straining, every bit of hid body pulling against the force of someone seemingly one third his size, but much stronger than him. I said "Hey, what are you doing with her?" The two guys suddenly let go of the bag and ran off in the other direction, I guess figuring that they couldn't take her on 2 on 1, so there was no way they could take two people on at the same time.

   The little lady looked up into my eyes and said, "Thanks Mister, but I could have held my own against those two, they're lucky I didn't use much of my power or they'd be spending a lot of time in the hospital." Hmmm, I thought to myself, maybe I should get to know this lady a little bit better, the way she talks she could be the strongest person on Earth, and well, I've always been attracted to strong women, especially ones who are well shorter than me, and less than 1/4 my weight, but could most likely lift me and carry me around with ease. "I know, I saw how you had them struggling against you, two grown men almost 500 pounds struggling against one, and excuse me for saying this, one very small woman, it was an incredible thing to watch, I was just worried that they might get tired of that game and physically attack you, even with your great strength, I doubt you're invulnerable." She laughed and said, "Thanks for your concern sweetie, but I swear to you, I was never in any real trouble, I was just hoping they would make a move so I could show them my true power, unfortunately you came along too early and I never got that chance." I thought about it a bit and said, "Well, I'm here, you could show your true power to me, I have been a fan of strong women for the last 15 years, and to meet someone who seems to be superhumanly strong, well, that goes beyond my wildest fantasies."

   "Well, that's all well and good, Mister, umm?" She asked, waiting for me to respond with my name, which I told her, "Wilson, Jeremy Wilson, miss?" She shook my hand with surprising strength and said, "My name's Lauren Schwartz, I'm new around here and I wouldn't mind having a guide show me around, are you available, Jeremy?" I smile at the question, "Of course, I'm available, how's Saturday night, 7pm, Lauren?" Lauren nods her head with a smile and a blush, "Sure, Saturday at 7pm, my address is 1712 Hawthorne Avenue, it's a ranch style white house, you can pick me up there." I laughed and said, "I live pretty close to there, strange I haven't seen you around the neighborhood, I live at 1310 School Street, wow, its a small world, huh?" She laughed and said, "Why don't we just walk then, you can walk over to my house, you know where it is, right?" I nodded, "Sure, that would be great, it would be very romantic as well, I mean, strolling along, getting to know each other better, I'll see you at 7, Ms. Schwartz." Lauren blushed and nodded and we parted ways, I was confident after seeing her exert her power against those two would be muggers that she might be strong enough to lift and carry my 300 pounds in a couple different ways and the thought excited me to no end.

   I walked over at 6:30, it was about a 10 minute walk, and I wanted to get to know Lauren as quickly as possible. Unfortunately for me, I managed to twist my ankle before I got there and had to hop the rest of the way, I managed to get there at 6:50 and crawled up the steps, I stood up on my good leg and rang the doorbell. Lauren answered the door, and I tried my best to smile and act casual, but she could tell that I was in a great amount of pain by the grimace on my face, then looked down at my feet, seeing that I had all the weight on my left foot and my right foot hung limp. "Jeremy, what happened?" I said, "Well, I twisted my ankle about a block and a half back, but I'm okay, just need to sit down for a while and rest it." She put her arm around my waist and told me to support myself on her shoulder, but it was kind of hard because of the fact that her shoulder was about a foot and a half below my own shoulder, but I put it there and basically leaned on her with all my weight and hopped over to her couch. She didn't complain or strain a bit with my weight on her, I weigh 320 pounds, and she probably weighed about 75, at the most, but the fact that I outweighed her 4 to 1 did nothing to stop her from helping me in whatever way she could, in fact, I was lighter than air because she decided to clamp her arm around me and lift me so my feet didn't even come in contact with the floor, the smile on her face showed me that she was using a minimum of effort for this amazing feat.

   "I guess going for a walk is out of the question now, huh, Lauren, well I'm sure we can think of things to do around here." Lauren smiled and said, "I guess we can explore what makes you so attracted to me, my strength, I see that you're hard from the fact that I practically carried you over here with only one arm." I shyly nodded my head and asked, "Well, I would love to know exactly how strong you are and how you got that way, you don't have any obvious muscle based on your slim frame, but the way you handled me just now, you have got to be one of the strongest people on the planet!" It was her turn to look shy, "Well, I was born with a little genetic defect, known as a myostatin blocking gene, what it basically does is cut off the way that your body limits your strength and muscle growth." I nod my head in understanding, "Yes, I have read some articles about that on the internet, it seems that some people have side affects, it seems we know what may be yours." I expected her to be angry, but instead she laughed a little and said, "Yeah, I guess that's true, when God decided to gift me with an extremely strong body, he should take away something, but I'm okay with it, I've lived this way for 20 years, and I really have no complaints, my strength has made up for my lack of height in so many ways." I nodded for her to continue, "Anyway, my strength developed very early, by the time I was 8 months old I was already walking, and pulling my feet off the ground, I almost was pulling my self up, chin up style, you know? My parents took me to several doctors, all of which prognosis me as completely healthy, though I had 40 percent more muscle mass for someone my age, it wasn't normal, but that didn't mean I couldn't live a normal, happy life, though very few of the events in my life were normal growing up." She hesitated to continue, I urged her on though, as this was a very interesting subject to me.

   "Well, I have 2 older brothers, one was 4 years older than me, the other 7 years older, it really disturbed them to see their baby sister do such advanced things, things that they couldn't even do, like lift one end of the couch by the time I was 3 years old, or wrestle my 8 year old brother down to the ground and pin him when I was 4." Wow, I thought to myself, I wonder what the size difference was then, that's my main fetish, basically, to see the smaller girl overpower the bigger boy, so that's the main thing that has attracted me to Lauren. "The first grown man I beat in a test of power was my father, when I was 7 years old, I challenged him to an armwrestling match, he was a fairly big man, at 5'10 and 200 pounds, but I slammed his arm down to the table with remarkable ease." This time I couldn't hold back my awed response, "Wow! That would be something to see, how big were you at the time?" Lauren thought about it for a while, "I was about 3'3 and weighed about 45 pounds, I would say, so our relative height and weight difference was very extreme, my brothers were watching at the time and they almost fainted in surprise seeing me being stronger than the strongest man they've ever known." I nodded, "And you've just kept getting stronger over the years, huh? So do you any way to test it, do you have gym hidden somewhere in the house, or do you have to work out with heavier objects?" Lauren giggled with girlish glee, "Yes to both, I do have a gym in the basement, which I helped build myself, gathering all the machines and weights, my chemistry degree helped out there, as I found ways of combining elemental metals into heavier composites, thereby making a new plate that weighs much more than a regular plate its size, do you want to see me workout?"

   I nodded gratefully, I hoped I wasn't being too much of a fanboy, but she seemed okay with it, something makes me think that many men resented her for her strength, and I was the only one who not only accepted her strength, and felt comfortable with it, but loved it and wanted to see all that she wanted to show me. We went downstairs to her basement, which looked much bigger than the upstairs section of the house, she must have built it especially to handle all the huge weights that she throws around down here. I couldn't believe it, but most of the weights looked regular, I mean I thought I was going to see some huge weights and huge bars, but nothing really looked all that different from a normal gym. She noticed my look of questioning and asked, "What's wrong, darling, you look like someone shot your dog?" I shrugged and said, "Well, I expected to see huge weights, the size of tractor tires, you know, but everything looks normal here, like you would see at any gym across the nation, I'm a little disappointed, I thought you were stronger than that." She shook her and with a smile on her face, she went over to a seemingly light 45 pound plate, she picked it up with one hand and asked, "How much do you think this plate weighs, Jeremy?" I laughed and said, "That's easy, I've been in a weightroom before, that looks like a 45 pounder, why?" She giggled and said, "Well, you haven't been in my weightroom yet dear, so don't jump to conclusions, remember when I told you that I used my chemistry degree in helping out here, well I combined the usual lead that most weights are made out of with a heavier substance known as duranium, these plates weigh 5 times what they are supposed to, 225 pounds, how's that for you dear?" I gulp and say, "Well, that's quite a bit different, Lauren, if it's true, let me try and pick one of them up and see for myself."

   Well, my dear reader, you could probably tell the look of surprise on my face when I reached down for what I thought was a 45 pound plate, and had to use both hands and all the power in my legs to lift it off the floor, and then I could only for a few seconds. "It's real, I believe you, Lauren, I never should have doubted you in the first place, I don't know what made me say it, I guess I doubted that God would make you as intelligent as you are strong and beautiful." Damn, running off at the mouth again, that is sure to get her angry. I looked over at her, my head down because I thought I said something wrong, but she knew I didn't really mean what I said and filtered through the BS to find the compliment. She approached me, lifted my face to hers with a finger and kissed me. When she was done with her passionate kiss, "I know what you meant, and I thank you for it, Jeremy, no one has ever really treated me as an equal before, they were either dismissing me because of my height, or scared of me because of my power, but you chose to look past all that and love me for everything that I am, you're a breath of fresh air from all the guys who I've dated before, I hope you feel the same way about me." I nodded, kind of somberly, "Lauren, I do love you for everything, not just your strength, but for your kindness, I know what its like to be different, to be treated differently, I've been overweight since I was about 8 years old, I've been picked on for years and years because of it, I think in you I've found my soulmate, not only my ideal woman fantasy wise, but someone I can truly relate to person to person." She jumped up threw her arms around my neck and hugged me harder than I've ever been hugged before, I've never been in the middle of an Anaconda's squeeze, but I couldn't imagine it being much tighter than this.

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Re: A Short Story- Lauren
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2007, 05:25:54 pm »
Part 2 of A Short Story- Lauren

"Lauren, baby, let go, can't breath!" Lauren loosened her grip a little, smiled and kissed me again, then she picked me up in a cradle carry, like my 320 pounds was absolutely nothing to her and carried me up the stairs, then another 30 feet at least to her bedroom. We kissed on the way, the kind of kissing you would expect from two kids in love, but I'm 30 and she's 24, so we're not exactly kids. She set me down on the bed and said, "Jeremy, I don't know about you, but I've never been this turned on, just so you know, I've never had sex, but with you, I feel a connection so special, I can't think of anyone I'd rather be my first then you." I smiled up at her and said, "Well, to tell you the truth, you'd be my first too, I've had other girlfriends, but we've never gone beyond second base, so its good to know that we'll be each other's first and we can learn about love making together."  We started kissing passionately, me taking her clothes off, her doing the same for me, although I was quite a bit more gentle, not that I had to be, as she was a very strong, tough little lady. We were naked now and I guided my 8 inch cock into her surprisingly receptive vagina, I thought it was going to be too tight, but I guess her muscle control was such that she could open it up enough to make it comfortable for her to take. This was the first opportunity for me to look at her body as well, and let me tell you, she was near perfect, just slim, perfectly proportioned breasts, small, thin waist. It was like you scaled a super model's body down and gave her an even more beautiful face, then gave her the power of 50 men! She was toned, but her muscles were not really that big or noticeable, so she showed hardly any of the power that she actually had in her frame. She had a six pack stomach, and slight definition on her arms and legs, and medium sized, perky breasts, but nothing you wouldn't get out of a normal fitness model and to tell you the truth, it turned me on something fierce that such power could come out of such a small, perfect body.

   She growled, she actually growled at me in fierce animal lust, and then she rolled us over on her huge queen sized bed so I was on top, and I could thrust savagely into her like a spear fisherman thrusts his spear into a fish. We went at it hard for 25 minutes until finally we had such an explosive orgasm, our bodies stiffened, she arched her back and like magic, I was levitated off the bed into the air, because I was lying on top of this ultra-powerful lady who was doing an incredible backbend with a 320 pound man lying on her!  We came down together, looking into each other's eyes, and kissed once more, I rolled off of her and all I can say is it was the best thing I ever experienced, if all sex was like that, I regretted never doing it before, because it was beautiful. Lauren was looking over at me, love in her eyes, a smile on her lips, and then she looked past me to see the clock on her bedside table. "Oh My God, Jeremy, its 9pm, we've been laying here for 3 hours, shouldn't you be going home soon?" I looked at my watch, and then at her and said, "Why? I'm in heaven with you right now, if I have to go back home, then I'd have to leave you alone, and you promised me a workout, didn't you?" She smiled and said, "Well, its not too late I suppose, and you're right, since we're pretty much a couple now, we can see each other as much as we want, right?" I smiled and said, "you got it right, we're two single people, and now, it seems like we have hit it off something fierce, you and me understand each other really well, I love you for you and you love me for me, so why shouldn't we just see each other as often as possible, I don't know how to say this, but I think we should move in together, I know it might be moving a little too quick, but I would love to see your smiling face as I wake up day in and day out, wouldn't you like to see mine?"

   Lauren sat up, legs facing away from me, and said, "Jeremy, I just don't know what to say, you're an awesome guy, and my first lover, but it may be just a little too fast, let me think about it for a while, and maybe you need to think a little bit more on it too, this is a pretty rash decision, and shouldn't be taken lightly. Let's go workout first, and if you still want to after you see how strong I really am, then I'll be ready to make my decision too." I nodded, a serious look on my face, "You're right, I hope you will eventually feel the way about me that I feel about you." She said suddenly, "Oh, I do, Jeremy, I love you, you're my boyfriend and I would love to live with you eventually, but doing it right now is a big decision, I mean who's house would we live in, yours or mine, and what would you do with your house then if you decide to move in here?" I thought on it for a little while and said, "Well, I think I could move in here, mostly because of your gym, you need to keep strong after all, and I would love to see you work out day after day, and your bed is more comfortable than my bed at home, although I don't see us doing much sleeping." I smiled and laughed at that, "I'll just move a couple dressers and chairs over here from my house, my clothes, computer, and one of my TVs and it would be just like home, what do you think?" Tears welled up in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around my neck again, and said, "Oh Jeremy, I think it's a great suggestion, so yes I would love you to move in with me, you are a great analytical thinker, you know just what to say, that's one of the reasons I'm so in love with you, but now, I promised you a workout, to show you exactly what you are dealing with, and I hope it doesn't scare you away, as it did with some of my previous boyfriends."

   So, Lauren picked me up in a cradle carry and brought me back down to her basement, she set me down on the edge of a bench and asked me to hold onto the bar while she's loading it up, I did and she stacked 2 225 pound plates on each side, with the bar, that adds up to 945 pounds, that is if its a 45 pound bar, with her metallurgical knowledge, its hard to know if she didn't make the bars denser, stronger and heavier to hold the weights she's capable of lifting. She saw me staring at the bar and said, "I bet you're trying to guess whether this bar is a normal 45 pound bar or a specially made bar, well it's the latter, I had to reinforce the weight bars to be able to hold the weight I lift, this bar weighs 100 pounds instead of the usual 45 pounds, I have a bigger 150 pound bar so it can handle the weight I squat with." Wow, I thought to myself, that weighs 1000 pounds, and she's planning on benching it? "Alright, Jeremy, you get behind and spot for me, okay?" I laughed and said "Ummm, I don't know how to tell you this, my heaviest deadlift ever was 335 pounds, and that was over 10 years ago, I doubt I could make this weight move unless I had a forklift." She giggled, "Don't worry, I won't need it for this one, its my warm up, but you have to believe in yourself, Jeremy, I know you feel insecure because of your body size and weight, and I want you to get in a little bit better shape for me, I want to train you so you can be almost as strong as me, and then you'd never have to be picked on or feel low self-esteem ever again." I nodded and said, "Thank you, Lauren, I'm happy because I never had many motivators in my life to really set me straight and put me down on the road to good health." Lauren blew a kiss to me and nodded at me, then took the weight off her specially made bench, which was made for her shorter than normal arms.

   "Okay, baby, time to show you what these muscles can do!" She brought the bar down to her chest, which was a very nice C-cup that was now encased in a sports bra and lycra tank top. She brought it up with ease and without a grunt or a breath even, she brought it back down to her ample chest, it was easy for her, but she decided to keep a slow steady pace, instead of throwing it up carelessly. She did this for 50 reps and appeared just as steady on the last rep as she was on the first rep, she got up breathing normally and said, "Now, to show you how strong I really am, I hope it doesn't scare you." She took off the 2 225 pound plates off of each side and went to the back room, she came back with even bigger plates, she put one on each side of the bar, then stacked three of the 225 pound plates on each side. "The big ones are 500 pounds a piece, they're the heaviest plate I have, so using your math skills, how much is this bench, Jeremy, dear?" I quickly did some calculations and came up with a total of 2450 pounds, my girlfriend is going to attempt to bench a ton and a fourth! "It's 2450 pounds, Lauren, that's a big step up from 2450 pounds, you don't have to impress me anymore, I already know you're the strongest person in the World." She giggled and said, "Don't worry about me honey, I've done this weight many times in the past, I hope you have the same plans with me you did before after seeing this." I nodded uneasily as I got behind the bar again, there was no way I could spot her with this weight, so my hope was that she didn't severely injure herself here.

   Luckily, my fears were unfounded as she pressed the weight up 5 times before putting it back in the rests, she was breathing a little bit harder now, and her face was sweating, but she was smiling at me and I let out a huge breath, went to her and hugged her around the neck like she had to me earlier, I kissed her on the lips and congratulated her. "My dear, that was the most awesome display of strength I have ever seen in my life, that bar weighed as much as a small car, but you pressed it 5 times, that's unreal! I'm so glad you're my lover, come on, let's go back upstairs, I have a little thing you can take of, well, not so little really, but you know what I mean." She was horny as well, and took the opportunity to lift me up in a front carry, I wrapped my legs around her waist and she carried me up to the bedroom for the second time that night. We made love passionately for hours on end, she even performed a bridge while I was on top of her body and my thrusting didn't disturb her in the least. When we came down from the best sex I've ever had, I had time to reflect, I couldn't believe my luck, I meet a woman of my dreams, who's stronger than any 5 men put together, probably even more so than that, and she just happens to fall in love with me. I couldn't have been happier either, when 4 months to the day that we met, I asked for her hand in marriage, and she accepted, tears of joy in her eyes, she lifted me off my feet in a bear hug of sorts, although her short arms couldn't reach all the way around my large frame. She delivered on her promise to get me in better shape, I currently weigh 245 pounds of muscle, I can bench 650 pounds and curl 325 pounds, now I don't feel so insecure, she has worked out even harder and because now I am powerful enough to help her a little, well, she has started lifting even heavier than she did before. This is where the story ends for you guys, my mighty mite just called me downstairs, she's working legs today and needs a spotter. The End.

Hey people, don't forget the K+ if you enjoyed reading this.
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline guille

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★Memorable Author: [Jeremy Wilson] Sarah
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2008, 04:35:59 pm »
by Jeremy Wilson

Sarah Gibson was only 13 years old and was just discovering an interest in the
opposite sex.

But boys were not interested in her, she found that the boys tended to pay
attention to the more athletic and muscular girls.

She was off for summer for 3 months so she decided to see if she could turn
the boys heads when she returned to school in September.

She started working out with her father's weights that were lying down
collecting dust in the basement.

At first, she had trouble lifting the 25 pounders that were on the rack, but
day after day, week after week her strength grew, along with her muscle size.

She went from using the 25 pounders at the beginning to using the largest
weights in her makeshift gym, 100 pounders as not only her benching weight but
her curling, squatting and overhead lifting weight.

About two months in she was already as large as the largest of female
bodybuilders even though she was only 5 feet tall, she had to weigh at least
175 pounds.

That is amazing considering she only weighed 120 pounds before she began

Not only that but she found that curling both 100 pound dumbells with one hand
was getting far too easy for her, so she decided to join Gold's Gym, where she
thought the heaviest weights were.

When she got there, she was suprised to find that she was as big as many of
the Male Bodybuilders that frequented the gym and she found she was stronger
than most of them.

It was here where she found a huge training partner by the name of Biff
Webster, although most of the guys in the gym just called him Beef.

The reason for that was that he was only 5'9" but he carried over 300 pounds
of muscle on his body. He had to have at least 26 inch arms and a 70 inch

She knew this man would be the man to guide her in strengthening her already
awesome body. He in turn was awestruck by her body, form her 21" guns to her
32" thighs, she was bigger than any woman he had seen, and he didn't even know
she was 13 years old.

They met when she spotted him while he was benching 705 pounds. He had done 11
reps and was going for number 12 when his arms started to shake.

She grabbed the bar and with almost unbelievable ease took the barbell from
him and set it on the bench.

"Are you okay?" she said as she helped him off the bench. "Yeah, but how did
you just do that, that was over seven hundred pounds?"he asked with a confused
look on his face.

She said "Oh, I've been lifting weights for a while now, that really didn't
challenge me." He thought to himself, "man this chick is unreal."

So they started working out together and as they went on he noticed that the
more she lifted, the more she grew, and she soon grew to over 200 pounds of
muscle and her arms were even bigger than his.

Not only that but she left him pathetically behind when it came to power, she
started benching with his max and by the end of their time together she was
able to bench three times his max and curled twice his bench max.

When she finally arrived back at school in September she was the largest
bodybuilder in history and was ten times the strength of the strongest man in
the United States.

She could take her pick fo any man that she wanted, all the boys at school had
no interest in the other girls once she came in the room. She achieved her
goal of being the most sought after girl in school with a few extras.

The End?

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