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Author Topic: ★Memorable Author: [GBM] 'A to H' Stories~collected  (Read 38723 times)


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Cartoon Law [GBM]
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2015, 01:38:22 pm »
Cartoon Law
Righting a wrong, with muscles

"I tell you, it's true"

"Oh come on, you've been reading too many Science Fiction books."

Mike paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts.  Perhaps she was right.  After all,
there really was no way to prove that there were alternate universes, or that we could
actually slip into and out of them.  Thinking things through, he tried again.

"No really, I even saw some big shot scientists talk about it on the Science Channel. 
They described alternate universes with physics that could be very different than our
own.  Like the other side of a black hole, or even right here, another earth at a different

Courtney cocked her head to one side and smiled.  "Ok, I could buy the black hole stuff,
but the idea that another world exists at a different frequency sounds too much like a
comic book idea."

Mike swallowed.  He knew that the vibrating frequency thing had been used in comic
books for years.  It was also used in Star Trek.

"Well, maybe, but if our scientists believe its possible, I'll hold my ground."

This finally made Courtney laugh.  "All right, you win for now."

Mike smiles back at her and they continued to walk home.  With their school about a
mile from home, they occasionally were able to leave school at the same time, although
it was now very rare.

Starting 8th grade, Mike and Courtney lived next to each other for as long as either could
remember and had been friends during the whole time.  But Mike knew things would
soon change as they headed to high school.  Mike was the bookworm nerdy type who
liked video games and computers.  Courtney was much more outgoing and athletic,
trying everything from cheerleading to track and field.  She was also very pretty.  Puberty
had been very kind to her, giving her blonde hair an almost angelic shimmer, and her
body pleasant curves and a healthy bustline.  She even had clear skin and facial beauty
that made her look much older than 12 years.  Her athletic enterprises kept her body trim
and taught, with a little muscle to show off if she so desired.  Mike figured that the only
reason she still hung out with him was because her parents would not allow her to date
until high school.  By then, every able bodied male in the city would be looking to win her

Mike on the other hand was tall and thin and not very coordinated.  Sports were never
his thing.  Puberty gave him acne, greasy hair, and bad eyes, causing him to get glasses
last year.  Although Courtney knew this phase of their life would soon be coming to an
end, she still really liked Mike, and hoped that could remain friends.  Both being an only
child, they were like brother and sister, and family never really forgets about each other.

Mike went back into thought about the alternate universes.  "One writer describes how
we could all control our own universes and even remake our reality."

"Wow, now that's deep."

They both started to laugh.  "OK, mister `remake the universe', what would you do if you
could control everything."

"What, oh I don't know."

"Oh, don't give me that, you're the one who brought it up.  And you think too much not to
have the whole thing planned out. 

She had him there.  Mike had thought about it.  Thought about it a lot.  Probably too
much.  But, since he did bring it up, he really did want to share, but was really afraid of
the response.

"Well, I have thought about it."

"No kidding!"

"I figured that to make any major changes would be bad, there are just too many things
that could go wrong, too many unforeseen consequences.  So I got basic about the
whole thing.  What if I could change myself for a time to right a wrong?

"So you want to be Batman."  The most amazing thing about her comment was that she
said it with a straight face.

Mike stopped.  "Ok, you have to promise not to tell anyone about this."

Now she smiled.  "What, that you want to be Batman?"

"I don't want to be Batman.  Focus.  Remember, scientific basis?"

"OK, OK."  Courtney stopped and then changing her voice to that of a very annoying
movie actress.  "I'll never t-e-e-ell."

Mike stopped again.  He was about to complain, but they knew each other too well. 
They shared many secrets and had promised long ago that it would be best for both of
them if those secrets stayed just between the two of them.  He really did care for her,
even though he knew it would never be more than friendship.

"Well, actually, it is cartoon related."

Courtney raised her eyebrows.  They used to watch cartoons together all the time.  Now
Mike watched them alone, but would never admit to it.

Sensing no more interruptions, Mike continued.  "If I actually could remake myself, you
know, become super strong, do the impossible, grow big muscles."

"You mean like Popeye?"

"Well, yeah, like Popeye.  When he eats his spinach, everything changes and he can do
anything. He keeps going until everything is right.  Then everything goes back to

"Hmm, that's an interesting theory, but wouldn't everyone know about it?"

"Well, no.  Once everything is right, the universe is in balance and nobody would even
be aware that a problem existed."

"Using your theory, someone could be doing that already."

"That's true, but it would be more fun it was me."  With that Mike pulled out a small bag
in his pocket.

"What's that?  Wait, don't tell me."

"Yes, its spinach."

"Boy, Mike, you never do anything half way."  Courtney looked straight at Mike.  "So,
have you tried it?"

"Um, no, I never really have had a need, and also because it would be a little

"Yeah, I would think so."

"But I believe if I really needed to, if something really bad happened to you or my parents
or your parents."

Courtney stopped walking and looked at Mike.  "I know you would do whatever it took.  I
feel the same way."

Mike paused.  He felt uncomfortable, but a little relieved.  Maybe his thoughts were not
so silly after all.

Courtney figured she needed to lighten things back up and change the subject.  "Come
on, let's take a detour."

Living in a suburban area, they often joked that they needed the Sopranos to move in to
throw a little excitement into their town.  Walking between houses, they headed toward
Main Street.  Courtney wanted an ice cream cone.  Mike just wanted to be with Courtney
a little longer.  Before they could get there they walked behind some of the other
businesses in the back alley.

As they walked through the back alley, both of them were stopped in their tracks. 
Slinking out the back of the local jewelry store were two very large men carrying what
looked like a dead man to the trunk of their car.

Both Mike and Courtney froze in place; neither had ever seen anything like this.  The two
men barely noticed the two pre-teens, throwing the body in the trunk and turning away. 
But Frank, the driver, caught them in his sight and yelled at his partner, Jim.

"Jim, those two kids just saw everything, grab them."

Not missing a beat, Jim pulled his gun and started walking toward the two startled kids. 
Mike yelled at Courtney to run and turned around to take off.  He didn't get very far as
Jim pointed his gun and took one shot, hitting him in his shoulder and knocking him
down.  Courtney barely had time to move, and when Mike was shot she fell to his side,
refusing to leave her friend.

Jim was on them quickly, standing over both of them with his gun still drawn.

"Hurry up Jim, just grab them both and throw them in the trunk with the stiff."

Holstering his gun, Jim grabbed the unconscious and bleeding Mike and the sobbing
Courtney and quickly carried them both to the car.  Tossing them in the trunk he
slammed the door and walked back toward the front.  Both men got in the car and Jim
took off toward the country.

Courtney was practically in shock.  Jammed into the trunk with a dead body and a
bleeding and dying friend, she figured her life would soon be over.  Reaching over to
Mike, she tried to get him wake up, hoping that his wound wasn't too serious, but also
realizing that as soon as the car stopped it wouldn't matter.  When they hoped for the
Sopranos to move to town they never expected to be among the first victims.  Holding
back her sobs, Courtney remembered what Mike had said about changing reality to right
a wrong.  This was certainly the biggest wrong she had ever been part of.  With time
running out, Courtney frantically searched in Mike's pocket for the reality changing
spinach.  She pulled it out just as the car came to a stop.  Quickly opening the bag she
poured the contents into her mouth as the trunk door opened.  Jim grabbed her and
pulled her out before she had a chance to even chew.  He pulled her toward a large tree
with more than murder on his mind.

Frank grabbed the dead man, a shovel, and the still unconscious Mike and dragged
them away from the car in the opposite direction.

Watching her friend being dragged away, and realizing that this very big man didn't want
her dead just yet, Courtney frantically chewed the bitter vegetable, trying to crunch it
down enough to swallow.  Jim hardly noticed her chewing, instead staring at her firm
breasts.  Stopping at a large oak, Jim violently pushed Courtney against the tree and
moved closer.  Not willing to give in easily, Courtney quickly raised her knee and
jammed it into Jim's crotch.  He cringed for a moment, but the kick only made him mad. 
He shoved her hard against the tree, grabbed her breasts and pushed her up the tree
until her feet were off the ground.  Courtney winced in pain.

"So you like it rough, huh?  Well I can screw you whether you're awake, knocked out or
dead.  Which one it's going to be?"

He slowly began pushing harder on Courtney's chest, crushing her breasts and chest
against her rib cage.  Enduring the pain, Courtney finally worked the spinach enough in
her mouth and swallowed.

Her burning belief that she could somehow right this wrong and make these men pay
caused ripples in the fabric of reality.  Just as Jim began pushing hard enough to bend
her ribs, Courtney felt a surge of power from her stomach that shot to her head back to
her toes.  A high pitched wine came from nowhere, focussed on the frightened 12 year
old and disappeared inside her, shifting the control of all reality to one of the few people
on earth who believed that it could be done.  And just like that, control was passed onto
a young girl with vengeance on her mind.

Jim looked around for a moment as the buzzing came and went.  He then looked back at
Courtney, whose grimaces of pain were replaced by a wicked smile and whose red
swollen eyes appeared to clear up.  Taken aback by this change in facial expressions,
Jim doubled his effort to crush the ribs of the young girl who saw too much.  Only now,
her ribs were no longer bending, they felt like they had been replaced with steel bars.

Courtney had felt the shift in reality and now felt that she could control her body like the
cartoon characters she used to watch.  There was no longer just physical law; there was
cartoon law.  She could become super strong and invulnerable, and grow huge muscles
to take care of these men.  Testing her theory, she started off slow and began to
increase the muscle mass of her chest, pressing back against the powerful man holding
her up against the tree.

On queue, her torn chest muscles were repaired and replaced with rock hard pecs.  Her
breasts began to inflate and reform around Jim's hands.  They were no longer soft
breast material, but super-strong breasts of steel.  Jim continued to push very hard
against this young girl, but was somehow losing!  He became uncomfortable, not only
were her ribs no longer bending, but he was being pushed back by the flexing chest

muscles and breasts of a young girl!   Courtney smirked at the confused look on his

"What's the matter creep?  Has trying to kill my friend and then rape me taken too much
out of you?  Can't you even finish crushing my soft little boobs?"

Jim looked up at her and gritted his teeth.  No way was a little girl going to outmuscle
him!  Just as he battled to increase his pressure, Courtney increased her chest building,
filling her breasts with more muscle.  Jim had felt her breasts go from small mashed
bags to two firm lumps of power and now they were getting bigger and harder!  They felt
like very hard rubber, rubber stronger than his ability to make a dent with his hands.  Jim
had to take a step back.  She was winning!  Gritting her teeth in satisfaction, Courtney
increasing her breasts to the size of two large melons with the thickness of cannonballs,
forcing Jim to skid backward even more.

Though she was enjoying this, she was tiring of being held up against a tree.  So
Courtney changed tactics and increased her pectoral size dramatically, like two missiles
erupting from their silo.  They shot out three feet in front of her body!  The sudden
tremendous increase in her chest happened so fast that they pushed Jim's hands back
to his head, smacking him in the face, causing his to release his grip, and knocking him
to the ground.  Courtney pulled back her pectorals to their large melon size and landed
softly on the ground.

Keeping her eye on Jim, Courtney stayed with her Popeye theme and flexed her right
arm.  A small bicep popped to attention.  She looked over at it and smiled.  With the
speed of a thought, a little marble grew out from her shoulder and rolled into her bicep. 
The bicep increased slightly in size.  As quick as the first marble melded into her bicep,
another formed on her shoulder and started rolled down her arm.  The marbles soon
formed faster and rolled down her arm faster.  Each marble added mass to her bicep
and it was soon increasing to the size of lemon, then an orange, and then a grapefruit. 
The marbles continued their decent, blowing her arm up past that of any girl, past that of
any female bodybuilder, then past that of any male bodybuilder.  The marble flood
continued until her bicep had transformed into a monstrous 50-inch mass.  Stopping the
marble flood, Courtney smiled.  She then looked at Jim and expanded her bicep even
further, upward past 60 inches!  The bicep was incredible, with a defined split and a
single thick vein rapping its way around.   As her arm expanded to 65 inches of power, a
picture of a tank rolling into battle flashed onto her bicep.

Jim stared at her in disbelief.  This formerly little girl had somehow pushed him down by
only using her chest muscles, and now flexed the biggest arm he had ever seen on
anyone.  Not only was it unnaturally huge, it had a moving picture of a tank on it!  Jim got
back up and started to back away.  Before he moved very far, Courtney jumped toward
him, cocked her arm back and using all of her incredible bicep power, drove a punch into
his stomach that doubled him over and shot him back 10 feet.  He lay there in a heap,
knocked out with one punch!  Courtney then looked over to where Mike was laying and
knew that she needed to do something fast.  And with a simple thought, Courtney knew
what to do.

Frank had finished throwing the dead body into the hole that they had prepared and had
turned back toward the still unconscious Mike.  Seeing that he was still breathing, Frank
pulled his gun out and aimed for Mike's head.  Pulling the trigger, the bullet whizzed
toward his eye.  But before it could find its mark, Courtney charged toward Mike faster
than the eye could follow.  Placing her forearm in harms way, the bullet bounced off her
arm and flew back toward the trees.

Courtney then quickly positioned herself between Mike and the man with the gun.  In
order to save Mike from another bullet, she had taken on the vision of another cartoon
character.  She was dressed like Supergirl from the recent Superman cartoons. 
Courtney wore a white tank top with the familiar S in the center, a short blue skirt, red
boots and a red cape.  Her abs were visible and sported a very sexy six pack of hard
muscles.  Frank, for his part, appeared more surprised than shocked.  Things had
happened too quickly to make any sense.

Starting to feel her oats, Courtney placed her hands on her hips and allowed her body to
fill out a bit with muscle.  Not a lot, but enough to look very buff.  Her chest was still
oversized and menacing, sticking straight out with a confidence that dared Frank to fire
his gun against the steel pectorals.  Her shoulders and arms inflated a bit more, to
bodybuilder size.  She was still getting a feel for her new powers, but felt that she was in
complete control.

Collecting his thoughts, Frank did the only thing that seemed obvious.  He squeezed the
trigger on his gun again, aiming squarely at the center of the S on the chest of the girl
who looked much different than the one that was just pulled out of the trunk.

Courtney smiled with the sound of the gun firing.  She made no attempt to get out of the
way and even inhaled, pushing her chest even further forward, stretching the S on her
shirt, and deflecting the bullet off her chest and out of harms way.  She felt the bullet hit
her, but now knew that it could do her no harm.

Frank held his position for a moment, not sure of what to do.  He looked at his gun.  It
looked like it always did.  Not sure what to do, he pointed at this supergirl and fired again
and again.  To his horror, the bullets bounced off of her chest with a ping.  She certainly
didn't have on a bulletproof vest, because he clearly saw her very large chest moving up
and down as she breathed, with her nipples outlined on her overstrained shirt.

Before Frank could decide what to do next, Courtney moved forward quickly and
grabbed the gun from his hand.  Placing one hand on the barrel and one on the handle
she held it at arms length, directly in front of the gunman.  She then twisted the gun and
it screamed in protest as both the barrel and the handle were mangled out of shape. 
She threw the useless gun to the ground and looked at Frank.  Placing her hands back
on her hips, she threw her hips to one side and cocked her head.

"Don't you bad guys know that you can't beat a supergirl?  But that doesn't mean I'm not
going to beat you!"  She then inhaled again and her chest grew even more, stretching
the S to the limit.

Frank backed up, unable to comprehend what had just happened and more than just a
little afraid from what he just heard.  He then backed up near his shovel and picked it up. 
Courtney had barely moved, making sure she stayed between the killer and Mike.  She
then smiled at Frank, realizing what he was thinking at wanting him to act on his thought.   
Unfortunately for Frank, he was thinking the same thing and swung the shovel at
Courtney.  The shovel cut through the air and hit her square in the chest.  Courtney did
not move an inch and the shovel clanged loudly on her pectorals as if it had hit solid
steel.  The shock from the hard hit caused Frank to drop the shovel and yelled out in

"What's the matter, did my soft little chest hurt you?"  She puffed out her chest again,
causing them to grow to the size of basketballs, finally ripping her top down the middle,
exposing the most powerful cleavage ever seen.  Picking up the shovel, Courtney
snapped the handle off and dropped it to the ground.  She then placed the shovel blade
into her cleavage and looked at Frank.  "I need to work on my soft chest.  Maybe I need
a few chest crunches."  With that Courtney flexed her oversized superchest.  The shovel
blade screamed in protest as her muscle engorged breasts crushed it flat.  She then
pulled the bent metal out from her cleavage and crushed it in her hands like it was tin
foil, until it was the shape of a baseball.  Tossing the ball up and down in her hand,
Courtney gave the killer a serious look.  "I don't think you'll need this to bury anyone else
today. "

Frank swallowed hard and once again slowly backed away.  Courtney dropped the metal
ball and quickly moved toward him.  She grabbed him by the throat with one hand and
lifted him up.  His feet dangled limply, inches from the ground.  Frank grabbed her very
large forearm with both hands, but was unable to make a dent in her super-dense
muscles.  He started to choke from lack of air.

Courtney smiled at him.  "Don't worry, I won't kill you.  At least not yet."  She then twirled
around one time and threw Frank over 50 feet away, where he landed with a hard thud. 
He rolled over, but stayed down.  Courtney watched him for a moment, then walked
back over to Mike.

As she approached her fallen friend, her eyes teared up, fearing the worst.  Once she
saw that he was still breathing, she let out a sigh of relief.  Looking at his shoulder, it
appeared that the bullet had gone through.  He must have lost a lot of blood though. 
Tearing off his sleeve, Courtney made a quick tourniquet.  Mike stirred for a moment. 
She bent over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Don't worry, Mike, I'm still here."  Knowing that Mike would be OK, she looked over at
the fresh grave.  The poor man who had been killed earlier would not be OK.  Courtney
knew that there was nothing she could do about that.  But she did know that she could
still make his killers pay.  Looking up she saw that both men had recovered and were
heading for the car.  Frank looked over at Jim.

"Let's get the hell out of here!"

Getting up and clenching her fists in anger, she quickly ran over to the car just as both
men got in.  Seeing her approach, Frank frantically pulled the keys from his pocket and
started the car.  Just as Frank pulled the car into gear, Courtney reached under the back
bumper and held the car by the frame.  Panicking, Frank hit the gas, hoping to make a
quick getaway.  But they were shocked to find that they weren't going anywhere. 
Knowing what to expect, they looked out the back window and saw the young girl
standing there crouched over, holding the car with one hand and waving at them with the
other.  She then cupped her hand so she could be heard over the engine.

"Going somewhere boys?  I wouldn't think of it!  It's time for some cartoon justice,
Popeye style!"  And then, out of nowhere, the Popeye theme began to play.

Jim turned to Frank and yelled, "Get us the hell out of here!"

"I'm trying, you moron, can't you see that she's holding the car!  I've got it floored!"

"She can't be holding the car back.  That's impossible!"

And just as Jim said the word `impossible', both men were jerked back into their seats as
Courtney performed another superhuman feat.  Reaching further under the frame with
her right arm, she performed a one-arm curl of the entire car, lifting it straight up into the
air until it was vertical!  She balanced the frame with the left hand, but was holding the
weight of the entire car with only her right hand!  She had to giggle, knowing that this
strength feat was impossible, but also knowing that she could do whatever she wanted
until these men were brought to justice.  Tensing her titanium muscles once again,
Courtney balanced the back bumper on her right bicep and brought her right hand up
into a fist, flexing her arm.  Pulling the car down against her arm with her left hand her
bicep was quickly fighting the weight of the car and her own strength.  Grunting from the
effort, she then flexed her right arm hard.  Her bicep ballooned into a 50-inch mass of
Herculean power and cut straight into the metal of the car, causing a deep gash through
the bumper and into the frame.  Nodding her head in satisfaction she then proceeded to
do something that the mobsters would never forget.

Shifting slightly to gain the best grip and position, Courtney continued to flex her arm
hard and the bicep soon began shooting straight up, and straight through the car.  A
picture of a missile appeared on her bicep and started a slow motion climb upward as
her bicep increased in size, and cut its way through the car.  Increasing in circumference
at the rate of 12 inches a second, her diamond hard bicep sliced through the steel car
like it was butter.  At over 150 inches her arm had cut into the trunk area.  At 240 inches
(20 feet!) her bicep was cutting through the back seats.  At 360 inches it began cutting
up to the front seats.  30 feet of impossibly hard little girl muscle power continued its way
through the car, gashing through steel frame, leather seats and plastic fixtures.  The two
petrified mobsters had locked their seatbelts, unsure of what that terrible crushing and
metal screaming noise was, how this young girl could hold the car with one arm, and
where that music was coming from!

Continuing its incredible assent, her bicep was over 10 feet into the car as it crashed
through the front seat.  Both Frank's and Jim's eyes became wide with terror as they
saw the bicep tear through the car right between them!  At over 12 feet high, her bicep
slammed into the engine, exploding through the metal.  Pushing upward, toward 15 feet
high, it crunched out toward the front bumper.  Stopping for just a moment, Courtney
held the pose.  And then in a final super flex, she pushed her bicep to 16 feet high,
crunching it through the front bumper and cutting the car in two!  Releasing her grip, the
car hung to a moment, then separated completed and crashed to the ground in two
pieces in opposite directions.  Jim and Frank closed their eyes as they plummeted to the
earth, still buckled into their seats.  The resulting concussion blew up the glass from the
windows, cutting both men.  As they slowly opened their eyes, they looked over to
Courtney and confirmed their fears.  She was still flexing the largest arm in the history of
the universe for a moment longer, and was looking back and forth at each man.  Both
men were frozen in fear.

Finally coming to, each man struggled to unlatch his seatbelts with only one thing in
mind.  Get away from this super powered girl!  But Courtney was not quite done yet. 
While both men were white with fear, it was time to make sure they wound up in the right
place.  Releasing her flex, her arm returned to a simply massive 50 inches.  Still plenty
big enough to trash these two men.  Courtney was still dressed in the overstressed
Supergirl costume, with her thighs now as big as any male bodybuilder, calves that
stretched her red boots to the point of bursting, a skirt that rode high thanks to a killer
ass, rock hard deep defined abdominals, a huge bullet-proof chest that split the white
tank top right down the middle of the S to show off her deep cleavage, broad defined
shoulders, a strong thick back, and two of the largest arms every seen covered with
protruding veins.  She still held her original young girl beauty, but had a look of stern

Frank was the first to get up, but was wobbling around.  Courtney walked right up to him,
with anger in her in face.  She then unleashed a series of blows that was nothing more
than a blur to the naked eye.  She hit him everywhere at once; hard enough to cause
damage, but never hard enough to knock him down.  After 15 seconds of the worst
pounding of his life, Frank was somehow still on his feet, but was now covered in welts.   
He finally stumbled forward Courtney, who cocked her arm back, flexed her huge arm,
and unloaded a shot into his chest that cracked bones and sent him flying backwards 20
feet, where he crashed into a tree and remained there, embedded.  Courtney looked at
him with disgust.

"Take that creep!"

As Frank went crashing into his tree, Jim had gotten loose and was stumbling toward the
road.  Courtney saw him running and quickly took chase.  She caught up to him in
seconds, grabbed his belt and hoisted him in the air with one arm.

"Going somewhere?"

Using her other arm she positioned him directly above her.  Again using her reality
altering abilities, she began to spin him around.  The spinning soon increased until Jim
was nothing but a blur.  Bending her elbows slightly, she tossed him a few feet in the air
while still spinning.  Once again she made a fist and brought her arm back, causing her
oversized bicep to bulge to 55 inches of pure power.  Still spinning, Jim descended back
toward earth, where his nose was met by a small fist backed up with enough power to
stop a tank.  He soared off her fist and crashed right through a large tree.  His body was
embedded in the tree and his head stuck out the other end.

Both men by all rights should be dead, but not in Courtney's universe.  Both men were
still conscience and were both in extreme pain.  Finally feeling a bit satisfied, Courtney
slowly walked up to the trees were the men were embedded.  She grabbed Frank's shirt
and yanked him away from the tree.  She then walked over to Jim, grabbed his pants,
and pulled him out of his tree.  Adjusting her hold on each man so she held him by the
collar, she lifted both of them high in the air.  They both looked down at her, barely able
to put forth a groan and wishing that they were no longer awake.  Courtney gave them
one last serious look.

"Now I know you boys can hear me, so let me tell you what is going to happen.  When
you wake up, you are going to confess to this murder, and every other crime that you
ever committed.  You are going to beg the police to put you in jail.  And if I ever see
either of you outside of jail, I'll make you wish you were never born."

"Nod your heads if you understand me and agree."

Both men nodded their heads through the pain.

"Good.  Now good-bye."

Courtney tossed both men up in the air.  Rearing back she blasted an uppercut into
Frank's jaw, sending him flying through the air back towards town, over two miles away. 
Jim fell back toward the ground as was met with the same earth shattering punch.  He
sailed upward in the same direction.

Minutes later a load explosion was heard at the local jail as not one, but two large men
crashed into an empty jail cell, still alive, but mercifully, unconscious.

Wiping her hands across each other, Courtney walked back toward Mike.  By the time
she reached him, Mike had woken up, and Courtney was once again her normal self.  A
police car pulled into the woods, the officers had heard the loud noises and came to
investigate.  Courtney would somehow explain everything, and all explanations would be
believed.  For a great wrong had been righted, and everything in the universe was back
at harmony.

The End


  • Guest
Costume Check [GBM]
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2015, 01:38:49 pm »
Costume Check
What do you want to be for Halloween?

Ten year old Cindy walked into her 12 year old brother's room to see him
trying on his new Hulk costume.

"Hey Mike, cool costume. Can I be the Hulk too?"

Mike rolled his eyes. "No! You're a girl. And girls can't be the Hulk."

Cindy scrunched her face. "Why not? Isn't there a girl Hulk?"

Mike sighed. "Yeah, that would be the She-Hulk. But nobody cares about her. I
doubt you'd find a costume. And besides, the Hulk is big and strong and
muscular. She Hulk is just tall and green. Guys are big and strong, girls are
thin and weak."

Cindy smiled. "So you're saying that the Hulk has really big muscles and is
super strong?"

Mike nodded his head, figuring the conversation was over. But Cindy stood her
ground still smiling.

"Well, I can do THAT!"

Mike gave her a quizzical look. He was 5 foot 8 and 140 pounds. He was the
star running back on his middle school football team. Cindy really didn't do
any sports, was around 4 foot 8 and thin. She was wearing her baggy jeans that
were too long and frayed at the bottom and a long sleeve light blue pullover.

"You can do what?"

"Be muscular."

Mike sighed again. What would it take to make her go away? "Look, if you want
to stuff toilet paper under your clothes, go ahead. In fact why don't you go
to your room and do just that."

Cindy dropped her smile. "Doesn't a normal guy turn into the Hulk when he gets

"Yeah, so what?"

"Well, you're making me mad!"

Mike laughed. "And what? You're going to turn into the Hulk?"

Cindy's smile returned, only it was menacing. Her blue eyes narrowed and she
brushed her blonde hair over her shoulders. She then placed her hands on her
hips and rose up on her toes. She deepened her voice and gave Mike a piercing


Mike took a step forward, figuring he was going to have to forcibly remove her
from the room. But after one step he heard something strange. It sounded like
fabric being stretched. He looked down at Cindy and saw that her baggy jeans
were no longer baggy! What was going on? Cindy was making low rumbling noises
that sounded like a chuckle and a moan. Mike continued to stare at her jeans
as they continued to groan. After a few seconds the stretching turned into
small ripping sounds. What kind of trick was she playing? The ripping soon got
louder as more stitching gave way, finally exposing the cause of the slow
destruction. Mike could see Cindy's legs coming into view. And they looked
muscular! Her skin was smooth and white, outlining the muscular thighs. The
jeans were quickly losing the battle against Cindy's legs as they split up the
sides. They were even torn away at the bottom, and were riding upward, trying
vainly to cover her growing musculature. Cindy chuckled.

"So, does the Hulk have muscular legs like these?" Just as Cindy said "these",
Cindy flexed her legs down hard, quickly DOUBLING the size of her thighs and
calves, causing the jeans to explode off of her body, leaving her in torn
shorts. She pulled at the side of her jeans, ripping the waist band off with
ease, exposing a green bikini bottom.

Mike gasped. Her legs were HUGE! They had to be twice as big as his and were
detailed with scary definition. He had bought a few bodybuilding magazines and
never remembered seeing any legs better than those now attached to his younger

"So, not bad for a START, huh?" Cindy rose up and down on her toes a few
times, infusing even more devastating muscle into her already super muscular
legs. Her calves grew from baseball to softball to volleyball sized in
moments, audibly expanding as her skin tightened to near translucence around
her super muscles. Her thighs bulged ominously, splitting into large chunks
and then growing more with thick sinews until they were the size a 40 pound
bag of salt, hanging over her knees with a perfect teardrop and pressing six
inches away from her body. Mike's jaw was now open and his eyes were like
saucers. Cindy slowly lowered off of her toes.

"So, girls can't be the Hulk huh? Well, now that I've got my legs growing,
it's time to flex up my upper body! I'll show you what REAL Hulk muscles look
like. Then I'll show you what real Hulk strength is like. Then I'll show you
stuff that will make the Hulk look like a pathetic wimp! I'll show you a SUPER
Girl Hulk!"

Cindy brought her arms forward and clenched her fists. Then just like her
jeans, her top started to groan. Mike could see her shoulders thicken and her
back start to flare outward. Her chest started to expand like some kind of
balloon! Her formerly flat chest was being infused with muscle! Her arms were
growing thicker. Her top rose upward, trying to cover up her growing chest and
widening back, exposing a flat stomach that was morphing into a deep six pack
with every breath! The sleeves rode up her forearm, exposing thickening cords
of growing muscles. The top was soon tearing and ripping as her inexplicable
expansion continued.

"Getting bigger and stronger than YOU is easy! Just think how strong I am with
these fabulous muscles!" At the word "muscles" Cindy brought her arms forward
into a devastating front crab flex, once again easily DOUBLING the size of
every muscle on her body! The top ripped loudly and flew off of her incredible
muscular physique exposing the mind numbing array of muscle perfection
permeating her body! Cindy was left with nothing but a skimpy green rubber
bikini top and the most muscular torso Mike had ever seen! None of the huge
male bodybuilders in his magazines could stand up to the incredible dense,
rippling humongous muscles dancing around his young sister's body! Cindy

"Check out THESE muscles! My abs are like steel girders, rippling with a six
pack." She flexed her abs, quickly exposing an impossible array of muscles
from one side of her waist to the other! "Oh wait, maybe a HUNDRED pack!" Her
abs practically ground as they danced around her thin midsection, exposing
muscles Mike never even knew existed! "And check out THIS chest! No soft boobs
here! Just muscle laden, shredded, super striated pectorals!" Cindy then
flexed her chest down hard and the bikini groaned as her chest pressed out two
volleyball chunks of mega muscles that quickly expanded to near basketball
size, rising up to her chin with each breath and falling six inches down with
every release. "Bigger pecs than any of your muscle head heroes! And just wait
until I flex them hard! They'll be bigger than the Hulk! Stronger than the
Hulk! I'm going to show you what REAL muscle is all about!" Cindy brought her
arms out the side and turned around, spreading her back out. She looked over
her shoulder and flashed a wicked grin at Mike. "And check out THIS back!
Looks pretty wide now, huh?" Cindy then flexed down and her arms were quickly
pushed away from her body as slabs of unearthly muscle tensed, expanded and
pressed out in every direction. Her back, which was probably 12 inches wide
when she walked into the room, was now easily 36 inches wide and growing! Not
only was her back getting wider, but it was growing outward, adding blocks of
hereto unseen muscles in every direction! What an incredible sight! Mike let
out a short breath as her back continued to expand! Cindy spoke again in a low
voice. "3 feet wide is nothing! My back is now 48 inches wide!" Cindy
continued to flex down and her back continued to expand, growing wider still!
Her traps pushed up with cobra like expansion, bigger than any Mike had ever
seen! Her back continued to expand until it was 60 inches wide! She was now
wider than she was tall! "Now this is barn door wide! Mega bodybuilding wide!
Little girl's can't have muscles, huh? Just you wait!"

Cindy turned back around brought her arms out to her side. "You always liked
big biceps, you worked yours a lot. How big are they?"

Mike looked at his arms. He once was very proud of them, able to flex them to
almost 14 inches. He looked at his arms and then back at his "little" sister.
Her arms looked to be over 18 inches and were un-flexed! "Uh, 14 inches."

"And how big are the ones on your big bodybuilders?"

"Uh, maybe 24 to 28 inches."

Cindy smiled and brought her arms up, tightening her fists and causing her
biceps to leap to attention, pressing upward with reckless abandon. "I'll show
you some REAL biceps! Bigger than you!" Her biceps pressed up to 20 inch
softballs from her first flex. Her tricep belly was a picture perfect match.
"Bigger than any bodybuilder!" She flexed down again and her bicep expanded
quickly, DOUBLING in size with ONE FLEX to 40 inches, riding up past her
shoulder and up near her wrist! All of her muscles began to pulse with
unearthly might! Super vitality coursed through her veins! The power of the
Hulk boiled inside her and quickly multiplied! The power of two Hulks was at
HULK!" With a loud, inhuman growl, Cindy left the human arena and jumped into
the super human category with one cataclysmic flex! Her calves blew up bigger
than basketballs and pressed out to over 60 inches around! She quickly stood
on her toes and they exploded to 100 inches around of pure muscle perfection!
Her thighs pushed out bigger than Mike could have conceived possible, growing
outward 24 inches away from her body and then to 48 inches away with huge
cords of unbelievably powerful might! Each thigh was now 160 inches around!
Over 13 feet around! Her glutes pushed out with super striated, twin soccer
ball sized mounds of incredible power, sucking her bikini bottom into a thong!
Her midsection became even denser and more separated, blowing out muscles that
nobody else on earth had ever seen! Her chest pressed outward like twin cone
shaped missiles, giving her two feet of super powered, rippling cleavage,
forming chunks of mega striations six inches thick and then multiplying them
until her chest was 72 inches wide and three feet thick! Her back expanded
outward with the same super powered growth, pushing out to 100 inches wide!
Over eight feet of mega lats! Cindy laughed as she looked at her biceps soar
upward to heights never imagined by any Hulk artist!

"And you thought the Hulk was big! THESE are REAL biceps!" Mike's neck slowly
moved back as he had to look up to see his sister's bicep peaks! Her arms went
from 40 inches to 80 inches from her initial blast and continued to expand,
growing, surging and pulsing with super human thickness, hardness and density,
Cindy let out a low, ominous chuckle as they expanded up to 100 inches, then
to 120 inches with two subtle flicks of her wrist. Her biceps were nearly
three feet tall and rose above her head! Two more flicks sent them up to 200
inches around! Cindy's biceps were now EIGHT FEET TALL from the bottom of her
mega triceps to the perfect peak at the top of her biceps and were brushing
the top of ceiling.

"So, still think the Hulk is big? I'm showing you the power of 10 Hulks! And
I've got more power than this! Want to see the power of 20 Hulks? How about 50
Hulks! I've got the power to make Superman pee his pants! I could unleash the
power of 1000 Hulks! The Incredible Hulk would cringe at MY power!"

Mike simply stood like a statue, unable to process the fact that his little
sister was a super powered mega girl. Cindy sniffed and released her flex,
allowing her muscles to reduce back down a bit so she could walk around, but
still bigger than any male bodybuilder. She then took a few panther like steps
toward her stunned brother.

"So, still want to try and push me out of your room?"

Cindy moved right up to him and as Mike took a step back Cindy smiled, brought
out her super thick arm and gave Mike a gentle push that sent him down to the
ground, lying on his back. She placed her small foot on his chest and raised
her foot onto her dainty toes, causing her Herculean calf to bunch back up
into the shape of a large pumpkin.

"Ha! I'm so much stronger than you now that it's not even funny! You used to
think your muscles were pretty big too. And you used to think that the Hulk
was a powerful super hero. Well no longer! My muscles are 10 times bigger than
yours and I'm way more powerful than the Incredible Hulk ever was!"

Mike tried to sit up, but his sister was easily applying more pressure against
his chest than he could handle. He reached up to grab her calf and was shocked
at both the volume and the density. It was like gripping liquid steel. When he
grabbed her calf, Cindy rotated her toes around, causing her calf to flex and
re-flex with devastating power and thickness. Mike gasped. She wasn't kidding.
Not only were her muscles gigantic, but they were unearthly hard. Cindy
chuckled at her big brother's useless attempt to free himself.

"Holding you down is pathetically easy. I think it's time to show you some
Hulk strength!"

Cindy took her foot off of Mike's chest, grabbed him by the waist and easily
tossed him on her shoulder. She walked to the window, opened it with one
finger, breaking the lock and crashing it into the top of the frame. She then
ducked down and jumped out of the second floor, landing in the back yard with
a small thud on her bare feet. Mike groaned from the impact and Cindy plopped
him on the ground.

"So, think our house is pretty heavy?"

Mike swallowed. "Uh, yeah, sure."

"Think the Hulk could lift it?"

"Uh, I suppose."

Cindy nodded her head. "Well, then, it will just have to do for a start."

Cindy strode toward the corner of the house, reached down and pressed her
hands into the foundation. Flexing her awesome muscles, Cindy quickly stood
up, ripping the entire house out of the ground with a violent tearing sound!
She pushed forward, driving the earth away and with one incredible power move,
yanked the entire house and basement out of the ground and held it over her
head! She easily turned toward her stunned brother.

"So, still think girls can't be strong! This is easy! It's hardly giving me a
pump! My super Hulk power can handle this with ease!"

Cindy pressed the entire house up and down a few times, then slammed it back
into the ground.

"Don't want to wreck our own house!"

Cindy then grabbed Mike again, this time cradling him like a baby. "Come on,
I'll show you some REAL mega Hulk power!"

Cindy then flexed her legs and jumped into the air, emulating how the Hulk
could travel large distances, only Cindy could jump 100 miles at a time! In
less than a minute, Cindy was at the ocean beach in a Navy shipyard. She set
Mike down and walked toward an aircraft carrier, sitting in dry dock.

"So, think an aircraft carrier is heavy?"

Mike went white. "Uh, sure."

"Think the Hulk could lift it?"

"Um, I don't know."

Cindy smiled and flexed up her bicep. Her basketball bicep quickly doubled in
size, then doubled again, back up to 200 inches around!

"Well, if this is the power of 10 Hulks!" She then tensed her fist harder,
causing the humongous bicep to shoot upward until it had double in size AGAIN!
Her bicep was now 400 inches around and over 16 feet tall! "Then this is power
of 20 Hulks!" Another quick flex caused her bicep to skyrocket upward until it
DOUBLED in size, only this time it didn't stop until it was 1000 inches around
and over 41 feet tall! "And this is the power of FIFTY Hulks! THIS ought to be
enough to toss around a little aircraft carrier!"

Cindy released her flex and jumped up into the air, splashing into the water
near the huge vessel. Mike lost sight of her for a moment until he saw what he
thought was an optical illusion. The aircraft carrier was moving up. He wiped
his eyes. Surely she wasn't serious. Could she really lift up an aircraft
carrier? Before he could contemplate the strength to perform such a task, the
aircraft carrier flew upward and was headed straight for him! He was going to
be crushed. He laid down in a fetal position until he heard a loud crunch
right next to him. Cindy was snickering. He opened his eyes to see that she
was holding the aircraft carrier and standing right next to him! And she was
doing it with ONE hand!

"Now THIS is some super Hulk strength! Bet he couldn't hold one of these
things up with one hand. But I AM! Kind of makes you want to cry huh? The
strength, size and power of 50 Hulks pulsing through the body of your little
sister! Just think! I can go trick or treating anywhere I want. I can
practically fly! I could lift up every house and shake out the candy! I could
juggle tanks and pile them on the principal's lawn for a trick! But why stop
there? I've only unleashed the power of 50 Hulks! Don't you wonder what the
power of one THOUSAND Hulks can do?"

Mike could only look up with fear and disbelief. Cindy let out a low, ominous
laugh and bent down, pulling the huge aircraft carrier closer to the ground.

"Maybe I can move entire countries! Ha! With enough flexes, I could juggle
planets!" Cindy then reared back and tossed the aircraft carrier like it was
Nerf football! The huge ship flew toward the ocean up into the air a half mile
and finally crashed back into the ocean some 10 miles away! Cindy laughed.
"Heck, I'll bet there's nothing that can harm me either! Isn't the Hulk bullet

Mike nodded weakly.

"Isn't the Hulk missile and bomb proof?"

Mike squeaked out "Yeah."

Cindy pounded her fist into her chest and it sounded like a steel hammer
against an anvil. "And I'm 50 times harder than that! I'll bet a nuclear bomb
would barely give me a tan! And we both know I can get much more powerful than
that! Don't we Mike?"

Mike just wanted this whole thing to go away. What kind of trick was this
anyway? Halloween wasn't until tomorrow, but his little sister was morphing
into a power greater than anyone had ever imagined before.

Cindy laughed at Mike's quick breaths and vacant eyes. "And you thought the
Hulk was big and strong and muscular. And that a girl Hulk was just tall and
green. I'll show you tall!"

Cindy flexed up her bicep again, causing it to rocket upward back to 1000
inches around! "Now if this is a mere 50 Hulk power bicep, then I'll need to
unleash even more super Hulk power! Super mega Hulk power!" Cindy brought her
forearm down and back up quickly, slamming it into her towering bicep with a
clang, causing her bicep to DOUBLE in size once again to 2000 inches around
and 82 feet high! "Then this is the strength and power of one hundred Hulks!
And this!" Cindy repeated her movement, slamming her forearm back into her
mega bicep and impossible, doubling the size of her bicep AGAIN up to 4000
inches around and 164 feet high! "Must be 200 Hulks!" Cindy repeated her
ultimate flex two more times, until her bicep was 20,000 inches around and 820
feet high! "And this is the power of ONE THOUSAND HULKS! Now we're talking
some REAL super strength! Look at my bicep NOW! It's HUMONGOUS! The Hulk's
body is nothing but an insect compared to my mighty muscles!"

Cindy released her flex and her bicep reduced back down. She then quickly
picked up her brother again. "Want to see what the strength of one thousand
Hulks can do?"

Mike didn't answer as Cindy flexed her mega powerful legs and once again shot
into the air. She flew up high and seemed to soar forward. Mike opened his
eyes and looked around. "Why aren't we falling?"

Cindy smiled. "I'm so powerful now that jumping is no longer necessary. I can
fly. I told you I was a Super Girl Hulk!" They soon landed near a huge
mountain range. Cindy placed Mike down again and smiled at him.

"So, think the Hulk can lift an entire mountain?"

"Uh, I doubt it."

Cindy smiled and ran toward the huge mountain. A huge explosion rocked the
ground and Mike fell onto his behind. He then watched as the entire mountain
appeared to be moving toward him! He closed his eyes again, feeling a shadow
envelope him. Rumbling soon followed and when it stopped he opened one eye and
looked near the ground. There was his sister's small foot, sunk a bit into the
ground. He slowly looked up to see her gigantic calve pulse and twitch with
god like power, her mega thighs blast outward with incredible thickness, her
ultra abs press in and out, her super double basketball sized chest rise and
fall. He looked into her beautiful blue eyes as she smiled at him. Her blonde
hair blew around in the breeze over her massive shoulders. She was holding up
an entire mountain and she was SMILING. Her gigantic arms weren't even

"Well, this is the tallest mountain in the world and I'm holding it with
ease!" Cindy pressed the mountain up and down a few times, causing her
ultimate triceps to jut in and out over three feet thick! "And it feels pretty
light! Think I can throw it to the moon?"

Mike's eyes got wide at the thought. Cindy laughed. "Let's find out!" She
pressed the mountain down to her chest and then pushed it up hard and fast.
The entire mountain exploded upward and quickly flew out of sight! Cindy
placed her hand over her eyes like a visor. "Nope, it just sailed into space
instead. Guess I'll have to work on my aim!" Cindy placed her hands on her
hips and looked back down at her cowering brother. "So, what do you think I
should do next? Should I flex up even BIGGER muscles and get even STRONGER?"
Mike went white at the prospect and quickly passed out.

Mike awoke back on his bed, his Hulk outfit next to him on the floor. His
alarm went off and he sat up. Was everything just a dream? Cindy opened his
door and strode in, wearing her nightgown and looking like her old skinny

"Time to get up, big brother, it's Halloween!" She then pulled her sleeve up
to her shoulder and flexed her arm.

"Time for Trick or Treats!" Cindy then tensed her fist and a cannon ball bicep
ground into shape. She looked over at Mike and laughed. "And we have some
unfinished business!"

Mike started to whimper and pulled the covers back over his head as Cindy
continued to laugh. Surely this nightmare was going end. Surely.

The End


  • Guest
First Time [GBM]
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2015, 01:39:34 pm »
First Time
A young girl lifts weights for the first time

Turning on the light to the basement, I walked down with little Kelly in tow.
She had seen our Dad lift some incredible weights and I had recently begun
lifting myself. So naturally Kelly wanted to try too. We got to the bottom and
walked past Dad's gigantic weights with a bit of awe. Continuing on we made it
to another room. I flipped the switch to turn on the lights.

I looked down at Kelly. She was seven years old and was the smallest girl in
her class. That fact didn't seem to bother her too much and when you looked
into her chocolate brown eyes you could sense her wheels turning. She would
have a knowing smile on her face that would often confound me. What was she

I told her we needed to stretch first and she brought her thin arms up above
her head. Kelly stood only 3 feet tall with long, dark brown hair flittering
to and fro. She was wearing a white shirt with some flowers on the front and
some blue shorts. Her little stomach stuck out a little. I looked down and saw
that she wasn't wearing any shoes, just some pink ankle length socks.

"Kelly, I told you to wear some shoes to lift weights."

Kelly stamped her foot. "It's not cold down here!"

I sighed. What difference would it make anyway, it wasn't like we were going
to lift anything heavy. "Alright. Ready to lift weights for the first time?"

Kelly jumped up and down, clapping her hands. "OK!"

I turned around. I had been lifting weights for about six months and was now
in pretty good shape. Since I'm about 5 foot 10 and 150 pounds, I'm still
pretty lean, but I've put on a little muscle over that time. As a sophomore in
high school I needed the added confidence. I wasn't going to be as strong as
dad, but at least I could stand on my own. Turning back toward Kelly, I
grabbed a bar that weighed about 5 pounds and set it in front of her.

"OK Kelly, we can use this to start with. I like to do this routine to work a
number of muscles, so just do what I say."

She smiled at me, looked at the bar and wrinkled her nose.

"Where are the weights? Don't you need to put weights on both ends?"

I laughed. "Don't worry, Kelly, if you can handle this, we'll put on some

She frowned, but mumbled an "OK."

I smiled. "Alright, now squat down and grab the bar."

Kelly followed my instructions. Since she had watched Dad and I lift weights
before, she knew enough to know how to hold form. I was impressed.

"OK, now keep your arms straight and stand up."

Kelly kept her eyes ahead and stood up, bringing the bar up cleanly.

"Very good. Now stand on your toes to work your calves."

Kelly smiled and looked at me. "Cool! My first muscle!" She then stood up on
her toes and held it for a moment.

"Then bring you're foot back down and do that twelve times."

Looking serious, Kelly did just that, stopped and turned her head toward me. I
smiled again.

"Now hold your back straight, bring the bar a little in front of you and squat
back down. Now you're working your thighs!"

Kelly giggled. "My second muscle!"

I smiled. "Well actually, you're working several." She ignored me and
continued to repeat the movement another 12 times. Kelly then looked over at

"Nice job. Now stand straight, pull your tummy in and bring the bar up with
your arms."

She smiled at me. "Oh, a curl! This works your biceps!"

I raised my eyebrows. "That's right!"

Kelly quickly completed the 12 curls and set the bar back down. "Can I put
some weights on the bar now?"

"Sure." I helped her put on a few weights until the bar was 10 pounds. I
smiled as she quickly ripped through the same circuit. As she finished the
last curl I looked at her arm and thought I saw a small bulge push outward.
Was that a little hint of muscle? Naw, it couldn't be, not on a 7 year old

"That was easy! Can we add some more weight?"

I shrugged my shoulders. We added more weight until the bar was 20 pounds.
Once again she tore into the small routine. Now I was amazed. Especially as
she cranked out the curls. I looked as her little arms pump up and down and
now was sure. She did have muscles in her arm. She put the bar the down and
smiled at me again.

"That was easy too! Let's put some more weight on!"

I turned my head to the side. More weight? OK, it was time to show her what
heavy weights were like. I filled the bar up to 50 pounds. But this too,
proved to be easy for this little dynamo. She brought the weight up and did
her calf raised. I looked down. Her little legs bulged with each raise. Holy
cow! I could see little muscles form and flex. She WAS gaining muscle mass!
This couldn't be possible, nobody gains muscle this fast. And surely not a
seven year old girl. But as she performed her squats, her thighs expanded a
little too. More muscles were growing out! She was going from no muscle to
impressive bulging muscles in a matter of minutes! As she stood up, her shirt
was pulled up against her growing shoulders, back and chest! And now I could
see her stomach. And then it dawned on me. She no longer had her little girl
belly. It was gone! Her stomach was flat and looked hard!

I stood in near shock. Kelly was pulling at the weight that had to weigh as
much as she did. Heck, I couldn't do a bodyweight curl, so there was no way
that my little sister could the very first time she lifted weights. But to my
continued shock, she brought the 50 pound weight up with a small grunt. Her
biceps bulged into little balls! What was happening? Not only did she curl the
weight, but she was able to do it again! The little biceps expanded with each
lift! She cranked out 12 reps and dropped the weight with a small clang.

"Wow, David! That was hard when I first started, but it got easier at the end!
Weight lifting is making me stronger!" She then looked down at her little body
and her mouth went open. "And look! Lifting is making my muscles grow too!"
She reached down and rubbed her now flat stomach. Kelly then bent down and
rubbed her hands on her thighs, flexing and unflexing the newly developed
muscles. I watched as her fingers spread apart with each flex. She continued
to reach down and rub her newly developed calves that looked large and firm.
She then looked at her arms, smiled and looked at me and with a serious look.
Kelly then proceeded to flex her bicep. Her muscle expanded upward into a
little tennis ball! Unreal! A seven year old girl with a well shaped biceps!
Holding her serious look, Kelly beckoned me over.

"Feel my bicep, big brother!"

I walked over, reached down and gripped her now bulging arm. It was pretty
hard! I rubbed my hand around the ball of muscle, trying to figure out how she
had done this. Her bicep was big and her tricep was full. She had the arm of a
serious fitness competitor! I stood back up and rubbed my chin, trying to make
sense of this. Kelly was too excited to care how it was happening.

"I'm getting all muscley. Cool! Let's add some more weight. I want bigger
muscles than this! What is your best lift?"

I stammered. "Uh, I can curl 100 pounds."

Kelly quickly added the weights until the bar had 100 pounds on it. She then
gave me a sly smile.

"You can go first."

I pulled in a short breath. First? Surely she didn't think she could lift
this? A seven year old girl can't be as strong as her 15 year old big brother.
Ignoring her comment I went through the routine, making it through 9 curls and
toughing out the last three. I was pretty happy with that. Not bad for someone
who weighs 150 pounds. But not as impressive as Kelly's bodyweight curl. Kelly
came over to me holding onto a tape measurer.

"Flex your bicep David."

I smiled and brought my arm up. Pumped big from the curls I flexed up my bicep
to about 14 inches. Maybe this was all she wanted to do. I shook my arms and
was ready to head back upstairs.

But then Kelly put the tape down and walked up to the weight and took on a
stern look.

"My turn!"

Kelly then proceeded to bend down, stick her little behind out, grip the
weight firmly and with one clean motion pull the weight up to her thigh. Holy
cow! She then did the calf raises and this time I watched in shock as her
calves expanded to over 12 inches around! Heck, they were as big as mine,
maybe even bigger! And she was about half my height! I gulped. Her calves
looked better than mine, forming into small heart shaped masses! She then did
the squats and her thighs pushed out bigger and bigger muscles with each dip!
Her behind stuck out with firm gluteus muscles! After another 12 repetitions
she stood up and I looked down in awe. Thick, gymnastic size muscles bulged
forth. I gasped again. Her small legs now had more muscle on them than I had
on mine! Kelly looked down at her legs and smiled.

"Look big brother! My legs are as big and as strong as yours! And they look
better! They have more definition and better shape! You can see each muscle
group! I'm turning into a super girl!"

Nodding my head absently I assumed she was done. I figured wrong. Her serious
face returned and her little arms shook. She wasn't going to curl the weight
was she? As she struggled to pull the weight up I watched as her shirt
continued to rise upward. Her back was expanding, her shoulders were adding
more mass and her chest was getting thick! Twin blocks of pectoral muscles
bunched and grew right before my eyes. It was if two small monitors were
pushing away from her chest. Unreal! As her chest grew thicker it pulled her
top up higher, exposing a stomach sporting a nice six pack thicker and more
cut than mine!

I sighed with a bit of relief as she continued to struggle. She couldn't curl
this weight. Good! Smiling, I looked at her. "Come on Kelly, give it up, you
can't lift that. That has to be two times your weight. That's just too much

Kelly looked at me and pouted. "Oh, yeah? I can feel myself getting stronger!
You had better watch out! My muscles are getting harder and thicker! They're
getting bigger and stronger! I can do this!"

Then as if by magic, the weight slowly moved up, like it was on a string.
Kelly's arms bulged forth bigger than before! I watched in awe as the weight
continued its inexplicable rise, passing her chest and finally making it to
her shoulders. I blinked twice.

"Kelly! You just curled 100 pounds!"

She gave me a small smile. "I know! And I can do more curls too, just watch!"

Kelly slowly moved the weight back down to her bulging thighs. She reset
herself and pulled the weight back up. And then back down and back up. Each
repetition looked labored, but the next one also looked easier than the first!
At nine repetitions she was picking up speed. Finishing with 12 repetitions,
the last one looked easier then when she curled the five pound bar! She
dropped the bar and looked at me.

"Grab the tape measurer."

I quickly complied and Kelly brought her little arm up into a bicep pose. It
bulged into a perfect muscle, round, thick and detailed. It looked better than
mine! I wrapped the tape around and gasp at the result.

"12 inches! That's really big. Your bicep looks like a baseball!"

She smiled at me and shook her head. "No, big brother, 12 inches isn't really
big, since I haven't flexed down hard yet!" I gasped. Before I could say
anything, Kelly pulled her thick little forearm forward and tightened her fist
until her knuckles were white. I watched in disbelief as her bicep tensed and
added mass in every direction like something out of a cartoon. It was the most
incredible thing I had ever seen. Thick, pulsing muscles pushed upward on the
formerly thin arm my 7 year old sister! The tape slowly pulled away from my
fingers. Her little ball of muscle was getting bigger! It reached 13 inches!
Kelly grunted and her forearm shook. She was milking more muscle into her
already pumped up arm! The tape pulled further as her bicep rose upward past
her shoulder until it reached 14 inches! She smirked at me as I pulled the
tape away.

"I'm as big and as strong you now, big brother! And you're much taller than
me! I'm like a Power Puff girl, only I've got really big muscles!"

I could only nod my head. How was this possible? Kelly held her pose.

"Now feel my muscle big brother."

I dropped the tape and complied. I rubbed my hand around her big ball of
muscle. Her bicep was unreal! I could barely press my fingers in. I rubbed my
hands up her thick forearm, down around her large bicep, around her dense
tricep and up her striated shoulder. She was sporting the arm of a female
bodybuilder on the frame of a seven year old girl! What was going on here? As
I continued to rub her impressive arm, Kelly smiled at me.

"I should have started lifting weights sooner! I've got more muscle than
anyone in my school now! My legs are meaty and strong! My back and chest are
thick and rippling! And my bicep is big, round and full of power! This is so

I could only nod my head agreement. I stood back up and Kelly walked over to
the weights and picked up a 20 pound plate. I looked at her in disbelief.

"What are you doing Kelly?"

"I'm putting more weight on. You said that when you lift weights you keep
doing it until you get to the weight that you can't lift. I haven't done that

When did I say that? I was about to protest, but decided to help her instead.
I figured if we put 200 pounds on the bar then she would have to give up.
Finishing, I stood back up and Kelly looked at me.

"Your turn big brother."

I clenched my teeth. Well, I could lift this weight anyway. Nodding, I walked
up to it, set myself and with some effort, pulled the weight up. I did the
calf raised OK, and was able to finish 12 squats. But when I tried to pull the
weight up for a curl my body gave up. My face turned red under the effort, but
I finally stopped and dropped the weight. As I backed away, Kelly walked up to
the weight, giggling.

"My turn."

She then reached down, and to my continued astonishment, pulled the weight up
to her thick thighs. She then proceeded to do the calf raises easier than I
would have thought. Her little calves continued to bulge forth, now bigger
than baseballs! She moved onto the squats and was able to do those too. As she
continued to squat her shorts began ripping up the sides against her expanding
quads and bulging glutes! Her short legs were now filling up with incredible
girl muscles, taught, firm and bulging in every direction. As big as any
female bodybuilder but on a much smaller frame.

"Look at my legs big brother. They're bigger than yours. They're bigger than
any of those gymnasts from TV! And I'm only a seven year old girl! This feels
so good! And I'm not done yet!"

Setting herself, Kelly then concentrated and began to tug at the 200 pound
weight. Surely there was no way she could curl that weight. What did she
weigh? About 45 pounds? Blinking, I looked at her magnificent muscles bulge
and shine. Well, perhaps she weighed more than 45 pounds now. But as of 10
minutes ago, this would be a four times bodyweight curl. No girl has ever done
that! As she pulled against the weight her upper body began to expand, growing
against her effort! Her chest now pushed hard against her shirt exposing large
slabs of pectoral muscles. Heck, her shirt was quickly becoming transparent
against her incredible bulging physique. The flowers on her shirt grew and
stretched out. Then with another small ripping sound, cleavage pushed its way
outward, exposing her little girls boobs of power! Her back and chest
continued to expand in all directions as she struggled against the weight,
pulling the shirt up until it was at the bottom of her quivering muscle filled
pecs, exposing the bottom of her power chest muscles. Her muscled up
abdominals pulled in and out with every breath, looking more defined than
before. Veins now pushed to the surface all over her bulging arms. Another
loud tearing sound resulted as her biceps tore through her sleeves as her
biceps bunched bigger than ever! Her entire body shook as she struggled.
Surely she wasn't going to curl this weight? Surely she wasn't that strong.

But then with one mighty pull, the weight moved upward! I couldn't believe it!
She was going to curl 200 pounds! At the half way point, Kelly fixed her back
straight, moved into the weight and completed the curl! What a feat! What a
girl! Kelly held the weight and smiled at me.

"Boy, big brother, I should have started lifting weights sooner. Look at my
bulging muscles! I'm as big as our gym teacher! And I'm twice as strong as

Accentuating the point, she brought the weight down and pulled it up again.
Two curls! And she didn't stop there! I watched in shock as the large weight
continued to move against the bulging muscles of my little seven year old
sister. Stopping at 12 curls she dropped the weight again. She then stalked
over toward me, stood proudly in front of me and flexed her bicep, ripping her
shirt up to her neck. Holy crap! A huge, vein engorged mass of young girl beef
bulged forth!

"Feel my muscle NOW big brother! It's bigger than yours! It's bigger than most

I reached over with trembling hands. The softball sized mass was big and
bulging. I gave it a squeeze and found it incredible hard! I couldn't dent her
fantastic bicep! Her muscles were getting denser! I looked her arm up and down
as it had to be 20 inches around! Her arm was huge! I couldn't even get both
my hands around it now. It was as big as the arm of a large man! The shape and
hardness were unreal. It peaked up perfectly! She would win any bicep contest
hands down! Containing my excitement and concern, I released my grip. Kelly
held her flex and narrowed her eyes.

"Now kiss my mighty bicep."

I gave her a surprised look. She looked serious. I figured I'd play along and
bent over. I brought my lips down and kissed her bicep. Kelly gave me a smirk.
She then grabbed my shirt and my shorts and with one quick tug pulled me over
her head! My world took a major shift! I struggled a little, but Kelly's arms
held firm.

"Ha-ha-ha! Look at me now big brother! You used to lift me up and push me
around! You used to be stronger than me! But now I can lift YOU up with ease!
I'm the strong one now! You feel so light in my powerful arms! Your body looks
thin against my bulging muscles! Who's the baby now?"

I tensed as I felt her bring me down in front of her. She held me near her
throbbing thighs. I reached over and grabbed her massive leg for support.
Kelly laughed.

"You're a light weight to me now. I'll bet I can curl you easily!"

True to her word I felt my body tugged upward until I was touching her massive
chest, which was sticking out ominously, filled with hard, strong muscles. Her
skin tight shirt groaned under the pressure of her growing, bulging pectorals.
She then brought me back down and back up quickly, crashing me into her
massive chest with a thud. Her muscles were getting harder all the time! It
was like hitting a warm brick wall!

"Ha-ha-ha! You're practically weightless to me now! I could curl you forever!"

She sped up her curls and my head began to spin. Up and down I went, slamming
into her thighs and then into her pecs. I was losing focus when she dropped me
to the ground. I shook my head and looked up. Kelly held her fists on her hips
and smirked at me. Her taught, massive frame looking cute and menacing at the
same time. Her body was sporting incredible muscles everywhere, but her face
was still that of my little seven year old sister. A seven year old sister
with some type of incredible muscle building super power. Her legs were
massive, with bulging, sweeping muscles. Her abs were peppered with chunks of
small, deeply separated blocks. Her chest was nearly transparent under her
flowered shirt, rising up and down like twin lead filled balloons with every
breath. The thick sinew of her forearm bunched with unchecked power and her
biceps and triceps danced into large slabs of cannonball sized bunches of
might. My eyes finally reached her cute face with an all knowing beautiful

"You'd better get used to this, big brother. I'm still getting stronger and
I'm already stronger than you. I just need to keep lifting more weights! Help
me put some more on."

I gulped. More weight? I stood up and started to work. This time we put on 500
pounds. That ought to be too much weight. This had to end now.

Kelly looked at me. "Can you even move this weight?"

I clenched my jaw. Not saying anything, I walked up and tried to push it. No
luck. It was too heavy. Kelly smiled and me and brought her small foot on top
of the bar and curled her little toes around it. Her leg bulged out incredible
muscles in every direction. Then with one tug, she rolled the weight her way.
My jaw dropped back open. She was now capable of casual displays of raw power.

"You see that big brother! That shows you that I'm much stronger than you now.
And if you thought I was done getting stronger, you're wrong. I've just
started! Supergirl has nothing on me! My body is a nuclear power plant! I've
got energy to burn!"

Kelly quickly leaned down, gripped the bar with her small hands, shimmied her
muscle filled behind and with one quick tug, easily pulled the weight up and
locked her bulging thighs. I gasped. What an incredible sight. A 3 foot tall
seven year old muscle bound girl was holding up 500 pounds! How could she
possibly be this strong? She held the weight and looked satisfied.

"Mmmm, I can feel my muscles get stronger. Bigger and stronger!"

She quickly did her 12 toes raises and her calves bulged to new records. Like
twin beating hearts that kept growing, her calves were beautiful and detailed.

"See how easy that was! My calves are solid muscle now. My girl muscles are
all powerful. I just need to keep lifting weights."

She then did the squats with ease, causing her thighs to bulge and flex bigger
with each repetition, pushing nearly a foot away from her body. Wow!

"See my thigh muscles big brother. They get bigger with every lift. I can feel
my muscles multiply and expand bigger and denser. I'm getting stronger with
every squat."

Finishing her 12 squats I stood in stunned silence. She then began to pull
against the weight once again. A 500 pound curl? That would be impossible! As
she continued to pull against the weight, her pectorals pushed out like
someone had cut a bowling ball in half and placed them on her chest. The shirt
continued to rip down the center and now started to tear up the sides. She
pulled the bar up a bit and then brought it back down. Her shirt now rose up
even higher, exposing her swelling, power packed pectorals right up to her
bloated nipples! Kelly looked at me and smiled.

"Look at my upper body, big brother! My chest is swelling even bigger from my
effort to curl the bar. I can feel my shirt get tighter and tighter as my back
and chest get bigger and more powerful." She pulled against the weight again
and the shirt groaned against her ever expanding physique! Kelly laughed. "Ha!
My shirt can't contain my awesome power any more."

A ripping sound soon filled the room as her shirt finally tore off her body
and fell to the floor, exposing a mind boggling array of dense, ripped,
pulsing muscles.

"Look at me David! My abs are ripped, my shoulders are thick, my boobs are
bigger than Mom's. And they're all muscle! And if you thought I was done."

Not finishing her sentence she pulled against the weight and I watched the 500
pound weight rise upward cleanly. Her biceps exploded with huge muscles and
thick veins!

"My mighty biceps are getting bigger. I can feel the blood flowing into them,
feeding my strength. Five times your best big brother. And it.."

The weight was up to her massive chest.


The weight cleared her chest and reached up to her shoulders.


My jaw dropped three inches.

"Ha! This feels light now! I can curl this weight with ease! Look at my biceps
grow! They get bigger with every rep! Bigger than anyone in YOUR school."

She continued to crank out the curls, making it look too easy. True to her
word, her vein engorged muscles pulsed bigger with every repetition! Good
grief! How big could they get? Kelly seemed to read my mind.

"My biceps are as big as any bodybuilder now! Ha! A seven year old girl bigger
and stronger than Mr. Olympia! And this is just my first time lifting. Maybe
I'll enter a bodybuilding contest and show those macho men some real muscle!
Seven year old girl muscle! All those guys dad hangs around with think they're
so big and strong. Ha! I'm bigger than any one of them now! Heck, I'd bet I'm
as strong as any one of them! I can't wait to show them these young, throbbing
girl muscles! They won't know what to do!"

Finally stopping her curls after what had to be 20, Kelly dropped the weight.
The large weight hit the floor with a loud thud. She backed away from the
weight and flexed up her bicep. A huge cannon ball shaped mass of young girl
power exploded forth.

"Get the tape measurer, big brother, I want you to see how big your little
sister is now!"

I grabbed it and pulled it around her large, perfectly formed mass. Against
her 3 foot tall body, it looked enormous! I shook my head and stared at the

"It's uh, 25 inches."


  • Guest
Re: First Time
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2015, 01:39:43 pm »
Kelly tilted her head. "Oh, yeah? Well watch this. I just need to flex down a
little harder and"

I watched as she brought her thick forearm forward. Veins shot upward and her
bicep pulsed. Muscle fibers multiplied and consolidated into a bigger, better
bicep. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Look at that big brother. Now my mighty bicep is 26 inches!"

Kelly brought her forearm back a little and flexed again, pushing her
impossibly large bicep even bigger!

"Wait, now it's 27 inches. I can feel the power! This is so awesome!"

Then with one more hard flex, her bicep expanded even more. I looked at the

"Uh, Kelly, your arm is 28 inches around now."

"I know! Twice your size! My bicep is big and bad! It's thick and strong! Look
at me now! All of my muscles are bigger! Every one of my muscles is twice your
size! Every muscle can lift five times your best! I feel so strong! My body is
a super muscle machine! I can't wait to lift heavier weights! I can't wait to
get bigger and stronger! I'm going to be the biggest and strongest ever! Soon
nobody will match my power! This is so cool!"

Releasing her flex, she quickly started adding more weight to the bar.

I walked over to a table and pulled out some band aids.

"Uh, Kelly, can I put these band-aids on your nipples. It's a bit weird seeing
you sporting a massive chest now."

Kelly looked down at her chest, smiled and pulsed each massive pectoral
slowly, pushing the large masses around, showing incredible muscle control.

"Sure, big brother! I wouldn't want to embarrass you any more than my super
strength and huge muscles already are."

As I reached over, she flexed her chest a little more, making it difficult for
me to get the band-aid over her hard nipples. She was giggling the entire
time. As I touched her chest I was shocked at how hard each pectoral was. How
could my thin little sister become this massive, dominating, muscle engorged
young girl? Finally finishing, I stood back up, flushed from embarrassment.

"My mighty pecs are like steel, aren't they big brother? Bigger and stronger
than yours! And they look great on me! Now help me add more weight to the bar,
I'm feeling even more powerful!"

Swallowing hard, I helped her add weight to the bar, although since Kelly was
now so much stronger than me now, I was more in her way than any help. She was
tossing the 100 pound weights around like they were dinner plates. Watching
her magnificent muscles surge and flow as she moved around was awe-inspiring.
Who was this girl? When I backed up, the bar had 1000 pounds on it. Good

Kelly casually walked up to it and flipped her dark brown hair over her
massive shoulders.

"One thousand pounds. Ten times your best curl. Watch me now!"

She bent down once again and curled her small fingers around the steel bar.
Her powerful glutes pushed out, exposing incredible thickness. Her back
muscles pulsed upward as she tugged against the weight. And then with
incredible ease and nary a grunt, she brought the weight up to her hip and
smiled at me. This was double the weight she had just lifted. Nobody can get
this strong this fast. How could she be doing this?

"Boy am I ever glad you showed me how to lift weights. I just keep getting
stronger with every lift! Watch my calves explode with huge muscles as I stand
on my toes. Ohhhhh, I can feel the muscles bulge and get bigger and stronger!"

Her calves continued to expand to incredible proportions, now easily 30 inches
around! They pushed outward and flexed with every toe raise, expanding a
little more with each repetition! Holy cow! She then started doing her squats.

"And to think you didn't want to let me lift weights. You thought I was too
young and weak! Well look at me now! My little body is a muscle masterpiece!
Look at my legs bulge! I can feel the power flow through them! What a rush!"

Her thighs expanded outward, hanging over her knees, pulsing thicker with
every lift! They looked to be 50 inches around and growing bigger! Finishing
her 12 squats, she once again began tugging at the weight, looking to curl a
half ton!

"I'll bet you never saw this coming! Getting out powered and out muscled by
your little sister! WAY out powered and out muscled! And I'm only seven years
old! Look at my chest grow! My boobs are as big as volleyballs and as hard as
rock! My shoulders are thick and my back just keeps getting wider! Ha! A seven
year old girl with more muscles than any bodybuilder on earth! And look at my
mighty biceps! Pure power! Pure muscle!"

Once again the weight made its impossible move upward as her biceps bulged
over 30 inches around! Veins tore their way down her shoulders, around her
biceps and triceps and up her thick forearms, feeding super strength into her
growing muscles! Her power charged muscles pulsed bigger as she completed the
curl! I couldn't believe it! Drunk with power, Kelly laughed louder.

"Ha-Ha-Ha! I'm super strong! I'm super pumped! I've just curled 1000 pounds!
10 times your best! I'm the strongest girl in the world!"

She continued to pump the huge weight up and down. Her shoulders rose upward,
her forearms were ripped and her biceps bulged menacingly.

"Heck, I'm stronger than any woman in the world! And I'm not done yet!"

After another 12 incredible curls, Kelly dropped the weight with a loud clang
and smiled.

"And there's only one man left who's stronger than me. And daddy had better
look out! He thinks he's so strong! Just because I didn't pick up my toys
right away he had to give me a spanking. Wait until he sees me now!

Kelly then went into a most muscular pose that nearly floored me. Huge muscles
bunched and exploded all over her young body! Volleyball sized pecs, football
sized shoulders, huge, ripped forearms, incredible, bowling ball sized biceps!
Her traps expanded like a cobra! Her back pushed outward with angry slabs of
explosive muscles. I had never seen anyone flex up muscles like that! She
really would blow away a Mr. Olympia line up! She gloated in her mega muscle

"Well, I'm going to be messing with his toys soon! Look at my gigantic
muscles, big brother! I'm nearly as big as daddy now! I'm solid muscle! David,
get the tape measurer."

She released her incredible flex as I grabbed the tape measurer and wrapped it
around her incredible calf. Kelly punched up each body part and announced her

"Calves! Look at the size and shape! 100% pure muscle! 32 inches around!
Thighs! Huge, ripped and incredibly massive! 48 inches around! Abs! Thick and
iron plated! 22 inches around and overflowing with muscles! I've got at least
a 50-pack! Chest! Two blocks of TNT! Large and in charge! As big as two
concrete basketballs! My back is super wide and filled with blocks of thick,
hard muscles! Together my chests and back are 64 inches around! And my mighty
biceps now hold more than twice the power of your entire body! Big, cut, and
peaked to perfection! 34 inches around! My arms are bigger than volleyballs
and harder than steel!"

I stood back up and watched as her muscles throbbed and her veins pulsed. She
gave me an all knowing grin.

"And this is just the beginning! The dam is about to burst! Let's add the rest
of the weights! Just wait till daddy gets home! Wait until he sees me! I'll
make him sorry he ever spanked me!"

I shuddered. Was she really just getting started? She quickly piled the rest
of the weights onto the bar. With 2000 pounds now filling the bar I looked
down nervously. How could she continue to double the weight with each lift?
What kind of super power did my little sister possess? Nobody on earth can do

Kelly stalked up to the weight, bent down and gripped the bar. Humongous
muscles exploded all over her body, fueling her seemingly unlimited strength
and power. She looked even more beautiful than before. Her hair was radiant
and her eyes twinkled. Her behind was now so muscle laden that her shorts were
practically a thong. My sister was all but naked, bathed in super human muscle
perfection from head to toe. Nobody could match her expansion. Nobody could
match her fantastic muscle proportions. As she took in the heaviness of the
weight she looked at me and gave me an all knowing grin. Her veins pulsed
thicker. Every muscle on her body throbbed. Then with one quick motion she
yanked the 2000 pound weight up to her thighs like it was a small branch! She
was now standing up with one ton! Good grief! The weights bent a little toward
the earth on both ends. The thick bar was being taxed to the limit and my
seven year old sister was lifting it with ease! Ignoring the unreal amount of
weight she was casually tugging at, Kelly started off on her routine.

"Mmmmm. More weight, more strength, more muscles! Bigger, stronger, better!
One ton calf raises. No problem for me! Look at my mighty muscles bulge into
huge masses big brother. I'll bet you wished you had half my muscles! My
calves are the size of volleyballs now, filled with Kelly power!"

I looked on with continued shock. Double the weight yet again! And she was
lifting it with ease! I watched as her little feet moved up and down causing
her calves to bulge to fantastic proportions, growing ever bigger with each
toe raise! Finishing her toe raises I watched with mind numbing awe as she
launched into the squats with clean, powerful repetitions.

"Look at this big brother! One ton squats! Look at my muscles bulge bigger!
More ripped, more defined! And they definitely have more strength! I'm like
the Incredible Hulk girl! Grrrrrrr."

With each dip her monstrous thighs grew even bigger! Her thighs looked like
two sides of beef! Bulging and twitching to outlandish proportions. After 12
squats she paused and held the weight at her thighs, pooling her strength. Her
face looked only slightly strained as she pulled at the weight. Her upper body
started to expand further, breaking her own records! She was already
proportionally the biggest person on earth and now she was growing to become
the biggest person period. Her chest pushed out to the size of twin
basketballs! The band-aids covering her nipples were pointing straight up! Her
back pushed out further, now nearly three feet wide! She was as wide as she
was tall. What an incredible muscle bulging girl! Kelly smiled at me.

"I can feel my strength and power grow! Ha-ha-ha! There's nothing I can't do!
I'll bet you thought I was done. That this weight was too heavy. Well, it's
not! I'm just too strong! My muscles can't be stopped! It's time for another
curl fest!"

I shook my head. Was there no limit to her power? Her chest pushed out some
more, growing even thicker! Her traps and shoulders rose higher! As she
pulled, I watched the huge weights, bent toward the earth at both ends, rise
upward, passing her bulging chest. And defying everything I thought was
possible, she pulled the weight upward until it rested near her shoulders. She
had done it again! This time it was a one ton curl!

"Ha-ha! 20 times your best lift big brother! There's no stopping me now! I'm
the whole package! Size, strength, power and beauty! And to think, all I had
to do was start lifting weights! Look at my arms! Nearly as big as daddy's

Her smile got wider and more menacing as she continued to curl the huge weight
up and down. After 15 curls, Kelly dropped the weight with a crunch and looked
at me.

"Come over here and kiss my muscles. Feel how hard they are. They're like

I stammered. "Uh, why do you want me to kiss your muscles?"

Kelly turned toward me and took a few steps. Her huge muscles flexed and
surged into angry, gigantic masses of young girl power.

"Because you need to worship my muscles. You need to show me that I'm the big
sister now. And if you don't I'll beat you up and break you in two! I'm 20
times stronger than you now! I'm much stronger than you ever were to me!" She
smacked her fist into the palm of her hand with a loud whack. "Soon everyone
will be worshipping my incredible muscles and awesome strength. The world is
in for a surprise! Little Kelly is going to be the biggest and strongest ever!
So do you want me to crush you or are you going to do what I say?"

I stuttered, but quickly fell to my knees and reached down to her touch her
legs. How could I argue? She really could crush me now if she wanted. She
smiled at me and relaxed a little, but flexed up each muscle group as I rubbed
it. I felt her massive calves, then her dense thighs, kissing each as she
requested. They were the biggest muscles I had ever touched and felt harder
than Dad's, which made me even more nervous. She purred with satisfaction as I
caressed her legs and kissed each one. The power was clearly going to her
head, but right now I had no choice. I only hoped Dad could stand up to her.
The glutes were next. Her shorts had ridden nearly all the way up her now
large ripped behind!

"Look at my butt now! Just try and spank it, if you dare!"

I shook my head, felt the hardness and decided to kiss it instead. Kelly
chuckled. I moved on and felt the deep bumps and groves along her abs that
used to be a little pot belly. I reached up to her boulder like pectorals. Big
and hard, Kelly smiled at me and flexed them down, causing them to ripple and
rise up. Striations formed near the top and with every flex a new striation
was created, each one working its way across her incredible chest! The
striations blocked her chest into massive chunks of muscles! I had never seen
anything like it! I quickly kissed each pec and moved toward her flexed arms.
She pumped each one up and down as I explored the hardness and incredible
shape. Kelly was right. They were nearly as big as dad's, but they looked
better. And considering they were attached to a 3 foot tall girl, they looked
bigger! Much bigger! Heck, her arms were as big around as she was tall! Good
grief! I kissed each one and stood back up."

"Very good, big brother. I'll have you oil me down later, before I head out to
show off my new body and lift a few cars! Come on, your weights are all used
up, let's head to daddy's gym!"

Just as we headed into the area, right on queue, dad walked in.

"So, what are you two doing? I was just going to."

He never finished his sentence as he got a good look at Kelly.

"My god, Kelly, what happened to you?"

I looked at Dad with relief and concern. He was the only one left on earth
stronger than little Kelly. If he couldn't stop her, then nobody could. Kelly
looked at Dad with satisfaction and resolve. She knew what she wanted to do.
Out lift and out flex him so she alone would be the strongest and biggest one
on earth. I bit my lip. Surely she couldn't continue to get bigger and
stronger. Could she?

To be continued.


  • Guest
First Time, Part 2
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2015, 01:40:21 pm »
First Time, Part 2
Kelly continues to lift weights for the first time

What a scene. My Dad was the biggest and strongest man on earth. He had just
gotten home, probably to lift weights. What he didn't know was that his young
daughter and his teen-age son had also been lifting weights. The problem was
that his daughter kept getting stronger. And she kept getting bigger. She was
only 3 feet tall, but she had muscles as big as our Dad now. And she was mad
at him for giving her a spanking. She didn't want to stop getting stronger
until she was stronger than him. I backed up and watched as Kelly moved toward
Dad. Her incredible muscles bunched and expanded with every step. She looked
at Dad, who was still surprised by her size.

Kelly narrowed her eyes and spoke quickly as her increasing energy level
spilled out. "I've been lifting weights, Daddy! I just curled 2000 pounds!
Isn't your best 5000 pounds? Let's have a lift off! I'm feeling pretty strong!
Look at my big muscles!"

Kelly flexed up her bicep and it surged up to impossible heights like a rising
volcano! Dad and I both gasped as her arm flexed up to 38 inches of incredible
little girl power. Her bicep was bigger around than she was tall and was over
a foot in height from her massive tricep belly to her incredible mountain
peak! Dad gave me a wide eyed look and I could only shrug my shoulders. Before
he could say anything, she was quickly sliding the 500 pound weights on the
bar until it was filled to 5000 pounds.

Dad continued to look on warily as Kelly backed away. "You go first daddy!"

Like a machine, dad walked up the weight, pulled it up to his thigh and with a
loud grunt pulled against the weight. It took some effort, but he was able to
curl the weight 10 times, his arms shaking hard at the last one. Kelly
watched, smiled and nodded her head as he struggled with the last lift. He
dropped the weight with a loud clang, wiped his brow and backed away. Kelly
gave him a sly smile.

"Pretty good, daddy, but now it's my turn."

Dad was still suspicious. "Now Kelly, that's 5000 pounds! You shouldn't even
be able to move that much weight. Heck, there aren't too many men period that
CAN move that much weight. I'm not sure how you got such big muscles, but
you're not going to be able to do anything with 5000 pounds."

I chimed in. "Uh, yeah Kelly. You just curled a ton. Which was incredible. But
this is more than twice that. This may be too much weight for you now." I bit
my lower lip. I really did hope this was too much weight. If she did this,
there was nobody on earth who would be able to stand up to her.

Kelly glanced at me and then gave Dad a menacing smile. "Oh yeah? Well I'm
filled with girl power! And there's nothing I can't do! If I want to get
stronger, I'll get stronger! If I want bigger muscles, I'll flex up bigger
muscles! And if I want to spank you, you're not going to able to do anything
about it!"

Dad bristled, but let her approach the weight. "We'll see about that!"

Kelly sniffed at Dad. "Yes we will!"

Kelly walked up to bar with supreme confidence. And why not? No weight had
been too heavy for her magnificent body. I watched with continued disbelief as
her incredible muscles flexed and flowed with each step. She took a deep
breath, reached down and gripped the weight. The bar was so thick she couldn't
even get her hand all the way around. Kelly set herself and with a loud grunt,
pulled against the impossibly heavy weight. To Dad's horror, but to no
surprise to me, the weight moved away from the ground. The weights produced a
small clank as they came closer together when the bar moved up. I hung my head
down, awaiting the inevitable. With another grunt, Kelly pulled the weight up
to her thigh. Her body tensed under the strain, but she quickly steadied
herself. Dad was speechless. I was mortified. But what a sight. The most
muscular girl in the world had just dead lifted 2 and half tons! And
unfortunately, it didn't look like she was done.

Taking a deep breath, Kelly pulled up against the 5000 pound weight. She was
dispensing with the other lifts and was going straight to the curl. It didn't
seem to matter. Her muscles tensed and started to grow again. Huge, pulsing
blocks of power pushed out in all directions. Veins exploded to the surface.
Super striations ripped across her dense muscles from head to toe! Beads of
sweat rolled down the side of her tight curves and down toward her hip! Her
arm shook from the exertion, but I could tell that she would not be denied!
She could not be contained! And defying all logic, dismissing all reality, my
little seven year old sister pulled the 5000 pound weight up and up until she
had completed the curl. Her biceps exploded under the pressure! What a
fantastic display! What an incredible little muscle girl! Holding the weight
until it steadied under her increasing strength, Kelly turned her head toward
Dad and talked in a relaxed, sarcastic voice.

"Hmmm, that wasn't so bad, Daddy! You're the strongest man on earth and I'm
just a little girl! You didn't even think I could move this weight, and now I
can curl it! 5000 pounds! Your best lift! You used to toss me around and show
off with your big lifts! You used to tell us how nobody on earth was as strong
as you! Well, watch your little girl go! Lifting heavy weights only makes me
bigger and stronger! The more I lift, the bigger I get! And the bigger I get."

She paused as she cranked out one repetition after another, quickly reaching
ten curls. Through clenched teeth, Kelly purred out another startling

"The ssstronnnger I get!"

Kelly did two more curls, slowly. Her incredible muscles swelled with each

"I'm so strong now I can do two more curls than you with 5000 pounds! I'm
feeding more power and more strength into my mighty muscles every time I lift
heavier weights, daddy. I'm unstoppable! And now I'm stronger than you!"

She dropped the weight with a loud bang and gave Dad a hard stare.

"Let's see you flex your bicep daddy. David, measure it."

Dad looked uncertain, but complied. I quickly rapped the tape around. 39

Kelly smiled tightly. "Now measure mine!"

I walked over and brought the tape around her incredible, bulging mass. It
expanded upward to dizzying heights. I could hardly believe what I was seeing.
I looked at the tape and swallowed hard.

"It's, uh, 39 inches. As big as Dad's"

"Uh-uh. I'm that big just by bringing my mighty arm up! You forgot, big
brother, I haven't flexed yet."

She then tensed her small hand into a fist and the large, rippling bicep
crackled with intensity and bulged upward. My eyes got wide as I witnessed the
birth of the biggest, strongest human on the plant! My seven year old sister!
This was incredible! The tape pulled against my fingers and Kelly announced
the result.

"Well, look at that, it's now 40 inches." She then brought her forearm out and
back into her massive bicep with a whack. "BOOM! Now it's 41 inches!" She was
mocking Dad now. He used to flex his arms up and go ‘boom'. Telling us and
everyone else how he was bigger and stronger than anyone! Who would have ever
thought that he would be out lifted and out muscled by his own daughter? His
seven year old, cute little daughter! She smiled smugly as she held her flex.
I pulled the tape off her Herculean bicep and backed up as she pointed her
finger at her peaked, power paced bicep.

"I'm bigger than you now Daddy! I'm stronger than you too! What are going to
do about it? You can't spank me now! Ha-ha! Look at my bicep bulge bigger!"

Kelly twisted her wrist back and forth, causing her bicep peak to thrust up
and down a good three inches in a little dance of muscular superiority.

Dad was speechless. He was as stunned as I. His little girl was turning into a
dominating, humongous, muscle packed powerhouse! A real super girl! Kelly
relaxed her flex and placed her hands and her hips, pushing out her bulging,
power packed chest.

"Well, that was fun, but I'm only a little stronger than you now. However, I
can fix that! All I need to do is lift more weight. You see, I want to keep
getting bigger and stronger. I want to be much stronger than you! I want to be
much bigger than you! I want to become Kelly the Mighty! The most powerful
girl in the world!"

Both of Dad and I watched in horror as Kelly quickly piled on more weight
until the bar had 10,000 pounds on it. 5 tons! I had never seen this much
weight on one bar! Kelly backed away from the weight and gave Dad an evil
smile. She was doubling the weight once again! Did her strength and power have
any limits?

This was it. If she was able to lift this, nobody on earth could stop her! She
would be the most powerful person on the planet! Kelly backed away from the
weight and smiled.

"Your turn Daddy."

Dad walked up and with a mighty tug, pulled the weight up about 3 inches from
the ground, held it for a moment, groaned loudly and then dropped it back
down. Kelly simply smiled and skipped to the weight, her muscles bouncing and
flexing like a hyper muscular cheerleader.

"Awe, gee daddy, was that too much weight for you? Was that more than the
strongest man on earth could handle? Well let me show you how it's done! My
muscles are super charged with girl power. And no weight is too heavy for me!
I can lift anything!"

Kelly bent down, gripped the weight, and with nary a grunt, pulled it up to
her gigantic throbbing thighs with ease, surpassing Dad's feat. But Kelly
practically looked relaxed. She held the weight for a moment, getting stronger
all the while. I could see her muscles tense, throb, grow a little bigger and
then relax as her body adjusted to the weight. Maybe she was right! Maybe no
weight was too heavy for her! If that were true there really would be no
stopping her! Tanks, planes, maybe even battleships would be her toys! She
sighed softly, her facial expression loosening into a smile. She knew what was

"Well, look at that, Daddy! 10,000 pounds lifted by one little seven year old
girl. I can feel my muscles explode with more strength! YES! My heart is
pumping super power into my veins, feeding super energy into my mighty
muscles. Look out Daddy, your world records are in trouble! Kelly the Mighty
is taking over!"

With a small grunt the gigantic weight moved up. I couldn't believe it. How
could she continue to keep getting stronger at such an incredible rate? How
could she possibly lift this much weight? As I watched on with wide eyes, the
weight passed her huge chest and defying reality, was pulled to her shoulders.
She had done it again! This time to the tune of 5 tons! More than anyone else
on earth! Heck, twice as much as anyone else on earth! Kelly smiled through
the strain, which was not nearly what it should be.

"Wow, what a rush! A 10,000 pound curl! I'm now TWICE as strong as you daddy!
That means I'm the strongest girl in the world! No! I'm the strongest one on
earth! 100 times stronger than my big brother! Look at my muscles bulge. I'm a
title wave of muscle and strength! I'm da bomb! I'm what everyone wishes they
could be. I've got ripped, bulging muscles everywhere with super strength to
match. And I'm not done yet! One 10,000 curl is nothing to me! I can do more!"

Kelly continued to curl the weight, once, twice, three times. The lifting
looked strained, but consistent. 12 curls later, the weight was dropped with a
very loud thud. Kelly smirked.

"See daddy, I'M the strong one around here now. Not you! This is great! I'm
stronger than you! I'm bigger than you! Heck, I'm the strongest person on
earth now! Nobody is stronger than me! I think my muscles and I need to talk
with you about some new rules around here! I'll be the one giving spankings
for anyone not listening to me! These muscles are large and in charge!" Kelly
flexed her mighty pecs up and down to accentuate her bold claims. They moved
like two volleyballs bouncing to and fro. My eyes followed her incredible
pectorals with continued disbelief.

But Dad was apparently not impressed and folded his arms. "Now listen little
girl, I'm still the man of the house. You may be playing some type of trick on
me to make it look like you lifted those weights. And is that some type of
fake muscle suit you're wearing? It looks ridiculous! So don't go making silly
statements! I'm still the one in charge around here!"

I swallowed nervously. Was Dad kidding? Did he really think that Kelly's lifts
were nothing more than a trick? I guess since this had never happened before,
he refused to believe it. I waited for Kelly's response. She simply held her
ground and chuckled menacingly. She glanced over at me and I cringed.

Kelly looked back at Dad and sniffed. "Not convinced yet? Well that's OK. It's
time to add more weight anyway! I need to show you who the REALLY strong one
is. And then we'll see who's in charge! There's no weight too big for me! I'll
just keep getting stronger and stronger! Kelly the Mighty is going to take

I didn't know whether to be relieved or scared. Kelly didn't go after Dad yet,
even though she was twice as strong as he was. But this only made her want to
get stronger. Stronger yet? I didn't just fear for Dad, I feared for everyone!
I hope nobody bullied her at school, because they were in for world of hurt
now! Dad looked on with concern and doubt while Kelly moved quickly, tossing
the huge weights around with ridiculous ease.

To my amazement, Kelly quickly piled on twice as much weight. 20,000 pounds
now rested on the bar. 10 tons of hard steel. The bar looked scary with all of
that weight on it. More weight than had ever been on a bar before. Kelly
looked at Dad with contempt.

"Go ahead, man of the house. See if you can even move this much weight. See if
you still think this is a trick!"

Dad walked over to weight, still convinced that Kelly and I were playing some
type of game. He gave the bar a pull, but couldn't budge the weight. He looked
it over, trying to figure out the trick. I shook my head. There was no trick.
Kelly really was becoming Kelly the Mighty! A seven year old super girl! As
Dad continued to stare at the incredible weight, Kelly walked up to him,
pushed her arm out into his stomach and casually knocked him aside, sending
him stumbling back toward the wall and gasping for breath. He shook his head
in shock. Nobody had enough strength to push him like that, and Kelly had done
it easily with one arm. He was beginning to understand that this was no trick.
She really was this strong. And she was about to become stronger. I'm sure he
now wishes he hadn't challenged her. But now it was too late. Kelly let out a
low chuckle as Dad regained his balance.

"I'll show YOU a trick!"

Keeping her eyes on Dad, Kelly approached the bar, bent down and gripped it
with her small hands.

"Since you couldn't move this is weight I guess it's up to me to show you who
has the real muscle of the house. The girl muscle! The ridiculous muscles of
Kelly the Mighty!"

Kelly gripped the bar and it groaned under the pressure. She was digging her
fingers into the thick bar as she squeezed down! She smirked as I gasped under
the realization that she was now stronger than steel! She was compacting the
super dense steel with amazing ease! Not letting me dwell on one incredible
feat, Kelly brought the weight up to her now gigantic bulging thighs with one
quick power move! She held the weight, took a few deep breaths and clicked her
tongue, once again accepting the incredible weight as just another lift. She
smiled at Dad, showing him just how strong she was.

"Yeah, baby! You couldn't even move this much weight, Daddy. And I pulled it
up to my powerful thighs! Looks like I'm the one with all the REAL power in
this house! And now it's time to show you just how mighty I am! Watch me CURL
this weight!"

I winced as she pulled against the weight once again. Watching the humongous
weight move upward was mind boggling. The fact that my three foot tall, seven
year old sister was doing it was beyond my comprehension. But once again her
muscles pulsed and grew under the strain of the impossibly large weight,
twitching and solidifying into mighty muscles of steel. I couldn't believe it;
she was going to complete the curl! Veins raced their way up her body as her
super charged muscles flexed. The gigantic weight slowly moved up as Kelly let
out a small grunt. I shook my head and strained my eyes as the beyond massive
weight moved up until was pulled up to her powerful shoulders. She had done it
again! A 20,000 pound curl! 10 incredible tons! From 5 pounds to 20,000 in
less than an hour! Kelly really was a super girl. And she let Dad know it.

"Look at me now daddy. The little girl of the house is curling the weight that
the big man of the house couldn't even move! Face it Daddy, I'm so much
stronger than you now, it's not even funny. And I can feel my muscles get
bigger still. With more muscle size comes more muscle strength. I'm a REAL
super girl! And look, one curl was tough, but my second curl feels easier! I
just keep getting stronger! My muscles are stronger than steel. Four times
stronger than you! 200 times stronger than my big brother! Nobody stacks up to
Kelly the Mighty!"

The curls continued as Dad looked more nervous. 12 curls later the weight
crashed to the floor with a small explosion, shaking the basement.

"David, I think it's time for some measurements. Daddy needs some convincing
as to who has the real muscle around here."

I grabbed the tape, and listened to her once again call out the readings as
she flexed each muscle group. I watched with awe as each body part exploded
with the biggest muscles ever flexed in the history of the world! All on the
frame of a 3 foot tall girl!

"Look at my calves daddy! As big as volleyballs! Bigger! 45 inches around!
Twice your size! Stronger, bigger, more cut than anyone!"

I shifted up to her thighs and had trouble getting the tape around, since her
inner thighs were now touching each other! Kelly continued.

"Look at my thighs of steel! Bulging with super size and strength! Rapped in
dense muscles. 72 inches each! Over twice your 35 inches! And look at my
behind, Daddy! All muscle! Ripped, dense muscle! Just try and spank me now!"

I quickly moved the tape up to her waist.

"Look at my super abs! My waist is only 22 inches around, but I've got ten
times as many muscles all over my stomach and side than you! My abs have more
definition than you can even dream of having! I could crush rocks on my
stomach! I could deflect cannon balls off my abs with ease!"

As I moved the tape up to her bulging chest, I gasped at the huge disparity
between her waist and her chest and back! Her back flared incredibly outward
with blocks of super dense muscles! Kelly continued to look at the tape and
call out the readings.

"Look at my mighty chest! Super big! Super hard! My boobs are bigger than
basketballs. Muscle filled, super dense, super striated basketballs! My back
is incredibly broad and thick! I can feel the power surge all through my body.
And look at the measurement! 122 inches! Ha! Over twice your manly 60 inches!
Convinced yet that I'm your boss now? I've got four times your strength and
double your muscle size. And you used to be the strongest man on earth with
the biggest muscles! And I'm not done yet!"

She then brought her arm up and tensed it slightly. The biggest, hardest bicep
ever flexed on earth rose toward the sky. It passed the top of her fist with a
casual flick of her wrist! What a sight. It brought tears to my eyes. I rapped
the tape around it. 60 inches! 5 feet around! Kelly beamed as she saw the

"60 inches! I'll bet you think that's a lot, daddy! But that's nothing! Just
watch as I flex down and blow your pathetic records away!"

As she did that and the incredible mass solidified further and expanded with
reckless abandon for the laws of physics and biology. I could only hold onto
the tape and watch as her humongous bicep grew even bigger! Kelly called out
the numbers as they increased.

"Watch my awesome bicep grow daddy! 61 inches, 62 inches, 63 inches! Bigger,
stronger, harder! I'm a dynamo! I just keep getting bigger and stronger! My
bicep is way above the top of my fist! Just let me keep flexing and I'll
destroy your records! I've got mega girl power and I'm not afraid to use it!"

With another quick flex her bicep shot up even more!

"Boom! Now my bicep is 65 inches around! Ha! How great is that! Spank me will
you? I'll spank you!"

Kelly growled and tensed down harder, causing all of her muscles to surge and
her bicep to expand even faster. I watched as her muscle fibers multiplied and
stacked on top of each other! Her bicep moved up quickly from 66 inches
around, to 68 inches around, to 70 inches around! It was the most incredible
thing I had ever seen! Her bicep was rising higher than the top of her head!
It was now nearly two feet tall and continued to pulse bigger!

"Look daddy, my bicep is bigger around than your CHEST! I'm huge! Ha! You may
be the man of the house, but I'm the SUPER GIRL of the house! From now on,
what I say goes! If you have a problem with that you can talk to my mighty
biceps! My 71 inches biceps! No wait, my 72 inch biceps! This is so awesome!
I'm a super muscle powerhouse!"

Through all of her boasting she continued to bring her forearm back and forth
a few inches, re-flexing her gigantic bicep and somehow pressing more and more
super muscle into her mountainous bicep! It was 33 inches bigger than Dad's
arm and STILL getting bigger! How could she be doing this? My hands trembled
as I continued to feel the tape pull away as her muscle filled bicep blew up
bigger yet! Kelly laughed as she continued to call out her world record
setting numbers!

"Ha-ha-ha! Now my bicep is 73 inches around of towering muscle and growing!
Ohhh, this feels so good! And look! My bicep is now 74 inches around of pure
power! Bigger than anyone! My awesome bicep is reaching for the sky and
getting bigger! Now it's 76 inches of earth shaking power! And look daddy!
Just by tensing my fist, my super pumped bicep has reached 78 inches around!
Twice your size! You used to have the biggest bicep on earth! You used to show
it off to us and make us admire your powerful arms. And now my bicep is TWICE
as big as yours! Ha! You'd better start WORSHIPPING my mighty arms! There's
nothing I can't lift! There's no size I can't flex my muscles to! You're in
trouble now daddy! Kelly the Mighty is in the house!"

My jaw remained dropped as I let go of the tape and rubbed my sister's
impossibly large bicep. She nodded her head in agreement as I tried to spread
my hands out wide enough to get an idea of just how big her bicep was. 78
inches around! Six and half feet in circumference! Her bicep circumference was
over twice her height! Her bicep was now nearly as tall as she was! It
completely filled out the base of her arm and mushroomed bigger as it passed
her shoulders and the bend above her elbow, pushing her forearm away a little
back from vertical as it reached up to dizzying heights. I continued to probe
her impossibly hard bicep and stood back up to touch her magnificent bicep
peak that reached a foot above her head! The small veins pulsed all over her
incredible arm as I traced my fingers along the huge crevice of her bicep
split. I then reached one hand up to her bicep peak and brought the other down
to cover the bottom of her tremendous tricep belly. It looked like I was
holding the prize winning watermelon for heaven's sake! And hard! I tried to
squeeze her arm, but it was like trying to crush diamonds with my bare hands.
Her huge arm was incredibly big, impossibly hard and yet perfectly shaped. I
finally let go and backed away, taking in the rest of her super muscular body!
From her bulging calves to her throbbing thighs to her basketball sized pecs,
she was a mega muscled little goddess!

"How was that big brother? I used to think you had pretty big muscle when I
rubbed my hands along your arm. But now you're nothing compared to me! You
can't even cover MY bicep peak with your hands. How many times bigger is my
arm than yours?"

I licked my dry lips. "Uh, over 5 and half times."

"Ha-ha-ha! More than 5 times bigger! This is so cool!"

Finally satisfied for the moment, she released her monumental bicep flex and
strutted over toward Dad. She got right next to him, looked up and flexed her
bicep again. It shot back up to 78 inches of supercharged glory. A humongous,
watermelon sized, stronger than steel bicep of power!

"Take a closer look at my muscle. Care to make any other remarks? Still think
you're in charge? Still think you can measure up to me? I'm covered in super
strong, super big muscles! The biggest strongest muscles ever flexed!"


  • Guest
Re: First Time, Part 2
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2015, 01:40:30 pm »
Dad took a step back, but this time said nothing. He took a nervous glance at
the stairs. Kelly looked over at the stairs, smiled, looked back at Dad and
released her bicep flex. But all of her muscles remained tensed to beyond
massive size. She seemed to be picking up steam! "Well I'll tell you! I'm in
charge! I just curled four times your best and I can do more! Much more! I'm
going to keep lifting weights until there's nothing left to lift. Cars,
busses, tanks! Heck, those big earth moving vehicles!" She then took a step
toward Dad closing the gap that Dad had tried to establish. She flexed her
pectorals up and they crackled with intensity and pulsed bigger, pushing out
with over a foot of rock crushing cleavage! She continued to flex her
fantastic pecs up and down slowly, showing her huge size, her powerful
striations and her incredible muscle control. Her band-aid covered nipples
once again pointed straight up as her powerful chest flowed and surged, now
bigger than two medicine balls! As she walked forward, Dad backed up until he
was against the wall. Kelly stopped and pressed her magnificent, bulging chest
against Dad's stomach. "So Daddy, who's in charge now?"

Dad swallowed, unsure of what to say. I understood his problem. How could he
admit that his seven year old daughter was the boss, especially since he was
the strongest man on earth. Or at least he was. But his hesitation was going
to cost him. Kelly took another step forward and flexed her gigantic pectorals
up, pressing Dad against the wall and taking his breath away.

"If you want me to crush you flat with my big boobs I can you know. They're
harder than steel now. And I can flex them bigger if I want. Like this!"

Dad grimaced as she flexed her pecs higher and bigger! Using only her mighty
chest, Kelly pushed him up the wall until his feet dangled inches from the
ground! Her chest was so big that his thighs and stomach and half his chest
were covered! He pressed down against her chest with his hands but clearly was
having no effect. His thick arms trembled as he was pushing against her
pectorals with all of his might, yet he was unable to make the slightest dent
into her balls of steel! His incredible strength was no longer even a match
for his young daughter! Realizing the situation was hopeless, he squeaked out
a response.

"You're in charge Kelly! You are! Please let me go!"

Kelly giggled menacingly. "Ha-ha! You're pushing hard against my boobs and I
can barely feel it! I'm super strong and super hard! Heck, I'll bet I'm
bulletproof now! And look at the size of my chest! I could bury you with my
pecs! I could crush you out of existence! Any one of my muscles is more
powerful than you now! Nobody on earth can stop me! Who's the most powerful
one on earth daddy? WHO?"

Dad was now gasping for air. His arms hung to his side as Kelly had flexed her
chest even bigger! He was buried from below his knees up near his neck in
gigantic, palpitating pink balls of power! Kelly was right! There was nobody
on earth who could stop her! Running out of air, Dad finally yelled out.

"You are Kelly! You're the biggest and strongest!"

Kelly smiled and took a step back. Dad let out a loud breath as his feet fell
back to earth. He grabbed his bruised stomach and chest and groaned. Kelly
relaxed her flex, turned around and snapped her fingers.

"Ha! That's right! I rule! Now, let's put some real weight on the bar! I don't
want you to get any ideas that you're even in my class anymore!"

With that the largest weights in the gym were pulled into play and the bar
quickly had 50,000 pounds on it. But Kelly wasn't done yet! She walked over to
a squat machine and pulled on the 2000 pound weights that were attached to a
three inch thick bar. The bar screamed as it was bent toward the strongest
girl in the world! With a loud snap, Kelly pulled the huge weights off the
ruined squat bar and placed them onto the curling bar. Her massive muscles
flexing and flowing with god-like size and strength. She continued to rip
apart the squat machine until all of the weights in the gym were on one bar. I
looked at the bar and counted the weights. There was now 100,000 pounds on it!
Good lord! 50 tons! The bar looked ridiculous! Could it even stand up to this
much weight? Kelly didn't seem to care as she walked up to the giant weight,
cracked her knuckles and looked over at me.

"Now we're talking some weight! And you thought 50 pounds was too much for me!
The flood gates are open! I've got power to burn! I'm going to be stronger
than everyone in your school put together! Hee-hee! Maybe I'll lift your whole
school! With everyone in it! Then I'll lift a skyscraper! I'll just keep
lifting bigger and bigger things so I can keep getting stronger and stronger!
And as I get stronger, my muscles will get bigger! Just think how big and
strong I can get big brother!"

I chuckled nervously. Surely she couldn't get that big and strong could she? I
watched as she approached the thick bar with gigantic weights piled on each
end. The small indentations from her last grip were visible on the bar and
Kelly reached down and placed her fingers back into the grooves. She set
herself and pulled at the bar to get a feel for the gigantic mass. To my
amazement, the bar rolled a little, causing the weights and the bar to groan.

Smiling, she brought her behind down and set herself. I prayed that this
weight would be too much, that she was as strong as she could be. After all,
she was jumping from 10 tons to 50 tons! If she did this, she must have
unlimited potential! She really would be able to lift my school! Heck, she
would be able to lift an entire city block! Superman himself would bow his
head in defeat! And if she lifted this, how big could she flex her muscles?
Sweating, I looked down at Kelly and watched as she tugged at the bar. I
whimpered as the colossal weight rose from the ground. She was lifting it up!

Kelly straitened her back against the weight and with a small grunt pulled the
enormous weight up to her throbbing, super thick thighs until her back was
locked. Every muscle on her body exploded outward with unmatched size and
musculature! She had done it! She WAS Super Girl! She WAS Kelly the Mighty!
Kelly giggled from her incredible feat. The three inch thick bar bowed as the
50,000 pound weights on either end bent back toward the earth. But Kelly
twisted her wrists, causing her forearms to bulge with thick cords of
incredible muscles, holding the bar together. Kelly yelled out as the power
pounded in her little body.

"Oh Yeah! More muscle! More strength! Raaahhhrrrr!"

She looked super charged! Her veins visibly pulsed, seemingly filling her with
renewed strength and vigor. Good grief! She really was just beginning! Maybe
nothing really was too heavy for her. She held the weight and took a few
breaths, causing her huge pectorals to push up near her chin! Her thighs
pushed out two feet away from her body with ripped, pulsing might! Oh no! She
was going to try and curl the weight! She was going to launch herself into the
super human category!

Clenching her jaw, she pulled at the 50 ton weight, causing her biceps to
surge ever bigger, filling up every square inch of available room on her arm!
Her back widened with impossible muscle size! Her abs pulled in and out with
each breath with incomparable separation! Her chest heaved and blew outward
with two feet of cleavage! Her mega muscular shoulders pushed to her ears!
Every muscle fiber in her super body was pulsing and flexing to the max! She
was putting everything she had into it! A trickle of sweat rolled down her
check. But her body once again supplied her with the super strength she

Kelly paused, took a few breaths, and to our continued horror, slowly brought
the 100,000 pound weight up using just her ultra powerful arms! Her biceps
were now so big that she had to pull her forearms to the side a little just to
get a curl. The bar slowly moved upward and was barely able to make it past
her iron chest! But she did it! The weight cleared her humongous pectorals and
finally rested near her bulging shoulders! Kelly exalted in her impossible,
earth shattering lift!

"Wowie! Now THAT'S power! I'm now 20 times as strong as you daddy! TWENTY! Any
doubt now who's in charge? Any doubt now who the strongest one on earth is?
And what about you big brother? I'm 1000 times stronger than you! You're like
a bug to me strength wise! This feels soooooo good! And I can feel the power
flow through my mighty muscles, feeding my super strength! And you two didn't
think I could lift 5000 pounds! That's baby weight to me now! Now watch as I
continue to get bigger and stronger and curl this weight some more!"

True to her word, Kelly continued to curl the weight, crashing her forearms
into her biceps with every incredible curl and slamming the bar against her
thighs on each downward movement! She once again performed the impossible and
did 12 curls! 12 curls with 50 tons! Nobody in their wildest dreams could have
ever seen this coming!

Dropping the weight with a small explosion that shook the entire house, Kelly
flexed her now monstrous muscles and they all surged forward to incredible

"Look at me now daddy! My muscles are bigger than you ever thought was

She lightly flexed her bicep and a literal mountain of muscle rose forth,
quickly clearing the top of her head and heading for the ceiling! Her bicep
had to be 90 inches around! It was nearly as tall as she was! Her bicep
towered over her head, reaching up to 5 feet above the floor! Her face
contorted into anger as she turned her head and yelled at Dad.


I took a step back, a bit horrified. At this point, Dad had no choice. Kelly
was 20 times stronger than him now. How was this possible? Dad limped forward,
still sore from being crushed against the wall, got next to Kelly and looked
down sheepishly. Kelly gave him a cruel smile.

"Now kiss my bicep daddy, show me who's in charge!"

He reached down to her bicep peak and brought his head forward. Just as he
leaned over, Kelly flexed down hard and her diamond hard bicep slammed into
his face, causing him to jerk his head back. Blood flowed and he stumbled back
and fell onto his behind. He grabbed his nose and looked up at Kelly with
embarrassment. Kelly laughed evilly.

"Ha-ha! My big bicep can beat you up all by itself! There's nothing I can't
do! There's nobody who can match my strength! My muscles rule!"

Kelly held her flex and looked over at me.

"David, I want a measurement."

I quickly grabbed the tape and rapped it around her gigantic bicep. Kelly
looked up at her incredible muscle and laughed.

"100 inches around! Triple digits from the bicep of a seven year old girl!
Nobody else on earth can measure up! But I can feel more power pulsing in my
bicep! I can flex it bigger yet! Watch and learn boys! This is what seven year
old girls can do!"

I watched nervously as her bicep once again surged upward, surpassing any
conceivable flex ever imagined! She brought her forearm back and forth tensing
hard as she smacked it into her bloated, vein engorged bicep of ultimate
power, causing it to push upward with every flex! Her bicep expanded to 110
inches in a matter of moment, exploding upward at least two inches at a time!
112 inches became 114 inches, then 116 inches, then 118 inches, then 120
inches! Her bicep was now 10 feet around! And she didn't seem to be done yet!
Kelly looked up at her peak, which was now over six feet above the floor!

"Ha-ha-ha! 10 feet around of Kelly muscle! There is no other word to describe
my muscles any more! From now on when you want to talk super huge mega muscles
you had better use the word Kelly, because nobody is any where near as big as
me! NOBODY! My muscle is taller than you now big brother! But why stop there!
You want to see a REAL muscle! Not like Dad's sorry excuse for muscles! I've
got Kelly muscles!"

I smiled weakly, hoping to stay on her good side. Kelly muscle? Good grief!
But true to her word, her bicep mountain pushed upward once again! She was
displaying more muscle in her bicep than I had in my entire body! On a three
foot tall frame! I was looking up as the peak pushed upward as she continued
her routine. Her mighty peak climbed up as if a huge muscle jack was inside
her arm! Every flex pushed it higher! I glanced down at the reading and
released a breath. 130 inches! She had gained 10 more inches in moments! I
looked down as her tricep belly was now only about a foot away from the floor,
hanging near her knee, brushing up against her colossal thigh! I looked back
up at the tape as it reached 138 inches! Then 140 inches, then 142 inches! As
it reached 144 inches I yelled out.

"That's all of the tape Kelly! 144 inches! 12 feet around!"

Kelly came out of her trance and stopped flexing. She looked up at her bicep
peak and smiled at me as I dropped the tape.

"Now THAT'S a bicep! You used to think your 14 inch bicep was big! Well get a
load of this bad boy! My bicep is TEN TIMES BIGGER than your puny arm! Ha!
TEN! Feel my mighty bicep, David! Worship the Kelly muscle!"

I was now standing up, but I still had to look up to see the top of her bicep!
Her bicep was nearly 6 feet tall from her bloated, perfectly shaped tricep
belly to the top of her round bicep peak! It was almost 7 feet above the
floor! And this monstrous, gloriously powerful bicep was attached to the body
of a seven year old, three foot tall super girl! Her bicep circumference was
now FOUR times her height! I reached up with both hands and laid them on top
of her gigantic bicep peak, unable to cover it with both hands spread wide! I
brought my hands slowly down her velvet skin, feeling the impossible hardness
and the pulsing warmth. I coughed as I bent down, keeping my hands on Kelly's
bicep. I looked into her eyes, which now sparkled with satisfaction and power.
Her face looked more beautiful than ever, seeming to glow from whatever super
power she had coursing through her body. As I traced my hands down to her
tricep, I was now on my knees. I looked up at her bicep peak, which seemed a
mile away and blinked with a sense of fear. Kelly looked down at me and

"Heh-heh! Very good little brother! You worship my Kelly muscles like I
expect. But I know someone who needs another lesson on proper worshipping."

Kelly released her flex and looked over at Dad. "Daddy, you've been naughty,
telling me that you're in charge. Thinking you can match my girl muscles,
telling me my strength is a trick."

Kelly took a few quick strides to Dad, who was still sitting on the floor,
holding his nose. She reached down and grabbed him by his shirt and tossed him
over onto a bench. He landed on his stomach with a womp. Kelly grabbed a thick
bar, walked around the bench and looked down at Dad, smiling. She gripped the
thick bar hard and dug her fingers into the metal with a crunch! She then
pushed the bar under the bench and reaching back on top slowly bent the metal
bar to her will! It screamed in protest, but Kelly simply grunted a little
against the strain and doubled her efforts. I was stunned. The two inch thick
bar could hold thousands of pounds and Kelly was bending it with remarkable
ease! She continued to twist the bar until she had Dad pinned to the bench!
Standing back up, Kelly smiled.

"Time for your spanking Daddy!"

She reached down and pulled his pants until his behind was displayed. Dad
struggled, trying to extricate himself from the humiliating situation, but
Kelly had bent the bar tight. Besides, she was twenty times as strong as him
now. She could crush him into dust. It was probably better to just get a
spanking. Kelly stood over Dad and giggled.

"You've been a bad Daddy!"

She pulled her mega muscular arm up high and brought her hand down quickly,
smacking Dad hard on his behind! A loud smack echoed off the walls. I winced
and Dad groaned. That had to hurt! Kelly pulled her arm up and looked at Dad's
behind. Her small hand was imprinted on his butt. This caused Kelly to laugh,
but didn't cause her to stop. She brought her hand down and continued to spank
Dad for another 15 seconds, each whack sounding harder than the last. Dad was

"I'm sorry I doubted you, Kelly! You're in charge! You're strength is real!"

Kelly stopped and looked at Dad's behind, which was now shinny red.

"That's right! And don't you forget it!"

Kelly looked over at me and smiled. She placed her hands on her hips and
thrust out her chest. Layers of super girl muscles stacked on top of each
other, pressing her pecs out with over two feet of cleavage. Her entire body
rippled with fantastic musculature from head to toe!

"Kelly the Mighty rules! Nobody can stand in my way! Now let's head outside, I
need heavier things to lift! And my muscles are still itching to flex bigger!
You ain't seen nothing yet!"

I almost cried. Where was this all heading? Would my little sister ever find a
weight too heavy? And just how big could she flex her muscles? I looked over
toward Dad.

"Uh, Kelly, what about Dad?"

Kelly gave me another wicked smile.

"Oh, don't worry; I'll let him go when I get back. Maybe I'll be 1000 times
stronger than him by then! Maybe stronger! Ha-ha-ha!"

Kelly turned and started up the stairs. I hung my head and followed. Where was
this heading? I guess I was going to find out.

To be concluded.


  • Guest
First Time, Part 3
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2015, 01:41:09 pm »
First Time, Part 3
Kelly keeps lift weights for the first time

I followed my young, seven year old sister up the stairs. She had always been
a little self conscience about her height. At only three feet tall, she was
the shortest girl in her class. But she was also the prettiest, with dark
brown hair and sparkling, chocolate brown eyes. In order to try and help her
self esteem I had brought her down to the basement gym to lift weights,
figuring by lifting 10 pounds up and down that she would be happy. Well, she
sure lifted up 10 pounds. But she didn't stop there. She continued to lift
heavier and heavier weights, quickly lifting more than me and then more than
our Dad, who was the strongest man on earth. And muscles! With her seemingly
unlimited strength came impossible muscle size. She seemed able to flex up her
muscles as big as she wanted. She had just finished rapping a thick steel bar
around our Dad and giving him a spanking. Now we were heading upstairs,
looking for heavier things to lift in an attempt to satisfy her seemingly
insatiable appetite for more strength.

I watched as her muscles flexed and bulged with every step, mesmerized by the
size, density and muscle separation. Her body was like an anatomy chart on
steroids. We reached the top and Kelly slipped on some pink tennis shoes and
we headed into the kitchen. I also noticed that her muscles were reducing down
without the strain of the large weights. Was she going to shrink back down to
normal? She now looked smaller then when dad had come down the stairs, but
still had heavyweight bodybuilder sized muscles. I gave her a quizzical look.
She shook her arms a little and smiled up at me.

"Oh, don't worry big brother. I've still got the power. It's just easier to
walk around this way. I can't wait to lift some really heavy stuff."

She then walked into dad's room and grabbed a white t-shirt with Strong Man
written on it. How appropriate. The shirt was tight around her arms and her
chest, but still hung to her knees. She twisted around and giggled.

"This is dad's favorite shirt. Too bad I'll be flexing out of it later."

I sighed. The shock value of someone so young and small flexing up gigantic
muscles and lifting impossibly heavy weights was something she enjoyed in the
basement and now she was looking for a larger audience to impress.

We stepped out the front door and didn't have to wait too long for someone to
come by.

A familiar car drove up along our street and slowed down. Our neighbors, Brad
and Ryan pulled up in their Grand Prix and parked it on the curb. They were
brothers; Brad was going to be a senior and Ryan a junior. Both were state
caliber wrestlers. They were more impressed with our Dad then either of us. I
looked over to see Kelly smile.

"Those two boys were always mean to me. And Daddy never listened to me when I
complained to him. Wait until they see me now!"

Her muscles bristled and swelled slightly as she clenched her fists. I
swallowed. This was what I figured. Anyone who didn't treat her right was in
for a rude awakening. The boys got out of the car and walked over to us. Ryan
looked at me, ignoring Kelly.

"So, David, is your dad around?"

Before I could answer, Kelly walked forward, placed her left hand on the side
of her waist and pushed her right hip out. Her muscles bulged back out to male
heavyweight bodybuilder size.

"He's all tied up right now, Ry Ann!"

Both Brad and Ryan looked down at Kelly with shock. This time Brad spoke up.

"What the hell happened to you? Some type of bee sting? You're all swelled up.
Like you have huge..."

He didn't finish his sentence. I don't think he could. It was as if someone
had punched him in the stomach. Kelly gave them a small smile, brought up both
arms and squeezed out the most incredible double bicep pose they had ever
seen. Her arms exploded with fantastic musculature, showcasing a huge picture
perfect display. Only I knew she was holding back. But it was still shocking
to see her biceps bulge up to over 24 inches around with her initial flex. She
once again displayed proportionally the biggest biceps on earth! Kelly clearly
enjoyed the experience as she finished the sentence.

"You mean mmmmmmmmuscles!"

Brad's head jerked back as if he had received a sock to the face. "Damn girl,
your arms look huge!"

Ryan gave her a skeptical look. "What kind of steroids are you taking? Your
arms are almost half your dad's size."

Kelly chuckled softly. "These biceps can flex MUCH bigger than daddy's puny
muscles. In fact all of my muscles can get much bigger than daddy's. This is
just to show you guys that I'm bigger than either one of you."

Brad and Ryan gave her suspicious looks. Kelly held her flex, looking at one
peak and then the other, admiring her bulging biceps, but not yet willing to
flex them any bigger. Brad shook his head.

"No way is that shit real."

Kelly raised her eyebrows, pulling them both slowly into her trap. I took a
step back.

"Then why don't you two big strong boys come over here and see if you can
squeeze my little girl biceps. You know, to see if they're real or not."

Both boys slowly walked forward, continuing to eye her suspiciously. The shirt
looked strained, but was still down near her knees, hiding her thighs and
stomach. They looked her up and down, taking in her broad shoulders and her
melon sized pectorals, unsure of what really was hiding under the shirt. They
each reached down and brought their hands to her perfect peaks and tried to
squeeze down, quickly realizing that her biceps were steel hard balls of super
human density. Kelly smiled as the boys strained.

"Now Brad, you were saying something about how big daddy's arm is. Just how
big is your bicep? Maybe 16 inches? Get a load of these bad boys, they're 25
inches each! Over 2 feet around of pure girl muscle power! Way bigger than
your boy arms!"

Brad flushed red from the idea that she had bigger arms than him and was now
pressing on both sides, trying to dent her ball of steel. Ryan continued to
rub her arms, hoping to figure out the trick.

"What is this, some type of muscle outfit? There is no way you could have
gotten this big. No seven year old little girl could have muscles like this."

Kelly suppressed a giggle. "No boys, it's all me! All I needed to do was lift
some weights. In fact, do you two want to see something really cool?"

Both boys looked at her with the same quizzical expressions. They were using
both hands to grip the huge biceps of a 3 foot tall, 7 year old girl. They had
a good reason to look confused. Kelly simply gave them both an innocent smile
and batted her eyes.

"Well you'd better hold on tight, cause these babies have room to grow! You
think your biceps are big? You think Dad's biceps are big? Well watch this!"

She quickly tensed her fist and smacked her forearm into her bloated bicep,
easily sending more muscle into her super biceps, pushing them to over 30
inches around. The boys' arms jerked as her peaks shot up 3 inches! She
continued to pump her forearm, squeezing the bicep at the apex, stacking rock
hard muscle on top of rock hard muscle! Every flex added another 6 inches of
muscle! What an incredible super girl! The boys kept their hands on top of her
biceps, looking confused and impressed. Her biceps were quickly up to 42
inches around each, tearing the shirt sleeves up to her shoulders. They were
two feet tall and growing!

"Ha-ha! Like my biceps now boys? They're now bigger than daddy's! They're the
biggest biceps on earth! And I'm just getting started!"

Kelly continued her fantastic muscle bulging display, quickly pressing her
biceps up to 48 inches, then 54 inches, then 60 inches! Thin veins slowly came
to the surface as her biceps were now 5 feet around! The boys held on to her
bicep peaks as though their life depended on it. Their eyes were like saucers.
Kelly simply smiled and continued her little flexing routine, showing no
strain. Two more flexes pushed her bicep to 72 inches, causing her magnificent
bicep peaks to soar above the top of her head! The boys' arms continued to
jerk as her peaks had shot up another 6 inches! Her chest started adding mass
too, straining the shirt and outlining the powerful muscles beneath. The shirt
had risen to her hips, exposing the dazzling thighs for the first time. They
had quickly grown bigger than dad's and were cut better than any bodybuilder.
But the boys were only staring at her biceps as the peaks continued to climb
upward. Kelly chuckled.

"Now my biceps are 6 feet around! Neither of you is 6 feet tall! My seven year
old biceps are soooo big and sooooo powerful! And soooo not done growing!"

She continued to flex, adding even greater mass each time. Her bicep reached
80 inches around, another flex brought it up to 90 inches, then 100 inches,
110 inches and quickly up to 120 inches! Five quick flexes had doubled her
bicep size! Her veins pulsed and traced their way up her incredible arm. Holy
cow! A few simple flexes had brought her bicep back up over three times Dad's
previous world record! Kelly smiled at the stunned boys, whose hands were now
over the top of their heads, resting on top of biceps as tall as they were!
Their faces showed the strain as they pressed, pulled and pounded on her huge
biceps with absolutely no effect."

"Oh yeah boys, these biceps are real and they're the biggest ever! This is a
minor flex for me and it's three times as big as dad's! You see, these are no
ordinary muscles, they're Kelly muscles! And Kelly muscles are the biggest and
strongest muscles in the world and they demand worshipping from puny boys like
you two. You used to think you were so cool driving your car close to me when
I was on my bike. And you thought you were so strong with your wrestling. But
you're nothing compared to me now! So get on your knees and kiss my mighty

Both boys pulled their arms off of her biceps and took a step back. Ryan's
hands went into fists as he spoke up. "What the hell are you, you little
freak? We're not worshipping a little girl!"

Kelly's smile dissolved into a scowl. "Oh really? Then why don't you take your
best shot tough guy."

Ryan, not realizing that if her biceps were harder than rocks, the rest of her
body was also, didn't wait for another invitation and punched her hard in the
chest. I winced as a loud crack came from his right hand. Ryan pulled his hand
under his left armpit and yelled out in pain.

"Ow, ow, ow! Damn, it."

Brad was still confused, still not willing to accept the fact that my sister
was a huge, super strong, rock hard little girl, but was also not as short
fused as Ryan. He looked at Kelly who hadn't even flinched. Her chest had
swelled back up to near twin volleyball size and the thick striated muscles
pressed tight against the shirt, outlining her incredible musculature.

Kelly laughed, released her double bicep flex, reached straight out and
grabbed each boy by the front of his pants. They stiffened, but before they
could even reach out to grab her thick forearms she quickly jerked them
overhead in one clean motion. The boys flailed about, but Kelly's arms
remained rock solid.

"Ha-ha-ha! Did you think these muscles were just for show? I can curl tons! My
muscles are rock hard boys and they're way stronger than you two wimps! You're
not even in my league! In fact, it's time to show you just how strong I am!"

She brought her arms back and in another fast power move tossed both boys
forward into a high arc. They landed in their front yard over 100 feet away,
crashing hard on the grass. They stayed motionless for a moment, then sat up
and shook their heads. Brad looked like he was having trouble breathing; the
landing must have knocked the wind out of him. Ryan reached over and gripped
his injured hand.

Kelly placed her hands on her hips, admiring her handy work. She then walked
over to the front of their car. Her muscles remained incredibly huge from her
flexing, with the t-shirt strained near it's limit, riding up to the bottom of
her bulging pectorals, exposing her rock hard abs of steel!

"So boys, you must really like this car, huh? Well, let's see if it can stand
up to some Kelly muscle power."

She reached her right arm up high, causing her tricep to bulge to triple
horseshoe size. She looked directly at the boys who seemed perplexed. I shook
my head. Kelly smiled and brought her arm down with a crunch! The entire car
rocked as she slammed her arm straight through the hood and right into the
engine. She brought her arm back out, leaving the car crushed at the front.

"Boy, they sure don't make cars like they used to."

The boys reached out their arms and shook their heads, but didn't get up,
which was a smart move. Kelly looked at her fist, which showed no signs of
damage and walked over to the side of the car. She reared her fist back and
gave the car an uppercut. Her fist buckled the doors and flipped the car onto
the roof, where it smashed the windshields. Kelly laughed.

"That was easy! I'm going to have fun today!"

Kelly walked up to the car, grabbed the undercarriage and with one quick
movement, pulled the car over her head! Now I had seen her lift heavier
weights in the basement, but to see her lift a car over her head was still
scary and impressive. She turned around and looked at Brad and Ryan who
appeared ready to cry.

"Ha-ha! Your car is pretty light! I wonder if it's bendable."

Kelly brought her muscle packed arms closer together and the car screamed in
protest as she slowly bent the frame! The bumpers both started moving down as
she continued to pull her thick arms closer to each other! The remainder of
the windows cracked and shattered on the ground. The roof creaked as it bent
upward. Kelly continued to pull at the frame until the bumpers were near the
ground! Kelly giggled.

"Well, that's enough fun with your car. Guess I'd better put it in the

Kelly bent her muscular legs down and pulled the car toward her head and then
with one quick thrust tossed the car toward their driveway. It sailed silently
in the air until it crashed hard onto the driveway. The ruined car looked like
it was the loser in a demolition derby against a group of tanks. Kelly brushed
her hands and walked back toward me and then eyed Dad's Hummer.

"Ha! This looks like an even better test of Kelly muscles! Dad's Hummer
Xtreme! Let's see how heavy it is!"

She stalked over to side of the car, reached down and with a small groan from
the suspension, easily curled up the side of the car so it was only on two
wheels. Kelly laughed.

"Pretty light so far! Let's lift this bad boy up!"

She worked her way under the huge car, bending over a little to keep it from
flipping on its side. She reached the center, stood back up and hoisted the
huge car above her head with ease. She then brought the car up and down,
pressing it near her bulging, basketball sized pecs and back up at arm's
length. The car was loaded, so it had to weight over 20,000 pounds! 10 tons! I
watched with renewed awe as she pressed the huge car up and down over 10
times. I leaned over to see her smiling at me.

"Pretty cool huh? I can feel the weight get lighter with every press. My Kelly
muscles just keep on getting stronger. In fact, I don't even need both hands
to hold this up any more!"

Kelly pulled one hand down and was quickly holding the huge Hummer Xtreme with
only one arm! She then flexed the other arm into a devastating bicep mass that
nearly touched the bottom of the car! A casual flex had brought her bicep up a
foot past the top of her head.

"If you think this is cool, just watch this!"

She released her bicep flex, placed her other hand back onto the car and
pulled the car back down, squatting a little. She then pushed the huge Hummer
upward where it sailed 5 feet, 10 feet, 20 feet up in the air. Kelly brought
her right bicep back up and flexed down hard with a grunt. My jaw dropped as
her bicep soared upward to new heights! It was 100 inches around in a flash,
then 120 inches, then 150 inches, 180 inches and quickly 220 inches around!
Her bicep was three times her height in a heartbeat! What was she capable of?
I was about to find out as the Hummer fell back toward the earth. And crashed
onto her immovable bicep of doom! With a loud crunch the huge car was impaled
on her impossibly large super muscular arm! The frame was bent on both ends
and the side windows were cracked! I couldn't believe my eyes! A three foot
tall 8 year old girl had flexed up a bicep big enough and hard enough and
strong enough to hold a 10 ton car! Kelly laughed with delight.

"Oh, yeah baby! My mighty Kelly bicep is bigger and stronger than Dad's big
car! I'm holding 10 tons with my bicep alone! My power has no limits! Let's
see how big my bicep can get! I'm pushing his pathetic toy up past the roof!

I watched on as she renewed her bicep flexing routing, bringing her forearm up
and down, pumping more super human muscle into her engorged bicep, pushing it
higher than I ever could have conceived! With every smack her bicep had to
gain 24 inches in circumference and a foot in height! Quickly the car was
pushed up to 10 feet high, then 11 feet high as her bicep grew to 224 inches
around, then 248 inches around, then 272 inches around! Her bicep got thicker
too! I could hear the metal ripping as the huge car was pumped up higher and

"Ha! And you thought my bicep was big before! Look at it now! It's a foot
higher every time I pump it! I've got unlimited Kelly muscle power! Unlimited
Kelly muscle size! I'll crush anyone who thinks they can stop me! I'll destroy
anything that's thrown at me! And I'll lift the biggest things on earth!"

She continued to pump her mighty biceps bigger and the car continued to lurch
higher and higher! 12 feet high, 14 feet high, 16 feet high! Her bicep had to
be 400 inches around! The Hummer started to sink against her bicep and the
frame continued to rip and tear against her ever expanding bicep. One of the
windows shattered.

"Ha-ha-ha! There's nothing that can stand up to my mega Kelly muscles! The car
is now higher than the roof and my bicep is now 20 feet high!"

Kelly stopped flexing her bicep bigger and walked into the front yard, bulging
bicep and Hummer Xtreme in tow. She bent forward a little and angled the car
onto the roof! She then released her flex, pulling her bicep out of the car.
The Hummer tilted and then landed on all four wheels right on the roof! I
could here our roof creak under the weight as Kelly laughed so hard that she
bent over.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Let's see daddy explain THAT!"

I looked at my muscle bulging sister and sighed. She finally stopped laughing
as her muscles reduced back down a little. She wiped away her tears and looked
up at me.

"Come on, I know where I want to go next!"

"Uh, where is that?"

Kelly gave me an innocent smile. "The quarry! They've got some big machines
and huge rocks. Maybe enough stuff to test my Kelly muscles."

She started skipping down the street and I turned to take a last look at the
mess she had created in a few minutes. I saw two ruined cars, with one on the
roof and two stunned boys, still sitting in their front yard. I turned back
and had to pick up the pace to keep up with my little sister. The quarry was
about a mile away. They normally didn't work week-ends, but I had heard some
noise earlier this morning and knew that they must still be at it. Boy where
they in for a surprise.

As we quickly walked toward the quarry Kelly kept talking about how strong she
was and turned her walk into a strut as people drove by, eyeing the young girl
with the super muscular frame. Fortunately nobody came up to challenge her.

We reached the quarry and stood at the gate entrance. It was a thick chain
link fence with barbed wire on top. Kelly walked up to the fence and smiled.

"Ha! They really don't think THIS will keep me out do they?"

I didn't have a chance to respond as she walked up to the gate and wrapped her
small hands around some of the linkage. Kelly giggled when she pulled her
hands apart, causing the fence to ping as the metal quickly broke against her
superior strength. Kelly was tearing through the metal fence like it was weak
string. Her large muscles weren't even showing any strain. Within a few
moments a large hole was formed and she walked through. I quickly followed
behind. We saw someone near a large shack and Kelly marched directly over. The
large man turned to look at us. He was 6 foot 2 with broad shoulders. His had
on a white t-shirt, jeans, boots and a hard hat. He also had some type of head
set on.

"Hey, you two, what are doing in here? Did Joe leave the gate open again?"

Kelly smiled. "Naw, the gate was closed. My name is Kelly and this is my
brother David. We're here to test my mighty muscles."

The foreman gave her an incredulous look and then as he looked her over,
opened his mouth as Kelly brought her arms up into a quick double bicep that
caused all of her muscles to snap to attention. Her thighs and calves bulged
back up to double heavyweight bodybuilder size and her upper body expanded,
pulling the strained shirt half way up her ripped abs, outlining her huge,
striated muscles on her massive chest, back and shoulders. Kelly's biceps
expanded back up to 50 inches around, her incredible peaks rising up to her
wrists. The foreman was frozen for the moment with confusion, causing Kelly to
giggle again like the seven year old girl she was.

"Pretty cool, huh? But this is nothing. I can flex up MUCH bigger muscles than
this. And I'm really, really strong too. So strong that I haven't found a
weight I can't lift. So I figured I'd come here to see if there was anything
heavy enough to give me a good pump and cause my mighty muscles to REALLY

The foreman was still too confused to say much and looked over to me for some
help. I sighed.

"She's right. Those muscles ARE real and she really is super strong. I suggest
you let her lift some stuff here."

He was about to say something when he must have received a message in his ear
phones. He talked into the set and his voice was broadcast on speakers that
must have been placed around the edge of quarry. Kelly smiled, released her
flex and took a step toward the foreman, who was returning his attention to

"Say, that headset is pretty cool. Mind if I borrow it."

The foreman blinked a few times as he watched her muscles pulse and surge as
she walked forward.

"Um, I'm afraid I can't. Company policy."

Kelly smiled as she stood directly in front of the much taller man. She placed
her hands on her hips and gave him a penetrating stare. Her muscles tightened
audibly and grew bigger. The foreman opened his mouth, but said nothing. Just
as he was about to take a step back, Kelly grabbed the front of his pants and
roughly pulled him down toward her. His chest slammed into her diamond hard
pectorals with a thud. He let out a pained WOOF. Kelly plucked the headset off
his head and casually lifted the 6 foot 2 inch 220 pound man over her head
with ridiculous ease, using just one hand. He twisted a bit in a futile
attempt to right himself. Kelly laughed.

"You big strong men think you can stand up to a seven year old muscle girl?
Well you can forget it! I'm the biggest, strongest girl there is. I'm
soooooooo much stronger than you so called big, strong men. And since I am
going to keep getting stronger, you'll soon be worshipping my mighty Kelly
muscles like everyone else. But for now, have a seat."

Kelly roughly slammed him to the ground on his behind and he groaned a little
as he looked up at her bulging muscles and beautiful, seven year old face. Two
things that just didn't match, but were too close to deny. He wisely brought
his arms back to steady himself and stayed on the ground. Kelly snickered and
placed the head set on. She started walking out toward a large flat area where
a bulldozer was moving around some large rocks. As she walked toward the
bulldozer she started to flex up her pecs, pushing them up one at a time,
first the left and then the right, pulsing them bigger with each step. She
started talking into the microphone.

"Ahhhhhh! Time to power up the pecs. I can feel the power pore into them as I
flex them up. They're each bigger than basketballs and denser than steel!
Whoops, dad's shirt is starting to rip! The bottom of the shirt is up to my
super chest! There goes a tear down the side! Oh, look now. My pectorals are
as big as beech balls!"

We then heard a loud rip as the overstressed shirt finally tore away from her
super muscular frame, completely exposing the minefield of bulging back
muscles and rippling pectorals. And with each step toward the bulldozer, her
pecs grew bigger!

"Check out THESE mega boobs! Look at the thick striations! See how I can lift
them up and down a foot with every small flex! These Kelly muscles are primed
and ready to go."

Her chest was over 200 inches around as she stopped directly in front of the
bulldozer that was moving forward rather quickly. She planted herself and
flexed up her chest even bigger! Her chest had to be over 240 inches around!
Over 20 feet around! Each pectoral was now over four feet tall, pushing up
over the top of her head and into the ground below! She was presenting the
bulldozer with an eight foot wall of mighty seven year old girl muscle. Her
back continued to get wider with seething muscularity and her calves and
thighs pulsed to unearthly proportions, pushing away from her body with super
girl muscles. And we could hear the giggling as she saw the bulldozer


The bulldozer came to an abrupt halt! The driver looked confused. He knew he
hadn't reached the rock he was driving toward. Kelly stifled a laugh and
flexed her gigantic pecs up some more as the driver pressed hard on the gas!
The treads were actually starting to spin on the ground as Kelly was exerting
more force with her chest than the huge earth moving vehicle could handle! And
with every passing second her chest grew even bigger! Kelly started giggling.

"Hee-hee-hee! You men think your mighty earth moving vehicles are big and
powerful! Ha! They can't match the power of my super Kelly muscles! I'm going
to charge up my chest bigger and stronger than you've ever seen! I'll show you
guys AND your machines what big and powerful are all about!"

The foreman and I gasped as Kelly pressed her chest bigger! 300 inches around
soon became 360 inches around! Then 400 inches around! The driver had the
bulldozer floored, but he was getting pushed back! The blade was pressing hard
into her chest, but was now deforming with a loud squeal into the shape of her
rising chest of pure power! Her pecs surged even bigger, up to 500 inches
around! Each pectoral was now nine feet high and pressed over the top of the
bulldozer plow! Her chest was 18 feet across and was now WIDER than the plow!
With her cleavage at nine feet thick, the bulldozer continued to skid

"This is EASY! My mighty chest can't be stopped by your puny machines! My
boobs are pressing into the hard ground like it was NOTHING! And my pecs are
bigger than the front of your huge bulldozer! Kelly muscles are the strongest,
most powerful things on earth!"


  • Guest
Re: First Time, Part 3
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2015, 01:41:18 pm »
The driver began to panic as he saw the wall of flesh press up in front of
him. He finally let off the gas and jumped out of the bulldozer just as it
lurched upward, pressed into the air by the power of my little sister's
incredible chest! She laughed as her pectorals started growing bigger at an
even faster rate. Her chest was 600 inches around, then 700 inches around! The
bulldozer pressed higher in the air with every second, unable to withstand the
power of the giant wall of little girl pectorals! My mouth went dry as she
continued to press her chest bigger! 800 inches around, 900 inches around, to
1000 inches around! The bulldozer was standing straight up against her
gigantic, rippling, pulsing chest of pure power! Each pec was 20 feet tall!
Her chest was 40 feet across! I could see that her back had stacked on super
dense layers and had expanded to an impossible width of 10 feet across! She
was over 3 times wider than she was tall and her chest was almost SEVEN times
higher than the top of her head! Then with one more quick press from her
unstoppable pecs, the bulldozer crashed to the ground!

"Ha! So much for your powerful bulldozer! You could fit two of those things
inside MY super Kelly chest! You could press 10 bulldozers against my mighty
pectorals and they'd get pushed aside like the toys that they are! There's no
machine ON EARTH that is stronger than my chest! Just think how much weight I
could press with this much muscle! This much GROWING muscle! Ha-ha-ha!"

To my continued shock, Kelly continued to press her chest even BIGGER! The
bulldozer skidded across the ground, unable to slow down her ultra powerful,
throbbing, super striated pectorals! 1100 inches in circumference soon became
1300 inches, then 1500 inches, then 1700 inches, then 2000 inches around! OH
MY GOD! OVER 160 FEET AROUND! She had DOUBLED the size of her chest with only
a few incredible flexes! Each pectoral was over 38 feet high! 38 feet of
unstoppable cleavage pressed ahead, tearing up the ground and pushing the
bulldozer like it was a pebble up and over, crashing hard into the ground with
every tumble! Kelly continued to laugh as her chest continued to grow!

"So much muscle on such a little girl! Boy am I ever glad you showed me how to
lift weights big brother! I'm an unstoppable super girl now! Look at how big
my mighty chest is! And I can make it even bigger! Just watch!"

All I could do was watch as her chest surged past any conceivable size! Her
thick striations were like gigantic straps of pulsing super muscles, grinding
and surging bigger and thicker with ever breath! The earth below her crunched
and cracked and the bulldozer continued to tumble like a plastic toy! 2200
inches around soon became 2400 inches around! 200 feet around! I watched on as
the huge bulldozer got caught into one of her humongous pectoral striations
and was slowly being crushed into the ground below her monstrous chest of

"Hee-hee-hee! Is that your huge bulldozer being crushed beneath my seven year
old chest? Why I do believe it is! My Kelly muscles can't be stopped! They're
bigger than a building and stronger than a hundred tanks! And growing even
bigger! And stronger!"

I fell to one knee as I watched her chest continue to grow to previously
unthinkable dimensions! Her chest pressed to 2600 inches around in moments and
with a loud crunch completely buried the huge bulldozer beneath her super
human pectorals of unrelenting power! And even THAT didn't slow down her
growth! Her chest pressed onward quickly, filling up the open area in the
quarry! Her chest swelled up to 2800 inches around! To 3000 inches around!
Bigger and bigger! When was she going to stop? I fell to my other knee and
leaned back as I continued to look up at her ever growing wall of pulsing,
super pumped pecs! I rubbed my eyes as her chest climbed to 3200 inches
around, then 3400 inches around! As they reached 3600 inches around Kelly's
giggles turned to laughter.

"So how's THAT for a pectoral flex! My Kelly muscles are over 70 feet high!
Ha-ha! That must make my cleavage 70 feet thick! There's NOTHING that can even
come CLOSE to this much raw power and size! My pectorals are super mega
muscles of fantastic glory! The biggest muscles ever dreamed! And I can feel
the strength, feel the power. The power to grow even BIGGER!""

The blood started rushing out of my head as she laughed manically. Her
pectorals continued their unthinkable mega growth. Tons of super human
pectorals muscle were layering on top of each other with every passing moment.
Bigger and bigger they spread! Her chest was soon 3800 inches around! Large
rocks in her way were crushed flat with a resounding crunch against the super
striation of her ultra mega chest! At 4000 inches around I almost cried. At
4200 inches tears started down my cheek. Kelly's laughing continued.

"Yes! More power! More size! And you guy's thought you had some powerful
machines around here! All of your machines are insignificant to my Kelly
muscles! My ever INCREASING Kelly muscles!"

I watched on with the look of someone looking at a skyscraper for the first
time. A sense of wonder, awe and dread raced around as her chest muscles
continued to multiply to 4600 inches around, to 4700 inches around and with a
satisfying sigh, her humongous, mind blowing super human chest extended to
over 4800 inches around! More than 400 freaking feet around! Each pectoral was
300 mind blowing feet around!

"I'd like to see someone try and top MY super Kelly pectorals of MIGHT! Look
at them David! My super mega ultra Kelly chest is 1200 inches high! 100 feet
of earth shaking, bulldozer crushing, gigantic mounds of bulging, surging,
super powerful chest muscles. The biggest pectorals in the UNIVERSE! They're

I could only look on with dread, but as her laugh slowed, so too did her
muscle size. As her pectorals slowly reduced down, the crushed bulldozer soon
came back into view, along with the crater formed from her eight story
pectorals! I stood back up as her chest finally reduced back down to twin
basketballs of twitching might.

"Well as fun as that was, it's time to lift some more weight! I need more
power and strength to grow even BIGGER muscles!"

I let out a small "eep!" at the thought and watched as she turned and walked
toward a huge, fully loaded dump truck that must have weighed 30 tons. The
tires were four feet tall and Kelly only had to duck a little to walk under
it. She placed her hands on the undercarriage and with a ridiculously easy
push, pressed the giant weight above her head! She brought the large dump
truck up and down a few times and giggled.

"Ha! This huge weight feels light! I just keep getting stronger all the time!
It looks like another machine is weaker than my Kelly muscles! This truck is
so much weaker than my mighty muscles that its weight feels lighter than a
pillow! In fact, it's so light, let's try a little toss."

I saw Kelly lean back and to my continued shock watched as the huge truck was
launched toward the other side of the quarry, a quarter mile away, at an
alarming speed. Like a missile, the large dump truck and rock smashed into the
side with explosive force, disintegrating the truck and the boulders with a
loud blast. I shielded my eyes for a moment. When I looked back I saw a large
hole in the side of the wall and smoke trailing upward.

Kelly was standing in the same spot, smiling.

"Man, am I super powerful or what?" She then turned toward the large side of
the quarry that they would eventually expand to. The wall was 50 feet high
above her. What was she up to? As she got to the wall she looked up and down
the wall and reached her arms out. Kelly bent down and pressed her basketball
sized chest and small hands straight into the rock with a loud crack. She then
started to talk to herself.

"OK Kelly! Time to lift some serious weight!"

I watched as she pressed forward and up, causing a large crack to form along
the base of the thick wall. Kelly let out small, little girl grunts and the
crack began to expand, slowly at first and then with a loud snap, quicker. The
fissure continued to grow and chase on down the side of the huge granite wall
until it moved out of my eyesight. Kelly was pushing tons and tons of rock
with her titanic muscles! I watched as her muscles surged a little bigger
again, separating into savagely rippling super powered strips of young girl
might! Her pig tails pushed up and down as she continued to tug and press
against the rock. Even though I could see every inch of her huge muscles, they
still tapered in and out of her small joints, giving her a decidedly female
appearance. Kelly's calves were huge, throbbing balls of power that pulsed
back and forth as she moved up and down on her toes, looking even bigger
against her small ankles and knees. Her muscles then exploded back out into
monstrously rippling thighs and hamstrings that were comprised of thick strips
of astounding power. Her muscular, ripped glutes pulsed as she continued to
tug up and down. Her behind had destroyed her pants and sucked in her panties.
Her waist looked to be 20 inches around, but expanded with reckless abandon
into the widest, thickest, most muscular back ever seen. And it was reduced
back down to a mere five feet wide! Her triceps were stacked with layer upon
layer of incredible thickness, yet they narrowed into her small elbow and back
out into her Popeye sized forearms. My little sister had the biggest muscles
on the planet, yet there was still no doubt that she was still a girl.
However, I still couldn't believe that she could continue to lift heavier and
heavier weights. And what was she doing anyway? My wandering mind came back
into focus as Kelly was about to show me.

The huge crack was growing wider as Kelly started to giggle again. And then I
watched as a huge section of rock started to move upward as Kelly leaned back!
Good grief, how big was that rock? Kelly started talking again as the gigantic
granite slab continued to move up.

"Now we're talking some REAL weight! A REAL test of my Kelly muscles! This
thing must weight thousands of tons! It feels really heavy, but the longer I
hold it, the lighter it becomes! Ha-ha! My Kelly muscles are STILL getting

I watched with renewed horror as I finally got a good look at the rising rock.
It was 50 feet tall, 100 feet wide and as God as my witness, a HALF MILE long!
That mountain of rock had to weight MILLIONS of pounds! My little sister was
now as stronger as a million men! And she was getting stronger by the moment!
Kelly shifted her arms as the humongous granite slab moved near vertical so
that she was standing upright and holding the entire weight directly above her
head! What a preposterous picture! 2600 feet of solid rock being held aloft by
a three foot tall 7 year old mega girl! As Kelly continued to giggle, she
sounded less strained and began to press the gigantic weight up and down!

"Tee-hee-hee! What does this weigh? 10 million pounds? 50 million pounds? Ha!
It's like NOTHING to me! It would take you men months of digging and
dynamiting to move this much earth and I did it in less than a minute! And now
I'm holding it EASILY above my head and pressing it like it was a small rock!
I am sooooooooo super powerful! I can just keep lifting bigger and bigger
things and just keep getting super stronger and super mega stronger!"

Kelly soon dropped one arm down, holding the 50 million pound weight with just
one arm! Still giggling she tossed the incredible weight up in the air and it
sailed 50 feet forward, crashing back to earth with a gigantic explosion that
knocked me to the ground. The rock cracked into many pieces and fell in and
around the original hole. Dust pushed its way toward me and I shielded my
eyes. And through it all, Kelly strutted back toward me with the confidence of
the super girl that she was. She reached me and placed her hands on her hips.
Her muscles bulged with super strength and she smiled above her basketball
sized boobs of power. Every conceivable muscle on her body was rippling with
super human detail, rock solid density and unbelievable massiveness.

"Well, that got my muscles pretty pumped. Want me to flex up my bicep NOW?"

I shook my head and stuttered. "Uh, I don't, uh, well."

Kelly snickered. "Sure you do! If I had enough power to flex up my pecs 100
feet high BEFORE I lifted that huge rock, just IMAGINE how much super girl
muscle power I have NOW! I can feel the super power surge around my body,
penetrating my muscles, making me feel stronger than ever! My mighty Kelly
muscles are twitching, just waiting to be flexed! Let's get this party

Reaching her arm out she tensed her fist and her arm solidified back into a
devastating array of muscles fiber and small veins. With just the start of a
flex her bicep soared up to 50 inches around! Smiling down at me she
sssssssssslowly brought her forearm up, causing her massive bicep to form into
a watermelon sized mass of young girl super muscle, now easily 100 inches
around! As she brought her forearm up further, she finally smacked it into her
growing young girl bicep wall and snickered.

"Mmmmmmmmm. This feels so good! My bicep is nearly 120 inches around and 4
feet tall! My bicep is already taller than me and I haven't even begun to flex
hard yet! Time to let loose! Are you ready for this big brother? Think you can
handle this much raw young girl power? And to think you didn't believe I could
even lift 20 pounds, or flex my biceps bigger than 4 inches. Looks like you
were wrong! It's time to show you just how big and powerful your little sister
really is!"

And with an ever so subtle twitch of her wrist, Kelly blasted nuclear power
into her bicep and it started to grow upward at an alarming rate! Her bicep
was quickly 150 inches around, then 200 inches around, then 300 inches around,
then 500 inches around, then 800 inches around, then 1200 inches around! 100
FEET AROUND! 50 FEET HIGH! She had pushed her bicep to impossible heights in
moments! Her humongous muscles pulsed and shined. Thin veins lightly pushed to
the surface. Her beautiful dark hair tingled around her head and around her
massive shoulders. Her dark eyes sparkled. And with a wink, Kelly redoubled
her efforts and stiffened a bit as even more power pored into her body. Her
chest pulsed bigger with every breath, pushing out over two feet in front of
her! Her body tingled and her breath quickened. No one on earth had anywhere
near the amount of power flowing through my 7 year old sister. Kelly laughed
in her glory.

"Ha-ha-ha! This is great! I'm pulling even more power into my super bicep!
You're watching the birth of Kelly the Powerful! The mightiest girl in the
universe! Soon ALL will bow down to me! Now watch as my muscles grow even
BIGGER! When I'm done, Daddy will wish he had never pushed ME around!"

Her bicep was 1400 inches around from her next flex! Kelly's bicep continued
to pulse and surge like an erupting volcano of pure young girl might. And with
her seemingly unlimited power came unlimited muscle size! Her bicep was
quickly 1800 inches around, then 2200 inches around, then 2800 inches around,
and incredibly her bicep continued to grow until it was 3600 inches around!
300 feet around! 150 feet high! Taller than the 100 foot tall pectorals she
had flexed only minutes before! My breath grew short at the sight! Kelly
continued to laugh.

"He-he-he! My muscles are 100 times as big as the biggest bodybuilder! And I'm
not done yet! My power is beyond superhuman, beyond anything in the GALAXY!
And I can FEEL even MORE power crashing in! I'm flexing for the sky!"

And unbelievably, her biceps grew even bigger! And even faster! 500 inches
bigger with each flex! 40 feet in circumference! 20 feet in height every time
she flicked her wrist! Her bicep skyrocketed upward to 4000 inches around,
then 4500 inches around, then 5000 inches around, to 5500 inches around, and
on to 6000 inches around! 500 feet around! Her peak was growing out of sight
as her bicep was now 250 feet high!

Kelly glanced up at her Herculean peak and back down at me. "Just LOOK at my
bicep, big brother, it's as tall as a 20 story building! How strong do you
think my mighty bicep is? I'll bet I could curl an entire MOUNTAIN! HA! Nobody
on this PLANET can challenge me now!"

I let out a sigh, these super muscular displays were driving me near
exhaustion. All of the power channeled into this young supergirl was more than
I could handle. I wanted her to stop, but knew there was nothing I could do.
Kelly was in complete control now! And Kelly wasn't done yet! Her face lit up
and she started to giggle again as her muscles took a quantum shift in
strength and hardness. Kelly looked over her massive, three foot thick chest
and down at me.

"WOWIE! I can FEEL ultimate power flow through my Kelly biceps as I continue
to flex then even BIGGER! My bicep still has PLENTY of room to grow! I'm going
to flex my arm as big as a SKYSCRAPER! AS BIG AS A MOUNTAIN! HA-HA-HA!

I looked on with stunned disbelief as Kelly's bicep grew once again! Her
spectacular arm quickly climbed to 6500 inches around, then 7000 inches
around, then 8000 inches around, 9000 inches around, 10,000 inches around. Oh
my GOD! Her bicep was bigger than the Statue of Liberty! Kelly moaned with
delight as primordial power flooded throughout her body and surged directly
into the biceps of this previously frail, little 3 foot tall, 7 year old girl!
How long could this continue? Kelly's biceps were over 400 feet tall and still
growing! They continued their impossible climb as they reached 11,000 inches
around, 12,000 inches around! 1000 feet around! 500 feet tall! Kelly was drunk
with power, overcome with nearly uncontrollable energy! She continued to laugh
as her bicep pushed up to 13,000 inches around, then 14,000 inches around, up
to 15,000 inches around!

Kelly yelled out. "More! More! MORE! YEAHHHHHHH!" Raw elemental power blasted
into her monumental biceps pushing them higher and harder. Her gargantuan
biceps blew up to 16,000 inches around, to 18,000 inches around to 20,000
inches around! 2,000 inches in circumference with every flex! 152 mind blowing
feet around every time she flexed her muscles! Kelly was adding 76 feet in
height to her bicep every second! Her super bicep was 760 feet tall and
GROWING! Kelly continued to giggle and groan with delight!

"And to think that you thought YOUR bicep was big! My bicep is over one
THOUSAND times bigger! And I'm not done YET! This is what true power is all
about! This is what unlimited strength and muscle size REALLY IS! And this is
just my first day lifting weights! My first day flexing! And I can STILL flex
my bicep bigger!"

I could feel the blood rush out of my head trying to keep up with Kelly's
display. I could no longer even conceive her bicep getting any bigger, yet it
continued to soar upward with seemingly uncontrolled limits! Every flex pushed
her bicep higher than two football fields! Her bicep soared up to 22,000
inches around, then quickly on to 24,000 inches around! But even that wasn't
big enough! Or fast enough! Every flex was now so big and so powerful that it
was accompanied by a sonic boom!

BOOM! Her bicep was now 27,000 inches around and 1125 feet high!

KA-BOOM! Her bicep was over 31,000 inches high and nearly 1300 feet high!

KROOOOOM! Her bicep detonated with the power of an atomic bomb to 36,000
inches around! THREE THOUSAND FEET in circumference! ONE THOUSAND-FIVE HUNDRED
FEET HIGH! Her bicep was now taller than the Sears Tower! It was bigger than
anything I had ever seen! Kelly stopped her flexing, tilted her head back to
search for her bicep peak and then looked back down at her shrinking brother!

"Check out THIS bicep big brother! No man made machine has anywhere NEAR this
amount of power. There's no BUILDING on earth taller than my mighty Kelly
bicep! I'm the strongest there is! My muscles are the biggest thing on EARTH!

Kelly must have sensed that I was at the end, ready to pass out, because she
gave me another smile, giggled and released her ultimate flex. I took in deep
breaths as her bicep reduced in size until it was back to the size of a
basketball. She then trotted over to me and with a quick tug helped me back to
my feet.

"Well, big brother, it looks like you've had enough for one day."

I ran my hand over my face, trying to will some feeling into my head. Kelly
grabbed my hand and I was reminded once again that she was still only a seven
year old girl. My hand was bigger, but her grip was firm.

"Come on David, let's head home. After all, I wouldn't want to lift TOO much
on my first day!"

My jaw dropped as I was about to say something, but Kelly tugged me forward
toward home, giggling the entire time.

The End.


  • Guest
Goldie Muscles and the Three Bears [GBM]
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2015, 01:41:52 pm »
Goldie Muscles and the Three Bears
Porridge really is good for you.

Goldie Locks was in trouble. Her evil stepsisters had led her out into the
back woods again under the guise of hide-and-go seek, when they really meant
to lose her.

"They always have been jealous of me," thought Goldie Locks, "Jealous of my
beautiful long blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, beautiful face and winning

"That, and I'm not a big fat loser like them," said Goldie Locks, this time
out loud. They were always mean to her, making her do all their cleaning and
saying how bad she was to her step mom. Her step mom always took their side.
"I'll probably get blamed for being lost, and not doing my chores. That's just
not fair for a nine year old."

Letting out a deep sigh, poor Goldie Locks kept walking, looking for the way
back, or at least for someone to help her. Her luck was about to change as she
came upon a cabin. Walking up to the door, Goldie Locks knocked lightly with
her little knuckles. To her surprise, the door opened just from knocking.
Poking her head in, she looked around.

"Hello, is anybody home?"

When nobody answered, she walked inside. And what did she see but three bowls
sitting on a table.

"Well, I guess if nobody is home, they won't mind me looking around. Gosh, I
sure am hungry."

With that Goldie Locks walked over to the three bowls. They had porridge in
them. Goldie Locks liked porridge. What she didn't know was that this was
special porridge. Walking up to the first bowl, she grabbed a spoon and took a

"Not bad, but it is too cold."

Walking over to the second bowl, she took another bite, but this time the
porridge was too hot. Walking over to third bowl, Goldie Locks dug in, saying.
"But this bowl is just right!"

Goldie Locks pounded down the porridge like it was going out of style. Not
being the one to waste things, she mixed the hot and cold porridge together to
make some more just right porridge and ate that too.

The porridge sat in her stomach and knew that the right person had eaten it.
This little girl had potential and good nature, unlike the Bear family.

Being quite full, Goldie Locks looked around the cabin for a place to sleep.
Walking into the bedroom, she found three beds. Getting onto the first bed
that had a Mama sign on the headrest, she laid down for a moment.

"This bed is too soft."

Getting off this bed she moved over to a bed with a Papa sign on the headrest.

"This bed is too hard."

Moving over to the third bed that had a Baby sign on the headrest, Goldie
Locks climbed in and exclaimed, "But this bed is just right!" With that,
Goldie Locks fell sound asleep.

A short time later, three rather large hillbillies made there way back to
their cabin. There was Mama Bear, who stood 5 foot 10 inches of brutish might,
Papa Bear, who at 6 foot 2 and 285 pounds, was built like a middle linebacker,
and Baby Bear, who was 18 years old, but was the biggest. Baby Bear stood at 6
foot 9 and weighed over 350 pounds of pure muscle. He was as big as a house
and as strong as an ox.

They all knew that it was Mama's porridge that kept them big and strong,
having stolen the recipe from some fairies a while back. When prepared right,
the porridge did what it was told, and it was always told to make the Bear
family big and strong.

Being big and strong also made the Bear family very mean, very mean indeed.

Noticing that the door was open, Papa Bear walked in first, but saw nobody.
Mama Bear walked over to the three bowls and said, "Someone's been eating my

Shocked at the thought, Papa Bear looked at his bowl and exclaimed; "Someone's
been eating my porridge!"

Baby Bear lumbered over to his bowl and said, "Someone's been eating my
porridge, and it's all gone!"

The three Bear's then all headed into their bedroom. Mama Bear looked at her
bed and said, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed!"

Papa Bear walked over to his bed and said, "Someone's been sleeping in my

Baby Bear stared at his bed and scratched his head. "Um, someone's been
sleeping in my bed too, and she's still here."

With the sound of three loud voices, Goldie Locks woke up and looked up into
the face a man with messy hair and a few cracked teeth.

"Oh, I'm sorry, when nobody was home I came in and must have dosed off. I'm a
lost little girl looking to find my way home."

"Yeah, we's get that a lot!" said Papa Bear. "But nobody ate our porridge
before." With that he rolled up his sleeve and walked over to Goldie Locks.

Goldie Locks jumped out of bed and ran for the door. But Mama Bear had already
left the bedroom and was standing in front of the door, blocking her path.

"Yeah, we's get lots of visitors, but they all end staying for a long time."

All three Bears started to chuckle menacingly.

Poor Goldie Locks had to think fast. "Wait, isn't there something I could do
to repay you?"

Papa Bear looked at her and smiled at her with his yellow teeth. "Well, there
is one thing we like to do with strangers! And that's arm-wrestle."

"But I'm just a little girl"

Compared to the Bear family, Goldie Locks was a tiny little girl. She was
barely 4 feet tall and had a dainty figure. Wearing a simple blue dress, knee
length white socks and practical walking shoes, Goldie Locks looked very out
of place among the very large and rather gruff Bear family.

The Bear family ignored her and set up their arm-wrestling table. Mama sat
down first, and flexed her large arm. A 20-inch bicep burst forth, looking
both powerful and terrible. Baby Bear got behind Goldie Locks and pushed her

"We didn't ask you if you wanted to, we just wants to see Mama rip your arm
off. Then it's Papa's turn, then if there's anything left, it's my turn."

Goldie Locks gulped hard. How could she survive this, she had never done such
things as arm-wrestle before. She wasn't even sure she knew how. But she knew
that Papa Bear now stood in front of the door and the only place she could go
was the chair at the arm wrestling table. Sitting down, she could barely reach
out to touch Mama Bear's hand. Mama Bear saw this and looked over at Baby

"Get her one of them telephone books to sits on, and grabs some more for her
under her arm. She's too short."

Baby Bear laughed. They sure did have lots of fun with those men who dropped
off the telephone books. Three different ones. None of them lasted long, and
none of them knew that the Bear's didn't even have a phone. Now they're all
out back, crushed by the Bear family.

Shortly Goldie Locks got the boost she needed to reach Mama Bear. Placing her
elbow on the telephone book, Goldie Locks placed her small hand in Mama Bear's
large and rough hand. Papa Bear held their hands together for a moment then
released it and said, "Go!"

To everyone's surprise, including Goldie Locks, her arm was not quickly ripped
from her body. For it was at this moment that the porridge worked its magic.
The porridge knew that this little girl could get the recipe back to its
rightful owner. To the shock of everyone, Goldie Locks started to expand. Her
thin arms quickly put on muscle. Her forearm expanded, and her bicep and
tricep both pushed forth impressive muscles. Her shoulder filled up the top of
her dress. Her pectorals and back both grew, pulling her dress upward. Even
her legs expanded, just to even things out.

With new found strength and size, Goldie Locks pushed back against Mama Bear's
crushing grip and attempt at forward momentum. Goldie Locks' arm continued to
expand until it too was 20 inches. At that point, Goldie Locks started to push
Mama Bear's arm down to the table. Mama Bear's face turned red from the
excursion, but it was no use. This little girl had put on enough muscle to
rival Mama Bear and now had more than enough strength to match. Soon Goldie
Locks slammed Mama Bear's hand to the table and released her grip.

How did she do that, she wondered? The porridge knew. And the porridge let her
show off too. Sitting back in the chair, Goldie Locks flexed her now large
arm. The bicep expanded to 22 inches, 2 inches bigger than Mama Bear's arm,
and looking much bigger on the arm of a little 9 year old girl. She threw in a
glowing smile that showed off her beauty and youth.

But before she even had a chance to recover, Papa Bear had sat down at the
table and was ready to go.

"I don't know how you got lucky and beat Mama Bear, but my arm is much bigger
and I aim to rip yours off!" With that Papa Bear flexed his arm and a 35-inch
mass expanded to prominence.

Goldie Locks was scared again. She didn't know how she grew in order to beat
Mama Bear, but Papa Bear was much bigger than she had become. She didn't know
if her arm would soon be ripped off her body. But the porridge knew.

Adjusting herself in the seat so she wasn't sitting on her dress anymore as it
had become very tight after her muscle growth, Goldie Locks grabbed another
telephone book to place under her elbow in order to reach Papa Bear. Baby Bear
held the hands together for a moment and then yelled, "Go!"

To everyone's surprise, including Goldie Locks, her arm was not quickly ripped
from her body. For it was at this moment that the porridge worked its magic
again. To the shock of everyone, Goldie Locks started to expand again. Her
arms quickly put on more muscle. Her forearm expanded, and her bicep and
tricep both pushed forth even more impressive muscles. Her growing shoulders
ripped the dress up to her neck. Her pectorals and back both grew, pulling her
dress upward to the top of her stomach which now had intimidating bumps and
groves. Her thick legs expanded more. Her thighs were so large that they were
filling up the chair. Her calves grew past 20 inches and pushed her knee socks
down to her ankles. But with all this muscle growth, her joints stayed dainty,
her hands and feet stayed dainty, and her beautiful face and hair remained the
fairest in the land.

With new found strength and size, Goldie Locks pushed back against Papa Bear's
crushing grip and attempt at forward momentum. Goldie Locks' arm continued to
expand until it too was 35 inches. At that point, Goldie Locks started to push
Papa Bear's arm down to the table. Papa Bear's face turned red from the
excursion, but it was no use. This little girl had put on enough muscle to
rival Papa Bear and now had more than enough strength to match. Soon Goldie
Locks slammed Papa Bear's hand to the table and released her grip.

How did she do that, she wondered? The porridge knew. And the porridge let her
show off again, too. Sitting back in the chair, Goldie Locks flexed her now
very large arm. The bicep expanded to 38 inches, 3 inches bigger than Papa
Bear's large arm. The bicep looked much bigger on the arm of a little
9-year-old girl. She once again threw in a radial smile that showed off her
beauty and youth.

But before she even had a chance to recover, Baby Bear had sat down at the
table and was ready to go.

"I don't know how you got lucky and beat Mama Bear and Papa Bear, but my arm
is much bigger and I aim to rip yours off!" With that Baby Bear flexed his arm
and a 50-inch mass expanded to prominence.

Goldie Locks was scared again. She didn't know how she grew in order to beat
Mama Bear and Papa Bear, but Baby Bear was much bigger than she had become.
She didn't know if her arm would soon be ripped off her body. But the porridge

Adjusting herself in the seat, she was now sitting on her panties, as her
dress was looking more like a tank top after her muscle growth. Goldie Locks
grabbed another telephone book to place under her elbow in order to reach Baby
Bear. Mama Bear held the hands together for a moment and then yelled, "Go!"

To everyone's surprise, including Goldie Locks, her arm was not quickly ripped
from her body. For it was at this moment that the porridge worked its magic
again. To the shock of everyone, Goldie Locks started to expand yet again. Her
arms quickly put on even more muscle. Her forearm expanded, and her bicep and
tricep both pushed out even more impressive muscles. Her growing shoulders and
traps ripped the dress in half. Her pectorals and back both grew even more,
pulling her dress upward to her expanding chest. The dress was now nothing
more a tank top, barely covering her chest. Her stomach remained narrow, but
produced even more incredible bumps and groves. Her thick legs expanded more.
Her thighs pushed against the arms of the chair, bending them away from the
center. Her calves grew past 30 inches and pulsed with power. But with all
this muscle growth, her joints stayed dainty, her hands and feet stayed
dainty, and her beautiful face and hair remained the fairest in the land.

With new found strength and size, Goldie Locks pushed back against Baby Bear's
crushing grip and attempt at forward momentum. Goldie Locks' arm continued to
expand until it too was 50 inches. At that point, Goldie Locks started to push
Baby Bear's arm down to the table. Baby Bear's face turned red from the
excursion, but it was no use. This little girl had put on enough muscle to
rival Baby Bear and now had more than enough strength to match. Soon Goldie
Locks slammed Baby Bear's hand to the table and released her grip.

How did she do that, she wondered? The porridge knew. And the porridge let her
show off again, too. Sitting back in the chair, Goldie Locks flexed her now
humungous arm. The bicep expanded to 54 inches, 4 inches bigger than Baby
Bear's very large arm, and more than 6 inches than her height! The bicep
looked incredibly bigger on the arm of a little 9-year-old girl. She once
again threw in a radial smile that showed off her beauty and youth.

This time nobody was next, but everyone was mad. Goldie Locks broke one arm of
the chair getting up. She then backed up, as all three Bears now converged on
the little girl. Papa Bear growled as he slowly moved closer.

"We don't know how you did that, but one thing we do know is that you're not
stronger than all three of us. We still aim to rip your arms off!"

Goldie Locks was scared, but the porridge came to her rescue again. Taking a
few steps back, Goldie Locks felt the familiar warmth rush through her body,
and she was now realizing that she must be able to become as big and strong as
she needed to be. With the porridge leading her on, she brought up her huge
arms into a double bicep pose and flexed her whole body, daring the Bear
family to attack.

Her arms quickly expanded to the previous 54 inches of might, bigger than the
huge arms of Baby Bear. They started to expand, growing to 56 inches, then up
to 58, then up to 60. Five feet of thick, peaked supergirl power. Her thighs
expanded forward as thick cords of muscle pulsed forward. Her thighs grew
until they met in the middle, then continued to expand outward, each one
growing past 70 inches of ripped, thick power. Her calves expanded past
bowling ball size, pushing outward past 45 inches. Her monster stomach was now
in full view and rippled with baseball sized muscles that pulled her skin
tight, producing large caverns between the muscles. Her back expanded to
immense proportions flaring out like a set of wings with impossibly thick
muscles. Her pectoral muscles pulsed forth, layering on thick slabs of muscle,
one on top of the next, expanding her chest outward past basketball size. Her
chest was approaching 90 inches of power. Her dress was somehow still staying
on around her chest, acting as no more than a six- inch wide tank top, showing
the thick pectorals continuing to grow and push forward. But Goldie Locks knew
that it was the arms that showed power, and they continued to grow to
spectacular proportions. Each arm had continued to grow at a faster rate than
any other muscle. The peaks were now well past the top of her head, expanding
past 70 inches. The three Bears had stopped in their tracks, mesmerized by the
incredible muscle growth from this little girl. There was more muscle on every
part of her body than any one of them, including Baby Bear, and he was 6 foot
9 inches tall! This super muscular girl was not even 4 feet tall!

And still her biceps continued to tower upward. They filled every inch of
spare room on her arm as they expanded past 75 inches, past 80 inches, PAST 84
INCHES! They were now 7 feet in diameter! And they continued to grow! Pushing
past 88 inches, past 90 inches, past 95 inches, PAST 100 INCHES! Even the
porridge was amazed. How could this little girl do it? They were now over 8
feet each! Each bicep towered nearly as tall as Goldie Locks was from the
floor to the top of her head. At 106 inches, each arm was now bigger than all
three bears combined!

Mama Bear had finally had enough. She charged at Goldie Locks and hit her
square in the chest. She may as well have hit a stone statue. She broke every
bone in her hand on Goldie Locks' pecs of steel. Goldie Locks didn't wait for
Mama Bear to try again, raising her arm back and punching her square in her
chest. Goldie Locks' punch had a much different effect, squashing Mama Bears
big boob flat, breaking down her pectoral muscles, and cracking a rib. Mama
Bear shot off of Goldie Locks' fist and flew back to the brick fireplace,
slammed into it, and fell down, face first.

Papa Bear attacked right after Mama Bear, but didn't even have a chance to
take a punch before Mama Bear went flying by. Papa Bear took a swing at Goldie
Locks, but she ducked under it and unleashed a punch in Papa Bear's belly,
driving all of the air out of his lungs and sending him upward. Goldie Locks
then caught Papa Bear with her right hand before he could hit the ground. She
spun him around and around and let him go, where he flew toward the fireplace
and crashed onto the ground.

Baby Bear watched as both Mama Bear and Papa Bear were quickly taken down. But
Baby Bear would not go down so easy! He charged Goldie Locks, but she
sidestepped his attack and jumped on top of the arm wrestling table. Baby Bear
quickly moved over to the table and slammed his fist right into Goldie Locks'
rock hard abs. And just like Mama Bear, Baby Bear broke his hand, while Goldie
Locks didn't even flinch. Once again, Goldie Locks didn't wait long to
respond. She quickly extended one of her tree- truck legs forward and kicked
Baby Bear hard in his belly. He fell forward with an "Oomph" and his face
slammed into the mega-hard chest of Goldie Locks, breaking his nose and his
jaw! Winding up both of her fists, Goldie Locks punched Baby Bear in the
chest, sending him flying upward, crashing into the ceiling. As he fell
downward, both Mama Bear and Papa Bear had wobbled to their feet, and Goldie
Locks had cocked her right fist back and flexed up her bicep to 107 inches of
unparalleled power. When Baby Bear reached her height she translated her bicep
power to her fist and smashed it into his face, sending him flying toward the
fireplace. He slammed into Papa Bear, who slammed into Mama Bear, and then all
three slammed into the side of the brick fireplace with such force that they
were all imbedded in the wall. Baby Bear crashed face first onto the floor.
Papa Bear, imbedded halfway into the wall then fell on top of Baby Bear. Mama
Bear, completely embedded in the wall fell on top of Papa Bear.

Jumping off of the table Goldie Locks walked up to the three Bears. She then
reached under Baby Bear, and with one arm, lifted all three above her head.
Smiling to herself at this incredible feat of strength, Goldie Locks bent down
and pulled her arm back. She then threw the three Bears up in the air as hard
as she could. They all three crashed through the roof, into the sky and out of
sight. They were never heard from again.

Thinking about her stepsisters, Goldie Locks made a low growl and flexed her
biceps up once again. They soon towered up to 108 inches, then 110 inches,
MENACING MUSCLES EVER SEEN! And these huge muscles were on the body of a
"little" 9-year-old girl, making them look all the bigger. This little girl
was no longer Goldie Locks, she was Goldie Muscles! Smiling, and looking as
beautiful as ever, Goldie Muscles thought about home.

"I think my sisters are in for a surprise!"

Grabbing a shirt from Baby Bear's closet, Goldie Muscles slipped it over her
massive frame. She then found the porridge recipe and placed it into her
pocket, somehow knowing that a fairy was waiting for it. Goldie Muscles walked
out the front door, unafraid of anything that may be lurking in the woods, and
headed for home.

"Yes, I think my step sisters are in for a very big surprise!"


  • Guest
Gymnastic Growth
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2015, 01:42:36 pm »
Gymnastic Growth
A national level gymnast becomes a big winner

"I tell you, no girl will be harmed."

"And I’m telling you that I don’t care what the university says, I’m not using
my girls as your guinea pigs."

Paul grunted and leaned back. He looked at the bottle of serum. Enough for 100
doses. "Guinea pigs is a bit harsh. We prefer controlled laboratory subjects."

Aaron smiled a little. "Call it what you will, I don’t think it’s right for
girls this young to become test subjects. I would think college age girls
would be more appropriate. They don’t need their parent’s consent."

Paul sucked in some air. "You see, that’s the problem. This stuff only seems
to work on young women. We’re not sure why just yet."

Aaron shook his head. "Young women? Most of the young women in there are
girls. Girls from ages 4 to 18."

"Yeah, I know."

Aaron stood up from his desk and opened the door to his office. Only a few
girls were left from practice and they were leaving. However, one girl in
particular went unnoticed. The pretty nine year old with Olympic potential.
Turning back toward Paul, Aaron leaned against his desk. "What exactly does
this stuff do anyway?"

Paul smiled. Perhaps he had a shot after all. "The drug was designed to aid
recovery after surgery when patients are weak and susceptible to disease. The
drug didn’t exactly work as we expected. In small contained tests, some
subjects did recover."

Aaron clicked his tongue. "Let me guess. Young girls."

Paul nodded his head. "Exactly. Not only did they recover faster, but they
also got stronger and added extra muscle mass."

Aaron stood back up. "You’re kidding."

Paul brought his arms up, becoming more animated. "No, that’s the thing. While
the doses were small, they got measurably bigger. It was very odd. That’s why
we’re looking for different types of test subjects. The best place to get
young, fit girls who already have a good sense about their own body is

Aaron sighed deeply, mulling over the consequences. "Well, you’d have to get
their parent’s OK. And I’m not sure if the gymnastic organizations would allow
this, since they’re pretty uptight about anything to do with drugs right now."

None of this worried Paul. If his friend was on his side, he was sure he could
talk some parents into it. "Why don’t we see who you think might be up for

"Alright, the records are in the back."

Both men walked out of the small office to head toward the back of the
building, leaving the serum on Aaron’s desk. The pretty nine year old watched
them exit the office. Amanda had been doing sit-ups. Hundreds of sit-ups. She
liked the hard six pack that she had formed in gymnastics. She liked the small
muscles she had developed also. While she was on line to possibly make the
Olympic team, she really didn’t want to leave home. So her parents figured if
she stuck with it, then she could still get a scholarship to a good college.
For Amanda, college was too far off to worry about. But that serum wasn’t. She
stood up from behind the mat and looked around. The men were gone and she was
the only one left in the gym. Standing 4 foot 6 with long light brown hair,
Amanda was wearing only her red stretchable shorts and athletic top. Her
exposed stomach rippled as she walked toward the office. Her bare feet touched
the hard floor of the office as she glided in. Amanda looked at the vile.

"So this stuff will make girls stronger. Well, I want to be stronger. They may
as well start with me!"

With that Amanda took the vile, pulled the cork and drank the entire contents.

"Yuck! That tasted horrible."

Setting the vile back down Amanda licked her lips, waiting for something to
happen. It was then that Aaron and Paul walked back into the office. Aaron
looked at the empty vile and then back at Amanda.

"Amanda! What have you done?"

"I just drank the stuff you guys were talking about. What’s the big deal? You
were looking for someone to try it anyway. I’m sure my parents would approve."

Paul gasped. "You mean you drank the whole thing?"

Amanda smiled at Paul. "Sure, I thought that’s what you wanted."

Paul stammered, "But, but there were over 100 doses in that vile."

Amanda looked surprised. "Well then they must have been pretty small doses. I
thought that, oh!" Amanda stopped short as she felt a strange tingling
sensation. "Well professor, it feels like it’s working!"

Paul quickly opened his briefcase and pulled out two tape measurers while
mumbling. "The whole thing. I can’t believe she drank the whole thing."

Amanda walked out of the office with stiff legs with Aaron and Paul following
right behind.

Aaron looked at Amanda with concern. "How do you feel?"

Amanda shook her head. "I feel tingly all over. Tingly and really good, like
I’ve been energized."

Aaron looked over at Paul. "How long does this stuff take before it works?"

Paul shrugged his shoulders. "Pretty fast I guess, here take a tape measurer,
we may as well get some data."

Aaron looked at the tape measurer and sighed. He was afraid of where this was

Amanda stopped on a mat, placed her hands on her hips and started breathing
deeply, trying to contain both her excitement and the sense of power swimming
around inside.

Paul motioned to Aaron. "Why don’t you measure her bicep. I’ll measure her
thigh. We can switch to other body parts if he have time."

Amanda heard Paul and smiled. This must mean she was going to get bigger
muscles. Cool! Paul was first and rapped the tape measurer around her left
thigh and looked up.

"OK, Amanda, I need you to tense your thigh and then I need you make a muscle
for my buddy Aaron. Let’s see how big your muscles get."

Amanda giggled from the excitement and readily complied. Paul pulled the tape
around her thigh and announced the initial size at 12 inches. Amanda made a
fist and flexed her right arm. An impressive little girl muscle formed and
Aaron rapped the tape around and announced 7 inches. And then, as if on queue,
Amanda’s body shook, stiffened and started to grow. Paul watched with
fascination, Aaron with concern and Amanda with joy as the tapes started to
stretch and her small frame slowly added muscle mass. Paul called out the
numbers first, and then Aaron. Her thigh added impressive mass, jumping to 13
inches, then 14 inches, 15 inches, then 16 inches. Paul could feel the growth
in both her hamstring and her thigh and moved his fingers up and down to
experience the incredible growth. Aaron called out the numbers with added
excitement. 8 inches, 8 and half inches, 9 inches, 10 inches. Aaron was
enamoured with this muscle growth also and was probing her arm from her wrist
to her shoulder, allowing the growth to spread his fingers as her forearm
grew. He reached further and touching the growing mass on her shoulder. Amanda
hummed her approval of both the growth and the touching. They were at the
first stage of worshipping her body. Who didn’t like that?

As the two men were measuring her thigh and bicep, the rest of her body was
also adding impressive mass. Her calves bunched and pushed outward as though
someone was inflating a baseball. Her already impressive stomach pushed
forward with even more muscle, stretching her skin taught around her
midsection, producing incredible bumps and groves. Her back swelled outward in
all directions. Her lats layered on muscles, giving her the start of a T shape
that bodybuilders strived for. Her chest began to swell with added muscles as
well. Her stretchable red top was thick, serving as the required athletic top,
although she really had no breast development as of yet. However, her
pectorals already had some development from the gymnastics. Now they were
growing bigger. Amanda reached over with her left hand and placed it on her
chest, feeling the growth underneath her top and giggling all the while. The
top was audibly stretching under the pressure of her chest and back. She was
adding the size she always wanted. All this muscle was growing on the body of
a young girl who was only 4 foot 6, making it look all the more impressive. As
her thighs reached 18 inches and her bicep 12 inches, the growth slowed and
then came to a stop. Amanda was a little disappointed.

"Awe, is that it? I’m still tingling."

Paul stood up. "Well, I’m not sure. From what we measured and what you look
like, you became 50% bigger in a matter of minutes. That’s still a lot."

Aaron pulled the tape down to his side and took a step back to take in
Amanda’s new form.

"Well, you sure look bigger to me."

Amanda smiled. "I wonder how much stronger I am?"

With that she bent her knees and jumped straight up. And up. She jumped 5 feet
in the air, shocking both men and Amanda as well. She easily performed a back
flip and landed back on the ground with a thud.

"Wow! That was incredible! And it was easy!"

Paul rubbed his chin. "Amanda, have you ever lifted weights?"

Amanda smiled back. "Sure, I just hit my best bench press today. 90 pounds! I
think it’s still set up in the weight area."

Paul looked at Aaron and raised his eyebrows. Aaron nodded and they all headed
to the weight area in the corner of the gym. Once they got to the bench, Paul
picked up some weights.

"Well, if she’s 50% bigger, it stands that she’s at least 50% stronger."

Aaron nodded and added the weights until the bar was at 130 pounds.

Amanda skipped over to the bench and lay down. She reached up with arms that
looked like they belonged to a fitness competitor and gripped the bar. Amanda
pushed up and the bar practically flew off the rack. Aaron, who was spotting
her, took a step back. Amanda smiled and brought the weight down to her thick
chest and squealed with glee.

"This feels light!" She then proceeded to crank out 10 fast repetitions before
setting the weight back on the bar.

Paul rubbed his chin again, trying to make sense out of it all. "Amanda, why
don’t you try curling that weight."

Amanda gave him a big-eyed look. She then giggled again and walked around to
give it a try. Aaron spotted her once again. Amanda got the weight off of the
rack and brought it down to her thighs with some help. Grunting, Amanda
strained to bring the weight up. Surprising herself once again she pulled with
all of her might and slowly brought the weight up, completing a curl with 130
pounds! Aaron gave her encouragement as she dropped the weight to the ground.

"Great job Amanda! That was very impressive!"

Amanda gave him a weak smile. "Yeah, but I thought I’d get a lot stronger than
that!" Both of them looked at Paul.

Paul cocked his head. "Hey, I’m not sure either. Maybe we miscalculated. How
much water did you take with the formula."

Amanda gave him a quizzical look. "Water? I didn’t drink any water."

Paul’s eyes got wide. "Well, then when was the last time you had something to

"I don’t know, maybe an hour ago."

Aaron gave Amanda a scolding glance. "Amanda, you’re supposed to drink water
more often than that when you’re working out."

Amanda lowered her head. "Sorry, coach, I wasn’t paying attention." She then
brought her head back up and gave Paul a serious look. "Wait a minute, do you
mean all I need to do to get stronger is to drink some water?"

Paul put his hands out. "No, wait, we need to record some data first!"

But it was too late. Amanda raced over to the drinking fountain and began
guzzling water. Paul looked over at Aaron. "I hope you still have your tape,
this could get interesting."

Amanda continued to suck down water and the tingling feeling returned with a
vengeance. She pulled away from the fountain when the tingling was almost more
than she could bear. Wiping her mouth she slowly walked back toward Aaron and
Paul. She then spoke with a voice that seemed a little deeper than before.

"WOW! Now I’ve got a rush going!"

Paul looked at her. She already seemed different. Her hair was shinier. Her
green eyes sparkled. "OK, dear, let’s do the same thing as before. Flex your
leg for me."

Amanda blinked. She felt like she was ready to erupt. She gave Paul a smile
that signaled compliance because she wanted to, not because he could make her.
Amanda slowly and deliberately placed her leg out in front, shook her thigh
muscle and flexed down hard. She then looked up at Aaron who was waiting for
her to flex her arm. Putting her fist straight out she slowly brought her
forearm up to 90 degrees and tensed. She then winked at him.

"You’re gonna like this!"

Aaron was a little stunned. She was speaking with more authority. And the
deeper voice was a little off-putting. But he reached around her arm with the
tape and gave her a weak smile. She then tilted her head back, closed her eyes
and allowed the power to escape and flood her waiting muscles.

Paul quickly noticed that while the tape started at about the same 16 inches,
her leg looked a little different. The fat on her legs was much less visible.
Heck, it looked to be gone. The muscles looked harder and stronger than
before. It wasn’t long before they became bigger. Aaron noticed the same
thing. Her arm was no longer smooth, it was cut. Small veins were rising to
the surface and her arm seemed to audibly grind into her flex. Aaron called
out 10 and half inches and then quickly 11 inches. Paul nodded up to Aaron as
he noticed her thigh expand to 17, then 18 inches. Amanda brought her head
back up and opened her eyes. She licked her lips and looked at her bicep. She
could feel the muscle growth pick up steam. She could sense the power she
possessed. She gave a controlled smile to Aaron. Aaron glanced up to see her
gaze, but was concentrating on his task as her muscles continued to get
bigger. Her arm reached twelve inches in moments and sped on to 13 inches, 14
inches, 15 inches and then 16 inches. As big as her leg was a moment ago! Her
tricep was now filling in and a bicep split was clearly seen. Aaron was once
again transfixed with the growth as he started to probe the length of her arm.
It seemed harder than before. He reached up to her shoulder and squeezed down.
There was no give! What was she becoming?

Paul was having the same surprise reaction at her legs. They had increased at
a similar rate, climbing from 16 to 18 inches in moments, then on to 20
inches, 22 inches, 24 inches, then 26 inches. Her thighs were becoming huge!
He reached around again and felt her calf. The baseball was quickly expanding
to the size of a softball! He glanced up and sucked in some air at the sight
of her ripped abs and expanding pectorals. And was that her lats that were
stretching the back of her top? She was quickly reaching the size of a
professional bodybuilder. Heck, she was there already!

Amanda purred. The growth continued and the two men were enamored with her
expanding physique. The power she was feeling fueled her growth. Did she have
some control over it? Right now she didn’t care, she just wanted to get
bigger. Bigger than any other gymnast. Bigger than any other woman. Smiling
wickedly, she thought, "And soon, bigger than any man. Much bigger!" With that
thought her growth resumed, astounding both Aaron and Paul. Aaron looked back
at the tape. He couldn’t believe that it was continuing to increase. 17
inches, 18 inches, 19 inches, 20 inches. It looked like someone had jammed a
softball in her arm. Her bicep was slowly rising up her forearm! Bigger and
denser. Aaron could feel the hardness increase, feel the power pulsing beneath
her smooth skin. It was incredible. And still her biceps grew. 21 inches, 22
inches, 23 inches, 24 inches! Her arm was huge!

Continuing to push against the thickening muscles, Aaron suddenly felt
Amanda’s small left hand reach over and gently tug on his wrist.

"If you think my arm is big, why don’t you check out my chest." Her back and
chest had added enough mass to stress the top immensely, exposing cleavage
from her twin globes of pulsing power. Bigger than a pair of cantaloupes, they
were audibly stretching the fabric. Small rips were forming along the sides
from the sheer volume of super dense muscle expanding along her chest and
back. Aaron let her guide his hand to the top of her surging pecs and he felt
the growth. She flexed one side and the muscle mass pushed upward, along with
Aaron’s hand. Aaron blinked. This was incredible. So much power and size from
one small girl. Where would it end?

Paul was watching with equal wonder. He knew that the formula would add some
mass, but he never thought that she would be able to add more mass than any
other girl or woman on earth. If she kept it up, she could become bigger and
stronger than any man on earth! He looked down at the tape. 28 inches had
become 30 inches, then 32 inches, then 34 inches, then 36 inches. 3 feet
around! What power did they now possess? Her calves had to be well over 20
inches now. To his amazement, her joints, while likely strengthened from the
formula, had not gotten any bigger. Her feet were the same small feet of a 9
year old girl. But her legs belonged to those of a 30 year old top level male
bodybuilder! Paul then turned as he heard ripping sounds from her shorts. Her
thighs were getting too big, tearing at the stretchable material. Her glutes
were big and round, pulling the shorts further up and exposing the bottom of
one super muscular behind!

The growth finally slowed as her biceps reached 25 inches and her thighs were
near 38 inches. Her entire body throbbed with massive, bulging muscles. So
much size on such a little girl. As Paul got up and Aaron backed away, Amanda
placed her hands on her hips and looked at both men.

"So am I the biggest girl in the world now?"

Aaron blinked and choked out a response. "I’m sure you have bigger muscles
than any woman in the world."

Amanda smiled back. "Cool! But that means that there are some men bigger than

Paul chuckled. "Not too many, I’m sure."

Amanda wrinkled her nose and stamped her left foot. "Oh, pooh!" She then
glanced at the water fountain.

Aaron shot Paul a worried look. Paul frowned and shook his head, indicating
that he didn’t believe she could get any bigger. "Look at her. She’s
proportionally as big as a male heavyweight bodybuilder. I couldn’t image her
getting any bigger."

This didn’t satisfy Aaron, who tried to distract Amanda.

"Why don’t you jump up and see how high you can go now."

Amanda beamed. "Awesome!" She then bent her knees, pulled her arms down and
jumped up. 10 feet into the air. Amanda’s eyes got wide as she fell back to
the ground, landing with a loud thud.

Aaron backed up and let out a "Wow!"

As soon as Amanda landed she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet,
causing her muscles to bulge and surge. "Oh! Oh! Let’s see how strong I am!"
She then bounded over to the weight area. Aaron and Paul followed.

Amanda quickly grabbed the 130 pound weight and was cranking out one curl
after another. She was giddy from her feat.

"This is way too light! Let’s add more weight!"

With Aaron’s help, they quickly added all of the weight available in the gym,
which turned out to be 320 pounds.

Paul looked over. "320 pounds? Is that all the weight you have?"

Aaron narrowed his eyes. "This is a gym for girls. I didn’t ever think we
would need this much weight."

Paul shrugged his shoulders. "OK, Amanda, let’s see if you can lift this
weight off the floor." As soon as he had said this Amanda reached down and
quickly brought the weight above her head! She smiled at both men.

"That was easy! I’m really strong now!" She then placed the weight back on the
ground and looked at it. Her muscles tensed and bunched into impressive slabs
on young girl might. She then gripped the bar with her palms up and pulled it
up to her thighs. Her legs tensed and pushed back out to their impressive
girth. Setting herself, she shifted her massive shoulders and the muscles on
her back pushed outward. With a look of concentration she slowly began to pull
the weight upward in an attempt to curl the 320 pound weight. Aaron walked up
behind her with a concerned look. He bent over and brought his arms around her
in order to help her complete the curl. She looked up at Aaron and smiled.
They both noticed that her back was now so wide that his chest was touching
her lats as his arms rapped around her thick frame to reach her arms. Her
forearms swelled, her shoulders flared and her biceps bulged. She pulled
upward and with a small grunt completed the curl, resting the bar against her
large chest. Giggling once again at the realization of just how strong she
was, Amanda brought the weight back down to her thighs and repeated the near
impossible act. She kept going until she had completed ten curls and her arms
started to waiver. Amanda bent down to put the weight down and rubbed her
muscular behind on Aaron’s thighs. He quickly backed up and almost fell over.
She was obviously much stronger than he was now. Amanda set the weight back
down and turned toward Aaron. "Thanks coach!"

"Am I pretty strong now?"

Aaron coughed. "You’re much stronger than me. In fact you’re now probably
stronger than Paul and I combined. You’re one super strong little girl!"

Amanda beamed. "That is so COOL! I’m stronger than almost anyone!" She then
tensed her body and her muscles surged to huge proportions. Aaron shook his
head. Her size and strength were incredible. Amanda turned to the mirror along
the wall and flexed up a little and rubbed her thick muscles, giggling the
entire time. She then grabbed some tape and reached under her

strained top, covering her young girl nipples, realizing that her top was not
going to contain her body much longer.

Aaron walked back over toward Paul and gave him a serious look. "She has
obviously more than doubled her strength. Now level with me. What were your
expectations with the formula."

Paul took his eyes off of Amanda and turned toward Aaron. "Well we knew that
some muscle growth was expected, but we weren’t really sure how much. That
part wasn’t consistent. That’s one of the reasons we needed further study.
However, concerning the strength increase, we were estimating almost a two
times increase with a full dose."

Aaron looked surprised. "Two times per dose! But Amanda took 100 doses. That
would mean she could become 200 times stronger! Holy cow!"

Paul grimaced. "Well, it’s not that simple. First of all, you need about eight
ounces of water per dose. Even though it looked like she drank a lot of water
at the fountain, she probably didn’t drink any more than 20 ounces or so,
meaning that at this point she only has activated 3 doses."

Aaron blinked. "But she’s more than three times stronger."

Paul chuckled nervously. "You don’t understand. If each dose doubles your
strength and greatly increased your muscle size, the second dose would double
your strength again and the third dose would double it again. That means she
would be eight times stronger. Which pretty much follows what we just saw."

Aaron’s expression quickly went to near panic. "If that’s true, then she would
become thousands of times stronger!"

Paul lowered his head and nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Actually,
she would become over a million times stronger after 20 doses, a billion times
stronger after 30 doses, and passed a trillion times stronger after 34 doses.
One hundred doses would make her many times stronger than everyone on the
planet combined."

Aaron almost screamed, but restrained himself. "WHAT! That’s impossible!"

Paul winced and returned a weak smile. "Yeah, it is. I can’t believe that
anyone could physiologically become that big and strong. Just looking at
Amanda’s size tells me that she’s reached her limit. Her body simply can’t get
any bigger. She’s ..." Paul didn’t finish his thought as his attention went
back to Amanda who had walked up to the water fountain again. Aaron looked at
Paul and then followed his gaze. Amanda looked over at the two men, smiled,
pushed her hair out of the way and started drinking water again. Both men
simply stared as she continued to drink, and drink and drink. She finally
pulled herself away after consuming what had to be almost a gallon of water.
Enough for 16 more doses. Paul quickly did the math. That would mean she would
become over half a million times stronger. That would be over a 22 million
pound curl. He then sucked in a "huh". He also knew that she couldn’t possibly
become that strong, much less add any more muscle. But Amanda had other ideas.

"Come on guys, I feel all tingly again. I want to be the biggest and

Aaron and Paul looked at each other and shrugged. May as well play along. Once
Amanda reached the two men, Paul leaned down and looked up at the powerful
little girl.

"Now don’t be disappointed if you don’t get any bigger. Your body may have
reached its limit."

Amanda gave him a concerned look and then looked at Aaron, who shrugged his
shoulders again.

"No way! I’m going to get bigger and stronger. I can feel it! Just you watch!"

Paul smiled at her. She surely did not lack confidence. And her voice was
smoother and more dominating than it was before. She also looked almost
radiant. Her hair and face practically glowed. Her smile revealed sparkling
white teeth. And what a contrast her angelic face was against her quivering,
bulging musculature.

Amanda once again placed her foot down and flexed her thigh. Huge muscles
exploded outward. Paul quickly wrapped the tape around her massive leg and
gasped. The tape read 40 inches. She had already grown two more inches just
from her initial flex. Amanda proceeded to pull back on the flex a bit and
then re-tense her leg, causing it to take on more mass. Paul was astounded.
She really was getting bigger. Before he could even think any further, her
massive leg added more mind blowing size. The tape read 42 inches, then 44
inches, then 46 inches, then 48 inches, then 50 inches. She was adding two
inches of muscle with each flex! He felt lucky that he had brought 7 foot
tape. At 54 inches it occurred to Paul that her thigh was as big around as her
height. Good grief! He probed her thigh and was astounded at how hard it was.
He reached around and touched what felt like a warm cannon ball. Her calf was
huge! This was beyond his comprehension. How could one little girl possess
this much muscle?

Aaron was less sure than Paul about her capabilities and cautiously wrapped
the tape around her mighty arm. Amanda smiled at Aaron again, clenched her
fist and slowly brought her thick forearm up until it hit her rising bicep.
Aaron coughed as he read the tape. It read 28 inches. Three inches in growth
from her first flex! She was now four times bigger then when she started!

Amanda looked at Aaron. "I feel so strong! I feel super strong! I’m going to
be the strongest ever!"

With that emphatic statement she tightened her grip on her fist, slapped her
thick forearm into her bulging bicep and flexed down hard. Paul gasped as her
bicep added mass at an alarming rate. The tape rubbed quickly against his
fingers as her bicep ballooned upward. The measurements flashed forward
quickly as her bicep erupted. 30 inches, 32 inches, 34 inches, 36 inches, 40
inches! Her bicep grew 10 inches in less than 5 seconds and kept going! As her
bicep blew upward, Amanda kept talking.

"My muscles are going to be bigger than anyone! I’m gonna have Super Muscles!"

True to her word her bicep kept right on growing. Aaron barely had time to
read the numbers as her bicep rose up to her fist! Her arm passed 44 inches,
then 46 inches, to 48 inches, 50 inches and slowing momentarily, the humongous
bicep mass reached 54 inches around, soaring up toward the height of her head!

"Super-Duper Muscles!"

Aaron resumed probing her arm with his free hand. Touching her forearm, then
her tricep he was amazed at the thickness and hardness. He tried to squeeze
her muscles, but it was now impossible. Aaron blinked helplessly as he watched
his energetic star gymnast transform into a super girl.

Looking down at her thigh, Amanda smiled at the stunned Paul. He quickly
realized that she now could control her muscle growth. She wanted bigger
biceps, and by God, she had bigger biceps! Now easily the biggest in the
world! On the small frame of a radiant 9 year old girl with delusions of
grandeur. Delusions that were becoming reality. Still squatting and holding
the tape against her thick thigh, Paul gave Amanda a blank stare.

Amanda looked at her thigh, gave a quick grunt, followed by a small growl and
flexed down hard. "My muscles are gonna be super huge!" With that statement
her thigh quickly exploded outward with mind blowing muscle mass. The tape
zipped through his fingers as the 54 inches flew upward, eating up the 7 foot
tape in 5 and 6 inch chunks. Paul watched the tape as her thigh jumped in size
passed 59 inches, then passed 64 inches, then passed 70 inches, passed 76
inches, passed 80 inches. His arms quickly pulled back to his chest, he soon
realizes that he was now too close to the little powerhouse! As her thigh
pushed outward to 86 inches of unreal might, the flexed muscle was now bigger
than the entire 7 foot tape and the huge mass knocked Paul onto his back!

Amanda giggled at her accomplishment. "I’m bigger and stronger than anyone!
I’m Super-Duper Girl! And I’m gonna get bigger! My muscles are gonna be
gigantic! I can hardly wait!" She then flexed her other thigh and it quickly
grew to the same world record, mind-blowing level. The rest of her body
started to surge outward also.

Her back bunched outward with large slabs of dense mass, her chest expanded
outward to the size of two volleyballs! Her athletic top was stretched down to
a three inch band around her incredible physique. Her midsection flexed into
blocks of ripped muscles. Looking back at Aaron, Amanda smiled.

"Am I the biggest in the world?"

Aaron stammered. "I-I’m not sure. I would think so."

Amanda was not impressed. "Better make sure! Nobody’s bigger than Super-Duper

And once again, Amanda ground down and smiled as she willed her bicep to grow.
Aaron watched helplessly as his little gymnast flexed herself into the super
human category. He still read the numbers out loud, as if that would make any
sense out all of this. 56 inches, 58 inches, 60 inches, 62 inches, 64 inches,
66 inches, 68 inches, 70 inches, 72 inches. 6 feet around! Her bicep was now
well above her head. An incredible mountain of little girl muscle.

"I’ve got Super Muscles! Nobody is bigger than me! I’m the biggest ever! And
I’m gonna get bigger! Twice as big as anyone else! Ten times the biggest!
Nobody can stop me now!"

Before Aaron could react to her cries of power she flexed down again and
pushed her titanic bicep even higher. To 74 inches, 76 inches, 78 inches, 80
inches, 82 inches, to 84 inches. 7 feet around! Her bicep flex had chewed up
the entire tape. Aaron looked at Amanda. "That’s the end of the tape! Your
bicep is now 7 feet around. Nobody is bigger than that!"

Amanda laughed. "Ha! I’m gonna get bigger yet! I’m gonna be the biggest ever!"
She looked up at her bicep peak with a sense of satisfaction and smiled.

Paul was still sitting on the ground and was watching the show with increasing
awe. How could she possibly get so big? And she was going to get bigger! As
her bicep had grown, the rest of her body had gotten bigger too. Her chest was
now as big as two basketballs and rippled with might as she breathed in and
out. Her back was thicker and her mid-section was littered with incredible
musculature. Her thighs were as big as her bicep and her calves pushed outward
at over 30 inches around. Her entire body was a roadmap of intense, impossibly
thick, dense, ripped muscles. And she was still growing! Could she really be
strong enough to lift millions of pounds? Could she flex up muscles to match?
Just who had he created? A beautiful, nine year old hyper muscular Super Girl!

Amanda pulled up her other arm. "Super-Duper Girl has the biggest muscles
ever!" She flexed down and her left arm soared upward to match her right arm.
7 feet around! Gargantuan! What a fantastic sight!

"I’m the biggest and strongest! Bigger than anyone! Stronger than a football
team! Bigger than a football team! The biggest ever!"

Satisfied for the moment, Amanda released her flex and her arms receded a bit
down to 40 inches or so. Her thighs receded a bit too. But her reaction was

"Oh! I can really feel the tingling in my body! I feel even stronger!" With
that she reached over and grabbed Aaron by the waist of his pants with one
hand and Paul by his waistband with her other hand.


  • Guest
Re: Gymnastic Growth
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2015, 01:42:45 pm »
She then easily curled the surprised men a few times, giggling all the while.

"You two are so light! Even with smaller muscles I’m just too strong!"
Dropping the two stunned men to the mat she bent her knees and jumped straight
into the air. She soared like a super hero and grabbed a support beam, 20 feet
above the ground.

"Ha! That was easy too!" She quickly released her grip and landed on the mat
with a thud.

"Oh! Oh! Let’s try the weight again!"

Amanda bounded over to the weight as Aaron and Paul followed behind as quickly
as they could.

Amanda picked the bar up and began curling it as though the weight were
non-existent. "This is way too easy!" Then with a loud groan, the bar yielded
to the young super girl as she began bending the bar into a pretzel, giggling
the entire time! "I’m just too strong! I’m mega strong! I’m ultra strong! I’m
stronger than steel! I’m stronger than Superman!" Amanda then grabbed the
weight disks at one end and pushed inward, bending the steel with her bare
hands! Her fingers dug into the hard metal, leaving the impressions of her
small fingers. "I’m super strong! Nobody is stronger than me!" She dropped the
weight to the ground with a thud and looked around. Spotting the balance beam,
Amanda walked up to it, placed her hands underneath and lifted up. The heavy
beam was quickly above her head. With a loud crack, Amanda pulled down on both
ends and broke the beam in half. She laughed at how easy that felt. Amanda
tossed both ends to the back wall where they crashed with a loud bang. "Being
this strong is great! I’m unstoppable!" Feeling her muscles, she soon realized
how hard they were. Amanda scrunched her face, thinking of another way to test
her strength and super hard body. So far everything had been easy. Smiling to
herself, Amanda walked over to a brick wall, pulled her fist back and with a
loud crunch, punched a hole in the wall with her small fist! Her smile was a
mile wide. "Nobody’s telling me what to do any more!"

Aaron gave Paul a frightened look. "What have you done?"

"I’m not sure. It’s as if she can expand her body at will and then pull the
power back inside. She must be ridiculously powerful now."

Amanda took a few more punches in the brick wall, barely feeling the blows as
the bricks were no match to her might. Her muscles swelled and throbbed with
each blow. She then swung her basketball sized chest into the brick wall with
the same devastating result. The wall crumbled against her impossibly hard
physique. She looked and acted like a comic book super hero, only she was a 4
foot, 6 inch tall nine year old girl! "Ha, I’m stronger than steel! I’m more
powerful than a brick wall! And I’m gonna get stronger! I’m gonna get bigger!
I’m gonna get mega huge!" With that, Amanda stopped her incredible display,
stretched for a moment and turned back toward the two men.

"I’m thirsty again! Time to power up!" She then did flips over to the water
fountain and began drinking in earnest.

Aaron was even more frightened. Paul was trying to make sense of it all. As
she drank, Aaron turned toward Paul.

"Should she be drinking any more water?"

Paul chuckled. "Are you going to try and stop her? She’s already stronger than
both of us put together times a million. And now it looks like she’s on her
way to drinking another gallon of water." Paul looked on with increasing
bewilderment. She was going to be activating another 16 doses. That would put
her over a trillion times stronger! Virtually unlimited strength and power!
All the power in the world contained in the body of a small girl!

After a long drinking spell, Amanda pulled her head up. In a deep, powerful,
yet fully feminine voice Amanda announced her intentions. "Oh yeah! I’m not
gonna be stronger than a football team! Or bigger than a football team! I’m
gonna be stronger than the whole city! I’m gonna be as big as the state! I’m
gonna be Super-Duper-Duper Girl!"

Amanda looked around. She spotted the rope used to practice climbing. It
reached up to the same beams she had just jumped up to. It was over 20 feet
long. Amanda walked up to it, gave it a gentle tug and tore it down to the
ground. The metal clamp holding it to the beam offered no resistance to the
power of the young girl. She dragged it over toward Aaron.

"How long is this rope?"

Aaron stammered. "It’s uh, over 20 feet long."

Amanda smiled. Her looks now transcended beauty. She was beyond radiant. Her
hair shone with an unnatural sheen. Her features were brilliant. Her green
eyes sparkled. She looked like the goddess she was becoming. "Goody! I want to
make my arm bigger than ever! A million times bigger! A bazillion times bigger
than the biggest man!"

Aaron held the rope, but was unsure as to what to do. Paul grabbed the other
end. "I guess we can put the middle of the rope over her arm and hold each
end." Aaron was a bit stunned that Paul was still rationale. This was beyond
comprehension. Could she really flex up her muscles as big as she wanted? Was
she really as strong as everyone in the city? In the state? In the world?
Grabbing one end, Paul grabbed the other and they walked away from Amanda
until the center of the rope laid over her bicep. Sensing that they were
ready, Amanda tensed her fist, pushed her arm out and felt the power ready for
release. Smiling, she brought her forearm up near 90 degrees and her bicep
shot up like a missile. It pushed up to 80 inches around from a casual initial

"I’m super big! And I’m gonna get bigger! Bigger than the biggest! Super-Duper
Big! Super- Mega-Ultra Big!"

Amanda pulled her head back and closed her eyes, feeling her hair brush
against her surging shoulders. The rest of her body began pushing forward
rampaging muscles of young girl might. Her thighs shot back to over 80 inches,
her calves to over 40 inches. Her midsection displayed more muscle than Paul
thought even existed. It was no longer a six pack, it was a 100 pack! And with
each breath, Amanda increased the size of her pectoral muscles as she pumped
more devastating muscles forward. Bigger than volleyballs, then basketballs,
they quickly pushed toward beach ball size. Super dense, ultra strong beach
balls, with layer upon layer of young girl pec power. The elastic material of
her top finally gave way and snapped off of her body. The tape barely covered
her nipples allowing every muscle fiber of her incredible chest of steel to be
clearly seen. Her back surged outward in every direction into impossibly thick
mounds of young girl beef. Her traps and shoulder touched her ears. Amanda
hummed as the tingling of power engulfed her. Pulling her head back up, Amanda
opened her eyes and looked at her throbbing bicep of power. She had to look up
to see the peak. Smiling, she tensed her arm for the first time! Muscles
literally exploded on her arm. Her bicep was up to 90 inches, 95 inches, 100
inches in seconds. Paul and Aaron took a few steps forward as the bicep
started to rise. Amanda grinned.

"Bigger muscles! Stronger muscles! Bigger than anyone! I’m gonna be HUGE!"

As she spoke, her bicep leapt upward. 105 inches, 110 inches, 120 inches. 10
feet around! Over twice her height!

"He-he! My super muscles are unstoppable! Nobody can stand in my way! My
muscles are gonna be as big as an SUV!"

And the growth continued. 130 inches, 140 inches, 150 inches, 160 inches, 170
inches, 180 inches. 15 feet! Her bicep was now 6 feet above the plane of her
arm. Over five feet above her head! Her flexed bicep had more than doubled her
height! Paul and Aaron were getting close to the young super girl, holding the
ends of the rope with increasing concern. Amanda kept up her bold predictions.

"Look at my super muscle! It’s huge! But not huge enough! I’m gonna be super
huge! Super Duper Huge!"

Before either man could react, Amanda pored on the power. Her bloated,
monstrous bicep continued its unparalleled assent. 190 inches, 200 inches, 210
inches, 220 inches, 230 inches, 240 inches. 20 feet around! Both men now stood
next to Amanda, their fingers touching her humongous arm. With a little grunt,
Amanda continued her flex, not slowing down for an instant. At 250 inches both
men were holding the rope near their heads, at 260 inches, they held the rope
high above their heads, gripped the rope tightly. Aaron yelped out a panicked

"Amanda! Your bicep is over 20 feet around. You’re over 5 times the biggest
bicep ever!"

Amanda looked at Aaron and smiled. "Only 5 times? My super duper muscle is
gonna be much bigger than that! I’m gonna be much stronger than that! Hold on

With that Amanda continued her impossible flex. She continued to add 10 inches
of incredible little girl muscle with every passing moment!

Her bicep surged quickly to 270 inches, then to 280 inches around. Aaron and
Paul held on tight as their arms were stretched upward until finally their
feet no longer touched the ground! They were being held aloft by the power of
the bicep of a nine year old girl! And their distance above the ground quickly
increased. 290 inches, 300 inches! 25 feet around! And still Amanda gloated.

"He-He! My arm muscle is stronger than two grown men! 5 times bigger than the
biggest! Hah! I’m gonna be 10 times bigger than the world record! As big as a
whole football team put together! Bigger! And I feel so strong! Even stronger
than before! My muscles are stronger than anything!"

As she talked, her bicep flexed bigger! 310 inches, 320 inches, 330 inches,
340 inches, 350 inches, 360 inches! 30 feet around! Aaron and Paul were now
almost 5 feet above the ground. Their bodies rubbing against the Herculean
bicep of the young 4 foot six inch girl! Impossible! The bicep continued to
surge upward with unlimited will power of a super girl! 370 inches, 380
inches, 390 inches, 400 inches, 410 inches, 420 inches, 440 inches, 450
inches, 460 inches, 470 inches, 480 inches! 40 FEET AROUND! HER BICEP WAS

Aaron squealed in fear once again! "Amanda! Your bicep has to be 40 feet
around! That’s over 10 times the biggest ever flexed! You need to stop!"

Amanda looked up her coach, dangling many feet above the ground, held up by
the power of her arm! She giggled.

"10 times the biggest! I could flex it up to 100 times the biggest! 1000 times
the biggest! I’m Super Duper Duper Girl and I’m bigger than anyone! I’m
stronger than everyone in the city combined! I can feel it! Nobody can tell me
what I can and can’t do anymore! I can do anything!"

Amanda paused for a moment, seeing the fear in her coach’s eyes. He had always
been kind to her. Smiling sheepishly, Amanda looked back up at Aaron.

"You two can let go now." Amanda paused again, re-gaining her confidence and
feeling of ultimate power. "But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop getting
bigger! I’m flexing my mighty super muscle through the roof! My ultra muscles
are unstoppable!"

Realizing the break they just caught, Aaron let go of the rope and dropped
back to the mat. Paul held on to the rope and pulled it off of her monstrous
bicep. He looked at her arm with awe. It was beyond human capability. A huge,
pink, vein engorged mountain of pure young girl power towering 20 feet into
the air! And it was about to get bigger. Paul backed up in an attempt to bring
the whole thing into view. He looked at Amanda, the young, 4 foot 6 inch tall
girl with huge muscles bulging and surging everywhere and up to the top of the
biggest muscle of all, her incredible bicep. It was a sight to behold. Aaron’s
attempt to see the top of her bicep caused him to trip as he was backing up
and fall down on the mat, completely taken in by what appeared to be the birth
of a super duper girl.

Amanda looked at the two men and their shocked expressions. She smiled and
giggled. The tingling still coursed throughout her body. The power flowed. She
felt super. She looked super. And she was about to get more super. She tensed
every muscle in her body. Her legs bulged outward. 80 inches, 100 inches, 120
inches each. Ten feet around! Every muscle fiber was visible. Her power was
clearly displayed. Her calves were the size of basketballs, throbbing and
tensing. Her abdominals were a muscular canvas, awesomely defined and thick.
Her chest surged outward, showing layer after mind boggling layer of pure
little girl pec power. Her chest touched her chin and pushed out over three
feet in front of her. Her left arm was tensed at her side with her tricep
flexed outward over two feet thick. Her back flared outward to obscene
proportions. Her traps bulged and her shoulders flared until they touched her
ear. She was bathed in huge, super hard, ripped, rampaging muscles of a
goddess. Amanda felt the power and looked at her towering bicep.

"I am Super Duper Girl! And I’m gonna be more super!" And with that her bicep
pushed upward once again. 500 inches around at the speed of thought. "I’m the
biggest in the world! I’m as big as a building!" 520 inches around, 540
inches, 560 inches, 580 inches, 600 inches! 50 feet around in moments! Her
bicep crashed through the support beams and headed straight for the ceiling.
620 inches, 640 inches, 660 inches, 680 inches, 700 inches, 720 inches. Her
bicep was now 60 feet around! It was touching the ceiling, some 35 feet above
the ground! And with one more subtle flex, it crashed through the roof with a
resounding crunch! Surging upward to almost 800 inches of raw little girl

"Hah! I’m bigger than a building! The biggest ever! Super Duper Duper Girl!
Nobody is bigger! Nothing is bigger! Nothing is stronger! I’m gonna be as big
as a mountain!"

With that Amanda brought up her other arm and flexed down. The left bicep shot
upward faster than a missile and quickly crashed through the roof, towering at
800 inches around. Impossible!

"I’m gonna be bigger than a mountain! Stronger than a mountain! Ultra Mega

Amanda moved around as her biceps shot upward, tearing up the ceiling as she
walked, continuing to flex her god-like muscles to unthinkable heights. 900
inches around, 1000 inches around, 1100 inches around, 1200 inches around. 100
FEET AROUND! They were growing out of sight above the roof of the building.
Paul and Aaron craned their necks to try and see the top of her biceps of pure
power. Debris from the ceiling fell to the mat. Amanda squealed in delight.

"I’m bigger than anyone! I’m bigger than anything! I’m mega huge! And I’m
gonna get bigger yet!"

With that, her biceps continued to soar upward. The strength of a trillion men
flowed through her body! The size of a billion men were at her disposal! And
she wanted them all! How could one little girl have so much size? It was
beyond reason. But upward they went. 1400 hundred inches, 1600 hundred inches,
1800 inches, 2000 inches, 2200 inches, 2400 inches! Her biceps were now 200


Both men stared at the young goddess with their mouths open. This had to be
impossible. Was it all just a dream? Her bicep was now hundred of times bigger
than when she started. They soared up to incredible heights. How big could
they get? How strong was she now?

Calming herself after her loud announcement, Amanda finally stopped her muscle
bulging show and pursed her lips.

"If I’m bigger than a building! Hah! Twice as big as a building! I must be
stronger than a building too!" Amanda released her flex and her muscles pulled
the power back in. Tears streamed down her angelic face as she felt the energy
slam into her very being. "OH BABY! FEEL THE POWER!"

Even reduced, her body was still a torrent of super huge little girl muscle.
Her muscles took on an unnatural sheen from the hardness and the power that
they stored.

Looking at the ground Amanda brought up one arm, jumped a few feet into the
air and brought her fist down to the ground with the sound a wrecking ball
slamming into a wall. 20 city blocks shook from the concussion. The floor
around her fist was obliterated, creating a small crater. Paul was knocked
over. Aaron simply stayed on the floor. Amanda jumped into the hole and
disappeared from view. Huge chunks of concrete flew out of the hole. Soon the
entire floor shook. Paul crawled over to the hole and looked down to see
Amanda standing at the foundation of the building. She was bent down and was
reaching under the foundation, looking for a good grip. Her muscles looked
super hard, almost radiant. She really was becoming something above human.
Realizing what she had planned, and no longer doubting that it was possible,
Paul got up and ran over to Aaron.

"Time to go! She’s about to lift this building."

Aaron returned a stunned stare. "But that’s impossible."

Paul sniffed. "And what else about today has been possible? She said she’s
stronger than a building, and I for one no longer doubt her."

With that Aaron got up and both men headed for the exit. But after a few steps
Amanda had gotten her grip and started pulling up. The entire building shook
and groaned, but could not offer enough resistance against one little 4 foot 6
inch nine year old girl. A little girl with the strength of trillions of men!
The building gave one final scream and was then pulled out of the ground and
tore from its utility fixtures! Amanda smiled to herself. "Ha! I’m lifting the
whole building! I’m mega strong! Super Mega Strong!" As she continued to pull
upward, the entire building lurched to one side and both men almost lost their
footing. Regaining their composure, they looked at each other, then back at
the hole where Amanda was testing her strength. Swallowing hard, they bolted
for the door. With a loud crunch, and a monstrous tearing and ripping sound,
the building tilted once again. Both men dove for the door and piled out onto
the sidewalk just as the entire building was completely tore apart from its

Amanda had gotten her grip and with her super muscles surging, pulled the
whole structure toward her thighs. The entire building moved upward! She was
doing it! Lifting an entire building! Still smiling, Amanda let out a small
grunt, gave one more pull with her atomic biceps of power, and pulled the
building up to her chest! She had done it! She had curled the entire building!
Millions of pounds! "That was easier than when I first curled that 90 pound
weight! Cool! I’m more powerful than an entire building! Super powerful!
Nobody is stronger! I’m stronger than everyone in the city put together! And
I’m gonna get stronger!" With one more grunt, her super muscles surged and
pulsed as Amanda easily pressed the weight upward, and finally held the entire
building above her head! Amanda giggled. "It feels like 5 pounds! I really am
stronger than a building! I am Super Duper Girl! Nothing can stop me now!"

Aaron and Paul were shocked as they watched the entire building move up a few
feet and then slowly rise over 5 feet in the air! Paul looked under the
building to witness a smiling Amanda, her rampaging muscles tensed into
incredible slabs of young girl power. The power she contained caused her
muscles to radiate. Even with little light source, Paul could clearly see
Amanda. She had done it! And she looked like it was easy! An entire 30,000
square foot building was being held up by one 9 year old girl!

Amanda smiled. It was easy to hold up the building! Slowly lowering the
structure back to shoulder level she squatted down. Her thighs once again
burst forth with bunches of huge young girl muscles. "If it’s this light, it
should be easy to throw!" True to her word, Amanda pushed upward and the
entire building took flight! Aaron and Paul were shocked. To see the entire
building lifted out of the ground was incredible enough. Now they watched as
the entire building went up in the air and toward a large parking lot. The
building pushed upward and looked like it was moving in slow motion when it
reached 50 feet above the ground. It was eerily quiet as it descended back to
the ground. The building quickly fell back to the ground and landed with an
earth shaking explosion. Car alarms were set for 40 square blocks. Paul and
Aaron almost lost their footing again as the building crashed and collapsed
into itself. Dust and debris bellowed outward.

Amanda smiled as she watched the building crumble. That was easy! What was
left to test her strength? What was around that was bigger than she could
flex? She felt the power flow within her young body. Subtly flexing one bicep
back to 50 inches, she touched the warmth and saw the radiation of power.
Still standing in the hole were the building once sat, sparks still flew
around and a water main pushed out water. She turned and walked toward Paul
and Aaron, smiling all the while. Amanda stopped at the water main, reached
over and easily bent the pipe toward her. The water splashed into her face and
Amanda drank deeply. Paul turned white. She was drinking a lot. Each gulp gave
her more power. She increased her power a trillion times a swallow! After
activating another 10 doses, Amanda stood at over 1000 times stronger than
everyone on the earth combined! All contained in a 4 foot six inch nine year
old girl!

Amanda squeezed down on the pipe, stopping the water flow and spoke once again
in her deep, powerful feminine voice.


Amanda jumped out of the hole and soared 100 feet in the air with a casual
flex of her mega muscles. She landed with a loud boom next to Paul and Aaron.

"So, what should we do next?"

Paul and Aaron looked down at the young girl with slack jaws. Was there
anything she couldn’t do?

The end for now.

Offline AAFan

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Re: ★Memorable Author: [GBM] 'A to H' Stories~collected
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2021, 01:54:49 am »
Kelly from "First Time" is one of my favorite characters! I picture her as bigger than a young, off-season Jay Cutler.

Offline thebaron

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Re: ★Memorable Author: [GBM] 'A to H' Stories~collected
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2021, 06:03:01 am »
Great to see these stories. I haven’t seen them anywhere for a long time. :clap:

Offline ame3cv62

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Re: ★Memorable Author: [GBM] 'A to H' Stories~collected
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2021, 01:32:20 pm »
Thank you for putting these up i have been looking for them for awhile (they used to be in DTV on this site but removed ), i have another 1of his stories u cant find anywhere its call the virus ( i know with everything going in with covid now might need  title change),its part 1 he never got around to doing the second part to bad it looked like it might of been a great 2nd part,anyway the 1st part is great.
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