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Author Topic: ★Memorable Author: [AmazonFan] Stories~collected  (Read 27165 times)

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★Memorable Author: [AmazonFan] Stories~collected
« on: February 10, 2008, 11:18:42 pm »
Stories in this collection:

Pizza Boy

Amazon Hooker

Inch by Inch

Vicki's Revenge

My Life with Sheila

Pizza Boy
by AmazonFan

It was the last delivery on the last run of my shift.  I work part
time delivering pizzas, driving the peak hours of 5:00 to 8:00
PM when orders are heaviest.  I was glad this particular shift
was about over.  It had been a shitty day.  Two phony
orders.  Waste of time.  And nobody liked to tip anymore.

Well, after this last delivery I could head home and hang out
watching the tube.  I thought I was smart back when I first got
this job.  Finishing by 8:00.  I could have my evenings free to
go out on dates.  Problem was I don't get many dates.  I'm
not rich.  I don't drive a fancy car.  And while girls think I'm
cute they can't seem to see past the fact that I am very slim. 
I call it slim.  You'd call it skinny.

Being underweight has always been a problem for me. 
"Skinny minny!" had been the childhood chant all the kids
used to tease me with.  Growing up, I tried everything I could
think of to put on weight, from milk shakes to second helpings
at meals, but nothing seemed to work.  I remember the ads
for Charles Atlas in the back of comic books and dreamed
of what it would be like to have muscles.  I thought of taking
up weight lifting, but I'd be too embarrassed to be seen at a
gym.  They'd all snicker at me, all those hulking types.  I 'd
had enough of being laughed at for years.  I wasn't going to
subject myself to it at some gym.

I picked up a bodybuilding magazine from time to time,
hoping there'd be some new nutritional supplement that
would help me gain weight.  But all the ones I tried didn't
work.  I'd put on a few pounds and then a few weeks later
I'd lose it.

In reading the magazines I noticed the increasing
coverage female bodybuilders were getting.  I have to
admit I've been a bit jealous of the physiques they have. 
Many of the top heavyweights are much bigger than me.  It
wasn't fair.  They were females!  But I also found myself
fantasizing about what it would be like to be with one of
these amazonic creatures, of being with a woman who was
bigger and stronger than me.  I find the thought of being
dominated by sheer female muscle power both frightening
and arousing.  In my fantasy world, the women had ample
breasts that the pro bodybuilders didn't.  I realize all that
dieting the pros do to get really ripped for competition
reduces body fat so much their breasts get sacrificed.  I'd
have been more than happy to give up a little muscle
definition for ample cleavage.  It wouldn't change how
strong they'd be.  But that was just my private little fantasy
world.  Let me return to my story.

I found the address and drove my battered Subaru into the
driveway.  Two red BMW convertibles were sitting there.  With
vanity plates "B BMW 1" AND "B BMW 2".  "How cute," I
thought sarcastically, "matching cars and vanity plates. 
More rich people who don't know what else to do with their

As I approached the front door I could hear Aerosmith
blaring from a window up on the second floor.  Must have
been a big stereo because the sound was very loud.  I rang
the doorbell.  And waited.  And waited.  A few minutes went
by.  I rang the bell again.  Still no response.  I waited and
waited.  I looked at my watch. I'd been waiting for ten
minutes.  One gourmet super-deluxe pizza with all the
toppings was going to waste.  I delivered only one or two of
these babies a month.

Finally the music stopped and I punched the doorbell with
my finger three times.  I could hear the elaborate chimes
inside ringing again and again.  I was pissed at being kept
waiting, but now I realized I'd overdone it with the doorbell.

"All right all ready.  Hold your horses!" a voice yelled from
inside.  A young woman's voice.  She didn't sound pleased.

Suddenly one of the two double doors swung open.  "Oh,
it's you.  It's about time you got here."  she said.  I almost
began to protest that I'd been standing there for 10 minutes,
but I remembered that there was still a chance for a tip. 
Besides all it took was one look at the girl and I knew it would
be stupid to argue with her.  She was gorgeous.  She looked
to be about my age.  Shining blond hair.  Deep blue eyes. 
Perfect complexion.  Bronzed skin.  She was wrapped in a
huge white terrycloth robe, the thick, luxurious kind you only
saw rich people wear in ads for ritzy hotels.

"Come in for a sec.  I'm not carrying any money," she said.  I
stepped into the gleaming black and white marble foyer
and looked up.  It was over two stories high.  A massive
crystal chandelier hung down from the top, a million twinkling
facets cut in the lead crystal baubles.

"Brenda, it's the pizza.  Haul your ass down here with some
money." the blond yelled.  I heard footsteps in the hallway
upstairs and turned to the circular staircase that spiraled

The first thing I saw was a side profile of a pair of legs.  They
were long.  They were shapely.  But they were unlike any
legs I'd ever seen in person.  They were so big!  The calves. 
The quads.  Massive.  Bulging.  And solid.  This was not fat I
was spying.  This was well toned, well developed muscle.

She rounded the turn and was facing me straight on.  That's
when I looked at her face.  And then I looked at the girl
beside me again.  And then I looked back at the
approaching Brenda just to make sure.  Good grief!  They
were identical twins!

Brenda, however, was not wearing the big robe her sister
was.  I gulped.  This couldn't be possible.  This was my
female muscle fantasy in the flesh.  But the flesh and blood
and muscle proof was coming down the last few stairs. 
Brenda was wearing a bright red leotard and midriff baring
tank top.  This minimum of clothing could barely contain the
most voluptuous female body I'd ever seen.  Her v-shaped
torso began with broad shoulders capped by mountains of
deltoid muscle, continued down past wide lats, and
tapered to washboard abs and a small waist.  Along the
way, large, lethal looking arms.  And there jutting straight out,
straining the tight white fabric was a generously prodigious
pair of perfectly full firm breasts.

"You never seem to have money, Bridget.  How much?" she
asked me.

"Tw-tw-twelve fifty" I answered, finding it a bit hard to speak. 
She handed me fifteen bucks.  I handed the box to Bridget. 
I started fumbling in my pocket for change for Brenda.

"Keep it." she said.  Finally, I got a tip.

"Unh.  Unh.  We're not paying for this."  Brenda interjected. 
"It's ice cold."

"That's not my fault.  I waited outside ten minutes before you
answered the doorbell."  I protested, seeing the possibility of
not only my tip but the whole fifteen bucks floating away.

"We didn't hear any doorbell," Brenda countered, "You took
forever to get here and now it's cold."  Turning to her twin she
said, "Don't get ripped off.  Get your money back."

Bridget walked over, right in front of me, and stood with her
arms crossed in front.  She was sizing me up.  "Would you like
to hand the money over to me?" she asked me, matter-of-

"Look, if I don't get paid for this pizza, then it comes out of my
pay," I said.  "I can't return it because nobody else is going
to order a super-deluxe.  Heat it up.  It'll be fine.  It's your fault,
not mine, that it got cold.  I don't have to give you your
money back."

"I would have thought that someone as scrawny as you
would avoid getting into physical confrontations." she
replied.  She stared right at me, trying to intimidate me.  She
uncrossed her arms, made a fist with her right hand, and
started bending her arm, raising her fist towards her shoulder. 
I watched in amazement as her biceps ballooned, first
elongating, then bunching up into a hard ball of muscle
exploding in size and detail.  It was mammoth.  Far bigger
than mine.

I knew right then and there that she had to be much stronger
than I was.  And there was no mistaking the fact that she
would have little trouble overpowering me and getting her
money back.  Yet, I sensed that she didn't want me to back
down.  Maybe she wanted to show me just how
phenomenal she was.  And maybe I just wanted to find out.

"Look girls," I said, "You're pretty.  And you're rich.  And as a
result I'm sure you're used to getting whatever you want.  But
in this case I need the money a lot more than you do.  So
I'm afraid that this discussion's over.  Thank you and good
night and enjoy your pizza."  I stepped sideways, signaling
my intent to walk out the front door.  Bridget and Brenda
closed ranks in front of me, blocking my exit.

Brenda began to untie the sash of her robe.  "Before you do
anything else stupid, pizza boy, I think you should take a
moment to look at the situation and rethink your decision."
she said.  Off came the robe.  Brenda was wearing a sports
bra and a thong bikini bottom.  If they hadn't been wearing
different outfits I wouldn't have been able to tell them apart.
Brenda was every bit as extraordinarily well-muscled as

"What?  Is this supposed to scare me?  Two girls with hardly
any clothes on?  Come on girls.  Out of my way, please,
before I get mad.  My shift's finished for the night and I'm
going home."  I said.  Did they know I was bluffing?  That I
knew that one of them was more than I could handle and
both of them was suicide?

"You mean they're not expecting you back at Domino's?"
Bridget asked, surprised.  The twins looked at each other
and laughed and said to each other in chorus, "Then we
can keep him here as long as we want!"

Bridget and Brenda turned back towards me and started
coming at me.  I retreated.  "Now wait a minute," I pleaded,
"What's going on?  What are you doing?"

"Let's take him upstairs," Brenda said to her sister.  I backed
up against a table and Bridget pounced on me.  She
grabbed me around the waist and just tossed my body
onto her shoulder, like I was a pillow.  She jogged up the
stairs.  Brenda was right behind us.

Bridget strode down a hallway and turned into the third
room on the right.  Suddenly I was being tossed to the floor. 
As soon as I hit, they were on top of me.  I tried to get my
bearings.  I had landed on rubber mats. I tilted my head
back and saw lots of exercise equipment.  I guessed I was
in some kind of family gym.  Brenda was sitting on my chest
facing my feet and Bridget was holding my legs.  Despite
my furious squirming and protests I couldn't dislodge them as
Brenda pulled off my sneakers and Bridget unbuckled and
unzipped my pants.

In thirty seconds they had my pants.  They got off me and
Brenda started going through the pockets for my money.  I
charged at her, but Bridget stepped between us and
shoved me backwards.  I was thrown back three feet onto
my rear end.  Bridget stepped forward and leaned down
and ripped my jersey off.  Now all I had on was my briefs. 
Brenda counted out fifteen bucks and tossed my pants and
wallet aside.

"Look at how skinny he is!" Bridget exclaimed.  "What are
you, a male anorexic?  You are a stick!"

"So I don't have a lot of body fat.  There's nothing wrong with
that," I answered defensively.

"Not fat's one thing.  No muscle is quite another." Brenda
countered, "You're, what, about six feet tall?  How little do
you weigh?"

"139." I replied, getting to my feet.

"That's pathetic," Brenda said derisively.  She stood just
inches from me.  "Look how big I am compared to you." 

Bridget moved behind her sister.  She began to point to her
sister's powerful physique.  "We each stand an even 6 feet
tall and weigh 199 pounds.  Our arms measure a full 17 1/4
inches.  Our thighs, 27 inches.  Calves are 17."

"Your bodies are both exactly the same?" I asked.

"From head to toe," Bridget nodded affirmatively, moving
from behind to her sister's side.  "And the 47-25-38 in

"This is what happens when you take a six foot frame and put
some muscle on it."  Brenda added.  "I'd bet that every one
of the sixty pounds we outweigh you by is a pound of

"Muscle or not, it took two of you to steal my money," I shot
back.  I was not about to let their boasting about their
physiques get us off the subject at hand -- the fifteen bucks
that Brenda had lifted from my pants.

"Let's see if I've got this straight," Brenda chuckled, "One on
one you could have prevented either one of us from
wrestling you to the ground and taking your money?"

"Yeah." I answered, mustering up my best false bravado.

"You want to bet?" Bridget asked.

I hesitated.  Should I keep going with my bluff?  Brenda
reached for my pants.  I went to stop her, but Bridget
intercepted me and shoved me on my butt again.

"He's got 26 dollars and 37 cents." Brenda announced.

"Okay, here's the deal," Bridget said, "First you wrestle me. 
Then you wrestle Brenda.  You lose to both of us, we keep all
your money.  You beat either one of us, you get a hundred
bucks.  Since we know you're going to be penniless after
wrestling us individually we'll be generous and give you one
last chance to win.  You lose, you are our personal slave for
the rest of the weekend while our parents aren't home.  You
win, you can have both us in bed."

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"Well with that much at stake we get to wrestle you tag team
and there's no rule against double teaming you," Bridget

At that moment, they were holding all my money anyway. 
What did I have to lose?  "And what are we calling a win?" I
asked, all but committing myself to this insanity.

"Submissions only," Brenda declared.  "I can assure you
there will be no question in your mind when we've won." 
Brenda stood there waving my money in front on my face. 
"Come on there, skinny little pizza boy," she teased, "Gonna
try to win your money back?"

I figured if I could keep from giving up, they might just get
bored and give me my money.  Besides, when was I ever
going to have another chance like this in my life?

"You're on, girls," I declared.  "Either I'm going to walk out of
here richer than when I walked in, or I'm going to have the
time of my life in bed with you two."  I thought I'd take
advantage of what would likely be my last opportunity to
do any boasting.

Bridget stood there laughing while Brenda moved over and
sat down on one of the pieces of equipment.  I quickly
decided that the only chance I had was to make a sudden,
unexpected attack.  I thought if I leapt in the air and threw
my body at Bridget, colliding into her as high and hard as I
could, I stood a decent chance of knocking her backwards
off her feet.  Somewhere in the back of my mind was the
idea that smaller opponents stood a better chance after
knocking larger foes off their feet.

So, without any warning, I ran three steps and launched
myself at Bridget.  Everything seemed to shift to slow motion. 
I heard Brenda yell, "Look out!"  My body hit the height of its
trajectory and started falling towards Brenda as she raised
her arms up.  My body collided into hers full force.  I felt her
arms encircling me.  She took one step back, absorbing the
force hitting her.  She stopped.  She stood there.  Still on her
feet.  My attack had hardly fazed her.

Instead, I was trapped in her arms.  She held me dangling
off the mats, my crotch pressed against her twin torpedoes. 
Her round globes so remarkably firm that they barely
compressed as she squeezed me against her.

I grabbed her shoulders and tried pushing against her to
break free.  My fingers barely dented the hard mass of
deltoid muscle.  I slid my hands down to her bulging biceps,
astonished that I could not fit my hands halfway around her
mammoth upper arms.  I kept struggling, but I knew it was

Bridget suddenly quadrupled the force she was using
against me.  My back and my sides were shot with pain as
my flesh and bone was forced to yield to the crushing
power of her arms.  She leaned forward and my back
arched, a hot searing pain shooting out from the base of my
spine.  If felt like she was about to break my back.

"No.  No.  Please stop.  No more.  My back.  I can't take it. 
Please don't do that anymore."  The words tumbled out of
my mouth between my moans and groans.  I who had
planned not to give up no matter what so I could get the
money had been reduced to a pleading wimp in the
mighty arms of this amazon.  It had happened so fast I
doubt Bridget had even gotten warmed up.

Bridget threw me to the floor.  "That was a submission, wasn't
it?" she glared.

"Yes.  Yes it was." I answered meekly.  The desperateness of
my situation and the enormity of the twin's power hit me in a
double wave of fear and despair.  Bridget placed one foot
on my chest and struck a double biceps victory pose.

"You'll have to be careful to hold back," she remarked to
Brenda, "Or you'll snap his stick body in two."

Brenda stepped onto the mats as Bridget moved over and
sat down.  "Come on there skinny, get up and face the
music." she said.  She stroked the insides of her thighs.  "Wait
until you feel what these babies can do."  I looked at their
incredible girth, bronzed and solid as oak, and I wanted to
run away.  "Guys always think differently about wanting to
get between a girl's legs when they've been between

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Re: Pizza Boy
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2008, 11:19:14 pm »
Warily I rose to my feet and Brenda started coming at me.  I
crouched down and started circling.  Staying out of her
reach was difficult because she was so quick.  I tried ducking
under her arms, but she fooled me and slapped on a side

"Shit." I grunted as the pressure from her 17 1/4" steel arms
made my cheekbone ache.  I think if she had squeezed
with all her might she might have been able to get me to
submit to her headlock alone.  She tossed me over her hip
and I went flying to the mats.

She waited for me to get back to my feet and she waded
in again.  I tried grabbing her arms to keep her from getting
me in another headlock.  Holding them was one thing. 
Trying to exert any control was quite another.  Brenda smiled
at my struggles as she methodically bent both of my arms
behind my back.

She pressed her body against mine and whispered in my
ear, "Do you like what you feel, skinny?  Do you like to be
controlled?  What's it like to feel weak and helpless?"  One of
her thighs slid between mine.  I could offer little resistance as it
slid up and pressed against my crotch.  She kept pressing
upward until she had lifted me off my feet.  There I was, my
hands trapped behind my back, riding her massive thigh.

I twisted and turned until I managed to slide off her thigh and
regain my footing, but she still held my arms.  Hooking my left
arm with her elbow and holding my right wrist with her hand,
she was able to trap both my arms behind my back with just
one of hers.

Her free hand slid down my chest and across my stomach. 
She slipped her index finger inside the elastic waistband, slid
her finger from side to side, and then pulled the elastic out
and let it snap back.

"Not much going on down here," she chuckled.  "What's the
matter?  You need a little help?"  Her hand covered my
cock and balls and she began to massage them.  Fearing
damage to my balls if I jerked away, I had no choice but to
stand there and let her play with me.  She played me like a
virtuoso.  Despite my resistance, despite the pain I'd just
endured, despite my fear, her coaxing massage made my
cock begin to swell.

"How would this feel if my hand was inside your shorts?" she
threatened.  In the instant between letting go of my shorts
and slipping her fingers inside I twisted as hard and fast as I
could and I broke out of her grip.  Brenda checked out my
briefs and seemed smugly satisfied with the bulge she'd

"Okay.  That's enough cock teasing for now."  she
exclaimed, charging at me.  I couldn't back pedal fast
enough and she tackled me like she was going straight
through me.  I was slammed hard on the mats, her full weight
pulverizing me.

She body splashed me three times to further flatten me. 
Then she slid up my body.  She snaked her legs under me,
under my shoulders, and then around and up so she could
lock her ankles on top of my gut.  The back of my head was
wedged against her glutes.  She braced herself with her
arms and pushed her torso up and back.  I was forced into
a sitting position with her legs encasing my ribcage.

The thick slabs of steel exploded with power.  One jolt and I
was in such pain I was seeing stars.  Another jolt and I welped
like an injured dog.  A third jolt and I was ready to submit. 
Brenda held the pressure and let me paw and pound on
her mammoth muscles, pleading for mercy, begging for
release from the agonizing crushing force.

"I give.  I give.  I submit.  Please.  My god you're so strong. 
You're too strong.  I can't take it.  PLEASE!" I begged.

"You can never be too strong," Brenda corrected.  "Bridget
was right.. I have to be careful or I will snap you in two.  Well I
guess I'll have to let you loose if we're going to have our final
fun round and then make you our slave."  Brenda finally
unlocked her legs and lifted off me.  I couldn't imagine how I
could continue.

Brenda and Bridget exchanged high fives and stood
watching me, waiting for me to recover enough to stand up. 
Brenda whispered something to Bridget.  They nodded and
exchanged a few more words and then turned back to me.

"We decided to make this last round as hard for you as
possible," Brenda said.  She put special emphasis on the
word "hard".  "Maybe you were holding back, hoping you
win the last fall so you could get us in bed."  They couldn't
help roaring with laughter.

"If you thought it was tough facing us one at a time, wait till
you see our tag routine." Bridget added.  "You're not even
going to be able to tell who you're wrestling."

Did she mean what I thought that meant?  After all there was
only one surefire way that I could think of to prevent me from
telling the twins apart.  They wouldn't go that far, would they?

"Look Bridget.  Look Brenda.  You've got all my money. 
Why don't you just let me go?" I proposed, getting to my
feet.  I tried to walk over to my pile of clothes.

"We're not finished," Brenda said, blocking my way.

"You proved your point.  You're both much stronger than I
am.  Let's leave it at that." I offered.

"We're not finished until you are groveling at our feet
begging us to let you be our skinny little slave boy," Bridget
countered.  She positioned herself at my side.  Brenda was
still right in front of me.  I knew they were going to attack.  I
froze, terrified.

Bridget flashed behind me and locked me up in a full
nelson.  I tried to break out of it, but I couldn't budge her
arms an inch.  Brenda snickered at my futile efforts.  She put
her hand on my short's waistband and pulled the elastic
towards her.  She peered inside.  Then she yanked them
down and let them drop around my ankles.  She stepped
back and studied my equipment.  I was so self-conscious
standing there with my manhood exposed, unable to do
anything.  I was about as limp as I could be.

"Not much to look at," Brenda taunted.  "Don't you wish you
had a real body, skinny boy?  Don't you wish you had
shoulders as wide as mine?  And arms with big hard muscles
like these?  And a taut rippling stomach?  And legs with this
kind of development?"  Brenda punctuated each question
by posing and flexing.  I was in awe of her remarkable
physical development.  The size.  The definition.  The
symmetry.  All so solid.  All so powerful.  She kept flexing and
posing, her muscles getting pumped.  Her muscles were
getting bigger and more defined right before my eyes.  She
turned and showed off her back, spreading her lats,
clenching her glutes.

My amazement and fascination was becoming hypnotic. 
Embarrassed self-consciousness was being overwhelmed
by the incredible sights before me.  Of course she was right. 
Somehow she understood me.  She possessed the
muscular development I could only dream of and never
attain.  I was filled with a desire I could not control.

I have never gotten a full hard throbbing erection so fast in
my life.

"Whoa!" Brenda exclaimed, "That sure did the trick.  So skinny
little pizza boy, you've got more down there than I thought. 
And you get so aroused just looking at my muscles.  I told
you I was going to make it hard for you!"

Bridget suddenly released the full nelson, wrapped an arm
around my waist, and lifted me off the floor using just one
arm.  Her free hand encircled my erection and slid up and
down to gauge its length.  "Not bad for a skinny boy," she
said, "You know it's easy to tell if a guy masturbates a lot. 
Because if he does, he's training himself to come quickly.  So
if he can't last very long when you give him a hand job, then
he masturbates often.  Do you play with yourself a lot, skinny

"Please.  Stop that." I asked.

"Just answer the question," Bridget replied, giving my shaft a
few more pumps.

"Yes.  Yes I do.  Now let go of me." I yelled.

"My pleasure," she replied, throwing me to the mats.  I
landed on my stomach and was very lucky my hard on
didn't smash into the mats.  "Let's go make us a slave boy,"
one of the girl's said.

I laid flat on the floor, bracing myself for what I figured would
be an instant attack by the amazon twins.  Nothing
happened.  I could hear that they weren't approaching
me.  I turned my head from left to right to see what was
going on.

"Oh my god," I exclaimed to myself.  "They did do it."  There,
hands on hips, stood Brenda and Bridget.  Or was it Bridget
and Brenda.  I couldn't tell.  They were both naked.  My
mouth went dry.  My eyes feasted upon the magnificent
sight of their ample jutting breasts, crowned by intoxicatingly
large areolae.  As I looked lower I learned that they were
natural blondes, with just tiny trimmed patches of pubic hair.

"One of us told you you wouldn't be able to tell who you
were wrestling," one twin reminded me.

"I thought you might have meant this, but I never
imagined..." I replied.

"Can you tell who's who?" the other asked.  I shook my head
no.  "Good.  This will be fun!  Get up skinny.  Who do you want
to start with?"  I got to my feet, but I said nothing.  I was
dazed by their naked magnificence.  "Can't decide?"  They
both came at me.

I was trying to back up from one and walked right into the
arms of the other.  They grabbed my wrists and ankles and
started swinging me left and right.  "One.  Two.  Three!" they
shouted in unison, throwing me ten feet across the floor.  I hit
the mats with a resounding thud, my ass bearing the brunt of
the impact.

One of the twins came after me while the other watched. 
Shit, I still don't know which was which, but I'm going to call
one Bridget and one Brenda so you can follow the story

Bridget leaned over and grabbed an arm and yanked me
to my feet.  She yelled at me, "Come on.  Don't just stand
there like a helpless skinny shit.  Fight back.  Wrestle.  Try!"  She
slapped me across the face so hard I almost was knocked
down, but it woke me up.  I slapped her back.  I think we
were both stunned I'd gotten in the blow.

I stepped forward and got her in a side headlock.  I twisted
her head against my hip and tried to leverage her down,
but she resisted.  She braced one hand under my thigh and
the other against my back and scooped me up in her arms.

"Let go of my head," she ordered.

"Why should I?" I answered.  She lifted me up higher and
suddenly slammed me across her leg.  My back ached but
I held on.  "Silly boy," she scolded.  She lifted me up and
slammed me another three times in rapid and painful
succession.  Her head popped out of my weakened grip.

"Hand him to me," Brenda said.  Bridget carried me over,
cradled in her arms, and passed me to Brenda.  "You are
such a lightweight!" she declared.  She tossed me up and
caught me.  She tossed me higher and caught me again. 
"Whee!  Isn't this fun!"  She tossed me up again, even higher. 
I felt like a helpless doll in her incredibly strong arms.

Then she got down on one knee and draped me over her
other thigh.  I groaned as she bent me backwards over her
leg, pressing down on my chest and my legs.  I tried to roll off
her, but her hold was too powerful for me to break.

Bridget came over and knelt down on the other side of me. 
She massaged my balls as Brenda eased up on her
downward pressure a bit.  With two walls of muscle and
prodigious breasts on either side of me and Bridget's expert
stroking, I was soon hard as steel again.  I felt her slide her leg
under my back too.

"I'll take over," Bridget told her sister.  Brenda pulled away,
leaving me draped over Bridget's thigh.  She continued to
grasp my penis.  "How many times do you think you can get
it up in one night?" she purred, gently squeezing my erection.

"I, I don't know" I muttered, fearing that I would soon erupt if
she kept milking me.

"Well then, I better not use one up now jerking you off.  Who
knows how few you've got in you?" she giggled.  Their
bodies were so hard and muscular and well developed. 
Yet with those big ripe melons thrusting off their chests, they
were so feminine too.  And those blond snatches.  I was so

Bridget stood up, pressed me over her head and then just
dropped me to the floor.  Each girl grabbed one of my
ankles and they picked me up upside down.  They were
standing behind me, so there wasn't a thing I could do to
get hold of them.  I braced myself with my hands on the
mats, fearing that they were going to drop me on my head. 
But they had a worse torture in mind.  They began moving to
the sides, splitting my legs wider and wider.

"Make a wish!" Brenda yelled as the girls spread me still
wider.  I felt like they were going to tear me in half.  My leg
muscles and tendons were stretched beyond their limits.  My
groin burned with pain.

"Stop.  Please stop.  You're going to injure me.  I won't be
any good to you if I can't walk." I pleaded.

Bridget let go of my ankle and I tumbled to the mats. 
Brenda let go too.  "We're just trying to have a little fun,
skinny!" she said, "Can we help it if you're too weak to take

"Don't worry," cooed Brenda, kneeling beside me, "We
won't hurt you as long as you please us and do what we

"Please, let me leave," I asked.

"Oh no," she replied, "You agreed to play this game and
there's no quitting now.  We told you you were going to
have to beg us to let you be our skinny little slave boy.  How
should we do that?"  She ran her hands over her mammoth
thighs.  "Now if I scissor you and my dear sister scissors you at
the same time, we could have you begging for your very
life in about, oh say, two seconds.  But that's too easy.  I
mean look how much bigger our legs are compared to
yours."  She squeezed my mushy thigh.  "Or one of us could
just pin you down and smother you out with our breasts.  How
humiliating.  Unable to fight your way out of our cleavage." 
My cock began to stir to life again.  "Oh looks like you might
even enjoy that.  Well I guess that eliminates that option."

"I know," Bridget chimed in.  "I'll do that standing cradle."

"What do you think, skinny boy?" Brenda asked, "That
doesn't sound too scary, does it?  Being cradled in my
sister's arms.  Think you can handle that?"

Before I could say a word, Bridget told Brenda to pick me
up as Bridget got to her feet.  Brenda scooped me up and
carried me tight against her magnificent torso.  She walked
over to her sister.  I felt my back pressing against Bridget's. 
She hooked her arms around my chest and between my
legs.  I was being held crosswise against her.  It wasn't the
cradle I imagined.  I was bent around her back.

"Got him?" Brenda asked her sister.  Brenda pulled her arms
away, leaving me solely in Bridget's clutches.

"Yeah, he's such a lightweight he doesn't feel much heavier
than my backpack." Bridget replied.  "This is really easy."

"That's great," Brenda remarked.  "Because he's facing
away from you he can't really get at you.  Of course..."  She
paused until she caught my eye.  "He's wide open for
anything I want to do."

"You can't resist playing with boys, can you?" Bridget

"When they're all helpless and can't stop me from doing
anything I want?  No, I can't." Brenda gushed.

"Well hurry up and play with him if you want because I've got
him in position to finish him off and I really want to see how
well this hold works." Bridget instructed.

Brenda stepped closer to me and grinned.  The only parts
of Bridget's body I could touch were her prodigious arms
that had me solidly locked in place.  My wriggling was
accomplishing nothing.

"Sis can just pull forward and try to make your head meet
your feet in front of her." Brenda said.  "When she does that
your pitifully skinny body is going to feel like it'll snap in two. 
Your back is going to ache and your little tummy is going to
stretch until it feels like it's tearing apart.  Then you'll be
begging us to let you be our little slave.  You ready to see
how much you can take?"

"No. Please." I implored.

She reached over and wrapped her fingers around my
semi-hard penis.  "Now here's your dilemma, pizza boy,"
Brenda said.  "I know you want to come.  My sister wants to
bend you in half till you squeal.  The instant you ejaculate I'm
going to tell her, and then she's going to break you in two. 
So, even though you want to come, you're going to be
trying to avoid it.  That's your dilemma.  That and the fact that
I am now going to do a number on your cock that you will
not be able to resist.  Just try to hold back.  Just try!"  She

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Re: Pizza Boy
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2008, 11:19:36 pm »
Brenda cupped my sack in one hand and rolled my balls
with her fingers while she stroked my cock with the other.  She
kept tugging and massaging until I was really really hard.

"Long and thin, just like his bod.  All in all though, he's pretty
big." she remarked to her sister.  She massaged my tip
between her thumb and index finger.  She grasped the
base of my cock to hold it steady.  She crouched slightly,
and her breasts were level with my rod.  Then she stepped
up close.  No matter how big my cock might have looked it
was dwarfed by her supreme breasts.

"You like our big boobies, don't you pizza boy?" she purred,
rubbing her globes against my cock.  "I bet I can make you
come real quick doing this."  I gritted my teeth and tried to
hold myself back.  "Why fight it?  You know you can't stop it."

Brenda's hand was pumping up and down on my shaft in a
slow steady excruciatingly marvelous pace.  Her grip was
just perfect.  I couldn't have given myself a better hand job.

"He's about to do it," she warned her sister.  I tried to clench
my balls, but I was being overwhelmed by Brenda's
technique.  "If you lean forward he'll be facing up.  That way
he'll come all over himself."  I felt Bridget bend over and sure
enough I was looking at the ceiling.  Just her shifting forward
was putting more strain on my back.  I could tell this hold
would be a killer.

"Please, please don't do it to me. I don't want your sister to
hurt me," I pleaded to Brenda.

"Oh just give in to it skinny," she replied.  "You sure as hell
aren't going to set any records for endurance here.  I've
been nice to you letting you last even this short a time.  If I
had kept rubbing my boobs against you, you would have
shot off in seconds.  Come on pizza boy.  Double time." 
Brenda started jerking me off much faster, her fingers flying
up and down the middle third of my cock.  I groaned as I
could feel myself pass the point where there was no
stopping me.  A huge load was readying itself to explode. 
This would be a Richter scale shattering quake.

"Unh.  Ungh.  AAHH.  Aargghhhh!" I moaned as my climax
exploded with a sea of come.  I could feel it splattering on
my stomach and my thighs.

"Shit, he must've shot off a foot high!" Brenda exclaimed,
obviously pleased with her manual dexterity.  "Well he's all

Bridget straightened up and adjusted her hold on me.  "I
don't think this will take very long, pizza boy." she said.  "But
just to remind you, when you submit to me, you become our
slave for the weekend."

"Please. No." I asked again.

"I think this might work even better bending over again,"
Bridget remarked to Brenda, as if they were fellow doctors
discussing surgical procedures.  And I was rolled upwards to
await my tortured fate.

"The magic words are 'I give up.  I am a weakling.  I am your
slave.'" Bridget told me.  Ever so slowly I felt her pulling her
arms forward.  Her massive arms cinched tightly against my
skinny body.  My back arched more and more, twisting
around her wide, hard and unyielding frame.  The pressure
on my backbone filled my body with an ache that grew into
intense pain.  And my sad excuse for stomach muscles
burned with a searing sensation as the muscle fibers were
stretched beyond the limits of their elasticity.  I howled in
pain, but I would not concede.

"You should see the look on his face," Brenda commented. 
"An expression of pure torture."

"Then we'll just bend him a little more," Bridget responded.  I
was almost in tears, but still I would not say anything.

"Hey pizza boy.  That's gotta hurt." Brenda said.

"How would you know?  Ever had anyone try to break your
back?" I hissed through gritted teeth.

"No.  No one's ever been in a position to try that to me." she
chuckled.  "But I'll hand it to you.  You're lasting longer than I
thought you would.  You may prove more worthy of being
our slave than I supposed."

"We like our slaves to last long, whether it's fighting or fucking,"
added Bridget.  Both girls giggled.  "But we know there are
limits to everything."  She bent me even more and I shrieked
in pain.

"Why don't you give in?" Brenda asked.

"I won't." I groaned.

"Stupid male pride." she said.

"Would you give in?" I asked.  "Male or female has nothing
to do with it.  I've been picked on my whole life because I'm
skinny.  You have no idea what it's like to be built like I am. 
But this time I won't give in.  Pride has everything to do with it. 
Gender means shit."

"Do you admit you're weaker than we are?" Bridget asked.

"Oh come on, what the fuck do you think I'd say," I
answered.  But, of course that wasn't good enough for her. 
She stretched me further.  "Of course you are!" I bellowed in

"And you admit that we've beaten you in wrestling?" Brenda

"Yes.  I think that's more than painfully obvious." I grunted.

"What do you think?  Think he's had enough?" she asked her

Instead of answering, Bridget leaned further forward and let
go of me.  I rolled off her shoulders and flopped onto the
mats.  I just lay there flat, trying to figure out if my back would
ever feel normal again.  The amazon twins stood over me,
hands on hips.

"You showed some guts, pizza boy," Bridget said.  "And
maybe you taught us something too.  We've got physical
gifts that maybe we sometimes take for granted."

"Don't get her wrong.  We work at it.  We work out a lot."
Brenda added.  "But all in all, this comes pretty naturally to us. 
Have you ever tried going to a gym and working out?"

"No.  I've tried a million things to gain weight and they've
never worked and I was ashamed to show this body in a
gym," I confessed.  "I mean look at the two of you.  You're
beyond incredible.  I'd look like a jackass.  People would
laugh at me in a gym if they ever saw me beside women
like you.  No sexist remark intended."

Brenda and Bridget just looked at each other, somehow
silently communicating in that way that twins seem gifted with.

"Well pizza boy, why don't you think about staying here this
weekend, not as our slave, but as our guest." Brenda said.

"We've got the gym right here, so you don't have to worry
about people seeing you," Bridget added.  "And we can
show you how to use the equipment and begin you on a
program to get bigger.

"You can see if you like it," Brenda continued, "And if you do,
we can talk about your working out here in the future."

"And if it works, just think you'll finally put on enough weight so
that you won't be ashamed to go to a gym." Bridget

"I don't know." I answered.  "I think even with you two, no I
mean especially with you two, I'm going to feel really
intimidated.  You're both so strong and muscular."

"Instead of feeling intimidated," Brenda replied, "Why don't
you feel inspired?"  The twins winked at each other and, with
perfect choreography, put their hands behind their heads
and flexed.  And god do I mean flexed!  Arms, abs and
thighs all exploded in awesome steely size and definition.

"Shit.  That's is unbe-fucking-lievable!" I exclaimed.

"So, do you accept our invitation?" Bridget asked.

"Why me?" I asked incredulously.  "What's in it for you two?"

"Maybe we think you're cute," Bridget replied.  "Look like
we're going to have to work on your self-image as well as
your body."

"And maybe something will come up that we might like,"
Brenda added coyly as her gaze drifted to my crotch.

"You're not subtle," I laughed, knowing she was referring to
my cock.

"So you'll stay?" Bridget asked, pretending she'd pout if I
said no.

"Oh he'll stay," Brenda said, gently running her toes up my
thigh.  I felt like I should get to my feet.  Having these twin
towers of amazonia hovering over me with lust in their eyes
was making me a bit nervous.

I stood up between them and exhaled deeply to signal my
announcement.  "OK.  I'll stay.  It may kill me one way or the
other, but I accept your invitation."

"Oh goodie!" they chimed in chorus.  Brenda slid behind me
and Bridget stood in front.

"I didn't hurt your back too much, did I?" she inquired.

"It hurt like hell at the time, but I think I'll recover," I answered.

I felt Brenda's hands on my chest, pulling me back against
her.  I could feel her prodigious breasts pressing against my
back.  Bridget took one quick look down at my cock and
then stepped forward, pressing her equally prodigious pair
against my chest.  I looked down at her cleavage.  Her
breasts maintained their round fullness even as she pressed

There I was, sandwiched in sensual splendor.  A frail frame
pressed between twin dynamos of unfathomable erotic
and physical power.  When I felt four hands begin to
massage my cock and balls I thought I'd faint.  But I wouldn't
have fallen to the floor even if I did because I was unable to
move between them.

My cock surged to life, swelling and lengthening with an
uncontrollable urgency.

"Mmm.  I love to feel a penis get big in my hands," purred

"Mmm.  So do I" Brenda echoed.

My erection was pressing insistently against one of them,
though I couldn't quite tell in the tangle of bodies.  Bridget
stepped back and my cock sprang up.

"Well now that we know we have don't any permanent
damage to him," she chuckled, "I'm getting kind of hungry. 
Seeing that thing sprouting up between your legs kind of
reminds me of sausage.  And you know what I think of when I
think of sausage!"

"Pizza!" Brenda roared.  "And guess who brought us pizza? 
Pizza boy!"  We all broke up laughing.

"Why do I think this pizza's going to be my treat?" I asked

"Find your way downstairs to the kitchen, heat it up and then
bring it back up here," Bridget said.  "In the meantime Sis
and I will fill the jacuzzi.  We'll dine in the tub."

"Then we'll find out who treats whom to what," winked

Well I'm still not sure which amazon was which, but the rest of
the evening and weekend was an erotic and athletic
adventure which left me dazed and sporting a shit-eating
grin for the better part of a week.

And yes, I've begun my exercise and weight training with
Bridget and Brenda and much to my amazement I can see
results.  I've gained ten pounds, which still makes me a stick
compared to them, but it's a real gain and I think it'll stay with

And as long as I can stay with these two amazing creatures I
will.  They learned something from me and I learned
something from them.  Underneath those rich bitch exteriors
were two genuine and giving women.  I have learned and I
have loved and I have been fucked silly.  I know that
someday, probably not that far in the future, we'll drift apart.

But I cannot control the future.  I can only experience the
present.  And these two have given me presents that will last
a lifetime.

The End.

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Amazon Hooker [AmazonFan]
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2010, 10:42:32 pm »
by AmazonFan
Mixed wrestling - you get what you pay for.

There is a select group of wealthy men who call me their living
fantasy.  I am available to them by the hour for wrestling and

I stand 6'2" tall.  No opponent ever guesses my weight correctly
the first time he sees me.  They're shocked at how difficult it is
for them to move me or get me off them.  I really weigh 190, but
I have very dense muscles and very little body fat, so I look a lot
lighter.  Despite my overall low body fat, my breasts are D cup-
sized and extremely firm.

There are many men who have fantasized about being forced to
do whatever a woman wants sexually.  There are very few women
physically capable of actually doing this - of being that strong. 
Unlike other forms of domination which rely on restraints,
fetish clothing, etc., my form of domination is entirely
dependent on my superior physical strength.  These men don't
pretend I'm stronger than they are.  I am.  Far stronger due to
an intensive workout regimen emphasizing endurance and
weight training.

Let me give you a feeling for what a session with me is like by
highlighting a recent encounter with a client seeing me for the
first time.  Todd is a wealthy advertising art director, 40 years
old, 5'10", 156.  Wiry build, but not very athletic - for example
his biceps are just 12 1/2".  I covered the basics with him.  We'd
wrestle for one hour, unless he quit early.  Unlimited falls.  Falls
won by submission or being unable to release a hold.  No blows to
the head or genitals, no scratching or biting, in other words no
dirty stuff.  I handed him a jock strap and pair of running shorts
and told him to get changed into them and leave everything else

When Todd came into the wrestling room I was waiting for him. 
The room is large and specially equipped.  No furniture.  Mats
covering the entire floor.  Walls heavily padded to a height of six
feet.  I was wearing my usual attire.  Long flowing silk robe.  I
recommended he try limbering up a little and I watched his
amusing attempts at looking athletic.  Then it was my turn.  First
I took off the robe.  Todd's eyes widened in amazement as he
saw my powerful body exposed for the first time, encased in a
crocheted micro-thong bikini.  I walked over to Todd, put my
hands on my hips, and inhaled deeply.  My height and size
advantage was intimidating him, I was sure.

"You can't handle me," I started, "Don't you think I look much
stronger than you?  Look how solidly I'm built.  Think about how
you'll defend yourself while I get warmed up."  I stepped away
and did some stretching exercises ending with doing splits from
a standing position all the way down to the mats.  That
impressed him!  I rolled forward and did several push ups to get
my arms pumped up.  I got to my feet and extended my leg,
pointing the toe.

"You don't have anything to compare with this," I said, flexing my
leg muscles, the thighs bulging and hardening.  I walked up
close to him again.  "Flex your biceps, show me your muscle," I
ordered.  Todd flexed.  I shook my head.  "That's not an arm. 

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Re: Amazon Hooker
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2010, 10:42:51 pm »
It's a stick.  This is an arm," I declared.  I flexed my 17" biceps
for him, the mass of muscle so much greater than his that it
proved I was going to be the winner without our having wrestled
for a second.  Todd reached out tentatively to touch my arm.  "Go
ahead," I encouraged him, "Feel how hard it is.  See how big it

"They told me you were muscular, but I didn't think I'd find
this," he said.

"No one is ever fully prepared the first time," I answered, "But
let's get started."

I love the first fall.  I knew Todd would be tentative because it
was his first time.  I, on the other hand, knew exactly what I
wanted to do and that I'd go all out.  I would completely
overpower him with my strength.  Within minutes he'd know he
had no chance against me for the whole hour.  And what would
amaze him even more is that as the match went on, I would
seem to get stronger and stronger.  That's because he'd be
weakening because of inferior endurance.

This being his first time I had an extra surprise, something to
throw him off balance right at the start.  I asked him if he's
ready.  He said yes.  Then I turned around and swiftly removed
my top and bottom.  "No one ever gets bragging rights to having
pulled my bikini off," I explained, "Because I wrestle in the
nude."  I turned around and Todd's eyes locked onto my breasts
thrusting straight out.  He almost couldn't tear his eyes away to
take a look at my pubes, but by then it didn't was too late.  I was
charging straight at him.  I came in low and fast and he couldn't
backpedal fast enough.  I rammed his stomach flush with my
shoulder and knocked him down like a vicious football tackle.  I
pulled him up by one arm and whipped him against the wall.  I
came right up on him and grabbed his arms and pinned them
out at his sides against the wall.

"C'mon, push me away," I challenged him, pressing my body
against his.  He struggled and finally moved me back a couple of
steps.  "Oh good, " I teased, "You can do something.  Now let's
see you get out of this."  I easily slapped a side headlock on him,
wedging his head between my hip and my biceps.  He
complained that his head felt like it was being squashed.  Todd
squirmed out of the headlock and we circled each other looking
for an opening.  He tried for a simple takedown, but he couldn't
pull it off.

We grabbed each others arms.  I forced his wrists around behind
his back and then I turned the hold into a bear hug, lifting him
right off the floor.  With his arms pinned behind, there was
nothing he could do to get out of the hold.  I bent forward,
making the small of his back arch backwards.  Todd cried out in
pain, "Holy shit.  That hurts."

"What's the matter, Todd," I teased, "Can't you get out of it? 
Don't tell me I can get you to submit with something as simple
as this.  Am I that much stronger than you?"  I let him struggle
to get free a bit more.  Then I bent him way back and held him

"Oh no.  Oh that hurts.  Okay I give.  I give." he pleaded.  But I
didn't ease up.  "Please let me go," he said, "Jesus you're strong. 
I can't do a fucking thing."  I eased up on poor Todd, rather than

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Re: Amazon Hooker
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2010, 10:43:11 pm »
throw his back out.  I put him down on his feet and before he
could react, I shot one hand between his legs and scooped him
up in my arms.

"You feel like you weigh nothing," I told him, and it was the
truth. Without warning I powerslammed him to the mats and sat
straddling his chest, pinning his arms under my legs.  He tried
bucking me off, but every time he lifted me up, I slammed my
ass back down on his chest.  All that weight battering down took
the fight out of him real fast.

"You're pinned and I'm not going anywhere," I told him, "Looks
like another quick defeat for the wimp.  What do you say little
boy?  Overpowered again?"  Todd looked up at me with a
helpless look on his face.  "Do you give?" I asked.  Todd nodded
yes.  I got to my feet and waited for Todd to recover and get up. 
It was still early in the match.  No need to rush things.  For the
next thirty five minutes I put Todd through the wrestling
wringer.  I alternated between submission holds and no-escape
holds.  Todd got to experience the crushing power of my legs
with a few good body scissors.  Headlocks, double hammer locks,
arm bars, school boy pins, these I used along with spending a lot
of time just riding and controlling Todd so he could realize how
overpowering I was.  He was drenched with sweat and hardly
able to catch his breath during our brief rest breaks between
falls.  Time for phase two.

I pretended to offer Todd my hand to help him up from the
mats.  I yanked him towards me and enveloped him in another
bear hug.  Funny how fatigue was affecting him.  A hard squeeze
and he was grunting in pain - he had more resistance earlier.  I
fell forward to the mat, crushing him under my weight.  In
seconds I was straddling his chest again, pinning him.  This
time I was careful to sit higher, closer to his face.  I ran my left
hand slowly up my right arm, caressing myself until I got to the
right biceps.  I flexed it big and hard.  I repeated this show with
my other arm.  Then I ran my hands across my washboard
stomach and up.  I cupped my breasts.  Then I put my hands
under my elbows, squeezing my arms and breasts together and
flexed both arms.  Todd grunted.  It wasn't pain.  It was awe.

I quickly sprang to my feet.  I checked out Todd's shorts. 
He'd gotten aroused from my little tease.  I offered him my
hand again, but he didn't go for it.  Warily he got up and faced
me.  Instead of circling him as I'd been doing, I came straight
forward at him.  He reacted by backing up.  I cut off his escaping
to the side.  He kept backing up until he was backed against the
wall.  He tried fending me off with his hands, but I grabbed them
and spread them against the wall.  I brushed up against him,
rubbing my breasts against his chest.  Then I put one leg
between his and brought my thigh up against his crotch.

I whispered, "There's nothing you can do to stop me and I can
do anything I want to you.  You like being helpless and totally
aroused, don't you?"  Todd just squirmed.  I let go of his arms
and grabbed his ass and pulled him against me.  I ground myself
against his bulge.  Before he could stop me I pulled off his
running shorts and ripped them in half so he couldn't put them
on again.  The jock strap was losing its battle to contain Todd's

I scooped Todd off his feet and spread him across my shoulders. 
I did a long airplane spin and then slammed his body to the

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Re: Amazon Hooker
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2010, 10:43:32 pm »
mats.  I got behind him and applied a combination full nelson
and body scissors.  Todd was completely helpless and submitted
again.  We got to our feet and while my back was turned Todd
tried to jump me.  I let him get me in a full nelson.  Then I used
my superior strength to force him back up against the wall.  I
flexed my butt and used my rock hard glutes as a battering ram
against him.  Needless to say it was pretty simple to power out of
the full nelson after that.  I turned around and told Todd that
he'd have to pay the price for jumping me.  I lifted him up under
the armpits, turned around and shoved him flat on his back.  I
pinned his shoulders and then I decided to apply a grapevine. 
Because my legs are so strong and stretch so wide, my
grapevines are legendary killers.  Todd yelled with pain and
instantly submitted.

"I don't want to hear you," I said, but Todd couldn't keep quiet as
I spread him again.  "I'll just have to smother the noise," I said as
my breasts hovered above his face.  I wrapped my arms around
his head to hold him in place and then buried his nose and
mouth in my cleavage.  Todd panicked when he couldn't
breathe, but I managed to control him.  I pulled off him to let
him get a breath and asked him if he was ready to show he was
sorry.  He nodded yes and I started rubbing my breasts over his
face.  Then I stopped and put one erect nipple above his lips. 
My nipples are very sensitive and I can usually achieve orgasms
by having them sucked on.  Which was exactly what I ordered
Todd to do now.  It didn't take him long to figure out what I
liked.  First the left breast, more quickly with the right.  Two
delightful orgasms.

I got up again and stood over Todd.  I struck a double biceps
pose as I stood with one foot on his chest.  I bent down, grabbed
the waistband of his jock strap, and pulled him to his feet.  I
held it tightly as Todd tried to loosen my grip.  I forced him up
on his toes by pulling up on the jock.  "What's the matter Todd,"
I asked, "Afraid to let me see what you've got?"  I managed to
hold his arms behind his back using just one of mine.  I fondled
the front of the jock, gently squeezing him.  Then I very slowly
pulled the jock down until his cock sprang free.  Todd was
impressively endowed and the head of his cock was that intense
purplish-red color that often signals intense arousal.  "I wonder
how long you can last without coming Todd," I teased knowingly.

Todd tried pulling his jock back up (not that he could have
gotten it over his now fully erect member), but I straight-armed
him and he fell back on the mats.  I yanked his jock off
completely and ripped it so it would be useless to wear.  Todd
got as far as his knees when I grabbed him by the hair, pulled his
head way back, swung my legs one-by-one over his shoulders,
and put his head between my thighs.  Todd couldn't support my
weight and fell back on the mats, but I was perfectly positioned
with my pussy on his face.  I bounced and squirmed and twisted
all over until his face was good and wet.  He probably thought I
was going to make him eat me then, but I could wait and I
wanted him to be kept on edge.

I slid down his body until I felt his flagpole against my ass.  Then
I brought my legs together tightly, capturing his cock between,
and rapidly flexed and unflexed my inner thigh muscles.  I knew
I could bring him off with only seconds of this intense squeezing
and stimulation.  So I stopped and spread my legs and ever so
gently moved so I wasn't touching his genitals.  From the look on
his face you'd think he was being tortured, the way he was

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Re: Amazon Hooker
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2010, 10:43:55 pm »
aroused.  His balls wanted to erupt, but he was fighting to keep

I bent forward and pressed my breasts against Todd's face again. 
I could feel his lips and tongue seeking out my nipples.  He was
trying to please me, but he was doing this on his own and not
following my orders.  He needed more discipline.

I rolled off to his side and sandwiched his stomach between my
legs.  I felt him tense his stomach muscles, trying to resist me.  I
laughed, knowing how useless his effort would be.  I began
squeezing and actually raising his midsection off the mats. 
"You're so puny," I said, "You actually think your flabby gut can
withstand the power of my thighs.  Look how thick they are! 
They're made of steel.  I can break you in two, you little boy."  I
jolted him with bursts of gut-busting pressure.  Todd couldn't
take that for long and moaned in submission.  I kept going until
he was begging me to relent.  I reached over and took hold of his
flagging erection.  I alternated pumping his shaft and squashing
him with my thighs.  I kept up this conditioning exercise until
he was putty in my hands - rock hard putty I should say.

"Tell me Todd, are you a leg man or a breast man?" I asked.

"Why do you want to know?" he asked fearfully.  I think he was
afraid I'd use whichever he chose as my next weapon.

"Just answer the question," I demanded, giving him another
crushing jolt with my legs.

"My first choice is muscles," he answered, "Then I guess it's

"Good answer!" I exclaimed, unentwining my legs and releasing
Todd from my scissors hold.  He managed to get on all fours
when I bent over him, wrapped my arms around his waist, and
in one huge move, lifted him right up on my shoulder.

"I'm holding you up using just one arm," I declared, "Look what a
weakling you are."  I was tempted to jerk him off with my free
hand, but why disappoint a breast man?  I held Todd's balls and
gently massaged them as I slid him back down to his feet.  Then
I turned him around so he was facing me.  I squatted down a bit
and wrapped my arms around his body, fairly low, right around
his butt.  Then I straightened up, lifting him off the mats in
another bear hug.  Of course I had calculated our positions so
that his erection would be pressed right against my breasts. 
With some easy adjustment I maneuvered his cock into the
cleavage between my breasts.  The sweat from our exertion
provided ample lubrication.  Todd took one look at his cock,
dwarfed by the D cup breasts enveloping his penis, and
shuddered from the intensity of his arousal.

"No stopping it now Todd," I told him.  I swung my breasts from
side to side slapping against his dick.  I pressed tighter and slid
Todd and my chest up and down.

"You can't hold it any longer," I said, "You're just helpless in my
muscular arms.  Here I am jerking you off with my breasts and
you can't prevent it.  I could hold you up here all day because
you're so light and weak, but I don't have to.  Because you can't
control yourself any longer.  Because you can't resist me.  Do it
Todd.  Shoot your load."

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Re: Amazon Hooker
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2010, 10:44:22 pm »
A low guttural moan began to build from Todd, building until it
became an orgasmic shriek as a copious rocket of semen shot
out from the deep purple head of his large penis.  A second and
third spasm completed his climax.  He went completely limp in
my arms, almost passing out from the intensity of his ejaculation.

I adjusted my hold on Todd, one hand gripping between his legs
right behind his spent balls, the other high on his chest.  I held
him against my upper chest until he started recovering his
senses.  Then I pressed him up over my head, fully extending my
powerful arms.

"Oh my god, you're strong!" Todd exclaimed, "I can't believe that
after all this you can just lift me up right over your head!"

"You're the one who's worn out from wrestling, Todd," I
explained, "Not me.  You're so light and so weak.  You're easy. 
You're nothing for me."

"What are you going to do to me now?" he asked, with more than
a trace of fear in his voice.

"It's not what I'm going to do to you, it's what you're going to do
for me," I answered, "Have I convinced you that I am far stronger
than you, that you are helpless to resist me, that you should do
whatever I say?"

"Yes!" Todd replied.

I put Todd down on his feet directly in front of me.  "What's
this?" I demanded, pointing to the semen on my chest.  Poor
Todd started sputtering, not knowing what to say.  "Clean me
off," I ordered.  Todd glanced around the room looking for
something and started leaning down to pick up his shorts.

I grabbed the back of his neck with one strong hand and
whipped his head right into my cleavage.  "Lick it clean," I said. 
Todd gave me this look and I knew he was another one of those
guys who thinks it's fine for women to give blow jobs, but they
think they'll die if they taste their own.  I squeezed his neck so
hard he squealed.

He closed his eyes and began to lick.  "Open your eyes," I
commanded, "How else can you see what you're doing?"  When
he finished I walked over and took my water bottle and poured
some on my breasts.  "I don't want your saliva all over me either,"
I explained, "Come here and dry me off."  Todd padded over and
took the small towel I handed him, but he seemed to hesitate
touching my breasts.

"You have to touch them to dry them," I said, "Go ahead.  You
have my permission."  Todd gently wiped them dry.  "How do
you like my breasts, Todd," I asked.

"They're extraordinary," he gushed, "I've never seen any that are
this full and yet so firm.  None that were real anyway."

I grabbed his hand with mine and cupped it under a breast and
squeezed.  "That feel real to you?" I hissed.

"Yes.  Yes." he answered, afraid of my anger.

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Re: Amazon Hooker
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2010, 10:44:41 pm »
I pulled his hand off and spun him around, whipping his arm up
behind his back, yanking it up so high I almost pulled his
shoulder out of the socket.  Poor Todd was standing on his tip
toes, trying to reduce the pain.  I let go, but instantly shot one
hand between his legs and picked him up, spreading him across
my shoulders.

I did a few squats with Todd.  "I warm up for squatting with
weights heavier than you," I announced, "So this isn't much of a
challenge.  You've still got some time left.  What do you want to
have done to you?"  As I finished those words, my hand brushed
against Todd's crotch.  Was I ever surprised when I felt Todd's
cock was hard.

I dumped him down on the mat to see it.  "Todd, you're 40 years
old," I said, "Guys your age can't get a second erection this fast. 
What gives?  Are you a porno actor on the side?"

Todd was confused and pleased at the same time.  "I'm afraid I'm
as surprised as you are," he said, "No, I'm no porn star and no, I
don't get hard again so quickly.  It must be you.  Your feminine
side of your body is a part.  But it's got to be the muscles and the
strength.  I've never been so aroused."

I smiled at Todd and put one foot on his chest, knocking him
back on the mats.  I stretched the leg out and pointed the toe
and then flexed the leg for him.  My muscles jumped into
massive, taut definition.  Todd's eyes widened and his dick
twitched with excitement.  I repeated this display with my other
powerful leg.  I straddled his chest and then dropped on top of
him.  He went "Oof" as my weight forced the air out of his lungs. 
Then I did a double biceps pose for him, forcing the maximum
size and hardness from my 17" cannons.

"Is this what you like Todd," I asked seductively, "Is this what
turns you on?  Do these drive you wild?"

"Yes.  Yes." he whispered hoarsely.

I stood up again, straddling him.  "Grab your dick at the base and
hold it steady," I instructed.  I paused for a moment to let the
mystery of what I'd do next add to Todd's excitement.  Then I
spread my pussy lips.  Todd's eyes were riveted to my pink, wet
opening.  Slowly I lowered myself, doing the same kind of split I
had warmed up with.  It takes incredible strength and muscular
control to do this just right.  Todd waited until my pussy was just
above his cock head and then eased the big purple knob in.  The
minute I could feel he would hold it steady, I dropped the rest of
the way, quickly impaling myself on his erection.

I fucked him so hard he cried with delight after his second
quaking ejaculation. I orgasmed five times before he came.  Not
bad for an hour's work, wouldn't you say?

The End

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Inch by Inch [AmazonFan]
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2010, 06:03:37 pm »
Inch by Inch
By AmazonFan

Osteoporosis runs in my girlfriend's family. Her mother and aunts all got it. It kind of scares her so she's been doing a lot of reading on what she can do now, at age 30, to prevent it from happening to her as she gets older.

Trisha read about a clinical study that's designed as a long-term preventive program with a new experimental pharmaceutical. She applied and was accepted into the testing program. The thing that I was most concerned about, but she assured me it was okay, is that there are no serious side effects from taking the medication.

She has had a bit of heartburn, tenderness in her breasts and some soreness in her joints the first month on the meds, but that faded away as her body adjusted to the drug.

My birthday came around on the 23rd. That night Trish gave me a great blowjob. I don't know about your relationship, but while our sex is great, I've noticed over time that Trisha has been less active in the giving head department. But she was in super form that night. She was hitting all the right buttons and I came with a huge load. She's usually not fond of swallowing, but I think the speed that I came with might of surprised her. Anyway, she was a good trouper and took it all.

After she finished she tapped me on the cheek, "I'll have to remember tonight's dinner menu," she purred, "You tasted really good tonight."

I drifted off to sleep almost immediately. About half an hour later I was awakened by Trish's body pouncing on top of me. "Round two," she growled sexily. The room was pitch black, but I felt her grabbing my wrists and yanking my arms out to the side. I was momentarily stunned when I found I couldn't move my arms. Hell, I must've outweighed her by 50 pounds and I keep myself in pretty good shape.

But my consternation was swept aside by the passion of the moment. Damn was Trish hot to fuck! She slid me inside her and started fucking me like a woman possessed.  She was pounding me hard and fast. Then she started rubbing her boobs against my face. I obliged her by taking a nipple in my mouth and flicking it with my tongue while I sucked on the tit flesh. Jeez, that set her off like crazy! She started orgasming and just kept having one after another as she fucked me crazy. When I finally shot my load she screamed in ecstasy and almost passed out from the intense pleasure.

The next morning we chatted about how great the sex had been the night before.

"What got into you for round two?" I asked.

"I don't know!" Trish answered. "It was like all of a sudden I just felt so strong and so horny! I swear my muscles felt bigger. I just had this urge to use them and to fuck you silly."

"That you did," I grinned.

"And my nipples! Wow, are they sensitive. Shit, that felt good." She rolled on top of me playfully. "Want round three?" she laughed.

The next weekend Trish came over and we had dinner. We were both sitting watching TV in my media room. We both had robes on, but nothing underneath. I remember it was around twenty before 9:00 when Trisha slid her hand under my robe and started massaging my cock.

She usually doesn't fool around when we're watching TV, but I wasn't about to question it or complain when she unfastened my sash, opened the robe, bent over and started sucking me off. She was really getting into it, taking my balls in her mouth, rolling her tongue all over the head, sucking and pumping away. Damn it was too good!  She got me off in no time, taking another big load and swallowing every drop.

"Wow. Thanks! What did I do to deserve that?"

"Oh, I don't know. I was in the mood and you've been a good boy. And damn if that didn't taste nice too. Dinner was different than your birthday. I guess you're just improving with age."

I know it was only twenty minutes later because the shows changed on TV when Trish stood up and opened her robe wide. "See anything you like, lover boy? Or do you want to watch reruns?"

I'd barely started to stand up when Trisha leaned over, grabbed the lapels of my robe and yanked me right up off the sofa. I thought I'd made it easier for her wanting to get up myself, but it seemed funny she pulled me up so fast.

Once again my analytical mind was overshadowed by my cock and my horny girlfriend. She pulled us down on the rug, unfastened my robe again, and then rolled us over so I was on top of her.  I was hard as steel and she guided my rigid tool into her wet waiting pussy. She was hot and very wet already.

The second my cock was buried in her to the hilt I felt her legs swinging over mine. I went to start thrusting when I realized her legs were holding me tight. I couldn't move in and out of her.

A lust crazed voice inside my head was saying "How the fuck is she doing that?" but that thought was interrupted by Trisha whispering in my ear.

"Stay where you are and I'll take care of milking that hard cock of yours. You concentrate on my boobies."

The second my tongue touched her erect nipple; it was like flicking the switch on a super fuck ride. Boy, did Trisha take off! She was moaning and grinding against me and giving me quite a ride thrusting and rolling her hips. Habit took over and I tried thrusting to get in sync with her, but I still couldn't move.

I really didn't have to, though, because Trisha was doing a number milking my cock with her pussy muscles. She's always known how to use her privates to "squeeze to please" as she puts it, but she was definitely kicking it up several notches. Her vaginal contractions were stronger and faster than I remembered them and she just didn't stop. If I hadn't already shot my wad just twenty minutes before she'd have had me coming in record time, but this being our second go round, I managed to last inside her until she had had another large number of powerful climaxes.

The next morning I decided I'd like another session and Trisha was definitely in the mood too, but when she tried holding me down with her legs she found she couldn't. We got too involved with fucking to bother figuring out how she'd been able to do it the night before.

A bit later that morning Trish was getting dressed, pulling on a clean top.

"Damn!" she exclaimed.

"What's the matter?"

"I just bought this from the catalog recently and it fit fine when I got it. But now that it's been washed once according to directions I might add the damn thing must have shrunk. It's gotten tighter in the sleeves. It used to be loose and comfy."

The next morning was a Monday. I was scheduled to leave for a weeklong business trip. I was awakened by Trisha sucking enthusiastically on my morning hard on. The sight and feel of her taking all of me down her throat made me cum in a hurry, which was just as well because I'd overslept and had to race to shower and pack and head for the airport.

That night I talked to her at her apartment from my hotel room thanking her for my morning "treat."

"That's to keep you out of trouble, give you good reason to come back and keep you from fooling around with all those women who throw themselves at you while you're on the road," she teased.

"I might have to cut my trip short," I quipped. "So what'd you do today?"

"I was feeling really pumped after I left so I decided to hit the gym during lunch. God knows it's been at least two, three weeks since I went there. My trainer, Theresa, was pissed."

"Cause you hadn't been going to the gym?"

"No, she thought I'd hired a new trainer."


"She said I was lifting about 25 percent more than last visit and that it looked like I'd added muscle. I told her "no" and then she whispered to me about steroids and I had to laugh and ask her if it looked like I was on steroids."

"Like there's any chance of that with you looking as gorgeous as you do," I said.

"Sweet talk me over the phone when I can't fuck you? You trying to frustrate your horny little girlfriend? You want me hunting down some man candy to ravage while you're gone?"

"Of course not."

"You'll take care of me when you get home then. I must admit, though, I did feel different - stronger - today. Felt real good. I guess I should be going to the gym more often again."

The week of business meetings seemed to fly by and early Friday evening I got back home. I walked through the front door and was greeted by Trisha standing there in a very sexy diaphanous negligee.

After hugs, kisses and greetings I asked her if her outfit was new. I didn't remember it.

"Yeah, you like?"

"Duh, what do you think?"

"I got it this week. Turns out I had to buy all new lingerie."

"How come? Washing machine eat them?"

"No. My bras were bothering me so I went to Nordstrom's and their fitter said I needed new bras."

"That's what they pay her to say to women, isn't it?"

"Well sure, but I really did need them. Seems like your little girl got bigger. A "B" cup is too small for me now. Depending on who's making the bra, I'm wearing a "C" or "D"."

"I'm sure you'll learn how to live with them," I grinned slyly. Trish knows that I have a thing for breasts, even though I was always happy with hers because they're quite firm.

"Yeah. And I don't imagine I'll hear any complaints from you."

"No. I guess I'll learn to live with them too."

"See if this helps you adjust," she laughed, grabbing my arm and pulling me into my home office just off the foyer. She playfully pushed me onto a leather wing chair. She spread my legs apart and knelt between them wasting no time unzipping me and pulling my pants and boxers down around my ankles. She untied her negligee, allowing it to fall open in front.

Without saying a word she leaned forward and began fucking my already raging boner with her tits. I was in shock. Trish had never tried to tit fuck me before and to be honest I'd never had any girl treat me to that trick. This fantasy coming true before my eyes was erotic dynamite and I had a short fuse. She'd been working on me for less than a minute when I started to cum. Trish could see my reaction and she bent over at the last second and had me ejaculate in her mouth. Once again I shot a huge load and once again she swallowed it all.

"Didn't want any stains on your nice leather chair," she grinned.

"Fucking wow!" was the best I could muster. We sat there for another couple of minutes while I regained my senses.

"You gotta get changed. Dinner's almost ready to come out of the oven," she said, standing up between my legs. Without hesitation or apparent effort, Trish leaned forward, grabbed me under the armpits, lifted me straight out of the chair, and threw me up on her shoulder.

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed, amazed that my Trish could lift me out of a chair and carry me.

"You might be too weak to climb the stairs after shooting that load," she giggled. She walked out of the office, started across the foyer towards the stairs, then reversed herself and walked back to pick up my suitcase, carrying it in one hand and holding me with the other arm. She started walking up the stairs. It was evident that it was no strain for her.

I was a bit too shocked to protest that she should put me down rather than straining herself (even though she didn't seem to be.) I looked at her upper arms. Now I couldn't see them clearly because the negligee wasn't gauzy enough to be see-through, but they looked really big! I told myself I had to be imagining things, that she couldn't have sprouted huge muscles between Monday and Friday.

She dumped me on the bed and from the look in her eyes I could tell she was very horny. She started taking the nightgown off when the oven buzzer rang off. "Saved by the bell," she laughed and went back downstairs.

She had a robe on when I got downstairs, so I couldn't check out her arms. I was still thinking it was my imagination. Before bed and turning out the lights (and before a great night of hot sex!) I gave her arms and breasts the once over. Maybe they were getting bigger, but I was kind of relieved that she didn't have the whoppers I'd imagined she had when she was carrying me up the stairs.

Trisha was sitting on top of me the next morning when I woke up. It's a little game she likes to play. She likes to try to pin my wrists down even though she's too small to. I was thinking she seemed to feel a little heavier than I remembered, but my focus was quickly drawn to fighting her off. Damn if she wasn't putting on a much better fight than usual. My male ego was a little concerned that she was going to notice I wasn't keeping her at bay as easily as I usually do. Eventually she gave up trying, but it definitely was a tougher contest.

"Did I wear you out last night?" she grinned, hopping off me and heading for the shower. I was still lying there when I heard her yell from the bathroom.

"What the hell is this? Goddamn it, I don't believe it. Shit! Shit! Shit! I've got to go on a diet immediately!"

I tiptoed to the bathroom, knowing that Trisha would not be in a good mood because she's religious about keeping her weight at 125.

"What's the matter?"

"Christ, I'm 140! How the fuck did that happen? Do I look fat to you?"

"Of course not!" (Even if it looked like she had put on a few pounds I sure as shit wouldn't say anything. But her body looked as firm everywhere as it always does.)

"You put on any weight?"

"I don't think so." I stepped on the scale and was 175 as usual.

"Why the hell should I be gaining weight and not you? Damn, do you think it's the drugs?"

"I don't know. Maybe you should mention it to your doctor. But believe me, I think you look great. There's not an ounce of flab on you anywhere. Just as always."

I thought that taking her out to dinner that evening might improve her mood. I picked her up at her apartment. We stood at her lobby mirror, ready to head to the restaurant.

"Did you buy new shoes along with the new undies?" I asked. I'm sure she didn't miss the slightly irritated tone of my voice.

"No. What's the matter? I'm wearing the same shoes I always wear with this dress."

I've always been three inches taller than Trisha - 5 foot 10 inches to her 5 foot 7. She knows that I don't like her wearing big heels. She never wears heels bigger than three inches. I prefer looking taller, but I don't mind occasionally if she looks the same height, but I don't like her looking taller.

Looking at each other in the mirror, it was obvious that Trisha was a good two inches taller than I was!

"But these are my two inch heels," she said incredulously.

"Kick off your shoes," I suggested.  She took off her shoes. I slipped off my loafers. We faced each other in stocking feet. We were the same height. I hadn't noticed if before that - the change must have been gradual.

We both said, "Could it be the drugs?" to each other at the same time.

"I think a visit to the doctor is in order," I said as Trisha went to hunt through her closet for a pair of flats.

Trisha called the drug company on Monday and asked to see the doctor who was working with her on the test program. They told her they wanted her to have a full blood work-up before seeing the doctor, so she went in to have blood taken on Tuesday. The appointment was scheduled for the following Tuesday when the labs would be back. The doctor wanted her to stay on her meds until the appointment unless there was a significant change.

It was the Friday night of the weekend between the appointments. Trish and I were just hanging out at her place. I just had a pair of boxers on. Trisha was in an old t-shirt and thong panties. "I guess they can't be that concerned if they're keeping you on the drug," I commented.

"They're not the ones getting bigger boobs and growing taller and feeling funny at times," Trish replied.

"What do you mean feeling funny?"

"I don't know what it is, but I really get this craving at times to taste your semen," she said, almost shyly.

"Well then, I agree with the doctor completely. Keep up with the drug regimen!" I laughed.

"You Neanderthal!" she chuckled, punching me playfully in the arm.


"Sorry, honey. Did that hurt?"

My arm was sore and Trish could see I wasn't bullshitting. "I think I know how to take your mind off the pain," she purred. She took the hand of the arm she'd punched and slipped it under her top, bringing my fingers to her left breast. I was expecting a bra, considering how her breasts were thrusting out under the top, but she didn't have one on.

Damn if her boobs weren't fuller and yet as firm, if not firmer, as ever. She'd always been a "handful" before. Now I couldn't hold the whole breast in one hand.

She melted in my arms as I gently caressed her tit. "That's nice," she sighed. Her nipple stiffened as I rolled it with my thumb and index finger. With a slight squeeze, her whole body stiffened. I rolled the nipple around and around and then pinched a bit harder. Her body jerked and she started to moan. I flicked her with my fingers as fast as I could and then pinched harder several times, matching the twitching of her body.

"OH FUCKING GOD! YES! YES! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!" Trish's whole body convulsed with a seismic orgasm.

It was several minutes before her breathing came back to normal.

"Wow. I've never had an orgasm that easily," she purred. "You weren't even working me downstairs."

"I've always said I was good," I grinned.

"Oh yeah? I'll show you good," she replied. She pulled my boxers off. "I want to watch it get hard while I work my magic," she said.

Trish started dancing, undulating her whole body. She looked so hot. She spun around and started shaking her magnificent booty right in front of my face. I love her ass. Her cheeks are so round and rock hard. With all that gyrating I was rock hard pretty fast too. She saw me stroking my shaft and wagged a finger at me.

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Re: Inch by Inch By AmazonFan
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2010, 06:04:19 pm »
"Keep your hands off your merchandise, big boy. I'll take care of everything." She peeled the thong off and let me get a good smokin' look at her gorgeous wet pussy. She ran her fingers over her labia and spread her pussy lips to give me a good shot of pink heaven.

She turned back around and my cock was already throbbing. She knew she was getting me super turned on. She sucked in a big breath and thrust her chest forward.

"I feel like I'm gonna burst right out of this old top. It's just too small," she snarled. She grabbed the t-shirt and ripped it off her like it was tissue paper. God it was sexy to watch her rip loose and her glorious globes bounce free.

She didn't realize I was leaning forward as she was whipping her torso from left to right. SMACK! She clocked me pretty good with her tits.

"Oops. Sorry," I said. "Didn't that hurt? You collided pretty hard."

"No. I mean my breasts felt it, but it didn't hurt."

"I thought since they seemed so sensitiveÉ"

Without warning Trisha hit my face again with her breasts, three or four times.

"See? Nope. Doesn't hurt. In fact it tingles a bit afterwards, in a nice way."

Now I'm no psychiatrist and I'm not about to go see one so I can't explain to you what deep-seated thing in my head got triggered. All I know is that that act of Trisha hitting me with her boobs pushed me from having been pretty hot to on-the-verge-of-exploding excited.

One thing about Trish is that she's really good at reading how excited I am and how close I am. By the look in her eyes I knew she knew I could barely control myself. She slid a bit closer to me and snaked her hand around my erection.

"Take it like a man," she grinned. Trisha started hitting me with her breasts again, at first just grazing my face with her nipples. Then she really let loose, hitting me harder and faster with the full brunt of her boobs.

It took only seconds and I groaned and started to shoot my load. Trish squeezed tight, preventing me from cumming as she whacked me a few more times. I was groaning, begging for release. She dropped her head down to my cock as she released her grip, letting me rocket another copious load into her waiting mouth. She kept sucking and pumping my shaft until she'd gotten every drop.

She sat up with a smug, satisfied look on her face. "Told you I was good - and fast, too."

"You hit hard with those!"

"Hell, they must be, what, ten, fifteen pounds? They should pack a bit of a wallop. But your cock didn't seem to mind."

The next day Trisha and I decided to play some tennis. Trish has been playing since she was a kid and even played for her college team, so her game's really good. That's the reason I don't mind playing her, even if she is a girl. I always beat her because I'm a guy and can hit harder. The score's usually 6-4, 6-2 for a couple of sets.

I always let her serve first and her first serve was an ace. Blistering shot that caught me off-guard and flat-footed. That was just a hint of things to come. That morning Trish trounced me 6-0, 6-0. I lost count of the number of serves she aced me on.

"Wow, you were on today," I complimented her as we walked off the court.

"What's the matter with you? Why were you holding back?"

"I wasn't. I've never seen you hit so hard. That's why you were taking the points. Hell, Trish, you were hitting like a guy."

"A guy who's a better tennis player than you," she teased.

That evening we were sitting out on my deck, having a couple of cocktails before dinner. Trisha was still luxuriating in her tennis victory.

"6-0, 6-0. Did you get more than 30 points in any game?" she ribbed me.

"You really brought your game today. What can I say?"

"I haven't changed any of the mechanics of my swing." Trisha put her hands behind her head and stretched.

"Holy shit! There's your answer!" I pointed to her arms. Her biceps had exploded in size when she flexed them as she stretched. "I thought you said you hadn't been to the gym much. You're packing some serious arms there!"

Trisha flexed again, studying her own arm. "Hell, I guess they have gotten bigger. But they're not as big as yours."

"You're a girl, Trish. They're not supposed to be."

"You like 'em, or do they gross you out?"

"They make you look athletic and athletic is sexy. And since you've got boobs and all the rest of you that makes you look like a girl, I guess I have to say I like them."

"Good! Because I like the looks of them too and if these are the reasons I'm beating you at tennis then they ain't going away."

"One match doesn't mean that you're the permanent champion."

"Oh no?" she laughed jokingly. "Maybe I'm the new boss lady around here."

"This is my house, I'm master of my kingdom and don't you forget it," I replied smugly.

"I could just wrassle you to the ground and make you give up your crown."

Now we both knew at that point that Trish was just joking around. I could have just let it go. But, of course being the guy, especially one who'd been summarily whipped playing tennis, I had to assert my macho posturing.

"Any time you want to get it on, you know where to find me, little lady. I shouldn't even have to offer to defend my crown, but seeing as I'm such a nice guy and seeing how your one little tennis win has gone to your head, I'm willing to offer you a little lesson in physical humility." I smiled sweetly, but there'd been a bit of a put down tone in my voice.

Trish twirled the ice cubes in her gin and tonic for a moment, not saying anything, just thinking. She smiled, amused at whatever she was thinking to herself. She took a long pull on the g and t and said, "We still got some time before dinner's ready. Let's do it."

"You're not serious!"

"Of course I am! It's just a friendly little wrestling match, that's all. It's not like we're going to try to kill each other. Just fun and a little athletic competition and whoever wins gets some bragging rights."

"How would we go about doing it?"

"Let's just step out on the grass. I don't know how you do these things. I guess one of us will give up, say uncle, whatever."

"Okay. Any rules?"

"No punching or kicking I guess."

"Or scratching or biting."

Trish took another swig of her drink, kicked off her flip-flops and bounded out onto the lawn. I followed. We were both in shorts and t-shirts.

We started out very playfully. Trish jumping in and out and growling like a tigress. It was a while before we actually locked up. My weight and strength gave me some leverage, but I was quite surprised at how feisty and strong Trish was. As we got into it, she was really exerting herself. I had to try a lot harder than I thought I'd have to. Damn, she was one tough cookie! Remarkably agile and strong.  The pounds she'd put on recently made it tougher to push her around.

Eventually, after about ten minutes, much longer than I expected it to take, I finally got Trisha's shoulders pinned down.  I counted to three and she said okay.

I rolled off her and lay flat on my back, sweaty and winded. "Nice try, kid, but looks like the old man's still champ."

Trisha got on her hands and knees and leaned over me. "That was pretty close. What do you say to best two out of three?"

I just kept lying there, thinking that Trisha would give up.

"Come on, big boy," she cajoled, "You're not afraid that I might beat you in a rematch, are you?"

"Of course not. You saw how the first one turned out. No reason to expect any different outcome. That's why I don't see the point in it."

"The point is if you don't I'll just hound you and the sooner we get this over the sooner you get dinner."

"All right. But you asked for it." I went inside for a moment to freshen our cocktails. When I came out Trisha was pulling her top off over her head. "Whoa there, girlie," I called out. "What the heck are you doing?"

"I don't want any more grass stains on my clothes. Besides it's not like anyone can see."

I handed her her drink, took a couple of pulls on mine and then started walking out onto the lawn.

"Excuse me, Mr. Champ, but you forgot something." Trisha pointed to my clothes. "You want grass stains on your stuff too?" Trish finished stripping completely and waited for me. I felt a bit funny being naked outside, but I figured I'd look like a sissy if she stripped and I didn't.

We started in again, definitely at a slower pace than the first round. Again I relied on my weight and strength. Once again Trish sure wasn't making it easy.

A couple of minutes into the match Trish somehow cleverly maneuvered herself so she was lying on top of me, facing my feet. It wasn't the kind of position where she might pin me or anything.

Well her glorious ass and succulent pussy were right in my face and I figured I had a way of taking her mind off the match and maybe getting it over. So I start licking her pussy. Man was she wet, so I knew she was hot.

"Mmmmmmm. I'm not so sure that's allowed when you're wrestling," she purred, clearly enjoying it.

"Nothing against our rules," I said between slurps.

"Two can play that game then!" Trish proceeded to start tit-fucking me since she was perfectly positioned for it.

Damn it felt good but I knew she'd turned my advantage around because Trish was more than likely to get me to cum first, especially working me with her tits. Before I could do anything to stop it she got me exploding and she took me in her mouth just as I came.

My head's between her thighs and she gave me a good hard squeeze before she rolled off me and bounced to her feet.

"I got you now, stud," she boasted.

She charged me as I got to my feet, lifted me off the ground spreading me across her shoulders and did a few airplane spins. My head was spinning both from being twirled around and from the disbelief in her sudden burst of power. She dumped me on the grass, pounced on top of me and was straddling my chest pinning my wrists to the ground in hardly more time than it took me to type this. I was pushing up with all my might to keep from being pinned, but I was doing nothing against her.

She counted to ten and demanded that I give. There was nothing I could do, so I did.

She jumped back up to her feet again. "Now that's better!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms up in victory. "I just feel super charged now!" She dropped her arms into a double biceps pose and I just about shit.

"Holy fuck, Trish. Look at the size of your arms. They're huge!" From where I was it sure as hell looked like her arms were bigger than mine. It didn't make sense.

"Just a little pump from the workout," she said. "Your mind is playing tricks on you because I just overpowered you. It's not like Popeye and a can of spinach. I can't just boom, suddenly get big muscles."

"How else would you explain suddenly winning like that?"

"Duh, remember shooting off in my mouth? Must have drained more than a load of cum."

Her logic seemed right. "Unfair!" I protested, half serious, half in fun.

"Unfair? Hardly! You started it licking my pussy. It's your own fault. But we still have to have the rubber match. Unless you're too afraid of me now to go at it again."

"Oh you'd just love it if I quit. No way, Trish. I'm recovered. You're going down."

I really did feel pretty good, but that didn't last for long. The third and final fall was pretty much of a rout for Trisha. She seemed to be twice as strong as when she started out. I tried to be on the offensive, but I couldn't find any leverage. I couldn't move her. Instead she was shoving me all over the place. When I tried getting her in a hold, she'd just pry herself loose and giggle at how easy it was to free herself. I was getting frustrated at my inability to do anything to her.

"You're having about as much luck trying to wrestle me as you had trying to return my serve this morning," she mocked.

In hindsight I'm pretty sure that at that point Trisha could have ended the match in less than a minute. But Trish, being the competitor she is, almost certainly wanted to make sure there'd be no claims afterwards that it had been a close contest.

She started to bring the match to me and soon the tables were reversed and I was completely on the defensive. She was unrelenting and god-awful strong. I resisted as hard as I could to keep from being so humiliated, but it wasn't doing much good.

Headlocks. Tackles. Head scissors. Arm bars. Body scissors. Cradles. Hip thrusts. She put me through the ringer. Rather than go for the win she just kept pouring it on to wear me down more and more.

After at least ten more minutes of torture she yanked me up off the grass. I could see the delight in her eyes as she saw my defenselessness. "I don't think you're up for any more, sweetie," she said proudly.

We stood eye to eye for a second, Trish staring me down as she held me up. I tried to push myself away from her. She suddenly wrapped her arms around me and lifted me off my feet in a bear hug. My arms were trapped at my sides.

Trish arched back so my feet were dangling even further off the grass, grunted, and started to squeeze as hard as she could. I couldn't breathe and could feel nothing but blinding pressure engulfing my torso.

"Okay! Okay, Trish! That's it. You win. I GIVE!!" I gasped.

She shook me in her arms a few times for good measure, not saying a thing, not acknowledging my submission. She carried me across the deck and pushed me back against the sliding plate glass door. As she let go with her arms she pushed down on my shoulders, effortlessly forcing me to start sliding down against the glass. As my face slid level with her breasts she pushed forward towards me, trapping my head with her tits.  She let go with her hands, resting them on her hips. As close as she was to me, the only part of her touching me was her boobs. And incredibly that was all she needed to support me standing. Lord knows I'd have slumped to the deck myself if she hadn't been holding me. I was washed out.

"Game, set, match," she said haughtily. "I think the king has been deposed and is now being shown his place." Then she burst into laugher, slapping me several times with her boobs. She stepped away and I slid down to the deck. "Dinner should be ready," she said, walking away.

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Re: Inch by Inch By AmazonFan
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2010, 06:05:36 pm »
The next morning when I came down to breakfast I spied a cloth tape measure sitting on the kitchen table. "What's that for?"

"Thought I'd dispel your dream that I somehow got these huge muscles and that's how I won last night."

She held out the tape. I held out my arm. She measured it at 15 and a quarter. Then I measured hers. Fifteen even.

"See? You're bigger," she said as if to dismiss the subject from further consideration or discussion. I was glad she did because I half expected her to tease me that my arms were only a quarter inch bigger. I also expected her to rib me about her victories the day before, especially her wrestling, but she was quiet. Her not talking about it didn't stop me from thinking about it, wondering how she'd become embarrassingly overpowering. My discomfort kind of turned me off much interest in having sex with her that weekend. If she noticed she didn't say anything. She left me to go back to her place Sunday night.

She called me at my office on Monday afternoon to tell me that the doctor's office said the blood work hadn't turned out right and she had to get retested. The doctor was going to be on vacation right after that so the appointment couldn't be rescheduled for another three weeks.

I guess the combination of her beating me and the comparison in our arms made me a little uncomfortable and I found myself not calling or emailing her during the week the way I usually do.

She called me on it that Friday. "Are you mad at me? Is there something wrong?"

"No. What do you mean?"

"You've been a little distant."

"Sorry. Just been preoccupied."

"Not mad at me cause I won that little match?"

"Of course not. That was all fair and square. I've just been busy."

"You busy right now?" she asked, laughing as she walked through my front door holding her cell phone. She dropped to her knees, unbuckled my pants and proceeded to give me a blowjob. "Maybe you just need a little extra T.L.C. to relax you and put you in a better mood."

Several times over that weekend, Trish would surprise me with either a blowjob, a hand job, or a tit fuck. Every time she eagerly lapped up my cum. There was something about her extra attention to my cock that wasn't sitting right with me, but hell, I was getting my rocks off and not about to complain.

Monday morning I was due to leave for another weeklong business trip. In place of the alarm I was awakened by Trish pumping my morning hard on. She shot me off into her waiting hand, licking my load off her palm and then rubbing her breasts.

"Maybe when you come back on Friday you'll be in a better mood," she said wistfully.

I don't know what got into me, but that remark really pissed me off. We got into a big fight and I didn't call her at all while I was away. In fact, I didn't call her for a month. We've had our little separations before. I guess that's why we're not married or living together. Any way we each get to have our space. I heard some rumors through the grapevine that Trisha was seen out clubbing and seeing some guys, but she can live her own life. I don't own her.

Absence does make the heart grow fonder. Or it just gets us real horny. I realized I wasn't being very appreciative of how good she was being to me. Hell, most guys don't get their jism swallowed as much in a year as I'd gotten that last weekend. I resolved to try to be in a better frame of mind and I called her and asked her to come over that Friday night.

Trish arrived wearing what looked like another new outfit, a pair of tight jeans and a white ribbed knit top with a deeply plunging neckline. I knew I ought to compliment her to try to set a better mood for us. "Wow, that's new? It's really sexy. You look hot!"

"You like? Yeah, it is new. I saw it and had to have it."

"Yeah, I like the way it pushes your breasts together. Creates beautiful cleavage."

"Well it's not really the top that does that."

"Okay. Your bra then. Whatever. It just looks hot."

"I'm not wearing a bra. I stopped wearing any because the one's I just bought don't fit right anymore. I figured I'd just wait until my body stops adjusting. But I don't really need one right now anyway. See?" Trisha pulled the top off and dropped it to the floor.

As it dropped so did my jaw. My first thought was she must have had a boob job, quickly replaced by my thinking why would she, she has great tits already. But there was a new fullness to her breasts, or so it seemed to me. It looked like she had some invisible bra on designed to maximize her cleavage.

"You can quit staring and come give me a kiss," she laughed. I walked over and we embraced, but as we started to kiss I found myself having to twist my head UP to meet her lips.

"What the?" I stammered, pulling away from her. As I looked down at her feet she was kicking off her sandals. She took a step towards me and it was devastatingly clear that she was taller than me, even with me still wearing shoes.

"I'm six feet two and still growing," she said.

"What the fuck? You were five ten the last time I saw you and shorter than me just a few weeks before that."

Trish picked up her top and pulled it back on, "Why don't we sit down and I'll try to explain things to you."

Trisha explained that when she finally went to the doctors she was greeted by a committee of physicians and scientists. They told her that she was in superlative physical condition. Her blood work was all incredibly positive.

Then they admitted there was a problem with the medication she was testing. Seems that one batch of drugs was incorrectly prepared and was causing some peculiar reactions in a small minority of the women in the test program. Others, like Trish, were experiencing increases in height and weight, bust size, muscles and strength. They asked if she'd performed fellatio since being on the meds.

Trish said she jokingly told them she seemed to have a craving for oral sex. They said they knew why. The interaction of the male chromosomes, proteins and enzymes with the drug was triggering a dynamic change in body chemistry, fostering rapid cellular and skeletal growth.

"But how would it happen so quickly," I interjected. "You couldn't have even digested it."

"Some of the testing they've done on other patients showed some changes in digestive enzymes. Remember that heartburn I got when I first started on the meds? Apparently, my stomach just processes sperm immediately and sends the stuff that interacts with the drugs right into my blood stream. Apparently it has had this spiking effect where my body goes off the charts and then it settles back down, but each time, when I settle, I'm bigger, heavier, stronger than before. And that growth is accelerating each time. In other words, I lose less of my peak growth each time."

"But you're getting so big! And when's it going to stop?"

"I feel great. I'm healthy as a horse. I think I've never looked better. As far as how big I can get, well that remains to be seen. When they put me on the regular meds they said they thought the growth spurts would subside."

"You shouldn't be taking it at all."

"Right now I feel like okay and I'll follow the doctors' recommendations. Say, you want to play tennis this weekend?" she asked, clearly trying to change the subject.

"I don't think so."

"Afraid you'll lose again?"

"Of course not."

"Afraid to be seen with me?"

"No, but now that I know that you were on drugs what were effecting your performance, well that explains a lot of things."


"Like, forget about the tennis for a moment and think about our little battle, your turning the match around and winning. You swallowed my cum during the second round of our little wrestling match and that's when the tide turned."

"So you're saying you would have won?"

"I took the first round."

"You barely beat me the first round and I definitely had momentum," she countered.

"You can claim whatever you want. I just don't think you can look me straight in the eye and tell me you won fair."

Trisha stood up. "The only reason I can't look you straight in the eye is because I'm taller than you are." She paused. "Oh come on, don't take it so serious. That was just a joke."

I must have looked like I was sulking, because, well I was.

"Oh come on sweetie," she smiled. "I don't want you to be in a bad mood. I missed you. Tell you what. If you want a rematch to prove that I had an unfair advantage, I'll give you one."

"Maybe some other time. I'm not in the mood."

"Not in the mood? Are you sure?" Trisha took off her top again, baring her breasts. I noticed that her flat stomach was more defined. She was unquestionably sporting six pack abs. She unzipped her jeans and stepped out of them, then peeled off her thong and stood before me naked.

"You telling me you don't want a piece of me?" she grinned.

I remained passive, non-committal.

Trish shook her head in disbelief and amusement. "I'll remain champion if you won't challenge me to a rematch." She drew her arms up, flexing her biceps. She didn't miss my eyes zeroing in on the exploding mountains of muscle under her skin.

"Oh yeah. Catch these. Remember how we measured and I was fifteen and you were like a quarter of an inch bigger? Seems like these babies have grown over the past month too. Kind of left you in the dust, wouldn't you say?"

"How big are they?"

"I was hoping you'd ask," she beamed. "Seventeen..." She paused. "And three quarters. Well that was on Sunday, last time I measured. Should be bigger now. I had dates Monday and Wednesday nights and we, well you know, yada yada. I'd think I'd stretch that tape to eighteen and a quarter right now. Jeez, let's see, that would be a whole three inches bigger than yours, wouldn't it?"

I could feel my pulse speeding up. I didn't understand what was happening to me, but I was feeling the same hypnotic adrenalin charged state of mind and body that I did when Trish started smacking me with her boobs.

"I can see you're bigger but it's hard to adjust to such sudden changes."

"When you pack 195 and it's got to fill out somewhere."

"195? You were 140!"

"That was over a month ago, as you should know."

"No one can grow that fast."

"Apparently I can."

Trisha walked towards me. I stepped back. She kept coming until she had me backed up against the wall.

"Remember when I had you up against the glass door?" she smiled, placing her hands on her hips, mimicking the posture she'd been in.

"Yes," I whispered, apprehensively.

"Based on what I lift now at the gym I can objectively say that I am twice, that's one hundred percent, stronger than I was then."

"What are you trying to do telling me this?"

"Because you're a guy. You want to look at facts. Hear numbers. See things first hand. It should be more than apparent that I've changed quite a bit physically. I don't know if you're going to be able to handle it. But if we're going to continue to have a relationship then we'd both better understand what's going on inside your head."

"Right now I'm confused and not all that comfortable."

She slid her thigh up between my legs and pressed it against my crotch. "Are you uncomfortable because of the pressure of your hard on against your pants?"

"You know what I meant."

"I do, but it's obvious you're pretty aroused too."

"When you shove your tits in my face, what would you expect?"

"Well I know that, but I think it's more than that, hon. I think the muscles are turning you on too. When I flexed I don't think you thought 'Eewww, gross' to yourself. No, you asked me how big they are. And be honest now, how'd you feel when I said eighteen and a quarter? When I said three inches BIGGER than you?"

I didn't answer her because I couldn't answer her. I was such a jumble of feelings I didn't know what to say. She sure looked sexy as hell, but damn, she was big. There was something about her muscles that was attractive, but at the same time I was afraid that she'd look down on me because now I was smaller than her.

"How'd you feel?" she repeated. She slid her leg down and placed one of her hands against my bulging pants. "I can feel how you feel."

I started to murmur, "Trish, no!" but my words were cut off as she pressed into me with her breasts. She was putting her weight behind it and I was actually trapped against the wall.  I had to grab at her breasts to try to give me enough space to breathe.

"Look ma, no hands!" she chuckled as she stood there hands on hips, using just her weight and strength to keep me pinned against the wall with nothing other than her incredible breasts.

"Now I can see why you didn't want to try a return match," she teased. "This one's over before it began."

She took a step back and took hold of me under my armpits, lifting me off the floor and sliding me up against the wall. She stepped back in wedging the bulge in my pants in her cleavage.

"Would you get embarrassed if you came in your pants?" she taunted. I tried briefly to extricate myself but recognized the futility. "A big strong girl needs nice strong chest muscles to support tits like these. Feel me flex them."

Trisha started to quickly, rhythmically flex her pecs, tightening the squeeze of her breasts as they moved up and down on my bulge.  "I can hold you off the floor a long time, though I don't think that will be necessary," she said.

Accurate in her prediction, I shot my load in my pants before it seemed she'd even gotten warmed up. The sight of her bulging arms and feel of her large firm breasts overwhelmed me. She continued to hold me off the ground, regarding the large growing wet spot on my pants with mischievous amusement.

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Re: Inch by Inch By AmazonFan
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2010, 06:06:04 pm »
"Better get those off before the stain becomes permanent," she chuckled, letting me slide down till my feet touched the marble floor.

"Damn it, Trish! Are you fucking crazy? Why don't you get the hell out of here!"

"Oh come on, don't pretend to be angry. Like you didn't like that. Christ, I bet you haven't come in your pants since you were a teenager. You can try to protest all you want, but the only thing that's really bothering you is that you got so damned excited you lost control. Or more accurately, what's bothering you is that I got you so excited and I was in control and you couldn't stop me when I decided to play with you and make you cum." Trisha emphasized the word "I" each time she said it. I walked down the hallway to my bedroom to change out of the pants. There was no way I was walking around with that big dark stain prominently displayed in just the wrong place. I could hear Trish's footsteps following me. "Didn't I suggest you leave," I said, spinning to face her.

"Oh, I just got here and besides it's been so long since I saw you and you saw me." She shoved me back on the bed yanking my loafers and socks off. My attempt to fend her off was met with a short stiff straight arm that smashed me back onto the mattress.

She pounced on top of me straddling my chest, the 70 pounds that she'd gained making a powerful impact. Spinning around and planting her ass on my chest she made quick work of stripping my pants and underwear off.

"My god, what a mess! When was the last time you had sex? Looks like you've been storing it up," she snickered. She flipped back around facing me and pinned my hands over my head against the headboard, using just one hand.

"Remember when I used to try to wrestle you like this and I couldn't get you down no matter how hard I tried?" she beamed. "And now I can hold you down with just one hand, and even that's a snap. Mmmmm, just look at the size of that thing!" Trisha flexed her free arm and admired its massive size.

"Better get the rest of your clothes off," she said. "You want me rip your shirt off or you going to take care of it yourself?"

"Trisha, I think those meds are affecting more than your body," I protested.

She hopped off me and the bed and grabbing a corner of the mattress with one hand lifted it up off the frame onto its side, dumping me off and onto the floor. She stood over me, legs spread apart, hands on hips. "Strip now, boy, or you'll see me really start tossing things around here."

I hurriedly took off my remaining clothes as she repositioned the mattress on the bed. She motioned for me to stand in front of her. She flexed her right arm. "Put your hands around it. Feel how big and hard the muscle is." I did as ordered, astonished that my hands couldn't fit all the way around, astonished at the rock hardness of the muscle under the soft silky skin.

"Okay, now I want you to hold on tight and lift your feet up off the rug." Again, I did as ordered, bending at the knees until my shins were parallel with the floor. Trisha was holding my whole body off the ground using just one arm! "Imagine how strong I'd be right now if I'd swallowed your load instead of letting you waste it in your pants!"

"I don't think you need to be any stronger," I said.

"Thanks for the suggestion, but I'll decide what I want, she replied. "And right now I want you to work your magic on my nipples. Put your feet back down." I stood on the floor again and let go of her arm. Trisha's nipples were already erect. "Look at that. Just about at mouth level. You know what to do."

I shook my head no. "I'm not into becoming your little boy toy."

Trisha smiled, seemingly amused by my impudence. SMACK! She whipped her breasts across my face, knocking me to the floor. The force of the blow made me woozy.

"I'd have thought that you'd look at how big and strong I've become and realize that it's in your best interests to cater to my whims," she declared. "Maybe you're not as smart as I thought." She grabbed me with one hand under my jaw and lifted me straight off the floor, all the way up until she was holding me aloft with just one arm.

"I took six of the magic pills this morning," she said. "There's no telling what six times the normal dosage might do when it interacts with your juice." She walked us over to the wall, holding me up under the armpits. My cock was right in front of her face. "I've always been real good at sucking your cock," she grinned. "Even if you did just come in your pants."

"Trish, don't!"

"Oh come on, lover boy. Just look at these arms holding you up so high. Look at how the muscles swell. Aren't they big? Don't I feel really strong? Come on, boy, admit it. It's a turn on for you, just like it's a turn on for me. You like Trish with big boobs and big biceps and oh so tall and oh so strong and sexy."

Damned if I didn't start getting hard, even though I knew an erection could prove perilous to my health and well-being!

"Well, look at that. Right before my eyes. Literally I might add. I do think we have all the proof we need that the new Trish is one powerful turn on for you. And just think of all the fun we can have. You'll never tire me out. I can pretty much guarantee that. And when you get all hot and want to fuck me hard, well boy, ram that boner as hard as you want. You ain't gonna do any damage to this hard hot bod. Oh, and just imagine doing me doggy style, ramming me as hard as you can while you reach around and play with these perfect tits. Why look at you! You're ready to cum already!"

Trisha slid her lips over the head of my cock, slithering her tongue in a tight rapid circle. She started to suck and I exploded in less than ten seconds. She sucked hungrily, extracting every drop of semen from me.

She swallowed and threw her head back. She seemed dizzy for a moment. She lost her grip on me and I fell to the floor. I looked up at her and she seemed to be having some kind of seizure. She closed her eyes tight and clenched her fists. Her whole body shook for several seconds. Her skin turned bright red as if she had a sunburn.  She groaned and doubled over.

"Trish! Trish! Are you all right?"

She started to roar as she straightened up. Her eyes opened and she looked up at the ceiling raising her arms up triumphantly. "OHHHH YESSSSSSSSS!" she shouted. "YES FUCKING YES!!!!!!" Her skin color and breathing returned to normal. "Stand up," she motioned.

I got to my feet and looked up at her and the realization struck me Ð Trisha had just grown at least four inches! She had to be over six feet six! She looked at both of her arms and then looked me in the eyes.

"Shall I flex them or are you afraid you'll wet yourself?" she chuckled. Not waiting for my answer, she slowly raised her arms out to the sides and began to cock her elbows. She clenched her fists and raised her hands up. Her biceps began to swell and kept growing, a rock hard mass expanding ever faster. I gasped as her muscles went far beyond what I thought any woman, no any person, was capable of.

"And you thought eighteen and a quarter was big," she laughed.

She swatted me aside and headed for the bathroom. She re-emerged a few seconds later, holding my scale. "Damn thing broke when I stepped on it," she complained. "Guess that means I'm over 300. Maybe I should play pro football!" She twisted the metal scale, folding it in half like it was a piece of cardboard. She whipped it aside, impaling it into the wall.

"Christ, Trish! What are you doing? Don't go breaking everything!"

She glared at me. "I can break things. Or I could break you." She punched her fist through the solid oak bedroom door, splintering the wood.

"All right. That's enough. Look, Trish, I can see what those meds are doing to you and I don't like what I see. You're going to have to leave." I was trying to sound as stern as I could.

She stood right in front of me, staring down at me. "You are not the only source of semen on this planet, my friend. I don't need you and you know that. I was hoping we could get back together and it's just pissing me off the way you're reacting. It just so happens that now when I get pissed off I can be a helluva lot more physical about it."

"Then get the fuck out of here and go suck somebody else's cock, you freaky cunt."

I could see the incendiary anger burning in her eyes even though she wasn't' saying anything. Maybe I'd stepped over the line with what I'd just said, but I couldn't put the world on rewind.

"A goodbye hug for good luck then," she said.

Trisha took a step forward and spread her arms wide. I was wary, but I just wanted her to leave so I stepped into her waiting embrace.

Trisha instantly wrapped her arms around me and lifted me off the floor. "Remember the last time I had you in a bearhug, sweetie? Remember how bad I had you? Remember how you begged me to stop? If I was too strong for you then, then how bad is it going to be for you now? You fucking prick!"

Trisha began to slowly squeeze harder and harder, letting me feel the pressure mount and mount. I passed from extreme discomfort to excruciating pain in seconds. Not only could I not breathe, it felt like my lungs were collapsing. Her enormous arms bulged ominously. Her firm breasts dug into my weaker frame.

"Trisha, please! No! You're killing me!" I gasped.

"Yes, I believe I am."

She kicked open the bedroom door, carrying me out to the railing on the second floor landing overlooking the marble foyer below. She squeezed hard again and I felt several ribs crack.

"AAAAAIEEEEEE!!!!!!" I screamed, in total agony.

"Don't pass out on me, you little shit. I'm not through with you." Trisha kicked out, demolishing the railing and sending splinters of wood flying in all directions.

"It'll be faster if we skip the stairs and just jump," she sneered. She stepped to the landing's edge and then dove forward, my body underneath hers. She released her arms as we fell the twelve feet to the foyer.

I smashed into the marble floor first, my back taking the full brunt of the impact. Trisha's 300 plus pound body pulverized me a nanosecond after impact, flattening me like a pancake.

I knew I was close to dying. I was quite sure I was paralyzed by the fall. I could not move. I could only feel an overwhelming pain sucking the life force out of me. In my near coma state I could vaguely make out that the fall hadn't hurt Trisha in the slightest. She pulled herself up and sat astride my chest, her pussy inches from my face.

"Since you chose to call me a cunt, it seems appropriate that the last thing you'll ever remember seeing is my cunt while I smother you. Which would you prefer? Death by asphyxiation or having your neck snapped by the thighs?" She grabbed my hair and pulled my head up as she encircled my skull with her huge thighs.

I could not answer. I could not protest. I could not do anything but pray.

"Nice know you asshole," she sneered. "Thanks for cumming."

I felt enormous pressure on the sides of my head and the back of my neck as my mouth was completely engulfed by her pussy. My eyelids fluttered as I gagged. There was blinding pain and a flash of electric white light. Then all went black. End of the world black.

BBBZZZZZZZ!!!!! What was that sound? I had to be dead. BBBZZZZZZZ!!!!! It sounded like my alarm clock. Was God some practical joker who woke the dead with the sound of their alarm clocks? BBBZZZZZZZ!!!!!

I opened my eyes, slowly taking in the view of my ceiling. My bedroom ceiling. I was alive? I turned my head. God, my neck wasn't broken! I rolled towards my alarm to turn it off. There on the dial it said "AUG. 24", the morning after my birthday.

"I was wondering if you were going to just sleep through the alarm or what," laughed Trisha, standing next to the bed. Trisha still five foot seven, still 125 pounds. Still just Trisha. Standing there topless with just her jeans on.

"Wow, that was weird!"


"More like nightmares."

"Yeah, you were tossing and turning all night. I got up early cause I wasn't getting any sleep anyway with you all over the bed."

"Well you figured quite prominently in my dreams."

"Did I? That's nice. Well, you said nightmares. Maybe I wasn't nice?"

"Everything started out okay, but it got kind of weird at the end."

"Well, you can tell me tonight. As long as I'm up, I'm going to shove off because I've got a ton of stuff to do this morning."

"Okay. Catch you later. It's a doozy of a dream. That's for sure."

Trisha reached for the pullover she'd worn the night before, folded carefully on the dresser beside my bed. She pulled it on over her head. There was a quizzical expression on her face.

"That's really weird," she remarked.

"What is?"

"This top. It's tight in the arms and in the bust. It's like it shrunk overnight. How the hell could that happen?"


Copyright 2005. All rights reserved.

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Vicki's Revenge [amazonfan]
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2013, 11:16:45 am »
There's a great story I read online a few years ago called "Vicky's Revenge", wonderful muscle play and domination story. Unfortunately I can't seem to locate it these days. Anyone know where I can find this?

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