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Author Topic: +Notable Author: [jdm022] Stories~collected  (Read 281967 times)

Offline jdm022

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #75 on: January 02, 2016, 10:34:13 pm »

I hadn't seen my brother in a while and wanted to know how he was doing.  I texted him and called him a few times over a two week period and hadn't heard back from him.  I was a little concerned as he had become more and more distant as he and Samantha spent more time together.  She was a bit controlling and as she had become bigger and stronger, unlike Lisa and Jill, Samantha started to develop a real dominating type of attitude.  Samantha had become a 6'4" mound of muscle so at this point, she could pretty much do whatever the fuck she wanted to do. 

It was a Saturday and Jill gave me a kiss goodbye as she was leaving to go workout with Lisa and Samantha.  It was a cold day so she looked incredible with her white yoga pants on and one of my old XL grey sweatshirt that her arms filled out and were almost bursting the seams.  The white color made her massive calves and thighs look even larger and I ogled her lustfully as she marched out to get in her raised truck.  Jill hopped in and drove off to the gym.  She usually held a two+ hour workout on Saturday's with the girls and then they would hit their favorite restaurant for a protein and carb filled lunch.  So she was out of the house for about four hours or so every Saturday.

I knew that Samantha would also be away from home for about four hours and decided to take this opportunity to go see how my brother Eric was doing.  I felt like Samantha had his every movement controlled under her dominating thumb and knew I had to see him face to face to see what was up.  For reasons I’ve previously explained, Jill loved dressing me a bit feminine, so I threw on a purple Victoria's Secret sweat outfit Jill had given me for my birthday, put my long hair in a pony-tail and headed out to jump in my Volkswagen Bug.  Obviously, none of my old clothes fit me anymore, at only 120 pounds, so my entire wardrobe had turned into a mix of Jill's old clothes or new clothes that Jill bought for me.

I drove over to Eric's house and pulled into the drive next to Eric's car.  Samantha's car was gone, so I knew she had left to meet the girls at the gym.  I headed up to the door and rang the bell.  I waited a couple of minutes and then rang it again.  After another minute I began to knock.  A bit concerned, I started looking in the windows to see a sign of Eric.  Sure enough, there were a few lights on, so I knew he was home.  Perplexed as to why he wasn't answering I shot him a text, "Hey Eric, it's Dave at your front up!"  I again waited a couple of minutes and got no answer.  I felt that he had to be inside so I started to look around the porch for a spare key.  Sure enough, on top of the porch light I found a key.  I inserted it into the lock and slowly opened the door.

The house was quiet as I stepped in and slowly closed the door behind me.  I walked through the house calling Eric's name.  After a thorough search I got an eerie feeling and started to actually become a little scared.  I had decided to leave but as I walked by the door to the basement, I realized that Eric might be down there watching a college football game or something. Slowly, I opened the door to the basement and began walking down the stairs. "BANG!" I jumped out of my skin and looked back to see that it was the basement door that was spring loaded, slamming closed behind me.   I walked down the stairs and opened the door to their basement.  I walked in and was immediately in shock at what I saw.

Eric was naked and laying at the bottom of a human sized cage.  He had a small blanket covering him and looked at me in shock as I walked towards him.  He had some slight bruising on his face and arms and he looked pale and incredibly skinny.  "Holy shit!" I exclaimed, "What the fuck is Samantha doing to you?"  He just stared at me, unable to speak.  I asked him where the key was to the cage and Eric just stared at me.  "Dude!" I said, "Where's the fucking key?" after several more demands that he tell me where the key was, he finally spoke.  It was so quiet, I couldn't hear him, so I leaned my head down and was just a few inches from his face.  From inside the cage he said softly, "You should leave."  "LEAVE!" I said, "No fucking way, I’m getting you outa here."  I demanded a few more times for him to tell me where the key was.  Eric had now become totally silent and actually completely covered himself with the blanket.  I began to search the room in vain for the key to the cage.  After ten minutes of looking, I began to lose faith and sat in a chair that was just outside the cage.

I was just contemplating leaving and getting Jill or possibly calling the police.  Right then, a woman's voice shot out from the basement stairs, "Looking for these?"  I jumped 3 feet in the air as it startled the shit out of me and turned to see Samantha holding a key ring from her fingers.  I was completely speechless and fear now completely took over every cell in my body and I was unable to move. 
Samantha was huge!  She stood 6'4" now and was even taller in her high-heeled type of workout sneakers.  She wore a short black workout short and red sports bra.  She began to walk towards me and with each step, her gargantuan thigh muscles bulged incredibly.  Her calves were also huge and looked to be bigger than my thighs.  She must have been doing a lot of ab exercises too and instead of being ripped, each ab muscle actually protruded out of her midsection forming rounded bulges of muscle in six or even eight places.  As she eventually made it across the room towards me, I was dwarfed by her super wide shoulders and massive arms.  I looked up at her and was in disbelief at how small and feeble I was compared to her.  As I stood there in fear and awe, Samantha reached out her right arm and grabbed my jaw with her powerful hand.  She squeezed tightly and it felt like she was about to smash my jaw into pieces.  I grabbed her arm with my weak hands in attempt to pull her away from my pain ridden face.  She laughed loudly and said, "I could crush you in a millisecond little Davey, so don't even try to budge my lock-like grip on your pretty little face."  Slowly, I let go of her arm and accepted the fact that Samantha could physically do whatever she wanted to me and I would be helpless to stop her.

"There, there." Samantha said to me, like a mother consoling a child, "Just let big Samantha do whatever she wants to do, and it'll be easier on everyone.  Do you understand me little Davey?"  I stared at her powerful jaw as even it was full of strong, bulging muscle.  Having not answered her, Samantha repeated, "Do you understand me cute, little Davey."  Still a bit to shaken to speak, I simply nodded my head up and down slowly, meaning yes.   She then pulled over a chair and sat in it, just a few feet from the cage Eric was confined in.  Slowly, she grabbed me around the waist and easily hoisted me upon her powerful right quad muscle like a child.  It was hard as a rock and my light weight didn't even begin to dent it in as I sat on it.  Sensing my fear and confusion, Samantha said, "I bet you’re wondering why your brother is in his little cage right now, aren't you?"  I was now really freaked out and scared, and couldn't even nod now as I sat in the lap of this muscle-bulging creature. She continued, "Well, Eric here was a bad boy and spilled his water at the breakfast table this morning.  It got all over my workout tights and I had to change them.  So we're teaching little Eric here a lesson to be more careful.  If he doesn't want his water at breakfast, he'll have no water or food for the rest of the day.  Hopefully, this will teach him to respect his water and not spill it....(Loudly) ALL OVER THE GOD DAMN TABLE AND ME!!!"  I flinched back in utter fear as Samantha yelled and immediately pissed myself.

Samantha felt the warm liquid on her leg and immediately hurled me across the room.  I landed 7 or 8 feet away crashing into another chair and knocking it over.  Samantha quickly strutted over, muscles bulging everywhere and a scowl look on her face.  I tried to say, I'm sorry, but I think just inaudible garble came out.  She peered down at me and snapped, "You disrespectful little shit, I’m going to teach you to respect your superior right fucking now!"  Samantha reached down and grabbed my ponytail.  She then walked towards and up the stairs, pulling me by my ponytail the whole way.  I looked back at Eric's cage as I was led up the stairs.  He had hid himself under a blanket and I was about to be dealt a punishment by Samantha that he had obviously experienced himself.

The pain in my head was becoming completely unbearable as Samantha led me up to her and Eric's bedroom.  She walked me to her bathroom and said "Strip."  I stood motionless for a second and the look Samantha gave me meant, Strip or Else!  I slowly kicked off my shoes and removed my wet sweat pants and underwear.  My underwear was slim cut athletic briefs and Samantha commented, "Wow, I half expected you to be wearing women's panties."  Now completely exposed, Samantha said, "hmmm, not to bad Davey." and she gave my penis a little pat.  She looked at me and said, "All the way Davey." So I also removed my top.  Now completely naked, in front of Jill's friend, I felt weak and rather helpless.  I think this was part of Samantha's plan, knowing her every word would now be my command.  She told me to stay still, gathered up my clothes and walked down the hall, throwing them in the washing machine.    I thought about running for it but was too scared to budge.  She returned a few moments later and spun me around towards the mirror.  Samantha stood behind my feeble frame.  Her muscular body was easily 8" taller than mine and twice as wide. 

She carried 100 more muscle laden pounds than me and the flick of her wrist would probably knock me over.  Samantha then hit a double biceps pose and huge, rounded bulges exploded from her arms.  Even in a state of fear, I began to get an erection as I ogled her huge, powerful body.  Samantha smiled and grabbed my hand, leading me over to the bed.  She lightly pressed my shoulder and I sat on the beds edge.  "You see Davey," she said, "I was going to issue you some punishment right now, but I feel like having a little fun instead."  I was a bit shocked to hear that and my erection immediately got a bit harder.  Samantha grabbed my hand and walked me over to the closet.  She moved some boxes out of the way and eventually grabbed one marked, "Old Clothes".  She opened it up and began to remove some outfits.  Eventually she pulled out an old cheerleading skirt and matching red and blue top with the letters CHS on it.  Samantha looked at me and said, "This is my old Junior Varsity cheer outfit from my sophomore year.  I think it will fit you nicely Davey."   I pulled on the skirt and it fit perfectly around my tiny waist.  Samantha then pulled the cheer top over my head and shoulders.  It fit perfectly as well and left my hard abs exposed.  "Wow!" Samantha exclaimed, "You’re hot."  Samantha then put some padding in the breast area to give me a look of having at least a little bit of breast size and then she led me back to the bathroom.  She sat me on a stool in front of her and got out her make-up bag.  She then spent the next several minutes applying blush, eyeliner and lipstick.  I had not worn make-up before and it felt very odd.  Samantha finished up, scooted a foot or two back and immediately became very aroused. "My God" she exclaimed, "No wonder Jill loves you so much, you're one hot bitch!"  She immediately grabbed my hand and led me downstairs.

We arrived at the front door and she opened it for me.  Samantha then led me outside and had me stand in the middle of her front grass in the cheerleader outfit.  She then went into the garage, grabbed a football and brought it outside and tossed it to me.  Over the next few minutes she had me do a bunch of cute poses while she took photos.  I couldn't imagine why she had me doing this but it seemed to arouse her greatly.  After a few minutes of that, she set up her camera on a bench, grabbed my brother's old Football helmet, put it on and walked over to me.  Samantha then grabbed me and started hoisting me over her hugely muscular, herculean body.  There were spins, lifts and even tosses.  Samantha was super strong and I was her cute, cheer, play toy.  Finally, Samantha put me down and had me follow her back inside.  She led me back to her bathroom wearing the football helmet the whole time.

Now in the bedroom, Samantha had me stand next to the bed in front of a large mirror leaning against the wall.  She then walked back into the closet to grab something.  I looked at my reflection and almost didn't recognize myself.  Samantha was amazing when it came to make-up and had worked in the Macy's cosmetics department in college.  It was hard to admit it, but looking at my reflection from a few feet away, I wasn't looking bad I had to admit.  Samantha then emerged from the closet.  She was wearing the helmet and had now put on my brothers old football jersey as well.  Her shoulders were so large and muscular, it looked like she was even wearing shoulder pads.  Her beautiful, long blonde hair fell cutely out of the helmet and over her gorgeous shapely shoulders.  She had removed her workout shorts and now exposed her perfectly shaved pussy to me, nestled beautifully between her enormous, muscle laden thighs.  I became aroused immediately and my cock became rock hard.  She was holding something behind her back and got a huge grin on her face.  She told me to get on my knees in front of her.  I instinctively got on my knees and she pushed my head into her crotch.

I placed my hands on her powerful, muscular thighs and began to move my tongue rapidly into her tight, warm, moist pussy.  She let me pleasure her for a few minutes, making supple, soft noises as I licked up her amazing pussy juices.  I reached up and around her to feel her rock hard, huge ass.  Its roundness and huge dimples in its sides also felt amazing to me. Finally, Samantha said, “Davey….look at me.”  I paused for a second, moved backwards slightly and peered up at her amazing mass and into her beautiful blue eyes.  With a wry grin on her face she said, “I have a surprise for you.”  She then turned away from me, her unbelievable ass right in my face.  She then slipped her unreal foot, calf and thigh into what looked like leather panties.  I couldn’t see around her huge lower body mass, but as Samantha slowly turned back towards me, I was in shock as I saw a fake, erect light blue penis and realized she had just slipped on a strap-on.  I was kneeling motionless now frozen in confusion as I didn’t realize what was going on.  Samantha then playfully slapped me with it a few times in the cheek and said, “Don’t worry Davey, you and I are going to have a little fun, no need to be frightened.”

I leaned back more and Samantha told me to reach out my hand.  I slowly reached out and she squeezed a bit of KY jelly into it.  “Now apply it to the toy Davey.” She commanded.  It felt odd and against everything I had ever thought about as a man, but as instructed, I slowly began to apply the jelly to the blue penis.  After a good rub, Samantha then reached under my armpits and lifted me to my feet.  She was so tall that the penis was actually poking me in the upper abdomen region.  We then walked slowly to the bed where she instructed me to lean over and place my hands on the edge of the bed.  Now my backside was completely exposed to Samantha and I was in a very vulnerable position.  Samantha came up behind me and told me to turn my head to look into the mirror.  As I did, she slowly moved in and poked the tip of the dildo into my ass hole.  I jumped extensively and ended up face down on the bed.  “Now, now Davey.” Samantha said, “You need to relax and enjoy this.”  I was very tense, and Samantha lifted me back up into position at the edge of the bed.  Again, she poked me in the ass and slowly inserted the penis in and out.  I was feeling a very uncomfortable feeling and a little pain as well.  Samantha made me look at her eye to eye in the mirror as she slowly moved the dildo in and out of me.  “You see Davey, I’m the fucking Alpha in this household and you need to learn a valuable lesson don’t you?” I just stared at her without saying a work.  So she repeated, “I’m the Alpha and you need to be taught a lesson don’t you?”  This time I caught her drift and nodded in acknowledgement.  “Say it!” she commanded.   So slowly, and awkwardly, as she methodically inserted her penis inside of me, I said, “You’re the Alpha and I need to be taught a lesson.”  As Samantha continued to violate me, she ordered me to keep saying it, so over and over, as we locked gazes in the mirror to our right, I repeated, “You’re the Alpha, You’re the Alpha, You’re the Alpha.”  Samantha held my tiny waist in her powerful grip and began to pound me a little as my rear opened up and became more accepting of the object being thrust into me.  Uncontrollably, I began to cry as my manhood was being stolen from me, never to be returned.  I was already contemplating how I would kill myself as the embarrassment of this moment was taking all of my dignity as well.

Finally, Samantha exited me and I fell helpless and limp onto the bed.  Slowly, Samantha began to massage my legs and ass, knowing full well the worthless and helpless feelings that were overcoming me.  She slipped out of her strap-on and laid on the bed next to me, grabbing me and holding me tightly next to her.  Caressing me the whole time, Samantha finally began to speak.  “Davina” she said, “don’t be ashamed, this was not a terrible act, it was simply a sexual experience that you had never experienced before.”  “Trust me,” she continued, “you’ll learn to enjoy sharing my pleasure as I enter you with my sexual desires and form an unbreakable bond.  You brother has come to accept and love me and all of my whims and desires, and so shall you.”  I was confused and of course still in a state of shock as Samantha preached to me about her desires and tried to calm my exploding nerves.  I knew that I never wanted to see Samantha again, and couldn’t wait to be let go and leave her house of horrors.

A few minutes later, she asked me to caress her muscles.  Reluctantly, I began by massaging her bulging right bicep.  It was rock hard and huge and probably bigger than my thigh.  I felt in complete awe just being in its presence, let alone feeling and caressing it.  Slowly, I worked my way down her gorgeous, bulging abs and perfectly shaped thighs.  They were so powerful, so gargantuan and so muscular.  Even still in a weird state, I started to become hard as the sheer mass of Samantha’s muscles turned me on greatly.  As I continued to feel and experience her unbelievable physique, Samantha began to flex and relax her muscles, causing them to bulge greatly, fill with blood and expose her huge, powerful veins.  I couldn’t help but become rock hard and Samantha lifted one of her huge legs over my body and lifted herself up on top of me.  Looking down at me, she reached and grabbed my cock and inserted it into her moist, warm pussy.  It felt incredible and Samantha began to slowly raise and lower her muscle laden body above me.  I reached up and put my hands on her muscle filled chest and she began to bounce her pecs to my sheer enjoyment.  Within a few minutes, Samantha rode me harder and faster, bringing me to full arousal and ultimate climax.  I pressed my pelvis into hers harder and faster as well, and we eventually hit a perfect rhythm of fucking that made us both moan in pure sexual satisfaction.  Finally Samantha began to gyrate in ecstasy and we both began to orgasm in unison and were filled with exhilaration and satisfaction. 

After laying in silence and complete contentment for a few minutes, sensing that I was beginning to recover from being violated earlier, Samantha lifted me up, and carried me to the shower.  She tuned on the water and within moments, it was filled with steam and hot water.  Now naked, we entered the shower and Samantha began to lather me with soap.  I held my hands down at my sides, as this herculean, muscle bound woman massaged my body.  I didn’t know why, but a complete state of awe and obedience came over me.  Jill and I shared a symbiotic relationship of sex and respect for one another, but it was completely different with Samantha.  She was in control of every aspect of my being in her presence and it felt right and exhilarating in an odd way.  Finally clean, Samantha instructed me to later and clean her temple of a body as well.  With careful hands, I cleaned every ounce of her bulging, powerful physique and knew I was touching the body of a goddess.  She knew that she was all powerful over me and it was understood that she would control every aspect of our relationship moving forward.  Now clean, Samantha turned off the water, handed me a towel and we both began to towel off.  Once dry, Samantha walked down the hall, grabbed my clean and dry clothes and told me to get dressed.  While slipping on my Victoria’s Secret sweat outfit, Samantha said, “Davina, don’t mention a word of what happened here today to Jill or anyone.  Do you understand me?”  “Yes.” I replied, “I won’t say a word.”  With that, Samantha walked me out to my bug and I slowly drove away, confused, horrified and satisfied all at the same time….
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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #76 on: January 03, 2016, 12:23:48 pm »
Again trying to pull this story into a direction of tired old sadism? Dave developing Stockholm Syndrome won't make this story better. I do hope his brother gets help by Jill and that she beats the living shit out of Samantha. That could save the story, and even make it better than before.

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #77 on: January 03, 2016, 04:20:08 pm »
Again trying to pull this story into a direction of tired old sadism? Dave developing Stockholm Syndrome won't make this story better. I do hope his brother gets help by Jill and that she beats the living shit out of Samantha. That could save the story, and even make it better than before.

I second that.
let's hope that this awful episode will be amended by Jill or the other women, and that the men will see better days again.
this is not just "too much": samantha has gone crazy, obviously.
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Offline jdm022

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #78 on: January 03, 2016, 04:41:18 pm »
As always guys, thanks for the responses.

My original story was meant to end a bit after the Olympia trip where Jill had obviously surpassed Dave in strength and size and his affair with Lisa ended and he lived happily ever after with Jill...

...but to my surprise, you guys really liked the story and wanted more from the characters and their relationships.  I took many varying suggestions and settled on the Good (Jill), the Bad...but in a fun way (Lisa) and the Evil (Samantha).

I must tell you though, the overwhelming suggestion was for some "Pegging" to be included into the story.  I have to admit, I didn't know what "Pegging" was so I looked it up and began reading several articles on it and if this actually was happening in normal heterosexual relationships...I personally had one experience with that (but didn't knw it was called Pegging) when one girlfriend suggest using a dildo to spice up our relationship 10 years ago, but I laughed it off and never went there with her.

Turns out, a lot of guys do go there with their wife or girlfriend and here are some excerpts from articles in Cosmopolitan magazine:

Interviewee 1 (Woman): There are more men who want it than there are women willing to do it, I guess. I actually prefer stimulating men anally while I oral them. I like to do prostate massage that way

Interviewee 2 (Male): I dated a girl who often talked about wanting to do this - but at the time I was too much of a prude. Now, maybe, I'd change my mind.

Interviewee 3 (Male): night, my wife came home with a strap on, and announced that she had decided to show me what it was really like. Well, I had 2 orgasms, and was laying there whimpering, as she continued to "show me", when we both decided that we had just entered into a new and exciting phase of our relationship. I am a very lucky man to have such a wonderful and understanding woman

Interviewee 4: And whose idea was it — yours or theirs? What made you want to try it?  Woman: His. We were also a bit drunk at the time, and I had asked him what he wanted to do. He told me he wanted to "get a bit crazy," and then he suggested I penetrate him with a dildo.

Interviewee 5: What did you do to prepare?
Woman A: I researched everything there was to know about anal. I was determined to go into the situation really prepared. Then I went out and bought, like, a gallon of lube and a strap-on that suited me. But seriously. Lube.

Interviewee 6: What did you like most about pegging?
Woman A: Pegging is great because it puts you in a role you're not really used to being in as a woman. There are aspects of dominance, power, intimacy, and strength that I don't think we get to experience in quite the same wordless way when it comes to vanilla sex.
Woman B: It was nice to have control. And it was really interesting to see how much he liked it. It kind of took me aback, like, Wow, he really likes that. We never did it again though, interestingly.

What was it like playing the role of the penetrator?
Woman A: Pretty great. Having a guy underneath you, with the gasping and groaning, is spectacular. It's a very energetic act too. You're constantly moving. You also have a lot of control over what your partner is feeling, and that's fun.
Woman B: I liked it. It was very different. I had total control and he was lying on his stomach, so he wasn't making eye contact with me. I found it exhilarating in a different way than just regular sex, being in charge of someone else's pleasure.

So before any of you really start getting upset with Samantha and that part of the storyline, do a bit of your own web research, turns out it's way more common than I thought... :shhh:

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #79 on: January 03, 2016, 10:57:20 pm »
I was wow'd by this episode and I cannot agree with the negative comments. As previously, Samantha is using her superior strength to dominate any males around her and uses the strap on to fully demonstrate that superiority.

It would be great to find out what is happening between Lisa and Louie.
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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #80 on: January 04, 2016, 07:47:09 am »
I am not persuaded. even if these would be "only" bedroom games, it is by playing that men (and women) learn.
and to lean how to humiliate and be violent - and enjoying it - it is not a good thing for me.

so, I think I will leave you all to enjoy your funny humiliation and your happy violence, and stop reading here.
it has been a nice story, untili now, for the most part - and I would like to thank the Author for his work and for sharing it.
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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #81 on: January 04, 2016, 09:18:43 am »
Happy new year to everybody!

Jdm022, i'm one of your big fans, i love your stories as well as your excellent morphs, but, honestly, i don't like very much where the story leads, and i hope that was only a Dave's nightmare.
What makes this story so nice and special is that the girls are gentle (except Sam) and, personally, i had prefered a more gentle Sam.

Please, Jdm022, keep your story so special and don't turn it to a very common one.
I'm Totocom (aka Scat, in another time...)

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #82 on: January 04, 2016, 10:24:31 am »
Again trying to pull this story into a direction of tired old sadism? Dave developing Stockholm Syndrome won't make this story better. I do hope his brother gets help by Jill and that she beats the living shit out of Samantha. That could save the story, and even make it better than before.

^ This. So much this.

There's only a bajillion stories with abject domination and sadism. I really wanted this story to be different. But I guess not.
I'm a weapons-grade skeptic, industrial-strength cynic, a hospital-grade bullshit detector. Logic and reasoning will be used with extreme prejudice. Your feelings are collateral damage.

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #83 on: January 05, 2016, 02:53:39 am »
The story has taken a turn, some think for the better, some for the worse, depending on your predilections; What can't be argued is the care and artistry with which it is rendered. A thousand thanks good author!
The vast majority of the mindless sadisitc blather is just that, a waste of time. If something new is turned out, I'm all for it. Please continue!

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #84 on: January 06, 2016, 12:50:01 pm »
another brilliantly written chapter !

a few negative comments but I think people should remember this is not our story to write at the end of the day we can make suggestiosn but it is JDM's story at the end of the day. It isn't the usual thing I am into but i still liked it a lot as I feel the story has ran its course as far as a loving couple finding a womens strength to be more and more entertaining than the typical male being stronger in the relationship.

Theres only so many things that can be written about that story line and now the author is using the amazing characters and plot he has created to venture into something new. Further he has used side characters and now I am very excited to see what happens next. Do we see a confrontation between Jill and Samantha, maybe both agree to go their separate ways at friends.... or maybe Jill tries out similar behaviour after Dave finds out he actually enjoyed the pleasure part of the experience immensely (just not so much the torture side of things that his brother is obviously in.)

So another big thanks to JDM and I hope we will see a few more chapters in the nearer future ! 

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #85 on: February 19, 2016, 05:09:07 am »
Now home I walked into the bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror.  I was a changed man.  Having a wife more muscular and stronger than me was a fantasy come true, and I enjoyed every minute of my marriage with Jill.  But being physically violated and feminized by Samantha had now broken and confused my own internal beliefs.  Who was I now, what was i?  The mixed feelings began to overcome me emotionally and as i looked at myself in the mirror I began to weep. 

Although a happily married man, I doubted my own masculinity at that point.  Wearing Jill's clothes, long flowing hair, a completely shaved and soft thin body.  Even I knew, I was now a shell of the strapping young man I once was.  I raised my right arm and tried to make a bicep muscle.  There was literally no change in my arm as I tried to flex it. It was like the muscle in my arm was so out of practice that I couldn't even make it tighten.    Frustrated by my complete lack of strength, I decided to do something i hadn't done in years...go to the gym.  I got out of Jill's Victoria secret sweats, threw on some gym clothes and a baseball hat, grabbed one of Jill's gym bags and headed to the "Globo Gym" that Jill, or any of the girls wouldn't be at.  Jill still had a membership there since she was years ago an original member and thus we continued to pay the $6 per month for the membership. 

As I walked in the gym, I simply waved Jill's card in front of the scanner at the front desk and walked by the desk clerk.  The young, but noticeably muscular, pimple faced girl said, "Have a nice workout mam." as i walked past.  I was briefly taken back by the confusion and her comment, but said in kind of a high-pitched fake southern woman's accent, "Thanks." as it just seemed easier.  As i walked towards the bathrooms, i looked in the mirror and noticed a couple of guys checking me out as i walked past.  Immediately, i realized that they too had probably mistaken me for a woman.  I got to the entrance to the men's and women's locker rooms and was quickly realizing that i was in a sticky situation.  If i walked in the men's room, the guys would be confused and obviously i would be greatly embarrassed, if i was again mistaken for a woman.  However, walking into the women's locker room would obviously be very wrong.  Right then, two muscular guys walked out of the men's locker room, one of them making eye contact and giving me a smile.  Startled, i swiftly turned and walked confidently into the women's locker room.  I had never been in it before and you walk in the doorway and make a quick right turn.  There is a long hallway and as i started to walk down it, there was a thin brunette walking towards me with a gym bag.  I was quickly going to avoid eye contact with her, but just three steps down the hallway, i realized that there wasn't a woman walking towards me, it was a reflection of myself in the full length mirror that was attached to the far end wall. 

I couldn't believe that my reflection actually briefly confused myself and i watched my every movement as i approached the mirror.  I had subconsciously dressed myself very girly with light blue tennis shoes, a pair of Jill's white yoga pants with the large flowery designs down the right and left side of the leggings, a light blue women's t-shirt, which barely covered my shoulders but was long enough to cover my penis bulge in the tights, and wore a matching light blue baseball hat with my long hair pulled through the snap back into a ponytail.  In addition, i had Jill's purple workout bag and one of her pink water bottles.  The fact that i dressed like that naturally and without a second thought about it, went out in public, made me realize that i had already made some sort of subconscious decision about myself.

I thought about leaving immediately, but took a minute in the locker room, stuffed my bag into a locker and decided to head out to the gym floor.  First i decided to do some lat pulldowns on the universal type setup they had.  I put the pin in the 40 pound hole and reached up to grab the bar hanging from above.  I pulled down with all my might but couldn't get it to head level.  I expected to easily pull it to my chest and then work with a higher weight, but obviously that was a huge mis-calculation.  I then inserted the pin into the 20 pound hole.  This time, i was able to pull it down to my chest, but after only six or seven reps, my weak arms and back were on fire so i decided I’d had enough.  Done with that, i headed over to the dumbbells to do some curls.  I reached out and grabbed the 5 pound weight for a warm-up.  After only 8 or 9 reps my arms were burning and It seemed heavier than 5 pounds could ever be, so i wondered if it was in kilos, meaning it was 12 pounds and more understandable why i was failing to lift it any more.  I took it over to the scale with me to check.  Clothed, but without the weight, i weighed 130 pounds.  I grabbed the dumbbell and got back onto the scale.  Sure enough, it read 135 pounds.  "Damn" i thought, it was only 5 pounds.

I was about to walk the weight back over to the rack and noticed a couple of tall, fit high school girls standing in front of the rack.  They both had very fit legs and were wearing short volleyball shorts which also showed off their round, muscular buts.  One of the girls had her back to me and on the back it said RHS Frosh-Soph VB with a picture of a volleyball.  Her sleeves were rolled up to her shoulders and as she started to curl a weight, there was a nice, noticeable bulge in her arm.  As i almost got to her, i realized that she was actually curling a 20 pound weight.  I stopped in my tracks, embarrassed to return the puny 5 pound weight back on the rack in front of two fourteen or fifteen year old girls curling four times the weight i was able to.

As i took a few steps back and over to the side, again i looked the girls up and down.  Here they were, probably fourteen/fifteen and fit as hell, lifting weights and putting muscles on their frames to be better volleyball players.  As i briefly ogled their muscular legs and tight, fit arms, i couldn't believe that i had become so thin and frail, that a fourteen year-old girl, with a bit of training was actually stronger than me. 

Intimidated to walk in front of the young girls and put back such a small weight, i simply put the dumbbell down and decided to walk away from them.  As i did, i noticed a fit, muscular woman doing some pull-ups.  She was very muscular, and not your typical girly girl just working out to be fit for her husband, like most of the women in the gym at that time of day.  I became a bit mesmerized by her back muscles as she did pull up after pull up.  After 12 or 15 i lost count and didn't realize that she had noticed me staring at her in the mirror.  She dropped down from the bar and took a few steps towards me.  Although not as tall as me, she was very muscular and had to be several times stronger than i was. 

As she walked right up to me, i looked away in embarrassment as i knew she had caught me.  In a surprisingly sweet voice, this muscle bound woman reached out her right hand and said, "Hi, I'm Teresa."  I reached out my hand in embarrassed silence and noticed her grip was very strong.  She then said, "I'm a personal trainer and noticed you seemed a bit impressed with my pull ups."  I smiled widely and shook my head yes.  She then said, "Would you be interested in a free training session, us girls can always use a bit of muscle right." she followed as she hit a small right biceps pose for me.  She obviously knew i was ogling her strong, hard muscles just earlier and was doing her best sales pitch to gain another client.  I also quickly realized that she had also mistaken me for a woman so i simply said, "Sure" in the softest voice possible.  "Cool." she replied, "follow me to the lockers.

I felt compelled to do whatever Teresa asked me to do at this point and didn't want to blow my cover.  As we walked to the locker room, i couldn't help but ogle her bulging round shoulders and ripped triceps muscles.  As we walked down the long hallway into the locker rooms, i stared at her reflection in the mirror.  With each step, her thigh muscles bulged and were seemingly twice as thick as my twig like legs.  Teresa's calves were also quite muscular and hard as diamonds i was sure.  Unable to help myself, i said as we reached the mirror and it was obvious that i was staring only at her muscle bound reflection and not mine, "Wow Teresa, you have an amazing physique!"  Again sensing my admiration, and wanting to solidify her status as a personal trainer she hit a double biceps pose for me showing off her large, rock hard biceps.  I felt a bit of an urge in my cock and immediately tried to look away before a hard on gave up my gender. 

We walked into the locker room and i followed her to her locker.  She opened up the door and reached in and grabbed a business card.  Again i stared at her muscles, from her beautiful bulging ass to her ripped strong back!  As Teresa turned to give me her card, i reached out for it and accidentally knocked it out of her hand.  She quickly bent down to pick it up and looked up at me to hand it over again.  As i reached down for it, i realized that her head was just below my waistline and she was probably staring right at my slightly hard cock.  A huge scowl came across Teresa's face and she stood up in front of me.  Her physique was very strong and the look of surprise and disgust on her face was unbelievably intimidating.  I froze in fear as Teresa slightly cocked her neck and reached in to grab my cock.  As she did, i gasped in fear as she realized that i was a man.  "You fucking pervert!" she said loudly as she grabbed my nuts strongly.  The pain was unbearable and i fell to my knees in agony.   Teresa then kneed me in the chest and i fell backwards onto the floor.  It was easily the hardest i had ever been hit in my life and it knocked the wind out of me.  As i laid on my back, desperately just trying to breathe, Teresa briefly straddled over me and i looked up at her muscle bound body, praying she wouldn't kill me.  Instead, she leaned down and bitch slapped me across the face.  The left side of my face immediately felt like it was on fire and i now honestly feared for my life.  I was finally able to take a breath and muttered, "Please stop, please stop." as i held out my arms for protection and began to cry.  "Your such a little perverted bitch." Teresa said.  "I should really teach you a lesson."  I was now to scared and fearful to reply, so i just wept and held my arms up.  Teresa un-straddled me and gave me a swift kick in the side.  It hurt like hell and i rolled into the fetal position for protection.

An instant later, i felt Teresa grab my ponytail and commanded me to stand up.  I feebly got to my feet and found myself being pulled by Teresa out of the locker room.  I was walking backwards as she forcibly tugged me.  We reached the end of the locker room hallway and Teresa pulled me out onto the gym floor.  As everyone stopped to stare, Teresa led me to the front desk and told the girl to take a picture of me.  The fit, pimple faced girl quickly grabbed the webcam on the desk and snapped a pic of my pitiful, red, weeping face.  She then led me to the door and easily tossed me into the bushes, leaving me sprawled out in the wet, muddy flowerbed.  "Don't ever come back here you perverted ass hole!" she yelled as she walked back inside.
I realized that i had left my bag with my keys, phone and wallet in the women's locker room.  I waited a few minutes and then poked my head into the door after i knew that Teresa had walked back into the heart of the gym.  The pimple faced girl was there so i apologized to her and asked her to retrieve my bag.  She said ok, so i walked back outside and waited.  As i waited the two fit high school vollyball players came out of the gym.  They both looked at me and laughed, obviously aware of what had happened.  My current level of embarrassment had hit an all time low and i just longed to be home, back in Jill's protective, muscular arms.

To my surprise, it was Teresa who came out with my bag.  I instinctively turned and began to run away, fearful that she might physically assault me again.  "Calm down, you little bitch." she said.  I just wanted you to know that i took a picture of your driver’s license so if you ever show your face around here again, were going to press charges.  With that, she tossed my bag into the muddy flowerbed again and said, "Get lost."  After she walked her muscle bound body back into the gym, i quickly grabbed my bag and headed home.
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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #86 on: February 19, 2016, 09:20:31 am »
I don't know what good going back to Jill would do considering she's the reason he's so fucked up in the head in the first place. If she didn't encourage his wimpification then this never would have happened. I hope she realizes how miserable he is and tries to make it right next time around.
I'm a weapons-grade skeptic, industrial-strength cynic, a hospital-grade bullshit detector. Logic and reasoning will be used with extreme prejudice. Your feelings are collateral damage.

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #87 on: February 19, 2016, 02:10:47 pm »
These two latest entries have gone too dark. Please make Samantha pay and for Jill to treat him better.

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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #88 on: March 25, 2016, 02:57:39 am »

Time to get the ball rolling again on this story.....

A short chapter but will get us going in a forward direction again :)


Now home, I longed to be in Jill's strong, powerful, protective grasp.  I got out of my dirt covered gym outfit and decided to take a long hot shower.  Just as I stepped in, I heard Jill arrive home.  She walked into the bathroom and I was as happy to see her as I had ever been.  I jumped out of the shower and ran into her powerful, muscle bound arms.  She easily hoisted me off the ground and held me up to her face.  We locked lips and kissed passionately for several seconds.  My wife then slowly lowered me back to the ground and released her grip from around my thin torso.  I kind of took a step back and she said, "Honey, I'm so excited for this new Explode PumpForce supplement I’ve been taking recently.  Check this out!"  With that, she kind of extended out her huge right leg and forcefully flexed her quad muscles.  Three enormous, rounded muscle bodies exploded out of her leg and my heart stopped in complete awe of their size and power.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, "That is the most massive, awesome thing I have ever seen!"  I reached out and could physically grab the rock hard rounded quad muscles in my feeble hand.  Feeling that size and power made me feel like i was in the presence of a god, and I quickly grabbed a measuring tape.  I stretched it around her flexed leg and was totally amazed by the sheer mass of it.  Fully flexed, the tape came to just over 34".  "Holy shit Honey."  I said, "That's incredible!"  "I thought you'd like it my little Davey." Jill responded.  She then quickly grabbed the tape from me and pulled it tight around my waist.  "Hmmmmm." she sighed, "Only 27 inches my little toothpick, show me one of them legs."  I stuck out my leg and she pulled the tape around it as well.  "You're cute little twiggy is 17 inches Davey."  We kind of both realized immediately that her right quad muscle was as big as both of my legs combined. "This is hilarious." she said, "Go throw on a pair of shorts babe." Jill told me.  I didn't know where she was going with this, but I complied and pulled on a pair of her/my light blue running shorts.
I walked back in the bathroom and Jill pulled me tightly next to her.  As we looked at our reflections in the mirror, Jill pointed her camera down towards our lower bodies.  The difference was incredible as Jill's left thigh looked bigger than my torso and both lower legs.  I was like a stick figure standing next to my huge, muscle-bound wife.  She snapped a couple of pics on her phone and then asked me to kneel.  I got on my knees and Jill flexed her left thigh firmly and leaned it against my waist and torso.  It was huge and dwarfed me in its massive presence.  She again snapped a couple of pics and said, "This is so funny Davey, I’ve got to send it to the girls!" 

As she texted the pics off to Lisa and Sammy, i said, "Honey, does it bother you at all to be so much stronger and more muscular than me?"  "Of course not Honey." she answered quizzically, "I am just concerned that it might bother you to be so much weaker and smaller than me."  "My God Jill, I love it, I’m addicted to it, i have for some reason developed an uncontrollable desire to become more frail and feminine as I’m addicted to your ever gaining strength over me."  "I know." she responded softly, "That's why we're so perfect for each other my love."  With that, she again proved her incredible strength by grabbing me under the armpits and easily hoisting me up in the air.  She then said, "Let me know if you enjoy this Davey."  Jill then reached between my thighs with one hand and now hoisted me horizontally above her head.  As I looked down at her herculean arms and into her gorgeous, powerful eyes, my wife began to bench press me up and down from above her head to her chest, over and over again.  My cock became rock hard and I felt like a small gymnast or cheerleader in her powerful grasp.

Sensing an ever increasing sensation of power, Jill lowered me to her chest and took my rock-hard cock in her mouth.  Her warm, muscular tongue and lips massaged my penis perfectly and the sensations coursing through my body as my muscle-bound wife completely controlled and pleasured me were too much to take.  I began to cum uncontrollably.  Like always, Jill slurped up every ounce but she felt like she had taken all of me, she quickly put me down and locked lips with me.  As i grabbed her massive, hard biceps in my feeble hands, Jill surprised me as she hadn’t completely swallowed all of my cum and it circulated though our mouths as we kissed.  The odd, salty taste shocked me briefly, but as I embraced her muscular torso and Jill pushed against my face forcibly with her powerful jaw, and tongue, I knew she was experimenting and enjoying the obvious control she had over our passion filled intercourse.  After another twenty or thirty seconds, Jill backed up slightly and looked at me lovingly and said, "I've always wanted to share you with you....what did you think."  "Anything you want to share with me is fine honey." I said and then I leaned in for another kiss to prove my love and my total conformability to her every desire.

She pushed ever so slightly on my shoulders and I knew instinctively what she wanted.  I lowered to my knees, slipped down her workout shorts and buried my head and tongue into her warm vagina.  I reached my arms around and placed them on her gargantuan ass.  It was so large and muscular, I knew any pro football player would be jealous of it.  She could easily out lift 99% of the men in the world and she knew it!  Hew ass felt like two, powerful head sized mounds of muscle; and as I tied to squeeze them, she flexed them tightly, causing them to become rock hard in my grasp.  At the same instant that she flexed her ass, her muscular vagina also contracted hard and it grabbed my tongue firmly.  I tried to pull my tongue out, but her vagina’s grip was so powerful, I couldn’t overcome it.  Stuck, Jill laughed and then slowly released her grip on my tongue, proving that even one of her smallest muscles was too strong for me to resist.  Feeling that powerless in her presence turned me on even more and my cock was as hard as it had ever been.  I began to pulsate ever more quickly to satisfy my muscle laden wife and give her the ultimate pleasure that she deserved.  As I did, I reached both arms lower and grasped around her huge, tree trunk like thighs.  It was comical and I couldn’t come close to surrounding them.  As their mighty girth flexed, I knew they could easily crush my head between them.  I loved being in the presence of such power, and as Jill began to shudder her massive body in utter satisfaction, I again began to cum wildly.  Instinctively, as it splattered all over her muscular thigh, I licked it up and immediately stood to embrace my wife in a kiss, sharing my cum with her.

Jill appreciated it greatly and as we made out passionately, she easily lifted me up and carried me to the shower. As we passed the mirror in the bathroom, I peered over to see our reflection.  She was gargantuan now and her bicep looked as big as my torso.  My skinny arms looked like a child’s next to her huge forearms and even my legs looked thinner than them.  I knew I was now in the presence of a woman who had become the most muscular, massive human being I could have ever imagined and I never wanted this to stop…
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Re: Jill and Me
« Reply #89 on: July 04, 2016, 06:57:15 pm »
My wife, Lisa and Samantha had become obsessed with not only the aesthetic look of the huge muscles they had developed, but had also become addicted to the strength they had gained. The unbelievable confidence they walked around with made them give off an aura of invincibility that was contagious and Eric, myself and Louis loved being in the presence of it. It had been a few weeks since my unpleasant experience with Samantha but as I waited eagerly for Jill to come home from the gym, I saw Samantha pull up into my driveway. To my surprise, Eric was with her and they approached the door. An instant feeling of fear came over me as I heard Samantha knock loudly. I froze briefly, but the somehow mustered the courage to open it, knowing Jill was due home anytime.

As I opened it, I was immediately struck by Samantha’s awesome presence, she towered over me and Eric and her arms bulged greatly. She was wearing white high-top athletic shoes, short black workout bottoms, which her huge thighs jutted out from, and a grey hoddie that she had cut the arms off of. Her long hair was in a ponytail and laid over her huge left trap muscle. As they walked in, she leaned in and gave me a firm hug and a kiss on the lips. I looked over at Eric, who extended his hand and we shook. He was looking quite thin, but fairly healthy. I looked at Samantha and said, “Is everything OK with you two now?” “Of course.” She said, “He’s been such a good boy, we’ve been having nothing but fun since the little punishment he got a few weeks back.” I peered back at Eric who nodded his head YES, got a smile on his face and gave me an all good wink. I was reassured by that and happy that it might have been a blip on the radar of their relationship. Eric had to use the restroom and so he went to it, leaving me and Sam alone.

Just then, I saw Jill pull up the drive in her truck. I started to walk past Samantha to welcome my wife home. Sam stuck out her powerful left arm, hitting me in the chest and stopping me dead in my tracks. She then reached her right hand down and extended a finger, briefly putting pressure on my ass hole. As she held me there, she leaned in and gave me a wet kiss again on the lips, but with much more passion than the hello kiss from earlier. She then leaned back and said, “That’s our little secret, right?” I peered up at her and said, “Yes, Sam, yes.” “Good.” She replied, “Let’s keep it that way OK.” I replied, “OK.” So she let me go and I rushed out to greet my wife. As I went to meet Jill, I realized how fucking strong Samantha had become and that, I was kind of a subject to her will, at least when Jill wasn’t around. I contemplated saying something to my wife, but decided to let it go for now, unless things got worse between Samantha and me. I embraced my muscle-bound wife near her truck and kissed her passionately. She hugged and lifted me off the ground briefly, then we went inside to see Samantha and Eric.

Once inside, Samantha and Jill wanted Eric and I to sit down with them in the living room. Jill led us to the recliner and asked us to have a seat. A recliner is normally meant for one person, but our recliner was slightly larger than normal and Eric and I had become extremely thin. Believe it or not, we actually both fit, side-by-side comfortably on it. In contrast, Jill and Samantha were huge, both over 230 pounds of muscle each, and they sat across from us on the couch, taking up most of its large space. The difference was easily noticed by all of us and we had a good laugh about it. Finally, Samantha spoke and said, “Boys, Jill and I have the opportunity to make some groundbreaking gains. There had been scientific studies for years knowing that the difference between humans and primates is less than 1%.” Eric and I looked at each other briefly, not sure where this was going. “Go on.” I said. “Well honey.” Jill spoke up. “As you know, primates are much stronger than humans.” “Yeah, So.” I replied. “So…” Samantha jumped in, “It’s because their tendons are much stronger than ours, and because their muscle cells are twice as long as humans.” Eric and I sat in silence, not sure where this was going. “Let me get to the point boys.” Samantha finished, “They figured out the reason why. Like primates, we have the same genes to control this development, called the ACTN3 gene. But ours is turned-off.” “How does this affect you and Jill?” I asked. Jill then said, “Samantha and I have volunteered to be test subjects for a team of scientists in Germany who think they can temporarily turn this gene back on in humans.” “Why you?” I asked. “Because Jill and I have come close to reaching current human potential for strength and muscle growth David.” Samantha replied. “So far, they have only got the procedure to work on other female species that also have the ACTN3 gene. As such, they’d like to have Jill and I come in for some preliminary testing.”

“How do you know it works?” I asked. Jill replied, “Well honey, we have had several pints of blood taken from us, stored on ice, and sent to their labs for testing already. According to their tests, our blood did not reject the procedure, so they will simply be taking our blood, subjecting it to the procedure and then re-introducing our own blood back into us. Our own blood, then simply travels through our body, turning the ACTN3 gene back on. Then, we either start to develop stronger tendons and longer muscle cells, or we don’t. It’s our own genes honey so there’s just no danger. It’s completely safe dear, and we’re only going to be there for 11 weeks.” “11 Weeks! I can’t stand to be without you that long.” I shouted. “I know, I know.” Jill answered, “But you still don’t have a passport, and we have to leave tomorrow.” “TOMORROW! TOMORROW!” I said. Jill could see my discontent and immediately pooped off the couch, hoisted me into the air and gave me a huge hug. “Honey, I love you sooooo much.” She whispered. “I’m going to miss you too, but this opportunity is unbelievable and we have to try it. The results could be earth shattering.” Seeing the pain on Eric’s face, Samantha also got up and hoisted him into the air. Embracing him and showering him with love. I had not seen them that happy in forever, so I was already starting to feel better about the recent news.
Unfortunately, Lisa’s samples had come back negative, so she would not be joining Jill and Samantha in Germany. After an amazing night with Jill, she and I picked up Eric and Samantha and even picked up Lisa on the way to the airport. Samantha could not stop kissing Eric and telling him how much she loved him on the whole drive. It was annoying, but again also a relief after what I had witnessed at their house just a few week earlier. There was a quick, emotional goodbye at the airport, and I knew that the 11 weeks I would be away from my muscle laden wife would seem like 11 years. It was funny to watch these two muscle bound women walk past pedestrians as they entered the airport. They made everyone around them seem so small and weak. I was so secure in knowing that one of those amazing women was my wife.

11 Weeks
I spoke with Jill nightly as she was going through her ACTN3 procedure in Germany.  It turns out that she and Samantha were bored as hell.  The doctors wanted to create a baseline strength test, so they took a bunch of early measurements before the process began, but would only let the girls do basic calisthenics until the end of the 11 weeks when the ACTN3 gene had been turned on and had almost 3 months to transform their muscles and ligaments.   The early measurements were ridiculously impressive though.  Jill was 6'1" and 233 pounds of rock hard muscle upon their initial arrival to the German lab.  She had 19" biceps with 30" thighs and 17" calves.  She was an incredible sight to see and powerful as hell.  She could bench press 315 pounds for reps and squat 465.  I couldn't imagine her possibly getting bigger or stronger, but that was what could happen according to the scientists and doctors.

Just 3 weeks into the process, Jill and Samantha started to experience significant aches and pains.  The doctors were starting to give the girls massive amounts of muscle relaxers and pain killers, just to allow them to sleep through the night.  By the 5th week, the girls were bed ridden and only up for a few hours a day to eat, do very light muscle movement exercises and use the bathroom. Talking to my wife was like trying to talk to a teenager who had been up playing video games all night...barely responsive to questions and in a complete state of haze!

I had to get on the phone with one of the doctors over-seeing the procedure.  "What is happening doctor." I asked, "Why is my wife in a constant state of haze?"  "David." he responded, "the procedure is actually going well.  The fact that the girls are going through significant aches and pains means that their bodies are changing physiologically due to the activation of the ACTN3 gene.  We'll keep you abreast of the situation and hopefully they will begin to adapt to the changes soon and get off of their current medication."  The doctor spent the next several minutes explaining more about the recovery period and other technical shit, so i was finally put at ease.  I wasn't happy that Jill was kind of out-of-it, but i knew the medication was to help her.

The weeks went by like years but by the 9th week, the aches and pains, although present, had become bearable and the doctors finally got the girls completely off the medication.  They began upping the amount of exercise the girls could do but it was still bodyweight exercises only and the girls weren’t allowed to touch a weight.  I got to speak with Jill just after she got some measurements from the doctor.  "What did your new measurements show?" I asked my wife.  "I'm a bit confused." she replied.  "They said I actually grew slightly, which was unexpected, but with my lack of lifting weights, my arms and legs were slightly smaller and I am down to 230 pounds."  "GREW!" I replied...."How much?"  "An inch or so I think." Jill replied.  "Holy shit." I said, "That's awesome.  At 5'8" I'm REALLY going to look up to you now."  "I know babe." Jill answered, "I enjoy being so strong, but I LOVE being tall..."  "I can't wait to see you honey, this being apart is killing me." I said.  "Me too too." she said sweetly.  We chatted passionately for a few more minutes before she had to go.  I couldn't wait for her to come home in two weeks.

Germany - Week 11
After a week and a half of bodyweight only exercises, the doctors finally brought Jill into a weight room.  Jill had been eating like a horse for weeks and was consuming almost 9000 calories per day.  An equal mix of Protein, Carbs and fat.  One of the female scientists led Jill over to the scale and height measurement area.  Jill backed against the bar and the girl read the height, "193.55cm."  The doctors looked at each other in amazement.  One of the senior doctors said, "Recalibrate and do it again Anja, that must be a mistake."  Jill was confused, since she had no idea what cm height was so she stood patiently as Anja again measured.  "My error," Anja shouted, "Her height is actually 193.57cm."  Again the doctors looked confused, so the senior doctor took over the bar height apparatus and measured for himself.  "Damn!" he explained, "Anja's right, Jill now stands 193.57 cm tall."  Finally, the curiosity was killing my wife so she asked, "What the hell is THAT in feet and inches?"  Anja did a quick calculation and said, "That's about 6' 3.5"!"  Amazed, but elated, Jill smiled from ear to ear as Anja led her to the scale.

As she approached the scale, Jill took off her track suit for an accurate weight measurement.  She was simply wearing a sports bra and small workout shorts.  Anja peered over and her jaw dropped immediately in awe of Jill's unreal physique.  The muscle on her was exquisite, huge rounded, ultra ripped muscles protruded from every limb of Jill's body and her level of condition was above in the top rated bodybuilders in the world.  She seemed to be carved out of stone and her physical appearance was that of unbelievable physical superiority.  Anja reached out slowly and placed her hand on Jill’s unbelievable quad.  As she touched it, Anja fell to her knees in awe, to weak to even stand in the presence of such physical perfection.  Even Jill's jaw dropped as she saw her own reflection in the mirror for the first time in a month.  Giddy with happiness, Jill stepped on to the scale.  Anja finally regained her composure and adjusted the scale to get the correct measurement.  "111.6 kilos" Anja read out loud to the doctors.  Again they were amazed as Jill patiently stood on the scale.  They asked her to step off the scale and re-weigh for validation.  Again Anja read, "111.6 kilos."  "What's that?" my wife asked politely.  "245 pounds." Anja answered.  Anja again reached out and touched Jill.  She almost quivered as she did, not knowing how to react properly in the presence of such greatness.  Jill looked at herself in the mirror, staring at a body and face she barely recognized.  Her muscles were now so perfectly formed, she felt like any male bodybuilder would be jealous of her gorgeous rounded shoulders, bulking traps, huge, wing-like lats and simply monstrous calves. 

Having taken some basic measurements, Anja now led Jill to the free-weights.  Walking by the dumbbells, Jill reached out and grabbed a 25 for a few quick warm up reps.  She did 10 or 12 reps and realized that 25 pounds seemed too light, even for a warm-up.  So Jill decided to grab a 40 pounder and use that instead.  It felt a bit heavier but still seemed OK for a warm-up so she pumped out 10 quick reps with that.  Anja peered up at Jill and said, "That's amazing Jill."  "Not really." Jill said, "I have curled a bit more than 40 pounds before."  "Ummmm." Anja sounded, "Those are in Kilos Jill....not pounds."  Jill quickly realized the mistake and said, "Oh! OK.  How many pounds is this?"  "88 pounds Jill." Anja answered. Jill was shocked, the most she had curled for reps before was 65 pounds, and that was with max effort.  She had just easily curled 88 pounds as a warm-up.  Excited, Jill said, "Which one of these is about 100 pounds?"  Anja quickly pointed at the 45 Kilo dumbbell.  Jill walked over and gripped it tightly with her right hand.  She lifted it up easily and began to crank out some reps.  Although she was putting in considerable effort, she knew she could lift more.  Jill then grabbed the 50 kilo dumbbell.  4 quick reps in, Jill grabbed the 60.  With solid effort, but still using good form, Jill curled the weight twice before putting it down.  "What was that Jill asked?"  "132 pounds." Anja answered in total shock.

Jill again got a huge smile on her face, looked in the mirror and flexed her right bicep.  The perfectly sculpted muscle balled up massively and a sense of ultimate power and adrenaline rushed through Jill's body as she was beginning to realize how physically superior she had just become.  She looked back at Anja's beautiful, soft face, picked her up easily off the ground and locked lips with her in a heated moment of passion.  The endorphins were racing through Jill's body and she couldn't control herself.  Anja leaned her lips and tongue into Jill as well, for although she was a straight, heterosexual female, she couldn't resist Jill's ultimate perfection and was overcome with passion for her.    The doctors urged the two to stop this nonsense, but were powerless to stop them.  After 20 or 30 passion filled seconds, Jill put Anja down and regained control of herself.  Anja blushed and realized that she had just fallen for this ultimate physical specimen.

Excited about her advanced strength, Jill walked over to the bench press area.  She placed the equivalent of 180 pounds on the bar and did 12 quick warm-up reps.  It felt light as a feather to Jill so she bumped the weight up to 140 Kilos, about 308 pounds.  Jill lay under the bar and easily pumped out 10 reps.  She knew she had a lot more strength in her and upped it to 200 Kilos.  As she sat under the bar, she knew this was a lot more than she had ever benched.  Excited, she lifted the bar off the rack and pumped out 8 quick reps.  She looked back at Anja, still blushing from their recent experience, and said, "How much?"  "441 pounds." Anja answered.  Excited, Jill said, "What's 500?"  Anja quickly did the math and answered, “227 Kilos."  "Hmm." Jill sounded, "Let’s go with 230 Kilos!"  With 507 pounds on the bar, Jill lay beneath it and put all her effort into the lift.  The bar slowly came off the rack and Jill lowered it to her massive chest.  She then pushed mightily and forced the weight back to the rack.  Excited, Jill jumped off the bench, looked at her reflection in the mirror and hit a most-muscular pose.  Her chest muscles bulged like never before and it seemed as though she had two massive football sized slabs of muscle where female breasts were supposed to be.  Anja, watching the unbelievable pose forgot to breath and fainted to the ground.

Jill regained her composure and one of the assistants brought her gym suit back to her.  They asked her to cover up as her new development needed to be kept confidential for the time being.  Jill put it on and giddily made her way back to her small apartment style room to eat and get some much needed rest.  As she finished her meal, there was a knock on her door.  She assumed it would be one of the docs, but it was Anja.  Anja was a beautiful girl with long blonde hair, standing about 5' 6" tall and weighing about 120 pounds.  She was fit looking but was a hiker, not your typical gym rat.  So she was mostly soft and sweet, with a nice midsection but fit legs.  Jill hoisted Anja up instantly and they began their passionate kiss again.  She swept the door closed with her foot and rushed Anja into her bedroom.  Placing her on the beds edge, Jill quickly stripped Anja of her clothing.  Anja's body type was perfect for Jill, for she loved a fit body that was still feminine and soft in all the right places.  Jill was definitely the Alpha in her relationships and she began to take Anja passionately.  As they began to make love, Jill quickly stripped off her clothes and exposed her massive, muscle bound body to Anja.  As Anja caressed Jill's herculean chest and protruding, rounded ab muscles, she again forgot to breathe and passes out.

Jill laughed a bit, but grabbed Anja's limp body, and laid it on top of her own.  Anja quickly woke up, laying naked on my wife's hard, hugely developed muscles.  She began to passionately lick Jill's body and slowly made her way down and began kissing and licking Jill's pussy.  At the same time, she started vibrating her two fingers rapidly in Jill and caused my wife great pleasure.  Jill reached up and grabbed the metal bar attaching her bed frame to the wall.  As the passion escalated, Jill began to gyrate quickly and eventually reached orgasm, unknowingly ripping the metal bar out of the wall.  Hot and wet, Jill grabbed Anja and held her above her head.  She lowered he body slightly and began to return the favor.  As she massaged Anja's pussy with her amazing tongue control, she realized how much she loved the beautiful female body.  She had been with me for so long now, she had forgotten how beautiful a woman could be.  It was a Zen moment for Jill and she wondered how she could break the news to me, that she had, in a moment of passion, cheated on me.  Their session over, Anja and Jill fell asleep in each other’s arms, covered in hot, wet passion.
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