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Author Topic: Prologue  (Read 5577 times)

Offline Jaybee

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« on: January 02, 2024, 01:38:05 pm »
Hi all, very first time I'm publishing any of my writing!! I wrote this about 10-11 years back, the first in a series of stories about an ideal girlfriend, but never had anywhere to get reviews from like minded brethren - all criticism, comments received with thanks, please be descriptive with your reviews, ie what you liked/disliked, why, what you would have liked more of or differently etc.


CIA HQ, Langley, February 2012

    Gerrard, a huge man in his 60's, towered above the gathered CIA committee, his back to the screen, as he typed in the 3rd password needed to decrypt the presentation.  He looked at the committee immediately.
    " our target".  The screen displayed a 4 second video of a young woman in daisy dukes, topless, whose both facial and bodily beauty astonished the onlookers.  The brief clip ended with the woman looking directly at the camera, grinning.  The assembled agents emitted a mixture of gasps and deity names.  The 2 youngest and only other men, Johnson and Boeckels, suddenly leapt out of their seats, and ran for the mens room.  Gerrard continued unruffled, looking straight at the spectators.  The more astute of the remaining agents surmised this was not the first time he had shown this video, which he quickly confirmed.
    "Our 4 previous attempts to recruit her in the last 18 months have failed.  Each of the team members assigned to convert her was himself turned, for reasons apparent.  Put simply, we have lacked resources with the necessary integral immunity to turn her". The big man had no doubt the assembled ladies knew how rare excellent female or gay male agents were.
    "Given that she has swayed the loyalty of 4 of our best operatives, I am sure you are aware of the gigantic potential impact of gaining her services."  A few understanding murmurs rose from the gathered management.
    Marjean, a woman in her 60's who had allowed the organisation to spy on Reagan when she had seduced the old man to order in the early 80's, immediately detected a discrepancy.
    "Why didn't Demographics alert us to her when she turned 18?"
    "Demographics has had tardy contact with her as she is a French national, and her village is wealthy, but camera-poor.  Until 2 years ago she had never set foot in a large conurbation.  We first made contact when she arrived in Paris to catch a flight to London back in Christmas 2010.  The analyses run on her face confirm our own beliefs; she is a 'Un-Sun' type", he explained.  The designation was used to describe those 1 in every 4000 or so faces that occurred with the regularity of the genetic mutation that made them seem so appealing, so arresting, that members of the opposite sex, unlike the sun, felt no choice but to look at it.  Gerrard struck the 'enter' button again, and another brief video flashed, this one ending with a snapshot of the woman still clad in small denim shorts, but now topless. Several of the women under 50 began to shift their hips unconsciously.

    "At the time, we felt there was nothing further to investigate, but as you see from this footage taken last week, the case is much more concerning."
    "Those THIGHS," one of Marjean's colleagues breathed, still transfixed to the impossible sight of virtually superhuman physical beauty on the enormous display.  "They're simply.."
    "Perfect?" Gerrard rumbled knowingly.  He had a habit of cutting through amazement.  The Agency had shown him almost everything life could throw, and didn't feel astonishment.  Until this case.  He continued his presentation, basso profundo.
    "Demographics were able to note her height, and basic Breast/Waist/Hip measurements, from the footage taken at Charles De Gaulle airport, but that was all.  Given that it was a bitter winter, she arrived in Paris under several layers, so the X-ray database was unable to relay more detailed BM stats.  We only knew she was a curvaceous mesomorph, which is the case anyway with one in 20 Un-Suns, and of course unusually tall, but still just outside the top 10%.  Upon resettlement in Britain, however, she began a weight-training regime tailored to ignite key muscles known to enhance physical femininity.  Our counterparts at MI5 placed an agent at her gym, which itself was difficult as the member roster nearly doubled within a week of her joining.  Using residual sweat from one of the exercise machines she used, the MI5 operative was able to take a DNA swab, - "
    The change in mood was palpable in the conference room as the assembled committee shuffled in their seats.  A find like this could possibly retire them all on full pensions.  They waited for him to say the words.
    :- "And they have shared the results with us".  Gerrard looked up again, and around at the sea of heads straining forwards.  "She also has the corporeal version of the chromosone".
    The room fell into stunned disbelief.  The bodily version of the 'Un-Sun' genome was even rarer than it's facial counterpart, at only one in every 7,500 test subjects.
    "However, there is an element of urgency in this you do NOT know; our mole in Hamas sent a message, two days ago, reporting that a splinter faction of that organisation has become aware of her existence.  She has been codenamed, 'Shwiya Ukhti Ut Allah", or 'God's Baby Sister".  The report was sketchy, but seems to indicate that they have created a Type 2, perhaps Type 3 plan to liberate her.  It doesn't matter at this stage HOW they now, let me just say that the very fact that they do itself tips us off about certain key figures in the ME.  She's out in the open, and the longer she stays public, the greater the chance AQ or any of half a dozen Services will try to absorb her, not to mention the commercial orgs.  Pam, I'll need a complete mindscape on this girl, 5 generational layers, you've got 10 days, but you've got ZBC.  Set it in motion.

    Pam Stephenson' heartrate raced upwards, her mouth started to dry before she croaked out a "Yes, sir".  ZBC stood for 'Zero Budget Constraint.  Her former boss and mentor in Psych-Ops was barely cold in the ground, and in over two decades of working for him, and the Agency, she had only ever heard twice of the kind of project were funding was TRULY limitless.  Yet she could literally multiply the national debt tenfold, single-handedly, and still have authorisation to keep spending.  She raced her fingers over her ThinkPad, executed Plan_LifeScan, a Priority 1 agency protocol, that until now, had never been exercised.
    The results filtered in over the next week and half, each report more surprising than the last.  Hundreds of agents across France hacked government archives and communications arrays by day, and by night they surreptitiously entered dozens of premises ranging from apartment complexes to mansions, any calls made by suspicious insomniacs to the local Gendarmerie were rerouted to a centre manned by ex-Police. The sudden drop in call traffic had to be replaced by fake calls about drunken spirited the sleeping witnesses/officials away, unseen and unheard, to a network of underground cells where they were administered Pentzanil, a compliance serum the agency had perfected during her mentors final months, that heightened recall to the point where a man could repeat every word of a book he'd last read 30 years ago, and his forthrightness about the book's contents to the same extreme.  The men sat in front of their interrogators as the most intelligent zombies the world had ever seen, their recounts encyclopaedic in detail, faces utterly devoid of non-factual expression of any kind.  The data was entered, encrypted. and sent back to Langley via proxies of proxies, without any discernible increase in electronic footprint.  The drug surpressed short-term memory as intensely as it enhanced long-term; the next morning, dozens of men awoke in their beds, mysteriously tired, but suspecting nothing.  Stephenson monitored the trail daily, lead surprisingly to East Europe and onward out to Asia.  The final account of the history of Severine Des Lombards, was grandiose.  A story rich in twists, as it was in heritage.
    "Next time frame", she intoned quietly, before turning around to the screen...

    Severine's father was Balgorum Nezhedzur, a 6'8", 320lbs bare-knuckle Boxing champion, born around 1959 or 1960 and of unknown parentage within the 700,000 Romanian Gypsy community, who intimidated his opponents as much with his freakishly green eyes, and his wild, tangled black locks, as with his sheer mass.  The fighting culture created a filtration system, an inadvertant unnatural selection; in contrast to the more natural selection process, wherin generations of squalor, filth, bad food and disease had all taken their toll, keeping the Gypsy population stable at despite the average number of children born to a couple being 5.  Nearly half of all boys died as teenagers due to injuries sustained in barbaric matches for money and honour, no less savage than those of Rome some 2000 years earlier.  The survivors were the only true wealth generators in that Communist economy, and Gypsy fighters all wanted their daughters married to the sons of the greatest fighters.  During the final decade of the Cold War, Nezhedzur engaged in 150 professional fights, all victories with only 3 of them arguable.  He was a millionaire several times over, and consequently the wealthiest man of that nation, but was engaged in an equally cold war with the savage Ceacescu regime, his complex being home to just over 5% of the community, and guarded by several thousand of his loyal followers.  Standoffs between the Policiu and the Gypsies were a regular occurrence, but as it turned out, the regime was the first to blink.

The first door to the West, and all the freedoms it promised, was kicked down in 1989.  Nezhedzur headed to East Berlin, looking for a way to transfer his assets with him.  Stymied at every turn, Nezhedzur sought out what remained of the East German sports system, now being cannibalised by Western companies, and offered 30% of his funds, if the remainder could be moved to the Gypsy communities in the West.  Stephenson didn't seem moved by reading his plight, but what followed was the first of many surprises to come.  She found he had met Severine's mother in Berlin, a superwoman of sorts.  The pieces were coming together.  Her mind raced as the night rain crashed against the reinforced glass window as she looked out across the scurity perimeter, in wonder.  The feeling that Bio-Phys would need to be informed came over her, and some sort of genetic confluence would soon be found to explain the girl's physical attributes, but that for later....

        Heike Grunewald, Nezhedzur's wife, was born in East Berlin in 1969 out of a state-arranged marriage to create sporting prodigies, and indeed in 1988, not even 20 years, she competed in the Seoul Olympics to clear the board of Gold medals as worldwide Judo+Women's weighlifting champion.  The East German sports program had seduced her from the age of 5 with the doctrine of 'Superwoman'.  It was the only fantasy, the only recreation the girl had been allowed, and she had taken to it with a Teutonic appetite, reaching 6'0" and 200lbs by the age of 16.  Her life was order, structure and rigidity on a military scale; her instructors reported that the young girl talked in her sleep of expansive waters, sun and winds and the sight of hair flying in them;  it was a dream that was repeated sometimes in other East Germans who had been deprived of television, knowing what life in the tropics was, the inner cavewoman subconsciously knowing such things existed but knew not where, or how; ony that somehow, they MUST.

        Those suppressed fantasies detonated when she met Nezhedzur at a meeting to discuss asset transfer; she had been one of the assets.  Stephenson rarely encountered reports of love at first sight, but this certainly qualified.  They barely spoke 5 words of the other's language, but Grunewald and Nezhedzur were immediately smitten with each other, she with his chaotic, disorderly mannerisms, he with her impressive musculature and blonde beauty.  They had kissed frenziedly, and she whispered the one word of German he understood; "Freiheit".  He had replied with the same, at which point he absconded with her, both of them overpowering a security team in the process. Stephenson continued reading; the report into her mother's background was far better documented than her father's, and reached much further back.

        Severine's maternal grandparents were born in 1944, the result of a secret Nazi plan to create an uber elite of the blondest, bluest-eyed aryans, 200 couples selected from the entire population based on 5 criteria, known as the "Five Mountains of Arya";  height, blondeness, bone density, muscularity, and facial beauty.  They even called back troops from the Russian front that had high scores.  Her maternal great-grandmother was Elsa Von Stettin, identified by the Nazi Youth Wing in 1935 as the only girl in across Germany to score within the highest 5% across all the criteria.    Elsa was trained as Boxer within the German Women's team, comprised of other superwomen, the objective being to develop a blonde Aryan woman capable eventually of defeating the black American heavyweight Joe Louis, thus utterly avenging the Nazis embarassment on the running track by Jesse Owen that year.

        Her maternal great-grandfather was Gunnar Gustafsson, a Norwegian, also identified by the Nazi's secret census as scoring anomalously high on the 5 mountains, but also having the distinction of the ferocity of his Viking ancestors; half a dozen Nazi soldiers were needed to subdue him when he attacked their soccer team at a game for raping his sister, who had been taken for breeding as she too scored almost as highly as he. Stephenson stopped, intrigued when she saw the next detail; the crowd at the match indicated that he seemed largely impervious to the blows, and that he was very much conscious even after having received dozens of blunt-force trauma, which had not required medical attention.  He had stood up, continuing to resist and perfectly lucid as a battalion of soldiers struggled to subjugate him.

        "Bone density", she whispered.  The kernel of truth formed in her mind.
        Stephenson ran a cross against the Nazi testing methods of the time; bone density was tested both by invasive means, ie X ray, external measurements like wrist/waist ratio, superficial examination like cheekbone height,  as well as physical tests; men and women would line up to be punched in the jaw by professional testers, and the results judged on a 'last-man-standing' basis.  Height was not measured merely by overall body length, but leg length was favoured over spinal length.  Muscularity was a matter of the tape measure, facial beauty judged by panel.  So far, nearly all of Severine's ancestry indicated one extreme physical excellence of one type or another.  Just one more ancestor left.  "Bring up data on maternal grandfather", she commanded.
        This information was scant; the records held no proper name, but during the 60's, the fellow had been a promising Unit Commander in the Stasi, the East German secret Police, who had been even more fanatical about security and secrecy than their Nazi predecessors, the Gestapo.  No paper trail existed, but the elderly ex-operatives who had been lifted from their retirement homes over the last few nights had described him as a huge hulk of a man, very blonde, very handsome, and quite ruthless.  He had also made one slip, albeit only with a fellow officer, referring in an unguarded moment to a ski resort in the Lausitzer mountains.  It meant nothing to the officer who yielded the information nearly a half-century later, but told Stephenson everything - she knew the mountains were also the location Hitler's elite facility for the uber-elite aryan children, and he was almost certainly, like Elsa Van Stettin, that he was therefore one of the 200.  He had little regard for discipline, or protocol, and delighted in physical intimidation, often bringing stubborn witnesses out of their silence by beginning to rape their wives in full view of them and the entire Directorate.  Three of the aging Germans attested, emotionlessly, that his pristine white desk needed to be replaced about every fortnight due to blood stains from the couplings.  The East German Ministry of Sports arranged that the two be paid handsomely for a coupling, and so Heike Grunewald came into existence.  Which brought Stephenson back to the modern world.
        "Begin history from birth to present, include core strata."

        "Core strata information for subject scores 59% derivative and extrapolatory", an automated voice monotoned.  Most of the data was derived from conclusions made at Langley via algorithmic data mining.
        "Rumours are the door to grasping all", she chanted almost inaudibly.  "Proceed".
        Severine's date of birth, at a hospital near Bordeaux, was listed as November 7th,  1990.  Nezhedzur and his new lover had evidently escaped to the west and created a new elite commune of Gypsies in rural western France.  Aided by her beloved guardian, a Gypsy woman who escaped from India due to the repression of women there, the little girl secretly watched her father's orgies and saw the delight the girls of his harem provided, as well as participated in bare-knuckle fighting.  The details went on, Stephenson stopping only at those that struck her as being indicative of where to build the psych profile;

        - 1997, At her father's orders, concerned that she will be one day assaulted due to her shocking beauty, the 6yr old subject began private  tuition in wrestling, Judo and Muay Thai, as well as the Gypsy art of bare-knuckle Boxing.  Demonstrates remarkable appetite for conflict and physicality, often attending class early and staying well until after her designated time of return.  Takes exceptional pleasure in testing her body's ability to deliver a punch, a kick, and actively questioned trainer if her bones could be strengthened;
         - 2002 - Experiences first orgasm (after sparring with a Ju jitsu instructor twice her age).  Begins lifting weights.  Due to her exceptional beauty is guarded by eunuchs, and has little/no access to or contact with boys.  Gender seperation of children is a common lifestyle in the Gypsy elite and she is no exception, but feels a tremendous lacking;
         - 2007, Bastille Day -aged 17, and already 5'9" and 148lbs chubby but curvy, chases an 39 y.o man through a forest and, her nascent libido ablaze, attempts to rape him.  He lands several punches on her face which have no effect, and she subdues him, begins to tear off her top to induce erection, her Double EE's about to be exposed as she tears open her bra, but while her left hand rips the fabric, his right hand finds a rock and with all the strength in his hand, he picks it up and hits her with it on the side of her head.  Her brow furrows in confusion as she mumbles, "Don't you like.." as he hits her in the same spot again, smashing the rock in two.  Slightly dizzied, she frowns at the man as she slowly keels over onto him, he pushes her off to the side as he scrabbles up.  Befuddled by the impact, she begins to giggle as he runs off, a storm breaking at that very moment, she hitches up her skirt, and tearing off both panties and bra to finish herself, as the rains comes crashing through the tree, her legs covered in streaks of wet mud as she glories in her body, thunder crashing as she shrieks in ecstasy, her screams cutting through the elements as she climaxes;
         - 2011, at 5'10" and 180Lbs lean, her libido is in critical overdrive, despite frequent masturbation.  Frustrated, she beats up her guards and benches the world women's record - for 22 reps.
        She exhaled deeply; the girls ancestry was unnerving, on some level; perhaps on every level.  Generation after generation dedicated to force, violence, obedience.  She would either flourish or die, but either way, it would be soon.

Forum Saradas

« on: January 02, 2024, 01:38:05 pm »

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: Prologue
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2024, 06:52:25 pm »
Very nice! I like what I see here so far, great background to Severine and her apparent superiority over all other women, and most men, physically and sexually. I look forward to seeing what she is truly capable of in future chapters! k+!
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline Wookey

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Re: Prologue
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2024, 08:46:51 am »
This is a wonderful start.... going to be interesting to see which way this story bends: violence and domination or growth and a relationship of equals

Offline Jaybee

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Re: Prologue
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2024, 02:20:45 pm »
Mods I'd like to clean up some omissions and errors of insertion, but there's no edit button - can this be enabled for my OP? 

Offline Jaybee

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Re: Prologue
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2024, 04:50:35 pm »
This is Chapter 2


The woman's automated voice stated, "After 40 Yards, turn right".

Severine screamed with laughter as he drove off the Bow Flyover exit, on her back across the front seats, her head laying in his lap, green eyes gazing up and streaming with happy tears, her knees aloft, blocking his view of the left lane, his free hand tickling her exposed navel mercilessly, and she both regretted and loved her decision to wear a tube top that morning.

"Arrete, je t'en supplies!!" she shrieked hoarsely. The French was forced out of her.

"At Rivington St, turn left", Ms GPS added.

"Tell me where we're going!!"

His hand flew back between her navel and her mountainous cleavage, the garment was the largest of its type available in the shop, yet fought a losing battle to restrain her. After 2 minutes, a nipple poked out, only partially the result of his efforts. She pawed at his hand, which maintained its alternation between her upper and nether regions. She neither wanted him to continue or to stop. It didn't budge in either location. Unfortunately for her, neither did his other hand, which had easy accesss to her 3ft pigtail.

"Ca va, ca va! Putain ca suffit!!" she finally screamed, still laughing hysterically.

At that moment, he pulled up outside the postcode his GPS had led them. Her tormentor's question became moot.

"So...'Joe's Boxing and MMA gym'? Are you gonna tell me what the h..." His question was cut short by the familar face standing just outside the entrance. He didn't believe his eyes, but there SHE stood.

"It's her, my love", her voice still shaky, but smiling a huge, toothy grin wider than ever, before she sat up, clutching her stomach, allowing him to climb out of the car, still refusing to believe the information his eyes fed to him. His legs felt like jelly at the sight, but nonetheless he raced at her, arms stretched wide.

"Penny!" The shout could be heard around the world. The woman cried out his name with equal volume.

"Jaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!"

They almost rammed into each other, the sheer delight on their faces abundant, they kissed frantically, even though it has only been a mere 12 weeks since all 3 had holidayed in Bourbon St.

Severine leaped on them both in a crazed group cuddle, her endless legs snaked all around the embracing pair's fused hips like an anaconda, her mouth competing with her boyfriend's in plying the other womans face with dozens of kisses, both of the car's front doors still as wide open as the trio's mouths in the exquisite urgency of the moment. The questions didn't start for two long minutes, the patrons looking out of the window thought a threesome was being arranged. They were wrong, but not by much. The kisses filled the milliseconds between questions.

"When did you fly in?"

"How was the journey?"

"God you look gorgeous!"

"We missed you so much!"

"You didn't tell me we'd all meet HERE!"

"Damn you look so trimmed down!"

"I love what you've done with his hair!"

"Your idea!"

"Which one of you is wearing smudgy lipstick?"

The trio calmed, although nobody broke the hug. Reluctantly, Severine wound down her tanned lengthy limbs from them, but Jai and Penny continued the hug. Severine burst out with,

"You know...he tickled me terribly on the way in".

They set upon him, Penny from her ideal position splayed her fingers across his throat, whilst his hands were up, the junior woman played a sonata in his armpits. Remembering he had no idea where Penny's lone ticklish spot was, he ducked, swirled and swiftly fingered Severine through her denim shorts, her face suddenly agog with arousal. Penny, however, was as fast, taking over the armpit shift to afford relief to his other attacker, who growled, "Getting me wet, you know I SHALL repay that little favour!" He was laughing too hard to hear, for any of them to hear a thing, but managed to squirm away briefly, his breath raspy.

"So, Sev, why are we meeting here?"

"I just wanted to give Penny a familiar place for us to meet for her first visit to London, and I 'av a secret. She has been helping me with my learnings of the martial arts." At this, I turned to face Penny.

"I had no idea this great big Medusa here (he gave her another brush of fingers to naval, she squealed girlishly) was being tutored by YOU!" She recovered quickly, far more so this time, straightened herself to her full 6'0".

"Ok, I have trained here Muay Thai one year before, I have friends here, but I don't come to this gym any more. Let us all say "Hello" and Penny can see the Muay Thai".

Wandering inside, the first thought in his mind was that the gym was very much the spit+sawdust type; several rings, plenty of obscene language and one guy spat in the corner as he worked the heavy bag. He had a hard time believing she would actively come to THIS place, but indeed two of the patrons recognised her and greeted her warmly. The manager, however, was another matter. Sparring Marquis rules with one of his students, he peered over his guard as he saw her notice him.

"Orright Sarah you little slapper, how ya farkin doin?"

Jai glared at the uncouth brute. He put him at 195, 200, abs distinct in the sweat and sunlight. Clearly half black, he wondered if his mother saw his father after he turned 5.

"Well say 'ullo' you stupid little cow, you got crackin' tits like always!" His sparring mate chuckled nervously.

"I can see why you don't come here any more"

"He sell steroids, that was the only reason".

Severine strolled to the ring, most of the gym had now stopped to stare at her exposed abs and legs scissoring. Just as if by accident, she stooped slowly to pick up a pair of gloves, her cheeks bulging in the fabric. Various cat-calls and whistles followed. Straightening up, she simply called behind to Penny, "Take his car keys, Penny", before climbing the ring apron and stepping in.

"Nice to meet you again, Derek". She turned to his sparring partner, also a huge half black, but an ex-England Rugby team prop forward, disgraced for being sacked a few years back for steroid use. "Sorry", she said simply, at which her left leg flashed up, kicking him full in the face. He crumpled, and was unconscious before falling through the ropes.

"You farkin stupid cow, what you go and do that for?"

"I thought we go a few rounds for old time sake?", she said in sing-song as she gloved up.

Jai was mortified, but ready to pounce through the ropes. Penny, however, insisted on her non-involvement, and given his lack of MA training, on his non-intervention. He hurriedly asked what the hell she could do, the guy had nearly 50Ibs on her and MA pros fared badly against Boxers. Penny reaassured him, urging him to simply get his car keys ready so they could all leave fast. Severine smiled sweetly at her enfuriated ex-mentor, and tapped her chin.

"One free shot, darling." He looked at her incredulously.

"What, you fucking nutcase bitch?" She flicked a fast jab whose sting he felt, despite his headgear. That did the trick.

Derek took his free shot, a roundhouse right that landed flush on her cheek. She staggered back a bit, using the rope for support, shaking her head to clear it like a dog with a rat in its jaws.

"Glad you haven't lost the old touch" she chuckled, before he rushed her, slamming her bodily into the turnbuckle.

Her hands dangled down by her sides as she grinned insanely at him. Derek threw a murderous salvo into her midsection, designed to slash her down like a buzzsaw would a Willow. Jai winced as the blows flew into her, 2, maybe 3 per second, elbows pistoning to make the assault sound like a cement mixer in operation. The assault lasted 30 full seconds before she pushed him off at the shoulders, wiggling her long midsection at him like a striptease artist.

"Try again?"

He crashed into her once more, a moved designed to wind her before his fist smacked into her stomach and ribs. But the pace of his punches were slower, his mouth open. She waved her arms above, goading him on. On indeed he went, but it was now like hitting a telephone pole, and a full minute later, he backed off, breathing heavily through his mouth.

"Ok, now for some sparring".

Derek realised the difference - she had hit the weights hard, and had taken lessons. He flicked out a few jabs, all of which she slipped, until his second wind arrived. He feinted a left, causing her to crouch to her left. He was satisfied to note she had not learned that much as he threw the fastest right cross at her new position. It sailed over her head. 'There was no way he could have missed at that range', he thought, but the thought was short-lived, replaced by wonderment at the speed of her counterpunch, at how much it hurt through his headgear, but mostly, at his new position on his back. This was impossible. He heard French, and realised it was coming from her.

"Un. Deux. Trois". Jai felt himself getting hard, amazingly.

He got up as quickly as he could, but the daze was there. He suddenly felt a jolt of fear...her bouncing up and down on her toes reminded him of the kangaroo, their mythical invincibility as boxers who had killed Outback adventurers who tried their pugilistic skills, but he thrust the thought out. She was just a girl, just an ex-student, and he charged. He threw uppercut after roundhouse after hook, all the while she goaded him.

"The first thing you must remember is attention. You told me that. And you, Jai, you need to be paying attention to the fight, which you can't do with an erection", she grinned, looking down at his burgeoning manhood.

He swallowed...was this his girlfriend?? Had some alien being inhabited her mind?

Derek threw hard, and fast, and for a time, she simply kept her guard up, allowing some punches to land on her torso, arms and gloves. She then extended the free pass, dropped her guard, inviting him to swing - he did. His fist hit nothing but her pigtail, dangling from a head that, for some insane reason, just WAS there a millisecond ago - and now, what felt like a millisecond later, WASN'T. She jumped up and down, on the balls of her feet, jiggling her stupendous breasts in Dereks view. He looked nowhere else.

"You see dear gentlemen, you learn nothing by staring at girls anatomy's apart from biology." She maneovred her lumbering opponent to midway to where her boyfriend stood, and glanced down lovingly at the latter, satisfied to see he was now at full mast. "If you spent less time staring at my ass, Jai", still dodging incoming fire, "And YOU spend less gawping at my tits, mon cher professeur"...she looked back down to wink at me...."You'd see what was coming to you both. CATCH!!!!"

Waiting a couple of punches for him to throw a roundhouse or hook, he did, she crouched below it and sprang back up in under a tenth of a second, her fist rocketed up, catching Derek directly below his chin. The force of her uppercut lifted him erect, and witnesses saw his neck stretch 2". His mouthpiece flew out, he seemed to dangle motionless in mid-air, before crashing backward into the canvas with a resounding BOOOM. The bloody mouthpiece sailed another foot higher, and fell to Earth like it's previous owner. Unlike him, it came back up instantly, bouncing off Jai's skull. Just where she aimed it. He too fell, but to his knees, his erection gushing in his jeans.

She leaped out of the ring, screaming to Penny "Start the carrrr!", as half a dozen members broke into runs menacingly towards them. Landing directly in front of him, she flicked her finger onto the freshly dampened spot, licked it, and appreciatively mouthed "Told ya!" before grabbing his torso, hoisting him above while straightening up, and breaking into a run for the door in the same motion, as fluid as the emission her tongue flicked out for....

Penny, her real name Pam Stephenson, took advantage of the unfolding chaos to mutter quietly into a mic stiched into her collar,

"Phase 1 successful, prep for emergency ringfence + evac."


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Re: Prologue
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2024, 06:06:39 am »
Great work.  Sad that it finished

Offline Jaybee

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Re: Prologue
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2024, 09:46:37 am »
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Great work.  Sad that it finished

Don't be.  Plenty more to come.  :)

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