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Author Topic: First Day of School  (Read 11492 times)

Offline winterwolff

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First Day of School
« on: June 25, 2022, 08:19:40 pm »

This was a little side story I  made while writing "My Wife's Struggle With Teen Violetnce" to fight the writer's block I was getting. It's a little outside my normal style, but here it is anyways.

First Day of School

I am from a small town in southern New Mexico. I was the strongest girl at my small school. There were only 120 kids but I am stronger than all of the girls and all but 4 boys. I am 4 ft 10” tall gymnast, well toned with muscular legs and big, lime sized biceps. I could beat all of my female teachers in armwrestling and I even beat Mr. Larson my music teacher! One time I got into an argument with my gym teacher Mrs. Frances and afterwards made me shake hands to show no hard feelings. When I did she squeezed my hand hard, I was in shock at first but then squeezed back. She yelped in front of the entire class and ripped her hand away, I ran Elmory School.

A few months ago my mother got a job offer with some big chemical company in Salt Lake City, Utah. We moved after the school year ended this summer. The huge city is a rush compared to my little town of 2,500 people. Heck the school I am about to enter has 2,800 students alone. My mom signed me up with a well know gymnast coach from Russia and he pushes me hard. I have gained 6 lbs of muscle and grew an inch this summer. I decided the first day at Barrett I am going to set the tone of who I am in this school, just like I did at Elmory. I know the best place to do that is at my first gym class.

The first day of class is pretty normal, most of my classmates are pretty nice. Everybody is in their new outfits they got while back to school shopping. I am wearing a cute white, frilly, white blouse and pink jeans. My schedule has gym class at 8th period at the end of the day and I can’t wait!

We all have the same gym uniform matching the school’s logo and colors. A powder blue pair of knee length shorts and powder blue shirt with a white, swooping eagle. When we get into the locker room I take my time waiting until the room is filled with the girls who are all changing. I put my backpack and towel under the locker room bench and turn to the girl to my left.

“Don’t get freaked out, but I am gymnast and REALLY swole.”

I proclaimed loudly to the girl changing next to me. I peeled off my jeans and then my white billowy blouse, standing in my sports bra and underwear I flexed by legs and then my arms making my biceps leap. 

“Oh my gawd! You are totally such a gymnast!” A girl exclaimed.

I turn around and was there is a blonde headed preppy girl sitting on the opposite side of the bench behind me between our lockers.

“Every gymnast thinks she’s sooo tough.” She giggles

The girl’s makeup is all done up, and her clothes are to the nines, she is wearing a designer, purple, frilly blouse and tight black jeans.
“Do you know what every gymnast becomes when they grow up? A cross-fitter like me. I just skipped the prancing around in a leotard.” The girl snickers

I just roll my eyes at the snobby white girl. I grab my towel from under the bench the between us but so does she.

“Hey! That’s MY towel!” I shout

“No, it’s mine, get your own.” She says as she stands

She is tall for our grade, like around 5’9”, but those 11 extra inches are giving her way more confidence than she should have. I have beaten boys taller than her. We both stand opposite each other with the towel in our hand. The bench separates us but the towel is pulled tight under it, we each equally have about 18 inches of the terrycloth on our side. I pull upwards on my end, curling the towel toward me, her arm lowers as I pull the fabric from her. I almost have it pulled out from her grip and from under the bench.

“I have had enough of this crap. Not only am I am going to take my towel, I'm going to whip you with it.” I warn the blonde priss

I grab the towel with both hands and yank hard, curling it nearly to my chest. Her arm is stretched completely out, but she is standing straight as a board.

“They always think taller equals stronger.” I say with a smile

The blonde girl turn her wrist, wrapping what little towel she has left around her fist to get a good grip. It's a dumb move because I am going to snap her arm if she doesn’t let go.

“I don’t think taller equals stronger... I think stronger equals stronger.”

“The only muscles stronger on a cross-fitter than a gymnast is their mouths because they never shut up about it.” I sneer

“You would brag too if you could do this...”

She looks me dead in the eyes and pulls up on the towel... WTF!? My arms are getting pulled away from my chest!

“Oh my gawd, Kaylee is taking on the gymnast girl with one arm!” Some girl yells from the crowd beginning to form.

Playtime is over, my biceps leap into large balls of nearly perfectly round muscles, as I pull up on the towel. Kaylee shift her foot forward and heaves up with her left arm.

“Come on tumbles, one arm verse two.” she grunts as she heaves

Oh my god, she is STONG! My lime sized balls of muscle are fluttering! I try to contract my bulging arm muscles but they don’t. I can curl the 60 pound straight bar but this is... she is overwhelming!

“Come on chica, take the towel from my hand. My one. single. hand.”

My round biceps are pulled flat, my arms are down to my hips! I lean back pulling as hard as I can with both arms… I can’t hold on!


I was pulling with everything, when the towel was ripped from me and I flew back into the lockers falling to the ground!

“I don’t know who made you think you were strong.”

Kaylee starts to take off her white, frilly blouse. She pulls the shirt up over her head and she is ripped! There is not a single once of fat on her aside from her chest, she is not wearing a small sport bra like myself, she has a real bra, it is purple, and lacy from Victoria Secret, and it is bigger than my mother’s! Her waist is about the same size as mine which makes it look super tiny below her ridiculously wide shoulders. She is slender all around but you can make out every muscle on her like an anatomy model. She picks up the towel and wraps it around both her fists. Kaylee then hooks the towel under one end of the bench.

“Your arms are pretty strong for a gymnast. Do you want to see what strong arms for a crossfiter looks like?”
Kaylee violently yanks the towel up pulling on the end of the bench, making two huge, round biceps explode from her arms! She starts to quake, muscles bulge out doubling in size on her shirtless body as she as she strains. The strap of her purple bra audibly stretches, tiny threads yielding to her expanding torso.  A vein is emerging on her left bicep, her traps bulge like a grown mans, and her wide shoulders rip into deep striations.


The burst echos in the gym to the crowd of stunned girls as the wood breaks from the bolted legs, surrendering to her!

“Kaylee Nickles! What is going on here!?”

It’s the gym coach Mrs. Burns. She is a thick, powerful looking black woman in her 50’s. She is about 5’5” 180 lbs, and built like a brick shithouse. Kaylee drops the splintered wood slab and turns toward her. She puts the towel still clenched in her fists behind her head, letting it drape on her shoulders.

“Nothing coach Burns, I was trying to fix the bench in this old crummy gym.”

Mrs. Burns says nothing, she is just crosses her arms with a “do you think I am stupid?” type of look.

“Besides that, I was just showing how well crossfit has paid off this summer. Do I look stronger coach?

The black, powerful looking woman inflates her barreled chest, her eyes narrowing at the tall girl.

“It looks like you have been working out too. Come on Mrs. Burns, show everyone what you've got.” Kaylee says with a grin

Mrs. Burn’s uncrosses her thick, burly arms to get ready to flex. As she does Kaylee lifts the towel high over her head, and steps in closer until they are less than a foot apart. Kalyee pulls on both ends of the towel, snapping it taunt over her head making her back muscles bunch.

“Come on coach, let's have a flex off.”

Kaylee lowers the towel, pulling on each end with stunning force. As she lowers her arms her biceps swell, they are massive on her slender body, they jut to the size of over-ripened lemons! Kaylee’s arms are quaking with exertion, engorged with blood her veins throb on the twin billowing masses! Mrs. Burns eyes go wide and her mouth literally gapes open and the sight! The teacher stiffens up, squaring her wide shoulders but her eyes are anything but confident.

“Mrs. Nickles, you need to change.” The gym teacher says in a scolding yet uneasy tone

“Come on Mrs. Burns, now show me yours.”

“Have you gone mad child!?”

The skinny blonde girl steps closer to her robust coach while pulling the terrycloth tight keeping her arms tremoring furiously.

“Not yet. Do you want to make me… mad? You never answered my question coach. Do I look stronger?”

The towel creaks audibly as her quaking biceps provoke her mentor. Mrs. Burns swallows hard.

“yes... it looks like you have gained some muscle.”

“I knew it!” Kaylee says with exaggerated glee

My 5'10” classmate leans forward and wraps her arms around the 5'5” woman's back. Before Mrs. Burns can even react her student lifts her off her feet in a bear hug!


The cartilage along our teacher's back cracks loudly as if she was at the chiropractor. Mrs. Burns grates her teeth, letting out a soft groan. After about 10 seconds Kaylee places her back on the floor.

“I knew you would notice coach!” she says with a jubilant, but patronizing tone

“All, ahem… um… alright girls, class is about to begin.”

Our teacher backs away from Kaylee, never turning her back to her and out of the locker room... 

Today the PE class is in the weight room. Mrs. Burns shows all the girls how to properly lift free weights. She goes through a few of the basics like squats, curls, and the bench press. I try to stay apart from the other girls, thankfully Kaylee is nowhere to be found. This is where I would normally shine but after the locker room I just want to go unnoticed. I go through the stations and finally get to the bench. I load the bar with 25 lbs plates for a personal best of 95 lbs. I lay down on the bench and a shadow falls over me.

“I’ll spot this one”

Kaylee is standing way too close, she is over the end of the bench. Her thighs are parted near the top of my head. They are pale and lean, I am looking up at twin white-marble columns vanishing up into her baby-blue shorts.

“I had to go talk to the swim coach but it looks like I got back just in time to help you with this big… heavy… weight.” She snickers

“I know you can do better than this gymnast.”

Kaylee grabs a pair of 10 lbs plates and slides them onto the bar. It is 115 lbs, 20 more than I have ever pressed but I am not going to let her get the satisfaction of me backing down. I plant my feet and arch my back so far I look like a stone bridge. I grab the bar and heft it off… It’s heavy, I do my best to lower it down to my chest as smoothly as I can. I take in three sharp breaths and HEAVE! The bar is creeping up and up… half way… my arms are on fire…   

“Come on gymnast!”

All… most...there… GOT IT! I pressed up a personal record! I am grateful Kalyee takes the bar to re-rack it. As she grabs it she moves up further, she is so uncomfortably close I can’t even see her face, I am staring up her loose gym shorts and shirt. Kaylee's purple bra pushes her shirt outwards giving a clear view of her tight, prominent abs. Her pale, shredded thighs are menacingly surrounding my head. Her legs are lean but powerful looking, the long cords of sleek muscle disappear up into her baggy gym shorts.

“Mrs. Burns. What did Mia lift?” Kaylee calls out

As Kaylee awaits the teacher’s reply she lowers the bar down to me, just above my chest. I can’t bench it again, maybe after some rest. Suddenly Kaylee’s abs flex and her bra tightens. The bar ascends from me steadily rising, it slows to a stop just a couple of inches below the rack. Her arms are trembling perceptibly, the skin of her tightly flexed abs goosebumps. Kaylee pushes her hips forward and manages to lift the bar up the last two inches to the rack… and keeps lifting! She is curling the 110 lbs I struggled to bench! It is over twice what I can curl and is 5 pounds less than I weigh! She lifts the bar until it disappears from my view over her chest.

“Mia has done good so far, she has a 50 lbs bar curl and 170 lbs squat.” Mrs. Burns replies from her office.

After racking the weight she steps to the plates allowing me to get up from under her.

“Wait one minute gymnast, you have to now spot me. Every one requires a spot just like Mrs. Burns said.”

She was right. I know if I walk away Kaylee will go telling the gym teacher, so I get behind the bench and face the bar. The crossfit bitch comes back with a big, snarky smile as she loads a set of 25 lbs plates, and a set of 5s onto the bar. Kaylee exaggeratedly flops down with to the bench.

“THIS is where your back should be, flat on the bench Arch-y Bunker.”

Kaylee grabs the bar an unracks it, lowering it to her chest. My classmate heaves, pressing the 170 lbs smoothly, then lowers it her chest and presses it again!

“How many times did you squat 170 gymnast?”

“Um, uh… three times” I answer

Kaylee lowers the weight to her chest and heaves. The bar waivers a bit but she manages to press it up again. I had the third best squat in the entire girl’s class and she is bench pressing it for reps! After her sixth she racks it herself. Her chest managed to double the reps I could with my legs! Her two freaking little pecs are stronger than my freaking quads!? As she gets up she stands inches from me, her chest is literally in my face, she flexes her right pec and her breast pushes hard against my nose as she towers over me by 11 inches. She makes me feel like such a little girl. How are we the same age?

Kaylee goes over and pops her head into Mrs. Burns’ office.

“Hey coach, Mia had an 115 lbs bench press. What does that make her total?”

“That’s really good Mia, that makes 335 lbs total.”Mrs. Burns says with an impressed nod

“It looks like Mia wins coach, I only lifted 310 lbs.”

 “What was your weight on each of the three lifts?” Mrs. Burns asks raising her clipboard

“Ohhhh THREE, that’s right there are three lifts.” Kaylee says with a shit-eating grin

“I must say 335 lbs is a lot of weight coach.”

Kaylee says as she starts loading the squat bar. The girls all take notice and start to gather around as she slide on one plate after another. Two plates, four plates, SIX 45 lbs plates, and two 10 lbs plates!

“335 lbs sure does look like a lot.” Kaylee says with a grin as she ducks under the bar.

“Na ah, no way Kaylee, don’t even think about it!” Mrs. Burns commands

“Spot me coach.”

“Kaylee, stop it!”

Kaylee stands lifting the entire 335 lbs on her shoulders!


She yells as she steps back from the rack. Mrs. Burns quickly gets behind Kaylee despite her just calling her by her first name to make sure her student doesn’t cripple herself! Kaylee unlocks her knees and comes down fast! Kaylee only managed to stop it as her butt comes within a foot of the floor. Mrs. Burns reaches for the bar.

“Don’t… you… daaaarrreee!”

Kaylee spits out as the veins up her neck threaten to burst! Her legs explode into the very definition of definition! I can see every distinct muscle fiber screaming to burst through her fair skin! The bar starts to rise! The plates are rattling as she heaves inch by agonizing inch while she cries out! Her lean, hyper-muscular legs swell under the massive burden of the weight! Her entire body is quaking with reckless teen defiance to gravity as she powers the bar higher!


The blonde school girl stands fully erect in triumph with every one of my record lifts combined upon her preppy shoulders... 

Gym was my last class of the day so I hang back, lingering in the gymnasium not wanting to have another confrontation. Waiting for the rest of the girls to leave I go into the locker room only to find someone has stolen my clothes. I have to wear my gym uniform home...

Forum Saradas

First Day of School
« on: June 25, 2022, 08:19:40 pm »

Offline winterwolff

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Re: First Day of School
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2022, 08:23:01 pm »
When I get home my father is in the driveway unloading his ridiculously over-sized, ancient toolboxes from his equally old pickup truck. He says he has every tool he would ever need to fix a car on the spot, but they are so big and heavy it is totally impractical, they must weigh at least 60 lbs each. The springs creak on the old truck as he manages to awkwardly wrestle the rusted toolbox off the tailgate.

He is always working on cars as a mechanic. He is a good dad but he definitely has a Latin temper and what my uncle calls a Neapolitan complex or something like that. He is a sinewy, strong, well built, man’s-man, 5’6”, 140 lbs with tattoos on his lean, muscular arms, a goatee and a shaved head. I was up in my room when I hear a voice that makes my hair stand on its ends.

“Hello Mr. Garcia is Mia home? I think I may have accidentally mistook her clothes for my own in gym class.”

I look from my second story window down at my driveway to see Kaylee! I don't know how she got my address but there she is, standing next to the truck my father is working on with her back to me. She is wearing a long, white hoodie that drapes below her hips and pink denim capris. My father is under his GMC Sierra pickup, his stout legs sticking out from under the truck by her feet.

“That is nice of you to bring them, I will go up and get her.” My father says from beneath the truck

When he rolls out from under the pickup Kaylee is standing too close and he accidentally rolls onto her foot.

“Hey, you jerk!”

Kaylee looks irate and presses the heel of her sneaker on the trolley between his legs stopping him from rolling any further, keeping his head and chest under the vehicle. In a rage my classmate suddenly thrusts her leg firing the trolley and my dad back under the Sierra! He shoots out the other side of the truck, slamming head first into his toolbox!

“What the hell!?” my mother screamed

The commotion made my mom come outside to see what was going on. My father got up holding his head, marching around the pickup in a fury right up to her. Standing next to each other I am shocked to realize how much bigger my classmate is, she is actually a half of a head taller than my dad!

“What the fuck was that!?” my dad yelled

“You ran over my shoe!”

“You listen here young lady! You said you have my daughter’s clothes, give them to me and leave!”

“I want to give them to Mia myself. There was an incident at gym and I want to make sure she remembers what happened correctly in case she wants to tell a teacher.”

“I can tell her whatever message you want, but you must leave!”

“It’s really more of a visual Mr. Garcia.”

“Give me the clothes and the message then be on your way puta!”

My dad jabs a finger at her shoulder to emphasize his point. Kaylee looks down at the stain left behind on her hoodie by his grease covered finger. Her upper lips curls, and her eyes narrow.

“Okay Mr. Garcia, I wanted to give Mia the clothes and the message, because they were one in the same, but now I’m keeping the clothes...”

Kaylee unzips the long white hoodie and shrugs it off her shoulders and to the ground.

“...and making YOU the message.”

My classmate is standing over my father in MY clothes! My white, billowy, short-sleeved shirt is not billowy on her, it looks painted on, and my pants look like capris on her! Kaylee grabs my confused dad by his coverall straps and hauls him up to her face!

“Tell her not to say a word!”

He grabs her wrists and pries them from his overalls before pushing her toward the street and off our property. My classmate was pushed back a few steps before she plants her left foot behind her stopping his momentum. Kaylee bows her head and takes a step forward, her back widens stretching my shirt to it's very bounds, making it ride up her tight stomach. All of her six-pack abs are exposed because my pants don't fully reach up to her waist, stretched drum tight around the middle of her hips with the fly wide open, exposing the top of her purple underwear. She rises to her toes making herself tower over my father, as she does her calves bulge, stretching the cuffs of my jeans to their limit. She leans forward against his chest. They are motionless for nearly 20 seconds, leaning hard into each other. Unbelievably, his muscular back bends! He falls back a step, then another until he was pinned to the truck by a girl the same age as myself! My classmate keeps him pinned with her chest and starts to jerk around her arms to break them out of his grip. He is having a hard time keeping them tamed.

“Juan, I know you don’t want to fight a girl but you have to stop this madness!” my mom commands to my father

In an instant, Kaylee’s arms stopped jerking and my dad thrust them up above their heads again. Thankfully he has listened to my mother. He’s is very strong, as soon as he really pushed it looked like she couldn’t give any resistance at all to him. Their arms stop swaying, remaining motionless above their heads. My father’s face is beginning to turn red.

“It’s okay.. Juan, your wife said you can fight back any time now…” Kaylee sneered

My dad’s nostrils are flaring, as their arms slowly, but relentlessly descend. The more Kaylee’s arms lower, the higher her biceps rise.

“Seriously Poppa Juan, you can fight back ANY time now.” Kaylee grinned

My father’s hairy, tattooed arms bloat up into plump mounds and his triceps flex predominantly. I can clearly see Kaylee’s triceps, but they are not flexing like my dad’s, instead her biceps are taking form into rising suns on the horizon as their arms bend inwards. They are nearly in a full bicep flex but my dad isn’t flexing like Kaylee’s?

“Look Mrs. Garcia… see why he isn’t REALLY fighting back.

My dad’s triceps are bulging hard, so hard his arms are shaking! Oh my god! He isn’t trying to match her flex, he’s trying to stop it! He is pushing up with all of his might but my classmate is forcing my dad into a double bicep flex against his will!

“Who’s arms are bigger Mrs. Garcia?”

My father actually looks worried! He let go of her one hand to stop the comparison and Kaylee slapped him in the face! He grabbed her wrist again. She grins wickedly knowing she made him have to keep up this competition against his will, making his wife watch him have a flex-off with a snotty school girl!

“Juan! Jesus! She’s your daughter’s age!”

My father stops fighting and hits a full double bicep flex. His arms, covered in ink from his thug days swell, two cue-ball sized, hard looking biceps pop up from his stout arms to match her flex!

“Oh my god Juan, she is a young girl and they are almost as big as yours!”

My father flexes with everything he’s got, he flexes so hard his arms are vibrating as they pump up to just above the girl's. Kaylee grins wickedly, then slowly twists her wrist. Her long, lean bicep contracts into a menacingly, alabaster globe the size of a baseball! As her manicured hand turns her arms overwhelm my daddy’s in every way! They have more definition, more length, and have more girth than his! I always thought his arms were cut and wiry strong, but next to hers they look... scrawny. His shaking, tan arm stands out against the backdrop of the porcelain bicep eclipsing his in every direction. My dad was a hardcore gang-banger back in his day, but this preppy white girl is the true thug here! Kaylee turns her head to my mom, giving her a sinister grin. She just holds him, pinned helplessly as my mom is forced to witness her husband helplessly subdued by a young girl.

“You’re just a little bit stronger than your daughter, maybe I should have my little sister over here to clean up my lightweight work. She’s almost as tall as you.”

“You fucking brat bitch!” My father grimaces

My pinned dad hauls up his legs, wrapping them around her lower chest, then crosses his ankles and squeezes!

“Houuuuaaa!” Kaylee yelps out in surprise

My dad relaxes and flexes his legs rhythmically. She whimpers with every jolting squeeze he applies. With her eyes shut tight, Kaylee shakes her head and forth.

“NO! Heeeuuurrrrrrrr!” she yells

Kaylee's lats expand, forcing my father's thighs downward to her ridged obliques as her wings spread out shockingly wide. My brand new white shirt gives way, tearing down the center of her chest revealing the purple bra she was wearing earlier. Her waist is only half my dad's size but her back is broader. My classmate leans in harder making my father groan!
“Ahhhooowww” My dad wails

My panicked mother runs and grabs Kaylee’s left arm by the wrist! I rush downstairs to help her, she is only 120 lbs with no real muscle, I have to help her! I run out the door and grab Kaylee’s other wrist opposite my mom. She is 7“ taller than my mother and 11” taller than me but we both control one of her arms, pulling them outward forcing them straight out to her sides. Combined we manage to pull her a step back from my father, then another, unpinning him from the truck. My dad reaches back, placing his palms on top of the truck to keep him from falling while he keeps his scissor hold tight around her slim waist.

“Hmmmmppfff” My father grunts louder

My arms are getting pulled forward! I lean back, pulling hard against her wrist and see my mother is doing the same. Our shoes slide on the concrete drive. My mom extends her leg out, pressing the heel of her shoe against the tire, I extend mine against the floor board stopping Kaylee from pulling us forward any further.
“Oh god!” My mother cries out
My mother's braced leg against the tire is giving in as she is pulled forward. Kaylee looks at me, then down to her chest with seething determination.
Kaylee's pecs surge as my proud lime-sized biceps recede! She powers her arms inward as if doing pectoral cable flys with myself and my mother in tow! Kaylee takes a step back making my dad's hands slide off the top of the truck roof, but his legs remain clenched around her stomach keeping him in the air. My mother and I are being forced toward each other behind his back despite us pulling with all we have against her wrists.
“Come on guys, teamwork makes the dream work!” Kaylee laughs

Kaylee's arms rips from our grips and her hands meet at his spine and a look of fear washes over my dad. My eyes well up with tears for my emasculated father. My macho dad is hanging from Kaylee's hips, panic stricken at what a school girl my age is about to do to him. Kaylee's arms explode, crushing him to her body! My dad throws his arms over her back and clamps his muscular thighs hard against her sides. He lets out a deafening roar as his lean legs and arms try to crush her entire torso!
“mmhhhh!” Kaylee winces

She bites her lower lip and tightens her bear-hug against his. My father, hanging from her waist bows his head pressing his face to her bulging shoulder like a toddler to his mother as she squeezes tighter.
The 36 year old man lets out an anguished howl against the pressure, but his distressed groan is muffed against her straining trapezoid muscle as he buries his face into the nape of her neck! He is summoning all of his might into his muscular, short limbs! They are both sweating profusely. Kaylee’s arms go from trembling to full seismic quaking!
My father's legs go limp! He was using all his limbs in a test of strength, but they failed against her arms. He used everything he had against a school girl and lost, he is exhausted and hyper-ventilating.
“Ohhhh, you poor widdle man.” Kaylee giggles
The teen slides her forearm under my drained father’s butt and shifts him like a child onto her right hip holding him against her torso, in the air with just one arm.
“Punta!” my mother yells!
My mom lunges at her, heaving against Kaylee’s chest with both hands trying to shove her to the ground but the teen doesn’t move. The bratty girl grins wickedly while stepping forward, pressing my mother a step back, then another with her chest. I jump up to help my mom and with a running start I slam into Kaylee hard, all four of us crash down, with my mother and I landing on top of her in a heap as my father is thrown to the side. I am splayed horizontally across my classmate's chest, and my mom is on top of me.

“Get off of me!” my pinned classmate yells

Kaylee grabs my crotch and puts her other palm against my chest. The white girl is pressing me up into my mother. The weight of my mom's body pushing down is compacting me against my classmate's hands, I am getting crushed between them! The pressure against my pelvis and sternum is alarming, but I am too caught up by what is happening to my hands and knees.... because they are leaving the ground! Both my mother and I are getting pressed into the air! I cannot hide my stupor at my classmate bench pressing 230 lbs of woman! She locks her arms keeping us above her, grinning ear to ear at my utter shock.

“Let go of them!” My father yells as he gets to his feet

He hunches over, wrapping his arms around my mother’s waist to lift her up off of me. As he is just about to pick her up Kaylee kicks out his leg with hers causing him to fall on top of us. The air is forced completely from my lungs and my crotch feels like it is getting pulverized!

“Aahhhhggg” Kaylee groans

Her face is turning red, and her jaw clenches as she hold all three of us above her! We start to lower about six inches.


Kaylee slowly forces us back up the half foot, her trembling hands keeping us up for a full 10 seconds before unlocking her elbows to lower us! Veins are bulging from her neck, she is not letting our weight crash on top of her, incredibly she lets us down us with total control until my chest is crushed flat by her left breast.

“I... said... get... OFF!!!”

Kayle thrusts and my entire family is thrown to the concrete by her feet! The impact knocks the wind out of my mother and myself, but we broke my dad’s fall. As Kaylee gets up he turns to the girl, rears back and drives his tattooed fist into her gut!


She didn’t cry out, she didn’t collapse, she didn’t even flinch, the only thing that moved was her upper lip, curling into a wicked sneer. 


The girl struck my dad back into his gut HARD! He slammed into the truck with such force it dents before he crumples to the ground! His eyes are bulging and his mouth is gaped open like a fish out of water, he is unable to take in a breath clutching his obliterated abdomen. My classmate casually walks to my injured father, removing the tattered remains of my destroyed blouse from her shoulders. She reaches down and in one smooth motion she lifts him to his feet him by his coveralls. Kaylee leans into him pinning his body against the pickup.

“Hhhhhuuuurrrrr!” My dad groans

His battered body is getting crushed against the truck!


The door dents in! She is pressing my dad’s hips INTO the car with her own!


He looks so timid and small compared to Kaylee as the suspension relents, making the truck lean to it’s side! Kaylee presses her pelvis harder into his!


The Sierra's door crumples more, his ass trust deeper into his beloved vehicle as she leans forward.

My dad, my big, strong, manly father gave such a pathetic whimper my mother gasped, her eyes flooding with tears, completely crestfallen. Her husband's a blubbering mess, getting bullied by a school girl who just made HIM squeal like a little girl! My classmate rams her chest against his, my frightened father tries to scream out again but it comes out as a whisper as the air is forced from his lungs.


Kaylee flexes her young, huge bicep in his face. 

“mmmhhhh Nttthhhhsss Noooooo!” My father whimpers

She drives her chest harder into his making his eyes bulge from his skull! Her expanded torso is so much wider than his, her bra cups are visible from behind him on both sides as they crush down on his lesser frame.

“i... i submit to you”

The plea is even more humiliating as a soft, whimpering surrender to the young blonde school girl. My classmate covers her mouth and giggles with giddy joy. She steps back letting my dad crumple to his knees at her feet. Delirious he weakly wraps his arms around her hips, face buried against crotch.

“Oooooh my gawwwd!”

Kaylee says looking down at him as snot and tears darken the top hem of her purple underwear. She is howling with laughter. My dad lets out a wild war cry, heaving up, throwing Kaylee to the ground in a rage surprising his tormentor! Kaylee rolls to her stomach, just as she gets to her knees he charges to her from behind. She manages to get one leg in front of her, flexing her lats to brace herself as he makes impact into her widened back! It is a violent collision that leaves them both dazed. My dad is flopped over her shoulder and she is slumping forward on one knee. I hop onto him to tackle her to the ground and my mother jumps on me with the same idea. Kaylee lurches forward and we all nearly topple over her onto the ground but my father hooks his leg over her arm and wraps his arm over Kaylee’s shoulder, clutching onto her before we all spill over her head!

Our neighbors are starting to gather around on the street as the blonde girl gets her other leg beneath her. Kaylee takes in a deep breath and heaves!

“No, NO!” My father cries out in a wail of desperation!

“This is happening little man...” Kaylee strains through her clenched teeth

My neighbors witness a half dressed school girl heave my ENTIRE FAMILY in the air on her shoulders! Kaylee has reduced our proud household to an amusement attraction! The fate of our family literally rests on her shoulders! Kaylee holds all 370 lbs of Juan, Marta, and Mia Garcia in the air, smiling broadly as they take freaking pictures!

“Please god who art in heaven, please, PLEASE stop her and end this!”

My dad is actually praying to god to strike down the young girl!

Offline winterwolff

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Re: First Day of School
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2022, 08:24:02 pm »
“Kaylee Ann!”


Parting the crowd is a tall, beautiful, robust, redheaded girl that looks a lot like Kaylee. The huge woman is clearly her older sister! She has on a short, yellow sundress that only comes down to her mid-thigh, it was probably meant to be knee length or longer but on her 6'1” foot frame it falls well short. The woman is BIG, she has huge boobs, big hips, and broad shoulders. She is not truly fat, but incredibly thicc and well muscled, she is easily over 200 pounds of female power! Her long legs look like tree trunks and her sleeveless arms are titanic, they must be like 18 inches around! She is definitely a college athlete of some sort. Her freckled cleavage is bursting from her dress, framed by her deep red, long hair that comes down below her volleyball sized breasts.

Seeing her big sister's angry face, Kaylee quickly shrugs my family off of her shoulders, depositing us roughly to the grass!

“I am SO sorry sir, my sister is going to pay for EVERYTHING she has done.” The large redhead says glaring as her little sister

“What the hell is wrong with you!? I would have never trained you to lift weights if I knew what kind of psycho you would become!”

“He started it!”

“There is no way he did anything to warrant this and what are you dressed in!?”

Riley grabs Kaylee by the arm to take her with her, but the much younger sister plants her feet.

“No, you are NOT in charge of me Riley!”

 Kaylee flexes her bicep in her sister’s grip forcing her large hand to spread. 

“Are you seriously doing this right now? Let’s go Kay!”

Kaylee rips her arm from Riley's grip and shoves her big sister! Riley is having none of this and shoves her sister back sending her flying 20 feet across the lawn! Kaylee gets to her feet and charges her big sister, slamming her shoulder into Riley's gut trying to take her down with a Stone Cold Stunner but the large redhead doesn't move! Riley bends down wrapping her thick, muscular arms around her little sister's waist. Kaylee tries to pry them off in a panic but Riley stands up taking her little sister with, flipping her onto her broad shoulder! Riley tightens her arms keeping her little sister trapped, upside down in a one shouldered back breaker! 

“Let's go for a ride tough guy”

Riley starts to spin with her sister slung upside down! She spins a dozen times around before dumping Kaylee onto the grass.

“I am very sorry sir, I promise we will make things right.” Riley says to my father

Riley picks up the two 60 lbs tool boxes at the same time and places them in the truck bed as if they were a couple of gallons of milk.


Just as Riley turns around Kaylee with her arms outstretched, slams her older sister against the truck! My classmate is holding the huge redhead against the pickup just below her giant breasts! The cuffs of my pink jeans split open, surrendering to Kaylee's flexed calves as she leans in with all of her might! The old truck springs creak loudly as the Sierra pivots hard against the extraordinary force. My classmate's arms slip upwards pulling up Riley's sundress exposing the underside of her ample butt until her hands are cupped under her sister's humongous boobs. As the old truck leans harder, the college girl's sneakers start to leave the ground! Kaylee is lifting her older sister up the side of the truck by the undersides of her breasts! Riley grabs onto her sister's wrists and rips her arms open violently making my classmate slam face first into her deep cleavage! The enraged redhead wraps her huge arms around her little sister, hauling her into the air and slamming her to the ground in a brutal suplex!

The sisters start rolling around our front lawn. Riley ends up on top of her little sister, her sundress up around her waist exposing her huge bubble ass in a pair of modest pink underwear. Her thunderous legs are pressing down on Kaylee's and her ankles are hooked around in a grapevine hold. The infuriated college athlete also has her sister’s hands pinned to the ground on either side of her head. My classmate tries to raise her trapped arms and succeeds, incredibly pressing her big sister’s arms up a few inches! Riley grunts and slowly forces her little sister’s arms back down grinning with satisfaction. Kaylee clenches her teeth, seething up at her big sister. Riley’s grin dissolves into a snarl, then a grimace. The older sister's gigantic legs start to quiver, the fat on the inside of her massive, muscular thighs and huge butt jiggles furiously!

“What the... fuck!?” Riley exclaims

Riley’s titanic muscular legs are parting! Kaylee is forcing them open from below in a reverse grapevine! The redhead’s butt clenches hard engulfing the fabric of her panties, but her legs continue to split! Riley arches her back, gritting her teeth and their legs stop moving! The older sister bows her head in full concentration, her legs quaking thunderously. Kaylee throws back her head and screams!



The inseams of my pink jeans tear open at Kaylee's inner thighs!

“Oh GOD!” Riley cries out!

Despite Kaylee's legs being shorter and having less girth, her younger legs are muscling her big sister's open from below until the redhead's ginormous legs are bullied wide open! Riley lets go of Kaylee's hands and presses the outsides of her giant thighs to try and stop her legs from spreading any further! The little sister takes advantage of the opportunity, quickly wrapping her arms around Riley's trapping them and applying a bear-hug!

“Kaylee... Kaylee... I can't breath!”

The admission only seems to fuel the younger sister's attack! Kaylee pours the pressure on her sister's torso while pulling her legs nearly to a full split! Riley is clearly overwhelmed by the dual, raw strength onslaught of her much younger sibling!


Riley's gaped mouth release a long string of drool onto her her sister's flared neck as her eyes roll into the back of her head! The 200 plus pound, densely muscled woman passes out, her defeated body falling limp on top of her little sister's victorious one!

Kayee rolls Riley off of her and crouches with her sister's arm slung over her shoulder. With a grunt she slings the big, dazed college athlete over her shoulders and stands before the flabbergasted crowd. Riley is conscious but punch-drunk. She looks completely disheveled, her long red hair is a mess, her face is beet-red, and her sundress is around her upper waist as she lays across her younger sister's shoulders severely disoriented. My classmate presses her palm against the thick layer of paunch on her sister's lower stomach, and the other against her giant right breast. The young school girl takes in a deep breath and cries out!


Both ample bulges of flesh squish out against Kaylee's hands and the hefty redhead starts to rise! All of our jaws literately drop as we witness a kid lifting her mammoth adult sister into the air! Kaylee's shoulders are huge, the grapefruit sized caps of serrated muscle engulf her purple bra straps as she gorilla presses Riley's 200 pounds high above her head! Just as the blonde schoolgirl lowers her sister down to her chest the crowd of gatherers start to take out their cell phones. Kaylee grins wickedly as she watches them point their cameras at her.

“An encore?”

Kaylee points her chin to the sky.


My classmate heaves against her brawny sister's soft flesh. The immense, densely muscled woman starts to rise again! Panicked, Riley grabs onto her much younger sister's upper arm for dear life as she is bullied back into the sky!

*click click click click click*

The blonde girl smiles broadly holding the monstrous 200 grown woman over her head for nearly 30 seconds! As my classmate slowly lowers her large sister down her biceps swell. I am transfixed on the ball of muscle as it expands in Riley's grasp. The older sister's hands tremble slightly as they are forced further apart by the horrific muscle. Once Riley is at shoulder level Kalyee dumps her to the grass. The little sister looks down on her adult sister and with a smug grin of superiority and flexes her baseball sized, porcelain biceps over her. The redhead looks up at her arrogant, juvenile sister with a burning rage in her eyes.

“You little bitch!”

Riley screams as she surges from the ground, scooping Kaylee up between her legs and body slamming her violently to the grass onto her back! The furious older sister grabs my classmate by her trapezoid muscle and inner thigh savagely hauling her off the ground to her chest! Riley then thrusts her leg forward and slams her little sister's body across her tremendous outstretched thigh in a brutal over her knee back breaker! The redhead keeps my classmate across her horizontal thigh and places her hands against her sister's breast and crotch.

Riley's triceps bulge making Kaylee's eyes bolt open as her older sister presses down trying to bend her in half over her bulging quadricep! The battered schoolgirl grasps onto her older sister's left forearm and plants her feet to the ground. Riley hunches forward really pressing down on her sister's chest and pelvis trying to break her but Kaylee contracts her abs making the blocks of cobblestone muscle flex heroically against the onslaught! Kaylee's rigid muscles start to slowly stretch as her back begins to bend!

“Nooooo!” Kaylee cries out through extraordinary strain

Kaylee's bulging abs are trembling, veins are emerging on her hyper-flexed core, running down her turgid muscles and dissapearing below her purple waistband. My classmate's abdominals are starting to contract! Kaylee is overcoming the tremendous downward force of her big sister to unbend her arched back! My classmate is muscling herself out of the back breaker over her sister's thigh! Riley's face is turning red as she strains to break her sister over her knee, she manages to stop Kaylee's progress but cannot force her to bend any further! The younger sister wrenches on the older one's arm, ripping it away from her chest! Kaylee twists her body, rolling off her sister's thigh to the grass. Riley dives onto her younger sister and they roll around on our lawn in a cat-ball, coming to a stop with Kaylee on top! The blonde schoolgirl grabs her sister's hands, pinning them to the grass on both sides of her head!


Riley grunts and her tremendous arms swell, the rotund muscles clearly evident beneath her thick flesh. Kaylee's eyes widen as she is forced upwards! The younger sister is far lighter than her older sibling, the redhead presses my classmate into the air and off of her! Riley shifts her weight, rolling her sister onto her back while sitting on Kaylee's stomach. Both of them are breathing hard, they are covered in sweat and their hair is matted. Riley's yellow sundress is grass stained everywhere, ripped at the hem and bunched around her waist. Kaylee is shirtless, revealing deep busies and scratch marks all over her and my pink jeans she's wearing are split wide open at the zipper and inner thighs. They both look exhausted.

“It's the end of the road Kaylee.”

The pinned sister's eyes narrow. My worn classmate brings her elbows up and places her palms against the ground over her head while pulling in her knees making her heels slide to her butt.

“This isn't a road... it's a bridge!” the schoolgirl cries out!

Riley pitches forward, but grabs onto her sister's breasts to brace herself from falling over as she starts to rise!


The younger sister roars as her butt leaves the ground with her adult sibling riding atop her! Kaylee's exposed inner thighs explode tearing the inseams even wider! They flex and pulsate as veins run upwards to the little remaining denim left where her thighs meet. The furious schoolgirl's muscles writhe and bunch along her entire body as it lifts her big sister's hulking mass into the air! Kaylee's galvanized torso doesn't concede an inch to the over 200 pounds of woman straddling her! Sweat is cascading down the crossfitter's bulging back muscles as her arch reaches it's apex holding the stunned sister 3 feet in the air!

Riley clutches onto Kaylee's left breast, the only thing keeping her from topping over as reaches behind her sister's sharply arched back with her right hand. The older sister plants her feet to the ground, letting go of Kaylee's chest, sliding her other hand behind her sister as well.


Riley heaves her young sister up between her monstrous legs and stands tall, cramming her surprised sibling's torso deep into the wedge of her thighs!

“Oh god!” Kaylee yelps!

My classmate's eyes and mouth bolt open as she is held aloft between the crushing columns of flesh! Kaylee clutches her older sister's meaty inner thighs desperately trying to pry them apart! Riley's crotch is starting to yield to the girl's force! Alarmed, the robust college athlete grabs onto Kaylee's wrists and crosses her ankles. The redhead's thunderous legs jolt, squeezing her sister's sides in a brutal standing scissors! Kaylee clenches her teeth, burying her chin into her sternum, forcing her lats to flex against the terrific crushing force! The younger sister's entire body starts to quake, her torso widening incrementally, centimeter by centimeter. Her purple, laced bra stretches, the thick strap between its her boobs is straining beyond its limit getting pulled apart from the cups! Tears are forming at the seams struggling to hang on to her modesty!

Kaylee stares up at her sister with seething rage. The blonde teen tries to pull her arms down to her chest and away from her sister. Riley counters, pulling upwards, trying to curl her arms to her own chest. Both sets of arms bulge frighteningly. Riley's are rotund and brawny grapefruit sized biceps with a thick layer of flesh surrounding them. Kaylee's biceps are the size of baseballs, angular and rock hard with zero fat covering them. They are at a stalemate, neither set of arms conceding or gaining an inch, quaking with seismic force!


Riley throws her head back and screams to the sky, her bicep's awe-inspiring girth swells even greater. She heaves, pulling her little sister deeper into her devastating thighs with all she has to give against her sibling's much younger arms.


The college athlete's gigantic biceps start to recede.

“No... fucking... way!” Riley cries out

My classmate's arms are more powerful than the massive woman's! They are pulling the humongous, mature biceps apart with raw, immature power! My classmate grins with smug satisfaction up at her big sister as her eyes roll to the back of her head. Kaylee is out cold! The sadistic schoolgirl hangs limply between her older sister's powerful thighs! The psycho brat fought to remain conscious just long enough to shame her big sister in a muscle to muscle test of strength before the last breath was squeezed from her lungs!

Riley lets her sister slide out from between her legs to the ground. She grabs her much younger sibling by the arm, draping it over her, lifting the girl onto her shoulders. Riley stands before my father with his teen tormentor out cold across her broad shoulders.

“We will make this right and I promise she will never bother you or your family again.”

“Thank you, I prayed and you arrived.” My father says with a wincing smile

“Hey aren't you going to do what your sister did to you?” a woman calls out from the crowd of neighbors

Riley looks at group of people gathered, giving a bemused smirk. She presses her palms against her sister's chest and crotch.


Kaylee unsteadily starts to rise from her older sister's wide shoulders. Veins appear on Riley's neck and spittle sprays out from her clenched teeth but she manages to complete the lift! The college athlete's massive arms are shaking, her face is crimson and her huge chest heaves as she holds her little sister's 160 pound body above her head!

Witnessing the woman's harrowing effort, our neighbors looks at each other, taken back by the truly stunning display of pure, unadulterated power we had all witnessed... When the schoolgirl muscled her 200 pound adult sister overhead TWICE with less effort from her much younger body!

“Better head home, it's time for dinner baby sis.” Riley strains out looking up at Kaylee as she begins to come to

Riley shakily lowers her little sister to her shoulders with a wide, satisfied grin at her display of strength. The massive 6'1” college athlete then walks toward the crowd with her muscular sister slung across her shoulders. The group of adults part, giving them a wide berth unwilling to get near the amazons after what they saw. Riley walks down the long block to her house as we watched in stunned silence trying to grasp the insane power displayed by the two young women.

The End

Offline Dona Fell Friz

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Re: First Day of School
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2022, 03:30:23 am »
A new story by Winterwolff is a cause to celebrate!  :bravo:

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: First Day of School
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2022, 04:09:13 am »
Really enjoyed this little story, boy, Kaylee was sure strong, she was easily able to overpower Mia, and even overpowered Mia and both her parents at the same time several different ways, and her much bigger, heavier somewhat stronger sister had trouble with her as well. Riley just barely took her out, it wouldn't surprise me if Kaylee wound up defeating her in the next match-up they have, if she trained hard to become stronger, more ripped, and tougher. I look forward to more of your writing, maybe a side story about the younger sister that Kaylee said could take care of Mr. Garcia. k+!
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline tapion

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Re: First Day of School
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2022, 10:07:22 am »
Oh I really love your stories! Great one again! Thank you!

Offline Mufu

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Re: First Day of School
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2022, 07:28:37 pm »
Such a great story awesome work hope for more k++++

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Re: First Day of School
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2022, 12:25:04 am »
Not bad at all. Hope to see more.

Offline slim0926

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Re: First Day of School
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2022, 02:42:28 am »
 :singing: O.M.G. If  That's what cures writers block, then please have that happen again, and again, but seriously that was a great story, was hoping for a continuation..Fingers crossed

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Re: First Day of School
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2022, 05:32:42 am »
After a FIRST Day of School there is a First MONTH and First YEAR of School. I hope for more.

Offline jeffbeans

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Re: First Day of School
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2022, 09:42:12 pm »
Oh man wasn't expecting another winterwolff masterpiece so soon!

This is fantastic yet again with incredible strength feats and dominant characters. Hopefully we get more Kaylee stories as she becomes the dominant sister  :bravo:

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Re: First Day of School
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2022, 09:10:38 pm »
I've re-read the whole thing again, its absolutely brilliant and i definitely feel there's more milage in the characters, there's even mention of  another sister. Seriously man, you are the best feats of strength writer out there  :bravo: :rock:

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