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Author Topic: The Macro Muscle Titan - part 2  (Read 4192 times)

Offline pumpcultureff

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The Macro Muscle Titan - part 2
« on: November 12, 2020, 06:32:26 pm »
Continued from part 1, which I shared here a little while ago.


"She's still growing..." Mikasa stared at the ground--god, it wasn't even ground, right? It's her. It's all her.

"I can't believe you called it a she," Eren shot back, "I feel inhuman when I become a titan but this... this is a landmass. We've never seen anything like it. Anything this big! We thought it was a damn island just this morning!"

"It's a person, Eren." Captain Levi cleared his throat.

A hush fell over their camp, enveloped in the darkness of night, the only light coming from the campfire they'd managed to build out of the fuel from their lantern, their capes, and a few spare timbers from their boat. None of them believed the fire would last long, but at least it didn't scar the ground... the skin. That gave them some peace of mind.

What didn't was the constant earthquakes, groaning, shifting, volcanic activity--none of those things were actually what they seemed. They were just her. The earthquakes, "rocks" grinding together, groaning like steel bars bending... those were just her muscles becoming even harder, even bigger, more savage. And deep beneath all those sedimentary layers of barbaric size, literally buried in immense, suffocating, grotesque, inhuman muscularity was a human being. She was a woman, turned psychotic inside her own ever-expanding body.

Despite the fact that they were a group of highly trained and highly skilled titan assassins, they felt like just a bunch of kids, suddenly humbled by the sheer magnitude of the situation. The body beneath them trembled, the walls of the "canyon" closing around them. An hour earlier, it was a relatively open space, one of the only spaces they could find to set up camp, against the up curve of her pecs, at the entrance of an abyss of muscular cleavage.

"We can't stay here long. It's not safe," Levi broke the silence, "It looks as if her chest may push our camp right over the cliff and I don't want to go for a nighttime swim."

"...How is this even possible?" Armin said. "We were... standing on her pectoral like it was a mountain peak. Like Eren said, there's never been a titan this big. Not that anyone has ever sighted and lived to tell about it. Rod Reiss's pure titan was about 120 meters, but we're way past that now... She makes the Colossal Titan look like, well, like us compared to a titan!"

"How big can she get...?" Sasha shivered, hugging herself and munching on a scrap of jerky, "Is there anything bigger than a titan?"

"There's nothing in the stories..." Mikasa replied.

"That's what you think!" said a voice.

They all turned and saw Ahnko Errstone, the latest model of scientist out of the Survey Corps and one of Hange's successors. The icon of titanic biological study gleamed on her sleeve just like the spark gleamed behind her eyes. Sasha shuddered again. Ahnko had arrived by boat alone immediately after their report had gone out by carrier pigeon, the scientist as single-mindedly voracious for new information on titans as her predecessor was.

"There is something in the ancient stories, but it often is overlooked behind all the racial propaganda." Ahnko approached and sat beside the fire, brushing her long blonde hair over one shoulder and pulling a small worn journal out of her pocket. "This entity is older than the Founding Titan. Older than Ymir Fritz. She is not one of the Nine."

A sudden wind carried a sweet smell of sweat and sex through the air. Their campfire flickered and began to die. They leaned in to listen to Ahnko speak, a wild look on her face as she explained things they hardly understood:

"Did you know that in the original myth of the djinn, the wish-granting spirits were neither good nor evil? Neither angel nor demon? They simply savored using their powers. The gift that Ymir herself received came from a spirit, but what kind of spirit? A miracle worker? A trickster? ...We don't have enough information. Not after a couple of millennia of the subjects of Ymir running rampant. But she is unlike any titan known to science. Just like the ancient gift giver itself...

"The Devil of All Earth... the source of all living matter... these are just names. Mythology. The truth behind the legends was the origin for the stories. What happened to Ymir... she encountered something. Just what that something was remains a mystery... until today..."

Ahnko stood up.

"What did you find?" Levi asked. "Is it the father of the titans?"

"We've found everything. More than the titans. Much more... You all wait here. Levi, you come with me. It's critical you understand what we've discovered and adjust your report accordingly."

After they left, the four youth sat quietly watching their campfire dwindle into embers. The night was wearing on, the "island" continued the swell beneath their feet. They didn't dare fall asleep.

"I hate it here!" Eren finally said. "I can't stand it!"

"None of us can," Mikasa reprimanded him. "But what are we supposed to do?"

"Kill titans." Eren ground his teeth. "Kill those giant murderers. All of them. Wipe them off the face of the Earth."

"You can't kill this titan," Armin sighed. "It... she... is beyond any of us."

Eren felt a chill pass through him. The breeze had picked up again. With it came that haunting, intoxicating scent. The scent of a woman but magnified ten-thousand fold, stronger than any perfume, the most powerful pheromones in existence. Eren had smelled titan scent before. He was attuned to it, especially when he assumed the form of the Attack Titan, but this was unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

Well, except for several hours ago when he was doused in a lake of... secretions.

"There. Can you see it?" Ahnko pointed toward the base of the woman's skull where her head was half-swallowed, half-embedded in a wall of solid flesh, veins, and muscle fibers in a shrinking cave of pure mass.

Levi had to lean in close just to hear her over the woman's constant moaning.

"Yes. I can see it."

His narrowed eyes spotted the rounded edge of what looked like a beetle's carapace attached to the back of the woman's head.

"That," Ahnko grinned, "is everything. Let's find out exactly what it is."

"How? I'm not sticking my fingers in there."

"Puh-lease. We have more elegant, scientific means." Ankho produced a syringe and needle from a case in her sack.

"I hope that's not a tranquilizer. Her skin might just be the strongest material on Earth. And besides, tranquilizers have been proven ineffective on titans."

Ahnko laughed, a cold sound completely devoid of humanity. "You still don't get it. She is not a titan." The scientist approached the woman's head, gently brushed her hair, her long, braided ponytail, with her hand. Ahnko looked down into her eyes with a gaze that mixed motherhood with serial killer, awe and admiration with cruelty and envy. "She is much more than a titan." Ahnko carefully pressed the needle into the woman's left tear duct. "This is a sedative of my own design. It should grant her some... clarity." She stepped back.

The incessant noise of the woman's howling madness began to fade. She shut her mouth. Her eyes dilated and her lids hovered almost closed. She caught her breath and relaxed her breathing. Then, her head tilted back and she looked and regarded Ahnko and Levi for the first time, gazing at them, perfectly lucid, from across her brow.

"There," Ahnko wiggled her pinky finger in her own ear, "I think that's better. Now, my dear, tell us... what are you?"

Her eyes shifted to stare at the scientist.

"I was an archaeologist..."

"Good. And who are you?" Ahnko pulled out her journal.

"My name was Lara Croft, the tomb raider."

"Do you smell that? It stinks to high heaven," Sasha complained, holding her nose.

"It's not so bad," Armin offered, nonchalantly.

"Shhh, do you hear something?" Mikasa said. She held up a hand to silence her companions, even though they couldn't hope to see it in the misty darkness.

"...Hear what?" Armin said after a pause.

"Nothing!" Sasha clapped her hands.

"Exactly," Mikasa responded. "But keep your voice down. It could be a sign of worse things to come. Feel the ground?"

They all put their hands against the golden-brown flesh underneath their feet, harder than any stone they'd ever touched, covered in a thin layer of soft velvet.

"Again, there's nothing," Armin said, "Has she stopped growing? What are they doing to her?"

"Wait a minute..." Mikasa leapt to her feet. "Where is Eren?!"

Her voice... her face... "Beautiful..." Levi whispered beneath his breath.

Ahnko was talking again. "How did you get here, Miss Croft."

The woman's jeweled eyes slowly rolled in her head, taking in the hideous cave of overinflated muscle, the angry veins radiating from her neck, her head wedged into a wall of mass. Finally, her eyes turned back to her guests. They grazed over Levi, seductive, tempting, even at a glance.

"I don't know where here is, I'm afraid," the woman said in a strange accent.

"How did this happen to you?" Ahnko practically drooled at the thought of forbidden knowledge.

The woman returned her calculating gaze. "What happened to me? I thought I've been dreaming... I dreamt I was a force of nature... a storm that never ceased... a hurricane that grew to cover the earth... I dreamt that I became Mother Nature and my children lived in my bosom, safe, cared for, nurtured. They ate my fruit. They drank from my rivers. They built cities from my rock and ore. They lived in terror of my volcanic fires. I punished them. Everything they needed I gave to them and they worshiped me..."

Ahnko laughed again, despite the steely scold of Levi's glare. "You are not Mother Nature, I assure you. I've just given you a sedative to calm you down. You're a human being just like me. Don't you remember that?"

"I remember..." the woman began, thinking back through the clouds of time, "I remember searching for something... the medallion. Yes, the medallion of antiquity. I had to get it before it fell into the wrong hands. It belonged in a museum. The medallion, it represented too much power..." With that last word, the woman's face was drawn into a look of hunger. "So much power..."

"Yes, tell me about this power of yours," Ahnko said.

Levi began to sweat.

"This power...? I couldn't imagine such power..." the woman's voice became increasingly trancelike, "I had read tales of predatory giants but they were like insects compared to this power... yes, now I remember... I took it... I found the medallion and took it for myself... I would only use it in the most dire emergencies but... ohh god... it was so addicting..."

"Stay focused, my pet," Ahnko cooed, "Tell me more."

"The voice..."

"What voice?"

"God... or the Devil... promised me strength to overcome my enemies... promised me beauty unimaginable, life unending, power irresistible... I remember my body blowing up..." the woman let out a long, sensual sigh, clenched her eyes and relished the sensation the mere thought of power brought her.

Levi backed away. Ahnko's hand reached out and gripped his collar.

"My body expanded... my muscles... I never thought it felt that good to be so muscular... I wanted more... begged for more... more... more..." The cave began to quiver. "Their bullets, bouncing off my skin... felt softer than feathers... I couldn't be hurt or killed... I didn't need my guns, my weapons... I could have anything, take anything I wanted... and I was still getting stronger... it was never enough... always growing, always hungry... look what I've become... what I am becoming..."

"Your body," Ahnko, wild-eyed, licked her teeth, "is quite admirable, Lara, my little idiot god."

The woman's eyes flashed like knives.

"Because that's what you are, aren't you?" Ahnko chuckled, "You reached out for the power older than the titans, your predatory giants of myth, and took hold of the sun itself, but now you have so much power you can't even begin to know how to use it, can you?"

The woman closed her eyes, again, furrowing her brow. "I can still feel it inside me... the power of the sun... so much heat..." She opened her eyes, stared right into Levi's and said: "I have biceps bigger than cities... my chest is bigger than any mountain... my shoulders are further across than countries... my thighs... my back... my abdominals... my calves... it's not enough, don't you see? I can fill entire oceans! I can outgrow continents! I could lift a continent--"

"Except you are both immovable and immobile!" Ahnko interrupted, "So unspeakably huge that your own mass is more than you can handle. At first I thought I was jealous... I, too, am a woman thirsty for ultimate knowledge, in its own way ultimate power... but to see so much power wasted? Why, it's like some kind of parody of a nightmare!"

The titanic woman's face filled with rage.

"You're an insect! Less than an insect... a disease! You don't deserve--"

"Tut tut, my goddess," Ahnko teased, "you're no malevolent destroyer."

"Ahnko, what the hell are you doing?" Levi was on his feet, hissing into the scientist's ear. "She'll keep on growing! She could destroy the world!"

The woman's eyes again locked on him.

"Her?" Ahnko sneered, "Don't make me laugh. It's clear she never understood the power that existed before the titans or what this medallion she found even is... and now she's even revealed to me exactly how her power works!"

"EREN!!" Mikasa screamed into the darkness, joined by the calls of her companions.

Where the hell did he go? she thought, remembering the private oaths she swore to protect him after their mother died. Eren. Let me help you.

"This is hopeless!" Armin shouted from several yards away, "We have no lights and he could be anywhere!"

"Spread out! Search everywhere!" Mikasa demanded, and that's when they heard it.

It was the unmistakable shriek of Eren Yaeger's Attack Titan, a cry overflowing with bloodlust and rage, and now... desire?

"The Intumescent Titan..." the scientist proudly declared. "They all have names, you know. Well, the important ones, at least."

"Intumescent?" Levi repeated.

"That which expands with heat," Ahnko explained. "All this talk of volcanic fire and the sun... the evidence on the surface of titanesque suffusions of steam and geysers of hot gases and liquid... it's clear as day that she, like titans I've personally observed, is powered by heat, except instead of expelling it in great amounts, it builds inside of her... filling her up... like a hot air balloon. It's what exponentially increases the strength and size of her muscles, and like a furnace... no, that's not right... like a star itself, getting hotter and hotter, expanding, exploding, endlessly..."

"You're a clever woman," Lara Croft said, "What is your name?"

Ahnko bowed and introduced herself.

"Very good. I like to know the names of my enemies before I kill them."

"Oh great and powerful goddess," Ahnko mocked, "you have no power here. Your impressive body is floating helplessly in the sea."

"You say you are a scientist, and I believe you. But you must be a poor scientist," Lara responded, "blinded by the search for answers that you miss the simplest ones right in front of your face. Or maybe you just didn't ask the right questions. For instance..." the woman grinned, "you didn't ask about the catalyst, what fed the fire of the sun in the first place."

Ahnko wasn't laughing any more. She frowned. "And what was that, Miss Croft?"

"In a word: Lust."

Their vertical maneuvering harnesses whizzed as their bodies flung through the air. Mikasa, Armin, and Sasha flew in hot pursuit of the sound of Eren's titan. They thought they could almost hear the noise of his heavy footfalls, moving down the length of the island titan. Mikasa, at the head of their flying V formation, regarded the walls of enclosing muscle mass that they whipped past: the profound chasm of the island's pecs.

"Look!" Armin yelled.

Against the dark sky ahead, a spike of lighter black against the black muscle mass on either side of them, they saw the silhouette of Eren's titan. He was a huge shadow, breaking into a run. He shrieked again and they steeled themselves against the horrible noise, reverberating against the walls of flesh.

"He's gone mad!" Armin screamed, "But why? What's causing it?"

I know what it is, Mikasa thought and poured on the speed. The stench of the air nauseated her.

"Just ask your companion, doctor." The woman smiled at Levi. "Isn't that right, boy?"

Levi gripped his chest. His heart was racing, threatening to leap out of his ribcage. His blood was pounding through his body. A strange aroma filled his nostrils. He found himself suddenly salivating. His face ran pale. His hands grew clammy. He felt dizzy but incredibly alert at the same time.

"Yess, you know all about it. What your lady friend there doesn't understand," Lara continued, "is muscle lust... the sheer admiration of power so strong it affects you sexually..."

Levi felt the blood rush to his manhood. Pressure built.

"I didn't know I possessed any muscle lust inside me..." the woman pursed her erotic lips, "Oh sure I could appreciate a good strapping set of shoulders and strong arms around my waist... but to possess that kind of power myself... to be the object of muscle lust itself... that deepened it, immortalized it, turned my lust into an addiction..."

Levi gasped and fell to his knees. His dick was positively aching.

"W-what are you doing to him?" Ahnko demanded.

"I remember the look in that goons eyes when I held the medallion... he saw me transform, no, ascend," Lara said, "it's the same look in his eyes now. That hired gun saw my clothes split open... like a chrysalis... my naked body, my muscles growing bigger and bigger... stronger and stronger... unstoppably. The same look. That look of absolute terror and arousal... My slender feminine shape devoured by all this power... my traps swallowing my neck... my pecs overwhelming my face... my abs bloating out of my stomach... my thighs bulging over my knees... my arms, so impossibly bulky... my flex itself was murder..."

"S-stop," Levi whimpered.

"No." Lara began to moan again. Her voice changed. The sedative had run its course. Her eyes were full of that wild insanity. "Infinite arousal, without release! Infinite growth! Infinite size! Infinite power!"

"We have to leave, Captain. Come--"

A blade was against Ahnko's throat, Levi's hand on its hilt. He was shaking, kneeling, eyes burning with the same insanity, his senses assaulted by the steamy scents emanating from the colossal body surrounding him.

Lara screamed. "Nothing can stop me! No one can release me! I'll keep growing for eternity! You lived in fear of your giants but you will live in awe of your new goddess until your insignificant planet is less than nothing to me!"

"Eren! Stop!"

The Attack Titan's silhouette stood at the edge of the immense bay formed between two impossibly muscular mountain ranges. The sea water beneath him boiled, filled with the molten ejaculation from the huge canyon at the head of the bay--the titan's angry, muscular pussy. The titan scent here filled the air with a thick, misty vapor, driving Eren crazy.

"What is happening?!" Sasha descended behind Mikasa at Eren's gigantic feet.

"He almost drowned in her fluids earlier!" Mikasa screamed. "He almost assumed titan form right then and there!"

Armin was waving his arms, "Eren, you have to stop! You're going to put everyone in danger!"

But Eren's huge green eyes burned like stars. The immense clitoris arched like a snake caught behind the skull as Eren's claws gripped it. His huge, nude body slid down into the chasm where he was bathed in a flood of white juices. Even his gigantic 15 meter form was dwarfed by the quivering vagina that unfolded to greet him, taking this unexpected invasion as an opportunity to partake in pleasure that would short circuit the brains of any normal human.

"Eren! Please! Don't!" Mikasa screamed at the top of her lungs, but the Attack Titan screamed louder.

He balled a huge fist and plowed it into the chasm.

A seething, almost incandescent tidal wave of cream gushed over his face, soaking his hair, filling his open mouth. A blast of clear liquid shot straight up into the air, arcing into the clouds, crashing into the ocean. The "ground" beneath them contracted, flat space turning into immense furrows, upturned plates, wrinkles the size of foothills as the island titan bucked against Eren's pounding fists.

He pulled back and punched again and again, his fists sinking, being sucked in, deeper and deeper. Vents of searing steam billowed. Earthquakes crescendoed. A sound like a thousand landslides met the noise of a hurricane. The entire island wailed and groaned, waves crashing against its shores. The landmass orgasmed.

Lara Croft sucked in her breaths, gagging on air, spit flying from her mouth, veins bulging and coursing around her head. The medallion at the base of her skull glowed red hot. All the surrounding mass of the cave quaked. The thunder of muscles grinding against muscles, fighting for room, was almost deafening.

Ahkno took her chance. In a flash, she grabbed Levi's sword hand and brought her other hand down with a chop against the flat side of his blade. It shattered into silver shards but she was crawling back through the tunnel of flesh before they hit the floor.

Levi remained there, kneeling before his goddess, as the "island's" climax reached a fever pitch. Every muscle tensed, contracted, shredded, incomprehensible vascularity pulling Lara's insane body apart as Eren's titan gave her all the release she could ever ask for...

(end of part 2)

Offline jhunter

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Re: The Macro Muscle Titan - part 2
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2020, 02:52:10 am »
Interesting turn of events. I wonder what will happen next.

Offline pumpcultureff

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Re: The Macro Muscle Titan - part 2
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2020, 08:08:18 am »
Interesting turn of events. I wonder what will happen next.

Me too! lol

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Re: The Macro Muscle Titan - part 2
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2020, 02:40:48 pm »
This is fantastically written!  Awesome depictions of sheer size and a fun take on already established characters.  I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes!

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Re: The Macro Muscle Titan - part 2
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2020, 10:29:22 pm »
I never comment on stories but I just wanted to say that this is some good stuff so far. You have a pretty interesting setup with the mix of attack on titan and tomb raider, can’t wait to see how it pays off.

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Re: The Macro Muscle Titan - part 2
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2020, 03:25:22 am »
Interesting set of characters. Interested in how things proceed now.

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