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Author Topic: Hot Little Sister's Surprise  (Read 15935 times)

Offline Ncsn

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Hot Little Sister's Surprise
« on: May 17, 2020, 04:32:28 pm »
Hot Little Sister's Surprise

...and the Vampire Memorial Incest Month continues! The last story I wrote was a riff on writer Vampire’s tropes - taking the basic outlines of a story by him and taking it to all sort of places. This is a bit different: I took one of his stories (“Hot Little Sister’s Strapon” - written as Amazonboy and published on Diana The Valkyrie’s site) and basically morphed it, using almost all of the original story beats, changing the language and some things I was not comfortable with. The last, actiony scene uses quite a lot of the original text; what can I say, the guy knows his business… Overall it’s much less wordy than my previous effort, and much faster-paced.

And, speaking of uncomfortable: as the name of the original implies, this story involves strap-on sex between a woman and a man. So, if this triggers you, I suggest we say goodbye now (and hopefully meet again when I get back to my Melanie Lockwood story).


It has been almost 4 years since I saw my little sister. She left home when she was 18, went to school in Italy to study art history and more-or-less went off the map. I knew she kept in touch with our parents, but had no idea what was happening with her. We were never really close; I was two years older, and was something of a jock, she was pretty nerdy, and we just didn’t have much in common. The fact that she had a crush on me through her early teens didn’t help things…

So, when she called me up, out of the blue, I was pretty surprised. She said she was coming back in a few days, and asked me to pick her up at the Airport. I broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years a few months before, was still trying to get over it, and was generally in a pretty foul mood and didn’t feel like helping anyone, not even (or especially!) my weird little sister; couldn’t she take a shuttle or something? But it HAS been 4 years, and I figured I could play big brother every once in a (long) while… Figured I’d pick her up, drop her off at mom and dad’s and there you are, done with my brotherly duties

Oh BOY was I off...

As people were filling out of the Arrivals gate, I was wondering to myself, what Kristen was like, now. I figured 4 years in a foreign country would change a person - especially if you go by yourself, at such a young age… Maybe it did her good?

Again: oh boy… I had no idea.

The minute she stepped out, I recognized her by her face; she had always been rather pretty, though she never made an effort, dressing up like she was in a grunge band or something, always with her hair cut short or messy or (usually) both, never using makeup. I think she felt uncomfortable about her body - she was always a rather large girl, a bit overweight and ungainly, with large boobs that she seemed to be embarrassed about and  was doing her best to hide from the world.
So, her faced jumped out to me - but I had to look again,and again, to make sure. Because nothing else about her was familiar. She was beautiful, with long, chestnut-brown hair flowing around her head. She was tall - it looked like she added about an inch to her 6 feet; But it was something else that made my jaw drop as I watched her walking towards me: she was muscular, VERY muscular. She was wearing a short, tight skirt that showed off a couple of very long, shapely legs, with very thick thighs that were bunching and flexing with every step she took. She had on a jacket that seemed to be two sizes too small, fighting hard to hold her very wide shoulders. It was open at the front, giving a tantalizing view of her breasts, which seemed to be pushed forward by a very impressive set of pecs;  this was all held in place by a very flimsy-looking tank top, which seemed about to give up at any moment.. 

In the span of seconds, I went from not giving a toss about my little sister, to wanting to rip her clothes off and fuck her right then and there…
(Did I mention I haven’t had sex in almost half a year? Yeah, I think that is an important detail to know…)

She was now walking towards me, easily carrying a very heavy-looking suitcase, ignoring all the people who were turning and gaping after her. I remembered to close my own mouth only when she was standing right in front of me.

She was smiling. “Hey, big brother! Long time no see!”
I mumbled something incoherent. My mind was a blank, I couldn’t think of anything to say. She laughed out loud - something she almost never did as a teen. “I forgot - you have never seen the new me. Quite the change, right?” I finally found my tongue. “Well, you dropped out of Facebook 4 years ago… nobody knew what was going on with you…”

“Well, lots of things happened,” she said. “Let’s go, I’ll give you the scoop while we drive. Just let me get this thing off...“ Saying that she put her suitcase down, and took the constraining jacket off. Underneath she was wearing a tiny tank top, that showed off thick, broad shoulders, round and very hard-looking biceps, and the bottom part of a set of washboard abs. Like I said, her boobs were always large, but now they were on display, her top cut low, showing off her 34DD tits and her very prominent, clearly-defined pecs. She saw me gawking, and smiled proudly. “3 years of work! Take a look at that -” She held her right arm up, and gave it a light flex. The effect was astounding; her bicep rose up, large as a grapefruit, a thick vein running down it all the way down her arm, where it split into several smaller ones. She laughed.”What do you think? Not bad for a girl who refused to attend gym class her last 3 years of high-school!”. I muttered something about us needing to get going, the afternoon traffic being very, very bad, maybe I’ll take the Riverside highway back to the city, maybe the freeway. I was babbling - but it did the trick: I managed not to cream my pants in front of her... Now I just had to survive the long drive...

We walked to the parking lot, to get my car. She was still carrying her suitcase - said she hated the noise the little wheels made  - and she started to tell me about her time in Europe. She was very excited about going to school in Italy, but after a few months she met a German guy and fell madly in love with him. He was a fitness fanatic, and she soon caught the bug, too. It started interfering with her studies, and she decided to quit school after the first year. Turns out art history can be pretty boring - especially if you have the option of having lots of fun and sex, and it gets in the way… She started modeling to support herself, but as she grew more muscular those jobs dried out.

We were now at my car. I tried to take her suitcase, to put it in the car trunk, and I almost fell over… That thing was HEAVY! She laughed, took it back and effortlessly threw it in the trunk.

She didn’t give me much more details as we drove out of the airport. She moved with her boyfriend to Germany, but they broke up not long after and was thinking about going back home, but a friend helped her set up a camming operation, showing off her muscles to paying customers; turns out there’s a lot of money in it. She was having fun, but at some point she got sick of it, and of Germany, and decided to come back home. Said she could do a few private sessions (whatever they were) each month, and live very comfortably.

I was pretty shocked, hearing all this. “Do mom and dad know about any of this? Think you could go on with this, staying with them?”
“Ah,” she said. “About that. I’m not really on speaking terms with them, I don’t want to go there, not to say ‘hi’ and certainly not to stay with them.”
I looked at her, surprised. “So, where are you staying? Where are we going now?”
She looked at me sheepishly. “Well, I rented an apartment near the beach, but the owner told me yesterday it will only be ready in a couple of weeks. I was thinking, maybe I could stay with you…?”

“Stay with ME? I have a one bedroom apartment - it can get pretty cramped…”

“Oh, I don’t mind crashing on the couch for a few days. You have someone else living with you, girlfriend, partner…?

“Haven’t had a girlfriend for half a year, now…”

“What, good looking guy like you?! OK, don’t worry, I’ll set you up with someone, just need to get settled in. Anyway, what do you say, big brother? Put your kid sister up for a few days?”

I knew that was a bad idea. I was sneaking looks at her since we left the airport, and it almost drove me crazy. Her tits were really huge, almost spilling out of the tiny top, and her thighs were almost completely bare, very tan and incredibly muscular, and my dick was so hard it was painful… Having this sexy goddess in my home for a few days? The only way this could end was B.A.D.L.Y.

So, of course. I said: “I... guess so? Sure, I’ll manage for a few days.”

It was still early evening when we got to my place, but she was dead-tired - her internal clock was still on Berlin time - and she said she would turn in. I told her I wanted to watch TV, and she told me no problem, she was so bushed nothing could disturb her sleep. She went into my room to change, and when she came back my jaw did that dropping thing, again. She was dressed in just a small top - even smaller than the one she was wearing before! - and a thong. She saw my look, and apologized. “Sorry, Dave, these are just the most comfortable things I have… I usually sleep in the nude, but I didn’t think that would be appropriate…” I assured her it was all right, no problem, that I was used to such things… What I was saying in my head was: “Don’t stare! Don’t STARE!!

She curled up on the other side of the couch and immediately fell asleep, as I sat and watched TV. Well, I say I watched TV. I was sitting a few feet from the sexiest body I’ve seen in my life, the most beautiful women I was near to in my life, her amazing tits almost DARING me to rip her shirt off and suck them there and then - but I knew I couldn’t, this was my sister…
So I just sat there and stared at the TV screen, not really seeing or hearing anything. It was torture, but I had to take it. Just a few more days...

And the torture continued for the next few days. We got into a routine: she would drive me to work in the morning, drive down to the beach for a few hours, then go to a gym. She would pick me up in the late afternoon, we’d go have dinner, and then go back home and watch TV, sometimes talk, she sitting next to me in the inevitable thong and top. I was hard pretty much all of the time: when I was with her, when I was at work, constantly thinking about her, when I lay alone in my bedroom, staring at the ceiling, thinking about her. I couldn’t even jerk off - I was terrified she would catch me doing it, it was just too embarrassing… The physical thing was the worst, but there was more; for the first time since we were kids we were spending time together, talking, me telling her about Jessica and our breakup, she talking about her life in Europe, about her insane German boyfriend who helped her turn her life around 180 degrees, about her work as a cam-girl. For the first time in our lives we were talking with each other, LISTENING to each other, and we found that we actually liked each other - but that only made things worse for me...

On the fourth evening, as we were ready to go to sleep, there was a change to the routine,
“Dave, a favor…?”
“Sure, what?”
“Well, that couch is murder on my back. It’s really killing me. You mind if I sleep in the bed, tonight?”
Well, the daily torture I was undergoing really toughened me up. A couple of nights, sleeping on the couch, could hardly make it worse.
“Sure, no problem - I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Oh, no - that’s not what I meant! Look, it’s a double, it’s pretty big - we’ll just sleep each on one side. Nobody has to sleep on that couch…”

Yeah, that was a bad idea. A terrible idea. My dick was shouting “Yes! Yes! YES!!”, which meant it was the last thing we should be doing. “No, it’s no problem, I’ll just put a winter blanket on the couch, I don’t mind…”
“Oh, come on! Don’t be such a dweeb! It will be like when we were kids, on vacation - I’ll wear something more modest, make it more appropriate, OK?”
No, of course it wasn’t OK - not our sleeping together in one bad, and definitely not the part where she covers up any part of that magnificent body… So, naturally, I said OK, and in 20 minutes I found myself lying in my bed, my sister - dressed in a large football t-shirt she found in my closet - fast asleep, on the other side of the bed. She was facing the wall, and for almost 15 minutes I just lay there, salivating over the sight of her hourglass-shaped body - large back, curving down to an almost dainty waist, and then expanding to shape her large, round ass, that even from under the cover of the large shirt was calling to me, begging to be fondled, licked, kissed, fucked…
I finally forced myself to turn over and go to sleep. No telling what I would do if I continued with that line of thought - but it would definitely be something I would regret afterwards...

I woke up later that night. There was someone snuggled up to me from the back. My first thought was it was my Jessica, but my ex-girlfriend never had boobs like the giant ones that were pressed to my back, large nipples digging into it; and the arm that was resting on my hip was very definitely too heavy to be Jessica’s… It was Kristen, and from the sound of it she was asleep. I ground my teeth in frustration; this was too much! I was going insane with lust, I needed to at least see her, watch her beautiful face… I turned around very slowly, trying very hard not to wake her up. But as I completed my turn, she gave a short snort, and her eyes opened. For a minute she seemed confused, but then her eyes focused, and she smiled at me.

“Kristen, I…”
She put her finger to my lips. “Shhh…” She snuggled closer to me, a massive, shapely leg going over my hip, drawing us closer. Her breasts were now pressed against my chest, the nipples hard, and her crotch was grinding against mine, very slow, very erotic. Her lips closed on mine, and we kissed for what seemed like an eternity…
She finally broke away, looking into my eyes, smiling. Leaning back, she took the shirt and raised it over her head with her beefy arms, throwing it to the side of the bed. I knew what her body looked like - her usual cloths left very little to the imagination - but this close to me, dressed only in her tiny thong, the effect was almost mind-shattering… She was only 2 inches taller than me, but she was so BIG everywhere, so MASSIVE,  I felt almost like a child next to her… I leaned in, taking a nipple into my mouth and sucked on it, my hand traveling over her ripped midsection, my crotch pressing into her, my dick feeling as stiff as it ever had… I felt her fingers taking hold of my shorts, and I heard them rip. I pressed my manhood against her body, going slowly up and down, sliding it against the the silky iron of her lower abs. My mouth was playing with her nipple, licking it, biting, sucking, and my dick was now ramming against her thong, desperately trying to break down the last barrier that stood between me and heavenly bliss… She was moaning, her body bucking against mine, wanting it as much as I did… But as I tried to pull her thong bottom down she paused, her arm holding mine, stopping me. “No, Davey… We can’t, we mustn’t…” I pushed my dick against her, desperate. It felt like it was 8 or 9 inches-long, begging for release… I just wanted her so badly! I looked up at her, my look pleading. She was biting her lower lip, her own need shouting out from her eyes… She took my face in her hands, looked deeply into my eyes. “Do you want me?”
Oh my god, YES! More than anything else in the world! But I could only nod, yes.
“Do you trust me?”
Right now I would have followed her off a cliff… I nodded again - yes!

She kept looking at my eyes for a minute more, then leaned in and kissed me briefly on my mouth. She moved to the middle of the bed, raised her abundant mid-section, and pulled her thong off. I looked on with beating heart as her sex came into view, her dark bush trimmed into a perfect triangle, and started to crawl towards her, wanting to nothing more than to bury my face in it, lick her sex juices, eat her… But she stopped me again. Rolling to the side of the bed she reached down, into her open suitcase, and after a moment came back up, something in her hand. It was a strap-on dick, large and dark, with a thin black garter belt. I looked on in trepidation as she licked the small knob on one side of it, then watched as she inserted it into her awaiting vagina, and wrapped the elaborate straps around her generous hips and bottom. She then turned to me, smiling, her new appendage protruding from her body, dark and menacing… “Come here, baby…”
I crawled towards her slowly, as if in a dream - half scared, half excited… She pointed at it, and said: “Lick it.” I hesitated, truly afraid, now. “She smiled gently. “Believe me, baby - you really do want it wet!” I moved over above it, and took it in my mouth. It was cold and smooth, and it felt really weird. Over 3 years with Jessica we never strayed far beyond the missionary position - and after 5 minutes with my little sister, I was already sucking a dildo…

Kristen was holding my head as it went bobbing over her plastic cock, slurping noisily. She was moaning softly: “Yes, baby, make it wet, real wet…” After a minute of this she moved her hands, grabbing my waist, and - unbelievably - raised me in the air. I cried out in fear, but she made a soothing sound, calming me as you would a baby. She rose from the bed, still holding me aloft, and sat back down on the edge, putting me down gently, placing my ass on her mammoth thighs, her strap-on proud and dangerous-looking, crossing my own dick, feeling cool against my stomach. Her wondrous tits were hanging in front of me, the dark, large nipples brushing against my shoulders.  Her beautiful face was inches away, just above me, smiling, a wicked glint in her eyes.

“So, big brother - Are you ready for the ride of a lifetime?”
Was I? Was I ready for what this crazy goddess had in store for me? Hell, no! Did I want it, more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life? Hell, YES!
I smiled back at her, nodded.
“Well - better hold on to something!”
I put my arms around her wide back - as far as they would go, which was not much - and buried my face in a gigantic, soft and welcoming breast, gently taking the inviting nipple in my mouth. I felt her strong hands taking hold of my waist, raising my bottom up, and then slowly, gently, putting me back down, the cold shaft protruding from her vagina now probing my ass hole… I almost screamed as my body came sliding down on it, burying my face deeper into the smothering breast. It was so tight it took everything I had not to cum instantly. But there was no way I was going to let this be over so fast...

So there we were, brother and sister, , me sitting on her lap, feeling and sucking her tits, with her cock deep inside of my ass, my sister fucking me like an animal. She was now moving my body up and down, the muscles in her thighs flexing again and again, moving my body up and down, her dick going in and out of my ass, my own dick sliding up and down against her mighty abdominal, finally free, finally about to find release…

She kept pounding me over and over, trying to make each thrust go deeper and deeper inside of me, her hands lifting me up and down in an insane show of raw, brute strength. I couldn’t believe how strong she was, the power she had over me boggling my mind...  I started moaning louder and louder; she was breathing hard, and her was voice throaty as she whispered in my ear: “Now, baby… Give it to me, baby I want it, you slut, give it to me, GIVE IT TO ME!”

It was at that point, that I couldn't hold it anymore. I grabbed her with both arms, bringing her tits up against my chest as she thrust her cock deep inside my ass. I was never bigger in my life and I thought I could feel her cock touching my bowels... I exploded, unloading stream after stream of cum, as she pounded me time and time again. I had no control, and was basically screaming in pleasure. After the cum stopped streaming from my cock, I just sat there on her lap, my head resting on her bosom, her cock still inside my ass, feeling at home.

After a few minutes she stirred. I looked up at her, and we smiled at each other.
She laughed, and asked: “So, did Jessica ever give you a ride like that?”

“Jessica?” I said, “Jessica who?”

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Re: Hot Little Sister's Surprise
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2020, 07:29:31 pm »
Short and to the point. Loved the strap-on part, but wished there was more muscleplay. Looking forward to the continuing adventures of Melanie Lockwood though.
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Re: Hot Little Sister's Surprise
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2020, 02:03:53 am »
Wait.. vampire and amazonboy were the same person under two different names??

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Re: Hot Little Sister's Surprise
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2020, 04:50:18 am »
Wait.. vampire and amazonboy were the same person under two different names??
Exact same style, many of the Amazonboy stories are Vampire stories with the climax changed from conventional sex to strap-on sex.

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Re: Hot Little Sister's Surprise
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2020, 12:24:37 pm »
Oh....... my........ god........

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Re: Hot Little Sister's Surprise
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2020, 03:37:27 pm »
Oh....... my........ god........
I suspect god would rather have nothing to do with it.

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