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Author Topic: +Notable Author: [Morpheus] STORIES~collected  (Read 15222 times)


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+Notable Author: [Morpheus] STORIES~collected
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:40:35 am »

Stories in this collection:

Stud Juice

The Silver Flute

Stud Juice
By Morpheus

Nick held up the glass of dark red liquid and smiled in satisfaction. It had taken him a lot of time, a lot of effort, and a lot of money, but he'd finally done it. After several years, he'd finally found something that made it all worth it.
Nick had spent the last several years playing around with alchemy, mostly as a hobby at first. But then he'd had the good fortune of stumbling across a real alchemical formula, one that he notes swore actually worked. It had immediately caught his attention and he'd spent a lot of time trying to get it to work and trying to get all the rare ingredients. Some of them were exceptionally rare and therefore extremely expensive. In fact, one of them was so hard to find that Nick actually had to go in on this with his two closest friends, but it would soon all be worth it.
"Carrie's gonna shit her pants," Nick smirked as he thought of his wife. She was always nagging him about wasting time and money on his alchemy, but he was going to show her. "She'll regret ever doubting me..."
Here in Nick's hand was the culmination of his work, the completed potion. The notes he'd found described it as an elixir for health, vitality, and strength, but after reading some of what it could do, Nick preferred to think of it as stud juice. Because after he was done drinking it, he'd definitely become a stud.
"Not a whole lot here," Nick mused as he looked at the glass of stud juice, knowing that this was quite deceptive. There might only be enough for one small glass, but there were actually three full doses of the potion. "Enough for all three of us."
Nick smiled as he thought of his partners, his two best friends Brad and Jeff. The final ingredient for the stud juice had been nearly impossible to find, the dried berries of a plant that was supposed to be extinct. Fortunately, Nick found someone who possessed a few berries and who would be willing to sell them to him for only fifty thousand dollars. Of course, that was much more than Nick could afford on his own, but with his two friends adding their money as well he was able to buy the berries and complete the stud juice.
After a minute, Nick set the glass down on the table and reached for the phone. It was time to call Brad and Jeff over so they could drink to their health and reap the benefits of all his hard work. He could barely wait to see the look on Carrie's face when she saw his 'nonsense' worked.
"Damn him," Carrie scowled as she looked at her bank statement, cursing her husband Nick and wondering what he was up to now.
Carrie shook her head in frustration, wishing that for just once she could get ahead. She spent the entire day working her butt off so they could pay the bills while her husband hadn't worked in several months. It would have been one thing if he'd just been unable to find a new job, but he hadn't even really been looking. She was tired of being the sole earner in the household and having to support him.
"I'm the woman," she grumbled to herself, "If anyone should be staying at home, it's me..."
Of course, Carrie didn't really want to be a stay at home wife...she just didn't want her husband being such a deadbeat. Just for once she wished he'd help her out. But instead of looking for a job, Nick spent all his time on that weird alchemy stuff. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just a hobby, but he preferred to do that instead of the things that needed to be done, like pay the bills.
"What's he up to this time?" Carrie demanded as she looked over her bank statement again.
More than fifteen thousand dollars had been taken out of their bank account without any explanation. It was their entire savings, not even leaving enough for Carrie to pay all their bills that month. She couldn't imagine what Nick was spending her hard earned money on this time. She was afraid though that she'd get home and find an expensive new entertainment system. That would be just like Nick.
"Damn him," Carrie cursed Nick again. If it wasn't for the fact that she still loved him, she would have divorced him already. As it was, she was beginning to think about it more and more recently. And it wasn't like she was too old and unattractive to get another man if she really wanted to.
With that, Carrie paused to look down at herself, thinking that she looked pretty good. She was only 26, had perky B cup breast and a fairly nice figure. Sure, her shoulder length brown hair was somewhat plain, but she thought that she was still quite pretty. And Nick, in spite of his flaws thought so as well.
"It's lucky for him I still love him," Carrie muttered as she made her way home. "But we're still going to have to talk about this fifteen thousand dollars..."
When Carrie arrived home, she looked around in annoyance, then noticed a glass of dark red liquid sitting on the table by the door. Her mood eased a little as she realized Nick must have poured her a glass of wine to have waiting when she got home.
"He's just trying to soften me up for the money talk," Carrie muttered to herself.
With that, Carrie picked up the glass of wine. Normally she preferred to sip her wine, but she was in a bad enough mood that she just gulped down the entire glass. It all burned going down, more like whisky than wine. And the taste...
"Nasty," Carrie winced in disgust.
Just then, Nick stepped into the room holding three shot glasses. He took one look at her and gasped, "I wasn't expecting you home yet..."
"This wine is foul," Carrie exclaimed, glaring at Nick and wondering if this was his idea of a joke. "It's turned to vinegar..."
"Oh shit," Nick gasped, staring at the empty glass with a look of horror on his face. "That wasn't wine..."
"WHAT?" Carrie demanded.
"You weren't supposed to drink that," Nick exclaimed, "That was for me and the guys..."
"What the hell was that then?" Carrie glared at him, sure that it wasn't poison if Nick had intended it for himself.
"That's the stud juice...the health potion I've been working on," Nick told her, unable to take his eyes off the empty glass. "I finished it this morning..." Then he stared at her, gulping as he realized that she had just drank three full doses, more than fifty thousand dollars worth of potion.
"This stuff?" Carrie demanded angrily. "And tell me, what did you do with that money you took from our account? We need it for the bills..."
"I bought stuff for the potion," Nick tried to explain. "But you..."
"YOU BLEW OUR MONEY ON THIS?" Carrie screamed, throwing the glass to the floor at his feet where it shattered. She glared at him furiously before turning and storming to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her and shouting, "YOU'RE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH TONIGHT!"
"But... But...," Nick stammered, "You drank it all..." When Carrie didn't answer, he winced, "The guys are gonna be pissed..." He didn't know how he'd explain this to them. Then again, he wasn't even sure how three full doses would effect Carrie. He winced, "This isn't good..."
When Carrie woke up in the morning, she was surprised at just how awake and energetic she felt. She normally didn't feel this alert until after her first cup of coffee. However, she wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth and hurried to take her morning shower before work.
"Strange," Carrie frowned slightly, thinking that everything felt a little off. She couldn't quite place what it was though other than that she felt...different. It wasn't a bad different though. Far from it. She felt extremely good. "I must have slept a lot better than normal without Nick in the bed with me."
Carrie shook her head, thinking about how Nick had been blabbering a bunch of nonsense about his potion through the door at her the night before. She hadn't paid him any attention though and had done her best to ignore him. She hadn't even left the room for dinner, choosing instead to break into her secret chocolate stash rather than facing Nick.
"I want to strangle him," Carrie grimaced, hardly able to believe that he'd waste fifteen thousand dollars on some silly magic potion. "This alchemy thing has just gone too far..." After a moment, she decided that it was time for the ultimatum. Nick was going to have to choose between the alchemy or her. "I can't deal with this anymore..."
Carrie climbed into the shower and began washing her body, still fuming about Nick and what he'd done. But after a minute, she paused, finally noticing what was different with her body. She stared down at her breasts, startled to realize that they looked bigger and fuller. And more than that, when she looked over the rest of her body, she seemed much more firm and athletic looking than normal.
"Impossible," Carrie exclaimed, sure that it was her mind playing tricks on her. After all of Nick's going on about how his potion was supposed to make him much healthier and more fit, it was only natural that she'd start imagining it.
Carrie continued to think about how silly it was for her to imagine these things as she finished her shower and began getting dressed. However, it didn't take her long to find her imagination getting even stronger and more realistic. Her bra no longer fit, being far too tight. And when she tried putting on her pants, she found that they didn't fit right either. They were tight in the waist and seemed a little high in the angle. She even had to wear her sandals because her shoes pinched a bit.
"Impossible," Carrie said again, this time not so certain. Her clothes no longer fit right so this obviously wasn't just her imagination. She gulped, "Maybe his potion really does work..."
After several minutes of consideration and feeling uncomfortable in her own clothes, Carrie decided that maybe it was time to talk to Nick about this. She scowled, hating the idea of admitting that he might be right about the potion but knowing that she didn't have much other choice. She couldn't very well deny the changes in her own body.
"Okay," Carrie shook Nick awake on the couch, "Tell me about this potion of yours."
"What?" Nick blinked in surprise as he woke up.
"Get up," Carrie snapped in annoyance. "I think your weird health potion might be working..."
"The stud juice?" Nick gasped, suddenly wide awake. He jumped to his feet and stared at Carrie with a strange expression.
"I think my breasts are bigger," she told him.
"Great," Nick grinned, then he scowled, "Damn... I was supposed to get the stud juice, not you.."
"Stud juice?" Carrie asked.
"Um...yeah," Nick blushed. "It's supposed to make someone taller, stronger, healthier, and give them more vitality. I figured it would make me a stud, so I started calling it stud juice."
"Great," Carrie rolled her eyes, "Well it's definitely working. I feel a lot more energetic than normal and I feel great..."
"You look great too," Nick added, staring at her breasts. Then he looked her in the eyes and frowned slightly. "I think you're taller too..."
"Taller?" Carrie blinked in surprise. She looked down at her pant legs which were riding a bit high. "Where's the measuring tape?"
Once Carrie marked her height against the wall and measured it, she was surprised to find that she was more than two inches taller than normal. She gasped in surprise, then began to grin.
"I always wanted to be a little taller," Carrie told Nick then went to the bathroom. Carrie admired her reflection in the mirror, trying to notice any other changes. She was taller, bustier and noticeably more fit than before. She looked great and felt even better. "Maybe you should call it babe juice instead," she grinned.
"Um...yeah," Nick responded, staring at Carrie with an envious look as he thought about the fact that she was getting the benefits of all his hard work while he was left with nothing.
Carrie noticed his expression and scowled, "You said you had some for Brad and Jeff too..."
"Yeah," Nick agreed with a scowl.
Carrie stared at him, her eyes narrowing slightly. "You said that there was only enough for three people... You mean you didn't plan on sharing any of this with me?"
"No," Nick stammered in surprise, "I mean..." Then he turned defensive, almost accusing, "You didn't believe it would work anyway."
"What?" Carrie grimaced, glaring at her husband. "You mean that you get something like this and you don't even plan on sharing it with me? You'd share it with your friends, but not with your own wife?"
Carrie clenched her fists, becoming angry at Nick again. First he emptied their bank account out without even telling her, the he doesn't even intend to share this health potion. The only reason she was getting any of the benefits was because she drank it by accident. She suddenly realized that he would have just kept it to himself and rubbed it in her face that it worked afterwards. She couldn't believe how selfish he was.
"You're a real selfish bastard," Carrie snapped at him before turning and storming away, "I'm going to work."
When Carrie arrived at work, she found that her mood didn't improve much. Not only did her ill fitting clothes remain uncomfortable, but she kept thinking about Nick and his behavior, becoming convinced that if it kept up their marriage would be over before long. She didn't want to think about it since she still loved Nick, but he was just too much to handle at times.
Carrie had calmed down some after several hours and was busy talking to Jessica, one of her coworkers when she abruptly realized that she was looking the other woman straight in the eyes without having to look up. Jessica had always been several inches taller than Carrie, but now they were the same height. Carrie smiled faintly at that, enjoying that as well as the extra attention her male coworkers had been paying her.
"There are definitely some nice benefits to Nick's stud juice," Carrie smirked, feeling pleased to have taken it away from him that way, even if it had only been an accident. After all, he deserved it since it had been her money and he hadn't even planned on sharing with her.
During lunch, Carrie decided that she'd finally had enough of her tight clothes and rushed to the store to buy a new bra and a few more items. She knew her coworkers might say something about her sudden change of clothes but decided that she really didn't care.
Carrie didn't spend much time shopping as she only had an hour for lunch and she was feeling famished. She finished the shopping in record time then went to the nearest restaurant to eat. Normally Carrie would have just ordered a chicken salad or something small, but this time she ordered a full meal that would normally have served fine for dinner. To her surprise, she ate every bit of it and still had room for a small dessert.
"It I keep eating like this," Carrie told herself in disgust when she was done, "I'm gonna need even larger clothes..."
Upon returning to work, Jessica looked Carrie over and mused, "I noticed you changed your clothes..."
"I spilled coffee on myself during lunch," Carrie quickly explained.
"You still have the tag on," Jessica smirked, pointing to the tag on Carrie's new shirt.
"Thanks," Carrie blushed, quickly reaching back and taking off the tag.
Then as Carrie looked at Jessica again, she was startled to notice that she had to look down just slightly to meet her eyes. She gasped at the realization that she had grown taller, that she was now just a little taller than Jessica. Jessica was staring, at her as well but with a confused frown as though she couldn't quite figure out what was different.
"I'd better finish the report up," Carrie said to change the subject and get away from Jessica.
Carrie sat back down at her desk and frowned slightly, wondering if the strange potion was still changing her. When she'd woken up, she thought it was all done and over with. Now she wasn't quite certain any more. She was sure that she'd still been a little shorter than Jessica when she'd first come in that morning, and now she was definitely taller, though not by much.
"Nick said there were three doses in that glass," Carrie gulped, "Enough for three people... Enough for three grown men..."
Carrie shuddered slightly as she wondered what that much of the potion would do to her. But after thinking about it for a few minutes, she decided that it couldn't be a bad thing. After all, it was a health and vitality formula and you could never have too much of those. Besides, she felt incredible and absolutely loved what it was doing to her body. The more she thought about it the more she was looking forward to seeing how much more improved she'd become.
"And Nick didn't want to share this," Carrie grinned, stretching out and loving how good it felt.
When Carrie got home that night, she was annoyed to find Nick just sitting back and going over his notes on his so called stud juice. She scowled at the sight, "Didn't you bother looking for a job today?"
"This is more important," Nick told her with a scowl.
Carrie rolled her eyes, "I'm sick and tired of paying all the bills by myself. And you went and spent all our savings without even telling me..."
"It was for my potion," Nick snapped back. "Besides, Brad and Jeff put money in it too and they're pissed at the way you stole their shares..."
"STOLE?" Carrie nearly screamed at Nick. "You left it out for me to accidentally drink. What if it had been poison? You could have killed me..."
Carrie grimaced and stormed into her room again, slamming the door behind her. She shook her head, knowing that things couldn't keep going on like this. Sure Nick's potion might actually have worked, but that didn't change the fact he'd used up their savings and that she'd probably have to work overtime to pay that months bills.
Carrie couldn't stay angry though, especially when her appetite got the better of her. She finally came out to find something for dinner, surprised that she was hungry again after that lunch she'd eaten. Nick just quietly watched her preparing dinner, staying out of her way but giving her looks of both attraction and envy.
"I don't know why I'm so hungry," Carrie said self-consciously as she put a double portion of food on her plate.
"It's the potion," Nick explained, trying carefully not to get Carrie upset again. "The notes said that when it increases your also increases your appetite and libido." He blushed as he looked away, making Carrie realize why he'd been calling it stud juice.
"Just great," Carrie rolled her eyes, but thought it was a small price to pay for those great improvements. Of course, she wasn't going to tell that to Nick since she rather liked him tiptoeing around and trying not to upset her.
The rest of the night went fairly well, especially as Nick was trying to get on her good side again. She enjoyed the attention but wasn't ready to completely forgive him just yet. Of course, the great improvements in her body and the way she felt were certainly helping.
When it came time for bed, Carrie decided to measure her height again. She marked her height on the wall where she had that morning and saw that it was several inches above the previous mark. And when she used the tape measure, she saw that she had grown a full four inches and was now 5 foot 10.
"I'm so tall now," Carrie gasped in delight. "I always wanted to be taller and now I am..."
Carrie grinned as she rushed into the bathroom and undressed to get a better look at her body. She gasped in awe as she saw now much better she looked than normal. Not only were her breasts a little bigger, but her whole body seemed to have become sexier. On top of that, she now had noticeable muscles that made her look as though she might be an aerobics instructor. She loved the way she looked now.
"Fantastic," Carrie exclaimed, caressing her new body. "I'm so glad I drank that potion... This is definitely worth that fifteen thousand..."
After Carrie had admired herself in the mirror for awhile, she decided to share this with Nick. After all, it had been his stud juice that made this all possible for her. She smiled and stepped into the bedroom completely naked, loving the look of intense attraction on his face and the other physical signs of it elsewhere.
"What do you think lover?" Carrie purred as she wrapped her arms around Nick. "Do you like the new me? I sure do..."

Forum Saradas


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Re: Story - Stud Juice
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2015, 06:41:19 am »

Carrie climbed out of bed in the morning, feeling wide awake and completely refreshed. With just a smile towards the still sleeping Nick, she reached for her bath robe and slipped it on. It was a bit too small for her now, but that only made her smile more. She bent over and gave Nick a kiss, then went to go get breakfast. She was feeling pretty hungry as well as just a little horny.
When Nick came out a short while later, Carrie was in the kitchen cooking up a thick omelet. He took one long look then grinned, "That's a pretty full omelet."
"It sure is," Carrie told him as she sprinkled some pepper on it. "But I left you enough stuff to make your own."
After Carrie scooped the entire omelet onto her plate and then went to sit down, Nick scratched his head, "I thought you were kidding..." Then he looked at the omelet again, "Is that four eggs?"
"Six," Carrie shrugged, looking a little self-conscious. "I'm hungry."
Carrie finished her breakfast quickly, nearly wolfing it down. She could barely believe that she was hungry enough to eat the whole thing or that she had room in her stomach for it. Then as she got up to put her dishes in the sink, she paused to stare at Nick eye to eye. It took a moment for it to dawn on both of them that they were now the same height.
"Holy shit," Nick exclaimed, staring at Carrie in disbelief. He was six feet tall and used to towering over her, not having her look him straight in the eye like that. He wasn't quite sure he liked it. Then he looked over the rest of her body and gasped, "You're ripped..."
"I am?" Carrie asked in surprise, looking herself over and seeing that her muscles were even more defined than the previous night. "Cool..." Then she grinned at Nick, "It's weird, but it feels so good..."
"Um...yeah," Nick nodded, wincing as he thought about the physical improvements that should have been his instead of hers. His and his friends. He gulped as he thought about how much of the stud juice she'd drank, wondering how much more she'd grow from it.
"Looking like this," Carrie flexed a her arm and grinned, "I bet I'm about as strong as you are now..." Then she laughed, "This is great..."
"Yeah," Nick muttered enviously, "Just great..."
"If I grow any bigger," Carrie continued with a grin, enjoying Nick's discomfort, "I'll be even bigger than you..."
"Just great," Nick rolled his eyes.
Carrie smirked at his reaction, then said, "At least you have a really hot wife."
Nick stared at her and nodded agreement, "Oh yeah... You're definitely hot looking now..."
"And you're saying I wasn't before?" she asked with a look of mock anger.
"Um...," Nick stammered, seeing the trap and realizing that he was completely caught in it.
Carrie just laughed at that and grabbed him, pulling him towards the bedroom. "You know that increased libido you warned me about...? Well, I'm gonna needs some help taking care of it..."
Once they were going at it on the bed, Carrie noticed that it was quite different from normal. She'd noticed it a bit the night before though it was far more noticeable now. Nick was used to her being smaller and easy to physically dominate, and now that she was his own size he seemed uncertain of what to do. Carrie took advantage of that and told him, "I want to be on top for a change..."
Carrie quickly found that she enjoyed being more aggressive in bed and promised herself that she'd have to do it more often now that she had the chance. Nick was so thrown off by her new size and strength that he was like putty in her hands, a fact that she greatly enjoyed. She absolutely loved her new body and the effect it had on her husband, not to mention just how good it felt.
After the sex, Carrie went to the bathroom to clean up. She stopped to look at herself in the mirror, smirking, "I can't believe I've grown seven inches... And in just two days..."
She shook her head, then admired the rest of her transformed body. As Nick had noticed, she was definitely bustier and more athletic looking than she'd been the night before. She estimated herself to be a D or DD cup size now, which was a lot bigger than her old perky Bs.
"And these muscles," Carrie stared at them in amazement. "I look like I go to the gym all the time." Then she giggled, "Of course this is much easier..."
It was only then that Carrie noticed a few other changes. Her face looked subtly different as well, though she couldn't quite place it. It took a moment to realize that even her face somehow looked a little sexier. And her hair... She reached up to examine her hair which had grown at least four inches longer and lightened several shades. It felt so soft and silky, much nicer than before.
"I can't believe all this stud juice is doing to me," she gasped in amazement, wondering if it was all done yet or if there was more to come. She kind of hoped for the latter since she'd been enjoying this so much.
After Carrie finished with her shower, she began to get dressed only to realize the downside of her recent growth spurt. Her old clothes were now impossibly small for her while even the ones she'd bought during lunch were far too tight. She grimaced, realizing that she could spend an entire fortune on new clothes.
Finally, Carrie asked Nick, "How much more am I going to grow?" She gestured down at her extremely tight clothes, "This can get really expensive..."
"I...I don't know," Nick winced, looking envious and worried at the same time. "You had three doses of the potion..."
"How much is one dose supposed to make you grow?" she scowled.
Nick hesitated, then admitted, "I don't know." He licked his lips thoughtfully, almost as though afraid to tell her something she didn't want to hear. "The notes didn't say how much, only how much of it someone should drink."
"Great," Carrie sighed, "So it might be over, or it might keep going. This can be a big problem..."
"Um...yeah," Nick nodded, staring straight at her breasts.
"Well," Carrie sighed again in defeat, "I guess we'll have to go shopping again. I'll have to make sure I get things that are really loose...just in case."
"What about work?" Nick pointed out. "You're already really late..."
Carrie scowled, then gestured down at herself, "I think I've got bigger things to worry about at the moment. Besides, how the hell am I going to explain this at the office?"
"Good point," Nick agreed weakly.
Carrie got dressed the best she could, though she cursed the clothes she'd bought the day before as being too tight. She then cursed all the money they'd have to spend ot buy new clothes, money they could no longer afford thanks to Nick spending their savings. Thankfully, she thought, they still had a lot of room on their credit card.
Several hours later, Carrie left the store with some new clothes, each large enough to give her some room to grow. She was a little worried about this, thinking that she must have grown a little more while in the store. As they were leaving, she noticed that she had to look down just a little to meet Nick's eyes. Carrie didn't point this out and neither did he, though she was certain he noticed.
Carrie continued to slowly grow throughout the day, a fact which she was now quite aware of. She looked own at herself every chance she got, trying to see if she could see herself actually growing. The thought that she was now bigger than Nick and still growing filled her with both excitement and worry. She only wondered when it would end and how big she would be when it finally did.
By the time they were ready for bed, Carrie looked like a porn star fitness model and stood at a new height of 6 foot 3. She was 3 inches taller than Nick, which amused her a great deal, especially when he stared at her with envy in his eyes. Fortunately, he also stared at her with a great deal of lust which made him much easier to deal with.
On the third morning after drinking the stud juice, Carrie woke up to a new height of 6 foot 5. Everything else had grown as well, leaving her with solid muscles that made her look like a body builder. Fortunately, her very generous curves worked to subdue the muscles and hide them a little, giving her an appearance of strength but also of sexiness.
Carrie didn't spend much time looking over her latest improvements though as she was feeling quite aroused. She licked her lips hungrily and woke Nick up, whispering, "Come on little man..." She giggled at that, "You've got a job to do..."
"What...?" Nick stammered as he struggled to wake up. Then he saw Carrie bent over him and tried pushing her away.
"You'll have to do better than that," she teased as she bent down to kiss Nick.
Nick continued to push her away, acting as though he didn't want her to kiss him. It took a moment for Carrie to realize that he wasn't just playing around. He really was trying to push her away. She jumped back, staring at him in surprise.
"I couldn't breath," Nick gasped, making Carrie realize she'd been laying across his chest.
"I...I'm sorry," she gasped in surprise, "I didn't know..."
While Nick sat up and caught his breath, she stared at him, realizing for the first time just how strong she'd become. Nick had been pushing against her as hard as he could and it had felt as though she'd been dealing with a child. She was stronger than Nick...much stronger. The idea excited her, though she didn't let him know that.
"I'm sorry," Carrie told Nick, bending over him and kissing him again. This time he didn't resist her at all and kissed back just as passionately. She grinned, still feeling extremely aroused.
It took little effort for Carrie to get Nick in the mood and ready for love making. This time there was absolutely no doubt as to who was the dominant one. She was bigger and stronger than him, a fact that she gently but firmly reminded him of several times during their sexy. That fact only turned her on even more, making everything even more exciting and satisfying.
Once they were finished and Nick was too worn out to continue, Carrie leaned back and cuddled with him, amused by how small he seemed to her. It was so different from the way things had always been before but she really enjoyed it. It was as though their physical roles had been exchanged and she loved it. Carrie thought that it seemed rather appropriate too since she'd been the primary wage earner and bill payer for quite some time.
"Well little man," Carrie gently teased Nick, then half jokingly said, "Why don't you go and fix me some breakfast. I'm starving."
"Okay honey," Nick responded meekly and climbed out of bed to do as she'd asked.
After Nick had left the bedroom, Carrie stretched out and laughed to herself, "I could really get to like this. In fact, I already do."
A minute later though, Carrie climbed out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. She was desperately curious to see what changes the night had brought her for herself. She stared into the mirror, feeling extremely impressed. She had definitely continued to get bigger, stronger, and sexier all at once. Even her hair had grown a few more inches and become a little lighter.
"Incredible," Carrie whispered, noticing something else as well. It was as though her entire body radiated an aura of health and vitality. "Of course," she smirked, "I have all the health and vitality of three people now..."
Carrie flexed her muscles, amazed by just how big they were and how solid. She'd never imagined having muscles like this, like some sort of bodybuilder. And the way she felt... She felt strong and powerful, a feeling that she absolutely loved. She ached to truly test her new strength, to find out just how strong she was.
"I think I'll go to the gym today," she grinned to herself, not sure whether to bring Nick along or not. If she worked out in front of him, she might leave him feeling weak and humiliated in comparison. Male pride was such a fragile thing after all. Then again, it might do him some good to remind him of just how strong she had become.
When Carrie went to the gym several hours later, Nick decided not to come with her. Carrie was a little disappointed by that, but decided that it might be for the best as well since she wouldn't be as distracted while testing her strength.
"I can't believe that I'm at a gym," Carrie shook her head as she went to one of the machines. "I can't believe that I'm the tallest and most muscular person here either..."
Everyone in the gym was staring at her in amazement, hardly able to believe that a woman could possibly be that big. Carrie enjoyed the attention and the envious way that some of the men were looking at her muscles. She laughed at that, then tried her best to ignore them for the moment.
Carrie randomly chose a weight somewhere in the middle of what the machine was capable and found that she could lift it with ease. She changed the weight to the maximum weight possible and found that it was definitely more difficult but still well below her own limits. She was in awe of that and tried several more machines, finding similar results.
"Very impressive," a muscular man who was 6 inches shorter than her said with a look of amazement on his face. "The free weights are in the other room if you wanted to get serious..."
"Free weights?" Carrie asked in confusion.
"Very funny," the man grinned, "But I know you didn't get that big without knowing your way around the gym."
Carrie scowled in annoyance, realizing the problem with being so big. Everyone assumed that she already knew everything she needed to know about the gym and building muscles so wouldn't take any of her questions seriously. She sighed and went to the other room with the free weights, standing back and watching for a minute to get a better idea of what was going on. Only then did she go to work herself.
Carrie stayed at the gym for several hours, learning more about how to lift weights and discovering the limits of her own strength. Of course, she was amused to realize that this wouldn't do a whole lot of good since she was still growing stronger. She'd have to come back after she finally stopped. And that time, she grinned at the thought, she was definitely bringing Nick along.
That night, Carrie had another long and passionate round of sex with Nick, accidentally leaving her husband a little bruised in the process. However, in spite of the bruises he'd enjoyed himself as well and lay collapsed on the bed in blissful exhaustion while Carrie measured herself. She went to bed a short time later, grinning broadly at the fact she was now 6 foot 8...towering completely over her little husband.
When Carrie awoke the next morning, she was disappointed to find that she hadn't grown any more during the night. She was still the same 6 foot 8 that she'd gone to bed as. The meaning of this struck her immediately. Her growth spurt was over and this was the size she'd remain.
"But I can live with this," Carrie smirked as she admired herself in the mirror. She was very tall, very muscular, and somehow still very sexy. Her breasts were the size of basketballs but were still all round and firm, not seeming to need any support as of yet. Of course, she'd have to get some custom bras for them anyway. She flexed her muscles, cupped her breasts, "I can definitely live with this."
Then Carrie grinned, realizing that there were definitely good points about this growth spurt finally being over. Now that the stud juice...or babe juice as she preferred to call it had finally run it's course, she could finally get a wardrobe that fit. She wouldn't have to worry about growing right out of her clothes again just a few hours later. That would be a HUGE relief.
Carrie stepped back into the bedroom and looked down at Nick, whom she'd been careful not to wake while climbing out of bed. She wanted to get a better look at her changes before waking him. Now she was more than ready to wake him up. She was so turned on that she was dripping down her own leg, something she knew she'd have to get used to.
"I don't think that will be too much of a problem," Carrie grinned, thinking of all the fun her increased libido had been providing. The only real problem would be that Nick wouldn't be able to keep up with her or fully satisfy her. It was sad but true. "Still," she mused, "It's time to wake him up and put him to work trying..."
But in spite of her horniness, Carrie remained where she was for another minute, staring at Nick and thinking about how great this was. This was so much better than the way things used to be, especially now that Nick was intimidated enough to listen to her. She smiled at that, deciding that after Nick took care of her little itch, it would be time to start making a few changes of her own around the house.
Carrie slowly sat down into the large recliner that had been custom built to handle her large size and weight. She smiled, more than pleased with how things had been going lately. It had been three months since she'd accidentally drank the babe juice and her life couldn't be better.
Ever since Carrie's increase in stature, Nick had been MUCH more polite and accommodating towards her. She knew that he was intimidated by her though she tried not to intimidate him too least not most of the time. After all, she did enjoy giving him gentle reminders about just how strong she was now. It made things so much easier around the house.
It had taken very little convincing to get Nick to go back to work and stay there. Now they were making enough money to not only play all the bills, including Carrie's large food and clothing ones, but also build up their savings again. Of course, Carrie's new job helped with that as well.
Carrie wasn't sure how she could possibly explain her massive growth spurt to her old coworkers, nor was she sure she wanted to have them staring at her and whispering behind her back. Because of that, she'd quit her old job and found a new one where her size was a major advantage.
Now Carrie worked as the bouncer at a strip club. She didn't take her clothes off or anything like that. All she really had to do most of the time was standing around and looking intimidating. That seemed to work out well for everyone. The owner liked having a big busted woman as the bouncer since it tended to draw in more customers, and the dancers all trusted her more than they did any male bouncer.
Of course, there were a few downsides to her new job as well. For one, Carrie didn't like Nick coming to see her at work, and the owner and other girls kept urging her to get on the stage and try dancing herself. The idea of doing so was slowly becoming more and more appealing. After all, it wasn't as though Carrie had anything at all to be ashamed about with her body. In fact, she was more than a little proud of it and already enjoyed showing it off. Maybe this constant urging to try dancing herself wasn't such a downside after all.
Then there was Carrie's enhanced libido. Ever since she'd been transformed, she'd been turned on easily and often. She often spent half the day walking around wet and aroused. And though she loved Nick dearly and he did his best to satisfy her desires, he just couldn't keep up.
Carrie felt a little guilty about it, but she'd recently been cheating on Nick with not one...but two other men. Since Nick alone hadn't been able to satisfy her, she'd been having sex with a bartender at the club and one of the club patrons who was into big women. She didn't have feelings for either of them and it was merely sex, but she still felt a bit guilty. She rationalized it to herself with the reminder that it was Nick she really loved and that she was merely getting what she couldn't from her husband. He'd understand...if he knew. At least she hoped he would.
"Oh yeah," Carrie mused, glancing to the clock. "I should probably talk to Nick so we can decide what to have for dinner..."
At the same time, Nick sat in his work shop, staring at the glass of dark red liquid in font of him with an eager grin. He'd done it... After all this time, he'd finally been able to create more of his stud juice.
Just a couple weeks earlier, Nick had been cleaning his work shop at Carrie's urging and he'd found it...a small dried berry that had fallen behind his desk. It was the same extinct berry that was so vital for the creation of the stud juice. All Nick could guess was that it must have accidentally fallen when he'd been making his previous batch. And all that mattered was that he could finally create more.
"Finally," Nick grinned excitedly.
He thought about everything he'd endured for the last few months, about how he'd lost his friends for not giving them the stud juice as agreed, and about how he'd become a virtual servant in his own home. Of course, he knew that he wasn't really a servant. Carrie made him to go work but she kept working herself. She made him help around the house but continued doing chores herself. Still, it annoyed him that his wife could force him to do anything with just a glance. He was so afraid to get her upset that he'd jump and do what she wanted immediately.
"At least the sex is good," Nick told himself uncertainly.
Of course, he had as much sex as he wanted, but he was no longer the dominant partner in any way. They had sex when she wanted and how she wanted. She often even left him a little bruised by accident. He wanted a wife that he could be a real man with again, and Carrie was no longer that. Nick even suspected that she was having an affair, though he'd never accuse her of it since he didn't want to get her angry at him. At the moment, it was better to just let things be.
But now, things could be different. With the stud juice, Nick could make himself bigger and stronger too. Unfortunately, the single berry was only enough to make a single dose of the fantastic potion. It wasn't nearly as much as the three doses Carrie had consumed, but it would definitely help. Since Nick had started out much bigger and stronger than she had, he hoped that would make up the difference. He wouldn't have to be small and weak compared to his wife anymore.
"She won't be able to tell me what to do anymore either," Nick grinned eagerly.
Just then, Carrie stepped into the work shop and froze, her eyes locked on the small glass of dark red liquid on Nick's table. She immediately recognized what it was though the sudden guilty expression on Nick's face...though that made her think of a kid with his hand caught in the candy jar only confirmed it.
In a single second, Carrie thought about what would happen if Nick became as big and strong as she was. He'd be able to keep up with her sexually so she wouldn't have to keep cheating. He'd be so much stronger and nicer to look at. But at the same time, she remembered the way things used to be with Nick ignoring her and his own responsibilities. He'd refused to help with the bills, cleaning the house, or anything else. She absolutely refused to let things go back to being like that after the way they'd been so great.
Without a single word, Carrie quickly snatched up the glass of red liquid and downed it in a single gulp. The foul taste and burning as it went down confirmed that it was indeed the exact same stud juice as before, though where he'd gotten the ingredients to make more she had no idea.
"Honey," Carrie told him in a sweet and gentle tone that had a faint hint of threat behind it, "I think it's time for you to go make dinner."
"Yes dear," Nick responded meekly. He looked up at his wife and sighed in defeat, knowing that he'd just lost his last chance to reclaim control of his life and home. Then he started for the kitchen to do as he'd been asked.
"And honey," Carrie added with a grin, "Make a lot... I have a feeling I'm going to be extra hungry tonight."
Nick gulped fearfully, then weakly responded, "Yes dear..."
Carrie licked her lips as she watched Nick go to the kitchen, then she looked down at herself and grinned. Of course, she knew that she'd have to buy another new wardrobe, but that wasn't much of a problem. She laughed in delight, looking forward to finding how much she improved this time.
"This is going to be fun," she smirked as she cupped her large breasts and then flexed her muscles, wondering how much bigger she could possibly get. "A lot of fun."


Offline DRHILL54

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+Notable Author: [Morpheus] The Silver Flute
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2017, 09:59:34 pm »
Looking through yahoo groups I found one of Morpheus's old stories "The Magic Flute"
However, it seems too long for Yahoo Groups as it's cut the end off it.
Does anyone else have the last bit? (what happened?)

Another member has added to the story, AND it appears to be complete now.

The Silver Flute
Written by Morpheus
Story idea by Max

Tina smiled nervously as she darted around her tiny apartment kitchen, quickly finishing up the dishes that she was preparing for dinner. She usually didn't get quite so into cooking, considering it a necessary evil, but today was a special occasion and called for a little celebration.

Today was the one year anniversary of when she had started dating her boyfriend Corey. The two of them had hit it off immediately, due in large part to his being so insightful. She was normally very shy with boys but he'd seen through her shy exterior and had been patient enough to let her emerge at her own comfort. They'd remained together since, even moving into this apartment together two months ago.

"I hope he likes this," Tina told herself, uncertain of her own skill. After all, she wasn't very good at cooking. "What if he doesn't like it?"

Tina quickly glanced to the door and then the clock, knowing that Corey would be home soon. It was a Saturday so neither of them had classes at the college today, but Corey did have to put in a few hours at his Pizza delivery job. Thankfully, he was taking off the time so that they could have a nice romantic dinner together.

"At least I didn't have to go in to work today," Tina mused, thinking about her own part time job where she worked at a clothing store.

Then Tina quickly went and checked her appearance in the small mirror that hung on the living room wall as a decoration. She wanted to make sure that she looked good before Corey returned, or at least as good as she could look.

Tina sighed at the sight of her reflection, wishing she could be a little more impressive. As it was, she was a twenty-two year old college student who was anything but a knock-out. She was only 5 foot 2, with barely any curves worth speaking of. In fact, she was so petite that more than once she'd been mistaken as still being a high school student…or one time…a junior high student.

"At least Corey loves me for who I am," Tina mused, nervously running her hand through her mousey brown hair which she normally kept in a pony-tail, though not tonight. Tonight she was actually wearing it free. In spite of knowing that he did love her, she couldn't help but momentarily wondering why or what she could have done to deserve it.

Then the front door opened and Corey stepped inside, greeting her with a cheerful, "Hi honey, I'm home…"

"Welcome back," Tina exclaimed, staring at her handsome boyfriend who somehow managed to pull off appearing both athletic yet somewhat geeky at the same time. Then she rushed over to give Corey a hug and kiss.

Tina felt absolutely tiny next to Corey since he stood 6 foot 1, nearly a full foot taller than her. However, having his strong arms wrapped around her made her feel safe and protected.

"How was work?" Tina asked Corey, only then noticing that he was holding a present.

"It was all right," Corey answered with a shrug, running his hand through his dark hair. He gave her an easy grin and said, "Some frat guys were having a party and ordered a bunch of pizzas. They didn't tip much but they did ask if I wanted to stay for some beer…" Then Corey gave her another kiss and added, "I had to tell them that I had a much more important party."

"Well I'm just glad you're back," Tina told Corey. "I made your favorite..." Then she blushed and muttered, "Sort of... I just hope you like it..."

Corey looked at the chicken parmesan which was sitting on their table, thinking that it looked just a little burnt. However, he didn't want to hurt Tina's feelings at all so told her, "It looks great." Then he held up the nicely wrapped present he'd brought with him and said, "I brought you a little something. I thought that you might like this even more than flowers or chocolate."

Tina eagerly accepted the present which was about the same size as a shoe box, just a little longer. She tore off the wrapping paper and revealed a rather plain looking wooden box, albeit one that was obviously old and well taken care of. She ran her hands across the dark wood, excited to see what was inside.

"I really hope you like this," Corey told her, obviously impatient to see her reaction though doing his best to hide it.

Then Tina opened the box and stared inside, letting out a gasp of amazement as she saw the contents. Inside the box there was a beautiful, though old fashioned flute which was sitting on a black velvet cloth. The flute looked as though it was even made out of silver, something which probably increased its monetary value a great deal. Of course, its value to Tina was far greater than that since Corey had given it to her.

Tina carefully reached for the flute and held it up, almost afraid that she'd drop it and break it. She staring at it intently and realizing that this had to be an antique.

"This has been in my family for several generations," Corey told Tina, smiling at the look of awe on her face. "It used to belong to my great grandma...quite an impressive woman. I think her great aunt gave it to her, but I'm not really sure."

"It's gorgeous," Tina whispered, not taking her eyes from the flute. Then she looked up at Corey with a guilty look and asked, "But isn't this a family heirloom?"

Corey hesitated a moment before saying, "It is, but for some strange reason it can only be used by women. Whenever a man tries using it, it won't even make a sound. There are only two women in my family right now, my sister Beth and my aunt Jenna. However, neither of them is interested in music like least not in learning to play. Neither of them really wanted it. I thought it should go to someone who would appreciate it and I remember you saying that you used to play the flute back in high school and how much you missed it."

"I do miss playing," Tina admitted self-consciously. "I could never afford to buy a flute of my own though and could only use one I borrowed from the music department..." Then she frowned, "But shouldn't this stay in your family anyway?"

"It is," Corey told her, silencing her with a kiss and reminding her of his intentions as well as their agreement. Corey had never come out and asked her to marry him, but he had made his intentions clear. However, they'd both agreed that there would be no serious talk of marriage until after they'd both graduated from college. Of course, once Corey did officially ask her, she fully intended to accept. "Now go ahead and try it."

Tina wiped the flute's mouthpiece to make sure it was clean and then hesitantly brought it to her lips. She glanced to Corey self-consciously, afraid that she'd embarrass herself with her playing. After all, she hadn't played in several years and never for him. What if he didn't like it?

Then Tina began to play, delighting herself at how nice and clear the notes sounded. Everything came back to her in a flash and she was playing a tune that she'd spent hours practicing for a school concert back in high school. However, she was amazed that it sounded even better than it had been then, even though it had been a long time since the last time she'd practiced.

"Beautiful," Corey told her when she was finished. "You sounded fantastic."

"Thank you," Tina blushed in response. "It was easier than I expected...almost like the flute was half playing itself."

Corey just chuckled at that before saying, "Who knows, though there is something strange about that flute. I've tried playing it several times but it won't even make a single peep for me."

"I didn't get you anything near this good," Tina told Corey with a sigh. "But I'll tell you what... After dinner I'll try to show you just how grateful I am for this..."

"That sounds great to me," Corey told her, giving her a kiss before sitting down at the table. "I can't wait."


Tina sat all alone in her apartment, feeling tired from a long and frustrating day but not being quite ready for bed. She sighed, thankful that at least the day was done and over with.

Earlier in the day, Tina had accidentally left a thesis paper back at the apartment and hadn't been able to turn it in on time. She could still turn it in tomorrow but the delay would mean a small point reduction on her grade from it.

And as if that hadn't been bad enough, when she'd gone to work after classes, she had been forced to deal with an extremely rude and obnoxious customer. Tina didn't mind going into work early on the weekends to open or staying late and closing. However, the part of her job that she hated the most was dealing with rude customers. Whenever they started getting pushy and insulting, she felt like she just wanted to curl up and turn invisible.

"Too bad Corey isn't here," Tina mused to herself, feeling disappointed. Unfortunately, he was busy delivering pizzas and probably wouldn't be home until pretty late. "I just hope he gets enough sleep."

Tina smiled faintly as she thought of Corey and how hard he worked at that part time job. According to him, his family had some decent money and all of his college tuition had been completely paid for. However, he insisted that he would take care of his rent and food money himself, as a matter of pride.

Then Tina turned her attention to the antique silver flute that Corey had given her a few days ago. She took it out of the box that she kept it in and began to play. As with the other times she'd played it, it had a beautiful sound and was so easy to play that it almost seemed that it half played itself.

After playing for ten minutes, Tina set the flue back into its box. Then she paused as she noticed something, that the box was a little deeper on the outside than it seemed on the inside. She ran her hands across the velvet cloth that the flute was set on and realized that it was actually a tray. She pulled it out and found that there was a small space beneath it which contained a thin book.

"Sheet music," Tina mused as she flipped through the book and saw that it contained pages for different tunes. There were no words written to go with the notes, and there wasn't even any title at the top of each page which made it difficult to guess what song the music might be.

Tina looked over each of the pages for a minute, unable to identify what songs they were. She absently wondered if these were old songs from Corey's family, perhaps something that one of them had written.

"Let's see what this sounds like," Tina mused, looking over the first page as she brought the flute back up to her lips.

The music was beautiful but eerie, and after several seconds, Tina began to feel rather strange. She felt as though her mind had spread out, riding the sound of the music to all those who could hear it.

Tina suddenly became aware of two young women who were in the apartment above her own, hearing the music through their open window. These were two other girls who went to the same college that she and Corey did. And though she couldn't see them with her own eyes, she could still somehow see them perfectly clear with this other sense that was riding the music.

From the strange sense that Tina had, she could see the two women had been talking but then they froze as the music touched them, acting almost as though they'd suddenly gone into some kind of trance. But then the music did something else, something even stranger than everything else it was doing. While riding the music, Tina could feel herself going into the women and drawing something from them. She was so startled by this that she immediately stopped playing.

"What's going on?" Tina asked in confusion.

Tina suddenly felt afraid of the flute and this strange music, not sure what it was doing but not trusting it. She began putting the flute back into its box but then paused, wondering what it exactly it was doing. What would it have done if she'd continued to play?

Tina left the flute siting there for nearly ten minutes before curiosity got the best of her. She took the flute to her open window and then began playing the eerily beautiful melody again. Just seconds later, she felt her senses riding out with the music until she could feel the two women above her again. They'd come out from whatever trance they'd been in the first time but quickly went back under.

As with the first time, the music was starting to reach into the bodies of those two girls and pull something out, something that was being drawn back to Tina and into her body. To Tina's surprise, it felt good…very good. She almost stopped playing…almost. Instead, she continued playing, enjoying this euphoric sensation that was just on the verge of being orgasmic.

Suddenly, Tina realized that something was happening to the two young women though it took a moment for her to tell exactly what it was. Their clothes were becoming looser. And as she watched them through the strange sense that he music provided, she realized that she could sort of feel them shrinking.

Tina immediately stopped playing, only to notice that her own clothes were now painfully tight, pinching badly in several places. She gulped, suddenly feeling afraid again and regretting that she'd ever picked the flute back up.

"What's going on?" Tina exclaimed, staring at the flute as though waiting for an explanation. However, none came so she nervously put the flute back into the box, setting the book of music on top of it. "This is weird…very weird."

For a moment, Tina just stared at the box, wishing that Corey was home to talk to about this. However, he wasn't and she was too tired to wait up for him. So instead, she took off her shoes, letting out a faint sigh of relief since they were no longer pinching her feet. The rest of her clothes quickly came off as well, and a few minutes later she climbed into bed, hoping that in the morning everything would all be better.


Tina stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror with a slight frown. She adjusted her bathrobe, the one she wore every morning while getting ready and which was normally a bit large for her. However, this morning it actually felt snug.

Tina clearly remembered what had happened last night while playing the flute, how she'd sensed the two women in the apartment above her somehow shrinking a little. Her bathroom was proof that it hadn't just been her imagination. Normally, when she opened the medicine cabinet, one of the shelves was almost exactly at eye level. The fact that it was now several inches lower than her eyes was additional proof.

"Corey," Tina called out to her boyfriend hesitantly. She left the bathroom and went into the living room where he was already dressed and ready to leave for class. "Do I look different?"

With a slight wince for fear of having not noticed a new haircut or something similar, Corey began looking her over. After a moment, he frowned slightly, realizing that something was a little off but he couldn't quite place what it was.

"Did you do something with your hair?" he asked hopefully.

"No," Tina responded with a sigh. She stood next to Corey, noticing that he was still much taller than her but not quite as much so. "Do I seem taller to you?"

To Corey's credit, he didn't just laugh and tell her that she was being silly. He actually took her seriously enough to listen to what she was telling him, regardless of how strange it was. That was one of the reasons that Tina loved him.

"You do look taller," Corey gasped in surprise. "Just a little... But that's impossible..."

"It was the flute," Tina told him self-consciously. "It happened last night..." Then she began to tell him about the strange feelings she had when she'd played the flute, the vision she'd had of the two women shrinking a little, and of how her own clothes had felt tight when she was done. "So it wasn't just my imagination after all..."

"Let's find out for sure," Corey said. "I'll go get my tape measure..."

A few minutes later, they'd measured Tina's height at 5 foot 6, something which shocked her since she'd been 5 foot 2 since she was fifteen years old. "I grew four inches," she exclaimed in amazement. "I can't believe it..." Then she looked to Corey and said, "I'd played the flute and nothing strange happened until I was playing the music..."

Corey frowned thoughtfully before saying, "I always knew there was something strange about the flute. I mean, it won't even made a peep for any guy who tries playing it. And trust me, I tried." Then he sighed. "I guess there's a reason it was only passed down to the women in my family. I guess maybe it also explains my grandma and great grandma... In fact, I had a couple great aunts who were pretty impressive too."

Tina gave him a blank look and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, my grandma was a pretty impressive woman," Corey explained. "She was about my height and really well built..." He held his hands in front of his chest to indicate what he meant. "When she was younger, she was a model for a bit and then started her own company. She sold it for a moderate fortune and my family is still living off the money. It's how my tuition is being paid. My great grandma was supposedly something else too...being even taller than my grandma and just as well built. There's an old family story that she once wrestled a bear…and won. I know the flute used to belong to her."

"Wow," Tina whispered. "But what about your mom?"

"It came down through my dad's side of the family," Corey mused. "I don't think my mom ever touched it."

Tina thought about the flute and considered what Corey had told her about it. In spite of being a little scared of what it had done, she couldn't help but feeling curious as well. Unfortunately, she still had classes to get to and couldn't afford to dwell on the flute or her new height at the moment. Instead, she had to focus on finding some clothes that fit since most of hers would now be too tight.

After a few minutes, Tina remembered her old roommate Samantha from when they'd roomed together on campus. When Tina had moved out of their dorm room so that she could move in with Corey, she'd accidentally taken a box of Samantha's clothes with her and had never gotten around to returning them. Samantha had been a bit taller than Tina, and after trying them on, Tina found that they were a bit loose on her but would definitely do for now.

A short time later, Corey left their apartment with Tina leaving only a few minutes after him. She walked down the hallway, feeling extremely self-conscious about her new height and her ill-fitting clothes as well. However, she realized that most people probably wouldn't even notice the height since she normally wore wedges to give her a few inches of extra height and today she was wearing her tennis shoes instead. They weren't flattering, but they were normally a little too large so actually fit pretty comfortably now.

Tina was just leaving the apartment building, noticing that as always, the other students living in the building were starting to leave for class as well. Then she caught sight of the two young women from the apartment above hers, the two from last night. She gasped slightly as she saw that their clothes were both a little loose.

"I can't believe we both lost weight," one of the young women was telling the other. "That diet we started last week is really paying off..."

Tina stopped and just stared at the other women as they continued on their way, her mind racing with the realization. They'd both shrunk while she'd grown, though their clothes didn't look loose enough for them to have each lost four inches. Instead, it was more like they'd lost two inches each. Tina remembered the sensation of the music reaching into them, taking something from them and transferring it to her. It was obviously their height that had been taken and given to her.

"I got two inches from each of them," Tina whispered, feeling nervous and excited at the same time. After all, she'd always wished she was a little taller and now she was.

With a shake of her head, Tina continued on her way to class, still thinking about the flute and what it had done. As she did so, her curiosity continued to grow as she wanted to know more about it, about how it worked and what it could do. By the time her second class of the day started, she knew that she was going to test it again.

When it came time for lunch, Tina knew that now was the perfect time to experiment a little more. After all, she didn't have any classes immediately after lunch so actually had a two hour period that was completely free. All she had to do was go back to her apartment to pick up the flute and then she could try it out again.

Just then, Tina heard someone call her name. She turned and saw her friend Kirsten coming towards her. Tina felt a tiny stab of envy at her friend, a tall and busty blonde who always seemed to draw a lot of male admirers. It would have been easy to hate Kirsten if she hadn't been so cheerful and friendly.

"Hey," Kirsten greeted her. "Did you get that term paper turned in?"

Tina responded with a sigh. "Yeah, but I'm still mad at myself for forgetting to bring it yesterday. Now my grade is going to suffer and I can't afford to have my grade in that class get any lower."

"I know what you mean," Kirsten agreed. "Between worrying about that and that bitch Sabrina stealing my boyfriend, I've been a total wreck lately."

"Oh," Tina gasped, giving Kirsten a sympathetic look. "Tom left you for Sabrina? I thought you two were good..."

"Me too," Kirsten admitted sadly. "This is the third boyfriend she's stolen from me too... She does it just to show she can, and then dumps them." Kirsten snorted. "I just hope Tom doesn't expect me to take him back when she does."

"Like Roy?" Tina asked, remembering Kirsten's last boyfriend who'd left her for Sabrina. After he'd discovered what a bitch Sabrina was, he'd come begging for Kirsten to take him back, though of course she wouldn't...even after he tried bribing her with some earrings. "Maybe you'll get more free jewelry out of it."

Kirsten shrugged and told her, "I'd rather keep the boyfriends."

Tina just shook her head. "I just don't understand it. I mean, you're absolutely gorgeous so why would they leave you?"

Kirsten shrugged again before responding, "Maybe because I'm not...easy enough." Then she abruptly asked, "Hey, do you want to go grab something to eat? We can continue talking..."

"I'm afraid not," Tina told her with a sigh. "I've already got plans for lunch."

"Alright then," Kirsten said with a smile. "I'll see you later then..."

Once Kirsten was gone, Tina felt just a little guilty at brushing her off like that. However, she was too curious about the flute to wait any longer before playing with it again. With that, she started towards the parking lot so she could drive back to the apartment.

A short time later, Tina was back on campus and in the park area that had been set aside for students to relax in. She sat under a tree, looking around and noticing that there were other students nearby. She felt self-conscious as she looked at the other students, feeling embarrassed about the idea of having strangers listen to her play, but her curiosity was strong enough to overcome that. She felt nervous as she pulled out the flute and opened the book of music, looking over the page again before she cautiously began to play.

Tina almost immediately began to feel her senses flowing out with the music again and she watched from this perspective as everyone nearby who heard the sound slipped into a trance. There were six guys who suddenly went still and five girls. However, Tina was startled to notice that the music flowed around all of the guys rather than into them as it was doing for the girls. She felt the music move into the girls and begin drawing something from them and pulling it into herself. Once she felt that, Tina abruptly stopped playing.

For a moment, Tina remained where she was, looking around nervously and seeing that everyone nearby was still acting as though they were in some kind of a trance. Then she started looking at the women, noticing that none of them looked like they'd shrunk at all. However, Tina couldn't ignore the fact that her own clothes were just a little more snug. She thought that she must have grown again but there was only one way to tell for sure.

Tina took out the tape measure that she'd brought with her, just for this very reason. She stood up and measured herself, finding that she was now 5 foot 8. She'd grown another two inches. She felt a surge of excitement at that, then sat back down with a grin.

"I'm not short anymore," Tina giggled, feeling almost as though she'd suddenly become a giant.

For the next several minutes, Tina remained where she was, watching as the other college students began waking from their trances, acting as though they'd only nodded off for a moment. However, her attention was mostly on the five girls, none of whom seemed to really show any effects of what had happened though Tina knew good and well she'd taken height from them. Then it dawned on her. The last time, she'd absorbed four inches of height from two girls which was spread out to two inches from each of them. This time she'd absorbed only two inches of height but that two inches had been spread out over all five of them. They'd each lost a little height but not enough to really be noticeable.

"So the more people I use this on at once, the less they donate as individuals," Tina mused. Then she turned her attention to the men who hadn't donated anything. Other than falling into a trance, the music hadn't really touched them. "Corey did say that it didn't work for men... I guess it doesn't really work on them either."

Tina began putting the flute and music book back into the box, grinning to herself as she did so. Then she paused, staring at the book for a moment and considering the fact that there was more than one piece of music in there. And if playing the tune from the first page could make her get taller, then what would the music on the other pages do? Tina grinned even more broadly as she thought about this, deciding that she would definitely have to talk with Corey about that and maybe try them out.


Tina sat in a coffee shop with Corey and Kirsten as the three of them chatted about the various things occurring in their lives. The thing that Tina really wanted to talk about was the silver flute, though she didn't want to do that in front of Kirsten. Kirsten was her best friend, but this flute and what it could do was something else entirely.

While they were talking, Tina glanced down at her clothes, all of which fit her comfortably. She silently thanked the employee discount that she had at the store where she worked. The new clothes had been a bit expensive, but without that discount they would have been much more so.

It had been almost a full week since Tina had reached her new height of 5 foot 8, and unfortunately, she hadn't had time to try out the other pieces of music in that book. Corey had wanted to hold off so she could make sure there were no surprise side effects, and it had also been difficult finding a time where they could test he tunes out together. As curious as Tina was about the music, she wanted Corey to be there when she tried it out.

"I still don't get why you didn't tell me about this," Kirsten said, looking vaguely disappointed. "I mean, you go to a doctor to get hormone treatments and you don't say a word…"

Tina blushed self-consciously as she went along with the lie. She and Corey knew that they had to explain her sudden six inch growth spurt somehow and had come up with the story that she had been receiving experimental hormone treatments to help her grow a little more. So far it had worked quite well.

"I mean, four inches in just a couple weeks," Kirsten said, shaking her head. "Unbelievable…"

Tina just smiled nervously at that, thinking that Kirsten would be even more surprised if she'd known that it was six inches over two days. However, Tina had fudged the amount she'd actually grown when telling others so that it would explain the growth but wouldn't seem quite as extreme. No one else seemed to have noticed the discrepancy in how much she'd actually grown.

"They really want to keep a low profile," Corey told Kirsten. "This treatment doesn't exactly have FDA approval yet."

Kirsten gasped. "Are you sure it's safe?"

"Fairly sure," Corey assured her.

"I'll stop as soon as there are any problems," Tina said quietly.

After talking for a few more minutes, Corey told Kirsten, "It was nice talking with you again but Tina and I have some plans."

"I'll see you tomorrow," Tina told her friend with a nervous smile as they got up to leave.

A short time later, Tina and Corey arrived at a nearby park that was off the campus. There were a number of people scattered about though there was also enough room for Tina and Corey to feel like they weren't being crowded.

"This should be perfect," Corey said as Tina took out the flute and the music book. Then he looked to Tina and grinned, "Let's take it easy at first…just figure out what each type of music does."

"All right," Tina agreed.

Tina looked at the first page which had given her six extra inches of height and then smiled. She really enjoyed the fact that she was no longer the shortest person in the room and wondered what these other pieces of music might give her.

After a moment of nervous hesitation, Tina began to play the notes on the second page. She felt her awareness beginning to spread out with the music but then noticed that Corey had gone into a trance beside her, causing her to abruptly stop.

"Corey?" she asked cautiously, waving a hand in front of his face though he didn't even blink. She gently pushed him and then he blinked and shook himself out of it.

"Let me guess," Corey said with a sigh. "I went into a trance like you said everyone else does." When Tina nodded, he said, "Well, I was hoping I could hear this music but I did come prepared." With that, he pulled some ear plugs out of his pocket and put them in before indicating that she should continue.

Tina began playing again and felt her awareness spread out with the music. More than a dozen people nearby slipped into trances though only seven of them were women. Then Tina felt the music pulling something out of them, something that she focused on very intently so she could feel what it was. Only then did she stop.

"You don't look like you grew any taller this time," Corey said as he took out his ear plugs.

"I didn't," Tina told him with a smile. "But I do feel more…confident." She blushed, sure that it was confidence that she'd taken from those seven women, though she hadn't played long enough to take very much. "I think this second page of music takes confidence."

Tina thought that she could definitely use some more confidence and was tempted to play the second piece of music again. However, she was curious about the other pages and wanted to find what they could do for her first.

Next, Tina tried the third page, feeling a surge of excitement as she felt what it was that she was taking from those other women. She played only long enough to get a good feel for what it was and then stopped.

"I think I like that one," Tina told Corey with a bright blush. At his blank look, she whispered, "I think my breasts got bigger…" She looked around nervously and then felt her chest, feeling extremely self-conscious as she did so. "I think I got a cup larger…"

Though Tina felt a little embarrassed about this, she also felt a thrill of excitement. She'd always hated being so petite, being so short and flat chested. Now she was no longer short so it only seemed appropriate that she get bigger breasts as well.

"I want to do that one again," Tina said with a blush.

"It might be a good idea not to be too greedy at once," Corey told her. He stared at her chest and grinned, obviously looking forward to seeing her use that one again as well. "If you keep going through big growth spurts all at once, then people might get a bit suspicious about the hormone treatment story."

Tina nodded reluctantly at that and then tried the next piece of music, one which suddenly made her feel more awake and energetic, almost as though she'd had a cup of coffee. That one gave her their vitality and stamina.

A minute later, Tina exclaimed, "This one increases my determination and willpower…" Then she grinned at Corey and added, "I think it's getting easier to tell what I'm getting from them."

"Maybe we should move on to another location," Corey told her, gesturing to the people who were all still entranced around them. Two more women had wandered into range and had become donors as well. "It isn't fair to keep draining these people…even if you don't take enough for any of them to really notice it."

With that, Tina and Corey got up and moved to the other side of the park where people were wandering around without being entranced. They settled down into a comfortable position and then Tina began to play again.

"That one improved my voice," Tina said thoughtfully, her voice sounding just a little stronger and sweeter. "I bet if I kept using that one, I'd be a great singer…"

"If you could remember all the words to the songs," Corey teased her gently. "I've seen you try singing before. You always get half the lyrics wrong."

"Well, that last one transfers intelligence," Tina told him a little smugly. "I bet it will improve my memory too…"

"Okay," Corey mused as he flipped through the book. "We've still got about half of these yet to try."

When Tina finished with the next tune, she exclaimed, "That one gave me some of their strength..." She frowned and looked around, pouting as she realized that there was nothing to test any increased strength again.

"You don't really look any stronger," Corey pointed out.

Tina shrugged. "I don't think it gave me their muscles or anything…just their strength."

While Tina was playing the next piece of music, Corey gasped as he finally noticed a physical change, though it was subtle. As he watched, several acne scars on her face cleared up and vanished. Her complexion improved a little right before his eyes.

"That one was for beauty," Tina exclaimed with a grin when she was done playing. There was a gleam in her eyes which revealed how eager she was to try that one out again.

Tina played the next three tunes in a row, not really stopping as she shifted from one to the next. When she was done with those ones, she paused with a gasp.

"Wow," Tina said, blushing brightly. It took Corey a minute to coax her to explain what those three pieces of music did. Tina just blushed even more brightly before admitting, "One of them is…sensuality. I guess it makes me feel and act sexier. I think the second improves my…my erogenous feelings. My ability to feel sexual pleasure and orgasms…"

"Wow," Corey repeated, grinning mischieviously. "That should be fun… What about the third one?"

"That one improves my overall body shape," Tina told him. "You know, things like the shape of my legs, my butt, my waist…"

"And you have a separate one for breast size?" Corey asked with a chuckle.

Tina just blushed brightly. "That one makes my breasts bigger...and I think this one would make them firmer and improve their shape."

"And it looks like there's just one more," Corey said, looking through the music book again. "Thirteen tunes total. If these weren't all so awesome, I'd almost take that as a bad omen."

Tina giggled and told Corey, "I don't think there's anything bad about this." Then she raised the flute to her lips again and began to play the last tune.

"Well?" Corey asked when she was finished, taking his ear plugs out again. "What was that one?"

Tina hesitated a moment before responding, "Muscle tone." She pulled up her sleeve to reveal her arm. There was actually the beginning of muscle tone when there hadn't been any before. "I look like I actually go to the gym now." She giggled. "At least a little."

"Just don't get too carried away with that one," Corey told her. "Being fit is great, but I've never liked the whole muscle look on girls…"

"Me either," Tina told him. "I wouldn't want to get too much muscles… I mean, I might start looking like a guy."

"Well, now that we know what they all do," Corey said thoughtfully. "We need to decide what to do with them."

"I want to use them," Tina told Corey. "I want to get better…" He could see a gleam of hunger in her eyes. "I want to get prettier, and sexier, and smarter…and maybe even a little taller."

Corey laughed at that though he watched Tina with a hungry look that revealed that he was interested in seeing her improve her body as well. But then he took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.
"We'll have to be careful about it," he reminded her. "I mean, like I said earlier, if you change too much too soon…then that would cause a lot of problems. I think you should go slow with those so people don't get suspicious."

Tina stared at the flute for a few seconds before reluctantly nodding agreement. She knew that he was right but she didn't have to like it. Still, she grinned faintly as she considered that some of these things wouldn't be noticeable at all.


"This should be a good spot," Corey said, gesturing to a bench at the local mall. "There are some people around but it's not the main thoroughfare."

"That sounds good to me," Tina said with a smile.

It had been nearly two weeks since Tina had tested out the capabilities of the flute, and though she'd used it several times since, it wasn't obvious from looking at her. She was still 5 foot 8 and hadn't improved her figure since then. However, she was dressed to show off her body more than she would have done so before her changes.

Corey gave Tina an appreciative look and said, "You know, it's still a bit strange seeing you dressed like this."

"Well I am a bit bigger up top," Tina told him, cupping her breasts which had only grown a single cup size since she'd begun using the flute. "I have more to show off."

"That's not it and you know it," Corey responded with a chuckle.

"Well, I might have used the flute to take some more confidence," Tina admitted slyly. "And a bit more sensuality so I like showing off a bit more."

"From the way you were getting into it last night," Corey mused, "I think you improved your erogenous sensitivity too."

Tina just blushed a little and admitted, "A bit. Since I couldn't improve my body without getting too obvious, I had to improve some other things."

Then Tina smiled as she remembered the other day and how Corey had come home and caught her moving the couch on her own. That was how he'd realized she was using the flute to make herself stronger, as well as other things.

For a moment, Tina remembered the women she'd gained much of her extra strength from, two women who'd been loud and obnoxious. They lived in the apartment across the hall from her and after they'd gotten too loud, Tina decided to use them for her experiments. She'd gotten a little carried away and took perhaps more strength than she'd intended, but she didn't regret it.

"Well," Tina mused, "I did have to experiment a little more… Did you know, if I play two tunes back and forth, I can absorb two different traits from the people at the same time. And if I play the music faster, I can absorb whatever it is I'm taking even faster."

"That sounds interesting," Corey told her. "But I was hoping to see it in action again." He held out his ear plugs and made a show of putting them in.

Tina laughed at that and took her seat on the bench, pulling the flute and music book out of the box. She took her time as she brought it to her lips and began to play, enjoying the look of eager anticipation on Corey's face.

Seconds later, Tina felt her awareness spread out with the music, touching everyone within hearing. There were about two dozen people who abruptly stopped where they were and slipped into the trance. Seventeen of them were female and were becoming unwitting donors for her improvements.

Tina knew that with this many donors, she could get quite a bit out of them without them even noticing any difference. However, with this many donors, she'd have to be careful or she might end up absorbing more than she intended.

The music drew confidence from the seventeen women and Tina could feel herself growing more confident with every second. Then she abruptly switched the tune, drawing a little intelligence from each of them. She could feel her mind and intellect expanding and she was pleased, knowing that this would make her classes much easier, especially since she'd already taken some intellect from one of her teachers after giving her a demonstration with the flute.

Though Tina was enjoying these improvements, she knew that this wasn't what Corey was really looking forward to. She smiled and began playing two tunes, switching them back and forth so as to gain beauty and improved body.

As the energy flowed into Tina, she felt a tingle along her skin as her complexion improved. Her hair seemed to soften and become a little more luxurious. At the same time, she felt her ass, legs, and breasts shifting slightly, becoming just a little more shapely. She would have liked to take more but she didn't want to be too obvious.

After this, Tina played several more tunes, watching the entranced people around her as he did. She felt power and strength flowing into her body, making her nearly gasp from how good it felt. There was no outward sign of this improvement, but by the time she stopped she knew that she'd absorbed enough that she was probably now stronger than Corey.
"You look fantastic," Corey said once she paused and lowered the flute. He removed the ear plugs and said. "You'll probably never need to use makeup again."

"I wouldn't go that far," Tina responded with a grin. "At least not yet…" She gave the flute a hungry look.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Corey asked her with a grin.

Tina just grinned back and brought the flute back to her lips with Corey just barely getting his ear plugs in before she began playing again. The melody spread out, this time drawing in what Corey was really interested in, increased breast size. She let herself only grow two more cup sizes and then reluctantly forced herself to switch tunes, knowing that any larger than that would draw too much attention. However, she couldn't resist absorbing a little more height from these women. Another two inches.

When Tina was finished playing, she stood up and grinned at how tight her clothes had become, especially across her chest. She had to be a D cup now, ensuring that she no longer qualified as petite.

"I think I'm going to enjoy this," Tina said, looking down at her now 5 foot 10 and busty body. "I think I'm going to like this a lot."

"Me too," Corey responded with a grin.

"And I even have the confidence to wear clothes that will show it off," Tina mused thoughtfully. Of course, she would have to get a little more sensuality to go with it so that she'd enjoy showing her body off a bit more as well. Her thoughts went to Kimberly, a girl in one of her classes who was a bit of an exhibitionist. She surely had more than enough to spare. "I think I know someone who'd enjoy a flute demonstration…"

"I just wish it worked for me," Corey admitted. He let out a sigh, "I'm actually pretty jealous that I can't improve too…"

"It is too bad," Tina admitted, feeling sad that Corey couldn't share this wonderful feeling that she had. The feeling of growing bigger, stronger, smarter, sexier… She got a little turned on just by thinking about it. "I wish I could share it with you."

Unfortunately, they both knew that the flute and music were completely useless to Corey. He'd tried playing the flute again after their experiment in the park but it hadn't made a sound for him. He'd tried playing that music on a different instrument, a normal guitar…but the guitar wouldn't even make the right notes. When Tina had tried the guitar as well, she found it wasn't just Corey. A little experimenting revealed that these songs couldn't be played on any instrument except for this silver flute.

"Maybe there's another instrument out there that only works for men," Tina suggested hopefully. Of course, they both knew that even if such an instrument existed, they had absolutely no idea of where to find it.
Corey shrugged. "I guess I'll just have to live vicariously through you…"

"Well, there are good things about this," Tina told him with a purr in her voice, pushing her larger breasts outward. "Let's go home so we can try out some of these new improvements…"

Corey gave her a long and passionate kiss, finding it odd that she was now only three inches shorter than him. Strangely, he found that kind of exciting as well. He looked to her larger breasts and licked his lips.

"We should get out of here before these people starting coming out of it," Corey told her with a grin. "Good thing that flute does this to people or you might have some problems explaining what's going on…"

"No more talking," Tina told Corey, surprising herself a bit with how confident she felt saying something like this, something she would have been too shy to say before. "I think it's time to go home and try this new body out."

"Sounds great to me," Corey responded with a broad grin and a bulge in his pants. He grabbed Tina by the arm and nearly pulled her out of the mall in a hurry.


It was time for lunch, for which Tina was very thankful. Her pre-lunch classes had all been pretty easy, but they'd also been boring. She was looking forward to sitting down in a nice quiet place and just playing her flute a bit, even though she intended to only play ordinary music for now.

"Hey, Tina," Kirsten called out, catching her attention. "How'd you do on that big test?"

"I did pretty good," Tina told her, though that was an understatement. The truth was, she'd aced the test with ease.

"I know that calculus is your worst subject," Kirsten said.

Tina just smiled at that and told her, "I've been studying…"

Of course, the truth was that she'd increased her intelligence until she was now at genius levels. Between the increased intelligence and the improved memory that came with it, she'd been doing fantastic in all of her classes without any studying at all.

Tina smiled even more when she thought about the moment Corey had realized just how smart she was. He'd been working on some of his own course work and got stuck, then Tina had helped him with it even though it was more advanced than anything she'd done in class. After that, Tina had been helping Corey a bit more by tutoring him.

Then again, as fun as that had been, it was nothing compared to the look on Corey's face when he realized that she was now stronger than him too. They'd been wrestling around in bed last night and she'd surprised him by just how strong she had become.

Last night had definitely been fun, and not just because she'd been able to overpower Corey and get on top for the first time. Since she'd begun using the flute, she wanted sex more than ever before and she got a LOT more out of it. It didn't take much to get her wet and horny and when she came, she came much more easily than before.

"What are you grinning about?" Kirsten asked curiously.

"Just thinking about Corey," she answered with a chuckle.

Kirsten nodded and then said, "He must love your growth spurts…"

"Oh, absolutely," Tina told her with a laugh. She cupped her breasts, still amazed that she was no longer the petite woman she'd been a few weeks earlier.

"I can't believe you're the same height as me," Kirsten said with a shake of her head. "And nearly as big as me too…"

"It is a bit to get used to," Tina admitted. "The only real downside is how much I've been spending on new clothes. Even with my employee discount, I've spent nearly everything I have and I've been filling up my credit card."

Tina paused at that, knowing that she was going to have to make some more money, especially if she wanted to improve her body more…and she definitely did. Then she considered her options and a few ideas began to form. Of course, she might need a few more IQ points to make it work.

"Those hormone treatments are doing wonders for you," Kirsten told her. "So, how can I get in on this?"

"I'm afraid you can't," Tina told her carefully. "They aren't looking for any more subjects, and even if they were, they wouldn't be interested in you. They were only looking for people who were…less than average. You're anything but."

"Okay," Kirsten sighed in disappointment.

"But what about you?" Tina asked, eager to change the subject away from the `hormone treatment' story. She didn't like lying to her friend and everyone else, but she couldn't afford to let anyone know about the flute. "Didn't you have a date last night?"

"I did," Kirsten responded bitterly. "Until that bitch Sabrina found out about it and got to him. He never even showed up…"

Tina winced in sympathy at that. "Ouch!"

"I just don't know why she has such a personal thing against me," Kirsten complained.
"Probably because she knows you're even hotter than she is and she feels threatened by it," Tina mused. "She's probably trying to take any guy you're interested in so that she can convince herself that this isn't the case."

Kirsten laughed weakly at that, "That's one twisted compliment."

"I'm just surprised that her sorority never asked you to join," Tina told her friend. "They're full of sexy girls…"

"They did ask me," Kirsten admitted. "I turned them down once I realized that they were all self-centered twits." She paused for a moment before adding, "Maybe that's it. I insulted them when I turned them down."

Then almost as if on cue, Tina noticed Sabrina walking past. She was a gorgeous blonde, about the same size that Tina now was. Sabrina saw them and suddenly smirked, changing direction and coming towards them.

"Oh Kirsten, how are you doing?" Sabrina asked with mock friendliness. "I'm doing fantastic. I met this really hot guy last night… We really hit it off."

"Now nice for you," Kirsten responded with a forced smile.

Tina couldn't resist coming to her friend's defense and saying, "You might want to get tested though. I heard through the rumor mill that he had a thing for tramps and you don't know what he might have caught from one of them."

Sabrina glared at Tina, noticing for perhaps the first time ever. Tina used to be so plain that she wasn't worth the other girl's attention, but that had obviously changed. Sabrina glared at her.

"And you are?" Sabrina asked with a fake smile.

"Tina," Tina responded. "We're in economics together."

"Oh yes," Sabrina said, dismissing Tina. "I've got to get going. I have a new boyfriend to meet up with…" Then she turned and started to walk away.

"Thanks for watching my back," Kirsten told Tina. "But you probably shouldn't have done it. Now she's got you in her sights. She might decide to try going after Corey…"

Tina was startled at that and then looked to where Sabrina was walking away, narrowing her eyes dangerously as she said, "That's not going to happen. I'll see to that."

After saying goodbye to Kirsten, Tina went to catch up to Sabrina and catch her in a place where there would be no interference. She found the perfect opportunity when Sabrina went to the nearby parking lot to get into her car.

"She deserves this after what she's been doing to Kirsten," Tina told herself. "Keeping her away from Corey is just a bonus."

And with that, Tina began playing a tune, immediately freezing Sabrina in place. Tina didn't even have the book out, having already memorized all thirteen pieces of music within it. She just smiled and played the tune she wanted.

Tina felt extra vitality and stamina flowing into her body, making her smile at how good it felt. Not only did she savor the sensation she gained anytime she gained some new traits, she also loved feeling more awake and energetic. With the vitality and stamina she'd already taken, she had been able to skip coffee recently so she wondered what the extra amount from Sabrina would do for it.

"I don't usually like taking enough of anything to be noticeable," Tina mused aloud. "But his time I'll make an exception…" Then she grinned. "Of course, this isn't something obvious but maybe now you won't have enough energy to cause so much trouble."

For a moment, Tina considered taking Sabrina's breast size, draining nearly all of it. She grinned at the thought of getting bigger but then remembered the agreement she had with Corey. She couldn't be too obvious about her own growth, and besides that, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun growing without him there to watch.

"Of course, I can still do a little more," Tina mused.

With that, Tina began playing the flute again, this time switching between several tunes. She took some of Sabrina's sensuality so she wouldn't feel or act as sexy from now on and she took some of her sensitivity so that she wouldn't even enjoy sex as much. Tina loved how good it felt absorbing that from her.

Then Tina couldn't resist absorbing one more thing from Sabrina, a little of her beauty. Tina was careful not to take too much but as she watched, Sabrina's hair seemed to lose a little of her luster and her complexion became a little less perfect.

"Very nice," Tina mused, looking over herself and loving how good this felt.

Tina hadn't taken enough of anything from Sabrina to be too obvious, but from what she did absorb, it was likely that Sabrina would just think that she had the flu. Of course, this was a flu that would never quite go away, leaving Sabrina as less of a threat to herself or Kirsten.

A moment later, Tina turned and walked away, wanting to get some distance before Sabrina came out of her trance. She looked down at herself and smiled, thinking that with her new additions tonight was going to be a lot of fun.

"Oh yeah Corey," she purred to herself, feeling sexier than ever before. "You are going to be one lucky man."


Tina jumped out of bed, already feeling wide awake and ready to go. The fact that she'd gone to bed late didn't even slow her down much, much to her amusement. It used to be that she couldn't get going in the morning without coffee, but that had definitely changed.

"Ugh," Corey groaned as he got up. "I think I preferred it before you were a morning person."

Tina just laughed at that, then jumped at him, giving him a passionate kiss. She'd definitely been much more physical and expressive since she'd begun using the flute, and of course, she got a lot more pleasure out of sex than before as well.

"Ready to go?" Tina asked Corey.

"After last night, I'm not sure," Corey admitted. "You kind of wore me out." Then he grinned and added, "Of course, I'm certainly willing to try…"

When they were finished a half hour later, Tina cheerfully ran her hand over Corey's chest. "That was fun," Tina told him, giving him another kiss. "You have no idea how good that feels now and how easy it is to get turned on."

"You're certainly in a good mood," Corey said.

"Of course," Tina reminded him. "It's been two weeks since I got these..." She cupped her breasts. "It's time for another upgrade."

"That could be fun," Corey said, staring straight at her chest with a grin.

Tina just smiled at that and responded, "Definitely."

"Another trip to the mall?" Corey asked. "I know you liked going shopping for new clothes that fit afterwards."

"Not this time," Tina told him thoughtfully. "I have another destination in mind. One a little more deserving of my little tunes."

Once they were both dressed and ready, they left the apartment to Tina's chosen destination. She didn't tell Corey where they were going and would only grin as she drove him back towards the campus.

A short time later, they arrived at their destination, a large building that served as a sorority house. Tina knew that Sabrina lived here, in the second floor, third window from the right.

"The women of this sorority tend to be…obnoxious," Tina told Corey.

She frowned as she thought about how every woman she'd ever met who was in that sorority was a complete and total bitch. She wasn't sure if this was an attitude they encouraged in all their new members or if it was just a prerequisite for joining.

"This sounds a little personal," Corey pointed out carefully.

"A little," Tina admitted. "Some of their members were really giving my friend Kirsten a hard time. And since my improvements, they've started messing with me too."

After she'd dealt with Sabrina, she thought that would be all. Unfortunately, several of Sabrina's friends had picked up for her slack now that she was `sick' and not up to causing as much trouble as normal. Tina had thought about going after them before this but had decided that it would be more fun waiting until Corey could be there to appreciate it.

"Remember," Corey reminded her, "only a little bit… You don't want it to be too noticeable."

"Of course," Tina responded, rolling her eyes slightly.

With that, Corey put his ear plugs in and then Tina began to play. To start with, she began absorbing their erogenous sensitivity, moaning at how good it felt as it flowed into her. As her sensitivity increased, absorbing more of it only made her feel even orgasmic. It was all she could do to keep from dropping the flute as the orgasms began hitting her, one after another.

"Oh God," Tina exclaimed, finally lowering the flute and letting her orgasms shake her body.

Corey watched her with a hungry look while she just bit her lip, realizing that she'd just taken to much sensitivity and created a problem. She was so sensitive now that playing just a little would be enough to send her into a series or orgasms. She wouldn't be able to control herself enough to keep playing.

"Unless," Tina mused to herself, bracing herself as she brought the flute back to her lips.

Tina braced herself for the pleasure that came with absorbing traits from others and tried to fight it a little as she began absorbing the willpower and determination of the nine girls in the sorority who could currently hear the music. With each passing second, it became easier for her to control herself in the face of this unbelievable pleasure. Her willpower increased a great deal before she finally changed the tune.

The next tune that Tina played was the one to absorb some of their intelligence. She knew that she wanted to be smarter for some things she had planned and she didn't think that anyone would think anything odd about a bunch of sorority girls with little willpower or intelligence.

Tina lowered the flute when she was done and closed her eyes, feeling how much her mind had expanded. She'd already been a genius level intellect, but after the amount of intelligence she took from each girl, she was certain that she was now the smartest person on the planet. She smiled at that, feeling incredibly excited at the very idea.

"Perhaps a little strength next," Tina mused to herself, feeling hungry for more. She was currently as strong as a strong man but she'd realized that she could become even stronger. She licked her lips in anticipation, glancing at Corey and adding, "Just a little bit…"

A minute later, Tina decided that it was time for the main event, the traits that she'd been waiting two weeks to get more of. She smiled at the steady orgasms that rocked her body, though her self-control kept her from showing any sign of it. Her breasts began to swell again, pushing out one cup and then two cups larger.

And though Tina wanted to continue becoming larger, she forced herself to switch to the last tune she was going to play. In mere seconds, she felt herself growing larger…taller. The plan had only been to grow one cup size larger and one inch taller, but after glancing to Corey, she chuckled mischieviously and played just a little more.

When Tina was finished playing, she gestured for Corey to remove his ear plugs. He stared at her in silence, his eyes locking on her chest and admiring how big and firm they were. Her clothes were straining to contain them in spite the fact that she'd worn clothes that were a bit loose.

"You're tall," Corey finally said, realizing that he was staring straight into her eyes without having to look down at all. He glanced to Tina's feet, seeing that she'd worn tennis shoes. "You're the same height as me…"

"Wow, I guess I am," she responded with a look of mock innocence. "I guess I must have accidentally taken a couple more inches than I planned…"

Corey gave her a skeptical look at that. "Of course…an accident. But growing three inches is a bit more obvious than a single inch…"

"I'll wear flats for a week or so," Tina responded with a smile. "It's what I did after the last time."

"You know," Tina mused as she put her flute back into the box. "I noticed something strange…" At Corey's curious look, she continued, "I was calculating the amount of energy I absorbed from those girls compared to the amount my breasts and height increased."

"Okay," Corey encouraged her to continue with a slightly confused look.

As they walked back to the car, Tina explained, "By the amount of breast size I removed from those girls, I should have grown another cup size larger. In fact, I noticed a similar effect with the other traits I absorbed. I should have gained another inch of height as well. It appears that there is a diminishing effectiveness to the flute's transference…"

"In English please," Corey told her with a sigh. "Some of us didn't suddenly become geniuses…"

"Sorry," Tina told him, apologizing by giving him a kiss. "What I mean is that the more I use the flute, the less effective the transfers seem to be. Some of what I take appears to get lost in the transfer and I think the percentage lost will slowly increase. If that continues, then eventually I'll reach a point where I can keep absorbing traits but won't get any more improvements."

"That's interesting," Corey mused, not seeming too bothered by that possibility.

"I was also thinking," Tina told him thoughtfully. "With as much as I've been having to buy new clothes, I'm in need of more money. I was thinking getting into investing…"

"Investing?" Corey asked, looking a little surprised.

"I've been reading into it," Tina explained. "I think that with my improved intellect and memory, I'll be able to spot investment patterns and good stocks pretty easily. In fact, I'm certain I'll be able to make this profitable pretty quickly…"

"Oh," Corey responded with a weak smile. "That's pretty cool. You'll be rich in no time."

"No," Tina told him with a grin. "WE will be rich in no time." Then as they reached the car, she handed him the box with the flute in it and said, "Before we go, there's something I want to try…"

Tina grabbed the front end of her car and grunted, lifting it so that the front wheels came up of the ground. It took a bit of effort, but she was able to do it.

"Holy shit," Corey exclaimed. "Damn you're strong…"

"You know it," Tina responded with a smirk, pulling her sleeve back and flexing her bicep. "Admittedly, my muscle doesn't really look all that impressive. But to be honest, who needs the muscle when you can get the strength without it." Then she paused to mused, "But maybe it wouldn't hurt to get just a little bit more muscle tone… Not much though. I do NOT want to look all buff like some bodybuilder…"

"No," Corey told her awkwardly, "I'd rather you didn't…"

Tina just grinned at that and then grabbed Corey, holding him tight in her strong arms and giving him a passionate kiss which he returned just as passionately. It was fun being the exact same height as Corey and she knew that she was going to enjoy this as well as her bigger breasts.

"Let's get back home," Tina told Corey quietly. "You would not believe how horny I am after that and I REALLY need you to help me with that."

"That sounds great to me," Corey responded with a grin. But as they climbed back into the car, Tina missed the worried look which crossed his face. "I can't wait to see your new assets more closely…"


When Corey woke up, he found Tina already up and hard at work on the computer. Without a word, he got up and went to watch her for a minute, seeing her typing fast and staring intently.

"Good morning," Tina said, looking up at him and grinning.

"You're up early," Corey muttered with a loud yawn. "Then again, you're always up pretty early anymore. I kind of miss being the one who'd wake up first…"

"I don't sleep very well anymore," Tina admitted with a shrug. "It's one of the few downsides of all this…" She gestured down at herself and grinned. "I just have too much energy now."

Corey came and gave her a kiss, still ma<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

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Re: Anyone have the rest of The Silver Flute?
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2017, 12:31:07 am »

“I don’t sleep very well anymore,” Tina admitted with a shrug.  “It’s one of the few downsides of all this…”  She gestured down at herself and grinned.  “I just have too much energy now.”
Corey came and gave her a kiss, still marveling at the strangeness of her being the same height as him.  It had been three weeks since her last growth spurt and a part of him still kept thinking that he should have to bend down to kiss her.  Of course, her now busty chest was certainly a very nice addition and he stared at it for a moment.
“Working on your investments again?” Corey asked.
Tina shook her head.  “No, I checked on those earlier and did a little more research.  They’re coming along quite well, even though our initial investment wasn’t as large as I would have liked.”  She paused, remembering how she’d had to acquire some more money for that initial investment.  A trip to the casino and some careful card counting had definitely helped with that.  “We’ve already increased our money by over four hundred percent and before long we’ll be making enough that I can withdraw some of it for spending.”
Corey yawned and then staggered to the kitchen for coffee, thankful that Tina had already made a pot.  Then he came back, asking, “So what are you working on now?”
“Just doing a little research,” Tina told him, showing that she was logged into the university online library and had been going through some of their digital books.  The one she was currently open to ‘Advanced Theories of Quantum Physics’.
Corey just shook his head, not too surprised.  Lately, Tina had been getting curious about a lot of different topics which would have been way over her head before.  And though she didn’t brag about this, he couldn’t help but feeling a bit like an idiot in comparison.
“Maybe tonight we can go out dancing,” Tina suddenly exclaimed with an eager grin.  “Since I’m going to get some more improvements today, I’m going to want to show them off…”
“Okay,” Corey told her, not quite as enthusiastically as she might have expected.  “But remember what happened when we went out to karaoke last week…”
Tina just laughed at that.  “I won the entire contest and that music agent offered me a record contract…”
“That was after you used the flute to take some of the voice talent of every woman in the place,” Corey reminded her.
“There were thirty one women there,” she admitted smugly.  “I didn’t take too much from any of them…”
“But now you sing like an angel,” Corey said.  “It was hardly fair to anyone else.”
“And do you have a problem with that?” Tina asked in her sexy voice, a voice which now sent a shiver of lust down his body.  Ever since she’d absorbed all that voice power, she’d been able to do some interesting tricks when she talked to people.  In fact, she’d become extremely good at convincing people to do whatever she wanted.
“Not at all,” Corey responded with a gulp.
Tina just smiled at that, then looked down at the bulge in the front of Corey’s shorts and her smile increased.  “Let’s get that taken care of shall we?”
Then Tina grabbed Corey for a passionate kiss, already maneuvering him towards the bed.  She got turned on incredibly easily anymore and it was only her superhuman will power which kept her from a near constant masturbation session.  This meant that Corey got more sex than ever before in his life.
Several hours later, Corey finished going over some work for one of his classes while Tina sat in the corner playing the flute.  She wasn’t playing one of the special tunes, just a normal one that she liked.  Tina played the flute every day, though most of the time she played it for its musical properties rather than the magical.
Tina set the flute down and eagerly asked, “Are you about ready?”  Her eyes sparked with excitement as she added, “I can’t wait to get bigger…”  She cupped her breasts and stared at Corey with a smirk.  “In just a little while, I’ll be even taller than you.”  She shook her head, “Hard to believe that petite me would change this much…”
“Sure,” Corey told her, putting away his work and getting up.  He gave her a smile that was a little on the weak side.
Tina stared at Corey, realizing that he wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic about this as she was.  In fact, he’d shown a very distinct lack of enthusiasm over some of her improvements during the last week or two.  She’d even caught him looking at her with a worried expression on several occasions.
“What’s wrong?” Tina asked gently, being careful not to put too much force into her voice.  She’d be able to get him to do whatever she wanted that way but faced the risk that he’d resent it afterwards.  “I know that something about this is bothering you…”
It took a minute of gentle coaxing before Corey reluctantly admitted, “The way you keep improving does bother me a bit…  I mean, you keep getting bigger, stronger, sexier, and smarter…and I’m still the same.”  He gave her an almost guilty look as he said that.
“You’re…jealous,” Tina whispered in realization, suddenly feeling guilty for not having noticed it sooner.
She had been so caught up in how great her new improvements were and how much she’d loved them that she hadn’t thought about what it would be like for Corey to watch her improve while not being able to do so himself.  It would have to be even harder for him, knowing that this was his family legacy and she was the one getting all the benefits, or at least all the direct benefits.
“I guess I am,” Corey admitted self-consciously.  “At least a bit…  But it’s more than that.  You’re already stronger and smarter than me…and you’re only getting more so.  You’re already a little intimidating now…”
“I intimidate you?” Tina gasped in horror.  The idea of Corey becoming afraid of her was something she hadn’t considered at all and was about the last thing she wanted.  “I’d never do anything to hurt you…”
“I know,” Corey told her gently, putting a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, which she thought was rather ironic considering what they were talking about.  “I know you’ve never hurt me but…  You’ve already gained so much…have become much more than before.  You’re going somewhere I can’t go and you’re leaving me behind.”
Tina stared at Corey for a moment before saying, “Corey…”

She stared into his eyes, having to fight back the impulse to use her voice to sooth all of his concerns away.  Fortunately, her iron willpower allowed her to keep from doing so.  Manipulating Corey like that might make things easier for her but she didn’t want to do that to him.
“Don’t get me wrong,” Corey said with a wry smile.  “Watching you get sexier is awesome…  I never would have thought it, but watching you get more powerful is actually kind of a turn on.  It’s almost like watching you turning into a super hero or something…”  Then he paused with a sigh, unable to look at her as he admitted, “But I just can’t keep up with you anymore and our difference in levels is only going to keep increasing.  How much longer before you start thinking of me as short, weak, and stupid because I can’t keep up with you in anything?”
For a moment, Tina could only watch Corey and think about how difficult this was becoming for him.  She’d always thought of him as the big, strong, and confident one, but now she realized that was no longer the case.  He was no longer the one who was bigger and stronger, nor did he have infusions of extra confidence to bolster his own the way she did.
“Before this,” Tina asked gently, wanting to be careful so as not to hurt Corey’s pride any further.  “Did you ever look down on me because I was shorter and weaker than you?”
“No,” Corey told her with a wry smile.  “That didn’t really matter.  I love you…”
“And I love you,” she told him.  “That’s not going to change just because other things about me do.  If you loved me when I was weaker than you…can you still love me when I’m stronger?”
“I do still love you,” Corey responded.  “I’m just afraid that sooner or later, you won’t want to be with me anymore.”

“I used to love it when you held me,” Tina said quietly. “You were so big and strong but you didn’t intimidate me.  Instead, you made me feel safe and protected.”  She gave Corey a weak smile and admitted, “That’s something I actually miss about being petite.  I was kind of thinking that it might be nice if I could make you feel like that someday…”

Tina sighed and went over to the flute, picking it up and staring at it for a moment.  “I love how good this feels to use,” she said quietly.  “I love how unbelievable it feels to get better and better…to become sexier…stronger…smarter.  It does sort of feel like I’m becoming a super hero.  But half the fun is having you there to enjoy it with me.”

“Tina,” Corey started but she cut him off.

“I really want to see how much I can get before I reach the limits,” Tina told him sadly. “I want to see just how far I can push this.”  Then she set the flute down in front of Corey and stepped back.  “But I’ll give it all up rather than risk losing you.  Take the flute back.  Give it to your sister Beth.”

With that, Tina turned and left the apartment, wanting some fresh air as she thought about what she’d just given up.  She went to the small park in back of the apartment building, one that was little more than a flower garden with a park bench.

Tina thought about the decision she made and felt an incredible sense of disappointment that she’d never be able to gain more, that she’d never be able to see how far she could take things.  But at the same time, she knew that she’d made the right choice.  It would all be worth it as long as it meant she wouldn’t lose Corey.

Tina had been sitting out there for about twenty minutes when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She was a little startled since she hadn’t noticed Corey coming up from behind her.

“I don’t want to lose you either,” Corey told her gently. “That’s one of the things that was worrying me the most.”

“That’s not going to happen,” Tina told him, giving him a kiss.

Corey responded with a smile and said, “I know.”  Then he held out the flute to her, making Tina gasp a little in surprise. “I told you, it’s pretty awesome watching you grow and improve.  I…I think I’d like to see how far this can go.”

“But I don’t want to intimidate you,” Tina told him. “I’ll never think of you as weak or inferior or anything…”  Then she paused to grin mischieviously, “At least no more inferior than every guy is to a woman…”

“I think I’m likely to be turned on even more than I am to be intimidated,” he admitted self-consciously.

“Are you sure?” Tina asked.

Corey just grinned in response and said, “I think I know a great place for you to play…”

A short time later, Corey and Tina were on campus and at the baseball field where the women’s softball team was busy with practice.  They stood next to the bleachers and watched the players practice for several minutes.

“You know,” Tina cautioned Corey. “If I do this, there won’t be any going back.”

“I know,” Corey told her, giving her a kiss.  “But I want you to.”  Then as Tina was raising the flute to her lips, Corey went around behind her and reached around to grab her breast, earning a gasp of surprise.  “But this time,” he told her with a smirk. “I want to feel you growing…”

Tina grinned, thinking that this was going to be fun as well as wondering why she hadn’t thought of doing this before.  She shook her head and then began to play.  Since Corey was holding her breasts so firmly in his hands, she was going to give him what he wanted.

Seconds after Tina began playing, every girl on the field froze and slipped into a trance, including the team’s coach.  Tina played the tune nice and slow so that she wouldn’t absorb their breast size too fast and get more than she intended.

Tina continued playing through the orgasm that hit her as her breasts grew.  She felt her bra tightening as they swelled larger. Corey was holding them firmly and was obviously enjoying himself as her breasts grew two cup sizes larger.

Then Tina shifted tunes, letting Corey feel as she continued to grow, this time absorbing height from the softball team.  She loved the sensation as all of her clothes tightened on her not just her bra.

The height flowed into her, enough that she calculated that she’d taken over four inches of height. However, she knew that some of this height would be lost in the transfer, just as a full cup of breast size had been lost a minute earlier.  When she lowered the flute, she’d grown another three inches and now stood at a height of 6 foot 4.

“Hey there shorty,” Tina gently teased Corey who was still holding her breasts.  “Are you enjoying yourself?”

“What?” Corey asked, pulling his hands away and pulling out his ear plugs.

Tina rolled her eyes and repeated what she’d said.  “I said hi there shorty. Are you enjoying yourself?”  Then she looked down at the bulge in his pants and laughed, “I see that you are.”

“What was great,” Corey admitted with a broad grin.  “Feeling your breasts growing in my hands…  And when you grew taller…”  Then he shook his head and admitted, “It’s going to take a bit of getting used to with you being taller than me now.”

“Well, there’s no turning back now,” Tina told him. “It’s strange being taller than you but I think I like it. It’s kind of a turn on…”

Corey just nodded at that, seeming to have no problem with it at the moment.  Tina gave him another kiss, amused by the change of perspective her new height gave her. Then she turned her attention to the next tune.

Seconds later, the overall shapeliness of Tina’s body began to increase. Her legs, ass, and even the shape of her larger breasts all improved giving her an even sexier figure. Then she switched over and began absorbing more beauty, knowing that Corey would definitely improve of this as well.

“I would take some more general sensuality and sexiness,” Tina told Corey when she was done. “But I got a little of that a few days ago and wanted to give it a bit of a break…”

Corey nodded and then he self-consciously suggested, “Maybe…maybe a little more strength.”

Tina grinned, surprised that Corey would suggest that after he’d admitted to being a bit intimidated by her strength earlier. Still, she wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity with his blessing.

Once Tina was finished, she turned to Corey again, feeling extremely horny. She wondered how much worse it would be if she’d absorbed some more erogenous sensitivity and wasn’t sure she wanted to find out.

“I want to try something,” Tina told Corey, hoping that she wasn’t pushing this too far with him. She grabbed hold of him and then lifted him of the ground, finding that it was surprisingly easy.  “Wow, that feels good…”

“It was…different,” Corey admitted.

“Just wait till we get home,” Tina told him with a grin.  “I’m feeling really turned on and I can think of some fun things to do with my new strength.”

Corey stared at her for a moment with his eyes wide and then he slowly grinned.  “Well then, let’s go see what you can do…”


Tina sat a table in a coffee shop with Kirsten, and even though they were both seated it was immediately obvious that Tina was much taller than her.  Tina was amused by this reversal since she used to be eight inches shorter than her friend and had to look up to meet her eyes.  That height relationship had changed and now Tina had to look down as Kirsten was eight inches shorter than her.

Tina was currently 6 foot 6, having taken two inches of height and some other things from a party two nights before.  She smiled as she remembered walking into the party with Corey, the two of them being about the only sober people there.  He’d held her breasts as she’d played and they laughed as all the drunks slipped into trances and collapsed to the ground.

For a moment, Tina only gave a token amount of her attention to Kirsten as she remembered the party and what she’d gained from it.  She was now one of the top five tallest people on the entire campus but was without a doubt the bustiest.  Her breasts were absolutely enormous as well as completely magnificent and perfectly shaped.  Every man stared at them in awe while most women were now giving her looks of jealous hatred.  Of course, Corey absolutely loved them as well as the fact that she was now gorgeous and very sexy

“I still can’t get over how big you are now,” Kirsten was saying.  “I mean…you’re enormous…”  She was staring straight at Tina’s chest, obviously meaning her breast size as well as her height.  “And you’re so hot now…  I can’t believe how jealous I am of you.”

Tina just smiled at that, feeling rather smug.  She used to envy Kirsten so she found this turnabout quite enjoyable, almost as much as the turnabout in height.  However, she didn’t want to make Kirsten too jealous or ruin their friendship so she had to be careful about how much she showed off so as not to rub her face in it.

In a way, it was difficult not to show off too much, especially considering the way she was dressed.  She was wearing clothing that was far more revealing and daring than what she ever would have considered wearing before using the flute.  Of course, the flute had not only given her a body worth showing off but had also given her the confidence to wear this kind of clothing and the desire to be much more sexy and sensual.  Her shirt showed off a great deal of cleavage and was high enough to show the firm tone of her abs.  Her pants were tight, showing off her fantastic legs and ass.

In fact, the only thing she was wearing that wasn’t sexy were the flat sandals which were currently adorning her feet.  Ever since she’d begun growing, Tina had gotten into the habit of wearing flat shoes right after a growth spurt and then gradually moving up to moderate and then high heels.  This way, people didn’t notice quite how sudden her growth spurts were.

“How is Corey taking this?” Kirsten asked. “I mean, it can’t be easy for him having a girlfriend who’s taller than he is…”

“He had a few problems with it at first,” Tina admitted. “But these are great consolations…”  She cupped her breasts and grinned.  “He’s really come around though and is really getting a kick out of it.  The hard part was trying not to hurt his pride or make him feel humiliated by it.”

Kirsten just snorted, “Male pride…”

Tina just raised an eyebrow at that.  “It’s foolish to think that it’s just male pride being hurt.  No one wants to feel like they’re losing their status or being embarrassed, male or female.  In fact, I’ve had more problems with women with bruised egos than men.”

Tina shook her head slightly, knowing that nearly every woman she ran into lately had begun seeing her as a threat, as someone who would steal away the attention of the men they were interested in.  In some cases, they took Tina’s improvements as a personal insult, as if her becoming sexy and busty somehow reduced their own status.  Of course, Tina could understand some of their concern since every man and even most of the women in the coffee shop were staring at her, even though most were trying to pretend they weren’t.  Fortunately, Kirsten might be a little jealous but she hadn’t been at all hostile because of it.

“There have been a great many things that are fantastic about the changes I’ve gone through over the last couple months,” Tina told her friend.  “But there have been some real problems because of it too.”

Kirsten gave Tina a skeptical look.  “I find that a little hard to believe.”

“You know how some guys won’t leave you alone because they’re attracted to you?” Tina asked her with an amused smile.  “And how some can be real jerks?  Or how you used to have Sabrina trying to cause trouble because she was jealous?  Well, imagine that all being a little worse.  I mean, I love the attention I get like this but I get tired of it too.  I can’t go anywhere without being stared at.”  She gestured around the coffee shop to prove her point.

“I can see that,” Kirsten admitted thoughtfully.

“There were the problems with Corey,” Tina told her with a shrug. “Fortunately, those have all worked out.  You wouldn’t believe how close I came to losing him without even realizing it.”  She shuddered slightly, more than a little thankful that she and Corey had found a way to settle things.  She reminded herself that she still had to be patient and gentle with him so as not to accidentally hurt his feelings or make him feel inferior.

“He must be pretty open minded to accept this,” Kirsten agreed.  “You’re lucky to have him.”

“Absolutely,” Tina agreed.  Then she mused, “Another problem is that I’ve been growing so fast that I can’t really get a good feel for my current dimensions.  I’ve become a little clumsy and keep bumping into things because of it.  And then there’s the fact that I keep outgrowing my clothes and just about everything else.  You wouldn’t believe how much I’ve had to spend because of this.”

“I just can’t believe you quit your job,” Kirsten told her.  “With all those clothing expenses, I would have thought you’d get a second job rather than quitting the one you have…”

Tina just shrugged at that, feeling a little smug again as she said, “Fortunately, I’ve come into a little money recently.  Some investments are really starting to pay off and I expect that they’ll only be getting more profitable in the near future.”

“Must be nice,” Kirsten responded with a grin, giving Tina another look of jealousy.

“So how’s your new boyfriend?” Tina abruptly asked to change the subject.

“Dave is fantastic,” Kirsten exclaimed with broad grin.  “He’s smart…  He’s nice…  And when he saw Sabrina, he called her a skank.”

Tina laughed at that.  “It sounds like he has good tastes then.”  Then she asked, “So, have you had any more problems with Sabrina lately?”

Kirsten shook her head.  “No, she’s tried a couple times but it was only half-hearted.  She hasn’t really been much of a problem since she came down with that chronic fatigue thing she has.”  Then she stared at Tina and cautiously asked, “How are those hormone treatments going?  I mean, I know they’re certainly working and you look unbelievable…but growing this much so fast can’t be good for your health.”

Tina gave her a reassuring smile and told her, “They’re going well, though they are a little more effective than expected.  Apparently, it was something with my metabolism that makes it work faster on me than any of the other subjects.”  She paused, still not happy with lying to her friend but knowing how important it was to keep the flute a secret.  If it got out, every woman around would try stealing it.  “I was just finishing up with the last of the treatments but they say I might keep growing for a little longer after this.  My body is still saturated after all and my glands are still working overtime…”

Tina knew that the hormone treatment cover story that she’d been using as an explanation had gotten to the point where it was borderline ridiculous.  There were so many holes in the story that it was a wonder anyone still believed it.  Fortunately, her ability to convince people of whatever she wanted to had grown a great deal since she’d absorbed so much voice strength from other women.

Of course, that same voice strength made it so that she could sing like an angel and gave her the ability to speak in such a sexy voice that she could make nearly any man cream his pants with her voice alone.  She’d considered absorbing even more voice strength but feared that if it became too strong, she’d end up virtually enslaving she spoke to, and she certainly didn’t want to do that to Corey.

“I’m afraid I have to get going,” Tina told Kirsten with a smile.  “I promised Corey I’d help him with a large thesis project he’s working on.”

“I don’t know how you do it,” Kirsten told her with a shake of the head.  “You’re always so busy anymore and your grades have only gotten better…”

“Hard work and a lot of coffee,” Tina lied.

A short time later, Tina was about to meet up with Corey where they’d agreed.  She saw him coming down the sidewalk with a back pack slung over his shoulder.  Tina grinned as she saw him but then paused when she noticed four young women going into a shop.

“Hey shorty,” Tina teased Corey, still finding it exciting that she was now five inches taller than him.  It made the kiss they shared a moment later just a bit different but even more interesting.

“How’s the weather up there?” Corey asked her with a grin. Then he asked, “How’d your time with Kirsten go?”

“Pretty good,” Tina told him.  “She’s pretty happy with Dave.  Thank you for talking him into asking her out.  I know her looks tend to intimidate a lot of nice guys from approaching her so it’s nice that you encouraged him.”

Corey just shrugged.  “Well, Dave told me he had a thing for her so all I did was tell him to man up and go ask her out.”

“Well thank you anyway,” Tina told him, giving him another kiss.  “It’s nice to see Kirsten happy.”

Corey nodded at that and then told her, “I brought you something…”  Then he set down his back pack and opened it up, reaching in and pulling out the flute.  “Two more inches,” he winked at her as he handed over the flute.  “I want to see you grow two more inches…”

“But I just grew the other day,” Tina said as she accepted the flute, smiling as she looked it over. She looked down at Corey and added, “I thought we were going to try not to get too obvious.”

“I know,” Corey admitted with a blush. “I just wanted to see you grow again.”

“If that’s what you want,” Tina responded with a grin, more than happy to grow even more.  “And I know just the girls to donate some extra height…”

Tina waited until the four girls she’d seen earlier came out of the store she’d previously seen them entering.  She recognized them from campus as four members of that sorority Sabrina belonged to. They were hot, sexy, and spoiled little bitches.  Unfortunately, only one of these girls had been present when she’d visited their sorority house.

Tina began playing the flute, immediately capturing them in its power. She had estimated that in order for her to gain two inches of height, she’d have to absorb about four inches…about an inch from each of them. However, two other nearby women were captured by the flute’s power as well and that reduced the amount that the sorority girls would end up losing.

A moment later, Tina was savoring the sensation of her body growing again and her clothes becoming tight. It gave her an incredible sense of power to keep getting bigger and stronger, and of course she was also riding the orgasm that came with using the flute.

“That should do for now,” Tina told Corey as she handed him the flute to put back into his pack for safe keeping. “What do you think little man?”

“I think you look absolutely fantastic,” Corey told her with a completely sincere look that pleased her immensely.  “And enormous,” he added.  “I can’t believe how tall you are now.”

“I know,” Tina responded with a broad grin, looking down at him and marveling at how he kept getting shorter and shorter to her perspective.  She was now seven inches taller than Corey and absolutely loving it. "And I can’t wait until I can get even taller.”

“Unfortunately, that will have to wait,” Corey told her with a sigh. “I think we’ve probably pushed things as much as we can right now.  But I do have something else in mind…” He stared at her breasts with a broad grin.  “What would you think of going to a wet t-shirt contest tonight?”

Tina paused to look down at Corey, considering what he’d just said.  At one time, she never would have imagined being able to enter a contest like that, much less having the courage to do so.  However, now she not only had the body but the confidence and some exhibitionist tendencies.

“That sounds like fun,” Tina finally said, laughing aloud.  “I’ve always wanted to win a wet t-shirt contest…”


Tina was grinning as she arrived at the gym with Corey, eager to test out her strength a bit as well as watch Corey test out his.  For the last two weeks, Corey had been coming to the gym and working out pretty hard.  He knew that he’d never be able to keep up with Tina’s strength, but he could at least get in much better shape and look better.  This was the first time that she’d come along with him while he worked out.

“They really need to make the doorways bigger,” Tina said with a look of mock innocence.  “I keep bumping my head.”

When they walked into the gym floor, everyone who wasn’t focused on their workout immediately began to look at Tina, their eyes going wide. She was now just shy of seven feet tall and had a killer body with breasts like a stripper. Anywhere Tina went, she immediately became the center of attention.

Corey looked around and chuckled, knowing that he was getting some attention to…if for no other reason than because people were wondering how he could have gotten a girl like her.  He’d already overheard several women whispering among themselves with the suggestion that he must be pretty big downstairs or great in the sack.  That was the kind of rumor that he was happy to let stand.

“Their expressions remind me of when we went into that night club last week,” Corey told Tina with a chuckle.  “I mean, even the house band suddenly stopped playing…”

“Yeah,” Tina agreed.  “I certainly can’t forget that club…not when I left with a couple extra inches of height.”

“You never forget anything,” Corey pointed out casually. “Not anymore.”

“True,” Tina told him. “It also makes my classes unbelievably boring…”

“I thought you liked getting straight A’s without any effort,” Corey told her, shaking his head.  He was still a bit jealous of that himself since he had to work for his grades.  Fortunately, Tina had been there to offer him personal tutoring whenever he got stuck.

Tina chuckled.  “Yeah, but I’ve already read and memorized every course book and then some.  By now, I know more than most of the instructors about every one of my classes.” She shook her head and added, “Imagine how boring it would be for you to sit in an elementary school class and go through first grade again.  That’s sort of what it feels like for me.”

Corey just rolled his eyes and told her, “Sorry, but it’s a bit hard feeling any sympathy for you.”

“I know,” Tina responded with mock hurt. “No one understands how hard it is for me…”

“You want to talk about hard,” Corey said, glancing down at the front of his workout shorts and earning a laugh from Tina.

They walked past all the exercise equipment on the gym floor and then went to the back room that was all free weights. Tina already knew that none of the machines would be a challenge for her strength but hopefully these free weights might give her a better opportunity to measure how strong she now was.

There were several other people already there working out, including one man who looked like he might be a professional bodybuilder. Tina knew without a doubt that she was stronger than him.  She estimated her current strength as being nearly twenty times that of a normal man.

“So, do you want to outdo him and show him how weak he is compared to you?” Corey asked her quietly.

“That would be fun,” Tina admitted. “But I don’t think it’s fair to humiliate him like that when he hasn’t done anything to me.  I mean, its hardy fair to compete against anyone now. I think my strength level qualifies as super strength at this point.”

“Well, you did want to feel more like a super hero,” Corey told her with an appreciative look.

“And I still do,” Tina responded. “I still want to get more…  But for now, I just want to try this out a bit more…  But first, a little privacy.”

With that, Tina used the power of her voice to call out, “Could everyone please leave us for now and give me some privacy.  I’d appreciate it oh so much…”

Once everyone else had left the free weight room, Tina and Corey began loading up one of the weight bars with as much as it could hold.  She couldn’t fit on a bench with her size so couldn’t do a bench press but she could still bend over to pick it up.

“Holy shit,” Corey exclaimed as Tina lifted the weight from the floor. It was so loaded down that the bar was beginning to bend.

“Well, I’m not going to find my limits here,” Tina told him with disappointment as she set the weight back down.  “This much will probably do for curls but not much else.  I can feel the weight and have to work against it a little, but I’ve already surpassed what this gym can challenge me with.  We really should have come here a month ago…”

“Well, I still need to work out,” Corey reminded her, gesturing to the weight that Tina had just set back down.  “And that’s a bit beyond me.” Then he added, “You can spot me.”

Corey worked out on the weights while Tina watched him, finding it amusing. She knew that at one point she would have been quite impressed by how much weight he was living, but it was hard to be impressed when she could life far more.  Still, she didn’t say that to him or do anything that could be counted as patronizing.  After all, he was doing very good by normal standards and she didn’t want to insult him by suggesting he wasn’t.

When Corey was finished with his workout, Tina grinned and said, “Wait here a minute…  I left something out in the car.”  She returned several minutes later with the flute in one hand and Corey’s ear plugs in the other.

Corey put in the ear plugs and they went to the main room where there were a dozen people working out on the exercise machines.  Even the body builder they’d seen earlier was busy on a treadmill.

“I have to time this carefully,” Tina said as she looked around. “If I entrance someone at the wrong time, they could get seriously hurt.”

Tina kept a careful watch of everyone in the room until everyone was in a place where it would be safe to unleash the power of the flute. Then she did so, causing everyone to slip into the magically induced trance.

Between the people working out and the gym employees, there were a total of nine women present.  She drained a little height from each of them, feeling her body expanding yet again. Then she grinned in delight as she hit the seven foot mark.

Tina continued playing but changed the tune, taking a little strength and vitality from each of the women.  That seemed appropriate considering where they currently were.  She couldn’t resist taking just a little more sensuality as well.

“That should do for now,” Tina told Corey with a grin. “I’m seven foot one now…a full foot taller than you.”

“Damn, you’re impressive,” Corey admitted.

Tina just smiled at that. “I know.”

“Maybe you should challenge him to an arm wrestling contest,” Corey suggested, gesturing to the still entranced bodybuilder.  “Like you did that biker at the bar a couple weeks ago…”

“Oh yeah,” Tina laughed.  “I loved the look on his face when I beat him…”

“And then yawned like you were bored,” Corey reminded her.  “He was such an ass that he definitely deserved that bit of humiliation.”

“Especially after he’d pinched my ass and then called me an overgrown bimbo,” Tina said in annoyance.  “He’s just lucky I didn’t hurt him.  It would have been pretty easy.”

They continued laughing over that night while all the entranced people slowly came out of it and then continued with what they were doing, having no idea of what Tina had taken from them.  Of course, she hadn’t taken enough from any of them individually for it to really be noticeable, though some of them would soon notice that they couldn’t lift quite as much as they could normally or that they got tired just a little sooner.

“I can definitely notice the diminishing effects issue increasing,” Tina told Corey.  “I’m having to take more and more of any trait before it actually has an effect on me. Right now, I’m only getting about half the amount I take, maybe a little less.  I’m even beginning to reach my limits on a few of the traits.”

“So you won’t be growing much more than,” Corey said, looking disappointed which amused Tina.  This was definitely much better than being resentful.

“Oh, I can still grow a bit more,” Tina responded with a chuckle. “I’ll just have to start using larger crowds if I want to get enough to really be noticeable on me without being noticeable on them.”

Tina and Corey started to leave the gym, but as they reached the entrance a woman came bursting through the door. She was tall for a woman, busty, and gorgeous…though not in Tina’s league.

“Get out of my way,” the woman snapped at another woman, half shoving her as she went past.  Then the woman froze and stared up at Tina with a look of shock, followed by jealousy and disgust.  “What a freak,” she exclaimed.

“Don’t you ever say that about her,” Corey said, coming to Tina’s defense though she certainly didn’t need it.  She liked that in spite of her size and strength, he still insisted on treating her like a lady, even opening doors for her.

“You must be a real loser if you have to have someone like that as a girlfriend,” the woman said, giving Corey a look of contempt.  “Or are you her keeper?”  Then she turned and walked to the changing room, pushing past another woman who was coming out.

“That bitch,” Corey muttered angrily.

Tina put a hand on his shoulder and then smiled coldly. “I’ll be back in just a minute…”  With that, she went into the changing room with the flute held in her hand.

When Tina returned a couple minutes later, her clothes were torn and burst at the seams. She’d obviously grown even taller, another three inches.  Her already enormous breasts had grown another two cup sizes as well and were now as large as basketballs.

“Holy shit,” Corey exclaimed when he saw her. “How many women were in there?”

“Only the one,” Tina responded with a cruel smile.

Corey stared up at her and at her massive height of 7 foot 4.  “If you took enough from her to grow that much…”

“Then she lost twice as much,” Tina agreed.  “I also took half her confidence, not that it gave me much in return.  Still, it will be enough to ensure she never messes with anyone else again.”

“That’s quite a bit just for insulting you,” Corey said carefully.

However, Tina just looked down at him and responded, “I don’t care if she insults me…but NOBODY insults you…”

Then Tina bent down and kissed Corey, amused by how short he now was compared to her.  In a way, it was almost as though he was the one who was now petite, not that she’d ever tell him that.

“Come on,” Tina said, picking Corey up on a whim.  She held him in her arms as she left the gym, saying, “Just wait until we get home…  You can help me test out my new size in some more intimate settings…”


Tina climbed out of the shattered wreckage of the bed, being careful not to wake Corey.  She glanced to the clock though there was no real reason to do so as her time sense had improved enough that she could tell exactly what time it was without any such electronic device.  It was currently 4AM, only two hours after she'd gone to sleep.  Of course, she felt completely wide awake and full of energy since she no longer required much sleep.

"We definitely need a new bed," Tina mused with a smile.

At 7 foot 7, Tina had outgrown their queen sized bed weeks earlier but the bed had finally just collapsed last night under the force of her and Corey having sex.  She smiled at the memory of being on top of her. She’d been the dominant one in bed for quite some time and had been the one on top, but she had been letting Corey get on top again lately just so she didn’t crush him with her weight.

Tina glanced to the hole in the bedroom wall and she chuckled as she remembered that little lovemaking session. She’d actually held Corey up and moved him around while she stood there, keeping him from even touching anything but her, not even the ground.  When she came, she’d accidentally pushed her hand through the wall.

Of course, whenever Tina and Corey had sex, she had to be extremely careful since she was strong enough that she could cause him serious damage without meaning to. That meant she couldn’t go all out and had to constantly hold herself back.

“I wonder if this is what Superman feels with Lois Lane,” Tina mused.

Fortunately, her erotic sensitivity was at a high enough state so that even though she had to hold back, Corey could still drive her to extreme orgasms.  At least she didn’t have to hold back when she masturbated with herself.

“And that was while holding back,” Tina mused as she glanced back at the wrecked bed again before leaving the bedroom.

Tina stopped in front of a large mirror she’d hung up in the living room and looked herself over.  She was tall, athletic looking without being too muscular, and absolutely gorgeous.  She looked like she could have graced the cover of any magazine.

“And these things defy gravity,” Tina mused as she cupped her large, round, and firm breasts.  Thanks to the shapeliness she’d absorbed, they showed no sign of sag and remained absolutely perfect in shape.

Every inch of Tina’s body looked absolutely fantastic, and even her once mousy brown hair had become a vibrant copper color that was long, luxurious, and completely devoid of any split ends.  In fact, she’d absorbed enough beauty that every one of her features seemed flawless.

“Very nice,” Tina mused, thinking that she might want to take some more beauty anyway.  After all, she’d been holding back a little because she didn’t want to stand out too much too soon, but she’d already passed any point where she could avoid notice.  A little more beauty and shapeliness wouldn’t hurt.

After a minute, Tina turned away from the mirror and then sat down at her computer desk, using a very large chair which she’d bought for herself. However, her desk and computer were still the same old size and both now seemed small to her. In fact, it almost felt like she was using a little kid’s desk.

Everything in the apartment was now too small for her, far too small and she was starting to feel claustrophobic.  Of course, she already had plans in mind to take care of that problem, not that she’d broached the subject with Corey yet.

Tina had made some very nice money from her investments and had made even more from several of her side projects she’d been working on.  She’d arranged for a portion of that money to pay for a custom build house that was being constructed with her size in mind, as well as room for a little further growth.  Of course, Corey would be like a kid on the custom made furniture which would occupy it but the very idea amused Tina.

“Good thing I asked them to make the bed for me early,” Tina mused.  “Of course, it will take up the entire bedroom so we’ll have to move the dressers into the living room.  Then again, we should probably move into a larger place until the house is built.”

Tina worked on one of her side projects for the next few hours, wishing that the computer would move faster.  She was able to do most of the work in her head but was having a hard time getting the computer to keep up.

“Another thing to upgrade,” Tina muttered, though she’d already made plans to do so.

While working, Tina held out her hand and an unopened bottle of water flew across the room and into her hand.  The low level telekinesis had appeared after the last intelligence increase she’d given herself, a side effect of having her intelligence at such a high level.  It wasn’t very powerful as of yet but she found it quite useful for everyday tasks such as this.

Tina kept herself occupied until Corey eventually got up as well.  After he’d had a cup of coffee, he sat down and just watched her with a look of awe on his face.  She never got tired of having him look at her like that.

“You remember that concert we were at last week,” Corey abruptly asked her.

“Of course,” Tina responded with a smile. “I got three inches of height from it.  Of course, I took a total of fifteen inches from the crowd.  The diminishing returns for height is getting stronger.”

“The music was good too,” he pointed out.  “I did like the band.”

Tina bit back the urge to point out that she could do better.  Instead, she just smiled, “It was rather pleasant.”

They talked about the band for a few minutes before Corey said, “So you won’t be able to grow much taller then…”

“Not too much,” Tina agreed pleasantly. “But I have discovered something interesting.  It seems that I would have reached my limit quite some time ago except for one small factor…”

“What’s that?” Corey asked curiously.

“I love playing the flute,” she told him with a broad grin.  “Even if it wasn’t magic, I’d still love playing it. I discovered that playing the flute with a lot of passion makes the magic more powerful and efficient. It slows down the diminishing returns effect.  If I didn’t love playing the flute so much, I probably never would have been able to reach seven feet before I hit the limit.”

“So a magic flute that uses music works best for people who are passionate about playing,” Corey said.  “That actually makes a weird sort of sense.”

“Anyway,” Tina pointed out thoughtfully.  “There’s a swimsuit competition occurring later today and I thought we’d take a drive to go watch it.”

Corey licked his lips, then hesitated, obviously knowing that it wasn’t a good idea to show too much eagerness to see other women in front of Tina.  “But why?” he asked with mock innocence. “You already outdo every woman there…”

“I know,” Tina responded as though it was a simple fact. “But I do like hear it anyway, so thank you.  But I was thinking that it would be the perfect place to pick up a few more improvements.”

Corey stared at her with a hungry look and grinned.  “That sounds like a perfect day to me.”

“And afterwards,” Tina told him pleasantly, “we can get a motel room and break their bed the same way we did ours.”  She winked at him and added, “You know how horny I get after using the flute so I expect you to be good and ready by then.”

Then Tina bent down and kissed Corey before putting her arm around him and picking him up with ease. She had to be careful as she lifted him and brought him up to her level for a longer kiss.

“Is that understood little man?” Tina teased Corey.

“Yes ma’am,” Corey responded with a grin.


Tina stepped into the auditorium and then slowly looked around, taking in every detail and cataloguing it.  She smiled faintly, thinking that coming here was a good idea.  This was going to be a profitable place to play her flute.

“So, what do you think?” Corey asked from beside her.

“I think I’ll wait until the show begins before I give my performance,” Tina told him.

Tina looked over the large room again and took in all the bodybuilders who were here to compete.  Most of them were men but there were quite a few female bodybuilders here as well for the women’s competition.

Of course, Tina knew without a doubt that she was stronger than any of these bodybuilders could possibly imagine.  Not only was she stronger than anyone here, she was also stronger than all of them put together.  She calculated that at her current strength level, she was a hundred times stronger than the strongest man in the world.  However, the diminishing results effect had caught up with her on strength so she would barely be able to get enough strength from all the women here to even be noticeable to her.

As Tina expected, she quickly drew the attention of nearly everyone present.  After all, how could they not stare at her when she was 7 foot 9 and almost superhumanly gorgeous?  She radiated beauty, sex appeal, and vitality, not to mention power.

Tina was faintly amused by the attention, knowing that none of them could help themselves.  Of course, she could have absorbed even more beauty and sensuality since she hadn’t reached her limits with those traits yet, but she’d stopped for fear that she’d bespell Corey with her beauty so much that he’d no longer be able to see past it.  It was the same reason she’d stopped absorbing more vocal power.

“There aren’t really a lot of women,” Corey pointed out.  “You won’t be able to absorb a lot…”

“There will be a lot more women in the audience watching the competition,” Tina told him.  “I’ll do fine here.  Trust me.  In fact, there will likely be more women in the audience here than there were at that swimsuit competition from two weeks ago.”

“That was fun,” Corey grinned, obviously thinking about the wild sex they’d had afterwards.  She’d worn him out completely, just as she did every night.  At the same time, Tina also fondly remembered the extra height, beauty, intelligence, and strength she’d gained from the models and audience.

Just then, one of the bodybuilders gathered his courage and approached, walking with a swagger and confidence that suggested she should be impressed by the size of his muscles.  Tina nearly laughed at that since she was almost two feet taller than him, not to mention unimaginably stronger.

The bodybuilder gave Corey a look of contempt and then looked up at Tina with an appreciative expression.  “You’re certainly a tall one gorgeous.  I’ve never seen anyone so tall…”

“I’ve recently had some growth spurts,” Tina responded wryly.

“Do you play with the WNBA?” the bodybuilder abruptly asked. “You’ve got to be a basketball player…”

“No, I don’t play sports,” Tina told him, knowing that it would be unbelievably unfair for her to compete against anyone. Then again, it was unfair for her to play the stock market as well but that certainly hadn’t stopped her. “Excuse me, but we need to get moving…”

The bodybuilder glared at Corey and said, “You can talk with me a bit more…”

Suddenly, Tina froze and glared down at him, her eyes narrowing dangerously.  “You,” she said coldly, staring right into the bodybuilder’s eyes, using her suggestive voice pushing at him with all her superhuman willpower. He suddenly gasped and went pale, staring at her as though completely entranced.

“What are you doing?” Corey exclaimed in surprise.

“This little worm was just planning on jumping you after the competition,” Tina stated angrily.  “He was going to corner you when I wasn’t around and ‘convincing’ you to stay as far away from me as possible so he could have me to himself.”

“Shit,” Corey exclaimed, staring at the bodybuilder who stood there with a blank expression on his face, as if entranced by the music of the flute.  Then he gasped, “But how did you…?”  He paused, “Oh yeah, that telepathy thing…”

“Of course,” Tina responded.

After Tina had drained a good amount of intelligence from the women at the swimsuit competition two weeks earlier, her intelligence had reached a new level of brilliance. At that point, she’d already had a low level telekinetic power but now it had grown stronger and she’d even gained the ability to read other people’s minds…and then some.

For a brief moment, Tina contemplated the idea of throwing the bodybuilder across the entire auditorium for what he’d planned on doing to Corey, but then she decided to do something that would draw less attention.  “Forget you ever saw me,” Tina instructed him, pushing with her willpower and her telepathy.  “And when you are on stage…piss yourself in front of the judges and the audience.”

When the bodybuilder walked away a few seconds later in a daze, Corey looked up at her and gulped. “Wasn’t that a little harsh?”

Tina paused to consider before responding, “No.  Breaking every bone in his body might have been a little harsh. That was just a little lesson for what he was planning on doing to you.”

“Yeah, that would have been harsh,” Corey agreed.  “I guess he did get of easy…”

"It's at times like this that I really regret that the flute doesn't work on men," Tina mused.

Then Tina decided to make sure there were no more interruptions like that one.  Normally, she loved all the attention and awe she now received, but at times it could get rather annoying as well.  She concentrated on pushing outward with her will and a moment later, nearly everyone in the auditorium looked away from her, no longer interested.  It took a great deal of effort to do this and even more so to keep Corey from being affected as well.  However, it was well worth it as it gave Corey and her a little more privacy.

"What did you do?" Corey asked, looking around in awe.

"I just projected the impression that there's nothing here worth looking at," Tina responded just a little smugly.  "I have to keep projecting it or they'll start staring again."

"I knew you could read minds," Corey told her, clearly impressed.  "I didn't realize it was this powerful."

"It got a little stronger after I absorbed some intelligence at that chess championship on campus the other day," Tina told him.

Corey gulped a little then cautiously asked, "Have you been reading my mind?"

"Not most of the time," Tina assured him.  "I didn't want to violate your privacy..."  Then she grinned and added, "But you are right... I have become a virtual goddess."

Corey's eyes widened a little as she read his current thoughts.  "Oh," he responded with a bright blush, obviously due to the other things he'd been thinking about doing with her, things which made Tina smile in anticipation.

Tina laughed lightly and then decided to tease him a little with just how much she'd gained and what she'd become.  "I've absorbed enough intelligence that I am beyond any current standard of measurement.  In fact, I invented my own measurement standard about two months ago but I've gone beyond that as well.  I think the best way to describe it is to imagine the smartest person in the world.  I'm twenty times smarter.  That much brain power has given me some interesting psychic powers as a benefit, though unfortunately, I won't be able to get much more.  I've pretty much reached the limits of how much I can absorb."

"Wow," Corey whispered. "I knew you were a genius but I didn't realize..."

"And then there's my strength," Tina continued with a mock innocent look.  "Let's just say that I'm far stronger than every competitor here...combined.  But I've nearly reached the limits with that as well and won't be able to get much stronger."

Corey suddenly burst out laughing.  "I remember when they banned you from the gym for bending the weight bar after that idiot tried bragging to you about how strong he was...  I think that was already a pretty good sign of how strong you were."

"And I've gotten much stronger since then," Tina told him pleasantly.  "And then there's all the vitality and stamina I’ve absorbed.  I've pretty much reached my limits with that as well, which you might have guessed since I only need to sleep an hour or so every other day.  Not needing to sleep does give me a lot of extra time for my other projects though..."  She paused at that, looking thoughtful as she continued, "I've also found that all that extra vitality means I heal from any injury in almost no time at all and I'm certain that it will drastically slow down my aging process."

With that, Tina looked down at Corey, frowning slightly as she thought about the fact that she would no longer age much while Corey still would.  One of the downsides of her superhuman improvements was the fact that she might eventually be forced to watch him grow old and die in front of her while she continued on.  She felt a great sadness at the very idea.

"Come on," Tina told Corey.  "I want to get positioned for when the contest starts."

Corey nodded and followed behind her, looking at the various bodybuilders with envy.  He was obviously a bit self-conscious and Tina knew that he didn't feel worthy of being with her.  He'd adjusted to her surpassing him in every way possible quite well, but he did have these occasional bouts of self-doubt and fears of inferiority which saddened her to see.

Tina and Corey left the area where the bodybuilders were preparing and went to the stage where the competition was to be held.  The audience for the competition was already gathering, and as Tina had predicted, there were plenty of women there to watch.  When the competition began a short time later, they remained where they were absently watching the muscular men posing on stage and waiting until Tina decided the time was right.

When the female bodybuilders finally came on stage, Tina made her move.  She used her mental powers to project the thought that no one should look at her and then she went to the microphone that was being used by the man who was introducing the contestants.  Without a word, she raised the flute to her lips and began to play.  The sweet music spread out and filled the entire room, entrancing dozens of women.

Tina felt the music spreading out and drawing height from each of these women, competitor and audience member alike.  She took nearly a full inch from each, but due to the diminishing returns, she only grew two more inches, stopping when she reached a height of 7 foot 11.  If she'd continued any more, her height theft would have been far too noticeable.  However, there were other things she could take as well.

A moment later, Tina felt her breasts swelling slightly larger, only a single cup.  She already had enormous breasts and didn't really need them any larger but couldn't resist the opportunity to take just a little more.  However, this was probably the last time she'd increase their size as they already got in her way from performing normal tasks quite often and if they were any larger they would become a nuisance.  And though the amount she gained was very small, she took more intelligence, strength, and stamina as well before she finally stopped playing and left the stage.

"I've about reached my limits for height," Tina told Corey with a smile as she looked down at him.  "If my calculations are correct...and they always are, then I should be able to reach only another two or three inches before I hit the wall completely."  She smirked and added, "I'll be able to break the eight foot mark and even be a full two feet taller than you.  Of course, I'll need to find another large gathering or two in order to acquire that."

Corey nodded at that.  "So you've about reached your limits on just about everything then..."

"Not everything," Tina corrected him with an amused grin.  "I still have plenty of room to improve in a few other areas but am actively choosing not to do so."

"So, what are you going to do with the flute once you can't use it anymore?" Corey asked.

"I'll play it as a normal flute," Tina told him.  "After all, it has a beautiful sound that I can't find in any other instrument.  But I think that there are also several women in your family who'd appreciate the opportunity to benefit from it.  After all, I'm certain that your sister Beth wouldn't want to be denied her own opportunity to benefit from the family legacy."

"Oh shit," Corey muttered, paling slightly as he thought of his younger sister Beth becoming bigger, stronger, and smarter than him.  Beth had always been competitive and wouldn't hesitate to remind him of this at every opportunity, probably in humiliating ways.

"And I'm sure your mother would like the opportunity as well," Tina added.  At the look on Corey's face, she laughed, "Of course, they'll have to learn how to play the flute first and even then, they'll never match me.  It was only my passion for playing that let me stretch the effects as far as I have.  I'm pretty certain that neither your mother or sister would be able to break the seven foot mark...  I suspect they'll both top out at six foot six."

Corey shook his head in resignation.  "At least that's something..."

"And speaking of plans for the future," Tina said with faint smile.  "You do remember that we graduate next month."

"I just don't see why you're bothering," Corey told her.  "I mean, it's not like you're learning anything in college anymore..."

"No, but I did work very hard on my degree for the first couple years," Tina reminded him.  "Just because it suddenly became easy for me doesn't mean that I should quit before I actually get the degree.  It's a matter of principal."

"I can see that," Corey responded thoughtfully.

"I have been busy making plans for after graduation," Tina said.  "The house and furniture that I'm having custom built will be finished in approximately two months.  After graduation, I also plan on starting my own research and development company that I can use to control some of my projects.  I've already made several patents and have been playing around  with plans for a fusion reactor and some other things that will make me extremely wealthy in short order.  I calculate that within five years, I will be the wealthiest person on the planet."

Corey gasped and stared up at Tina in surprise.  She just smiled at that, loving how easily she was able to continue amazing him.  Of course, she still hadn't told him about a certain other project of hers which was bound to amaze him even more than this.

The flute wouldn't work on men, but Tina saw absolutely no reason why similar types of improvements couldn't be caused using scientific methods.  Tina had been working on one of these methods in her spare time, fully intending to use this on Corey once it was ready.  She loved him and wanted him to be able to experience how awesome it felt to be this strong, smart, and powerful.  She wanted to share with him everything that she was experiencing and this would allow her to do that.  And of course, Tina also wanted Corey to be strong and sturdy enough so that they could have sex without her having to hold back so much.

"I'm also working on a little present for you," Tina told Corey with a teasing smile.  "Once it's ready, it will be a present for the both of us."

"I like presents," Corey responded with a broad grin.  "Give me a clue.  Is it bigger than a bread box?"

Tina just laughed at that.  "No hints just yet.  However, you do remember what else we had planned for after graduation?"

"How could I forget?" Corey answered, obviously remembering their agreement to talk about marriage once they'd both graduated.  And even though they'd held back on talking about the subject, they both fully intended to get married as soon as that day came.  "I just wasn't sure you'd still want to...  I mean, now that you're..."

"Of course I still want to marry you," Tina assured him gently, bending over to give him a kiss.  "No matter how much I change, I'm still me deep down inside.  Underneath all this, I'm still the same shy and petite woman who fell in love with you."

Then Tina surprised Corey by scooping him up in her arms, holding him cradled between her arms as though he weighed nothing at all.  She gave him another kiss and then began carrying him out of the building and to where they'd left the car.

"Enough talk about long term plans," Tina told Corey with a smile.  "I think it's time to talk about ones that are a little more short term."

"Oh, and what plans would those be?" Corey asked her with mock innocence.  "Can you give me a hint?"

"I'll give you three," Tina responded with a broad grin and a laugh.  "Home.  Bed.  And fucking my brains out."

"I think I know the answer to that one," Corey laughed, giving Tina a kiss.  "And I can hardly wait."

"Then come on little man," Tina teased him.  "I’m feeling extremely horny and you’re going to satisfy me or die trying"

Tina smiled as she continued to walk, looking down at the man she loved who was held firmly in her arms.  She could hear his thoughts and he was feeling comforted and secure, the same way she used to feel when he held her.  Corey was happy and that made her happy as well.  Of course, one day she would make it so that he could physically match her full passions, but for now, she was more than happy to enjoy being his virtual goddess.

The End

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Re: LÓÒKING FOR => The rest of The Silver Flute >FOUND???<
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2017, 12:10:04 pm »
From my point of view the story is now complete.  It's a good one by the way thanks ;-)

Offline Salocin27

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Re: +Notable Author: [Morpheus] STORIES~collected
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2019, 11:38:11 am »
 The silver flute :
one of my favorite story to date

Offline Lupus753

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Re: +Notable Author: [Morpheus] STORIES~collected
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2019, 03:01:13 pm »
I remember a Morpheus story where a girl obtains a wish, which she uses to be better than her parents in every way. She grows smarter and stronger than them, but also becomes their boss. I think it was called, "Anything You Can Do", or something like that. Do you have this story?

Offline Lupus753

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Re: +Notable Author: [Morpheus] STORIES~collected
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2019, 03:13:30 pm »
Sorry, it turns out that not only did I get the title wrong, but also I have the story.

Moira's Reality

Moira let out a long stream of profanity, stretching her limited vocabulary and repeating some of the words several times. She was behind the shed in her back yard, out of view of the house and her parents. At least here she had a place where she could vent her anger in private.

Moira was fifteen years old with shoulder length reddish-brown hair. She was slender with small breasts and a figure that she thought was just a little too lacking in curves. That especially frustrated her because her mom was a nice D cup and Moira feared she would never match up.

“It’s not fair,” Moira exclaimed, kicking the side of the shed in frustration and then cursing again because her foot hurt.

Just a short time ago, Moira’s parents had told her that she couldn’t go to the party tonight at a friend’s house. It wasn’t even one of those wild parties with drinking but was going to be just a nice casual birthday party, one with her friend’s parents being present for. It was a party that Moira had been looking forward to for nearly two weeks. But then without warning, her parents had told her that she couldn’t go.

“They’re so selfish,” Moira spat out angrily.

She’d been planning on going to that party for the last two weeks and her parents had both known about it. Then today they decided to go out for dinner on a whim and told her that she was going to have to stay home and watch her four year old brother Adam instead. Moira normally didn’t mind watching Adam but she hated the fact that her parents had abruptly cut off her plans like that.

And then to make things even worse, Moira asked her parents why they couldn’t go out tomorrow night instead and they just treated her as if she was a child with no will of her own.

“Because I’m in charge,” Moira mimicked her dad. “That means you do what I tell you…no questions.”

Moira was still fuming when she suddenly noticed something from the corner of her eye. She snapped around and saw that there was as strange blue glow floating in the air a short distance away…and then something stepped out of the glow.

The figure that stepped out of the glow was humanoid but definitely not human, at least Moira didn’t think it was. She couldn’t even tell if this being was male or female because it was very androgynous with neither masculine or feminine features. It was at least a foot taller than her 5 foot 3 height and was very slender with light blue skin and no hair at all on either its head or naked body.

“What are you?” Moira exclaimed in surprise.

The creature turned to look at her and then responded in perfect English, “Oh, I did not realize there was a native present. I should have paid attention before traveling through.” Then it paused to give Moira a cautious look before adding, “As for your question, what I am is something beyond your comprehension. The closest I can come to explaining is to say that I am a higher dimensional being.”

“Oh,” Moira responded, not sure she understood. However, this being didn’t seem threatening so she relaxed and stared at it in curiosity. “What are you doing in my back yard?”

“I am…passing through,” the being explained. “To where, I cannot explain to you. It is beyond the dimensional understanding of your kind.”

Moira nodded and smiled faintly. “Then I hope you have a nice trip.”

“I appreciate your kind hopes,” the being said, sounding slightly amused though Moira couldn’t be sure. Then it stared at her for a moment longer before adding, “I am feeling benevolent. In return for your kind hopes, I will perform a favor for you before I depart. Please tell me how I may improve your reality for you.”

Moira blinked at that, feeling a bit confused. “What do you mean?”

The being was silent for several long seconds before it responded. “I will attempt to clarify. The fabric of your dimension is highly flexible to my kind so I may adjust it to better suit your needs.” When he noticed that Moira still didn’t understand, he continued, “If you tell me something that you would like to be, I can make it so…even if it is something your kind consider impossible.”

“Oh,” Moira suddenly gasped in understanding. “You’re saying that you’ll grant me a wish.”

“That is…inaccurate,” the being responded. “If I understand your culture, a wish is a carefully structured request for a change in your reality. However, this request is granted in a fashion that is technically accurate according to the wording but does not usually meet the intention. If you like, I can grant you a…wish. Or you may merely tell me what you desire and I will do my best to fulfill it in a way that suits your intentions.”

“So you’re like a genie,” Moira whispered.

“That is negative,” the being told her. “A genie is a fictional being that is perhaps inspired by knowledge of my kind and other higher dimensional beings.” Then it looked at her for a moment more before asking, “How may I change your reality for you?”

Moira stared at this being in amazement, her mind swirling as she tried to absorb the fact that this was real. However, she didn’t need to think about what she wanted…about what she really wanted. She was just glad she wouldn’t have to phrase it as a wish because she wouldn’t be sure where to begin.

“I want my mom and dad to treat me with respect,” Moira told it, still angry over her earlier encounter with them. “I want them to respect me.”

She remembered the way they were always patronizing her and making her feel like she wasn’t good enough…that she could never match up to their standards. She hated feeling like that…hated the way her mom would make her feel dumb because she couldn’t get straight A’s, hated the way she felt flat-chested and invisible next to her mom, and she hated the way her dad treated her as though she was nothing but a small child.

“I want to be better at everything than they are,” Moira continued, thinking that it would be nice not to lose every trivia game to her dad. “I want them to envy me for a change.” Then she paused for a moment before adding, “And I want to be in charge of them for a change. I want to be the one with authority.”

“Very well,” the strange being responded when she’d finished. “I believe I understand and will endeavor to do as you ask.”

Then the being put its hands out and began making several strange motions. There were flickers of light in the air where it touched and it vaguely reminded Moira of someone typing on a keyboard.

It finished after less than a minute and told her, “I have completed programming the configuration changes in your reality. However, such changes will not occur immediately. It will take a full day to implement this reconfiguration. I believe you will be satisfied with the results.”
“Thank you,” Moira said, feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

The being nodded slightly and responded, “Now I must return to my journey.” Then it turned and stepped back into the blue glow where it suddenly vanished along with the glow.

Moira stood there for a moment, stunned by the events that just occurred and trying to make sense of them. This kind of thing was supposed to be impossible but Moira couldn’t make herself believe this was a hallucination.

“Nothing seems different,” she said, feeling just a little disappointed. Of course, that strange creature had said it would take awhile. “I just hope he wasn’t messing with me.”

After a minute, Moira reluctantly turned and started back towards the house. Whether she liked it or not she still had to be there to watch Adam when her parents left.


Moira woke in the morning, disappointed to find that everything was still the same and nothing had changed. Last night she’d put Adam to bed and then went to bed herself before her parents had returned home. At that time, she still hadn’t seen a single sign of the changes that the strange being had promised so she wasn’t surprised there still weren’t any. She was disappointed but not surprised.

“It must have been some sort of weird daydream,” Moira told herself sadly.

After she was done getting showered and dressed, Moira went downstairs where she found her mom in the kitchen making breakfast. Her mom didn’t even say a word of thanks for Moira’s watching Adam last night. As always, she just took Moira for granted.

“I’d have you do this if I thought you wouldn’t burn it,” her mom said as she gave Moira a look of annoyance.

Moira didn’t say a word to her mom as she ate, still being angry at the way she’d been forced to miss her friend’s birthday party. Instead, she thought about the strange being and his promise of being able to help Moira…a promise that was obviously nothing more than a dream.
Of course, Moira knew that she’d be the one doing the dishes, not that she really minded the chore. She just wished she’d get a little credit for what she did around the house and was treated with at least a little respect.

Moira frowned as she considered what she had to do for the day. Her dad was already at work and her mom would be heading off for her own job after lunch. There were several days a week where she only went in for half a day. Moira would be left to clean the house and then be told later that she’d done a poor job.

While Moira sat there eating, she was surprised to realize that she felt a strange pressure building inside of her. She couldn’t explain what it was but she could feel it slowly getting stronger.

“You can clean the kitchen,” her mom said as she left the kitchen. “And this time try to do it a little faster.”

Once her mom was gone, Moira suddenly felt the pressure inside of her release in a strange wave. She felt a tingle rush through her body and gasped as she began to change.

Moira felt her breasts grow larger and then they stopped after a moment. She looked down at herself and saw that she now had C cup breasts and more curves than she’d ever had before. Her clothes had changed as well and fit her new measurements perfectly.

“I remember buying this shirt,” Moira said in surprise when she knew quite well she’d never had this shirt before now. “I remember already having these…” She cupped her newly enlarged breasts in amazement, remembering the day she’d bought her first C cup bra.

Then Moira turned and looked around the dirty kitchen, realizing that some other things had changed her as well. Her mom had made pancakes from a boxed mix yet now she remembered things had occurred differently. She remembered that she’d made homemade pancakes herself, ones that were absolutely delicious, far better than the ones her mom had made.

“Things are changing,” Moira whispered in realization.

Moira looked down at herself again, already liking these improvements. And was also somehow certain that she was a much better cook than her mom, something that was supported by these strange new memories.

It didn’t take Moira long to clean the kitchen though she considered it unfair that in this new reality, she’d done the cooking and was still doing the cleaning. Of course, her new memories told her that she did all the cooking now as well as the cleaning.

“Great,” Moira muttered. “I start getting my wish and it means I get more chores.”

Once Moira was finished cleaning the kitchen, she went into the living room where she found her mom sitting back and working on her sudoku book. Moira was a little startled to realize that she could feel that pressure building again once she was near her mom.

“It took you long enough,” her mom said, looking up and then pausing, staring at Moira with an expression of surprise. “What happened to you?”
Moira decided to play ignorant and asked, “What do you mean?”

Her mom stared at her for a moment before shaking her head, “I don’t know… Of course you’re the same… I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Moira found this interesting and realized that her mom must have the new memories the same way she did. She imagined her mom must be a bit confused since she didn’t know what was really going on and must assume the new ones were the real memories.

A moment later, Moira left the room and when she did, she felt the pressure release again. She felt another wave of changes wash through her but they were much smaller than the last time.

“I feel the pressure when I’m near mom,” Moira mused. “Then I change when I get away from her…”

Moira wasn’t certain but she thought she understood a little about what was going on. Since everything she’d asked that strange creature had involved her parents, it seemed that she had to be near them to activate the changes she’d been promised. However, since the changes only occurred after she got away from her mom, she thought that maybe it was more like building up when near her but they couldn’t actually activate until they stopped building.

“It looks like I’m going to have to stay closer to mom,” Moira thought aloud, returning to the living room.

Moira sat down on the couch near her mom and when her mom put down her sudoku book, Moira picked it up. She flipped the page to a fresh puzzle and then quickly began filling it out. She finished it in no time at all and then went to the next and then the next one after that.

“But I’m lousy at sudoku,” Moira reminded herself, feeling slightly surprised. Then she smiled and chuckled. “But not anymore.” She glanced over at her mom and decided that she could really get used to this.

“I need to run some errands before I drop Adam off at daycare and go to work,” her mom said after a few more minutes. “I’ll need you to come with to carry some things home.”

“Okay,” Moira agreed, happy for the chance to stay near her mom if it meant more of these changes.

Moira stayed close to her mom until they were ready to leave the house, feeling the pressure building inside her. It was becoming very uncomfortable, almost even painful.

“I have to go to the bathroom before we go,” Moira told her mom, rushing into the bathroom and closing the door.

She felt the pressure release itself in a wave of changes through her body and being. The changes were even stronger than they were the first time and the release even more of a relief.

A moment later, Moira looked down at herself and had to mentally compare what she saw with what she remembered from before. She was taller, now 5 foot 7, having grown four inches. That meant she was almost the same height as her mom. Her breasts had grown as well and were now DD cup, even bigger than her mom.

“Oh yeah,” Moira smiled in delight, loving the idea of being bigger than her mom.

Moira looked in the mirror again and saw that her hair had grown at least six inches longer as well and her whole body had improved. She was no longer the plain looking girl she had been but was now actually beautiful. In fact, she thought she was better looking than her mom.

Then Moira ran through the new memories that had come along with her new body and realized that she’d gained more than just these curves. She was now sixteen years old and had a driver’s license. In fact, she was even a better driver than her mom and could parallel park without a problem, something her mom had never been able to manage. There were other things as well, things which made her eager for more.

Moira went and joined her mom and Adam in the car as they drove to the daycare to drop Adam off. Her mom had given her another odd look and then shook her head, obviously having a hard time with her own mixed memories. Moira enjoyed watching her mom’s reaction and pretended that nothing had changed.

She noticed at the same time that Adam didn’t seem surprised at all, as though he didn’t have any expectation for her to look different than she did now. She thought that maybe her mom remembered as much as she did because she was part of Moira’s request to that strange being.

After Adam was dropped off at the daycare, they continued on to the errands. Her mom picked some clothes up from the dry cleaner and then stopped at the shoe store to pick up some new shoes. The entire time, Moira felt the pressure continuing to build.

Moira sat in the shoe store, looking at a pair of high heels and thinking that they’d look awesome on her now that she had the body for such things. She looked at her mom and considered the pressure inside of her, curious as to what would improve next. After wondering this for a minute, Moira found an excuse to step away from her mom.

Once Moira was out of range, she felt the pressure release in another wave of changes. She closed her eyes and savored them, knowing that only good things would result.

“Oh yes,” Moira exclaimed once she opened her eyes and looked herself over. “Very nice… That stranger certainly does work wonders.”

This time, Moira had grown another two inches and was now 5 foot 9, an inch taller than her mom. She couldn’t resist feeling smug at that or the fact that her body had improved a little more. However, the largest change was that she’d aged. Moira pulled her driver’s license out of her purse and saw that it confirmed she was now twenty-one.

“I can’t wait to see the look on Erica’s face,” Moira mused, pausing a moment later to realize that she’d called her ‘Erica’ rather than ‘mom’. Of course, that made sense now that Erica was her older sister, not her mom. “She’s my sister… I wasn’t expecting that.”

Moira was a little curious about how her reality was being reconfigured but she wasn’t worried. After all, if she wanted her parents to respect her, it made sense that she’d be older…someone they could see as an equal.

A minute later, Moira went back to check on Erica who was still deciding on her shoes. She gave a quick glance at the stilettos she’d been looking at earlier and realized that she already had a pair just like those in her apartment. The ones she was now wearing were even nicer.

“This is getting better and better,” Moira thought to herself.

Erica gave her another look of surprise and then quickly adjusted. She seemed to be adjusting to the new memories more easily each time, something that Moira found interesting. Still, she noticed that Erica did give her a second look and one that was filled with envy. Moira smiled at that.

“Well sis,” Moira told Erica. “We should probably finish up so you can get to work on time.”

“Of course, you’re right,” Erica told her, giving her another look of envy.

When they arrived at Erica’s work a short time later, Moira suggested, “Do you need me to come pick you up afterwards or are you going to catch a ride with James?”

Moira watched her former mom for a moment, thinking that it was convenient that her former parents both worked in the same company. Erica worked in admin and James, her onetime father and now brother-in-law worked in the accounting department.

Erica hesitated and Moira could imagine the wheels turning in her head. If things hadn’t changed, Moira knew that she would have been told to just ride the bus home while bringing Erica’s things with her. However, the fact that she was older and now had a driver’s license made that less likely.

Then Moira suddenly had another idea, “Why don’t I come in with you for a bit. You can show me around?”

Considering the circumstances, Moira wanted to stay near her new sister as much as possible. Besides she felt that she needed to be here for some other reason too.

They went inside and Moira was to a few of Erica’s coworkers. While she was getting a brief tour, she could feel the pressure building more strongly. She could tell that it was building to something big.

“I need to use the rest room,” Moira told Erica, excusing herself as she left her sister’s presence once more.

As soon as Moira was alone, she felt the release of pressure yet again, moaning slightly as it rushed through her. This time the changes were definitely noticeable. She’d grown one inch taller, her breasts had grown another cup larger, and her hair had all turned into a long and flowing strawberry blonde mane. She was also older again, now twenty-eight years old.

“Fantastic,” Moira mused as she closed her eyes and tried making sense of the new memories and her new life. “I have a college education.” She smiled, remembering that Erica had been jealous of her for getting grades so easily when she’d had to work hard for lesser ones.

Then Moira looked down at herself and the new professional clothes which she was wearing. She looked at her perfectly manicured nails and blew on them smugly before leaving the bathroom.

Once Moira was back in the main office, things were a little different than before. She knew each of the people working there and exactly what it was that they did. After all, she was the manager of this section now.

“Erica,” Moira said to her former mom. “I know I’m your sister but I’m still your manager. I need you to get that report done by the end of the day and I can’t accept any excuses.”

“Of course,” Erica responded with a forced smile.

Moira watched with an amused smile as Erica ran off to finish that work before the deadline. The fifteen year old that was still inside was laughing at this turnabout, at being able to boss her mom around and give her orders for a change.

“Oh, I definitely like this,” Moira mused, turning to go into her office. After all, she had responsibilities of her own now.

Moira remained in her office where she worked for the next hour, noticing during that time that some things were still changing even though she wasn’t in the immediate presence of Erica. The changes were small though and barely noticeable, but she did notice when the polish on her manicure when from clear coat to a dark red.

Then Moira began to feel a sense that she needed to somewhere else, that there was something she had to do. She left her office and went to see how Erica was doing on the report, savoring the slight feeling of pressure that began to build the moment she was within her presence again.

“How is that report coming?” Moira asked Erica, enjoying the guilty look on Erica’s face.

“I’m still working on it,” Erica told her with a forced smile. “I should have it done by the end of the day.”

“Make sure you do,” Moira reminded her before she left, feeling the pressure release though she couldn’t tell what had changed this time.

Moira still felt as though there was somewhere else she had to be and then she realized it. So far she’d only been near Erica but when she’d made her request to the strange being, she’d also been very clear about her intentions towards James, her former dad.

“I’d better go see James,” Moira mused, knowing that this was what she needed to do.

It only took Moira a couple minutes to reach the finance department where all the accountants labored on the financial records. Moira went right to James’ office and smiled when she saw the door open. Her smile deepened when she felt the pressure beginning to build.

“Hello James,” Moira greeted her new brother-in-law, finding their new relationship amusing considering what it had been before.

“Moira,” he responded as he saw her, giving her a momentary look of surprise and confusion before he shook his head. He still seemed just a little uncertain of what reality he was in but after watching Erica go through this several times she was confident it would quickly pass. “What are you doing over here?”

“Oh, I thought I’d come slumming,” she told him.

“Then I suppose you came to the right place,” he responded with a wry smile.

“Actually,” Moira said, “I had some questions about the budget for my department. I can’t find some of our paperwork…”

“I don’t really have time for that,” James started, then stared at her with the expression that suggested he was remembering that she was his sister-in-law as well as his wife’s manager. “Sure, I can help…”

Moira stayed close to James as he searched through the computer records and then went and checked some file cabinets. She could feel the pressure building a little more quickly than it had with Erica but Moira thought it must be because she’d already spent so much time with her. The being had told her it would take a full day for reality to reconfigure so the process must be trying to catch up on the parts dealing with her former father.

Even though Moira delayed James and found other excuses to spend more time with him, eventually he’d gotten her everything she’d asked for and she couldn’t think of another reason to stay close. She reluctantly had to leave him.

As soon as Moira was by herself, she felt the pressure release in a massive wave of transformation. She gasped in surprise as she felt herself growing in nearly every direction. Her clothes would have burst from the stress if they hadn’t been growing and changing along with her.

“I’m getting bigger,” Moira exclaimed in amazement. “I’m taller…”

When the changes had stopped, Moira looked herself over, delighted to realize that she was now 6 foot 4, two full inches taller than James. She quickly took off the professional jacket she was now wearing and flexed her muscles, impressed by how much they’d grown. She was not only taller than James but more muscular too.

“I’m built like a fitness model,” Moira said, amazed and delighted by this. And according to her new memories, she worked out at the gym quite often. In fact, that was how she dealt with stress from work and relaxed.

Moira smiled as she put her jacket back on, remembering that she’d had to have it custom made to fit her. They didn’t make clothes like this for a woman of her size and measurements off the rack.

Then Moira noticed that even thought the pressure had fully released and manifested in the changes, she could still feel the changes still occurring. It was the same thing she'd noticed in her office but just a little stronger. She couldn't make out what was changing now but she could still feel it happening.
"It’s speeding up," Moira said in thoughtfully.

She considered this for a moment and began to have an idea as to why. It was sort of like a car engine in that you couldn't assemble it all at once and that you couldn't put certain parts in until other pieces had been put together first. It appeared that her new reality had to be assembled in order and that some things couldn't be done until other things had been changed first. And now that she'd been in contact with James, she'd met some more prerequisites and the process could proceed at a faster pace.

Then Moira suddenly burst out laughing a she suddenly realized that she'd been considering this in the form of an automotive analogy. She'd never known anything about cars other than that you needed to put gas in them for them to go, nor had she ever had any interest in learning more. But now, now that had definitely changed. James liked working on his own car so now Moira was better at that than he was. She was now more knowledgeable and skilled as a mechanic than he'd ever been.

"And all without lifting a wrench," she mused, feeling rather smug and thinking that she'd have to find an opportunity to show that skill off for James.
Of course, Moira was well aware that there were a great many things she would have to show off to James. She looked down at herself and smirked, deciding that there was no time like the present for him to get a look at her new size. She immediately turned around and went back the way she'd come.

Moira felt the pressure starting to build before she ever saw James. She could see him in his office but she stood back, taking several deep breaths and just savoring the growing pressure, knowing that it held so much more for her. She remained where she was for several minutes before finally going back to his office.

"Oh James," Moira said to get his attention again. "I forgot something."

James looked at her and his eyes widened in surprise at her new size though that was replaced with a look of confusion. He stood up, probably to make sure he wasn't imagining things and saw that she was indeed taller. She was not only two inches taller than him now but the fact that she was wearing high heels added several more inches to the difference. James looked a little uncomfortable which pleased Moira.

Moira might have feel a little sympathetic for her former father if she hadn't remembered the way he'd always use his larger size to intimidate her and reminder her who was in charge. She remembered last night, when he'd done that while reminding her that she had to do what he said when he told her she wasn't going to the party but was going to stay home and watch Adam instead. That memory just made Moira feel even more smug about this sudden turnabout.

"What is it?" James asked, giving her a slightly wary look. Her new size was definitely changing how he viewed her, no longer as someone smaller and weaker than him though the difference wasn't quite pronounced enough to truly intimidate him.

"It's Erica," Moira told him. "Her birthday is coming up soon and I was thinking that you should start considering what you want to get her."

"That's nearly a month away," James responded in surprise.

"True," Moira agreed. "But it comes faster than you expect and if you know what you're looking for in advance you're more likely to find it on sale." Then she smiled pleasantly and added, "Of course, I have some ideas..."

Moira managed to keep James occupied for over twenty minutes, getting him to even look at a few of her suggestions online. However, their time together was interrupted by a phone call so she left, satisfied that she'd managed to get a little more from this encounter. As she walked away, she could feel the release of the pressure and even more changes occurring in her body and reality.

At this point, Moira didn't go back to her own office. Instead, she felt a need to be somewhere else, the same way she'd felt certain she had to come into the office with Erica and that she had to go see James. Moira didn't question this and just followed this urge to the elevator, fully aware that the changes were still continuing.

By the time Moira reached the top floor, she was also aware of the fact that the changes were occurring at an even faster rate. She could feel new memories and knowledge slipping into her mind though she didn't stop to examine what they were. She realized that the reality reconfiguration had progressed to such a point that it no longer required Erica or James as triggers. Moira assumed that meant the process was entering its final phase.
Moira calmly walked past a secretary who was busy at work at her desk and casually pushed open a pair of wooden doors and walked through, confident in her right to be there. On the other side of the doors was a very large and spacious office with windows lining two walls. Right in the middle of the room was a large oak desk.

Moira immediately knew that this was the largest and best office in the entire the entire company. And it was hers. Of course, that made perfect sense because she was also the owner of the company.

Moira's mind was filled with the increasing details and memories of her new life. She'd graduated from high school at fifteen and had a masters degree at twenty. She made her first million within a year of that and had only become more successful since.

"Of course," Moira exclaimed in realization.

She'd told that strange being that she wanted to be able to tell Erica and James what to do...that she had authority over them. When she'd come into the office, that request was granted by her becoming Erica's manager. But since James was in a completely different department, the only way she could have authority over him at the same time was for her to be in an even higher position.

"I wonder what would have happened if they'd worked at different companies," Moira mused.

Even as Moira walked across the office...across her office, she was aware that the changes were still occurring around her though only when she wasn't directly watching. She couldn't catch anything actually changing but she could see flickers from the corner of her eye when she wasn't looking. She looked at an expensive painting on her wall and turned away but when she looked back a moment later there was a book shelf in its place loaded with books such as War and Peace and Analyzing Advanced Market Patterns. The changes also seemed to be slowing down and coming to a conclusion.
Moira sat down at her very expensive desk and smiled, feeling quite impressed by how her new reality was being reconfigured. It went far beyond anything that she'd imagined when she'd told that being what she wanted. Of course, at that time she hadn't considered how she would get those things but now she realized that this made perfect sense. The only way to gain their respect would be to become a peer rather than their child and the only way to gain authority over them would be to become their boss.

A deep smile of satisfaction formed on Moira's now luscious lips as she considered everything she'd become. She was now much sexier than Erica could ever hope to be with firm breasts that were nearly the size of beach balls. At the same time, she had grown to a height of 6 foot 7, not including the 6 inch tall custom made heels that she now wore. Her muscles had grown as well and were now definitely larger than James’, yet at the same time, her curves softened them a great deal so she came off more sleek and feminine than like some male bodybuilder.

Of course, the dramatically improved body, new position as their boss, and the fact that she was now quite wealthy were merely the more obvious changes. Moira was now smarter and better educated than either of them. Where James was an accounting whiz, she was a financial genius. In fact, anything that either of them could do, she could do better.

“Anything you can do I can do better,” Moira sang the line from an old song that she’d never even heard of before these changes but which now came to mind with ease. “I can do anything better than you.”

Moira cupped her now massive chest and smiled, wondering what her friends would say when they saw her. However, she quickly remembered that they were no longer her friends. In fact, in this new reality she’d never even met any of them. When reality had been reconfigured, she’d not only last her old parents but had also lost her friends and former brother. It seemed that was the price she paid for everything she’d gained.

Of course, Moira realized that she’d gained some new friends in this change was well. She smiled faintly as she remembered spending a week sunbathing nude on a Bahamas beach with a couple of famous starlet friends. And then there was the well known director who had practically begged her to play an amazon queen in his next big movie. She was still considering that one though not very seriously.

Then Moira considered her love life…or sex life as there was more passionate sex than real romance, though she wasn’t too lacking in that department either. She had a pool boy at home who’d been chosen more for how he filled out a speedo than anything else, one of her employees down the hall who occasionally got lucky with her at work, and a few other less regular lovers, not to mention her occasional boyfriend.

“Memories are one thing,” Moira mused, “but I’m definitely going to have to try some of that for real.” After all, she was far better in bed than Erica or James could hope to be and those were skills she was eager to explore.

Moira shook her head, having gotten distracted by all her new memories. The truth was, she was now in a position with a lot of responsibility and she had a lot of work to do. She couldn’t afford to get too distracted just yet.

It was at this point that Moira felt the changes all abruptly cease and reality itself somehow snapped into place more firmly. She realized that this was it, that the process had run its course and reality had finally finished being reconfigured. This was her reality now and would be for the rest of her life.
“Absolutely perfect,” Moira said, looking down at her body and savoring the thought of everything she’d gained. That strange being had given her everything she’d wanted and then some. She was now superior to her former parents in nearly every way. “I am going to enjoy this immensely.”

A moment later, Moira pushed the intercom button on her desk which connected her to her secretary outside. “Samantha,” Moira said. “Please have two employees sent up to my office as soon as possible...”

A short time later, Samantha announced that Moira’s visitors had arrived so Moira told her to let them in. The doors opened and Erica and James stepped inside, both looking nervous and intimidated.

“I’m glad you could make it,” Moira said in a calm voice, standing up so they could get the full impact of her new body. Both of them gulped as they stared up with looks of awe on their faces. “Sit down,” she told them, gesturing to the chairs in front of her desk before she sat down again.

“I’ll never get used to how big you are,” Erica said with a weak smile, giving Moira a look that contained a great deal of envy.

Moira just smiled at that and asked, “How has your work been going?”

Erica and James shared a nervous look, obviously seeing the trap of having the owner of the company asking them that. The fact that she was Erica’s sister only make the situation more awkward, a fact that Moira was well aware of and enjoying.

“Fine,” James responded cautiously.

“I’ve been working on a report that should be done by the end of the day,” Erica responded with a nervous smile.

“Very good,” Moira told them. “And how is Adam doing?”

“He’s doing good,” Erica answered.

“Very good,” Moira said. “I do worry about my nephew.”

Erica nodded and then meekly asked, “Why did you call us up here?”

For a very brief moment, Moira was tempted to tell them, “Because you’re fired.” However, that might be satisfying for a short time but not nearly as enjoyable as having them continue working for her. After all, what was the point of having made that request and gaining all of this if she didn’t use it to really show off?

“You’re coming to my mansion tonight for dinner,” Moira told them with a pleasant smile. “My chef makes a wonderful meal. I hired her away from one of the finest restaurants.”

“I’m afraid we had other plans,” James started.

“Not anymore,” Moira told him sweetly. James was about to say something more but she said, “Now you have new plans.” When he again tried to get in another word, she gave him a steady look and added, “No questions.”

“Yes ma’am,” he responded meekly.

“Then I will see you tonight,” Moira told them, letting them know they were dismissed. “Precisely at six.”

“Yes ma’am,” James repeated.

Moira watched her former parents leave her office, smiling with deep satisfaction as she did so. This was indeed everything she’d imagined it would be and best of all, she could continue this for as long as she wanted. After all, this was her life and reality now.

Then Moira reached over and hit a button on the intercom, one that let her listen in on everything going on in the room outside her office. She remembered that this had proven very useful in the past for learning what people really thought before they came in to see her…or after they left.

“That was…intimidating,” James told Erica. “Your sister always makes me feel so…insignificant.”

“I know what you mean,” Erica responded. “She’s always so good at absolutely everything.”

Then James told her, “You know something really weird? I actually had a dream last night where she was our daughter. Can you imagine that?”

“My God,” Erica exclaimed in surprise. “So did I…”

Moira turned off the intercom and leaned back with a very satisfied smile. A part of them still remembered the way things used to be and realized how they’d changed. That just made this all the more enjoyable.

“Oh yes,” Moira mused to herself in delight. “I love this reality.”

The End

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Re: +Notable Author: [Morpheus] STORIES~collected
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2019, 03:36:24 pm »
Here is another great story by Morpheus

Mistress of the House
By Morpheus

   Amy took a deep breath as she stepped out of her parents car and looked up at the house which was to be her new home.  She wanted to snort in disdain, though she was more than a little impressed in spite of herself.

   "It's a mansion," Lisa, Amy's 13 year old little sister exclaimed in amazement.

   "Not quite," their dad responded with a chuckle.  "Our new house is big, but not THAT big."

   For a moment, Amy just stood where she was, staring at the large two story house.  It was at least twice the size of their old house, and a lot more impressive looking.  There was more to it than the size though...  The house looked sort of old...old and fancy.

   Then Amy glanced at the rest of her family to see their reactions to the new house.  Her dad looked rather proud as he showed the house off to most of them for the first time.  But that was no surprise.  After some of his investments had taken off and made money, he had decided to buy his dream house, even though it meant moving his family to a whole new city.

   Amy's mom stood by looking rather pleased as well, though just a little more nervous about the move.  She was a very attractive woman of 39 who could still pass for some years younger.

   Lisa was a slender girl though had just hit a growth spurt and showed great promise of one day become quite a beauty.  At the moment, she just stood there being a bit excited as she stared at the new house, though a little nervous as well.  She had been quite popular at her old school and obviously feared starting over in a new one, though relished the excitement as well.

   Then there was Jeff, Amy's 17 year old big brother, who just stood there with a scowl on his face, hating the fact that they had to move.  This was something that he had made quite clear as he had frequently complained about it until finally settling down into a silent sulk.  Jeff had been a popular athlete in his old school, as well as quite popular among the girls thanks to his being 6 foot 2, good looking and ripping with muscle that he worked on every morning.

   Amy herself was 16 and the middle child, often feeling somewhat ignored because of that.  She was 5 foot 6, with brown hair which she usually kept in a pony tail, and what she had always felt was average looks, though her mom liked to tell her that she was pretty.  It didn't help her confidence that both of her siblings had been in the popular crowd, while she had been just another face in it.

   After a moment, Amy let out a sigh, thinking that at least she was lucky that they had moved in the middle of the summer, where at least she wouldn't have to start a new school in the middle of the school year.  And this way, she would not only be able to start along with everyone else, but she would have a little time to get used to things...and perhaps even make a few friends before then.

   "Oh joy," Amy sighed to herself.

   "Well guys," Amy's dad exclaimed, "Let's go check it out..."

   As soon as they had stepped inside, Amy took one look around and gasped, "Wow..."

   The first glance inside the door made Amy feel as though maybe she had stepped into a mansion, though it was far too small for that.  It was a hardwood floor with walls that had fancy carvings and decorations in them.  Everything was just so fancy that Amy couldn't help thinking that it looked as though it did belong in the mansion.

   "This house was built over a hundred years ago," Amy's dad proudly exclaimed.  "It has two stories, not including the basement and attic, five...count them FIVE bedrooms, a den, a living room, family room, dining room..."

   A minute later, Amy's dad began to lead the rest the family around the house on a tour, proudly showing them each room on the lower floor and then the small basement.

   "This would be a good place to put your workout equipment," Amy's dad told Jeff, who actually looked rather pleased for the first time.

   "My own gym," Jeff grinned as he looked around the basement, obviously trying to decide where to put everything.

   While Jeff was distracted, the rest of the family continued with the tour of their new house, leaving him to catch up as they were just getting to the second floor.

   Amy just stood there for a moment, staring down the hallway and thinking that even the second floor looked like it could have come from a mansion.  Whoever had built the house might not have made the size of a mansion, but they had obviously liked that kind of fancy style.

   "Shouldn't the movers be here soon?" Amy's mom asked.

   After glancing at his watch, Amy's dad nodded, then announced, "Okay kids, go grab yourselves a bedroom..."

   Jeff just snorted and went into the first bedroom, the one right across from the bathroom.  Amy however made her way further down the hall, glancing into each room until she came to the one at the end.  Her eyes went wide as she stepped inside.  Like the rest of the house, the room looked old fashioned and stylish, with carved wood trimming.  It was also a bit larger than the other bedrooms that she'd walked past.

   "Wow," Amy exclaimed as she looked around the room.

   "I see that you found one you like," her dad chuckled from the door.

   "It's...interesting," Amy commented neutrally.

   "This was originally the master bedroom when the house was first built," her dad told her with a smile.

   "Really?" Amy asked, her curiosity piqued a little.

   "When the previous owners bought the house in the early eighties, they remodeled it, putting in a new larger master bedroom with a built in bath."  Then as an afterthought, her dad added, "That's when they built the garage..."

   "Cool," Amy smiled as she looked around the room.  It was a little strange, but she decided that she rather liked it.  Besides, it was bigger than any bedroom except the one her parents had, so she knew that both Jeff and Lisa would both be jealous that she had been the one to grab it first.

   As soon as Amy's dad had left the room, she went over to the window and looked out, smiling at the view.  She had a clear view of the back yard and garden.  It was probably the best view out of the 5 bedrooms in the house.

   "Wow," Amy mused as she looked around the room...her room. "This is so cool...  The master bedroom, and it's all MINE."

   Just then, Amy felt a strange tingle run through her body, almost like static electricity.   But it passed after only a moment, leaving Amy to wonder if the strangeness of the house and the excitement might have caused her to imagine it.

   However, Amy's thoughts were cut short as she heard her mom yelling, "The movers are here," from down the hall.

   "All right," Amy rolled her eyes.  "I guess it's time to get moved in..."


   When Amy awoke in the morning, slowly looked around her new bedroom with a mixture of nervousness, excitement and pride.  It was those very emotions which had kept her from being able to fall asleep until quite late the night before and left her still feeling a bit tired.

   "I wonder if I'll ever get used to this house," Amy muttered to herself.

   Everything was so different than before, to which she felt a little regret.  Still, she was determined to at least give it a chance, rather than complaining right off like Jeff had been doing.

   After a few minutes, Amy grabbed her bath robe and crept down the hall to the bathroom.  The house had three of them in it, one for her parent's room, one for the down stairs and one for the upstairs, which she would have to share with her brother and sister.  Amy let out a sigh, wondering that with three bathrooms, why the three of them would have to share the one.

   "Because we don't want to go downstairs," Amy reminded herself with rolled eyes.  "I wish my room had a private bath like mom and dad's..."

   Then again, Amy told herself silently, if that room had been built with a private bath, then they probably never would have built that replacement master bedroom.  And if that one had never been built, her parents would have taken the old master bedroom...her room, and she would have been without her own bathroom anyway.

   Amy was thankful that the bathroom was empty and that she wouldn't have to argue with Lisa and Jeff over who got to use it next.  However, she had no doubts that this wouldn't always be the case.

   Once Amy was finished with her morning bath and returned to her bedroom to get dressed, she was startled to notice that her bra was too tight.  She tugged on it, but there was no doubt.  Either her bra had shrunk, or her breasts had grown.

   "All right," Amy whispered with a bit of a smile.

   Though Amy was not flat chested with her small B cups, she had sometimes felt as though she was and feared that she would not grow any larger.  Her mother was a nice DD cup, and to Amy's frustration and envy, her little sister Lisa seemed to be following their mother.  At 13, she was already the same size as Amy.

   Then with a smile, Amy continued to get dressed, pausing again after she put her pants on.  They were tight as well.  However, instead of the delight that the tighter bra brought her, this brought a feeling of revulsion instead.

   "I'm getting fat," Amy whined to herself. "That's why my bra's tight..."  She cringed at the thought, knowing that Lisa was going to laugh at her.  "Now I'm going to have to go on a diet..."

   Amy took a deep breath and decided to skip breakfast as she slipped on her shoes.  But to her confusion, even her shoes were too tight.

   "What's wrong with this?" Amy grumbled, feeling more confused than anything else. "Everything fit fine yesterday..."  Yet somehow, everything had gotten smaller on her overnight.  There was no way that all of her clothes would shrink like that, but no reason that she would grow that much overnight either.    

   After thinking about it for a minute, Amy just grimaced and left her room, deciding to worry about it later.  After all, she was probably just having some sort of sudden growth spurt.  And for the rest of the morning, Amy forgot about her tight clothes, or at least tried not to think about them as she went through the new house, exploring it and helping to put everything away.

   It was early afternoon when Amy decided to take a break and go check out her new neighborhood.  She was curious about where she now lived and wanted to get a better feel for the area.

   "Nice place," Amy commented as she walked down the street, looking at all the nice houses.  It seemed to be a fairly quiet neighborhood, with a lot of older houses, though she didn't know if any of them were as old as her new one.

   Amy had gone about a block from her own house when she saw a boy about her own age sitting in a driveway and working on a motorcycle.  It was one of those dirt bikes, and from the dried mud that was splattered on it, it had obviously been used for it's intended purpose.

   The boy himself looked to be about 16 or 17, possibly even 18 though Amy didn't think so.  However, she did think that he was rather cute, even with his dark hair being a bit messy and with him having grease on his hands.

   Though Amy normally would be to shy to say anything, for some reason she felt a little bit more confident than normal.  "Excuse me," she called to the boy, blushing a bit, "Is there a mall or video store near here?"

   Without a word, the boy looked up at her, then wiped his hands off with a rag.  Then he stood up and started towards her, "Yeah," he finally said once he was just a few feet from Amy, "There's a video store down the street a couple blocks," he gestured in the direction that she had already been walking.

   "Great," Amy smiled, thankful that she wouldn't have to go too far to get videos.  After all, she certainly couldn't count on her parents either taking her whenever she wanted to rent something or lending her the car.  They barely ever even let Jeff borrow the car.

   "And there's a mall a few miles away," the boy shrugged, "But it's kind of hard to explain how to get there..."

   "Oh," Amy sighed in disappointment before responding, "Thanks."

   "No problem," the boy shrugged again.  "I'm Chris by the way."

   "Amy," she responded with a blush.  She wasn't used to talking to boys like that and was a little surprised at herself.  Maybe moving into a new neighborhood would be good for her.  "I just moved in..."

   "Yeah?" Chris asked, "Where at?"

   "Well," Amy started, pointing in the direction she had just come from, "It's down there..."

   After Amy had finished explaining which house she had moved into, Chris stared at her in surprise, "Shit.  You're living in the old Madsen place..."

   "What?" Amy blinked in confusion.

   "Everyone says it's haunted or something," Chris grinned. "But no one really believes it or anything.  You know how it is...  Every neighborhood has to have a haunted house, and you're living in ours..."

   "Oh joy," Amy muttered with a sigh, knowing that Jeff would just love that piece of information, while Sarah would probably bitch and complain about it.  "At least I haven't seen any ghosts or anything..."

   "There was an old couple with no kids or anything who've lived there as long as I can remember," Chris shrugged, "And they never seemed to have had any problems either."

   "That's good to know," Amy grinned at him.

   They talked for several more minutes before Amy excused herself to get home.  She wanted to see the rest of the neighborhood before she returned home.  However, she definitely hoped that she ran into Chris again.  Though she had only known him for a few minutes, she kind of liked him.

   When Amy arrived home a little later, she was met in the living room by Lisa, who glared at her and complained, "It's not fair that you got the biggest room..."

   "The squirt's right," Jeff added as he came towards her, "I'm the oldest, so I should get the biggest."

   Amy grimaced, and though she normally would have backed down from Jeff, this time she told him, "First come, first serve.  Besides," she added, "You had your chance and just grabbed the first room you came across...  If you'd bothered to look at the others you might have gotten it instead..."

   "I'm telling mom," Lisa complained.

   That was a threat that made Amy grimace even more.  She knew Lisa, and knew that if her little sister kept nagging their parents, then sooner or later they would give in and probably kick Amy out of it, turning it into a storage room or guest bedroom and making her take the remaining bedroom.  She didn't like that idea but wasn't sure about what to do about it just yet.

   "Go ahead," Amy spat back in annoyance.

   And with that, Amy quickly turned and hurried upstairs and to her room.  She was feeling far too uncomfortable at the moment to waste time arguing with Lisa and Jeff.  Her already tight clothes had been pinching her more and more, and her shoes were killing her.  If she didn't know better, she would have sworn that they were a size too small.

   "Oh, finally," Amy gasped as she tore her shoes off and dropped them onto the floor.

   Almost immediately afterwards, Amy struggled to pull off her pants, rubbing at her hips once she had done so.  And with a grimace, she removed her shirt and took off her bra, which seemed to be even tighter than when she'd put it on that morning.

   "Let's see," she sighed, turning to her closet and the boxes of clothes which sat in the corner as yet unpacked. "I guess I'll have to find something else..."

   Amy quickly went through the boxes, finding that the rest of her clothes were just as tight on her as the ones that she had just been wearing.  Fortunately, she did have some clothes that had always been a bit big and loose on her, largely in thanks to her Aunt Cheryl, who liked giving clothes for Christmas but always insisted on giving them large enough to 'grow into', even if that person happened to already be fully grown.

   "I've got the clothes," Amy sighed, "Now I need some shoes..."  She had little doubt that if her normal shoes were too tight, nothing else she had was likely to fit either.  Fortunately, she knew that her mother had larger feet than she did, and after sneaking into her mother's closet, found a pair of sneakers that fit her, and were even just a little loose.

   Once Amy was satisfied that she was indeed fully dressed again, she went down to help her family finish unpacking.  The movers had taken care of the furniture and most of the large stuff, but there were still a lot of things that needed to have places found for them and to be put away.

   By the time that dinner came, Amy felt as though she were starving.  She gulped down her normal meal, and then asked for seconds.  That surprised even her as she never ate seconds.

   "You're gonna get fat eating like that," Lisa teased her.

   Amy glared at her little sister, feeling a bit self-conscious because of her tight clothes.  But she bit her tongue, deciding not to start something at the table.

   Just a minute later, their mom asked,  "Can you start getting the table cleared off for the dishwasher Lisa?"

   "But it's Amy's turn to clean up," Lisa protested weakly.

   Amy just blinked in surprise, and annoyance.  As much as she didn't like it, Lisa was right.  It was her turn to clean up the kitchen, and their mom should know that.  She never forgot who's turn it was.

   "But I asked you to do it," their mother responded, looking at Lisa.

   Then to Amy's surprise, Lisa just nodded, not putting up the argument that she would have expected.  She glanced at Amy before turning to clear the table, but it wasn't a look of resentment.

   "Weird," Amy muttered as she turned to go back to her room.  Of course, the whole day had been weird, which was why she wanted to get back to the safety of her own room before anything else strange could happen.

   It was only when Amy got back to her room and saw the clothing on the floor where she had left it that she remembered the problems she had faced that morning with them being too tight.  She had meant to bring that subject up with her mom, or at least the subject of getting some new clothes.  But with a shrug, Amy decided to do that later.

   "Damn," Amy muttered, kicking at the clothes.  "How can they be so tight?"

   After a minute, Amy had a thought...  It was strange...  It was not at all likely, but then again neither was outgrowing her clothes like that in a single day.  So with a scowl and a grown curiosity, Amy went to find a tape measure.

   "Let's see," Amy mused as she carefully measured her height.  Then her eyes went wide as she saw the results, "No way..."  Amy shook her head in disbelief, "Impossible..."

   But as impossible as it was, the tape measure said that she was 5 foot 8, two full inches taller than she should have been.  Somehow, as unbelievable as it was, she had actually grown two inches.

   "No way," Amy whispered.

   She closed her eyes to think about it and realized that Lisa had looked just a tiny bit shorter than normal.  But Amy wasn't completely sure that this wasn't just in her imagination.

   Amy took a deep breath and shook her head in confusion.  It didn't make sense.  Not in the least.  And after a few minutes, she decided to sleep on it and see if she hadn't been dreaming it in the morning.


   The next morning, Amy stood in the bathroom, silently staring at herself in the mirror in stunned disbelief.  Somehow, she felt almost calm as she did so, in spite of the fact that her own reflection had been changed.

   "Unbelievable,"  Amy whispered to herself.

   Though Amy had thought that the changes to herself might have worn off during the night or have been revealed as some sort of dream, that was obviously no longer the case.  In fact, the changes had continued, becoming more noticeable.

   Amy took a deep breath, thinking that she had already measured herself again with the measuring tape, almost immediately upon waking up.  And to her near surprise, it said that she was now 5 foot 9...or at least just a hair under it.  She had grown yet another inch during the night, though that was not all.

   As her hands went to her breasts, Amy couldn't help noticing that they were indeed bigger...rounder and firmer.  She estimated them to be a small C cup, a cup larger than what she had normally been.  That would help explain her tightening bra from the day before, a fact which was quite relevant as she no longer had one that would fit her.

   Then Amy's hands went to her stomach, to her abs which were now flat and firm.  In fact, all of her muscles seemed to be firm and well toned, showing the beginnings of good definition.  Amy was amazed by this change to her body, thinking that she may have seen hints of this the day before, though she could not be sure.

   Finally, Amy turned her attention to her face.  Her face seemed unchanged, except for that her skin looked smoother...clearer.  It was hard for Amy to place exactly what it was, except that there was not even a trace of acne.  Even her hair seemed a little more smooth and wavy, though that could very well have been her imagination.

   "Incredible," Amy whispered, smiling as she did so.  She had no idea what was going on with her, but she had to admit that she liked the results.

   A short time later, Amy had bathed and dressed, being thankful that she still had more of the clothes that Aunt Cheryl had given her, and that her mom's sneakers still fit, though not quite as loosely as the night before.

   "Good morning," Amy greeted everyone when she went down for breakfast.

   Jeff just grunted, as was his normal morning greeting, but Lisa responded with, "Morning," not adding her customary insults or attempts to get a reaction.  Amy blinked in surprise, but quickly shrugged it off as Lisa just being a bit shaken by the new surroundings.

   Then Amy turned her attention to her dad, smiling faintly as she saw that he already had the computer desk set up in the den and was on it.  Of course, that was no surprise to her, and she knew that she could expect that sight quite often.  The only real surprise was that he hadn't put a lock on the den to keep anyone from interrupting her.

   Up until fairly recently, Amy's dad had been a bit of a workaholic, doing a lot of work and making a rather large paycheck.  And he had been smart enough to invest a good part of it, and invest it wisely as it had begun paying off quite well.  Amy wouldn't say that they were rich, and they certainly couldn't afford to buy mansions or fancy sports cars, but the investments had paid off enough for them to not only buy that house, but for her dad to effectively retire as well.

   "Having fun?" Amy teased her dad from the door.

   "Loads of it," he sighed, "Just going over some numbers..."  Then he shook his head, "But something just doesn't add up..."

   Amy frowned in curiosity and moved closer for a closer look, though she didn't know what she could do.  After all, her dad was the expert in numbers and stuff, and if he couldn't figure it out, there was no way she could.  But as she glanced at the page, something seemed to jump out at her.

   "What about that?" Amy asked, feeling quite unsure of herself, even though a part of her insisted that there was something wrong with those numbers.  "I think decimal point is wrong..."

   Her dad frowned and glanced at it, then stared at it with a look of thoughtful concentration.  "I'll be," he muttered, "There's the problem..."  He shook his head, "I don't know how I missed that..."

   Amy smirked, feeling rather proud of herself as she turned away.  She even made a mental note to bring this up the next time she wanted to ask for a raise in her allowance.

   Then after wandering around the new house for a few minutes, still trying to familiarize herself with everything, Amy paused at the door to the basement, hearing something from within. She smiled faintly, recognizing the sounds of Jeff working out, as he always did in the morning.

   "Maybe I should start exercising," Amy suddenly thought to herself.  It didn't really seem like that bad an idea.  But as she put her hand against her stomach, remembering her improved muscle tone from that morning, she couldn't resist adding, "Then again, not working out seems to be doing pretty good for me..."

   After grinning to herself, Amy went down into the basement, then stood at the bottom of the stairs and silently watched Jeff work out.  He was doing a bench press at the moment, and grimacing with intense effort as he struggled to lift the weight, finally getting it up and dropping into the rack.

   "Fuck," Jeff spat out as he sat up, looking somewhat pale.

   "You all right?" Amy asked.  She'd never seen Jeff look quite like that while working out.

   "None of your...," Jeff started, then turned to look at her.  His expression softened a bit and he sighed, "Just a bad workout."  He stood  up, glaring at the weights on the bar as he did so.  "I must be coming down with something...  I don't know..."  Then he took a deep breath, shaking his head in disbelief.  "A couple days ago, I was doing three sets of twelve with ten pounds more than this.  Now I can't even finish a single set with this..."

   "Oh," Amy responded in surprise, "That's kind of..."

   "I must be getting sick or something," Jeff repeated, then shrugged and added, "Oh well," as though it wasn't all that important.

   Amy frowned for a moment, then nodded, "Well I hope you get better..."  And as Jeff began lowering the weight for another attempt, she made her way back up the stairs and out of the basement.

   After giving one more glance towards the basement, Amy returned to her bedroom where she immediately went to work putting her things away.  She hadn't unpacked most of her clothes or other items, and thought that it was time that she should go ahead and do that.

   About an hour after Amy had started putting her things away, she decided that she was mostly finished, or at least finished enough for the moment.  Then giving her room a brief smile, thinking that it was now a little more comfortable, she decided to head back downstairs.

   When Amy had made it about halfway down the stairs, she paused, hearing her parents talking.  She remained silent, feeling just a little guilty for eavesdropping, though that quickly passed as she listened in.

   "It's strange," Amy's mom was saying, "My bra has been loose all morning..."

   "Mine too," Lisa's voice added.

   "I guess it's going around," Amy's dad chuckled, "My shoes have been a little loose...  "  Then he laughed again, "But on the plus side, I'm losing weight.  My pants are a little looser as well..."

   "I guess it's nothing to worry about," Amy's mom commented, as if shrugging it all off as not important.  And to Amy's surprise, her dad and sister didn't really seem bothered by it either.

   "Just like Jeff," Amy muttered to herself, thinking about how easily Jeff had just shrugged  off his lower bench press.

   Then as Amy thought about it, she paled a little, realizing that she wasn't the only one being affected by whatever was happening to her.  It was obvious that the rest of her family was being messed with as well, though in their cases it seemed to be the reverse of what was happening to her.  And with a thoughtful scowl, Amy became decided pay a little more attention to her family and see if she could notice their changes.

   "If they're as obvious as mine," she told herself, "they should be easy to spot..."

   Amy waited a few seconds more, just to make it look as though she hadn't overheard them, before she went the rest of the way down.  However, she thought that it probably wouldn't have mattered as everyone had already begun to go their own directions.

   "Hey mom," Amy greeted her mom as she walked past.

   Her mom paused for a moment and looked at her with an expression of vague curiosity before finally saying, "Boy you're getting tall..."

   Amy froze at that, her eyes going wide as she stared at her mom.  She had known that she'd grown taller, but this was the first time that it really hit her.  She was looking down a little to meet her mom's eyes, when normally she had to look up a bit.  Her mom, at 5 foot 8, was now shorter than she was.

   "I guess I'm growing," Amy grinned, feeling strangely confident.  She grinned even more as she realized that she'd normally be blushing like crazy if anyone mentioned something like that.  "I guess I'm growing up..."

   For a moment, her mom just looked up at her, then shrugged, as if it wasn't really all that important.  That was a little surprising to Amy as her growth was definitely noticeable and she figured that her mom wouldn't have been able to miss just how much she'd grown in the last two days.  But her mom was acting as though it wasn't anything really all that odd at all.

   "I wonder how Lisa will react," Amy mused thoughtfully, deciding to go find her sister and find out.

   When Amy found Lisa in the next room a moment later, she stopped and grinned, "Do you notice anything different about me?"

   Lisa looked up at her and blinked, "Not really...  Why?"

   "Don't I look a little taller to you?" Amy asked her, then cupped her breasts, "And a little bigger up here?"

   "I guess," Lisa shrugged, not seeming all that impressed.

   "What?" Amy blinked.

   Amy decided that this was definitely getting strange.  Lisa was just an inch shorter than her...or at least an inch shorter than she had been.  This was something that Lisa had been quite aware of as she frequently liked to tease Amy she was soon going to be even taller than her big sister.  Lisa should have noticed those several extra inches in height difference almost immediately.

   And then, Amy noticed the large pimple in the middle of Lisa's forehead, which was strange in itself due to the fact that Lisa had always had a great complexion.  Amy didn't think that her younger sister ever got pimples, and wondered if this might be her first.

   "This is getting weird," Amy muttered to herself.  "Very weird..."

   However, Amy knew that the word 'weird' was a serious understatement.  Things were changing in ways that they shouldn't, and without any apparent reason.  And just as weird was the fact that the rest of her family didn't seem very concerned about it at all.

   After a moment, Amy shook her head and went to find her dad, wanting to see his reactions to her changes...and if he acted the same as Lisa and her mom.  But when Amy located her dad, she could only stop and stare at him for a moment.

   "Wow," Amy whispered to herself in surprise.

   Amy looked her dad in the eyes, hardly able to believe that he was only a tiny bit taller than her.  He was 6 feet tall, so she was used to looking up to meet his eyes.  But now, now he was about an inch and a half taller than her.

   But as Amy continued staring at her dad, she realized that something didn't quite add up.  If she was now 5 foot 9 and he was 6 feet tall, he should still be 3 inches taller than her, but he wasn't.  Then she remembered his earlier comments about his shoes and pants being loose, and gulped.  While she was getting taller, he was getting shorter.

   "So," Amy started carefully, "Do you notice anything different about me today?" Amy asked her dad.  There was no way he should be able to miss the fact that she was so close to his own height. 

   "Not really," he shrugged, then looked at her again.  Then there was a look of realization, "I didn't realize that you were getting so tall honey..."  He chuckled, "Before long you might be just as tall as your old man..."

   "Um...yeah," Amy smiled weakly.  Then she let out a sigh, "Now to check on Jeff..."

   Jeff was in their large new living room, watching TV.  Amy stared at him for a moment, noticing that his shirt, one which was normally quite tight against his muscular body, now looked a bit loose.

   "Hey Jeff," Amy started, not sure how to ask but going ahead anyway, "Can you please stand up for a moment..."

   "Um...okay," Jeff responded, surprising Amy by doing as she asked.  She had been more than half expecting him to give some sort of snide remark, or at the very least ask about it.

   As Amy stared at Jeff, she couldn't help thinking that he looked a little bit shorter as well.  It was hard for her to be certain though as her own increased height had altered her perspective.  And Amy couldn't be certain if her brother was actually shrinking as well, or if it was a trick of her new height and overactive imagination.

   "Are your shoes looser than normal?" Amy asked after a moment, glancing down to her brother's feet.

   "Yeah," Jeff shrugged, "I guess I must have stretched them out..."  Then he frowned slightly, "And my clothes too..."  However, he didn't really seem all that concerned with it.

   "Thanks," Amy told him as she turned around with a sigh.

   There was absolutely no denying it now.  Not only was something strange happening to all of their bodies, but the rest of her family just didn't seem to notice or really care.  It made no sense, but then again, neither did anything else about it.

   Amy let out a long sigh as she found a place to sit down so that she could think things through, or at least try to.  She still had no idea as to what was actually causing all the weirdness, much less how to stop it.

   Finally, Amy decided that if she couldn't do anything about stopping all the weirdness, she could at least deal with it.  And with that, she turned her mind to something more practical, such as her clothes.  Her mom's shoes were already beginning to get a little tight on her, and she knew that before long, they would be just as useless as her own shoes.

   "Time to go shopping," Amy muttered.

   Of course, she realized, that left the question of how she was going to afford a new wardrobe.    She was going to need more than just a few new pieces of clothing, and she was pretty sure that her allowance wouldn't cover more than a new pair of shoes, if that.

   "Time to visit the ATM," Amy announced, quoting one of Lisa's favorite sayings.  She just hoped that her dad was feeling generous...

   Amy took a deep breath, then went to find her dad.  She stood at the door to the study for a moment, smirking slightly as she thought about how she'd helped her dad out with his numbers just a little bit earlier that morning.  He owed her for that...

   "Hey dad," Amy announced, "I have a problem..."

   "Oh?" he turned to look at her.

   Amy gave him her best smile, though she wasn't nearly as practiced at trying to charm money from her dad as Lisa was.  "Can I get some money for some new clothes?  I REALLY need some..."

   Amy's dad blinked, then slowly responded, "Okay..."  And without a word, he reached into his wallet and pulled out a credit card, handing it to her.  "Don't spend too much..."

   "Thanks dad,"  Amy grinned, feeling rather pleased with herself.  Then as she turned and walked away, she couldn't help thinking muttering, "That was easy..."  Almost TOO easy.

   Then as Amy slipped the credit card into her pocket, the doorbell started to ring.  She paused for a moment, wondering who it could possibly be.  Perhaps it was one of the neighbors trying to welcome them to the neighborhood.  And since Amy was already up and closest to the door, she decided to go see for herself.

   "Hello?" Amy asked as she swung the door open, then paused in surprise as she saw Chris, the boy from the day before standing there.  "Oh...hi Chris..."

   "Um...hi," Chris responded, looking a little embarrassed.  Then he stood up straight, "I figured that since you were new to the neighborhood I'd stop by and say hi...  Maybe show you around a little."

   "That sounds great," Amy grinned, just a little surprised at herself for agreeing so easily.  Normally she was much to shy about such things.  Then she chuckled as she added, "But are you sure that you just didn't want to take a peak at the haunted old Madsen house?"

   "Oh, you caught me," Chris grinned back.

   "Come on in," Amy gestured.

   Chris hesitated for a moment, then took a step through the doorway, pausing again to take a long look around.  His expression made Amy suddenly think of her first impression upon going inside.  It was definitely impressive.

   "It's...interesting," Chris finally said.

   "Something of an understatement," Amy grinned.  "It's a bit messy though since we haven't put everything away just yet.  Come on, I'll give you the tour..."

   Amy started by showing Chris the living room, but had to pause in order to introduce him to her family.  Fortunately, she as able to do that quickly and then get on with the rest of the tour.  Chris was just as impressed by the house as she had been...and still was.

   Once they were through with a quick tour, Amy reminded Chris, "You said something about showing me around..."

   "Yeah," he nodded.

   "Good," Amy grinned at him, grabbing his arm and tugging him towards the door, "Show me that mall you mentioned yesterday...  I've got some shopping to do..."  Then she laughed at Chris' groan.

   Fortunately, Chris had his own car, even if it was nearly twenty years old and had several dents in it.  That was more than she had.  In fact, as Amy rode to the mall in Chris' car, she thought  that she was old enough to have one herself and decided to have a little talk with her parents about it later on.  After her dad had given up the credit car that easily, she was feeling pretty confident about her chances.

   Amy wasn't especially impressed by the local mall, as it was just like every other mall that she'd ever been in, with all of the same stores.  However, that did make it easier on her as she knew exactly where to go to get what she wanted.

   "I apologize for being so stereotypical," Amy told Chris as she looked at some shirts that she thought would fit her new size, "But I just had a major growth spurt don't really have any clothes that fit me anymore..."

   "Yeah?" Chris grinned.

   "Oh yeah," she nodded back, "I'm definitely a growing girl..."  However, she let out a sigh, hoping that she wouldn't keep growing for much longer.  It just wasn't natural.

   Amy was thankful that Chris didn't make any kind of a fuss about her shopping and that he was quite willing to humor her.  She even felt a little guilty for putting him through her shopping spree since he had been so nice to her, but that quickly passed.  There were more important things for her to give her attention...such as new shoes.

   "Am I your tour guide or your pack mule?" Chris muttered as Amy handed him a third bag to carry.

   "How about both?" Amy grinned.  Then on an impulse, she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.  She had never been daring enough to do that to a boy before, though found no problem doing so now.  "I need just a little more..."

   Then Amy paused, realizing that it might be a waste of effort to buy too many clothes at the moment.  If she kept growing, which she hoped she didn't, then she might outgrow her new clothes. Most of what she'd bought already had been a little loose, with a little extra room to grow, but what if she outgrew those?

   "Let's see...," she mused to herself, glancing at the bags she'd already purchased, the credit card which she had already done a lot of damage to her dad's bank account with, and then the nearest store.  She was going to have to buy just a little bit more...

   By the time that Amy was finished with her shopping trip, she had bought two pairs of shoes, one pair that was just a little loose and another which left a bit more growing room.  She had done the same thing with her clothes and bras, buying them in several larger sizes.

   "Somehow," Amy smirked to Chris, "I don't think that my dad is going to be pleased with how much I spent..."  But at the same time, she wasn't really worried about it either.

   "Well," Chris said as they drove back home, "I had been planning on showing you a little more..."

   "And I appreciate it," Amy smiled at him, "But this gives us an excuse to do this another time...  Like tomorrow."   

   "That sounds good to me," Chris grinned back.

   Once they had reached the house and Amy had unloaded all of her bags, she decided that it was time to say good-bye to Chris.  She smiled, then surprised him with a passionate kiss on the lips.  Amy surprised herself a little as well as she had never kissed a boy before, nor had she ever even imagined that she was capable of doing something so daring.

   "," Chris gasped once they were through.

   Amy giggled a little, feeling a little embarrassed ..but only a little.  Though it was her first time, Amy had rather enjoyed the experience and knew that she certainly wouldn't mind doing it with Chris again.  And perhaps even going a little further with him some time.

   "That was nice," Amy said with a bit of a blush, then added, "I'll see you again tomorrow..."

   After Chris had left, Amy just stood there for a moment and smiled.  Then shaking it off, she started inside the house, absently thinking that she might have to take two trips just to get all of her new clothes to her bedroom.

   But just as Amy had gone through the door, Lisa giggled, "He's cute.  Is that your new boyfriend?"

   For a moment, Amy just stood there and looked down at her sister.  Then she smirked, "Yeah, he is..."  Of course she still had to tell Chris...

   Then as Amy turned to continue upstairs, she paused, glancing at the door to the den.  It wasn't until then that she remembered the credit card that she had borrowed from her dad.  For a brief moment, she thought about going to return it to him, but then shrugged, deciding that she might as well hang onto it for a little longer.  After all, she still might have a use for it.

   Over the next several hours, Amy was quite aware that things were not quite normal with her family.  Her mom had actually asked her opinion about what to cook for dinner, which was unusual enough, but afterwards, Jeff was sent to clean everything up, without even offering any complaint at all about Amy having skipped her cleanup day.

   "Interesting," Amy mused to herself as she glanced at Jeff cleaning the table.  But not really any more so than anything else that had been happening.  In fact, it wasn't until just then that she realized that her whole family had been unusually nice towards her over the last day or so.  "Very interesting indeed..."

   However, Amy didn't linger on these thoughts as she soon found herself sitting around the table again, this time playing a game of Scrabble with the rest of her family.  Playing Scrabble was nothing unusual as they played about once a month, but the results of the game were.

   Amy's dad was a smart man and normally won the games without much trouble, though this time was different.  This time he didn't do nearly as well as normal, even missing several opportunities for words and points which Amy had thought were obvious.  Instead, she was the one who won, finding the game easier than normal.

   "I guess I'm having a good day," Amy told herself, though she wasn't sure that she believed that explanation.  Not with everything else that was going on.

   Then, Amy turned to Jeff and half jokingly told him, "Hey, why don't you go and get me a soda..."

   To Amy's surprise, Jeff responded with a, "Sure," as he got up and left the room.  He didn't refuse with a snide remark or tell her to go get it herself as he normally would have done.

   "Interesting," Amy repeated to herself yet again when Jeff returned with her soda.  It hadn't even been shaken up or anything.

   Amy stared at her family for a moment in thoughtful silence, smiling faintly as she did so.  Then, to test a theory, she asked her mom, "Can I have that last piece of cake?"

   The expected answer would be a resounding no.  Not only would her mom refuse to let her eat snacks that late in the evening, but she would never let Amy have that piece of there wasn't enough to share with everyone else.  Especially not right in front of them.

   But the response was, "Sure...go ahead."  Then her mom smiled at her and asked, "Would you like me to go get it for you?"

   "Thank you," Amy told her.

   And as Amy's mother got up to go get the cake, Amy stared at her parents and suddenly realized that something had just changed drastically.  It was the balance of power.  She wasn't sure exactly what it was, but Amy knew without a doubt that the balance of power in the household had just changed.  For some reason, her well as her siblings, were all looking to her as an authority figure.  They might not even have realized it yet, at least not consciously, but Amy could feel it.

   Then, Amy demanded, "Dad...give me your car keys...NOW."

   However, he just blinked, "What?  You must be crazy..."

   He was annoyed, but not outraged by Amy's rude demand.  She was a little surprised that he hadn't obeyed her, as well as just a little annoyed.

   "It appears that there are limits," Amy muttered to herself, then shrugged off a half hearted, "Sorry," which seemed to satisfy her dad.

   When it was time for bed a short while later, Amy went to her room, lost in thought over what had been happening.  The changes in her the bodies of her entire family.  It was as though they were...dwindling while she was growing.  As if she was gaining what they were losing.  She wasn't sure if she could put it into words, even to herself.

   Amy frowned, then decided to check herself out again before going to bed.  She stripped off her clothes and carefully looked her body over.  Though Amy could not be absolutely certain, she was pretty sure that her breasts had grown more and that her muscles had all become a little larger and more defined as well.

   And then Amy reached for the tape measure.  This time, it measured her as just a hair over 5 foot 10.  She had grown more than another inch since she had measured herself that morning.  For several seconds, Amy just stared at the results, wanting to doubt them but knowing that this wouldn't do any good.  There was no doubt that she had indeed grown even more.

   "Well," Amy sighed to herself, "Time for bed.  I just wonder what changes tomorrow will bring..."


   Amy confidently walked the short distance down the hallway to the bathroom, not even concerned with the fact that she was naked.  After all, what in the world did she have to be ashamed of?  Absolutely nothing.

   Then she stopped  at the bathroom door, pausing just long enough to take a deep breath, feeling a faint surge of nervousness which she quickly pushed away before going inside.  Amy stopped in front of the mirror and took everything in at once.

   "Impressive," Amy calmly stated.

   There had already been no doubt in her mind that her figure had improved again, but to see it was still something else.  Amy already knew that she had grown taller as she had already measured herself a few minutes earlier and found that she was now 5 foot 11.  But her breasts had also grown larger, to what Amy guessed was a small D cup, and her muscles...

   "I'm ripped," Amy stated in mild surprise.

   Of course, Amy had already known that her muscles were getting larger and stronger along with the rest of her body, but the size and definition had increased to a point where she was visibly quite athletic.  In fact, she was more muscular than any girl that she knew.

   "I wonder," she mused to herself, then shook her head, deciding to return to that line of thought later on...after she had finished bathing and getting dressed.

   Amy pushed back the temptation to rush through her bath, making sure to go slow and easy instead.  She smiled faintly as she thought about just how hot she looked, and how great she felt.  She felt stronger, healthier and more confident than she had ever felt before in her life.

   Of course, Amy reminded herself, there was the rest of her family.  She frowned slightly as she thought of them, and how her own improvements seemed to somehow be coming from them.

   Once Amy had finished with her bath, she returned to her room and got dressed in the clothes that she had bought the day before.  She smiled faintly as she wondered if her mom's shoes would even fit her anymore.  As it was, she seriously doubted that even Aunt Cheryl's most oversized clothing gifts would fit her anymore.

   When Amy went down to the kitchen, she noticed the cereal bowls in the sink which indicated that everyone else had already eaten.  But that was just fine with her.

   "Hey mom," Amy called to her, "Can you fix me an omelet for breakfast?"

   Then as Amy had expected, her mom smiled and responded with, "Sure thing," already moving to do what she had been asked.

   Amy smiled at that, then stared at her mom for a moment, noticing that her mom's breasts were definitely smaller than before.  As were Lisa's when Amy looked over at her.  She couldn't resist glancing down and then thoughtfully staring at her own breasts for a moment.

   It was only then that Amy turned her attention to her dad, blinking faintly as she realized that she was now taller than him.  She was taller than her own dad by about an inch.

   And after staring at her dad for a moment, Amy looked at Jeff.  He was still taller than she was, but not by much.  There was less than an inch difference in their heights now.  The very thought that she was nearly as tall as Jeff brought a faint smile to her lips.  Her eyes wandered over her brother's body, taking in his loose clothes and the fact that his muscles noticeably smaller than they used to be.  He still looked pretty athletic, but not nearly as much as before.

   "I wonder..." Amy mused as she looked at her own arms and flexed them, then stared at the resulting muscles.

   Amy wasted little time in eating her breakfast and then rushing down to the basement where Jeff's gym had been set up.  At first, Amy just stood there and looked over the weights, feeling a tiny apprehensive, but then easily shrugging that away.  She wanted to know just what she was now capable of.

   Though Amy had no idea what weight she should start at, or even what weight she would have been lifting before her changes, she quickly went to work at the bench press, putting a little bit of weight on at first and slowly adding to it when it wasn't enough.  And when Amy reached the maximum weight that she could comfortably handle with the bench, she smiled, knowing that she never would have been able to lift that much before.

   "I feel so strong," she told herself, turning her attention next to the hand weights and curles.

   After Amy had worked out for a little longer, discovering the limits of her new strength, she was left feeling even more impressed.  She had never imagined that SHE could be that strong before, or lift that much weight.  Of course, it was still nothing compared to what Jeff normally lifted...

   "Incredible," Amy whispered, thinking that she could almost feel herself getting even stronger as she lifted those weights.  She wasn't sure how much of that was her imagination and how much was actual fact.  At the rate she had been growing though, she suspected that it was more the former than the latter, though she couldn't be certain.

   With a somewhat satisfied smile, Amy took one more look around the gym, deciding that she was going to have to start coming down there more often.  That brief workout had been exhilarating, and she rather enjoyed finding out just how strong she had become.  Now she couldn't help wondering just how much stronger she might become before it all ended.

   When Amy returned to the living room a minute later, she saw her dad sitting on the couch, scratching his chin as he worked on a crossword puzzle.  There was a look of concentration on his face as he struggled through it.

   "Having some trouble?" Amy asked him.

   "A bit," he admitted with a shrug, "For some reason I just can't seem to concentrate on it as well as normal..."

   "Let's see," Amy looked it over.  "The answer for the question on 7 down is pyramid," Amy pointed it out, "And 8 down is equine..."

   "Oh," her dad blinked, then quickly wrote them down.  "What about 3 across?"

   "Mozart," Amy answered without hesitation.

   "Thanks," her dad told her, "I've been kind of stuck."

   "No problem," Amy smiled gently, quite aware that this was another sign of the change...whatever that was.  Normally her dad had no problems with crossword puzzles, and she had little doubt that she would normally be the one struggling over those clues.

   With a sigh, Amy turned and went up to her room, deciding that at the moment, she wanted a bit of privacy.  It was strange being near her family when she could almost see them changing right in front of her.

   At first, Amy just sat on her bed, thinking about all that had been happening.  And she couldn't help thinking about Chris' comments about the Madsen place...her new home being haunted.  It appeared that there just might be something to those rumors.

   But after a few minutes, Amy got bored and started to look at the intricate wood carvings on the borders of her bedroom.  The carvings seemed to mostly be of leaves, acorns and the like, though she couldn't be completely certain.  They were quite impressive though, especially as she was sure they had been hand carved about a hundred years earlier.

   Suddenly, Amy noticed that one section of the carving moved slightly as she ran her hand over it.  She paused, gently pushing on it and feeling it move inward until there was a slight clicking sound.  That was followed by a section of the wall in that spot it sliding away from her.

   "Wow," Amy exclaimed in surprise and curiosity.  It was a secret passage...and she had just stumbled across it.  "Talk about a stereotype..."

   For a moment, Amy just stared at the barely opened doorway, then she carefully pushed it the rest of the way open, revealing a dark narrow hallway which cut off to the lift.  On the wall immediately across from the opening was a small empty bookshelf, perfect for placing things that one would prefer to hide.  However, it was not the empty bookshelf which drew Amy's attention, but the dark passage...

   It took several minutes for Amy to find her flashlight, but as soon as she had it firmly in hand, she stepped into the dark narrow passage and took several steps forward.  She could see several small niches in the walls, obviously meant to hold candles or lamps to see by.  And after making a mental note to get some candles or other light source for those niches, she continued down the passage.

   Amy had gone past the length of her own room and halfway down the length of the next one, the one that Lisa was had claimed, when she noticed something on the side facing the room.  It was a small metal plate with a hole in it, and a faint bit of light coming from the hole.  Amy hadn't even been certain about that light until she turned off her flashlight for just a moment.

   "Interesting," she mused as looked through the hole and saw the inside of her sister's room.

   It was obviously a peep hole build into some of her room's border carvings, letting anyone inside of the secret hallway spy on her.  She couldn't help thinking that it was almost a pity that she couldn't spy on Jeff the same way, but Jeff's room was on the other side of the hall from her own room, along with the spare, so obviously not part of that same passage.

   Amy turned and moved a little further down the passage, noticing a metal plate with a knob in the middle of  the passage floor.  And when she carefully lifted it up, she discovered another peep  hole, this one looking down into the living room below.  She could even hear her mom and dad talking...

   "That might be useful," Amy commented, closing that plate and going to yet another plate in the wall, this one spying down on the stairway and would give a good view of anyone coming up them.

   Finally, Amy turned her attention to the end of the passage, or at least where the passage ended in steps going down.  They were so steep that Amy wasn't sure whether it was more accurate to call them stairs or a ladder.  Either way, she carefully made her way down them.

   When Amy came to the end of the steps, she found herself in a small room that was little bigger than a closet.  However, it was obviously only as a brief stop as there was another peep hole in the wall, as well as more steps going even further down.  But there was something else on the wall by that peep hole, some sort of latch.  And when Amy pushed it, there was a faint click as the wall came loose.

   "Interesting," Amy smiled as she opened the panel and stepped  into the den.  She made sure to find the hidden latch that would open the panel from within the den, then went back into the secret passage and closed it up behind her.  After all, that knowledge might come in useful, or at the very least, it would satisfy her curiosity.

   Amy continued down the rest of the steps until she reached the area at the bottom.  She stopped for a moment, realizing that she was now at the basement level and that the brick wall on one side was probably shared with the regular basement.

   "This thing runs through the whole damn house," Amy commented, feeling somewhat impressed by that fact.

   As Amy looked around, she saw that the hallway was nearly three times as wide as it had been throughout the rest of the house, but that was not surprising as she realized that being under the main house, the builders wouldn't have to worry as much conserving space to keep it from being noticed.  It went down a ways on one side, ending in another staircase which went a trap door on the ceiling which was barred shut.  And after a moment of consideration, Amy decided that it opened up somewhere in the garden behind the house, and was likely even buried under some dirt or plants.  That would make it a great escape route in an emergency.

   However, Amy only gave the emergency exit a quick looking over before turning her attention to what she suspected was the real prize.  Because right in front of her was a wooden door which looked every bit as old and fancy as several other ones in the house.  She had no idea what could be behind it, but was dying to find out.

   Amy carefully opened the door and gasped in surprise as the light suddenly came on.  A half dozen oil lamps around the room had suddenly lit all on their own.  At any other time, Amy would have turned and rushed away from such a strange occurance, but now she just stood there, taking a look around and confidently daring anything to jump out at her.  And when nothing did, she took a closer look around the room.

   The room was just a little bit larger than Amy's bedroom, and nearly as fancy, having some of the same kinds of wooden carvings around it though they were a little more sparse.  But unlike her room, there was a fireplace in one corner, with Amy guessing that the chimney connected with that of the fireplace on the main floor at some point.  The room itself looked to be a cross between a den, a bedroom and a storage room.  There was a small one person bed tucked into one corner, several bookshelves around the side, an antique desk and chair sitting in the middle of the room as well as assorted odds and ends scattered about.

   "Someone was well prepared," Amy commented as she looked at several knives, pistols and rifles which were set on a small table beside the door.

   Then she looked at the rack which held more than a dozen bottles of wine, as well as several bottles of scotch and whisky.  And each of them had to have been there for decades.

   It was only then that Amy realized something.  She took another quick look around the room, realizing that there didn't seem to be a speck of dust anywhere.  Somehow, she was sure that no one had been down into that room in decades at least, but it looked just as clean as if someone had scrubbed it from top to bottom just the day before.

   "This is getting weird," Amy muttered, then chuckled faintly as she realized that it had gone way beyond weird some time back.

   Amy frowned slightly as she slowly moved around the room, staring at everything.  Then she settled down on the edge of the bed, continuing to scan the room with her eyes.  It seemed like a rather nice room...and it would be the perfect place to hide things that you didn't want other people to find, including yourself should the need arise.

   After several minutes, Amy got up and went to the desk, noticing the thin leather bound book which sat right in the middle of it.  There was no title or any sort of indication as to what might be inside, so she opened it up, blinking as she saw that it seemed to be some sort of journal.

   However, the book started, "My name is Vincent Madsen, and let me tell you of how I began..."

   Amy carefully read through the half dozen pages which made up the book, becoming more and more enraptured with each paragraph.  Vincent started off by describing himself as a shorter than average, scrawny man who stuttered and lacked any social skills, who then turned to the study of sorcery in an attempt to find something that he could excel at.  And then Vincent explained how he had decided to create his ideal home, investing nearly every bit of his sorcerous power into the house itself during the design and construction...

   Vincent went on to describe some of the 'special features' of the house, such as that no vermin could enter it, how no weeds would grow in the garden, how the windows would never need cleaning and  or that no dust would settle inside, which explained just how clean the secret passage and hidden room had been.  There were several other things as well, mostly small things which kept the house in good condition and made things just a little more convenient for those living within.

   But then Amy reached the part which described the main 'special features' of the house, the ones that the whole house had been designed around.  She let out a gasp as she read the line, "Whomever has claim upon the master bedroom shall be recognized by the house and all those who dwell within as the master of the house."

   That simple line would have seemed harmless if Amy hadn't realized that it meant master of the house in more than just title.  In fact, it even went on to explain that the master of the house would be the master in all ways.  The house would ensure that transferring some of the confidence, willpower and dominance from each of those within to the master...marking them as the one true authority.

   "That's why they're all acting different," Amy whispered as she thought of how nice her family had been to her, and how willing to please her they were starting to become.  And of course, it would explain her newfound confidence.

   Of course, to be master in all ways, the master of the house would also have to be bigger, stronger, smarter and better than anyone else under their roof.  The house would even transfer these traits, which was obviously what had been causing her changes over the last few days.

   "The house only recognizes the original master bedroom," Amy stated what was now obvious to her.  As far as the house was concerned, her room was and would always remain the master bedroom, regardless of any additions that were built onto the house.

   Amy stared down at herself, feeling just a little bit shaken by those revelations.  It appeared that the house would take any good traits that people who lived in the house possessed, and transfer them to the master of the house until they possessed more of them than anyone else.  And from what Amy saw in the book, it wasn't just until the master possessed just a little bit more...but a noticeable amount more.

   There was also a section at the end where Vincent explained how thanks to the new live in servants that he had hired, he had become taller, stronger and much more confident, losing the stutter entirely.  By this time it was obvious that the whole house had been created as a way for Vincent to deal with and overcome his inferiority complex.

   "Oh shit," Amy whispered, looking down at herself again and paling just slightly.

   Now she realized exactly what was happening to her...  The house was giving Amy the various strengths from her family...  And from what she understood of the book, she would become not only as tall and strong as Jeff...but even more so.  She would become even smarter than her dad, and as she looked at her larger breasts, she realized that she was already on her way to becoming even larger than her mom.

   Amy felt just a little feint as she thought about this, but also realized that she now knew exactly how to stop the changes.  If she renounced her claims as master of the house and left her bedroom, moving into the spare, then the changes would all stop.  Her family would not get back what they had lost, but they would stop losing more.

   But then Amy quickly realized a small problem with that idea.  The old master bedroom was too nice of a room to just be left vacant, and she knew that the moment she moved out, Jeff and Lisa would scramble to take it for themselves.  And that would mean that one of them would become the new master of the house, and that she would begin to shrink like they were.  She would start becoming subservient to one of them...  There was absolutely no way that Amy was about to let something like that happen to her.

   And then of course, there was also the fact that Amy liked what was happening to her.  She liked being taller, stronger and smarter, as well as having her entire family be so much nicer and more accommodating.  She took a deep breath, realizing just how intoxicating all of the improvements to her and her life were.  And with a faint surge of guilt, she realized there was no way  in the world that she was going to give that up either.

   "It's not as if they'll mind anyway," Amy smirked to herself as she thought of her family.  The changes to themselves and their relationships didn't seem to bother the rest of her family one little bit, which made it easier for Amy to push the guilt away.

   Amy took a deep breath, then slowly looked around the room again, feeling confident and even a bit smug as she knew that it was all hers.  It was her own secret place, which was hers and hers alone.  Then again, so was everything else in the house.

   "I am the master of the house," Amy stated proudly, then corrected herself, "Mistress of the house."

   Then as Amy closed the journal and stepped back, she noticed the small wooden chest that was sitting on the floor beside the desk.  It was only a little bit larger than a shoe box, but still, it immediately drew her attention.

   When Amy opened the chest, her eyes immediately went wide at the sight.  A faint gasp of surprise and awe even slipped from her mouth.  It was filled with treasure, like the contents of an old pirates chest.  For all Amy knew, it might very well have been a pirates treasure.  There were gold coins, silver coins, as well as a good supply of VERY expensive looking jewelry.  Jewels sparkled from where they were set into rings and necklaces, and Amy had no doubt that each and every one of them was real.

   "Impressive," she whispered, unable to take her eyes from the treasure.  However, she couldn't resist smiling as she realized that this would likely take care of any and all financial needs that she had for a VERY long time to come.

   Amy fought back the urge to take a few pieces of jewelry with her as she closed the chest, deciding that it would be best not to do anything that could attract attention to her treasure or it's very existence just yet.  She was going to have go keep it a closely guarded secret until she knew exactly what she was going to do with it, even if some of the pieces would have looked exquisite around her throat or decorating her fingers.

   After looking around the room for just another few minutes in the hopes of finding something else as useful as the journal or treasure, Amy decided that it was time to leave.  She calmly looked her secret place over and smiled.

   As she stepped out the door and turned her flashlight back on, she calmly stated, "Lights off..."  And with that command, every oil lamp in the room turned off at once, the same way that they had turned on upon her entry.

   It took Amy several minutes to make her way back through the hidden passage and into her room, and then to close the entrance behind her.  Then she just stared at the wall for a moment with a knowing smile, her mind racing as she considered all the possibilities of what she had discovered.

   About an hour later, Amy's mom came knocking on her door, calling to her through it, "Your friend is here..."

   "Friend?" Amy muttered, then smiled.  There was only one person whom it could be.  "Chris..."

   Amy took her time as she went downstairs, smiling when she saw Chris standing in the living room, looking around nervously.  She thought that was so cute...

   "Hello," Amy greeted her visitor.

   "Hey," he nodded, "You said we should finish the tour, so here I am..."

   "Great idea," Amy told him.  Then she turned to her dad, "Can I have the car keys?"

   It was more of a statement than a question as she knew he would give them to her.  In fact, she thought that she probably could have just told him to give them to her and he would.  However, she realized that his conscious mind probably hadn't realized what his unconscious mind already knew...  That she was now the one in charge.

   Once Amy had the keys, she told Chris, "Let's go..."

   Chris seemed just a little surprised by her, and as they stepped out the front door, he commented, "I didn't realize that you were so tall..."

   Amy paused at that, then smiled, realizing that Chris was only a little taller than she was now.  Quite a bit different from when she had first met him about 5 inches or so back.   

   "I'm not," Amy responded with a shrug, "Or at least I wasn't..."  She frowned, trying to consider how best to explain her increased size without giving anything away.  "It's the Madsen house," she started, deciding to play innocent, "I don't know how it's doing this to it's giving me some kind of growth spurt and making me taller...  But you were right...  Weird things do happen in that house..."

   Chris let out a gasp at that and took a step back, staring at her with even more attention, obviously taking in the other differences as well.  His eyes seemed to go to her arms, probably noticing her new athleticism and muscle definition, and then to her breasts where they remained locked for a moment.

   "Oh shit," he whispered, glancing nervously at the house.

   "I don't think it'll mess with you," Amy told him, fighting back the urge to laugh at his discomfort.  "I'm pretty sure that it's only for those who live there..."

   "Really?" Chris asked, sounding uncertain.

   Amy didn't want to tell him that she was positive, so instead shrugged, "I think that there might be some kind of poltergeist or something...  I don't think it's dangerous...only mischievious."

   "Really?" Chris repeated, this time looking a little surprised.

   With a sigh, Amy decided to change the topic as she didn't want Chris to dwell on what was causing her changes.  So she grabbed his arm and told him, "Come on...  I want to see this town..."

   A minute later, Amy was behind the wheel of her dad's car and driving down the street while Chris gave directions.  He seemed just a little annoyed that she was the one driving rather than him, but that didn't bother Amy in the least.

   They drove around the town for well over an hour, with Chris pointing out the various local stores, parks and hangouts.  He even pointed out the school which Amy was going to have to start in the fall, though she didn't give it much more than a cursory glance.  At the moment, school was the least of her concerns.

   Eventually though, they ended up stopping at a local burger place and then going to a park beside it in order to eat.  Apparently, the restaurant and park were both rather popular places for kids their age to hang out.

   While they sat there eating, Amy tugged on her bra just a little, smiling faintly as she noticed that it fit her rather well.  It had been just a little bit loose when she had first put it on that morning, but that was obviously still changing.

   "Well, you've seen my house," Amy told Chris as they were getting ready to go, "I think it's only fair that you show me yours..."

   "You've seen my house," he pointed out with a bit of a grin, but only until Amy reminded him that she'd only see the front of it from the driveway.

   It wasn't long before they were at Chris' house and he told her, "My folks aren't home from work yet..."

   "That's not a problem," Amy told him with a smile. "How about that tour.."

   "Right this way," Chris grinned as he began showing her around.

   The house wasn't as large as the one that Amy now lived in, and in no way as impressive.  It wasn't nearly as old or fancy, but it was quite comparable to the house that she had just moved out of a few days earlier.  And in a way, it felt a little more comfortable because of that.

   "And here's my room," Chris told her as he threw open the door.

   Amy took a quick glance across the room and smirked faintly.  It was definitely a boys room and looked quite a bit like Jeff's.  There were a few posters of beautiful women on the walls beside ones of motorcycles, some dirty clothes in the corner and a bed that was only half made.  She could even see the video game system sitting out, set up and ready to play.

   "Um...nice," Amy told him, rolling her eyes slightly.

   After Chris had offered Amy a soda, then went to retrieve it, he sat down and began playing his favorite video  game in order to show off his skills.  He had of course offered one game controller to Amy, but she had waved it off, telling him that she would prefer to watch.  They talked while Chris played, but after awhile, Amy decided that it was time for something else.

   Without any warning, Amy reached over, yanked the video game controller from Chris' hands and planted a kiss on his lips.  He was surprised, but quickly responded.

   "Nice," Chris said with a grin as they pulled apart, "But what was that for?"

   "Because I wanted to," she responded with a satisfied smirk.

   Amy stared at Chris for a moment, amused by the expression on his face.  He wanted her, of that she had no doubt.  But he was being a perfect 'gentleman' about it.  But more than that, she realized that she was the one in control of their relationship, and that she had been for awhile.  Then Amy smiled, deciding that she rather liked it that way.

   "Now let's try that again," Amy suggested as she reached for Chris.

   As they made out on the bed, Amy was growing more and more excited.  She'd never made it that far with a boy before, and was loving every moment of it.  And knowing that Chris wanted her so much made her feel incredibly sexy...

   However, when the sound of a door slamming came from another room, Chris bolted up and gasped, "My folks are back..."

   Amy looked at him, scowling as she adjusted her shirt and hair. "Damn."  She had been thinking that she might go all the way, but it looked like it wasn't to be.  At least not at that time.  "Another time," she mused to herself, smiling as she realized that she could choose a much better time and place for it.

   "I guess I should introduce you to my parents," Chris said, looking just a little bit embarrassed.

   For a moment, Amy just looked at him and chuckled.  He didn't seem nearly as confident and tough as he had when she'd first seen him working on his motorcycle.  But then again, she thought that this softer side of him was certainly rather cute.

   "Maybe later," Amy shrugged, "I should get going..."  Then she put her hand on Chris' cheek, adding, "Just don't tell anyone about my recent growth spurt.  I wouldn't want anyone thinking that I'm some sort of freak..."

   "Of course not," Chris nodded his agreement, "I think you're anything but..."

   Amy just smiled at that, responding, "That's so sweet," then giving Chris a kiss on the cheek.  "I'll see you later," she purred as she left his room and slipped out of the house without his parents even seeing her.

   When Amy returned home, feeling rather pleased at how her time with Chris had gone, at least until the interruption, she walked right past Jeff but then paused.  She took another look at him and a slow smile started to form on her lips as she realized that they were now eye level.  She was now the same height as the brother who used to tower over her.


   Amy grunted as she lifted the weight, more weight than she had ever lifted before in her life.  She could feel her new, stronger muscles struggling to hold it and delighted in that sensation as well as the strength.

   Then as Amy set the weight back down, she let out a sigh, sitting up and feeling her muscles.  She smiled as she felt them, thinking about how big and strong they now were.  They had continued to grow, just as the rest of her body had, until now they were even a bit bigger than Jeff's currently were.

   "Not bad," Amy smiled as she flexed her arm, noticing the solid bulge that was her bicep.

   Her hands slipped to her waist and she felt her flat stomach, now covered with firm muscles that were clearly defined.  She had already started going past the level of washboard stomach into that of a full six pack.  But that was just like the rest of her body, becoming quite lean, hard and ripped.

   Amy smiled again as she looked down at herself, knowing that she was now 6 foot 1, and the tallest person in the house.  She was now even taller than Jeff, who was now closer to 5 foot 11.  Not all of her new height had come from him though.  She was sure that some of it was coming from both her mom and Lisa, though not nearly as much as from her father and brother.  But that was probably because they had been the two tallest people in the house.

   Then Amy carefully cupped her breasts, smirking at the sight of them.  They were glorious...magnificent.  She only felt sorry that she owed their size to her mother and sister.  They had both continued to get flatter, though of course they didn't seem to mind at all.

   And then there was her supposedly increased intelligence.  That was of course not nearly as visible, but Amy had seen enough bits of evidence to know that she had become smarter.  And that she seemed to be gaining some of her father's college education as well.  But at the same time, she was sure that her father wasn't the only donor.  She was sure that she must be taking some of that from her mother as well, and possibly even Jeff, though it might be hard to tell.

   "I wonder just how much longer I'll continue to change," Amy mused thoughtfully.

   She was already the tallest and strongest person in the house, so she knew that it could stop at any moment.  A part of her hoped that it did, yet another part was eager for her to gain BECOME more.

   Amy smiled proudly as she looked down at herself, at what she had already become.   She felt so strong and powerful...  She felt so confident and in control.  However, she couldn't help wondering how much of her newfound confidence was due to her increased size and strength, and how much had been taken from her family.  In the end, she decided that it was a mixture of the two, not that it really mattered.

   Once Amy had left the basement and returned to the living room, she told her mom, "I'm feeling pretty hungry...  Can you make me breakfast?  Perhaps some waffles..."

   "Of course honey," her mom responded with a smile, looking quite happy to do as Amy had asked.  But that was no surprise as each of her family seemed to be more and more happy to do as she asked.

   Then as Amy licked her lips at the thought of breakfast, she decided that it was probably a good idea to wait to eat until after working out.  Now that she'd built up her appetite a bit, she would enjoy it even more.

   Amy looked over at her breakfast as it slowly came together, smiling in anticipation. "Perhaps from now on, you might want to start making it before I finish working out..."  She knew that she was definitely going to make working out a normal part of her schedule.  After all, with just how much she loved trying out her new strength, how could she not...  "That way I won't have to wait as long..."

   "That sounds like a good idea," her mom agreed.

   However, that also brought something else to mind.  Amy glanced over at Lisa, then said, "I'd like to take a bath as soon as I'm done eating...  Do you think that you could get it ready for me?"

   Lisa nodded her understanding, appearing completely happy with doing as Amy had suggested.  Of course, Amy smiled to herself, she knew that she didn't really have to ASK anyone to do anything.  But still, it did seem more polite to do so anyway.

   And while Amy was in the middle of eating her breakfast, she couldn't resist smiling at the sight of Lisa getting up and going up stairs.  Lisa was quite happy to do that little 'favor' for her big sister, not even realizing just how much more it was than a mere favor.  By now, Amy knew that she could get Lisa or anyone else in the house to do almost anything that she asked of them.

   When Amy had finished eating, she stood up and looked at both Jeff and their dad.  She smirked as she was once again reminded of the fact that she had become taller than Jeff.  However, it was a little strange seeing him from that perspective, and seeing his muscles so much smaller than before.  He still looked a bit athletic, but Amy suspected that he might not for much longer.

   "I wonder," she mused thoughtfully, glancing between Jeff and their dad, who's muscles had also dwindled though not nearly so much.

   "Is something wrong?" Jeff asked with only a hint of curiosity in his voice.

   Amy frowned slightly, glancing between him and her dad before nodding. "I think it might be a good idea for you to start working out a little more."  She had noticed that he hadn't been working out much over the last two days and hadn't even gone down into the basement gym that morning.  And then she turned her attention to their dad, "And you should start working out too...  In fact, I think everyone should start exercising a little more..."

   "That's a good idea," Amy's dad nodded, "I think I'll head down to the basement in just awhile..."

   "And I'll go for a walk later," Amy's mom added, "Maybe even go buy a treadmill or exercise bike..."

   Then, as her family continued to talk about how they would start exercising more, Amy leaned back and smiled even more.  She thought that if she was absorbing some of their strength, then it would certainly do them a lot of good to build it back up.  And she suspected that their exercising would help benefit her as well.

   "Your bath's ready," Lisa said as she stepped into the room.

   "Thank you," Amy smiled down at her sister.  Then she gave Lisa the same suggestion as she had given everyone else about exercising.

   "That's a great idea," Lisa exclaimed with a grin, which seemed to be the normal response to any of Amy's 'suggestions'.

   Amy shrugged, then started towards the bath which awaited her.  However, she paused and thought that if a little exercise would help her as well as them, then wouldn't exercising the mind do the same?

   "Hey Lisa," Amy suggested, "You might want to do a little studying...  To get ready for when school starts...  You too Jeff..."

   Then before she could hear their responses, Amy turned and started up the stairs.  She paused about halfway up to call down to them, "If Chris comes over, tell him that I'm not here right now..."

   She smirked as she continued up the stairs, deciding to hold off on letting Chris see her again until after the changes had stopped.  She wanted to see the look on his face when he realized just how much more she had changed.

   "I can't wait," Amy laughed as she stripped off her clothes and slipped into the hot bath water, "I can't wait..."


   Amy took a deep breath, holding her position for a moment before continuing through her motions.  "Ninety-eight, ninety-nine," she counted aloud, "One hundred."  And with that, Amy got back to her feet, having just finished her final push-up.

   Shaking her head in amazement, Amy marveled at just how strong she had become.  She could do a hundred push-ups without giving it much real effort, and that was AFTER she had already done a fairly strenuous morning workout some hours earlier.

   With that, Amy turned to stand in front of the fairly large full length mirror which she'd had brought into her bedroom the day before.  It reflected her whole body in all of it's naked glory.  She hadn't bothered getting dressed in anything more than a robe after her bath, and that had been hours earlier.

   Amy couldn't resist smiling as she stared at the virtual goddess which was reflected back at her from the mirror.  She was so powerful.  Everyone in the house now seemed small and weak to her, even Jeff.  She nearly towered over him, and at just barely 5 foot 10, he was the second tallest person in the house.  Amy thought of this with pride as she stretched out to her full height of 6 foot 4.

   And her muscles...  Amy flexed her muscles, smirking as she thought that they were even a little bigger than Jeff's used to be.  Of course, she had not only absorbed most of Jeff's old muscles, some of her father's...and quite possibly a tiny amount from her mother and sister as well.  That made her without a doubt, not only the tallest person in the house, but the strongest as well.

   "A regular amazon goddess," Amy smirked to herself, absolutely loving what she had become.

   Then of course, there were her breasts.  They were enormous, or at least seemed that way compared to what they had once been.  They were now a large E cup, larger than her mom's had ever been, and oh so round and firm.  Of course, that size didn't really seem quite so large when compared to the rest of her body, but she was still quite proud of her new breasts. 

   "Too bad about Lisa though," Amy shrugged, feeling a moment of pity for her younger sister.

   Lisa had lost most of her developing curves, leaving her with a small A cup breast size and an appearance that was a little closer to an 11 year old than the 13 year old developing hottie that she had been.  However, Amy's mother had been a little luckier, retaining some of her curves and a cup size of a small B.

   Amy carefully looked herself over in the mirror, silently cataloguing all of the changes that had occurred in her body.  Her hair was a little longer and softer, her complexion had improved and she was sure that her senses had become just a little sharper as well.  However, those were all minor changes when compared to her new size and assets.

   After another minute of silent study, Amy left the mirror and reached for the tape measure.  She stared at it for a moment before taking another measurement of her height.

   "The same," she said without surprise.

   She had been growing at a rate of about 2 inches a day since she had first moved into the house and begun her changes.  Yet that morning, she had woken up at the exact same height as she had been when going to bed.  And her latest measurement showed no further increase either.

   "It looks like it's finally stopped," Amy said, letting out a sigh.  But whether it was a sigh of relief that her family would lose no more, or a sigh of disappointment in that she would not continue to grow, even she was not completely sure.  "It looks like I've finally stopped changing..."

   For a moment, Amy just remained where she was, slowly running her hands over her new and improved body with a smile.  It was done...  This was what she had become, and what she would remain.

   "I am the mistress of the house," Amy reminded herself.

   Then as Amy reached for her clothes, thinking that it was time to finally get dressed, she thought that it was about time to finally pay a visit to Chris.  She had been so looking forward to seeing his reaction to her body.  But on second thought, she smirked, deciding that it would be better having him come to her...

   Once Amy was fully dressed, she went downstairs and smiled down at her family, or at least those who were currently present.  Jeff had gone off to check out the local mall while her mom had gone out grocery shopping.  Amy was confident that her mother would come back with a lot of her favorite foods...

   "Dad," Amy said to get his attention, "I think it's time for me to have my own car.  Something nice...  And of course, something with a lot of leg room..."  She smirked, "Perhaps an SUV..."

   "That's a great idea," he nodded, rubbing his chin, "You're old enough to have your own car now..."

   "And big enough," Amy chuckled to herself.  Then she told her dad, "Why don't you go out and start looking for something...  Bring me back a list of all the best choices so that I can decide."

   "Sure thing," he responded, already heading towards the door.

   "And why don't you take Lisa with you?" Amy added, deciding that she might as well get everyone else out of the house at once.

   As soon as everyone was out of the house, Amy made a quick phone call...very quick.  It consisted of her telling Chris little more than, "Come right over here..."  Then she sat back to wait, knowing that it wouldn't be long.

   When Chris arrived, Amy let him wait for a minute, and only then went to open the door.  She pulled it wide open, then stepped into view, letting Chris get a good look at the new her.

   Chris let out a gasp of surprise as he stared at her breasts, then looked up at her eyes which were now several inches higher than his.  For a moment, he looked completely stunned, to stunned to do anything except gurgle...

   "Surprised?" Amy asked with a grin, knowing well that he was.  "Come on in..."

   "Um...Chris gulped, "What happened..."

   "That little growth spurt I was telling you about before," Amy shrugged, "But don't worry.  It's over with now..."  And remembering the lie that she had told him before to explain it, she added, "That strange poltergeist that did this to me is finished, and it's gone back to sleep..."

   All that Chris could say to that was a startled, "Oh..."

   Amy smirked, wondering how he could possibly buy that explanation.  Then again, it wasn't really any stranger than the truth, that the house itself had done that to her.

   "So...," Amy tried her best to look innocent, which wasn't easy at the moment, "How do I look?"

   "You look incredible," Chris responded, staring at her body, especially her breasts.

   "You don't think I'm too big?" Amy pushed, pretending that she was afraid that she might be.

   "You look incredible," Chris repeated, as if unable to think of anything else to say.  His eyes remained locked on her breasts.

   "And you don't think my muscles are too big?" Amy grinned, flexing her arm so that he could get a good look at her powerful new muscles.

   Chris stared at her bulging bicep, obviously realizing that she was even stronger than him.  Then he took a step back and took in her whole body and all of her newly developed curves.

   "I've never seen a girl with muscles that big," Chris admitted, looking a bit embarrassed, "But you still look hot as hell..."  He blushed, obviously even more embarrassed by this admission.

   Amy smiled at that, "I'm glad that you think so..."

   And with that, she reached for Chris, pulling him close and giving him a passionate kiss which he returned nervously at first, but then with growing enthusiasm.  They remained locked in that position for several minutes before finally pulling apart.

   "Wow," Chris gasped, stepping back a little and staring at her with an expression of desire.

   Amy smirked, then licked her lips as she stared back at him. She was more excited and turned on than she had ever been in her life.  And with the way Chris was looking at her, not to mention the bulge in his pants, he obviously felt the same.

   "Come on," Amy told him as she pulled him in the direction of the stairs.  The tone of her voice gave no doubt that this was NOT a suggestion.

   As soon as they were within Amy's room, she pushed Chris back onto her bed, then started to remove her clothes.  For a moment, Chris just stared at her as if spellbound before he began to clumsily remove his own.

   "I'm going to be getting me a larger bed soon," Amy commented, not as apology but more as a casual statement.  "Until then, this will have to do..."

   Then as soon as Amy had finished undressing, she made her move on Chris, not even waiting for him to finish undressing.  She knew exactly what she wanted and went straight for it, nearly tearing the remaining clothes from his body as she did so.

   Some time later, Amy lay back on the wreckage of her bed, her arm clutched possessively around the exhausted and unconscious body of Chris.  During their intense session of lovemaking, the bed had been unable to withstand their efforts and the very frame had cracked, causing the bed to collapse, though Amy hadn't let that slight distraction get in the way.

   Amy stared at her worn out lover with a feeling of intense satisfaction.  They had gone for quite some time and would have gone for longer if Amy had been able to have her way, though unfortunately Chris had finally been worn into exhaustion and collapsed.  As it was, Amy felt extremely good.  Her whole body tingled with the afterglow, making her feel better than she had ever felt in her entire life, or even imagined that she could feel.  And she knew without a doubt that she wanted more of it.

   "My poor baby," Amy sighed as she ran a finger over Chris' chest.  He'd brought her such pleasure before passing out.  And he would again once he recovered.

   And then Amy let out a deep sigh and smiled as she thought about what they had done.  There was no doubt that she had been the dominant one during their lovemaking...during their raw passionate sex.  It had been her hungers...her desires which had driven things.  She was only several inches taller than Chris, but she was much stronger.  She was just as much in control of the physical part of their relationship as she was everything else, and she would have no it other way.

   "My little lover," Amy smiled as she looked at Chris, knowing that he hadn't been all that little where it counted. "My little pet..."

   Chris was now completely wrapped around her finger...  Amy had no doubt of this, especially as she had seen the look of absolute delight before he had finally passed out.  Of course, he wasn't nearly as much under control as her least not yet.

   With a smile, Amy thought about just how much life had changed for her, all because she had moved into a new house and happened to have chosen that particular bedroom.  She was taller, stronger, smarter and sexier than she had ever imagined she could be.  She felt so in control...of everything.  But of course, that was no certainly no exaggeration within the house.  Her entire family now went out of their way to please her...

   "This is the life," Amy purred, rubbing at her lover's stomach.  She doubted that she'd even have him if it hadn't been for the changes that the house had made in her, and certainly not like this.

   Then Amy's thoughts drifted to life beyond her immediate surroundings.  She could imagine the looks that she would get when she went out in public, towering over all the other women and most men with her magnificent body.  From now on, she would always been the center of attention, a fact which Amy found quite agreeable.

   "And school," she whispered, remembering that she was still supposed to go back in the fall.

   For a moment, Amy considered just getting her GED and skipping it, sure that the increased knowledge and intelligence she had gained would help her to do this without much problem.  However, that would mean she would miss the expressions on everyone's faces at school...  She could just imagine the looks on the teachers faces, much less all of the students.  It would be worth going back just for that alone.

   Of course, if she was planning for the future, she couldn't help but consider the financial situation.  The family was still well set at the moment thanks to her father's investments, and with the treasure trove in the hidden room, which could also be invested quite well, she had no doubt that money was not something that she was going to have to worry about.  Not in the near future, and probably not ever.

   After a few more minutes, Amy carefully climbed out of bed and went to look at herself in the mirror again, smiling broadly as she did so.  She absolutely loved that reflection and was delighted by the fact that it was now hers to keep.  This WAS HER.

   But then Amy paused, staring at her reflection thoughtfully as an idea occurred to her.  Her smile slowly broadened as she considered the possibilities...  The exciting possibilities.

   Amy smirked as she considered the nature of the house itself, of how it would ensure that the master...or mistress would remain the most dominant force in every way.  Of course it would do this by transferring the most impressive traits to her...which she had already experienced firsthand.  But what if she added a new person to the household?

   It was with a bit of a chuckle that Amy thought of her cousin Laurie, her Aunt Cheryl's daughter.  Laurie definitely took after that side of the family with her large breasts, which were about the same size as Amy's.  In fact, Laurie was so sexy that if she hadn't been only 19 and too young, she could have worked in a strip club to earn money for college.

   "I think I'll invite Laurie to move into the spare bedroom," Amy smirked to herself as she licked her lips in anticipation.  After all, with Laurie trying to save up money to go to college, how could she resist moving into a place where she would have free rent while working?

   Then Amy looked back to Chris, smiling as she saw that he was beginning to stir.  It wouldn't be much longer until he was up and ready again.  Or at least, she thought, he had better be up and ready again if he knew what was good for him.

   "Yes, life good," Amy smugly announced as she looked down at her magnificent body, and then around the master bedroom...   At her bedroom...  The center of her domain.  "And why shouldn't it be?  After all...I am mistress of the house..."


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Re: +Notable Author: [Morpheus] STORIES~collected
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2019, 12:23:13 am »
Fabulous! Looking forward to more!

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