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Author Topic: 1 punch 🤜 V  (Read 5863 times)

Offline G$$n

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1 punch 🤜 V
« on: October 16, 2022, 03:08:00 pm »
A little something I wrote for my character on Fallout years ago. Thought I’d share it here. 
She had always been freakishly strong. Since early child hood she found herself on par with most of the high school jocks despite the wide age gap and gender disadvantage. Her strength only grew as she got older and her body developed reaching a terrifying peak at the age of 13 when her cherry first popped. She broke a high school jock’s arm on accident when he got to frisky with her now blossoming body. The boy screamed in terror and agony as he heard his own bones crunch from the terrifying grip Vicky had on him. Vicky’s face turned white as she realized what had just happened and that night had haunted her ever since. The boy lost his scholarship and would forever have a deformed arm. After much drama and bullying from classmates Vicky was forced to move to a new school though she found herself forever haunted by the boy’s screams and what she had done. She still remembered the stinging words the boy screamed as he crawled away from her with terror in his eye, “FREAK”.

Doctors studied her only to discover that her body’s genetics were off the charts. Thanks too increase in science due too limitless fusion energy the doctors where able to give her chems that inhibited her ascension and even weakened her immensely. Despite this her body still maintains itself  in peak physical condition with a large muscular frame and the strength to match. Even through all this VICKY was able to find someone to love her through all this and through that they had a son named Shaun.
Her unique genetic condition has given her immensely prominent assets wink wink and has given her increased height and anti aging status effect. She may look older but never wrinkled just more matured. Thanks too her freakish genetics her breasts will never sag or degrade and her ass will always stay firm large and strong enough to reduce walnuts to dust as a minimum. Her muscle also allows her body to do things normal women could never dream off such as turning her immensely voluptuous melons into two power packed mammaries capable of creating a vice like grip that can crush bone.
Since then Vicky has held back ever since and taken the role of the sweet quit girl. Her strength has only grown with age which is why she has kept herself from exerting her body in way’s that may cause her muscles to grow and strength to heighten. Her body responds to muscle building in way’s that could only be described as a fluke of nature and despite all her efforts to keep dorment Her body has always maintained a hard and muscular form. One could only imagine what kind of monster Vicky could become if she actually tried to attain her full potential.

“You have no idea how far I’m willing to ascend to protect those I love”

Well welcome 50 years later to Appalachia where strength in coveted above all else. Vicky finds herself in a dangerous new world with thief’s and monsters. Not only has 30 year old Vicky kept her taut muscular form but it seems the irradiated air has only boosted her genetical ability to grow muscle and strength. Finding herself in such a dangerous world  and after a few close instances timid  ol Vicky has decided she needs a change of heart.

A few months later and Vicky has become a pinnacle of the human race with strength that even terrify the battle hardened folks of Appalachia. Her raw strength is compared to that of the feared Death claw. It dosen’t end there though as Vicky soon finds the discovery of mutations which take her to braving new heights.

Vicky has now become nothing short of superhuman with folks calling her ONE PUNCH V as she seems to one punch most creatures into a bloody mess out of shear brute strength or “RELIABLE VICKY” as she has also become something of a heroic legend around the town. She gets the job done no matter what it takes. She is very selective of the bounties she takes as she always completes her end of the bargain to matter what. With such a high reputation of success and the strength to back it up Vicky has become one of the most sought after bounty hunters in all Appalachia.

With the discovery of chems and food Vicky has found way’s to nearly double her strength temporarily truly making her the strongest human to ever walk the earth (known).

Living in Appalachia has made timid Vicky into a toughened Victoria who won’t take shit from anybody. ( she changed her name to Victoria) When she walks in a room crowds hush and people stay out of her way and mind they’re manners lest they get they’re head caved in by her fearsome grip or thier chest’s spit in two with one of her terrifying and legendary bear hugs. Her thighs are also know for splitting folks that double cross her in half and rumor has it even some Yua Guai’s.

Victoria is a muscular gal with a pair of bottle cap sunglasses a cowgirl hat and a revieling two piece grognak out fit which does an excellent job of outlining why she’s Appalachia’s strongest resident.

She normally goes around with a basic knuckle buster though when she gets serious she will pull out legendary gear that will turn her into a bloody killing machine.

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Offline jhunter

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Re: 1 punch 🤜 V
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2022, 08:29:22 pm »
Not a bad one shot.
Hope to see more growth.

Offline G$$n

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Re: 1 punch 🤜 V
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2022, 06:19:11 pm »
The boy tripped on a small log underneath the leaves. He fell and tumbled down a hill. Picking himself back up he could hear the yells behind him and the blood curling howls of blood hounds. not just any blood hounds though, these were exposed to all kinds of radiation at birth turning them into disgusting monstrosities.
Niagra picked himself up and continued running with every once of life left in him. The sound of his hunters was heard closer and closer.

Niagra spotted a cave and didn’t stop to think twice as he dashed full speed ahead. Had he not been so focused on escape he would have noticed the various spiked heads of Appalachia’s most feared creatures.

He rabidly ran past the head of a white death claw mounted on a spike, a dangerous warning that something or someone might have put it there.

He barred into the cave and felt gunshots skid past him. Niagra saw darkness ahead and fear entered his beating heart. He decided he’d move ahead, take his chances with the unknown vs knowing what his captors would do to him if they caught up.

The deeper he went in the darker it got but there was a light at the end. He clambered on faster and faster, scraping his knee or bashing his already bruised head. He realized that this was some sort of tunnel. The voices of animalistic men and women echoed through out the tunnel walls. Niagra desperately clawed at the walls feeling his way to the end. The light got brighter and he pushed on ever closer blood dripping from his finger tips as he gripped sharp jagged rock.
Niagra wished he was in his mother’s embrace right now. She would hold him tight in her arms stare into his eyes with her pearly green eyes and sing him a lullaby. His mother was forced from her family when Niagara’s father was killed so the chieftain could marry his wife. She was considered the most beautiful women in the tribe and by some even in the land. Niagra was sold off as a mercy (thanks to his mother’s pleas)to a rival tribe and has since been passed onto tribe and moved from people to people till he reached Appalachia.
His family was rich in the tribe and as a result his mother never worked a day in her life. She would not even be allowed to walk as servants would carry her to wherever she pleases as was the custom of the ultra wealthy women in that land. He rembered the silk robe she would always wear. It had humming birds woven on the sides.

The light behind him got closer as his adversaries lit up lanterns to traverse the abyss like tunnel. Alas Niagra was mere meters away from what he made himself believe was salvation. (Though was most likely death.) The young lad pushed through with every once of strength left as he fumbled through the tunnel exit.
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Offline G$$n

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Re: 1 punch 🤜 V
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2022, 06:20:58 pm »
He looked behind him and saw the party advancing quickly picking pace. He thought to himself “I’ve made it thi….. Smack! was all that’s heard as his spent body ran into a huge rock 🪨.

Niagra fell backwards panting and utterly exhausted with cuts and bruises throughout his entire body. A gash was seen on his forehead where he had hit the rock.

He lifted his gaze a bit and expecting to see the start foundation of a large boulder instead saw human toes. They were the strongest set of toes he’d ever witnessed on any creature. Thick and muscled yet they seemed almost feminine. His gaze admired the rest of those feet as they were easily the biggest pair of feet he’d seen in his life. They looked strong like the toes with tendons and veins crisscrossing their surface. He imagined this foot had flattened plenty of skulls with utter ease.

The feet led to the most powerful ankles he’d seen on anyone. They seemed thick and yet muscular too like a dancers ankles yet more striated in its own way and easily thicker than a dancers femur. A mean vein crossed both set of ankles.

Niagra was wrong when he thought the ankles looked thick but realized they looked small and dainty compared to what he soon witnessed next, what could only be described as a mass of muscle where what he remembered was supposed something called the calf. Though he’d seen nothing like this before even on some of the most muscular men and women doped up on buffout within his tribe.

Calves bigger than his own head, with striations that looked like you could grate cheese on them. They protruded out behind a mean looking shin. The mass of muscle put fear into his heart as he could only imagine what the rest of this disgustingly muscular creature looked like. Veins spun around the calves like netting filling much needed blood to calves that seemed to have a life of their own. They flexed here or there, a spasm there or a tendon moving there as is with hyper developed muscles. They looked strong enough to do reps with the tunnel he’d just passed through and much harder than the walls that scraped his body.

Little could prepare him for what his eyes would take in next. Thighs bigger than his own torso. Bigger than a super mutants torso, bigger than a horse’s torso. Thighs so thick so muscular so striated with such a hardness and density to them that he didn’t have much to compare them too in his head. Words did not exist to describe the magnificence of which we poorly call thighs. Niagra started blankly at a muscle group that easily outweighed his entire body and probably that of the entire raiding party that had already slipped his mind.
Shoo one of those calves easily outweighed him how much more the latter.

A small blood stain showed itself on the middle of that muscle mass. Niagra shivered and thought it a miracle his skull didn’t instantly shatter on that monstrosity.

He noticed some hyper muscular globes somewhat protruding at the upper hips. Must be the ass he thought. The most muscular ass.
Those legs tapered up to a strong and narrow looking waist. Narrow compared to the rest of what Niagra had seen that is.  Compact and almost compressed it looked with veins and even some muscle.

A mass of concentrated muscle is what her abs where like. He remembered old artworks super muscular beings and thought they looked weak by comparison. It seemed like someone had stuffed a million abs into the stomach and oblique area. Veins crisscrossing each and everyone with even striations on the abs themselves. The veins almost seemed to be glowing. Niagra realized that mass was relaxed and could only fathom what it looked like flexed.

Niagra saw hands on hips. Hands in a fist. They seemed hard and powerful even from that angle as they were in a fist. Wrist’s fit to wrist curl a battle ship led to thee most muscles forearms in human history. Indescribable they were though Niagra would have pissed his pants in fear if he had any thing left to give.
Biceps, Biceps bigger than his entire body outlined itself above that inexplicable forearm. Biceps that seemed so condensed with musculature that if flexed Niagra was sure they would explode and ascend the heavens.

Shoulders fit to contain such biceps mounted themselves proudly atop the muscular behemoth
The rest of that muscular concentrated mass was blocked from view. Behemoth orbs that looked like they could block out the sun protruded forward. Mammaries large as boulders held themselves on high. Veins crossed them but they were odd. The veins seemed dormant almost. The orbs looked like the breasts of a women yet firm and hard. Not pure 1000% muscle but not fat ethier it was a substance unlike of that which Niagra had ever seen. Nipples thick and pronounced held atop those proud looking anomalies. Niagra imagined those nipples piercing the hull of a thick battle ship with relative ease.

Alas he made it to to owner of all this unbridled power. The one who now held his life in the balance. His gaze slowly shifted to a small head in the center of a unruly mass of muscle. Trapezoids ascended far past the head where thick strands of luscious black hair decorated the traps.

In the center Niagra stared at a face so beautiful  his fear of the creature fled. His eyes connected with pearly green eyes…

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Offline G$$n

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Re: 1 punch 🤜 V
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2022, 05:34:17 pm »
Niagra remembered a game he used to play with his mother. Once the servants had left and and everyone was away she would have him take of her delicate slipper. She would plant her barefoot on the ground then proceed to tie a string to her big toe. Loving mother would give him the other end and He would then pull with all his strength and she would merely curl her toe and pull him in. She’d toy with him that way till He remembered just using Her toes his mother would weave the string folding it around her digits until he crossed a line in the ground. He would dig and plant his feet but his 5 year old self never stood a chance. This was their little game they played for years till one day when Niagra was 8 going on 9 he got wise.

His mother would always pull out a book and read to him as they played this game since they had little time alone as it was. She would use a woven string which was used by the tribes leaders to tie up thier enemies due to it strength.
As mother tied the string and pulled out the book they began toying but as the next round was about to begin Niagra went and tied the string around thier bed frame. Now Niagra’s family was like royalty and as such it was a custom in the land for those with more power to sleep on items of value. There was no material more coveneted in the land than the Black metal. In books of old it was at times called lead.  The frame was covered in a iron plating though it’s was entirely made of the black Metal. Niagra’s father proudly remarked how the royalty sized bed frame took several men to move.
As Niagra got older he would at times move his mother’s wooden chair from the tug of war so a year ago his mother would start the game by planting her big toe in the ground and use the rest of her digits to weave in the string.
He remembered the moment clear as day. His mother planted her big toe. She waited for him to say go, he smirked as today was finally the day he’d best her.

He said go. ……. All the color drained from 8 year old Niagra’s face as the led 1 ton bed frame screeched across the floor.

“How noisy the men are being outside the tent today” said his mother never looking up from her book nor realizing that the noise was from the 1 ton lead bedframe she was carelessly dragging across the tent floor.
Niagra desperately tried to help the bedframe by grabbing onto it’s back frame and digging his feet into the ground, instead he was helplessly dragged along with the bedframe as if a unstoppable force was pulling him and the bed, in.
That unstoppable force were his mother’s toes needlessly weaving in the thread. Only when she felt the cold touch of the iron plated bed on her super foot did she look up from the bed.

“Oy!”Cried out Adira“What did you do my little sapphire!” Color drained from her face as she saw Niagra’s shocked expression.

“You mustn’t tell anyone my precious Sappire” she said strictly and with worry on her face.
“I must not exert force. The game we play is forbidden enough!”

She quickly got up untied the thread from her toes and bedframe, squatted down and lifted the 1 ton bedframe off the floor overhead as if it was a feather. She walked back to its position and squatted back down placing the bed back in its original place.

She grabbed Niagra firmly from the arm and with worry on her face made him swear to never tell a soul.
I cannot explain it to you know my little sapphire but it’s very important that I do no work. One day when you are older you will understand but for now you must forget this from your head. She said sharply.
After that She put a carpet over the ruined floor.
That was the last time Niagra saw his mother as a day later his father was killed, mother handed off to the chief and he was sold into slavery.
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Offline G$$n

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Re: 1 punch 🤜 V
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2022, 04:26:49 pm »
Mo….Mo… … Mother?…. He said in a quit gentle voice almost fearing that he was dreaming and would wake up as soon as he spoke as was his life up to this point.
A hard life, casual beating, his girlfriend was killed, he was treated below trash and never seemed to belong. He also had some deep feelings against his mother.
Why would she let them sell him?
Why with as much strength as she showed not stop them?
Why did she abandon him?

The face he stared up to was full of life and vigor, the creature he stared up too looked young like that of a girl. 

I’m not your mother.
Niagara’s heart broke before him. He sat there staring dumbfoundedly at the girl.
He got up and the sound of rushing footsteps knocked him out of his depressed trance.

We got you you litttle shit!
Said the one
We’re gonna tie you up to the back of a tree and cover you in honey!  Said another

Yeah! Hahahaha cackled another
Whoa look at that bitch! Cried out a muscular gal. I’ve never seen something like that what is it.
A fuckable piece of meat is what it is! Exclaimed the leader of the pack.  Staring at the girl’s tits which were bigger than him.

Niagra got up and with a defeated spirit and his head down began to walk toward his doom.

Yeah that’s it boy! We’re gonna make you an example as to what happens to trash that thinks they’re anything but.

Niagara walked to a big muscled girl. One of his previous tormentors. She kept him like a pet but treated him like a rabid animal.

That’s it come back to mama said the 7 foot tall beefcake. After they have thier way with you I’m gonna crack you skull in my fucking tits you bitch! Don’t worry I’ll put a tatto of your tiny pecker on my right tit so everyone can remember you died to a women and to a women’s weakest …. (She flexed her pecs to basketball sized proportions) most loving … flex, flex, flex… body part.

And after I’ve SHHHHAAAKKKEEE! Niagara fell to his feet as the ground shook. BOOOOM! …..SHAAAAKKKEEE!!! …….BOOOM! ……SHAAAKE! It almost seemed like foot steps.

The whole party stopped in their tracks.
Niagara looked up at his previous tormentor and saw the color had drained from her face in utter terror as if she was looking at a ghost.

Everyone around him stared in utter disbelief.

He dared not to look back.

A voice called out… Sapphire is that you?…..
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Offline G$$n

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Re: 1 punch 🤜 V
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2022, 04:29:16 pm »
Quick disclaimer. This story is just for fun. It’s not a serious tale with a clear end and beginning. If you guys have any suggestion I’d be happy to implement them in. Literally just writing whatever comes to mind.
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Offline jhunter

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Re: 1 punch 🤜 V
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2022, 06:30:29 pm »
Hm. If its what your mind can do, don't let us influence. Do what you like, paint a picture.

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Re: 1 punch 🤜 V
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2022, 05:29:38 pm »
He slowly turned around…
Behemoth was not a word he could use.

Niagara’s mind went into over drive attempting to take in the sight of utter invincibility before him.
The girl who had con’d him earlier looked just like that a girl a little girl with a little girl’s body, for what stood or rather existed right behind her was nothing short of The Behemoth. The legendary creature whose roar shakes the world.

Niagara looked into The Behemoth’s eyes and indeed his legs went limp.

If the small girl was a peasant girl than the thing behind her was a queen. A queen 👸 who owned the entire galaxy.

Nowhere in his boyish mind could he imagine soo much muscle could exist on a human. He thought that earlier of the girl and yet his mortal mind had yet again been shattered.

The girl was tall easily over 10 feet as his 19 year  old 6 foot body couldn’t even reach her waist.
The same was true for the girl.

She barely made it to the half way point of what he didn’t even know what to call. They were supposed to be her legs. The women behind the girl was a mass of ultra hard chiseled muscle. It was hard to distinguish the different muscle groups as so much was pact in and compacted.

The muscle women behind the girl was everything the girl was excepted bigger much bigger. Veinier, more  ripped, more striated more compact, she was stronger more intimidating. Taller too.

Yet the thing  that intimidated him the most was that the monster before him was indeed his mother.

Calves that were bigger than the girl’s super thighs combined. He knew this calves could do reps with the state of West Virginia and not feel a thing. Ultra mega Thighs 4 times the size of the girl.
Niagara imagined her jumping to mars with a mountain on her back using those killer legs.
Her feet couldn’t even be seen  as they sunk into the ground. Craters were left where she had carelessly walked.

He now knew the source of the shaking.

A stomach that could tank every nuke that ended the world and not flinch protruded proudly as there sat abs on top of abs on top of abs several times over.

He imaged the girl using her super thighs to Kick her most powerful kick into into that stomach. A kick from her would end the lives of mountains but to his mother he knew for a fact the girl’s super foot would uselessly shatter.

The arms on his Mom could split MT Everest without a second thought he just knew it. Biceps that were so overly inflated with muscle yet compact that he knew. Forearms that made him shiver.
Grotesque muscular and veiny hands that he knew could reatomize anything she wished.

My… my.. litl.. little sapphire his mother barely made out not believing her eyes. And with a whimper.
She was beautiful like the girl only more mature looking not old but mature.

Niagara’s legs went limp as he realized this unstoppable powerhouse before him was indeed his mother.
He fell again to the floor.

The earth again shook as the most powerful being on the planet approached him.

The raiders were speechless as all this went on.
He could feel the insane energy radiating off her body. It made his whole body tingle.
A large shadow was cast above him. So far out did this humongous breast hit out that they blocked out the sun above him. Each was much larger than a boulder. He imagined an suv could fit comfortably inside them.

Those monsterous hands reached down to grab him. He wondered if the hands would instantly crush his bones.
They did not. He lifted like a feather up, up, up surprised at the hardness yet gentleness of his mother’s hands. She brought him up past her gigantic tits.
Nipples protruded on top that could most certainly pierce the hull of the moon and tear it apart.
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Offline G$$n

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Re: 1 punch 🤜 V
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2023, 08:13:19 am »
Niagara couldn't believe what he was seeing. His mother, who he thought had abandoned him, was actually a powerful being that was beyond his wildest imagination. He couldn't comprehend the size and strength of her muscles, and he was in awe of her beauty. He couldn't believe that this powerful, muscular creature was the woman who had given birth to him. He felt a mix of confusion, fear and awe as she reached down to pick him up. He was surprised that her hands were both hard and gentle, and he felt like he was being lifted like a feather. He couldn't comprehend how someone could be so powerful and yet so gentle at the same time. He felt like a tiny ant in comparison to her.

As his mother picked him up, he looked into her eyes and saw the love and warmth that only a mother could have. He felt a warmth spread through his body as he was held close to her massive chest. He felt safe and protected in her arms, and all of his fears and doubts dissipated.

He knew that he was safe and loved, and he felt a sense of peace that he had never felt before. He knew that with his mother by his side, he could face anything. He felt a sense of belonging and acceptance that he had never felt before.
The raiders who had been chasing him were speechless as they watched this incredible display of power and love.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing, and they knew that they could never defeat this creature. They turned and attempted to run away. Niagra’s mother subtly flexed one of her muscles and the raiders instantly imploded.
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Re: 1 punch 🤜 V
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2023, 08:16:22 am »
Hey guys this latest installment was written by the Chat gpt AI writer. I kinda havnt had motivation to continue this story so when I discovered the AI I thought I’d vice it a try. After much experimenting imma be honest that darn AI can make some pretty good female muscle content.
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Offline G$$n

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Re: 1 punch 🤜 V
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2023, 08:17:14 am »
Most likely I’ll post the different combinations the AI rights based off this story so if it seems a bit un cohesive you know why. This is kinda an experiment.
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