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Author Topic: Power  (Read 18866 times)

Offline jessicatheviking

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Re: Power
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2022, 01:21:41 am »
Hey, next part is here!


I started to get up but she looked down and said, "You were not given permission to rise. Like I said though, I am a very fair and just ruler and I know that you don't understand what is expected of you, yet. That will soon change. I take very good care of the things I own. To be perfectly clear, I have no desire to micromanage you or to bark commands at you all of the time. That is beneath me and as my slave I say that you deserve better than that as well. I said that I want you to voluntarily submit to me which you eagerly did. That includes becoming intimately familiar with what pleases me and when it’s expected, doing it as if commanded. This is what you've always wanted and I am providing it for you.".

I nearly came myself right there and at the same time I nearly cried at the emotional release I was feeling because she was absolutely right, this was what I had always wanted.

As I kneeled back down she smiled and said, "Very good, you sexy little bitch.".

After eating some of her sushi she looked down and motioned with her finger to get up. I stood up but didn’t even make a move to sit down in my chair.

She beamed, “Very, very good little slave. I am so pleased to see how you’re responding to your training so quickly. I want you to stop and take a breath and let your thoughts in. Look around, really look around. I want you to make eye contact with the people in this room. Take your time because this is extremely important.”.

Doing as she commanded, I slowly looked around the room and made eye contact. At first it was making me really anxious but then I started to become calm again. She had said that fear was no longer my ruler, she was. Why should I care about what these people think of me when I’m here with this incredible woman voluntarily serving her as my Queen just like I’ve always wanted to. Then I turned and looked back at her.

Smiling, she said, “These are perfectly fine people enjoying a night out. Some of them are married, some of them are not, some of them are just friends and some aren’t sure what they are yet. But answer this question, ‘What right do any of them or does anyone else have to make you feel bad in any way for your actions this evening?’.”.

I smiled, “They don’t have any right to do that.”.

She continued, “Exactly. I will never make you feel bad for your desire to serve me. I will encourage it, nurture it and grow it beyond your wildest dreams.”.

Shifting in her seat she said, “The simple question that you need to answer is, ‘Who’s desires are you going to serve? Theirs, yours, or mine?’.”.

With my raging hardon I answered, “Yours my Queen, I am going to serve yours.”.

Beaming she said, “Yes, you are little slave.”.

Offline jessicatheviking

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Re: Power
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2022, 05:29:50 am »
Hello, the next part is here!


She now said, “You may sit.”.

I did as she commanded and sat down but did nothing else.

Smiling, she said, “You are learning so fast. How does it feel to stop yourself, think of what my desires are and then serve them first?”.

Biting my lip I said, “It feels incredible, liberating and fulfilling.”.

She said, “Excellent. I think you have another feeling too though, what is it?”.

It was crazy how she knew what was going on inside of me so clearly.

I wanted to answer her honestly, “I’m incredibly turned on by it.”.

She beamed, “Very good. You should be and you will not be ashamed of it. Embrace it because you deserve to have that desire fulfilled. As you learn to serve me and put my desires first your desires will be fulfilled like never before.".

I was blown away and said, “Thank you my Queen, this is so amazing.”.

Smiling, she said, “You’re welcome. That’s enough training for now. I want us to spend time getting to know each other more. Like I said, you will become intimately familiar with what pleases me and the only way for you to do that is to truly know me. Also, like I said, I take very good care of the things I own. The only way for me to do that is to truly know you. I really like you and I want you to understand that under my rulership I expect you to grow as a person. I have no interest in tearing you down to dominate you, that would only expose me as being weak and pathetic.”.

“Sure, you’re my slave now and you submit to my authority as your Queen and while I do call you bitch sometimes, it’s only because you are such a cute little bitch.” she said with a grin.

“No, I will never need to tear you down. As I grow bigger, stronger and mightier I will elevate you so that you continue to be worthy of me. That is true power.”.

Offline jessicatheviking

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Re: Power
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2022, 09:19:44 pm »
Hi! Here is the next part! Hope you enjoy!


I just sat there in complete awe of her. In my fantasies I had always thought that I would want to be with a woman who started lifting to grow muscle and in the process would grow into her dominance. Amy completely turned that around.

We talked for quite a while and had some saké. As the evening progressed I just found her to be such an amazing woman. Strong and confident and absolutely gorgeous. Driven and intelligent and willing to go after whatever she wanted. Fearless and courageous yet controlled and deliberate in her approach to everything.

After more saké she loosened up a little and began explaining how she had come to this point in her life.

“Being small and cute like I am, no one has ever taken me seriously. Even in my own family. They’re nice and all but they don’t really listen to what I want and just assume that I’ll fall in line with what they think I want. It’s been a building source of frustration for me for years but I didn’t know how to deal with it and get out of the rut I was in. A few months ago though, I was scrolling through my insta search page and I saw a pic of a really muscular woman. It was Andrea Shaw and I just thought she looked so strong and powerful yet so calm and confident and fucking mighty. At first I was so freaking turned on, which wasn’t weird for me because I am bisexual, but eventually I realized that I wasn’t turned on because of being attracted to her. I was turned on because I wanted to be her. To feel that power, that strength flowing through my body and to be able to wield it however the fuck I want was something that I began to crave on the deepest level of my being.”.

“So I started following her and every other huge muscular woman, or just mighty woman, I could find. Anastasia Leonova, Stephanie Flesher, Nataliya Kuznetsova, Stefi Cohen, Noof Yusuf, Abi Jimenez, Valentina Mishina, Natalia Kovaleva, Vivi Winkler and those huge fucking thighs, Brooke Walker because she’s just such a badass, and there’s this chick amazona_fit that’s so fucking tough and I wish I knew her real name but she is super badass, and so many more. I was fucking obsessed. The beefier and more muscular and more powerful the better. I started searching for stuff about muscular women all the time, learning about steroids, workouts and diet. It wasn’t enough though, I needed more so I started reaching out to the girls I follow on insta for help on how to get fucking huge. All of them are amazing and they’ve graciously helped me to understand how to get absolutely massive.”.

“Just as I was about to go fucking crazy building muscle and getting huge I had a conversation with Andrea that changed everything for me. She told me, ‘You know, I appreciate how you want to get huge and all but before you do that you need to put in the work as a person before you start all of this other stuff so that when you do get huge you’re able to control it the way you want. You don’t want it to control you, do you?’. I thought ‘holy shit’ she was absolutely right and from then on I began strengthening myself as a person both mentally and emotionally.”.

“I read and study like a fucking beast. Constantly. If I don’t have time to read, I listen to the audio version of the book. I’m fucking voracious and I fucking love it. All day, Every. Fucking. Day. History, poetry, literature, all of it. Hundreds of books, strengthening me and molding me into the dominant ruler that I am now. Knowledge truly is power and I want power. More and more fucking power.”.

Offline jessicatheviking

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Re: Power
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2022, 05:54:33 am »
Hey, next part!


I said, “My Queen you are so magnificent and it is a privilege to serve someone so amazing. You are truly awesome.”.

She smiled, “Wow, you really are my fucking slave now. This is so incredibly sexy. It’s time for us to go.”.

With her hand she motioned for me to stand which I obeyed immediately. After paying she held out her arm and escorted me to her car. Soon we were back at my house. She got out and escorted me to my front door.

Smiling she said, “I really enjoyed myself tonight and you are responding so well to your training you sexy little bitch. I’m very proud of you.”.

She pulled me in for a kiss and we ended up making out for a while. It was amazing.

Amy said, “I am extremely pleased with you. Now go in and get some sleep because we have some things to discuss tomorrow.”.

I replied, “Yes my Queen.”.

She smiled, “Very good little slave.”.

Offline jessicatheviking

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Re: Power
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2022, 05:01:09 pm »
Hello, next part!


After going home Amy went inside, poured herself a bourbon and sat down with her laptop. Opening it up she double clicked on a folder named ‘Commissioned Morphs’. Inside the folder she was greeted with the many morphs she had commissioned artists to make that were of her at varying levels of muscularity. She loved starting off with the smaller ones and working her way up to the bigger ones as she masturbated and imagined herself growing bigger and bigger and bigger. Since she had met me though, she now had added something new to her folder. Being bisexual she was curious about how I would look as a girl so she had commissioned morphs of me transitioning along with her growing and had put those into a new subfolder.

As she clicked on the subfolder she slid her hand down her skirt and started rubbing her clit, she was thinking about how she was already easily dominating me before even beginning to workout and about the possibilities ahead of her now. She loved that she was in control and embracing who she really was. Progressing through the morphed photos and letting her imagination run wild she realized that by training me she wasn’t just changing me, she was transforming herself to become the Queen, the Goddess, that she craved to be at the deepest levels of her being.”.

Panting and nearing orgasm she moaned, “Fuck yes! Fuck, fuck fuck! I want power, strength and mightiness. This is just the beginning. It’s time for me to begin lifting so that I can become the dominant Queen that I deserve to be!”.

While still rubbing herself she reached over, grabbed her bourbon and skulled it as she experienced the most intense orgasm she had ever felt.

Offline jessicatheviking

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Re: Power
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2022, 08:54:25 pm »
Hey, next part, enjoy!


Despite her humble appearance as a local organic grocery store assistant manager, Amy was actually very wealthy. She had gone to live with her grandparents in her early teens because her parents were just too wrapped up in their own careers. They were nice and all but they didn’t give Amy the attention that she needed or deserved. Sadly her grandparents had both passed away by the time she was nineteen but not before they had made Amy the sole heir to their massive fortune. Other than going to extreme lengths to ensure that her parents could never take even one cent of her inheritance, they left everything to Amy with no strings attached whatsoever.

This was not at all because of some overinflated sentimentality towards their granddaughter, it was actually quite the opposite. In their minds they felt that they could mold her into being the right person to carry on their legacy. She had no doubt that they loved her but at the same time they didn’t take her feelings and opinions seriously. Nonetheless she did appreciate that they had taught her lessons that would prove to be invaluable as she moved forward in life.

She had gotten to learn how they had built their fortune from nothing. Starting in the real estate business by renting out an apartment over their garage they eventually had progressed to amassing an impressive list of properties. They had been very shrewd in how they selected the properties they would acquire and over time they had only increased in value. Amy came to appreciate that the lessons they were teaching her were very valuable and couldn’t be learned at school.

Even though her grandparents had made known their intentions to leave everything to her she had decided to get a job for herself when she turned fifteen. The local organic grocery store was within walking distance of their house so she chose there. Her grandparents asked her why she wanted to get a job and why she chose the grocery store. She told them that she wanted a job so that she could appreciate what it was like to start from nothing and earn her own money. She chose the grocery store because she felt that she could learn a lot about people and business there and because the store she would be working at would be within walking distance. That meant she wouldn’t need to depend on them for a ride. Being fifteen she had calculated that within a year she would be able to afford her own car and that would open up more options to her in the future once she could get her driver’s license.

Her grandparents were very impressed and this had only solidified their plans to leave her their fortune. Even though she knew they loved her she also knew that by choosing this path she was falling inline with their plans for her. At first that was ok with her but as time went by, she bought a car and eventually moved up to assistant manager, she had fallen into a rut. The routine and discipline she had learned were great but by the time she had gotten a little older she was starting to feel like she didn’t really know what she wanted for herself. After her grandparents passed away that feeling only intensified.

Even after receiving her inheritance she didn’t touch one cent of it. It brought her a lot of satisfaction to know that she could support herself with no outside help. But that just wasn’t enough. She knew she wanted more than just working her whole life, raising an ungrateful child and then leaving her fortune to her grandkid. Time passed by and she still couldn’t find what she wanted. Even though she was twenty one now everyone knew her as this cute but shy and timid girl, deep down she hated that. She wanted to be respected, appreciated and even admired. The culture around her tried to say that becoming famous was the way to get those things but that just seemed so superficial to her. She wanted something more, much more.

One night after coming home from work she had dinner, poured herself a bourbon and started scrolling through the explore page on insta. This was the first time she would see a picture of a huge muscular woman and it would change her life forever.

Offline jessicatheviking

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Re: Power
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2022, 07:20:59 pm »
Hi! Here's the next part! Hope you enjoy!


Amy just couldn’t get over how muscular the girl was. It was Andrea Shaw and her muscularity after winning her second Ms. Olympia was spectacular. Amy spent hours pouring over every image she could find of her. Being bisexual, at first she thought she was attracted to her but after a few days it became very clear to her that she wanted to be muscular. She wanted to be huge and powerful. This was the more she had been looking for. She wanted to be able to walk into a room and command attention.

After connecting with Andrea though she realized that she wanted to be not just physically strong. She wanted the whole package, physically, mentally and emotionally. It finally clicked with her that what she really hated was that her circumstances had always dictated who she was. That would no longer be the case for her. She wanted to become powerful enough to wield her circumstances however the fuck she wanted, to mold the world around her to her desires. To make sure she was ready mentally and emotionally she needed to be tested. That’s where I came in.

The fact that she, a very small and petite yet very cute girl, could completely and totally dominate me at will, proved to her that she was ready. It was a huge turn on for her. She loved that she was now legit dominant at her core and no longer felt shy or timid in any way. In a way it was like the calm before the storm. Dominance was now her comfort zone. She felt uncomfortable holding back now. All of the people around her, including me, had no clue about the transformation that she was about to undergo.

She had never taken one cent of her inheritance to support herself. However she had carefully tended to her inheritance to make sure that it produced fantastic profits. She had taken those profits and invested them into her own research lab. Her lab had made astounding progress in being able to grow female muscle. That was its only purpose. All ten people, even though they didn’t know it, were working to discover how to make her fucking enormous. They did it and much, much more.

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Re: Power
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2022, 08:31:01 pm »
Hello, here is the next part! Hope you enjoy!


The day had finally come for Amy to begin growing. She had taken time off from work so that she wouldn’t have any distractions. Standing in her own state of the art gym early one morning her lab employees began injecting her with a combination of hormones and nanite technology. They also attached intravenous feeding bags to her. She immediately felt the effects and was instantly starving. Massive plates of food had been prepared for her and she began feeding.
After devouring four to five times her normal sized meals she began alternating between lifting and eating even more. In a short time her clothes began ripping out around her expanding muscles.

Within an hour it became clear that her growth was terrifyingly fast. Standing up between lifts and devouring more food she was already extremely muscular and looked like she weighed at least 160 lbs. Her clothes were now annoying shreds that she tore off so that she could admire her goddess-like muscularity. Her body fat was so low and her muscle density so high that the striations in her rapidly expanding muscles looked like they were going to tear through her skin along with her growing veins pumping harder and harder. Watching her naked body lifting in the mirror she was getting off on her frighteningly fast growth.

She loved the feeling of lifting heavier and heavier weights with each lift and feeding. Feeling the power increasing in her body turned her on in ways she could have never imagined. Within another hour it became clear that things were getting out of control. She stepped on the scales between lifts and already weighed 200 lbs. Looking at the height measuring device in front of the scales she laughed as she realized that she was now taller and had grown from 5’ 2” to 5’ 6”. She smiled as she grabbed more food and began feasting faster and faster.

Looking over at me, Amy’s now dramatically deeper voice boomed, “Look at me little slave! Look at what I’m becoming and this is only the beginning!”.

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Re: Power
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2022, 11:15:04 pm »
great story!! Karma to you..........would love to hear about her technology and how its working and what it is doing on a molecular level.......would add depth here

Offline jessicatheviking

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Re: Power
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2022, 05:01:46 am »
Hi sgsg69 thanks for the compliment! The next part will have more about her tech!

Here it is, the next part!!


Massively increasing her feeding and lifting mind blowingly heavier weights, her nanite filled body responded and gave her intoxicatingly faster growth. You could literally watch her muscles grow as she laughed and grabbed another gallon of a specially formulated protein shake and slammed it like it was nothing. Her body had adjusted and became much more efficient at growing her muscles.

All that along with her being completely comfortable with being dominant and powerful meant that she was in no way afraid of or intimidated by what was happening. On the contrary, she embraced it and pushed with everything she had to gain even more power. The bigger, stronger, and more powerful she became the more comfortable she felt. It felt amazing to her, like she was finally becoming who she really was deep down.

Within another hour she went over to the scales and laughed in her even deeper voice that reverberated through her massively thick chest and slab like pec muscles, “Fuck yes!! 300 lbs and I’m 5’ 9” now! Holy shit this is incredible! I. Want. More!!!”.

Flexing her gigantic muscles as she was becoming a living morph she turned and commanded one of the researchers monitoring her progress, “Give me a hose from that barrel of protein shake mix so that I can feed while I lift.” She was quaking with desire as she knew that this was going to fuel her growth to unbelievably extreme levels. Taking a deep breath she prepared herself for what was about to happen even as she was extremely turned on by her massive growth.

Obeying immediately, the researcher said, “Yes, Miss Spencer.” and came back with a big long clear hose and inserted one end into the barrel and gave the other to Amy. She loved how she had just commanded someone with complete and total confidence, unlike the shy and timid girl she was in the past, and they totally obeyed her with no question. In fact she saw how it was fulfilling to them and they enjoyed it. Experiencing the fact that she was clearly a ruler and everyone around her were subjects only confirmed to her that she was on the right path and that she should embrace the person she truly was inside.

Amy began sucking the hose while lifting and her body responded even faster and she began orgasming because of her unbelievable expansion while lifting and feeding. As her body grew and grew faster and faster she soon realized that the nanites were obeying her thoughts and were shaping her body the way she wanted them to. Enraptured with the pleasure that feeling and power brought her she growled with a deep hunger and lust for the abilities that would unlock within her and her erupting strength and mightiness.

The nanites were both hydrophilic and lipophilic and small enough to pass through cell membranes. This meant that they could travel anywhere in the body without going through the bloodstream. Being able to pass through cell membranes also meant that they could directly interact with both the DNA and the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. There were two other very impressive features of these nanites. One was that they were equipped with a deceptively simple AI (artificial intelligence) that would allow them to act both collectively and respond to the host they were in. This enabled them to alter the body from the raw materials taken in as food and to alter DNA as necessary. The other was that they were made up of biological materials and could replicate themselves as the need arose to fulfill their task. They were truly beautiful and elegant feats of engineering.

Being bisexual and pretty kinky she had always wondered what it would be like to have a big huge cock and balls between her legs. As she was now bench pressing over 600 lbs she thought, “Why the fuck not?” and willed the nanites to begin growing her a cock and balls. They obeyed. As they did she became euphoric with the endowment of power she had just received. Soon we all could see her dick rising up between her frighteningly fast growing quads. She moaned in pure bliss as her body expanded and the weight became too light for her and she commanded for two hundred more pounds to be put on the bar. Waiting as she writhed in pleasure at the frenzied growth that awaited her she braced herself for what was to come.

Pumping harder and harder and feeding faster and faster she began ejaculating out of her newly growing cock as her monumentally expanding body attained magnificence that no one had ever dreamed of. Within another few minutes the weight was too light for her and she slammed it back down on the rack and stood up. We all gasped at just how terrifyingly huge she was now.

Looking down at us she walked over to the scale and we could literally feel the floor shake with each step she took. Her magnificence was divine. As she stepped on the scale with each and every gigantic muscle in her body bulging and rippling with power she watched as the number on the scale kept going up more and more until it finally stopped at 800 lbs and she now measured 7 feet tall.

As she turned to face us we were overwhelmed by her majesty and simply kneeled before her. An eerie calmness set in with Amy as she began to revel in her sublimely glorious and unbelievably muscular and powerful body. Looking in the mirror she realized that the nanites had responded to her will to become even more beautiful. Her face had become so gorgeous that it radiated an exalted beauty that was difficult to understand. It was also devastatingly dominant. Her jaw had expanded and you could see the increased musculature in her face that commanded attention and obedience. Then there was her mind. The nanites had exponentially increased the number of connections in her brain as it grew larger along with the rest of her body.

The result was that she was processing all of the reading and studying she had done in ways that she could never before have imagined. At first it was a little difficult for her to accept but after objectively considering the facts she now realized that she was by far superior to every other human on the planet.

Looking at us she smiled and bent down and lifted up my chin with her hand. As I looked up I was so overwhelmed by her gorgeous majesty that I began to tear up and shake all over.

She said, “Very good little one. You have a deep need and desire to accept and serve my superior magnificence and by accepting that need and desire and acting on it, you serve and please your Queen very well. I promised you that as I become mighty I will never tear you down, I will elevate you to be worthy of me and my splendor. I fully intend to keep that promise.”.

About that time Amy sensed that something had suddenly changed within her. The nanites had been replicating to keep up with her will to grow bigger, stronger, smarter and simply more powerful. As they replicated they had mutated in order to be able to carry out her will. Because nanites function on a quantum level, and so does the brain in many ways, the nanites had begun making structural changes to her brain that would increase the power of her mind exponentially. This didn’t just make her mind more intelligent, it began to increase her abilities to interact with matter and energy on a quantum level.

Gasping, she realized that she now could perceive the matter and energy around her in ways that no other human could even begin to understand. Her huge cock got hard and her massive balls began churning as she was completely and totally overwhelmed with pure lust for the power she was now gaining. Not being able to help herself, and needing to have an outlet for all of this energy she began feeding and lifting again.

We thought that she had grown terrifyingly fast before. Nothing could have prepared us for what would happen next. She began feeding and cycling through lifts as her body expanded so fast that soon, the weights she had been lifting before now looked like toys next to her. Eating, lifting and grunting faster and faster, she was orgasming as her massiveness, strength and power increased more and more and more. The room was shaking with every move she made and we all got to the point where we felt, not just unworthy to look upon her majesty, we were beginning to feel that we weren't even worthy to be in her presence.

Then she stopped. The room was completely silent except for her bull-like breathing. Then she stood. It was literally awe inspiring. We all hid our faces from her out of fear.

Amy laughed with a now other-worldy voice and said, “Do not be afraid little ones. I would never hurt you. I know that my power inspires fear in you, as it should, but I have no intention of harming you. I want to take care of you. Look upon me and my majestic, awe-inspiring, splendor.”.

Knowing that this was a command we all looked upon her. It was absolutely beyond amazing. She had now ascended to over 9 feet tall and over 2,000 pounds of muscularity that by far surpassed anything the human form had ever even come close to achieving. That was only the beginning.

The only way to describe it was that it was like there was pure white light sparkling from every pore in her body giving her an appearance that glowed and looked similar to human skin stretched around an inhumanly muscular body but also like she was just radiating pure energy and power. It was both fear inspiring and beautiful in a way that made us yearn to appreciate her the way she deserved.

We all began to cry at the magnificence that was before us. We were so overwhelmed by her literal awesomeness. Her kindness, despite wielding a power that we could never even begin to understand, drew us to her and made us feel love for her.

Smiling, Amy looked down and said, “It’s ok, give in to your desires, cravings and need to serve me and adore me.”. Then looking over at the rack full of weights she had been furiously lifting earlier she began crumpling them effortlessly with her mind to provide us with a demonstration of her new power.

As her laugh boomed and shook the room she said, “My power has increased so to such an incomprehensible level for you that I am now what you humans would consider to be, a Goddess.”.

The room was completely silent except for the other-worldly vibrating hum that was generated by her pure and unbelievably immense power. She calmly walked around the room with a composure and restraint that would make what we might think of as the wisest and most ancient of sages seem impulsive and completely lacking in true understanding.

Walking back, Amy in her glorious splendor, looked down at us and said in her other-worldly voice, “I hear your thoughts, your desires, your fears, your intentions and your yearnings. To put it into terms that you can try to understand, I see you on even less than an atomic level, I see each and every part of you on the truly basic level that you are incapable of comprehending. I even see the fabric of your consciousness. I am not a Goddess in the way that you think of the pathetic Gods and Goddesses from your mythology. I am infinitely more. I have absolutely no need to struggle for some infantile sense of superiority, I am supremely superior. They were foolishly embroiled in petty disputes with each other and with humans. I now exist outside of the bounds of time and space stretching infinitely into the past, present and future. No one can dispute me, no one can struggle against me, no one can question me. They can only serve me however I desire. I do not harness power or even wield it as if I needed its permission. I own all power and it obeys me, serves me, exists because of me.”.

Graciously allowing us time to even begin to try to process the enormity of what she had just told us, she again walked around the room with that calmness that at first had been disturbing but now was comforting.

Coming back around she looked down, smiled at us and said something that was completely unexpected, “I love you. All of you. You are truly beautiful. Of course you are imperfect and tortured, but even after coming to know everything about you, I love you. I will take care of you and fulfill all of your needs and desires.”.

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Re: Power
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2022, 07:20:27 am »
Hi, next part!!


Then looking down at me she said, “Look at me little slave. I will now fulfill my promise to you. I see how you have desired to be a woman for a very long time but especially since I grew a huge cock. I love how you want nothing more than to serve me so I will grant you your wish.”.

Suddenly my body began transforming. I watched in a nearby mirror as my masculine features faded away and were replaced with feminine ones. My hips became wider, my ass filled out, my waist became smaller and my hands and feet became more slender. I started growing breasts and as they became bigger and bigger I came and came and came. My penis shrank until it eventually became a clit and I had grown a vagina. My hair began growing until it was down to my now magnificent ass and it had become blonde. My breasts were now enormous and measured around 32 MMM. Everything about me was unbelievably sexy.

Then I started growing taller. As I grew taller I became muscular and I could feel myself become more and more powerful. It’s hard to describe but Amy was empowering me to be worthy of her. As I grew I realized that Amy was so powerful now that she could make me more powerful than any human could even imagine. The feeling was intoxicating. Eventually I was standing at 8 feet tall and 1000 pounds of solid, powerful, sexy muscle. Now everyone there wasn’t just kneeling before Amy, they were kneeling before me as well.

Amy smiled, “I told you that I would elevate you to be worthy of me. Now look at how magnificent you are. You are now worthy of the adoration of humans as well”.

Acknowledging her power and what she had done for me I immediately kneeled before her.

I said, “Thank you Goddess Amy for everything. I feel unbelievably amazing and it’s all because of you.”.

She smiled, “You’re very welcome. It’s now time for us to take the next step.”.

Offline jessicatheviking

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Re: Power
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2022, 05:19:59 am »
Hey bitches!!! Next part!!!


“Of course, Goddess Amy. May I ask, what is the next step?”.

Smiling, she said, “You may. The next step is helping others. If you think back to when we first met, I always wanted to help you. Now look at you. You are incomprehensibly mighty compared to humans. It’s time for us to give back.”.

Still kneeling before Amy with my huge breasts touching the ground I said, “Yes Goddess, as you wish. I fully support you and want to give back as well.”.

Amy was so unbelievably horny and reached down, picked me up and mounted me on her huge, massive cock.

For the next two hours she proceeded to fuck me and make me her bitch in the way that only a Goddess can.

The next morning though, I realized that things were about to change in very big ways.

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