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Author Topic: Author: [Clarence591] Pink Dust  (Read 7672 times)

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Author: [Clarence591] Pink Dust
« on: January 21, 2018, 07:27:20 am »
Does anyone know what happened to the story "Pink Dust" from the © Saradas days? I've looked everywhere I can think of for it and I can't find it posted anywhere. Did it get lost in the © Saradas shutdown?

Also, who agrees that there should be more stories like that one? Not necessarily as drawn out, but definitely more world-spanning and bringing about changes to society as a whole. I loved the idea that as the women went through generations, they got bigger and taller, but I also loved the idea that the women were horny as hell but men just couldn't get it up.

And of course, who doesn't like women getting more exaggerated hourglass figures?

I recall saving a copy. Here it is (credit goes to original author)

Pink Dust
by Clarence591

“Did the device make it through the wormhole safely?” the government official asked behind his impressive desk.

“We are still waiting for the transmission to reach our delta outpost, sir” his assistant answered nervously.

The official stopped signing the stack of papers in front of him to look up at the younger member of his staff. He had an annoyed expression on his face. “How much longer?”

“Should be any minute, sir”

Just then another staff member entered the room. “We got a signal. It’s still intact. In a few more minutes we should know if the content is still viable.” The official stood up and walked out of his office. His two subordinates followed behind. After going four floors down and walking a long corridor in complete silence, they reached their destination. The communication room was noisy with tens of technicians hunched over their work stations typing furiously as they responded to their monitor’s information.

The official walked up to a large desk on a platform in the back of the room. “Is the compound viable?” he asked the scientist at the center of the desk.

“Sir, you know we don’t completely understand how wormholes affect the DNA of biological entities; which is why the fleet can’t use it. We are just making sure the readings are accurate.” The scientist attention was drawn to his monitor after a few key strokes and a brief conversation with his peers he spoke to the official again. “It appears everything worked according to plan.”

“So I can inform the Chancellor to release the armada?” The official inquired. The scientist shook his head yes hesitantly. “Are you sure? Once they go, there’s no turning back. We’re talking 29 years of almost ten thousand soldiers’ lives, doctor. Hell, we’re talking our survivor. Not to mention the creation of a new species.”

The scientist ran his hand over his smooth head. “I know, I know.” He looked at his colleagues who shook their heads affirmatively. “Yes, all the data indicates it will work as planned. We did the best we could on the data we had. All the computer simulations say yes.” He stood up and looked around the room of his peers, the best minds of the known universe. “You can tell the Chancellor to move forward.” The scientist sat down again and put his head in his hands.

The official picked up the phone from the desk, put in a code. “Chancellor, it’s a go. Tell the general to release the armada. Yes sir, may God watch over us all.”


Melody shuffled from her small living room to her smaller kitchen with her eyes partially closed. She stretched her petite arms above her head and yawned. She wore an old boyfriend’s t-shirt as a nightgown. The well worn shirt clung tightly to her full, pert breasts. In contrast the garment hung loosely around her flat stomach and lightly skimmed her shapely, round hips. After pouring a cup of coffee into her favorite mug she went to the kitchen window to check the weather. There was still a slight mist in the autumn air. Her eyes went down to the playground of the grammar school across the street. She watched the hurried mothers dropping off their children with a hug goodbye. Her attention was drawn to a little girl wearing a cute pink dress. With her blond pig-tails and button nose, Melody thought the girl looked like her when she was a child. A boy who looked a year or two older came up to the little girl and pulled on her hair. The girl slapped the boy’s arm in protest. The boy retaliated by pushing the girl down. A teacher came over and scolded the boy before helping up his victim. The teacher wiped the girl’s tears and consoled her. Melody couldn’t help but think of her own life. She sighed and said aloud, “Darling, you better get used to it. Men have always pushed women around. Always have and always will.” She took another sip of coffee before entering the bathroom to start her extensive morning grooming ritual.

Melody slowed her car as the traffic light turned yellow. Even though she was late for work she decided to play it safe. Familiar with the intersection, she knew she had some time to kill. She lowered her rearview mirror to check her reflection. After a quick glance she fumbled through her large purse and pulled out her make-up case. Unzipping, the smaller bag, she searched for her favorite mascara. Just then she was thrown forward by the impact of another car hitting her from behind. Her seatbelt limited her movement, but the make-up case flew off her lap spilling the contents about the car’s interior. After regaining her composure, she saw a man exit from the car behind her in the rearview mirror. She unfastened her seatbelt and left her vehicle.

The older man approached her while talking on his cell phone. Melody couldn’t help but noticed his expensive suit and shoes. He was tall and very distinguished looking. The well tailored suit emphasized the masculine taper of his torso. “I’ll have to call you back.” He pushed a button on his Blackberry and slid the device into his jacket pocket. “Are you alright?” he asked in a deep voice.

Melody looked up into his weathered but still handsome face. His tanned skin was contrasted by his impeccably groomed silver hair and sparkling blue eyes. “Yes, I think so”, she answered smoothing her long blond tresses with her slender fingers and sticking out her chest to show her best assets. She was glad she wore her new blouse. The white button down top fit her like a glove. The buttons pulled slightly around her chest as the snug material covered her full breasts. “Should we call the police?” Melody asked as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

The man’s eyes scanned Melody. His lingered on her chest before making eye contact again. “I don’t think that’s necessary. Neither of us was injured and it looks like just minor damage done to your car. Why don’t we exchange insurance information and let them handle it. There’s no reason to trouble your pretty little head with boring paperwork.” He reached into his jacket pocket to remove his wallet.

Melody saw the cracked bumper of her compact car while the man’s European sedan looked unblemished. “I don’t know. Won’t the insurance company want a police report to determine who was at fault?” She ran her hands over her form fitting skirt to remove any wrinkles before resting her hands on her flat stomach. She hoped it would quell her queasiness.

“We are a no-fault state, Miss..erh.” he asked with an arched eyebrow.

“Rush, Melody Rush.”

“Melody, such a beautiful name”, he said scanning her young body again. “Like I said, we’re a no-fault state, Melody. So there’s nothing to worry about.” He held out his insurance card. Melody took it. The older man put his large hand on her narrow shoulder to reassure her. “Everything will be okay, trust me.”

His size, age and voice calmed Melody. Maybe because he gave off a fatherly feeling, a very sexy father, but still a father. Melody thought it unfair that men were able to hold onto their looks, sometimes even get better looking as they aged; while women just got old. Was it just social standards or nature’s plan? After all men were fertile until they died. They didn’t have to deal with the ordeal of menopause. “My purse is in my car.” Melody said before turning to walk to her car. She could feel the man’s eyes on her ass. She reached into her car bending at the waist. She turned her head to see the man through the rear window. As she hoped, he was leering at the lower half of her body. She picked up her compact to check her makeup and applied a little more powder. She got her wallet and a pen from her purse. She quickly stood up to find the man standing right beside her. Startled, Melody tried to take a step back but the open car door prevented her movement.

He looked down on her with a hungry look in his eyes. “You are an extremely beautiful woman, Melody Rush”, he said with a penetrating stare. Melody’s heart raced. She felt trapped like prey. She was excited, but a little frightened. A feeling of relief came over her as she saw a cop car pull up behind the man’s sedan.

A barrel-chested officer emerged from inside the city owned vehicle. As he approached he shook hands with the older gentleman and exchanged pleasantries. He then turned to Melody with a sly grin, tipped his hat and said “Miss”. As they relayed information about the accident, Melody became more aware how much shorter she was than the two men. Both looked down on her, their eyes focusing more often on her chest than her face. She was still trapped by her car and the two men. She saw her reflection in the police man’s sunglasses. Her attention getting assets seemed like a hindrance now. She entwined her fingers and held them up under her chin to block her cleavage from their view. But her arms only squeezed her plump breasts together pushing them up and out further. She noticed both men eyes darting back and forth quickly from her face to her chest. Normally she wanted men to admire her body, but now it felt very uncomfortable.

“So little lady, you’re saying you were completely stopped at the red light when the gentlemen hit you from behind. Is that right?” The burly cop asked. Melody wanted to say don’t call me little lady, but instead she just nodded yes.

“Well that’s one version of what happened”, the gray haired man finally said with a sarcastic tone. “What I recall is the light had just turned yellow and she slammed on her brakes to stop. I think she panicked, you know how women can be.”

“What?” Melody gasped. “Are you out of your mind? That’s not what happened at all and you know it. You were talking on your phone and probably didn’t even see me. We know men can’t multitask as well as women.” Her voice got louder and angrier with each word.

“Please miss, don’t get hysterical.” The officer said finally removing his sunglasses.

“I’m not hysterical” Melody snapped back.

The gray haired man shrugged his shoulders and smiled at the cop. “I don’t know how she could have even seen the light while she was putting on her make-up.” The man gestured his head to the cop to look inside Melody’s car.

The cop looked in the car and saw the make up scattered about. “Miss, were you putting on make-up at the time of the accident?”

‘Yes, but that was after…” Melody tried to explain but was ignored.

“Typical blonde”, the man said. “I guess it takes a lot of effort to look that good. But it’s worth it. Am I right officer?” He lightly slapped the cop’s broad back. “We men are lucky; all we have to do is shave and shower.” The officer chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. “Listen I’m willing to let this go. Don’t write her up. I have a very busy morning.” He looked at his Rolex watch, “I’m already late for a very important business meeting.”

“I understand sir. Sorry to keep you. I think I have a clear understanding of what happened. You are one very lucky young lady” the cop said pointing a finger at Melody.

“But, but…” Melody felt like a child being punished by the two towering men.

“From now on, apply your makeup before you get in the car.” The officer closed his notepad while staring down at Melody with a disapproving look. He put on his sunglasses and returned to his vehicle. As he passed the other man’s car he stopped. They talked briefly, laughing and smiling the entire time. The only words Melody could hear were “women drivers, what are you going to do?” from the business man. Melody watched as they shook hands and slapped each other on the shoulder before going their separate ways.

Melody got in her car and turned the ignition. She mumbled, “Fucking assholes, more members of the Good Old Boys club. It’s like I’m at work.”

The radio came on. That was the latest from Maroon 5. Just got this off the news wire; the president will be holding a special news conference this afternoon concerning an important global issue. Ohhh, sounds ominous! The DJ plays some foreboding music and laughs. More details to come; stay tuned to KMGS. More of the hit music you want to hear after this brief commercial break.


Kathy was in the gym working her quads on the leg extension machine. With her shoulder length brunette mane pulled back in a neat ponytail, her fine features and porcelain skin became more apparent. Beads of sweat ran down her slightly turned-up nose as she worked her long, toned legs. Like everything she did, she pushed herself hard at the gym. Her concentration was broken as a group of vociferous men entered the weight floor from the locker room. The roar was loud enough to be heard over her mp3 player. She found it amazing how everyone scattered out of their way as the group of muscle heads went from machine to machine. Unlike every else in the gym, they never had to wait to get on a piece of equipment. All they had to do was walk-up to the machine and the other person immediately got up. No words needed to be spoken, it was just understood. And it was virtually sanctioned by the owner. Having real bodybuilders work out at his gym made the place seem more legit.

Leading the pack of alpha males was Eric, a man of imposing size and strength. In his athletic prime at the age of 24, he stood at 6’ 2”, six inches taller than Kathy and at least twice her body weight. Having won several national titles he was a hero to the aspiring bodybuilders that followed him like groupies. Kathy was a little jealous. She was a secretary, not a professional athlete, but often dreamed of being on stage flexing her muscles to a cheering crowd. She almost competed in a local fitness pageant, but chickened out at the last minute. She looked so small next to the other contestants in the warm up room.

The macho group separated as they bumped chests, slapped and punched one another playfully, but forcibly, testing each other’s strength. Eric moved to the leg machine next to Kathy. He sat down while his remaining toady set the weight for him.

“Do you want to start at 150 or 200?” the smaller bodybuilder asked.

“I’m feeling good today; go with 200 for the warm up. I’ll triple that when I get to the squat rack”, Eric answered nonchalantly as he adjusted his massive bulk on the padded seat. Kathy couldn’t believe it, 200 pounds as a warm-up. That was more than her limit on the machine. And she couldn’t imagine having enough strength in her legs to squat 600 pounds. How she wished women could get as strong as men. Men didn’t seem to realize how it made women feel when they saw them lifting such impossible weights. Men thought it was lust or amazement, but it was really a combination of lust and fear. Lust because they were drawn to a man who could protect them. But fear because they knew he could so easily overpower her and do whatever he wanted.

Kathy couldn’t help but stare at the huge slab of muscle erupt from Eric’s thighs. He pushed the 200 weight almost effortlessly. The muscle seemed to grow bigger with each repetition. How she wished she could put on muscle as quickly and easily as a man. But the only way she could was by taking steroids, male hormones. While she wanted the muscle mass, she didn’t like the other affects it would have on her body. She liked being a woman and didn’t want to look like a man. She continued to watch muscle man, mesmerized by the deep striations visible through his paper thin skin. He hardly had any body fat, another advantage of being a man. After completing three sets, his skin glowed with perspiration. He told his lackey to add more weight. Eric adjusted his legs and pulled up on his shorts to give his expanding muscles more room. Kathy’s eyes moved to the prominent bulge between the hunk’s two muscular limbs. It was obvious he didn’t need supplemental steroids. He was born with the equipment to continuously pump mega doses of testosterone to his hungry muscles. Eric noticed the attractive woman staring at him. “You into muscle, babe?”

Kathy came out of her stupor and looked up at Eric’s ruggedly handsome face. “Yes, I mean no. I mean yes.” Kathy laughed at her incoherence. Why was she so flustered? She took a deep breath. “I almost competed once.”

“Really” Eric scanned her lanky form. “What was your weight class, about a buck ten? I bet I can curl you with one arm.”

“As a bodybuilder you should know it’s not about size or strength. It’s the quality of the muscle that really counts.” Kathy said doing a final rep, struggling with the 80 pound weight. Eric turned his head to see the amount she was using and gave a slight laugh. Kathy became embarrassed by her lack of strength and unwrapped her legs from the apparatus.

“Oh, don’t worry babe. I’m sure that’s a lot of weight for a girl.” He put his huge, calloused hand on her slender thigh. “You have one smokin’ bod, babe. You look just like a girl should; small and tight.” He slowly ran his hand up her leg. “I think your muscles are really cute.”

“Cute?” Kathy thought. She flexed her thigh to show him her muscles were just as hard as his. But he didn’t even notice, he continued to bend and dent her leg with his huge, powerful paw as if it was soft dough. Kathy tried, but failed to hide the pain from his accidental attack on her quad.

“Oh, sorry baby; I didn’t mean to hurt you. Sometimes I forget how strong I am; especially when dealing with the weaker sex.” Eric let go of her leg and flexed his arm. A huge mound of muscle popped up in front of Kathy’s face. Her eyes widened. She had never seen a muscle so large in person before. God, he made her feel so small and weak. He smirked, “Here, why don’t you find out what real muscle feels like.” Eric grabbed Kathy’s hand in his and put it on his mammoth bicep. Kathy gasped as she made contact with the rock-like mound. Eric chuckled at her response then moved her small hand to his thigh. It felt incredibly hard and warm. His sweat made his smooth skin slick. He forced Kathy’s hand over the top of his leg, moving it up closer to his crotch. She tried to stop their progress, but he easily overpowered her. Resentful of his dominance, she grabbed one of the muscle cords in his thick legs to hurt him like he did her. He flexed his leg, forcing Kathy’s fingers to lose their grip. He removed his hand from Kathy’s. She continued her attempt to hurt him, but no matter how she tired she couldn’t even dent his muscle now. “You do like real muscle don’t you?” Eric smirked. “Like most babes, you pretend not to be turned on by my body, but you can’t keep your hands off me.” Kathy raised her hand after realizing what she was doing. “Oh, don’t worry babe. It’s the way of the world. Men have big muscles and women worship them. It’s how Mother Nature intended things to be. After all, she’s a babe too.”

Kathy was getting angrier at the arrogant strong man. A hundred insults went through her mind, but she couldn’t find the right words. After all he was right; no matter how unfair, men were naturally bigger and stronger than women. She stood up. She stared at Eric’s face with his over confident grin. She let out a huff in frustration and stormed away toward the juice bar. She calmed down with deep breathing as she waited to be served. Her attention was drawn to the television set hanging on the wall near the small collection of café tables.

This just in to SNS. The Satellite News Service anchor appeared on the screen forcing his ear piece deeper into his left ear to better hear. I am being told we have more details on the President’s emergency press conference. NASA has apparently detected a meteor heading toward the Earth. They say it is not large enough to cause major concern. The press conference is scheduled to start any minute now. Again we have been learned NASA has detected a meteor heading toward Earth, but there is no reason for panic. I just got word the president is approaching the podium. We now go live to the White House.

The image of the President of the United States appears on the screen. My fellow Americans, I am here to share some news that will affect all citizens of the planet Earth. NASA has detected a meteor heading toward our planet. While our planet is impacted almost daily with small meteors that cause no harm, this one is of a larger size. It is roughly about the size of a two story house. As it enters our atmosphere it is suspected to lose almost a third of its mass. While not large enough to cause a major calamity, its impact will be felt. Currently the projected impact area has been calculated as the Sahara Desert in Saudi Arabia. This is good news since it is a remote and non-populated area. The bad news is it’s expected to make contact within the next hour. There were gasped from those watching in the gym and a loud rumble from the gathered press. Please, can we have quiet? I know this is a surprise to everyone, including our scientist. Somehow the meteor was undetected by our normal observation equipment. We do not have enough time for any kind of preemptive strike. But again, there is no reason to panic and every American citizen should continue with their normal activities. While the actual impact will be far from our home, the dust expected to be thrown up into the atmosphere by the event will encircle the entire planet for several days or possibly months. But it will be only dust, so again there is no reason for real concern. However, as a preventive measure the very young, the aged, and those with chronic health concerns may want to stay indoors and shut your windows to keep the dust from entering your homes. I would also like to take this time to offer the support of the American people to our close allies in Saudi Arabia.

Now I would like to introduce, Dr. Stanton, director of NASA’s space defense department. He has some more details he would like to give you. Afterwards both of us will be available to answer any questions. Dr. Stanton…”

Kathy’s attention was diverted from the TV when she felt a hand skim over her firm ass before landing on her right hip. Her body was pulled into a solid mass. “Why did you run away? I thought we were really enjoying each other’s company.” Kathy found herself held up against Eric’s massive body. To Kathy it felt like she was being held up against a slab of granite.

She put her hands on his powerfully built chest and tried to push herself free. Eric laughed at her feeble struggle. He held her immobile with just one arm. “I’m sorry, but you got the wrong impression”, Kathy said finally looking up at Eric’s smug face. “Some women actually come to the gym to pick up weights, not to be picked up by a dumbbell.” Eric lowered his arm. Kathy took a step backward. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m watching something on TV.”

Eric chuckled, “I get it. You’re playing hard to get? You girls know how that turns us men on. But honey, you don’t have to play games, I know you want me. It’s only natural. Don’t deny yourself the pleasure of being with a real man.” The bodybuilder put his hands on Kathy’s round hips and pulled her to him again. His large endowment pressed into her flat stomach. “As you can tell other parts of my body are as impressive as my muscles. I saw you checking me out. It’s all real and all man.” He titled his pelvis, to grind his manhood deeper into her. Kathy became flush as she struggled. “It feels good doesn’t it? Believe me it will feel even better when it’s as hard and deep inside you. I’ll fill you like no man as ever done.” He moved on hand to the back of Kathy’s head. He pulled her into him as he leaned forward. He put his mouth next to her ear and whispered, “You’ll feel things beyond your wildest fantasies.” Eric went to kiss Kathy. She tried to move her mouth away from his, but she was under his complete control. Kathy had never felt so helpless. After the kiss, Eric released his grip and leaned up against the counter with a big grin. “How was that, babe? You wet yourself?”

Kathy got over her shock and frustration before slapping Eric across the face with all the force her petite body could muster. The large man just laughed. Kathy hand was stinging from her futile attack. She pulled her other hand back to slap him again. But her hand was stopped by Eric. “You only get to do that once, girly.” He easily forced her hand to her side still grinning down at her. “You behave now or you will never enjoy what only I can offer you.” Eric looked down at Kathy’s red hand. He smirked, “You’re only hurting yourself anyway.”

“You arrogant asshole. We are about to get hit by a meteor and the only thing on your mind is getting laid for the millionth time.” Kathy stated irritated by the muscle man’s selfishness.

“I heard, it’s landing in the middle of nowhere. Unless it’s going to take out this gym, why the fuck should I care? I’m not afraid of a little dust”, Eric put his hands on his hips and puffed out his yard wide chest. “I have no reason to be afraid of any one or anything.” Kathy shook her head and walked away. Eric yelled at her as she disappeared into the women’s locker room. “You’ll be back, begging me for more. You chicks are all the same. You pretend you don’t like it rough, but I know you do. You all want to be taken by a real man.” All the other women in the gym turned and glared at Eric. He just smiled and said, “You all know I’m right.” He palmed his masculine bulge and jerked up. All the women looked shocked. Eric laughed loudly before swaggering back into the weight room. He was cheered by the other men as he entered his domain.


“Mark, Mark” Cindy yelled as she spotted her boyfriend. He turned around and smiled when he saw her. Seeing her always made him smile. She had a flawless complexion, bright green eyes, and long auburn hair she wore simply parted down the middle. She didn’t wear much make-up like some of the other girls in school, but then again she didn’t need to. She was a truly natural beauty with a curvy but athletically strong body.

He waited for her to reach him. As usual she ran into his arms. He picked her up and kissed her soft lips before gently setting her down. “Isn’t this great honey, getting out of school early?”

“I don’t know Mark. I think the whole thing is kind of scary.” The teenager said as she handed her heavy backpack to Mark to carry as usual. He took it without thinking even with his heavy pack already on his shoulder. She clung tightly to the boy’s other arm. The two started to walk toward their homes a few blocks away.

“It will be okay, buttercup. The president, the military and NASA say there’s nothing to worry about. Those men know what they’re doing.” He gently kissed the top of her head. “Plus I’ll protect you. That meteor hasn’t got a chance against the newest All American quarterback of the Fighting Tigers.” He bent his arm to make his bicep flex under her small hands.

Cindy looked at the bulging muscle, “All American, wow, that’s wonderful. I know how much you wanted it. I’m so proud of you.” She ran her hand over his bulging arm. “You are getting so big Mark. Your arm has to be seventeen inches now.”

“It was after this morning’s workout. The only bad thing about the school closing is I miss my afternoon workout. I’ll have to work my body twice as hard tomorrow.”

Cindy wrapped Mark’s arm around her shoulder and held it in place with her hand as they continued walking. “I’m happy you reached your goal. I’m very proud of you.”

“Thanks, and I did it a few weeks ahead of schedule. My birthday isn’t for another month. I was able to add the inch in only 8 months. That’s faster than any of my other friends.” Mark said staring at his other arm as he pumped Cindy’s heavy book bag.

“So tell me Mr. Muscles, how long do you think you can keep the size of your arm and your age the same?” Cindy asked jokingly.

“I hope until I graduate college. My dad’s arm is 18 inches and he hasn’t worked out in years. My older brother’s arm is almost 21 inches but he’s about reached his limit. No matter how he tries, he can’t get any bigger. And I’m bigger than he was at my age. I want to beat him and get to 22 inches. Not many men can get that big, but I think I’ve got the genetics and height to do it. Thanks to my Dad.”

Cindy slapped Mark’s hard stomach. ““What about your mother? She has something to do with your genetics too. Wasn’t she an athlete in high school?”

Like usual Mark ignored Cindy’s love taps. The stronger he got the less he felt them. “Yeah, but she’s a women. I don’t think she has anything to do with my ability to put on real muscle. You know like a man can. My dad was a real monster when he was playing college ball. My mom only played girl sports.”

Cindy slapped Mark’s stomach again. “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with girl sports, like field hockey. You have to be a real athlete to play my sport.”

Mark feigned being hurt holding his stomach before he smiled and chuckled, “I know. I know. I didn’t mean to say you aren’t athletic. It’s just playing football is different than running around with sticks.”

Cindy threw Mark’s arm off her shoulder. “You mean the constant running and swinging that stick? We don’t stop every 2 minutes to rest like you boys do in football. I heard Jacob Harrison thinks I have a buff bod. He appreciates my athletic abilities.”

“Oh really, well if you like Jacob so much have him carry your books home for you.” Mark held up her backpack, the effort making his arm flex. Cindy giggled and ran her hand over his bulging limb? He smiled before adding, “Apparently you like buff dudes as much as Jacob Harrison likes buff babes.”

“Jealous?” she asked coyly.

“Of Jacob Harrison? Isn’t he on the debate team?” Mark asked in a mocking tone.

Cindy wrapped her arms around Mark’s narrow hips. She lightly squeezed his muscular ass. “Yes, some girls find a smart boy extremely sexy” Cindy answered seductively.

“Yes, but ALL girls find a jock extremely sexy. You should see how many girls flirt with me when you’re not around” Mark snapped back.

“Who’s been flirting with you? I’ll scratch her eyes out.”

“Jealous?” Mark responded. Both laughed. They began to walk again. Cindy moved next to Mark and wrapped both hands around his arm again. “22 inches, I can’t even imagine what your arm will feel like when you’re that big. I mean your brother’s arm feels like someone implanted a softball under his skin when he flexes. And you are going to be even bigger than him.”

“That’s the plan. But you have to remember my arms aren’t the only things that are going to grow. All my muscles are going to be larger and I hope to be a least an inch taller. I’ll be bigger everywhere. ”

“I like the sound of that”, Cindy giggled as she leaned into Mark. She wrapped one arm behind him resting her hand on his narrow hip. She then ran her other hand up the boy’s strong thigh, purposely grazing the bulge at the fly of his tight jeans. Her arms now encircling his tight waist, she squeezed tightly.

Mark put his hand on Cindy’s head and gently forced it to his broad chest; he kissed the top of her head again. “I bet you do, but pleasing you isn’t the only reason for me wanting to get bigger.” Cindy giggled. “Seriously, I’ve got to be bigger and stronger to impress the college scouts. I’ve got to get a football scholarship like my brother, father and grandfather. And maybe turn pro after that. Playing sports can be a lucrative career for men. My whole future depends on me getting bigger.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s hard to believe a man good at sports can get a free ride through life. Colleges fighting to give you full scholarships. Professional teams paying you millions just because you can toss a ball around. The next great American sports hero.” Cindy sighed.

“You make it sound like it’s a bad thing?”

“No, just strange that’s all. I mean pro athletes get more attention in our society than scientists or artists. It’s seems kind of backwards. Don’t you agree? I mean if you really think about it.”

“No way. It goes back to our basic, primal instincts. It’s fundamental not intellectual. Like we learned in psych class about man’s basic needs. Food, shelter and security have to be met before you can pursue cerebral goals. The biggest and strongest men were better able to provide those basic necessities. The whole tribe looked up to them to lead and protect them. That admiration still lingers deep inside all of us. It’s universal in all human societies. No man wants to be small and weak. And no girl wants their boy friend to be a wimp. Why do you think all the girls find us football players so…hot!” Mark teased.

Cindy smiled and squeezed Mark again. “Yeah, but why doesn’t society admire strong women then.”

“It’s just not the same. God didn’t mean girls to be physically strong or intimidating. They only need to raise and protect the children while the men protect the women. That’s why we are taller and so much stronger than you. It’s not that one is better than the other, we’re just different. That’s what you girls have to understand.” The two walked in silence for a minute before Mark added, “Personally I’m glad women are different than men; really, really glad.” Mark lowered his hand from Cindy’s shoulder to her chest. He gently traced the outline of Cindy’s breast with his strong fingers.

Cindy purred as she leaned into Mark more. She turned her face toward his chest and inhaled deeply to take in Mark’s scent. Her body became more relaxed. “So am I.” The two walked in silence for another block enjoying the feel of each other’s body.

The blissful smile soon left Cindy’s pretty face, “It won’t be long before you leave me and go off to live in some party dorm with all the perky cheerleaders fawning all over you.”

Mark laughed, “We still have to finish this year, then we have all of next year. Senior year is going to be great. I’ll have my face in the local paper very week. College scouts will wine and dine us. Maybe I’ll get a new car as they try to woo me to their school. I’ll be able to skip classes and the teachers won’t say a word as long as the team keeps winning. I’ll rule the school.” Mark heard Cindy sigh again. “I mean we’ll rule the school. We’ll be THE couple on campus, a shoe-in for Prom King and Queen. I know how much that stuff means to you girls.”

Cindy stopped walking and looked up at Mark. He could see the excitement in her eyes. “You really think so, Mark.” He nodded with a big smile. Cindy looked at Mark intently, forgetting how handsome he really was. “I don’t know why you picked me when you can have any girl in the school.”

Mark wrapped his large hands around Cindy’s sweet face and stared into her emerald eyes, “You are the only one for me.” He kissed her gently on lips. “Maybe we’ll go to the same college.”

Cindy put her hands on top of Mark’s. “Oh, that would be awesome. But you know I can’t afford to go to the college you’ll end up attending. And there aren’t that many sports scholarships for girls. People only really care about men’s sports. Most colleges only have girl teams because they have to for legal reasons.”

“Aren’t there scholarships for..uh…field hockey?” Mark asked half heartedly.

“Yeah, a few. But the competition is so tough, thousands of girls for each one. I’m just not good enough, plus my grades aren’t anywhere as good as yours.”

Mark dropped his hands and took his girlfriend into his strong arms. “Well, I think you are the best field hockey player in the whole entire world and one of the smartest too.”

“Thank you. But can you even name another field hockey player?”

Mark racked his brain for a moment, “Doesn’t Maya Gonzales play on your team?” he asked hesitantly.

“No, she was cut 2 months ago. You’re my boyfriend and you can’t name another player on the team. It’s just a joke. No one takes girl sports seriously. Most of us can’t even get our own parents to show up for the games. Even my dad calls it a silly. The stands are more crowded for your practices than our games. Sometimes I don’t know why I even bother.”

“Don’t frown. My mom says it gives you wrinkles.” Mark attempt to lighten Cindy’s mood didn’t work. “I’ll make enough money for the both of us. I’ll take care of you. You only have to stay pretty, give me plenty of strong sons and keep the house in order. We’ll live the American dream.” Cindy looked up at her boyfriend and forced a smile. She knew he meant well, but some how felt insulted by her words. She let go of him and he of her. Mark adjusted the two packs on his back and they continued their walk home.


The manager looked up from his desk as the news story on his small television caught his eye. We have the first pictures of the asteroid expected to impact the Sahara Dessert in just a few minutes from now. The images were captured by the Hubble telescope in orbit around our planet. As you can see the meteor has an usual pink hue to it. Kind of ironic for something that can cause a lot of damage. SNS’s space expert, Dr. Jonathan Hoover, is here to discuss this newest information. Tell us Dr. Hoover, why pink?

Good question, Chad. The strange color may be due to a combination of iron ore and ice crystals. If so this would be good news. The ice will melt once it makes contact with our atmosphere. The smaller the meteor is when it hits, the less dust it will kick up. I’m sure NASA is using a spectrometer to analyze the meteor’s composition as we speak.

David walked into the supervisor’s trailer at the construction site. The solidly built 20 year old wore a pair of well worn jeans that hugged his thick thighs and round ass. The impressive bulge up front showed he was all man. The tag on the back read 34 x 40, proof his 6’ 4” body was fit and trim; as was the way his broad shoulders and thickly muscled arms filled-out his flannel shirt. The top three buttons of the shirt were undone exposing his powerfully built chest. The sweat soaked shirt clung to his V-tapered torso. He had the long sleeves rolled up to his elbows exposing his well corded forearms. Like his chest, the limbs had a light coating of blond hair covering his deeply tanned skin. He removed his hard hat and ran his dirty and calloused hands through his thick, wavy hair. “You wanted to see me, boss?” he asked in a startlingly deep baritone.

“Yes David, please have a seat” the older and heavier man said pointing to a chair next to his desk. Using the remote control, he turned off the television set. “I wanted to see you because I received a complaint. Do you a problem working with women on the crew?”

“No, as long as they work”, David said shuffling his heavy steel toed, size 13 boots.

“What does that mean?” the foreman asked.

“Women can’t do this job as well as a man, they don’t have the physical strength for it. It’s not personal, it just the way things are. Everybody knows it but we have to pretend like we’re equals. But when it comes to doing the hard stuff, only the men are expected to do it. The women are just in our way. And yet they get the same pay as I do. That’s bullshit.” David answered jabbing his finger into the foreman’s desk as he talked.

The supervisor tried to hide the intimidation he felt from the much younger man. “What you say may be true, but your union sent them here to work. If you have a problem with women working, tell it to your shop steward or your shrink not to the girls out there.”

“I don’t have a problem with women working. But they should have jobs they can do. Like secretaries, nurses or waitresses. Not physically demanding jobs like construction. You have the foremen on our backs because we’re behind schedule. We wouldn’t be if you hired just men. And I’m not the only one that feels this way; I’m just the only one on the crew that has the balls to say it to them.”

“Well, keep your huge pair in your pants while at work. I’m not going to have this company sued for sexual discrimination or harassment because of you. Leave the work assignments to the crew chiefs, if you are unhappy with working here feel free to work somewhere else.” The supervisor asked staring directly into David’s pale, blue eyes. “Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir”, David’s body language contradicted his subservient words. He clenched his jaw causing the defined muscles in his young face to pulse.

“Listen David, despite the fact you are the youngest man out there, the others follow your lead. If you play nice with the women, so will every other man. I’ll considerate it a personal favor and when the next foreman position opens up, I’ll remember it.”

David stood up and pulled up on his loose waist band. The foremen’s eyes looked up at the towering hulk in front of him suddenly understanding why he was the men’s leader. “I already said I would. Can I go now?”

“Yes, that’s all.” The supervisor lowered his eyes to the paperwork on his desk.

David stepped outside the trailer; he ran his large hand through his dirty blonde hair one more time before putting his hard hat on. He looked up and saw something very high up streaking across the sky leaving a white trail in its path. Thinking it was just a plane; David went back to work.

The foreman finished his paperwork to document his conversation with David. He put the forms into an interoffice envelope to send to the corporate HR office. He pulled out his lunch from the bottom drawer of his desk. He leaned back in his chair and put his feet up before turning on the television.

SNS has obtained satellite photos showing the impact of the meteorite in the Sahara. As you can see a large plume of debris was kicked up into the atmosphere. No casualties have been reported. A huge sandstorm has engulfed most of Saudi Arabia at this time preventing us from getting any pictures at ground level. Reports of earth tremors were reported throughout Africa, Europe and parts of Asia.

A team of the world’s most respected astrophysicists are scheduled to travel to Riyadh to study the event at ground zero as soon as possible. The earlier spectrometer readings were inconclusive so we still have no idea what made up the meteorite.

NASA will be monitoring the atmosphere for the next several months tracking the disbursement of the dust. With the current winds, the east coast of the United States should experience some fall out as early as Thursday morning. The dust will continue to float in the upper atmosphere and encircle the entire globe within 2 weeks. The dust will block some of the sun’s light from reaching our planet. While there is not enough dust to cause another ice age as some have speculated, it might mean slightly cooler temperatures across the globe. Scientists are predicting this may actually help with our global warming crisis. And the dust will create more spectacular sunsets. It’s nice to hear positive news from this devastating event.


Stephanie woke up to the sound of soft grunting. She wiped the sleep from her dark brown eyes. Her hands fell on her soft breasts. She cupped her breast which seemed larger to her. They hadn’t felt this full since she was nursing her daughter; but that was over 6 years ago. She shuddered as a flash of erotic pleasure raced through her body. The reaction caused by her fingers skimming her hard nipples. Surprised by what happened she did it again. Her body ached for attention. She reached for the other side of the bed where her husband slept. He wasn’t there.

She sat up and found her husband doing pushups next to his side of the bed. Her desire for him only grew as he watched the muscles in his back work. “Since when do you exercise in the morning?” He stopped and got onto his feet. Wearing only his boxers, he looked unusually fit as he stretched out his pumped up arm and chest muscles. Stephanie watched as his toned torso flex with each deep breath. “Did you start going to a gym or something?”

“Why? Do I look more…muscular to you?” He asked doing a classic double bicep pose. His wife nodded yes. “Yeah, I thought so too. It’s weird. The last couple of days I think my muscles are getting bigger and my stomach is getting tighter. I’ve gone down two notches on my belt this week.” He ran his hand over his firmer stomach. “I thought it was just a fluke, but I’m not so sure. Some of the other guys in the office mentioned the same thing is happening to them. Then this morning I woke up with so much energy. I just had to exercise to clam myself down.” His breathing finally returned to normal. He reached down and adjusted his semi-hard cock which was poking out through the fly of his boxers. He then palmed his entire package enjoying the erotic sensation it caused.

Stephanie smiled, “I’m surprised you have any energy after last night. You were like a wild man. Rob, I never seen you like that.”

Her husband continued to massage his balls, “It incredible. I haven’t felt this way since I was a teenager.” He leered down at his wife, his manhood growing to its full length. Both peered at the bulge at his crotch and thought it was bigger, but neither one said anything. Rob’s sexual confidence grew to match his tool. He lowered his underwear to expose his entire enhanced body to his wife. Stephanie’s recalled the incredible pleasure she experienced the night before. A coy smile lit up her pretty face as she waited the thrill again. She flipped her long, wavy jet black hair over her shoulder seductively. Rob pulled the sheets off his wife’s naked body. Her beauty was intoxicating. She looked like a centerfold in one of the magazines he kept in his nightstand. He kneeled on the bed looking down at her, his cock throbbing to an even larger size.

“Oh Rob, you are a wild man” she teased posing on the bed suggestively. Her fingers of one hand caressed her super sensitive right nipple again while her other hand went between her shapely legs. Then she heard the voice of her daughter calling for her. She sat up and covered herself with the top sheet. “I guess we’ll have to finish this tonight, wild man.” But Rob wouldn’t be denied. He grabbed her wrists and forced his body onto hers, straddling her narrow waist. He pushed her knees down with his ass while her arms were forced back onto the bed over her head. She had forgotten how strong he was. He began to suck her tits as if ravished with hunger. Stephanie moaned softly, but her daughter called her name again. “Rob, no. Stop. I said no.” She tried to roll over to topple him off of her. During her frantic move her shoulder hit her husband’s nose. The jolt of pain caused her husband to halt his advancements. Stephanie held her breath, staring into Rob’s stunned face. He wiped his nose and saw some blood on his hand.

“You bitch”, he growled before slapping her face. Stephanie was shocked. He had never hit her before. “I’m your husband, you don’t say no to me.” He brought her two thin wrists together and held them above her head with one hand. His other hand separated her legs as he forced his steel hard rod inside of her. She gasped as he filled her brutally. He thrust his hips, causing his more powerful body to slam against her weaker frame. Stephanie’s mind was filled with rapid bouts of horror, fear and ecstasy. Why was Rob acting like this and why was she enjoying it. After a few seconds it was over. Rob collapsed on top of his wife before rolling onto his side of the bed. After catching his breathe, he mumbled “sorry” and then got up to enter the bathroom. It wasn’t until Stephanie heard the shower go on that she moved. Her body shook, she gasped from air as tears started to roll down her bruised cheek.

Stephanie got dressed quickly, deciding not to wear her too tight bra. She washed her face in the powder room downstairs to avoid sharing the master bath with Rob. She told her daughter she had accidentally hit the nightstand when she got out of bed when asked about her bruises. After a quick breakfast, the entire family left. Rob grabbed the car keys out of Stephanie’s hand. “I’ll drive, we’re already late.” Rob ran two fingers across the driver’s side door. He looked at his fingers coated in pink dust. “You have to get the car washed again. They still don’t know what this stuff is and I don’t want it to damage the paint.”

“No, Daddy? I think it makes everything look pretty. It’s like the world has been made of cotton candy for the past week.” His eight year old daughter said with a bright smile. Rob smiled at his precious angel before wiping his pink fingertip on his handkerchief.

The all talk radio station came on as Rob started the car. Local police chief held a press conference yesterday to discuss the recent increase in violent crimes. A similar increase has been reported throughout the state. The highway patrol issued more tickets for aggressive driving in the past 2 weeks than it did for the entire previous year. Stephanie looked at her husband who had a stern look on his face as he sped down a residential street at 45 miles an hour. Today the FBI is expected to report a sharp increase in violent crimes across the entire country. And even more startling, it’s a lot of first time offenders. We’ve all seen the recent videos from Europe of the usually crazy soccer fans acting even more insanely. Even this country’s professional teams have been shockingly brutal on the field. The most infamous being the hockey brawl at this weekend’s Islanders’ home game which resulted in three broken noses, two concussions, a broken arm and a serious neck injury. So what’s going on? Why are normally rationale men suddenly becoming aggressive or even violent? Is it the economy, stress, lack of sleep, or something else? Call us to share your point of view.

The family reached the train station and Rob got out of the car leaving the door open. He opened the back door and kissed his daughter. “Daddy, you scratched me. Did you forget to shave?”

“I shaved yesterday, honey. Your daddy doesn’t have to shave every day like some other daddies do.” Rob felt his face surprised to find thick stubble covering his chin. “I’m sure I shaved yesterday.” He heard the train approaching. “You be a good girl and have fun at school.” He grabbed his briefcase and closed the door. Stephanie had gotten out of the passengers side and walked around to the driver’s side. Rob went to kiss his wife goodbye, but she turned her head away. He kissed her gently on the cheek. “We’ll talk when I get home.” Stephanie could see the regret in his eyes, but she said nothing as she closed the car door. He made a mental note to pick-up flowers in the city. Stephanie fastened her seat belt and drove Bethany to school.


“I’ve never seen the gym so crowded before” Kathy said as she followed her buxom friend. The two startling attractive women drew a lot of hungry stares from the crowd of sweaty men. Melody was heading toward an open spot across from the gym’s beverage counter. Both women sounded like recordings as they repeated “excuse me”, “pardon us” or “sorry” as they made their way through the crowd. They stopped when they reached an empty spot along the wall with just enough space for both of them to lean against.

“Yeah, there’s a line of men at the front desk wanting to become members too! It’s crazy” Melody said before slipping her fruit shake.

“I saw you had them add some extra protein powder to your shake today” Kathy inquired.

“Yeah, I’ve been really struggling with my diet lately. For some reason my appetite has gone crazy. I’m hoping the extra protein will satisfy my hunger so I don’t end up eating too many calories. I don’t want to get fat.” Melody answered rubbing her toned abdomen.

“You don’t have to worry about that. You look like you are in great shape. The best shape I think I’ve ever seen you.” Kathy scanned her friend’s body. Both women wore similar outfits, a mid brief bearing sports top and pair of skin tight spandex shorts. The outfits showed off all their impressive curves. “Your waist looks smaller and tighter like you lost weight, while the twins look even bigger than usual. I think I hate you.”

Melody giggled. “Thanks. My clothes are fitting me a lot different lately.” Melody subconsciously corrected her posture before she continued. “I can say the same thing about you. I can see the faint outline of a six pack. I know how difficult that is for women to achieve.”

Kathy brought her hand to her abs and crunched her waist. She enjoyed feeling the hard earned muscle. “Yeah, I’ve been making great progress lately. I think it’s because what’s going on with the men is making me work out harder. I hate its now even easier for them to put on muscle. They already had an advantage over us, then this happens. Life is so unfair. I just want to scream, but instead I take out my frustrations on the weights.”

“Good for you. Show these guys that Girl power rules over the boy’s club.” They raised their health drinks and toasted the sentiment. Kathy’s attention was then drawn to the TV set hanging behind Melody’s head.

This just in to SNS, Boris Slowoski has been rushed to a hospital for observations. He reported suddenly having severe muscle cramps, feeling weak and sore in the middle of his morning work out. These are the same symptoms that caused three NFL players to be carried off the field during last night’s Sunday Night Football game. The Hungarian has been in the news due to his rivalry with Russian weightlifter, Yuri Richter. The two giants have been breaking each other’s world records almost daily. A total of eight new records over the past 5 weeks have garnered the world’s attention.

Their efforts are the most famous of the recent surge in athletic performances that has set off a rash of new world records. All across the globe, male athletes have become remarkably stronger and faster. Of course we now know it is not only athletes who have improved their physical abilities. The average man on the street has seen noticeable changes in their body composition also. Men are seeing lower body fat and greater muscle mass for some unknown reason. This wave of physical enhancements has been labeled the Superman effect.

To discuss the latest developments in this incredible story, we have our medical correspondent Dr. Steven Mills joining me at the desk. Dr. Mills what do you think is now happening to the world’s athletes like Boris?

It’s difficult to say Tom without all the information. It could be he has just been working his body too hard to compete with the Russian athlete. The human muscle needs time to recover and heal itself after a work out. By lifting lifts, the muscle fibers actually tear or break down slightly. That’s why we are sore after a heavy workout. As the muscles heal, the fibers grow stronger and bigger, making the muscle larger and more powerful. If you don’t give the muscle time to repair, you are asking for trouble. I think some professional or Olympic level athletes are getting over enthusiastic about their unprecedented recent gains in size and strength, and aren’t given their bodies the rest they need.

Scientists have been unable to explain the recent changes in men’s bodies. Do you think having athletes like Boris and the NFL players in the hospital will provide us with more answers?

Definitely. The changes men are experiencing around the globe have so far been positive. Increased strength, greater muscle mass, faster speed, lower body fat and more energy are all signs of good health that we all want. There was no reason for men to go to their doctors since it’s not a problem. Now we will be able to do thorough and analytical tests to better understand the changes.

There has been mass speculation that the dust from the meteorite is the cause, but scientists say this is highly improbable. Even though they have still been unable to determine what exactly the stuff is. What do you think?

Well, as a scientist, I understand their thought process. Dust is made up of inert minerals that should not affect human biology. But I also understand the anecdotal evidence is very strong. Is it just a coincidence that human biology started to change radically a few days after a meteorite made up of unknown material crashes into our planet? No one seems to know.

So what do we know as of right now?

As of today, across all continents and races, men have experienced an increase in the size of their testicles of anywhere from 20 to 50%. This significant increase in the size of the testes has dramatically raised the level of testosterone production in men. This male hormone is the reason men develop a masculine appearance, what we call secondary male characteristics. It allows us to build muscle mass, speeds metabolism to make us leaner, improves our immune system, makes us taller, deepens our voices, promotes hair growth and creates a feeling our general good health. It also revs up our sex drive, making us feel more virile and confident. This influx of testosterone is causing almost a second puberty in men. The male body is also reacting to the hormone more dramatically then before. As a result men are losing body fat and putting on muscle much easier than before; what’s been called the Superman effect. While men considered all this a very good thing, there is a down side to all this super testosterone. It also makes men more aggressive which is why violent crimes have increased worldwide.

So every male on the planet is experiencing these changes?

Yes, but not to the same extent. The level of change seems to be directly proportional to the amount of testosterone naturally occurring in a man’s body. Younger boys who have not reached puberty aren’t showing any noticeable changes. This is because it’s the onset of puberty that causes a sharp rise in the testosterone levels and turns a boy into a man. Conversely teenage boys between the ages of 15 and 19 are experiencing the most dramatic changes because their testosterone levels are already at the highest levels. It is theorized these young men will grow taller than they would have normally, develop much more muscle mass very quickly and see an enlargement in their genitalia. As men age the levels of testosterone they produce naturally declines. Men in their twenties will experience less changes than the teenagers, but more than a man in his thirties and so on. Also in general, men with naturally athletic or thicker builds have higher levels of testosterone than men who have slender builds or who are overweight. While not very fair, these athletic men will experience even greater increases in muscle mass and strength then their more average counterparts.

Do you think this change is permanent? Is the human male now better than we were just a month ago? Are we the new super men?

Again, we just don’t know. But there are a lot of men in the world who are hoping it’s permanent.

A loud cheer erupted from the men watching in the gym. Even Melody applauded. Kathy gave her blonde friend a disapproving look. Melody just smiled and shrugged her shoulders, “Sorry, but I like men to look like men.”

And what about women, have there been any reports about women experiencing physical changes? The news anchor asked.

There have been an escalating number of women reporting an increase in the size and sensitivity of their breasts. Also scattered reports of women experiencing rapid fat loss and increased muscle mass, but no where near the drastic change that is happening to men. It’s believed because women have much lower levels of testosterone in their system.

It appears testosterone is the key to the changes.

Absolutely, all the data points to the male hormone as the dominate factor is this miraculous evolution of man kind.

Thank you Dr. Mills. Stay tuned for SNS as this story unfolds. In related news, Speedo is reporting a 2000% increase in sales of their swimwear. With their new super bodies it appears more men are donning the revealing garment as they head to the local pool or beach.

“That was fair coverage of the story. What did they give women a full twenty seconds?” Kathy asked.

“What can you do? It’s a man’s world after all” Melody finished her drink not taking her eyes of the news channel’s montage of men in skimpy bathing suits. The last drop fell from her mouth onto her sports top. She brushed her hand across the top to remove the stain. She remembered what was said on the TV. She slowly squeezed her left tit. She thought it did feel larger and it certainly was more sensitive. She looked up to see Kathy watching her. Deciding not to discuss it, she commented, “Truthfully, I hope it is permanent. I rather look at the muscular super men instead of the chubby slobs they used to be.”

Just then Eric appeared from behind Kathy. “Did someone say they wanted to ogle a muscular super man.” He positioned himself at a right angle of both women. He went into a most muscular pose, “Here I am, take in my massiveness?”

Kathy rolled her eyes trying to hide her envy of Eric’s increasing size. Melody giggled, “You are huge, Eric. I didn’t think it was possible for you get any bigger. They were just talking about the changes you’re experiencing on the news. Kathy and I think we may be having a similar change in our bodies too. You know more muscle and less fat, like what’s happening to you men.”

“Really, you babes becoming buff?” Eric asked mockingly as he flexed his upper body causing his pecs to bounce. “Your tits may be getting bigger, but you’ll never have a set as impressive as my pec muscles.”

“We may not be as big as you, but Melody and I are in the best shape of our lives. For the first time I have an abs, a real six pack.” Kathy said clenching her stomach.

Eric looked down. “Impressive.” He then lifted his shirt to reveal his own deeply etched stomach. “But again not as impressive as my eight pack.” He pulled the waistband of his shorts down slightly to reveal all eight of his abdominal muscles. He then crunched his abs forcing the muscles to push forward and the skin between each brick to recede further back. Both Kathy and Melody gasped.

Melody couldn’t help but reach out and touch his sculpted torso. “Oh my God, it feels like warm steel covered in silk.” she whispered.

Eric chuckled. “How about you Kathy, don’t you want to touch my steely abs? Of course in a couple of days I’ll be even bigger and more ripped.” Kathy shook her head no, clenching her jaw. She was too embarrassed after talking about her own barely discernable stomach muscles. Melody continued to trace the deep lines between Eric’s abs. He didn’t even seem to notice. All his attention was focused on Kathy, the one woman he hadn’t lured into his bedroom. “I’m putting on muscle like crazy and the body fat is just melting away. I’ve broken my own gym records in the bench, squat and curl every day for the past 3 weeks. I’m unstoppable. Every day I wake up bigger, stronger and hornier. It’s fuckin’ great being a super man”

“Well, you aren’t unstoppable and you’re not Superman. You’re just a man with a super sized ego. You better be careful or you’ll end up in the hospital like those football players.” Kathy tried to take the giant down a few notches.

“I don’t have to worry, I know how to train properly. But it’s sweet how concerned you are about me.” Eric ran his thick index finger down Kathy’s slender nose. Kathy shook her head in protest. Eric just smiled. “Still playing hard to get, heh?”

Eric’s most faithful groupie, walked up to him holding a cup of some dark green liquid. “Here you go Eric, I had them but the extra creatine and caffeine in there like you wanted.”

The muscle man took it and swallowed the contents in one gulp. He took a deep breath, “That’s the boost I needed to get me going today.” He flexed his massive arms. Everyone in the room stopped talking as they watched his spectacular display of muscular development. “Time to pump these guns up to 22 inches.”

“22 inches?” Kathy said out loud unable to hide her excitement..

“That’s right, babe. I put on a full inch on my cannons this month alone. Normally it would take a year for someone at my level to add that much mass, but thanks to my super balls there’s no limit to what I can do.” Eric watched as Kathy and Melody instinctively glanced down at the larger bulge between his spandex covered legs. He smirked as Kathy finally made eye contact with him again. Kathy blushed. “Time to grow even bigger. You girls want to see what a real work out looks like?”

Melody shook her head yes and started to walk closer to Eric. Kathy grabbed her arm to pull her back to her side. “No thanks. We are workout partners. You and your servant can take your swollen balls and have fun.”

“Funny, every time we meet you can’t seem to keep your eyes off my balls, Kathy?” Eric said grabbing his enlarged package. He chuckled and walked away. The women watched as the crowd parted for him. He didn’t have to squeeze by or constantly ask people to move. Nor did he utter an apology once as he massive cannons hit the people he passed.

“My God look at that ass. I bet he can make it as hard as steel with just the slightest squeeze. Do you believe how big he’s gotten?” Melody asked not turning to face Kathy until Eric was out of her view.

“Yeah, and did you hear how easy it is for him. I wake up and I’m bigger and stronger.” Kathy mocked in a deeper voice. “Men are so arrogant, even more so since they’ve become super sized. I can’t stand them, especially that muscle head Eric.” Kathy threw her shake in a nearby trashcan.

“Are you sure? Because whenever you’re around him, so always seem to blush. You aren’t attracted to him in the least. I mean it’s totally understandable. He’s a gorgeous looking man.”

“Yes, and he knows it. His muscles are way too big. I don’t like it when a man can control me. I have to be the dominate one. The only thing I want to be big on my man is his dick. It’s just not worth dealing with the rest of him just to enjoy that huge cock of his.” Kathy said before realizing she had revealed too much about herself. Her face became red again. She diverted her eyes so Melody couldn’t see how embarrassed she was. She saw more men entering the front door. “This place is a joke. With all these men working out we are never going to be able to use any of the machines. Do you want to go my place and do a DVD routine instead?”

Melody said “sure” and they squeezed their way through the crowd once again as they headed to the door. Kathy thought this would be so much easier if she had Eric’s hulking muscles.

Kathy and Melody took a deep breath of the fresh air when they finally made it outside. They began the 3 block walk to the parking garage along the busy street. Along the way they passed a construction site. The men appeared to be on break as the sat along the sidewalk. All the men were shirtless; their sweaty, tanned and strongly developed bodies glistened in the bright sun. When the burly crew saw the two beautiful athletic women walk by in their skimpy work out clothes, the air was filled with cat calls and hoots. The two women locked arms and quickened their pace. Kathy kept looking forward ignoring the men, but Melody looked over to see her loud admirers. The men instantly started posing, flexing their muscles and grabbing their enlarged equipment through their tighter jeans. Her eyes instinctively went to the most attractive man in the group. He was tall and extremely muscular. His tanned skin hugged his body tightly showcasing every large muscle as he moved. His thick blonde hair framed his ruggedly handsome face and bright white teeth. As he flexed, the other men gathered around him knowing he was the center of her attention. But all looked weak standing next to him. Melody couldn’t help but smile. She enjoyed getting the attention from the crowd of virile men. She always had a thing for blue collar workers, unlike the men in her office.

As the two women passed, the men calmed down. The supervisor yelled from his trailer door, “Break’s over. We don’t want to lose our 3 week lead on the schedule.” The men continued to talk among themselves ignoring the older man. The supervisor saw their unofficial leader, “David, can you get them back to work?” David raised his hand to acknowledge the older and less enhanced boss.

“Come on guys, breaks over. Put on your shirts and get back to work.” Immediately the entire crew followed David’s request. They pulled on their tight t-shirts over their muscular torsos. David wore a white tank top making his shoulders look even broader and his arms more powerful. He took the elevator up to the highest floor. He found the two women of the crew up there trying to nudge a steel girder into place. They didn’t take their breaks because they knew the men didn’t think they did enough work. David walked up to the struggling women, “get out of the way” he growled. He grabbed the girder in his gloved hands and easily pushed it into place. He arms flexing from the effort. The two women couldn’t help but be turned on slightly by the show of strength by the good looking man. “Amazing it now takes two women twice of long to do the work of one super man.” The women folded their arms and lowered their heads. David peered down onto the much shorter women. He couldn’t help but notice the two women’s fuller breasts pushing out from under their damp shirts. David felt his enhanced cock pulse with the thought of being with the two women right then and there. But he remembered what the supervisor said. “We know you aren’t as strong as men, but you have to learn to ask for our help. If you get hurt and file an accident report, the whole crew loses the bonus check at the end of the job. Understand?” The women said yes. “Good, now why don’t you go down and start to clean up the area. Rico and I can finish up here. We’ll have it done by the end of the day with no problem so we can get further ahead of schedule.” The two women scurried off to the elevator passing by Rico as he exited. Rico was shorter than but almost as broad as David. Both men watched the women walk away and appreciated the view. When the women were out of ear shot, David instructed his colleague, “Come on, Rico. It’s time to do man’s work.”


Eric was half way through his punishing work out. His hair and clothes were soaked with sweat. As he left the leg press machine he noticed a man being helped out, who looked to be in great pain. He just smirked and shook his head, “amateur.” He walked over to the squat rack. The other lesser men scattered at his approached. He loaded the bar with 800 pounds and did two sets of ten reps. After the second set, his quads ached a little more than usual and he felt extremely tired. “Hey Brad, get me another energy shot”, he barked. His groupie scurried away to get his drink. Eric walked slowly to the bench press trying to block out the pain in his massive legs. He saw another guy scream “cramp” and fall to the floor. A couple of men helped him to his feet and took him into the locker room. Eric became more concerned. He shook his head and bounced his pecs to psyche himself up. He added plates to get to 520 pounds. He struggled through eight reps.

Brad came back with his drink. “Are you done warming up you chest? You ready to go for the record?”

Eric took the shot and threw the plastic cup on the floor. He shook his head yes and slammed his fists into his chest, but he didn’t have his usual cocky grin. He lay back on the bench as Brad put on another 4 plates on the bar. Eric lifted the bar off the rack. He lowered it to his heaving chest. He tired to push it up, the bar didn’t move. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, he tried lifting it again. His face turned bright red from the effort but the bar didn’t move. “Get this thing off me” he screamed. Brad and another of onlooker grabbed each side of the bar and struggled to put it back in the rack. Eric sat up on the best and rubbed his swollen pecs. The pain made his face grimace.

“That’s okay, Big Guy, the record can wait until tomorrow.” Brad said.

“I’m going to work my arms, then I’m heading home.” He said to Brad.

“What, but you just got here. We haven’t worked your back or glutes or abs” Brad said trying to understand his hero’s low key attitude. Usually Eric was like a wild animal in the gym.

Eric gave Brad an annoyed look, “Don’t question my training methods. Which one of us holds six national titles? And which one can beat the shit out of the other without breaking a sweat?”

“I’m sorry, Eric. I didn’t mean anything by it.” Brad said as he lowered his head and hunched his shoulders forward dismissively.

Eric walked by the smaller man and purposely hit him with his shoulder as he passed. He went to the rack of dumbbells; he rested his hands on the rack and took a deep breath. He couldn’t remember feeling so run down before. He naturally went to his usual 120 pounders, but stopped short and grabbed the set of 100 pounds. He tried to raise them off the rack but couldn’t. “Fuck” he whispered after a second attempt. He moved down to 80s and tried again. He felt a pain erupt in his upper arm as he used all his waning strength to raise the weight. He released his grip and looked up in the mirror in front of him and saw several men watching with a stunned look on their faces. Eric moved down to the 60’s and was finally able to lift them off the rack. He turned around to face the crowd. “I’m working light today to improve my definition.” He bent his right arm, slowly forcing the lighter weight up before letting it fall back down without much control to the movement. He forced the left arm up even more slowly. Sweat was pouring out of his body. As he tired to control the lowering of the weight, his arm spasmed and he dropped the dumbbell to the floor with a loud clank. Using both hands he clumsily put the remaining 60 pound weight back in the rack. Without saying a word he began to walk out of the gym. With each step his body began to tighten. His muscles pulsated uncontrollably as they started to cramp. Almost to the door, Eric gasped for air and clutched the back of his left thigh as it knotted into a tight ball. He used his other arm to support his considerable weight up against the wall. Suddenly his right bicep seized up. He couldn’t move; his massively developed muscles were too contorted to follow his commands. The very thing that defined who he was had betrayed him. He was breathing deeply trying to mentally block-out the excoriating pain that racked his hyper-masculine physique.

Brad ran up to his side. “Do you want me to take you to the hospital?” Eric looked at Brad through his tear filled eyes. The two looked at each other for several seconds before Eric finally shook his head yes, biting his lower lip. Brad had never seen any sign of weakness from the much larger man before. He put his arm around Eric’s muscular waist. “It’s going to be okay, man.” The two limped out of the gym to Brad’s truck.


Cindy was clapping and cheering along with the gathered crowd at the pep rally. The cheerleaders had just completed their routine as the coach walked out onto the raised platform in the school’s courtyard. “It is my pleasure to announce the next county champions, the Fighting Tigers!” The crowd cheered louder than ever and the marching band played the school’s fight song. The gymnasium’s double doors opened and out walked the entire football team, not in their practice uniforms as usual, but in bikini briefs. Their bulked up bodies radiated youth and vigor in the bright sunlight. They looked like a NFL team not high schoolers. Leading the team was Mark, the most muscular among his team mates. He had the precisely developed physique of a champion bodybuilder. He was almost unrecognizable from a month ago. Cindy couldn’t believe how quickly he was able to muscle up. He even looked bigger today than he did yesterday. The crowd grew louder, mostly from all the girls screaming. The team lined up along the front of the stage with Mark in the center. They went in a synchronized posing routine flexing their newly enlarged physiques. Mark barked out the poses as if he was a drill sergeant. As the routine ended, the entire team turned around to show the team’s name printed on the seat of the briefs they wore. With a last order from Mark, the team flexed their ass cheeks stretching the printing on the briefs and yelled “Go Fighting Tigers!!” The crowd yet crazy, even Cindy was screaming her approval. The team relaxed and shook hands as they congratulated themselves on their performance. The coach moved to the front of the stage. “I don’t know what to say, so here’s your team captain Mark Hamilton.”

Mark took the mic from his coach. “Thanks everybody. I hope the swim team doesn’t mind we borrowed their suits. But I think we look pretty good in them. Don’t you agree?” Mark held the microphone toward the crowd that erupted in cheers. Another team member and Mark’s best friend, Chad, grabbed the quarterback’s hand and brought the mic to his mouth.

“They may not like the fact that being football players instead of girly swimmers, we’ve stretched them out of shape”. Chad then grabbed his suits tightly packed pouch. The crowd laughed and cheered at the same time.

Mark smirked and high-fived Chad. “That was cold man. Of course when the swim team wears these they look like they’re freezing, if you know what I mean.”

“Major shrinkage” Chad screamed.

The crowd hooted and cheered again. Mark raised his hand to quiet the crowd, “Seriously, I hope you enjoyed our posing routine. We just thought it would be fun for you to see the new super men that make up your football team. This team that is going to destroy the Valley High Rams in tomorrow’s game. And we want you all there to cheer us on and join the victory celebration when we are the new State Champs! Go Fighting Tigers!!” The whole team went into a most muscular pose and the band played. The team jumped off the front of the stage and greeted their fans. Each member was quickly surrounded by girls. Their bodies were being groped in every direction, but they didn’t mind. They encouraged the attention by flexing the various muscles the girls requested.

Mark had the most worshippers. Cindy pushed her way through the other girls. “Hey Cindy, did you like the show?” Mark asked pretending not to notice the girls caressing his sculpted body. But Cindy sure did. Most of the girls stopped when Cindy arrived and gave them an angry look. One girl who was Cindy’s team mate was playfully punching Mark’s massive thigh muscles. Cindy and Mark watched as she continued to tap his stomach, chest and shoulder. Marked followed her movements by flexing the same body part she punched. Her attention was thoroughly into her work. Cindy looked at Mark. Mark looked at Cindy and just shrugged his shoulders looking confused.

Cindy finally spoke, “Monica, will you stop hitting him”.

“His muscles are so hard, it’s amazing. It must feel awesome to be so strong.” Monica said absentmindedly. She then went from punching him to running her hands over his pumped up torso.

“Its okay, Cindy. It’s not like she can hurt me.” Mark said calmly.

Cindy folded her arms under her heaving chest as Monica continued her inappropriate exploration of Mark’s almost nude body. Mark was getting turned on by Monica’s hands as he looked down onto Cindy’s more impressive cleavage. When Monica’s right hand reached Mark’s ass Cindy had enough. She grabbed Monica’s arm and pulled her away. “Enough, you’re acting like a tramp. Go get your own boyfriend.” Monica come out of her stupor and apologized before walking away embarrassed. Cindy then turned her attention back to Mark who was grinning to see his girlfriend fight for him. She grabbed his upper arm, her hand barely able to get around his massive tricep and turned to walk away. She tried to pull him along with her. She was unable to even budge his heavy bulk. He straightened his arm making his tricep expand to loosen her grip on him. She turned back to face him again with an angry look.

“What?” Mark asked.

“We need to talk.”

Mark folded his arms over his chest copying Mindy’s posture. “Go ahead, I’m listening.” Two screaming cheerleaders ran up to Mark, one on each side of him. The perky girls put their hands on each of Mark’s arms begging him to flex for them. Mark obliged and the girls giggled as they felt up his bulging arm.

“In private, Mark” Cindy said angrily.

Mark relaxed his arms, “Sorry girls, but Cindy wants me all to herself”. The cheerleaders groaned their disappointment. Mark bent down and put his right shoulder into Cindy’s toned waist. He stood up with Cindy’s draped over him. Mark started to walk toward the gym, effortlessly making his way through the crowd, who cheered his progress. Cindy first protested by slamming her fists into Mark’s back, but soon she was laughing about her situation. She enjoyed it when Mark took control, plus she had a great view of his ass as he walked. Once inside the gym, Mark carried Cindy to a small office used by the equipment manager. He shut the door and gently set Cindy down near a wall. He then pushed Cindy against the wall and leaned his body up against her. “Are you as turned on as I am right now.” he whispered into her ear. Cindy could feel his growing arousal pressing into her stomach.

“No Mark. That’s all you want to do anymore. It’s like that’s the only reason you want to be with me. I’m just a release between working out.” Cindy said trying to push Mark off of her.

“Don’t think of it that way. I mean it’s not like you aren’t enjoying this super version of me too. You’re a girl, I know you want me. I can’t go anywhere without some girl or women coming on to me. I think girls are becoming even hornier than us super men.” Mark said between kissing Cindy’s neck.

“What?” Cindy exclaimed pushing harder against Mark.

Mark who was growing tired of Cindy’s resistance. Stood up, putting all his weight back onto his own legs. “It’s no big deal. You’re still my girlfriend.”

“Are you saying you haven’t slept in anyone else?” Cindy inquired.

“Come on Cindy, we don’t have much time. Let’s skip the stupid games and get to the real fun.” Mark said putting his hand on her breast. Cindy felt a wave of pleasure flow through her body. “That feels good doesn’t it?” Mark whispered. Cindy didn’t answer as her heart beat quickened. “I swear your tits feel bigger every day, you are becoming the hottest babe in school. I want you so much I can taste it.” The couple’s mouths met and passionately kissed. Mark unbuttoned Cindy’s jeans and pushed them down her strong thighs. Then he rolled down her lace panties. He pushed the waistband of the skimpy swimsuit under his engorged balls. With a push of his pelvis, he plowed his enormous tool into her moist opening. She could tell his muscles weren’t the only body part that was experiencing a daily growth spurt. Cindy quaked with each of Mark’s powerful thrusts. Her body was on fire; her mind was reeling with erotic thoughts. It was like she was a different person. All she cared about at that moment was cuming. She was just as bad as Mark. Her hands went to his muscular ass. She tried to pull him deeper inside of her. She moaned, “more, give me more.” Mark felt her hands, delightfully surprised by her pleas. She was always shy and almost polite when they made love. But now she wanted more of him. She never could take all of him before and now he was bigger. He quickened the pace of his deeper thrusts. She came once, then again and again. She had never felt such euphoria. Finally Mark came and stopped moving. He held his position deep inside Cindy as he emptied his vast load of young cum. He could actually feel her vaginal muscles clamping down around his rod. They looked into each other’s eyes, not breathing. Unable to hold still any longer, Mark let out a breath and slowly pulled out. Cindy knees went weak and she slid down to the floor. Mark covered his manhood with suit’s too small pouch and sat down next to her. “That was incredible.” He whispered trying to catch his breath.

“It sure was” Cindy gasped. “You really are a superman.”

Mark chuckled and flexed his bicep. “You know it. I feel like I’m on a constant high, I have so much energy. I’m almost 2 inches taller and 40 pounds heavier. All of it muscle. My arms are 19 inches now. That’s 2 inches in 6 weeks. Six weeks instead of 2 years. It’s fucking amazing. Two months ago that would have been inconceivable. That meteorite was the best thing ever to happen to man. I literally have to buy new clothes every week I’m growing so fast.”

Cindy put her hand on his deflating bulge, “Growing is good, but it hasn’t been all muscle”.

Mark put his hand on top of Cindy’s, “That’s my love muscle, baby. I’ve grown two inches there too. I’ll be in the double digits soon.” Mark squeezed his hand, compressing Cindy’s smaller hand against his impressive manhood.

“Believe me, I felt the difference. It’s a lot thicker too.” Mark smiled and removed his hand from Cindy’s. However, Cindy continued to grope her boyfriend. She wanted him to become aroused again. Her body craved the euphoric feeling. She was becoming addicted to her boyfriend’s growing body as much as he was. Her brain knew he needed more time to recover from sex than she did. But she wanted to see how super he really was. “Well the doctors said boys your age would experience the most dramatic growth, especially athletes. I guess you and the entire football proofed them right. That was some show you did out there. I think half the girls will have to go home to change their underwear after seeing you in your bikini. It must have felt incredible being on stage with all those girls wanting you.” Cindy said squeezing Mark’s large package over and over again. She swore she felt it getting hard again.

“If seeing me in a bikini makes you as want me as much as you do, I’ll never wear anything else.”

“I want you more than you know” she purred encouraging Mark’s sprouting timber with her hand more vigorously. She moved her hand under the swim suit and pulled out not-so-little Mark. Her mouth went to his expanding pipe. She moved between his legs and forced his knees apart with her hands while her lips never lost contact with his cock. Soon Cindy’s talented mouth brought Mark to his full size. She quickly repositioned herself over Mark and lowered herself onto him. Mark didn’t move, his hands remained by his side. He let her do all the work this time. He winced slightly as she pushed his knees further apart. His bulkier body was less flexible than her lithe form. Cindy sank lower and lower, taking in all of Mark. She gasped as he reached virgin territory causing her to orgasm once more. She began to raise and lower her body repeatedly; her erupting juices making the movement easier on the both of them. She came twice more before she stopped moving. She stayed on top of Mark as she caught her breath. Again he could feel her cunt muscles squeezing his tool tighter and tighter. The vice like pressure prevented his release. It was becoming slightly painful for him even though he didn’t want to admit it to Cindy. She seemed to be in some kind of sexual stupor her eyes rolled back in her head. In a bliss filled world of her own. She didn’t even seem to remember Mark was there. He grabbed her hips and tried to lift her off. Her suction grip made the movement more painful for him. He called out her name and Cindy woke up. As she relaxed her body Mark was able to pull out of her. Cindy rolled over onto the floor like a sleepy kitten. Mark was a little jealous he didn’t seem to enjoy their romp as much as Cindy. He never even reached climax, but again it was only a few minutes after their first encounter. Mark adjusted in rubbery meat inside his swimsuit as he stood. Cindy opened her eyes to see Mark standing over her. His still engorged tool created an obscene bulge in his bikini. She purred and thought how inviting it looked. She raised her hand and pulled on Mark’s flimsy garment. Mark slapped her hand playfully. “Enough already, it’s not your play tool. You’re acting like some kind of whore.” She didn’t understand why Mark sounded angry. She fought back her lust, refusing to let it control her this time. “What’s wrong? Aren’t I as good as the other girls you’ve been fucking lately?” Cindy said taking her hand away from Mark crotch.

“Let’s not go there now. Why don’t you just enjoy YOUR afterglow?” Mark sighed as he watched Cindy pull up her underwear.

“So you aren’t trying to deny it? There have been others?” Cindy said ignoring Mark’s pleas.

“Why should you be the only girl to get off on this.” Mark said cupping his prized package “It seems girls lately are more into sex than any guy I know. Did you even think of what I wanted just now? You could have been any guy and you wouldn’t have cared as long as you were satisfied.”

“That’s not true, Mark. I love you.”

“And I love you. But don’t blame me for giving in to my basic needs when you do the same thing.”

“But it’s not the same. I’ve never been with anyone besides you.”

Mark turned away from Cindy. “You don’t understand what it’s been like the last 6 weeks. It’s like my body has been demanding things of me beyond my control. All it cares about is growing bigger and stronger. I’m working out with weights that I shouldn’t be able to lift, but somehow I do. I’m eating more food than I ever imagined and yet I’m always hungry. And my sex drive is off the charts. It’s like I’m watching myself do these things from a distance. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t stop myself. I’ve lost control of amazing body I now possess.” Cindy understood more than Mark knew. “And yet I want more. I thought I was big and strong before, but that was nothing to want I am now. I feel invincible, with no limit to how big and strong I can get.”

“Mark, I’ve seen the news stories and read the articles. Every man is going through what you are to some extent. But you’re not invincible. Some men are hurting themselves, pushing their bodies to the breaking point. You have to be careful you don’t end up like them.”

Mark shook his head. “I don’t expect you to understand; only my team mates know what I’m going through. But one look at us on that stage, comparing what we have become, it should be obvious to you I’m experiencing more change than anyone else. I’ve surpassed them physically in every area. I’m like an ultra super man or something. I’m not going to break like those old guys did.”

“I understand. It’s just a surge in testosterone and nothing more. Don’t try to make it into something supernatural that’s beyond your control.” Cindy got onto her feet. “You’re horny as hell. I get it. If you need to get a release, try using your hand instead of another woman’s pussy.” Cindy tried to open the door to make a dramatic exit, but Mark’s put his hand on the frame. She couldn’t budge it.

“Please Cindy, don’t leave like this. Don’t ruin what we have together.” Cindy didn’t respond. She kept her hand on the doorknob. Mark moved closer to his girlfriend. He moved his hand to her shoulder. She could feel on her back the heat radiating from his massive form. Mark took another step closer, his body making contact with Cindy’s. He wrapped his strong arms around her. She could feel his imposing bulge press up against the small of her back. She fought the impulse to turn around and kiss him. It took every ounce of self control not to let the deep yearning take over again.

“Let me go” she said coldly. Mark lowered his arms and took a step backward. Cindy opened the door. “I still love you, Cindy.” He kissed the top of her head as he always did. Cindy hesitated for a moment before walking out. She left without ever looking back.

Marked stood in the room alone. He stretched out his limbs. For some reason, they felt different, almost sore like after a workout. He felt his ab muscles spasm, he rubbed them to relieve some of the discomfort he was experiencing. Every muscle seemed to be tightening up. He was sure after a long, hot shower; he would be as good as new.


The sound of the television woke Eric. He gasped in pain as he tried to move his arm. He clenched his jaw as he worked past the pain to reach the pill bottle on his nightstand. He emptied the bottle onto his recessed stomach and counted the contents. He had only twelve pain pills left. He took two in his thick fingers and swallowed them. He pushed the remaining tablets into the bottle and returned it to the nightstand. He lay still on his king size bed until he could feel the pills take effect. He couldn’t believe he was still in this much pain after 3 days. When Brad took him to the hospital, the emergency room was filled with men in the same condition. The doctors said there was nothing they could do. They gave him the pills and said to get bed rest. His muscles needed time to recover.

Eric slowly sat up on the bed and cautiously raised his huge bulk onto his feet. He shuffled to the bathroom. He had barely eaten or drunken anything since Brad brought him home. But still he had to urinate and defecate every few hours. He didn’t understand it, his bladder and stomach should be empty. He struggled back to his feet and went to the full length mirror in the corner of his bedroom. He looked at the reflection of his award winning body. He was completely nude. He was still incredibly muscular and vascular; but he looked smaller, a lot smaller, and somehow softer. He knew skipping his workouts would cause his muscles to shrink slightly. But they seem to be shrinking more than normal. He stepped on the scale he kept next to the mirror. It read 238, he had lost 23 pounds in 72 hours. Something was very wrong.

He went into a double bicep pose, but his arms were still to stiff and sore to raise them completely into position. “Fuck, what the hell is happening to me.” He sat down on the edge of his bed, his attention went to the perky anchor woman on the television.

The strange epidemic that is effecting men worldwide has finally caused the United States government to take action. Fearing a social collapse due to the number of men unable to work the President announced his plan to prevent any further economic problems. Taking his lead from the European Union and after consulting the Surgeon General, he has called for an emergency nationwide work shut down for the next 3 days. This mandatory national “vacation” is to allow men the time to recover enough so they can return to work.

The Surgeon General is expected to release a report this afternoon strongly recommending men to stop all nonessential physical activity including exercise and especially weight lifting until further notice. Doctors are still working to better understand exactly what is happening to the men of the world. The report will state exercise is detrimental to men’s physical health. This complete 180 change from all earlier government recommendations comes after the staggering number of serious injuries men have reported. All professional sport games have been postponed indefinitely and most states have cancelled all high school and college level games. While no reports of mass injuries have been reported for women athletes, those games have also been cancelled as a precaution. No decision has been made yet for the Olympic Games scheduled for next year.

Women athletes across the globe have complained strongly against the ban on sport competitions. Many say they are performing exceptionally well in the practice sessions and setting personal bests in the gym with significant increases in muscle mass and strength. Doctors’ fear what happened to the men of the world may now be happening to the women. The women say if it’s true, they should be able to compete as super women while they can and set new world records as the super men did.


It has been a week since the President’s national “vacation” ended and yet many men still have not returned to work. While the majority of white collar workers are able to work, blue collar workers have been much slower to return. The men are physically unable to do their jobs for an entire day. Many report feelings of exhaustion and muscle soreness after just a few minutes of physical labor. The world economy is suffering major loses due to the work slow down. Everyone wants to know when these physical ailments are going to stop inflecting the male population. According to a new World Health Organization report, the answer is maybe never. To discuss the details of the report we have SNS contributing medical expert, Dr. Shelia Moore. Dr. Moore this report is very scary. It basically says men may never be the same again. The deterioration of their musculature could be permanent and irreversible. It boggles the mind!

You are right Ann, the data in the report is absolutely horrific. If true, this will change every culture on the planet. Men will no longer be the physically stronger sex. Women will have to take over the jobs that demand any kind of physical exertion. Social norms will be turned upside down. This impacts every aspect of our society, it’s just unbelievable.

So tell us what the report says is the cause of all of this. How could every man in the world go from Average Joe to Super Man to almost an invalid in only two months?

Well, as many have suspected, the cause was the meteorite that landed in Saudi Arabia. The unknown substances it contained, as everyone knows by now, were thrown up into the atmosphere and encircled the planet. As this dust fell on the Earth, it contaminated the air we breathe, our water supply, and the entire food chain.

Many men are blaming the government for not warning them about the potential danger of the dust. But it sounds like it would be almost impossible to prevent from ingesting it, even if we wore face masks?

Right, some of the particles were so minute the face masks people buy in a hardware store wouldn’t have helped. Plus like I mentioned it is in our water and food supply. The dust lands on the crops we eat or the grass eaten by cattle. It’s virtually impossible not to come in contact with the meteorite dust.

What does this dust do to us once it enters our system?

It reacts to the most prevalent sex hormone within our body; for men that would be testosterone and for women estrogen.

The WHO report focuses mostly on men, is that right?

Yes, because men experienced symptoms of contamination much earlier than women. We are getting some interesting data about changes in women too. But things are proceeding slower in women but on the same lines of what happened to men. Women’s secondary sexual characteristics have become accentuated; breast development and the widening of the hips to create the classic hour glass shape. Women are experiencing an average increase of 3 cup sizes. Also like men, there also has been a marked increase in women’s metabolism which lowers overall body fat and an increase in muscle mass and physical strength. We are still studying how a woman’s DNA was altered as it has with the man’s.

So how were men affected?

Once the dust enters a man’s body it accumulates in his testicles and enlarges them. This immediately causes them to produce much higher levels of testosterone and it’s a super charged, more potent form of testosterone. This super hormone intensifies the secondary male characteristics like muscle size, strength, sex drive and aggression. These high doses caused men to undergo the superman phase which lasted about 5 to 7 weeks. However, while this increase in masculinity occurs the dust begins to alter the man’s DNA. And that’s the truly horrific part.

Dr. Moore, is it easy to alter DNA?

Not in a complex living organism like a human being. The only way scientist can alter DNA is by radiation exposure. And we have no control over the random damage that is done. The dust changes the DNA precisely and identical in every man.

What changes does it do?

It changes the way a man’s body reacts to testosterone. Making it affect his body in the total opposite way than before. Instead of building and strengthening muscle fibers it weakens them. Instead of enhancing the immune system it weakens it. Instead of causing aggression it makes a man placid, even depressed. Instead of increasing the libido, it lessens it. Most men are now experiencing severe impotence, a contrast to want was happening during the superman phase. Researchers are also concerned about men’s fertility rates. They have been dropping for the past 100 years, but early samples show a rapid decrease since the meteorite. The super charged hormone’s negative effects are as dramatic and rapid as the positive effects were during the superman phase, because the enlarged testicles continue to pump out huge doses continuously.

It’s as if men are now their worst own enemy? Will men loose all their recent physical gains?

The only “gain” that will remain from the dust exposure is the increased testicle size. Which turns out is not a positive thing for men after all.

What should men do at this point?

There is little they can do. Once their DNA is altered there is no going back. We have no way to correct or change the DNA back to what it was. Therefore, men should not exercise or exert themselves.

Why not?

Because the way human muscle works. When it is taxed it breaks down with many small tears. As the muscle heals, it becomes larger and stronger. But now when a man exerts the muscle it won’t heal in the same way. The muscle fibers become weaker and smaller. It’s impossible for men to add or maintain the muscle bulk like they used to. In fact the more they exert the muscle the faster it will deteriorate.

So what will the typical man look like in the future?

Mature men will be very slender with very little muscle definition, similar to a boy’s physique. Men will have to drastically lower their daily calorie intake also. Men were able to consume more calories than women because their larger muscles burned more calories. Without the muscle mass, they calorie needs will be half of what they were. I feel male obesity is going to be an even bigger problem than it was before the meteorite struck.

What about boys? How are they going to be effected?

All males are going to suffer from weaker muscles and immune systems at every age, even when they are inside the womb. Scientists believe boys will not look very different, maybe a little frailer and shorter. When they hit puberty, there will a brief 6 week period of growth similar to the superman phase. The classic male characteristics that are obtained during that brief 6 week period are the only ones the man will attain during his lifetime. Puberty will be shortened from 5 to 10 years to just 6 weeks. The shortened time is because the flood of testosterone caused by the onset of puberty will awaken the dust in the boy’s system and begin the DNA changes. Once his DNA changes the physical maturation of his body will stop. Men in the future will be much smaller and shorter in stature. Estimates are an average man will be 5’ 2”, instead of today’s 5’ 10” and a weight of about 90 pounds, instead of 170. That’s a vast difference.

So the average man will be shorter and less…sturdy than today’s average women?


Does that mean weaker than the average women too?

Yes, absolutely. And that’s what will cause such a major upheaval in every known society.

However, women may experience the same DNA changes down the road. The future woman could end up being even smaller and shorter than the future man?

Yes, it’s possible and that’s what most scientist predict will happen. It’s just a waiting game now?

If we all didn’t see it happening around us, this would be hard to believe. Thank Dr. Moore for your expertise in helping us understand the WHO’s startling report.


Eric walked into the gym a shadow of his former self. It had been two months since he was here last. The day Brad had to help him out. Eric hadn’t exercised since that day. It had taken him nearly 2 weeks to fully recover from his last work out. Heeding the advice of the world’s best doctors and scientist, he didn’t want to increase the rate of muscle lose from his award winning physique. And he didn’t want to feel that pain again.

The 55 pounds of hard earned muscle he had already lost was very noticeable. However, his body wasn’t the only thing that had changed. His male ego was a few sizes smaller too. Eric’s wore long pants and a long sleeve shirt; both were oversized and hung loosely on his smaller frame. It was in stark contrast to the skin tight shorts and string tops he used to wear. The only exposed skin was that of his hands and face. He tired to hide behind a pair of dark glasses and a baseball cap. He wondered if he was in the right place. The gym was full of women and only women. All looked amazingly fit as if they were professional athletes. Their skimpy outfits showcased their larger muscles and greater definition. Almost all had visible abdominal bricks, highlighting their peak physical conditioning and extremely low body fat. All eyes went to Eric as he entered the room, his height made him literally stand out from the crowd. When he realized everyone was looking at him, he quickened his pace to his destination. But before he was able to reach the sanctuary of the men’s locker room he was stopped by Kathy who stepped directly in front of him.

“What do you want? Didn’t you hear it’s illegal for a man to work out? Your once mighty muscles can’t handle even the lightest weights. The gym belongs to us women now” Kathy put her hands on her hips and crunched her abs.

Eric’s eyes went from her much fuller breasts to her washboard stomach. He was amazed by how much she had changed in only two months. Her body looked as if it had been sculpted by the Worlds’ greatest artist and cast in bronze. Even her face looked leaner and younger. Her high cheekbones were more prominent than before. She looked as if she was a super-buff fitness model worthy of any magazine cover. Eric swallowed the accumulated salvia in his month before he spoke. “I’m only here to clean out my locker, nothing more. I don’t want any trouble” he said meekly.

“So you won’t be showing all us weak women what a real work out looks like today?” Kathy smiled as she raised her arms into a double bicep pose. A mound of defined muscle erupted on each tanned arm. Eric eyes widened at the size of her upper arms. “Impressive aren’t they? They’re incredibly strong too.” Kathy walked over to the dumbbell rack which was only a few feet away and picked up a 100 pound bar. She curled it in her right arm as she walked back to Eric. “This weight was too heavy for me just two weeks ago, but now it’s what I use to warm up. In a few days I’ll be using the 120s you used before your pathetic male muscles gave out.”

“But that’s impossible”, Eric stumbled.

Kathy chuckled as she did a couple more curls, she could almost feel her muscles growing in size and power with each lift. She saw the amazed look on Eric’s face as he stared at her biceps flex and bulge. “Nothing’s impossible for a woman. And it’s so easy for us too. Everyday I wake up to larger and stronger muscles. No man can say that anymore. Hell, I bet you can’t even handle this light weight with both arms.

Eric squared his shoulders to look more imposing, “I don’t have to prove anything to you Kathy.”

“I guess you’re as useless as every other man. What happened to the cocky hunk with the perfect body? Now he’s nothing but a little wimp afraid of a measly 100 pound dumbbell.” Kathy mocked. She lifted the front of his loose fitting sweatshirt to expose his soft stomach. “What happened to your abs of steel, Eric?” She poked his puffy waist, “You look more like the Pillsbury Dough Boy than Mr. Olympia”.

Eric used both his hands to push Kathy’s strong hand away from him. “Leave me alone”, he whined.

“What a wus”, Kathy said pushing Eric back with free hand.

Eric gritted his teeth as anger overtook him. He put his hand on the bar, “I’ll show you I’m still a real man”. Kathy held the bar up at shoulder height before she opened her hand to allow Eric to get a grip. She moved her hand quickly from underneath the bar. The weight fell to the floor pulling Eric down with it. The room filled with gasps before the women started to laugh as they watched him struggle with the small bar. A searing pain ran through his once powerful biceps as he tried to lift the weight. He gave up. He knew he would pay for the exertion later. He straightened up as the women continued to laugh. He rubbed his sore arm, “Laugh it up. Enjoy your superiority while you can; because it’s all going to disappear one day soon. Just like it did for us men.” The laughter stopped. “Yeah, I may be weaker than before and my muscles may not be as big or hard, but I’m still a man; a really big man where it counts the most. I still have the one thing you women will never have, but desire the most.” Eric palmed his package and pulled up with a quick shake. All the women eyes went to his crotch. He could see the expressions on their faces change, their eyes filled with lust. Eric had been inundated with phone calls from women over the past 2 weeks. All were former lovers of his, most just one night stands. He suspected the dust was making women as horny as it did the men during their super phase. He saw it in the way women looked at him when he walked down the street. While his physique was smaller than before, the muscle shrinkage happened to every man. So he was still much larger than the average man and his imposing height was unchanged.

Kathy raised her eyes to meet Eric’s. She now had to swallow the abundant salvia that rushed to her mouth as she imagined what he had under his baggy sweatpants. The room was completely silent for several seconds before she finally spoke. She tried to get take control of the conversation again, “It doesn’t matter what you have between your scrawny legs if you can’t get it up. Every woman knows men are as useless in the bedroom as the gym.” Kathy smirked, the other women agreeing by shaking their heads.

Eric folded his arms over his chest, the cocky grin returning to his face for the first time. “Tsk, tsk. When I made broad generalizations about women I was called a sexist pig. If you do it, are you a sexist sow or does the term bitch still cover it?”

Kathy’s grin disappeared, “So you are telling us you aren’t impotent like most men?”

Eric’s confidence started to return as he saw how unnerved the women were becoming. He dropped his arms and put his hands defiantly on his narrow hips, “Did you ever think maybe they just don’t find you super women attractive? You do look kind of butch with all those muscles.” Eric was lying. Any man would lust after Kathy. She was tan, lean, and yes extremely muscular, but still had a woman’s seductive curves. With her longer flowing hair, bigger muscles and breasts, she looked like a beautiful Amazon. Eric could feel his cock pulse as her continued to take in Kathy’s beauty and all the other incredibly fit women that surrounded him. He decided to take advantage of his attacker’s stunned silence and walked around Kathy to get to the locker room. After a few moments the women returned to their workouts in complete silence to take out their sexual frustrations on the weights.

As soon as Eric walked into the men’s locker room he stopped to adjust the growing rod in his pants. The only remnants of him being a super man was his enlarged manhood. He was already in the top percentile when it came to the size of his equipment before the dust’s affect. Now with his thinner legs it looked insanely huge.

Once done making himself more comfortable Eric looked around the sterile room. He had never seen it completely empty before. He went to his locker, dialed the combination and pulled up on the latch. He didn’t remember it being so difficult to open before. He removed his gym bag and started to fill it with the locker’s other contents. He looked at the assorted bottles of supplements on the top shelf. He scanned the labels as he removed them one by one. All claimed to boost testosterone levels to improve muscle growth. He laughed to himself. Eric walked over to the garbage can and dumped the hundreds of dollars worth of pills and powders into it. He returned to his open locker and sat down on the bench that ran the length of the aisle. He reached for the items lying at the bottom of the small space. He heard the locker room door open. He turned to see Kathy standing there. “What are you doing in here?’ he said before turning his attention back to his cleaning project.

“I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted out there. I guess my over hyper hormones are making me act bitchier than ever.” Kathy said softly as she sat down next to Eric.

“I don’t know about that. You’ve never been very nice to me.”

“Oh, silly boy” Kathy gently slapped Eric’s shoulder. The force of her tap surprised Eric. “I was trying to hide my true feelings for you. You know how women like to play mind games with men.” Kathy moved a little closer to Eric until their legs touched. She put her hand on his thigh before giving it a slight squeeze. “I’ve always found you extremely attractive.”

Eric grimaced in pain as her fingers dug deep into his softer leg, “You’re hurting me.”

“Sorry”, Kathy released her grip. “You always said I was playing hard to get. I don’t want to play anymore.” She pulled her sports top off over her head. Her larger, firmer breasts bounced back into place. They expanded slightly when freed from the confining garment. She took Eric’s hands in hers and brought them to her round globes. She gasped for air as his fingers brushed her super sensitive nipples. “Please Eric, take me, take me here and now.” Eric licked his lips and brushed his thumbs over her erect nipples again. His recent sexual encounters with other super women taught him the pleasure they got from touching their enhanced breasts. The sensation seemed about 100 times more erotic than before the pink dust entered their system. Kathy was no exception. Her body quaked with pleasure as Eric began to lick her magnificent orbs. The smooth, soft skin tightly contained the mounds of firm flesh within. Her breasts were the size and weight of ripe cantaloupes. Her powerful chest muscles kept them lifted high and outward as if defying gravity. Kathy reached under Eric’s baggy shirt and a tweaked Eric’s large nipple; her fingers easily digging into his soft chest. Kathy laughed, “I guess my chest is finally bigger and firmer than yours.” Again Eric grimaced in pain, but he didn’t care. His attention was fully on her luscious melons. He had never scene a more perfect set of tits. Kathy gasped again as her body reacted to his tongue bath. She moaned loudly as he alternately sucked and licked her erect nipples. He worked his way up her neck until he reached Kathy’s moist mouth. Their tongues attacked each other as they aggressively kissed. Kathy reached for Eric’s crotch and found his growing member. “You weren’t lying, you can get hard.” She said with unabashed glee.

“Of course” Eric said not realizing how rare his ability truly was in the current world.

Kathy leaned farther into Eric forcing him to lean backward. She removed her lips from his and pushed him down until his back hit the bench. Eric couldn’t believe how strong she was now. She easily maneuvered his leg to the other side of the bench so he now straddled the wooden blank. Kathy peered down at Eric’s growing arousal pushing up his baggy pants. Like a women possessed she reached for his elastic waistband and tried to yank his pants down. The elastic painfully got caught on his steely pipe. Eric tried to pull his pants in the opposite direction. “Wait a minute, wait a minute. You’re being too rough.”

“No, I want you now. I need to fill you inside of me.” Kathy said prying Eric’s larger but weaker hands off his waistband. With one more jerk, his pants were down to his knees. Kathy’s eyes widened as she saw the outline of Eric’s manhood tightly encased in his white bikini briefs, the cue ball-sized purple knob sticking out several inches above the waistband. She pawed at his underwear, her long nails digging into the vulnerable flesh of Eric’s pelvis.

He grabbed her hands only able to slow down her progress, “Stop, you’re nails are scratching me.” Kathy ignored his pleas. Eric became angry, “I said stop. I’m the man, I’m the one in control.”

Kathy laughed, “Not anymore you’re not. Men are the weaker sex now.”

“No, stop” Eric shouted as he twisted his body and fell off the bench. He tried to scurry away on all fours, but Kathy grabbed his leg. He kicked himself free of Kathy’s hold making his sandals fall off his feet in the process. She held on to his sweat pants though. As he moved forward the pants stayed with Kathy. Once on the end of the aisle, Eric made his way back onto his feet wearing only his sweatshirts and briefs. “This isn’t going to happen, if I don’t want it to.”

“Oh really.” Kathy stood up and removed the rest of her clothing. Eric couldn’t help but watch as she performed a sensual striptease. She rolled the spandex shorts down her long defined legs. The rest of her body was as perfect as her breasts. She was tight, muscular and without an ounce of body fat. Eric didn’t understand how she could be so lean but still have a set of huge tits. She walked up to Eric who was cornered by a wall of lockers. She moved like a jungle cat. Despite Eric’s growing fear, his cock continued to expand as he watched Kathy’s sensual movements. “Take off your clothes” she commanded. Eric shook his head no. “Don’t make me take them off of you”. Kathy said looking up at the much taller man.

Eric refused to give up his traditional role in the man-woman relationship. “No, I’m in control”.

Kathy scoffed, “Oh really, little boy. Do I need to show you who’s in control.”

Eric was becoming more afraid by the minute. “I’m leaving now”, he said keeping his eyes on the stalking cougar.

Kathy became angry at his defiance. She slammed her fist into Eric’s gut. His lungs emptied of air. He bent forward holding his battered stomach. Kathy then slammed her other fist into Eric’s exposed jaw now easily within her reach. He fell to his knees with his back leaning against the lockers. Dazed, his arms hung loosely at his side. Kathy reached down and pulled his sweatshirt over his head. “Get on your feet” she ordered. Eric didn’t move. She grabbed the hair on the top of his head and pulled it up. Eric screamed in pain as he was forced to his feet like a marionette being controlled by Kathy. Once on his feet, Kathy held him up by putting her hand on his chest and pushing him against the wall of lockers behind him. With her free hand she pulled down his briefs allowing Kathy to see his entire manhood for the first time. She smiled as a rush of animalistic lust assumed her, “Good thing you weren’t exaggerating about yourself.” She put her hand around his soft, but still plump meat and started to stroke it. Eric tried to loosen Kathy’s hold on his chest using both hands. At first Kathy didn’t even notice his weak attempts; she was so enthralled by Eric’s manhood. But he began to punch at her forearm. She became annoyed with his struggle and slammed her fist into his stomach again. Eric moaned in pain. “Listen, the more you struggle the more you exert your so called muscles. The greater the exertion the weaker your muscles will get.” Eric knew she was right. He stopped his attempts to free himself. Kathy returned to her attempt at reviving Eric’s manhood.

Eric groaned, “It’s not going to work. I’m still in control of my cock.” Kathy moved her hand to one of his lemon size balls and squeezed. Eric screamed out in pain.

“Do what I want and I won’t hurt you” Kathy growled in frustration.

Just then another slightly smaller woman entered the locker room. She was in street clothes and still had her purse with her. She looked younger and was shorter than Kathy, but equally beautiful. Her red hair was cut short in a pixie-like style. Her smooth, alabaster skin had a slight bluish tint from the veins being pushed out by her impressive musculature. “What’s going on in here?” She saw Eric’s battered face. “What are you doing to him?”

Kathy removed her hand from Eric’s tool and turned around, “We were just having some fun. Do you mind leaving us alone?”

“Please help me. She’s trying to rape me.” Eric pleaded. Kathy swung her arm behind her hitting Eric’s thigh hard. He cried out in pain.

The woman came closer to get a better view of the situation. Kathy stepped out of the way allowing the stranger to see all of Eric’s nude body. The woman looked up at Eric, then Kathy, then back to Eric. Her eyes fell onto his crotch. She licked her lips as she walked up to him and began to fondle his rubbery cock. She turned to Kathy, “Mind if I join in on your fun?”

“No, please, don’t” Eric whimpered.

Kathy smiled, “Not at all, but as you can feel he’s not cooperating.”

The woman reached into her bag, “No problem. Forget diamonds, I have a girl’s new best friend.” She showed Kathy a small dispenser and pulled out a small, blue gel strip from it.

“Is that a Viagra-strip?” Kathy asked. The women nodded yes with a smile.

They both turned to Eric who looked frightened. “Please, don’t do this. Please, I beg of you”. Kathy grabbed his jaw to hold his head straight. The other woman held the strip in front of Eric’s clamped shut mouth. Kathy took the index finger of her other hand and pressed it into the dark purplish bruise that had already formed on Eric’s stomach from her earlier punch. Eric gasped in pain. As soon as his mouth opened the redhead inserted the strip. The medicine dissolved instantly when it made contact with Eric’s tongue.

“This new formula is amazing. We should see a reaction in couple of minutes.” The younger woman put the medicine dispenser back in her purse. “My name is Emily, by the way.”

Kathy said her name calmly as if at a social gathering. “Something tells me this isn’t your first time doing this kind of thing.”

Emily smiled, “To get what she wants a woman has to do what a woman has to do.”

The women pulled Eric back to the bench. “This is a crime. I’m going to tell the cops.” He said as he was forced to lie down.

Emily bent over and picked up his underwear. “The only input we want from you is what you got between your legs, so shut up.” She proceeded to stuff the briefs into Eric’s mouth. She then pushed Eric’s shoulder back until he was lying down on the bench. Kathy straddled Eric, her thighs resting on top of his. “Let’s see if we can speed things up.” She grabbed his rod and started to stroke it again. This time the reaction was different. Blood surged into his organ with every beat of his heart. Eric tried to fight it, thinking only of the most repulsive, asexual things. But the chemicals in his blood proofed more powerful than his thoughts. Soon he was at full mast. “Look at the size of it. And it’s hard as steel.” Kathy said now stroking it with both hands. Emily started to remove her clothing. Kathy positioned herself over Eric’s pole and slid it inside of her. Immediately she started to moan loudly. She reached for Eric’s hands and put them back onto her tender breasts. “Squeeze them or I’ll snap off your dick”, she growled looking down at Eric. She flexed her cunt muscles to painfully clamp down on Eric’s rod. Eric groaned and did as she ordered. “Harder” she growled. Eric squeezed with all his strength trying to hurt the rapist. But it only brought pleasure to Kathy. Her erotic moans increased in frequency and volume. She didn’t care that Emily was watching her. She never felt such euphoria. It was as if this was the first time she had a man inside of her. Her body was on fire, beads of sweat formed on her smooth skin. With a few bounces, Kathy came once, twice, three times quickly. She leaned back as far as she could with Eric still inside her. She arched her back until her head almost made contact with the bench. Her larger muscles did not heed her womanly flexibility. As she leaned back she bent Eric’s rigid rod backwards against its natural position. The movement caused Kathy to feel more of him. Once Eric’s tool made contact with her G spot. She came once more.

“My turn” Emily said wiping the drool from her mouth. Kathy opened her eyes and reluctantly dismounted her stud. But before Emily could take her position, several other women entered intrigued by the sound of Kathy’s moans. The largest woman led the group, “What’s going on in here?’

Kathy who was flush with sexual energy went on the defensive, “This doesn’t concern any of you.” Eric’s screams for help were muffled by his gag. All eyes went to his erect penis on clear display between his spread opened legs. Emily sat down on Eric’s chest to hold him in place. Kathy moved to block the mobs view of their prized possession.

“Are you fucking him?” the leader asked.

“He’s a man and we’re women. We’re taking what we need from him.” Kathy stood her ground, her body pulsing with power as her heart raced still from her multiple orgasms.

“Apparently against his will? That’s rape” A woman in the crowd said.

“Since the beginning of time, how many men have raped women? How many of you had sex with a man when you didn’t really want to just because he could control you. Now that we have all the power, it’s time to even the score.” The women in the crowd didn’t say anything. Kathy could see she had them thinking. “We may only have this physical advantage for a short period of time. We’ve got to take advantage of this moment while we can. Why should they still control when we have sex? With our strength and the use of some chemical help, we can finally control our own sexuality for the first time in history. This is truly the time of women’s liberation!”

After a few seconds of silence the leader finally spoke again, “I don’t know, if we do this aren’t we just as bad as men. Women are supposed to be better.”

“How many times do you think he made love to a woman without caring if she was satisfied?” Kathy stepped aside allowing the crowd to see Eric’s imposing phallus again. There was a rush of air as the women gasped at the site. “Don’t tell me you don’t want to feel that inside of you? It may be the effect of the pink dust, but I know my sexual desire has been in overdrive for the past couple of weeks. And it’s only getting worse. Am I the only one feeling like this?” The other women shook their heads in agreement without taking their eyes of Eric’s giant rod. “Now that we want sex as much as men, they can’t deliver. We’ve been stuck with husbands and boyfriends who couldn’t satisfy us on their best day. And now they are limp and useless no matter what we do. Even when they take pills to help, they can only get semi-hard. But not him, for some reason this arrogant asshole is different.” Kathy knelt down besides Eric’s crotch. She put her hand around Eric’s cock and squeezed. Eric’s body tightened from her touch. “Look at his tool, have you ever seen one this long and thick. Not only is he huge, but he’s hard as steel. The only part of his body that’s still hard.” She moved her other hand to his thigh and pulled up a handful of soft muscle. Eric screamed in pain and arched his back. His movement made his cock look even longer. Kathy continued to massage the meat in her hand as lust filled her again. The other women started to touch themselves as they watched Kathy have complete control over the great Eric. “Men have used women for eons. Won’t you join me in balancing out history just a little?” The women shook their heads yes and began to remove their clothing. Eric became more frightened as the women crowded around him like hungry lionesses surrounding a wounded bull elephant.

“We have to hurry; he’ll only be hard for a few more minutes before the strip stops working.” Emily said as she moved her body over Eric and forced Kathy’s hand off his cock.

“As soon as he starts to soften, give him another strip. You can keep him hard for more than two hours that way before the drug stops working. It will only cause minor damage to his blood vessels.” The large leader said nonchalantly.

A smile took over Kathy’s face. Two hours, she hoped that would be enough time to allow her to ride Eric again. The women lined up in an orderly fashion. As they waited for their turn, they warmed-up by kissing and caressing each other’s tight body. The sound of the pleasurable moans of the one who was on Eric enhanced their arousal. When they reached the stud, they were already moist and on the verge of ecstasy. Soon every woman had climaxed multiple times while atop Eric. For some it was the first time they experienced multiple orgasms. The nude women lied on the locker room floor enjoying the euphoria that overtook their supremely fit bodies. They rested their heads in each other and played with one another’s hair.

Kathy was on top of Eric for the third time when the drug lost its ability to keep him hard. She slid off of him and fell back on to the bench. Eric’s battered and bruised body was slick with sweat and womanly juices. He never reached orgasm during the more than four dozen sexual encounters he endured. Finally not having a woman on top of him holding him down, he could remove the underwear from his mouth. He wiped away the tears that covered his face. His wrists were sore from being held by the women as they forced him to squeeze their plump breasts. He sat up, his abused muscles protesting the movement. He looked down at his cock. It was swollen, red, and very sore. It looked like raw hamburger. He found his sweatpants on the floor next to him. He stood and pulled the pants on gingerly. He saw his sweatshirt near the door. He stepped over the lounging woman emotionlessly. He picked up his shirt and shuffled out of the locker room. No one tried to stop him. They got what they wanted.

Only a few women remained on the gym floor. Most were in the men’s locker room. They stared at Eric as he slowly moved across the room in a stupor, pulling on his shirt to cover his bruises. None of the onlookers offered any assistance to the once invincible hunk. He walked out of the gym without saying a word. That would be the last time he would ever see the inside of a gym.


You are watching SNS and I’m Ann Lormain. The news anchor wore a tight sleeveless turtleneck blouse. Her broad shoulders and powerful arms were obvious as was her voluptuous endowment. Women around the world are celebrating the Olympic committee’s decision to go ahead with the planned modified summer games. The global sporting event will consist of only female athletes; the same athletes who are setting new world records in every sport almost daily. The women have not only been breaking the records held by their same gender but also those held by former male athletes. This seems to back the report released by the World Health Organization last month.

In their second startling report concerning the effects of the Pink Dust on the human race, it stated that women’s DNA has also been altered. But in an ironic twist that has flipped the roles that men and women will play in society. The same dust that devastated the male body has made women physically superior. Unlike the temporary Super phase that men experienced, women will not see a decline in their enhanced physical abilities.

The difference seems to be the very thing that makes men, men and women, women; hormones. The DNA change in men made their male hormone, testosterone, work against them. It causes their muscles to whither and weaken. Estrogen, the female hormone, now has the opposite effect on women. The DNA change enables estrogen to build large amounts of muscle mass incredibly fast and the new muscle fiber created is much stronger. To discuss this matter in more detail, we turn to our women in the know, Dr. Shelia Moore.

Dr. Moore, why are women now finding it so easy to put on muscle mass when before it was almost impossible for them to do so naturally?

The doctor who was in her forties wore a simple silk blouse. The top was very tight on her large frame showcasing her athletic build. Ann, it’s like you stated earlier. Women’s DNA has been changed. The female body reacts totally differently to estrogen, just like men do to testosterone. It’s been discovered that women’s muscle fibers much more easily break down than they used to.

That doesn’t sound good.

Maybe not, but it needs to happen for muscle to rebuild larger and stronger. As we exercise, the muscle fiber’s break and as those muscles heal they become larger and stronger. In the past, we had to forcibly exert the muscle beyond our normal ability to break the fibers; usually by lifting heavy weights. But now simple everyday activities like walking, doing housework, or carrying groceries causes the older fibers to break and be replaced with new, altered fibers that are much larger and stronger. I know I’ve experienced this myself. She lifted her arm and bent it. A mound of muscle filled her sleeve almost to the breaking point. I never expected to have muscles like this, especially at my age.

I know what you mean, Doctor. The anchor put her right hand over his left bicep and felt the hard lump that wasn’t there last week. “It’s incredible to feel this strong and fit. Is this why women, like you and me look so muscular even though we have not worked-out with weights?

Yes, absolutely. Like I said the fibers break easier, so traditional weight lifting is not necessary for them to build muscle. And before it took anywhere from 24 to72 hours for the muscle to repair itself after breaking, but now a woman’s muscle is fully repaired in 3 to 4 hours. Before bodybuilders were told not to work the same body part too soon to prevent injury. Now a woman can work her arms 3 or 4 times a day without any negative impact on the muscle. In fact, just the opposite, it will only grow faster and bigger.

Is that why women are becoming so much stronger than even men once were?

Partially, a larger muscle is stronger than a smaller one. However, the real reason is due to altered muscle fiber is estimated to be 3 to 4 stronger than her old muscle. So a typical 125 pound housewife is now stronger than a 300 pound male athlete once was.

Are their other changes besides muscle size and strength the change in a women’s DNA has caused?

Yes. Acting similar to the way testosterone used to act in men, estrogen now boosts a women’s immune system, increases sexual desire, and gives a general feeling of well being. It also speeds metabolism to lower body fat.

The WHO report estimates that female obesity, which was such an unhealthy trend in developed countries, will be eliminated within the next 6 months. Do you concur?

Yes, a woman’s faster metabolism and increase muscle mass means her suggested calorie intake has quadrupled. She now needs so many calories just to maintain her muscle mass, it would be virtually impossible for her to store any extra calories as body fat.

We all like the sound of that. Are their any known negative effects?

None that we have seen. Estrogen continues to make a woman a woman. In fact a woman’s sexual characteristics have also been enhanced. Women have larger breasts and rounder hips than before, too.

It is just amazing how differently exposure to the so called Pink Dust has impacted men and women.

It certainly is. And the DNA changes are totally unique to the sexes. The human male and female bodies are more different now then they have ever been in our history.

So if a man takes estrogen supplements, he will not gain muscle as many have hoped.

Unfortunately no. The altered DNA of a man only effects the way it reacts to testosterone. If a man takes estrogen, his body will react as it always has and he’ll develop classic female characteristics like breasts and a higher voice, not muscle.

And again these DNA changes are permanent?

Yes, once DNA is changed we have no way of changing it back. It has been over 10 months since the meteorite hit and we have seen no further DNA changes in either sex for the last 4 months.

And the world goes on. Thank you Dr. Moore for answering my questions. I’m sure we will have many more discussions in the future.

It was my pleasure.

Here’s an economic positive note for a change. With women’s improved physical abilities the government has downgraded their doomsday prediction that a work force made up of only women could not meet the market’s demand. On the contrary, since women can now do the work of 3 or 4 men, they say having only half the total population capable of physical labor will be enough to maintain and even grow the nation’s GNP.


Mark walked through the halls of the high school struggling with the weight of his text books. He wore a pair of baggy jeans and a long sleeve flannel shirt over two t-shirts. He hoped the multiple layers would make his upper body look bigger. He didn’t have to worry, even with his 50 pound weight lose he was still the most muscular boy in school. He was able to hold on to more of his muscle mass than his friends because he heeded the early warnings and immediately stopped working out. He never suffered the level of severe cramping and bruising they did. Like most men, his former team mates refused to accept the fact they couldn’t pump iron any longer. They continued to lift. It only damaged their bodies and made their muscles whither away faster.

Also Mark wasn’t overweight; something else that differentiated him from the other boys. He struggled for several months with his weight. He walked and swam to burn calories. The low impact activities didn’t over exert his fragile muscles. He also had to retrain his mind and body to his lower caloric needs. He was eating about a fifth of what he did during his muscular peak. He refused to let himself get fat and fought off the constant cravings. He couldn’t stop his muscles from dwindling to one third of their former mass, but at least he could control what he put his mouth. He knew all those times he made fun of the school’s fat girls would come back to haunt him. Especially since those former fatties now looked like professional athletes in peak physical condition.

He wanted to stay thin for Cindy. He wanted to look good for her. He knew Cindy could have any boy she wanted. She never said anything directly to him, but she commented often about how disgusting his former team mates looked now. He appreciated that she kept him as her boyfriend when she knew he strayed during his superman days. Most girls preferred to keep their options open when it came to dating. They never knew if the boy would be able perform sexually.

What Mark didn’t realize was Cindy was the grateful one. Mark was still the most desired boy on campus. He remained the classic hunk; handsome, tall, with broad shoulders and narrow hips. And he was never unable to achieve an erection whenever Cindy made the first move. He was a true rarity in the world today. Every girl wanted him now more than ever. But Cindy let it be known to all challengers, he belonged to her.

Mark maneuvered his way through the crowd of muscular girls. He twisted and side stepped his way down the hall as to not make contact with the Amazons. It was difficult since the girl had broad shoulders and thick arms stuck which out from the side of their bodies because of the well developed lats. Unlike the boys who wore as much clothing as possible, the style for the girls was very revealing. Most wore tank or halter tops and spandex shorts. The outfits showcased their toned shoulders, powerful arms and ample cleavage. The more common halters also revealed their washboard stomachs. Since all girls now were ripped and stacked; six pack abs had become the new status symbol. The deeper the crevices between each muscular brick the more attractive they were considered by their peers. They would actually stick the edge of a ruler into the crevice as they flexed to measure the depth. The average was about an eighth of an inch. Anything over a quarter inch put you in the upper echelon of the popular crowd.

The ruling girls now mostly ignored the boys except to torment them. An epidemic of male rapes had swept across the globe. Women’s sexual frustration, unparallel strength and the ability to buy more potent erection causing drugs fueled the crime spree. High school didn’t offer any protection from society’s new issues. The boys’ only defense was to stay in crowded areas. They went to the bathroom in groups finding some safety in numbers. They knew the problem was worse than the statistics indicated since a large percentage of rapes were never reported. The victims were too embarrassed. Mark never told anyone when it had happened to him.

But it wasn’t just the threat of rape that terrorized the boy’s daily lives. The girls had created a new “sport” for their amusement. A girl would pin a boy against a wall while she stuck her hand down his pants and groped him. Being cheered on by her friends, she would try to make him hard as fast as possible. The ultimate goal was to make him shoot a load in his pants. This happened rarely since the boys’ sex drive was only a fraction of what it was before the change.

As Mark made it to his locker he gave a sigh of relief. He pulled his book bag off his shoulder fighting with the heavy weight. When a lilting voice from behind made him jump.

“Hi Mark!”

He didn’t have to turn around to know who was there. It was Monica, the biggest girl in the school. She was one super woman who really got off on her new musculature and power. She worked out several times a day to get as big as possible. At sixteen she was already bigger than most professional male bodybuilders used to be. Her rock hard physique was covered with vein crossed muscle. With each breath her unmatched abs tightened and withdrew deeper into her tiny waist. Her hips widened allowing the muscles of her firm ass to form a perfect upside down heart. Her voluminous DD breasts puffed out over her too small halter top. As she played with her hair she scanned Mark’s body. The movement of her hand made the muscular cords in her thick forearm flex and bulge.

Mark’s face went pale. He sunk back further into his locker. Even though he stood half a foot taller than she, the fear was apparent in his eyes. “Hi, Mmmonica”, he stammered. He looked around to see if anyone was nearby to help him, hopefully a female teacher since Monica could easily overpower any man.

Monica smiled as she sensed his fear. “You’re looking real good today boy”, she whispered as she took another step closer.

Mark instinctively put his hands over his crotch as his whole body became more concave in a defensive posture. He pleaded, “Please Monica, don’t hurt me again. You said you wouldn’t if I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t say a word, I swear.”

Mark flinched as Monica moved her hand toward him and rested it on the locker next to him. She leaned in closer. He couldn’t help but stare at her muscular arm knowing the power it possessed. She was easily twice as strong as he was at his physical peak and at least four times as strong as he was now. “Don’t worry baby. I know you were a good boy and kept your mouth shut.” Monica ran the index finger of her other hand over Mark’s lips. “You have such a pretty mouth with one talented tongue.” Beads of sweat formed on Mark’s forehead. She moved her finger down his chin, neck, chest, stomach; before stopping on top of his hands which still covered his crotch. “The rest of you isn’t half bad either.”

“Please” Mark begged softly.

Monica stood up and folded her arms under her chest. Mark tried not to stare as her large biceps pushed her breasts together forcing them to rise higher above her blouse. “I said not to worry, boy. The only thing I want from you is some information. Which boy on the old football team was the biggest?” Mark got a confused look on his face. “You know down there where it counts. I mean was anybody else your size?” Monica leered at Mark’s crotch, “or even bigger?”

Mark finally realized what she was asking, “I have no idea.”

“Come on, you must have seen all of them nude while in the shower or locker room.” Monica added calmly.

“I never really noticed. We didn’t look at each other like that. It wasn’t something guys did.” Mark said still processing the question.

“I don’t believe that. It’s only natural to take a peek. We all know how obsessed you boys were about your dicks back then.” Monica said becoming annoyed.

“Even if I did, we didn’t walk around the locker room with hard-ons.” Mark explained.

“Well, I guess that makes sense. I would have loved to see that though.” Monica’s stared off into the distance for a moment creating the image in her mind. She refocused on Mark. “But it should be relative, right. When they were limp, who was bigger or smaller than you? How about their jocks? Who had the biggest cup size?” Monica asked taking a more scientific approach.

“Men’s athletic supporters don’t come in different sizes like that. It’s more like a one size fits all thing. Why are you asking me about this anyway?” The question popped out before Chad could stop himself. He knew not a question a girl like that.

Monica gave him a disapproving look. Mark lowered his eyes submissively. “If you must know little man, I’m thinking about getting a boyfriend. But I want to make sure he’ll be able to satisfy me, first.” Monica put her hand on the back of Mark’s thigh. “Just like you did, boy.” She slowly moved her hand up until she reached his ass. She dug her strong fingers into his left cheek. Mark bit his lip to handle the pain. “It will take too long to feel out every boy in school, so I thought you would know. Assuming the boys who were on the football team are the biggest. I remember that posing routine you did last year. I think Chad had a bulge almost as big as yours. Maybe I’ll test him this afternoon.” She let go of Mark’s ass and moved her hand to his crotch. She easily slapped his hands away.

Mark became more worried. “Please Monica”, he whispered.

Monica ignored him. She hooked one of her fingers under the flap that covered the fly of her jeans. She pulled Mark’s groin toward her. Mark’s heart raced. “I figure if I have a boyfriend I can have him all to myself. That way he’ll be able to get it up more often. I know how taxing getting hard is for you boys these days.” Monica ran her fingers up and down Mark’s fly. “I bet you get that huge dick of yours hard whenever Cindy demands it, don’t you boy?” Mark didn’t answer for whatever he said would either make her angry or more horny. “She’s such a bitch. Thinking she can have the hottest boy in school and be the biggest girl. Maybe after I out lift her I’ll take her prized stud away.” Mark didn’t know what she was talking about. Monica cupped Mark’s package and began to squeeze it. “Would you like that, boy; have only to service me? I see how you stare of my tits. Cindy doesn’t have a set like this does she? Do they turn you on?” She leaned into Mark. Her firm mounds crushed up against his narrower chest. His back was forced up against his locker. He wanted to stop her but knew he couldn’t. “Please Monica, I can’t breath.” She smirked confidently and continued to gently squeeze his package. She could feel him responding to her forceful seduction. She reached for his zipper and pulled it down. He felt her hand working its way around his underwear searching for his fleshy rod. Mark knew there was no stopping her now. Just then he saw a teacher passing in the hall behind Monica.

“Ms. Simms” he yelled in a panic, “Ms. Simms, how are you doing today?”

The teacher stopped and walked toward the two students. Monica released her grip on him and took a few steps back. Mark pulled his shirt over his exposed crotch. “I am well, Mark. Thank you for asking.” Ms. Simms looked at the teenagers and saw the strange look on the boy’s face. “Is everything all right, Mark? May I help you with something?”

But before Mark could answer, Monica spoke up. “We’re just discussing the Sadie Hawkins dance next week, Ms. Simms.”

The teacher looked at back Mark, “Is that true, Mark?”

Mark looked at the well built older woman. Then he looked at the more muscular teenager. Mark nodded his head yes then lowered his eyes to the floor. The school bell rung. “It’s time to get to your next class, Mark. And Monica I’m sure you want to get to the gym. It’s the place you seem to spending all your time lately. If the weightlifting team wasn’t doing well, I would say something to the coach about it.”

“I have a B+ average this term, Ms. Simms” Monica responded proudly.

“Yes, but if you focused on your school work as you do your work outs, you could be an A+ student.”

“Yes, Ms. Simms” Monica said with a little curtsy. The teacher stood in place as she watched the two students head off in opposite directions.

Later that day, Mark was at his locker again. He was glad to have made it through another day at school unharmed. He was frantically stuffing things into his backpack. He was trying to leave before Monica returned to continue her interrogation. Mark felt a hand run down his spine. He gasped and turned around quickly. He sighed in relief when he saw Cindy smiling at him.

“You okay, Mark? You’re so jumpy lately” Cindy said adjusting the strap of her backpack. She was wearing one of Mark’s old school team sweatshirts. The shirt was loose everywhere but in the chest and upper arms. The outline of her enhanced breasts distorted the school name printed on the sweatshirt. Even with her recent 3” gain in height, it hung down below her firm ass revealing only a few inches of her short skirt. She had pushed up the too long sleeves; the cuffs were held in place by her thick forearms.

Mark’s eyes as usual focused first on her chest before noticing her arms. Were her biceps filling the sleeves of his old shirt? Cindy noticed him staring at her arms and she tired to pull them behind her. “Mark, I asked if you were okay”, she inquired again to get his attention.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” Mark turned back to his locker and continued to fill his bag with books.

“Are you planning on doing a lot of studying this weekend?” Cindy asked.

“I’ve got to hit the books. Next week is midterms and my grades have really been slipping lately.”

“Oh, you worry too much.” Cindy said slapping Mark’s shoulder as she had always done. She didn’t notice Mark’s face as she made contact. “You’ve always gotten good grades. It’s just you’ve had a lot on your mind with everything changing. You need to really focus on school and you’ll ace your midterms. I can be your study partner. I’ve got straight A’s in all my classes this year.”

Mark didn’t say a word. He was happy Cindy was doing so much better in school this year, and a little envious. It was true he never had to spend a lot of time studying before, but now it was like his brain wasn’t absorbing the information. “Yeah, you’re right. I need to get all the other silly stuff out of my mind. My father’s death from a heart attack, my mom going back to work so I have to do all the cooking and cleaning, the end of my football scholarship and career, and yesterday I learned my brother is getting castrated.”

“What? Mark I didn’t mean….why do you always turn everything I say around so it sounds like an insult?” Cindy gave a little sigh before continuing. “I thought they only recommend castration for men over the age of 30”

“They do, but like a lot of former athletes he wants it done now. It’s supposed to slow down a man’s muscle loss.” He zipped up the bag and struggled to lift it using both arms.

“Here, let me carry that for you.” Cindy grabbed the heavy bag with one hand and easily tossed it over her other broad shoulder. Mark watched in awe. He was still uncomfortable with the fact his girlfriend was so much stronger than he was. “Promise me you won’t ever do that. It’s so barbaric. And for just a little muscle mass. It’s not like he has any real muscle left anyway. Boys can be so vain.” Mark nodded in agreement and forced a smile on his face. He didn’t want to argue, he just wanted to leave. He followed Cindy out of the building.

The two walked awhile with Cindy doing most of the talking. At about the half way point to Mark’s home there was a small city park. Cindy stopped at one of the many benches that lined the paths that dissected the park. “Mark, do you want to stop and rest for a minute? You seem more tired today”. Cindy pulled both bags off her shoulders and plopped down on the bench. Mark sat down next to her at the opposite side of the bench. Cindy slid over and wrapped her hands around Mark’s upper arm and squeezed. Mark gasped in pain. She let go quickly. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you again? I’m sorry I forget how weak you, uh, I mean how strong I, uhm. I don’t know what I mean. I can be so ditsy sometimes.”

Mark put his hand on his bicep. “It’s not your fault. This pathetic body of mine is covered in bruises.”


“Yeah, but don’t worry about it.”

“Is someone hurting you at school?” Mark shook his head no. “Well I hope you aren’t stupid enough to be working out again.”

Mark resented Cindy’s words. “The bruises are from you slapping me all the time.”

“When do I slap you?”

“All the time, Cindy.”

“I do not” Cindy scoffed. “You’re just being silly” and with those words, Cindy raised her hand to slap his shoulder. She stopped herself and lowered her hand. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you say something before?”

Mark shrugged his shoulders. “You’ve been doing it as long as I’ve known you. It never bothered me before. In fact I used to like it, knowing the bigger I got the less I could feel them. But now…”

“It’s all my fault. I didn’t want you to know, but I’ve been working out for the last 2 weeks” Cindy said lowering her head.

“Working out? I thought you didn’t want to get any more muscular. You said that all the muscle you put on from playing field hockey was more than enough. We agreed that girls like Monica have gone too far and look gross.” Mark’s voice was becoming loud.

“I did, I mean I do, well kind of. It started by accident. Jo-Jo and I were in Tara’s car when she got a flat. We couldn’t figure out how to use the jack. So we thought why not lift the car while she changed the tire. It was no big deal because it’s only a Civic, so we did it.” Mark eyes blinked rapidly as he realized what Cindy was saying. It was no big deal for two girls to hold up a car. “Then later that day, I noticed my arms looked bigger and more defined. I became curious about how strong I was. I went to the school gym to find out. Never having worked out with weights before, I asked the coach for some advice. She showed me how to do a curl a barbell. She recommended I start light with a 200 pound barbell. It felt light so I went to 240, then 300. I was satisfied with that, but then Monica walked in. Ms. Muscles had to show off and curl 600 pounds in front of me. I got so mad, I started going to the gym 3 or 4 times a day.” Kathy repositioned her body. She became more excited as she talked. “I finally understand why you enjoyed working out so much. It’s exhilarating to pump up your muscles, seeing them grow bigger and bigger. Getting off on how much stronger you are than the next person. You should have seen Monica’s face when I curled 640 pounds beating her best lift this morning.

Mark had to look away, being familiar with weight lifting the numbers he was hearing boggled his mind. But at least now he understood what Monica was talking about earlier in the day. “You can curl 640 pounds? But I could never lift…” Mark stopped himself.

“Oh yeah, it’s easy. I mean it took like forever, almost 2 weeks to double the lift. I should be lifting nearly 700 by the end of next week. My progress has slowed, but the coach says I’m a natural. She wants me to join the team. She says women’s weightlifting and bodybuilding are the sports of the future. They’re growing in popularity everyday.”

“So you’ve been working out for the past two weeks and didn’t tell me.”

“I didn’t want to upset you. I know you miss working out and playing sports. I’ve been wearing your sweatshirt because I wanted to hide my muscles from you, but it’s getting too tight.” Mark’s eyes went back and forth between Cindy’s two arms. “Do you want to feel them?”

“No!” Mark said moving down the bench away from Cindy.

“I know you don’t think big muscles are attractive on a woman, but if you hadn’t notice, every woman has muscles now. I used to encourage you to get bigger because I knew it was important to you. It would be nice, if you would show me the same support.” Cindy turned her body away from Mark.

Mark looked over at Cindy and realized it wasn’t her fault what was happening to the world. True he didn’t find big, bulging muscles on a woman attractive. But Cindy wasn’t any woman; she was the woman he loved. He slid closer to her and put his hand on her bicep. He squeezed it, he couldn’t even cause the slightest indentation. “It’s like a rock and you aren’t even flexing” he whispered.

“Do you want me to flex it for you? I’ve been practicing” Cindy asked softly. Mark nodded yes since he was unable to force the words out of his mouth. Cindy sat up straight with a big smile. She raised her arms straight then bent them slowly at the elbow. Her movement was stopped for a moment as the sleeves of Mark’s old sweatshirt were filled to their capacity. Wanting to impress her boyfriend, Cindy put more effort into the movement. There was a creaking, then ripping sound as her biceps erupted through the material. Both of them gasped. The peak on her arm was like nothing Mark had ever scene. He didn’t think it was physically possible to have so much muscle packed onto a human arm. The bicep was so large it prevented her arm from bending past 90 degrees. Cindy began to laugh as he straightened her arm and flexed harder several times pumping the muscle even larger ripping the sleeves more.

“You popped the sleeves of my shirt. That means your arms are bigger than mine ever were. They have to be 21 or 22 inches. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening.” Mark slid away and lowered his head into his hands. “I should have muscles like that. My arms should be massive not weak sticks. I hate all of this. You’re a huge muscle monster and I’m as weak as a little girl, I mean a little boy. That’s what I am, a little boy, not a man. My whole life is ruined, all my future plans gone forever. I’m useless. There is no reason for me to go on living. I hate all of this. I hate it, I hate it.”

“Don’t you dare say things like that. You know how I worry about you. Too many boys from school are already gone. Every day on the news I hear stories about the number of male suicides around the world. You can’t leave me. I need you. I love you.”

Mark lifted his head to look at Cindy. His eyes were filled with tears. “I’m sorry. I love you too. I know this isn’t your fault.”

Cindy went to comfort Mark, but hesitated to touch him. She didn’t want to hurt him again. “Mark, I know these changes have been hard on you. But you are not useless. I don’t care you can’t play football or that the NFL no longer exists. I don’t need you to be a professional athlete to love you. You are still a man to me, no matter how small or weak you become. I’m here for you. We can get through this together; like we did when our father’s died. You helped me and I helped you. Tell me what I can do for you.”

Mark wiped his eyes. “Can you go back in time and prevent that damn meteorite from ruining everything?”

Cindy took Mark’s hand in hers. “No one can, Mark”

After a moment Mark sat up and leaned back into the bench. He knew she was right. He looked in her eyes and saw the same kind hearted girl he lost his virginity to in his sophomore year. He put his other hand on top of hers and smiled, “Why not? Superman did in the movies and you have bigger muscles than him.” Mark laughed and Cindy joined him. “I’m sorry, I thought I had gotten used to the way things are. I know you can’t help what you’ve become, just like I can’t do anything about what’s happened to me.”

“What do you mean what I’ve become? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the way I look. I know you want things to be like they were, but that’s not going to happen. I don’t want to have to hide what I look like so you don’t get upset. Can’t you love me regardless of how I look?” Cindy asked calmly.

“It’s not normal, I mean natural. No that’s not what I mean. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s not the way things should be.” Mark answered in frustration.

“It’s exactly normal and natural. This is the way things are. Women are strong and muscular and men aren’t. You, like the rest of the world, have to accept it. It’s only when you accept it, you can be truly happy again. That’s all I want for you Mark; for you to be happy again.”

“Does the world have to accept millions of men being raped and beaten by women every day?” Mark asked.

“Some women are on a bit of a power trip with what has happened, I know. But we’ve only had a year to adjust to our new role as the stronger sex. Men had millions of years. And it wasn’t like women weren’t victims all during that time. A little payback is to be expected. Plus I think the stories have been exaggerated. I don’t know of any one who has been beaten or raped. Do you?”

Mark looked away. “No” he mumbled.

“Don’t worry; if any girl tries something with you I’ll knock her lights out.” Cindy flexed her massive arms again enjoying the feeling of raw power they gave her. “As long as I’m around, you’ll be protected.”

“I remember telling you the same thing. That seems like such a long time ago” Mark lamented.

Cindy stood up and pulled the torn sweatshirt off over her head. She stood there wearing a skin tight halter and the skimpy skirt. “And you did, but now it’s my turn. We can still have the life we planned. But now I’ll be the one to go to a great college and become the professional athlete. I’ll earn the big bucks and you can be the pretty little thing who takes care of the house and kids. With the demise of all the boys’ teams, the colleges are offering all that scholarship money to women. The sports channels are scrambling to fill their schedules with replacement programs. The additional TV coverage means sports like field hockey aren’t being ignored anymore. I’ve had several scouts talk to me already. And if I go into weightlifting or bodybuilding I can turn pro before finishing school. Every one thinks I have real potential.”

Mark looked at the Amazon in front of him. Her awe inspiring body radiated power, youth and beauty. It was true, she had incredible athletic potential. Truth was she always did, but now the world was willing to see it. Mark saw Cindy as she really was. Not the shy girl from yesterday, but the powerful woman of today. It was as if he was looking at her for the very first time. Her smooth tanned skin shone in the bright sunlight. Her posture was confident and strong. Her muscles rippled with strength at her slightest movement. She was stunningly beautiful. He was surprised he was becoming aroused by her muscular body; he swallowed hard. “I think you can be a great athlete too. I know you will have a great life.”

She smiled brightly and picked up the two book bags in one hand and tossed them onto her back with her arm bent by the side of her head. Her massively developed bicep pushed up against her ear. “We will have a great life with lots of children; strong, athletic daughters and handsome sons.”

Mark stood up. He didn’t want to bring any sons into this new world. “I’ll be happy with all girls”, he said with another forced smile. The two continued their walk home hand in hand.


The big story today is the passing of the new temporary law that allows the wives of congressmen who die in office to fill their office until the next regularly scheduled election. This law was needed to avoid a disruption of the democratic process since 131 congressmen have died of heart attacks or cancer in the last twelve months.

What’s happening to America’s politicians is not an anomaly. While almost all diseases have been eliminated from the world’s female population, all across the globe the number of men suffering from heart disease, diabetes and cancer has soared. Researches say the cancer rate is due to men’s weakened immune system. Diabetes is due to the sharp increase in male obesity. The increase in heart disease is also related to obesity, diabetes and the weakening of the heart as the case of every other muscle in the male body. The expected life expectancy of the world’s male population has been decreased from 65 to 39. In the United States, the age has dropped from 74 to 42.

The United Nations will be holding another special session to discuss how to stop the drastic decline in the world’s male population. There is great concern since the World Health Organization latest report indicates the fertility rate of men is at an all time low. Men’s fertility rates have been declining over the last century. But now they’ve crashed. WHO estimates only 1 out of every 25 men is fertile and that’s a conservative estimate. The report recommends wide scale testing to get a more accurate number. They also recommend governments of all nations seize the inventories of sperm banks as a way to protect the future of the species. Several South American countries have already followed the recommendation. President Rice has not commented on the report yet, but she is expected to when she addresses the country next week.

In more bad news for American men, for the first time girls have outscored boys in the math and science portions of the SATs. This information supports the general consensus of the country’s teachers who have reported falling grades for boys. Colleges and universities are also reporting a larger percentage of boys flunking out of school. Researchers at John Hopkins say the cause is not due to the social upheaval as many psychologists assert. After studying hundreds of brain scans, they say the meteorite dust as affected human brains as much as their bodies. The dust has decreased men’s ability to comprehend and recall information which is directly linked to a person’s intelligence. However, the dust has allowed women to access more of their brain’s total volume. Researchers don’t fully understand what this means in relation to intelligence, but women have been excelling in all standardized tests for the past eight months with the largest average increase in IQ tests rates in known history.


“She shouldn’t make us do this” Mark said rolling the keg of beer into position. The two men struggled to hold the keg at an angle to make it easier to roll.

“I know, I know” David said as he helped Mark move the heavy container. “She wouldn’t make us do this if you would just go out with her.” The men let the keg sit solidly down next to the long steel platform which held kegs of ten different wines. “Look at all this shit. Woman and their wine.”

“Don’t try to change the subject, Dave. I’m not the only one to blame for the punishment. I was her second choice. She asked me only after you turned her down three times.” Mark stood up and wiped the sweat from his brow. “Anyway, the Sex Bias Act allowed employers to fire men due to our physical and mental limitations, but it also forbids employers from making men exert themselves physically if it’s not necessary to the job. We’re waiters, not bartenders.” Mark continued.

“Don’t tell me, tell her.” Mark disconnected the empty keg and stretched the tap hose to the new one. It was too short. “I told you this wouldn’t work. It doesn’t reach. We have to lift the keg onto the rack.”

“I’m not lifting it. The thing is like 100 pounds. The last time we did it, my arms were sore for a week and I lost almost a quarter inch in size.” Mark folded his arms defiantly.

“Do you still measure your biceps? Why, they’re only going to get smaller. You should be happy you’ve held onto what muscle mass you have. It’s a lot more than the average guy.” David commented as he sat down on the keg.

“Yeah, but we wouldn’t have our jobs if we didn’t fill out these ridiculous uniforms like we do.” Mark sat down on another keg next to his coworker. He put his arm next to his coworker. “Looks who talking, you’re arms are bigger than mine. They’re huge.”

David looked down at his toned left arm. “Maybe. I guess we were both naturally big guys BTM.” He bent his arm, “It’s kind of funny that 12 inches is considered huge for a man these days. I remember when you had to be over 18 inches to be worthy of bragging.” He rubbed his upper arm, his mood became more melancholy. “I can’t believe it’s been seven years since the meteorite.”

“Twelve inches huh? I guess I’m not the only one you still takes his measurements.” Mark mocked.

“All right, kid. I’m freezing my nuts off in here. Are we going to try to lift this or not?” David stood up and adjusted his package in his very tight uniform.

Mark stood up and folded his arms over his flat torso. “I say no. Remember this is only the first one we’re supposed to change out. Do you want to attempt to lift all of them? This job doesn’t pay enough to permanently damage my body. Like you said it’s the few muscles we have left that got us this job in the first place. I say we go up there together and tell that bitch we refuse to change out the kegs. It’s against federal regulations and company policy. The worst she can do is fire us. And the way we look we can go to another casino to get a job in a heartbeat. Maybe even make more money?”

The door of the cooler suddenly opened and in stepped one of the hotel’s managers. It was Melody, the stunning blond wore the new socially accepted professional woman’s attire; a halter top and a form fitting skirt. The bright white color of her revealing blouse made her creamy golden skin glow in contrast. The skimpy top allowed her powerful arms, shoulders, back and abdominals show. It gave new meaning to the term power suit. The tight skirt accentuated her round hips and protruding ass. She looked at the two men, slowly scanning their solid bodies in their skin tight spandex shorts and tank tops. “Shouldn’t you two be working the bar?” The men stood at attention and shook their heads yes. “Then stop gossiping and get back to work. I swear you get two men together and the only thing that moves is their mouths.”

“Yes, m’am”, David said obediently as he lowered his eyes. The men walked toward the door, side stepping around the disapproving woman as they passed.

The manager scanned their fit bodies as they moved; her eyes lingered at the impressive bulges at their crotches. “Are you forgetting something?” The men looked at each other. She sighed. “What you came in here for? You should write things down to help you remember. You know how your male bubble brains can’t retain things for more than twenty seconds.” She said in a sarcastic tone.

“Yes, Ms. Rush. I mean no m’am. We didn’t forget. We were ordered to change out the kegs; but they’re too heavy for us.” Mark nervously wrung his hands not sure of the manager’s reaction.

“Change out the kegs, you two?” The men shook their heads. “Who ordered you to do that?”

“Ms. Johansen, the bar manager” Mark replied while dropping his eyes to the floor trying not to stare at her tightly contained breasts.

“That’s unacceptable. Has she done that before?”

“All the time. I’ve told her it’s against the law and stuff; but she doesn’t care. She hates us” Mark blurted out. David, who was standing behind Mark, slapped him on the back. “I’m sorry, Ms. Rush.”

“It’s okay, boy. But I’m sure she doesn’t hate you. It may be difficult for you two to comprehend, but she’s under a lot of pressure. The Hunk Room is a very popular bar with our guests. With the convention season in full swing, I don’t have to tell you how busy that place gets when all the business women finish their meetings. I’ll talk to her and remind her about the OSHA regulations.” Melody walked over to the steel platform lined with the tapped kegs. She rocked each one back and forth to check to see if they were empty. “Five have to be changed out.” She scanned the room. “Are they the new kegs over there?” she asked pointing to the opposite side of the cooler. Both men said yes. “Are you able to disconnect the taps without straining yourselves?” The men said yes again. “Help me disconnect the empties.” Melody disconnected three in about the same time as each man did one. “I swear it takes three men to do the work of one woman. Sometimes I wonder why we…” Melody stopped herself fearing a sexual discrimination lawsuit. David’s memory was jolted. He remembered saying almost those exact words about women when he worked construction. He wondered if his words made them feel as insignificant as he now felt.

Melody lined up the handles on the kegs and picked up two of the empty kegs in each hand. She held them out in front of her as to not get her clothes dirty. She had no problem handling the kegs even while wearing high heels. David ran to the cooler door to open it for her. He watched as she walked past unable to keep his eyes off her ass. Melody set down the kegs on top of the pile of other empties by the large bay doors used for deliveries. As she turned around she saw David and Mark carrying out the one remaining empty together. “Don’t hurt yourselves boys”, she said with a mixture of sarcasm and concern. Melody entered the cooler and her two employees ran to catch up to her after dropping off their load. Melody went to the full kegs and lifted one easily in each hand. She walked over to the platform and set them in the proper place. She then turned and picked up two more, but before she put them down she bent her arms doing alternating curls with the kegs. The two men watched without saying a word still breathing deeply from their effort. After about ten quick reps she gently set them down. “That should be enough to add a good half inch each to my bis. A woman isn’t taken serious in business if her arms aren’t at least twenty inches nowadays.” She then lifted the one moved by Mark and David to its proper place. Showing no signs of any exertion she connected the first tap. “Okay boys, let’s connect the taps and get out of here.”

After finishing her two remaining kegs, Melody checked on the boy’s progress. Mark and David were slightly bent at the waist as they fought with the hoses to attach the taps. Melody took a step back and stared at the two men’s asses. Standing between them, she put a hand on each one and lightly rubbed the satin material that covered their seats. The men pretended not to notice and continued with their tasks. After finishing the second connection the men stood up. Melody lightly slapped their bottoms, “Good job boys”. The men turned around. Melody’s eyes darted back and forth at the bulges between their legs. Both men were used to being leered at by the bar’s patrons. Getting groped was a daily occurrence too. They knew it was safer just to let women do what they wanted, especially when the woman was their boss.

“Those uniforms were made for you boys. You both fill them out very well. What did you do BTM?” She hesitated for a moment before adding. “Oh, I forgot who I’m speaking with. BTM stands for Before the Meteorite.”

“Yes, m’am we know. I was a junior in high school when it hit.” David answered.

“Oh, you’re a pretty, young thing aren’t you? I bet you were a jock”, Melody said running her fingers down Mark’s arm.

“Yes m’am, captain of the football team; an All American.” David said with a bright smile.

“I knew it.” Melody turned to the older and more rugged looking David. “I have a feeling you weren’t in high school.”

“I worked construction, m’am” David said nonchalantly in his deeper voice.

His voice resonated within Melody. She started to twirl her hair in her fingers. “Please call me Melody”. Her eyes went back to their crotches. “Are both of you fertile?”

“Yes, m’am” David answered.

The boss looked up at David’s face, then Mark’s. He nodded yes. “Both of you?” she pressed.

“Yes, m’am. We can show you our driver’s license if you want proof. Our wallets are in our lockers upstairs.” David said calmly pointing upward.

“No, no. I believe you.” Without hesitation she reached toward the men. Her strong fingers invaded the gap between their thighs and under their bulges. She gently squeezed their packages. Both men remained emotionless as they looked at Melody. “Are you risers too?” she asked without looking directly at the men.

“As our employer, you aren’t allowed to ask us that?” David said defiantly.

“I know, but it’s just the three of us here. We’re friends aren’t we? No one else has to know” Melody continued to massage the men’s endowments. It had been a long time since she felt such well equipped males. She could feel Mark’s cock respond to her touch. She gasped as a shudder went through her body. “Oh my, the younger one definitely is.” She let go of Mark and began to put more effort into David. David was more her type. Both were very attractive. Mark was the classic pretty boy, but David was the traditionally masculine man with large features and a permanent 5 o’clock shadow.

David crossed his arms over his chest. “Please stop Mr. Rush. You’re making me feel uncomfortable in my work place.” Melody ignored his request. “This is my second request. Please stop touching me.” Again he was ignored by the boss lady. David followed the proper procedures outlined in the company’s handbook on sexual harassment to the letter. But now he had to take matters into his own hands. He slapped Melody across the face.

Melody was more startled than hurt. She raised her hands in front of her and smiled, “Okay, you got my attention, boy. I’ll stop. I guess I got a little carried away. You can’t blame me. It’s not every day I get to feel such impressive specimens as the two of you.” David stared back with no emotion.

“We have to get back to work. Ms. Johansen must be wondering where we are. Can we go now, m’am?” Mark asked trying to cut the tension in the room.

“Yes, of course” The two men moved around Melody and together pushed open the cooler door. “Oh boys, I don’t know if you’ve heard but the hotel is putting together a new show for the Lido room. The finale will feature showboys who can still perform as men. If being nude on stage doesn’t bother you, I think you two would be perfect for it. Are you interested?” She turned around. Mark and David looked at each other and then back to Melody without saying anything. “It pays about ten times what you are making now.”

The men’s eyes widened. “Yes, we’re interested” Mark said loudly.

“Good, why don’t the both of you come up to my office after your shift to audition? If you perform to my satisfaction, I’ll put a good word in for you with the entertainment director.”

“Yes, m’am. We’ll be there” Mark said before walking away. Mark didn’t say anything; he gave a stern look at Melody. Melody just smiled back.

The two men walked up the back staircase, “So you’re going to fuck her to get that show boy job?” David asked.

“To increase my income by ten times? Absolutely. Aren’t you?” Mark waited for a response from his friend but got none. “Come on, dude. Why shouldn’t we take advantage of the situation? We’re a rare commodity; living relics from the past. I’m 25 years old; my life is more than half way over. I want to enjoy the time of have left. Call me crazy, but if I have to crawl in bed with a beautiful woman to get what I want, I’ll do it.”

They continued through the kitchen and entered the restaurant. “It’s about time. Did you two boys manage to change out the kegs properly this time?” Ms. Johansen barked when see caught sight of her two best looking employees. David and Mark said “yes, ma’m”. She gave them a questioning look, “All of them? Again the men answered yes. She went to the taps to verify their answer. Looking defeated, she barked, “Get back to work then. We have guests waiting.”

Stephanie walked into the restaurant with her daughter under her arm. At the age of fourteen she was as tall and muscular as her mother. Both were fit and beautiful with tiny waists and long flowing hair the color of sable. Following behind was Stephanie’s husband and Bethany’s father. Rob looked around the restaurant. He saw the skin tight outfits the waiters were wearing, “I don’t think this a family place, Stephanie.”

Stephanie ignored her husband’s objections. She was giving her full attention to the handsome, young host who greeted her. Stephanie and Bethany giggled as the young girl pointed at the host’s ass as he led them to a table. “This table is fine. Thank you so much….Mark”, Stephanie said leaning to read the nametag that was placed on the waist band of his satin shorts. “Look Bethany, isn’t the spelling of Mark’s name interesting. Bethany took the lead from her mother and leaned in closer pretending to get a better view of his name tag. Ever one knew they were staring at the outline of his manhood through the thin material. It was obvious he wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Mark looked over to Rob and gave a nervous smile.

“Your hunk’s name is David and he’ll be here to take your drink order in a moment. Enjoy your meal.” Mark walked away. The two women giggled as they watched him leave.

“I like this place, mommy” Bethany said.

“Me, too” Stephanie commented while opening her menu.

“I wish you two wouldn’t be so…apparent.” Rob commented without lifting his eyes off the menu.

“It’s just so nice to see a man who cares about his appearance. All you see anymore are men you have let themselves go. I know that’s all I ever see.” Stephanie answered back in a sharp tone. Rob sunk back into his chair tugging on his shirt to prevent it from gathering in the rolls of fat around his waist.

David appeared, “Hello, I’m your hunk David. Can I start you off with one of our famously large and totally satisfying cocktails?” As was the instructed way, David accented the word cock. Everyone’s gaze fell on David’s impressive bulge. The two women giggled as they looked at each other. Rob just went back to the menu.

Stephanie composed herself, “My, that does sound satisfying. I’ll have a ramrod, without the salt.”

“Very good, and for the gentleman” David asked looking at Rob.

But before he could answer, Stephanie spoke, “He’ll just have club soda.” Rob lowered his eyes.

“I’ll have a chocolate milkshake” Bethany added. “And I’m ready to order. Are you mommy?”

“Yes, I think so. But you go ahead, dear?”

“Okay, I want the half-pound Package burger with bacon and cheddar cheese, medium rare, and chili cheese fries.” Bethany said as she handed her menu to David.

“Let’s see, I think I’ll have the T-boner steak” Stephanie said slowly.

“Did you like the 32 ounce size or the larger ladies cut?” David asked.

“Ladies cut, rare, with a loaded baked potato, extra butter and creamed spinach.” David went to take the menu from Stephanie but she continued. “My husband will have the men’s vegetable plate with oil and vinegar on the side.”

Rob looked up, “but that salad doesn’t have any meat. Can’t I get it with the shrimp?”

“You know that will be too much protein for you. A man’s body can’t handle that, you’ll make yourself sick.” Stephanie said finally handing the menu to the waiter.

“The salad is a bed of greens with soy beans tossed in. The beans provide all the protein we need for the day.” David commented to Rob.

“See, Rob. It’s obvious he knows how to keep his body in good shape. Listen to him and maybe you could have a stomach like this.” Stephanie said patting David on his flat stomach.

“Oh yeah, like Dad could ever look like him. The beans on that salad would have to be of the magical variety for that to happen” Bethany said in a sarcastic tone. Both the women laughed. Rob didn’t say a word, he just handed his menu to David.

“I’ll be back in a few with your drinks” David announced before leaving.

Stephanie looked around the restaurant. She spotted one of her colleagues at another table. “Bethany, there is the woman I told you about earlier.” Bethany bent her head to see. “She’s at the table with her daughter; the blonde with the candy stripped halter.”

“Oh yes, I see her. She is big. I can see why she’s holds the dead lift record in her school.” Just then the two women stood up to leave the restaurant. “Wow, she’s got to be over six feet and look at her abs. I bet they recede almost a full inch. I wish I had a body like hers.”

Stephanie put her hand on top of her daughters. “Oh, I think you will. You have to remember she’s three years older than you. You’ve still got a lot of growing to do. By the time you’re her age you’ll be over six feet and have fuller breasts and larger, more deeply cut muscles too. Your generation is the biggest and strongest the world has ever known. It’s because you were exposed to the dust before you hit puberty. You’re fortunate to mature into a woman with all of the dust’s benefits. I can’t wait to see you bloom into a beautiful, strong woman over the next couple of years.” Stephanie looked over at Rob and her smile disappeared. He looked so tired and sallow. She changed the subject and continued her conversation with her daughter.

During the meal the two women talked non-stop amongst themselves. Rob quickly finished his salad and stared at the large order of chili, cheese fries on his daughter’s plate. Hoping to go unnoticed he slowly moved his fork and speared a fry. As he pulled the high calorie item from her plate, Bethany grabbed his forearm. “You know you aren’t supposed to have that. Now drop it.” She squeezed his arm harder.

Rob gasped in pain, “You’re hurting me”. But since he didn’t drop his fork, Bethany didn’t release her grip. Rob looked at his wife, “Make her let me go.”

“Drop your fork and she’ll let you go.” Stephanie said calmly. Rob dropped his fork and Bethany released her grip.

Rob rubbed his forearm, “I don’t know why you let her treat me like that. Soon she’s going to be bigger and stronger than you and you’ll know what it’s like to be intimidated by your child” Rob said passionately.

“Oh Rob, don’t get so emotional. She only squeezed your arm. You make it sound like you went 15 rounds. We’re on vacation. We’re supposed to be having fun. I can’t deal with your hysterics now.” Stephanie said between the last bites of her steak. “I mean it was your own fault. If you did what you were told, she wanted have to discipline you.”

“Discipline me. I’m her father” Rob said calmly to show he wasn’t hysterical.

“Big deal, you’re still only a man. I heard on Oprah, it’s best to treat men like you would a pet dog. They need specific ground rules and strict discipline. It’s the only way they’ll behave. Plus they find the structure comforting since it doesn’t require them to think.” Bethany said in a mature tone to impress her mother.

“What? Men are not dogs, we are human beings just like you. We are just as important as women” Rob poked his index finger into the table to emphasis his point.

“Please”, Stephanie scoffed, “women make up about 90% of the workforce. All you men can do is work in the service industry. The boring, low paying jobs women don’t even want.” Stephanie whispered as she leaned closer to her husband. “And some men can’t even get one of those jobs.”

“You know I lost my job when the company fired all the men in the accounting department. It wasn’t my fault. We couldn’t keep up with the women. That damn dust affected our brains. It slowed our thinking.” Rob voice became softer. He noticed his wife and daughter ignoring him. “Remember, I worked and supported the both of you for over ten years.”

“That was five years ago. Stop living in the past. You and the rest of the men were fired because you couldn’t do the job; you lacked the physical stamina and the mental aptitude. Face it, you are inferior, like….a pet.” She gestured to Bethany as to support her earlier comment. Stephanie couldn’t believe what she was saying. But it felt good to finally get that off her chest.

“In my animal studies class, we learned that other species thrive without males. Bees, mole rats, and hyenas are just a few. Males serve just one purpose, mating. Once that’s done, they are banished to the lowest ranks of the social structure or killed. My teacher thinks that’s what’s happening with human society. It’s a natural progression.” Bethany said calmly eating the last of her fries.

“Of course, only a small minority of men are capable of mating. So do we need the infertile ones at all, I wonder?” Stephanie asked.

“Good point. Scientists say once the problems with cloning human sperm or manipulating sperm from male chimpanzees are resolved, we won’t need men. They no longer serve any purpose.” Bethany added.

“I can’t believe what I’m hearing. How can you dismiss men like that?” Rob started to stand up.

Bethany grabbed his arm again, “Where are you going?”

“To the bathroom” Rob answered.

“Did you ask mother to be excused from the table?”

Rob looked at his wife and received no support. He sat back down and Bethany let him go again. “May I be excused to go to the restroom, Stephanie?” he asked in sharp tone.

“Yes, you may Robert. Thank you for asking” Stephanie said in an overly formal tone.

Rob walked to the restroom. Once inside he went to the sink and looked in the mirror. He didn’t like what he saw. He looked so much older than his age. He was tired of being tired. He rolled up his sleeves and splashed water on his face. He dried off with a paper towel before running his hands through his thinning hair. David walked into the restroom and approached him.

“I saw what happened at your table. Are you all right?” the waiter asked.

“I’m fine.” Rob answered sucking in his stomach to make himself look more presentable to the hunk.

Rob looked down at the other man’s badly bruised forearms. “If you need me to call Male Services I can? They can protect you from your wife and put you in one of their shelters.”

Rob pushed down his sleeves and buttoned the cuffs. “It’s not my wife who did this to me. My wife hasn’t hit me in four years. It’s from my daughter. She feels it’s necessary to discipline the family pet.” Rob rubbed his forehead. His eyes filled with tears. “Sometimes I just want this nightmare to end.”

David put his hand on Rob’s shoulder. “Is there anything I can do to help? I know people who work at the Male Suicide Center. I can have a counselor contact you. It helps to talk to a professional. Believe me I know.”

“Thanks but that’s not necessary”, Rob looked up to the waiter’s sincere face. “It doesn’t matter anyway. I turned 40 last month, I don’t’ have much time left. I think that’s why my wife makes those comments about my weight. She knows the extra pounds stress my heart. I’m the only husband still alive in her circle of friends. In a weird way, her nagging shows she still cares about me. It’s my daughter I’m worried about. She’s believes all that neo-sexist bullshit the media pumps out. I used to be her hero.”

David squeezed Rob’s shoulder and smiled. “Be strong, brother. I’m sure she still loves you.”

“How could she not love the old mutt with the sad eyes?” Rob said with a half-hearted smile. The two men hugged. David walked out. Rob turned and looked at himself in the mirror. He took a deep breath and walked back to the table.


SNS has learned President Miller will attend the special United Nations session concerning the world population crisis. This is after she signed the law making the voluntary fertility testing mandatory for all surviving men. Those designated as being fertile will have to make weekly sperm deposits at their assigned medical facility. The sperm will be used to impregnate women who have petitioned the Federal Parenting Commission to become mothers. The FPC has a backlog of over ten million women waiting to be inseminated. The number discredits the reports that women no longer wanted to become pregnant because it may permanently weaken their abdominal muscles. The government had spent over one million dollars on a campaign debunking this myth. The successful campaign featured several top athletes showing off their deeply cut waists while breast feeding their new born children.

In related news, the UN is calling a special session after the multinational group of scientists working on the manipulation of chimpanzee sperm released their latest report. The report basically stated despite recent strides in genetic manipulation they have not succeeded in fertilizing a human egg. Even with over 99% shared DNA between the species; we still lack the technology to make them compatible. The stunning announcement came only weeks after another report from the WHO said the cloning process is degrading male sperm at a faster rate than first anticipated.

Nations across the planet are deeply concerned about their ever decreasing populations. Men continue to die of natural causes or disease at younger ages. As the male death rate sky rockets, the male birth rate has plummeted. The drastic increase in miscarriages, still births and SIDS related deaths of male fetuses and infants mean only 1 in 100,000 boys born will survive to their first year. It seems the influence of the Pink Dust in the mother’s blood stream is affecting their offspring from the point of inception, long before the onsite of puberty as was previously believed. To this point, females are born larger, stronger and healthier than during any previous time on record. Researches predict females conceived after the meteorite will average in height at 6’ 6” and be a solid 250 pounds of muscle. They will be the strongest and healthiest humans the world has ever known. Some scientists believe it is the next evolution in the human race and this next generation of super women should be classified differently than Homo sapiens.


Mark walked into the dressing room holding a note. “I have a new record gentleman: $45,000.”

“You sure it was for you and not David this time?” Eric asked seeing Mark’s roommate following behind the youngest member of the cast.

The other man in the room, Yuri, stopped stroking his penis and looked up at Eric. He chuckled, “Good one”. His Russian accent was thicker than his stubby fingers. He applied more lotion to his hands and retuned to his work.

“No, I saw the barracuda slip it into his back pocket. It’s totally legit” David commented as he started to undress before reaching his chair. The two men who were already in the room were completely nude.

Mark went to the white board hung between two make-up mirrors. He erased Eric’s name and the $42,000 value and replaced it with his information.

“Women must be getting really desperate if they’re offering that much for your skinny-ass swimmers.” Eric joked.

“Laugh it up old man, but we’ll see who ends up getting the free dinner this month.” Mark went to his usual table and pulled off his shirt.

All the men had what were considered swimmer’s builds back in the old days. Even though they possessed only a fraction of the muscle mass they once had, it was about three times that of the average man. The former athletes kept in shape by doing yoga and tai chi. The low impact workouts and strong willpower allowed them to keep their bodies tight and lean. Their superior genetics and physical conditioning combined with their six foot plus height, handsome faces, large endowments, and potency made them stars in the female entertainment industry. But it was the fact they were all still fertile that made them among the most desired men left on the planet.

Eric began to apply the glitter infused moisturizer to his legs. “So you going to do it, kid?” Eric asked.

“Hell no, I’m not risking going to jail to make a few bucks on the black market.” Mark removed his underwear and started to apply the same glitter lotion to his skin.

“A few bucks? You’re talking about making a month’s salary for a one night stand.”

“Have you ever done it for money?”

“No, not yet. But if the offers keep going up, I may have to think about it.” Eric stood up and applied the lotion to his toned torso. “Why should the government keep making money off of us?” Eric walked over to David and turned his back to him. David picked-up on the cue and rubbed the lotion onto Eric’s broad back. “After all it’s our bodies producing the stuff and we still possess the best delivery system. The feds should keep their hands out of the free enterprise system. Isn’t America all about capitalism, you know, supply and demand. There’s a huge demand for something only we can supply.”

David patted Eric’s back to indicate he was done. Eric turned and began to apply the lotion to David’s back. “I hear you, bro. The government’s raised the insemination fee to $3,000 last week and we get nothing when we make the deposits because it’s our civic duty. What bullshit.”

“We should form a union or something. We could be the next OPEC. The world wants our sperm and only a few of us can supply it.”

“Good analogy. Oil came from dinosaurs and that’s what we are?” Yuri added as he held up the lotion bottle to Mark. The younger man rubbed the lotion on the Russian’s back. There was a knock on the door and the stage manager yelled, “ten minutes”. Yuri sighed, “Well this T-Rex needs some help. Kid give me a hand?”

“Not again. I hope they hire a younger guy for the show, so I don’t have to do this anymore.” Mark put his hand on the oldest man’s cock and began to stroke it.

After a minute of pulling and tugging, Mark asked, “Did you take something?” Yuri had his eyes closed thinking of his fantasy woman’s soft curves and large tits. He thought about the days when women would caress his muscles and tell how big and strong he was. He imagined it was her hand on his meat, not Mark’s. He nodded yes without opening his eyes to destroy his fantasy. “Sorry man but my hand’s starting to cramp. You’re may have to use the needle again.”

“Damn it” Yuri yelled and went back to his chair. Mark went to the bathroom to wash his hands. Yuri took a vial and needle from his bag. He filled the needle with the clear liquid and moaned as he stuck the needle into the main vein that ran along his limp dick. The other men watched him with a painful expression.

“I don’t know how you can do that man?” Eric said.

“Ever since they upped the mandatory deposits from two to three a week, it’s becoming more and more difficult to get it hard for work. I don’t’ know what I’m going to do for the second show.” Yuri stood up and began to violently slap his thickening rod with both hands.

“Yo man, go easy? You’re going to break it.” Eric commented with some concern.

“I don’t feel anything. The stuff numbs it. My balls too.” Yuri squeezed his ball sack and yanked down on it.

“Shit, dude. Maybe you should think about retiring. Aren’t you almost like 40?”

Yuri began to put on his costume. “37, and you are only 5 years younger. So watch what you say. You’ll be doing the same thing before you know it.”

“I’ve never had any problem getting it up.” Eric put his hand on his cock and began to pump. He closed his eyes briefly before looking at David who was busy pumping his on organ. Eric’s breathing became shallow. His eyes stayed focused on David. Soon his cock began to inflate to its full 11 inches. Once there he inhaled deeply to catch his breath. “See, no problem.”

Yuri walked over to him and whispered. “I guess it is a lot easier when your fantasy fuck is in the same room.” Eric didn’t say a word. He looked back a David who was now looking at him. Eric quickly diverted his eyes.

There was another knock on the door before the stage manager entered the room. “Two minutes. You boys look ready. Let’s go.” The four men walked out of the room fully erect to the side of the stage. It was the shows grand finale. The four men walked down a large staircase in the nude to the cheers of the woman audience. On the final note, the men turned to the side allowing the viewers to see the full extent of their manhood. As usual the crowd interrupted into thunderous yells and applause at the display of male potency. This was something woman rarely saw anymore; an erect man. And even more alluring, an erect man who was tall, handsome, slender and fertile.

The stars of the show returned to their dressing room to come down and put on a pair of bikini briefs. Their real jobs now began. They had to pose for photographs and sign autographs in the theater lobby. This was what kept the woman coming to the show; a chance to meet a real man in person.

Yuri was struggling to put his G-string around his still hard rod. He looked up and saw his peers staring at him. “Now, it won’t go down”, he said in frustration. Mark smirked and the two older men just shook their heads in disbelieve.

There was a knock at the door followed by a loud feminine voice on the other side. “Let’s go boys; the natives are getting restless.” It was Jackie, the stage manager.

The three men quickly checked themselves in the mirror and made one last adjustment. David looked at Yuri who was now sitting with his eyes closed trying to clam himself. “We’ll cover for you as long as we can. But you know how Jackie can be when one of us doesn’t do as we’re told.” Yuri let out a deep sigh and put his hands on top of his head dreading having to face Jackie. David continued, “Try jacking off, maybe that will work.” David closed the door as he left and quickened his pace to catch up to the other two performers.

As the three men appeared in the theater lobby the high pitched squeals from their fans filled the air. The men took their place in front of the large poster featuring the name of the show, Masculine Mania. Jackie was waiting for them, “Where’s Yuri?” she asked.

“He’ll be here as soon as he can. He’s having a problem with his costume.” Eric whispered as he continued to smile and wave to the crowd.

“He better get his cute ass out here damn quick or I’ll dock his paycheck again.” Jackie said in a harsh tone. She poured on the charm as she stepped forward to address the other women. “Ladies, ladies, please can I have your attention. It is the Grand Empress Hotel and Casino’s great pleasure to present the world’s best looking and genuinely fertile males, truly the last remaining real men on the planet, the incredible stars of Masculine Mania.” There was a round of thunderous applause. “There’s Mark, the boy toy extraordinaire; Eric, the world’s most muscular man; and David, the living Adonis.” As she said each man’s name, they stepped forward to pose and smile for the flashing cameras. Yuri appeared from a nearby door of the theater to join his peers. Jackie turned and gave him a disapproving glare, then turned back to the crowd. “And finally there’s the world’s strongest man, Yuri.” The Russian stepped forward to great cheers since his still semi-hard cock was clearly visible through the paper thin material of his g-string.

All the women moved forward, their desire to touch the last examples of what men once were overcame their socially acceptable behavior. The dust made all women perfect specimens of the human female. Their extreme physical condition only increased their sex drive. Without any men, lesbianism became more prominent in society, eventually becoming the norm. The dildo industry experienced a boom after the meteorite hit. Women relied on the manufactured phallic substitutes more and more. Now the sex aids were common place, available at grocery stores and even Wal-Mart. But women knew nothing could be as satisfying as the real thing, as Goddess above intended. Seeing the display of manhood before them caused a sudden rush in their sexual desire. Lust overtook them. The men could see the hunger in their eyes, they stepped back in fear and let the team of the hotel’s female security guards protect them. The crowd’s reaction was the same for every show. The frenzy seemed to worsen each day as the women grew more desperate. It was easier to deal with when the men were out of reach on stage. But it was overwhelming being so close to the powerful fans. The men became more frightened at every appearance.

The muscular guards were having problem holding back the manic crowd. Jackie raised her arms to quiet the crowd, “Ladies, ladies we need some decorum. Please calm yourselves. You will all get a chance to meet the men, get autographs and take photos. But we must have some order or I’ll have the men leave.” The women stopped pushing forward and their screams ended. They took deep breaths and regained control over their emotions. “Thank you, ladies. Now please form an orderly line around the diameter of the lobby. Since there is so many of you, we ask that you only spend a few seconds with each hunk, before moving on to the next one. And remember, while these are the worlds biggest and strongest men, they are still men. If you are not used to being around men, the typical woman is 3 or 4 times stronger than they are, so be gentle. These men are making donations to our government’s sperm banks three times a week, so it is a federal offense to touch their genitals.” The crowd booed loudly. Jackie just smiled before continuing, “Keep your hands above the waist and please no squeezing, gentle caressing is okay. Like luscious forbidden fruit, they bruise easily ladies.”

The first two women walked right by Mark and approached Eric. They looked identical and had to be twin sisters. Eric estimated they were about eighteen or nineteen and like most girls their age, were massively muscular and ripped. They were several inches taller than Eric so had to be 6’ 6” or 6’ 7”. Their shoulders were broader than Eric’s ever had been, even when he was the reigning Mr. Universe. At sixty pounds lighter, he was dwarfed by the two she hulks. Dressed in the standard attire that all women wore; lycra shorts and a halter top, their shoulders and arms rippled with strength at the slightest movement. Their abs were deeply cut and their legs powerfully sculpted of sinewy muscle. Eric forced a smile on his face as was the routine. He had trained himself to hide his intimidation.

The women smiled brightly as Eric made eye contact. They reached out and gently stroked Eric’s arms with their fingertips. The girls looked at each other and giggled. One said, “His muscles are so cute and soft.” The other nodded in agreement. “He looks even more petite in person than on stage, too.”

“Sarah, he’s got to be at least 6’ 2” or 6’ 3”. That’s tall for a man.” They asked another woman to take their photo. The sisters sandwiched Eric as they posed.

Eric looked at his arm as it hung next to his fans. He had come accustomed to every woman having larger muscles than him, but the younger generation was something else. The girls’ arms were at least foot thicker than his. Their deltoids and biceps were huge mounds of rounded muscle. It looked like two bowling balls were stacked on top of one another underneath their smooth skin. Eric asked nervously, “You two spend a lot of time in the gym?”

The two girls laughed. “Gym, do they even exist any more? I mean what’s the point.” One said as she flexed her arm making it expand to its full 26 inches. Eric suddenly felt a combination of fear and lust overtake him. He wanted to reach out and touch the muscle, to lick it passionately. But fear of the strength the muscle possessed stopped him. He knew the women could snap him in two without breaking a sweat. After what happened to him the last time he was in a gym, he feared all women. He lived a tortured life. Desiring and fearing the same thing. Like most men, fear won out as a matter of survival. He never went out alone any more, especially after dark. He didn’t even feel safe in his own home unless Mark, his housemate, was there.

The other girl responded. “Now Marsha, don’t make fun of the boy. You have to remember he’s from a different time.” Even after all these years, Eric still found it difficult to comprehend that women were able put on such incredible mass without even trying. There was no need for them to lift weights or exercise. They were naturally lean and massively muscular. He remembered how he had to hit the gym six days a week for years to develop his body. And even at his brief superman period, he wasn’t the size of these teenaged girls. The biggest his arm ever got was 22 inches. Eric pulled his eyes off the girl’s bulging bicep and looked at the camera. One of the girls wrapped her arm around Eric’s back and rested her hand on his opposite shoulder. She leaned closer to Eric. His fought to keep his knees from buckling as he struggled to bare the weight of one arm. He could feel her incredibly large and hard bicep pushing up against the back of his head. She sniffed the top of his head, “Hmmm, you smell so good”. The girl absent mindedly squeezed his shoulder. Eric winched in pain and gasped for air just as the camera flashed. The girl lowered her arm. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking, I didn’t mean to hurt you, little man.”

“Michelle, they warned you how fragile they are. Treat him like you would Patches.” Marsha looked away from her sister and turned to Eric. “Patches is our cat.”

Eric just flashed another fake smile and rubbed his shoulder. Jackie came over and asked the girls to move on because the line was backing up. After seeing Eric nursing his shoulder, Jackie announced again about not touching the men. Eric straightened up and smiled at the next imposing fan.


In sports news, Cindy Waszner became the first human to dead lift one ton. The 24 year old, American bested her own World record by 156 pounds to reach the benchmark weight. This record follows the long list of once believed humanly impossible feats attained by woman over the past twenty five years. The Women’s Sports World Commission is planning a gala to celebrate the emergence of the woman athlete over the past quarter of a century since the meteorite’s impact.

You are watching SNS and I’m April Utter. The top story of the day is the release of the latest world census. Human males now make up less than 4% of the Earth’s population. And of the males, only about 10% are fertile. This decline is happening at a faster rate than scientist have predicted. The diseases and physical health problems that have devastated males of all ages continue to worsen despite efforts by the World Health Organization. Millions of dollars have been spent on research and education, but nothing has worked.

The fertility rate is what has scientist worried most. The WHO is encouraging the governments of the world to more strictly monitor their fertile males. They point to the United States’ Male Concentration Centers as a model to emulate. The first MCC opened three years ago at a refurbished federal prison. Since then three more MCCs have opened at other former prisons. The centers allow the government scientist to better protect and monitor the nation’s remaining fertile men. Their goal is to prolong their productive years and increase their sperm output as a way to stabilize the nation’s population.

The list of woman wanting artificial insemination continues to increase. The Department of Population Services says they currently experiencing a 3 year waiting period. Fortunately, the number of fertile years for woman has been steadily increasing. The current world average for the onset of menstruation has reached an all time low of 9 years while 61 is now the average when woman begin menopause. Which means the average woman is capable of giving birth for 52 years of her life. For the first time in recorded history women are fertile for more than two thirds of their life expectancy.


Bethany walked through the museum with her mother by her side. She kept an eye on her daughter, Kendra who was always a few steps ahead. At twelve she was already taller than and nearly twice as broad as her grandmother. She pointed to one of the bronze busts lined up along a marble covered wall. “Was that him? Was he my father?” The girl asked in an excited pitch pointing to one of the statues.

Bethany walked up and read the name on the plaque below the bust. “Eric Dannon, yes according to the records he was donor 91187.”

The girl studied the greatly detailed face of the sculpture. She ran her fingertips over his brow, down his nose and across his lips. “His features are so large and angular. Was he considered beautiful, you know for a man? Oh, what’s the word grandmother uses, hum…..handsome?”

“Yes, he was considered very handsome. That’s why you are so pretty”, her mother said moving the young girl’s hair away from her bright face. “You have good genetics”

The young girl pushed a button next to name plague. A holographic image appeared before the bust. It showed film clips and photos from Eric’s life. When the girl saw the video clip of his winning posing routine at Mr. Olympia she turned to her mother. “Mr. Olympia, was that anything like Ms. Olympia? Is that him? Yuck, he’s so feminine looking.” She watched a little more. “With those big muscles he looks more like a woman than a man, but without breasts or hips.” She watched some more. “This is really weird. What’s that bulge in his panties?”

“Kendra, you know from biology class that other male mammals have penises for breeding purposes. Men had them too.”

“How gross. It seems so unsanitary.” Kendra pushed the rewind button and watched the posing routine again. “I don’t understand, I thought men were small and weak like children.”

“Not always: once men were considered very strong. Not like we are now. But back then, they were even stronger than woman.” The girl laughed and made a face which showed her disbelief. Her mother continued, “It’s true. Men were bigger and stronger than woman. They were the world’s best athletes and held important jobs. Think about our early presidents, all men. It’s believed they were as smart as woman too.”

“No way. I mean I’ve read history books and seen old movies and stuff. But I never really believed it. So men used to walk around the streets like real people and have jobs and play sports?”

“Yes” Bethany said.

Kendra looked at her grandmother for confirmation. The older woman added, “Yes, and go to school. When I was your age there were as many boys in my school as girls. They were everywhere.”

“That is sooo weird. What was it like grandma? Was it as horrible as I heard? Were men really always fighting and killing each other like wild animals. And women lived in constant fear of being raped. They weren’t even safe in their own homes because their husbands would beat them. It must have been just awful before the Evolution Meteorite saved us from the male tyranny.”

“Oh it wasn’t anything like that. You should know not to believe everything you hear or read. History has way of favoring the survivors since they control what’s written. Sure there was much more crime and horrific wars, but there were plenty of good things too.” Stephanie eyes became distant as she reminisced. “Some of my happiest memories include my times with your grandfather. Our first kiss, how nervous he was when he proposed to me, being held in his arms when we danced at our wedding. He was so handsome that day. I remember looking into his eyes and seeing nothing but love. I never felt so safe. He was such a good man. I wish I had been a better wife to him at the end. He deserved that. Now the men are gone. All we have left is their images is this museum. How did it come to this?”

“Grandma, why are you crying?”

Stephanie wiped her eyes. “Oh, don’t pay any attention to me. I’m just a silly old woman who has to deal with her regrets.”

Bethany put her arm around her mother. “I think this day has been too much for your grams. Maybe we should find a bench so she can rest awhile.” Stephanie had just started menopause. With the reduced level of estrogen her body produced, the influence of the pink dust lessened. Her body started to deteriorate and her self confidence lessened. Suddenly she started to see things differently.

“Okay, there were benches in the rotunda. I’ll show you how to get back there.” Kendra took one of her grandmother’s hands. “Personally, I’m glad we’re not forced into marriage anymore. My teacher said marriage was a form of institutionalized slavery. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be with a boy. It must have been like kissing a smelly monkey or something. I heard men were really smelly. Girls are so much cleaner. Don’t you think girls are better, grandma.”

Bethany put her hand inside of her mother’s other hand and squeezed it gently. “Yes Kendra, girls are better.” The three generations of the matriarchy walked hand in hand to the center of the Museum of the American Male.


We have breaking news. SNS has just attained photos of the objects first detected by our long range satellites late last night. The course and speed the entities are traveling indicate there is some intelligence behind it and is not an asteroid, comet or other naturally forming object. The photos now proof this. As you can see, the space crafts are apparently made of a metallic material. The question is who or what is inside. At the current rate and trajectory, the objects will reach our planet’s atmosphere in less than 9 hours.

To discuss this historic event, SNS has gathered a team of highly respected scientist and religious leaders….

The picture goes black. All television channels and satellite signals are affected around the world. There are a few bursts of light on the screen. Then an image of a humanoid creature appears on the screen. Its limbs are bulky and sturdy, as if laden with large muscles. The creature’s skin is hairless and shiny with a gradient blue hue. It seems to be wearing an article of clothing similar to a pair of shorts. There is a large bulge between its legs giving it the physical characteristics of a human male. The creature moves to show how human-like it is. The bulky limbs flex and bulge with the movement enforcing the idea of the creature being muscular. The maleness of the creature becomes more obvious as it image changes to a close-up of the head. The lack of hair makes the face angular and more handsome, then pretty. The eyes are much larger than a human’s and contain no white area. The nose is very small. A large horizontal slit is located below in what could be a mouth without lips. Suddenly the creature starts to make noise, its mouth is moving in sync with the noise. After a few seconds a mechanical voice starts to speak in English. It is as if the creature’s words are being translated.

“Earthlings, I am Nuzol 239. My companions and I are from a distant planet we call Laru. We have traveled for more than thirty Earth years to visit you. We will not harm you. We will use our technological and physical superiority to help you. We ask to meet with your leaders to discuss the matter in greater detail. You can contact us on any of your frequencies. I know this historical galactic event will benefit you greatly.”

The screen went blank again. After a flash of light, the regular programming continued. After a moment of stunned silence, the anchor woman continued her show.

The United Nations’ Secretary General assumed the rightful role as the Earth’s ambassador. She would meet with the aliens once Earth scientist studied the DNA and “blood” samples they provided. The tests showed there were startling similarities between the species. Laru and Earth must have almost identical atmospheres and climates. Since the species were so similar, the women wanted to make sure there was no chance of any cross contamination of alien diseases. But the alien samples proofed to be as robust and extremely healthy as the women were. Ten days after the first communication had been sent a meeting was scheduled. Nuzol and his delegation would meet with the Secretary General before addressing the General Assembly.

From one of the large orbiting crafts, a small pod landed on the UN’s heliport. Nuzol stepped out along with four other aliens. They looked very similar to another. The only noticeable difference was the hue of their blue skin. Some were darker than others and one had a netting effect similar to a giraffe. All wore nothing but white shorts with brightly colored ribbons around the waist band. The colors signified their rank. Each also wore a silver toned choker with what looked like a broach attached.

The Secretary General took several steps forward to meet Nuzol on the roof. Both species slowly scanned each other’s powerfully built physiques. Nuzol expanded his chest to try to compete with the Secretary’s imposing bust line. Her eyes darted quickly to the bulge between his thick thighs. A distant longing within her suddenly resurfaced. The female Earthlings and male Larians were about the same height and musculature. Nuzol leaned over and whispered something to his colleague. The other alien frantically pressed some buttons on the tablet like computer he carried in one hand. They continued to communicate softly amongst themselves. The Earth’s representative watched them intently. She found the visitors surprisingly attractive. Her eyes kept going back to their crotches. She hoped their anatomy was as human like as it appeared.

Nuzol redirected his attention to his host. He touched the necklace around his neck. The broach lit up and he spoke. A synthesized voice was heard in French, the Secretary General’s native tongue. “I am Nuzol of the planet Laru.” The Secretary smiled as Nuzol introduced the rest of his entourage. She went to shake hands but stopped. She was hesitant to touch the unknown creature despite her desire to feel his touch.

The group descended into the impressive building and entered a large conference room. The aliens showed great interest in everything they saw. After exchanging pleasantries and small gifts, Nuzol began to tell a strangely familiar story.

“A virus back on my planet devastated our population. The virus weakened our bodies and made us much more vulnerable to disease. The virus impacted our female population more veraciously, making them unable to breed. Our scientists were finally able to manipulate the virus in the laboratory to the point that it not only stopped its detrimental effects but actually reversed them. The altered virus made us healthier than thought possible. Unfortunately, the cure came too late for our females. But please, do not be afraid. The original, harmful virus was eradicated back on Laru. In fact, my own people are now immune to the original virus because of the effect of the altered virus. Over time the modified virus has continued to improve our physical health and appearance. The males of my species are now smarter, healthier and a hundred times more resistant to all known diseases and future viral outbreaks. Our physical strength has tripled and our athletic ability is unsurpassed. Even our mental capabilities greatly increased. At the chance of sounding arrogant, we consider ourselves the most advanced creatures in the known universe.” Nuzol hesitated for a moment to wait for a response. The women showed no emotion. He continued, “Sadly, while my species is in its zenith we are unable to procreate without females“. Nuzol stopped again. He scanned the beautiful women that sat across the table. His eyes went to the abundant cleavage on display. The women noticed the facial expressions of the visitors changed. A chill went up their spines.

Nuzol continued. “We have searched the known universe for a compatible species to share our superior physiology. We discovered humans are such a species. We come here to bestow the great honor on you.” The women were shocked. They whispered frantically to each other. The Secretary General did not say a word and kept her eyes focused on Nuzol. “I understand the males of your species have also suffered great losses. I think you will find Larien males are more than able to fill the gap they left. Anatomically we are identical in design to your human males, as you are to our females. We also possess traits I believe human females desire in their mates. We are endowed with greater height, strength, stamina and larger genitalia.”

The Secretary’s calm demeanor was suddenly broken as she gasped for air. Her mind was filled with images of Nuzol having his way with her on the table that separated them. “Yes” was all she could think to say.

“Good than it’s agreed. My legions will need a viable site to habitat as soon as possible. We require a large geographic area, like a city that will become an independent state not bound by the Earth’s primitive laws. Once we approve the location, the area will be restricted to all Earthlings, except the breeding females we select. We will have total autonomy on who are worthy receptors of Larien seed. The human female will be given to a Larien male for two Earth years. At which time she will be removed from our state and the offspring will be raised within our jurisdiction. If we feel it justified the female may visit periodically. Do you have any questions?”

The Secretary’s jaw was tight as she listened to her guest’s demands. She took a deep breath her large breasts heaving forward before falling slowly. “I think my delegation will need to discuss your proposal further before we can make a final decision. I’m sure you can understand this is a lot to take in, creating a new hybrid Earthling-Larien species.”

A member of the alien party leaned in and whispered to Nuzol. The leader made sure he turned off his translator so the humans would not understand what was being said. He returned his gaze back to the Secretary who was patiently waiting. “This was not a proposal. These are our demands for creating the next generation of Lariens.”

“Demands?” The Secretary said in a harsh tone. She stood up quickly, “Who are you to make demands. You are on our planet. You need us as much, if not more than we need you. You have no right to dictate to us.”

“Of course we do. You are females and we are males. Our research shows Earth’s primitive societies were ruled by the men, as it is on Laru.” Nuzol said in a calm, matter-of-fact tone.

The Secretary scoffed before getting hold of her emotions. She sat down before speaking. “Nuzol you must realize what you are asking. This will mean the end of both humans and Lariens. Who knows what we will create. Playing Goddess is something I don’t take lightly. This is something we can not rush in to.”

“If we do nothing it will be the end of both our species also. You are thinking like an irrational woman, not a leader. We have already worked out all the details. There is nothing for you to decide” Nuzol answered quickly.

“I think this will be a good time to adjourn. We have a lot of information to consider.” The Secretary stood followed by the all the other woman.

“We have no time for indecision. We need an answer now?” Nuzol’s voice became faster and louder. He stood up quickly and his side of the table followed. One of the aliens on the end of the table grabbed a device that he carried in a holster at his hip. One of the woman security guards saw this and thinking the Secretary General was in danger, lurched for him. She grabbed his arm and twisted it to make him let go of the device. There was a loud snap as the aliens’ skeletal structure was broken. The other aliens went to his aid, one shot a yellow colored ray at the guard who froze in place. The other women quickly grabbed the remaining aliens and easily overpowered them. The Larien males were held down on the floor. They struggled to no avail. The Earth women were too strong for them to fight back.

“Let go of me immediately, female!” Nuzol demanded. He looked over to one of his colleagues, not realizing his translator was still on he spoke. “Why are they so big and strong? What went wrong with the virus?”

“I don’t know, it might have mutated in the wormhole or from the extreme heat it encountered when it entered their atmosphere. Maybe we underestimated the responds of their DNA.” The closest Alien answered.

“Our plans are ruined! We won’t be able to control them. We have made the human females too powerful.” The woman stared at Nuzol who finally figured out his oversight.

“Please everyone stop” the secretary yelled. The room became quiet and still. The Secretary walked over to Nuzol. “What do you mean you made us too powerful?” Nuzol didn’t respond. She looked at the other visitors. “Were you responsible for meteorite that hit the Earth thirty years ago? Was the pink dust a form of the virus you told us about?” Nuzol remained quiet. The Secretary anger boiled over. She reached out and grabbed his hand and bent in backwards.

The pain made Nuzol squeal. “Yes, we sent the meteorite. When we discovered we were compatible with humans, we decided to take the Earth. But you were too weak and frail to carry Larien fetuses. We decided to make you better, more physically perfect. So our offspring would be a super species, something the universe had never seen. Our sons would be the ultimate beings to conquer other worlds.”

“So you decided to eliminate the competition and kill off all our men?” The Secretary squeezed harder.

“Yes, they served no purpose for our needs. We thought you would be defenseless with the males gone.” Nuzol blurted out through the pain.

The Secretary laughed. “That plan didn’t work out so well did it?” She let go of his hand and returned to her seat. She stared at Nuzol from across the room in silence for some time. “I think it’s time to reconvene our meeting.” She motioned to the guards. They pushed the alien males back into their chairs. “Men once ruled this planet, but that was a long time ago. It part due to you, women inherited the Earth and it is mostly a better place for it. We will not let it fall under male rule again; especially not small, weak, alien males who committed gendercide against our species. Do you understand?” Nuzol looked around at the beautiful and powerful woman that surrounded him. Reluctantly he said yes. “Good, now that we have a better understanding, let’s continue our discussion. We estimate there are no more than 10,000 or you; while there are over 200 million women. Even with your superior technology, it would be very difficult with your frail bodies to keep us under your control.” She looked over to the alien with the broken arm. “And if you could, it wouldn’t be a very pleasant experience constantly worrying about being ambushed or killed. There’s an old Earth saying, war is hell. I don’t want to live like that and I’m sure if you had a choice your species wouldn’t either. Not when there is a far more pleasurable alternative.” The Secretary leaned forward, crossed her arms which pushed her plump breasts forward. “I’m now ready to list our demands and when you agree to them. We can begin our peaceful coexistence and start that super species you dreamed about.”

“And if we don’t agree” Nuzol asked.

“You are free to spend another 30 years searching the universe for another compatible species”.

Nuzol knew he had no choice. He sat and listened to everything the woman said. As more and more UN delegates entered the room, the list of demands increased. Nuzol agreed to them all and later explained his decision to his fellow crestfallen Lariens. Like the Earth males before them, the Larienan men would have to learn to live as the weaker sex. The woman they helped create would rule their new world.


SNS will be going live to New York’s Mt. Sanai hospital where the first Human-Larien child was born. This child represents how woman of the Earth have welcomed the Larien refugees to our home.

It was only two years ago that Lariens surrendered their tactical weapons and space armada to the United Nations. And none of us will forgot the day 14 months ago when the quarantine was lifted and the Lariens were allowed to join our society. With the UN controlled Male Distribution Program, women welcomed the new males into their lives. The merging of our two worlds has been an intergalactic success. NASA has announced a new search mission, using Larien space travel technology, of the beta quadrant to seek out additional life forms.


Twenty five years later, a thin male with a bluish tint to his skin sits on a bench in front of a schoolyard. He gently rocks the carriage next to him which contains two infants. He nods to another male who joins him and sits on the other end of the bench. This male also has a carriage with two infants and a third toddler walking along side. The two males are wearing only a pair of shorts as was the Larien custom. The shorts are tighter and skimpier to better show their maleness.

They are members of a currently typical household consisting of a male and 3 to 5 women. The women are friends and/or lovers. The males work for them. The males were delivered to their women after a complicated process. The women applied to the Male Distribution Department, once the $100,000 fee was paid and their household approved, a male was assigned to them. The male, who had no choice in the matter, enters a life of servitude. He is responsible for maintaining the home, raising the children and servicing all the needs of the women in the home.

The new species hasn’t produced the galactic warrior sons the Larien had anticipated. The hybrid males are much smaller than their fathers in height and breadth due to the virus altered human DNA. However, they are now free of all health and fertility problems. The hybrid species is so disease resistant, scientists have been unable to introduce a new virus to counter act the pink dust on the male’s DNA. The pink dust that is still abundant in the Earth environment.

The new females have retained all the quantities of their mothers while the Larien genes have made their stronger and smarter. Females are even more superior than before. The physical gap between the two sexes has increased, not decreased with time.

The males on the bench watch as a little boy with bluish skin walks across the school yard. He is hit by a big pink ball. He picked it up and held it shyly as a girl with large dark eyes walks up to him. He keeps his eyes lowered since he is not allowed to look directly at the female that he doesn’t belong to. Both are in the third grade but the girl was a foot taller and weighed twice as much as the boy. Her arms were thick and strong. She moved with the confidence of a superior being. She grabs the ball and pulls it from him. The strength of her arms caused the boy to lose his balance and he fell. The boy began to cry. The girl just stared at him with pity and disgust before walking away.

The boy’s friends waited for the girl to leave before they came to his side. They helped him up and walked him back to their craft table. The girl returned to her friends to play a game of dodge ball at the other side of the yard.

One of the males sitting on the bench sighed before he spoke. “Kid you better get used to being pushed around by women. It’s the way things are and the way they will always be.” The other male nodded in agreement as he continued to rock the carriage of the next generation.
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Re: Author: [Clarence591] Pink Dust
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2018, 03:55:18 pm »
Thanks! Looking forward to rereading this!

Offline Lupus753

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Re: Author: [Clarence591] Pink Dust
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2018, 05:33:07 pm »
The part where it dropped the quotation marks, during the news interview, was very weird and difficult to read.

Offline the_boffin

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Re: Author: [Clarence591] Pink Dust
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2020, 09:08:43 pm »
Could you double check your geography.
the Sahara desert is in africa and spanes at least 10 countries, none of which is saudi arabia.
Saudi Arabia is in the arabain desert.
If you want a countries in the sahara, i'd suggest south of libya, its a large country with a fairly small population.

Offline jhunter

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Re: Author: [Clarence591] Pink Dust
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2020, 02:28:24 am »
Been a while since I read the story. Thanks for finding it.

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