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Author Topic: About Cousin Patty-- Crushing Cousin Patty  (Read 6913 times)

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About Cousin Patty-- Crushing Cousin Patty
« on: November 12, 2019, 10:40:42 am »
DISCLAIMER: The following story echoes somewhat those dark tales of Dmaynard's and SeldomLasts stories (will even feature cameos of some of their girls, along with other surprises), of girls so powerful and bestial that they are veritable forces of nature. With bodies perfectly capable of slicing through skin and bone, these girls revel in their sadism as they bring destruction to all those unfortunate enough. This story, is part of an anthology serious, with the aim to bring together some of Michele Le Muscle's girls (including Annie Ample), and other girls you may know, in a world populated with muscle girl's instead of the isolated muscle freak we usually see. The following story, borders into areas that might be considered taboo, so if stories of freakishly strong women, committing random acts of violence, flanked by undiluted Amazon smut makes you queasy, please stop reading. You've been warned.  This story came as a stream of consciousness , trying to recover previous ideas of a Latina muscle girl called Patty, whose original story I unfortunately lost. Using a series of Annie Ample homages, I used those stories (that I'll post later) as a vehicle to bringing Patty's escapades to the front. The story, because it's stream of consciousness , lacks polish, but hopefully you'll grow to enjoy it. I might repost it later once it's more polished. At the end you'll find a small teaser paragraph describing some of Patty's future adventures. Again. Taboo. Save yourself if you disagree and turn back, for one last time....

 About Cousin Patty-- Crushing Cousin Patty

Patty loved her cousin, when she was born she was already fucking huge and bigger than pornstar tits, an utter freak of nature. Mom died crushed in childbirth, father blamed her for her mother’s death, but also tried to take advantage of her own daughter. Her cousin Daniel was only one to protect her, even when her body was bursting with muscles, not to treat her as a monster. As she grew and grew both got closer to the point of basically having a relationship.

One night, of her dad’s drunken haze, dripping beer on top of his boorish stinking body, the old man began to lambast Patty asking her to pick up the TV remote for him. The fool of a man, stinking of cheap bear ate up his daughter’s legs and exploding ass, as she leaned forward. In an increasingly more daring and disrespectful move, Patty’s own old man dug his sinful fingers into Patty’s tight cunt. Patty furious over the ordeal, slapped her dad squarely on the cheek, sending caving some of his teeth in. Grunting, and tensing her huge body, the girl proceeded to crush fuck her dad, literally tearing his cock trapped between her legs, strapped across her glutes, dangerously close to her cunt, while smearing his body, cracking his bones against her tits. Se left him perpetually handicapped, but alive. Crying at the destruction she unleashed at her stupid dad, Patty darted onto the night. Afraid. Her mind racing with the images of what she just did, but relishing with the power with which she so casually destroyed her old man. “Cousin Daniel, Patty thought, “He’d shelter her!”. That night, after climbing to her cousin’s bedroom up a dried rose trellis, with a gentle knock against the window… Daniel rose to witness her bloodied and clearly freaked cousin. Struggling to open the window, Patty reached over, her meaty arms ballooning with might easily doing the work for him, her towering body penetrating the room. Daniel gasped audible as he marveled at her cousin’s bruising body, caked in blood. Hearing her sniffling, Daniel reached over to hold the big girl tightly in his arms. “There, there, he comforted her”, till both fell asleep. Daniel would keep her secret, and consoled the squirming hulk of a girl, that her dad wouldn’t be so stupid as to incriminate himsef in his abuse.

Of course, a few years later, all of this didn’t matter, as with  coupe de grace, Patty would decapitate her father’s entire torso sandwiching the motherfucker between her monster pecs and tits, his cock always erect and dripping for her daughter all these years. Pathetic excuse of a man. But still the sweet moments she spent with her cousin,  forever stuck in her mind, her cousin’s compassion, and her waking hunger.


Some years into the future, when Patty was at the cusp of her thirteenth birthday, the young girl decided to take matters into her own hands. Relishing on the exquisite commingling of conflicting emotions between Daniel and herself, Patty made a game for both of them, to hunt down her cousin, once a year --no matter where Daniel was, Patty would find him and rain a world of hell around him, to lure him further in under her control. In this short span of thirteen years, Patty had grown into a titanic behemoth of garishly huge and monstrous muscles. Because of the dangerous erotism of the incestous relationship, Patty endeavoured in helping his cousin ekke away always fanning the fires of the hunt. Having amassed a fortune, by no legal means,  the young muscle girl funneled millions into her cousin’s account to make her hunt juicier.

The first time she engaged in this game, on the brink of devouring the taboo that separated the two of them, Patty was barely 6, but already a muscle monster and tits bigger than an entire male’s body. After her dad’s insolence, Patty powered her body at the gym with mind-blowing results. Patty remembered how her cousin Daniel had taken MMA, and to show off Patty joined, too.  Patty in front of multitude made her cousin orgasm, enveloped across her gigantic thighs, the huge tendons squashing him, tensing and sending his overpowered body quaking, threatening to cave his entire chest and ribs (of course, Patty would never hurt her cousin, but still wanted him taste how much power she had) everyone else oohed and aahed at this. The other blokes teased her cousin Daniel on her embrace, teasing that he was being overpowered by a young girl (yet stronger than their wildest dreams), of course, their own cocks didn’t betray them as so much muscle and power from such a tight body drove them over the edge, and each plated muscle, trained to a conditioning and size far beyond what they were capable,  clear evidence of her strength. Noticing that she had reduced her cousin to tears without wanting to, and shaming him amongst her peers, Patty gently laid him on the floor, with a sweet teary ‘sorry’ and kissing his forehead. Didn’t these assholes know who she was? Gymnast and bodybuilding prodigy at the sweet age of 6, time to teach all of them a lesson of respect towards her cousin.

Then without mercy she crushed fucked and destroyed the entire 40 assembled teens and men and women. Their bodies grinding to paste unable to contain her fury. Those darting to escape where ripped apart by her arms, or crushed into smithereens by her monstrous thigh-packed kicks. In the end, sweaty and covered in blood, Patty gazed lovingly at her cousin. The entire dojo, roofs, walls, and all strewn with piles of gore and mangled bodies, cracked portions of wall here and there, so much destruction. Closer to the  edge, Patty picked her cousin up, weightlessly as a feather, and rubbed his dick against her cunt, she wanted this so badly, but could see the struggles in her cousin’s eyes…. Patty did surrender him into submission, overriding his resistance by muscle-lust, but before consuming and losing her virginity, Patty just blew his mind off against her abs and tits. They kissed and the teen boy could feel just how powerful his baby cousin’s mouth was. Marching to the back entrance, Patty shoved an arm into a wall ripping power cables sizzling with electricity, tossing it into the tatami mats, the entire building tore into flames. Patty kissed her cousin, promising some day they’ll both experience heat far hotter than this between them two, and that Patty would simply grow huge. With the building collapsing like spent matchsticks, they left to no witnesses as the fire consumed all inside… Both of them their perfect alibi. That’s how their tradition, the ebb and flow of their passion and global hunt started. Each passing day Patty true to her word was a becoming a behemoth hoisting ludicrous amounts of weight, making her muscles pile and stack against each other...


School daze, how the young girl hated mingling with children far too shallow and insignificant next to her. One hot evening, when Patty was trying to relax at a park, in came the shitty stick figure of her class-mate Margaret mousing into nobody's business.  Patty at the exquisite age of 13, her tree-trunk arms quivering as she crossed them in front of her chest, staring at this  puny girl pretentious little princess,  her incessant yapping barating Patty for being too violent, and dressing so revealing (even though Patty loved to wear overalls, and t-shirts, so dressing  conservatively, but her tits and muscles so huge that stretched the material to exploding point, leaving her chasmic tits and cleavage for all to drink on). Annoyed, Patty flexed her tits, the material exploding in supremacy and thrusting up with such ferociousness that the girl ‘eeped’ thinking Patty was going to squash her with its girth right there and then, but sickly Margaret didn’t expect Patty to rise the tree trunk thighs attached to her dainty left foot, and simply stomp the girls kindling body into the ground, the stomp so powerful that Patty buried her entire leg onto the ground, her calves and hamstring and quads disintegrating the girl on impact and mincing the stone and rock below.

Pondering on how to cover this, the muscle girl went to a nearby huge oak, the thing barely a twig in her grasp. Applying enough pressure not to destroy it in her embrace, some splinters here and there, Patty uprooted the entire tree, the colossal 90 inch tree a bare twig against the girl’s gigantic body. She carried the tree with ease, balancing the huge structure expertly. Laughing she replanted the tree on the crater she had just smushed the little girl into. Of course her leg was so massive, thicker than the girth of the tree that the whole dangling tree inside the crater looked so awkward that Patty had to laugh bunching her man-rippling abs with crushing power as Patty sexually played with the armor plates through the overstretched fabric of her overalls. That would have to do, Patty thought content with her girlmanship, throwing a dazzling smile that made her eyes, emeralds glimmering jovially. Shrugging her boulderlike shoulders the girl skipped away, her calves bunching bigger than pumpkins straining the material and tears appearing here and there.

Skipping she went to the town’s soda fountain malt shop, for a meeting with her cousin Daniel. Expertly squeezing herself through crowds, every single one of them eclipsed by the girl’s monstrous muscles, Patty flashed her cousin a smile and sat in front of him, her girth taking the space of almost 3 entire tables. Thinking how to toy around, looking at the old man serving the malts  Patty used this wicked ability she had of increasing her body temperature. The old man that served her the malt oozing after Patty decided to prey on him, extending her tits apart, and flexing her pecs, Patty increased her body heat, drips of sweat formed erotically across her chasm, steam literally started to flow. The old man, like a fly couldn’t take it and straddled the young girl between his legs, so fucking hot it burned him, but bigger was his passion, humping the girls abs. Patty giggled and grasped the chair by her dangling hands, straighten them bringing her triceps to prominence. The girth of each arm more than triple than the middle-aged man’s body, making him feel like a baby. Soon the guy caught himself grew shit scared after seeing Patty growing gigantically “What you doing, you pencil-neck fuck?” The girl barked menacingly pretending she didn’t know what was going on. Trying to stand the poor asshole found himself trapped in her grasp and engulfed by muscle. Patty increased her body heat till the motherfucker was suffocated into unconsciousness and creamed his pants. Giggling, the girl simply let him drop uselessly on the ground, pondering whether to destroy him and all the place’s patrons. Noticing his cousin lazily slurping his milkshake, staring at her body adoringly, the liquid oozing onto the table, Patty thrillingly laughed and forgot about the whole thing, casually kicking the old fat man, a sack of bricks aside, toppling a table in the process.’ I can always come back later’, Patty thought. Right now, she was with her cousin.

 Bending her arms on top the table to rest her hands across the cold wood surface, her muscles exploding and cracking the table below, especially as her gigantic tits squashed against the table making it menacingly buckle. Patty smiled at her cousin joyously, and stretching  behemoth legs towards him, with her bare tippitoes began to fondle his cock, squashing it almost painfully, like the good-girlfriend she considered herself to be. Her calf bloated with so much muscle that it twisted and bent the steel base of the table and snapped the chairs around, as her thigh powered through. A tear was rewarded, as her bulking calves burst thru accompanied by her cousin Daniel being hoisted sky high, by her foot alone. Tucking him in, squashing the table with her tits, Daniel had his legs spread wide as he rode the now fully revealed, pumpkin sized calves, crunching sexually. He orgasmed there, and hugged the leg. The girl cocked her neck interestedly and wiggled her feet enchantingly, the dainty feet a huge contrast to her monstrous leg. Thinking they both had enough action for the day, Patty rose towering above her cousin, and her body so massive that threatened to crush those seated around her even unintentionally, Patty giggled at this thought, and her cunt dripped her juices as she definitely would come back… Cradling Daniel against her tummy, she carried her cousin to his house.

Set on tucking her cousin in bed, Patty’s mischievous attention was attracted by a huge tow truck parked just around the corner of her cousin’s house. She jumped on it and flexed, laying across the cold steel tow bed, causing the wheels to explode as the muscle girl milked her body for more muscle. Her cousin nestled on top of her, enjoying the show. The driver stupefied, startled awake by the dangerous rocking tow truck, hurriedly got off the cabin only to find this behemoth spread across the tow truck, slowly pulverizing it with her body. Shouting at the girl, both mystified and in terror at what he was seeing, the red-neck  tried to ask the girl out of the car, and tried to pull her by her massive meaty arm, the boulder bicep and tricep so heavy, he didn’t gouge that it wasn’t he that had her arm outstretched, it was Patty toying with him. Her lone arm bigger than his body. Closing her arm  upon his useless body, Patty squashed the poor fuck between monstrous tit, and crunching bicep, a trickle in her succulent armpit, his shouts muffled and too slow to ever be heard. Patty continued flexing and flexing, crumbling the tow truck by her weight and expanding muscles, her glutes piston fucked the steel to the floor and cratering the ground below. She was so huge, and massive, utterly naked as the clothes exploded, unable to contain her, she hoisted her cousin like a trophy. Plastering him gently against her body, she milked him for his juices. Smiling at her explosion, the naked massive teen girl, cradled him in her arms and jogged towards the house, such speed and power in each step that ground was pulverized below. Uncaring, she sailed past a jogger, smooshing him into putty underfoot and her calves, along with squashing  a belgium shepherd he was leashed with. Patty was too excited to notice until it was too late, hearing the yelps of the poor crushed dog. “Aww, sorry pooch,” Patty said, scrunching her face sexily. She liked to keep her animal casualties to a minimum. Shrugging her shoulders she powered towards her cousin’s house, her shoulders caving in the entrance, one of her tits, much, much larger than his entire body and his queen sized bed. There and then in the pangs of passion, Patty fucked his cousins brains out, and he did the best he could to pleasure his younger cousin Patty, but it was her doing most of the work. Her thrusts crushed the bed below, to brace for landing the girl tensed her feet, pulverizing the ground below, tearing through the mattress, to cave the ground floor, to be suspended by the trapped mattress and her inferno cunt tight pussy. Stil fucking her cousin, this time with her abs and tits, One of her arms against the wall, so her cousin could drink the massive girth that eclipsed him and her armpits musky scent, and the tits so massive and quacking, Patty collapsed the exterior wall, crushing through the plaster, and disintegrating the iron tubes of the house. As a last act, happy at the night, Patty tucked gently her cousin in her cavernous cleavage and both fell asleep. The teen boy being periodically constricted, and hoisted aloft by the gentle breathing, cradled by gargantuan hot flesh of her cousins orbs, smiling he realized he wasn’t going anywhere, and if with a careless deep breath Patty crushed him to putty, he’d die happily, in the best place ever. Thankfully, Patty was so careful around him, that despite her sleeping body growing huger and huger in her sleep and pulverizing anything in her path, her cousin was secure in the warm embrace her bosom afforded. Both dreamed about each other, so intoxicated about the passing of the night.


Blaring sirens blasted by waking both of them. Patty was pissed, but ever so intoxicated, patting her cousin in the cheek and tugging him against her, Patty crushed throw the remaining house walls, landing on the police car, squashing one of them against her ass, crushing to a pulp the occupants. Then she snapped flexed her fist through a sucker as her wide arm impaled through him and exploded him in half as he uselessly discharged his gun at the teen’s hot titanic flesh, she had to be quick to avoid injury to her cousin. So many patrols were destroyed, but Patty decided to blow her cousin’s mind off, she surrendered, their cop’s handcuffs too tiny for her, she squashed one officer to a ball against her heaving abs, deinstegrating him in the grooves,of her armor plated stomach, crunching his useless handcuffs along with his pulpy flesh. Patting the sole remaining cop in the cheek, mouth agape, pissing in his pants, she tucked him into the car. Hoisted the car dangerously screeching against Patty’s huge girth, strapped across her shoulder the car deformed even when she was being gentle, cousin plastered against her abs, she skipped towards the precinct. Sailing past the soda bar, she gently lowered the car and her cousin, flashing at them both a smile, she picked another car, and rammed herself against the establishment, collapsing stone and exploding the full window in the store’s front against the onslaught of her muscles. So peaked and huge was Patty that she was bigger than the sedan strapped against her chest and she simply ate up the space of the room, her muscles crunching and pulverizing tables, glass and all occupants. Entire families exploding into mush by the exertions of the girl’s grinding flesh. BAM the car finally exploded, and bringing the building down.

Gingerly Patty skipped towards the cop, and said, guess you have some 70 more people to blame me for smothering against my awesome body she giggled, her massive tits enchantingly, the girth covered in blood soot and dust. Her chest thrust so much threatening to pulverize anyone close, she was oozing trepidation at the pleasure and destruction she was going to unleash. She reached the jail courtroom, cradling the last cop’s face in her grasp, she playfully cracked his jaw and smooched playfully Aww so purdy, his teeth buckled and cracked., The guy erect, she hoisted him against her quads. After he creamed himself, Patty casually snapped some of his ribs and cracked some of his spine discs, but didn’t kill him. Lucky survivor.

Marching purposefully towards courthouse, Patty crushed the last patrol car in a bearhug and tossed aside the discarded refuse. Climbing the stairs, each climb sending her ass exploding and bunching, calves and quads mushrooming, the stark naked girl was simply demolishing the ground below.

Smiling as she went up, she felt Daniel embracing her legs plastering his face against her powering ass, crunching her glutes to and fro, maybe too hard, as she felt his nose crackle. “Sorry cuz”, she said playfully, “it’s okay Patty, the enthralled teen said” almost entirely muffled by his cousin’s gigantic granite ass. Patty smiled reaching for him, in her mighty arms she lifted her teen cousin aloft and twirled him about almost like in musical, her massive shoulder collapsing the columns her chest plowing thru wood double door entrance and bringing a chunk of wall with it. A stupefied bailiff eyes wide open, cock erect at the youthful muscle teen, and her hulking flowery smell. In relief as the girl wrecked the inside twirling her cousin about, like in a musical, she even sang, the mother fucking muscle princess, her muscles crunched weaklings against it. IN a jump twirl, she landed on top of an unfortunate soul, her calves jutting, constricting him sickeningly to wedge him between distended muscles crushing him to the floor. The divorcee whom she missed by an inch, meaning that after his death, now she was a millionaire, giddy ,hot and happy, she swooned and fainted witnessing the hot naked teen cavorting about. Patty actually started singing too much immersed in the mood, with every stomp and squashed fleshinglings all around, blood shot forth almost enchantingly decorating the entourage. Lalalala, she sang, hoisting in a dance her beloved cousin, pretending she was in one of those Disney Princess films she loved so much, and she being the Muscle-Fucking Princess. Then wham, one of her glutes crushed the bailiff’s wooden cabin and squashed him in the same go, only to extricate her ass from the hole as the girl twirled about. The countless of silhouettes of people trying to prevent being pulverized by the drop-dead gorgeous muscle-pulverizing ballerina, almost like an ensemble of a macabre ballet, till Patty’s weight squashed them flat to extract more red juices to shoot about. The moans of the fallen, mutilated, of the muscle-lust clusterfuck, like a rising choir of an epic ballet..

Boom, the young girl pulverized against the floor of the judge’s courtroom, the entire chamber was sequestered by the power and youth emanating from this behemoth, chest heaving in power, utterly drenched in crimson and shining with sweat (excitement induced). The girl ate them up with her eyes, her lips parted into a smile enhancing her dimples. Smiling at the judge, she said she was here to turn herself in, she had killed over 70 people, playing with her abs, she deduced she must be turned in also for the ones she casually rendered into blood mist. Maybe some 10-20 more  she puckered her lips, sending shivers of ecstasy on all onlookers. Oh yeah, and there’s a badly beaten cop next to his crushed car outside, she motioned with her thumb, her bicep crunching against her forearm, each fighting for pulverizing supremacy as there was too much muscles, her lats dangerously flaring. “That’s on me, too” and oooh, noticing the toppling beams that started to fall as part of the room had caved in, and all the havoc she caused, “and that too is on me”. She giggled hoisting dear cousin Daniel about, and Oh he’s witness to this all, I threatened to crush him if he didn’t obey Patty said, casually flutter flexing her monstrous body so her cousin could be intoxicated by her power. With a cartoonish wink, Patty smiled at her cousin, they were accomplices thick and thin. Bam, bam, the roof above started to cave in on an area of the courhouse, beams crushing and impaling a few unfortnately souls, Whoops, Patty said looking at the judge, hands behind her butt, jutting her massive glutes sensously,  making the onlookers cum, she innocently asked while biting her lip, “does that count as murder, too, Mr. Judge?” the judge melted in disbelief at such a beautiful face perched on top of the most massive body he had ever seen in his entire life, or ever imagined possible. Her bosom heaving like twin boulders before his very eyes, the girl's playful motions making her steel plate abs grind, and next to her,  a teen that barely reached her underboob, nuzzling her muscles gently.

After hearing her sentencing, the judge to declare her innocent, that’s till Patty with piercing eyes demanded be declared guilty after judge and jury terrified were willingly to turn the eye, she asks the marshall to shoot her, as he was too scared to approach her. Bam bam, bullets squashed against her uselessly. She laughed, crunched the gun in her grasp, tucked both her cousin and marshal against her chest, the marshal screaming in terror, cousin moaning in pleasure, she skipped to the jail house. Neatly doing her best, the teen muscle goddesses squeezed inside of her jail cell, her shoulders mangling the steel like putty, as it simply hadn’t built to contain her. Awww” Patty squealed, placed both men on the ground, and gently pushed them out. She closed the door with a clang, the iron mangling against the rest of the cage.

At nightfall, Patty plowed through the cell, winking at the stupefied guard, telling him that she’d be back as Cinderella before midnight, shaking her head and biting her lips, she said make it at the break of dawn. She was going to sleep with cousin Daniel. Guard could only nod in a trance too fucking scared to even breathe. Patty skipped to the house, still naked, the cool air having her nipples tumescent. She went to her house, knowing full well she had crush-fucked cousin’s house a day ago. There his cousin waited adorigly, lighting a path with candles in painstaking detail illuminating in a dance of shadows and might Patty’s demolishing muscles, They kissed passionately, nearing her magnificent mammoth boobs, exuding heat, Patty fluttered flex her nipple hypnotizing her cousin Daniel to suckle it. Patty kept her nipple the perfect size for her cousin to fall asleep in her massive cradle embrace, enough for him to suckle as a baby, with a nipple that could easily behead and tear his jaw open, beyond suffocation. As her cousin lulled to sleep, Patty, not needing sleep, behemoth muscles increasing in size to the point Daniel was a toy baby in her arms, with a smile, she willed herself asleep and they slept together gently never breaking her embrace. True to her word…. Patty eloped into the break of dawn to return to her cell and wait for the next step of her quest. 


Patty had gone to prison willingly after judge judged her innocent even after she crush fucked a marshal in the stand and grew fucking huge. She urged judge and jury send her to jail or she'd destroy all of them, the images of the past day entrancing the young girl. Soon, cops escorted her out, treating her like submissive royalty explaining her carriage had arrived. Patty ambled forth towards the truck that was supposed to transport her to prison, her  huge mass didn't fit into the prison truck, not before with her tits she had collapsed the truck’s door. Shrugging her boulderlike shoulders, Patty carried the entire prison truck towards the jail, the 100 mile distance, a casual walk for her, as the truck was constricted by her muscles. Reaching the gate of the supermax prison, Patty’s cunt tingled as she inadvertently started crushing the truck against her body while peeling the truck in two and the inmates and guards oozing out very much alive. Patty was planning on turning her entire prison into her bitches, of her Queendom,  couldn't have them dying so soon



First thing Patty did at the jail, was strut to the warden’s office, picking up inmates like daisies, tearing through the steel bars,  and crushing them in her grip as she skipped her way through. No one had a doubt their goddess had arrived. In the warden office, she knocked gently, and then boomed caved in the door. The warden was standing at his desk, in fear, Patty ate up the distance before he reacted. Her massive bod eclipsing his own. Kneel she commanded, seating on his chair, her ass pulverizing the executive style seat, legs outstretched on top the intimidated warden, her calves so huge and weighty he was straining to stay aloft as patty used him as a couch. Patty rummaged through warden’s files about the inmates, dangling the legs and bunching the calves with more muscle. Patty casually sat straight, in the process squashing the warden against the ground, grinding him and snapping most of his ribs, pelvis and shoulder without the girl even noticing. Patty’s eyes were sparkling in amusement as she ate up the file of one of the place’s star prisoners. She ate up the file:

Sweet-sixteen young girl,highschool dropout, joined the army, military tactical prowess shows great potential, however, problems with authority and multiple strands of classified news, where only snippets flashed the girl’s dangerous tendencies lead to early discharge The officers that issued the order mysteriously disappeared few nights later only to appear in a hospital some miles due south, their bodies broken and mangled, investigation still ongoing. Countless felonies, records of this young girl crushing men to a pulp, Patty began to finger her seething pussy, dripping at the sights of the heavy muscled butch, perfectly sculpted body. Whatever she lacked in mass compared to the leviathanic Patty, Patty could tell the girl made up with hardness and definition. Mmm…. solitary confinement, after reading how this butch was tossed into this jail after crush fucking the women in her other establishments, because they refused to admit how powerful she was compared to her, thinking that the other ladies could make this butch their sex toy… This girl had to give all of them a lesson and beating them an edge of their deaths. Patty’s cunt drenched her juices more, and she grind the warden flat as her calves squirm with delight. Solitary confinement, the words flashed again before her eyes.


Yum, the butch had been tossed to rot in the hole after castrating an asshole with her legs, after allegedly trying to rape her. Detailing how this butch had pulverized the cowards that rose to defend that fucking idiot, as the girl incessantly called them.

One of those assholes was in the last throes of life as with a punch, the butch shoved the guys nassal bridge deep into his brain, and just gripped his skull in convulsions. Suddenly blinking Patty noticed the warden smeared across the desk, and the shattered desk itself. Oh well, the muscle girl shrugged her shoulders, her Queendom didn’t need a warden. Umm,, time to meet her prize, Patty thought as she strutted towards the isolation. Patty’s pussy tingling to meet the  butch, who was so dangeorus, because she had obliterated hundreds of female inmates, who allegedly tried to lead her on but she declined being a lesbian--refusing to bow before anyone weaker than her, those inmates were her bitches, not the otherway around.

 Even in this max security prison with the most dangerous male prisoners, she was one of the only female inmates. Right now, isolation, having castrated a motherfucker that tried to pull that trick on her in the showers, using only her quads. The girl was doing calisthenics, never one to break a sweat. The girl almost licked her sinewy arm as she shot piston like single finger push ups wrapped in self-worship. Suddenly, she felt a quake approaching, and the steel door of her confinement cave in revealing meaty girl muscles. ‘Eep’ like a sissy girl she squirmed, even she was overwhelmed by such casual wanton destruction. When she noticed Patty collapse the isolation steel door while casually wedging herself through, the butch marveled at the girl’s utlra young and beautiful face with her sparkling emerald eyes. Patty expertly made this girl her slave, milking her oozles of juices and pleasure against her muscles.


As usual, after dominating wing after wing of her Queendom, Patty returned to  routine she loved, crunching weights to build more muscles. As a near daily routine for Patty benchpress the entire weight set in the gardens, with hundreds of inmates hanging for dear life in a ride as Patty benchpressed them entirely up and down.Her chest heaving, dead center, the best seat in the house was the butch.

Every poor fuck that failed to grasp for dear life, as soon as they fell, either in the air, or when crushing against the floor was snaked by calves, or thighs, or simply squashed by any boulder-like muscles they fell to, or with a Patty altering to benchpressing the muliton weight with a single hand to spray the fuckers against her gorgeus body, exploding them against her armpits, her lats cutting them in half, her biceps obliterating them into unrecognition. Seeing at such a horny, orgy-inducing girl with muscles pulsating and pulverizing, made hanging for dear life a difficult task. The butch girl had an orgasm, falling on Patty’s abs and tits. Fluttering her monstrous  tits, and abs Patty raked the muscle girl to drop at her waiting cunt, and sweeping away the butch from her crushing punishment.

The butch marveling at the huge girth of the barely teen’s massive legs, quadruple wider than the fucking bench was long, so monstrous and striated, as Patty tensed, the butch proceeded to suckle the girl’s irresistible cunt. Oh, how she melted on Patty’s grasp, lapping at her seething tight super-cunt the butch accepted her lesbianism as the gigantic legs of the teen girl exploded with muscle. She didn’t care if the young teen disintegrated her head and body, she wouldn’t budge till she made Patty squirm with ecstasy. Casually, Patty tossed the weight asside, the bouncing weight crushing multiple inmates in the process, reaching over, pressing Butch’s head against her cunt acceptingly, arching her back she lifted butch’s body off the ground, still mesmerized and dead concentrating on pleasing Patty. So delicately, Patty bunched her legs, guaranteeing without a doubt that the girl knew Patty’s power, this casual show of strength sent the Butch creaming her juices without even touching herself. The simple passion and Butch’s moans electrifing with vibrations Patty’s pussy.

The butch’s ultra etched and packed, wiry muscle-body squirming,and thrusting her larger than desk ass defiantly, the butch ate the girl’s pussy feverleshy, relishing as Patty’s legs stood side by side like the girl’s own personalized trash compactor. The butch increasing her lapping pleasruing expertly nibbling the clitoris, aiding herself with one finger into the ultra-tight pussy. Patty purrs at her lovergirl even her massive muscled tight hairless pussy seems to beckon her with promises of excruciating pain, pleasure that only she can offer. Promising more excruciating Pain, pleasure expiation than an eternity in heaven, in the golden lands, all wrapped in the behemoth Leviathan that was Patty and her ultra tight pussy. Across the butch’s sinewey muscled squirming monster back, etched across one of her right shoulderblade, a snake coiled around a heart pierced by a barbell, the words ‘Chrissy’ pulsating in its sinews, all the while,  her desk huge ass for the world to see.

 Both girls climaxed,  Patty detonating like a supernova, cradling the girl in her arms before she was disintegrated into a pulp. All the while the butch in her might embraced simply thrust her pelvis against the heavens, too far gone in her ecstasy. Patty cackled delightfully. Niiiiice….. She was going to have fun here.



About how Patty ditches prison for Las Vegas

After a while that the entire prison was demolished to confirm her vision, and she crushed fucked and slaved all, Patty leaves prison towards Vegas for fun. Leaves a more muscular Chrissy in charge. After days of crush fucking tourists, demolishing buildings , she detonated into so much muscle that a massive crater.Harem or zombies horde against her. After a few days, she bores and goes back to her prison, tearing the entire bedrock foundation, she transplants the prison near Las Vegas

However, after growing bored of being surrounded by punies she crush fucks as many as she can, while going on a trip to find more muscle goddesses to overpower. That's how she ended back to Miami, the hot muscle goddess barely teen Patty the Latina.

Patty one day in a stretched limo with harem girls, and some poor fucks flexed herself out of the limo liquifying the poor fucks and the girls worshiped her as they saw the steel mold around her, spared by her power and expert body control. Her feet tore through the chassis and pulverized the ground below.

Patty had conquered an entire hotel as her own castle, floor to floor packed with her harem girls, and guys she’d pulverize. For fun, she’d toss entire buildings up in the air, jump against them collapse the structures with her destroying muscles. Waves of soldiers sent obliterated by her, the army decided to rise this girl's ire no more and decided simply let her do what she pleased. More and more muscle girls had been rising threatening the very tapestry of the nation, nay the world and beyond.

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: About Cousin Patty-- Crushing Cousin Patty
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2019, 06:58:35 pm »
Well, I will say that usually when it comes to violence, gore, and snuff, I'm not always the biggest fan, but sometimes the stories just have enough muscle and strength description, then my usual prejudices go out the window, and this story just had enough of that to get me hooked and reading all the way through. Though I would guess my main thing is that  a lot of the writing was confusing to me, I guess because English is not your first language, so that may be forgiven. Still, all around, a very enjoyable read for me. k+!
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline Mastron

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Re: About Cousin Patty-- Crushing Cousin Patty
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2019, 08:48:44 pm »
I'm equally torn, Jeremy. Personally, I'm scared at the thought of being around someone so whimsical and with such level of power, because:

1) Despite my morals, I've realized that I'd become too intoxicating by the displays of power, to even ask them to stop (and that's really all I could do, stop them myself? Impossible).
2) Live with the fear, that this person could simply snap at any moment and make me the target of their abuse. An abuse far too intense and to even dream of escaping alive, yet too attached of that person to leave them.

It's 100% a rollercoaster, when I read guys like Seldomlasts, or Dmnaynard where their girls embody to perfection the concept of taking, doing whatever they want without any fear of consequences, because there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Yet, that same level of power, beauty and strength, like a narcotic that simply keeps me hooked.

Personally, I prefer when the girls display strength against material stuff, because it probably proves more challenging to them than simply crushing someone that's clearly a gnat in comparison. Yet, here's something that boggles my mind, any way. Assume you get someone as huge and gentle as Djubre's Megan (, you really believe they wouldn't simply harm you unintentionally with that level of strength? Or what if in one of their bad days you make them mad, will they truly abstain from physical harm?

Thanks for reading the story, btw. This chapter was mostly a brainstorm. Jotted down my ideas, and then expanded some areas here and there, that's why it jumps back and forth in time so much, or some sections feel out of place. Will try to polish the story in the future.

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Re: About Cousin Patty-- Crushing Cousin Patty
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2019, 03:18:58 am »
Well done! I really like the shotgun splattering of insane ideas and mind-breaking strength and muscles on display here. I think with some editing and fleshing out of scenes, there are some really great muscle girl stories here!

As for the violence and gore, this is just fantasy. Playtime. No reason for guilt! As horrifying as a real unstoppable murderous muscle brat would be, it makes for some fun and sexy smut! Just her overwhelming level of dominance and uncaring for the lives of the toy-like people around her, chilling and delightful to those of us with sick depraved minds!

Offline Mastron

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Re: About Cousin Patty-- Crushing Cousin Patty
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2019, 05:34:47 pm »

The Master speaks. Truly I'm not worthy! You've always been a Legend, Seldom. Thanks for the input. Definitely some scenes will be fleshed out, like Patty liquifying the people at the dojo... One of the last survivors, a 22 year old guy, hangs on Patty's grasp by the skull. The girl like a puppy presenting their owner a present, is staring at Daniel not even noticing the guy's useless struggles (to the point he had torn off the fingernails scratching at Patty's impenetrable and unforgiving forearm). The poor a-hole had been rendered paralyzed from the waist down, moments earlier by a single expert punch from Patty... demolishing his spine. As she stood there, staring at her cousin, the girl maneuvered her hands around the fleshbag's skull. His entranced cousin could see how even when trying to be gentle the girl's fingers painfully dug in and cracked bone. But then, with a final smile, Patty tenses her tree-trunk arms, and crack's the guys open like an egg, right in the middle.... fingers digging deep perfectly aligned with the pituitary  gland. With a slurp and crack the guy's last screams are silenced, as his mouth, entire face is destroyed. The brain & eyeballs, spills out and land with a slosh right next Patty's feet.

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