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Author Topic: [Jaguar] "Nancy" Story Snippet  (Read 3200 times)

Offline Jaguar

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[Jaguar] "Nancy" Story Snippet
« on: February 26, 2017, 08:43:51 am »
Here is a partly created story I've been working on.  Sadly I haven't been able to figure out how to write anything short or shortish.  Which is a problem because my health is failing and what I had intended probably needs a good year's work, which I'm not capable of any more.

I'm pasting this directly from a Word document.  If anyone wants a copy of the original document, send me a private message with your email address.


I am intending aspects of satire, a dystopian world.  I'm also hoping to have aspects dark sides to allies and heroic aspects to enemies.
This story is fantasy, fiction set in a science fictional universe. 
Nothing in this story should be considered medical advice for the real world.
Nothing in this story should be considered childrearing advice for the real world.  You can't treat real-world kids like enhanced fantasy-world kids.
What I want to do with this story is build a foundation for a hero who doesn't come by his or her powers through good fortune or inheritance alone, but who works hard for them.
Also I want to develop the characters using their upbringings.
These are the early years of Nancy's life, so of course she is under 18.  Therefore there is no sex with or graphic abuse of the main character, her brother, or anyone else under 18. 
I look forward to later chapters, where everyone is over 18 and so I can be more juicy in those regards.
Nancy's World

In 2093 The Great Plague began sweeping over the world.
The Great Plague finally ended with the invention of Universal Enhancement (UE).  UE permanently boosted the immune and recuperative powers of every person it was administered to, and by 2095 The Great Plague was ended.
The administration of Universal Enhancement permanently changes people. 
UE activates with serious illness or injury. 
Once activated, UE eradicates any infection or cancer and triples the body's rate of repair. UE even causes the regeneration of severely damaged and missing parts. 
Disability is eliminated from even the most severely damaged or infected body within two months.  That is, providing the patient does not die before repairs progress sufficiently.
UE was a great success at ending The Plague, but not before it had wiped out 97% of humanity, resulting in enormous losses of scientific, technological, business, diplomatic and artistic expertise that continue to disrupt progress centuries later.
With only 3% of the population remaining, great effort is put into improving UE to further reduce mortality, and a means is found to alter UE so it would halt and even reverse aging. 
This second generation of UE stops aging for men and women at 65 -- age 65 was the "stability age".  People live for decades never aging past 65.  And those who were older than 65 slowly grow younger, gaining about one year of youth per calendar decade.
The world and civilization are saved.
But at age 65 bodies are already slowing down and wearing out. 
So reducing the stability age below 65 became a new international goal.
In the first century of Universal Enhancement there is great progress, and the stability age for women drops from 65 to 45 to 30 to 25.  Twenty-five is where women's stability age has sat for two hundred years.
But unfortunately, reducing the stability age for men has proven to be an impenetrable problem.  It remains at 65.
Much research has gone into trying to improve UE further, but only one new feature has been added in the past two hundred years.  It reduces mental illness in women by 70% and improves their mental concentration.
The uneven benefits of Universal Enhancement have rendered old-fashioned concepts like "equality of the sexes" absurd.
UE justifies the difference in the status and regard with which women and men are held in societies all around the world today.
At age 100 the average number of degrees for a woman is five and for men is one.  At age 200 the average number of degrees for a woman rises to ten and for men remains one. Almost the only area men continue to lead in is prison, with prison populations still being over 90% male worldwide.

--- --- ---

The year is now 2395 AD.


- Mrs. Nadja Antonovich -

Nadja and her husband Steve are second generation Ukrainian-Manitobans.  Nadja is 87 years old, but of course she looks her physical age of 25.  Normally her ice-blue eyes and straw-colored tulip hairstyle, sit atop a firm 5'5" 38D-26-36 body.  However, she is six months pregnant and currently measures 38D-34-36.
Like most women these days, Nadja generally works-out daily, preferring dance, figure skating, yoga, Pilates, karate and resistance training, and also enjoying soccer, ringette and taekwondo.  She has BA, MA and B.Com. degrees and is taking courses towards her MBA.  Her career has been in retail and she is now the manager of a 12,000 sq ft. (1,115 sq. m) women's clothing shop.
--- --- ---
The date is November 1 and I've been carrying my new baby for 25 weeks. 
It is just after lunch and I'm starting to feel lower back pain and increasing abdominal cramps.
I've only been carrying my baby for 25 weeks and I know that is way too soon to be labour, so I figure something in the food was maybe a little off.
As the afternoon progresses my aches slowly gets worse, but not terrible.  I plan to have a lay down when I get home.
- Mr. Steve Antonovich -
Steve's head is a short mess of gray hair, with faded denim eyes.  He is 5'11", down from 6'0".  He is 71 years-old, but of course he looks his physical age of 65, the stability age of men.  His hands are rough and he has a husky build from working decades as an diesel mechanic.  He has an ASc degree and a Master Mechanic's Red Seal Certificate.
His hobbies are weekly curling in winter and golf in summer.

--- --- ---
I spent the day showing my apprentice how to overhaul a 750 hp oleo-dynamic diesel engine.
On the way home I picked up my boys, Bobby (5) and Davie (3) from their day-care as usual.
Now I'm settling down in the family room to play "World of Fantasy" with Bobby on our game machine while Davie watches.
Suddenly I hear my wife inside the side door calling me to come right away.

--- --- ---
I arrive home and get out of my car.  As I am about to walk through the side door my waters break.  I call out to my husband Steve to come right away.
It is November 1 and I've only been carrying Nancy for 25 weeks. 
You always worry with any preemie, but being that early I knew her survival was unlikely.  I am terrified and in my mind I am preparing to say good bye to her. 
He tries not to let me see his face, but he is driving so sometimes he has to turn his head partly my way.  And I can see in his wet eyes and blotchy face, and hear in his voice, how flat his platitudes sound, that my husband Steve is having those same thoughts.
We get to the hospital.  Steve talks to the maternity intake nurse and she turns pale and looks down.  I am sitting in a wheelchair looking up, so I can see her swallow clench her lips.  Then she pages a code word and there is much movement.  Many nurses and some doctors coming, looking at the chart, their faces dropping. 
And as they confer, I am wheeled off to the delivery room.
This time is less painful than with my first baby, but what woman cares about pain when she's expecting to lose her baby?
When you are at full-term and want delivery to be over with as soon as possible it seems to take forever.  But in this case I want delivery to be delayed, to delay the inevitable for as long as possible, because it will mean my new baby's death.
And then before I know it my new baby, Nancy is born.
Nancy is a such a tiny baby, 710 g.  Impossibly small.  I have never heard of a baby so tiny surviving.  When they hold her up for me to see, I see she is gasping and not moving or crying much. I only get to see her for a few seconds and they don't let me even touch her.  So of course I am now even more certain that it will be good bye. 
The nurses transfer me to another gurney and I am wheeled off to my room while my baby is taken in the opposite direction to the neonatal intensive care unit.
As I am wheeled out I see one of the doctors talking to Steve.  Steve's face is ashen, his eyebrows are knotted and his lips trembling.
I am given a sedative.  Steve sits and waits.

--- --- ---

- Dr. Greenman -

Dr. Greenman is a heavy-set brown-eyed gray-haired man of 112, but who looks 65 thanks to UE.

--- --- ---
[Dr. Greenman]

Nancy was born 15 weeks premature so of course she was extremely small. 
Because universal enhancement (UE) cannot be used until the baby is at least partially stabilized, and because babies sometimes die before that happens, the survival rate for babies like Nancy is less than 50%.  And even when they survive, despite UE, 70% of babies in her condition have life-long problems. 
At birth she weighed 710 g (1 pounds 9 ounces, was 13 inches (33 cm) long, and her head circumference was 8 inches (22 cm). 
At one minute her APGAR score was 2 (0,1,0,0,1), so she required immediate resuscitation.  At fifteen minutes it was 3 (1,0,1,0,1) so she was still critical. 
In the moment we were focused on just trying to keep her alive, but of course later there would be concerns about what degree of handicaps she would suffer and whether, even with UE, would they be lifelong handicaps.
--- --- ---

Ten hours later I awake.  Steve had been home and returned.  I ask how my sister Sherry is doing, she is babysitting our son Bobby during all of this.  He says she is very concerned too and wants to give us every support she can.  Sherry told him not to worry about how long this takes, she will stay with Bobby.
Three hours alter Steve and I are wheeled down to the neonatal ICU so we can look through the window at Nancy.
I tell the nurse, "I realize I cannot go in there, the need for sterility and all that, but if she dies, could I hold her then?"  And she says, "Yes of course."
And Steve wheels me back to my room and we close the door and we hug and cry.
Four hours later and another sedative.  Another ten hours and I awake.  Again Steve has been home and returned.  We hug and cry some more.
Then there is a knock on the door, a pause, and the doctor comes in with a woman whom he cautiously introduces as being Ms. Chamberlin from the EGTFC. 
The EGTFC?  Why would the EGTFC be here?  Only one baby in ten-thousand is Enabled, so you don't imagine that it will be your baby.  She must be here for someone else, to talk to some other new mother.  But I was the only new mother in the room.
I look over to Steve and he is staring blankly back and forth from the doctor to the EGTFC woman, he sits down in the guest chair.
They are smiling, Dr. Greenman and the EGTFC woman. 

--- --- ---
[Dr. Greenman]

It wasn't until 29 hours after birth that Nancy was well enough for us to administer universal enhancement (UE), and within five minutes her eyes started changing color, so we knew she was an E-baby and we could stop worrying.
As required by international and Canadian law, as soon as her eyes started changing color we telephoned the Enabled Girls Training Facility Charity (EGTFC) and they had someone at the hospital to talk to the parents within two hours.
Only one birth in a ten-thousand, one in five-thousand female babies, is an E-baby and Nancy was just the second E-baby delivery I have worked on in my thirty-year career.
For any infant, to become an E-baby changes everything.  But in Nancy's case it probably saved her from death or a lifetime of frustration and humiliation.
Twenty-four hours after UE was administered all of her health problems had cleared up, her physiological systems were operating normally, and she was cleared for transport on a medi-flight.
But of course she was still extremely small and weak.

--- --- ---

Dr. Greenman tells us he has administered UE to Nancy and that quickly her eyes started changing color, the well-known sure sign she is an E-baby.  So all the worries about her medical condition are over, she is in the clear now, even better than being in the clear.
Dr. Greenman turns and walks back to the door and wheels in the incubator Nancy has been in.  He lifts her up and hands her to me.  So tiny, they have to tell me how to hold her.  I look, and it takes a minute but I see her eyes slowly changing from blue, to green and I tell Steve to watch.  I look back and her eyes are going from green to brown.  While Dr. Greenman and the EGTFC woman talk, we just keep watching Nancy, can it be true? 
And then Ms. Chamberlin clears her throat and addresses us.
We sort of know what is involved from reading the web over the years, but we never really paid focused on the details because we never expected it to be us.
We have to move so Nancy can be properly cared for.  Nancy will have to go to an Enabled Girls' Training Facility and Canada's EGTF is in a green forest reserve at Woodbridge, north east of Toronto.  Nancy and I have to fly there tomorrow, there can be no delay. 
Steve, Bobby and Davie have to follow us as soon as possible, but within two weeks.
Steve says he is worried about his job and his boss and his clients. 
But Ms. Chamberlin says the EGTFC will take care of things with his old employer and with my old employer.  They handle this sort of thing all the time.  They make things right with the old employer through financial compensation, they arrange new employers with an similar jobs, and they pay a salary equivalent during the gap.  And for me, I am to get two years of paid pregnancy leave.  So do not to worry.
The EGTFC will take care of packing and moving.
The EGTFC will provide all the transportation. 
It has houses ready and waiting for new families, and we will get a slightly larger house to what we have now located in a similar neighborhood.
All I have to do is pick out the color scheme and style and the furniture will all be provided.
The world has been a blur since I went into labor.
Now stop to breath and think. 
And now I really look at Ms. Chamberlin.
She has amethyst eyes in a stunning oval ochre face with high cheek bones, dark eyebrows, half-inch eyelashes, deep-red lips.  Her long straight bra-strap length hair is the darkest chocolate.  She is wearing 2" poppy-red hoop earrings, a shiny formal black spandex bodysuit with French-cut leg openings, 2" poppy-red trim that encircles her neck, runs across her shoulders, down the outside of her arms, encircles her cuffs, runs up the inside of her arms and down the outside of her body to the leg openings.  Her shoes are 4" poppy-red stiletto heels.  It all flaunts her perfectly flawless body with all its well defined long lean dancer's muscles.  She is probably 5'7 and 38D-24-36.  Oh her nipples, she has a push-up effect with no bra.  How?
The power she exudes is like a nuclear reactor.  I imagine should could rip the limbs from everyone in the room in the time it would take to scream "Help".
I ask Ms. Chamberlin, "What is it like?  Are you?"
And she replies, "No I'm not Enabled.  There are too few Enabled women and they have more difficult things to do with their time.  Most of us at the EGTFC are just regular enhanced women who have done as much as we can with what little we have."
In my head I go, wow, 'What little we have' she said.  My god, she makes me feel like this so what does it feel like standing next to an actual real Enabled woman?  What will Nancy turn into?"
And then I am back in the present. 
The move, it all sounds very smooth and very exciting.  But at the same time this means leaving our parents and our siblings and their children (Nancy's and the boy's grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins).
And what about Bobby and Davie?  How will they handle this?
Bobby is 5 and Davie 3, they're Nancy's big brothers. 
Another younger sibling taking attention away is hard enough on a first born, how will he handle having an E-baby as his little sister? 
And how will Davie handle no longer being the baby of the family?
It is exciting and bewildering.  After the doctor and the Ms. Chamberlin are gone I return to watching Nancy's eyes, blue, green, brown, yellow, brown, green, blue, green, and it repeats for two more hours while I cradle my new baby knowing that her health will be so much better than fine.
--- --- ---

- Bobby -

Bobby boy of 5.  His eyes are cornflower blue and he has straw colored hair and a brawny build.

--- --- ---

I was the first born in my family.  My memories only begin around age 4, but I remember my parents fussing over me, giving me all of their attention.
Now I am 5 and in kindergarten.
I get home from kindergarten and Aunt Sherry is there.  She looks worried.  She says my mom and dad went to the hospital and my sister Nancy was born.
I say I thought that wasn't for another four months, and she says the baby was early and go play on the computer with Davie while she makes supper.
Dad gets home.  It is long after I am supposed to be asleep, but because Aunt Sherry seemed so worried I can't sleep.  I sneak out of my room and listen to him talking to Aunt Sherry.  It sounds like something terrible has happened.  I go back to my room and quietly cry. Davie is in the other bed and wants to know what is wrong.  I tell him nothing and try to cry more quietly.
When I awake the next day dad is gone. 
I go to kindergarten but I get in trouble for not paying attention and then sassing back to the teacher.
After kindergarten I go home and Aunt Sharon is there and she says my dad will home at eight o'clock and to go play on the computer while she makes supper.
After supper, almost at my bed time, dad arrives home.  I can see he is excited and exhausted, but I can't tell if it is 'good excited' or 'bad excited'.
Dad says we will be moving to a new house in Toronto and that mom and Nancy are flying there tomorrow.
Dad says, when Nancy was given UE her eyes changed colors for a few hours, going blue, green, brown and yellow – and that is the sign she is an Enabled baby, and E-baby.
I am not sure what an E-baby is, but I have seen a few E-women on TV and in videos.  Dad says one in five thousand women, one in ten thousand people, girls and girl babies have a special reaction to receiving universal enhancement – instead of receiving the normal upgrade that females get from UE, which is already really good, they get a much bigger enhancement.
And we have to move to Toronto because Nancy has turned-out out to be an E-baby.
I sit there and try to think what all that means.
I ask, "Dad, where is Toronto" and he replies "Far away".  I ask, "How long to drive there" and he replies, "Over twenty hours, but we will be flying."
"Over twenty hours?  How will I see my friends again?"

He answers, "You will make new friends in Toronto."
So this means I am suddenly losing all my friends. 
And that I was losing all my friends because some new baby came along only makes it worse. 
This is even worse than when Davy arrived.
I yell at dad and refuse to go to bed.  Then he puts me in my room and closes the door so I start throwing things.
The next day I wake up and my room is a mess, my computer disks are all over the floor and my favorite game controller is broken.

--- --- ---

After I told Bobby and Davy that his new sister is an E-baby and so we are moving to Toronto.  Bobby had a big temper tantrum and smashed up his room.
Davy is too young to understand really, but he understands enough to have a bewildered look on his face.  I put him to bed in Nadja's place so Bobby wouldn't alarm him further.
I have to let my boss, Tom, know.  I can't do this with a text or email, it is too big.  And I am in no condition to go down to the shop.  I have to either go down in person or phone.  I take an antacid and go and lay on our bed and I drift in and out of sleep, most 'out of'.
It is 6 AM and I can't sleep anyways, so I get up.  I scramble some eggs and toast some bread, but I am too nervous to eat, so I sit at the kitchen table drinking coffee until the coffee starts coming back up my throat.  I take more antacid
Finally it is opening time at the shop, 8:00 AM, and I know my boss is going to be in. 
I phone Tom. 
He answers, " Steve, how is everything?  We are all so worried for you, Nadja and the baby" 
I reply nervously, "Nadja is fine and the baby is better than fine." 
"That's great!  Congratulations!  But you sound a little off.  Is everything okay?"
"Yeah it's all okay I guess, just a lot of stuff."
He asks, "Is there anything we can do to help?  You're only legally entitled to take five paid working days off after your wife gives birth, but given the circumstances and that you've worked here so long and done such a good job, we can stretch another week no problem.  And then after that, remember you can go on government benefits for three months and by law we have to keep your position open for you."
I reply, "That is really why I'm phoning. (Deep breath) You see Nancy is Enabled, so we're moving to Toronto.  I am really sorry Tom, but you know how it is.  I hate quitting with no notice, but I spoke to the woman the EGTFC sent over, Ms. Chamberlin, and she will be contacting you today to fix things up, to compensate for my quitting so suddenly.  I'm really sorry about this Tom (deep breath)."
Tom says, "Oh ...".
"I'm sorry Tom, but you know how it is." 
"Oh ... oh ... oh ..." and then cheerfully "No, congratulations, really, no don't you worry about it.  You've got an E-baby, that is wonderful news.  What is her name?"
And we talk for another five minutes about when I'd come to pick up my tools or if he should send them over, and having a going-away party for me.
Then I go to Bobby's and Davy's room.  At the door I stop and listen, and can hear Bobby moving around in there and muttering.
I knock on the door and call, "Bobby."
"Yeah dad."
"Can I come in."
"I'm sorry dad, the room is a mess.  Okay come in."
"Bobby, we're all a bit confused.  I am.  Your mother is.  It is okay.  You messed up your room, but it is okay."
"Okay, dad."
"You don't have to go to school today.  You can stay home until we get to Toronto."
"No school?  Yeah!"
"Now come to the kitchen and eat."
He goes to the kitchen for some cereal and I start getting organized cleaning up and throwing out the junk we don't want to take with us.
Two days later packers and movers arrive to pick-up our stuff.  The old furniture is going to the garbage dump and everything else is being shipped to Toronto. 
When they are done I take a taxi to the airport with Bobby and Davy.

 --- Toronto --- 

--- --- ---

We fly to Toronto's Pearson International Airport and an EGTFC lady is waiting for us at baggage claim. 
She has pea-green eyes in a round face surrounded by pea-green lozenge ear studs and cinnamon hair in a short bob.  She has glowing make-up free clear pale skin and probably measures about 5'1" and 36A-22-34.  She is wearing a casual short-sleeve kelly-green spandex leotard with cream trim at the neck and wrists, and a 3" cream belt with gold buckle that shows off her gymnast body with its compact efficient muscles perfectly.  Her pumps match her leotard.  The way she moves with such fluidity and grace, I'm sure she could easily defeat me, Nadja and her three sisters in a fight.
She introduces herself as Ms. Kelly Willis and she will be Nancy's lead early girlhood educator.  She says she has spoken to Ms. Chamberlin and read our file and everything is ready for us.  She carries our bags to an EGTFC limo and the limo takes us to our new house.
Walking up to our house I see it looks 30% bigger than our old house, but otherwise very similar.  It fits in with the other neighborhood houses, middle class, older two story homes, some well-kept, others not.
I ask, "How many other E-girls and E-women are in the neighborhood.
"Out of 8 million people in Greater Toronto, there are 1,140 E-women.  It's more than the usual one in a ten thousand people because so many business, academic and arts organizations are headquartered here. 
"And because Canada's EGTF is here, all of Canada's 87 E-girls and 9 E-babies are here."
And she adds, "However, there are no other b-babies or E-girls in your neighborhood.  We keep them spread out throughout the city so that they learn to be around regular ordinary people, so they don't become an isolated elite."
It is very important that E-girls socialize with ordinary children and adults so they understand the difference between themselves and people who only have ordinary universal enhancement.

--- --- ---

Dad, Davy, Ms. Willis and I get out of the limousine and walk up to our new home and ring the bell.
Mom opens the door and lets us in.
This is my first time seeing Nancy.  She is four days old now and she's laying in a crib in the living room, smiling and reaching towards a mobile dangling above her, and then dad talks and she turns her head to the side towards us.
She is so tiny, I've never seen a baby that small.  And oh is she ever ugly, face all scrunched up and purple.
--- --- ---

Nadja lets us in the door and shows us into the living room.  It is chilly.  There is Nancy, she looks so beautiful, but she is in a crib no blanket, not wearing a bodysuit or blanket sleeper, just a diaper. 
My mouth drops open.  (a) She'll catch her death of cold.  And (b) How is she moving her arms so much?  Bobby was a full-term baby and he didn't wasn't half that active even at 1 month.
I ask, "Why isn't she wearing a bodysuit or sleeper?"

--- --- ---
[Kelly Willis]

"Mr. Antonovich, E-babies seldom are very robust.  They don't to be covered up so long as the temperature is above 17 C (63 F).
"Are you Enabled yourself?", he asks.
"How many babies have you managed who were as tiny as Nancy?"
"None, but I have I have been an early girlhood educator for 65 years, I am a registered medical doctor, plus I'm a registered nurse.  And on top of that I have a doctorate in physical training and an MSc in kinesiology.  So I think I know what I'm talking about."
He looks down and sheepishly replies, "Oh, okay.  I'm sorry to question your judgment Ms. Willis."
Poor males, always so quick to cower before an elderly woman.

I continue, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shut you down Mr. Antonovich.  And I know you can't tell how much experience I have by looking at me.  I apologize. 
"I was worried too at first.  But there have been ten preemies of Nancy's size and I've carefully reviewed their files and how they developed.  There is nothing for you to worry about.  And you should call me by my first name, "Kelly".  May I call you "Steve"?"
"Sure Kelly."

"Steve, you see she is developing very rapidly despite being so very premature and so tiny.  A normal universally enhanced full-term baby would not be that active for another two or three months.
"She will need a lot of attention. 
"E-babies sleep much less than normal babies, this reduced need for sleep and immense energy is a big part of their accelerated development and we must take advantage of it!  You should expect her to be awake except for five or six 2 hour naps each day.
"And you will need to provide activities to help her develop to her maximum potential.  She cannot be left idle.
"For the first year, I or another early girlhood education will be coming in six times a day for 90 minutes.  Then next year it will be six times a day for 2 hours. 
"But this will not be enough, you and Nadja must participate too.  I will instruct you how, either before or after my time with Nancy.
"The critical thing is that none of Nancy's time is wasted.  Everyone waits for Nancy, Nancy waits for no one.  All during her girlhood her mind and body must be flooded with stimulation to expand her boundaries to the maximum amount possible.
"They are so rare and precious, the time of an E-baby, E-girl or E-woman is a thousands of times more valuable than our time.
"Do you understand Steve?"
Steve replies, "Okay, yes Kelly I understand."
"And you understand Nadja, right?"
"Yes of course," Nadja replies.
An E-woman's metabolism is much more efficient than yours. 
Their typical day involves activities that for us would consume 75,000 to 150,000 calories and would create so much heat that perspiration could not keep their temperatures below 170F.
But the improvements to their metabolism mean they only need 4,000 calories to do all they do, and their body temperatures remain in the same range as ours.
Because their metabolisms are so efficient, if they become completely inactive for some reason an E-woman only needs about 300 calories a day.
This applies to E-babies too.  Nancy is very little and her enhancement is building her up to what will be normal for an E-baby her age.  That is consuming a lot of calories.  But once she reaches normal height she will need reduced calories until she is old enough to exercise very intensively for very long durations.
--- --- ---

Nadja shows Bobby, Davy and me around the house while Kelly works with Nancy.
It is definitely bigger than our old house, but it isn't a mansion and it fits in with the other middle-middle class houses in the neighborhood.
The only furniture is new stuff, beds and things we didn't have in our old home.
Our old stuff won't arrive from Winnipeg for two more days.
Downstairs there is the living room, with four folding chairs, a card table, and a crib and giant playpen for Nancy; a dining room with a big table, eight chairs and a side board; and an eat-in kitchen with just a fridge, freezer, dishwasher and stove so far. Plus there is a small 8x10' office equipped with a desk, chair and cabinet, computer, and printer, for the exclusive use of the visiting early girlhood educators.
Also downstairs is what would normally be a spacious family room, but that has been converted into a Nancy's work-out room with micro-mini versions of more exercise stations, apparatus, and machines than I have seen in any gym, each adjustable in 50 g increments.
I said, "My god, what is all this, she's just a little baby" and Kelly replied, "Most of this will not be used for many months. This is to take her through her first two years as an E-girl until she is ready for Facility."
I was not going to risk another confrontation so I swallowed and shut up.
Upstairs there is Nancy's bedroom, the master bedroom, Bobby's bedroom, and an empty 10x14' room.
The basement is mostly a big gaming area.  One room with a large TV and two gaming consoles, assorted controllers, two arm chairs, a big couch, end tables and a coffee table.  Then a second bigger room with an adjustable height Ping-Pong table, adjustable height pool table, and a dart board.  Next another 8x10' office, with a desk and chair, computer and printer.  And finally the remaining 10x25' of the basement is laundry equipment, hot water heater, and furnace.
We go back upstairs and outside and I see the house has a nice big fenced backyard, with a large grassed area with a large jungle gym and flower beds and shrubs at the far end.

--- --- ---
[Ms. Kelly Willis]

"There is one last thing before I leave.  E-babies and E-girls sometimes attract unwanted attention.
"Nadja, you said you have 2nd Kup in taekwondo and 1 dan in karate, but you should consider upgrading further.  And Steve, you should consider self-defense classes too.
"The EGTFC has special advanced classes for the parents of E-girls. 
"Bye-bye for now."

--- --- ---

The first thing I notice after Ms. Willis leaves is that mom and dad are paying much less attention to me.  The day goes on and sometimes they forget I'm here.  Same with Davie.  They're always either fussing with Nancy or busy on their phones.
I start making a fuss but mom asks why I don't go and play with the new gaming console downstairs, "And take Davie with you.  Remember to use the headphones so we don't all have to hear you." 
I go downstairs and get on the computer and email my friends to meet me in "World of Fantasy," our favorite game.  I play until bedtime.
--- --- ---
[Ms. Kelly Willis]

I am settling in to my new routine with Nancy being my new client.
Six times a day I work with her for 90 minutes.
But before I do that I discuss with her parents how she is doing and any concerns they have.  And then I instruct them on how her time should be utilized.  Essentially I have them repeat with Nancy things I've already introduced her to.  I introduce Nancy to the activity, and together we put Nancy through the activity to help her develop.
First I give a standard speech about what UE is and what its benefits are for different people, just so there is no confusion.  A lot of people have misconceptions.
And this is my standard speech:
"Universal Enhancement (UE) activates with torn muscles and ligaments, broken bones, fevers over 104 F, collapse into unconsciousness, heart failure, respiratory failure and other life-threatening conditions. 
"Once activated UE eradicates any infection or cancer and triples the body's rate of repair.  UE allows the regeneration of severely damaged and missing parts.  Disability is eliminated from even the most severely damaged or infected body within two months.  That is, providing the patient does not die before repairs progress sufficiently.
"In females UE has additional mental effects, enhancing concentration and reducing mental illness by 70%.
"At a person's stability age, UE activates to prevent further aging.  UE keeps a person's physical and mental energies and resilience at the level of their stability age no matter how many centuries they live.
"As you know, the stability age for females is 25 and, unfortunately, the stability age for males is 65.
"And that summarizes the effects of UE on ordinary females and males."

The Enabled

"But for the one female in five thousand who is 'Enabled' by UE, UE provides even bigger benefits.
"Nobody knows why only some women are Enabled.  Genetics was suspected but research has been fruitless.  Enablement does not run in families and occurs seemingly randomly all over the world at the same 1 in 5,000 girls rate, even in isolated populations.
"The enhancements UE causes to an Enabled woman are vast.
"UE activates with mere stress or distress in an E-woman.
"UE totally prevents infection and cancer. 
"An E-woman's heart, lungs, skin, cartilage, muscles, and ligaments don't fatigue even under the heaviest exercise.  Ordinary exercise damage is repaired during the exercise. 
"Full recovery from torn muscles and ligaments is within twelve hours. 
"Completely severed muscles and ligaments, broken bones, and severe organ damage is fully repaired within forty-eight hours.  The most severely damaged body is restored to full health within a week.  Again that is, provided repairs progress sufficiently before death occurs.
"An E-woman needs only two hours sleep a night.
"She can train with complete intensity at one thing, physical or mental, from the time she awakens until she needs her two hours sleep, without feeling fatigue or boredom.
"And UE activates to enhance her far beyond what you and I are.
"An E-woman's or E-girl's nerve conduction velocities are three times normal, meaning her reaction times are vastly shorter and her thought and learning processes vastly quicker.
"She is continuously hyperattentive and is capable of continuous controlled hyperactivity during her waking hours.
"Terms like IQ cannot be applied to an E-woman because her mind is so different.
"Mental illness is unknown in E-women.
"While not bullet or knife proof, an E-woman's skin is not only soft and blemish free (even under 20x magnification), but also extremely resistant to abrasions, cuts, punctures, and heat and cold.  Her skin can withstand immersion in dry ice or boiling water for thirty seconds without damage.
"What you can see only after approaching within one foot, an E-woman can see from fifty feet. 
"She expanded macula shows her the entire scene in front of her instantly, without waiting for her eyes to scan the scene.
"The enhanced micro-cones that populate her macula resolve each shade of color more precisely and show her a range of colors from the hidden ultra-violet beauty of flowers through to the infrared glow of a warm-blooded animal. 
"She sees shapes and colors as clearly under starlight as an ordinary person does on an overcast day. 
"An E-woman can hear ultrasonic and subsonic sounds.  She can follow whispered conversations hundreds of feet away.
"An E-woman's senses of smell and taste give her detection and identification thresholds 1% of the finest normal human's.
"And if all that is not enough, an Enabled women's stability age is 18."

And that is my standard speech.
Then I get into the specifics of this child:
"Nadja and Steve, you will work with me on Nancy's training program.  You will give her additional training sessions.
"You are probably thinking, she's so tiny, so much smaller than a normal baby.  Average baby weight is 7 pounds 8 ounces and Nancy weights less than 21% of that, only 1 pound 9 ounces.
"But being an E-baby is such a huge advantage that she can be trained as aggressively as any other E-baby.
"The only difference is she will have a lower starting point.
"With an E-baby there is no worry about burning her out by exhausting her attention span too frequently.  E-babies and E-girls are immune to mental stress, they have indestructible personalities.
"And there is no worry about muscle fatigue or excessive wear on delicate young joints.
"Yes, try hard to avoid muscle and ligament tears, dislocated joints, and broken bones.  But remember that in an E-baby and E-girl the body repairs such things in a couple of days. 
"I will introduce Nancy to new activities and then show you how to do them with her.  Periodically I will change the training program, adding and dropping activities.  What is current will be in this binder which we will keep in her bedroom for now, and in her training room later."
--- --- ---

This Kelly woman comes six times a day, plays with Nancy for 90 minutes, talks to my mom or dad and leaves.  Mom says Kelly is Nancy's ''early girlhood instructor'.
I ask "Why did I never had an early boyhood instructor?"
She laughs and sends me off to play on my console with Davie.
Mom sometimes shows and tells me what they are doing, so I don't feel totally left out.
The first thing to know is that Nancy can do these things only because she is an E-baby.  NEVER EVER try these exercises with an ordinary baby because you will injure or kill her or him. 
So what do they do?
For example, they hold one Nancy's hands and move it so that she exercises her muscles by resisting the movement.  And they stretch her muscles and ligaments to improve flexibility. 
On her back, they slowly move her hand along the mattress until it is up over her head, and then they slowly bring her hand along the mattress until it is slowly down down at her side.  They slowly repeat that several times.  Then they take her hand and raise her arm from the mattress straight up.  And they do this with her hand at different starting positions, starting from at her side and moving to up past her head.
Then they do the same thing with other hand.  And then they make similar motions with each foot.
Next they gently bring her hands to touch her feet, hold that position for several seconds and repeat.  The place Nancy on her tummy and very gently raise her outstretched hands and feet a few inches from the mattress.
Another thing they do is put a finger where Nancy can grab it, mom's says new babies have a reflex to grab anything in reach, maybe to hold on to fur when people had fur.  (I didn't know people used to have fur, but mom said and I wasn't going to argue.)  Hold two fingers over Nancy and wait for her to grab them, then slowly lift her up off her mattress an inch or two.
Two weeks later mom is showing me a new exercise for Nancy.  First she does the old exercises, except Nancy can flex her legs and arms a lot further. 
Then she puts Nancy on her back on the floor with her hips up on a small pillow so her hips are higher than her head.  This makes Nancy a little uncomfortable so she will struggle to move her hips off the pillow.
And then she sits Nancy up on the floor, and Nancy can stay sitting-up on her own now.  And mom sits on the floor in front of her.  She then puts a finger where Nancy can grab it, and lowers Nancy so she is lying flat.  And then she pulls her up again.  And 'assisted sit-up' mom calls it.
Then she rolls Nancy on to her tummy, and gently places Nancy's hands under her chest, so she has to struggle to get them free.
Then she rolls Nancy back on her back to do assisted leg raises, and then leg raises lying on each side.
Mom also shows me the dangling game they play with Nancy, small bright stuffed animals on a string that she holds just at the edge of Nancy's reach.
And as she holds another animal up, mom counts, one, two, and three, up to nine.
And she has big cards with dots on them.  She holds up the card and says the number of dots.  And she has cards with colors, holds up the card and says the color.
And all the time in her room, when she is not doing anything, just sleeping, a speaker makes bell patterns, ting, ting-ting, ting-ting-ting, counting.  Or it plays special brain music.

 --- One Month ---

--- --- ---

A month after she was born Nancy is rolling around and sitting-up on her own.

She smiles at anyone who goes in her room and babbles baby talk to them.   Her leg raises aren't assisted any more, she does them whenever she's on her back and someone waves their hand over her feet.
And you can get her to do stretches the same way, waving your hand to where you want her to move her foot or hand, or turn her head.
Mom, dad and Kelly hold Nancy in their laps and reading her books and counting things on the pages of the books.
Always, if she is awake, someone is doing something with Nancy.  I mostly spend my time on the computer or gaming online.  Davy watches me.
 ---Two Months ---

--- --- ---

At two months Nancy weights 1.9 kg, 4 pounds and 3 ounces. 
Still less than an average newborn.  But she is crawling on her own.  And if she is laid on the floor she starts trying to do her exercises on her own.
So very tiny, but she can do front and straddle splits and almost arch her back so far that her head can touch her bum.  Kelly has shown us how to entertain her with exercises done using silicone bands.
We read her picture books and do counting and naming colors with her.  Kelly and I do this in both English and French.  Nancy tries to repeat what we say, but it is all baby talk, except sometimes she says, "mama" or "papa".  Steve doesn't know French.
 ---Three Months---

--- --- ---
Three months now and Nancy has been gaining weight like crazy.  She now weights 3.5 kg, 7 pounds 11 ounces. That is still inside the bottom percentile, but much less far inside.
Her weight is in the bottom percentile, but everything else is exceptional.
We have shifted from training Nancy in her bedroom to her training room where all the equipment is.
When Nancy moves you can see tiny little muscles moving under the baby fat. 
We are now starting familiarize Nancy with some of the exercise apparatus and machines, making the motions but not using any added weight or tension.
And we hold her legs down so she can do crunches, sets of 5.  Then she does leg raises on her own, sets of 10.  Then we repeat for five sets.  Then she rolls over and we do shoulder-raises and prone leg-raises in the same way.
She can arch her back to touch her head to her bum, and forward to touch her head to her knees.
Her books are getting more complicated with a larger vocabulary, higher counting and more unusual colors.  Nancy repeats some of what we say, I don't think she knows what the words mean yet.

--- --- ---

These are my earliest memories as they play in my head, and they go back to when I was maybe 3 months old. 
Every day either Kelly or another lady comes six times.  And when Kelly is not here, mom or dad do training with me.
They do exercises for my body, holding a foot or hand, making me stretch, push, kick or pull to get free.  And then we go and sit on these machines where I move the machine this way or that way with part of my body.  It is hard because my body wants to jerk and move the wrong way.
They read to me reading, count for me and do colors.  Sometimes we do flashcards with colors or shapes or animals or numbers of things.  Sometimes we use a computer tablet to do that. 
And then we do some more exercises for my body.
Every day I can do more.  I like this kind of playing a lot.

 ---Six Months--- 


At six months Nancy is 6 kg, 13 pounds.  That is a big increase, up from the bottom 0.05% to the bottom 10% of babies her age by weight. 
In everything else Nancy is in the top 0.1% of babies at six months, right where an E-baby should be.
She is walking and running and long past the holding on to furniture stage.  She is even safe going up and down the stairs, although the big steps and her small body means she has to crawl on them.
She is rapidly catching up to 3-1/2 year-old Davie.

--- --- ---

Every day I work out eight times, six times with Kelly and twice with mommy or daddy. 
First I do my warm-up, for 5 minutes.  That is do stair machine for 5 minutes and lay on my back and using my hands and legs to pull exercise bands attached to the jungle gym above me for five minutes,
Then I do my stretches and my over-splits with my feet up on cushions.  I bend over backwards until my head touches the back of my knees.  And I bend over forwards chin touches my knees and then scrunch up to run my chin up my thigh.
My balance board work is next, I walk forwards and backwards along the 6" balance board, turn on the board, and repeat what I just did.  Then Kelly or my parents help me slide down to into one or another kinds of splits.  I do that ten times and then go to a wobble board.
Next I balance on a wobble board for 5 minutes.
Then we either roll a soft rubber ball back and forth on the floor.
Then it is the apparatus and machines.  We don't use any weights or tension.  I do one-quarter of the things on each workout, five to ten reps.  I do chin-ups, dips, squats, leg and arm curls, leg extensions, leg ab and adductors, calf raises, standard abs and back, then hyper extensions, lat pull-downs, pec deck butterflies, cable cross-overs, and assorted presses.
And then I do hand walking hanging from a jungle gym ladder.
Now it is academics.  I do counting blocks up to 20, then take away blocks, in either French or English.
Next is flash cards of colors, then flash cards of animals, again either French or English.
Then I do reading, and Kelly or my parents help me sound out words.
It is lots of fun, I love this kind of playing.

---12 Months---

--- --- ---

At twelve months Nancy's progress has been amazing. 
She is speaking in sentences of three to five words, counting, and saying any animals, letters, numbers or colors she sees anywhere.
And her physical progress is even more amazing.  That E-babies don't get tired, get bored or suffer exhaustion, any strains and sprains heal so rapidly.  It is all a huge advantage for her building up her little body.  She is up toresistance settings of 1/2 kg now.
Nancy's concentration, coordination and endurance is much superior to Davy's.
Bobby wanted us to train him too, but I told him he would have to give up his computer games for us to do that.  We bought him two more games to make up for his disappointment.

--- --- ---

I am a year old now.  Today Kelly brought along another lady, an E-woman named Mellissa.  Mellissa looks extra young and very, very, very beautiful.
First I do my warm-up, either stationary foot cycling for 5 minutes or hand-cycling for 5 minutes.  We do this with no tension, except one a day when we use light tension.
Then I do my stretches and my over-splits with my feet up on cushioned boxes.  I can bend over backwards until my head is between my knees.  I can bend over forwards until shoulders are past my knees.
My balance board work is next, I walk forwards and backwards along the 6" balance board, turn on the board, and repeat what I just did, then I slide down to into front or side splits.  I do that ten to twenty times, and then I get up and go to a wobble board.
Next I balance on a wobble board for 5 minutes with my hands behind my head.
Then we either gently toss a soft rubber ball back and forth.
Then it is the apparatus and machines.  I do one-quarter of the these things each work-out.  But for this demonstration do I do them all.  I do five to ten reps of chin-ups, dips, squats, leg and arm curls, leg extensions, leg ab and adductors, calf raises, standard abs and back, then hyper extensions, lat pull-downs, pec deck butterflies, cable cross-overs, and assorted presses.
In my workouts I do either rope climb, or climbing wall, or hand walking hanging from a jungle gym ladder, but now I do all three.
Then with my ribbon I do flicks, circles, snakes and spirals while I move around the room, running, jumping, and doing rolls.
And then I do counting blocks up to 50, then take away blocks, in either French or English.
Next is flash cards of words, colors and animals, again either French or English.
Then I do reading where I sound out words and memorize how they are spelled.
I love that I am so good at this kind of playing.

---18 Months---

--- --- ---

At eighteen months Nancy's progress has been amazing.  She is doing forward and backwards rolls staying on the 6" balance board, going back and forth for 5 minutes while hanging below the jungle gym ladder, rope climbing no feet, climbing wall better than a monkey, three fold bends, forwards and side splits between two chairs.  She is using heavier weights on her machines too.  She is easily able to play catch with a rubber ball.
She is much faster, stronger and more coordinated then 4-1/2 year-old Davy.
She is speaking in sentences of five to ten words, and saying things about the animals, letters, numbers and colors she sees.
Nancy has a pile of blocks and we add and subtract blocks and ask how many there are.  Davie won't be doing arithmetic for another year.
Bobby and Davy still feel left out, so we got them a flat screen TV for their bedroom. 

--- --- ---

I am a eighteen months old now.  I show off for Mellissa, showing her what Kelly and my parents trained me to do.
First I do my warm-up, cycling for 15 minutes then hand-cycling for 10 minutes. 
Then I do my yoga stretches, my ballet stretches and my over-splits.
My balance board work is next, I walk forwards and backwards along the 6" balance board, turn on the board, and repeat what I just did, slide down to a forwards split, rotate to a side split, rotate to a forward split facing the other way, and finally rotate to a side split facing the other way. 
Then I get up and go to a wobble board.
I balance on a wobble board for 3 minutes as I do bicep curls and overhead extensions with a 1/4 kg weight in my left hand and then my right hand.
Then I stand on the floor and we toss a soft rubber ball back and forth from 5'and then 10'.
On the Swedish wall they watch closely to see that my back remains rigid in the correct posture as I do 10 plyometric dual leg lifts in 30 seconds, and then 5 slow continuous dual leg lifts in 5 minutes, holding at the L the V and then again the L positions for 10 seconds each time.  Then, I do 10 plyometric and 10 slow continuous hanging side splits, before releasing my hold and leaving the Swedish wall.
Next is the apparatus and machines.  I use resistance up to 2 kg.  I do chin-ups, dips, squats, leg and arm curls, leg extensions, leg ab and adductors, calf raises, standard abs and back, then hyper extensions, lat pull-downs, pec deck butterflies, cable cross-overs, and assorted presses.
Then my ribbon work, continually moving in a fluid and graceful manner while I run, twist, do forward and backward walkovers, rolls, splits and flying splits. 
And then I do counting blocks up to 100, then take away 20 gives (80), then add 7 gives (87) in English, then in French with different numbers.
Next is computer flash cards of colors, animals, words and arithmetic questions, first French then English.
Kelly and Mellissa are really happy I did so well.

---23 months---

--- --- ---

Nancy is twenty-four months next week and she weighs 8.8 kg or 19 pounds 6 ounces.  That is the bottom 10th percentile for her age, a big improvement from way down inside the bottom 1st percentile.

With help she is reading grade 1 level books in English and French, and if I say words from them she can spell them and print them out on paper.

She rarely makes mistakes reading and her printing is legible.

Her arithmetic is grade 1 completion level.

--- --- ---

It is three days before my second birthday and Mellissa is back to do my final progress report for this stage of my life.
First I do my warm-up cycling with medium-light tension.
Then I do my yoga stretches, my ballet stretches, my over-splits, my three-fold bend, my needle and my attitude.
My balance board work is next, I do some front and back walkovers and turns, then to one end of the board, a hand stand with side splits, then three forward rolls, and three backwards rolls, turn on the board, and another hand stand followed by three more backwards rolls and three more forward rolls.  Upright again, then slide down to a forwards split, rotate to a side split, rotate to a forward split facing the other way, and finally rotate to a side split facing the other way. 
I balance on a wobble board and do knee bends for 3 minutes.  Then we toss a rubber ball back and forth quickly from ten and then five feet while I stay balanced.
Again on the Swedish wall they watch closely as I do 40 plyometric dual leg lifts in 90 seconds, and then 10 slow continuous dual leg lifts in 15 minutes, holding at the L the V and then again the L positions for 20 seconds each time. 
Next is the apparatus and machines.  I do chin-ups, dips, squats, leg and arm curls, leg extensions, leg ab and adductors, calf raises, standard abs and back, then hyper extensions, lat pull-downs, pec deck butterflies, cable cross-overs, and assorted presses with up to 5 kg of weight.
Next I do my ribbon, while Kelly and Mellissa watch closely to see I maintain complete fluidity while demonstrating my speed, flexibility and power. 
And then I do counting blocks up to 100, then take away 15 gives (85), then add 13 gives (98), then take away 7 gives (91) in English, then again in French with different numbers.
Next is computer flash cards, much faster with harder colors, more arithmetic, animals and things with names to spell, objects to count.
The I do some reading out loud with Kelly helping me, and answering questions about what I read.
Finally I printed words that Kelly and Mellissa said and then they checked my printing over to see if it was legible and correct.
Kelly and Mellissa are really happy at how well I have progressed.  I just think I could do this over and over and over forever, no problemo.
Today I see Kelly for the last time.  Tomorrow I start at the EGTF, the Facility.
Kelly says I will really like it, that it is really fun and if I let it it will make me the best girl and the best woman I can be. 
I'm so nervous, but also so excited.  It will be the first time in my life where I have been in a room with more than two E-girls or E-women at once.
I am getting pretty smart and pretty strong. 
I played soccer and baseball with Bobby and his friends.  I am still small for my age and while my size is a disadvantage, I am just as fast as them, a little more accurate with the ball, and I don't get tired like they do.
Bobby and his friend Greg tried using my exercise equipment.  Bobby went first.
He went off the balance board walking backwards.  Greg only stayed on for one backwards step.  No rolls, walkovers or splits.  I showed them what I can do, well Bobby knew, but Greg was all wide-eyed and "Wow". 
Bobby did 9 chin-ups and zero dips, Greg 8 and zero.  I did ten and ten, I didn't want them to feel to bad.
Then we did standing jumps up on to my one foot box.  They did thirty, which was the same as me, so we stopped.
Next was calf-jumps, where you keep your legs perfectly straight and jump using only your calf muscles.  The idea is to go from the floor up on to a half-inch board.  They couldn't do any, so I just did three.
Bobby lasted 10 seconds simply trying to stand on a wobble board and Greg almost 15.  I did two minutes on the wobble board, but I didn't show off doing deep knee bends.
They both did twenty pushups and I matched that, but neither could do any pushups with his hands balanced on an upside down Bosu and I did five.  I didn't suggest trying stability ball pushups.
I didn't suggest front or back hyperextensions either, because I didn't want them to get hurt.
They both climbed my rope and touch the ceiling, but it was only a 6' climb for them because they are not as short as me.  Also they had to use their legs.
They both did my climbing wall.  But since they are both much bigger than me they didn't have any reaching to do.
My other equipment was too small for them to fit into.
Then we arm-wrestled.  Right arms, Bobby then Greg, left arms, Bobby then Greg.  I lost, but I persuaded them to go again.  This time I won against Greg's left arm.
I think maybe Greg likes me.
Mom and dad say Facility will help me get a lot better at all these things.  Compared to Bobby I think I am pretty good already, but I would love to get even better.

Oh, and mom bought me a bunch more leotards to wear at school.  That is the school uniform, long sleeve leotards and dance slippers, any nice color.

Mom and dad say because of perverts I have to wear pants and a top over my leotard going to and from Facility -- until I get a black belt in karate.

---Two years & Facility Starts---

--- --- ---

Nancy started Facility today.  Nancy's EGTF is just north-east of Toronto in Woodbridge is on a three square mile private wooded park surrounded with a ten foot brick and concrete wall.  The EGTFC is an extremely wealthy charity and it sees that no expense is spared in building and running an EGTF. 
One of the keys to Enabling an E-girl or E-woman to the maximum extent possible is to take full advantage of her ability to work without fatigue.  What an E-girl wants next, waits for her.  The E-girl never ever waits. 
Nancy's EGTF, accommodates for all of Canada's 87 E-girls plus 570 E-women, half the E-women in greater Toronto.  It has five class rooms, one hundred and twenty small study rooms, two auditoriums, thirty martial arts rooms, twenty gymnasiums, ten tennis courts, ten squash courts, five indoor Olympic-sized swimming and diving pools, ten ice-hockey/figure skating rinks, one inside and one outside running tracks, two skateboarding/rollerblading parks, a soccer/field hockey field, thirty full sets of resistance training machines, and four restaurants.
The staff to student ratio is 2.5:1.
Sixty of the staff are ordinary UE women.  Before a regular UE woman starts teaching an E-girl she injects herself with a serum that triples her neurotransmission velocities, this triples her speaking, listening and thinking speeds, bringing her up to E-girl/E-woman levels for two-and-a-half hours.  She can only do this once a day, and afterwards she must nap for an hour. 
--- --- ---

Nancy has been going to Facility for three weeks now.
I asked mom if I could go too, because there are swimming pools, skateboarding parks and skating rinks, but she said it would be silly for a boy to go, what with all the pink and flowers and girls' stuff.  She also said the school uniform is a leotard and I would look pretty funny in a leotard.
Instead she and my dad upgraded our internet connection and added more channels to the cable TV.
Then I found out Facility has longer than normal school hours.  Every day a limo comes to pick up Nancy 7 AM and it doesn't bring her back until 10:30 PM, every day of the year except for 28 personally chosen holidays.  Regular school is just Monday to Friday, 9 to 3, nine months a year, and every month we get a holiday or in-service day.
--- --- ---

I have been at Facility for one week now.
Facility is incredible.  Inside and outside the buildings are combinations of beautiful pastel colors and coordinating trim.
There are no men teachers or coaches, just some of the janitors and groundskeepers are men. 
The men look like dad, so old.
There are eighty-seven girls in total, about five a year.  But we aren't split up into years or grades.  We each have our own path and its timing is based on our actual birthdate. 
Until I am 3, Facility will be 90 hours per week out of 112 waking hours per week.  That sounds like a lot but it includes not just my academics but my athletics and eating.  All it doesn't include is family time and sleeping.
My schedule is set up so that I leave home at 5:00 AM and arrive home at 7:00 PM.  That means I can spend 2 hours with my family before going to sleep, sometimes with supper.
I get to Facility around 5:45 and go straight into my warm-up, a 30 minute swim followed by 15 minutes of yoga.  Then two hours on exercise machines.  Then two hours of languages, either English or French reading and writing.  Then an hour of dance stretches followed by two hours of dance and three hours of gymnastics.  Then two hours of arithmetic, and hour of science or history, and finally a 30 minute swim before I head home.  We eat five times a day for 15 minutes each time.

When we do academics we do them at E-girl speed, triple speed, so either the teacher is an E-woman or she takes an injection that temporarily triples her nerve conduction velocities.  So one hour of study is like three hours for an ordinary person.
All of the time I have a teacher, coach or trainer right there, focused only on my performance pushing me harder.  And the teachers and trainers are either the top UE-women in the country or actual E-women themselves.  It is great!

---Three Years Old---

--- --- ---

I am 3 now, just finishing year one at Facility and starting year two.
Year one has been amazing.
My vocabulary has skyrocketed and I'm reading grade 3 and 4 books.  We have done a lot of synonyms, antonyms and homonyms.  I have done a lot of exercises where I write instructions on how to do something, or write a little story about life.   
My arithmetic is coming along great too, adding and subtracting two digit numbers.  Multiplying one digit numbers, times tables, fractions.
We use the computer a lot, to speed up my reading or to quickly flash questions or pictures for me to answer, either verbally or on a keyboard.  This is to teach me to think fast.
We rotate the languages we use all day, not just in language class, but in arithmetic and athletics too.
They teach us about science, freezing and boiling water, rolling balls on ramps, spinning wide and narrow plates and seeing which lasts longer.
On languages, before I was just English and French, but now my French has caught up to my English completely.  So now I am also learning Spanish and Mandarin.
The neat thing about many of the books and computers at Facility is that they don't have the giant writing that books and computers for ordinary UE people have.  Instead they are made for our ultra-sharp 50/1 eyesight.  That means books with ten to twenty Mylar pages and each page has twenty to thirty regular pages shrunk on to it. 
What is really neat is watching the older E-women write equally tiny in the margins.
And the computer screens are 5,000 pixels per inch, so 100,000 x 50,000 pixels on a 20x10 inch tablet.
Of course ordinary teachers who are only universally enhanced still need to use the old fashioned books and computer screens.
In sports we learned running, long jump, soccer and baseball.  They spent quite a bit of time teaching us the correct form for sprinting and distance running.  And they spent quite a bit of time teaching us plyometric exercise techniques, to build faster reacting muscles.  In gymnastics we don't just do floor exercise and ribbon stuff, but also hoop, ball, balance beam and parallel bars.
They say I have the strength of an average twelve year-old boy.  Davy is six, Bobby is nine.

---Four Years Old---

--- --- ---

I am 4 now and just finishing year two at Facility.
I'm reading grade 8 and 9 books in French and English. 
I do a lot of, here are twenty web articles on "whatever".  Using only these articles figure out what is likely true and what is likely false, write out your conclusions and give the reasons for them.  Last week was about how many species of birds housecats have wiped out.
Or sometimes I am given a question and told to go on the web and research it, like, "What is the distance to the Mars and how long would it take to travel there?"
Just like almost every lesson at Facility, there is a teacher right there to give me instructions and to help me if I get stuck.
My arithmetic is coming along great too, adding and subtracting three digit numbers; adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions; and geometry, angles and triangles and stuff.
My Mandarin and Spanish are coming along well.  I can listen and speak quite a few words, about five thousand words in each.  But when I read them I am only about half as fast in English and French, only four thousand words per minute for 98% comprehension.
The science I take now has a lot to do with my athletics, anatomy, the physics of spinning tops and weights and levers.  Nature study this year covered edible and poison plants around the world.
There was less track this year and we spent a lot more on karate and taekwondo.
I am now 5th kyu (blue belt) in karate and 4th kup (blue with red tab belt) in taekwondo. 
My tests say I have the coordination of an ordinary state-champion gymnast.  (E-girls aren't allowed to compete with ordinary people in sports, it would not be fair.)  Most girls who are state champion gymnasts are fourteen to eighteen years-old and aren't fluent in four languages.

---Five Years Old---

--- --- ---
I am 5 now and just finishing year four at Facility.
In year four Facility is 16.5 hours per day.  Again that sounds like a lot to an ordinary person, but we don't get fatigued so long as we get our sleep.  And at age 5 I only need four hours a night.
So in gymnastics, harder drills, and learning harder moves.  Handsprings instead of tumbles, fouettés instead of turning, grand jetés instead of jumps.

It is great.  They have a ton of equipment and enough coaches for us girls so there is no waiting around, it is train, train, train, no wasted time.
When we do badminton use a bigger court and higher net, still not full-sized.  And with baseball we only use half the field.
Swimming is harder drills and fast. 
Plyometrics is faster, higher and heavier weights, and a bigger variety of exercises. 
We are starting to use the machines – they only count a rep if it is done at the correct speed, angle, distance or whatever.  So being fast is not good enough, we have to be precise too.
For reading, now I mostly read on my own and write answers to questions about what I read.  Or I train in speed reading on a machine that flashes sentences or paragraphs really fast.  At home I secretly read some of Bob's books.
In arithmetic I'm multiplying and dividing two digit numbers and adding factions.  I do a lot of 61 + ? =12 and 35 - ? = 17 using the flash machine and typing in my answers. 
I also use the flash machine to train in geography.  It flashes up a the name of a country then puts a map on the screen and I have to touch the country as quick as I can.  Or it puts up a language or export and flashes a map, and I have to touch the countries that use that language or make that export as fast as I can.
My triple-speed thinking I have means I can usually do about eighty questions in a minute.
Also we take anatomy lessons, the different organs and bones, how the joints are meant to move, what happens if they are made to move differently.

We never rest until bedtime.  Their motto is that, "A girl's time is never wasted." 

Our instructors, counsellors and limos wait for us.  Our meals are brought to us.  There is so much equipment there is never a queue. 

And while we do do academics when we're in the limos, just to make sure our time is optimized, our limos have flashing lights and sirens for when they get stuck in traffic.

Our time is never wasted.

Maximized effort = maximized results.  Saturation training.  E-girls don't need to rest while working out.  We can just go full bore for 13 hours, only stopping for short meal breaks.

Exhaustion and boredom are things we only know about from people telling us what they are like.

Strained muscles recuperate in a few minutes, torn muscles overnight.  So we don't have to be as careful as ordinary enhanced girls, let alone boys.

I have been at Facility for a year now and it has really changed me.

I am much stronger than Bobby now, it is not even close.  I can help mom re-arrange the furniture and do it for hours no problem, or lift boxes of books he can't even slide.  I am far more coordinated, more flexible, faster, I can throw a ball much further and faster, in baseball I can hit balls he can't see, I can pitch balls he can't catch.  And forget playing soccer, me and another girl play him and six of his friends and win easily.

It is like this for all girls, boys just can't keep up.  Even big brothers 6 years older.

Even boys in grade 4 are weaker than me, plus they get tired really easily.

Sports are like academics, they're just not boys things, they're girl things.

I'd be jealous if I were him, but he has his computer games, he hangs out with his friends, and I guess it just doesn't matter to him.

Also, really great news, I am 3rd kyu in karate and 3rd kup in taekwondo.  Third kyu is the first brown belt, up seven levels from the white belt.

So now I can dress more how I want, without worrying about perverts.
* You are the author and you are the boss of your story!
* Take your time and write what you are driven to write and what your characters drive you to write.
* The story is the journey, and when the journey is over, we will all wish it was longer.

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[Jaguar] "Nancy" Story Snippet
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2017, 09:48:16 am »

I'm now 9 and beginning grade 3, and Nancy is 3 and beginning year two at Facility.

She really liked it.  She said they didn't put them in big groups, like at school, it is mostly individual instruction and coaching.

Nancy was writing sentences and paragraphs all the time now.  She knows more words than me and she reads books I don't really understand.  She is also doing math I haven't taken yet, multiplying and adding fractions for example. 

Facility must be amazing for sports.  She says they do sports half the time, so 30 hours a week last year and 40 hours a week this year.

talking in full sentences with five or six words and reading children's books.  She said it wasn't just reading, writing and arithmetic, but also lots of sports.  She showed me and my buddies her cartwheels, front and back flips, and how she could stand in a doorway and do splits, sideways and front.

She also got really good at throwing and kicking balls, although we had to be really careful about playing with her because if we fell on her she was so small she'd get hurt.  It is amazing, no 3 year-old boy could throw, run or kick so hard, not even a 6 year-old boy.

She said she also did roller skating and badminton, but we didn't have the stuff at home for her to show me.

When we went to the beach in summer I found out she was a really good swimmer, better than me.


I am 10 and in grade 4.  Nancy is 4 and in year three at Facility.

I have to say, she does not look much different from a 4 year-old boy, same height, just longer hair, slightly wider shoulders and slightly bigger butt muscles.

Nancy gets so much attention when she is at home, but thankfully this year Facility increased to 10 hours daily.  Plus on weekends she has Facility and I am completely free.  So lots of time to have friends over to play games or watch videos when she is not here.

But Nancy really loves Facility.  She was really happy to start ballet this year.  And she loves dodge ball, soccer, badminton, baseball, roller skating, and swimming.  But mostly she loves gymnastics and ballet.  To help with the sports she did exercises, where she moves her muscles really fast.  Plyometrics it is called.  So standing on the floor and jumping two feet up onto a wooden box, jumping side to side really fast, lifting dumbbells and barbells really fast, hanging by her feet and pulling her legs up to touch her forehead really fast.  It sounds like a lot of fun, too bad boys can't go.  But then 10 hours a day, I don't think anything is so fun I would do it for 10 hours a day.

She can almost run as fast as me and my friends, faster if we have been running for a while and she tires us out.

She is getting pretty tough, you can see her muscles easy, not just under a leotard but under a sweater or jeans.  so we let her play soccer and tag with us.  She doesn't get hurt if someone accidentally falls on her, she just gets up and carries on.

She is really good with soccer, dribbling the ball, free kicks, throw-ins, and she knows the rules solid.

We went to the beach and she was swimming like crazy.  How can anyone swim so good?

 5 years-old

I am 5 and  year four at Facility.

We had testing at the beginning of the year and I am stronger and faster and better coordinated than 100% of 5 year-old boys, 95% of 6 year-old boys, 90% of 7 year-old boys, and 75% of 8 year-old boys.

Compared to other girls my age I am physically better than 60% of them.

Academically, I am reading and doing arithmetic at the grade 3 level, so equal to 50% of 9 year old boys, better than 70% of 8 year-old boys, and 90% of 7 year-old boys.  And this is ignoring my native-level fluency in French, Spanish and Mandarin.

I've switched from recorder to piano and keyboards.

Compared to other girls my age I'm better than 50% of them, so just average.

In gymnastics we're doing moves and drills that the instructors say only level 7 girls could do in the 2000-era, so back then these were pretty advanced levels that not many girls reached, but still definitely not level 10/elite.  More like what future elites were doing when they were 8 years old.  And we're doing them at 5.

In swimming I'm doing 3 km of drills in an hour, and twice a week 5 km in two hours.

We are using the more advanced machines for plyometrics and weights.  The coach sets the machine to a range of resistance, speed, angles, distance or whatever, of my arm, leg, body, head, hand or foot, and the accuracy. 

I get up on the machine, and insert by arms, hands, legs and feet into the restraining tubes.  Then coach presses a button and the machine displays a set of random numbers within the range coach set.  So left leg 30 degrees forward and 42 degrees up, right arm 20 degrees forward, 180 degrees up, head 30 degrees left, 0 degrees forward.  The machine only counts a rep when I do it with the required precision, otherwise it makes an error buzz while it displays what I did above what I should have done. 

The first few sessions are once a second for 15 minutes, but it is not long until I'm doing two per second for 30 minutes and then three per second. 

It is really hard, but it is really good for my coordination, proprioception and reaction time, knowing how much force to use for how long and what position my body parts are without looking.  This is especially helping a lot with my gymnastics and ballet, but also helps soccer and  badminton and any sport where controlled movements are an advantage.

After just a week and seven session I could really feel and see the difference in the precision with which I moved.

For reading, now I mostly read on my own and write answers to questions about what I read.  If I don't know a word I look it up on the computer.  At home I secretly read some of Bob's books and my mom's magazines.

In arithmetic I'm multiplying and dividing two digit numbers and adding factions.  I do a lot of 61 + ? =12 and 35 - ? = 17, measuring lengths with a ruler, and angles with a protractor.

In health they're starting to tell us about the theory of exercise methods, how muscles work, how joints work, where problems can occur.  Next to math and reading health is the biggest subject.

In geography I'm able to find almost all the countries on the map and the globe and say what its form of government is, its language, its main exports are, and pick out its flag.  And for the USA, Canada, Australia, Russia and Brazil I can find the states and provinces on a map too.

We've also started karate and taekwondo.  We start regular school in just 12 months.  Girls start regular school in grade 3, joining 9 year-old boys who have never been to school with girls before.  So we need to be able to defend ourselves. 

This means we need to reach 3rd kyu in karate and 3rd kup in taekwondo before then, and that means two hours a day on martial arts until I get there.  So rotating days I miss field sports or swimming or ballet, so my gymnastics, ballet and plyometrics are not affected.


I am 11 and in grade 5.  Nancy is 5 and in year four at Facility.

Nancy is getting really strong and fast.  When we play soccer my friends argue over whose team she is on, because that team usually wins.  She doesn't start the game as so great, but as everyone else gets tired and slows down, she keeps going.  Plus she even at the end of the games she is good at ground moves, dodging around other players and a super accurate kicker.

And she is really good at baseball too, sometimes we let her be pitcher or catcher, sometimes first base.

We went 5 pin bowling for my birthday party and she cleaned-up and only my mom beat her.  Mom can beat anyone in the family at anything, that's for sure.

And then I needed my bed and some boxes moved in my room.  I tried but they were too heavy.  I went to get dad or mom, and I come back with mom and Nancy has already moved them.  How is that even possible?  Sure she's a girl and everyone knows girls are stronger, but I'm six years older.  She shouldn't be stronger than me yet.

And one of my books that I had to read for school.  Two hundred pages, I got halfway through it reading from 9 AM Saturday to 8 PM and put it down for supper.  I go back Sunday morning to read the other half and there is a second bookmark in it 50 pages from the end.  Nancy put it there Saturday night.

The guys are always asking about her, but thankfully she is mostly away at Facility.

And next year she starts regular school, which means Facility will three hours before and five hours after regular school.  Plus fourteen hours on weekends.  I will almost never see her.

It is a good thing she and the other girls love Facility because otherwise it would be child abuse.

 6 Years-old

I am 6 and in year five at Facility.

Last year I reached 3rd kyu in karate and 2nd kup in taekwondo, so I'm starting elementary school, starting in grade 3 as is normal for girls now.

We had testing at the beginning of the year and I athletically superior to 100% of 6 year-old boys, 97% of 7 year-old boys, 95% of 8 year-old boys, and 92% of 9 year-old boys.

I am up to grade 2 in piano.

Compared to other girls my age I am physically better than 55% of them, so I slipped a little.

Academically, I am reading and doing arithmetic at the grade 5 level, so equal to 50% of 11 year old boys, better than 70% of 10 year-old boys, and 93% of 7 year-old boys.

My nerve conduction velocities are way up too.  In the old days nerve conduction velocities varied by less than 3% from person to person and only very slightly affected by training, less than 2%.  But techniques were discovered in 2050 that allowed training that would increase them, thus increasing reaction speed and thinking speed.  My nerve conduction velocities is twice normal.

I'm reading fast now, 1100 wpm, and I've been reading the Harry Potter series, "The Secret Garden", "Arabian Nights" as well as a lot of non-fiction on health, exercise, sports, beauty, history and geography.

In health we are starting to use math in health, figuring out about levers  and stuff, how holding the arms up or close to the body make a pirouette go faster, how changing the arm position can make a grand jeté seem to hang in the air.

Compared to other girls my age I'm better than 52% of them, so up very slightly.

In gymnastics I'm doing moves and drills that the instructors say only level 9 girls could do in the 2000-era, so I'm getting close to what was once level 10/elite.  Like what future Olympic gold medal winners were doing when they were 8 years old.  And now they are routine for 6 year-olds.

In martial arts I reached first dan in karate and taekwondo.  For the tests I had to fight groups of one to four older boys who were first dan, kyu or kup. Karate required I win 3 out of 4 fights, which I did, and taekwondo 4 out of 5, and I won 5 out of 5 (my kicking is awesome).

On the machines now the coach will sometimes hide the resistance display, so I can't read what the resistance is, I have to sense it.  Also we're using machines that handle the four limbs, hands, feet and the head, and it can call up for me to move any or all of them. 

These machines are such a huge advantage for training.  My skills in the sports that require coordination, which is pretty much all sports, are going up like crazy.  My brother is 6 years older than me, 12, and I totally out-class him and his friends in almost any sport.

It must totally suck to be a boy.

For reading at Facility, I mostly train on speed reading machines with grade 4 and 5 books.  They have the machine set to fun for 15 minutes, then ask questions, it does that 4 times and then asks questions about the entire thing read.  I am reading 500 words per minute with really good comprehension.

I am reading some of my dad's books at home.

I doing more advanced math problems on the flash machine.  I do a lot of 161 + ? = 127 and 352 - ? = 137, 1/4 + 1/3 = ?, 1/8 * 3/2 = ?, estimating and angles that are quickly displayed.  On paper I'm doing long division and multiplication of 3 to 5 digit numbers, and in geometry doing things like bisecting angles and lines using a compass.

In history I'm able to talk about the civil rights movements around the world, talk about the end of (most) slavery and the beginning of universal suffrage (in most countries), say which countries were on which side in WWI and WWII, talk about the starts of those wars, talk about the Cold War.

In regular school, it seems in regular school the girls spend half their time tutoring the boys.  There is nothing for me to learn, nothing for any of the girls to learn, in grade 3 other than how to tutor.  So we're tutoring boys from grade 1 to 3.  Tutoring definitely makes the gap between men's intelligence and women's intelligence obvious.

And at recess, we sometimes play with the boys from older grades, if the older girls will let us.  But we have to be gentle with them because even the most athletic grade 6 boys are pretty slow and pretty soft.

With Facility and school, my days are long, but it is so totally worth it to be this amazing.  Thank god I was born a girl.


I am 12 and in grade 6.  Nancy is 6 and in year five at Facility and grade 3 at my school.

At recess she and her friends will play with us, if the older girls will let them, which they usually do because they know we'd get hurt playing with them.

I had thought that maybe being in grade 6, our last year of elementary school, we'd be able to hold our own playing the new 6 year-old girls in grade 3.

Soccer, baseball, dodge ball, tag, flag football, it doesn't matter, she and her friends just totally outclass us.

In soccer, it's you've been passed the ball, there is no girl for 50 feet, and boom a girl is there taking the ball away. 

And we tower over them in height. They're shrimps.  But run into one and we just bounce off, they're totally solid, solid like bone everywhere.

In a way it is hot, not my sister of course, that would be totally creepy.  But some of her friends have real potential.  They all love showing off their gymnastics and ballet moves, doing splits, flips and leaps and other stuff none of us boys even know the name of.

It is rare I see her anywhere but school.  Dad takes her off to Facility at 5 AM and she doesn't get home until 9 PM.  All she does here is sleep.  Except breakfast, all her meals are at Facility and school.

I feel sorry for her, those kind of hours.  But she and the other girls all claim they love it.

Give me my computer games any day.  And they have no time to hangout, sleep in.  I don't see how anyone can love a life like that.

But she did save me one Saturday.  She was getting her eyes adjusted, this is something that girls get done.  Her vision was 20/24 and was seeing an eye doctor about getting it tweaked.

Anyways I and my buddy Tom were boarding on the street outside the clinic and four guys from another school see us.  This place is about half-way between our schools, four of them, two of us, all of us look grade 6, so they figure they'll enforce their territory.

They chase us and we try to run away, turn into an alley but the way out is blocked by 4 big dumpsters.  F*ing dumpsters.  So we're trapped.

So Tom is knocked to the pavement and one guy is kicking away at him, while two of the others are holding me and the forth guy is wailing away at my abs.

Out comes Nancy done with her appointment and sees us, flies into action with her taekwondo and karate.  Gets me loose and makes the guy stop  kicking Tom.  But Tom and I are in no condition to help Nancy out, we're both on the ground in agony.  Tom might have even been unconscious.  It is her against these four thugs.

I'm trying to prop myself up so I can at least see, and she's all relaxed, like "I'm going to go easy on you guys, make it slow and painful, because you made my brother such a mess".

And the four guys are shitting their pants scared, because she's little, but she's a girl and they're just boys, and now they're trapped by the dumpsters just like Tom and I were.

Two of them race for the opposite walls of the alley, hoping one will escape.  But it doesn't matter, she whacks one with a roundhouse kick and before he can even start writhing on the ground she has grabbed the other by his collar and tossed him back into the alley.  Then she drags the guy writhing on the ground back to.

Now she is standing there all, "Who's next boys?"  And I see the sweat dripping from them and she's all cool.

It is too gory to go into details, too humiliating for boykind, but she totally messed them up and made it take at least 20 minutes.

By then we'd recovered and the three of us left.  We phoned for an ambulance and the cops.  One lady cop (except for undercover, all cops are ladies now) took Nancy's statement and gave her a ride back to Facility, and two other cops took Tom's and my statement, before leaving for the hospital to charge the four thugs with some juvenile offense.

When I saw Nancy again to thank her, and say how good her kung fu karate stuff was, she said she mostly didn't use it except at the beginning, didn't need it, mostly just used sheer speed and power.

The guys are always asking about her, but thankfully she is mostly away at Facility.  I just got really lucky that she happened to be there that day.

Anyways, Tom and I have both persuaded our parents to sign up for karate lessons.  We're going three times a week.

 7 Years-old

I am 7 and in year six at Facility, grade 4 at regular school.

We had testing at the beginning of the year and I athletically superior to 100% of 7 year-old boys, 100% of 8 year-old boys, 99% of 9 year-old boys, 98.8% of 10 year-old boys, 97.5% of 11 year-old boys, and 97% of 12 year-old boys, and 96% of 13 year-old boys.

That confirms what I was almost certain of, that my body is now totally superior to Bob's and almost all his friends.

Compared to other girls my age I am physically better than 57% of them, so I'm up a little.

I had my eyes tweaked.  My vision was 20/24, slightly short sighted and some astigmatism.  So being a girl and being healthy enough to be able to have a series of these procedures over the years, I saw an eye doctor and got it tweaked to 20/12.

It is such an improvement.  My reading went from 1200 wpm to 1500 wpm in three days, with 98% comprehension.  My art has improved.  My sports have improved too, gymnastics, seeing the apparatus more quickly and clearly is important on the uneven bars and the vault, seeing the ball and judging its speed in ball sports, and seeing my opponent and judging his moves in martial arts.  I can see so much better in dim light and flashing lights don't distract me.  The only thing is I now see tiny imperfections in clothing that I would have missed before.  But other girls and women see them, so it is better I see them too.

Academically, I am reading and doing arithmetic at the grade 6 level, so equal to 50% of 12 year old boys, better than 70% of 11 year-old boys, and 90% of 10 year-old boys.

I am up to grade 5 in piano and I'm start to learn guitar.

I've been reading the Harry Potter series, "The Secret Garden", "Arabian Nights", " Don Quixote", " "Hijo de Hombre", and in Mandarin, " The Water Margin: Outlaws of the Marsh" and "Wolf Totem",  as well as a lot of non-fiction on health, exercise, sports, beauty, history and geography.  I try to vary all the books among English, French, Spanish and Mandarin to keep up my native-level fluency.  Most books I can zip through in one to two hours, and then I go back and do questions on them or write summary essays.

I am starting to learn Russian and Greek too.

In health we are starting to use math in health, figuring out about levers  and stuff, how holding the arms up or close to the body make a pirouette go faster, how changing the arm position can make a grand jeté seem to hang in the air, simple physics.

Compared to other girls my age I'm better than 52% of them, so up very slightly.

In gymnastics I'm doing moves and drills that the instructors say only national-level girls could ever do in the 2000-era, so I'm getting close to what was once Olympic gold level and I'm just 7 years old.

To add challenge to our gymnastics, a coach will often add a 1 kg ankle or wrist weight, or bind a joint so it is less flexible.

In martial arts I reached third dan in karate and taekwondo and got a black belt in Krav Maga.  For the tests I had to fight groups of one to four men or teenage boys who were first or second dan. Karate required I win 3 out of 4 fights, and I won 4 out of 4, and taekwondo 4 out of 5, and again I won 5 out of 5.  Krav Maga is too dangerous for competitive fights, so I had to beat the crap out of some dummies and some men in protective suits. 

I love ballet, and my ballet is now up to a level now up to a level that could have won national competitions for 14 year-olds in the 2000-era, in either male or female roles (there is no point to using men for male roles in ballet any more since women are stronger).

For reading, I'm reading one or two books a day, fact and adult fiction mixed.  If I'm at the Facility and the book is programmed into the machine, I'll use the speed reading machine, but now set to read for an hour and then ask questions.

I don't need so much sleep now, just 7 hours, so sometimes I'll read some of my dad's books, they just take me a couple of hours.  Other times I'll go online and do old Mensa puzzles.

I doing more advanced math problems on the flash machine.  I do a lot of 3x + 2y = 57 and x –y =8, solve for x and y.  Also sins, cosines and tangents. And set theory, set of integers, set of real numbers, domains, ranges, that sort of thing.

In history I'm able to talk Canadian and American history back to the Europeans landing, and British, French, and Russian history back for 400 years.

In regular school, we only have the grade 4 boys to tutor, since the grade 3 girls handle the younger years.  This means there are always a couple of hours each day when girls can go off to study more advanced topics.  They have a specialist teacher come in, a different one each month to teach us.  So far we've had sales, marketing, fashion, and gardening.

And at recess, we sometimes play with the grade 6 boys, they're the oldest boys here, but really they're too fragile for us.  So usually we do what previous classes have done and let the grade 3s play with them.  Instead we go inside and use the new weight equipment the school got or play tennis or girls' soccer.


I am 13 and in grade 7 at junior high.  Nancy is 7 and in year six at Facility and grade 4 at my old school.

I am really seeing how vast the gap is between boys and girls.

A year of karate lessons and Tom and I have gone from no belt, to 8th kyu (red) to 7th kyu (yellow belt).  Just four more levels to get where Nancy got in one year, and then 5 more levels to get to where she is now.  Oh, plus take taekwondo and krav maga.

I didn't see it before with girls at school because I never really got to know them.  They popped in in grade 3, stayed for grade 4, and then were gone.  In grade 6 it was a new set of girls, strangers again.  Then changing to junior high, bigger school, and even though girls don't usually skip grade 7, half the girls in class are new to me.

Plus girls usually won't associate with stranger boys outside of school, there is not much they can do with us.

But Nancy, I remember her as a baby.

I don't see her much now, Facility taking up so much of her day and being at different schools, I'm asleep when she leaves in the morning and asleep when she returns at night.  But I see her notes and I've looked in her computer and her folders on the server at home.  Her mind is so far past mine.  Sure she is supposedly in grade 4, but it seems like grade 4 girls are doing ... like ... maybe grade 9 or 10 math, English, geography, and history.

In summer and on spring break holidays I was able to stay up late, and so I saw her coming home after Facility.  Loaded down with a ton of books, computer, gym clothing and gear, moving effortless like, with a glowing smile on her face.

She brought a friend to sleep over, Angela, and Angela is super-hot.  Blond hair to her shoulders, blemish free face and shoulders, lean muscular body that just would not quit, and that flat hourglass shape that their gymnast shoulders and gymnast hips and buttocks create.  So short but so perfect and so physically developed.  Not hot sexy, but physically perfect, physical paragons of humanity.  A physical presence like a god, like so many females.  Still, too young, way too young, so I had to look away and try to forget.  I said to myself, file her away for 11 more years and then look her up.

Mom and dad got a few hours of video files of Nancy performing at Facility last week, doing ballet and gymnastics, and they had a dozen old NCAA and Olympic 'blue ray' disks from the 2000-era to compare with.

I watched with them, and mom set things up so we could compare on split screen above-and-below, and side-by-side.  I didn't know what to look for, but of course mom did, mom did all this too when she was a girl, and now she's been enhanced and for girls that means now she knows almost everything.

Mom said Nancy would be an NCAA champion in beam and uneven bars and silver in floor and vault if she had done her routines that well back in 2070.  Mom said in 2000, back when coaching and techniques were even more primitive, Nancy probably would have won Olympic gold across all 4 events.

Looking at the NCAA college girls and the Olympic girls back then, they all have a glow and confidence, they're all flat chested except for pecs, with muscular shoulders, hemispherical butt, and strong striated thighs and calves, and sexy prominent abs. But none of them are huge body-builder types.  The arms, the arms are more slender than most boys, how can they be so strong. 

Nancy and her friends look like (slightly) shorter versions of those exact same (4'10 to 5'4) girls.

How can any of them have so much physical skill in such compact bodies?

 8 Years-old

I am 8 and in year seven at Facility, grade 6 at regular school.

We had testing at the beginning of the year and I athletically superior to 100% of 8 year-old boys, 100% of 9 year-old boys, 100% of 10 year-old boys, 99.99% of 11 year-old boys, 99.98% of 12 year-old boys, and 99.98% of 13 year-old boys, 99.97% of 14 year-old boys, 99.96% of 15 year-old boys, 98.96% of 16 year-old boys and 99.95% of 17 year-old boys.

So I'm definitely superior to Bob and all his friends, vastly superior.

Compared to other girls my age I am physically better than 57% of them, so same as last year.

Academically, this year has been a big jump.  I am past 80% of 18 year-old boys and 90% of 17 year-old boys.  Boys of 14, like my 14 year-old brother, I am past 99% of them.  And this is ignoring my other languages.

Compared to other girls my age, I'm in the 62nd percentile, so a bit better than average.

I am up to grade 9 in piano and grade 5 in guitar.

I've been reading "Wuthering Heights", "The Handmaid's Tale", "Hamlet", "Hard Times", "1984", "The Great Gatsby", "Frankenstein", "Cien Anos de Soledad", " "La Casa Verde", " "Amadis de Gaula", in Mandarin "The Dream of the Red Chamber", " Journey to the West", in Russian "Anna Karenina", "Oblomov", "Fathers and Sons", and in Greek "Zorba the Greek", "Christ Recrucified", "Z", a book a day or so of fiction, plus a book or so a day of non-fiction. 

Except in Greek and Russian my comprehension level is still 98% but my reading speed is up to 2,000 wpm.  In Greek and Russian my comprehension level is still only 95% and my reading speed is only 1,000 wpm.

In health we are studying physiotherapy and kinesiology.  In math I'm doing algebra, quadratic equations, multiple equations with multiple unknowns, analytic geometry, rational and irrational numbers, basic statistics, and so on. 

Compared to other girls my age I'm better than 55% of them, so up very slightly.

In gymnastics, even the slow girls are doing what were Olympic gold medal performances back in the 2000-era.  We often come up with training routines by stringing together a few Olympic performances on an apparatus and doing them sequential, with only the final dismount. 

In martial arts I reached sixth dan in karate and taekwondo.  I have also taken up Aikido (2nd dan) and Mua Thai (11th khan, higher is better in Mua Thai). I've improved my Krav Maga too, but it doesn't have a detailed ranking system, just black belt.

I love ballet, and my ballet is now up to a level now up to a level that could have won international competitions for 16 year-olds in the 2000-era, in either male or female roles.  I'm also doing more Latin dancing and Indian dancing.

Late at night I go online and do post-Mensa puzzles.

In history this year I took Asian and African history going back 400 years.

In regular school, we spend an hour a day tutoring the grade 6 boys, and then we are sent to another room where we study what to them would be grade 12 material in physics, chemistry and biology.  They still have specialist teachers come in, a different one each month to teach us.  We focused on shop (mechanical repairs, electrical repairs, carpentry).  We each debugged and repaired a bunch of different cars of different makes, air conditioners, electronic industrial equipment, and we each made a dining room table with 6 matching chairs.  Our strength and coordination really came in handy, there is no way 8 year-old boys could even hold the tools we used, let alone hold them properly and control them.

For morning break we do 30 minutes of laps in the pool and afternoon break is 30 minutes of weights and machines.

Bob asked me how girls can be so strong and not be huge, especially he wanted to know how my arms could be so strong when they're no thicker than his.

The short answer, Bob, is that my muscle cells might have 5 to 50 times the efficiency per volume of your muscle cells.  And that efficiency can be in terms of power, strength, endurance, recuperative power, elasticity, tear resistance, oxygen use, and waste product removal compared to your muscle cells.

The detailed answer is this, and I explained to him that muscle fibers have multiple nuclei. 

When you exercise right, the muscle fibers (myofibers) get damaged slightly.  Not huge tears, but not merely tired.  Tiny damage.

When a myofiber cell, gets damaged, a repair cell comes along.  The repair cell is called a satellite stem cell. 

That satellite stem cell finds the damaged area of the myofiber and bonds to it.  Then the satellite stem cell splits in two, two parts each with one nuclei, one set of mitochondria, and one sets of other organelles.

One of those two parts of the stem cell carries on as a stem cell, reserved for future repairs.

The other part continues to merge with the damaged muscle cell, repairing it, until it becomes one with the myofiber.

Each such repair adds one nucleus, one set of mitochondria and one set of organelles to the muscle fiber.

A lot of exercise done correctly, done many times over many days, for many weeks, for many months, for many years, can cause the myofiber to have dozens of times, even hundreds of times more contents than a muscle cell that is hardly exercised.

The power, endurance and efficiency of a myofiber depends upon the number of nuclei, number of mitochondria (energy centers) and number or organelles.

Same size fiber, but far more activation centers for contracting and stretching, far more energy production centers, far more garbage collection centers, and so on.

Which is why few Olympic medalists look like body builders.  Muscles can get really really strong with hardly any increase in size.  My little biceps might be 10 times as strong as yours, you would never know simply by looking at them, it all comes down to the myofiber contents, how much of the good stuff is in there, and how much is empty space.


I am 14 and in grade 8 at junior high.  Nancy is 8 and in year seven at Facility and grade 6 at my old school.

I am really seeing how vast the gap is between boys and girls.

Another year of karate lessons, but we've increase them a hour three times a week to two hours four times a week.  As a result Tom and I have gone from 7th kyu to 4th kyu. Just 10 more levels and I'll catch up to Nancy, in Karate at least.

I'm joking, there are only four dozen men in the entire world with 6th dan belts.  But at least I'm getting stronger and faster than other boys.

Nancy seems to need less and less sleep.  I think she is down to 5 hours a night.  Which is good because she is at school 6 hours a day and Facility for 12 hours a day.

She was talking about school and her shops classes.  It is amazing what girls get to do. 

She repaired an old 2130 Ford Escort, a GM Glider 4000 self-piloted van, an a Porsche.  Replaced break system.  Reconditioned and rebuilt an engine.  Repaired and rebuilt an old automatic transmission.  And then they had a dozen cars per girl where she had to diagnose and fixed various unknown problems, wiring, hoses, seals, switches, computer and so on.  There is a grade 12 shops class for boys that does most of this, but it is 3 hours a day fall, winter and spring term.  She did it in 2 hours a day starting half-way through the winter term.

And then just before Christmas she started on electrical shop and got to diagnose and fix a telephone exchange and a numerically controlled milling machine.

Then in spring she made and finished a new mahogany table and matching chairs for our dining room, Chippendale style with real mahogany wood, not the fake stuff.

I looked up more of the stuff Nancy is studying, the math and physics and for sure it is grade 12.  The physiotherapy, kinesiology, chemistry and history seems to be first and second year university.  I can read the book titles and chapter headings, but that is all.  The rest is a complete mystery.

The other guys at school say this is normal for 8 year-old girls.

 9 Years old

I am 9 and in year eight at Facility, grade 7 at regular junior high school.

Bob is also in junior high, in grade 9 at this same school.

We had testing at the beginning of the year and I athletically superior to 100% of 9 year-old boys, 100% of 10 year-old boys, 100% of 11 year-old boys, 99.99% of 12 year-old boys, 99.99% of 13 year-old boys, and 99.99% of 14 year-old boys, 99.99% of 15 year-old boys, 99.98% of 16 year-old boys, 98.98% of 17 year-old boys and 99.97% of 18 year-old men.

Compared to other girls my age I am physically superior than 53% of them, so down from last year, I'm going to have to work harder next year.

Academically, this year has been another big jump.  In learning am now past 95% of 18 year-old boys and 98% of 17 year-old boys.  I won't compare myself to my 15 year-old brother because what's the point. 

My nerve conduction velocities are up to 3 times the old normal.  It is complex, but more or less my reflexes and my thinking speeds are three times normal.  My IQ is 144, 99.8th percentile and my learning rate is hugely accelerated by my reading speed and incredible retention rate.  The speed with which my mind develops will keep skyrocketing, as it does with all girls.

I had my eyes tweaked last week and now I'm 20/10.

Compared to other girls my age, I'm in the 65th percentile, so a bit better than last year.

I am up to grade 12 in piano and grade 9 in guitar.  I am starting violin.

In reading, my comprehension level is now 99.5% and my reading speed is up to 3,000 wpm, and I'm just as fast in Russian and Greek!  I'm still doing at least one fiction book and at least one non-fiction book a day, still either answering questions on it or doing a summary essay, but my faster reading speed means I have more time for other things.

In math I'm doing calculus in n-space, number theory, statistics, and computability.

I'm studying biology, anatomy and the endocrine system now, as well psychology, especially diagnosis and the new methods of therapy, like CBT and DBT.

Compared to other girls my age I'm better than 53% of them, so down very slightly.

In gymnastics, like last year we string together a few Olympic performances on an apparatus and doing them sequentially, but the new wrinkle is the coach will yell out which routine to do next.  So we're on an apparatus, so we know which apparatus she is talking about and we know it is the Olympics or World's.  Then she shouts "Comanichi 1976" then " Tatiana Gutsu 1992" " Shannon Miller 1992", " Svetlana Boginskaya 1989", " Olga Korbut 1972", " Svetlana Khorkina 2004" we do those routines in order with only do the final dismount. 

Doing six routines in sequence, rather than just one routine, adds the necessary difficulty to keep us challenged.

In martial arts I reached eight dan in karate and taekwondo, sixth dan in Aikido, 14th khan in Mua Thai. I've started judo and I'm up to the second dan.

I love ballet, and my ballet is now up to the soloist level at major ballet companies in the 2000-era, in either male or female roles. 

Late at night I go online and do post-Mensa puzzles.

In history this year I took European history going back to pre-history.

In regular school, we spend an hour a day tutoring the grade 7 boys, and then we are sent to another room.  This is a continuation of last year study with second year university material in physics, chemistry and biology.  The specialist teachers this year were in civil and mechanical engineering, accounting and geology.  It wasn't as much fun as last year's shops, but the knowledge will one day be useful I'm sure.

Just like last year for breaks we do 30 minutes of laps in the pool or 30 minutes of weights and machines.


I am 15 and in grade 9 at junior high.  Nancy is 9 and in year eight at Facility and grade 7 at my school.

After three years of effort, Tom and I have finally earned out black belts.  It must be amazing to be Nancy and just do something like that in 2 years, hardly trying with all that other stuff going on in her life.

Of course now she is eighth dan in karate and no male has ever reached eight dan.  Plus she has her taekwondo, aikido, krav maga, muay thai and judo.

She is smarter than any male I know and way stronger and faster.  In world records for men, she would break the record in the 100m, 440m 1,000m and marathon distances, high jump, long jump, triple jump and a few other things.  Plus she would easily break the men's weightlifting records in all the events for her weight, 118 pounds.

She is 2 pounds lighter than me, 12 inches shorter, and totally superior in every way imaginable by quite a bit.

And she's just an average girl.

 10 Years-old
Ship buying assignments??  Business negotiations.


I am 10 and in year nine at Facility, grade 9 at regular junior high school.

Bob is now at another school, senior high.

We had testing at the beginning of the year and I athletically superior to 100% of boys up to 17 years of age and 99.9999% of men over than. 

Compared to other girls my age I am physically superior than 52% of them, so again down from last year, I'm really going to have to work harder next year, maybe do less on academics.

As always for girls, academically, this year has been another big jump.  My nerve conduction speeds are up to 4 times the old normal and my vision is 20/8.  In learning am now past 99% of 18 year-old boys

Compared to other girls my age, I'm in the 65th percentile, which is good, so I can shift some of my effort over to my body.

I passed Senior Recital in piano, and I am up to grade 12 in in guitar and grade 7 in violin.

In reading, my comprehension level is now 99.9% and my reading speed is up to 5,000 wpm. 

My fluency French, Spanish, Mandarin, Russian and Greek puts me in the 52nd percentile for girls and the 98th percentile for boys, so like an average native speaking girl.  In English my fluency puts me in the 60th percentile for girls and the 99.99th percentile for boys. 

Over the next year I will add German and Arabic to my languages.

In math I'm doing advanced field theory, cohomology, harmonic analysis, tensor analysis, topology and probability distributions.

I'm continuing my study of medicine.  In the 2100-era I'd be half-way to an MD as far as book learning goes, except I have no clinical experience.

In gymnastics, we're using variable geometry apparatus to increase the difficulty.  This means parallel bars that change in height and spread, balance beam that rotates slightly left or right, spring board and vault that change, and a floor for floor exercises that has adjustable dampers under it.  We still create our practice routines by the coach yelling out which medal performance to copy next.

We're doing ten routines in a row now.

In martial arts I'm continuing to train to keep up with the other girls.  But I am tenth dan in karate and taekwondo, ninth dan in Aikido, 17th khan in Mua Thailand eight dan in judo, plus Krav Maga.  And then I have this body.  It would not matter how many men came at me, I could be locked in a gym with 4 dozen men, all different types of black belts in random styles, and I'd easily defeat them all, knives, pipes, no matter – unless they had some guns.

The only danger to me is other women, and mental illness has become almost completely unknown for us.  But convention is to keep your skills up, so I will keep my martial arts skills up.

I love ballet, and my ballet is well past the historic prima ballerina and master male dancer levels.  We mostly dance new ballets that would have never been possible for unenhanced women and women 20 years ago.

In regular school, we spend an hour a day tutoring the grade 7 boys, and then we are sent to another room.  This is a continuation of last year study with second year university material in physics, chemistry and biology.  The specialist teachers this year were in nuclear physics and from electrical engineering quantum mechanics and logic circuit design, and from mechanical engineering, fluid flow and elastics.

Just like last year, for breaks we do 30 minutes of laps in the pool or 30 minutes of weights and machines.


I am 16 and in grade 10 at junior high.  Nancy is 10 and in year nine at Facility and grade 9 at junior high.

Tom and I are now second dan black belts, but mostly we play computer games and surf the web.  It must be amazing to be Nancy but boys are all hopelessly and totally outclassed.  It is better to just say to yourself, "It's not important, let's have fun instead" and then go play a game or hangout.

Mind you, for a week in July her girls' Facility was closed down for major repairs.  She did go to another Facility, but only for half-time because they lacked space.

So for a week she had free time and I got to see some of the other stuff she does, stuff she doesn't even mention because it is so unimportant.

Killer roller blading, killer skateboarding, killer trampoline, stuff combined with gymnastics I could not imagine, stuff I've never seen done, not even by enhanced women on TV (because I guess they're too old for it).

Then playing soccer with her, we hadn't done that since she was a little kid, really little.  Two girls versus seven boys.  No contest.  Try ten boys.  Not any closer.

Us guys were exhausted, so we went over to a basketball court and she did some trick shooting.

Then we watched her and Angela play tennis.  They put on 10 pound ankle weights and 5 pound wrist weights to add some challenge.  After she played Angela, Nancy invited Tom to play her, but she totally skunked him.  Then I tried to play Angela, and she totally skunked me even worse.

We went to  a public pool and I saw her and Angela swim laps, butterfly stroke for 30 minutes, that is the most exhausting stroke, no man can do it for more than maybe 5 minutes.

Then Nancy and Angela did diving for us.  Just like pre-2100 Olympics.  She says it is easy if you've already studied gymnastics to the level she has.

She wanted to show us ice skating, skiing, snowboarding and water skiing, but there was no place around here where she could do that.  So she showed me some videos of her doing slalom and freestyle skiing, and half pipe, slalom, slope style and snowboard cross boarding.

Then she got out a really strong magnifying glass for me, took some money and cheques, and read the micro printing.  And then I checked with the magnifying glass.  Wow, 20/10 vision for sure!  And I passed it around to the guys.

Then Nancy and Angela did some stretches, splits in doorways, splits with both feet supported by chairs, front side splits.  Then over splits with one leg up on a chair so it was 220 degrees, front then side.  Then against a wall 270 degrees, front then side.  Then both standing in the middle of our living room, with one foot down and simultaneously slowly raising the other foot 180 degrees straight up and holding it and holding it, and then after a couple of minutes rotating the hip of the upper foot so it was 180 degrees around, and brining that upper foot down in bringing their upper feet down below their chins, then out and touching the other shoulder, then up vertical again, then slowly returning to stand both feet on the floor, both girls in perfect synchronization.

Then without a pause, they both leaned back, brought their shoulders back and down, then folded their legs down as they brought their chests forward, again in perfect synchronization, creating a three-fold bend.

They kept doing these ballet and gymnastics bends, in perfect synchronization for 20 minutes, until Tom started to fidget.

Then the last day my dad took us to a gun club and Nancy and Angela showed off their archery ability and ability with target pistols and long guns.  The gun shop man said that what they shot would be a gold medal performance in international competition – if they were men.

The last day her Facility was still not open, but we went by.  It is a big deal to close down a women's Facility, it is like a #1 federal, provincial and local government priority to get it fully open again.

So needless to say there were a few hundred workers, almost all women, getting it back in shape and we couldn't go in any of the main buildings.

But she took me to a side building that had one of her favorite exercise machines.

This machine is for training reaction time, proprioception, plyometrics and strength.  Angela set the machine resistance, speed, angle, distance, accuracy.  And then Nancy stood in it, with her arms, leg, body's, head, hands and feet in the holder tubes.  Angela presses a button and then the machine displays a set of numbers that tells her how to position herself, how fast to position herself, and now much resistance she will be working against.  It is a list of about 20 numbers that flash and she moves.  The machine only counts a rep when it is done right.  If it is done wrong it makes an error noise and displays numbers above the orders that show her mistake. 

As I said, her Angela presses a button and the machine displays a set of numbers, Nancy moves faster than I could see, an okay beep sounds as another set of numbers appears, she moves again.  One a second to start, and then two a second.  Okay beep after okay beep for 15 minutes. 

Then Angela resets the machine to five per second and Nancy goes for another 15 minutes, okay beep after okay beep.  And when she's done she's barely perspiring.

Then Angela invites me to try, just with your right arm and right leg.

Well first off the holder tubes were too stiff to even move.

She smiled and reduced the resistance.  What was the resistance?  Forty kilograms she said.  Now it is one kilogram.

Then the lights flashed, right arm 60 degrees up and 30 degrees forward.  Mistake buzzer, I got 80 degrees up and 45 degrees forward.  My leg results were even worse.

So she reduced the accuracy to being within 30 degrees and I tried again.  I got one okay beep and ten mistake beeps.  Then I was too exhausted to go on.  Tom tried it and was even worse than me.

And the girls do this thing for 30 minutes at a time normally a few times a week, as fast as 4 moves per second.

 11 Years-old

I am 11 and in year ten at Facility, grade 11 at regular junior high school.

I am again at Bob's school, this time in his grade.  Of course I'll only see him for the hour we tutor the boys, then we are off to other rooms for girls stuff.

 This year's testing shows I athletically superior to 100% of boys and men.

Compared to other girls my age I am physically superior than 56% of them, so up finally.  This year I'll do what I did last year and make my physical and mental stats more equal.

As always, each year is a big jump for girls academically, this year has been another big jump.  In learning am now past 99.99% of 18 year-old boys.  So not quite 100% yet.

Compared to other girls my age, I'm in the 62th percentile, which is down a little, but still good.  So I can again shift some of my effort over to my body.

I passed Senior Recital in guitar and I am up to grade 12 in violin.

In reading, my comprehension level is now 99.99% and my reading speed is up to 7,000 wpm. 

My fluency French, Spanish, Mandarin, Russia, Greek, German and Arabic put me in the 55nd percentile for girls by age and the 99.7th percentile for boys, so slightly better than an average native speaking girl.  In English my fluency puts me in the 60th percentile for girls and above 100% of boys.

Over the next year I will add Portuguese, Japanese and Korean to my languages.

In math I'm doing knot theory, differential geometry and topology, point theory, as well as a lot of multi-variable calculus and developing new uses for old series.

I'm continuing my study of medicine.  In the 2100-era I'd have completed my residency in a couple of specialties.  But of course I have no clinical experience.

In gymnastics, we're using variable geometry/variable gravity apparatus to increase the difficulty.  So unlike last year, now the gravity can go up and down by 30% during the routine, depending on how the coach sets the parameters for amplitude and randomness.  As well those 1 kg weights coaches used to use to put us off balance are now usually 5 kg.

We usually just string routines along to make a 30 minute practice session on each apparatus.

They've improved the robots girls use for training in martial arts, and that renewed my interest in them.  I am twelfth dan in karate, taekwondo, and Aikido, eleventh dan in judo, and twenty-first khan in Mua Thailand, plus Krav Maga.  And I started Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and I'm already at fifth dan.  When you know one sport what you learned carries over to similar sports.

Incidentally, due to 'dan inflation', levels getting harder over time, there are no longer any men above seventh dan in any martial art.

In ballet I'm doing a lot of ballets that were impossible before, and I'm alternating male and female roles, the lifting with the display.  In training we're also using variable gravity stages now.

In regular school, we spend an hour a day tutoring the grade 9 boys.  I feel sorry for Bob, he clearly knows how vastly superior girls are.  At least he has the consolation that nobody complains that boys goof off, hangout, and play computer games when they're not in school.
 Except for that hour a day tutoring we do for the boys, and the two 30 minute athletic breaks, the rest of the time at regular school is spent on masters level courses in math, physics, chemistry, biology and literature.  So all us girls are knee deep in writing thesis.


I am 17 and in grade 11 at junior high.  Nancy is 11 and in year ten at Facility and grade 11 at junior high. 

So now she is supposedly in my grade.  Except she has told me she and the other girls are actually doing master's degree work, enough for a few masters degrees.

I cannot say I'm surprised.

The energy, the aura, the self-confidence, the power and precision.  Untouchable human perfection every one of them.

Nancy confided in me that her nerve conduction velocities have developed to the point where they are three times normal.

This means her thinking speed is three times the old norm, an hour of her study time equals three hours of a similar genius's study time if she had the old normal velocity.  So she's a mega genius times three.

And so are most girls.

As well this means her base reaction time would be three times faster, three times faster if she had never done any other training.  She showed me on a machine that her reaction time is ten times faster than the fastest reaction times from the 2100-era, which are 3 times faster than the normal .2 seconds. 

So .0067 seconds.

No wonder she could do work that proprioception machine so easily and no wonder she and other girls find it so easy to move up dans.

 12 Years-old

I am 12 and in year eleven at Facility, grade 12 at regular high school.

I won't be tutoring Bob again because he is now behind me, back in grade 11.

Not that grades for girls mean anything.  I now have MScs in electrical engineering and math, plus MAs in English literature and European history.

Unfortunately these are real MScs and MAs, they're the old style MScs and MAs, men's MScs and MAs, that meet the old standards from before 2100.

No change in my comparison to boys athletically, 100% is as good as it gets. Compared to other girls I'm in the 59th percentile, so I'm very happy about that.

Intellectually though I'm now 100% above men as well.

My IQ is now 182, which is 55th percentile of 12 year-old girls and 99.9999977016th percentile for men and boys.  Very precise. 

So one man in 43,508,721 has an IQ equal to or greater than mine is, so far.

I passed Senior Recital in violin.
In reading, my comprehension level is now 99.999% and my reading speed is up to 12,000 wpm. 

Forget doing detailed summaries and reviews a month later, now I can do them a year or two later.  What goes into my head just stays there now.

In just one year my fluency in Portuguese, Japanese and Korean has come to equal my fluency in German, Japanese, French, Spanish, Mandarin, Russia, Greek, German and Arabic, ahead of 100% of men and boys, in the 53rd percentile for unenhanced girls my age.

I've learned the most difficult languages.  Now I'll learn Hindi, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, Xhosa, and Cree.

In math, for practice they have us developing new branches of mathematics.  They have the overall parameters and need described, and each year girls are assigned to create the branches fresh exercises.  They expect a 200 to 300 page book back.

I'm doing a thesis on how Newtonian physics, mechanics and dynamics can be useful in furthering our understanding of orthopedic, kinesthesiology, and physiotherapy.

I'm doing another thesis on renaissance art.

That will probably end up as a PhD, another MSc and another MA, old-style.

But what I learn will help me once I have menarche and go for enhancement.  I am 12 so it could be any month now.

I'm continuing my study of medicine.  In the 2100-era I'd have completed my residency in a couple of specialties.  But of course I have no clinical experience.

In gymnastics the variable gravity is now allowed to vary by 50% when I'm performing or training and the variable geometry apparatus is allowed to vary three times as much and three times as quickly. 

There is nothing like the first time you reach for a parallel bar and it moves back 2 inches, then forward 3 inches, so I have to constantly adjust.  Or having a balance beam tip up one end by 6 inches and roll 30 degrees while you're up in the air doing a triple Arabian.

They can also increase or decrease the temperature in the room and decrease the oxygen level, which they'll go next year if I don't get my period before then.  Same thing with ballet, plyometrics, and so on, a lot of sports can be fiddled with that way, and that is what they have to do for late blooming girls who carry on developing without the big break of being enhanced.

I brought my karate, taekwondo, Aikido, judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu up to fourteenth dan.  Mua Thai is twenty-fifth khan. 

In regular school, we spend an hour a day tutoring the grade 12 boys, the last school boys I'll be doing this for. 

With how my mind and body are now, with how expanded and accelerated they have become, men seem so trivial, so minor.

When my dad, Bob or Bob's buddy Tom speak, when any man speaks, I can look at him and know what he is going to say.  Even if it is some strange topic or opinion, I see it, smell it feel it, and have explored all the ramifications for it, before they open their mouths.

It is like they think and move at 1/20 the speed or 1/50 the speed I do, that girls like me do.


I am 18 and in grade 12 at junior high.  Nancy is 12 and in year eleven at Facility and grade 12, 'same grade' as me at high school.

So my little sister now has two MScs and two MAs, at age 12.  It would be very impressive if there were a bunch of girls doing worse than that, say who only had one BSc by age 12, but there aren't. 

This is just how girls are, they're like a different species from us.  Like we're dogs or cats and they're humans, but one level up.  Humans and gods.

She brought a couple of dumbbells home, just carrying them like a purse.  Later I looked and they were both 150 pounds.

How can someone so small, with arms that thin be so incredibly strong?  Sure she has big shoulders, big pecs, big gluts, and a super eight pack, but arms?  Maybe 10 inches.

Then at 4 AM I hear the clumping, and its Nancy doing plyometrics with these 150 pound weights, jumping up on a 2 foot box while she thrusts them up above her head as fast as she can, over and over for five minutes. 

Then she laid one on the floor, wedged her feet beneath it, hugged the other one to her chest and started doing sit-ups really fast.  Another ten minutes and she was off to Facility.

I don't know why mom and dad let her get away with making loud noises at night, but as usual they did.  I would have gotten screamed at and grounded.

 13 Years-old

I am 13 and in year twelve at Facility, and master's program at university, except that officially it just is second year.

I am really unhappy that I haven't have my period yet, haven't had menarche.  I really want to go off for universal enhancement and get on with the rest of my life.  But mother tells me to be patient, that it just takes some girls longer.

No change in my ranking above men physically or mentally, 100% is as good as it gets.

Compared to other unenhanced 13 year-old girls I'm in the 60th percentile mentally and the 58th percentile physically.  I'm trying to improve that.

In reading, my comprehension level is now 100% and my reading speed is up to 15,000 wpm. 

It has been confirmed, tests with even meaningless garbage letters, symbols and numbers, and tests with large complex detailed pictures, prove that what goes into my head stays in my head, I don't forget a thing.

So now I'm fluent in Hindi, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, Xhosa, and Cree, plus  Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, German, Japanese, French, Spanish, Mandarin, Russia, Greek, German and Arabic. 

Native fluency in 17 languages ahead of 100% of men and boys, and 54th percentile for unenhanced girls my age. 

With how my brain is now I plan to pick up 10 more languages for next year.  Mind you, finding 10 languages that are sufficiently different from what I already know is not going to be easy.

They gave me old style PhDs for my three thesis last year and one new style BSc.  The new style BSc is about as different from an old-style PhD as an old-style PhD is from an old-style BSc.

I haven't studied botany, geology or Chinese literature lately, so I'm going to study those this coming year.  And if I have time also German and Dutch literature.

I'm continuing my study of medicine in a dozen residencies.

In my training we're now going full bore with adjusting gravity, reducing oxygen levels, and bumping up or bumping down heat.

As well I'm often wearing a 10 kg ankle, wrist or body weight and sometimes a hard rubberized plastic tube to inhibit one or another joint flexing.

In swimming there is an additive in the pool for late-bloomers that makes the water thicker but reduces its fluid friction, meaning it is harder to get through plus it is harder for your hands and feet to act against.  It works pretty well.

This is just like the other 13 year-old late bloomers.  And still we churn out 2100-era gold medal performances for a dozen hours every day as easily as a man walks across the street.

Thank heavens other girls are in this situation and more dans have been added to martial arts and the training robots have been improved.  I brought my karate, taekwondo, Aikido, judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu up to eighteenth dan.  Mua Thai is thirtieth khan. 


I am turning 19 tomorrow and I'm going off for Universal Enhancement.

Universal Enhancement for men is not as complete as it is for women, it is not even 1% as complete.

What we get is vastly improved resistance to infectious diseases and cancers, vastly improved ability to recover from injury, and about another 30 to 60 points added on to our IQs. 

That is a lot few IQ points than for women, a couple of hundred less, and that is it, it doesn't continue to climb like it does for them.

Just like enhanced women, our aging process eventually stops.  But where women's aging process stops at about age 18, our doesn't stop until age 70.

Still, it is something.  It will make university a lot easier, although it will be men's university and men's degrees that I get.

I do wonder if briefly I will be as intelligent, or at least have the same IQ as Nancy.  Will I be able to understand her again like I did when she was 3 or 4 years old.

14 Years-old


I am 14 and in year thirteen at Facility, and a multi-PhD program at university, except that officially it is just fourth year.

Angela had her period and now she's gone off for enhancement leaving me behind.

I know some girls don't get their periods until age 15, but that is like 3%.  And, yes, some don't get their periods until age 16, but the thought of that only makes this worse. 

No change in my ranking above men physically or mentally, 100% is as good as it gets.

Compared to other unenhanced 14 year-old girls I'm in the 58th percentile mentally and the 56th percentile physically.  I'm trying to improve that.

In reading, my comprehension level remains at 100% total and identic, and I've run my reading speed up to 25,000 wpm and that hasn't changed.

Now I do books in four minutes and remember them completely, even the complex technical books I love and the books in foreign languages I've only been studying for a couple of weeks. I don't forget a thing.

In six months I added native fluency better than 100% of men in Irish Gaelic, French, Italian, Korean, Tagalog, Aleut, Bengali, Javanese to my other 17 languages.

Then I added Wu, Malay, Vietnamese, Tamil, Cantonese, Persian, Turkish, Thai and Polish before I figured that was enough for one year.  Basically I can read over a dozen books, and be as fluent as the average male.  That takes a couple of hours.  Then read a dictionary and encyclopedia in the language and boom, I'm done with the written aspect.  Then it is just a matter of listening to the accelerated tapes.  My muscle control is so precise that pronunciation is almost as trivial to learn as spelling.

So nine months spending a few hours a week and it now totals up to 35 languages.

Last year I said I was going to study botany, geology, Chinese literature and German and Dutch literature.

So that is done, more old-style PhDs, another old style MA and a new-style BA.  Yes ‼! for the new-style MA.  The hard part isn't coming up with a thesis topic, or gathering data, or defending my thesis.  The hard part is just the sheer amount of typing.

I am 14 and probably I don't have another full year to go before Universal Enhancement, so I'm not sure what I'll study in the time left.

In my training, with all the things we've adjusted and messed up, to provide some continuing challenge, the main thing that has happened is my muscles sky-rocketing in efficiency. 

It happens with all the girls who go this long.  So we're now going full bore with adjusting gravity, reducing oxygen levels, and bumping up or bumping down heat.  I'm doing plyometrics with weights over two hundred pounds per arm or leg, and I'm using the heavy duty proprioception machine that can provide several hundred pounds resistance.

As well I'm often wearing a 10 kg ankle, wrist or body weight and sometimes a hard rubberized plastic tube to inhibit one or another joint flexing.

This is just like the other 14 year-old late bloomers.  Under the toughest condition the coaches and engineers can construct, we keep churning out 2100-era gold medal performances hour after hour with less effort than it used to take to brush our teeth.

The main thing taking my mind off my weight is the training robots.  I'm taking on a half dozen at a time, using my plyometric power to leap over them and isolate one from another before going in for the kill.

The dan levels are kind of meaningless at this point, but I'm up to twenty-five in karate, taekwondo, Aikido, judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu up to eighteenth dan.  Mua Thai is thirty-fourth khan. 

Bob went through Universal Enhancement for men.  It is not such a big deal for men, kind of a raw deal in fact.  But women are working to improve it, problem is men's bodies are incompatible with what is done on us.  And a sex change doesn't change that.

His IQ went up by 60 points, so he was hopefully that would be close to mine again and we could talk like we did when I was 3 and he was 9.

Those 60 points took him to 165.

But back when I was 12 my IQ had already gone up to 180, and that was two years ago.

I didn't say anything at all, but I had it retested just in case and its now 210, so only one unenhanced man in 190,057,377,928, or one enhanced man in 728,189,187.

I told him my IQ was 168, so he was pretty close, but I think he saw through it.  Besides, I've had all those years of learning, having knowledge poured into my brain as fast as my trainers could arrange it.


I am 20 now and in second year at men's university.

Studying is a lot easier for me that it used to be, much much easier.

My new mind also notices the differences between men and women much more fully and completely, how vast they are. 

Even between enhanced men and unenhanced girls, the difference between girls and men is cosmic.  Nancy is average for what she is, and I'm average for what I am.  The differences in our abilities, our sense, our capacity.

The only thing is that right now I'm enhanced and my aging will stop around age 70.  She hasn't been enhanced yet so and if she was never enhanced one day she would die, one day within 100 to 150 years from now.

But sooner or later she will be enhanced, and then her aging will stop at about 18.

And along with all the other benefits women get from universal enhancement, ...

The main the Universal Enhancement brings men is the ability to live for many centuries and to observe the gap between men and women that much more clearly.

Still, I cannot complain.  It is not as if women haven't been trying to improve Universal Enhancement for men.  They put a lot of money and effort into it, and they fund men looking for answers too.
 15 Years-old 

I am 15 and in year fourteenth year at Facility.  Finally I got my period and I have undergone Universal Enhancement.

It is so amazing.

One month of treatments and my body is improved dozens of times over.

My IQ is thousands of points higher.

Where before my nerve conduction velocities were 5 times the old normal, now they are 30 times normal.

My eyesight is 50/1.

Where before my reading speed was only 25,000 wpm, now I can sit before I at 20,000x40,000 pixel screen and read at 300,000 wpm.  With a wired connection I can accept data at 1Mbs and send out data (write papers or create videos in my mind) at 500kbs.

Where before I read books, now I read libraries.

Where before learning a language took a month, now it takes hours.

My old degrees are now meaningless to me, all that I knew last month being less than .01% of what I know now.

My muscles, which were already 30 times more efficient than a man's, are now over a hundred times more efficient.

I will might never be able to compete in modern women's Olympics, my skills are to average.

But my days of trying to shoehorn my skills and abilities into a 2100-era world are over.

My mind and body I can now endure the restraining force and hyper gravity fields necessary to truly train and test my body.

My body, 15 years-old now.   Another 3 years and it will stop aging.

And Universal Enhancement for women does something else, it rejuvenates the brain cells, creating more stem cells within the cranium, dramatically increasing the plasticity of a woman's brain for several centuries.

Which means all that my brain is now, it will be double or triple that.

Young, energetic and vigorous, full of life and creativity, for century after century after century, potentially for several millennia.

I feel so sorry for men, so sorry for my dad and for my brother Bob.

To have to endurance such minor shallow lives.

I will do what I can to help them, but sadly the fact is that even before Universal Enhancement, they are so very far beneath us, their potential for mental and physical development is so very limited by comparison.

But I will try to help them.
* You are the author and you are the boss of your story!
* Take your time and write what you are driven to write and what your characters drive you to write.
* The story is the journey, and when the journey is over, we will all wish it was longer.

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Re: [Jaguar] "Nancy" Story Snippet
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2017, 09:51:03 am »
You can probably tell, the story originally had very rapid enhancement of e-girls, which I slowed down to make more realistic, to allow a wider range of anecdotes to be inserted. 

I'd intended to insert anecdotes every year or so graphically illustrating the e-baby or e-girl catching up and passing her brothers.  Like saving them from being beaten up by bullies from the next neighbourhood over.

But after starting to slow development down I wasn't been able to restore the continuity to the slower rate.

So in one paragraph she is doing gymnastics at the level of an normal college gymnast, and in another she is at the level of a 13 y/o on the path to being a college gymnast.

You can also see that sometimes accidentally left off the e-.  I was thinking of maybe doing a bulk replacement of e-girl and e-woman to enhanced girl and enhanced woman once I was finished writing, to make it read better.

Also the enhanced vision is inconsistent.  It is variously given as 20/14, 20/1 and 50/1?

It just became too big and too mind-boggling a project for someone who has never written fiction before.

And this was birth to age 15 at most one quarter done.  And I'd intended it to go to age 150.
* You are the author and you are the boss of your story!
* Take your time and write what you are driven to write and what your characters drive you to write.
* The story is the journey, and when the journey is over, we will all wish it was longer.

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