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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: R41N on July 16, 2022, 12:39:37 am

Title: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: R41N on July 16, 2022, 12:39:37 am
Hey, another short one for y’all.


Confessions of a muscle mom
Tags: POV, Transformation, Enhanced,

Hi, my name is Emily and I guess you could say I’m not the typical mother, being 190 lbs of solid muscle at 5’7. I started working out ten years ago and it has been an interesting journey to say the least. Starting out I never would’ve imagined I’d ever take things this far. I was the typical girl who just worked on my legs and glutes, just wanting to “tone up” and not get bulky. That of course didn’t last long. Once I started getting stronger and saw my muscles grow it all just became increasingly addictive. I started taking training and diet more seriously, learning about everything from basic exercise technique to proper nutrition and recovery, one thing led to another and I eventually hired a personal trainer which is when I started seeing serious results. That was about eight years ago and that was also around the time when I met my husband.

At the time I wasn’t nearly as big as I am now but I was still noticeably muscular. I was probably weighing around 140 but I was pretty ripped and definitely stood out as a woman. I could tell I intimidated a lot of the guys at the gym and I liked it. It only motivated me further to get bigger and stronger. My upper body kind of blew up when I hired my personal trainer, especially my arms and back. I loved it and I knew then that I wanted to take things much further. I did however begin to worry a little that I would have trouble finding a boyfriend, especially since I liked more skinny guys and didn’t really want to end up with a huge bodybuilder. That was until (my now) husband approached me.

He was adorably skinny and cute but he was also confident. He simply approached me between one of my sets in a respectful and classy way, introduced himself, told me that he found me cute and then asked me out. I was initially quite taken aback by how blunt he was but he was good looking and cute, respectful and upfront and seemed like a good guy so I of course accepted. I gave him my number and a few days later we met for lunch and the rest is history.

Over the next few years I continued growing and getting stronger. However, it is during the last two and a half years where things have changed the most. After our son was born three years ago I finally decided to hop on gear and holy shit, I fucking love it. My strength has blown up like I never could’ve imagined and I’m bigger and more ripped than I ever was. I haven’t really experienced any severe side affects, a few pimples in the beginning but that’s it. Sure, my clit has grown a little but I honestly like it, it makes sex more enjoyable.

My libido has become absolutely ridiculous, to the point where I often find that my husband struggles to keep up with me. In all honesty I’m sometimes left unsatisfied, I feel like I want more. I want to experiment and have more passionate and rougher sex. I’m like constantly horny and sometimes I catch myself fantasizing about forcibly having sex with my husband, overpowering him and using him like my own sex toy, I certainly could if I wanted to.

I’ve also started to have similar “inappropriate” thoughts when I work out. I work out at a local gym where a lot of college kids and young men in their early twenties go. They’re so weak and small compared to me and I fucking love it. I love how intimidated and insecure I make them and there’s nothing like catching one of them staring at me as I pump up my huge muscles. In fact, I deliberately make an effort to put myself in situations where I’m close by them, either showing off my rock hard body or outlifting them in whatever exercises they’re doing, simply because it excites me and turns me on like crazy.

One time I legit walked up to a guy who had been doing dumbbell chest presses, asked him if he was done using the dumbbells and then proceeded to do bicep curls with them. If his awkwardness and obvious affinity for my physique wasn’t obvious before that, it sure was after. He couldn’t help himself from ogling my huge arms through the wall-mounted mirrors as I curled those 45’s and I couldn’t have been more turned on in that moment. Thankfully as a woman it’s not as obvious when you’re turned on as it is if you’re a guy, but I’m sure my moaning and groaning was more sexual in nature than intended. Thereafter I simply had to go back to the locker rooms and quickly get myself off. When I returned, the guy was nowhere to be seen and it made me feel oddly satisfied.

Another time I went to the gym later than usual, probably around 10 pm. The gym was mostly empty but there were some young college kids there who were doing deadlifts. I had originally planned to work legs but quickly decided to do a back workout instead. After properly warming up I walked over to the squat racks where the boys were and began doing barbell bent-over rows. As I worked up to heavier weights I could sense that they were paying more and more attention to me. When I did my first set of ten with 135 lbs I could immediately tell they were feeling awkward. Like I said, my back has always been a strong point and I intended to fully flaunt it. For the following set I took off my sweatshirt, unveiling my rock solid upper body. I knew my tank top would leave very little to the imagination but I almost failed to stifle a giggle when I noticed the boys staring. I loaded the bar up to 185 for my next set, closing in on what the boys were deadlifting. Now, if you haven’t done barbell bent-over rows before, let me tell you, that’s a lot of weight. After some rest I went ahead with my next set and did eight controlled reps, making sure to hold and squeeze at the top. I knew that the boys were watching the show and it made me hot just imagining what was going through their minds as they were watching my thick and bulging back. I set the bar down and glanced over at the boys, contemplating whether or not to go up in weight. The boys were deadlifting 255 and I found myself getting wet at the thought of rowing 225 in front of them. After resting and some thinking I decided to do it and took off the 25s on the sides and put on a pair of 45s instead, setting the weight to 225. With all the sexual energy fueling me I bent down and powered through four ridiculously heavy reps, feeling the power surging through my thick lats and traps as I contracted my back with as much force as I could. I dropped the bar, feeling totally spent and turned to the boys who were just standing there in awe, jaws agape. I smiled cutely as I lazily brought my right arm up and flexed my huge, rock hard bicep teasingly. I turned back and put the weights back before walking off. My pussy was on fire and I don’t know what I would’ve done if I hadn’t left in that instance.

It really feels like my desire for sex is getting out of hand. I’m constantly having erotic thoughts throughout the day and I’m horny, really horny. I’ve even begun relieving myself at work. I’m a high school teacher and I just can’t stop thinking about how easily I could have my way with one of the boys. Sometimes in between classes I have time to get myself off and I always fantasize about absolutely dominating someone of them, about how I could just pick them up by the waist like a rag doll and suck them off, how I could probably crush their ribs with my thighs without even trying, how I could pin them down in a grapevine hold and probably break a femur bone or two. In fact, I could probably curl most of them. God, it always drives me crazy thinking about how helpless I could make a guy.

Anyway, I just had to share this, it sucks keeping it all inside.


Hope y’all are having a great summer.  ;)
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: Romenjohn on July 16, 2022, 05:46:23 am
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: BHIM-1965 on July 16, 2022, 06:14:35 am
she can do it with her son!
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: Del4 on July 16, 2022, 07:59:51 am
Please tell me that this is going to be continued!?
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: Sounder9- on July 16, 2022, 01:17:50 pm
This is quite good, hopefully there is a continuation!
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: Karthikkr25 on July 16, 2022, 02:50:27 pm
Wow awesome start. Please make her break more bone and crush some ribs
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: R41N on July 16, 2022, 04:21:22 pm
Thanks for the feedback guys. Glad you liked it.
I have some ideas for a continuation. We’ll see what my ADHD will allow.
There will have to be a time skip though.

Feel free to leave some ideas. No absolutely unrealistic or extreme ones will be considered. I’m mostly into what could actually be imagined as being real.  :sorry:
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: Karthikkr25 on July 16, 2022, 08:22:48 pm
When can we expect next post?
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: Del4 on July 16, 2022, 08:58:13 pm
My ideas would be:

Having an affair with an athletic college guy who she overpowers, as well as showing off her strength when she overpowers some high school athletes (but nothing necessarily sexual happens, more flirting)?
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: Sounder9- on July 16, 2022, 10:37:10 pm
Something like she finds a pliable college student (male or female) and trains them in order to do the more raunchy acts when the husband is tapped out / unable to do so.
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: R41N on August 05, 2022, 09:56:29 pm
Here’s what I’ve written so far on my planned continuation. I plan on writing about a few more moments so stay tuned. Anyways, I hope y’all enjoy and don’t forget to leave feedback and suggestions.


Confessions of a muscle mom (continued)

When I made my last post three years ago I never thought that I’d be coming back here but so much has happened since then and I really need to get things off my chest.

Roughly six months after I made my post I just felt that I couldn’t suppress my desires any longer so I ended up speaking to my husband about it. I told him that I felt our sex had become somewhat stale for me, how I simply ached to change things up in the bedroom and how badly I wanted us to explore our sexualities more. He was a bit surprised at first. He told me that he liked the sex we were having but also that he understood where I was coming from and that he’d be more than happy to try new things.

As you could probably imagine I was absolutely elated to hear that and I didn’t waste any time as I put my arm up on the kitchen table, inviting my husband to an arm wrestle. “Get your arm up babe,” I smiled as I provokingly made a beckoning sign with my hand. “Oh come on honey, we both know you’re stronger than me,” he laughed. “Oh don’t be a bore, it’ll be fun,” I smirked, “You’re not scared of these are you?” I teased as I rolled my T-shirt sleeves up over my shoulders, brought my arms up and flexed my ripped 16.5 inch arms. We both laughed lightheartedly. “Fine, let’s do it,” he finally gave in and planted his elbow on the table. I brought my arms back down and couldn’t help but grin widely with excitement as I reached out to grip up with my husband.

My arm obviously dwarfed his and we both looked each other in the eyes lovingly, fully aware of the huge physical discrepancy between the two of us. The silent moment was brief yet intimate and I felt myself getting turned on already. “Alright honey, should I count us down?” my husband asked. “Yeahh,” I smiled a little shyly. As he began counting down I felt him begin to tense up and I could sense that he would try to cheat the start. As expected, he began pushing right before he announced the go and brought my arm over a few inches. I quickly tensed up and bent my wrist in, immediately stopping him. I felt his grip crumble within my own as I easily held him still. “Come on babe, at least try,” I teased. “I... am...” he grunted as he kept pushing and pulling in different directions, turning red in his face from the effort. I couldn’t help but giggle at his feeble attempts. I was barely trying and I was beginning to feel wildly turned on and wet downstairs. I brought my foot up underneath the table and pressed it against his crotch. To my delight he had a full-blown erection, which I promptly began to massage and fondle with my toes. He looked up at me with a slightly embarrassed, defeated look in his eyes and smiled shyly. “You like this too don’t you?” I cooed and smiled, unable to hide my satisfaction. I began to slowly move his hand down towards the table and with a few inches left I felt his exhausted arm go limp as it hit the table.

I was still stimulating him downstairs and he was beginning to moan and breathe lustfully. I let go of his hand, brought my arm back a bit and began twisting and flexing my arm before him. At the same time I slipped my left hand under the table and began pleasuring myself. I was feeling incredibly hot and felt myself quickly nearing orgasm. “Feel it,” I commanded as I kept moving and flexing my arm. “My god Honey, it’s like a rock,” he breathed as his hands roamed and tried to squeeze my steely bicep peak, “And your forearm... it’s so thick,” he continued as he caressed my vascular 15 inch forearm. God those words, they drove me wild. “H-how strong are you?” he moaned. “Like you wouldn’t believe,” I grinned widely as I increased the pressure on his crotch and squeezed harder with my toes, elevating his pleasure levels further until he began to climax and within moments finally came inside his pants. He kept worshipping my arm as I rubbed myself zealously, feeling waves of ecstasy coursing through my body until I began to convulse in my chair and eventually orgasmed. I leaned back in my chair, letting out a satisfied sigh of relief and relaxed for a brief moment before I got up and walked over to my husband’s side of the table, grabbed his face gently and bent down and kissed him. “I told you this would be fun,” I whispered before I left for the bathroom.

Over the two years or so that followed, our sex life became better than it ever had been. We were having so much fun trying new things and it was all more pleasurable than ever, it was exciting again and my husband quickly discovered a side of himself that he never realized he had, a truly submissive one. I thought things would progress slower than they did but it turned out that he really enjoyed letting me take the lead, take charge and impose my will on him. He began truly loving the feeling of being physically helpless in my presence and being completely dominated. His infatuation with my muscles grew exponentially when he realized just how much power over him they gave me, he simply couldn’t get enough of me and it drove me wild.

We wrestled, roleplayed and had so much fun with my strength displays and with him worshipping my heavily muscled body. Let me tell you about some of the more memorable moments.

It was few months into our flourishing sex life. Our son was with my parents for the weekend and I had just come from a grueling leg workout. It was early in the afternoon and scorching hot outside, so naturally I found my husband in our backyard, sunbathing by the pool. “Hey babe,” I said as I walked outside, looking down at my cute husband in his sunbathing chair. “Hey honey. How was the workout?” “It was amazing,” I said as I bent down and gave him a big smooch, “Can you tell?” I smirked as I stood back up and twisted my pumped thighs before him. “My god, I can never get over how big they are,” he said as he kinda half sat up and reached to feel my thigh. I giggled lightly. ”Mmmm, and they’ll get even bigger,” I cooed. “Is that even possible?” he chuckled as he looked up at me with a hint of doubt in his eyes. “Don’t you worry about that,” I smirked somewhat mischievously as I brushed his hand aside and took a few steps away, turned around and began undressing. With my back turned to my husband I pulled my top off and undid my bra, making sure to do it slowly while deliberately flexing my back. I then bent down by the hips, sticking my butt out as I slowly pulled my jean shorts down along with my panties, showcasing the splits between my large hamstrings and my huge glutes. I knew he was enjoying the show and paused at the bottom where I was fully bent down, assuming the classic moon pose. “Holy shit,” I heard him murmur. I did my best to relax my satisfied grin as I slowly straightened myself back up and turned back around. Now completely nude I sensually strode over to the free sunbathing chair beside my husband’s and lay down on my stomach.

“Help me with the sunscreen, will you babe?” I cooed. This was going to be fun. “Yes my queen,” he joked as he scooted off his sunbathing chair, picked up the nearby bottle of sunscreen and sat down and straddled my butt. He squirted some of the lotion on my back and began spreading it and rubbing it in. God, it felt so good as his hands roamed the lumpy landscape of my wide, muscular back. “Mmmm, that feels so good,” I moaned as I tensed my large powerful glutes, lifting my husband a little. I let him sit on my solid glutes for a moment before I relaxed and began repeatedly flexing them, causing him to bounce up and down. I found it very amusing as he was struggling to finish my back. “What’s wrong babe?” I giggled. He couldn’t help but laugh as well as I kept the act going for a few more seconds. Eventually I relaxed and let him finish my back. He scooted down to my ankles, put some lotion on my thighs and glutes and began rubbing it in. I noticed him lingering on my firm glutes, squeezing and fondling them with clear affinity. I suddenly tensed my glutes again, making them rock solid. “My god, honey,” he moaned as he kept groping at them, failing to make a dent. I began to rhythmically flex again, showcasing my great muscle control. “That’s what hip thrusting five plates will do for ya,” I teased as I turned and looked over my shoulder at my husband. He smiled lovingly back at me as he continued with my hamstrings and calves.

Once I sensed that he was finished I twisted and turned over and lay on my back. I put my hands behind my head, flexing my bulging biceps lightly as I flared my lats and exposed my bare armpits. I grinned wickedly as I saw my husband’s eyes widen as he eyed me up. “Go ahead, you can start with these,” I said as I flexed my thick washboard abs. He squirted some lotion on my tummy and began running his hands over my abs and in between the deep crevasses. I giggled a little as I saw his dick twitch a few times inside his shorts. “Don’t forget about these,” I smiled teasingly as I alternately popped and flexed my biceps briefly by my head. He promptly moved up on my thighs and began rubbing the sunscreen all over my arms. I flexed hard as he grabbed at my arms, making sure he knew the power they contained. “Fuck honey,” he moaned, “They’re like rocks.” “Yeah?” I smirked devilishly and brought my arms down. I then crossed my arms and flexed my thick pecs. They had become so developed and full that their sheer size created a deep muscle cleavage which complimented my smaller pert breasts beautifully. My husband was in an erotic trance at this point and simply grabbed and rubbed my chest instinctively, feeling their size, thickness and firm nature as he rubbed in the sunscreen. Waves of pleasure rippled throughout my body and I almost forgot to continue the act. “Now my legs,” I commanded. He quietly obeyed as he moved down my abs and prominent Adonis belt, past my pelvis and hungry naked pussy and began roaming my titanic thighs. I tensed them, causing my quads to bulge and turn rock solid beneath his palms, showcasing the defined separation between the individual muscles. He was practically drooling as his hands began exploring my inner thighs, grabbing and feeling my prominent and bulging adductors. “Holy shit honey,” he moaned, “I don’t even think I have these muscles,” he chuckled. I giggled, “Of course you do, silly. They’re probably just so small that they’re not visible,” I smirked teasingly. “Hey, I got an idea,” I continued, “Stay here,” I said as I got up and ran inside the house.

Thirty seconds later I walked back outside, carrying two medium sized watermelons in my arms. “Ta-da,” I smiled. “What are you doing?” my husband looked at me confused. “I’ll show you, come,” I said as I walked out on the grass by our pool. “So what you do is...” I began as I got down on the ground and put one of the watermelons between my thighs, “ just put it between your legs like this,” I continued as I locked my ankles, “...and you squeeze,” I said as I slowly squeezed, easily turning the melon into mush between my thighs. I had done this on a few other occasions before and it always felt equally amazing. I was already quite turned on and showcasing my strength before my husband like this, along with feeling the watermelon flesh lightly rubbing my bare vagina, drove me absolutely wild. I looked up at my husband who had a bewildered look on his face. I couldn’t help but to laugh lightly. “Sit down, now you try,” I grinned widely. He got down beside me, somewhat hesitantly and put the other watermelon between his scrawny legs. “So like this?” he asked. “Mhm,” I nodded. He locked his ankles and began squeezing. “Go babe, as hard as you can,” I giggled as he was straining, completely unable to budge the melon. “Fuck,” he exhaled as he relaxed his exhausted legs, “How strong are you?” he looked at me in amazement. “Never underestimate a girls legs,” I giggled as I grabbed the watermelon, put it between my thighs and in one explosive move squeezed as hard as I could, violently crushing it as it made a loud pop and exploded into multiple pieces. “H-holy shit honey...” my husband stammered. I stood up, walked over to him and straddled his legs as he still sat down, spreading my huge musclebound thighs that were now covered in melon juices.

I felt like an absolute goddess as I loomed over him. I glared into his eyes. I had never seen him look so meek before, so subservient. I couldn’t hold back any longer. “On your back little one,” I commanded as I flexed my quads, causing them to bulge menacingly. He obeyed quietly. I quickly got down and straddled his head. I reached down and grabbed the back of his head with both hands and pulled him into me. I moaned loudly as he began eating me out. He had always been great at oral and I didn’t need much by now. Within moments I felt my climax quickly building. “Oh god,” I moaned, breathing urgently. He sensed it and increased the pace as I pulled him harder into me, lightly humping his face. “Oh god oh god... don’t stop... aaaahh,” I moaned as I finally came. I kinda bobbed his head against my pussy as repeating waves of pleasure overcame me. Again I moaned loudly as I began to convulse while he kept licking, riding my orgasm until the end. Finally I let go of his head, letting it drop back to the ground.

I slid back onto his chest and smiled lovingly as I looked him in the eyes. I couldn’t help but want to reward him after his performance but I wanted to try something. I stood back up, took a few steps back looking down at my husband’s tenting shorts. “Mmmm, that must be painful,” I cooed as his throbbing dick twitched within his shorts. “Take them off,” I commanded. He quickly squirmed and slid them off, tossing them to the side. His fully engorged dick sprung free, standing at full attention as it pulsated and dribbled precum. “Wow babe,” I giggled, “Does my body turn you on that much?” “Yes,” he moaned, “A-and your strength is... it’s so hot,” he continued. “My strength huh?” I cooed, “So it doesn’t scare you how strong I am now?” I grinned wickedly and tensed my quads. “No, it turns me on so much,” he moaned as he reached for his throbbing cock. “Mmmmh, is that so?” I spoke sultrily, “I like that, but if you don’t get your hand off your dick I’ll show you just how scary these muscles can be,” I said sternly, glaring down at him as I patted my flexed tree trunk thighs. He immediately pulled his hand away. “Good choice,” I smirked. “Just imagine what these could do to your cute and skinny body babe,” I cooed, “They’re probably bigger than your waist now... and its all muscle,” I sneered at him as I twisted my legs above him. He was visibly breathing at a faster rate as his cock throbbed angrily. “Just think about how easily I crushed those watermelons babe,” I smiled as I traced my sweeping quads with my fingers, “I could probably break your ribs... easily.” His breathing became shallower and more urgent as he was repeatedly thrusting his hips up in the air. “God, I could probably even crack your skull with these,” I grinned mischievously. He moaned loudly as his desperate dick pulsated erratically. “Mmmmh, I probably have more muscle in one of these legs than you have in both of yours,” I moaned. All my talking was driving him wild and he couldn’t handle it any longer. He had been stuck in a frenzy of eroticism for far too long and finally moaned loudly as his entire body convulsed, releasing all that pent up cum, ejecting projectile-like shots of semen into the air and up at my nude musclebound body. I giggled satisfyingly as I smiled and looked down at his limp body, watching his scrawny chest heave and relax. I scooped up some of the cum that had landed on my abs with my finger and licked it up, “Well this was fun, wasn’t it?” I grinned as I pressed my foot against my husband’s tender dick gently. It was super sensitive and I couldn’t help but laugh as he moaned involuntarily. I flexed my right arm at my side, pumping it and showing it off as he watched me with awe. I giggled, “Love you babe,” I smiled and blew him a kiss before I walked inside to get myself cleaned up.

To be continued...
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: jhunter on August 05, 2022, 11:55:09 pm
Nice to see more. Nice flow. Can't wait for more growth.
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: Karthikkr25 on August 06, 2022, 12:22:40 am
Expecting her to crush someone's skull to satisfy his husband
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: crow004 on August 07, 2022, 02:20:17 pm
Oh wow, that was great!
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: jeffbeans on August 09, 2022, 10:29:51 am
This is AMAZING please continue!  :bravo:
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: R41N on September 07, 2022, 11:28:01 pm
Been a bit busy but I finally got to finish this next part.
I have one more that I’m thinking about writing up. Not sure when I’ll get to it though.

As always leave feedback and suggestions.


Roughly three months later I spoke to my husband about how I was thinking about upping my gear dosage slightly. I felt like I had reached a plateau and I wanted to get even bigger and stronger than I already was, especially in comparison to my husband. I told him this, and while he expressed his concerns, telling how he wanted me to be careful and stay safe, he at the same time admitted that the idea turned him on immensely. As we discussed the topic further my husband brought up a brilliant point and I can still remember how excited his words made me feel. “Hey... What if I lost some weight?” he began, “That way I would get even smaller and weaker than you, and you wouldn’t need to use as much,” he continued. “You would do that?” I asked. “Yeah... I guess,” he blushed. I practically pounced on him as I grabbed his face, “I love you so much,” I said and gave him the most forcible kiss I’d probably ever given him.

Wasting no time, I upped my dosage slowly over a few weeks while my husband began his weight loss journey. Like expected, I broke out a little until my body got used to it, but what I didn’t expect was how strong the anabolic effects would be.

Over the following five months I experienced a shocking amount of growth and even more strength gain. My weight went from 180 lbs to 205 lbs and I didn’t gain an ounce of fat. My back got denser and wider, my chest grew thicker and my arms went from 16.5 inches to an astounding 18 inches. My legs grew even more massive and thicker as they reached a measurement of 34 inches. My calves also grew and reached 19.5 inches, despite me not training them. My glutes of course grew larger and rounder as well, forcing me to buy a whole new collection of jeans.

Like I said, my strength skyrocketed. My hip thrust max increased from five plates to six, my squat from 430 lbs to 520, my deadlift from 495 to 655 and my bench from 360 to 405. It turned me on like crazy, especially because I knew that my husband who was getting increasingly skinny couldn’t even lift a third of that. What got me even more excited though, was the results I experienced from working on my overhead press and barbell curl. I reached a personal best of 315 on the overhead press and an unbelievable 185 lbs for the barbell curl. It drove me completely wild as I thought about what it could mean in terms of what I was now able do to my husband’s body, and it wouldn’t be long until I would find out.

It was Friday and it had been a long week at the high school I worked at. I had just held my last class of the day where one of my students had openly harassed some of the girls, groping them and thrown sexist remarks. I of course had to make him stay behind as the rest of the students went home. Dylan was a rowdy teen who had a history of bullying others and being transferred between schools. He had a lot of issues at home and naturally it meant that he often acted out.

“Alright Dylan, I’m sure you know what I’m going to say,” I sighed as I closed the classroom door and walked over to my desk where Dylan was already sitting. “Whatever,” he scoffed as he crossed his arms arrogantly. “Listen,” I began as I sat down across from him, “It’s just not okay to treat others like that, you can’t just violate someone else’s body,” I continued. “Why not? Girls are weak and are a mans property,” he laughed. “That’s just not true and you know it,” I said as my blood began to boil while trying to stay calm and mature. “Sure it is,” he laughed, “It’s not like they can stop me either. Girls are naturally weak and only exist for men’s pleasure,” he continued as he rose up out of his chair, leaned over the desk and began groping my chest. “Dylan!” I spoke through my clenched teeth. “What? What are you going to do? You’re weak. Remember?” he snickered. I flexed my chest, turning it completely solid under Dylan’s palm. “W-wha...” he stuttered confused.

I had had enough. I stood up swiftly and grabbed Dylan by the neck of his shirt, pulling him into my torso as I looked down at him. Instinctively he grabbed my arm in an effort to free himself, but as he did he felt my bulging steely bicep underneath my shirt. He looked up at me and had a fearful look of realization in his eyes. “What was that about being weak?” I sneered down at him. In a flash of rage I pushed him away with enough force to take him completely off balance, causing him to fall back in his chair and topple over, landing with his back on the floor. I walked around my desk looking down at the fearful boy with venom in my eyes. I kicked the chair to the side and stood menacingly above Dylan as he began to shudder, frantically apologizing. “I-I’m sorry, I...” he cried as I pulled my shirt and tank top off, revealing my new and improved upper body. “Oh m-my g-god...” he whimpered as he looked up at my bulging brick wall abs, my huge thick pecs, my round boulder shoulders and my mountainous arms. He looked at me with genuine fear and awe as my powerful chest heaved and as I tensed my arms, bringing pencil thick veins to the surface as my muscles rippled and quivered due to the effort.

I bent down and grabbed him by his shirt, forcibly standing him up before I shoved him across the entire classroom with unwavering intent, backing him up against the wall at the far end of the classroom. His meek hands tried to budge my right arm as it held him still against the wall. Of course my arm didn’t move an inch, and neither did he despite trying to wriggle out from beneath my palm. He soon gave up and began to curiously fondle and explore my arm instead. “Oh my god...” he moaned, “h-how are you... how is this...” he mumbled, stumbling over his words. “Oh you have no idea what a woman is capable of,” I smirked devilishly as I reached my left arm behind my back and undid my bra, giving him a full view of my massive and powerful chest.

His eyes immediately darted to my thickly muscled pecs. I grabbed his shirt with both hands and in one powerful move ripped it apart and pulled it off. “What do you say Dylan, how do you compare to a real woman?” I grinned and gritted my teeth as made a most muscular pose in front of his scrawny teenage torso. He was mute and in complete shock, simply breathing heavily and urgently as his eyes roamed the bulging muscle landscape of my upper body in disbelief.

Part of me was relishing in this act of complete dominance and something came over me. I grabbed Dylan’s belt with my right hand and his crotch with my left and lifted him up against the wall, discovering his rock hard erection as I practically curled his entire body. I couldn’t help but find the irony in the situation hilarious. “Wow Dylan,” I laughed, “Who would’ve thought a sexist boy like you who thinks girls are a mans property would enjoy something like this?” “What do you say, hmm? Do you like being at the mercy of a superior woman?” I glared up at him as I pressed him harder against the wall.

Dylan moaned loudly and I simply couldn’t shake the feeling of how light he felt as I held him. I swiftly moved my left hand, grabbing his belt with both hands now as I backed up from the wall, holding his entire body in the air by his belt. My arms and forearms bulged angrily and looked comically jacked as they supported Dylan’s weight. He reached out and grabbed onto my arms in order to balance himself, feeling their ridiculous size and unyielding rock hard nature.

Lost in the moment, I began curling Dylan up and down as he moaned and groped my arms. I felt so unbelievably powerful and dominant in that moment. I was getting drunk on the feeling and didn’t even notice that Dylan had climaxed and ejaculated into his pants. My arms finally tired, forcing me to let him down, and as I let him go his limp body collapsed on the floor and the stain on his pants became obvious.

He had such a meek expression on his face and for the first time I saw genuine fear in his eyes. I  put my hands on my hips, puffed my chest up and struck a front lat spread pose, making myself as large and as imposing as possible as I loomed over him. “Scram kid, before I let you experience how strong I really am,” I sneered down at him. He got up frantically and ran off on his wobbly legs, bumping into the classroom desks on the way out. I felt a great sense of accomplishment and I couldn’t shake how turned on I felt.

After cleaning things up I drove home, repeatedly replaying the event in my head. Back home I found and greeted my husband in the kitchen who was making dinner. He was dressed in his skinny jeans, a T-shirt and wore an apron. That’s when it struck me, my husband looked smaller and skinnier than Dylan, and by a surprisingly noticeable amount.

Still riled up from earlier I found myself unbelievably turned on. My pussy was on fire, wet and hungrily pulsating as I felt an incredibly urgent need to fuck. I looked over to make sure our son was still by the tv in the living room. I then walked up behind my husband who was by the stove, hugged his thin frame and said “Babe, I need you... now.” He looked over at me a little surprised and laughed lightly, “I’d love to honey but let’s have dinner first.” “Babe... NOW,” I said decisively and looked him sternly in the eyes. I turned the stove off, grabbed his wrist and pulled him with me as I began walking upstairs. I could tell that he was a bit taken aback as he hesitantly hesitantly complied.

I pulled him inside our bedroom and closed the door behind us. I undressed urgently and within moments I stood there nude in front my mildly disconcerted husband. I was already sweating and breathing urgently as my bulging body felt like it was boiling. Looking back I’m not sure if it was the drugs or the thought of what I was about to do, but I felt like I was losing control. I’m sure my husband realized something was up as he looked at me nervously and said “Honey slow down.” In that same moment I swiftly and aggressively walked up to him, grabbed the front of his belt with both hands and in one quick motion curled him upward, holding him at the top of the lift. I immediately felt how light he was and grinned widely up at my husband who was completely shocked. “Oh m-my god honey...” he stammered as he balanced himself on my traps.

I then lowered him down with control and proceeded to curl him repeatedly, feeling wildly exhilarated by how much lighter than Dylan he was. “My god babe, you weigh nothing,” I moaned and smiled proudly as I kept curling him up and down. I felt the pump quickly building in my arms that were now bulging angrily. My thick veins were now fully engorged with blood and made my arms look absolutely ridiculous.

I was furiously turned on and almost couldn’t believe how easily I held my husband in the air. The lust I felt was otherworldly and I had completely lost myself in it. I had lost count of how many times I’d curled my husband at this point and I was quickly succumbing to the intense sexual feelings that coursed my body. I almost couldn’t believe it but I felt myself climaxing on the spot, without having had my pussy physically stimulated at all. I was just that turned on by the act of utter dominance. I grunted and moaned loudly, feeling my arms finally begin to tire as I looked up at my meek husband and powered through a few more reps. My climax became increasingly intense as I felt myself rapidly approaching orgasm. Finally I felt insane waves of pleasure explode inside of me as I began to shudder and shake, still holding my husband at the top of a final flexed curl as I had an unbelievable non physically stimulated orgasm.

Still ferociously turned on and with an unwavering desire to fuck, I tossed my husband onto the bed. I flexed both of my arms in a triumphant and majestic double bicep pose as my large chest heaved strongly with every breath. I felt wild as I stood there in the nude and saw my twiggy husband wriggled himself into a more upright position. I felt a primal feline sense of superiority arise within me as I glared at him. I began to slowly and intently walk towards the bed, sensually swaying my powerful hips and thighs. I stared intensely and unwaveringly into my husband’s meek and worried eyes. “Sweetie h-hold on...” he said. Barely having registered what he’d said, I climbed onto the bed and pulled him closer. I swiftly and skillfully undid his belt and pulled his jeans off, throwing them to the side. Much to my delight my husband’s steel-like dick sprung out, throbbing hungrily for my pussy.

Wasting no time I skillfully took all of his length inside of me and squeezed him strongly. I was beyond ready and simply wrapped my huge legs around my husband’s, I also reached around his scrawny torso and hugged him tightly, trapping his weak arms as I began thrusting eagerly. My hulking physique was essentially fully enveloping the entirety of his frail body, rendering him completely helpless and unable to move. I quickly found myself begin to ride another climax and started thrusting more powerfully, aggressively and faster against my husband’s hips as I clamped my pussy around his dick. There was nothing he could do, I was simply magnitudes stronger than him and my glutes kept pounding him repeatedly into the mattress. I felt him struggle within my grasp but I couldn’t hear what he was saying, all I heard were muffled and drowned out sounds and I didn’t care. I was lost in a state of frenzying lust as I breathed and moaned loudly by my his ear. Him struggling just turned me on further and soon I found myself orgasming repeatedly as I thrusted harder, harder and harder until I reached the final peak orgasm. I shook wildly as the waves of pleasure rippled throughout my body and relief settled in.

As I relaxed I heard my husband whimpering, I quickly released my hold and sat back up. I looked down at my husband’s utterly defeated and limp body. There were notable bruises on his hips, arms and torso and I immediately felt remorseful, obviously realizing that I’d hurt him. On the other hand his dick was as hard and engorged as ever. “Hey... babe...” I spoke tenderly, “You okay?” After a brief silence he finally responded, “Yeah... yeah I think so,” he spoke and seemed somewhat disoriented. “Oh thank god,” I breathed a sigh of relief, “I thought I had really hurt you there for a sec.” “Well, you sure came close...” he chuckled somewhat awkwardly. I laughed lightly, “You’re not growing fragile on me now are you?” I teased as I grabbed his rock hard dick and began softly fondling it. “We both know you like it rough,” I grinned. “No ma’am,” he smiled.

Relieved and satisfied I climbed back onto my husband, straddling his waist and impaled myself on his dick again. Rhythmically I began to contract and squeeze my pussy, lovingly pleasuring him with the firm grasp of my strong womanhood. I struck a double bicep pose, letting him roam and fondle my body as I kept skillfully jerking him off while not even moving. His hands felt my thick core and brick wall abs, they traveled up my wide and dense lats, staying there for a few moments as he explored their mass. His hands then found their way to my full and powerful pecs, which I promptly flexed for him. Their sheer size and thickness created a deep and sexy muscle cleavage that obviously drove him wild. He was moaning and clearly getting close to cumming as my strong pussy pleasured him. His hands finally found my mountainous arms that now possessed ridiculous size and an unbelievable amount of strength. “18 inches babe,” I grinned devilishly. I then felt him spasm as he let out a loud moan and finally came. I increased the strength of my squeezes, further elevating his orgasm as he convulsed beneath me. I leaned down and kissed him lovingly. “Let’s get cleaned up and go have dinner babe,” I smiled. “These muscles of mine that you love so much need their fuel,” I grinned.

Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: giantgirl7foot2 on September 09, 2022, 02:49:28 pm
Really awesome! Excellent writing!
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: jeffbeans on September 09, 2022, 04:51:14 pm
Absolutely incredible again!!  :clap: :rock:
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: phil123 on September 14, 2022, 04:55:10 am
Great again and so I hope for more
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: Eliasot7 on January 30, 2023, 11:28:13 am
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: phil123 on February 02, 2023, 05:31:46 am
Great an I hope for more. 20 inch are waiting and he' getting weaker and weaker and even can't carry some luggage.
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: jhunter on February 03, 2023, 03:07:06 am
Hoping to see more soon.
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: Joost on February 03, 2023, 02:22:34 pm
Would be great to read more. Lets go for dinner... fuell mommy's mountain muscle's.. maybe lets name the like k2 mountain. And afterwards lets see some cartoons on tv from a Superhero . Who is stronger superman or mom ? (Mom looks stronger) Sun wants to be as strong as mom and is prowed of his mom... Lets play that daddy is the bad guy and super mom helps me... ow wel let's see whats going to happen then.( hopfully some insparation, sorry for my bad english)
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: R41N on February 04, 2023, 01:11:13 am
Here we go, here’s the final part.


Later that same night after our son had gone to bed, we were in the living room, cuddling as we were watching tv. I couldn’t help but get turned on as I embraced my husband’s meek body while we spooned. “Babe...” I began before I hesitated. “What is it?” my husband asked. “Nothing... I just, I just love you and your cute little bod so much,” I said as I embraced him firmer, trying my best to control my lust. “Yeah?” he smiled as he turned his head to me and kissed me. “Well... I love your unbelievably strong muscles more,” he said as he reached his hand over and grabbed my powerful glutes and began fondling them.

Fuck, I was getting so turned on and I couldn’t help myself as I started to dry hump him from behind. “I can’t believe big and strong you are now honey...” he moaned lightly as his hand roamed my solid glutes and thighs. “I can’t believe you actually fucking curled me,” he continued and chuckled slightly as he grabbed my arm that was draping over him. “Thanks babe,” I giggled lightly, “You were pretty light, I’m not gonna lie.” “What do you weigh now anyway?” I asked. “Do you really wanna know?” he grinned proudly. “Mhm,” I moaned.

He then slipped out of my embrace, stood up and pulled my hand gently. “Come, I’ll show you,” he smiled. I got up and let him guide me to our bathroom. He pulled out the scale and stepped on it. After a few moments the scale stopped and displayed 137 lbs. I couldn’t believe it and looked up at my husband who was smirking proudly. “Oh, my, god babe...” I exclaimed quietly and chuckled in amazement. “Did I do a good job?” he grinned as I now noticed his erection behind his pants. “God, you have no idea how much you turn me on,” I sighed lustfully and embraced my husband and began to make out with him.

We kept kissing as we fumbled our way to our bedroom as quietly as we could in our aroused state. I closed the door behind us and immediately began pulling the clothes off my thin husband’s torso. “Strip,” I ordered as I took a step back and watched him undress. I just loved his frail and petite look so much. The combination of his tiny weak body and his lovely cock just made me feel a special type of way. “Give me a flex babe,” I smiled. He promptly complied and raised his muscleless arms, curling them inwards. “Oh my god,” I moaned as I walked up and felt their softness, “You have the arms of a little girl,” I giggled. “Wait, I have an idea,” I said and quickly ran out the room.

Returning with a measuring tape, I couldn’t help but grin at my husband. He immediately knew what was going on and his slight smirk revealed his excitement. I walked up to my nude lover, “First, let’s measure what’s most important,” I smirked and squatted down, grabbing the tape and began measuring my husband’s throbbing, fully erect dick. “Oh my god, I exclaimed as I read the measurement from base to tip, “You’re 8 inches babe! I thought you were 7.” “What? I... I was...” he looked down in disbelief and met the satisfied expression on my face. “Well I guess someone has grown then,” I grinned, “A wife can’t complain.” As a tease, I blew lightly at the tip, causing his dick to twitch, which made me laugh a little.

Proceeding with my measurements, I pulled the tape around his twiggy calves, which measured only 13.5 inches. My excitement was growing as I realized that we would for the first time fully establish the massive size difference between the two of us.

Further up, his pudgy thighs came out to be 18.5 inches, which made me shudder with arousal as I thought of my arm size being close to the size of his legs. As I announced the measurement, I looked up at my husband who had a shocked and knowing look on his face. I grinned, knowing he was having the same thoughts as I.

Standing back up, I went on to measure his petite waist, which to both our astonishment was a measly 29 inches around. His stomach was tiny and flat, absent of any visible muscle. I was shocked and fought the near irresistible urge to reach down and finger myself. I was getting really riled up.

Continuing, I measured his flexed arms and kind of laughed in disbelief as I read the measurements. His upper arms were barely 12 inches around, and his skin and bone forearms were only 10 inches around. With lust in my eyes, I glared into my husband’s eyes as we connected deeply. He had transformed his body into a weak, frail, and helpless one, and had in turn made my deepest fantasy come true. He knew it, and the proud expression on his face confirmed as much.

“My god babe... your skinny ass is so fucking hot,” I remarked as I handed him the measuring tape, stepped back and began to strip off my clothes. As eager as I was to get things on, I took it slow and made it a show.  “Now... come over here,” I gestured seductively with my finger. “It’s time we find out how much of a muscle mom I have become isn’t it?” I grinned.

Having walked up to my nude, titanic female body, he began to kneel down. However, before he could, I stopped him. “Wait,” I said and turned around, squatting down slightly, “Let me get a pump first,” I continued as I signaled him to jump up on my back. With excitement he got up on my back, wrapping his twiggy arms over my bulging shoulders and around my strong neck. I began squatting repeatedly. It was beyond easy and I felt like I could keep going endlessly. After speeding through what must’ve over thirty repetitions, I let him down. I turned around and shook my meaty thigh back and forth, showcasing the size of the muscles in my leg. Suddenly I tensed up and flexed my squad, causing the muscles to abruptly harden. “Go on, let’s see how big these girls have become,” I grinned.

My husband kneeled down in front of me and first measured my calf. As he pulled the tape around, I flexed, making the diamond shaped muscles in my calf to bulge and turn rock hard. After taking the measurement, I could see his hands begin to shake a little as he looked down at the measuring tape. “Well?” I inquired. “I... it’s... 19...” he said meekly as he looked up at me. I put the hands over my mouth in shock as I realized what he had just realized, my calves were bigger than his thighs.

My face began feeling really hot as I was beginning to become crazily turned on. “K-keep going,” I said, trying to keep my composure. He reached up around my massive flexed thighs, pulling the tape around. Seeing his small hands by my unyielding quads of steel, I felt like an absolute goddess. “Oh my god honey... they’re... 29.5.” he moaned. “Oh my god, really?” I exclaimed, realizing my pumped thighs were bigger around than my husband’s waist. “Yes, my love,” he looked up at me with love, admiration, and awe.

I grinned, “Do my waist now babe.” He stood up and I found it quite amusing how wobbly he was on his legs at this point. He brought the tape around my solid, muscle bound core and abs that had become so strong over time due to the heavy loads they had to stabilize constantly. As his meek hands brushed against my ripped waist I felt unbelievably hot, knowing how impenetrable my midsection would be if faced by my husband’s fists. “32...” he spoke softly and looked up at me. I looked down at my abs and ran my hands across the six bulging mounds of muscle, sexily admiring myself. “Babe...” I looked up at my husband, “Punch my stomach,” I grinned. “Sweetie, no, I can’t...” he stepped back slightly. “Babe... I’m serious. You can’t hurt me, and I think you know it too,” I smiled wickedly. “Don’t you want to see how you literally couldn’t hurt your wife even if you wanted to?” I smirked mischievously. “O-okay...” he gave in, although hesitantly.

He threw a light punch first, as expected. “Come on babe, try your hardest,” I implored. He threw another punch, slightly harder this time, but once again I didn’t really feel it. I simply laughed at his subpar effort and began blowing on my nails nonchalantly, showing how truly unaffected I was. He began throwing consecutive punches, one after the other, increasing the force each time as he monitored my reaction. I made sure to show no care for his feeble hits, which wasn’t a challenge since I legitimately didn’t feel much. Soon I began to notice him really trying and almost looking desperate in his attempts. I couldn’t help but laugh as I realized he couldn’t punch any harder. “I told you babe, you can’t hurt me... I’m way too strong for you,” I grabbed both his arms, holding him still. “And you... you are way too weak...” I cooed as I looked him lovingly in the eyes.

“Now, before we move on, I think a pump is in order,” I said as I quickly scooped my feather light hubby in my arms. I gave him a quick peck on the lips before I began to curl him repeatedly. After fifteen reps, I let him down and moaned as I pumped my arms in a most muscular pose. “Aaaahhhh, come and measure my babies now,” I grinned and flexed my right bicep proudly, causing the mountainous muscles to bulge powerfully.

My husband walked up and eagerly pulled the measuring tape around the peak of my huge bicep. I made sure to flex as hard as I could, squeezing out every last bit of size. “My god,” he chuckled in disbelief. “Whaaat, how big am I?” I inquired excitedly. “Sweetie, it... it’s 18.5 inches...” he answered. “Oh my god!” I exclaimed, “Are you saying my arms are bigger than your legs? Unironically?” I said giddily. “Y-yes...” he responded softly.

I could barely contain my excitement as I presented my forearm. “Come on, lets see these powerful babes too.” He measured my thickly muscled and vascular forearm and announced it to be 16.5 inches around. “Babe...” I moaned, “Both my forearms together are bigger than your waist...” I laughed as I began to flex my forearms, twisting my wrists as I showcased their size and power.

I put my hands on my husband’s shoulders and guided him closer to our bed. As we passed by our full length bedroom mirror I stopped in utter disbelief at how significant the Size difference between us were. “Oh my god, look at us babe...” I commented. He looked over and became completely gobsmacked as he looked as us in awe and simply said, “Wow...”

I sauntered over to the bed and climbed up on it, crawling toward the headboard in feline manner, sexily swaying my hips, knowing my husband was staring at my impressive behind. I arched my back and began sensually flexing my massively muscled glutes, causing them bounce and undulate rhythmically. I had developed a strong mind-muscle connection with my glute muscles and could flex and control them with ease.

Serving as both a tease and an invite, my little show proved to be effective as my husband climbed onto the bed and crawled up beside me. As he did, he ran his soft hands over my unyielding bulbous glutes, across my thickly muscled lumbar and up my huge, dense upper back and traps. He began to fondle and massage the bulging muscles of my wide back and shoulders, and it felt really good. However, my greedy and throbbing vagina desperately had to have him, and so I quickly twisted onto my back underneath him, and clamped my thighs around his waist, trapping him between my legs. With a playful squeeze I looked my husband lovingly in the eyes and simply said, “I love you babe,” giggling a little as he grunted because of my light squeeze.

I moaned audibly as he entered my strong pussy and gently began to thrust back and forth passionately. He lay on top of my much larger and rock solid body, and rubbed my thick bulging abs. His hands eventually found their way to my massive pecs, and naturally he began to explore their size and thickness as I flexed them for him. My astonishingly large pecs were rock solid as I flexed and he had zero chance of denting them, which he was well aware of as he explored the thick muscle fibers and striations, as well as the really deep pec cleavage.

I was in a state of unimaginable arousal and felt absolutely euphoric as we made love. It wasn’t rough, rather it was passionate and loving. I was being worshipped and it made me reach unbelievable heights of pleasure.

His hands roamed across my pecs over to my shoulders. I brought my arms up and flexed my arms against my head. I knew it was a sexy look and like I had anticipated, it drew my husband’s attention. His soft palms enveloped the peaks of my biceps and they lingered there as he kept thrusting harder and faster into me. I was quickly nearing orgasm and so was he. I popped my biceps a few times as he held onto them but quickly forgot to keep going as I climaxed. I moaned loudly as my body began to writhe and spasm uncontrollably, causing my muscles to tense, ripple, and bulge. I stifled my moans, not wanting to wake our son as I rode the climax to an absolutely heavenly orgasm.

Having orgasmed as well, my husband slowed down and stopped thrusting. As he was about to pull out, I, for whatever reason, decided that I wasn’t done with him. I locked my legs around him once more, pulling him fully back inside of me. Monitoring his surprised reaction, I simply grinned confidently as I began to flex the muscles of my womanly insides. Squeezing and pulsating firmly around his shaft, I was determined to showcase my complete control.

I reached up and grabbed his neck, pulling him down and into my solid pecs, crushing him against their mass. Completely trapped and incapacitated, my husband was now unable to move as I forcibly pleasured his manhood. He tried to get out a few times but quickly gave in, submitting completely as he relaxed.

For a few minutes, I kept my skillful massage and pleasuring squeezes going, eventually bringing him to the verge of another orgasm. The muscular control over my vagina even surprised me these days and it was incredibly satisfying being able to pleasure my man like this. Not only had I complete control of everything that went on, I felt like I had become the absolute pinnacle of what a woman could be, and it was nothing short of invigorating, and it was definitely intoxicating.

As I felt him moan into my pec cleavage, and as I felt his seed ejaculating within me, I finally let him go. As he lay limp between my legs and across my titanic body I felt a sense of complete satisfaction come over me. I brought my arms behind my head in a proud accomplished pose and simply smiled at my cute husband. “My god... you are unbelievable honey,” he moaned with exhaustion and smiled back at me. I threw a teasing wink back at him as I began to pop my bulging biceps sensually beside my head, “I know babe, I know...”

Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: giantgirl7foot2 on February 04, 2023, 09:38:28 am
Such a beautiful story, but all good things come to an end. Unfortunately we didn't see her curling him with one arm, or her arms growing to almost the size of his shrinking waist—but perhaps not going overboard is what made this story so unbelievably hot. Great job, and I look forward to anything else that you might write!
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: brave_archer on February 04, 2023, 10:00:50 pm
Super hot stuff, my friend. Loving your work.  :bravo:
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: phil123 on February 05, 2023, 07:10:44 am
Thanks. This was a great story even if I've hoped that it was not ended yet.
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: R41N on February 06, 2023, 02:58:37 pm
Thanks for the comments guys.
Title: Re: Confessions of a muscle mom
Post by: Joost on February 06, 2023, 06:59:02 pm
You made fans. Keep up the good work